



100项中英文对照男人需要的技能Automotive汽车出行1. Handle a blowout 处理爆胎2. Drive in snow在雪中驾驶3. Check trouble codes检查故障4. Replace fan belt更换风扇皮带5. Wax a car给汽车打蜡6. Conquer an off-road obstacle克服路面的障碍7. Use a stick welder会焊接8. Hitch up a trailer会拉拖车9. Jump start a car会发动汽车Handling Emergencies紧急事项10. Perform the Heimlich会海姆利克氏操作11. Reverse hypothermia懂得如何退烧12. Perform hands-only CPR会做徒手的心肺复苏术13. Escape a sinking car知道怎么从沉没的汽车中逃生Home家务活14. Carve a turkey会切火鸡15. Use a sewing machine会用锁线装订机16. Put out a fire会灭火17. Home brew beer会自酿啤酒18. Remove bloodstains from fabric知道怎么除衣物上的血迹19. Move heavy stuff能搬重物20. Grow food种植食物21. Read an electric meter会读电表22. Shovel the right way正确的使用铲子23. Solder wire焊接电线24. Tape drywall粉刷墙面25. Split firewood会劈柴火26. Replace a faucet washer会换水龙头27. Mix concrete搅匀混凝土28. Paint a straight line可以油漆出笔直的线29. Use a French knife会用法国刀30. Prune bushes and small trees修剪树枝和小树31. Iron a shirt会熨烫衬衫32. Fix a toilet tank flapper固定浴池33. Change a single-pole switch转变单项开关34. Fell a tree会砍树35. Replace a broken windowpane更换打破的窗玻璃36. Set up a ladder, safely架起安全的梯子37. Fix a faucet cartridge安装水龙头38. Sweat copper tubing使铜管出汗39. Change a diaper换尿布40. Grill with charcoal 木炭烧烤41. Sew a button on a shirt缝衬衫纽扣42. Fold a flag折叠旗Medical Myths医药方面43. Treat frostbite治疗冻伤44. Treat a burn治疗烧伤45. Help a seizure victim能抢救伤员46. Treat a snakebite治疗毒蛇咬伤47. Remove a tick驱赶扁虱Military Know-How军队技术诀窍48. Shine shoes擦亮鞋子49. Make a drum-tight bed叠饱满紧凑的被子50. Drop and give the perfect pushup下跌和来一个漂亮的伏地挺身Outdoors野外技巧51. Run rapids in a canoe能在独木舟上快速跑52. Hang food in the wild在野外找找到食物53. Skipper a boat划船54. Shoot straight打猎瞄得准55. Tackle steep drops on a mountain bike能推着山地车下陡峭的坡56. Escape a rip current能避开激流Primitive Skills原始技术57. Build a fire in the wilderness在野外生火58. Build a shelter会搭建庇护所59. Find potable water会找可饮用的水Surviving Extremes在极端环境生存60. Floods洪水61. Tornados龙卷风62. Cold寒冷63. Heat酷热64. Lightning闪电雷鸣Teach Your Kids教你家小孩的事情65. Cast a line (钓鱼)抛线66. Lend a hand给别人帮助67. Change a tire换头饰68. Throw a spiral掷螺旋飞盘69. Fly a stunt kite放风筝70. Drive a stick shift驾驶木棍转向?71. Parallel park并排的停放(车辆等)72. Tie a bowline打称人结73. Tie a necktie打领带74. Whittle削(水果等)75. Ride a bike骑自行车Technology技艺76. Install a graphics card安装视频采集卡77. Take the perfect portrait能拍得完美的肖像78. Calibrate HDTV settings校准高清晰电视的设置79. Shoot a home movie播放家庭影院80. Ditch your hard drive刻录光盘Master Key Workshop Tools会用车间重要工具81. Drill driver 钻孔机82. Grease gun注油枪83. Coolant hydrometer 冷却剂浮称84. Socket wrench管钳子85. Test light测光仪86. Brick trowel砖刀87. Framing hammer 锤子88. Wood chisel 木凿子89. Spade bit 铲型钻头90. Circular saw 圆锯91. Sledge hammer大锤92. Hacksaw钢锯93. Torque wrench 转矩扳手94. Air wrench气动扳手95. Infrared thermometer 红外线体温计96. Sand blaster喷砂设备97. Crosscut saw 横锯木料的锯98. Hand plane手刨子99. Multimeter万用表100. Feeler gauges塞规。

TW 112教育学名词-特教名词中英对照术语

TW 112教育学名词-特教名词中英对照术语

脑性麻痹 特许学校 身心障碍儿童 自闭症儿童行为检核表 儿童期崩解症 儿童发展里程检核表 唇颚裂 耳蜗植入术;人工电子耳 认知行为治疗 认知训练 合作咨询 色盲 共同核心标准 沟通障碍 沟通功能 沟通意图 小区整合 复杂沟通需求 计算机化适性测验 概念技能 行为规范障碍;素行不良 传音性听力损失 学科加速 合作学习 核心课程(资优教育Parallel Curriculum Model) 核心词汇 矫正鞋 创造性问题解决 暗示法 连结课程(资优教育Parallel Curriculum Model) 认同课程(资优教育Parallel Curriculum Model) 实务课程(资优教育Parallel Curriculum Model) 课程本位职业评估 日常生活功能 日常生活技能 日间照护 去机构化 聋人文化 聋;重听 聋盲儿童 发展迟缓 发展障碍 发展性学习障碍 发展里程碑 偏差个性 诊断测验处方教学 区分性课程(资优教育名词) 区分性教学(资优教育名词) 直接选择
DISCOVER课程模式 (资优教育名词)
离散试训 丧失知觉方向 双重标记 唐氏症 双重殊异
due process hearing dysarthria dyscalculia dysfluencies dysgraphia dyslexia Early Expressive Language Delay {=EELD} early intervention early-intervention transition Education Program for Gifted Youth {=EPGY} electric wheelchair Electroencephalogram {=EEG} elimination diets emotional intelligence Emotional or Behavior Disorders {=EBD} empathizing–systemizing theory employment service employment specialist Enrichment Matrix Model Enrichment Triad Model Epilepsy {=Seizure Disorder} expressive language extended employment eye-hand coordination family systems theory family therapy Fetal Alcohol Syndrome {=FAS} fine motor fine motor skills fingerspelling flaccid cerebral palsy flexibility fragile X syndrome free appropriate public education functional academic curriculum functional behavior analysis functional curriculum ffuunnccttiioonnaall MMaaggnneettiicc RReessoonnaannccee ISmpaegctirnogsc{=opfMy RI} {fu=nfMctRioSn}al visual assessment gifted and talented graphic organizers gross motor skills guide ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้og hearing aids High-functioning Autism {=HFA} high-incidence disabilities high-risk families homeschooling hospital instruction hybrid displays hydrocephalus hypertonicity iconicity representation IEP meeting





1. 厨艺烹饪是我们日常生活中一个非常重要的技能。


2. 牛奶艺术虽然牛奶艺术看起来只是简单的装饰,但实际上它是一个极具技巧性的技能。


3. 真空密封真空密封可以帮助你有效地保存食物,并防止各种微生物的生长。


4. 酿造啤酒制作自己的啤酒是一个非常考验耐心和技能的过程。


5. 换轮胎学会更换一辆车的轮胎是每个人都需要的生活技能。


6. 基本车修学习如何处理常见的车辆问题,例如更换油,更换波箱液压助力油,换斜坡后车位,这些在生活中都是非常有用的技能。

7. 学习为你的家居和家庭设计打扮在家里做一些装饰和设计可以让你的房屋与众不同。


8. 认识不同种类的酒成为一个贵族不仅可以让你品尝不同的美味佳酿,还可以让你理解和鉴定不同的葡萄酒。


9. 基本沟通一些基本的沟通技能可以让你更好地与人交流,建立人际关系,还可以让你更好地处理冲突和挑战。

10. 影响力影响力是一个非常有用的技能,可以帮助你在自己的团队和社区中取得成功。


11. 学习如何拍摄照片拍摄照片是一种很有趣的技能,不仅可以帮助你记录你的生活,还可以为你的商业和职业带来更多的机会。

12. 了解健康的生活方式了解健康的生活方式可以让你更好地控制自己的饮食和运动习惯。




1. 日常生活技能
- 掌握正确的洗手方法和频率
- 学会正确使用牙刷、牙膏和漱口水
- 养成每天洗脸、刷牙、洗澡的良好惯
- 学会叠衣服并保持整洁
- 研究如何洗涤、晾晒和收纳衣物
- 了解五谷杂粮、蔬菜、水果和蛋白质对身体的重要性
- 学会简单的食物烹饪和安全的食用方法
- 研究火灾、自然灾害和道路交通安全知识- 了解紧急情况下的求救方式和应对措施
2. 社交与人际交往技能
- 研究如何与他人进行礼貌而有效的交流- 培养倾听和表达自己观点的能力
- 学会与他人一起合作完成任务
- 培养分工合作和协作的意识
- 熟悉基本的礼仪规范和行为惯
- 研究如何尊重他人并保持良好的人际关系
3. 研究与创造力培养
- 掌握良好的研究惯和时间管理技巧
- 学会整理笔记和复知识的方法
- 鼓励开展手工艺品、绘画和音乐等创造性活动
- 培养创新思维和解决问题的能力
- 鼓励孩子选择适合自己的兴趣爱好
- 培养爱好并享受其中的乐趣




ACTION ENGLISH1MOVIE DICTIONARY电影词典sound engineer,a person who make sound better录音师AMERICAN SLANG美国俚语Rumo(u)r has it that…据说……;人们都说……例:Rumor has it that Andy is a nice guy.人们都说安迪是个棒小伙。

Rumor has it that he is a rather difficult sound engineer.人们都说那个录音师很难相处.Rumour has it that Jean’s getting married again.人们都说吉恩又要结婚了。

Rumors have it that there will be a change in the Cabinet.谣传内阁将改组。

Rumour has it that he is going to resign.据说他将辞职。

CLASSIC FILM CLIPS经典对白(1)None of that matters.无关紧要You matter to me.你对我很重要。

matter to you对你重要.not matter to you.对你不重要例句:Your opinion really matters to me.你的意见对我很重要You matter to me.你对我很重要.It doesn't matter if Mark isn’t coming.Maybe he just doesn’t do hip-hop you know,so let’s go.(2)counterfeit watches genuine scars.(片中)counterfeit假的。

counterfeit money假币genuine真的true真的(爱情),true love;real真的(友情)real friendsgenuine true real反义词:counterfeit(3)Just keep your mind open and suck in the experience,and if it hurts it's probably worth it.只要你敞开心扉,即便是受到痛苦,也是值得的。





下面是一些生活技能的英语表达,让我们一起来学习吧!健康与健身•健康食谱:healthy recipes•健康饮食:healthy eating•饮食平衡:balanced diet•膳食营养:nutritional diet•运动训练:fitness training•有氧运动:aerobic exercise•健身房:gym•瑜伽:yoga•放松身心:relaxation•健康生活方式:healthy lifestyle•保持活力:stay active家居与清洁•居家生活:home living•家居布置:home decoration•家具购买:furniture shopping•家务事:household chores•清洁工具:cleaning tools•清洁剂:cleaning agents•扫地:sweep the floor•拖地:mop the floor•洗衣服:do the laundry•熨烫衣服:iron clothes•家居卫生:home hygiene社交与人际关系•社交活动:social activities•交朋友:make friends•保持联系:keep in touch•社交技巧:social skills•社交媒体:social media•社交网络:social network•社交聚会:social gathering•人际交往:interpersonal communication•社交礼仪:social etiquette•社交圈子:social circle•尊重他人:respect others时间管理与效率•时间管理:time management•设定目标:set goals•制定计划:make plans•分配任务:allocate tasks•高效工作:work efficiently•提升效率:improve productivity•时间规划:time scheduling•充分利用时间:make the most of time•避免拖延:avoid procrastination•优先处理重要事务:prioritize important tasks•提前预定日程:schedule in advance个人兴趣与爱好•个人发展:personal development•学习新技能:learn new skills•开展兴趣爱好:pursue hobbies•阅读书籍:read books•学习乐器:play a musical instrument•绘画与手工艺:drawing and handicrafts•手工制作:handmade crafts•玩棋类游戏:play board games•参与志愿者活动:participate in volunteer activities•旅行与探索:travel and exploration以上是一些常见生活技能的英语表达,希望这些词汇能够帮助你扩展英语词汇量,提升日常交流能力。




















下面是店铺给大家整理的家务活的英语短语,供大家参阅!家务活的英语短语篇11. Mum wasn't very domesticated.妈妈不是很喜欢干家务活。

2. Some men are very hard to domesticate.有些男人很难做好家务活。

3. Housework is a never-ending task.家务活做起来真是没完没了。

4. Her sons were experts at getting out of housework.她的儿子们很会逃避家务活.5. My household duties were not particularly onerous.我的家务活并不繁重.6. A good deal of housework can be mechanized.大量家务活可用机械化操作.7. Modern devices facilitatedomestic work.现代设备使家务活便利了.8. She is so particular about her housework that servants will not work for her.她对家务活太挑剔了,以致于佣人们不愿给她干活.9. My husband and I both go out to work so we share the household chores.我和丈夫都出去工作,所以我们家务活分摊。

10. He often helped his mother with the household chores.他常常帮助妈妈干家务活.11. I always have a lot of housework to do at the weekend.周末我总是有许多家务活要做.12. She was busy at domestic work in her new house.她在自己的新住宅里忙着做一些家务活.13. She assisted her mother with the housework.她帮助她母亲做家务活.14. Housework engages much of her time.家务活占去了她许多时间.15. Still she slept there, and did a fair amount of work, keeping it in order.可是,她却还在那里睡觉, 干相当多的家务活, 保持家里的整洁.家务活的英语短语篇2家务活占去了她许多时间。



英语作文学习生活技能英文回答:Learning Life Skills in the English Classroom.The English classroom provides a unique opportunity for students to develop essential life skills that extend beyond the realm of language proficiency. By engaging in various activities, fostering critical thinking, and embracing collaborative learning, students can cultivate a range of abilities that will serve them well in their personal and professional lives.Communicative Competence:Effective communication is a cornerstone of life. The English classroom allows students to practice speaking, listening, reading, and writing in a variety of contexts. Through presentations, debates, and group discussions, they hone their ability to express themselves clearly, activelylisten to others, and engage in meaningful discourse.Critical Thinking:The analysis and interpretation of texts in Englishclass necessitate critical thinking. Students learn to identify main ideas, evaluate evidence, and draw logical conclusions. These skills are essential for problem-solving, decision-making, and informed citizenship.Collaboration and Teamwork:Group projects and collaborative assignments promote collaboration and teamwork. Students learn the importanceof working together, respecting diverse perspectives, and contributing effectively to achieve a common goal.Problem-Solving:Through the study of literature and non-fiction texts, students are exposed to different perspectives and challenges. By analyzing these texts, they develop problem-solving skills, learning to identify obstacles, evaluate options, and find creative solutions.Self-Awareness and Emotional Intelligence:English class often explores themes of identity, culture, and human experience. Through journaling, reflective writing, and literature analysis, students gain insight into their own thoughts, feelings, and values. This self-awareness fosters emotional intelligence, empathy, and resilience.Cultural Understanding:The English language is a global language, and the study of English literature provides students with a window into various cultures. By encountering different literary traditions, values, and worldviews, they develop a broader understanding of humanity.Adaptability and Resilience:The English classroom is a dynamic environment that challenges students to adapt to new situations. They learn to navigate changing expectations, manage setbacks, and persevere in the face of challenges.中文回答:英语课堂学习生活技能。



青少年应具备哪些生活技能英语作文英文回答:Adolescence is a transformative period of life marked by significant physical, cognitive, and emotional changes. As young people navigate the complexities of this stage, it is essential for them to acquire a range of life skillsthat will equip them for success in adulthood. These include:1. Communication skills: The ability to communicate effectively through verbal, nonverbal, and written language is crucial for interpersonal relationships, academic pursuits, and career success. Adolescents should develop strong communication skills by actively listening, engaging in meaningful conversations, and writing clearly and persuasively.2. Problem-solving skills: Life is full of challenges, and adolescents need to develop the ability to identifyproblems, gather information, generate solutions, and make decisions. They should be encouraged to approach problems with a positive mindset and an open mind to different perspectives.3. Time management skills: Effective time management is essential for juggling multiple responsibilities and achieving goals. Adolescents should learn to prioritize tasks, set realistic schedules, and manage their time wisely to avoid stress and procrastination.4. Financial literacy: Understanding basic financial principles and managing money effectively is crucial for financial stability in adulthood. Adolescents should learn about budgeting, saving, investing, and making responsible financial choices to prepare for their financial future.5. Emotional regulation skills: Adolescents experiencea wide range of emotions, and it is important for them to develop strategies for managing these emotions in a healthy and constructive way. They should learn to identify and understand their emotions, practice self-soothingtechniques, and seek support when needed.6. Relationship skills: Strong relationships are essential for well-being and success. Adolescents should develop the ability to build and maintain healthy relationships with peers, family members, and romantic partners by setting boundaries, resolving conflicts, and practicing empathy.7. Critical thinking skills: The ability to think critically, analyze information, and make informed decisions is essential for personal growth and lifelong learning. Adolescents should be encouraged to question assumptions, evaluate evidence, and form their own opinions based on reason and evidence.8. Technology skills: In today's digital world, it is essential for adolescents to develop proficiency in using technology for communication, information gathering, and problem-solving. They should be taught how to use technology responsibly, safely, and effectively.9. Health and wellness skills: Maintaining goodphysical and mental health is crucial for overall well-being. Adolescents should learn about healthy eating habits, regular exercise, sleep hygiene, and stress management techniques to promote their physical and mental health.10. Life values and purpose: Adolescents should developa clear understanding of their values, beliefs, and life purpose. These values will guide their decisions andactions and provide them with a sense of meaning and direction in life.中文回答:青少年應具備以下生活技能:1. 溝通技能,能透過言語、非語言和書面語言有效溝通,對人際關係、學業和事業成功至關重要。



学会基本生活技能英文作文英文:Learning basic life skills is essential for everyone. These skills not only help us to become more independent, but also enable us to handle various situations in ourdaily lives. In this essay, I will discuss some of the basic life skills that I have learned and how they have benefited me.First and foremost, cooking is a fundamental life skill that I have mastered. Being able to prepare my own meals not only saves me money, but also allows me to eat healthier. For example, I used to rely on takeout and fast food for most of my meals, but after learning how to cook, I now enjoy preparing my own meals using fresh and nutritious ingredients. This has not only improved my overall health, but has also given me a sense of accomplishment.Another important life skill that I have learned is time management. As a student or a working professional, it is crucial to be able to prioritize tasks and manage time effectively. For instance, I used to struggle with procrastination and often found myself rushing to meet deadlines. However, after learning time management techniques such as creating to-do lists and settingrealistic goals, I have become more organized and productive. This has significantly reduced my stress levels and improved my overall performance in both my studies and work.Furthermore, financial literacy is a vital life skill that I have acquired. Understanding how to budget, save, and invest has helped me to make sound financial decisions. For example, I used to spend money impulsively without keeping track of my expenses, which often led to financial strain. However, after learning how to budget and save, I now have a better grasp of my finances and am able to plan for the future more effectively. This has given me a sense of financial security and peace of mind.In addition to these skills, I have also learned basic home maintenance and repair skills. Being able to fix a leaky faucet, change a light bulb, or unclog a drain has saved me time and money. For instance, instead of calling a plumber or an electrician for minor issues, I can nowhandle them on my own. This not only saves me the hassle of waiting for professional help, but also allows me to take care of my home more efficiently.Overall, learning basic life skills has greatly improved my quality of life and made me more self-sufficient. From cooking and time management to financial literacy and home maintenance, these skills have equipped me with the knowledge and abilities to navigate throughlife's challenges. I believe that everyone should invest time in learning these essential life skills as they are invaluable for personal growth and success.中文:学习基本生活技能对每个人来说都是必不可少的。




According to the above excerpts, the reasons why NEET (not currently engaged in employment, education or training)takes shape can be summarized as follows.第一个原因是父母过于溺爱他们的孩子,年轻人很容易受到社会强加给他们的考验。

The first reason is that parents dote on their children awfully and the young people are vulnerable to the trials society imposes on them.另一个原因是啃老族是社会发展的副产品。

Another reason is that NEET is a byproduct of social development.在我看来,当越来越多的年轻人加入啃老族时,我们的社会应该重视孩子的教育。

As far as I am concerned, our society should put a premium on the children's education when a growing number of young people join NEET.一方面,父母必须反省,找到自己的方向来抚养孩子。

On the one hand, parents have to introspect and find their bearings to rear their children.父母作为孩子的启蒙老师,潜移默化地影响着孩子的成长。

As the initial teachers of children, parents will influence children's growth imperceptibly.但如今,许多父母倾向于优先考虑孩子的学习成绩,而忽略了帮助他们发展生活技能。



零基础学英语单词大全,10大日常生活场景,建议收藏!(配音频)来源:Big of Book English Words (英语单词大书)作者:Mairi Mackinnon 、Kate Hindley在家与在花园roof /ruːf/ 屋顶,顶部stairs [steəz] 楼梯bathroom /ˈbɑːθruːm/ 浴室,盥洗室house /haʊs/ 房子wall /wɔːl/ 墙front door [ˌfrʌnt ˈdɔː(r)] 前门hall /hɔːl/ 大厅,会堂,会馆dining room [ˈdaɪnɪŋ ruːm] 餐厅snail [sneɪl] 蜗牛shed /ʃed/工具棚living room [ˈlɪvɪŋ ruːm] 客厅garage /ˈɡærɑːʒˌ-rɪdʒ/ 汽车间(库),车库steps [steps] 台阶path /pɑːθ/ 路线,去路,小路lawnmower [ˈlɔːnməʊə(r)] 割草机flowerbed #N/A 花圃frog /frɒɡ/ 青蛙pond /pɒnd/ 池塘grass /grɑːs/ 草,草地gate /geɪt/ 大门fence /fens/ 栅栏;围栏;篱笆barbecue /ˈbɑːbɪkjuː/ 烤肉野餐,户外烧烤架bush /bʊʃ/ 灌木丛,矮树丛在家与在花园sheet /ʃiːt/ 床单,成幅的薄片,薄板duvet [ˈduːveɪ] 羽绒被blanket /ˈblæŋkɪt/ 毛毯,毯子pillow /pɪl/ 枕头poster /ˈpəʊstə/海报, (贴在公共场所的大型)招贴;广告(画)doll /dɒl/ 玩具娃娃,洋娃娃teddy bear [ˈtedi beə(r)] 泰迪熊washing machine [ˈwɒʃɪŋ][məˈʃiːn] 洗衣机blind /blaɪnd/ 瞎的,盲的comb /kəʊm/ 梳子toothbrush /ˈtuːθbrʌʃ/ 牙刷toothpaste /ˈtuːθpeɪst/ 牙膏mirror /ˈmɪrə/ 镜子soap /səʊp/ 肥皂tap /tæp/ (自来水煤气等的)水龙头bath /bɑːθ/ 洗澡;浴室;澡盆,浴缸butterfly /ˈbʌtəflaɪ/ 蝴蝶wasp [wɒsp] 黄蜂trampoline [ˈtræmpəliːn] 蹦床flowers [ˈflaʊəz] 花plant /plɑːnt/ 植物,种植cage /keɪdʒ/ 笼(子),鸟笼guinea pig[ˈɡɪni][pɪɡ] 豚鼠在客厅comer [ˈkʌmə(r)]墙角cobweb [ˈkɒbweb] 蜘蛛网clock /klɒk/ 钟fan /fæn/ (口语,电影,运动等的)迷light /laɪt/ 光,光明;发光体;轻的;少量的,微弱的shelf /ʃelf/ 架子;搁板key /kiː/ 钥匙vase /vɑːz/ (花)瓶;瓶饰desk /desk/ 书桌stamp /stæmp/ 邮票envelope /ˈenvələʊp/ 信封television /ˈtelɪˌvɪʒən/ 电视plug /plʌɡ/ 塞子(用塞子)把…塞住game /geɪm/ 游戏,运动box /bɒks/ 盒子,箱子jigsaw [ˈdʒɪɡsɔː] 拼图door /dɔː/ 门lamp /læmp/ 灯,油灯;光源telephone [ˈtelɪfəʊn] 电话cushion /ˈkʊʃ(ə)n/ 垫子fire /ˈfaɪə/ 火;火炉;火灾开火,开(枪,炮等),射击carpet /ˈkɑːpɪt/ 地毯sofa /ˈsɒkɪt/ (长)沙发radiator [ˈreɪdieɪtə(r)] 散热器mat /mæt/ 垫子floor /flɔː/ (室内)地,地板在厨房mop /mɒp/ 拖把拖地brush /brʌʃ/ 刷子,毛笔,画笔highchair #N/A 高脚椅food /fuːd/ 食物chair /tʃeə/ 椅子sink /sɪŋk/ 下沉,沉没stool /stuːl/ 凳子,大便,厕所;长新枝;诱捕kettle /ˈket(ə)l/ (烧水用的)水壶jug /dʒʌg/ 壶;壶中物glass /glɑːs/ 玻璃杯cooker /ˈkʊkə/ 炊具(锅、炉灶、烤炉等) saucepan saucepan 深煮锅,平底锅apron /ˈeɪprən/ (机场的)停机坪jar /dʒɑː/ 罐子;坛子microwave /ˈmaɪkrəʊweɪv/ 微波dishwasher [ˈdɪʃwɒʃə(r)] 洗碗机mixer [ˈmɪksə(r)] 搅拌器cookbook [ˈkʊkbʊk] 食谱,烹饪书bowl /bəʊl/ 碗在城镇Garage 汽车修理厂Sports centre 体育中心Factory 工厂Bus station 公共汽车站Station 车站Lift 电梯Terrace 露台Market 市场Supermarket 超市Hotel 旅馆Restaurant 餐馆Museum 博物馆Traffic lights红绿灯Balcony 阳台Traffic jam 交通阻塞Crossing 人行横道Flat 公寓Bookshop 书店Bank 银行Chemist’s 药房Post office 邮局Shop 商店Police station警察局Café 咖啡馆Pavement 人行道Road 路School 学校Bus stop 公共汽车停靠站Woman 女人Paddling pool 戏水池Man 男人Swing 秋千Skateboard 滑板Wheelchair 轮椅Seesaw 跷跷板Park 公园Slide 滑梯出行Car 小汽车Sports car 跑车Yellow taxi 黄色出租车Plane 飞机Helicopter 直升机Rocket 火箭Trailer 拖车Tractor 拖拉机Truck 卡车Dump truck 翻斗车Digger 挖掘机Police car 警车Ambulance 救护车Fire engine 消防车Wheel 车轮Engine 发动机Windscreen 挡风玻璃Breakdown truck 救险车Van 客货车Minibus 小型公共汽车Carriage 车厢Train 火车Pram 婴儿车Pushchair 童车Bicycle 自行车Motorbike 摩托车Scooter 滑板车Bus 公共汽车Tram 有轨电车Sail 帆Yacht 帆船Speedboat 快艇Tanker 油轮Boat 小船Ferry 轮渡Ship 船Submarine 潜水艇在学校Name 名字Girl 女孩Boy 男孩Classroom 教室Teacher 老师Board 写字板Geography 地理Lesson 课Book 书Bookcase 书架Class 班级Screen 屏幕Mouse 鼠标Keyboard 键盘Computer 计算机Felt tips 彩笔Pen 钢笔Pencil 铅笔Crayons 蜡笔Drawing 图画Paper 纸Scissors 剪刀Ruler 尺子Glue 胶水Rubber 橡皮Alphabet 字母表Letter 字母Recorder 竖笛Music 音乐Paint 颜料Art 美术History 历史Maths 数学Science 科学Workbook 练习册Cross 叉号Tick 对号Children 孩子们Playground 运动场Sport 运动体育运动与爱好Football足球Map 地图Backpack 背包Walking 徒步旅行Skate 冰鞋Ice skating 溜冰Ski 滑雪板Skiing 滑雪Snowboard 滑雪单板Cycling 骑自行车Prize 奖Riding 骑马Table tennis 乒乓球Badminton 羽毛球Score 比分Basketball 篮球Hockey 曲棍球Baseball 棒球Bat 球棒Golf 高尔夫球Ball 球Tennis 网球Volleyball 排球Swimming pool 游泳池Race 速度竞赛Swimming 游泳Painting 绘画Hobby 爱好Shopping 购物Circus 马戏团Clown 小丑Ticket 票Chess 国际象棋Library 图书馆Reading 阅读Comic 漫画Theatre 剧院Ballet 芭蕾舞Concert 音乐会Guitar 吉他Singer 歌手Band 乐队Drum 鼓Piano 钢琴Dancing 舞蹈Film 影片Cinema 电影院家庭与特别的日子Son 儿子Family 家庭Daughter 女儿Baby 婴儿Toy 玩具Grandfather 祖父;外祖父Grandpa 爷爷;外公Grandmother 祖母;外祖母Grandma 奶奶;外婆Husband 丈夫Wife 妻子Father 父亲Dad 爸爸Mother 母亲Mum 妈妈Brother 哥哥;弟弟Me 我Sister 姐姐;妹妹Grandparents 祖父母;外祖父母Grandchildren 孙儿女Granddaughter 孙女;外孙女Uncle 叔叔,舅舅Aunt 姑姑,姨Cousins 同辈表亲;同辈堂亲Balloon 气球Birthday 生日Candle 蜡烛Card 卡片Cake 蛋糕Present 礼物Friend 朋友Pet 宠物Party 聚会Holiday 假期London 伦敦Postcard 明信片Christmas 圣诞节Christmas tree 圣诞树Beard 胡子Father Christmas 圣诞老人工作Actor 演员Pop star 流行音乐歌星Photographer 摄影师Journalist 记者Footballer 足球运动员Police officer 警察Detective 侦探Gardener 园丁Painter 油漆匠Builder 建筑工人Racing driver 赛车手Mechanic 机械师Firefighter 消防队员Chef 厨师Waitress 女服务员Hairdresser 理发师Acrobat 杂技演员Artist 画家Scientist 科学家Writer 作家Lawyer 律师Receptionist 接待员Ballerina 芭蕾舞女演员Soldier 士兵Airport 机场Pilot 飞行员Flight attendant 空乘人员Diver 潜水员Vet 兽医Mobile phone 手机Businessman 男商人Suitcase 行李箱Businesswoman 女商人。



中考英语作文生活技能精选英文中考英语作文生活技能:My Life SkillsLife skills are essential for every individual to navigate through the complexities of daily life. As a middle school student, I have been actively developing various life skills that have helped me grow both personally and academically.One of the most important life skills I have learned is time management. With the increasing demands of schoolwork, extracurricular activities, and social engagements, it has become crucial for me to prioritize my tasks and allocate time efficiently. I use various tools such as planners and reminders to keep track of my schedule and ensure that I complete my assignments on time. This skill has not only improved my academic performance but also helped me develop a sense of responsibility and discipline.Another crucial life skill is problem-solving. In school and in life, we encounter various challenges and obstacles. Instead of giving up or avoiding these problems, I have learned to approach them with a positive mindset and seek solutions. I engage in critical thinking, brainstorm ideas, and seek advice from others to find the best way to overcome difficulties. This skill has helped me become more resilient and confident in facing challenges.Communication is also a vital life skill that I have been working on. I have learned to express my thoughts and feelings clearly and effectively, both in writing and in speech. I actively participate in class discussions, collaborate with classmates on projects, and engage in conversations with teachers and mentors. This skill has helped me build strongrelationships and gain the trust and respect of others.Lastly, I have been developing my self-care skills. I understand the importance of taking care of my physical and emotional health. I make sure to get enough sleep, eat a balanced diet, and exercise regularly. I also practice relaxation techniques such as deep breathing and meditation to manage stress and anxiety. These skills have helped me maintain a positive mindset and focus on my goals.In conclusion, developing life skills is crucial for personal growth and success. By honing my time management, problem-solving, communication, and self-care skills, I have become a more responsible, resilient, and confident individual. I look forward to continuing to grow and develop new skills as I move forward in life.中文对照翻译:我的生活技能生活技能对于每个人在复杂的日常生活中游刃有余至关重要。



关于志愿活动的英语作文初二中英结合全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1Volunteering: A Way to Help Others and Grow Yourself志愿活动:帮助他人并成长自己的一种方式Do you know what volunteering is? Volunteering means freely giving your time and effort to help others without getting paid. 你知道什么是志愿活动吗?志愿活动意味着自由奉献你的时间和努力来帮助他人,而不需要获得报酬。

There are many ways to volunteer. You can serve food at a homeless shelter. You can visit seniors at a nursing home. You can pick up trash at a park or beach. You can tutor kids who are struggling in school. The possibilities are endless! 有很多方式可以进行志愿活动。





可能性是无穷无尽的!I volunteered at the animal shelter last summer and it was an amazing experience. 去年夏天,我在动物收容所做志愿者,那是一次了不起的经历。

My job was to feed the dogs and cats, clean theirareas, and play with them. 我的工作是喂养狗狗和猫咪、清理它们的活动区域,并与它们玩耍。

At first I was nervous because I had never been around so many animals before. 起初我很紧张,因为我以前从未接触过这么多动物。

my chore at home中英作文

my chore at home中英作文

Title: My Chore at HomeAs a responsible member of my family, I have been assigned with a specific chore at home that not only contributes to the overall well-being of our household but also teaches me valuable life skills. My chore is to help with the laundry, a task that might seem mundane to some but holds great significance in maintaining a clean and organized living space.Every weekday after school, I make it a point to set aside some time to tackle this chore. It starts with sorting the dirty clothes from various corners of the house—the bedrooms, bathrooms, and even the living room. This process requires attention to detail, as I have to separate whites from colors to avoid any accidental staining. Sorting also helps in determining the appropriate washing cycle for each load, ensuring that delicate fabrics are treated with care.Once the clothes are sorted, I head to the laundry room armed with my basket of dirty laundry. Here, I carefully measure the detergent, taking into account the size of the load and the type of fabric. I find it satisfying to pour the right amount of detergent into the machine, as if I'm adding the perfect ingredient to a recipe. The machine's hum soon fills the air, signaling the beginning of the cleaning process. While the clothes are washing, I use this time wisely by folding and putting away the clean laundry from the previous day. This step requires patience and precision, as I carefully fold each item, ensuring that it's neatly stacked in the drawers or hung on the hangers. Sometimes, I even help my parents with ironing, a task that demands both physical strength and finesse.The best part of my chore, however, is the sense of accomplishment I feel when I see the clean and freshly scented clothes hanging in the sun or neatly folded in the closet. It's a small but significant contribution to our home, one that I take pride in. Moreover, performing this chore regularly has taught me valuable lessons about responsibility, organization, and the importance of maintaining a clean environment. Beyond the practical benefits, my chore at home also fosters a sense of unity within our family. We all pitch in to keep our home tidy, and seeing the fruits of our collective labor reinforces the bond we share. In essence, my chore at home isn't just about doing the laundry; it's about being a part of something bigger, contributing to the happiness and well-being of those I love.我的家务作为我的家庭中一个负责任的成员,我被分配了一件特定的家务,这不仅有助于我们家庭的整体福祉,也教会了我宝贵的生活技能。



生活小知识中英文生活小知识中英文1. Reheat rice1.热米饭Microwaving old rice used to mean hard and dried out starch. Change that by placing an ice cube in the center of the rice and then wrapping the top with plastic wrap, with a few punctures of course, before reheating it.微波炉热的剩饭总是又硬又干一坨淀粉。


2. Steam out wrinkles2.蒸汽除皱You're dreading doinglaundry because it's so hot out. Grab just a few ice cubes and throw them into the dryer to steam out wrinkles on dry shirts and pants but not jeans or heavy clothes.你害怕洗衣服,因为天气太热了。


3. Skim the fat from soup3.除去汤里的脂肪Defat your soups and stews by dropping a few ice cubes in warm — not hot — soup. Ladle them out after a few seconds and you'll find excess fat clinging to them.熬汤煮羹时想去除油脂,丢几块冰块在温热但不烫的.汤里就可以。

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There are a lot of skills you don’t need. You can be happy and successful without knowing how to rebuild a car’s engine, program a web application, or replace drywall. Sure, these are useful skills to have, but they aren’t absolutely necessary.很多技能其实没必要去掌握。



There are other skills, however, that can’t be avoided – skills that tie into various aspects of everyday life, that are not only useful, but totally indispensable. For instance, you can’t get far in today’s world without being able to read or write. And today the ability use a computer proficiently is simply assumed.可是,你必须学会另外一些技能——一些与我们日常生活息息相关的技能。




In this article we’re going to skip the super basic skills like reading, driving, and using a computer, and discusstwelve slightly more advanced skills that are woefully under-taught, and universally applicable. Let’s take a look…这里,我们不打算讨论读、写、驾驶和操作电脑等超基本技能,而是讨论12个略微高级一些的技能。


让我们来看看吧……1. Prioritizing and time management.目标优选和时间管理If success depends on effective action, effective action depends on the ability to focus your attention where it is needed most, when it is needed most. This is the ability to separate the important from the unimportant, which is a much needed skill in all walks of life, especially where there are ever increasing opportunities and distractions.如果成功取决于有效行动,那么有效行动取决于在最需要的地方和最需要的时候集中精力的能力。


2. Keeping a clean, organized space.保持空间清洁有序Successful people have systems in place to help them find what they need when they need it – they can quickly locate the information required to support their activities. When you’re disorganized, that extra time spent looking for a phone number, email address or a certain file forces you to drop your focus. Once it’s gone, it takes a while to get it back – and that’s where the real time is wasted. Keeping both your living and working spaces organized is crucial.成功人士的空间安排有条不紊,有助于他们及时找到所需要的东西。





3. Critical thinking and information analysis.批判性思维和信息分析We are living in the information age where, on a daily basis, we are constantly exposed to an ever growing andrapidly changing pool of information. Being able to evaluate this information, sort the valuable from the trivial, analyze its relevance and meaning, and relate it to other information is a priceless skill with universal applicability.我们生活在信息时代,每天被滚雪球般增多并且迅速变化的信息所包围。


4. Logical, informed decision making.作出合理明智的决定Decision making is simply knowing what to do based on the information available. Being able to respond quickly and effectively with the information you have in your head is essential to accomplishing anything.作出决定是在可利用信息的基础上明确做什么。


5. Using Google proficiently for online research.熟练使用谷歌进行在线研究You don’t have to know everything, but you should be able to quickly and painlessly find out what you need to know. Google is a gateway to nearly infinite knowledge; it has indexed websites containing information on just about everything and everyone. If you’re having trouble finding something using Google, it’s time to learn a few new tricks.你不必了解所有天下事,但应具有快速直达所需知识的能力。



6. Basic accounting and money management.基础会计和理财It’s a simple fact that our modern society is governed by the constant exchange of money. Money allows you to maintain a roof over your head and put food on the table each night. Knowing how to properly manage your money – tracking and recording your expenses and income, saving and investing – is not only an important skill for thriving, it’s an important skill that helps you survive.现代社会由不断的金钱交易所支配,这是不争的事实。



7. Effective communication and negotiating.有效沟通和磋商Give the people in your life the information they need rather than expecting them to know the unknowable. Don’t try to read other people’s minds, and don’t make other people try to read yours. Most problems, big and small, within a family, friendship, or business relationship, start with bad communication. Speak honestly, and then give others a voice and show them that their words matter. And remember that compromise and effective negotiating are vital parts of effective communication.给身边的人他们需要的信息,不要期望他们了解不可知的东西。
