ANSYS Workbench电磁场分析简易实例
基于ANSYS Workbench平台的电机电磁噪声仿真分析
![基于ANSYS Workbench平台的电机电磁噪声仿真分析](
基于ANSYS Workbench平台的电机电磁噪声仿真分析电动机与发电机等电力设备的噪声起因很多,有电磁振动噪声、机械噪声及流致噪声等等,本文通过ANSYS公司的官方案例为操作背景,详细介绍如何将作用在定子上的瞬态电磁力作为结构谐响应分析的载荷计算振动噪声。
本算例使用的模块如下:RMxprt模块:建立电机类型;Maxwell模块:2D瞬态电磁场计算;Structural模块:3D谐响应分析计算;Acoustics ACT模块:噪声计算注:Acoustics ACT模块需要单独安装,请用户到官方网站上自行下载。
在Windows XP下单击“开始”→“所有程序”→ANSYS15→Workbench 15命令,即可进入Workbench主界面。
进入Workbench后,单击工具栏中的按钮,将文件保存为“zhendongzaosheng.wbpj”,单击Getting Started窗口右上角的(关闭)按钮将其关闭。
3)双击Toolbox→Analysis System→RMxprt模块建立项目A,如图3所示。
图3RMxprt模块图4RMxprt平台5)依次选择菜单RMxprt→Machine Type,在弹出的电机类型选择对话框中单击Generic Rotating Machine选项,单击OK按钮,如图5所示。
6)单击Project Manager→RMxprt→Machine选项,在下面出现属性设置对话框中作如下设置:在Source Type栏中选择AC选项;在Structure栏中选择Inner Rotor选项;在Stator Type栏中选择SLOT_AC选项;在Rotor Type栏中选择PM_INTERIOR选项,如图6所示。
ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary
Workbench Electromagnetics
– Workbench Emag Roadmap
– Design Modeler
• Enclosure Symmetry • Winding bodies • Winding Tool
• Workbench v9.0 is the first release with electromagnetic analysis capability. – Support solid and stranded (wound) conductors – Automated computations of force, torque, inductance, and coil flux linkage. – Easily set up simulations to compute results as a function of current, stroke, or rotor angle.
– Up to 3 three symmetry planes can be specified. – Full or partial models can be included in the Enclosure. – During the model transfer from DesignModeler to Simulation, the enclosure feature with symmetry planes forms two kinds of named selections:
– Winding Bodies: Used to represent wound coils for source excitation. The advantage of these bodies is that they are not 3D CAD objects, and hence simplify modeling/meshing of winding structures.
ansys workbench例题
![ansys workbench例题](
Ansys Workbench是一款广泛应用于工程领域的有限元分析软件,可以用于解决各种结构力学、流体动力学、电磁场等问题。
本文将以Ansys Workbench为例,介绍一个结构力学的例题,并详细讲解解题过程。
1. 问题描述假设有一个悬臂梁,在梁的自由端施加一个集中力,要求计算梁的应力分布和挠度。
2. 建模打开Ansys Workbench软件,新建一个静力学分析项目。
3. 网格划分在建模结束后,需要对悬臂梁进行网格划分。
在Ansys Workbench 中,可以选择合适的网格划分方式和密度,以保证计算结果的准确性和计算效率。
4. 设置分析类型在网格划分完成后,需要设置分析类型为结构静力学。
5. 求解和结果分析完成以上步骤后,可以提交计算任务进行求解。
Ansys Workbench软件会自动进行计算,并在计算完成后给出计算结果。
6. 参数化分析除了单一工况下的分析,Ansys Workbench还可以进行参数化分析。
7. 结论通过Ansys Workbench对悬臂梁的结构分析,可以得到悬臂梁在外部加载下的应力分布和挠度情况,为工程设计和优化提供重要参考。
Ansys Workbench还具有丰富的后处理功能,可以绘制出直观的分析结果图,帮助工程师和研究人员更好地理解和使用分析结果。
ANSYS_Workbench 13.0实用案例分析
![ANSYS_Workbench 13.0实用案例分析](
Workbench实例入门下面将通过一个简单的分析案例,让读者对ANSYS Workbench 13.0有一个初步的了解,在学习时无需了解操作步骤的每一项内容,这些内容在后面的章节中将有详细的介绍,读者仅需按照操作步骤学习,了解ANSYS Workbench有限元分析的基本流程即可。
1.5.1案例介绍某如图1-24所示不锈钢钢板尺寸为320mmX50mmX20mm,其中一端为固定,另一端为自由状态,同时在一面上分布有均布载荷q=0.2MPa,请用ANSYS Workbench求解出应力与应变的分布云图。
1.5.2启动Workbench并建立分析项目(1)在Windows系统下执行“开始”→“所有程序”→ANSYS 13.0 →Workbench命令,启动ANSYS Workbench 13.0,进入主界面。
(2)双击主界面Toolbox(工具箱)中的Component systems→Symmetry(几何体)选项,即可在项目管理区创建分析项目A,如图1-25所示。
图1-24 案例问题图1-25 创建分析项目A(3)在工具箱中的Analysis System→Static Structural上按住鼠标左键拖曳到项目管理区中,当项目A 的Symmetry红色高亮显示时,放开鼠标创建项目B,此时相关联的项数据可共享,如图1-26所示。
图1-26 创建分析项目提示:本例是线性静态结构分析,创建项目时可直接创建项目B,而不创建项目A,几何体的导入可在项目B中的B3栏Geometry中导入创建。
1.5.3导入创建几何体(1)在A2栏的Geometry 上点击鼠标右键,在弹出的快捷菜单中选择Import Geometry →Browse 命令,如图1-27所示,此时会弹出“打开”对话框。
(2)在弹出的“打开”对话框中选择文件路径,导入char01-01几何体文件,如图1-28所示,此时A2栏Geometry 后的变为,表示实体模型已经存在。
© 2004 ANSYS, Inc.
ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary
Winding Bodies & Tool
• Feature: Design Modeler (DM) includes two new tools to allow a user to easily create current carrying coils:
– Winding Bodies: Used to represent wound coils for source excitation. The advantage of these bodies is that they are not 3D CAD objects, and hence simplify modeling/meshing of winding structures.
– Upon “attach to Simulation”, Winding Bodies are assigned as Conductor bodies.
– Winding Tool: Used to create more complex coils for motor windings. The Winding Tool uses a Worksheet table format to drive the creation of multiply connected Winding Bodies. Or a user can read in a text file created by MSExcel.
– Design Modeler
• Enclosure Symmetry • Winding Bodies • Winding Tool
随时间和空间变化的Ansys Workbench分析实例
![随时间和空间变化的Ansys Workbench分析实例](
随时间和空间变化的Ansys Workbench分析实例例如对一个长为1米,截面是50mm*50mm的梁,施加一个随时间和轴线坐标X变化的载荷其变化规律是这里的x是从左端点开始的杆件上各点的X坐标而t是时间。
下面是用ANSYS WORKBENCH计算该问题的过程。
Fill Feature
• The Fill feature create a new frozen body to fill the space occupied by a hole or cavity.
• Useful for interior cavity electromagnetic applications.
• A skew angle may be identified for the coil winding slots • Many motor designs employ a skewed coil form.
© 2004 ANSYS, Inc.
ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary
Winding Slot Clash Detection
• Benefits: Very easy to use, rapid creation of coil windings.
© 2004 ANSYS, Inc.
ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary
Winding Bodies
Tangent orientation vector (blue arrow) defines direction of current.
• Workbench v9.0 is the first release with electromagnetic analysis capability. – Support solid and stranded (wound) conductors – Automated computations of force, torque, inductance, and coil flux linkage. – Easily set up simulations to compute results as a function of current, stroke, or rotor angle.
• 建立衔铁面 Preprocessor>Create>Rectangle>By Dimensions
• 选择Apply (重复显示和输入) • 建立线圈面
利用TAB 键移动输 入窗口
• 选择 Apply
• 选择 OK 衔铁
到了这步,建立了全部平 面,但它们还没有连接起 来.
• 点 OK
• 加通量平行边界条件 Preprocessor>loads>apply>-magnetic-boundary-flux-par’l
• 选On Lines并选取相应的线 • 选 OK
“所选取的线” 注:未划分单元前,加
• 生成有限元网格 • 利用智能尺寸选项来控制网格大小
• 定义材料 Preprocessor>Material Props>Isotropic
• 定义空气为1号材料(MURX = 1)
• 选择OK
• 选择 Apply (自动循环地定义下一个材料号)
• 定义衔铁为2号材料 • 选择OK
• 选择 Apply (自动循环地选择下一个材料号)
• 定义线圈为3号材料 (自由空间导磁率,MURX=1) • 选择 OK
• 用Overlap迫使全部平面连接在一起 Preprocessor>Operate> Overlap>Areas
• 按Pick All
现在这些平面被连接了,因此当 生成单元时,各区域将共享区域 边界上节点
这种操作后,原先平面被删除, 而新的平面被重新编号
• 这些平面要求与物理区和材料联系起来 Preprocessor>-Attributes-Define>Picked Areas
ansys workbench电磁场仿真完整例子
![ansys workbench电磁场仿真完整例子](
IntroductionThe Magnetic Valve includes a fixed and a rotating part. The rotating body has to move, as quickly as possible, to rest in one of the 2 possible stop positions. Driving current patterns are the input to generate suitable torques. The customer experienced different performances of the valve for different current patterns: sometimes he got strong bumps on the mechanic stops and failures of the valve behaviour. the customer decided to commit a simulation of the magnetic and dynamic behaviour of the valve, instead to build a prototype.Analysis GoalThe goal is ton achieve measure of the Magnetic Torque, as function of current and rotation angle within a parametric approachOwner:EnginsoftUsage Restrictions:Freely available for useIndustry:AutomotiveApplication:ValvePhysics:ElectromagneticsProduct(s)/Version:ANSYS-v10.1Geometry Type(s):SolidGeometry Format(s): Design ModelerModel Size:147070 Nodes, 105742 ElementsElement Type(s): Edge 117Estimated Demo Time:15 Minutes to show, 12 minutes running timeCustomer:Competition:Comsol,AnsoftChallenge:Free accurate Mesh, Parametric Model, Non LinearMagnetic AnalysisKey Features Used:Sphere of influence for meshing, BH Non Linear Curvedata import, Parametric AnalysisSteps and Points to Convey.Picture Guide.Start ANSYS Workbench Environment, and choose “New Geometry”.Importing of external geometrySet the desired length unit: meters.01) Click “File > Open > Import External Geometry File”.02) Click on “Generate” in order to confirm the importation of the geometry.The geometry regards a magnetic valve.Steps and Points to Convey.Picture Guide.Create a Parametric, Relative Rotation between two groups of bodies01) Create a local coordinate system (plane 4) by clicking on the “New Plane” icon in the tool bar.02) In “Details of Plane4 >. Type” choose from face in order to select the surface of interest. 03) Choose the space to the right of “Base Face” in Details of Plane4 and select the surface indicated in light blue in the plot at right.The local coordinate system “Plane 4” is now visible, centered on a face vertex04) In “Details of Plane4 >. Transform 1 (RMB)” insert an offset along X axis of –0.00825 m.05) In “Details of Plane4 >. Transform 1 (RMB)” insert an offset along Y axis of 0.0015 m.06) Click Generate to create Plane4Create another plane (Plane5).07) In “Details of Plane5 > Type” choose from plane. Base plane should be set to Plane4.08) In “Details of Plane5 >. Transform 1 (RMB)” insert a rotation about Z axis of 30°. 09) Click Generate to create Plane5.Steps and Points to Convey. Picture Guide.The local coordinate system “Plane 5” is now visible.10) From the tool bar menu, select “Tools > Freeze”.The freezing operation is indicated when bodies are displayed with transparency.11) From the tool bar menu, select “Create > Body Operation” set “Type” to “Move” click on the box to the right of Bodies.12) Select the bodies highlighted at right (use the Ctrl button to select multiple entities) and click Apply.Steps and Points to Convey.Picture Guide.13) In “Details of BodyOp1” choose the box to the right of “Source Plane” and pick on Plane4 in the Tree Outline.14) In a similar fashion, set “Destination Plane” to Plane5.Then click on “Generate” to move the parts as shown at right.ENCLOSURE definition01) From the tool bar menu, select “Tools >Enclosure” in order to insert a control volume cylindrically shaped and aligned to Y axis. Set the Cushion to 0.0375 m and set “Merge Parts?” to “Yes”.02) Click Generate to create the enclosureIn the “Outline” tree the just created enclosure is now visible.Steps and Points to Convey Picture GuideEnclosure is visible in the “Model View”window.CREATE the WINDING COIL01) In the Tree Outline, Open “1 Part, 7 Bodies > Part”. RMB on the last Solid in the list and choose “Hide Body” in the drop down menu. This will allow access to the surfaces of the imported geometry for forthcoming picking operations.02) Create a new plane (Plane6)03) In “Details of Plane6 >. Type” choose “From Face”.04) Click on the box to the right of “Base Face” and select the surface shown at right.05) In “Details of Plane6 >. Transform 1 (RMB)” insert an offset along Z axis of –0.0231 m.Click on Generate to create Plane6.06) With Plane6 now active, go to the tool bar and choose “New Sketch”.07) Select “Sketch1” in the “Tree Outline”.Steps and Points to Convey Picture Guide Sketching mode for winding coil generation08) Pick the Sketching tab at the bottom of theTree Outline09) Select “Circle” in the “Draw” window andchoose the center (origin of Plane6) and anarbitrary poin some distance away from thecenter to create a circle.10) Pick the Dimensions button at the bottom ofthe Sketching Toolboxes pane and choose“Radius”.11) Click on the circle and another arbitrarylocation for the radial dimension marker.12) In “Details of Sketch1”, modify the radiusR1 to be 0.00775 m.The sketch is now visible in the “Graphics”window.13) From the tool bar select “Concept > LineFrom Sketches”. Choose the circle and clickApply in the box to the right of “Base Objects”in “Details of Line1”. “Operation” should be setto “Add Material”.Click Generate.14) Choose the Line Body in the Tree Outline.15) In “Details of Line Body” set:•“Winding Body > Yes”•“Number of Turns” = 1•“CS Length” = 0.022 m•“CS Length” = 0.00375 mSteps and Points to ConveyPicture Guide16) From the tool bar, select “View > Show Cross Sections Solids”. The new winding body should appear as it does in the figure to the right.ANGLE as PARAMETER01) In the “Tree Outline” select “Plane5”02) Make the rotation about Z axis as parameter by clicking on the box to the left of “FD1, Value 1”.03) Rename the parameter as “angle”.Steps and Points to Convey.Picture Guide.04) From the tool bar, select “Tools > Options>Common Settings>Geometry Import”. Remove “DS” from the field to the right of “Personal Parameter Key” to remove the DS prefix naming convention restriction for importing parameters. Click OK.GO IN SIMULATIONIn the “[Project]” window, select “New Simulation”.In the “[Simulation]” window, the “Outline” tree should be as in figure.Steps and Points to ConveyPicture GuideMaterials Properties DefinitionSelect “Data” in the tool bar to open the “[Engineering Data]” window.Materials Properties Definitionchange defaults of STRUCTURAL STEEL01) Select “Structural Steel” and click on “Add/Remove Properties” in the “Electromagnetics” field and unselect the following items:- “Relative Permeability” - “Resistivity”02) Check the box to the left of “B-H curve” and click OK.03) Say “Yes” to the “Remove Material Properties” box that appears.04) Open excel file “bh1.xls” and copy the two data columns (highlight them with the mouse cursor and type Cntl-C).Steps and Points to ConveyPicture Guide05) Click the icon depicting an xy plot to the right of “B-H Curve”06) LMB on the 2 (second row) of the “Magnetic Flux Density vs. Magnetic Field Intensity” table and press “Ctrl +V” to paste the two column data from the .xls file.07) Click on the B-H Curve icon at the lower right.The curve should appear as shown at right.NEW Material definition IRONRMB on “Materials (2)” in the tree and choose “Insert New Material”. RMB on “New Material”, choose Rename and change the name of the new material to Iron. Define BH data as before but this time use data from “bh2.xls” file.NEW Material definition NEODYMIUM01) Define a New material named “Neodymium”.02) Among Electromagnetics properties let active just: “Linear Hard Material”: 03) Insert the following data:• Cohercive Force: 7.9577 e5 A/m • Residual Induction 1.2 T01) Return to the Simulation Tab02) In the Outline Tree, open Geometry>Part and use the Cntl button to select both of the RIC9512_105 items. The parts should be highlighted as shown at right.03) In Details of “Multiple Selection”, changematerial from “Structural Steel” to “Iron”Steps and Points to ConveyPicture Guide04) Select the part shown at right.05) Change material from “Structural Steel” to “Neodymium”MESH01) Select the coil support solid (see figure)02) RMB on “Mesh” on the tree to insert a sizing control: Element Size 2e-303) Insert another sizing control , 1e-3, referred to 5 bodies as in the following picture. It may help to hide the 4th solid (the “air enclosure) in the Outline tree to simplify selecting these parts.Steps and Points to ConveyPicture Guide5 bodies for sizing setting n.204) In the Outline tree, RMB on Model and insert a “Coordinate Systems” branch. RMB on the Coordinate Systems branch and insert (define) a new Coordinate System. Choose “Origin” in the Details of “Coordinate System” pane, select the surface shown at right, and click Apply.05) RMB on Mesh in the Outline to insert a third sizing control:For “Type”, choose “Sphere of Influence”• Sphere Center: Coordinate System (defined just before) • Radius 1.5e-2 • Element size 5e-4Areas to be applied are the following (10 areas)Steps and Points to ConveyPicture Guide10 Areas where to apply the Sphere of Influence sizing control06) Click on Mesh -> Preview MeshThe Mesh should result as in figure, if the “Air” solid enclosure body is hideLOADSSet the Conductor Current value in details window related to “Conductor Winding Body”: 1000 ABOUNDARY CONDITIONSRMB on Environment in the tree and insert a Magnetic Flux Parallel object. Use the Cntl button to select the 3 exterior surfaces of the enclosure and click Apply.Steps and Points to Convey.Picture Guide.POSTPROCESSING SETTINGS01) Insert under the “Solution” tree the following output requests: • Total Flux Density • Total Flux Intensity 02) Select 3 bodies as in figure03) Insert a “Directional Force/Torque” output request with details:• In Details of “Directional Force/Torque” pane, change “Global Coordinate System” to “Coordinate System” (this is the user-defined coordinate system centered on the top surface of the permanent magnet).• Set Orientation to Y Direction (rotation axis)04) repeat Directional Force/Torque Request for both X and Z axis direction05) By a right click under the Solution Tree Insert a “Solution Information” request to monitor the run during the solutionSOLVE01) Highlight the Environment tree tosee/check all Boundary & Loads previously defined.02) Click on the “SOLVE” Icon to launchthe run.Solution times takes about 12 minutes on a 2.8 Ghz single processor 32bit PCSteps and Points to ConveyPicture GuideREVIEW RESULTS01) See the Total Flux of Magnetic results 02) Set up a Vector Image of the MagneticField03) After Vector Image settings show a Vector Plot of Magnetic Field03)See the Magnetic Force distribution, Yaxis direction, on the requested parts. 04)The same for X, Z directions05)Activate the view from Y Global Axis06)Define a “Slice Plane”07)Draw the slice plane trace at nearlyalong the Y global direction08)View from the X Global direction09)Activate “show elements” and show themagnetic fieldSteps and Points to Convey Picture GuideSET UP A PARAMETRIC ANALYSIS01) Click on “Model”02) Click on CAD Parameters Detail toactivate the “angle” as a parameter. Thiswill be the first INPUT parameter.03) Click on Environment and Duplicate byright click04) Activate the Conductor Current Value asparameter. This is the second INPUTparameter n.2.05) Activate the Torque value in Y directionas OUTPUT parameter (ThirdParameter)06)Click on “Solution” of Environment 2and then click on Parameter Manager 07)Set up many cases as you like, forexample with 4 current values, 3 values other than the previously solved.。
© 2004 ANSYS, Inc.
ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary
Winding Tool
Each Winding consists a number of related Winding Bodies. The related Winding Bodies are shown in the Parts/Bodies branch:
– Design Modeler
• Enclosure Symmetry • Winding Bodies • Winding Tool
– Simulation
© 2004 ANSYS, Inc.
ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary
Workbench Emag Roadmap
• LF Emag capability will be exposed over several release cycles: – 3D Magnetostatics (9.0) – 3D Current conduction (10.0) – 3D Electrostatics Circuit elements – Time transient & 2D
© 2004 ANSYS, Inc.
ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary
Winding Slot Clash Detection
Winding Tool automatically detects if the coil clashed with another part and warns the user
• Benefits: Very easy to use, rapid creation of coil windings.
– Design Modeler
• Enclosure Symmetry • Winding Bodies • Winding Tool
– Simulation
© 2004 ANSYS, Inc.
ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary
Workbench Emag Roadmap
• LF Emag capability will be exposed over several release cycles: – 3D Magnetostatics (9.0) – 3D Current conduction (10.0) – 3D Electrostatics Circuit elements – Time transient & 2D • Workbench v9.0 is the first release with electromagnetic analysis capability. – Support solid and stranded (wound) conductors – Automated computations of force, torque, inductance, and coil flux linkage. – Easily set up simulations to compute results as a function of current, stroke, or rotor angle. • Workbench Emag capability is mapped to & accessed via:
© 2004 ANSYS, Inc.
ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary
Enclosure Symmetry
Winding Bodies & Tool
• Feature: Design Modeler (DM) includes two new tools to allow a user to easily create current carrying coils:
– Winding Bodies: Used to represent wound coils for source excitation. The advantage of these bodies is that they are not 3D CAD objects, and hence simplify modeling/meshing of winding structures.
Design Modeler (DM) includes two features to allow a user to create a volumetric “field” body associated with a solid model.
• Enclosure tool: Released at 8.0. This tool is used to completely enclose the bodies of a model in a material typically required for an Emag analysis.
Target markets: • Solenoid actuators • Permanent magnet devices • Sensors • Rotating Electric machines
– Synchronous machines – DC machines – Permanent magnet machines
Winding cross-section displayed
A line body can be promoted to a winding body. Turns and cross-section (CS) dimensions are entered
ANSYS, Inc. Proprieta
• Enclosure tool: Released at 8.0. This tool is used to completely enclose the bodies of a model in a material typically required for an Emag analysis.
Workbench Electromagnetics
– Workbench Emag Roadmap
– Design Modeler
• Enclosure Symmetry • Winding bodies • Winding Tool
– Simulation
• Tools Layout • Winding bodies • Material Properties • Air Gap Mesh Sizing • Conductors • Solution
• Benefits: Very easy to use, rapid creation of coil windings.
ANSYS, Inc. Proprieta
Winding Bodies
Tangent orientation vector (blue arrow) defines direction of current.
• Workbench v9.0 is the first release with electromagnetic analysis capability. – Support solid and stranded (wound) conductors – Automated computations of force, torque, inductance, and coil flux linkage. – Easily set up simulations to compute results as a function of current, stroke, or rotor angle.
Intf_in_use_template_models yes本人最近由于在做电控燃油系统,正好牵扯到电磁铁的计算,看到好像没人发过,于是就自己发一个,参考了AWB帮助的例题,有什么不正之处还请大家指教首先在proe里建模,绿色是电磁铁,黄色是衔铁,两者间隙0.28mm。
这个plane是基于图中绿色平面沿Z轴负向的一个距离-5.5mm在新建的plane上新建草绘,然后画一个直径16.5的圆,这个圆是线圈中心尺寸下一步从这个圆生成线体,如下图,选择草绘的圆然后选择生成的线体,在winding body?中选择yes设置线圈的圈数为71,高度为9mm,宽度为1mm,然后选view--cross section solid,隐藏衔铁和电磁铁可以看到线圈建立包围的空气形状选圆形,在merge parts?中选yes保存DM文件,进入simulation,选择衔铁和电磁铁的材料为纯铁网格划分在这里就不讲了,画完网格后,在new analysis中选magnetostatic然后选择conductor winding body,输入线圈中的电流值为12000mA插入磁通平行条件,在磁通平行的scoping method 选name selection,在name selection中选open domain在solve中插入磁感应强度和衔铁所受的磁力,在directional force/torque 的geometry中选择衔铁,方向选择Z轴最后右键进行solve,由于材料B-H曲线是非线性的,因此计算时间有点长。