



IV. Chinese Translation of Paragraphs1. 首先,我要强调的是,读书本应是一种享受。









2. 我这里所说的“您”,是指那些有闲的成年人,他们想读的不是非读不可的那些书。








3. 关于这类书籍,我无意置喙。












英专综合教程6册课⽂翻译及课后答案Answertounit1教学教材英专综合教程6册课⽂翻译及课后答案A n s w e r t o u n i t1Chinese Translation of Paragraphs1. ⼆战时,曼彻斯特饱受空袭之苦。


2. 不过,我的⽗母最是乐观向上。






3. 问题是:虽说我的⾐服熨得有棱有⾓,⽪鞋擦得铮亮铮亮的,可总有些地⽅不符合标准校服的要求。


4. 由于战争影响,开始实施配给制度,⼤部分学校也放宽了对正规校服的要求,因为学校明⽩能有⾐服穿已属不易。



5. 尽管我试图去解释我为何没能按规定着装,尽管我也正逐渐向全套校服靠近,我每天依然会被揪出队列,在台上罚站,作为对违反校服规定者的警戒。

6. 我每天站在同学⾯前,只能强忍泪⽔,不仅羞愧难耐,⽽且常常只有我⼀⼈挨罚。


我多么希望在这所可怕的学校⾥,哪怕只有⼀位⽼师能睁开双眼看看我能够做什么,⽽不是不停地告诉我不能做什么啊!7. 不过,12岁的我在⼼⾥也毫⽆选择,只有眼睁睁地挨受惩罚。





新视野第六册英语课后题答案-第一单元Ⅲ1. pursuit2. conceive3.dedicated4. addict5. cater6.perplexing7.contemplating 8.diversions 9.foreseen 10. arbitrary 11. petty12. perpetual 13.Promises 14. based 15. essentialⅣ1、made it2、run out of3 in terms of4 dedicate ourselves to5 For that matter6 be based on7 their duty to8 thinking of9 free of11 short of12 depend on13 cater to14 for their children's sake15 began as16 ended asⅤ1. interests2. cars3. goals4. career5. peace6. happiness7. experiment 8. study 9. life 10. trainingⅥ1.The whole of life, so to speak, is involved in the pursuit of the good life.2.It is hard to conceive of living without electricity and other modernconveniences.3.He dedicated his life to trying to find an appropriate architecture for hiscountry which was realistic and integral to that society.4.He also highlighted the well-known dangers of people becoming addicted tocomputers.5.But after the race riots it was seen as something which the state would haveboth to cater for and take control of.6.But after the race riots it was seen as something which the state would haveboth to cater for and take control of.7.For a moment or two Peter contemplated his newly elevated status.8.One of the advantages of big cities over the countryside is that big cities havelots of cinemas and many other diversions.9.In my wildest imagination, I could not have foreseen such a wonderful life laybefore me.10.In terms of academic achievement, I was never a failure, and will definitelymake it in the future.VII11.美国宪法赋予美国人民追求幸福的权利,但是似乎谁也说不清楚幸福跑到哪去了.12.广告业是我们的主要产业之一,其存在不是为了满足欲望,而是为了制造欲望,其速度之快为任何人的预算所不及.13.这是可使人皮肤恢复细嫩的护肤霜,这些是减去大腿脂肪的药片,这些是青春涌驻的药丸.14.认为幸福就是高人一等,住的是大理石豪房,衣柜里有上百套衣服,这可成为贪婪的极端.15.尽管圣人的幸福观在东方享有很高的声誉,但我却怀疑真有这样静态的幸福.16.梭罗肯定不想饿死,但是他的进食只是为了保持他的体能就行了,以便有精力做大事.17.西方幸福观的弱点可能在于他们幻想幸福是可以买来的.而东方幸福观的弱点或许在于他们相信存在完美的幸福.18.评估一个国家的标准,不是看它已经拥有什么,或者想要拥有什么,而是看它想要成为什么.19.当年的爱国者或许会强调这样一个基本事实:幸福在于追求本身,在于参与和改变人生,也就是说,在于相信过程这一理念.20.Jonathan Swift认为幸福是一种大上其当的状态,或者是充当一名白痴中的傻瓜的感觉,因为他把社会看作是一片布满虚假目标的土地.21.第二单元Ⅲ1.shoving2. emigrated3. gleaming4. rapping5. facet6. concise7.be distracted8. smuggling9. eloquent10. bully11. void12. sipping13. clasping14. enthusiastic15. fascinated/ fascinatesⅣ1.assigned to2.put out3.emigrating to4.fall in love with5.learn of6.was greatly fascinated7.was suspicious of8.worked their tails off9.delivered a lecture10.handed in11.catch fire12.made it to13.remind herself of14.lost their lives15.were sent intoⅤ1.sound2.glimpse3.cold4.robbers5.meaning6.fish7.opportunity8.breath9.train10.criminal/criminalsⅥ1.When we finished reading the article, the teacher assigned us the task ofwriting a short/concise essay.2.After raining for a whole day, a few faint gleams of sunshine lit up the gloomyafternoon.3.I wrote this article to pay tribute to my most respectable teacher, who set meon the path of writing.4.The teacher said loudly that it was a gripping narrative about the war, andthat all of us should enjoy reading it.5.When we put forward the suggestion he was enthusiastic for its immediateapplication.6.He said that he was fascinated by the changing colors of the setting sun, sohe always spent some time watching it.ernment power influences every facet of our lives, "from the cradle to thegrave".8.Illegal immigrants are usually smuggled into a country by ship.9.Advertisements on the side of the road sometimes distract drivers' attention,causing traffic accidents.10.I managed to finance four years of university tuition with scholarships andpart-time jobs.VIII11.我很快就被这个令人望而生畏、口若悬河的女士所折服。

新视野大学英语第六册课后习题答案1-7单元Section A汉译英,英译汉(Ⅴ,Ⅵ,Ⅶ)

新视野大学英语第六册课后习题答案1-7单元Section A汉译英,英译汉(Ⅴ,Ⅵ,Ⅶ)

新视野大学英语第六册课后习题答案1-7单元Section A汉译英,英译汉(Ⅴ,Ⅵ,Ⅶ)Unit 11 The whole of life, so to speak, is involved in the pursuit of the good life.2 It is hard to conceive of living without electricity and other modern conveniences.3 He dedicated his life to trying to find an appropriate architecture for his country which was realistic and integral to that society.4 He also highlighted the well-known dangers of people becoming addicted to computers.5 But after the race riots it was seen as something which the state would have both to cater for and take control of.6 He appeared to be very perplexed, and more than a little shocked, by what he saw in the window.7 For a moment or two Peter contemplated his newly elevated status.8 One of the advantages of big cities over the countryside is that big cities have lots of cinemas and many other diversions.9 In my wildest imagination, I could not have foreseen such a wonderful life lay before me.10 In terms of academic achievement, I was never a failure, and will definitely make it in the future.二While he shared his generation’s horror of war and was once called the “spiritual father” of appeasement,Keynes never,in fact,entertained the delusion that Hitler could be pacified.He hated the Nazi regime,never visited Germany after 1933.Instead,as Brit ain’s chief negotiator in contact with the Allies against Hitler.he pursued vigorously the common interest between London and Washington.Unit21 When we finished reading the article, the teacher assigned us the task of writing a short/concise essay.2 After raining for a whole day, a few faint gleams of sunshine lit up the gloomy afternoon.3 I wrote this article to pay tribute to my most respectable teacher, who set me on the path of writing.4 The teacher said loudly that it was a gripping narrative about the war, and that all of us should enjoy reading it5 When we put forward the suggestion he was enthusiastic for its immediate application.6 He said that he was fascinated by the changing colors of the setting sun, so he always spent some time watching it.7 Government power influences every facet of our lives, "from the cradle to the grave".8 Illegal immigrants are usually smuggled into a country by ship9 Advertisements on the side of the road sometimes distract drivers' attention, causing traffic accidents.10 I managed to finance four years of university tuition with scholarships and part-time jobs.二Some people wrongly believe that the United States is a land of opportunity,and that every enjoy equal opportunites.With various dreams in mind,many well-trained professionals steadily mlgrate to the United States in search of a good life.Some of them are even willing to live any life there.They would rather live in poverty there than enjoy a relative prosperity at home.Therefore,lawyers and doctors from Central America may be found washing cars or waiting on tables in Miami.Unit31 The move was characterized as a major breakthrough for energy and industrial cooperation between the two countries.2 His career went into a rapid descent after the scandal.3 Though the lawyer tried to defend her, the evidence pointed to her guilt.4 This "Imperial City" remained virtually intact until the great remodeling which began in the 1950s.5 The statement was at odds with the one made last week.6 The trade agreement between the two countries expires next year.7 According to the archaeologists, the building dates to 250 B.C.8 The two countries finally started negotiating in earnest about issues of common concern.9 The ambassador is an outspoken supporter of military assistance to the groups working to overthrow the current government.10 They got on to the airfield that night and started to place their bombs. But, as the aircraft were widely dispersed, it took them a lot of time.二Just as the 21st century requires a more diffused and safer balance of interest in what needs to be an increasingly multilateral global village,there is a risk of economic,institutional and political power being centralized in the Euroean Community,and that a new bout of economic empire building may occur.Unit41.When the boy noticed a stranger appear on the road to the village, he immediately turned back anddarted into the village.2.When a tree is being attacked by an insect, it will release a chemical into the air to warn the other treesaround it.3.The hunter spotted paw marks of a rarely seen animal in the snow.4. A breeze came down from the slope with the fresh scents of the green grass and wildflowers.5.People living in the mountainous areas always fashion a rough wooden hut for the night.6.We must in no case do anything that goes against the interest of the people.7.After hearing about the hero's moving deeds, the audience broke into bursts of warm applause.8.Hegemonism and power politics menace the world peace.9.The dog sniffed at the dead body and trotted off, following the scent.10.Suddenly a hand touched her shoulder, and she let out a scream of terror.The path led straight through a wide stream.She could no longer risk disorientation by circling such obstacles.She took off her clothes and,with her belongings in a nylon bag held above her head.she stepped into the chilling,neck-deep water.Minutes later she emerged.shaking uncontrollably.But after warming herself by a small fire and re-dressing.she set offwith increased confidence.The limits of her physical capacity were expanding.Unit51 The desired goal of this laboratory is to discover the hidden virus causing the disease and develop some medicines to cure SARS.2 It seems to the scientists that the significance of the clear water-like liquid lies not in its information about the human body, but in its potential capability of producing drugs.3 Using their observations made over a long period, the research workers found it hard to correlate the two sets of figures.4 For the convenience of English teaching, the teachers have used their spare time to compile an English-Chinese dictionary for high school students5 The genetic blueprint worked out by the Chinese researchers and their counterparts all over the world is nothing less thana biological and medical revolution.6 Despite all the great efforts made by scientists throughout the world, we are still far away from designing a perfect human baby in a scientific sense.7 In many cases our knowledge of flaws in DNA may lead to treatments that delay the onset of the disease or soften its effects on our health.8 It has been suggested that this disease occurs when individuals susceptible to climate do not get enough natural light during the winter months.9 The claim to have found genes for high IQ has been refuted down to the last point by many scientists, particularly by many geneticists.10 According to some geneticists, certain genes are more likely to lead people to commit crimes.二Scientists have recently discovered a chemical change occurring in mice,which might help in developing new drugs to control obesity someday. Scientists have identified a receptor in mouse cells that controls how fat is used in the body.When a mouse lives an casy life and puts on weight,the receptor functions accordingly.If a similar regulator exists in human beings,or drugs functioning in this way were to be used for regulating,it would be a promising way to tackle the world’sgrowing obesity epidemic.Unit61. She had an abundance of tales from the old colonial days,when she had been a cook for a white family.2. Mothers and fathers are role models,exerting a strong ,yet subtle influence over their children.3. It began as fashion,signified by the growth of long hair for men,and ended up as something political.4. The origins of many countries become gradually obscure in the mists of time.5. The e-mail be sent in reply yesterday was at best evasive,at worst downright misleading.6. It just so happened that I was on the scene when the World Trade Center was attacked on the morning of September 11,and the horrible sight would be embedded in my momory forever.7. The American Great Canyon is known as one of the sever natural wonders of the world and its scenic grandeur almost defies description.8. Even though he was issued an explicit warming he still insisted on having his own way,which eventually led to this disaster.9. Since its publication this book has been under siege from all walks of life for the vulgarity of its content.10. Alice feels that motherhood means overturning all the marital, housing,professional and personal was expected to make in her 20s.二No other itcm from our consumer culture has been infused wifh so much history and meaning as blue jeans.A simple pair of pants has linked nineteenth-century gold miners to nonconformist youths of the 1950s and to high fashion models of today.“Jeans:From Low Beginnings to High Fashion”,having more connotations than suggested by the title,examines the development of this all-American symbol and its rich connections to matters of mass,gender,self-imafe,and socialrebellion.Unit71. Many English teachers testify enthusiastically to the importance they attach to improvisation and role-play in exploring texts in the middle school.2. The first major attempt to use computer animation in a feature film became,to a large extent,the movelty of the medium itself.3. The moment I felt myself slipping back into that sad,old routine,I jerked myself back to the reality of the moment.4. Close to the mill was the Steven Eegineering Works,at which the boilers and apparatus for making paper from wood were manufactured.5. In each building,one end was panitioned off for single girls,the other end for single men,and the middle section was for families.6. Accotding to the forecast of the department concerned in 1990,the demand for chemical femilizer will be around 500 million tons in the aggregate by the year 2011compared to just below 300million in 1990.7. For many years these traditions operated independently of each other,but recently they have converged to give the fielda much more integrated look.8. A well-known local lawyer has been appointed to mediate between the employers and the union leaders,since they cannot reach agreement in direct talks.9. Experiments with a model confirm that the meanimg of many famous paintings can be negated by inverting the picture.10. The Olympic Games is a world-wide sports meet,its success involves the joined efforts and cooperation of the people from all walks of life in the host country.二People in most countries depend on communications technology more than every before.One day in May,an accident forced millions of Americans to be silent.They had to live and work without the technology they depend on every day.A telecommunications satellite experienced computer failure.The satellite,known as Galaxy Four,moved form its correct orbit and was unable to receive signals form Earth.A backup computer failed to turn on and the satellite began to spin out ofcontrol.。




第一单元;vocabulary1.hundreds of workers sat idle on the factory floor waiting for the assembly line to startagain. 工人坐在工厂闲置等待装配线重新开始。

2.To some of our problems there was more than one right answer,so we were looking at the students' reasoning as to how they got it and if they could justify the answer they had. 我们的一些问题有一个以上的正确答案,所以我们看学生推理他们如何得到它,如果他们能证明他们的答案3.consumers expect to find the brand available at a discount and are unpleasantlysurprised to find a higher price. 消费者希望找到品牌打折出售,找到一个更高的价格感到不高兴的。

4.the European union is made up of 27 nations with distinct cultural,linguistic andeconomic roots. 欧洲联盟是由27个国家不同的文化,语言和经济根源。

5.police found minute traces of blood on the car seats. 警方发现了微量的血在汽车座椅。

6.despite his promise to eliminate cronyism,he was openly accused of givinggovernment positions to friends and relatives. 尽管他承诺消除任人唯亲,他公开指责政府的位置给朋友和亲戚7.but i would like to accept his kind offer if he did not object to my sharing the seed withmy friend,mary,who was an experienced grower and had a beautiful rock garden. 但我想如果他不反对我和我的朋友分享种子,玛丽愿意接受他的好意,他是一个有经验的种植者和有一个美丽的石头花园。



IV. Chinese Translation of Paragraphs1. 旅行好比私通:人总受到背叛自己国家的诱惑。



2. 也只有在旅行之时,我们才赞赏古旧之物。



3. 我们旅行的时候,会放下戒备和忧虑,渴望回归过去;我们是向后倒退而非向前迈进;我们培养着自己的歇斯底里。

4. 我们旅行的时候会呈现出自己最好的一面,正如我们穿上自己最漂亮的衣服出行一般,只有我们的护照才会提醒我们,实际上自己是多么平淡无奇!我们出国去认识我们那个陌生的自己,那个诞生在飞机上且令人激动的陌生人。



5. 我们每个人都在伪装——不然缘何我们会戴上墨镜并在谈吐举止中尽力模仿另一个地方的本土居民呢?在家里,我们才做回自己;出国后,我们则尽力成为自己始终想做的人。


6. 人变得好奇起来,旅行也就开始了。

教会的影响力、传统的生活方式、缺乏钱财、难得闲暇, 都制约了人们的好奇心。



7. 旅行可增长见识,可洞悉本国或异域的文化,可造就现代人的厌倦感。


8. 当然,旅行最普通的原因就是为了远离家乡。




IV. Chinese Translation of Paragraphs1. 旅行好比私通:人总受到背叛自己国家的诱惑。







4. 我们旅行的时候会呈现出自己最好的一面,正如我们穿上自己最漂亮的衣服出行一般,只有我们的护照才会提醒我们,实际上自己是多么平淡无奇!我们出国去认识我们那个陌生的自己,那个诞生在飞机上且令人激动的陌生人。



5. 我们每个人都在伪装——不然缘何我们会戴上墨镜并在谈吐举止中尽力模仿另一个地方的本土居民呢?在家里,我们才做回自己;出国后,我们则尽力成为自己始终想做的人。


6. 人变得好奇起来,旅行也就开始了。

教会的影响力、传统的生活方式、缺乏钱财、难得闲暇, 都制约了人们的好奇心。



7. 旅行可增长见识,可洞悉本国或异域的文化,可造就现代人的厌倦感。






新视野大学英语第六册课后习题答案1-5单元汉译英Unit 11 The whole of life, so to speak, is involved in the pursuit of the good life.2 It is hard to conceive of living without electricity and other modern conveniences.3 He dedicated his life to trying to find an appropriate architecture for his country which was realistic and integral to that society.4 He also highlighted the well-known dangers of people becoming addicted to computers.5 But after the race riots it was seen as something which the state would have both to cater for and take control of.6 He appeared to be very perplexed, and more than a little shocked, by what he saw in the window.7 For a moment or two Peter contemplated his newly elevated status.8 One of the advantages of big cities over the countryside is that big cities have lots of cinemas and many other diversions.9 In my wildest imagination, I could not have foreseen such a wonderful life lay before me.10 In terms of academic achievement, I was never a failure, and will definitely make it in the future.Unit21 When we finished reading the article, the teacher assigned us the task of writing a short/concise essay.2 After raining for a whole day, a few faint gleams of sunshine lit up the gloomy afternoon.3 I wrote this article to pay tribute to my most respectable teacher, who set me on the path of writing.4 The teacher said loudly that it was a gripping narrative about the war, and that all of us should enjoy reading it5 When we put forward the suggestion he was enthusiastic for its immediate application.6 He said that he was fascinated by the changing colors of the setting sun, so he always spent some time watching it.7 Government power influences every facet of our lives, "from the cradle to the grave".8 Illegal immigrants are usually smuggled into a country by ship9 Advertisements on the side of the road sometimes distract drivers' attention, causing traffic accidents.10 I managed to finance four years of university tuition with scholarships and part-time jobs.Unit31 The move was characterized as a major breakthrough for energy and industrial cooperation between the two countries.2 His career went into a rapid descent after the scandal.3 Though the lawyer tried to defend her, the evidence pointed to her guilt.4 This "Imperial City" remained virtually intact until the great remodeling which began in the 1950s.5 The statement was at odds with the one made last week.6 The trade agreement between the two countries expires next year.7 According to the archaeologists, the building dates to 250 B.C.8 The two countries finally started negotiating in earnest about issues of common concern.9 The ambassador is an outspoken supporter of military assistance to the groups working to overthrow the current government.10 They got on to the airfield that night and started to place their bombs. But, as the aircraft were widely dispersed, it took them a lot of time.Unit51 The desired goal of this laboratory is to discover the hidden virus causing the disease and develop some medicines to cure SARS.2 It seems to the scientists that the significance of the clear water-like liquid lies not in its information about the human body, but in its potential capability of producing drugs.3 Using their observations made over a long period, the research workers found it hard to correlate the two sets of figures.4 For the convenience of English teaching, the teachers have used their spare time to compile an English-Chinese dictionaryfor high school students5 The genetic blueprint worked out by the Chinese researchers and their counterparts all over the world is nothing less thana biological and medical revolution.6 Despite all the great efforts made by scientists throughout the world, we are still far away from designing a perfect human baby in a scientific sense.7 In many cases our knowledge of flaws in DNA may lead to treatments that delay the onset of the disease or soften its effects on our health.8 It has been suggested that this disease occurs when individuals susceptible to climate do not get enough natural light during the winter months.9 The claim to have found genes for high IQ has been refuted down to the last point by many scientists, particularly by many geneticists.10 According to some geneticists, certain genes are more likely to lead people to commit crimes.。



Chinese Translation of Paragraphs1. 二战时,曼彻斯特饱受空袭之苦。


2. 不过,我的父母最是乐观向上。






3. 问题是:虽说我的衣服熨得有棱有角,皮鞋擦得铮亮铮亮的,可总有些地方不符合标准校服的要求。


4. 由于战争影响,开始实施配给制度,大部分学校也放宽了对正规校服的要求,因为学校明白能有衣服穿已属不易。



5. 尽管我试图去解释我为何没能按规定着装,尽管我也正逐渐向全套校服靠近,我每天依然会被揪出队列,在台上罚站,作为对违反校服规定者的警戒。

6. 我每天站在同学面前,只能强忍泪水,不仅羞愧难耐,而且常常只有我一人挨罚。


我多么希望在这所可怕的学校里,哪怕只有一位老师能睁开双眼看看我能够做什么,而不是不停地告诉我不能做什么啊!7. 不过,12岁的我在心里也毫无选择,只有眼睁睁地挨受惩罚。




8. 一天,我们全家在一家报纸举办的不收取费用的肖像模特摄影比赛中获了奖。



第一单元Ⅲ 1. pursuit 2. conceive 3. dedicated 4. addict 5. cater6. Perplexing7. contemplating8. diversions9. foreseen 10. arbitrary 11. Petty 12. perpetual给"幸福"下定义是一个令人困惑的问题:最好的办法是先设定两个极端,然后寻求中庸。








Ⅵ1. The whole of life, so to speak, is involved in the pursuit of the good life. 可以说,生命的整体意义在于追求美好的生活。

2. It is hard to conceive of living without electricity and other modern conveniences. 很难想像没有电和其他现代便利设施的日子怎么过。

3. He dedicated his life to trying to find an appropriate architecture for his country which was realistic and integral to that society.他毕生致力于为他的祖国寻找合适的建筑风格。


4. He also highlighted the well-known dangers of people becoming addicted to computers.他还着重强调了人们玩电脑成瘾所造成的众所周知的危险。



Unit 1Translate the following short passage into English.虽然对于战争的恐怖,他和他的同代人颇有同感,而且一度被称为绥靖主义的“精神之父”,然而事实上凯恩斯(Keynes)从来不抱绥靖希特勒的错觉。



While he shared his generation's horror of war and was once called the "spiritual father" of appeasement, Keynes never, in fact, entertained the delusion that Hitler could be pacified. He hated the Nazi regime, never visited Germany after 1933. Instead, as Britain's chief negotiator in contact with the Allies against Hitler, he pursued vigorously the common interest between London and Washington.Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1. The right to pursue happiness is promised to Americans by the US Constitution, but no one seems quite surewhich way happiness runs.美国宪法赋予美国人民追求幸福的权利,但是似乎谁也说不清幸福跑到哪里去了。



英专综合教程6册课文翻译及课后答案A n s w e r t o u n i t1本页仅作为文档封面,使用时可以删除This document is for reference only-rar21year.MarchChinese Translation of Paragraphs1. 二战时,曼彻斯特饱受空袭之苦。


2. 不过,我的父母最是乐观向上。






3. 问题是:虽说我的衣服熨得有棱有角,皮鞋擦得铮亮铮亮的,可总有些地方不符合标准校服的要求。


4. 由于战争影响,开始实施配给制度,大部分学校也放宽了对正规校服的要求,因为学校明白能有衣服穿已属不易。



5. 尽管我试图去解释我为何没能按规定着装,尽管我也正逐渐向全套校服靠近,我每天依然会被揪出队列,在台上罚站,作为对违反校服规定者的警戒。

6. 我每天站在同学面前,只能强忍泪水,不仅羞愧难耐,而且常常只有我一人挨罚。


我多么希望在这所可怕的学校里,哪怕只有一位老师能睁开双眼看看我能够做什么,而不是不停地告诉我不能做什么啊!7. 不过,12岁的我在心里也毫无选择,只有眼睁睁地挨受惩罚。




英专综合教程6册课文翻译及课后答案Answertounit1教学教材英专综合教程6册课文翻译及课后答案A n s w e r t o u n i t1 Chinese Translation of Paragraphs1. 二战时,曼彻斯特饱受空袭之苦。


2. 不过,我的父母最是乐观向上。






3. 问题是:虽说我的衣服熨得有棱有角,皮鞋擦得铮亮铮亮的,可总有些地方不符合标准校服的要求。


4. 由于战争影响,开始实施配给制度,大部分学校也放宽了对正规校服的要求,因为学校明白能有衣服穿已属不易。



5. 尽管我试图去解释我为何没能按规定着装,尽管我也正逐渐向全套校服靠近,我每天依然会被揪出队列,在台上罚站,作为对违反校服规定者的警戒。

6. 我每天站在同学面前,只能强忍泪水,不仅羞愧难耐,而且常常只有我一人挨罚。


我多么希望在这所可怕的学校里,哪怕只有一位老师能睁开双眼看看我能够做什么,而不是不停地告诉我不能做什么啊!7. 不过,12岁的我在心里也毫无选择,只有眼睁睁地挨受惩罚。





大学英语(六)中1—6课课后词汇练习和翻译练习答案Unit 11) Only when we have weighed all the factors involved can we decide when would be the best time to take action.(权衡)2) The management invited the employees to voluntarily submit proposals for projects to improve work performance.(提出)3) The new students were told that they must register with the University before they could claim their grants.(注册)4) The club,which claimed to have found a suspicious package that might contain bombs,was still sealed off(被封锁起来) following a security alert earlier this morning.(警报)5) A crowd of people gathered round ,outraged by the way the police officers were hitting the two men.(激怒)6) Extensive conversations with native speakers form a(n) integral part of the English language course in our university.(不可或缺的)7) In this chapter the author illustrates his marketing theory with lots of first-hand materials from his business career.(说明)8) After each group finish their presentation,the rest of the class should critique their performance and vote for the best speaker.(评价)1) You don’t need to dress up just to go the pub —jeans and a T-shirt will do.(穿上礼服)2)Could you type up the questions and answers from the press conference,please?They are due to be carried in tomorrow’s newspaper.(把…打字成文)3) As the training progressed to the advanced level,most of the students drifted away while Melanie and several others stayed to the end.(逐渐离去)4) A group of teenagers put on a musical play about wildlife protection,which attracted a large audience every time they appeared on the stage.[安排上演(戏剧等)]5) Economic recovery is already under way and business is becoming brisk again.(进行中)6) After lying in hospital for two weeks,Jenny was afraid that she had fallen behind with her school work.(落后于)Unit 21) He was merely a boy;I wouldn’t have expected him to understand those abstract formulas.(仅仅是)2)Though leading a frugal life,Charles is very generous,contributing time and money to a number of charitable organizations.(慈善的)3) He wasn’t the sort of person who kept things for sentimental reasons;he threw them away immediately after use.(多愁善感的)4) The fire had destroyed most of the buildings,but we managed to salvage a few valuable items.[抢救(货物、财产等)]5) He was looking through a pile of old newspaper clipping for the report on the 100th anniversary of the university.(剪下物)6)Reclining in a comfortable chair,David idly flipped through a sports magazine.(躺卧)7) How can you expect an ‘A’ for this course when you turn in an essay as sloppy as this?(马虎的)8) The project needs to be meticulously planned as we have a tight deadline and only a limited budget.(极谨慎地)1) Due to the cleaners’ strike,the rubbish in my house had been left unattended for days and it began to pile up against the wall.(积聚)2) I was thinking of giving away those baby clothes of my daughter’s,but for sentimental reasons I couldn’t bring myself to part with them.(放弃)3) First apply shampoo to your hair and leave the shampoo for two minutes,then rinse it off with warm water.(从…上冲洗掉)4) After months of preparation,Kate and her partner finally set up their own printing business.(建立)5) I put forward a number of suggestions to improve working efficiency,but the management just toyed with my ideas for awhile and then rejected them.(随随便便地对待)6) When questioned about the high oil prices at present,nearly all interviewees claimed they had been foced to cut down on fuel and many reported inconvenience in their lives.(减少)7) Have you finished with the scissors?We’re waiting to have our paper-cutting done.(用完)8) Buried in mounds of files,I just want to get the whole thing over with sooner so that I could go away and enjoy my holiday with all my heart.(做完)9)The global financial crisis is cutting a swath through the country’s economy,with companies going bankrupt and individuals cutting down on their expenditure.(大肆破坏)10) Paul is an easy-going fellow at heart through sometimes he is very harsh and strict with his students.(实际上)Unit 31) Every year George gives his wife Gigi a huge bunch of red roses on her birthday.(一束)2) I tried to give up smoking several times before I realized I was addicted to it.(上了瘾的)3) Young people who abuse drugs regularly often end up as very immature adults because they never learn to cope with their problems.(滥用)4) After long separation we finally had a family reunion where I saw relatives I hadn’t seen for 20 years.(团聚)5) He catches cold easily because his body’s immune(免疫的) system is suppressed by virus.(阻止…的生长)6) His words have sown the seeds of suspicion in our minds and we are going to re-examine the evidence he has given in court.(播种)7) Miss Walker’s father had gone bankrupt owing to a failed business venture with his dishonest partners.(冒险行动)8)The invention of modern appliance such as washing machines and plug-in conveniences has liberated women from household chores and enabled them to enter the workforce.(解放)9) The Smiths adopted a poor little girl who had been starved of affection since her parents died in an accident.(使急需)10) According to official statistics there are 58 deaths per 1000 children born in that remote area of the country.(统计资料)1) A reputation for quality, coupled with very competitive prices, has made these cars very popular.(使…与…结合)2)Many officials have been wondering aloud about the Prime Minister’s competence in handing the current financial crisis.(说出内心的疑虑)3) You can lose five pounds a week on this diet.And best of all,you never have to feel hungry.(最好的)4) The doctor advised those with heart problems to put a first-aid kit close at hand all the time.(非常近)5) Several times it had crossed his mind to check on the car,but he never actually did it.(想起)6) I’m not going to sit by and watch a man go to prison for something I’ve done.(无动于衷)Unit 41) Smart and hardworking,Carmen seemed destined for a successful career ahead.(注定的)2) At 31,Peggy feels trapped in the boring job of an office secretary and she has a yearning to escape.(困住)3) Yesterday a storm blasted the Florida coast with 75 m.p.h winds and left two tourists missing.(摧毁;使枯萎)4) The couple hardly ever reach an agreement —their conversations often erupt into quarrels and shouting.(爆发)5)The ballet company’s new performance successfully blended tradition and creative innovation,which won great admiration from critics.(使混合)6) Repeated examfailures had eroded her confidence and exerted an influence on her —she started to skip classes more often.(逐步毁坏)7) Ever since our secretary resigned,our office has been in a state of total chaos.(大混乱)8) Parents are usually inclined to impose their own moral values on their children,which might bring on rebellion from teenagers. (把…强加于)9) Some fathers are jealous of the attention a newborn baby receives from its mother,even if they won’t admit it.(嫉妒的)10) I have this strong yearning for open spaces from having lived in a crowded city for too many years.(渴望;思念)1) The result of the survey is quite alarming —half the marriages in this country end in divorce.(以…结束)2) Being addicted to betting on horses,he had gambled away most of his inheritance(遗产) by the time he was thirty.(赌光)3) We cooked too much for lunch and had to take what was left over for supper.(剩下)4)Many companies are now suffering from a chronic shortage of funds brought on in recent years by the financial crisis.(导致)5) She didn’t quarrel with her husband when she found out about his infidelity,but her annoyance showed itself in her looks.(呈现)6) Inflation nibbles away at people’s savings and reduces their value considerably.(慢慢侵蚀)7)To show my affection for the little girl,I bent down and tried to kiss her on the forehead,but she pulled away in time,which made me embarrassed.(脱身)8) As the advancing soldiers closed in on the town,people started running into the underground shelters for safety.(逐渐包围)Unit 51) The police are constantly searching for new ways of steering young people away from criminal activities.(引导)2) The audience were thrown into a(n) panic after a bomb exploded in the theatre.(恐慌)3) He explained later that he had refrained from commenting on his opponents’ anti-constitutional claims in order to avoid open confrontation at the meeting.(忍住;节制)4) Corporate executives should not be given the right to intrude into employees’ private lives by monitoring their phone calls.(闯入;侵扰)5)To protect intellectual property rights,the government is making a great effort to unify the KTV system in karaoke bars.(统一)6)As the factory is faced with the danger of being shut down,many workers are suffering from an inner sense of desperation.(绝望)7) It is totally nonsense to assert that smoking can help prevent bird flu or swine flu.(宣称)8) The bus was already full up but the old lady managed to squeeze in.(用力挤压)9) Using too many pieces of electrical equipment at once may overload the circuit and cause power cut or fire.[使(电力)超载]10) Despite all the treatment he has had over the past few months,Ashby is still suffering from skin rashes and recurring respiratory(呼吸的) problems.(复发)1) As I was shopping one day,a girl mistook me for the well-known actor Jackie Chan and asked for my autograph(亲笔签名).(错认为…)2) The box has been left unattended in the cellar for years,and it came apart as we tried to lift it up.(破裂)3) The government promised to the public that they shall keep close watch on the latest developments in relation to the disease.(关于)4) I can put up with your room being cluttered with paintings and prints,but I hate in if it’s not clean.(忍受)5) To prepare food for the elderly,make sure to cut out the fat and bone before you cook the meat.(剪下)6)The pain of losing his only daughter still sweeps over him in waves though it has been two years since the traffic accident occurred.(一阵阵地袭来)7)The people who got hurt in the collision were rushed to the only hospital in the vicinity of the scene of the accident.(在…附近)8) Detectives were searching the scene of the crime closely,being careful enough not to leave any details out.(遗漏)9) For some days he had been mulling over the new plan,trying to come up with something more constructive.(仔细考虑)10) According to the latest survey,only 5% of American adults engage in regular annual physical check-ups,which healthscientists consider quite worrying.(参加)11) All of your achievements for the week should be gathered up in a ten-minute talk with the manager every Friday.(概括)12)Of the 88 locomotives(机车) on this railroad line,35 are out of commission,either awaiting repairs or being replaced.(不能使用)Unit 61) Every morning he would wake up at 6 a.m. and stagger half-awake into the bathroom to get washed.(蹒跚)2)In September these birds migrate2000 miles south to a warmer climate and then fly back to their home the next spring.(定期迁移)3) Woodchucks(早獭),like many other ground squirrels,hibernate in their underground tunnels where they are thought to sleep away the winter.(冬眠)4) The area where we’ll be planting trees are outlined in red on the map.(描…的外形)5) Eileen collected the leaves,heaped them into piles along the curb,and waited for the garbage truck.(堆积)6) I walked up the tower from the bottom to the top and could only marvel at its grandness and artistic taste.(惊奇)7)The silverware excavated(挖掘) from the ancient tomb is a distant reminder of a well-off empire that vanished one thousand years ago.(灭绝)8) To celebrate the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China,we had a(n) spectacular fireworks display on the city square.(雄伟的)9) A large section of the roadway began to disintegrate after only a few cars had passed over it.[(使)碎裂]10) There is an Egyptian art collection on display at the museum at the moment.(陈列)1) A hedgehog(刺猬) is hiding in a bush,and when it hears you approaching,it will roll up into a ballpromptly.(卷起来)2) A bolt(螺钉) broke on an amusement park ride,and several children who fell off were seriously injured.(脱落)3) After many failures in promoting his new products, he was considering closing up shop for good.(停止做某事)4) Because of the current economic recession a lot of companies have pared their staff down.(缩减)5) It is feared that higher interest rates might choke off economic recovery.(制止)6)New companies are springing up all the time,providing information and services of all kinds you could imagine.(迅速出现)7) The doctor was dismissed because he was accused of dishing out drugs more than necessary.(大量分给)8) He used to lock himself in his bedroom for hours on end and refuse to talk to anyone.(连续地)Unit 1 Teaching in Your Pajamas: Lessons of Online Class刚接触网络教学时,我质疑过这种教学方式的有效性。



新视野大学英语(专升本)课后翻译及答案新视野大学英语(专升本)课后翻译及答案1第一册2第二册4第三册6第四册8部分省份考试部分为原题第一册1.I don't like the way he teaches English(他教英语的方法)2.An old friend from another country, whom I was expecting to stay with(我希望和我住在一起的人)3.The watch which was lost in the department store yesterday(昨天在百货商店丢失的).4.I'll never forget the city where Mary and I spent our childhood(我和玛丽在那里度过的童年时光).5.He won a gold medal, which the whole family considered a great honor(全家人认为这是个了不起的荣誉).6. Despite his illness(他尽管有病),he came to the meeting.7. Despite a lot of difficulties(尽管有许多困难),he managed to finish the work within three weeks.8.He is learning to drive, despite his old age(尽管他年事已高).9. despite the bad weather(尽管天气很差),they decided to go climbing this weekend.10.He failed in the exam a third time despite his hard work(尽管他很努力).11. Even if the calculation is right(即使计算正确),scientists can never be sure that they have included all variables(变量).12.He is going to buy the factory, even if they raise the price(即使他们提价).13. Even if she may not return me the money(即使她可能不还钱),I don't regret lending it to her.14.The party will be held as scheduled, even if she doesn’t come(即使她不来).15._ Even if we achieve great success in our work(即使在工作中取得很大的成功),we should not be conceited.16.He had been forced to spend most of time talking to Mrs. Harlowe rather than to her daughter(而不是同他女儿交谈).17.Nuclear science should be developed to benefit people rather than harm them(而不是伤害他们).18.I always prefer starting early rather than leaving everything to the last minute(而不是把一切拖延到最后一分钟)19. Rather than using the last of my cash(不用我最后的一些现金),I decided to write a check.20. It's important to put money into new equipment rather than increase pay(而不是增加工资).21.The more books a man reads, the more knowledge he will have(他了解的知识就越丰富).22.The more he thought about it, the less he liked it他就越不喜欢它).23.The small the house is, the less you have to pay for it(他要付的钱就越少).24.The more dangerous a journey is, the more exciting it will be(就越令人兴奋).25.The more you talk in English, the greater progress you will make(取得的进步就越大).26. What I say and do(我说什么做什么)is/are none of your business.27.The Olympic Game uphold the idea that what matters is not winning but participating(重在参与,不在输赢).28.This is what we students should always keep in mind(我们学生应该牢记于心的).29.They don't realize what it takes to start and run a company(创建和经营一家公司需要什么).30.We must not put off till tomorrow_ what we should do today(应该今天做的事).第二册1.The student can hardly speak English much less can he write English articles (更不用说写英语文章了)2.He can not manage a small shop much less can he manage a big company (更不用说管理一家大公司了)3.John could not even pick up the box much less could he carry it upstairs (更不用说把它搬到楼上了)4.I have never seem the man much less have I spoken to him (更不用说跟他谈话了)5.Almost every scientist now finds it impossible to read all the works connected with his own subject much less to read a lot outside of it(更不用说阅读专业以外的了)6.I won't apologize to him for doing this nor do I think it necessary to do so (我也不觉得有这个必要)7.My parents said they wouldn't come to us for the Chinese New Years nor would they go to my sister's (也不回去我妹妹家)8.We have no idea about where the girl lives nor do we have her telephone number (我们也不知道她的电话号码)9.I don't feel like continuing my study after graduation nor would I like to go to work immediately (我也不想立即找工作)10.Father and I worked out this plan together, he wouldn't change it no matter what happened, nor would I (我也不会)11.Sandy promised to marry John as long as she got her father's agreement (只要她得到父母的同意)12.As long as you set a goal for yourself (只要你为自己定下目标),you will get somewhere someday.13.As long as she pays all the costs herself(只要他支付一切费用)she can go to visit her aunt in Los Angeles.14.The secretary will get a pay raise_ as long as she does her job well (只要她做好工作)15.as long as you never lose heart (只要你不泄气)no difficulty is too great to triumph over.16.As water is to fish_ So is air to human being (空气对人也一样)17.As the lion is the king of all animalsSo is the eagle of all birds(鹰也是鸟类之王)18.As wine is to French people So is the beer to the British (啤酒对于英国人也一样)19.Just as coffee is to westerners So is tea to the Chinese (茶对于中国人也一样)20.Just as the French love their wine So do the English love their beer(英国人一样喜欢自己的啤酒)21.Mike seemed very proud of himself as though he were the only person who scored over 90 (好像只有他的了90分以上)22.The old lady gave all that she had to the young man treating him as though he were her own son (好像他是她的亲生儿子)23.Tom dressed himself so formally today as though he were attending a party (好像他要去赴宴)24.He always boasts of his rich experience as though he knew everything (好像他什么都知道)第三册1.Every substance in the world, no matter how different it may seem form any other substance(不管看起来和其他物质多么不同), is made partly of electrons.2.No matter what a women tries to do to improve her situation(不管一个女人试图做什么来改变她的处境),there is some barrier to keep her down.3.No matter what excuse he gives(不管他给出什么借口), I will not forgive him for being so late for our appointment.4.No matter what anyone else may think(无论别人可能怎么想), only he can know whether he made the right choice.5.We have always been an independent people, no matter how they rewrite history(无论他们怎样改写历史).6.As it was quite windy outside, Jack closed all the windows and doors so that the baby would not catch cold.(这样宝宝就不会着凉了)7.The candidate toured in several cities in the state, giving speeches of his political viewpointsso that more people would vote for him(为的是更多的人会投他一票)8.Tom cleaned his father’s car and mowed the lawn by himself so that his father might forgive him for his failure in the math exam(这样他父亲也许会原谅他这次数学考试不及格)9.Mr. Johnson made full preparation for the experiment so that it would go on smoothly((以便实验能顺利地进行)10.I’ll give you all the facts so that you can judge for yourself(以使你自己作出判断)11.As to what actually happened to the headquarter(至于总部发生了什么事), there are many differing stores .12.As to where I should go to further my study(至于我去哪里继续深造). I will be discussing with my parents.13.It is totally unclear to me as to how different they are and why we want to keep them both(它们什么不同,我们为什么两个都要保留)14.It’s difficult for me to make a decision as to whether or not I should remain at the college working as teaching assistant (关于我是否应该留在学校当助教)15.The decision as to whether the old hardware is to be replaced by new hardware(关于旧的硬件是否将被新的硬件所代替)remains to be made16.You seem to be quite certain that I will accept your offer, what if I say no(如果我说不接受呢)17.If they know we are in trouble , they will certainly come to our help, what if they do not know(如果他们不知道呢)18.The deadline for this job is the end of the month , what if we can not finish it on time(要是我们不能按时完成怎么办)19.When asked why they helped the flood victims so generously, they just answered: what if this happens to us someday(假如有一天这事发生在你我身上呢)第四册1.We never go to church other than for funerals and weddings (除了去参加葬礼和婚礼之外).2.I have no ambitions other than to live an independent life (除了过一种独立生活之外).3.He insists the designs have no great meaning, other than that they appealed to his eye (除了它们很吸引他的眼球之外).4.He doesn’t eat pork, but other than that, he'll eat just about everything (但除此之外,他什么都吃).5.With all this work on hand, he shouldn't have been to the cinema last night(昨晚不应该去看电影).6.I would have told him the answer(会告诉他答案)had it been possible, but I was so busy then.7.They hurried there only to find the meeting canceled. In fact, they needn't have gone at all (他们根本不需要去)8.If Henry did not attend the conference last night, he must have had too much work to do (一定是有很多工作要做)9.Philip might have been injured seriously (可能受了重伤)in the car accident.10.With so much going on at the office, it is a wonder to find (令人惊奇地发现)that Mr. Lawrence has much time left for anything else.11.It is a surprise for us to find(我们非常吃惊地发现)that television enjoys its greatest competitive advantage on information.12.You’ll soon find that it is a waste of time to argue with him (与他争论是浪费时间).13.It is a relief for us to learn(我们宽慰的了解到)that the driver was able to control the car during the stormy weather.14.Prices are going up so rapidly. Petrol now is twice as expensive as it was a few years ago(现在汽油价格已经十几年前的两倍).15.Have you visited their house? Theirs is about three times as big as ours. (他们的屋子大约是我们的三倍大小).16.My father always gets information form the local library. You might as well go there to see whether there is the information you need.你不妨去那儿看看有没有你需要的资料)17.While you live alone, you can do as you like. We might as well call it freedom (我们不妨称之为自由吧).18.They miss you very much. You might as well ring and tell them you're going to visit them. (你不妨打电话告诉他们你要去看望他们)19.It’s no good waiting for the bus. We might as well walk home. (我们不妨走回家吧)20.This passage is too difficult for us to read. We might as well find an easier one to read (我们不妨找一篇容易一些的读吧)。



新视野大学英语六课后翻译第一单元1.The whole of life, so to speak, is involved in the pursuit of the good life.可以说,生命的整体意义在于追求美好的生活。

2.It is hard to conceive of living without electricity and other modern conveniences.很难想象没有电和其他现代便利设施的日子怎么过。

3.He dedicated his life to trying to find an appropriate architecture for his countrywhich was realistic and integral to that society.他毕生致力于为他的祖国寻找合适的建筑风格,这种风格既具有现实意义,又能融入社会。

4.He also highlighted the well-known dangers of people becoming addicted tocomputers.他还着重强调了人们玩电脑成瘾所造成的众所周知的危险。

5.But after the race riots it was seen as something which the state would have bothto cater for and take control of.但是,在经过这场种族暴乱之后,种族关系成为国家既要迎合又要管制的对象。

6.He appeared to be very perplexed, and more than a little shocked, by what he sawin the window.看到窗内的情形,他不知所措,甚至大为震惊。

7.For a moment or two, Peter contemplated his newly elevated status.对于自己新近的提职,彼得沉思了一会儿。



新视野大学英语第六册课后习题答案1-5单元汉译英Unit 11 The whole of life, so to speak, is involved in the pursuit of the good life.2 It is hard to conceive of living without electricity and other modern conveniences.3 He dedicated his life to trying to find an appropriate architecture for his country which was realistic and integral to that society.4 He also highlighted the well-known dangers of people becoming addicted to computers.5 But after the race riots it was seen as something which the state would have both to cater for and take control of.6 He appeared to be very perplexed, and more than a little shocked, by what he saw in the window.7 For a moment or two Peter contemplated his newly elevated status.8 One of the advantages of big cities over the countryside is that big cities have lots of cinemas and many other diversions.9 In my wildest imagination, I could not have foreseen such a wonderful life lay before me.10 In terms of academic achievement, I was never a failure, and will definitely make it in the future.Unit21 When we finished reading the article, the teacher assigned us the task of writing a short/concise essay.2 After raining for a whole day, a few faint gleams of sunshine lit up the gloomy afternoon.3 I wrote this article to pay tribute to my most respectable teacher, who set me on the path of writing.4 The teacher said loudly that it was a gripping narrative about the war, and that all of us should enjoy reading it5 When we put forward the suggestion he was enthusiastic for its immediate application.6 He said that he was fascinated by the changing colors of the setting sun, so he always spent some time watching it.7 Government power influences every facet of our lives, "from the cradle to the grave".8 Illegal immigrants are usually smuggled into a country by ship9 Advertisements on the side of the road sometimes distract drivers' attention, causing traffic accidents.10 I managed to finance four years of university tuition with scholarships and part-time jobs.Unit31 The move was characterized as a major breakthrough for energy and industrial cooperation between the two countries.2 His career went into a rapid descent after the scandal.3 Though the lawyer tried to defend her, the evidence pointed to her guilt.4 This "Imperial City" remained virtually intact until the great remodeling which began in the 1950s.5 The statement was at odds with the one made last week.6 The trade agreement between the two countries expires next year.7 According to the archaeologists, the building dates to 250 .8 The two countries finally started negotiating in earnest about issues of common concern.9 The ambassador is an outspoken supporter of military assistance to the groups working to overthrow the current government.10 They got on to the airfield that night and started to place their bombs. But, as the aircraft were widely dispersed, it took them a lot of time.Unit51 The desired goal of this laboratory is to discover the hidden virus causing the disease and develop some medicines to cure SARS.2 It seems to the scientists that the significance of the clear water-like liquid lies not in itsinformation about the human body, but in its potential capability of producing drugs.3 Using their observations made over a long period, the research workers found it hard to correlate the two sets of figures.4 For the convenience of English teaching, the teachers have used their spare time to compile an English-Chinese dictionary for high school students5 The genetic blueprint worked out by the Chinese researchers and their counterparts all over the world is nothing less than a biological and medical revolution.6 Despite all the great efforts made by scientists throughout the world, we are still far away from designing a perfect human baby in a scientific sense.7 In many cases our knowledge of flaws in DNA may lead to treatments that delay the onset of the disease or soften its effects on our health.8 It has been suggested that this disease occurs when individuals susceptible to climate do not get enough natural light during the winter months.9 The claim to have found genes for high IQ has been refuted down to the last point by many scientists, particularly by many geneticists.10 According to some geneticists, certain genes are more likely to lead people to commit crimes.。



第一单元Ⅲ1. pursuit2. conceive3. dedicated4. addict5. cater6. perplexing7. contemplating8. diversions9. foreseen 10. arbitrary 11. petty 12. perpetual 13. Promises 14. based 15. essentialⅣ1、made it2、run out of3 in terms of4 dedicate ourselves to5 For that matter6 be based on7 their duty to 8 thinking of9 free of 11 short of12 depend on 13 cater to14 for their children's sake 15 began as16 ended asⅤ1. interests2. cars3. goals4. career5. peace6. happiness7. experiment 8. study 9. life 10. trainingⅥ1.The whole of life, so to speak, is involved in the pursuit of the good life.2.It is hard to conceive of living without electricity and other modern conveniences.3.He dedicated his life to trying to find an appropriate architecture for his country which was realistic and integral tothat society.4.He also highlighted the well-known dangers of people becoming addicted to computers.5.But after the race riots it was seen as something which the state would have both to cater for and take control of.6.But after the race riots it was seen as something which the state would have both to cater for and take control of.7.For a moment or two Peter contemplated his newly elevated status.8.One of the advantages of big cities over the countryside is that big cities have lots of cinemas and many otherdiversions.9.In my wildest imagination, I could not have foreseen such a wonderful life lay before me.10.In terms of academic achievement, I was never a failure, and will definitely make it in the future.英译汉:1.The right to 美国宪法赋予美国人民追求幸福的权利,但是似乎谁也说不清幸福跑到哪里去了。

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Some people wrongly believe that the United States is a land of opportunity, and that everybody enjoys equal opportunities. With various dreams in mind many well-trained professional steadily migrate to the United States in search of a good life. Some of them are even willing to live any life there. They would rather live in poverty there than enjoy a relative prosperity at home. Therefore, lawyers and doctors from Central America may be found washing cars or waiting on the tables in Miami.
UnitБайду номын сангаасTwo
Unit Four
Unit five
The path led straight through a wide stream. She could no longer risk disorientation by circling such obstacles. She took off her clothes and, with her belongings in a nylon bag held above her head, she stepped into the chilling, neck-deep water. Minutes later she emerged, shaking uncontrollably. But after warming herself by a small fire and re-dressing, she set off with increased confidence. The limits of her physical capacity were expanding.
Scientists have recently discovered a chemical change occurring in mice, which might help in developing new drugs to control obesity someday. Scientists have identified a receptor in mouse cells that controls how fat is used in the body. When a mouse lives an easy life and puts on weight the receptor functions accordingly. If a similar regulator exists in human beings, or drugs functioning in this way were to be used for regulating, it could be a promising way to tackle the world’s growing obesity epidemic.
Unit Three
Just as the 21st century requires a more diffused and safer balance of interest in what needs to be an increasingly multilateral global village, there is a risk of economic, institutional and political power being centralized in the European Community, and that a new bout of economic empire building may occur.
Unit One
While he shared his generation’s horror of war and was once called the “spiritual father” of appeasement, Keynes never, in fact, entertained the delusion that Hitler could be pacified. He hated the Nazi regime, never visited Germany after 1933. Instead, as Britain’s chief negotiator in contact with the Allies against Hitler, he pursued vigorously the common interest between London and Washington.