
2015年考博单选:有少部分原题(出自曾建彬《研究生英语》《研究生高级英语》)阅读理解:第一篇:Education is one of the key words of our time. A man without an education, most of us believe, is an unfortunate victim of adverse circumstances, deprived of one of the greatest twentieth-century opportunities. Convinced of the importance of education, modern states "invest" in institutions of learning to get back "interest" in the form. of a large group of enlightened young men and women who are potential leaders. Education, with its cycles of instruction so carefully worked out, punctuated by textbooks—that purchasable wells of wisdom—what would civilization be like without its benefits?So much is certain: that we would have doctors and preachers, lawyers and defendants, marriages and births—but our spiritual outlook would be different. We would lay less stress on "facts and figures" and more on a good memory, on applied psychology, and the capacity of a man is to get along with his fellow-citizens. If our educational system were fashioned after its bookless past we would have the most democratic form. of "college" imaginable. Among tribal people all knowledge inherited by tradition is shared by all; it is taught to every member of the tribe so thatin this respect every- body is equipped for life.It is the ideal condition of the "equal start" which only our most progressive forms of modern education try to regain. In primitive cultures the obligation to seek and to receive the traditional instruction is binding to all. There are no "illiterates"—if the term can be applied to peoples without a script—while our own compulsory school attendance became law in Germany in 1642, in France in 1806, and in England in 1876, and is still non-existent in a number of "civilized" nations. This shows how long it was before we deemed it necessary to make sure that all our children could share in the knowledge accumulated by the "happy few" during the past centuries.Education in the wilderness is not a matter of monetary means. All are entitled to an equal start. There is none of the hurry, which, in our society, often hampers the full development of a growing personality. There, a child grows up under the ever-present attention of his parents' and therefore the jungles and the savannahs know of no "juvenile delinquency". No necessity of making a living away from home results in neglect of children, and no father is confronted with his inability to "buy" an education for his child. (选自新概念)第二篇:关于在Internet site上挂条幅广告销售商品的。

Family planning in ChinaTwo little, too lateChina has replaced its “one-child policy” with a two-child one. It should stop dictating family size altogetherFOR more than 35 years, the Chinese Communist Party has governed the world’s most-populous nation by means of a thinly disguised threat: the country could become rich only if most couples limited themselves to having no more than one child. If they disobeyed, women were forced to undergo abortions; parents were subject to fines equivalent to several years’ income and sometimes dismissed from their jobs; in the countryside, the homes of poor peasants who could not afford the penalties were occasionally stripped of anything of value and then knocked down. The “one-child policy”, as the benighted approach to the country’s development was known, became synonymous with some of the most brutal aspects of the party’s rule. The bitter irony is that China’s problem today is too few babies, not too many.On October 29th the party belatedly decided to switch to a two-child policy. It had already been allowing this for some couples—for example, if one of the parents was an only child. Easing up a bit more, it reasoned, would help slow the country’s rapid ageing. More children would (eventually) mean more people to look after the elderly—a looming problem in a country with only a rudimentary welfare system. Once again,however, the party has miscalculated. In 1979, when it introduced the one-child policy, it believed that coercion was the only way to ensure that population growth did not become unsustainable. The party has since claimed that the policy has helped prevent 400m births.In fact, there is little evidence to ba ck this claim. China’s birth rate had been falling rapidly since the early 1970s with the help of little more than education campaigns. The birth rate continued to fall under the new policy, but other countries have seen similar declines without resorting to cruelty and oppression. Their experience suggests that the more important factors behind China’s lower birth rate were rising female participation in the workforce, improvements in education, later marriages and the rapidly increasing cost of education and housing. The main effect of the one-child policy was to foster egregious human-rights abuses against the minority who ignored it.By that measure, the new policy is also misguided. Some couples may feel encouraged to have two children, but it is unlikely that the overall birth rate—now well below the level needed to keep the population from falling—will climb by much. This is clear from the lukewarm response to previous changes allowing couples to have two children in certain circumstances. A generation has grown up indoctrinated in the belief that China has “too many people”. Except for the very rich, most prefer to use their family’s resources (increasingly stretched by the demands of theelderly) to give one child the best opportunities.A bitter pillBizarrely, the party still believes that coercion remains necessary. Those who have had two children in violation of the previous policy will still have to pay off their fines. It is likely that those who have three children will be punished. There is no evidence that lifting these controls would result in a crippling population surge. So the party’s insistence on maintaining them appears mostly a way of demonstrating power and saving face—as well as the jobs of the 1m-strong army of family-planning officials, who thrive on issuing fines.The party would struggle to admit that the world’s biggest attempt at demographic engineering has failed. But that is what it must do by lifting the remaining restrictions. Not for the sake of boosting the birth rate—it may well be too late for that. Rather because, after forcing so many Chinese to suffer to such little effect, a disastrous policy deserves to be abolished.Last Act in the MideastPatrick BazDespite the Libyan intervention, the era of Western meddling in theregion is coming to an end.Ever since Britain and France set out to dismember the Ottoman Empire nearly a century ago, the West has been engaged in an incoherent, haphazard, episodic, but more or less relentless effort to impose its will on the Middle East. Methods have varied. Sometimes the “infidels” have employed overt force. At other times they have relied on covert means, worked through proxies, or recruited local puppets.The purposes offered to justify Western exertions have likewise varied. With empire falling into disfavor, the pursuit of imperial aims has required conceptual creativity. Since 1945 resistance to communist subversion, a professed antipathy for brutal dictators, support for international law, and an enthusiasm for spreading freedom have all been pressed into service (albeit selectively) to legitimize outside intervention. Today’s “responsibility to protect” extends this tradition, offering the latest high-minded raison d’être for encroaching on the sovereignty of Middle Eastern states whenever the locals behave in ways that raise Western ire.Underlying this great variety of methods and professed motivation, two things have remained constant across the decades. The first is an assumption: that Arabs, Persians, Afghans, and the like are incapable of managing their own affairs, leaving the West with no choice but to act in loco parentis, setting rules and enforcing discipline. The second is aconviction: that somehow, some way, the deft application of Western power will eventually fix whatever ails the region.At first Britain served as principal enforcer. Roughly since the Suez crisis of 1956, the lead role has fallen to the United States. During the Eisenhower and Kennedy eras, Americans hesitated to become too deeply involved in places that seemingly offered little but grief. Over the course of the 1960s and 1970s—not so incidentally, decades when the U.S. became highly dependent on imported oil—that ambivalence diminished. With the promulgation of the Carter doctrine in 1980, it disappeared altogether and the American instinct for activism kicked into high gear.The results? As with the British, so with the Americans: an endless series of plots, alarms, excursions, and interventions ensued. Indeed, to combine first British and then American efforts to pacify the Middle East into a single seamless narrative is to describe an epic march to folly. Despite stupendous Western expenditures—the United States spent trillions trying to decide the fate of Iraq alone—the region as a whole has remained unpacified, untamed, unstable, and unpredictable. And now the ongoing Arab uprising has demonstrated that the people of the Middle East have an organic capacity to engineer change themselves,demolishing the patronizing notion that they (and by extension their neighbors) need outside oversight, guidance, or protection.Yet thanks to Muammar Gaddafi’s heavy-handed attempt to crush those seeking his ouster, the United States and its allies are now elbowing their way back onstage. To supplement the Carter doctrine (and smooth off the Bush doctrine’s rough edges), we now have the Obama doctrine, elaborated by the president in last week’s speech to the nation, which treats the plight of civilians caught in the path of war as a renewed argument for lobbing Western bombs and missiles, if not launching full-fledged invasions.Will our bombs be enough to topple Gaddafi? Are recent defections of high-level Libyan officials a sign of the government’s imminent collapse? Or will the U.S. and its allies eventually have to send in ground troops to amplify the work of the covert operatives who have already been providing support to the rebels for weeks? As important as these questions seem to us now, the answers will not change the underlying dynamic of the situation. Gaddafi’s fall (assuming it occurs) will close a chapter in Libyan history but won’t open a new chapter in the history of the Middle East. Libya is an outl ier. It won’t be and can’t be a bellwether. Apart from enabling policymakers in Washington, London, and Paris to reclaim a sense of self-importance, Western intervention in Libya willhave little effect on the drama now unfolding in the Middle East. Pundits can talk of the United States shaping history. The truth is that history is shaping itself, while we are left to bear witness.The result is that for the moment serious policy—as opposed to gestures—has become an impossibility. That leaves Americans in a thoroughly un-American position: they must be patient, waiting on events to ripen. In due course the dust will settle.At that time, prudence will dictate that the West make what it can of the outcome, offering support and assistance to Arab governments that share our interests and values and withholding them from those that do not. The big story is this: the century-long battle to control the Middle East is ending. We lost. They won. No amount of high-tech ordnance can alter the outcome.U.S. presidential candidates shouldn’t put globalization inretreatBy Robert J. SamuelsonJeffrey Immelt, the chief executive of General Electric (2015 revenue: $117 billion), gave an interesting speech the other day that illuminates some pressing questions about the future of globalization. This involves politics as much as economics. It should be no surprise that the three remaining major presidential candidates (Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump) are no fans of globalization.Most people consider globalization an economic phenomenon, signifying the spread of technology, the growth of trade, and the threats to U.S. workers and firms from many sources — low wages, manipulated exchange rates, government subsidies and pure competitive advantage. It is all of these things but also much more. If there was an organizing principle to U.S. foreign policy after the Cold War, it was globalization.The general idea was that, as countries traded with each other, their populations would become richer —in poor countries, middle classes would emerge —and nations’ interests would become intertwined. The threat of major wars would recede, because middle-class societies prefer commerce to conflict. The new world order would have tensions and feuds, but they would be manageable precisely because they occurred in a context of shared interests.With hindsight, we know that this vision was simplistic and flawed. Expectations were unrealistic. Three defects stand out.First, globalization overestimated its capacity to suppress ethnic, religious and nationalistic strife. For proof, see the Middle East ablaze.Second, it optimistically presumed strong and steady economic growth. Markets were assumed to be self-correcting, so slumps and stock declines — while inevitable — would be short and mild. The devastating 2008-2009 financial crisis and Great Recession punctured this premise.Finally, the economic benefits of more trade and open financial markets were considered so obvious that globalization would enjoy strong political support. Not so. It represents a loss of national sovereignty. Countries accept this when the rewards —prosperity and rising living standards —seem high. When gains fade, the bargain becomes less tenable.Enter GE’s Immelt. “Globalization is being attacked as never before,” he told MBA graduates of New York University’s Stern School of Business. “This is not just true for the U.S., but everywhere.” At another point, he said: “We are having a raucous [U.S.] presidential election, one where every candidate is protectionist.”So GE must defend its interests. “Wi th globalization, it is time for a bold pivot,” Immelt said. “We will localize production.” To the extent possible, production will occur where the company makes sales. With 420 factories worldwide, he said, GE has “tremendous flexibility” in locating prod uction. For the United States: “We will produce for the U.S. in the U.S., but our exports may decline.”Superficially, this seems reasonable. We produce where we consume; so do other countries. In fact, it’s a formula for U.S. economic stagnation, because most of GE’s growth is happening in foreign markets. When Immelt joined GE in 1982, 80 percent of the company’s sales occurred in the United States. Now, 70 percent originate elsewhere. If othermultinationals copy GE (which seems plausible), there will be a slow-motion shrinkage of their U.S. operations.Similarly, policies backed by the presidential candidates, including opposition to the Trans-Pacific Partnership, may backfire. The candidates falsely promise to strengthen the economy by “de-globalizing.”In practice, just the opposite may be true. Consider Trump’s proposed45 percent tariff on Chinese imports. No one should think this would stimulate much added production to the United States.“U.S. companies would not start producing more apparel and footwear in the United States, nor would they start assembling consumer electronics domestically,” writes economist Douglas Irwin of D artmouth College in a forthcoming issue of Foreign Affairs. “Instead, production would shift from China to other low-wage developing countries in Asia, such as Vietnam.” Meanwhile, China would almost certainly retaliate against U.S. exports. The big loser would be the United States.There would also be broader political repercussions. “Trump’s ‘America First’ policies would reinforce the drift away from U.S. global leadership—in ways that would benefit China,” my Post colleague David Ignatius recently wrote. Clinton’s and Sanders’s trade policies merit a similar verdict.Just because globalization is flawed doesn’t mean that its nationalist substitute is superior. Creeping protectionism reduces the efficienciescreated by large international markets. This would limit the possibility of lowering prices of traded goods and services. It would also foster more trade conflicts as countries aided local firms with more subsidies and protectionism.For all its shortcomings, globalization has contributed to a huge reduction in worldwide poverty over the past quarter-century. We ought to be more realistic about its limits and should police its vulnerabilities—particularly the danger of financial breakdowns. But as an organizing principle for U.S. foreign policy, we shouldn’t abandon it until we have something better. We don’t.What does post-truth mean for a philosopher?Sean Coughlan"Post-truth" has come to describe a type of campaigning that has turned the political world upside down.Fuelled by emotive arguments rather than fact-checks, it was a phrase that tried to capture the gut-instinct, anti-establishment politics that swept Donald Trump and Brexit supporters to victory.Oxford Dictionaries made it the word of the year, defining it as where "objective facts are less influential in shaping public opinion than appeals to emotion and personal belief".But what does this new world mean for academics and scientists whosewhole purpose is trying to establish objective facts?AC Grayling, public thinker, master of the New College of the Humanities, and Remain campaigner, views the post-truth world with undisguised horror.The philosopher, awarded a CBE in the New Year Honours, warns of the "corruption of intellectual integrity" and damage to "the whole fabric of democracy".But where does he think the post-truth world has come from?"The world changed after 2008," says Prof Grayling - politics since the financial crash has been shaped by a "toxic" growth in income inequality. As well as the gap between rich and poor, he says a deep sense of grievance has grown among middle-income families, who have faced a long stagnation in earnings.With a groundswell of economic resentment, he says, it is not difficult to "inflame" emotions over issues such as immigration and to cast doubt on mainstream politicians.Another key ingredient in the post-truth culture, says Prof Grayling, has been the rise of social media.It's not the soundbite any more, but the "i-bite", he says, where strong opinion can shout down evidence."The whole post-truth phenomenon is about, 'My opinion is worth more than the facts.' It's about how I feel about things."It's terribly narcissistic. It's been empowered by the fact that you can publish your opinion. You used to need a pot of paint and a balaclava to publish your opinion, if you couldn't get a publisher."But all you need now is an iPhone. Everyone can publish their opinion - and if you disagree with me, it's an attack on me and not my ideas. "The fact that you can muscle your way on to the front row and be noticed becomes a kind of celebrity.""Fake news" on social media became part of the post-election debate in the US - and Prof Grayling warns of an online culture that can't distinguish between fact and fiction."Put the words 'did the' into Google and one of the first things you see is, 'Did the Holocaust happen?' and the links will take you to claims that it didn't," he says.This process is "corrosive of our public conversation and our democracy" and he warns of a culture where a few claims on Twitter can have the same credibility as a library full of research.Appropriately for a philosopher, he identifies post-modernism and relativism as the intellectual roots "lurking in the background" of post-truth."Everything is relative. Stories are being made up all the time - there is no such thing as the truth. You can see how that has filtered its way indirectly into post-truth."He says this has unintentionally "opened the door" to a type of politics untroubled by evidence.But hasn't this always been part of the battle of ideas?Prof Grayling tells the story of Adlai Stevenson, the unsuccessful liberal contender in the 1952 US presidential election, who was told: "Mr Stevenson, every thinking person in America is going to vote for you. And he said: 'Great, but I need a majority.'"But the philosopher argues that there has been a significant shift beyond the boundaries of election spinning and into something fundamentally different.He places his argument into a historical perspective, saying the international landscape is more like the volatile, intolerant era before World War Two."There are some really uncomfortable parallels with the 1930s," he says. "These guys have realised you don't need facts, you just lie."。

复旦考博英语作文经典范文英文回答:In the ever-evolving landscape of academic research, the pursuit of knowledge and innovation drives researchers to explore uncharted territories and push the boundaries of human understanding. The role of universities as centers of higher learning and knowledge creation is paramount in this endeavor, and they serve as breeding grounds for future scholars and thought leaders who will shape the course of human history.One of the most prestigious and renowned universitiesin China, Fudan University stands as a beacon of academic excellence, attracting top scholars and students from around the world. Its commitment to fostering a vibrant intellectual community and cultivating critical thinking skills is evident in its rigorous academic programs and world-class research facilities.As a prospective doctoral candidate at Fudan University, I am eager to immerse myself in this intellectually stimulating environment and contribute to the advancementof knowledge in my chosen field. My passion for research, coupled with my strong academic foundation and provenability to conduct independent research, will enable me to make significant contributions to the university's research community.Moreover, I am confident that the diverse perspectives and expertise of Fudan University's faculty and studentswill enrich my academic journey and provide me with invaluable opportunities for collaboration and knowledge exchange. The university's interdisciplinary approach to research and its emphasis on cutting-edge technologies will allow me to develop a comprehensive understanding of myfield and prepare me for the challenges of the 21st century.Beyond my academic pursuits, I am committed to actively engaging with the wider Fudan community and contributing to its vibrant intellectual and cultural life. I believe that my involvement in student organizations, conferences, andcommunity outreach initiatives will not only enhance my leadership skills but also foster a sense of belonging and purpose within the university.In summary, I am convinced that Fudan University is the ideal institution for me to pursue my doctoral studies and embark on a fulfilling academic and research career. I am eager to join the Fudan community and contribute to its legacy of academic excellence and innovation.中文回答:复旦大学作为中国最负盛名的大学之一,以其卓越的学术成就享誉海内外,吸引着来自世界各地的顶尖学者和学生。

复旦考博英语作文I woke up this morning feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. Today is the day of my Fudan Universitydoctoral entrance exam, and I have been preparing for this moment for months. As I got ready and headed to the exam venue, my mind was racing with thoughts of the challenges that lay ahead.Walking into the exam room, I was greeted by a sea of faces, all focused and determined. The atmosphere was tense, yet there was an underlying sense of camaraderie among us all. I took my seat, feeling a surge of adrenaline as I awaited the start of the exam.The questions were tough, testing not just my knowledge but also my ability to think critically and analytically. I found myself grappling with complex theories and concepts, pushing myself to come up with well-reasoned arguments and solutions. The hours flew by, and before I knew it, the exam was over.Leaving the exam room, I felt a sense of relief wash over me. I had given it my all, and now all that was left to do was wait for the results. As I walked out into the sunshine, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in how far I had come and the effort I had put in to reach this point.Now, as I sit here reflecting on the day's events, I am filled with a sense of gratitude for the opportunity to pursue my passion and further my education at Fudan University. Whatever the outcome may be, I know that this experience has been invaluable in shaping me as a scholar and a person. And for that, I am truly grateful.。

考博英语作文范文185篇(可编辑)2 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement Parents are the best teachers Use specificreasons and examples to support your answer你是否同意或不同意以下声明家长是最好的老师使用具体原因和例子来支持你的答案Obviously the earliest teachers we have in our lives in most cases are our parents and they are generallythe most involved in the development and education of their children Yet neither are all parents goodteachers nor are those good parents the best teachers显然我们最早的老师在大多数情况下我们的生活是我们的父母他们是最普遍的发展和子女教育工作然而也不是所有家长好老师也不是那些好父母最好的老师First of all not all parents are good teachers As normal individuals some parents more or less have badhabits Even though parents almost instinctively devote themselves to cultivating their offspring theoutcome might turn out to be disappointment for all children tend to unconsciously or subconsciouslycopy every thing from their parents Another deficiency of parents as teachers is the fact that most parentsare lack of common senses of education All too often we observe some parents tend to pursue theircherished but failed dream by forcing their children to develop in a prearranged direction Ironically iftheir children did not follow the instructions the children would be regarded as disobedient or allegedlyrebellious In fact it is parents rather than their children that virtually disobey common senses首先并非所有家长都好老师作为正常人一些家长或多或少有坏习惯尽管父母几乎本能地致力于培养他们的后代其结果可能会变成失望而归往往所有儿童都能自觉或不自觉从他们的父母复制每一件事另一个家长缺乏的是大部分家长对教育的共同感觉缺乏教师我们常常看到一些父母往往追求迫使其子女在预先安排的发展方向他们所珍惜的但未能梦想具有讽刺意味的如果子女没有遵循指示孩子就被视为不听话或据称反叛事实上这是家长而不是他们的孩子Moreover some parents are qualified as good teachers but not all of them are the best ones Whenchildren are in the preliminary school it is not surprising that parents are capable of teaching theirchildren almost every subject even better than professional teachers in the school But the situation willnot last long We live in a world where knowledge is accumulated by multiplying and at the same timebecomes more and more specialized Therefore to be a professional in a certain field today takes muchlonger time than ever before No parent is able to be professional in all fields though they might beexperts in one or more fields Wise parents often release rather than charge their children as early aspossible They are aware of the possibility outside the family此外一些家长有资格好老师但不是所有这些都是最好的当他们在初步学校的这并不奇怪父母是孩子的教学几乎每一个问题甚至比在学校专业教师做得更好但情况不会持续太久我们在那里知识的增多同时积累了生活的世界变得越来越专业化因此是在某一领域的专业今日需时较长的时间比以往任何时候家长们能在所有领域的专业虽然他们可能在一个或多个领域的专家明智的家长往往释放而不是他们的孩子负责尽早他们都明白了家庭以外的可能性Parents may nevertheless help their children much more than do good teachers Most parts of childreneducation are virtually beyond teachers reaches It is parents that supplement Psychology studies haveshown us that parents love sometimes has astonishingly magic power to their children Albert Einsteinsmother and Forest Gumps mother are both good examples On the other hand parents might do theirchildren harm more than do bad teachers as well The natures of those children whose parents havedivorced are often severely distorted In a word it is rather superficial to simply say that parents are thebest teachers家长仍可以帮助他们的孩子更比好老师大部分地区的儿童教育几乎超出教师达到这是家长的补充心理学研究告诉我们父母的爱有时有惊人的神奇力量给子女爱因斯坦的母亲和阿甘正传的母亲都是很好的例子另一方面家长可以做他们的孩子受到伤害比也差的教师那些其父母已离婚儿童的性质往往严重扭曲总之这是十分肤浅的简单地说家长是最好的老师[404 words]4 It has been said "Not everything that is learned is contained inbooks" Compare and contrastknowledge gained from experience with knowledge gained from books In your opinion which source ismore important Why有人说―并不是所有的教训是在书本中‖ 比较和对比中取得的经验与知识从书本上获得的经验在您看来这是更重要的来源为什么Both experiences and books are very essential resources and both of them have relevant merits双方的经验和书籍是非常重要的资源他们都有相关的优点1Experiences are the most direct resources we ever have Almost our every basic skill came fromexperiences such as walking articulating reading even thinking Without experiences some natural bornabilities even might lose Studies have shown that a baby who was robbed by animals into forest for 12years lost his ability to talk in human language Furthermore it is generally accepted that each and everyskill develops by experiences and thats why people always say practice makes perfect经验是最直接的资源的时候都完备几乎我们每个基本技能来自经验如散步阐明阅读甚至思维如果没有经验有些天生的能力甚至可能会丧失研究表明婴儿谁是动物抢劫到12年森林失去了说话的能力在人类语言此外人们普遍认为每一个技术发展的经验这就是为什么人们总是说熟能生巧Books are valuable when knowledge is beyond the scope of our experiences Perhaps the most obviousexamples are those fluent writers They write various stories the scopes of which are far beyond anyindividuals experiences Take Joyce Carol Oates for example her productivity has been prodigiousaccumulating in less than two decades to nearly thirty titles including novels collections of short storiesand verse plays and literary criticism Although some of them appear to come from her own directobservations her dreams and her fears much more is clearly from the experiences of others Her fictiveworld remains strikingly akin to that real one reflected in the daily newspapers the television news andtalk shows and the popular magazines of our day书是有价值的当知识超出了我们的经验范围或许最明显的例子是那些流利的作家他们写远远超过任何个人的经历的各种故事其中的范围中为例乔伊斯卡罗尔欧茨她已经惊人的生产力积累了不到20 年的近30冠军其中包括小说短篇故事和诗歌戏剧和文学批评的集合虽然其中一些看起来是来自她自己的直接观察她的梦想她的恐惧更是清楚地从别人的经验她虚构的世界仍然惊人地类似真正的一个反映在报纸电视新闻和访谈节目和我们时代的流行杂志Yet either experiences or books may give us wrong information Our direct observations always aresubject to our beliefs hopes fears expectations and our bias which might make observations unreliablePeople vary in their powers of observation and the reliability of our observations is no better than thereliability of our memories which as we know can be deceptive Information printed in papers sometimesis unreliable either it may be misprinted or even deliberately distorted For example Definitions such asMarxism Capitalism Zionism are totally different in the Oxford Learners Dictionary of Current Englishbetween the original edition and the sanctioned Russian edition 然而无论经验或书籍可以给我们错误的信息我们直接观察总是受到我们的信仰希望恐惧期望和我们的偏见这可能使意见不可靠不同的人在观察他们的权力和我们的意见的可靠性并不比我们的记忆作为我们知道是有欺骗性的可靠性信息印在文件或者有时是不可靠的它可能是错体甚至故意歪曲举例来说如马克思主义资本主义犹太复国主义的定义完全在牛津学习的英语词典不同的原版和俄文版的制裁In conclusion both sources are important Sometimes one is more important than the other in accordancewith specific circumstances For example when we make a general survey about a certain subject wemay prefer rich references in library On the other hand if we want to know more specific details we hadbetter refer to experiences such as results of carefully designed experiments最后这两个来源是重要的有时一个更重要的是比具体情况为根据其他例如当我们做一个关于某一议题的一般性调查我们可能更喜欢在图书馆丰富的参考资料另一方面如果我们想了解更多的具体细节我们有更好的参考经验如精心设计的实验结果[377 Words]7 How do movies or television influence peoples behavior Use reasons and specific examples tosupport your answer如何将电影或电视影响人们的行为使用原因和具体的例子来支持你的答案The impact that modern mass media such as movies or televisions has had on our daily life and society ingeneral is undeniable No doubt it will become even greater as the scope of mass media continues togrow and as the relevant technologies become more and more sophisticated and so fascinating thatvirtually nobody will be able to escape Already it can be seen how western movies are exercisinginfluence on our youth generation they grow long-hair regardless of their sex commonly part of whichare dyed in gold they wear jeans in each and every season usually knees of which are deliberatelytattered boys are fond of earrings or other odd pendants and girls are keen on Marlboros and weirdcoarse languages在这样的电影或电视现代传媒已经在我们的日常生活产生的影响和整个社会是不可否认的毫无疑问它将成为甚至作为大众传媒的范围更大的继续增长随着相关技术越来越先进因此迷人几乎没有人能够逃脱已经可以看到西方电影如何行使2对青少年一代的影响他们长大长头发无论其性别通常其中一部分黄金染色他们穿在每一个季节通常是膝盖的牛仔裤故意褴褛男孩的耳环吊坠或其他多喜欢和女孩的万宝路怪诞的粗语言激烈The major means that mass media influence the public is by creating topics of discussion in the societyMass media offers people the consumers issues to talk and think about Titanic had brought a worldwideuproar by its extolling and of fascinating immortal love Prime Color and Wag the dog met the nationaldebate on right and duty of the president of the United States Antiwar movies such as Tears of the Sunand All Quiet On The Western Front among numerous others have been raising the question that is anywar really to uphold justice or is it really worthy that an individual makes sacrifices to his country and atthe same time ignores his own family or his personal values大众媒体的公众影响力的主要手段是创造了社会讨论的议题大众媒体提供人消费者问题讨论和思考泰坦尼克号带来了其迷人的赞美和不朽的爱全世界一片哗然总理颜色和摇尾狗符合有关的权利和对美国总统职责的全国性辩论如太阳泪和其他许多在西线无战事反战电影已经提出的问题是任何战争的真正的正义还是很值得个人作出的牺牲他的国家同时忽略他的家人或他的个人价值Mass media also shapes our understanding of what is important and what is not important to know The"important" issues are to be found on the first pages of the newspaper in the beginning of a televisionprogram The "not important" stories are the ones that are not being told at all The "not very important"stories are probably very short and hidden in the last pages In fact censorships present all mass mediaincluding its distributing means such as the Internet By prearranging public issue the mass media makesdecisions for us Even though there are critical thinking individuals in any society they are definiteminority the public in whole in deed lack skills of criticalthinking and therefore they are often led bythe media大众媒体也影响我们对什么是重要的理解什么是不重要的知道重要的问题必须对报纸的在一个电视节目的开始第一页找到不重大的故事是那些不被告知所有的在不太重要的故事可能很短在过去的页面隐藏事实上目前包括censorships分发所有大众媒体互联网等手段由prearranging公共问题大众传播媒体对我们的决定即使是批判性思维在任何社会中的个人他们是明确的少数人的批判性思维的言行缺乏技能整体上市因此他们往往被媒体领导In brief mass media by offering topics and affecting the ways in which we discuss ―the important issues‖has a strong influence on our perception of the truth of the world or of the structure of our society wehave to admit that it has a role in our lives as a source of information experiences entertainmentamusement and relaxation[431 Words]8 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement Television has destroyed communicationamong friends and family Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinionWhile television has been somewhat harmful in its effects it has hardly "destroyed" communicationamong friends and family although for some people the assertion that television has destroyedcommunication among friends and family seems trueTelevision invented in last century with its wide availability increasingly prosperous programsbecomes one of the most powerful means of communication in the history and is more and more difficultto ignore Television is as much a part of our lives as are our meals work or school studies consistentlyshow that the average American child spends almost as much time watching television as does she inschool We all have only 24 hours a day and it is clear that the more time one spends on watchingtelevision the less time one does with his or her family and friends Hence we see the passage in thenewspaper or magazine titled "Television took my husband away from me"Tempting as such claim might be it is hardly true It is not television took her husband away from herbut the increasing pressures of modern life did it We have no definiteevidence to say people nowadaysendure more pressures than did their counterparts in the past but it is absolutely true that peoplenowadays undergo great pressures that come from various directions including work school economyand so forth Investigations show that people who earn more than 50 000 yuan annually spend at least 60hours on work per week much more than those who earn 20000 yuan annually Today a bachelor degree3may no longer guarantee a well paid job more and more companies post their want ads claiming thatapplicants must have at least master degrees which take two or three years longerIn a word people nowadays have very little time for anything television is merely among many otherfactors that affect communication and is definitely not the main cause of degradation It seems that themore one is educated the more one is aware of the deleteriouseffects that excessive television causesand either deliberately avoid it or actually do not enjoy it On the other hand there really are many peopleaddictive to television But the fact is were television not existent surely these people would have foundother escapes such as alcohol or gambling for example In other words people always find a way to dowhat they want to do Therefore I do not agree that television has destroyed communication amongfriends and family[419 words]9 Some people prefer to live in a small town Others prefer to live in a big city Which place would youprefer to live in Use specific reasons and details to support your answerPeople seldom agree with each other even in such trivial issues as preference between a big city and asmall town Its a little bit haste to say that it is better to live in a big city than to live in a small town orvice versusLiving in a big city has several benefits First therere more job opportunities readily available in bigcities than in a small town Furthermore not merely there are more jobpositions in big cities the qualitiesof the position are much higher as well In addition the pay is more decent Second children aresupposed to be able to receive an education with a higher quality compared with their counterparts wholive in a small town For families childrens education is always put in the first place Finally living in abig city has a superior overall living standard to that in a small town There are more commodities andservices in city markets there are more public utilities available in big cities there are even much moretelevision channels in big citiesHowever living in a small town also has some advantages People who live in a small town often have amuch comfortable life style Most of them are immune from suffering of high working stress Althoughthe average pay is much less than that of big cities the price of daily necessities such as vegetables ormeat is usually more inexpensive Instead of suffering loneliness which is prevalent in big cities childrenmight grow up more healthily because of harmonious relationship among residents in small town Peoplein a small town do not have to get up so early in the morning because there has been no traffic jam andno body drive so fast in a small town as to cause accidents They might have fewer channels in televisionbut they have more friends readily available to chat or entertain withAccording to my current situation although I am longing for the cozy atmosphere and relationship amongneighbors and friends which almost only exist in big cities I have chosen to live in one of the biggestcities in my country --- Beijing since I have found a pretty good job here and a decent pay I think Iwould prefer living a small town when I get retired one day[392 Words]17 Some people think that they can learn better by themselves than with a teacher Others think that it isalways better to have a teacher Which do you prefer Use specific reasons to develop your essayWhether we need a teacher or not depends on circumstances The relationship between a teacher and anew subject is somewhat similar to that between a tour guide and an unknown cityWhen we come to an unknown city for the first time we definitely need a tour guide We might have adetailed map but it is unlikely functional – it isnt surprised that we can hardly interpret those mysterioussymbols Likewise when we are beginners it is wise to learn with teachers They can tell us where to4begin with what we should do and which reference we should choose When we confront difficulties wecan ask them for help and their advices will always be tremendously helpful With teachers assistancewe might learn easier faster and more interestinglyAfter a period of time we have learned a lot We now know the city prettywell even though there stillare many places we havent been It doesnt matter Now that we are able to recognize those mysterioussymbols on the map what we need perhaps is not a tour guide but a more detailed map Similarly weneed richer references for learning Yes there are still many fields unexplored they are nevertheless nolonger puzzling The task is simple we will explore them one by one little by little If we are working ona certain skill practice more if we are preparing a test practice more whatever we are learning justremember like people always say practice makes perfectAfter another period of time we might have become others tour guide but we still want to know moreWe want to know which restaurant is the most decent which bookstore is the most professional whichcoffee shop is the most classical Even the most comprehensive map doesnt have adequate informationWe again need experts In learning its much the same We need experts to consult for specific problemsFurthermore the most beneficial merit of consulting experts is that we can not merely refer to them buteven discuss with them in depth As is often the case a solution for a complex matter is not waiting for usright there and then sometimes it comes out of inspirations of discussionIn short having a good teacher is always better than having none but the importance of a teacher variesfrom period to period from stage to stage[400 Words]21 In general people are living longer now Discuss the causes ofthis phenomenonAmong various factors that contribute to todays longevity of people are three most obvious ones theimprovement of food conditions the development of modern medical technology and finally currentstability of economy in our countryFood conditions are better than before and are still being developed with a rapid pace First of all foodsare more hygienic People today drink untainted mineral water sterilized skim milk which are cheaplysupplied in supermarkets Furthermore foods are more nutrient Not to mention various carefullydesigned nutrient products people can just ignore the possibility of being dystrophic in that they cankeep nutrient balance by simply taking a cheap pill of vitamin compound every dayAnother essential improvement that contributes to peoples longevity is swiftly developing medicaltechnology Development of modern technology has always been amazing Certain diseases such astuberculosis pneumonia and dysentery are now easy to remedy with low expenses but in the past theyare all probably lethal ones The dental technology seems developed little except its exorbitantly chargedbill yet the simplest technology contributes to peoples longevity most It is not difficult to imagine that ifan individual who lived in the past got a toothache without certain dental care which is common todayhe was certainly in an awful prospect he might even die of a toothacheCurrent societal and economic stabilization is also a very indispensable factor People have less pressurein a more stable society the less pressure they suffer the healthier they are Todays ideal stabilizationeven provides people an opportunity to secure their future – buy insurances Various types of insurancesare readily available which make people feel safe and have to a large extent reduced people anxietiesand therefore indirectly contribute significantly to longevity of people[274 Words]24 A person you know is planning to move to your town or city What do you think this person wouldlike and dislike about living in your town or city Why5If my friend Joey wants to move to Beijing I think she willdefinitely like this greatest city in our countryeven though she might find something she dislikesThe weather might be one thing that she dislikes The weather in Beijing is characterized by dry climateand it is much windy and dusty than that of Guangzhou city Joey is very sensitive about her skin so shewill definitely hate dusty winds in Beijing Moreover Beijings winter is far too much colder than that ofGuangzhou it might take Joey as many other people came from the South a very long time to getaccustomed to Nevertheless she might well enjoy winter in the North since she has never seensnowflakes in reality I remembered the shining of yearning and eager in her eyes when I once told herwhat winters in the North look likeShe might be always irritated by heavy traffic in Beijing though taxis in Beijing cost much less than inGuangzhou When I was in Guangzhou seldom was I trapped by traffic jams It must be ridiculous forher to have spent more than two hours and still didnt arrive at the destination which is merely 10-kilometer away And the most ludicrous thing is even if you possess a private car it is more likely to beuseless for parking lots are always crowded which means more time is to be wasted One good news forher is that the bus system and subway system in Beijing are well developed and more convenient and aneven more delight one is that she wont have to bear that odor of bromhidrosis owing to burning weatheras she once experienced in buses of GuangzhouWhat she will definitely love is the cultural ethos of the city Beijing has a history probably longer thanany other big city in China To visit all historical landscapes in Beijing she will need at least three yearsno kidding Beijing has the most famous and excellent universities the largest libraries the richestmuseums yet most important of all her best friend Amazingly in this aged city people are sometimesmore international Joey is especially fond of art and Beijing is the right place for her which is muchfrequented for concerts of international singers or other musicians and she will even be able to attendCuiJians private concert in a coffee shop on a rainy autumn weekend [407 Words]27 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement People should sometimes do things that theydo not enjoy doing Use specific reasons and examples to support your answerWe live in a world in which every one wants to be successful Nothing is wrong about the desire to be No1 and there is no doubt that being successful is enjoyable There reallyis something wrong neverthelessto think we could be finally successful by only doing things that we do enjoy doing People often areamazed by the glorious appearance of a skyscraper at the same time they should be conscious of the factthat the skyscraper had taken a long time to construct maybe much longer time to design and possiblyeven several workers lives during the constructing processWe may categorize things into two groups the enjoyable and the unenjoyable at the same time anothercategory can be made the necessary and the unnecessary The point is things that are necessary are notalways enjoyable and things that are enjoyable sometimes may be unnecessary Doing things that arenecessary rather than those that are merely enjoyable is not only helpful but it might also be indispensablefor individual success We all admire even envy those who now have attained great achievements suchthose famous stars as Jacky Chen Jet Li for example We should however be aware of the exorbitantprices they have paid for their present glories Jacky Chen once told that when he was still a teenager heand his partners were required to practice more than 12 hours a day and it was said that Jet Li was sent tobe an apprentice when he was hardly four years old Apparently those seemingly cruel hardships hadturned out to be the best gifts years later But for yesterdays struggle todays glories could not existThings that are both enjoyable and necessary or both unenjoyable and unnecessary seldom exist We maydislike some curriculums in university such as mathematics orhistory but they are necessary we mayprefer leisure times to work days but the latter are necessary Thelist will go on and may be an endless6one Pursuing a successful life is nothing more than making wise decisions by ―wise‖ we mean thechoice of doing the necessary first[353 Words]33 You have received a gift of money The money is enough to buyeither a piece of jewelry you like ortickets to a concert you want to attend Which would you buyIt seems not a difficult decision for me But if I was given the gift of money in different time I wouldhave different answersIf I was given the money when I was in my high school I will buy a ticket to a concert I had beenlonging for attending concerts of famous artists to enjoy those transcendent pieces such as saxophone ofKenny G rock and roll of Cuijian and romantic songs of Luo Dayou Unfortunately I just was not ableto afford those exorbitant prices The money I was given should be better if enough for several tickets forthat means I could take along my best friends whose situations were much similar to mineIf I was given the money when I was in the university I will buy a fine piece of jewelry and give it to mygirl friend as a casual present for we might enjoy a certain concert but hardly could it be permanentlyimpressive Memories are always not reliable We tend to simply forget any thing – at least memories aresomewhat distorted – if time past long enough But if I bought my girl friend a piece of jewelry notcostly though it might be it would be a perfect reminder being never changedIf I was given the money recently it would only make me feel funny I dont want to go to concertsanymore because I became more and more reluctant to present in crowd public places besides I havebought a super Hi-Fi which always brings me identical pleasure And I dont want to buy any jewelry forit is meaningless for a man who is now solitary Nevertheless if I was forced to accept some money as agift – it hardly happens – I might buy some books after all readingalways makes me relaxed and amazed[312 Words]40 The expression "Never never give up" means to keep trying and never stop working for your goalsDo you agree or disagree with this statement Use specific reasons and examples to support your answerNear in the end of the Second World War Churchill delivered his famous and the shortest speech NeverNever Give Up British as well as people in many other countries were tremendously encouraged andfinally went through the hardest period in human historyTo never give up represents a strong and positive attitude of the life Some people are readily to quitwhen they feel they cannot endure the difficulties of some work or they think they cannot find a way tofinish the required task Such people usually become upset and disappointed of failure and lose their self-confidence although they virtually can do every thing well In case of acquiring second language mostpeople failed simply because they had given up Acquiring second language might be the easiest taskamong diverse academic curriculums because one can be successful only by plain repetition though it ispains-taking and time-consumingNever give up Such strong belief often gives us the second chance Thefact that we failed somewheredoes not mean we are going to fail every where and especially it does not necessarily mean that we aredeprived of opportunities to win there There probably even always is a second chance Many successfulpeople did fail before Yu MinHong the founder of New Oriental School was able to study in PekingUniversity only after three years attempts He wasnt reckoned as successful after graduation amongmany signs is the fact that almost all his classmates went abroad while he was each and every time。

When it comes to _____, we can hardly avoid the thought that _____. (If there is anything that plagues the human society today, it is _____.) It is quite obvious that we now face a great challenge. _____ has become a big concern in recent years. It has become a hotly discussed issue. There has been a growing concern among the general public over the impact of _____ on our society. People are beginning to see it as an important event in their life.There is no doubt/denying that _____ plays an important part in our life. People attach great importance to _____. It is well known that _____. It has a great impact on our society. If we focus our effort on _____, we can expect to get good results and a lot of people will benefit from our work. There is hardly a better example than the fact that _____. When _____ is completed, more people will have access to ______. We should take advantage of the situation and make use of _____. This will do a lot of good to _____.From what has been said above, we find that attitudes towards this problem vary from person to person. However, as a coin has two sides, there is a good side and a bad side to everything. People are beginning to worry about _____. To make our world to better place to live in, it is necessary to take measures to _____. On the one hand, the governmentshould play a major role in making policies to ______. On the other hand, the general public should be aware of the importance of _____.07年试题Directions: You are to write in no less than 120 words on the topic "Entering College: Help the Needy Youngsters to Achieve Their Dreams". Your composition should be based on the Chinese clues given below.中央电视台“圆梦行动”的公益节目旨在动员社会力量捐助贫困学子圆大学之梦。

复旦大学博士申请英语入学考试作文1. 引言1.1 概述复旦大学是中国一所优秀的高等学府,其博士申请英语入学考试作文是申请者进入该校攻读博士学位的重要环节之一。
1.2 相关背景在当今全球化的教育环境下,越来越多的学生选择到海外深造。
1.3 研究意义复旦大学博士申请英语入学考试作文具有一定的研究意义。
这样就完成了“1. 引言”部分的内容。
2. 复旦大学博士申请英语入学考试作文要点分析2.1 题型与要求复旦大学博士申请英语入学考试的作文题型多样,可能涉及到议论文、说明文、议论说明文以及问题解决等。
2.2 内容构思技巧在写作内容上,考生需要理解所给题目,并能准确把握主题。
2.3 语言表达技巧在语言表达上,考生需要使用正确、准确的词汇和语法结构。

复旦大学考博英语阅读理解模拟题及答案Everyone has heard of the San Andreas fault(断层),whichconstantly threatens California and the West Coast with earthquakes.But how many people know about the equally serious New Madrid faultin Missouri?Between December of1811and February of1812,three majorearthquakes occurred,all centered around the town of New Madrid,Missouri,on the Mississippi River.Property damage was severe.Buildings in the area were almost destroyed.Whole forests fell atonce,and huge cracks opened in the ground,allowing smell ofsulfur(硫磺)to filter upward.The Mississippi River itself completely changed character,Gengduo yuan xiao wan zheng kao bo ying yu zhen ti ji qi jie xi qing lianxi quan guo mian fei zi xun dian hua:si ling ling liu liu ba liu jiuqi ba,huo jia zi xun qq:qi qi er liu qi ba wu san qi developing suddenrapids and whirlpools.Several times it changed its course,and once,according to some observers,it actually appeared to runbackwards.Few people were killed in the New Marid earthquakes,probably simply because few people lived in the area in1811;but theseverity of the earthquakes are shown by the fact that the shock wavesrang bells in church towers in Charleston,South Carolina,on thecoast.Buildings shook in New York City,and clocks wer stopped inWashington,D.C.Scientists now know that America's two major faultsare essentially different.The San Andreas is a horizontal boundarybetween two major land masses that are slowly moving in opposite directions.California earthquakes result when the movement of these two masses suddenly lurches(倾斜)forward.The New Madrid fault,on the other hand,is a vertical fault;at some points,possibly hundreds of millions of years ago,rock was pushed up toward the surface,probably by volcanoes under the surface. Suddenly,the volcanoes cooled and the rock collapsed,leaving huge cracks.Even now,the rock continues to settle downwards,and sudden sinking motions trigger(触发)earthquakes in the region.The fault itself,a large crack in this layer of rock,with dozens of other cracks that split off from it,extends from northeastArkansas through Missouri and into southern lllinois.Scientists who have studied the New Madrid fault say there have been numerous smaller quakes in the area since1811;these smaller quakes indicate that larger ones are probably coming,but the scientists say have no method of predictingwhen a large earthquake will occur.11.This passage is mainly about.A)the New Madrid fault in Missouri B)the San Andreas and the New Madrid faultsC)the causes of faults D)current scientific knowledge about faults12.The New Madrid fault is.A)a horizontal faultB)a vertical faultC)a more serious fault than the San Andreas faultD)responsible for forming the Mississippi River13.We may conclude from the passage that.A)it is probably as dangerous to live in Missouri as in CaliforniaB)the New Madrid fault will eventually develop a mountain range in MissouriC)California will become an island in futureD)A big earthquake will occur to California soon14.This passage implies that.A)horizontal faults are more dangerous than vertical faults.B)Vertical faults are more dangerous than horizontal faultsC)Earthquakes occur only around fault areasD)California will break into pieces by an eventual earthquake15.As used in the first sentence of the fourth paragraph,the word essentially means.A)greatly C)basically B)extremely D)necessarilyPassage31.B2.B3.A4.C5.C本文由“育明考博”整理编辑。

复旦大学20XX年博士研究生入学考试英语试题附参考答案和解析Part ⅠVocabulary and Structure (15 points)Directions:There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on ANSWER SHEET Ⅰ with a single line through center.1.Official figures show that unemployment ______ in November and then fell slowly over the next two months.A.plodded B.peeped C.plunged D.peaked2.The old lady was immediately sent to a nearby hospital when she ______ from heat stroke.A.passed away B.passed off C.passed out D.passed by 3.Her spirits ______ at the thought of all the work she had to do that morning.A.sagged B.sacked C.saddled D.scored4.Jack would rather his younger sister ______ in the same hospital as he does.A.worked B.works C.to work D.work5.Jane was badly taken in when she paid $ 300 for that second-hand bicycle; it was not worth ______.A.that all much B.all that much C.much all that D.that much all6.A patient crowd had ______ around the entrance to the theatre, hoping to catch a glimpse of the stars of the show.A.contracted B.consulted C.contemplated D.congregated 7.UN diplomats are suspicious that the country's ______ weapons programme may be broader than reported.A.flail B.clandestine C.temperate D.fake8.Fortunately the acting and photography are so good that they somehow manage to ______ the limitations of the film plot.A.trace B.transcend C.tranquilize D.trail9.When the report was published, various environmental groups criticized it for being too ______.A.alert B.zealous C.meek D.gregarious10.Her friends helped her ______ after her sister was killed in a car crash.A.pull off B.pull out C.pull through D.pull on11.Nell's father said to him that he was ______ dog to learn new tricks.A.so old a B.a too old C.too old a D.a so old12.The skipper was not willing to risk ______ his ship through the straits until he could see where he was going.A.taking B.to take C.having taken D.being taken13.We were running out of money and things were looking ______.A.grim B.glossy C.gorgeous D.gracious14.If law and order ______ not maintained, neither the citizens nor their properties are safe.A.were B.are C.is D.was15.He saw writers and artists as being important to the state for they could ______.credibility on the regime.A.bestow B.embrace C.disperse D.undertake16.When import taxes on goods are high, there is a greater chance that they will be ______.A.bartered B.counterfeited C.manufactured D.smuggled 17.There's been so little rain, the forest is ______ to go up in flames at any moment.A.precarious B.feeble C.convenient D.liable18.The school's development committee has deliberated the question ______ great length.A.on B.along C.at D.for19.On a Summer evening it is ______ to hear the joyful sound of the shepherd's flute floating across the valley.A.treacherous B.enchanting C.rash D.furtive20.Let's ______ the arrangements with the others before we make a decision.A.talk over B.talk into C.talk down D.talk round21.He'll have to ______ the music when his parents find out he's been missing school.A.listen to B.compose C.face D.play22.Her eyes were shining brightly and her face was suffused ______ color.A.with B.in C.by D.of23.In my opinion Elizabeth and Henry are not ______ friends as lovers.A.too much B.as much C.very much D.so much24.Yesterday my brother ______ with his girlfriend over where to go on holiday.A.fell off B.fell out C.fell away D.fell apart25.The writer ______ the newspaper readers against buying shares without getting good advice first.A.spurred B.menaced C.cautioned D.induced26.Some of his colleagues say he's loud and ______ and that everyone hates him.A.obnoxious B.straightforward C.considerate D.genial 27.She claims that the pressure on public hospitals could be ______ by combining medical resources in the public and private sectors.A.relieved B.replaced C.retrieved D.resurrected28.Please ______ it that the door is locked before you leave.A.see through B.see to C.see into D.see after29.I will ______ you personally responsible if anything goes wrong in this project.A.get B.hold C.let D.have30.The burglars ______ the house but found nothing valuable.A.ransacked B.besieged C.mortgaged D.renovatedPart ⅡReading Comprehension (40 points)Directions:There are 4 reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer and mark the corresponding letter on ANSWER SHEET Ⅰ with a single line through the center.Passage OneNowadays, with plentiful ice and electric churning, few people recall the shared excitement of the era when making ice cream was a rarely scheduled event. Then the iceman brought to the back door, on special order, a handsome 2-foot-square cube of cold crystal and everyone in the family took a turn at the crank. The critical question among us children was, of course, who might lick the dasher. A century or so ago the novelist Stendhal knew only hand-churned ice cream and, when he first tasted it, exclaimed, “What a pity this isn't a sin!”Hand-churning is still tops for perfectionists for no power-driven machine has yet been invented that can achieve a comparable texture. Even French Pot, the very best commercial method for making ice cream, calls for finishing by hand.Ice creams are based on carefully cooked well-chilled syrups and heavy custards, added to unwhipped cream. No form of vanilla flavoring can surpass that of vanilla sugar or of the bean itself, steeped in a hot syrup. If sweetened frozen fruits are incorporated into the cream mixture instead of flesh fruits, be sure to adjust sugar content accordingly.Make up mixtures for chum-frozen ice creams the day before you freeze, to increase fill the container only 3/4 full to permit expansion. To pack the freezer, allow 3 to 6 quarts of chipped or cracked ice to 1 cup of coarse rock salt. Pack about 1/3 of the freezer with ice and add layers of salt and ice around the container until the freezer is full. Allow the pack to stand about 3 minutes before you start turning. Turn slowly at first, about 40 revolutions a minute, until a slight pull is felt. Then triple speed for 5 to 6 minutes. If any additions, such as finely cut candied or flesh fruits or nuts are to be made, do so at this point. Then repack and taper off the churning to about 80 revolutions a minute for a few minutes more. The cream should be ready in 10 to 20 minutes, depending on the quality.If the ice cream or ice is to be used at once, it should be frozen harder than if you plan to serve it later. Should the interval be 2 hours or more, packing will firm it. To pack, pour off the salt water in the freezer and wipe off the lid. Remove the dasher carefully, making sure that no salt or water gets into the cream container. Scrape the cream down from the sides of the container. Place a cork in the lid and replace the lid. Repack the container in the freezer with additional ice and salt, using the same proportions as before. Cover the freezer with newspapers, a piece of carpet or other heavy material.The cream should be smooth when served. If it proves granular, you used too much salt in the packing mixture, overfilled the inner container with the ice cream mixture or turned too rapidly. If you are making a large quantity with the idea of storing some in the deep-freeze, package in sizes you plan on serving. Should ice cream be allowed to melt even slightly and is then refrozen, it loses in volume and even more in good texture.31.In the first paragraph, “took a turn at the crank” could be paraphrased ______.A.“helped to mix the ice cream”B.“ate some ice cream”C.“helped break up the ice with a hammer”D.“protected the ice cream from children”32.According to the writer truly perfect ice cream ______.A.is now common and inexpensive at most storesB.is only possible with hand laborC.should be melted and then refrozenD.needs to be a sin33.When ice cream is being hand-churned it is surrounded by a mixture of ______.A.syrup and cream B.syrup and iceC.salt and ice D.flesh fruit and ice34.In paragraph 4, “taper off” means ______.A.cut up B.stop C.speed up D.slow down35.This passage reflects an era when ______.A.people liked a little salt in their ice creamB.making ice cream was an occasional form of family entertainmentC.ice cream was not popularD.people did not knew now to make cheese with their creamPassage TwoFood and drink play a major role in Christmas celebrations in most countries, but in few more so than in Mexico. Many families over the festive season will do little more than cook and ingest a seemingly constant cycle of tortillas, fried beans, meat both roasted and stewed, and sticky desserts for days on end.Thus does the extended family keep on extending—further and further over their collective waistlines.Lucky them, you might think. Except that Mexico's bad eating habits are leading to a health crisis that most Mexicans seem blissfully unaware of. Obesity and its related disorder, diabetes, are now major health concerns in a country where large rural regions are still concerned more with under- than with over-nourishment. In its perennial rivalry with the United States, Mexico has at last found an area in which it can match its northern neighbor—mouthful for mouthful.The statistics are impressive, and alarming. According to the OECD, Mexico is now thesecond fattest nation in that group of 30 countries A health poll in 1999 found that 35% of women were overweight, and another 24% technically obese. Juan Rivera,an official at the National Institute of Public Health, says that the combined figure for men would be about 55%, and that a similar poll to be carried out next year will show the fat quotient rising. Only the United States, with combined figures of over 60%, is a head.That situation also varies geographically. Although Mexicans populate the north of their country more sparsely than the south, they make up for it weight-wise. A study published by the Pan-American Health Organization a month ago showed that in the mostly Hispanic population that lives on either side of the American-Mexican border, fully 74%of men and 70%of women are either over weight or obese.Moreover, even experts have been surprised by how rapidly the nation has swollen. Whereas the 1999 poll showed 59%of women overweight or obese, only 11 years previously that figure was just 33 %. Nowhere is the transformation more noticeable than in the prevalence of diabetes, closely linked to over-eating and obesity. In 1968, says Joel Rodriguez of the Mexican Diabetes Federation, the disease was in 35th place as a direct cause of mortality in Mexico, but now it occupies first place, above both cancer and heart disease. With about 6.5m diabetics out of a population of 100m, Mexico now has a higher rate than any other large country in the world. Not surprisingly, Mr. Rodriguez argues that Mexi co is in the grip of an “epidemic”.Nor does it tax the brain much to work out that the causes of these explosions in obesity and diabetes are the Mexican diet and a lack of exercise. For most Mexicans, food consumption, not just at Christmas but all year round, is an unvarying combination of refried beans, tortillas, meat and refrescos, or fizzy drinks; they consume 101 liters of cola drinks per person per year, just a little less than Americans and three times as much as Brazilians.Meanwhile, the lack of exercise, Mr. Rivera argues, is a symptom of rapid urbanization over the past 30 years. Obesity and diabetes rates remain slightly lower in rural areas, indicating that manual labor endures as an effective way to stave off weight gain. In Mexico City, though, pollution and crime have progressively driven people out of the parks and the streets, so most now walk as little as possible—preferably no further than from the valet-parking service to the restaurant. To combat the fat, health professionals say that the country must first realize that it is indeed in the grip of an epidemic.Other diseases, such as AIDS and cancer, have captured mostof the publicity in recent years; obesity and diabetes have been comparatively neglected.But these are also, as in other developing countries, mainly problems of the urban poor. It is a symptom of their growing prosperity that these parts of the population have, probably for the first time, almost unlimited access to the greatest amount of calories for the smallest amount of money. But with little knowledge of nutritional values, their diets are now unbalanced and unhealthy.Low-carb products and other dietary imports from the United States have already made an appearance on the posher Mexican supermarket shelves. They may go into be shopping baskets of the rake-thin and utterly unrepresentative models who dominate the country's advertising hoardings. But they are still comparatively expensive. For the heaving mass of the population, things may have to get worse before the government, doctors and consumers realize that things have got to start getting better.36.The phrase “on end” in the first paragraph can be replaced by ______.A.until all been consumed B.uprightC.continuously D.until the last day37.Which of the following sentences is TRUE according to the passage?A.Mexicans are eating a lot because of the country's affluence.B.Mexicans can match Americans in the nourishment of their diet.C.Mexicans only overeat during festive seasons.D.Mexico is now the second fattest nation in this world.38.Judging by the context, the word “perennial” in the second paragraph most probably means ______.A.perpetual B.recurring C.transient D.perilous39.Which is the most significant cause of mortality in Mexico?A.Cancer. B.Heart disease. C.Diabetes. D.Epidemic.40.It is known from the passage that from 1988 to 1999 the figure of women overweight or obese in Mexico rose by ______.A.30% B.26% C.35% D.55%Passage ThreeWhen you are small, all ambitions fall into one grand category:when I'm grown up. When I'm grown up, you say, I'll go up in space. I'm going to be an author. I'll kill them all and thenthey'll be sorry. I'll be married in a cathedral with sixteen bridesmaids in pink lace. I'll have a puppy of my own and no one will be able to take him away.None of it ever happens, of course—or dam little, but the fantasies give you the idea that there is something to grow up for. Indeed one of the saddest things about gilded adolescence is the feeling that from eighteen on, it's all downhill; I read with horror of an American hippie wedding where someone said to the groom (age twenty), “You seem so kind a grown up somehow”, and the lad had to go around seeking reassurance that he wasn't, no, really he wasn't. A determination to be better adults than the present incumbents is fine, but to refuse to grow up at all is just plain unrealism.Right, so then you get some of what you want, or something like it, or something that will do all right; and for years you are too busy to do more than live in the present and put one foot in front of the other; your goals stretching little beyond the day when the boss has a stroke or the moment when the children can bring you tea in bed—and the later moment when they actually bring you hot tea, not mostly slopped in the saucer. However, I have now discovered an even sweeter category of ambition. When my children are grown up …When my children are grown up I'll learn to fly an aer o plane. I will career round the sky, knowing that if I do “go pop” there will be no little ones to suffer shock and maladjustment; that even if the worst does come to the worst I will at least dodge the geriatric ward and all that looking for your glasses in order to see where you've left your teeth. When my children are grown up I'll have fragile, lovely things on low tables; I'll have a white carpet; I'll go to the pictures in the afternoon. When the children are grown up I'll actually be able to do a day's work in day, instead of spread over three, and go away for a weekend without planning as if for a trip to the Moon. When I'm grown up—I mean when they're grown up—I'll be free.Of course, I know it's got to get worse before it gets better. Twelve-year-olds, I'm told, don't go to tend at seven, so you don't even get your evenings; once they're past ten you have to start worrying about their friends instead of simply shooting the intruders off the doorstep, and to settle down to a steady ten years of criticism of everything you've ever thought or done or worn. Boys, it seems, may be less of a trial then girls, since they can't get pregnant and they don't borrow your clothes—if they do borrow your clothes, of course, you've got even more to worry about.The young don't respect their parents any more, that's what. Goodness, how sad,still, likeeating snails, it might be all right once you've got over the idea: it might let us off having to bother quite so much with them when the time comes. But one is simply not going to be able to drone away one’s days, toothless by the fire, brooding on the past.41.What interests the writer about young children is that they ______.A.have so many unselfish ambitions B.have such long-term ambitionsC.don't all want to be spacemen D.all long for adult pleasures42.The writer maintains that fantasies ______.A.satisfy ambition B.lessen ambitionC.stimulate ambition D.frustrate ambition43.What does the writer feel is wrong with the modern generation?A.Their wanting to grow up. B.Their not wanting to grow up.C.Their wanting to improve adults. D.Their not wanting to improve adults.44.The writer feels that as an adult one must ______.A.achieve one's ambitions at all costsB.continue to be ambitiousC.find a compromise between ambition and realityD.give up all one's earlier ambitions45.When the children leave home, the writer thinks that ______.A.there will be compensations B.she will be delightedC.she will be desolated D.there will be nothing to doPassage FourFor years, pediatricians didn't worry much about treating hypertension in their patients. After all, kids grow so fast, it's hard keeping up with their shoe size, let alone their blood pressure. Sure, hypertension in adults places them at greater risk of heart attack and stroke. But nobody likes the idea of starting youngsters on blood-pressure medicine they could wind up taking the rest of their lives. Who knows what previously unheard of side effects could crop up after five or six decades of daily use? The rationale has been: kids grow out of so many things, maybe they'll grow out of this too.Now, though, comes word that high blood pressure can be destructive even in childhood. According to a recent report in the journal Circulation, 19 of 130 children with high bloodpressure developed a dangerous thickening of the heart muscle that, in adults at least, has been linked to heart failure. “No one knows if this pattern holds true for younger patients as well,” says Dr. Stephen Daniels, a pediatric cardiologist who led the study at Children's Hospital Medical Center in Cincinnati, Ohio. “But it's worrisome.”Who's most at risk? Boys more than girls, especially boys who are overweight. Their heart works so hard to force blood through extra layers of fat that its walls grow more dense. Then, after decades of straining, it grows too big to pump blood very well. Fortunately, the abnormal thickening can be spotted by ultrasound. And in most case, getting that blood pressure under control—through weight loss and exercise or, as a last resort, drug treatment—allows the overworked muscle to shrink to normal size.How can you tell if yours are like the 670,000 American children ages 10 to 18 with high blood pressure? It's not the sort of thing you can catch by putting your child's arm in a cuff at the free monitoring station in your local grocery. You should have a test done by a doctor, who will consult special tables that indicate the normal range of blood pressure for a particular child's age, height and sex. If the doctor finds an abnormal result he will repeat the test over a period of months to make sure the reading isn't a fake. He'll also check, whether other conditions, like kidney disease, could he the source of the trouble. Because hypertension can be hard to detect, the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute recommends annual blood pressure checks for every child over age 3.About half the cases of hypertension stem directly from kids being overweight. And the problem is likely to grow. Over the past 30 years the proportion of children in the US who are overweight has doubled, from 5 % to 11%, or 4.7 million kids.You can keep your children from joining their ranks by clearing the junk food from your pantry and hooking your kids—the earlier the better—on healthy, attractive snacks like fruits (try freezing some grapes) or carrot sticks with salsa. Not only will they lower your children's blood pressure;these foods will also boost their immune system and unclog their plumbing. Meanwhile, make sure your kids spend more time on the playground than with their Play Station. Even if they don't shed a pound, vigorous exercise will help keep their blood vessels nice and wide, lowering their blood pressure. And of course, they'll be more likely to eat right and exercise if you set a good example.46.This piece of writing is mainly addressed to ______.A.parents B.boys C.gifts D.pediatrician47.The word “unclog” in paragraph 6 can be replaced by ______.A.fix B.clear C.hinder D.dismantle48.By saying “It's not the sort of thing you can catch by putting your child's arm in a cuff at the free monitoring station in your local grocery”, the writer implies ______.A.hypertension is hard to detectB.children often refuse to have their blood pressure testedC.you'll have to pay a lot of money if you want to have your child's blood pressure checked in a groceryD.in a local grocery, you are free to determine how to have your child's blood pressure examined49.Which of the following is not suggested by the writer to control hypertension?A.Drug treatments. B.Weight loss.C.Exercise. D.Overwork.50.We can conclude from the passage that ______.A.children with hypertension are unlikely to suffer from heart attack and strokeB.parent's blood pressure decides their children's blood pressureC.besides overweight, there are other factors resulting in hypertensionD.vigorous exercise sometimes will lead to heart troublePart ⅢCloze (10 points)Directions:Fill in each of the following blanks with ONE word to complete the meaning of the passage. Write your answer on ANSWER SHEET Ⅱ.Even geologist is familiar with the erosion cycle. No sooner has an area of land been raised above sea-level than it becomes subject to the erosive forces of nature. The rain beats down on the ground and washed 51 the finer particles, sweeping them into rivulets and into rivers and out to sea. The frost freezes the rain water in cracks of the rocks and breaks 52 even the hardest of the constituents of the earth's crust. Blocks of rock dislodged at high levels are brought down by the force of gravity. Alternate heating and 53 of bare rock surfaces causes their disintegration. In the dry regions of the world the wind is a powerful force in removing materialfrom one area to another. All this is natural. But nature has also provided certain defensive forces. Bare rock surfaces are in 54 course protected by soil, itself dependent initially on the weathering of the rocks. Slowly 55 surely, different types of soil with differing “profiles” evolve the main types depending primarily on the climate. The protective soil covering, once it is formed, is hold together by the growth of vegetation. Grass and herbaceous plants, 56 long, branching tenuous roots, hold firmly together the surface particles. The 57 is true with the forest cover. The heaviest tropical downpours beating on the leaves of the giant trees reach the ground only 58 spray, gently watering the surface layers and penetrating along the long passages provided by the roots to the lower levels of the soil. The soil, thus protected by grass, herb, or trees, furnishes a quiet habitat for a myriad varied organisms—earthworms that importantly modify the soil, bacteria, active in their work of converting 59 leaves and decaying vegetation into humus and food for the growing plants. Chemical action is constantly taking 60 ; soil acids attack mineral particles and salts in solution move from one layer in the soil to another.Part ⅣTranslation (20 points)Section A (10 points)Directions:Put the following passage into Chinese.Dun took a deep breath, thinking over what had been said and searching in his mind for a possible course of action. Not for the first time in his flying career, he felt himself in the grip of a cute sense of apprehension, only this time his awareness of his responsibility for the safety of a huge, complex aircraft and nearly sixty lives was tinged with a sudden icy premonition of disaster. Was this, then what it felt like? Older pilots, those who had been in combat in the war, always maintained that if you kept at the game long enough you'd buy it in the end. How was it that in the space of half an hour a normal, everyday, routing flight, carrying a crowd of happy football fans, could change into a nightmare nearly four miles above the earth, something that would shriek across the front pages of a hundred newspapers?Section B(10 points)Directions:Put the following passage into English.在美国历史上人们最津津乐道的政治问题恐怕就是法律与秩序。

复旦医学考博英语Fudan Medical School is one of the top medical schoolsin China, known for its rigorous academic programs and cutting-edge research. The entrance exam for the doctoral program in Fudan Medical School is highly competitive and requires a strong command of English.To prepare for the entrance exam, I have been studying diligently to improve my English proficiency. I have been practicing reading and writing extensively, as well as working on my listening and speaking skills. I have also been reviewing medical terminology and concepts to ensure that I am well-prepared for the exam.In addition to studying English, I have also been focusing on my research skills. I have been working on several research projects in my field of study, and I have been collaborating with professors and colleagues to deepen my understanding of the subject matter. I believe that my research experience will be a valuable asset in the doctoral program at Fudan Medical School.Overall, I am confident in my preparation for the entrance exam for the doctoral program at Fudan Medical School. I believe that my hard work and dedication will pay off, and I am excited about the opportunity to further my education and research at such a prestigious institution.复旦医学院是中国顶尖的医学院之一,以其严格的学术计划和前沿的研究而闻名。

复旦大学博士申请英语入学考试作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Fudan University Doctoral Application English Entrance Exam EssayIntroductionFudan University is one of the most prestigious andwell-respected universities in China. As a prospective doctoral student, I am excited at the opportunity to pursue my studies at Fudan University. The doctoral application process includes an English entrance exam, which I am confident I can excel in.Academic BackgroundI hold a Master's degree in Economics from a renowned university in my home country. My research focused on the impact of globalization on economic development in emerging economies. Through my academic endeavors, I have developed a strong analytical skill set and a passion for research.Research InterestsMy research interests lie in the intersection of economics and public policy. Specifically, I am interested in studying the effectiveness of government policies on promoting sustainable economic growth and reducing income inequality. I believe that these topics are not only academically stimulating but also have practical implications for policymakers.Why Fudan UniversityI have chosen Fudan University for my doctoral studies because of its reputation for academic excellence and research innovation. The university's strong emphasis on interdisciplinary research and collaboration will provide me with the ideal environment to pursue my research interests. Additionally, the opportunity to learn from world-class faculty members and engage with a diverse student body will enrich my academic experience.Future GoalsUpon completing my doctoral studies at Fudan University, I aspire to pursue a career in academia. I am eager to contribute to the academic community through my research and teaching. I believe that Fudan University will provide me with the necessary tools and knowledge to achieve my career goals.ConclusionIn conclusion, I am excited about the prospect of studying at Fudan University and contributing to its academic community. I am confident that my academic background, research interests, and future goals align well with the university's values and mission. I look forward to the opportunity to showcase my abilities in the English entrance exam and make a positive impact during my time at Fudan University. Thank you for considering my application.篇2Fudan University Doctoral Application English Entrance ExamIntroductionFudan University is one of the top universities in China and is known for its excellent academic programs and research opportunities. For students who wish to pursue a doctoral degree at Fudan University, they must first pass an English entrance exam as part of the admissions process. This exam is designed to assess the students' English language proficiency and their ability to communicate effectively in an academic setting.The English entrance exam for the doctoral program at Fudan University typically consists of two parts: a written exam and an interview. The written exam tests the students' reading and writing skills, while the interview assesses their listening and speaking abilities. In order to succeed in this exam, students must be well-prepared and confident in their English language skills.Tips for Success1. Practice Reading and Writing: The written exam will test your ability to read and understand complex academic texts, as well as your writing skills. To prepare for this, practice reading academic articles and writing essays on a variety of topics. This will help you become more comfortable with the type of material that may be covered in the exam.2. Improve Listening and Speaking Skills: The interview portion of the exam will require you to listen to questions and respond verbally. To prepare for this, practice listening to English podcasts or watching English-speaking videos. Additionally, find a language partner or tutor to practice speaking with in order to improve your fluency and pronunciation.3. Familiarize Yourself with Academic English: The exam will likely include vocabulary and phrases commonly used inacademic settings. To prepare for this, study academic English textbooks and practice using these terms in your writing and speaking. This will help you feel more confident when encountering academic language during the exam.4. Manage Your Time Effectively: During the written exam, it is important to manage your time wisely in order to complete all of the questions. Divide your time evenly among the different sections and leave yourself a few minutes at the end to review your answers. This will help ensure that you do not run out of time or overlook any important details.ConclusionPassing the English entrance exam for the doctoral program at Fudan University is an important step towards achieving your academic goals. By following these tips and preparing effectively, you can increase your chances of success and demonstrate your proficiency in English. Remember to stay calm and focused during the exam, and trust in your abilities to communicate effectively in English. Good luck!篇3Fudan University Doctoral Program Application EssayIntroduction:Fudan University is one of the most prestigious universities in China, known for its academic excellence and research output. Pursuing a doctoral degree at Fudan University has been a long-term goal of mine, and I am excited to apply for the doctoral program in [insert department/field].Background and Motivation:I completed my undergraduate and master's degrees in [insert your field of study] at [insert previous university]. Throughout my academic journey, I have developed a strong passion for [insert specific research interest or topic] and a keen interest in advancing knowledge in this field. The opportunity to study at Fudan University, with its renowned faculty andstate-of-the-art research facilities, is a dream come true for me.Research Experience and Achievements:During my master's program, I had the privilege of working on several research projects that deepened my understanding of [insert research topic/field]. I successfully published two papers in reputable academic journals and presented my research findings at international conferences. These experiences have not only honed my research skills but have also instilled in me a sense of the importance of contributing to the academic community.Why Fudan University:Fudan University's commitment to excellence in research and education aligns with my own academic goals. The university's diverse and dynamic academic environment, coupled with its emphasis on interdisciplinary collaboration, provides the perfect platform for me to further my research and academic aspirations. I am particularly drawn to the opportunity to work with esteemed faculty members at Fudan University who are experts in [insert specific research area].Future Goals:As a doctoral student at Fudan University, I aim to engage in cutting-edge research that addresses pressing issues in [insert research field]. I aspire to contribute to the advancement of knowledge in my field and make a meaningful impact through my research. Ultimately, I hope to pursue a career in academia and inspire future generations of scholars.Conclusion:In conclusion, I am eager to embark on this new chapter of my academic journey at Fudan University and contribute to the university's rich tradition of academic excellence. I am confident that my research experience, academic achievements, andpassion for [insert research field] make me a strong candidate for the doctoral program at Fudan University. I look forward to the opportunity to collaborate with faculty members and fellow students at Fudan University and contribute to the university's academic community.。

The Journey to Fudan: My Pursuit ofAcademic ExcellenceAs the sun cast its golden rays over the bustling cityof Shanghai, my heart beat with anticipation and excitement.I was on my way to the campus of Fudan University, a place that had long held a special place in my academic aspirations. The journey to this prestigious institutionhad been fraught with challenges and hardships, but the promise of intellectual growth and学术成就 kept me afloat. The essence of Fudan lies in its rich academic heritage and the profound impact it has had on generations of scholars. Its storied history, dating back to its establishment in 1905, is a testament to its commitment to excellence and innovation. The university's commitment to research and its dedication to fostering critical thinking skills among its students are what make it a standout institution in the Chinese higher education landscape.My decision to pursue a doctoral program at Fudan wasnot one taken lightly. The rigorous curriculum and competitive nature of the program required a level of dedication and perseverance that I was willing to commit to.I had spent countless hours poring over research papers, honing my analytical skills, and preparing for the challenging entrance exam. The thought of finally stepping onto the campus, surrounded by like-minded individuals pursuing their academic dreams, filled me with a sense of fulfillment and purpose.My first day at Fudan was a blur of excitement and exploration. The campus, with its lush green spaces and stately buildings, was a stark contrast to the hustle and bustle of the city outside. The atmosphere was one of serious学术追求, with students and faculty alike engrossed in their respective research projects. The library, a sanctuary of knowledge, was a haven for students seeking answers to their academic queries. Here, I found myself surrounded by a community of scholars who shared a passion for learning and a desire to contribute to their field of study.My doctoral program was a rigorous and demanding undertaking. The coursework was intense, pushing me to think critically and analytically about the subjects I had long been passionate about. The professors, with theirwealth of knowledge and experience, were not just mentors but also friends and advisors. They encouraged us to think outside the box, to challenge existing theories, and to push the boundaries of our academic inquiries.The research component of the program was particularly challenging. Conducting independent research, analyzing data, and writing dissertations required a level of discipline and focus that I had never before experienced. However, it was these challenges that made the journey all the more rewarding. The sense of accomplishment I felt when I finally grasped a complex concept or when my research led to a breakthrough was indescribable.Beyond the academic rigors, Fudan provided me with an opportunity to explore different cultures and perspectives. The university's diverse student body, representing various countries and backgrounds, brought a richness and diversity to the academic discourse. Engaging in conversations with my peers from around the world broadened my horizons and challenged my own preconceptions.The support system at Fudan was also a crucial aspect of my academic journey. The university provided ampleresources and opportunities for students to excel,including funding for research projects, scholarships, and opportunities for international exchange. The sense of community and camaraderie among students and faculty alike was a welcome respite from the rigors of academic life.In conclusion, my journey to Fudan University has been a transformative experience. The university's commitment to excellence, its rich academic heritage, and the support it provides to its students have been instrumental in shaping me into a more discerning and knowledgeable scholar. The friendships and connections I have made here will be treasured forever, and the lessons learned will guide me in my future academic and professional pursuits. As I look ahead to the remainder of my doctoral program, I am filled with optimism and excitement about the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead. I am grateful to be a part of the Fudan community and look forward to contributing to its esteemed legacy of academic excellence.。

复旦大学博士英语考试,泄题,作文,二选一全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1The Great Exam Leak DilemmaMan, what a crazy situation this has become! I'm just a regular PhD student at Fudan, trying to make my way through the program and all the hoops we have to jump through. But this English exam leak has thrown everything into chaos.It all started a few weeks ago when some anonymous person posted the actual exam questions and reading passages for the upcoming PhD English qualification exam on an online forum. Within hours, it had spread like wildfire across study groups and social media. Everyone in my program had seen it.At first, I'll admit, part of me was delighted. I've been stressing out about this high-stakes exam for months. The prospect of having all the actual questions and materials in advance felt like I'd hit the jackpot. My chances of acing it just went through the roof! No more agonizing over what might be tested. Just breezing through questions I'd basically pre-studied. An easy pass to check that box and move on.But pretty quickly, I started feeling really conflicted about it all. On a pragmatic level, sure, having the leaked content is incredibly advantageous from a test performance perspective. But it also seems crazy unfair to everyone who didn't get access to it. This exam is supposed to be an objective measure of our English abilities on an even playing field. With the leak, that's totally undermined. Some folks will have a mon篇2The Fudan Dilemma: To Leak or Not to Leak?As a PhD student at the renowned Fudan University, the pressure to excel is immense. The path to a doctoral degree is paved with countless hurdles, grueling coursework, and daunting examinations. Among these challenges looms the dreaded English proficiency exam, a make-or-break milestone that has left many promising scholars in its wake. Imagine my surprise when a fellow classmate, let's call him Ming, approached me with a tantalizing proposition – he had somehow obtained the questions for the upcoming exam.At first, I recoiled in shock. Cheating was a line I had never dared to cross, a breach of academic integrity that went against every fiber of my being. But as Ming elaborated, spinning tales ofthe exam's notorious difficulty and the life-altering consequences of a poor performance, I found myself wavering. Suddenly, the prospect of securing a passing grade, ensuring my academic future, seemed tantalizingly within reach.As I weighed my options, a dizzying array of thoughts swirled through my mind. On one hand, accepting Ming's offer would be a flagrant violation of the university's honor code, an act of deception that could potentially tarnish my hard-earned reputation and jeopardize the credibility of my eventual degree. The risks were substantial – if caught, the consequences could range from expulsion to a permanent stain on my academic record, effectively derailing my dreams of a career in academia.Yet, the allure of a guaranteed pass was undeniably seductive. I couldn't help but recall the countless sleepless nights spent poring over English grammar tomes and vocabulary lists, the mounting frustration as idiomatic nuances eluded my grasp. The English exam had long been a towering obstacle, a linguistic Everest that seemed insurmountable despite my best efforts. With Ming's illicit offering, the summit suddenly appeared within reach, a tantalizing shortcut to academic success.Amidst this moral quagmire, I found myself grappling with the notion of fairness. Was it truly just that my academic fatehinged on a single, high-stakes examination that tested proficiency in a language not my own? Shouldn't the emphasis be on my mastery of my chosen field, the depth of my research, and the significance of my contributions to the academic discourse? The English exam, while undoubtedly important, felt like an arbitrary gatekeeper, a relic of a bygone era when academic pursuits were constrained by linguistic and cultural boundaries.As I wrestled with these conflicting thoughts, I couldn't help but ponder the broader implications of my decision. If I chose to accept Ming's offer, would I be perpetuating a cycle of cheating and academic dishonesty? Would my actions embolden others to follow suit, eroding the integrity of the educational system and devaluing the very degrees we all coveted? Or would my act of desperation be a justifiable rebellion against an archaic system that placed undue emphasis on linguistic proficiency over intellectual merit?Ultimately, the weight of my moral compass proved too heavy to ignore. As tempting as Ming's proposition was, I knew deep down that compromising my principles would be a Pyrrhic victory. The specter of living with the guilt and constant fear ofbeing exposed would forever taint any subsequent achievements, casting a pall over my hard-earned successes.With a heavy heart, I declined Ming's offer and resigned myself to facing the English exam head-on. The path ahead was daunting, but I drew strength from the knowledge that my eventual triumph would be untarnished, a testament to my perseverance and academic prowess.In the end, I opted to channel my efforts into an impassioned essay, pouring my heart and soul into articulating the inherent flaws of the English proficiency exam and advocating for a more holistic evaluation system that celebrated intellectual diversity and valorized substantive contributions to one's field of study.As I put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard, as the case may be), I found myself reflecting on the fundamental purpose of education – the pursuit of knowledge, the expansion of human understanding, and the cultivation of critical thinking. By succumbing to the temptation of cheating, I would be betraying these noble ideals, embracing a shortcut that prioritized expediency over intellectual rigor.Moreover, I couldn't shake the nagging sense that the English exam, while challenging, was a vital component of my academic journey. Mastering a language not my own was atestament to my adaptability, my willingness to transcend cultural and linguistic barriers in the pursuit of knowledge. It was a skill that would undoubtedly serve me well in an increasingly globalized academic landscape, where collaboration andcross-cultural exchange are the cornerstones of scientific progress.As my essay took shape, I poured my heart into every word, crafting a passionate defense of academic integrity and a clarion call for reform. I argued that true scholarship should be measured not by one's facility with a particular language, but by the depth and significance of one's contributions to the intellectual discourse. I challenged the notion that English proficiency should be a gatekeeper to academic success, advocating instead for a more inclusive and equitable evaluation system that celebrated intellectual diversity and valorized substantive contributions to one's field of study.In the end, my essay became more than just a means to an end – it was a manifesto, a rallying cry for a more enlightened approach to academic evaluation. While the outcome of the English exam remained uncertain, I took solace in the knowledge that I had stayed true to my principles, preserving my integrity and upholding the sacred tenets of academic honesty.Looking back on that pivotal moment, I am filled with a sense of pride and vindication. The road ahead was undoubtedly arduous, but by embracing the challenge and rejecting the allure of an ill-gotten shortcut, I had emerged not only as a more resilient scholar but also as a more principled human being.To my fellow students grappling with similar dilemmas, I offer this advice: hold fast to your convictions, for they are the bedrock upon which true academic excellence is built. The path may be fraught with obstacles, but the rewards of perseverance and intellectual integrity are immeasurable. Embrace the challenges, lean into the discomfort, and never compromise your principles for the sake of expediency.For in the end, it is not the accolades or the degrees that define us, but the integrity with which we pursue knowledge and the unwavering commitment to upholding the highest standards of academic honesty. By staying true to these principles, we not only honor the noble traditions of scholarship but also pave the way for a more equitable, inclusive, and enlightened future for academia.篇3The Great Exam Debacle: To Leak or Not to Leak?As I stared at my laptop screen, the email from an anonymous sender glared back at me. Attached were the questions for the upcoming Fudan University PhD English exam - the exam that could make or break my academic dreams. A thousand thoughts raced through my mind. Should I open the file? I knew it contained the leaked exam questions, putting me at an unfair advantage over my peers. The ethical dilemma was tearing me apart.On one hand, I had devoted countless sleepless nights to preparing for this exam. Studying until my eyes burned, I had pored over every nook and cranny of English grammar, literature, and writing. Passing this exam was not just a goal; it was an obsession. The opportunity to glimpse the questions beforehand felt like a shortcut to success, a way to guarantee that my efforts wouldn't go to waste.Yet, on the other hand, something about accepting that leaked file went against every moral fiber of my being. Wasn't education supposed to be a level playing field, where success was determined by merit, not underhanded tactics? If I opened that file, I would be cheating – plain and simple. And cheating wasn't just unethical; it devalued the very essence of academic achievement.As I grappled with this moral quandary, my mind drifted back to the many lessons my professors had imparted over the years. They had taught me that true knowledge was earned through hard work, perseverance, and unwavering integrity. Shortcuts might seem tempting, but they ultimately led to a hollow victory, devoid of the sense of accomplishment that came from surmounting challenges through one's own efforts.I thought about my parents, who had sacrificed so much to provide me with the best education possible. How could I betray their trust and the values they had instilled in me? They had raised me to be a person of principle, someone who took pride in playing by the rules and earning every accolade through honest toil.Moreover, I couldn't help but think about the ripple effect my actions could have on the academic community as a whole. If word got out that I had used leaked questions, it would cast doubt on the credibility of the entire examination process. Suspicion and mistrust would fester, eroding the very foundation upon which scholarly pursuits were built.As the internal debate raged on, I found myself questioning the true purpose of education. Was it merely about amassing knowledge and earning degrees, or was there a deeper, moreprofound meaning? I realized that education was not just about acquiring information; it was about cultivating character, developing critical thinking skills, and fostering a lifelong love for learning.In that moment, I made my decision. I would not open the leaked file. Instead, I would face the exam head-on, armed with the knowledge and skills I had worked so hard to acquire. Win or lose, I would do so on my own merits, preserving my integrity and upholding the values that had guided me thus far.The path of academic integrity might be more arduous, but it was the only path that aligned with my principles. I would approach the exam with the same determination and perseverance that had carried me through my academic journey, secure in the knowledge that any success I achieved would be well-earned and untainted by deceit.As I closed the email and deleted the offending file, a sense of relief washed over me. I had chosen the high road, and though the road ahead was uncertain, I knew that I could hold my head high, having stayed true to my beliefs.In the end, the choice between leaking exam questions and writing an essay was not just an academic decision; it was a test of character. And while the temptation of an easy route wasenticing, I realized that true growth and fulfillment came from embracing challenges head-on, with unwavering integrity as my guiding light.。

Science,in practice,depends far less on the experiments it prepares than on the preparedness of the minds of the men who watch the experiments.Sir Isaac Newton supposedly discovered gravity through the fall of an apple.Apples had been falling in many places for centuries and thousands of people had seen them fall.But Newton for years had been curious about the cause of the orbital motion of the moon and planets.What kept them in place?Why didn’t they fall out of the sky?The fact that the apple fell down toward the earth and not up into the tree answered the question he had been asking himself about those larger fruits of the heavens,the moon and the planets.How many men would have considered the possibility of an apple falling up into the tree?Newton did because he was not trying to predict anything.He was just wondering.His mind was ready for the unpredictable.Unpredictability is part of the essential nature of research.If you don’t have unpredictable things,you don’t have research.Scientists tend to forget this when writing their cut anddried reports for the technical journals,but history is filled with examples of it.In talking to some scientists,particularly younger ones,you might gather the impression that they find the“scientific method”a substitute for imaginative thought.I’ve attended research conferences where a scientist has been asked what he thinks about the advisability of continuing a certain experiment.The scientisthas frowned,looked at the graphs,and said,“The data are still inconclusive.”We know that,the men from the budget office have said,“but what do you think?Is it worthwhile going on?What do you think we might expect?”The scientist has been shocked at having even been asked to speculate.What this amounts to,of course,is that the scientist has become the victim of his own writings.He has put forward unquestioned claims so consistently that he not only believes them himself,but also has convinced industrial and business management that they are true.If experiments are planned and carried out according to planas faithfully as the reports in the science journals indicate,then it is perfectly logical for management to expect research to produce results measurable in dollars and cents.It is entirely reasonable for auditors to believe that scientists who know exactly where they are going and how they will get there should not be distracted by the necessity of keeping one eye on the cash register while the other eye is on the microscope.Nor,if regularity and conformity to a standardpattern are as desirable to the scientist as the writing of his papers would appear to reflect,is management to be blamed for discriminating against the“odd balls”among researchers in favor of more conventional thinkers who“work well with the team.”译文:在实践中,科学与其说是依靠事先准备的试验还不如说是依靠观察实验者的有准备的头脑。

复旦博士英文作文I'm a doctoral student at Fudan University, and I'm currently conducting research on the impact of social media on mental health. It's a fascinating and important topic, and I'm excited to be delving into it.My typical day starts with a cup of strong coffee and a quick scan of the latest research in my field. I like to stay on top of the latest developments and see how they might inform my own work.One of the things I love about being a doctoral student is the freedom to pursue my own interests and ideas. I have the autonomy to shape my research and the support of my advisors to help me along the way.Of course, being a doctoral student also comes with its challenges. The pressure to publish, the long hours in the lab, and the constant self-doubt can be overwhelming at times. But I try to remind myself that it's all part of theprocess and that every setback is just a stepping stone to success.When I'm not buried in research, I enjoy taking long walks around the Fudan campus. It's a beautiful place, and I find that being surrounded by nature helps to clear my mind and recharge my batteries.Overall, I feel incredibly lucky to be pursuing my passion at Fudan University. It's a place that values intellectual curiosity and encourages independent thinking, and I know that I'm growing and learning every day.。

复旦博学21世纪研究生英文原著选读全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1My Big Summer AdventureHi! My name is Lily and I'm 8 years old. I just finished 2nd grade and I had the most exciting summer ever! I want to tell you all about my big summer adventure.It all started when my mom and dad told me and my little brother Tommy that we were going on a trip to a national park. They wouldn't tell us which one though, it was going to be a surprise! I was so excited thinking about all the possibilites. Would we see bears? Or huge waterfalls? Or even dinosaur bones?Finally the day came and we got in the car to drive to the airport. After a few hours on the plane, we landed in a place called Jackson Hole, Wyoming. As soon as we stepped outside, I could smell the fresh pine trees and crisp mountain air. "The Grand Tetons!" my dad exclaimed, pointing at the huge rocky peaks in the distance. I had never seen mountains so tall and pointy before.We drove for a little while until we reached an entrance gate. That's when I realized we were going to Grand Teton National Park! My heart was racing with excitement. The first few days were pretty mellow. We stayed in a cute little cabin in the woods and just hiked some smaller trails, looking for wildlife. We spotted a whole herd of elk resting near a stream, and Tommy even saw a snake slithering through the grass!Then came the big event - we were going on a two-night backpacking trip to see the parks' amazing canyons and waterfalls up close. I was a little nervous since I had never been backpacking before, but my parents kept reassuring me that I was going to love it. We packed our tents, sleeping bags, food and supplies into these huge backpacks that felt like they weighed a million pounds when I put one on.The hike in was really tough, especially with those heavy packs. We had to go uphill most of the way and the trail was rocky. My legs were exhausted but the views made it worth it. The mountains towered all around us, some parts still had patches of snow in July! We set up our tents near this beautiful green meadow with a stream running through it. That night we roasted hot dogs and marshmallows around the campfire. Lyingin my sleeping bag, I watched the stars blinking in the clear night sky until I drifted off to sleep.The next day we didn't have to carry our packs, so the hiking was much easier. We got to see a dozen waterfalls crashing over the canyon walls, creating rainbows in the mist. Many of them had bright wildflowers surrounding the pools at the bottom. We stuck our feet in the freezing water and relaxed on the rocks by the river for lunch. In the afternoon, the adults let us play and explore in the river a little bit. Tommy and I tried to build a dam out of sticks and rocks, but the current kept knocking it down.On the last day, we hiked up above the treeline to this huge open meadow filled with millions of tiny wildflowers. All the way across the meadow, an entire section of the Teton mountain range rose up majestically. It looked almost too pretty to be real! We sat there for a long time, breathing in the crisp air and admiring the incredible views. I felt so tiny compared to those massive peaks.Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end, and eventually we had to start the long hike back to the trailhead and drive home. My body was pretty sore and tired, but my heart felt full of wonderful memories from our Grand Teton adventure. Backpacking was so much fun and I can't wait to go on anothertrip like that! Maybe next time we'll see bears or moose. This was definitely a summer I'll never forget.篇2My Big Adventure with BooksHi there! My name is Lily, and I'm a third-grader at Sunshine Elementary School. I love books, and I have a really exciting story to share with you about my recent experience reading books written in English. It all started when my big sister Amy, who's in college, told me about this cool program she's a part of called the "Fudan Scholars of the 21st Century Graduate Program."At first, I was like, "Huh? What's that?" Amy explained that it's a special program at her university where they read and study original books and writings from different parts of the world, all in their original languages. She said that reading these works helps them learn about different cultures and ways of thinking, and it's really important for their education.When Amy told me about this program, I got super excited! I've always loved reading storybooks, but I had never really thought about reading books written in other languages before. Amy said that as part of the program, she had to read someEnglish books that were written a long time ago by really famous authors.Now, I don't know much English yet, but I really wanted to try reading some of these books too, just like my big sister. So, I asked Amy if she could help me find some English books that would be easier for me to understand. She was really happy that I was interested, and she said she would help me out.A few days later, Amy brought home a big stack of books for me. They were all written in English, but they were meant for kids my age. Some of them were picture books, and some of them were chapter books with lots of pages. I was so excited to start reading them!The first book I picked up was called "The Cat in the Hat" by Dr. Seuss. It was a really fun and silly story about a talking cat who comes to visit two kids on a rainy day. Even though the words were in English, the book had lots of colorful pictures that helped me understand what was happening. Amy also helped me sound out the words I didn't know, and she explained what they meant in our language.As I read more and more of these English books, I started to notice some interesting things. Some of the stories were really different from the stories I was used to reading in our language.They had different kinds of characters and settings, and sometimes the plots were a bit strange or unexpected. But that's what made them so fascinating!One of my favorite books was called "Charlotte's Web" by E.B. White. It was about a little pig named Wilbur who becomes best friends with a spider named Charlotte. At first, I thought it was a bit weird for a pig and a spider to be friends, but as I read more of the story, I totally fell in love with the characters and their friendship.Reading these English books was definitely a challenge for me sometimes, but it was also so much fun! I felt like I was going on a big adventure every time I opened up a new book. I was learning about new worlds, new characters, and new ways of thinking and telling stories.As I kept reading, I started to notice that my English was getting better too. I could understand more and more words without having to ask Amy for help, and I even started to pick up on some of the grammar and sentence structures.One day, I was reading a book called "The BFG" by Roald Dahl, and I realized that I had understood almost the entire story without any help at all! I was so proud of myself, and I couldn't wait to tell Amy about it.When I showed her the book and told her how much I had understood, she gave me a big hug and said she was really proud of me too. She said that by reading these English books, I was doing something really special and important, just like the students in her graduate program.From that day on, I became even more excited about reading English books. I started asking Amy to bring me home new ones all the time, and I even started writing my own little stories in English, using the words and phrases I had learned from the books.Reading these English books has been such an amazing experience for me. It's opened up my mind to new ideas, new cultures, and new ways of thinking and expressing myself. It's also helped me improve my English skills in a really fun and engaging way.I know that I still have a lot to learn, but I'm really excited to keep reading and exploring more English books. Who knows, maybe one day I'll even get to be a part of a cool program like the "Fudan Scholars of the 21st Century Graduate Program" too!For now, I'm just going to keep on reading and having my own big adventures with books, one page at a time. Thanks for listening to my story!篇3My Big FamilyBy Claude (Age 9)Hi there! My name is Claude and I'm 9 years old. I live with my mom, dad, little sister Chloe who is 6, grandma, grandpa, my aunt Sarah, uncle Mike, and their three kids - my cousins Lucy, Jake, and baby Max. We all live together in a huge house with 8 bedrooms! It's like a little village under one roof.Our days are always super busy and fun with so many people around. In the mornings, it's pure chaos as everyone tries to get ready for school and work. My mom is the loudest of all, yelling up the stairs for us kids to "Hurry up! You're going to miss the bus!" While mom makes breakfast, dad is rushing around tying everyone's shoes and packing snacks and lunch boxes. Gran篇4A Day in the Life of a Little ScholarHi there! My name is Jamie, and I'm a 3rd grader at Ivy Elementary School. Today, I'm gonna tell you all about my day as a little scholar. Get ready for a fun ride!It all starts when my trusty alarm clock blares that annoying beep-beep-beep sound at 7 AM sharp. I groan and rub my sleepy eyes, but I know it's time to get up and face the day. After brushing my teeth and getting dressed, I head downstairs for the most important meal of the day: breakfast!Mom always makes sure I have a nutritious start, like oatmeal with fresh berries or whole-grain toast with peanut butter. I can't function without my daily dose of brain fuel!With my tummy full, I grab my backpack and hop on the big yellow school bus. The ride is always so noisy with all my friends chattering away, but I don't mind. I'm just excited to get to school and learn something new!Once I arrive at Ivy Elementary, the real fun begins. Our first class is usually reading or writing, which are two of my favorite subjects. I love getting lost in the world of books and creating my own stories with words.During reading time, we often gather on the cozy rug and take turns reading aloud from our latest chapter book. I try my best to use different voices for each character and add lots of expression. Acting out the stories makes them come alive!Writing is a blast too. I'll never forget the time we had to write a narrative about our dream vacation. I chose to go to a magical candy land where the trees were made of gummy bears and the rivers flowed with chocolate syrup. My teacher said I had a very vivid imagination!After our literacy block, it's time for math. I'll be honest, sometimes all those numbers and equations make my head spin. But our teacher, Mrs. Garcia, is a pro at making math fun and relatable. We play games, use manipulatives, and even act out word problems. Who knew learning could be such a blast?Next up is science, which is where we get to explore the wonders of the natural world. We've done some pretty cool experiments this year, like growing our own bean plants and making volcanoes erupt with baking soda and vinegar. Science rocks!After lunch, we dive into social studies, learning about different cultures, historic events, and the world around us. I find it all so fascinating, especially when we get to try foods from other countries or learn traditional dances and songs.Finally, the last part of our day is reserved for "specials" like art, music, and P.E. These are my favorite times because I get to express myself in creative ways and stay active.In art, we've made all sorts of masterpieces, from clay sculptures to painted canvases. I'm a bit of a Picasso in the making, if I do say so myself!Music class is a real treat too. We learn to read notes, play instruments like xylophones and recorders, and sing silly songs that get stuck in my head for days. Sometimes, we even put on little performances for our families.And P.E. is always a blast! We play games like kickball and capture the flag, or practice skills like dribbling basketballs and doing somersaults. It's a great way to get our energy out before heading home for the day.By the time the final bell rings at 3 PM, I'm exhausted but happy. Learning is hard work, but it's also so much fun! I gather up my things and hop back on that noisy bus, already dreaming about what adventures tomorrow will bring.Once I'm home, I enjoy a yummy snack and get started on my homework. Math worksheets, spelling practice, and reading assignments keep my brain sharp until dinnertime.After fueling up with a healthy meal, I have some free time to play outside, read for pleasure, or work on creative projects.Being a little scholar is tiring, but it's all worth it when I get to explore my passions and curiosities.As bedtime rolls around, I snuggle up with my favorite stuffed animal and a good book. Mom or Dad always reads me a bedtime story to wind down before lights out.With a head full of new knowledge and a heart full of wonder, I drift off to sleep, already excited for another day as a little scholar tomorrow. Learning is the greatest adventure of all!篇5My Summer Vacation AdventureHi there! My name is Jamie and I'm 8 years old. I just finished 2nd grade and I had the best summer vacation ever! I went on a big trip with my mom, dad, and little brother Tommy. We drove really far in our car to go camping and hiking in the mountains. It was so much fun!The first day we left super early when it was still dark out. Tommy fell back asleep in the backseat but I was too excited. I watched out the window as the sun came up and the trees and buildings went zooming by. "Are we there yet?" I kept asking my parents every few minutes. They just laughed and said not yet.Finally after what felt like forever, we made it to the campground in the mountains. The air smelled so fresh and clean, not like the city at all. Dad backed the car up to our camping spot and we all piled out, stretching our legs. "Wow, look at that view!" Mom exclaimed, pointing at the huge green mountains surrounding us. I had never seen anything like it before in my life.We worked together as a family to set up our tent and get the campfire going. Dad showed me how to build a safe fire pit and then I got to help collect sticks and logs to burn. Tommy wasn't much help because he's little, but he tried his best. Once we had a nice warm fire crackling, we roasted hot dogs and made s'mores. Has anything ever tasted so delicious as a gooey messy s'more?! I thought camping food was the yummiest.After we ate, Dad said we were going on a short hike before it got dark. He strapped Tommy into the baby backpack carrier and we headed down one of the trails. The trees were so tall overhead and the bushes had weird shapes I had never seen before. "Those are pine trees," Mom told me. "And those are rhododendron bushes." I had no idea what she was talking about but I just nodded like I knew.We only hiked for about a mile before turning around, but I was already getting tired. My little legs aren't used to walking that much! On the way back, I saw a deer just standing there watching us. It was beautiful. "Don't get too close," Dad warned. "It could be dangerous if it feels threatened." We gave the deer plenty of space and it just stared at us calmly before bounds away into the trees. So cool!The second day, we went on a much longer hike. This time the trail went way up into the mountains. "This is going to be harder," Dad told me. "But I know you can do it if we take rests." He was right - it was really hard! The trail just kept going up and up. My legs were jelly after a while and I was dripping sweat. But the views from higher up were just breathtaking. We could see forever across miles of green trees and valleys. I had never imagined a place like this could exist.Part way through the hike, we stopped to have a picnic lunch by a stream. The water was deliciously cold and refreshing. I splashed some on my face and drank right from the stream. Dad said it was clean and safe to drink straight from nature like that. No water had ever tasted so pure and wonderful. We sat on the rocky shore munching our sandwiches, just listening to the bubbling sounds of the stream flowing by. It was so peaceful.After lunch, I was re-energized and ready to keep climbing. Mom and Dad encouraged me the whole way up. "You're doing awesome!" Mom cheered me on as I huffed and puffed. At the very top, we could see the treeline gave way to meadows of bushes and shrubs, dotted with tiny colorful wildflowers. There were massive boulder and rock formations in the distance reaching up even higher. It looked like another planet to me. We took a long break to catch our breath and just admire the incredible scenery.Going back down was easier than going up, but my legs still shook with exhaustion by the time we got back to our tent. I had never worked that hard in my whole life! But I felt so proud of myself for not giving up. That night as the sun set over the mountain peaks, I cheerfully helped Dad build another campfire. This time we made foil packet dishes with chicken and vegetables that we cooked right on the coals. It was the tastiest meal I ever had!On the drive back home a couple days later, I couldn't stop chattering away excitedly to Mom and Dad about our camping trip. I promised them I was going to remember that adventure forever. It opened my eyes to what an amazingly beautiful world we live in beyond the city. There are magical natural places outthere filled with wonders I had never even imagined before. I felt like a tiny little explorer just getting a first glimpse of everything that's out there waiting to be discovered.I can't wait to go on more outdoor adventures as I get bigger! Maybe next time we can even sleep out under the stars without a tent. I'm going to save up all my allowance money so I can buy my very own kid-sized backpack and hiking gear. Just you wait and see - I'm going to grow up to be a brave outdoorsy kid who's not afraid of anything! This mountain camping trip has inspired me to go on all kinds of cool expeditions when I'm older. Who knows what other incredible sights I'll get to witness? Maybe I'll even discover new species or archaeological treasures someday. The world篇6Reading Books is Fun!Hi friends! Today I want to tell you about something really cool they have at Fudan University. It's called "Reading Original English Works for Well-Rounded Students in the 21st Century." That's a big name, but it's all about reading awesome books in English!You might be thinking, "But I'm just a kid, why would I read books from university?" Well, let me tell you - these books are super interesting and fun to read. They aren't boring textbooks, but stories, novels, and other works written by famous authors from all over the world.At Fudan, the students get to pick their favorite books from a big list of classics and modern stories. They read the original versions in English, not translations. That means they get to experience the books just like the authors intended, with all the beautiful language and creativity.Imagine reading Harry Potter, Narnia, or Percy Jackson in the original English! You'd get to see all the humor, suspense, and magic just as it was written. Books come alive in their original language.But it's not just fiction books. The students also read inspirational stories about real people who changed the world. They learn about different cultures, philosophies, and see the world through someone else's eyes. It's like taking a magical journey without leaving your seat!One of the best parts is discussing the books with classmates. Everyone has different thoughts and insights to share. You can debate the hidden meanings, analyze the characters, or just gushabout your favorite parts. It's like a book club, but at university-level!I probably sound like I'm at university myself with all this big talk! But I'm just a kid who loves reading and having fun adventures through books. The "Reading Original English Works" program sounds like the best way to explore incredible stories while becoming a master of the English language.Who knows, maybe I'll study at Fudan one day and get to join in! For now, I'll keep reading my favorite books and dreaming about all the places words can take me. Books are powerful magic, especially in their original, unfiltered form.So what do you say, friends? Should we start a kiddie book club and explore some classics together? We may be small, but our minds can voyage to endless worlds through the pages of great books! Let's read our way to becoming well-rounded students of the 21st century!。

复旦大学博士英语考试作文研究生教育的意义In the ever-evolving landscape of higher education, the significance of postgraduate education, particularly doctoral programs at prestigious institutions like Fudan University, cannot be overstated. These programs not only provide advanced academic training but also serve as gateways to intellectual exploration and personal growth, shaping individuals into knowledgeable and skilled professionals.Firstly, postgraduate education offers an in-depth exploration of specialized fields of knowledge. Unlike undergraduate education, which focuses on providing a broad foundation in various disciplines, doctoral programs allow students to delve deeply into a specific area of study. At Fudan University, students are mentored by renowned scholars and have access to cutting-edge research facilities, enabling them to make significant contributions to their chosen fields.Moreover, postgraduate education cultivates critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. Through rigorouscoursework, independent research, and participation in academic discussions, students learn to evaluate information critically, formulate hypotheses, and design experiments to test their theories. These skills are invaluable in today's world, where the ability to navigate complex issues and find innovative solutions is paramount. Furthermore, postgraduate education fosters personal growth and development. The journey to obtaining a doctoral degree is challenging, requiring perseverance, resilience, and a strong work ethic. It tests students' limits and pushes them to grow beyond their comfort zones. The process not only enhances their academic capabilities but also helps them develop as individuals, gaining confidence,self-awareness, and leadership skills.Lastly, postgraduate education opens doors to professional opportunities. Holding a doctoral degree from a top institution like Fudan University often leads tohigh-level positions in academia, research institutions, and industry. It serves as a credential that demonstrates a student's dedication to their field and their mastery of advanced concepts and techniques.In conclusion, the significance of postgraduate education, especially at institutions like Fudan University, lies in its ability to provide deep academic exploration, cultivate critical thinking and problem-solving skills, foster personal growth, and open doors to professional opportunities. It is an investment that pays dividends in terms of intellectual fulfillment, personal development,and career success.**研究生教育的意义**在高等教育日新月异的发展中,研究生教育,特别是像复旦大学这样的知名学府中的博士项目,其意义不容忽视。
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The young soldier,stationed on guard at a foreign city street corner,sheltered himself from the biting late evening wind by standing back against the lee(背风的)side of a small,one storey building,occasionally peering around to view the large crowd that had gathered on the main street.
He didn’t know why the people were there,nor did he care;after all,it wasn’t his country,and none of his concern.He had been in the Army for only six months,enlisting on the same day when he had turned eighteen,and he didn’t understand the local language or any of the country’s dialects.He could speak only a few words and phrases, just enough for him to occasionally purchase some of the local food and beverages.
The commander had told him to watch the assembly,and if they began to get rowdy(粗暴的)and appear to get out of control,he should immediately inform his partner,now stationed across the street,for reinforcements,garrisoned(驻守)just two blocks away.Looking at the disorder on the street,he thought,it must be some kind of protest for some radical cause or other.
He also thought about home,half a world away,and of a girl named Lisa,whom he planned to marry during his next leave.Six more months and he would be a married man.The thought made him smile.
Suddenly,about a block up the street,the crowd emitted up a loud roar,awakening the young soldier from his marital daydream.Back into reality,he quickly scanned the area,noticing that many of the people were pointing towards a woman in the middle of the street,coming from the darkness,like an aerial statue floating above the crowd.He saw a bearded man ahead of the woman,looking as if he was towing her along. Perhaps the woman sat upon a cart or some other wheeled device,but the soldier couldn’t tell in accuracy because too many people blocked his view.Occasionally,through small gaps between the many bodies in front of him,he could see the woman’s waist,and she appeared to be pregnant.
When the shouting became louder,the young soldier kept a watchful(警惕的)eye on the couple as they drew nearer,and at the same time he tried to guess the crowd’s mood,but he couldn’t find out if it was good or bad.He quickly checked his weapon,just in case he might have to defend himself.Then he turned his attention to a group of five dubious and nasty-looking young men standing nearby, ones that he had seen drinking liquor earlier in the evening.He was watching them carefully to make sure they didn’t throw anything handy that might cause harm to the passing couple.Soon,the man and woman came directly in front of the young soldier and the five men,but
instead of causing trouble,the drunken five began to wave their arms over their heads and cheer.
Noticing the cheers,the woman turned her head and looked directly at the five men for an instant,then her gaze quickly shifted to the young soldier.Although she smiled when she nodded her head at him, the soldier could sense a deep pain in the woman’s eyes.Fascinated by what he saw,he continued to stare at the woman,his eyes locked onto hers.He couldn’t tear his gaze away.Suddenly,a feeling of solemnity seeped(渗入)into the core of him like a wave of warm water, something that he had never experienced before.A moment later the woman broke the eye contact,and then she and her male companion disappeared,melting into the crowd and proceeding down the street towards one of the local inns.
After a short while,the crowd became quiet and began to disperse.
Within fifteen minutes the young soldier stood sober alone, looking up and down an empty street.A moment later,he noticed three well-dressed men coming out of the darkness,traveling from the same direction as the bearded man and pregnant woman,heading directly towards him.At that same instant he heard his commander’s voice behind him,“soldier,you’re relieved of your duty here.Fall in.”
Marching back to the barracks(军营)in formation with the rest of the sentinels(哨兵),the young soldier looked up at the clear night sky,wondering if the woman with the mournful eyes and peaceful smile had noticed the extremely bright stars overhead.