
【答案】If you are that kind of person who admires others’ lives and is low-spirited to your own life, you need to hold your life and make some changes. Many people do the same thing from morning to night and feel very satisfied with current situation. However, if you think that your potential is wasted and you expect to have a more active and exciting life deeply in your heart, you need to take some positive actions.You would imagine that if you are placed in another environment, you will be control the situation better, and make great efforts for more ambitious goals. If you really thought about this, you should not be frustrated by unalterable status, rationalize and explain what you were not doing and why you cannot exert your potential fully.If a person is full of passion, and is capable of having a career, he shoul dn’t waste his capacity. Stop complaining and you control your own destiny! It is high time that you should stop your self-deception and realize that the safety on the shore that is possibly more devastating than you can imagine.2.单选题Psychoanalysts tend to regard both()and masochism as arising from childhood deprivation. 问题1选项A.attachmentB.distinctionC.ingenuityD.sadism【答案】D【解析】考查名词词义辨析。

2. 翻译:要求考生将一篇中文文章翻译成英文,考察考生的语言表达和翻译技能。
3. 写作:要求考生根据所给话题,撰写一篇约300-500字的英文作文,考察考生的写作能力和思维逻辑能力。
4. 完形填空:文章长度在300-500词之间,包含10-15个空格,主要考察考生对于英语词汇和语法的掌握。
5. 听力:考生需要听取一段约5分钟的英语对话或短文,并根据听取的内容回答相关问题,主要考察考生的听力理解能力。
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复旦大学考博英语复习资料: 《复旦大学考博英语一本通》-华慧考博网 《复旦大学考博英语历年试题及参考答案解析》-华慧书城 《华慧考博英语10000词汇详解》-天猫商城:华慧旗舰店 《华慧考博英语阅读220篇》-天猫商城:华慧旗舰店 《华慧考博英语完形专项训练》-华慧书城 《华慧考博英语写作专项训练》-华慧书城 《华慧考博英语翻译专项训练》-华慧书城
翻译的英汉文章取材广泛体裁多样,多为议论文,内容比较抽象。划 线句子一般是复杂句,句长35以上个字。 有关翻译的标准,严复先生提出经典的“信、达、雅”—— 内容忠实原文谓信,文辞畅达谓达,有文采谓雅。这三个层面中前两 者为根本和必要,能够基本达到已经实属不易。至于雅,翻译一般并 不做此要求,一方便因为雅实在是难上加难另一方面也并非必不可缺 ,而且考博翻译多为科学常识性文章,不会涉及这点。 复旦大学考博英语误区:据笔者观察,考生在平时做翻译练习时存在 以下两个误区: 1. 盲目练习 有些考生在备考考博英语翻译时,买了很多模拟题来练习。其实,考 生并不需要做太多的模拟题,而应把训练的重点放在历年的考博英语 翻译真题上。真题是英语专家经过仔细筛选而来的,并经过审题人的 层层审查;而模拟题由于出题人的水平参差不齐,所选择的题材和体 裁都不一定适合考博英语翻译。而且,考博英语实行这么多年以来, 其翻译的选题范围已基本确定,考生只要将这些真题熟练掌握,到真 正的考场上时,无论是遇到单词还是长难句,都会有“似曾相识”的感 觉。因此,笔者建议考生以历年真题为重点,在熟练把握真题的基础 上,可以适当地选择一些模拟题练习。 2. “看”翻译 有些考生在做翻译练习时,先看一下英文原文,觉得每一个单词的意 思都能理解,然后再对照看一下中文译文,觉得其译文和自己理解的 差不多,就认为练习的目的达到了,根本不必真正动手翻译了。但其 实事实远非如此。相信大家有过这样的感受:等到了真正的考场上, 必须自己动手做翻译时才发现,英文句子中的每个词都认识,其句子 意思也大概明白,可就是不能把英语适当地转换成汉语。而之所以会 这样,往往是因为考生在平时做练习时只“看”不“做”。 因此,笔者提醒各位考生,翻译是“做”出来的,不是“看”出来的。要真 正练习翻译,一定要在不看任何答案提示的前提下,自己动脑动手, 把英语翻译成汉语。

2022年考研考博-考博英语-复旦大学考试全真模拟易错、难点剖析AB卷(带答案)一.综合题(共15题)1.单选题The contract between the companies will()at the end of the year.问题1选项A.expireB.exceedC.terminateD.cease【答案】A【解析】考查动词词义辨析。
2.单选题She said that the treatment she had received in the hospital has completely() her as her dignity.问题1选项A.thrivedB.suspendedC.deprivedD.contrived 【答案】C【解析】考查动词辨析。
thrive “繁荣”;suspend “延缓,推迟”;deprive “使丧失,剥夺”;contrive “设计,发明”。
Put the following passage into English【答案】Human being is a product of the constant evolutionary which involves numerous genetic transformations, and has gone uninterrupted since the Earth came into being 4.5 billion years ago. Subject to environmental factors and undergoing random mutation, this evolutionary process develops into a more adoptable system to ensure the continuity. In the animal world, this system leads to the evolution of more advanced species and reaches its peak. I think human beings master their own destinies, for they have obtained the creative thinking. Creative thinking greatly accelerates the speed of natural evolution. It leads to great achievements in human civilization, such as art, literature, medicine, technology, especially in science which stands for the forefront of the expansion of human intelligence. However, those advancements in science also enable humans to self-destruction, and result in the development of tools for destroying human beings.4.单选题In the ()of recent incidents, we asking our customers to take particular care of their belongings.问题1选项A.evidencepanyC.lightD.form【答案】C【解析】考查固定搭配。

2022年考研考博-考博英语-复旦大学考试全真模拟易错、难点剖析AB卷(带答案)一.综合题(共15题)1.单选题Living with a roommate ()constraint on her —she couldn’t play her trumpet or have parties late at night.问题1选项A.imposedB.illustratedC.impressedD.left【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。
impose“强加”,impose on 意为“强加于……”;illustrate“阐明,解释说明,图解”,后一般接动词by;impress“给予某人深刻印象”,impress on 意为“给……留下印象”;left“留下,离开”。
2.单选题We hadn’t met for nearly 20 years, but I recognized him _____ I saw him in the street.问题1选项A.the minute thatB.the minute whenC.at a time whenD.at a time that【答案】A【解析】考查 the minute that 句型。
3.单选题The child’s bad behavior is often more than a way of t rying to()his mother’s attention away from his sister.问题1选项A.reflectB.catchC.deflectD.reduce【答案】C【解析】考查动词辨析。
reflect “反映”;catch “赶上,抓住”;deflect “使转向;转移”;reduce “减少”。

复旦大学考博英语翻译题型分析翻译学习方法复旦大学考博英语写作(1题,共计15分 1×15=15)写作是考博英语的重点,考察考生用英语分析事物和表达自己的观点的能力或概括事物的能力。
复旦大学考博英语的写作占15分,要求考生看图作文写一篇25 0字左右的评论。
for their free time. Which doyou prefer?2003年The Values of Failure既定主题,观点论述2004年One of turning Points in MyLife叙事类2005年My Opinion aboutTraditional Holidays in China 既定主题,观点论述2006年Attitude is Everything结合图片,观点类2007年My Views about “Ambition Makes a Man”既定主题,观点论述2008年Optimism or Pressimism结合图片,观点类2009年Persuasion结合图片,观点类2010年Privacy and Liberty既定主题,观点论述2011年plagiarism 既定主题,观点论述复旦大学考博英语写作重点:怎样写好主题句段落的主题一篇文章有中心思想,也就是题目。

复旦大学考博英语模拟试题及其解析Flatfish,such as the flounder,are among the few vertebrates thatlack approximate bilateral symmetry(symmetry in which structures tothe left and right of the body’s midline are mirror images).Moststriking among the many asymmetries evident in an adult flatfish iseye placement:before maturity one eye migrates,so that in an adultflatfish both eyes are on the same side of the head.While in mostspecies with asymmetries virtually all adults share the same Geng duoyuan xiao wan zheng kao bo ying yu zhen ti ji qi jie xi qing lian xiquan guo mian fei zi xun dian hua:si ling ling liu liu ba liu jiuqi ba,huo jia zi xun qq:qi qi er liu qi ba wu san qi asymmetry,membersof the starry flounder species can be either left-eyed(both eyes onthe left side of head)or right-eyed.In the waters between the UnitedStates and Japan,the starry flounder populations vary from about50percent left-eyed off the United States West Coast,through about70percent left-eyed halfway between the United States and Japan,tonearly100percent left-eyed off the Japanese coast.Biologists call this kind of gradual variation over a certaingeographic range a“cline”and interpret clines as strongindications that the variation is adaptive,a response toenvironmental differences.For the starry flounder thisinterpretation implies that a geometric difference(between fish thatare mirror images of one another)is adaptive,that left-eyedness inthe Japanese starry flounder has been selected for,which provokesa perplexing question:what is the selective advantage in having botheyes on one side rather than on the other?The ease with which a fish can reverse the effect of the sidedness of its eye asymmetry simply by turning around has caused biologists to study internal anatomy,especially the optic nerves,for the answer. In all flatfish the optic nerves cross,so that the right optic nerve is joined to the brain’s left side and vice versa.This crossing introduces an asymmetry,as one optic nerve must cross above or below the other.G.H.Parker reasoned that if,for example,a flatfish’s left eye migrated when the right optic nerve was on top,there would be a twisting of nerves,which might be mechanically disadvantageous. For starry flounders,then,the left-eyed variety would be selected against,since in a starry flounder the left optic nerve is uppermost.The problem with the above explanation is that the Japanese starry flounder population is almost exclusively left-eyed,and natural selection never promotes a purely less advantageous variation.As other explanations proved equally untenable,biologists concluded that there is no important adaptive difference between left-eyedness and right-eyedness,and that the two characteristics are genetically associated with some other adaptively significant characteristic. This situation is one commonly encountered by evolutionary biologists, who must often decide whether a characteristic is adaptive or selectively neutral.As for the left-eyed and right-eyed flatfish, their difference,however striking,appears to be an evolutionary red herring.1.According to the text,starry flounder differ form most other species of flatfish in that starry flounder[A]are not basically bilaterally symmetric.[B]do not become asymmetric until adulthood.[C]do not all share the same asymmetry.[D]have both eyes on the same side of the head.2.Which of the following best describes the organization of the text as a whole?[A]A phenomenon is described and an interpretation presented and rejected.[B]A generalization is made and supporting evidence is supplied and weighed.[C]A contradiction is noted and a resolution is suggested and then modified.[D]A series of observations is presented and explained in terms of the dominant theory.3.The text supplies information for answering which of the following questions?[A]Why are Japanese starry flounder mostly left-eyed?[B]Why should the eye-sidedness in starry flounder be considered selectively neutral?[C]Why have biologists recently become interested in whether a characteristic is adaptive or selectively neutral?[D]How do the eyes in flatfish migrate?4.Which of the following is most clearly similar to a cline as it is described in the second paragraph of the text?[A]A vegetable market in which the various items are grouped according to place of origin.[B]A wheat field in which different varieties of wheat are planted to yield a crop that will bring the maximum profit.[C]A flower stall in which the various species of flowers are arranged according to their price.[D]A housing development in which the length of the front struts supporting the porch of each house increases as houses are built up the hill.5.Which of the following phrases from the text best expresses the author’s conclusion about the meaning of the difference between left-eyed and right-eyed flatfish?[A]“Most striking”(line3,paragraph1)[B]“variation is adaptive”(line2,paragraph2)[C]“mechanically disadvantageous”(line7,paragraph3)[D]“evolutionary red herring”(line9,paragraph4)[答案与考点解析]1.【答案】C【考点解析】这是一道细节推导题。

2022年考研考博-考博英语-复旦大学考试全真模拟易错、难点剖析AB卷(带答案)一.综合题(共15题)1.单选题As many as 100 species of fish, some() to these waters, may have been affected by the pollution.问题1选项A.unusualB.particularC.typicalD.unique【答案】D【解析】考查形容词辨析。
unusual “不寻常的”;particular “特别的,详细的”;typical “典型的”;unique “独一无二的”。
2.单选题The public can rest()that detectives are doing everything possible to find the murderer.问题1选项A.assuredB.approvedC.guaranteedD.convinced【答案】A【解析】考查固定搭配。
rest assured that “(强调所言确凿无误)尽管放心”。
3.单选题I spent most of my money in the first week and()had very little to eat during the last few days of the holiday.问题1选项A.after allB.consequentlyC.otherwiseD.anyhow【答案】B【解析】考查副词词义辨析。
after all“毕竟”;consequently“因此,结果”;otherwise“否则,不然”;anyhow“无论如何,总之”。

remark和comment的区别 remark和comment在意思上比较相近,可以算是近义词,而且都
可以作名词和动词。 作名词时,remark指(表达某一观点)的“言论,评述”,为可数名
华慧考博—考博第一品牌 华慧网 考博咨询QQ:400 622 4468
华慧考博网复旦大学考博英语辅导班: 复旦大学考博英语VIP保过班-全程1对1辅导 复旦大学考博英语系统全程班-赠《华慧考博英语一本通》 复旦大学考博英语协议全程班-5次1对1辅导 复旦大学考博英语真题班-近三年复旦大学考博英语真题详解
考博当中,在英语知识运用(完型填空)当中,经常会考到一些词 汇辨析。由于这些词汇在意思或拼写上比较相似,通常会误导考生, 比如:
华慧考博—考博第一品牌 华慧网 考博咨询QQ:400 622 4468
relative作形容词时和relevant的区别 relative通常意为“相对的,相比较而言的”;表示相关时,也指的
词;而comment是(对某事物进行的)“评论,解释”(既可数也不可数),还 可以作“批评,指责”(常用单数形式)。
作动词时,两者意思差不多。但笔者认为,remark更常翻译为“ 指出,认为”;comment更正式,更侧重“评论”,而且考博中经常用到。
复旦大学考博英语复习资料: 《复旦大学考博英语一本通》-华慧考博网 《复旦大学考博英语历年试题及参考答案解析》-华慧书城 《华慧考博英语10000词汇详解》-天猫商城:华慧旗舰店 《华慧考博英语阅读220篇》-天猫商城:华慧旗舰店 《华慧考博英语完形专项训练》-华慧书城 《华慧考博英语写作专项训练》-华慧书城 《华慧考博英语翻译专项训练》-华慧书城

2022年考研考博-考博英语-复旦大学考试全真模拟易错、难点剖析AB卷(带答案)一.综合题(共15题)1.单选题I don’t know what all the()was about ― it was a dull sort of a film and there was almost no sex in it.问题1选项A.controversyB.conversationC.discussionD.illumination【答案】A【解析】考查名词辨析。
controversy “争论,论战,辩论”;conversation “交谈,会话,社交”;discussion “讨论,议论”;illumination “阐明”。
根据空格后面的dull, no sex可以推断空格处是“没什么好争论的”。
2.单选题I would have come to see you had it been possible, but I()so busy then.问题1选项A.had beenB.wasC.wereD.would be【答案】B【解析】考查虚拟语气。
与过去事实相反,主句用would have done,从句用一般过去式,选项B符合题意。
3.单选题The contract between the companies will()at the end of the year.问题1选项A.expireB.exceedC.terminateD.cease【答案】A【解析】考查动词词义辨析。
4.单选题When he was so far out that he could look back not only on the little bay but past the stretch of rock that was between it and the seashore, he floated on the warm surface and looked for his mother. There she was a little yellow dot under an umbrella that looked like a piece of orange-skin. He swam back to shore, relieved at being sure she was there, but all at once very lonely.On the other side of the bay was a loose scattering of rocks. Above them, some boys were stripping off their clothes. They came running, their bodies bare down to the rocks Jerry swam towards them and kept his distance a little way off. They were off that coast, all ofthem burned smooch dark brown and speaking a language he did not understand. To be with them,of them was a feeling that filled his whole body. He swam a little closer, they turned and watched him with narrowed, attentive dark cues. Then one smiled and waved. It was enough. In a minute he bad swum in and was on the rocks beside them, smiling with extreme nervousness. They shouted cheerful greetings at him, and then, as he preserved his nervous, puzzled a mile. They understood that he was a foreigner who had wandered from his own part of the sands, and they promptly forgot him. But he was happy. He was with them.They began diving again and again from a high point into a well of blue sea between rough, pointed rocks. After they had dived and come up, they swam round pulled themselves up, and wailed their turn to dive again. They were big boys-men to Jerry. He dived and they watched him, and when he swam round to lake his place, they made way for him. He felt he was accepted, and he dived again, carefully, proud of himself.Soon the biggest of the boys balanced himself, shot down into the water, and did not come up. The others stood about watching Jerry, after waiting for the smooth brown head to appear, let out a cry of warning; they looked at him idly and turned their eyes back towards the water. After a long lime, the boy came upon the other side of a big dark rock, letting the air escape suddenly from his lungs with much coughing and spiting, and giving a shout of satisfaction. Immediately, the rest of them dived in. One moment the morning seemed full of boys as noisy as crowd of monkeys, the next, the air and the surface of the water were empty. But through the heavy blue, dark shapes could be seen moving and searching.Jerry dived, shot past the school of underwater swimmers, saw a black wall of rock towering over him touched it, and shop up at once to the surface, where the rock formed a low wall be could tee across. There was no one in sight; under him, in the water, the shadowy shapes of the swimmers has disappeared. Then one and then another of the boys came up on the far side of the wall of rock, and he understood that they had swum through some gap or hole in it. He dived down again. He could see nothing through the stinging salt water but the solid rock. When he came up, the boys were all on the diving rock, preparing to attempt the track again. And now, overcome with a sense of failure, be shouted up in English: “Look at me!” and he began splashing and kicking in the water like a foolish dog.1.It can be concluded from the passage that___.2.The word “bare” in Paragraph 2 means ___.3.At the beginning, Jerry was swimming______.4.What happened to the biggest boy?5.Jerry splashed and kicked in the water because____.问题1选项A.Jerry was not a good swimmerB.Jerry failed to gain acceptance by the other boysC.Jerry was on holiday abroadD.Jerry was not on good terms with his mother问题2选项A.in disguiseB.in the limelightC.in the gutterD.in the raw问题3选项A.into the little bayB.too far out to see his motherC.near to the group of boysD.further out to see than the rock问题4选项A.He had been trying to stay under water as long as possible.B.He had swum though a hole in the rock under the water.C.He had been trying to do the highest dive.D.He had played a trick on Jerry.问题5选项A.he was pretending to be droppingB.he wanted to amuse all the other boysC.he hadn’t been able to do what the other boys had done.D.he wanted the other boys to listen to what he was saying.【答案】第1题:C第2题:D第3题:B第4题:A第5题:D【解析】第1题:文章第一段第一句话when he was so far out that he could look back not only on the little bay but past the stretch of rock that was between it and the seashore…提到了他的游泳技能,可以看出他很会游泳,排除选项A;根据第二段最后一句话But he was happy. He was with them,可以排除选项B;根据第一段最后一句话he swam back to shore, relieved at being sure she was there…可以知道他的母亲对他很关心,排除选项D,所以选项C符合题意。

复旦大学20XX年博士研究生入学考试英语试题附参考答案和解析Part ⅠVocabulary and Structure (15 points)Directions:There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on ANSWER SHEET Ⅰ with a single line through center.1.Official figures show that unemployment ______ in November and then fell slowly over the next two months.A.plodded B.peeped C.plunged D.peaked2.The old lady was immediately sent to a nearby hospital when she ______ from heat stroke.A.passed away B.passed off C.passed out D.passed by 3.Her spirits ______ at the thought of all the work she had to do that morning.A.sagged B.sacked C.saddled D.scored4.Jack would rather his younger sister ______ in the same hospital as he does.A.worked B.works C.to work D.work5.Jane was badly taken in when she paid $ 300 for that second-hand bicycle; it was not worth ______.A.that all much B.all that much C.much all that D.that much all6.A patient crowd had ______ around the entrance to the theatre, hoping to catch a glimpse of the stars of the show.A.contracted B.consulted C.contemplated D.congregated 7.UN diplomats are suspicious that the country's ______ weapons programme may be broader than reported.A.flail B.clandestine C.temperate D.fake8.Fortunately the acting and photography are so good that they somehow manage to ______ the limitations of the film plot.A.trace B.transcend C.tranquilize D.trail9.When the report was published, various environmental groups criticized it for being too ______.A.alert B.zealous C.meek D.gregarious10.Her friends helped her ______ after her sister was killed in a car crash.A.pull off B.pull out C.pull through D.pull on11.Nell's father said to him that he was ______ dog to learn new tricks.A.so old a B.a too old C.too old a D.a so old12.The skipper was not willing to risk ______ his ship through the straits until he could see where he was going.A.taking B.to take C.having taken D.being taken13.We were running out of money and things were looking ______.A.grim B.glossy C.gorgeous D.gracious14.If law and order ______ not maintained, neither the citizens nor their properties are safe.A.were B.are C.is D.was15.He saw writers and artists as being important to the state for they could ______.credibility on the regime.A.bestow B.embrace C.disperse D.undertake16.When import taxes on goods are high, there is a greater chance that they will be ______.A.bartered B.counterfeited C.manufactured D.smuggled 17.There's been so little rain, the forest is ______ to go up in flames at any moment.A.precarious B.feeble C.convenient D.liable18.The school's development committee has deliberated the question ______ great length.A.on B.along C.at D.for19.On a Summer evening it is ______ to hear the joyful sound of the shepherd's flute floating across the valley.A.treacherous B.enchanting C.rash D.furtive20.Let's ______ the arrangements with the others before we make a decision.A.talk over B.talk into C.talk down D.talk round21.He'll have to ______ the music when his parents find out he's been missing school.A.listen to B.compose C.face D.play22.Her eyes were shining brightly and her face was suffused ______ color.A.with B.in C.by D.of23.In my opinion Elizabeth and Henry are not ______ friends as lovers.A.too much B.as much C.very much D.so much24.Yesterday my brother ______ with his girlfriend over where to go on holiday.A.fell off B.fell out C.fell away D.fell apart25.The writer ______ the newspaper readers against buying shares without getting good advice first.A.spurred B.menaced C.cautioned D.induced26.Some of his colleagues say he's loud and ______ and that everyone hates him.A.obnoxious B.straightforward C.considerate D.genial 27.She claims that the pressure on public hospitals could be ______ by combining medical resources in the public and private sectors.A.relieved B.replaced C.retrieved D.resurrected28.Please ______ it that the door is locked before you leave.A.see through B.see to C.see into D.see after29.I will ______ you personally responsible if anything goes wrong in this project.A.get B.hold C.let D.have30.The burglars ______ the house but found nothing valuable.A.ransacked B.besieged C.mortgaged D.renovatedPart ⅡReading Comprehension (40 points)Directions:There are 4 reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer and mark the corresponding letter on ANSWER SHEET Ⅰ with a single line through the center.Passage OneNowadays, with plentiful ice and electric churning, few people recall the shared excitement of the era when making ice cream was a rarely scheduled event. Then the iceman brought to the back door, on special order, a handsome 2-foot-square cube of cold crystal and everyone in the family took a turn at the crank. The critical question among us children was, of course, who might lick the dasher. A century or so ago the novelist Stendhal knew only hand-churned ice cream and, when he first tasted it, exclaimed, “What a pity this isn't a sin!”Hand-churning is still tops for perfectionists for no power-driven machine has yet been invented that can achieve a comparable texture. Even French Pot, the very best commercial method for making ice cream, calls for finishing by hand.Ice creams are based on carefully cooked well-chilled syrups and heavy custards, added to unwhipped cream. No form of vanilla flavoring can surpass that of vanilla sugar or of the bean itself, steeped in a hot syrup. If sweetened frozen fruits are incorporated into the cream mixture instead of flesh fruits, be sure to adjust sugar content accordingly.Make up mixtures for chum-frozen ice creams the day before you freeze, to increase fill the container only 3/4 full to permit expansion. To pack the freezer, allow 3 to 6 quarts of chipped or cracked ice to 1 cup of coarse rock salt. Pack about 1/3 of the freezer with ice and add layers of salt and ice around the container until the freezer is full. Allow the pack to stand about 3 minutes before you start turning. Turn slowly at first, about 40 revolutions a minute, until a slight pull is felt. Then triple speed for 5 to 6 minutes. If any additions, such as finely cut candied or flesh fruits or nuts are to be made, do so at this point. Then repack and taper off the churning to about 80 revolutions a minute for a few minutes more. The cream should be ready in 10 to 20 minutes, depending on the quality.If the ice cream or ice is to be used at once, it should be frozen harder than if you plan to serve it later. Should the interval be 2 hours or more, packing will firm it. To pack, pour off the salt water in the freezer and wipe off the lid. Remove the dasher carefully, making sure that no salt or water gets into the cream container. Scrape the cream down from the sides of the container. Place a cork in the lid and replace the lid. Repack the container in the freezer with additional ice and salt, using the same proportions as before. Cover the freezer with newspapers, a piece of carpet or other heavy material.The cream should be smooth when served. If it proves granular, you used too much salt in the packing mixture, overfilled the inner container with the ice cream mixture or turned too rapidly. If you are making a large quantity with the idea of storing some in the deep-freeze, package in sizes you plan on serving. Should ice cream be allowed to melt even slightly and is then refrozen, it loses in volume and even more in good texture.31.In the first paragraph, “took a turn at the crank” could be paraphrased ______.A.“helped to mix the ice cream”B.“ate some ice cream”C.“helped break up the ice with a hammer”D.“protected the ice cream from children”32.According to the writer truly perfect ice cream ______.A.is now common and inexpensive at most storesB.is only possible with hand laborC.should be melted and then refrozenD.needs to be a sin33.When ice cream is being hand-churned it is surrounded by a mixture of ______.A.syrup and cream B.syrup and iceC.salt and ice D.flesh fruit and ice34.In paragraph 4, “taper off” means ______.A.cut up B.stop C.speed up D.slow down35.This passage reflects an era when ______.A.people liked a little salt in their ice creamB.making ice cream was an occasional form of family entertainmentC.ice cream was not popularD.people did not knew now to make cheese with their creamPassage TwoFood and drink play a major role in Christmas celebrations in most countries, but in few more so than in Mexico. Many families over the festive season will do little more than cook and ingest a seemingly constant cycle of tortillas, fried beans, meat both roasted and stewed, and sticky desserts for days on end.Thus does the extended family keep on extending—further and further over their collective waistlines.Lucky them, you might think. Except that Mexico's bad eating habits are leading to a health crisis that most Mexicans seem blissfully unaware of. Obesity and its related disorder, diabetes, are now major health concerns in a country where large rural regions are still concerned more with under- than with over-nourishment. In its perennial rivalry with the United States, Mexico has at last found an area in which it can match its northern neighbor—mouthful for mouthful.The statistics are impressive, and alarming. According to the OECD, Mexico is now thesecond fattest nation in that group of 30 countries A health poll in 1999 found that 35% of women were overweight, and another 24% technically obese. Juan Rivera,an official at the National Institute of Public Health, says that the combined figure for men would be about 55%, and that a similar poll to be carried out next year will show the fat quotient rising. Only the United States, with combined figures of over 60%, is a head.That situation also varies geographically. Although Mexicans populate the north of their country more sparsely than the south, they make up for it weight-wise. A study published by the Pan-American Health Organization a month ago showed that in the mostly Hispanic population that lives on either side of the American-Mexican border, fully 74%of men and 70%of women are either over weight or obese.Moreover, even experts have been surprised by how rapidly the nation has swollen. Whereas the 1999 poll showed 59%of women overweight or obese, only 11 years previously that figure was just 33 %. Nowhere is the transformation more noticeable than in the prevalence of diabetes, closely linked to over-eating and obesity. In 1968, says Joel Rodriguez of the Mexican Diabetes Federation, the disease was in 35th place as a direct cause of mortality in Mexico, but now it occupies first place, above both cancer and heart disease. With about 6.5m diabetics out of a population of 100m, Mexico now has a higher rate than any other large country in the world. Not surprisingly, Mr. Rodriguez argues that Mexi co is in the grip of an “epidemic”.Nor does it tax the brain much to work out that the causes of these explosions in obesity and diabetes are the Mexican diet and a lack of exercise. For most Mexicans, food consumption, not just at Christmas but all year round, is an unvarying combination of refried beans, tortillas, meat and refrescos, or fizzy drinks; they consume 101 liters of cola drinks per person per year, just a little less than Americans and three times as much as Brazilians.Meanwhile, the lack of exercise, Mr. Rivera argues, is a symptom of rapid urbanization over the past 30 years. Obesity and diabetes rates remain slightly lower in rural areas, indicating that manual labor endures as an effective way to stave off weight gain. In Mexico City, though, pollution and crime have progressively driven people out of the parks and the streets, so most now walk as little as possible—preferably no further than from the valet-parking service to the restaurant. To combat the fat, health professionals say that the country must first realize that it is indeed in the grip of an epidemic.Other diseases, such as AIDS and cancer, have captured mostof the publicity in recent years; obesity and diabetes have been comparatively neglected.But these are also, as in other developing countries, mainly problems of the urban poor. It is a symptom of their growing prosperity that these parts of the population have, probably for the first time, almost unlimited access to the greatest amount of calories for the smallest amount of money. But with little knowledge of nutritional values, their diets are now unbalanced and unhealthy.Low-carb products and other dietary imports from the United States have already made an appearance on the posher Mexican supermarket shelves. They may go into be shopping baskets of the rake-thin and utterly unrepresentative models who dominate the country's advertising hoardings. But they are still comparatively expensive. For the heaving mass of the population, things may have to get worse before the government, doctors and consumers realize that things have got to start getting better.36.The phrase “on end” in the first paragraph can be replaced by ______.A.until all been consumed B.uprightC.continuously D.until the last day37.Which of the following sentences is TRUE according to the passage?A.Mexicans are eating a lot because of the country's affluence.B.Mexicans can match Americans in the nourishment of their diet.C.Mexicans only overeat during festive seasons.D.Mexico is now the second fattest nation in this world.38.Judging by the context, the word “perennial” in the second paragraph most probably means ______.A.perpetual B.recurring C.transient D.perilous39.Which is the most significant cause of mortality in Mexico?A.Cancer. B.Heart disease. C.Diabetes. D.Epidemic.40.It is known from the passage that from 1988 to 1999 the figure of women overweight or obese in Mexico rose by ______.A.30% B.26% C.35% D.55%Passage ThreeWhen you are small, all ambitions fall into one grand category:when I'm grown up. When I'm grown up, you say, I'll go up in space. I'm going to be an author. I'll kill them all and thenthey'll be sorry. I'll be married in a cathedral with sixteen bridesmaids in pink lace. I'll have a puppy of my own and no one will be able to take him away.None of it ever happens, of course—or dam little, but the fantasies give you the idea that there is something to grow up for. Indeed one of the saddest things about gilded adolescence is the feeling that from eighteen on, it's all downhill; I read with horror of an American hippie wedding where someone said to the groom (age twenty), “You seem so kind a grown up somehow”, and the lad had to go around seeking reassurance that he wasn't, no, really he wasn't. A determination to be better adults than the present incumbents is fine, but to refuse to grow up at all is just plain unrealism.Right, so then you get some of what you want, or something like it, or something that will do all right; and for years you are too busy to do more than live in the present and put one foot in front of the other; your goals stretching little beyond the day when the boss has a stroke or the moment when the children can bring you tea in bed—and the later moment when they actually bring you hot tea, not mostly slopped in the saucer. However, I have now discovered an even sweeter category of ambition. When my children are grown up …When my children are grown up I'll learn to fly an aer o plane. I will career round the sky, knowing that if I do “go pop” there will be no little ones to suffer shock and maladjustment; that even if the worst does come to the worst I will at least dodge the geriatric ward and all that looking for your glasses in order to see where you've left your teeth. When my children are grown up I'll have fragile, lovely things on low tables; I'll have a white carpet; I'll go to the pictures in the afternoon. When the children are grown up I'll actually be able to do a day's work in day, instead of spread over three, and go away for a weekend without planning as if for a trip to the Moon. When I'm grown up—I mean when they're grown up—I'll be free.Of course, I know it's got to get worse before it gets better. Twelve-year-olds, I'm told, don't go to tend at seven, so you don't even get your evenings; once they're past ten you have to start worrying about their friends instead of simply shooting the intruders off the doorstep, and to settle down to a steady ten years of criticism of everything you've ever thought or done or worn. Boys, it seems, may be less of a trial then girls, since they can't get pregnant and they don't borrow your clothes—if they do borrow your clothes, of course, you've got even more to worry about.The young don't respect their parents any more, that's what. Goodness, how sad,still, likeeating snails, it might be all right once you've got over the idea: it might let us off having to bother quite so much with them when the time comes. But one is simply not going to be able to drone away one’s days, toothless by the fire, brooding on the past.41.What interests the writer about young children is that they ______.A.have so many unselfish ambitions B.have such long-term ambitionsC.don't all want to be spacemen D.all long for adult pleasures42.The writer maintains that fantasies ______.A.satisfy ambition B.lessen ambitionC.stimulate ambition D.frustrate ambition43.What does the writer feel is wrong with the modern generation?A.Their wanting to grow up. B.Their not wanting to grow up.C.Their wanting to improve adults. D.Their not wanting to improve adults.44.The writer feels that as an adult one must ______.A.achieve one's ambitions at all costsB.continue to be ambitiousC.find a compromise between ambition and realityD.give up all one's earlier ambitions45.When the children leave home, the writer thinks that ______.A.there will be compensations B.she will be delightedC.she will be desolated D.there will be nothing to doPassage FourFor years, pediatricians didn't worry much about treating hypertension in their patients. After all, kids grow so fast, it's hard keeping up with their shoe size, let alone their blood pressure. Sure, hypertension in adults places them at greater risk of heart attack and stroke. But nobody likes the idea of starting youngsters on blood-pressure medicine they could wind up taking the rest of their lives. Who knows what previously unheard of side effects could crop up after five or six decades of daily use? The rationale has been: kids grow out of so many things, maybe they'll grow out of this too.Now, though, comes word that high blood pressure can be destructive even in childhood. According to a recent report in the journal Circulation, 19 of 130 children with high bloodpressure developed a dangerous thickening of the heart muscle that, in adults at least, has been linked to heart failure. “No one knows if this pattern holds true for younger patients as well,” says Dr. Stephen Daniels, a pediatric cardiologist who led the study at Children's Hospital Medical Center in Cincinnati, Ohio. “But it's worrisome.”Who's most at risk? Boys more than girls, especially boys who are overweight. Their heart works so hard to force blood through extra layers of fat that its walls grow more dense. Then, after decades of straining, it grows too big to pump blood very well. Fortunately, the abnormal thickening can be spotted by ultrasound. And in most case, getting that blood pressure under control—through weight loss and exercise or, as a last resort, drug treatment—allows the overworked muscle to shrink to normal size.How can you tell if yours are like the 670,000 American children ages 10 to 18 with high blood pressure? It's not the sort of thing you can catch by putting your child's arm in a cuff at the free monitoring station in your local grocery. You should have a test done by a doctor, who will consult special tables that indicate the normal range of blood pressure for a particular child's age, height and sex. If the doctor finds an abnormal result he will repeat the test over a period of months to make sure the reading isn't a fake. He'll also check, whether other conditions, like kidney disease, could he the source of the trouble. Because hypertension can be hard to detect, the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute recommends annual blood pressure checks for every child over age 3.About half the cases of hypertension stem directly from kids being overweight. And the problem is likely to grow. Over the past 30 years the proportion of children in the US who are overweight has doubled, from 5 % to 11%, or 4.7 million kids.You can keep your children from joining their ranks by clearing the junk food from your pantry and hooking your kids—the earlier the better—on healthy, attractive snacks like fruits (try freezing some grapes) or carrot sticks with salsa. Not only will they lower your children's blood pressure;these foods will also boost their immune system and unclog their plumbing. Meanwhile, make sure your kids spend more time on the playground than with their Play Station. Even if they don't shed a pound, vigorous exercise will help keep their blood vessels nice and wide, lowering their blood pressure. And of course, they'll be more likely to eat right and exercise if you set a good example.46.This piece of writing is mainly addressed to ______.A.parents B.boys C.gifts D.pediatrician47.The word “unclog” in paragraph 6 can be replaced by ______.A.fix B.clear C.hinder D.dismantle48.By saying “It's not the sort of thing you can catch by putting your child's arm in a cuff at the free monitoring station in your local grocery”, the writer implies ______.A.hypertension is hard to detectB.children often refuse to have their blood pressure testedC.you'll have to pay a lot of money if you want to have your child's blood pressure checked in a groceryD.in a local grocery, you are free to determine how to have your child's blood pressure examined49.Which of the following is not suggested by the writer to control hypertension?A.Drug treatments. B.Weight loss.C.Exercise. D.Overwork.50.We can conclude from the passage that ______.A.children with hypertension are unlikely to suffer from heart attack and strokeB.parent's blood pressure decides their children's blood pressureC.besides overweight, there are other factors resulting in hypertensionD.vigorous exercise sometimes will lead to heart troublePart ⅢCloze (10 points)Directions:Fill in each of the following blanks with ONE word to complete the meaning of the passage. Write your answer on ANSWER SHEET Ⅱ.Even geologist is familiar with the erosion cycle. No sooner has an area of land been raised above sea-level than it becomes subject to the erosive forces of nature. The rain beats down on the ground and washed 51 the finer particles, sweeping them into rivulets and into rivers and out to sea. The frost freezes the rain water in cracks of the rocks and breaks 52 even the hardest of the constituents of the earth's crust. Blocks of rock dislodged at high levels are brought down by the force of gravity. Alternate heating and 53 of bare rock surfaces causes their disintegration. In the dry regions of the world the wind is a powerful force in removing materialfrom one area to another. All this is natural. But nature has also provided certain defensive forces. Bare rock surfaces are in 54 course protected by soil, itself dependent initially on the weathering of the rocks. Slowly 55 surely, different types of soil with differing “profiles” evolve the main types depending primarily on the climate. The protective soil covering, once it is formed, is hold together by the growth of vegetation. Grass and herbaceous plants, 56 long, branching tenuous roots, hold firmly together the surface particles. The 57 is true with the forest cover. The heaviest tropical downpours beating on the leaves of the giant trees reach the ground only 58 spray, gently watering the surface layers and penetrating along the long passages provided by the roots to the lower levels of the soil. The soil, thus protected by grass, herb, or trees, furnishes a quiet habitat for a myriad varied organisms—earthworms that importantly modify the soil, bacteria, active in their work of converting 59 leaves and decaying vegetation into humus and food for the growing plants. Chemical action is constantly taking 60 ; soil acids attack mineral particles and salts in solution move from one layer in the soil to another.Part ⅣTranslation (20 points)Section A (10 points)Directions:Put the following passage into Chinese.Dun took a deep breath, thinking over what had been said and searching in his mind for a possible course of action. Not for the first time in his flying career, he felt himself in the grip of a cute sense of apprehension, only this time his awareness of his responsibility for the safety of a huge, complex aircraft and nearly sixty lives was tinged with a sudden icy premonition of disaster. Was this, then what it felt like? Older pilots, those who had been in combat in the war, always maintained that if you kept at the game long enough you'd buy it in the end. How was it that in the space of half an hour a normal, everyday, routing flight, carrying a crowd of happy football fans, could change into a nightmare nearly four miles above the earth, something that would shriek across the front pages of a hundred newspapers?Section B(10 points)Directions:Put the following passage into English.在美国历史上人们最津津乐道的政治问题恐怕就是法律与秩序。

2022年考研考博-考博英语-复旦大学考试全真模拟易错、难点剖析AB卷(带答案)一.综合题(共15题)1.单选题The small building was marked with a modest brass() , stating the name and the business of the occupiers.问题1选项A.plaqueB.plateauC.plagueD.plaster【答案】A【解析】考查形近名词辨析。
plaque “匾额”;plateau “高原”;plague “瘟疫”;plaster “石膏”。
2.单选题Suddenly the daily fear and uncertainty()into full-scale terror, and the ship echoed with screams.问题1选项A.evaporatedB.escalatedC.evacuatedD.exaggerated【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。
evaporate “蒸发,使脱水”;escalate “升级”;evacuate”疏散,撤出”;exaggerate“夸张,夸大”。
3.单选题Jane has()won the respect of everyone in the field of dance both for the society and herself.问题1选项A.deservedlyB.exactlyC.despicablyD.diffusely【答案】A【解析】考查副词词义辨析。

2022年考研考博-考博英语-复旦大学考试全真模拟易错、难点剖析AB卷(带答案)一.综合题(共15题)1.单选题He’s color-blind and can’t ()the difference between red and green easily.问题1选项A.detectB.discoverC.distinguishD.determine【答案】C【解析】考查动词辨析。
detect “侦查,发现”;discover “发现”;distinguish “区分,辨别”;determine “下决心”。
2.单选题She decided to keep reticent about the unpleasant past and() it to memory.问题1选项A.attributeB.alludemitD.credit 【答案】C【解析】考查动词词义辨析。
3.单选题The public can rest()that detectives are doing everything possible to find the murderer.问题1选项A.assuredB.approvedC.guaranteedD.convinced【答案】A【解析】考查固定搭配。
rest assured that “(强调所言确凿无误)尽管放心”。
4.单选题In the movie he plays a loving and()father trying to bring up two teenage children on his own.问题1选项A.sensitiveB.senselessC.sensualD.sensuous【答案】A【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。

2022年考研考博-考博英语-复旦大学考试全真模拟易错、难点剖析AB卷(带答案)一.综合题(共15题)1.单选题He ()outrage by calling the TV programmes “talking wallpaper”.问题1选项A.provokedB.evokedC.revokedD.invoked【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。
provoke “激起,挑衅”;evoke “引起,唤起,博得”;revoke “撤回,取消,废除”;invoke “调用,换气”。
2.单选题As many as 100 species of fish, some() to these waters, may have been affected by the pollution.问题1选项A.unusualB.particularC.typicalD.unique【答案】D【解析】考查形容词辨析。
unusual “不寻常的”;particular “特别的,详细的”;typical “典型的”;unique “独一无二的”。
3.单选题He built a hut on a piece of rough land hear a rock fall. In the wet season there was a plentiful stream, and over the years he encouraged the dry forest to surround him with a thick screen. The greener it became the easier it was to forget the outside. In time Melio (not without some terrible mistakes) learnt how to live in spite of the difficulties up on that mountain shelf.His only neighbors were a family group of Parakana Indians who, for reasons known only to themselves, took a liking to Melio. Their Chief never looked closely at Melio and said to himself that this white man was as mad as a snake which chews off its own tail. The parakanas taught Melio to catch fish with the help of a wild plant which made them senseless in the stream. It gave off a powerful drug when shaken violently through the water. They shored him bow to hunt by laying tra ps and digging. In time Melio’s piece of land became a regular farm. He bad wild birds, fat long-legged ones and thin nearly featherless chickens, and his corm and sailed fish was enough to keep him stocked up though the wet season.The Parakanas were alwa ys around him. He’d never admit it but he could feel that the trees were like the bars of a prison: they were watching him. It was as if he was there by courtesy of the Chief. When they came to him, the Indians never entered his house, with its steeply sloping roof of dried grass and leaves. They had a delicate way of behaving. They showed themselves by standing in the shade of the trees at the clearing’s edge. He was expected to cross the chicken strip towards them. Then they had a curious but chiming habit of taking a pace hack from him, just one odd step back wards into their green corridors. Melio never could persuade them to come any closer.The group guessed at Melio’s hatred for his civilized brothers in the towns far away-They knew Melio would never invite any more white men up here. This pleased the Parakanas. It meant that traders looking for rubber and jewels would never reach them. Their Melio would see to that. They were safe with this man and his hatred.1.It is known from the passage that Melio wanted the forest around him to become thick because the dense leaves________.2.The Chief's comparison of Melio to a snake is intended to show that _________.3.Which of the following statements is NOT true?4.To Melio, the Parakana Indians seemed_________.5.It can be concluded from the passage that place described by the author was___.问题1选项A.reminded him of his house in the town far away.B.prevented the Parakanas from watching himC.helped him to forget the world he hatedD.protected him from being intruded by the white men in the town问题2选项A.he did not trust MelioB.it was unwise to go too close to MelioC.he believed Melio hated the ParakanasD.he thought Melio was out of his mind问题3选项A.Melio stayed on his farm for a number of years.B.Melio felt like a prisoner because he couldn’t escape being watched.C.Melio kept himself alive, during the rainy season by eating what be had in store.D.The Parakanas thought Melio lived there because he was looking for rubber and jewels. 问题4选项A.odd but hatefulB.strange but attractiveC.unhealthy but friendlyD.cowardly but sociable问题5选项A.far removed from civilizationB.impossible to cultivateC.the home of Melio’s Indian relativesD.wet all the year round【答案】第1题:C第2题:D第3题:D第4题:B第5题:A【解析】第1题:文章第一段The greener it became the easier it was to forget the outside,树木越多,越容易忘记外面的世界。

目 录2012年复旦大学考博英语真题及详解2011年复旦大学考博英语真题及详解2010年复旦大学考博英语真题及详解2009年复旦大学考博英语真题及详解2008年复旦大学考博英语真题及详解2007年复旦大学考博英语真题及详解2006年复旦大学考博英语真题及详解2005年复旦大学考博英语真题及详解2004年复旦大学考博英语真题及详解2003年复旦大学考博英语真题及详解2012年复旦大学考博英语真题及详解Paper OnePart I Vocabulary and Structure (15%)Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C, D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet I with a single line through the center.1. It was very difficult to find the parts needed to do the job because of the ______ way the store was organized.A. logicalB. haphazardC. orderlyD. tidy【答案】B句意:由于店铺东西摆放杂乱无章,干活时找寻所需东西相当【解析】困难。
2. Mississippi also upholds the South’s well-deserved reputation for warm, hospitable people; balmy year-round weather; and truly ______ cuisine.A. destructiveB. horribleC. amiableD. delectableD【答案】【解析】句意:密西西比州也保持着南方人们热情好客、气候一年到头温暖舒适和菜肴真正美味可口的声誉。


2022年考研考博-考博英语-复旦大学考试全真模拟易错、难点剖析B卷(带答案)一.综合题(共15题)1.单选题Some people find that certain foods() their headaches.问题1选项A.introduceB.triggerC.summonD.create【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。
introduce “介绍”;trigger “引发,引起”;summon “召唤”;create “创造”。
2.写作题Directions: Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic. Remember to write your composition on ANSWER SHEET II.“My Views about Ambition Makes a Man”【答案】略3.单选题Snow began to fall at about the beginning of the New Year and continued on and off for()ten days.问题1选项A.appropriatelyB.exceedinglyC.approximatelyD.apprehensively【答案】C【解析】考查副词辨析。
appropriately “适当地,合适地”;exceedingly “极其,非常”;approximately“大约,近似地”;apprehensively “担心地”。
4.单选题We hadn’t met for nearly 20 years, but I recognized him _____ I saw him in the street.问题1选项A.the minute thatB.the minute whenC.at a time whenD.at a time that【答案】A【解析】考查 the minute that 句型。
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