whereas意思是然而…,是四六级经典转换话题类词汇take into account意为把?考虑进去,属于四六级经典高分短语,用得很棒!A case in point is[高分短语] 意为:一个恰当的例子,属于四六级经典高分短语,用得很棒![高分短语] cope with 意为:对付?,妥善处理,属于四六级经典高分短语,用得很棒![高分短语] once for all意为:一劳永逸地,属于四六级经典高分短语,用得很棒!比如take into account(我不觉得它很牛的样子)、heart and soul,play an role in等等。
[高分句型] that is the reason why的意思是原因是,是四六级经典句型。
referring tonot hesitate toGive priority to给===优先权Recently,a heated debate arose online in China about the "Chinese style of crossing the road", a term referring to the tendency of large crowds of people to cross roads in disobedience of red lights.Puzzle out苦思,puzzle overBe short of 缺乏。
attach great importance to高度重视[高分词汇] important的近义表达有 crucial/essential。
[高分短语] may as well意为:最好,不妨,属于四六级经典高分短语,用得很棒![高分词组] what's more意思是另外,而且?,是四六级经典补充类词组。
[高分句型] There is no denying that意思是不可否认的,是四六级经典句型。
We may as well cut across the playground.我们不妨从运动场上横穿过去。
[高分句型] it pays to意为:...是值得的。
属于四六级经典高分句型,用得很棒!It pays to help others.帮助别人是值得的。
[高分表达] 高分词组,not to mention意为“更不用说/别提……”,同意表达有to say nothing of、not to speak of。
[高分表达] 高分词组,be of接名词用来说明句子的主语所具有的性质或特征。
Though time is of the essence, it pays to spend some to make our work better. 高分短语] contribute to意思是对某事有帮助,有贡献;有助于做某事…,是四六级经典短语。
[高分短语] stay up late意思是熬夜,是四六级经典短语。
Many retired people can still contribute to the society with their rich experience .许多退休的老人还能用他们丰富的经验为社会作贡献。
好评报错[高分短语] on no account意为:决不,属于四六级经典高分短语,用得很棒!Young people should on no account neglect their daily physical exercises.青年人决不应疏忽每天的体育锻炼。
好评报错[高分句型] On no account can意思是...绝对不能...,是四六级经典句型。
On no account can we ignore the value of knowledge.我们绝对不能忽略知识的价值。
好评报错There is no denying that意思是不可否认的,是四六级经典句型。
[亮点表达] or rather意为:更精确地说,倒不如说,属于经典高分短语,用得很棒![亮点表达] in all directions意为:向四面八方,属于经典高分短语,用得很棒![亮点表达] what's more意思是另外,而且…,是经典补充类词组。
[亮点表达] what's more有助于提高文章衔接
[亮点表达] 高分词组,help sb out意为“帮某人忙”。
[亮点表达] 高分词组,be of接名词用来说明句子的主语所具有的性质或特征。
[闪光短语] for the time being意为暂时,眼下,属于经典高分短语,用得很棒![闪光短语] cope with 意为:对付…,妥善处理,属于经典高分短语,用得很棒![闪光短语] of itself意为:自行(到来),属于经典高分短语。
批改网评语篇一:批改网高分表达itgoeswithoutsayingthatwhereasonlywhenourconditionisrougherwillthestu dyingabroadbecomemoresignificant.acaseinpoint,wecanhaveit.onaccount ofanaccident,hehardlycanachievethisspectacularprojectandnottomentionth erewardhecantakepridein.what'smore,itisuniversally acknowledgedthatstudyingabroadisofconsequence.Foronething,onnoacco untcanwebeindifferenttoother'spainsincetheymightgothroughsomes urge.Thatisthereasonwhyweshouldhugandcounselthemtorestoretheirconfi dence.Fortheotherthing,wemayaswellgoallouttolendthemahandandtakead vantageofourlovetoilluminatethedarknessoftheirheartsaswell.Foryourinfor mation,itislovethatcontributestotheharmonyandwealthinessofanation,thatr esultsinourpowerandabilitytotacklethechallengeandfinallycopewithitoncef orall,thatleadstoaconsiderablenumberofpeoplestruggletoachievetheirgoals .what,more提高文章连接性studying4.1whenthereislove,therecomeshope.[修改][学习提示]易混词汇:affection,love,attachment均含“爱,热爱”之意。
批改网高分句子表达1. 句酷批改网认定的加分表达有哪些第一,批改网说明的中式英语等可能就是它的语料库本身不完善,很多好句型可以去如:British National Corpus去找。
大家为了分数的话还是要改,只不过不能在大脑里留下“这个表达是中式英语,以后不能再用”的想法,你可以多方查证,我聚个非常简单的例子:learn knowledge就是中式英语,应该用obtain,get等,这些就需要你去查证,也许批改网会报错第二,很多错误,如时态,单复数,代词指代等,作为一个了解电子评改基础算法的人我可以说,能查出语言的各种细节的机器和软件的制造难度不亚于完美的机器翻译和人工智能通过图灵测试。
为了更清楚,我决定分条写,但这样的弊端是相互间联系很小了:先说总体提分,再说具体:1. 改的次数。
批改网高分表达It goes without saying that whereas only when our condition is rougher will the studying abroad become more significant. A case in point, we can have it. On account of an accident, he hardly can achieve this spectacular project and not tomention t he reward he can take pride in. What's more , it is universallyacknowledged that studying abroad is of consequence. For one thing, on noaccount can we be indifferent to other's pain since they might go through some surge. That is the reason why we should hug and counsel them to restore their confidence. For the other thing, we may as well go all out to lend them a hand and take advantage of our love to illuminate the darkness of their hearts as well. For your information, it is love that contributes to the harmony and wealthiness of a nation, that results in our power and ability to tackle the challenge and finally cope with it once for all, that leads to a considerable number of people struggle to achieve their goals.What,more 提高文章连接性 studying4.1 When there is love, there comes hope. [修改][学习提示] 易混词汇: affection, love, attachment 均含“爱,热爱”之意。
whereas意思是然而…,是四六级经典转换话题类词汇take into account意为把…考虑进去,属于四六级经典高分短语,用得很棒!A case in point is[高分短语]意为:一个恰当的例子,属于四六级经典高分短语,用得很棒![高分短语] cope with意为:对付…,妥善处理,属于四六级经典高分短语,用得很棒![高分短语] once for all意为:一劳永逸地,属于四六级经典高分短语,用得很棒!比如take into account(我不觉得它很牛的样子)、heart and soul,play an role in等等.[高分句型]that is the reason why的意思是原因是,是四六级经典句型。
referring tonot hesitate toGive priority to给===优先权Recently,a heated debate arose online in China about the ”Chinese style of crossing the road”, a term referring to the tendency of large crowds of people to cross roads in disobedience of red lights。
Puzzle out苦思,puzzle overBe short of 缺乏.。
attach great importance to高度重视[高分词汇] important的近义表达有 crucial/essential。
[高分短语] may as well意为:最好,不妨,属于四六级经典高分短语,用得很棒![高分词组] what's more意思是另外,而且…,是四六级经典补充类词组。
[高分句型] There is no denying that意思是不可否认的,是四六级经典句型.[高分句型] It is conceivable that意思是可想而知的.。
批改网高分表达总结批改网高分表达一、短语,高分词组1. a 创建绿色校园2. 享誉世界2. 是…的精华3. a .引起公众关注。
4. 毫无疑问5. a .对个人和社会有极深影响。
6. , a ...不必说7. 可降解塑料。
8., a ’ .9. 解决,实现10. ...增强对...的认识的重要性11. 时光倒流12. 除此之外13. 全力以赴(属于四六级经典高分短语)14. 's 意思是另外,而且…,是四六级经典补充类词组。
's , , .而且,大银行可以使他们的收入多样化,这可以防止经营失败。
15. 意思是然而…,是四六级经典转换话题类词汇。
16. 意为:只有,只不过,属于四六级经典高分短语,用得很棒!. 天才只不过是劳动加勤奋。
17. 利用,是四六级经典短语18. 意为:重视,属于四六级经典高分短语19. 意为:以…自豪,属于四六级经典高分短语,用得很棒20. 的意思是利用,是四六级经典短语。
21. 意为:由于,属于四六级经典高分短语22. 的意思是远远超过,大量超出,远在天边,是四六级经典词组。
23. 意为:最好,不妨,属于四六级经典高分短语,用得很棒!.我们不妨从运动场上横穿过去。
24. 意为:...是值得的。
属于四六级经典高分句型,用得很棒!, .25. 意为“更不用说/别提……”,同意表达有、.A,.,.'s,.,'s..,a .,a,,a.提高文章连接性4.1,.[修改][学习提示]易混词汇:,,均含“爱,热爱”之意。
4.2a a,a.[修改][学习提示]易混词汇:,均有“灯”之意。
We may as well cut across the playground.我们不妨从运动场上横穿过去。
[高分句型] it pays to 意为:...是值得的。
属于四六级经典高分句型,用得很棒!It pays tohelp others.帮助别人是值得的。
[高分表达] 高分词组,not to mention意为“更不用说/别提……”,同意表达有to say nothing of、not to speak of。
[高分表达] 高分词组,be of接名词用来说明句子的主语所具有的性质或特征。
Though time is of the essence, it pays to spend some to make our work better. 高分短语] contribute to意思是对某事有帮助,有贡献;有助于做某事…,是四六级经典短语。
[高分短语] stay up late意思是熬夜,是四六级经典短语。
Many retired people can still contribute to the society with their rich experience .许多退休的老人还能用他们丰富的经验为社会作贡献。
[高分短语] on no account 意为:决不,属于四六级经典高分短语,用得很棒!Young people should on no account neglect their daily physical exercises.青年人决不应疏忽每天的体育锻炼。
[高分句型] On no account can意思是...绝对不能...,是四六级经典句型。
On no account can we ignore the value of knowledge.我们绝对不能忽略知识的价值。
There is no denying that意思是不可否认的,是四六级经典句型。
There is no denying thatthe qualities of our living have gone from bad to worse. 不可否认的,我们的生活品质已经每况愈下。
享誉世界is the essence of 是......的精华rouse public attention.引起公众关注.. Undoubtedly毫无疑问Has a profound impact on both individuals and society.对个人和社会有极深影响.. Needless to say不必说Degradable plastic 可降解塑料.. Meanwhile;we should make efforts to improve the moral standard of university students in order to create a civilized atmosphere for the sake of students’mental health.过渡句:In the first place;it is essential that...;furthermore;it is high time for us to...;last but not least...Work out 解决;实现Increase the awareness of the importance of...增强对...的认识的重要性Rewind the clock 时光倒流In addition to this除此之外Go all out全力以赴whereas然而…;转换话题类词汇.. nothing but只有;只不过 Genius is nothing but labor and diligence.天才只不过是劳动加勤奋..what's more另外;而且…;是四六级经典补充类词组.. What's more; bigger banks can diversify their earnings; which should further militate against failure .而且;大银行可以使他们的收入多样化;这可以防止经营失败..take advantage of利用attach importance to重视take pride in以…自豪on account of由于it goes without saying that不用说...;很明显.....类似的表达有: It is needless to say that;It is obvious that; Obviously; ..... far beyond远远超过;大量超出;远在天边;It goes without saying thatit pays to keep early hours.不用说早睡早起是值得的..may as well最好;不妨it pays to ...是值得的It pays tohelp others.帮助别人是值得的..not to mention更不用说/别提……;同意表达有to say nothing of、not to speak of.. 用来说明句子的主语所具有的性质或特征.. Though time is of the essence; it pays to spend some to make our work better. contribute to对某事有帮助;有贡献;有助于做某事…; stay up late熬夜;Many retired people can still contribute to the society with their rich experience .许多退休的老人还能用他们丰富的经验为社会作贡献..on no account 决不Young people should on no account neglect their daily physical exercises.青年人决不应疏忽每天的体育锻炼..in a nutshell简言之;概括的说It is conceivable that可想而知的... attach importance to重视There is no denying that不可否认的whereas然而…;是经典转换话题类词汇..a case in point 一个恰当的例子in a nutshell简言之;概括的说On no account can...绝对不能...On no account can we ignore the value of knowledge.我们绝对不能忽略知识的价值..There is no denying that不可否认的There is no denying thatthe qualities of our living have gone from bad to worse. 不可否认的;我们的生活品质已经每况愈下..The reason whywe have to grow trees is that they can supply fresh air for us. 我们必须种树的原因是它们能供应我们新鲜的空气..look forward to期望/等待……It is universally acknowledged that大家都认为take into account把…考虑进去A case in point is一个恰当的例子cope with 对付…;妥善处理once for all一劳永逸地that is the reason why原因是Give priority to给===优先权Puzzle out;puzzle over苦思Be short of 缺乏........attach great importance to高度重视An advantage of ~ is that + 句子...的优点是...~cannot emphasize the importance of ~ too much.再怎么强调...的重要性也不为过..例句:We cannot emphasize the importance of protecting our eyes too much.我们再怎么强调保护眼睛的重要性也不为过..It makes me understand that perseverance makes the impossible possible.增长见识in defiance of不顾;无视It’s highly desirable for sb to do something.很希望某人做......Submit oneself to...遵守Interpret...as...把什么理解为1主语从句It is common knowledge that honesty is thebest policy.It is well-known that…It is self-evident/ conceivable /obvious /apparent that…It goes without saying that…It is universally acknowledged that…2宾表语从句We cannot understand why he was so cruel to his roommates.The problem is not who will go; but who will stay.3定语从句限定性和非限定性As is shown/ demonstrated/ illustrated/ depicted/ described… in the cartoon/ picture/ graph/ table…;4)状语从句时间;原因;地点;条件;让步转折when; since; because; if; though; before等5分词短语做定语或状语Prof. Kang came to our university; giving usa lecture on how to acquire Englishbetter.6倒装句 only; neither; nor; at no time;in no caseOnly through these measures can we hopetosolve the problem.Scattered around the globe are more than 100small regions of isolated volcanic activityknown to geologists as hot spots.7被动句Some measures should be taken to deal withthe problem.He is said to have accomplished a lot of greatdeeds.Many people believe that…It is believed that…8强调句It is not who rules us that is important ; but how he rules us.9)省略句If so; we have to give it up.If necessary...Whatever the reason..10)What句型We totally agree with what you have just said.11 设问句Do you still remember the boy who cried wolf for several times so no one would trust him12 no more …than…A home without love is no more a homethana body without a soul is a man.13 may as well…as 与其…不如One may as well not know a thing at all asknow it imperfectly.14)the ~est …that I have ever seenknown/heard/had/read; etcMr. Chang is the kindest teacher that I have ever had.15 cannot…too…You cannot be too careful.16否定+untiltillNobody knows what he can do till he has tried.17 Nothing is ~~ er than toNothing is more important than to receive education.18 There is no doubt that ~There is no doubt that our educational system leaves something to be desired.19 So …is…that …如此...以致于... So precious is time that we can't afford to waste it.20 adj. as…isRich as our country is; the qualities of our living are by no meanssatisfactory.21 the more…the more…The harder you work; the more progress you will make.22 By doing; we can …By taking exercise; we can always stay healthy.23 It is time + 过去式该是...的时候了It is time the authorities took proper steps to solve thetraffic problems.24 Those who…Those who violate trafficregulations should be punished.25 For the past…years;sb + 现在完成式...For the past two years; I have been busy preparing for theexamination.26Since+S+过去式;S+现在完成式..Since he went to senior high school; he has worked very hard.27 It pays to do…...是值得的..It pays to help others.28 Due to/Owing to/Thanks to …因为...Thanks to his encouragement; I finally realized my dream.29不定式、动名词作主语To know something about English is one thing; to know English is quiteanother.30It is no use doing sth.It is no use crying over the spoiled milk.31 “too…to”句型She is too angry to speak.32 “so…that…”“…so that…”句型He ran so fast that nobody could catch him up.The teacher explains the sentence slowly and clearly so that everyone canunderstand.33 “range from …to…”结构His hobbies range from painting to playing basketball.34 attach importance to / lay emphasisonThe government attaches great importance to the protection of the environment.35 not… butTom was not there but his brother was.36 there is a chance that …There is a chance that we can finish the task on time.37. instead of…+句子Instead of telling the truth; he lied.38. it is + a.+ for sb. to do sth.It is convenient for us to search online.It is necessary for you to hurry up. 39. when it comes to…+名词/动名词When it comes to his achievements in the past; he becomes really excited.40. partly because of… and partly because of…Partly because of his great effort; and partly because of his talent; he achieved great success.41. It seems as if…It seems as if it is going to rain. 42. …也是/….也不You agree with him; so do I.You don’t agree with him; nor does he.43. Only if…只有…才Only if you go visiting the mountain by yourself; can you feel the beauty of it truly.Only in this way can you learn English well.44. if only/ as long as 只要…就If only you work hard; I believe you can get promoted.四级作文常用短语1. 许多可数名词: a great/good many a large number of many a +单数名词不可数名词: a large amount of a large sum ofa great deal of两者都可: plenty of2. 影响have an effect onhave an influence onhave an impact onplay an important role in play an important part in3. 喜好prefer A to Bprefer to do sth.prefer to do rather than do would rather do than do4. 把…看作regard…asview…asconsider…aslook on… as refer to…as5. 区别distinguish… from…;separate… from…divide… from…tell…from…6.就我们所知As far as we know;As is known to all;As we all know;As far as I’m concerned7.导致result in;result fromCause;lead to8. 阻止prevent sb. from doing sth.stop sb. from doing sth.inhibit sb. from doing sth. discourage sb. from doing sth.forbid sb. to do sth.9.重要的critical; essential; vital; crucial; significantIt is …to do sth.10. 减少diminish; decrease; reduce; cut down cut back on; decline; eliminate11. 尽管despite that; in spite of; although; though12. 作用contribute to ;affect;play a part in 13. 关于;鉴于;由于with regard to;in view ofwith a view to;concerningconsidering14. 以免、唯恐lest ;for fear that +虚拟语气in case thatin case of +名词短语15. 对比in contrast; by contrast;in contrast with; by contrast within comparison; by comparisonin comparison withConversely;compared to16. 决定be determined to do;choose to do 17. 经常all too often;more often;frequently 18. 好Outstanding;marvelous;terrificSplendid;excellent;distinctiveDistinguished19.易于、倾向于be liable to;be inclined totend to;be likely to20. 努力make an effort to;struggle to do sth. do one’s utmost to do sth.21. 一系列a series of;a range of;a string of22. 毫无疑问;众所周知Undoubtedly;There is no doubt thatwithout doubtNo one can deny thatIt is commonly acknowledged thatIt goes without saying thatIt is generally/ widely believed/ held/ agreed that23.事实上in fact;actually;as a matter of factPractically;virtually24 为了for the sake of;on behalf of25. 有时Sometimes;at times; from time to time on occasion;now and then;now and again 26. 越来越:be increasingly + adj.;be on the rise;the growing number ofmore and more27.归因于;归咎于attribute… To;owe…tobe to blame/ blame sth. on sb.9比较The advantages far outweigh the disadvantages.The advantages of A are much greater than those of B.A may be preferable to B; but A suffers from the disadvantages that...It is reasonable to maintain that ...but it would be foolish to claim that... 5.For all the disadvantages; it has its compensating advantages.6.Like anything else; it has its faults.7.A and B has several points in common.8.A bears some resemblances to B.9.However; the same is not applicable to B.10. A and B differ in several ways.11. Evidently; it has both negative and positive effects.12. People used to think ...; but things are different now.13. The same is true of B.14. Wondering as A is ;it has its drawbacks.15. It is true that A ... ; but the chief faults obvious defects are ...10原因1.A number of factors are accountable for this situation.A number of factors might contribute to lead to account for the phenomenonproblem.2. The answer to this problem involves many factors.3. The phenomenon mainly stems from the fact that...4. The factors that contribute to this situation include...5. The change in rgely results from the fact that...6. We may blame ...;but the real causes are...7. Part of the explanations for it is that ...8. One of the most common factors causes is that ...9. Another contributing factor cause is ...10. Perhaps the primary factor is that …11. But the fundamental cause is that ... 11结果1. It may give rise to a host of problems.2. The immediate result it producesis ...3. It will exercise a profound influence upon...4. Its consequence can be so great that...12批驳1It is true that ...; but one vital point is being left out.2 There is a grain of truth in these statements; but they ignore a more important fact.3 Some people say ...; but it does not hold water.4 Many of us have been under the illusion that...5 A close examination would reveal how ridiculous the statement is.6 It makes no sense to argue for ...7 Too much stress placed on ... may lead to ...8 Such a statement mainly rests on the assumption that ...9 Contrary to what is widely accepted;I maintain that ...13举例1 A good case in point is ...2 As an illustration; we may take ...3 Such examples might be given easily.4 ...is often cited as an example.14证明1 No one can deny the fact that ...2 The idea is hardly supported by facts.3 Unfortunately; none of the available data shows ...4 Recent studies indicate that ...5 There is sufficient evidence to show that ...6 According to statistics proved by ...; it can be seen that ...15开篇1 Many nations have been faced with the problem of ...2 Recently the problem has been brought into focus.3 Recently the phenomenon has become a heated topic.4 Recently the issue has aroused great concern among ...5 Nowadays there is a growing concern over ...6 Never in our history has the idea that ... been so popular.7 Faced with ...; quite a few people argue that ...8 According to a recent survey; ...9 With the rapid development of ...; ... 16结尾1 From what has been discussed above; we can draw the conclusion that ...2 It is high time that strict measures were taken to stop ...3 It is necessary that steps should be taken to ...4 In conclusion; it is imperativethat ...5 There is no easy method; but ...might be of some help.6 To solve the above-mentioned problem; we must ...7 In summary; if we continue to ignore the above-mentioned issue; more problems will crop up.8 With the efforts of all parts concerned; the problem will be solved thoroughly.9 We might do more than identify the cause ; it is important to take actions to ...10 Taking all these into account; we ...11 Whether it is good or not /positive or negative; one thing iscertain/clear...短语积累be keen on口语热衷于;喜爱;渴望;对…有兴趣with the result thatA.时间关系1.after a while 不久;过一会儿2.afterward 然后; 后来3.as soon as 一…就…4.at first 首先5.at last =eventually 最后;终于6.meantime=at the same time 同时7.immediately 立即;立刻8. presently 现在; 目前9.recently 最近10.since then 自从那时起11.to begin with=to start with 首先B.举例说明1.a case in point 恰当的例子2.as an illustration 举例来讲3.for example instance 例如4.for one thing…for another…一来…二来…相似观点5.on the one hand;on the other hand 一方面…另一方面…相异观点ly=that is to say 即; 就是; 换句话说7.firstly…secondly…thirdly…finally8.in the first second; third place 第一二、三9.take…as an example=take…for example 以…为例10.such as …例如;诸如C.解释或定义1.in other words 换而言之2.in simple terms = simply speaking =in brief 简而言之ly =that is to say=that is 即; 就是; 换句话说D.递进关系1.furthermore=moreover=what’s more 而且2.in addition=additionally=besides此外3.not only…but also 不但…而且…4.also=too 也E.条件关系1.as long as …只要…就…2.provided/providing that…在…情况或条件下;假若;如果3. even though=even if 即使…4.on condition that 在…条件下5.supposing that 假设;假定6.otherwise=or 不然;否则7.unless 除非F.强调关系1.above all 最重要; 尤其2.anyway = in any case无论如何3.in fact=as a matter of fact=actually 实际上4.in particular=especially or specifically 尤其;特别5.on no account 决不6.obviously 显而易见地7.no doubt无疑地G.因果关系1.accordingly相应地; 于是; 从而; 因此2.as a result 因此3.consequently 所以;因此4.because since; as; for5.due to=owing to=because of6.hence 所以;因此7.now that …既然…8.therefore=so;thus 因此; 从而H.转折关系1.although 虽然2.but; however; yet 但是;然而3.nevertheless尽管如此还是;然而;不过4.in contrast to …与…相对照;与…相反on the contrary 与此相反6.in spiteof …尽管…I.比较与对比关系1.By contrast /on the contrary相反地pared to/with 与…相比较3.differ from 与…不同4.have…in common 与…有相同之处5.in comparison with 与…相比较6.in the same way/similarly/likewise 相似地J.总结与归纳1.in the short run 短期来看in the long run 长期来看2.above all 最重要的; 尤其3.by and large 总的说来4.all in all 总而言之5.in a word 总而言之一句话6.in brief 简而言之=in short7.in conclusion 表示结论最后8.in summary 总的说来; 归纳起来 =to sumupK.发表个人观点1.as far as …be concerned 就…而言2.as for sb 关于;至于3.as to …关于;至于4.in one’s eyes/opinion 在…看来5.it seems to sb that…在某人看来;似乎…6.when it comes to…当谈到…的时候L.引用他人观点1.as it is known to all;…正如大家所知道的2.as sb puts it; …正如某人所言3.as the proverb goes;…正如某谚语所说4.it is said/reported/predicted/believed that 据说/据报道/据预测/据信5.some people hold/claim/think that…but others argue that…有人认为…但是另一些人认为…M.图表说明1.The figure of the graph/table shows that…图表的数据表明…2.according to the figure/number/ statistics 根据数据/统计数据…3.inthe table/chart;it can be seen that…由图表可知…4.the figureindicates/shows/suggests/ proves that…图标表明…5.As shown inTable/Figure;there was a gradual/sudden rise/decline in…正如图一所示;…有缓慢/急剧的上升/下降..6.from the two graphs;it may be inferred that…从这两个图表中;可以推断…。
[高分词汇] important的近义表达有crucial/essential。
[高分短语] may as well意为:最好,不妨,属于四六级经典高分短语,用得很棒![高分词组] what's more意思是另外,而且…,是四六级经典补充类词组。
[高分句型] There is no denying that意思是不可否认的,是四六级经典句型。
[高分句型] It is conceivable that意思是可想而知的...,是四六级经典句型。
[高分短语] on no account 意为:决不,属于四六级经典高分短语,用得很棒![高分句型] On no account can意思是...绝对不能...,是四六级经典句型。
[高分句型] the reason why 意为:...的原因是...,属于四六级经典高分句型。
[高分词汇] whereas意思是然而…,是四六级经典转换话题类词汇。
[高分句型] It is universally acknowledged that意思是大家都认为,是四六级经典句型。
[高分短语] and so forth的意思是等等,诸如此类,是四六级经典短语。
[高分短语] succeed in意为成功地做成了某事,属于四六级经典高分短语。
[高分短语] in the main 意为:基本上,大体上,属于四六级经典高分短语,用得很棒![高分短语] for certain 意为:肯定地;确凿地,属于四六级经典高分短语,用得很棒![高分短语] learn off意为:记熟,背下来,属于四六级经典高分短语,用得很棒![高分短语] make joint efforts 意为:共同努力,拧成一股劲儿,属于四六级经典高分短语,用得很棒[高分短语] cope with 意为:对付…,妥善处理,属于四六级经典高分短语,用得很棒![高分短语] in terms of意为根据,属于四六级经典高分短语,一般和具体事物搭配,不用来表达某人的看法。
[高分词汇] important的近义表达有crucial/essential。
[高分短语] may as well意为:最好,不妨,属于四六级经典高分短语,用得很棒![高分词组] what's more意思是另外,而且…,是四六级经典补充类词组。
[高分句型] There is no denying that意思是不可否认的,是四六级经典句型。
[高分句型] It is conceivable that意思是可想而知的...,是四六级经典句型。
[高分短语] on no account 意为:决不,属于四六级经典高分短语,用得很棒![高分句型] On no account can意思是...绝对不能...,是四六级经典句型。
[高分句型] the reason why 意为:...的原因是...,属于四六级经典高分句型。
[高分词汇] whereas意思是然而…,是四六级经典转换话题类词汇。
[高分句型] It is universally acknowledged that意思是大家都认为,是四六级经典句型。
[高分短语] and so forth的意思是等等,诸如此类,是四六级经典短语。
[高分短语] succeed in意为成功地做成了某事,属于四六级经典高分短语。
[高分短语] in the main 意为:基本上,大体上,属于四六级经典高分短语,用得很棒![高分短语] for certain 意为:肯定地;确凿地,属于四六级经典高分短语,用得很棒![高分短语] learn off意为:记熟,背下来,属于四六级经典高分短语,用得很棒![高分短语] make joint efforts 意为:共同努力,拧成一股劲儿,属于四六级经典高分短语,用得很棒[高分短语] cope with 意为:对付…,妥善处理,属于四六级经典高分短语,用得很棒![高分短语] in terms of意为根据,属于四六级经典高分短语,一般和具体事物搭配,不用来表达某人的看法。
薇We may as well cut across the playground.蚅我们不妨从运动场上横穿过去。
芁[高分句型] it pays to 意为:...是值得的。
属于四六级经典高分句型,用得很棒!聿It pays tohelp others.莆帮助别人是值得的。
螄[高分表达] 高分词组,not to mention意为“更不用说/别提??”,同意表达有to say nothing of、not to speak of。
蚂[高分表达] 高分词组,be of接名词用来说明句子的主语所具有的性质或特征。
薇Though time is of the essence, it pays to spend some to make our workbetter. 高分短语] contribute to意思是对某事有帮助,有贡献;有助于做某事…,是四六级经典短语。
膅[高分短语] stay up late意思是熬夜,是四六级经典短语。
袄Many r etired people can still contribute to the society with their rich experience .肃许多退休的老人还能用他们丰富的经验为社会作贡献。
艿好评报错膈[高分短语] on no account 意为:决不,属于四六级经典高分短语,用得很棒!羄Young p eople should on no account neglect their daily physical exercises. 芀青年人决不应疏忽每天的体育锻炼。
羁好评报错羇[高分句型] On no account can意思是...绝对不能...,是四六级经典句型。
肄On no account can we ignore the value of knowledge.蚁我们绝对不能忽略知识的价值。
葿好评报错蚆 There is no denying that意思是不可否认的,是四六级经典句型。
批改网高分攻略enjoy great prestige in the world享誉世界is the essence of 是。
的精华rouse public attention.引起公众关注。
Undoubtedly毫无疑问Has a profound impact on both individuals and society.对个人和社会有极深影响。
Needless to say不必说Degradable plastic 可降解塑料。
Meanwhile,we should make efforts to improve the moral standard of university students in order to create a civilized atmosphere for the sake of students’mental health. 过渡句:In the first place,it is essential that...,furthermore,it is high time for us to...,last but not least...Work out 解决,实现Increase the awareness of the importance of...增强对...的认识的重要性Rewind the clock 时光倒流In addition to this除此之外Go all out全力以赴whereas然而…,转换话题类词汇。
nothing but只有,只不过Genius is nothing but labor and diligence.天才只不过是劳动加勤奋。
what's more另外,而且…,是四六级经典补充类词组。
What's more, bigger banks can diversify their earnings, which should further militate against failure .而且,大银行可以使他们的收入多样化,这可以防止经营失败。
作文经典表达一、短语,高分词组1. creating a green campus 仓U建绿色校园2. enjoy great prestige in the world 享誉世界2. is the esse nee of 是…的精华3. Recently a debate about green campus h a soused public attention .引起公众关注。
4. Undoubtedly 毫无疑问5. Has a profound impact on both individuals and society对个人和社会有极深影响。
6. Needless to say a gree n campus in cludes不必说7. Degradable plastic 可降解塑料。
8. make efforts toMea nwhile, we should make efforts to improve the moral sta ndard of uni versity stude nts in order to create a civilized atmosphere for the sake of studentee ntal health.9. Work out解决,实现10. In crease the aware ness of the importa nee of...增强对…的认识的重要性11. Rewind the clock 时光倒流12. In addition to this 除此之外13. Go all out全力以赴(属于四六级经典高分短语)14. what's more意思是另外,而且…,是四六级经典补充类词组。
What's more, bigger banks can diversify their earnin gs, which should further militate aga inst failure .而且,大银行可以使他们的收入多样化,这可以防止经营失败。
享誉世界is the esse nee of 是。
的精华rouse public attention .引起公众关注。
Undoubtedly毫无疑问Has a profo und impact on both in dividuals and society.对个人和社会有极深影响。
Needless to say 不必说Degradable plastic 可降解塑料。
Meanwhile,we should makeefforts to improve the moral sta ndard of uni versity stude nts in order to create a civilized atmosphere for the sake of students ' mental health . 过渡句:In the first place,it is esse ntial that...,furthermore,it is high time for us to...,last but not least...Work out解决,实现In crease the aware ness of the importa nee of...增强对…的认识的重要性Rewi nd the clock 时光倒流In addition to this 除此之外Go all out 全力以赴whereas然而…,转换话题类词汇。
nothing but 只有,只不过Genius is nothing but labor and dilige nee.天才只不过是劳动加勤奋。
what's more另外,而且…,是四六级经典补充类词组。
What's more, bigger banks can diversify their earnin gs, which should further militate aga inst failure .而且,大银行可以使他们的收入多样化,这可以防止经营失败。
批改网高分表达作文经典表达一、短语,高分词组1. creating a green campus创建绿色校园2. enjoy great prestige in the world享誉世界2. is the essence of 是…的精华3. Recently a debate about green campus has aroused public attention. 引起公众关注。
4. Undoubtedly 毫无疑问5. Has a profound impact on both individuals and society.对个人和社会有极深影响。
6. Needless to say, a green campus includes...不必说7. Degradable plastic 可降解塑料。
8. make efforts toMeanwhile, we should make efforts to improve the moral standard of university students in order to create a civilized atmosphere for the sake of students’mental health.9. Work out 解决,实现10. Increase the awareness of the importance of...增强对... 的认识的重要性11. Rewind the clock 时光倒流12. In addition to this除此之外13. Go all out 全力以赴(属于四六级经典高分短语)14. what's more意思是另外,而且…,是四六级经典补充类词组。
What's more, bigger banks can diversify their earnings, which should further militate against failure .而且,大银行可以使他们的收入多样化,这可以防止经营失败。
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1. a 创建绿色校园
2. 享誉世界
2. 是…的精华
3. a .引起公众关注。
4. 毫无疑问
5. a .对个人和社会有极深影响。
6. , a ...不必说
7. 可降解塑料。
, a ’ .
9. 解决,实现
10. ...增强对...的认识的重要性
11. 时光倒流
12. 除此之外
13. 全力以赴(属于四六级经典高分短语)
14. 's 意思是另外,而且…,是四六级经典补充类词组。
's , , .
15. 意思是然而…,是四六级经典转换话题类词汇。
16. 意为:只有,只不过,属于四六级经典高分短语,用得很棒!. 天才只不过是劳动加勤奋。
17. 利用,是四六级经典短语
18. 意为:重视,属于四六级经典高分短语19. 意为:以…自豪,属于四六级经典高分短语,用得很棒
20. 的意思是利用,是四六级经典短语。
21. 意为:由于,属于四六级经典高分短语
22. 的意思是远远超过,大量超出,远在天边,是四六级经典词组。
23. 意为:最好,不妨,属于四六级经典高分短语,用得很棒!.
24. 意为:...是值得的。
棒!, .
25. 意为“更不用说/别提……”,同意表达有、
. A , . , . 's , . , 's . . , a .
, a , , a .
4.1 , . [修改]
[学习提示] 易混词汇: , , 均含“爱,热爱”之意。
4.2 a a , a . [修改]
[学习提示] 易混词汇: , 均有“灯”之意。
4.3 , , a , . [修改]
[学习提示] 易混词汇: , , , , 均有“包围”之意。
4.4 . [修改]
[学习提示] 易混词汇: , , , , , , 均含有“认为”之意。
5.1 . [修改]
[优秀词汇] 意思是然而…,是经典转换话题类词汇。
[学习提示] 易混词汇: , , 均含“重要的,重大的”之意。
[精彩句型] 意为:不用说...,很明显...。
类似的表达有:属于经典高分句型, ( ) (),, , ...。
5.2 A , . [修改]
[闪光短语] a 意为:一个恰当的例子,属于经典高分短语,用得很棒! [拓展辨析] 动名搭配在语料库中出现过 34 次
5.3 , . [修改]
[学习提示] 表示“意外事故”。
详情点击 [闪光短语] 意为:由于,属于经典高分短语。
5.4 , . [修改]
[闪光短语] 高分词组,意为“更不用说/别提……”,同意表达有、。
[学习提示] 易混词汇: , , , , , , 均含“计划”之意。
[闪光短语] 意为:以…自豪,属于经典高分短语,用得很棒! 5.5 's , , . [修改] [闪光短语] 's 有助于提高文章衔接
[闪光短语] 's 意思是另外,而且…,是经典补充类词组。
[学习提示] 易混词汇: , , 均可表示“地球”之意。
6.1 I , , . [修改]
[学习提示] 易混词汇: , , , , 均含“承认”之意。
[精彩句型] 意思是大家都认为,是经典句型。
[闪光短语] 高分词组,接名词用来说明句子的主语所具有的性质或特征。
6.2 , 's . [修改]
[精彩句型] 意思是...绝对不能...,是经典句型。
[学习提示] 易混词汇: , , , , , 均有“力”之意。
[闪光短语] 意为:决不,属于经典高分短语,用得很棒!
[精彩句型] 意为:我们绝对不能...,属于经典高分句型,用得很棒!
6.3 . [修改]
[精彩句型] 的意思是原因是,是经典句型。
[学习提示] 表示“原因,理由”。
详情点击 [精彩句型] 意为:...的原因是...,属于经典高分句型。
6.4 , a . [修改] [闪光短语]意为:最好,不妨,属于经典高分短语,用得很棒! [闪光短语] 的意思是利用,是经典短语。
[闪光短语] 意为:全力以赶;鼓足干劲,属于经典高分短语,用得很棒! [拓展辨析] 动名搭配在语料库中出现过 559 次
6.5 , , . [修改]
[拓展辨析] 注意和区别。
6.6 , a , , a . [修改]
[学习提示] 易混词汇: , , , , , , , 均有“战斗,战争”之意。
a .引起公众关注。
a .对个人和社会有极深影响。
a ’ .
过渡句: ...
[高分词汇] 意思是然而…,是四六级经典转换话题类词汇。
意为:只有,只不过,属于四六级经典高分短语,用得很棒! . 天才只不过是劳动加勤奋。
's 意思是另外,而且…,是四六级经典补充类词组。
's , , . 而且,大银行可以使他们的收入多样化,这可以防止经营失败。
[高分短语] 意为:以…自豪,属于四六级经典高分短语,用得很棒高分短语] 的意思是利用,是四六级经典短语。
高分句型, ( ) (),, , ...。
[高分词组] 的意思是远远超过,大量超出,远在天边,是四六级经典词组。
. 不用说早睡早起是值得的。
[高分短语] 意为:最好,不妨,属于四六级经典高分短语,用得很棒!
. 我们不妨从运动场上横穿过去。
属于四六级经典高分句型,用得很棒! . 帮助别人是值得的。
[高分表达] 高分词组,意为“更不用说/别提……”,同意表达有
[高分表达] 高分词组,接名词用来说明句子的主语所具有的性质或特征。
, . 高分短语] 意思是对某事有帮助,有贡献;有助于做某事…,是四六级经典短语。
[高分短语] 意思是熬夜,是四六级经典短语。
. 许多退休的老人还能用他们丰富的经验为社会作贡献。
[高分短语] 意为:决不,属于四六级经典高分短语,用得很棒! . 青年人决不应疏忽每天的体育锻炼。
[高分句型] 意思是...绝对不能...,是四六级经典句型。
. 我们绝对不能忽略知识的价值。
. 不可否认的,我们的生活品质已经每况愈下。
[高分句型] 意为:...的原因是...,属于四六级经典高分句型。
. 我们必须种树的原因是它们能供应我们新鲜的空气。
好评报错 [高分表达] 高分词组,意为“期望/等待……”。
[高分表达] 高分词组,意为“期盼/期待”。
[高分句型] 意思是大家都认为,是四六级经典句型。
A [高分短语] 意为:一个恰当的例子,属于四六级经典高分短语,用得很棒! [高分短语] 意为:对付…,妥善处理,属于四六级经典高分短语,用得很棒! [高分短语]意为:一劳永逸地,属于四六级经典高分短语,用得很棒!
[高分句型] 的意思是原因是,是四六级经典句型。
" ", a .
七、 ~ + 句子(...的优点是...)
例句: 't () .
三、~ ~ .(再怎么强调...的重要性也不为过。
例句: . 我们再怎么强调保护眼睛的重要性也不为过。
's 增长见识
’s .很希望某人做。
...遵守 ...把什么理解为然而 ,