南华大学医学院 英语学习




(完整版)医学英语教学计划医学英语教学计划1. 引言本文档旨在提供一份完整的医学英语教学计划,以促进学生在医学领域的英语交流能力。



2. 教学目标- 培养学生在医学领域的英语听、说、读、写能力。

- 帮助学生掌握医学专业所需的英语词汇和基本语法。

- 提高学生理解和运用医学领域的英语文献和资料的能力。

- 增强学生与患者沟通的英语交流能力。

3. 教学内容1. 医学英语基础知识:- 医学英语词汇:常用医学术语、疾病诊断和治疗相关词汇等。

- 医学英语语法:基本语法结构和句型。

- 医学英语听力和口语训练:听取和发表医学领域的简短演讲和讨论。

2. 医学英语文献阅读与写作:- 阅读医学领域的英语期刊文章、研究报告和文献综述。

- 研究撰写医学领域的英语科研论文、病历报告和患者咨询信函。

3. 医学英语口语和沟通:- 医学英语会话:医生与患者之间的日常对话、病情咨询和治疗建议的表达。

- 医学英语听力练:听取医学领域的学术讲座、病历报告和研究讨论等。

4. 教学方法- 组织小组讨论和角色扮演活动,模拟医学场景中的交流情景。

- 利用多媒体教学手段,如视频、音频和互动课件,提高学生的听力和口语能力。

- 重视听力训练,增加学生对医学英语的听取理解能力。

- 增设课堂练和作业,巩固学生的阅读和写作能力。

- 提供医学英语研究资源,包括研究资料、练题和在线词典等。

5. 评估方式- 定期进行听力、口语、阅读和写作的考试,评估学生的掌握程度。

- 考察学生在医学英语专业课程中的表现和参与度。

- 参考学生的作业、小组讨论和角色扮演活动等课堂表现。

6. 总结通过本医学英语教学计划,学生将在医学领域的英语交流能力、文献阅读与写作能力以及口语和沟通能力方面得到全面提升。
















































Exercise 2 :
Write a word for each of the following definitions:
1. near the nose paranasal
2. inflammation of the pharynx
3. pertaining to the larynx
The smallest of the conducting tubes, the bronchioles( 细支气管), carry air into the microscopic air sacs, the aveoli(肺泡), whrough which gases are exchanged between the lungs and the blood.
I Suffix for Respiration
ROOT MEANING -pnea breathing
EXAMPLE orthopnea
-oxia Level of oxygen hypoxia
-capnia Level of carbon hypercapnia dioxide
-phonia voice
Inhaled air passes into the throat, or pharynx(咽), where it mixes with air that enters through the mouth and also with food destined for the digestive tract. The pharynx is divided into three regions: (1) an upper portion, the nasopharynx(鼻咽), behind the nasal cavity;(2) a middle portion, the oropharynx(口咽), behind the mouth; and (3) a lower portion, the laryngeal pharynx(喉咽), behind the larynx. The palatine tonsils(腭 扁桃体) are on either side of the soft palate(软腭) in the oropharynx; the pharyngeal tonsils, or adenoids(咽扁桃体 ), are in the nasopharynx.



《专业英语》教学大纲课程类别:专业方向课程性质:选修英文名称:Special English总学时:40 讲授学时:32 实训学时:8学分:2.5先修课程:护理学基础、大学英语适用专业::护理学专业(涉日护理方向)开课单位:护理学院一、课程简介专业英语教学内容涵盖了医学专业词汇构词法、医院的科室介绍、门诊病人接待、导医、住院病人护理和治疗、对病人的健康教育以及国际护士资格考试相关介绍等内容。


二、教学内容及基本要求第一章:医学英语词汇(6学时)教学要求:识记:(1)常见的词根、前缀、后缀的意义(2)护理环境中常见疾病、物品、器械等的表达方式理解:(1)医学英语术语的构词法应用:(1)能对一般护理文献进行翻译授课方式:讲授、自学、实训第二章:Orienting the Patient to the Unit and Hospital (2学时)教学要求:理解:(1)关于病人入院美国医院与中国医院的异同应用:(1)能为新入院病人介绍医院环境和规章制度授课方式:讲授、角色扮演第三章:Filling out the Admission Form (2学时)教学要求:应用:(1)会应用护理病历单对病人进行资料收集(2)会应用口语向病人解释护理专业名词授课方式:讲授、角色扮演第四章:Explaining Procedures (2学时)教学要求:应用:(1)用口语向病人解释常见护理操作的目的(2)能在护理操作中与病人进行交流并对病人进行适当的解释授课方式:讲授、角色扮演第五章:Explaining Routines (2学时)识记:(1)常用护理常规的表达方式(2)美国护理环境中温度、体重、身高的表达方式应用:(1)会用口语向病人解释常见护理常规的意义授课方式:讲授、角色扮演第六章:Preoperative Care (2学时)教学要求:理解:(1)“知情同意书”的意义(2)交班制度应用:(1)会对术前病人进行饮食、备皮等方面的健康教育(2)会向病人解释术后常见并发症及其原因、预防措施授课方式:授课方式:讲授、角色扮演第七章:Postoperative Care (2学时)教学要求:应用:(1)会对术后病人进行呼吸运动、下床活动的指导授课方式:讲授、角色扮演第八章:Emergency Care (2学时)教学要求:识记:(1)收集病人过去病史和现病史的表达应用:(1)能对心脏病病人进行护理评估授课方式:讲授、角色扮演第九章:Coronary Care Unit (2学时)教学要求:应用:(1)能说出常用的急救设备(2)会向病人解释常见急救设备的用途授课方式:讲授、角色扮演第十章:Obstetrics (2学时)教学要求:识记:(1)对孕妇问诊的常用表达方式应用:(1)能对孕妇进行饮食、运动、用药等方面的健康教育授课方式:讲授、角色扮演第十一章:Discharge Planing (2学时)教学要求:识记:(1)对病人进行出院指导的内容应用:(1)能说出含钾高的食物(2)能对高血压病人进行饮食指导与用药指导授课方式:讲授、角色扮演第十二章:CGFNS简介(4学时)教学要求:理解:(1)CGFNS考试应用:(1)会做简单的CGFNS考试题目授课方式:讲授、课堂作业法第十三章:Patient Education: Medication (4学时)应用:(1)能对病人进行药物治疗方面健康教育授课方式:讲授、角色扮演第十四章:Patient Education: Examination (6 学时)教学要求:应用:(1)能对病人解释常见检查的目的,并进行指导授课方式:讲授、角色扮演三、其他教学环节安排四、考核方式(1)平时成绩:30%学习态度:10分翻译及读书笔记汇报:10分角色扮演实训报告:10分(2)期末考核:70%笔试:70分五、教材及主要参考书(1)教材:Judith Perry,蔡碧华.护理美语.XX:科学出版社,2006.(2)主要参考书:宋军.护理专业英语.XX:人民卫生出版社,2006.Smeltzer,S. C. O. and Bare,B. G.Brunner & Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing (10th Ed). Philadelphia,PA.Lippincott Williams & Wilkins,2004.。
























医学专业英语课的收获和体会的英语作文Reflections on the Medical English CourseAs a student pursuing a medical degree, I have always recognized the importance of mastering the English language in the field of healthcare. The medical profession, with its vast array of complex terminology and international collaborations, requires healthcare providers to possess strong communication skills in English. It was with this understanding that I eagerly enrolled in the medical English course offered at our university.From the very first class, I was struck by the comprehensive and well-structured nature of the curriculum. The course covered a wide range of topics, from medical terminology and patient-doctor interactions to scientific paper writing and presentation skills. The instructors, who were experienced healthcare professionals themselves, brought a wealth of practical knowledge and expertise to the classroom, ensuring that the content was directly relevant to our future careers.One of the most valuable aspects of the course was the emphasis onpractical application. Rather than simply memorizing vocabulary words or grammatical rules, we were given numerous opportunities to engage in role-playing exercises, case studies, and simulated clinical scenarios. This hands-on approach allowed us to develop our language skills in a realistic and meaningful context, better preparing us for the challenges we would face in the real world.For instance, during the unit on patient-doctor communication, we practiced conducting patient interviews, taking medical histories, and explaining treatment plans. The instructors provided detailed feedback on our performance, helping us to identify areas for improvement and develop more effective communication strategies. This experience was particularly eye-opening, as it highlighted the nuances and complexities involved in conveying complex medical information to patients in a clear and empathetic manner.Another aspect of the course that I found invaluable was the emphasis on scientific writing and presentation skills. As future healthcare professionals, we will be expected to contribute to the field through research, publications, and conference presentations. The course provided us with a solid foundation in academic writing, including the structure and formatting of scientific papers, as well as techniques for delivering effective and engaging presentations.Through a series of writing workshops and mock presentations, wehad the opportunity to hone our skills and receive constructive feedback from both our instructors and peers. This process not only improved our English proficiency but also fostered a deeper understanding of the scientific method and the importance of clear and concise communication in the medical field.Beyond the specific course content, the medical English class also served as a platform for cultural exchange and personal growth. Our class was composed of students from diverse backgrounds, each with their own unique perspectives and experiences. The discussions and group activities allowed us to learn from one another, gaining a greater appreciation for the global nature of the healthcare industry and the importance of cross-cultural communication.Moreover, the course challenged us to step out of our comfort zones and take risks in our language learning. Whether it was participating in a heated debate or delivering an impromptu presentation, the constant opportunities for practice and feedback helped us to build confidence in our English abilities and become more comfortable with public speaking.As I reflect on my experience in the medical English course, I am struck by the profound impact it has had on my academic and professional development. The knowledge and skills I have gained have not only improved my performance in my other medicalcourses but have also equipped me with the tools necessary to excel in my future career.Looking ahead, I am excited to put these newfound abilities into practice, whether it is communicating with patients from diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds, collaborating with international colleagues on research projects, or presenting my work at conferences. The medical English course has not only strengthened my command of the language but has also instilled in me a deeper appreciation for the power of effective communication in the healthcare field.In conclusion, the medical English course has been an invaluable component of my educational journey. By providing a comprehensive and practical curriculum, experienced instructors, and opportunities for hands-on learning, the course has equipped me with the linguistic and professional skills necessary to thrive in the dynamic and global healthcare industry. As I continue on my path to becoming a healthcare provider, I am grateful for the knowledge and confidence this course has instilled in me, and I am excited to apply these lessons to make a meaningful impact on the lives of my future patients.。

























学术英语(医学)English For Academic Purpose (EAP, Medicine)与其他学科相比,医学有其独特性。






本课程使用教材为《学术英语(医学)》,全书包括10个单元,每个单元都有一个与医学密切相关的主题,分别是Doctor’s Life,Resurgent and Emergent Diseases,Prevention and Treatment of Diseases,Alternative Medicine,Healthy Living,Life and Medicine,Physician-Patient Relationship,Principles of Biomedical Ethics,Medical Education,以及Healthcare System。





上课时间:8月25日– 9月5日日期星期节次上课内容授课教师8月25日一1-4 Introduction + Unit 1 孙庆祥8月26日二1-4 Unit 2 孙庆祥8月27日三1-4 Unit 3 孙庆祥8月28日四1-4 Unit 4 唐伟8月29日五1-4 Unit 5 唐伟9月1日一1-4 Unit 6 唐伟9月2日二1-4 Unit 7 唐伟9月3日三1-4 Unit 8 孙庆祥9月4日四1-4 Unit 9 孙庆祥9月5日五3-4 Final Exam 孙庆祥唐伟选课网址:/p/publish/show.html?queryType=set&searchName=paidIn fo.search&projectId=10108。



1. 阅读医学文献和教材:阅读医学文献和教材是医学英语学习的基础。


2. 练习听力:通过听医学英语的录音材料,提高听力技能。


3. 参加医学英语课程或培训班:参加专业的医学英语课程或培训班,可以系统地学习医学英语的基本知识和技巧,提高听说读写能力。

4. 使用医学英语词汇表和词典:医学英语涉及大量的专业词汇,使用医学英语词汇表和词典可以加深对词汇的理解和记忆。

5. 学习医学英语语法和句型:掌握医学英语的语法和常用句型,可以使表达更准确、流利。

6. 练习写作:通过写作练习,提高医学英语的写作能力。


7. 积累医学英语用语和表达方式:医学英语有大量的特定用语和表达方式,可以通过积累和整理,建立自己的医学英语词汇和短语表。

8. 制定学习计划和目标:制定医学英语学习的计划和目标,每天坚持学习一定的时间和内容,逐步提高自己的医学英语水平。

9. 多与母语为英语的人交流:通过与母语为英语的人交流,提高口语和听力能力。


10. 持续学习和实践:持续学习医学英语知识,通过实践运用,不断提高自己的医学英语能力。

















大学公共医学英语-第一单元四级词汇及知识点Unit 1 You Can Be Healthy and Happy一.四级词汇总结1. Concern: vt.1). (不用被动语态)关于2). 涉及,关系到;影响到。

The news concerns your brother. 3). 使担心;使不安[(+about/for)] The boy's poor health concerned his parents.He is concerned for her safety.4)使关心[(+about/with)]He was very concerned about her.名词n.1). 关心的事,重要的事[C]That's no concern of mine.2). 担心,挂念;关怀[(+about/for)] Andrew expressed his concern.2. decline:vi. 下降,下跌;减少;衰退,衰落As one grows older one's memory declines.Unemployment declined to 4 percent last month.vt. 婉拒;谢绝[+to-v]She declined their invitation.She declined to have lunch with her friend, saying that she wasn't feeling well.n.下降;减少There is a decline in real wages.实际工资有所减少。

3.eliminate:vt.1). 排除,消除,消灭[(+from)]Our goal is to eliminate poverty. 2). (比赛中)淘汰[(+from)]Our team was eliminated from the competition in the first round.3). 杀人4.discount:n. 折扣;打折扣We give a special discount of 10 per cent for cash.如用现金购买,我们给予九折优待。















《医学专业英语》课程教学大纲(Medical English)一、课程基本信息课程编号:14234018课程类别:专业选修课适用专业:临床医学专业学分:1总学时:16先修课程:大学英语后续课程:临床研究方法课程简介:主要教学方法与手段:采用课堂多媒体教学为主,针对学生听说能力不足情况,专业英语主要应用视频与音频材料,训练和提高学生灵活运用英文的能力。





4)书面表达能力:能根据医学专题或提纲在半小时内写出 120个词的短文,内容基本完整,用词恰当,语意连贯;能掌握基本的写作技能。


1、教学内容与学时分配(黑体,五号,顶格)课程总学时:其中讲授学时:实验(上机)学时:2、教学要求第一单元:肾脏健康(Kidney health)(4学时)教学目标:通过收听相关音频材料和观看相关视频材料,学习肾脏相生理学和疾病的英文描述方法及专业词汇。

教学内容:1) Llive kidney donation2) Chronic kidney disease (CKD)3) Kidney cancer4) The location, shape and structure of kidneys.5) Movie clip: Grey’s anatomy教学要求:1)掌握:肾脏的功能结构2)熟悉:肾脏相关疾病(chronic renal disease, renal failure and renal cancer)3)了解:肾脏移植(kidney transplant)重点和难点:1) 重点:用英文描述肾的功能及结构。



医学英语知到章节测试答案智慧树2023年最新南华大学第一章测试1.What is the word for inflammation of the heart?()参考答案:carditis2.What is the medical meaning of the word “plastic”?().参考答案:整形的3.Which of the following words is formed by the process of blending? ().参考答案:metanomics;abortuary;medicare4.What are the two frequently used cognitive mechanisms to generateamphibious words? ().参考答案:metaphor;metonymy5.WHO is an abbreviated form of “World Health Organization” .()参考答案:对第二章测试1.Which one is not the expression that can show objectivity of medical English?()参考答案:hedging2.Medical English has its unique stylistic features, and one is the frequent useof nominalization which refers to the nominalization of verbs, adjectives and sentence to shorten the sentence. ()参考答案:对3.Definition clues or an appositive phrase can help readers to guess wordmeaning. ()参考答案:对4.What are the context clues? ()参考答案:example;antonym;hyponym;restatement5.What are the steps in scanning an article? ()参考答案:Anticipate in what from the information is likely to appear.;Keep inmind what you are searching for.;When you find the sentence that has the information you seek, read the entire sentence.;Let your eyes run rapidly over several lines of print at a time.6.The main idea is the reason or purpose for the author to write the article. It isnot the subject; it is the author’s viewpoint on the subject.()参考答案:对7.Finding the main idea of an article is one of the most important reading skillsto master. We should learn to identify it by taking the following steps:()参考答案:Search for clues;Look for the topic sentence of each paragraph;Locate key words;Analyze the title8. A professional medical article is written in formal English rather thaninformal English.()参考答案:对9.Critical reading means thinking carefully about an author’s claims, ratherthan accepting these claims at face value.()参考答案:对10.Well-chosen examples, statistics, expert opinions and textual evidence,namely, official documents or literature, are very effective to support thewriter’s opinions.()参考答案:对第三章测试1.Major factors that could influence translation of polysemous words are().参考答案:context;collocation2.“Tender” in the sentence “the fracture site becomes swollen and tender.”could be translated as().参考答案:有压痛的3.“Constitutional” in the sentence “The constitutional effect of acuteinflammation is characterized by leucocytosis and antibody formation.” co uld be translated as ().参考答案:全身的4.“terminal” in the sentence “the use of the term terminal must also take intoaccount the effectiveness of current medical therapeutics.” could betranslated as ().参考答案:临终5.Medical English is mostly used in science and technology texts, so it showsthe general characteristics of science and technology texts.()参考答案:对6.Extensive use of Nominalization is the only characteristic of medical English.()参考答案:错7.The use of noun or gerund phrase in medical English can not only reduce theappearance of sentences or clauses, but also contain a lot of information and make the text very compact.()参考答案:对8.Due to the characteristics of "parataxis" in Chinese, the meaning isdetermined by the word order, and the verb structure cannot be convertedinto a noun structure. ()参考答案:错第四章测试1.Choose the right title.()参考答案:Military health and epidemic prevention: Problems, causes andcountermeasures.2.Treatment of severe respiratory infections ___ penicillin.().参考答案:with3. A typical semi-structured abstract consists of().参考答案:Conclusion;Methods;Results;Objective4. A good title should be ().参考答案:clear;concise;correct5.The specific research questions should be stated in the introduction section .()参考答案:对6.Past tense should be used to review the existing knowledge about the chosenaspect of research.()参考答案:错7.Past tense should be used to report what you did in your experiments.()参考答案:对8.The author had better avoid vague or unnecessary statements.()参考答案:对9.It is unnecessary for the author use the same symbols for the same types ofdata throughout the paper.()参考答案:错10.In the discussion section, the author can simply repeat what has been said inthe results .()参考答案:错第五章测试1.MSF’s actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of ______.()参考答案:independence and impartiality2.In two main medical education modes--undergraduate education mode andpostgraduate education mode, it takes at least ___ years to become a GP.()参考答案:113.The integration of TCM and western medicine should be applied through theprocess of _______. ()参考答案:prevention;treatment;diagnosis;rehabilitation4.Health care system refers to a system or program by which health care ismade available to the population and financed by _____.()参考答案:private enterprise;government;both government and privateenterprise5.The Beveridge model uses an insurance system usually financed jointly byemployers and employees through payroll deduction.()参考答案:错6.TCM has attained legal status in many countries.()参考答案:错7.Patients pay medical bills before they get treated when they see doctors inChina, while patients get treated before they pay their bills in westerncountries.()参考答案:对8.Doctors Without Borders is an international medical humanitarianorganization founded by a small group of doctors and journalists in UK in 1971.()参考答案:错9.Bioterrorism can help reignite old infectious diseases.()参考答案:对10.Many important infectious diseases have never been adequately controlledon either the national or internationally level.()参考答案:对。



Primary Care Medicine Recommendations目录1 Principles of Primary Care 基本医疗原则 4 Practice of Primary Care 基本医疗的实践Diagnostic Tests 诊断性试验Health Maintenance and Role of Screening 保健和筛查Risk and Prognosis 风险和预后Choosing Treatment Options 治疗的选择Immunization 免疫接种2 Systemic Problems 全身性问题 22 Chronic Fatigue 慢性疲劳Fever 发热HIV-1 Infection HIV感染Lymphadenopathy 淋巴结病Overweight and Obesity 超重和肥胖Weight loss 消瘦3 Cardiovascular Problems 心血管问题 30 Aortic Regurgitation主动脉瓣反流Aortic Stenosis主动脉瓣狭窄Arterial Insufficiency动脉供血不足Asymptomatic Systolic Murmur 无症状的收缩期杂音Atrial Fibrillation心房颤动Bacterial Endocarditis细菌性心内膜炎Cardiovascular Rehabilitation心血管疾病康复Chest Pain 胸痛Congestive Heart Failure充血性心力衰竭Deep Vein Thrombophlebitis 深静脉血栓Exercise锻炼Hypercholesterolemia高胆固醇血症Hypertension 高血压Leg Edema 下肢水肿Mitral Regurgitation二尖瓣返流Rheumatic Fever风湿热Stable Angina稳定型心绞痛Stress Testing应激试验Superficial Thrombophlebitis血栓性浅静脉炎Syncope晕厥Valvular Heart Disease心脏瓣膜疾病Varicose Veins静脉曲张Venous Insufficiency静脉机能不全Ventricular Irritability心室激惹状态4 Respiratory Problems 呼吸问题 34 Asthma 哮喘Bronchitis and Pneumonia 气管炎和肺炎Chronic Cough 慢性咳嗽Chronic Dyspnea 慢性呼吸困难Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease慢性阻塞性肺疾患Clubbing杵状指Common Cold普通感冒Hemoptysis 咯血Interstitial Lung Disease间质性肺病Occupational and Environment Respiatory Disease 职业和环境性肺疾病Pleural Effusions 胸腔积液Sarcoidosis结节病Sleep Apnea 睡眠呼吸暂停Smoking Cessation 戒烟Solitary Pulmonary Nodule 孤立性肺结节Tuberculosis 肺结核5 Gastrointestinal Problems 胃肠道问题 36 Abdominal Pain 腹痛Anorectal Complaints肛门直肠不适Cirrhosis and Chronic Liver Failure肝硬化和慢性肝衰竭Constipation便秘Diarrhea腹泻Diverticular Disease憩室病Dysphagia吞咽困难External Hernia外疝Gallstones胆结石Gastrointestinal Bleeding胃肠道出血Heartburn and Reflux烧心和反流Inflammatory Bowel Disease炎性肠病Irritable Bowel Syndrome肠应激综合征Jaundice黄疸Nausea and Vomiting恶心和呕吐Nonulcer Dyspepsia无溃疡性消化不良Pancreatitis胰腺炎Peptic Ulcer Disease消化性溃疡病Serum Transaminase(Aminotransferase)Elevation血清转氨酶升高Viral Hepatitis病毒性肝炎6 Hematologic Problems血液系统问题 39 Anticoagulant Therapy抗凝治疗Anemia贫血Bleeding Problems出血问题Erythrocytosis红细胞增多Sickle Cell Disease镰状细胞(贫血)病7 Oncologic Problems肿瘤学问题 40 Bladder Cancer膀胱癌Breast Cancer乳腺癌Cancer(General)癌症(总论)Cervical Cancer子宫颈癌Colorectal Cancer结肠直肠癌Endometrial Cancer子宫内膜癌Esophageal Cancer食管癌Gastric Cancer胃癌Hodgkin’s Disease霍奇金病Lung Cancer肺癌Non-Hodgkin’a Lymphoma非霍奇金淋巴瘤Oral Cancer口腔癌Ovarian Cancer卵巢癌Pancreatic Cancer胰腺癌Renal Cell Carcinoma(Hypernephroma)肾细胞癌(肾上腺样瘤)Skin Cancer皮肤癌Testicular Cancer睾丸癌Thyroid Nodules and Thyroid Cancer甲状腺结节和甲状腺癌Tumor of Unknown Origin起源不明的肿瘤Vaginal Cancer阴道癌Vulvar Cancer外阴癌8 Endocrinologic Problems内分泌学问题Diabetes Insipidus尿崩症Diabetes Mellitus糖尿病Galactorrhea and Hyperprolactinemia乳头溢液高催乳素血症Glucocorticoid Therapy糖皮质激素治疗Gynecomastia男子女性型乳房Hirsutism多毛症Hypercalcemia高钙血症Hyperthyroidism甲状腺机能亢进Hypoglycemia低血糖Hypothyroidism甲状腺机能减退9 Gynecologic Problems妇产科学问题Breast Masses and Nipple Discharge乳房肿块和乳头溢液Fertility Control节育Infertility不育症Menopause绝经Menstrual or Pelvic Pain月经或痛经Secondary Amenorrhea继发性闭经Unplanned Pregnancy计划外妊娠Vaginal Bleeding阴道出血Vaginal Discharge阴道分泌物Vulvar Pruritus外阴搔痒10 Genitourinary Problems泌尿生殖器问题Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia良性前列腺增生Chlamydial Infection衣原体感染Gonorrhea淋病Hematuria血尿Incontinence and Lower Urinary Tract Dysfunction尿失禁和下尿路功能不全Nephrolithiasis肾结石Prostatitis前列腺炎Proteinuria蛋白尿Renal Failure肾衰Scrotal Pain,Masses,and Swelling阴囊痛、肿块和肿胀Sexually Transmitted Diseases性传播疾病Syphilis梅毒Urethritis in Men男性尿道炎Urinar Tract Infection尿路感染11 Musculoskeletal Problems肌肉与骨骼问题 42 Asymptomatic Hyperuricemia无症状性高尿酸血症Back Pain背痛Elbow,Wrist,and Hand Pain肘,腕和手痛Fibromyalgia纤维肌痛Foot and Ankle Pain脚和踝痛Giant Cell Arteritis巨细胞性动脉炎Gout痛风Hip Pain髋痛Knee Pain膝痛Lyme Disease莱姆病Monoarticular Arthritis单关节的关节炎Muscle Cramps肌肉痛性痉挛Neck Pain颈痛Osteoarthritis骨关节炎Paget’s Disease佩吉特病Polyarticular Complaints多关节的问题Polymyalgia Rheumatica风湿性多发性肌痛Raynaud’s Phenomenon雷诺现象Rheumatoid Arthritis类风湿性关节炎Shoulder Pain肩痛12 Neurologic Problems神经病学问题Bell’s Palsy面瘫Dementia痴呆Dizziness头晕Focal Neurologic Complaints局部神经的主诉Headache头痛Multiple Sclerosis多发性硬化Parkinson’s Disease震颤麻痹Seizures癫痫发作Transient Ischemic Attack and Asymptomatic Carotid Bruit短暂性缺血发作和无症状性颈动脉杂音Tremor震颤Trigeminal Neuralgia(Tic Douloureux) 三叉神经痛13 Dermatologic Problems皮肤病学问题 47 Acne痤疮Aphthous Stomatitis溃疡性口炎Bites(Animal and Human)咬伤(动物和人)Cellulitis蜂窝织炎Corns and calluses鸡眼和胼胝Dermatitis(Atopic or Contact) 皮炎(过敏或接触性) Dermatitis(Seborrheic) 皮炎(脂溢性)Dry Skin干性皮肤Excessive Sweating出汗过多Fungal Infections霉菌感染Hair Loss脱发Herpes Simplex单纯疱疹Herpes Zoster带状疱疹Intertrigo and Intertriginous Dermatoses间擦疹和擦烂性皮肤病Minor Burns轻度烧伤Pigmentation Disturbances色素沉着障碍Pruritus搔痒症Psoriasis银屑病Purpura紫癜Pyoderma脓皮病Rosacea and Other Acneiform Dermatoses酒渣鼻和其它痤疮样的皮肤病Scabies and Pediculosis疥疮和虱病Skin Ulceration皮肤溃疡Urticaria and Angioedema荨麻疹和血管性水肿Warts疣14 Ophthalmologic Problems眼科学问题Age-Related Macular Degeneration与年龄相关的黄斑退行性改变Cataracts白内障Contact Lenses接触镜Diabetic Retinopathy糖尿病性视网膜病Dry Eyes干眼Excessive Tearing多泪Exophthalmos眼球突出Eye Pain目痛Glaucoma青光眼Impaired Vision视觉损伤Red Eye红眼Refractive Surgery屈光手术Visual Disturbances视觉障碍15 Ear,Nose,and Throat Problems耳鼻喉问题 48 Epistaxis鼻衄Facial Pain and Swelling面痛和肿胀Halitosis口臭Hearing Loss听力损失Hiccups呃逆Hoarseness声嘶Nasal Congestion and Discharge鼻充血和分泌物Otitis耳炎Pharyngitis咽炎Sinusitis鼻窦炎Smell Disturbances嗅觉障碍Snoring打鼾Taste Disturbances味觉障碍Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction颞下颌关节功能障碍Tinnitus耳鸣16 Psychiatric and Behavioral Problems精神病学和行为问题Alcohol Abuse酗酒Angry Patient生气的病人Anxiety焦虑Depression抑郁Eating Disorders进食障碍疾患Insomnia失眠Nonmalignant Pain非恶性的痛Sexual Dysfunction性功能障碍Somatization Disorders躯体化障碍Substance Abuse精神性药物滥用17 Allied Fields相关领域Adolescents青春期Alternative Therapies替代疗法Practice of Primary Care基本医疗的实践Management处理Organize PCP practice to provide coordinated, comprehensive, and personal care, available on first contact and continuous basis.Tasks of primary care include组织初级保健医生行医以提供协调的、全面的、个体化的保健服务,具有首诊的可及性和以连续性为基础的服务。

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1、The flight was supposed to take off at eight o′c lock but in effect we had to wait until ten o′clock.2、They have run into a few unexpected difficulties with the experiment.3、We regret to mform you that the materials you ordered are out of stock.4、Tom broke off his engagement just before the wedding.5、A lot of people think she takes after her mother.6、She approved of his course of action,so she told him to go ahead.7、The lecture lasted for four hours and bored me to death.8、We hoped that we should have confidence in each other.9、The car was badly smashed up,but the driver escaped without serious injury.10、Certainly I′l l come,but I am afraid I shall be a few minutes late.11、Did you notice the little boy take the book and run way?12、“May I help you with some shoes,sir?”“Yes,I′d like to try on those brown ones.”13、“Did you blame him for his mistake?”“Yes,but I′d rather not have done it.”14、Another Chinese man-made earth satellite was reported to have been sent to the orbit.15、Not knowing the way,the man asked a policeman.16、Nearly a week passed before the little girl was able to explain what had happened to her.17、“There is nothing serious,but you must lie up for a few days.”the doctor said to the patient.18、“As soon as I get home,I′l l have a hot bath,”he promised himself.19、She must have been nervous because she didn′t go straight in.20、They thought it could be fun to take the car.21、An electrical motor converts electrical energy into mechanical energy.22、These problems exist because some measures for preventing them were not taken in the past.23、She doesn′t know it′s not polite to put his tongue out.24、Throwing rice and confetti at the married couple is a custom in England.25、I am going to get my hair cut.26、One of the things Tom wrote about was life on a small farm.27、Bruce is one of the men who were chosen to represent the group.28、She′d hoped that she wouldn′t have to go back again,but she does.29、Do you remember where I had put my hat?30、In each box are five balls.1、Mary is used to wearing her hair long.The longer it is,the better she likes it.2、I expect her to help me,but she let me down.3、She′s such an ill-tempered woman.I don′t know how you can put up with her.4、Science has brought about great changes in our daily live.5、Her teacher has looked through her essay and found six spelling mistakes.6、I could just see a car in the distance,but I could not make out what color it was.7、Please wait till the is in a good mood and then ask him to lend you the money.8、Let′s sent her a telegram,congratulating her on her success.9、She said she would return the novel,and I hope she keeps her word.10、Lack is something of a mathematician.11、The girl from Shanghai plays the violin very well.12、Hob usually looks down upon little girls and refuses to play with them.13、She hardly ever eats potatoes nor bread.14、I will be22tomorrow,won′t I.15、“When is the concert supposed to start?”“It is about to start a moment while.”16、What she did,of course,is precisely why problems exist.17、Jack admitted that it′s always difficult for him to be on time.18、The old man needs comforting after his shock.19、“There′s something wrong with the table.”“Yes,I can feel it moving.”20、Great quantities of fish are caught on high in seas.21、“It′s getting very late.”“Yes.It′s time we left.”22、He took me aboard the boat where we had a tiny cabin.23、“That boy′s songs are very poetic.”“Not only does he write the words to the songs,but he also composes the music.”24、Cars moved very slowly in the1920s,but,they did move more quickly than in1910.25、“Will you be able to come to my party?”“I′m afraid not”26、“Frank doesn′t like dogs.”“so does Jim.”27、“Where all three people in the car injured in the accident?”“No,it was only the two passengers who get hurt.”28、You can find the store you′r e looking for at2233Ren Min Road.29、Frank plays a lot better than Ben.30、“We′r e late.The movie has stared.”“I wonder how long ago it began.”1、The gas gave off an unpleasant smell.2、The little boy had a narrow escape when he ran across the road in front of the truck.3、The university was founded shortly after World War Two and has turned out a lot of famous scholars.4、As soon as it started to rain we turned round and made for home.5、She has more or less succeeded and he hasn′t.6、The young witness said he was on the spot when the accident happened and his description corresponded closely to the policeman′s observation.7、He used to live in the small town,didn′t he?8、I am not good at chess.She always beats me.9、The instructions are of great importance,so listen while I run over.10、contrary to what she thought,he was proved to be successful.11、The police warned the public not to go after the escaped prisoner as he was armed and dangerous.12、The strike nay stir up production of all new cars for several months.13、Biologists are predicting that they will be able to alter genes and control heredity.14、Wilson hopes to get something front the sale.15、When the fire broke out,the house was made empty.16、There is no denying the fact.17、He was thought to be clever but dishonest.18、“Do you have a ruler?”“No.but I wish I did.”19、The hostess suggested Eve have his passport′r eady just before they landed.20、Although the first part is easy the rest are difficult.21、So severe was the storm that the pilot couldn′t fly through it.22、“Was that the dean who walked by?”“It must have been”23、Was it those the teacher regarded with such contempt?24、“Don′t be nervous”Mr.Wang said.25、“Wc won′t be finished until tonight.”“And they won′t,either.”26、As I didn′t have any experience,I was likely to have problems.27、Spending the money,she felt like a wealthy woman.28、I didn′t make a similar mistake next time.29、All of them,however,remained living after the exploston.30、“What did you say Mr.Johnson does?”“Now he sells insurance,but he used to be a plumber.”1、The room is in order when the visitors arrive.2、Some animals can survive in the desert on very little water.3、That carpet is far superior to this one in quality.4、She has a very good collection of foreign coins.5、Jannet has millions of dollars and she doesn′t mind how costly the new car is.6、You can′t rely on their help which won′t arrive.7、The teacher knew the lady was referring to Bill when she spoke of a bright child.8、She asked to be relieved of her job,and returned to Paris.9、We agreed that Privilege must be done away with at once.10、Does she have much trouble in finding the house?11、Some children in the school were suffering from diseases caused a common.12、At that moment he was engaged in a very violent argument with the shop assistant.13、“These typewritten papers are very neat.”“I wish I could type too,but I don′t know how.”14、It is believed that the formation of the sun,the planets and other stars began with th condensation of on interstellar gas cloud.15、He works too hard.That is what is wrong with him.16、“John was the first one finished with the test.”“Yes,but he works so fast that he makes a great many mistakes.”17、The Tartar chief controls a thousand men,all of whom must obey his orders in both war and peace.18、“Who is Alan Crocket?”“He′s the speaker we heard last week.”19、It is its structure that gives leather its permeability(可渗透性)to air and water vapor.20、No sooner had his luggage been loaded than the jeep started off.21、I heard him play in the concert last week.22、The doctor visits his patients every day.23、They went away on holiday while the house was being decorated.24、A committee has been set up to investigate the matter.25、The barking dog made everyone angry.26、Skiing is a popular winter sport.27、They planned to catch enough fish for dinner.28、“If you just wear slacks and a sports shirt,you will look fine,”janet told him.29、Andy did want to go,but he had a problem.30、He allowed me to use his library,which enabled me to study at my leisure.1、We longed for her return,and thought of writing to her.2、The old man has lived through two wars and three revolutions.3、Poor as he was,he was honest,and turned down every offer of help.4、Kids,especially boys,wear out their shoes very quickly.5、The price is too high,and moreover,the house isn′t in a sunable position.6、Surprisingly,the accident did very little damage to either car.7、In recent years,the tourist industry contributes greatly to the economy of our country.8、As last their solders broke through the enemy′s defence.9、They have committed many horrible crimes against the Chinese people.10、I can′t follow your advice.Therefore thank you for giving it.11、The wound will soon heal if you keep it clean.12、They just manage to put out the flames before any real damage was caused.13、I wish he had come to London with me yesterday.14、Not only the house but also the garage needs painting.15、Darleen wondered whether James would ask her or not.16、Neither Fred nor Alice went to the concert.17、Did he come here by bus or by train?The latter seems unlikely.18、Only two books may be taken.19、The room,Which is square,has windows facing south and east.20、It is believed that the man is carrying a gun.21、When she opened the cupboard she discovered that someone had stolen all her clothes.22、Either candy or flowers are a nice gift.23、she decided to buy a new dress when she got her next paycheck.24、Mr.Jones either drives to work or takes the bus.25、I can′t give you a hamburger because we are all out of it.26、Janet′s friends came over and decorated the house.27、The used cars were often rusty and needed repairs.28、Sue has been deaf since she was born.29、John knows what the score is.。
