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三年级描写我的家乡英语作文 导语:走进我的家乡,你到处可以嗅到花草的芳香,鸟儿在树头歌唱,虫儿 在林中演奏, 小狗儿们欢快的嬉戏打闹, 无拘无束的生活使我们在祖国的怀抱里 健康成长。下面是 YJBYS 作文 网小编为您收集整理的英语作文,希望对您有所帮助。 我的家乡英语作文(1) I love my hometown, love the hometown of mountain and water. The faint mountain, QingLinLin water, always lingering in my mind, in the depths of my memory. Mountain located in the hometown of the figure to the said. As long as you ascend the stairs, they will see the thousands and thousands of stone. They sometimes depend on each other, like in a whisper, that look like a shy girl, his head back to visitors; Others stand high, rise up, seems to be the day, this is to express the heart of passion; And the rocks here and a pile of a pile of urchin to is in game... How interesting. But I just love the slopes of trees and flowers. The spring flowers in boom and cup yan; Jiamu green summer, the ground of the tree, the cool breeze... What a charming scenery. I often went up into the mountain, in the summer vacation so Yu Guo trees, there shows how a beautiful picture! Banana tree bursts with broad leaves, bathed in sunshine, is green and luxuriant. And punch in a bunch of bananas, is the most tantalizing to hide and seek with person, half block half mask, his body is stuck on the trunk. In pipa woods and don't have a kind of atmosphere, towering towering trees cover around the sorching summer, the occasional one day fall on the ground, the forest is so cool, pipa qing qing, call you scratching in dim light where it is. Reiki comes from the water of the mountain, had a canal in the mountainside flat flowing clear water all day long, occasionally see fish in the canal, if they are empty swim no country. Is the water of life, make the lingshan, moist fertile flowers and trees, also moistens up the hearts.

I stood at the top of the mountain, overlooking the distant: all fields, and vitality of a heart can not help but praise: "ah, how spectacular jiangshan so much jiao, made countless heroes bow in homage." I sincerely praise the hometown of mountain and water, I sing the hometown of mountain and water. 我爱我的家乡,更爱家乡的山和水。那清幽幽的山,清粼粼的水,无时无刻 不萦绕在我的心头,留在我的记忆深处。 家乡的山以怪石着称。只要你拾级而上,便会看到山上数以千计万记、姿态 各异的石头。它们有的互相依靠,像是在说悄悄话,那神情宛如羞涩的少女,将 头背向游人;有的则高高站起,抬头向上,似乎要对天长啸,以抒发心中的激情; 还有的山石这儿一堆那儿一堆向是在游戏的顽童……多有趣啊。 但我偏偏爱的是那漫山遍野的花草树木。春天百花万紫千红、争奇斗妍;夏 日佳木翠绿,树阴满地、凉风送爽……真是一派迷人的好风景。我 常在暑假上山,流连于果树林之中,那里所展示的是怎样一幅美景啊!芭蕉树绽 着宽阔的枝叶,沐浴着阳光,青翠欲滴,最撩人的是一串串的香蕉,向跟人捉迷 藏似的,半遮半掩,把自己的身躯紧紧靠在树干上。而在琵琶林里又别有一种气 氛,周围高耸参天的树木遮住炎炎夏日,偶尔有一两点余光洒落在地面上,林中 阴凉极了,琵琶青青的,在暗淡的光线下叫你摸不着它在哪儿。 山的灵气来自于水, 在山腰平坦处有一水渠终日流淌着清澈见底的水, 渠中 偶尔也见小鱼,它们皆若空游无所依。 是这生命的水,造就了灵山,滋润了沃土花木,也滋润着家乡人的心田。 我站在山顶, 眺望着远方: 田垄方方, 一派勃勃生机, 心中不禁赞叹: “ 多么壮观啊,江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。”我衷心地赞美家乡的 山和水啊,我歌唱家乡的山和水。 我的家乡英语作文(2) Lush, without it; Flowers bloom, without it, my hometown. It is no majestic Yellow River, and not on the bottom of the lijiang river; It is not the majestic mount tai, overlapping nor xiangshan red as fire, have the beauty of of primitive simplicity, unique beauty. Speaking of my hometown, it is not famous town, but also has a charming scenery. Spring home, in the full YanZhuang. You look! The branches have been slightly out of cyan, of azalea purples, outside the window began to hear birds chirp, is that the bird is singing the songs of spring! A little under the rain, in my hometown pastoral, everything is unripe brightness, beautiful. Under the sun, the hometown of stream was more limpid, ripple, with a golden light. Hometown spring is vibrant, energetic.
