02_Project Charter 项目批准书
Certificate of Project Completion.
This document certifies that the following project has been successfully completed:
Project Name: [Project Name]
Project Number: [Project Number]
Project Manager: [Project Manager]
Date Completed: [Date Completed]
The project was completed on time and within budget. All project objectives were met, and the project deliverables were delivered to the client's satisfaction.
The project team would like to thank the client for their support and cooperation throughout the project.
Project Plan/Project CharterProject NumberASSIGN A NUMBER.Project Or Sub-Project NameApplications Delivery MethodologyBackgroundNAME OF CLIENT must dramatically improve its ability to delivery business applications in a timely, cost-effective, flexible and quality manner. Specific program goals include achievement of at least an order of magnitude productivity improvement.ScopeTwelve functional objectives have been identified for project completion:1. Provide identifiable and measurable improvements to the applicationsdelivery process. Specific measures of improvement will be identified as partof concept validation.2. Central repository of delivery routes customized to capture CLIENT’S bestpractices implemented.3. Processes in place to support project managers in the use of the uniform andproven best practices to generate project plans.4. Support of the enterprise CMM/SEI objectives.5. Time, cost and quality metrics and effort estimation models implemented.6. Consistent use of the methodology for applications delivery.7. Continuous process improvement infrastructure defined and implemented.8. Risk driven project management implemented.9. Process library delivery routes controlled from the process librarianworkstation.10. Project management automated and controlled from the project manager’sworkstation.11. Knowledge transfer to CLIENT completed.12. Sustaining organization defined and implemented.Concept DefinitionThe concept is that a methodology will dramatically improve CLIENT’s ability to deliver business applications in a timely, cost-effective, flexible, and quality manner. This concept will be achieved through:• A proactively managed applications delivery environment;•Process, technology, organization, people, and leadership factors all planned and integrated;• A very high degree of reuse through employment and enforcement of NAME OF METHODOLOGY TOOL, standards, specifications, and reusable frameworks and components designed for flexibility; and•An ongoing preventive maintenance program.Areas of ImpactThe IS project manager and teams will be the primary areas impacted by this project. During the deployment (concept validation, full-scale development, and implementation) phases, the methodology project will fund for activities relating to deployment.•Pathfinder projects will provide resources for training, to support customization of the process tool product, participate in project meetings, and support assessments.Specific resource requirements for each project will be determined at project start-up.•Limited workstation services support will be required to support tool implementation.RisksRisk Area Assessment Impact Mitigation Leadership,Support and Buy-In HighProject requires support byIS Department Heads for anenterprise infrastructuresolution.Dedicated changemanagement effort.Staffing Medium Success of project dependson ability to staff withcredible experience in thetechnical areas.Use of 3rd party vendors tobuild internal expertise;staffing assessment at eachproject review.Cost Medium We developed an earlyestimate of 98 and 99 costs.However, we do not yet havea full understanding ofsustained costs.Develop a total life cycle costestimate during conceptvalidation as part of themilestone decision.Schedule Medium Current industry practicesindicate 18-36 months wererequired to institute amethodology.Introduction of methodologyinto CLIENT based on “pull”from applications deliveryareas.Scope Low Successful completion ofconcept validation will resultin a client-wideimplementation.-Quality Unknown This risk factor will dependon the results of conceptvalidation.Continue to understand ISdepartmental requirements forrepeatable processes andrigor.Assumptions1. The methodology will be piloted using pathfinder projects that represent typicalCLIENT applications delivery efforts.2. Methodology project members will participate in the pathfinder projects to gainknowledge of the effectiveness of the methodology for enterprise use.3. The initial pathfinder projects will use NAME/DESCRIPTION of approach forimplementation and deployment.4. The deployment will run through the end of YEAR.5. LIST ANY OTHER ASSUMPTIONS HERE.Constraints1. Concept validation will run through MONTH, YEAR and is budgeted for $AMOUNT.2. YEAR budget is $AMOUNT.3. Late selection of concept validation pathfinder projects may constrain the amount ofquantitative information to support the full-scale development milestone decision.Implementation ApproachThe implementation will occur from WHEN through WHEN with the following phase points currently planned:1. Concept validation through MONTH/YEAR at a cost of $AMOUNT. During this phase,the methodology will be implemented on NUMBER OF projects WHERE. Overall implementation planning will also be completed during this phase.2. DESCRIBE FIRST FULL-SCALE DEPLOYMENT PHASE AND TIMEFRAME.3. DESCRIBE SECOND FULL-SCALE DEPLOYMENT PHASE AND TIMEFRAME.4. Implementation through the end of YEAR. Implementation on additional projects,completions of knowledge transfer to CLIENT, and activation of the sustaining organization.The project RoadMap will describe the overall project implementation plan, including work packages and deliverables for each year. The RoadMap also defines the overall project completion goals and the specific objectives set for each year of the implementation. Specific implementation project plans for each approved phase will be developed at the milestone decision points.Functional RequirementsThe following table reflects the requirements this project will solve by phase. A specific project plan will be developed at the start of each phase and will provide the specific work packages required to satisfy the requirements.Concept Validation - YEAR Full Scale Deployment - YEAR Implementation - YEAR1. CLIENT proof of conceptpathfinder projectsidentified and initiated. 2. Pathfinder project lessonslearned gathered andanalyzed.3. Initial CLIENT pathfinderproject staff trained inNAME OFMETHODOLOGY TOOLmethods.4. Training improvementsidentified for methods andtool.5. Initial technicalinfrastructure defined anddeployed.6. Pathfinder project teams 1. Forty percent of CLIENT ITSolutions Delivery stafftrained.2. Technical infrastructurerefined.3. Training programestablished.4. Project estimating &tracking improved.5. Interaction withimplementation of new toolset managed.6. Projects planned &managed jointly bybusiness & IT projectmanagers.7. CLIENT metrics definitions1. TBD percent of CLIENT ITSolutions Delivery stafftrained.2. One hundred percent oftraining responsibilityassumed by CLIENT.3. Integration with externalinitiatives completed.4. Technical infrastructurerefined.5. CLIENT best practices fromlessons learnedincorporated intomethodology.6. Repository of best practices-reusable templates,deliverables, and methodsestablished.Concept Validation - YEAR Full Scale Deployment - YEAR Implementation - YEARavailable to seed newprojects.7. Roadmap approachapproved by SteeringCommittee.8. Process librarymanagement andenhancementinfrastructure establishedfor pathfinder routes.9. Process improvementmetrics for time, cost, andquality established for CVand identified for FSD &Implementation.10. Policies, standards, andcompliance criteriaidentified for methodologyinstitutionalization.11. FSD phase defined andplanned.incorporated in NAME OFMETHODOLOGY TOOL8. Continuous processimprovement processestablished.9. Standardized processesand methods defined withlimited use.10. Sixty percent of classroomtraining responsibilityassumed by CLIENT.7. Application productivityincreased.8. System quality improved by(Percentage TBD)9. Application delivery cycletime reduced.Key People•Program Sponsor: NAME, TITLE•Methodology Project Sponsor: NAME•Program Manager: NAME•Methodology Project Lead: NAME ApprovedNAME, Program Manager Date。
项目任务书(project charter)
项目任务书(project charter)又名:任务说明书(mission statement)➢概述项目任务书是对一个改进项目审定和定义的文档。
Project Overviews
一、项目基本情况Project Basic Info.
项目名称Project name:
项目编号project code:
制作人Prepared by
审核人reviewed by:
项目负责人project leader:?
审核人reviewed by:
项目负责人project leader:?
一、项目基本情况Project Basic Info.
2.01 Project_Charter_Template
Purpose of Project
Business Case
Critical business decisions regarding IT investments depend upon reliable and accurate cost information. The current process is broken and there are material distortions to the reporting of actual costs for IT projects within the Project Management System. This project will attempt to fix this broken process and give management the correct information needed for properly managing multi-million dollar investments in information technology. The main benefit of this project has to do with improving the integrity of critical business data and the corresponding decision making processes surrounding this data, such as the Monthly Performance Reports. Design and develop a complete set of solutions to address root causes behind the impairment of actual cost data in the Project Management System. At the highest level, this involves two data streams: Timesheets for Labor Costs and Expense Entries for all other costs. Determine the causes behind timesheets not processed and / or processed incorrectly. Determine the causes behind expense entries not processed and / or processed incorrectly. Determine the full extent of the problem through data analysis, interviews, and other tests. Develop solutions for improving the processes and monitor the results of the implemented solutions.
怎么写 project charter?project charter的格式是什么
怎么写project charter?project charter的格式是什么?project charter的字数是多少?如何写project charter一直是很多留学生朋友关注的问题,写好project charter主要的途径就是多阅读相关文献,首先可以模仿范文来写,然后,逐步地自己亲自去写,这样,久而久之,就能够形成良好的写作习惯,提高project charter的写作水平。
如何写project charter实在有苦难,选择在让别人帮忙写毕业论文,是一个明智的选择。
首先通过一个project charter模版让大家了解一下project charter的格式是什么:The following are suggested sections for the Project Charter ApprovalsThe signatures of the people below relay an understanding in the purpose and content of this document by those signing it. By signing this document you agree to this as the formal Charter statement sanctioning work to begin on the project described within.PurposeDescribe the purpose of the Project charter using the following guidelines. Do not merely describe the content of the plan, but explain why a Charter is necessary for the projectThe purpose of the (XYZ) project charter is to communicate the authorization for the project and the management approach to project participants and external entities. The project charter lays the groundwork for informed decisions and planning regarding projection direction, outcomes and delivery. Project ObjectiveDefine the objectives of the project as they relate to the goals and objectives of the organization along the following guidelinesThe [Project] will support the following [Organization] strategic goals. For each goal, [Project] objectives are identified. The project plan developed as a result of this project charter will:▲ Develop a project performance measurement plan to measure performance against these objectives.▲ Provide a project performance report to report the results.The [external oversight committee] must approve the project performance measurement plan.Summary Scope StatementThe level of detail in this section must be sufficient to allow for detailed scope development in the Project Plan. The Project Manager will develop a more detailed description of the project scope.Project AuthorityDescribe the authority of the individual or organization initiating the project, limitations or initial checkpoint of the authorization, management oversight over the project, and the authority of the Project Manager. Also, ensure that the project initiator has the authority to commit the appropriate resources within the organization.Project ManagerExplicitly name the Project Manager and define his/her role and responsibility over the project. Also list the Project Manager’s skill sets, and justify their selection for this project. Depending on the project complexities, this section may describe how the Project Manager will control matrixed organizations and employees.Project OversightDescribe department management control over the project. Within the project, internal control should be established to control the day-to-day activities of the project. The Project Manager should manage internal control. External oversight should be established to ensure that the organization’s resources are applied to meet the project and organization’s objectives. Describe or reference a process by which internal and external controls interact. Diagrams should be used where appropriate.Roles and ResponsibilitiesDiscuss the overall structure of the project organization and its roles and responsibilities throughout the project phases. Include the roles of identified project stakeholdersProject ConstraintsList and describe any identified project constraints. Typically, constraints will impact timing, cost, resources and/or quality.Project AssumptionsList and describe any identified assumptions. Assumptions pose a risk to the project and will need further evaluation and validation during subsequent project process phases.Preliminary Schedule and Cost EstimatesProvide a rough estimate of dates to accomplish key project tasks. Consider any constraints and assumptions prepared above when considering the preliminary timing. Describe key management checkpoints established by the initiating authority. Similarly, provide a rough order of magnitude estimate of project costs.RECORD OF AMENDMENTSproject charter的字数一般会根据写作的要求来决定,有的时候project charter的字数还与专业、年级有关,通常情况project charter的字数一般在2000-20000字之间。
Project Role
Tel No.
02项目策划/任务书(Project Plan/Charter)
2.Projectobjectives(includingtimelimit , costobjectives, deliverablesandbriefdescriptionoftheirfeatures)
三、项目里程碑计划(包含里程碑的时间和成果)III.Project milestones ( includingtimelimit and deliverablesof
二、项目沟通计划II.Project Communication Plan
Info needed
describe themain projectassumptions and the ?
一、项目基本情况I. Project Basic Info
5. 项目风险管理计划(Project Risk Management Plan):项目风险管理计划用于识别 、评估和应对项目风险,包括风险识别、风险评估和风险应对策略等。
2. 项目管理计是整个项目的指导文件 ,包括项目范围、进度、成本、质量、风险等方面的计划。
3. 项目需求文档(Project Requirements Document):项目需求文档记录了项目的需 求和期望结果,包括功能需求、性能需求、用户需求等。
6. 项目变更管理文档(Project Change Management Documentation):项目变更管 理文档用于记录和管理项目的变更请求,包括变更申请、变更评估和变更批准等。
7. 项目执行和监控报告(Project Execution and Monitoring Reports):项目执行和 监控报告用于记录项目的执行情况和进展,包括项目里程碑、问题和风险状态、资源使用情 况等。
8. 项目收尾报告(Project Closure Report):项目收尾报告用于总结项目的成果和经验 教训,包括项目目标的实现情况、项目绩效评估和项目团队的反馈等。
以上是一些常见的全过程项目管理文件,具体的文件和文档可能会根据项目的特点和需 求而有所不同。在实际项目管理中,合理管理和记录这些文件对于项目的成功和效率至关 重要。
全过程项目管理是一种综合性的项目管理方法,强调从项目启动到项目结束的全过程管理 。在全过程项目管理中,有一些关键的文件和文档需要进行管理和记录。以下是一些常见的 全过程项目管理文件:
IPD产品开发各阶段文档清单及过程要求IPD(Integrated Product Development)产品开发流程是一种综合性的产品开发方法,它将不同的开发阶段和活动有机地结合起来,以确保产品开发过程的高效性和质量。
以下是IPD产品开发各个阶段的文档清单及过程要求的一些例子:1. 初始阶段(Initial Phase)- 项目愿景报告(Project Vision Report):详细描述项目的背景、目标、范围和预期成果。
- 项目计划书(Project Charter):概述项目的目标、时间表、资源需求和风险评估等。
- 项目需求文档(Project Requirements Document):详细说明产品的功能、性能、可靠性和接口等需求。
- 产品商业计划(Product Business Plan):描述产品的市场需求、竞争分析、定价策略和市场推广计划等。
2. 概念设计阶段(Conceptual Design Phase)- 概念设计报告(Conceptual Design Report):对产品的基本概念和设计原理进行说明和评估。
- 系统架构设计文档(System Architecture Design Document):描述产品的系统组成和结构设计方案。
- 用户需求规格说明书(User Requirements Specification):总结用户对产品需求的具体描述和期望。
3. 详细设计阶段(Detailed Design Phase)- 详细设计文档(Detailed Design Document):描述产品的具体设计方案、构造和实现细节。
- 功能说明书(Functional Specification):详细说明产品的每个功能模块的设计和工作原理。
- 工程图纸和CAD文件(Engineering Drawings and CAD Files):提供实际制造和组装产品所需的图纸和CAD文件。
01 项目组成员表Project Team Members一、项目基本情况I. Project Basic Info项目名称project name:T 客户考察公司项目编号project code:T0808制作人prepared by:张三审核人reviewed by:李四项目经理project manager:张三制作日期data:2005-7-8二、项目组成员II. Project Team Directory成员姓名项目角色所在部门职责项目起止日投入频度及联系电话主管经理期Data 工作量TimeName Project Role Reponsibility Tel No. Supervisor 李四项目赞助人 A 国代表处项目赞助Sponsor张三项目经理VIP 客户接总体负责Manager 待策划处王五项目核心成员 A 国代表处客户关系Core team赵六项目核心成员GTS 重大项Core team 目部吴丹项目核心成员供应链管理供应链支持Core team 部刘峰项目核心成员研发支持PSMT 固网Core team 产品线张芳项目核心成员客户工程部客户接待Core teamXXX 项目非核心成员VIP 客户接接待策划extended team 待策划处XXX 项目非核心成员固网产品国产品技术支extended team际行销部持XXX 项目非核心成员GTS 重大项技术服务支extended team 目部持XXX 项目非核心成员供应链管理供应链支持extended team 部XXX 项目其他人员 A 国代表处客户关系Other personelXXX 项目其他人员客户工程部客户接待Other personel签字signature:日期date:项目赞助人Sponsor 李四2005-7-8项目经理project manager 张三2005-7-802 项目策划/任务书(Project Plan/Charter )一、项目基本情况I. Project Basic Info项目名称project name:T 客户考察公司项目编号project code:T0808制作人prepared b y:张三审核人reviewed by:李四项目经理project manager:张三制作日期data:2005-7-8二、项目描述II. Project Description1. 项目背景与目的(所有的项目均起始于某个商业问题,该部分简要描述这些问题)1. Project background & target (every project starts at specific business problems, and this part briefly describes these.背景:A 国是公司的战略市场,其第二大运营商为TELECOM 公司,我司于2005 年 4 月5 日正式中标一个100 万线固网项目(N 项目),该项目在2005 年 6 月份开始实施,在实施过程,出现了以下三个方面的问题:1. 延迟交货;2. 发错货问题严重;3. 初验测试问题层出不穷,客户开始质疑我司软件版本管理和质量控制能力;这些问题引起了TELECOM 高层关注,对以后与我司的合作开始持观望态度目的:改善客户关系,重建客户对与我司合作的信心2. 项目目标(包含质量目标,工期目标、费用目标和交付产品特征与特征的主要描述)2. Project objectives (including time limit , cost objectives, deliverables and brief description of their features)在2005 年7 月31 号前邀请TELECOM 公司CTO 带队到我司考察,打消客户关于我司供货能力的怀疑,增强客户对我司研发能力、工程管理能力的信心,项目预算20 万。
项目管理 项目策划任务书 Project Plan Charter
1232.序号责任人部门1234123123类别部门职务约束:六、项目主要利益干系人(包括高管、客户、职能部门主管、供应商、项目赞助人、项目经理、项目组成员等干系人)姓名 name 假定五、项目假定与约束条件(说明项目的主要假设条件和限制性条件) V. Project assumptions and constraints (to describe the main project assumptions and the ?四、评价标准(说明项目成果在何种情况下将被接受)IV. Project acceptance criteria (to describe conditions under which the deliverables are三、项目里程碑计划(包含里程碑的时间和成果)III. Project milestones ( including time limit and deliverables of project milestones)里程碑完成日期交付物二、项目描述 II. Project Description1. 项目背景与目的(所有的项目均起始于某个商业问题,该部分简要描述这些问题) Project background & target (every project starts at specific business problems, and this part briefly describes these.2. 项目目标(包含质量目标,工期目标、费用目标和交付产品特征与特征的主要描述)Project objectives (including time limit ,cost objectives, deliverables and brief description of their features)背景目的制作人 Prepared by :审核人 Reviewed by :项目经理 Projectmanager :制作日期 Data :02 项目策划/任务书 Project Plan/Charter一、项目基本情况 I. Project Basic Info项目名称 Project name :项目编号 Project code :。
WBS表模板 项目策划任务书模板
01 项目组成员表Project Team Members一、项目基本情况I. Project Basic Info项目名称project name:T客户考察公司项目编号project code:T0808 制作人prepared by:张三审核人reviewed by:李四项目经理project manager:张三制作日期data:2005-7-8 二、项目组成员II. Project Team Directory成员姓名Name 项目角色Project Role所在部门职责Reponsibility项目起止日期Data投入频度及工作量Time联系电话Tel No.主管经理Supervisor李四项目赞助人SponsorA国代表处项目赞助张三项目经理Manager VIP客户接待策划处总体负责王五项目核心成员Core teamA国代表处客户关系赵六项目核心成员Core team GTS重大项目部吴丹项目核心成员Core team 供应链管理部供应链支持刘峰项目核心成员Core team PSMT固网产品线研发支持张芳项目核心成员Core team客户工程部客户接待XXX 项目非核心成员extended team VIP客户接待策划处接待策划XXX 项目非核心成员extended team 固网产品国际行销部产品技术支持XXX 项目非核心成员extended team GTS重大项目部技术服务支持XXX 项目非核心成员extended team 供应链管理部供应链支持XXX 项目其他人员Other personelA国代表处客户关系XXX 项目其他人员Other personel客户工程部客户接待签字signature:日期date:项目赞助人Sponsor 李四2005-7-8 项目经理project manager 张三2005-7-803 WBS 表 Project WBS一、项目基本情况 I. Project Basic Info项目名称project name :T 客户考察公司 项目编号project code : T0808 制作人prepared by :张芳 审核人reviewed by : 张三 项目经理project manager : 张三 制作日期data : 2005-7-10二、工作分解结构 II. WBS (R-负责 responsible ; As-辅助 assist ; I-通知 informed ; Ap-审批 to approve )分解代码WBScode任务名称Task 包含活动 Activities included 工时估算 Estimated Time 人力资源Estimated HR 其他资源Estimated resources 费用估算estimated cost 工期 Expecte d days 张三Team member 1 李四 Team member 2 王五Team member 3 赵六Team member 4 吴丹Team member 5 刘峰Team member 6 张芳Team member 7 1.1提交邀请函给客户 0.52 1I AP R I I I I 1.2安排行程 23R AP 2 AS I I I AS 1.3邀请客户 与客户确认行程安排 0.51 1I AP R I I I I 2.1安排我司高层接待资源 12R AP 1 AS I I I I 2.2安排各部门座谈人员 26AP I 2 I AS AS R I 2.3落实资源 确定总部可参观场所 0.54 1AP I I AS AS R I 3.1预定国际机票 0.51机票6张 120000 1AP I AS I I I AS 3.2预定酒店 0.251酒店房间6间 35000 1AP I AS I I I R 3.3预定陆上交通车 0.2512辆车*7天 15000 1AP I AS I I I R 3.4预定用餐 0.51 20000 1AP I AS I I I R 3.5预定后勤资源 预定观光门票 0.51门票6套 10000 1AP I AS I I I R 4.1启程 131 I AS R I I I AS 4.2展厅、生产线、物流参观 0.56 1AS AS AS I R AS AS 4.3实验室考察 0.53 1I I AS I I R AS 4.4样板点考察 141I I AS R I AS AS 4.5系列座谈 220 2R AS AS AS AS AS AS 4.6观光 121I I AS I I I R 4.7实施考察接待 返程 121I AS R I I I I 5.1座谈交流问题点落实 36 3R AS AS AS AS AS I 5.2代表处主管回访 0.52 1I R AS I I I I 5.3代表处反馈考察效果 0.51 1I AP R I I I I 5.4 后续事宜跟踪 提交总结报告 13 1R AP AS I I I AS 注:以上工期及费用估算均用最可能值Note :as for the above-mentioned estimated duration and cost, the most feasible value is to be adopted.05 项目风险管理表Project Risk Management 一、项目基本情况I. Project Basic Info项目名称project name:T客户考察公司项目编号project code:T0808制作人prepared by:张三审核人reviewed by:李四项目经理project manager:张三制作日期data: 2005-7-10 二、项目风险管理II. Project Risk Management风险发生概率的判断准则the estimation rule of risk happening probability:高风险: >60%发生风险的可能性high risk: >60% of risk happening probability中风险: 30-60%发生风险的可能性medium risk: 30-60% of risk happening probability低风险:<30%发生防线的可能性low risk: <30% of risk happening probability序号Sequence NO. 风险描述Risk description发生概率Happeningprobability影响程度Influencedegree风险等级Risk level风险响应计划Risk response plan责任人Riskowner开放/关闭Open/closed1 主要客户没有考察意愿低极大高拜访高层客户,做好关系铺垫李四 OPEN2 公司高层临时有其他重要事宜中大高事先汇报,联系好备选高层张三 OPEN3 样板点临时关闭低中中提前通知样板点做好安排赵六 OPEN4 座谈会交流效果不佳中中中交流材料严格审核,挑选精通业务的交流人员刘峰 OPEN5 后勤安排出现细小失误高小中挑选经验丰富的接待人员,逐条落实后勤资源张芳 OPEN6 7 8 9101112131406 项目沟通计划表Project Communication Plan一、项目基本情况I. Project Basic Info项目名称project name:T客户考察公司项目编号project code: T0808制作人prepared by:张芳审核人reviewed by:张三项目经理project manager:张三制作日期data: 2005-7-10 二、项目沟通计划II. Project Communication Plan利益干系人 stakeholders 所需信息Info needed频率Frequency方法Means责任人OwnerSponsor 李四总体进展每日电话/EMAIL 张三客户行程安排每日电话/口头王五项目核心成员关键进展每两日项目会议张芳项目所有成员总体进展每日会议纪要/状态报告张芳07 项目会议纪要Project Meeting Minutes(T 客户考察公司项目)会议纪要(2005-7-16)一、基本信息I. Basic Info会议名称Meeting Name: T 客户考察公司准备工作通报(电话会议)召集人Called By:张三会议日期Meeting Date:2005-7-16开始时间Start time:17:00会议地点Meeting Place:华为深圳总部F4 101室持续时间Meeting duration:1小时30分钟记录人Minuted by:张芳审核人Reviewed by:张三二、会议目标(简要说明会议的目标,包括期望达到的结果)II、Meeting Objective ( to brief the meeting objective, including the expected outcome )各项资源的负责人汇报资源的落实情况,以确认考察的前期准备就绪,可以进入考察实施阶段三、参加人员(列出参加会议的人员,他在项目中的头衔或角色)III、Meeting attenders (to list the meeting attenders, and their titles or project roles)李四:项目赞助人,(A国代表处代表);张三:项目经理,(总部VIP客户接待策划处);项目团队核心成员:王五(A国代表处T客户群客户经理);赵六(总部技术服务N项目接口人);吴丹(总部供应链N项目接口人);刘峰(总部研发N项目接口人);张芳(总部客户工程师)四、发放材料(列出会议讨论的所有项目资料)IV、Materials distributed (to list the project materials to be discussed at the meeting )1、T客户考察日程表;2、技术服务座谈会汇报材料;3、供应链座谈汇报材料;4、研发座谈汇报材料;5、高层交流发言稿。
Project Scope Statement Template项目范围说明书模板
Project Scope Statement Template(Product Backlog, Scrum Step 1)Date:[Mmm d, YYYY]From:[Your name and contact information]Subject:[Project] Scope StatementVersion Date Author Description[Mmm d, YYYY][Your name]Draft initiated* RequiredProject Overview*[Identify the name of the project and a simple project description.]This project is a major enhancement to an enterprise-wide software application that acceptsElectronic Medical Records (EMRs) and performs an instant validation of a patient’s medicalhistory and alerts the admitting station of special medical needs.Project Objectives*[Identify overall project objectives in terms that is represented in some form of a measurablesuccess criteria (which usually refers to the Triple Constraint: time, costs, scope, andoptionally quality).]Due to conformance to new state healthcare regulations, this software enhancement must bereleased by the end of the fiscal year. Since this represents major new feature sets andbenefits to the patient and to the payer, the software should be able to charge a ten percentrevenue premium to the current retail price. The information retrieved must have a higherdegree of quality validation to ensure that the right information is returned for the patientand that the information can be retrieved in less than ten seconds (regardless of the size ofthe patient database).Product Scope Description*[Overall definition and characteristics of the software product feature and function set.]The software will run on PCs running Windows XP and Vista and will support the retrieval ofinformation of all patients that have been admitted in a hospital over the past five years. Thebuilt-in tutorials are designed to provide instruction to a new user so that they areproductive within the first 30 minutes of use.Feature (PB)Description MH MinMWMaxMWCOM COR FEA NEC TRA VERFeature 1description✓✓Feature 2description⏹ ✓✓✓✓✓✓PB=Product Backlog Item,MH=Must Have (otherwise, Nice to Have)COM=Complete,COR=Correct,FEA=Feasible,NEC=Necessary,TRA=Traceable,V ER=Verifiable. Project Boundaries[Usually identifies requirements that are NOT included in this release.]One of the needs by the user stakeholders is project reporting of aggregated condition forthe day which can show trends of conditions for repeat visits. The focus on this release is toretrieve the information in a timely manner at check in, future releases will provide morereporting services.Project Deliverables[Product and project deliverables.]Product deliverables are: the software application (updated), new user on-linedocumentation, and availability for distribution using a secure access on company’s Website.Project deliverables are: test plan and test reports, Change Requests, schedule, WBS, andlessons learned.Product Acceptance Criteria*[Overview of how you’ll know that stakeholder’s requirements have been validated.]Each new feature is expected to have a corresponding quality test plan associated with itthat is approved by engineering. During the testing phase during project life cycle, defectswill be judged based on priority and severity with the team deciding on which defects arecorrected.To be considered for release, the most important milestone is to meet Technical Feasibilityon schedule. Contrary to other projects in the past, the QA (test) team will be engaged at thestart of the project to ensure that quality standards for this release are met.Project Constraints*[Identify key known limitations—usually time, cost, and other factors that have a directimpact on Scope (the Triple Constraint).]This is not the time to introduce a new user interface (UI), so the screens showing the newmedical alerts must be the same style as the prior version’s look and feel.Project Assumptions*[Identify what you think are true.]Resources during development are expected to be a subset of the original team that createdthe product.Identified Risks*[Although not to the level of the Risk Management Plan, identify a few key Risks that candirectly impact the Project Objectives.]Key risks for this project are:▪Not getting the resources on board on time by June 1st▪Achieving Technical Feasibility on schedule▪Not assuring that performance goals can be met soon after the design periodSchedule Milestones*[Identify key milestones (most practically, these are ranges initially).]Basic schedule range is expected to be:Technical Feasibility Oct 15-Oct 22Release Nov 15-Dec 15Cost Estimate[Estimate the range of costs as well as any funding limitations (don’t forget maintenanceefforts after delivery!).]The budget is assumed to be in the $250K-$300K range (internal costs with benefits).Anything above that range requires at least a two week notification with Finance. Project Specification[Identify specific project and product documents that will be developed for this project.]A Marketing Requirements Document (MRD) is to be created that outlines each approvedRequirement. Also, there will be a design and implementation guide written by engineeringas soon as the team exits the initial Planning process (Planning Complete). Approval Requirements[Identification of approval authorities.]Milestones can be approved by engineering and QA leadership, key project documents toapproved by engineering, product management, and QA leadership with the exception thatRelease needs to be approved by upper management.AcceptanceSubmitter’s signature Sponsor’s signature[Your name][Sponsor’s name][Your title][Sponsor’s title]Date submitted Date accepted。
下面是它们的定义和区别:项目章程(Project Charter)是一个正式的文件,它概述了项目的目标、范围、风险、资源、时间表和预算等关键信息,以及项目的目标和目的。
项目管理计划(Project Management Plan)是一个详细的、全面的文档,它描述了项目的执行、监控和控制的方法和策略。
D-8 人力组织
项目辅导 陈建华
项目倡导者 项目负责人
黑带大师 杨保雄
团队分工 人员
负责项目方案的制定 和实施
负责帮助黑带收集数 据、统计分析等基础 工作,同时作为流程 专家负责协助黑带在 管理流程范围提出改 进意见和实施该项目。
Em=(Q1-Q0) L × M × V - F - (∑Ca + I ) Q1-Q0:XXX率降低量。L:劳动量。M1:年产量。V:降低XXX率价值量, 包括减少XXX废品价值和减少XXX改制品价值。F:非本成果的效益。C:成 果实施费。I:实施成果损失费。
按年产量100万吨,XXX废和XXX改制品率由降低0.16%。2008年成品价格 4672元/吨,废钢价2178元/吨,定尺材与改制品差价300元/吨,改制品实重交 货负差率较定尺材损失3%。年直接经济效益为: Em=(Q1-Q0) × L × M × V - F - (∑Ca + I ) =0.16% × 1 × 100万吨×[(4672-2178)元+(300元+3%×4672元)] – 0 元 – 9.5万元 – 0元 =460万元
D-1 项目背景
月 三月 四月 五月 六月 七月 八月 九月 十月 十一月 十二月 一月 二月
年 2008
The template content starts on the following page.Project Charter – Example FormatThis is one of many formats for a Project Charter document. The key is to cover these types of information for your projects to ensure the proper communication and understanding of what the project charged to do.Continued next page“Function” means the various funct ional groups needed on the project (e.g. marketing, sales, development, process experts, networking engineers, architects, etc.).“FTE” stands for “full time equivalent,” or the approximate number of man-hours divided by 8 hours per day. This gives managers an understanding of how many people from each function may be required.At a minimum, the Project Charter should include the list of business-critical milestones, as shown above. But when the charter is written, early investigation work may have already provided insight into how a project timeline could play out—how the project would likely be broken down into phases, and of what rough duration. That information can be provided in the Rough Project Time line shown below. The …range‟ row shown is used to show uncertainty on the dates (+/- X months, for instance). Some teams do notinclude this section in a charter, but if you have the information available it can be a useful data point for assessment.Approvals:These signatures indicate our agreement to initiating the project defined by this charter and supporting it with resources for the initial project team.Project Sponsor [name and title]VP/Dir. of Development [name and title]VP/Dir. of Business Unit or Marketing [name, title]Product Manager or Lead Business Analyst[name, title]VP/Dir of Operations or Support [name and title]Project Manager [name and title]Note: Add signature lines as needed—one for each executive from the departments involved in and contributing to the project, and executives who need to be aware of the project launch and to sign off on the charter content. Your organization may have a strong preference for emails or accompanying memos, but get signatures on the charter itself if possible; an inked signature is still a very powerful thing even in our increasingly digital workplace.。
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- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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1 Project purpose or justification 项目目的或批准项目的原因 (3)
2 High-level project description and boundaries 高层级项目描述和边界定义 (3)
3 High-level requirements 高层级需求 (4)
4 High-level risks 高层级风险 (5)
5 Project objectives and success criteria 项目目标和成功标准 (5)
6 Summary milestone schedule 总体里程碑进度计划 (6)
7 Summary budget 总体预算 (7)
8 Stakeholder list 干系人清单 (8)
9 Assigned project manager, responsibility, and authority level 项目经理职权层级 (9)
1 Project purpose or justification 项目目的或批准项目的原因
2 High-level project description and boundaries 高层级项目描述和边界定义
*项目的总体描述, 应该包含产品和项目可交付成果的高层级描述以及如何达到项目目标.
3 High-level requirements 高层级需求
*要达成项目目标需要满足高层级的条件和性能. 描述必须是产品的当前特性与功能, 以满足干系人的需求和期望. 这部分不需要像需求文件那样描述详细的需求.
*需求/Requirement: 项目或产品必须达到的条件或者能力,以满足干系人对产品,服务或结果的要求和期望. *排序/Rank: 对需求进行排序, 例如1表示必须有, 2表示应该有, 3表示最好有等等.
4 High-level risks 高层级风险
*项目刚开始时的启动风险会有资金到位风险, 新技术风险, 缺少资源风险等等.
5 Project objectives and success criteria 项目目标和成功标准
6 Summary milestone schedule 总体里程碑进度计划
*项目中的重大事件, 如完成项目主要可交付成果,项目阶段的开始或结束,或者产品得到验收等等.
7 Summary budget 总体预算
8 Stakeholder list 干系人清单
9 Assigned project manager, responsibility, and authority level 项目经理职权层级
①人员配备的职权包括: 雇用, 解雇人员, 制定团队规则, 以及接收或不接收员工的职权.
②预算管理指项目经理拥有调拨,管理,控制项目资金的权利, 偏差是指为批准或重设基准而需要的偏差水平.