表1 X、Y的单位产出所需的劳动投入A BX Y 621512表2 X、Y的单位产出所需的劳动投入 A BX Y 10455答案提示:首先将劳动投入转化为劳动生产率,然后应用与本章正文中一样的方法进行比较。
a. 画出两个国家的生产可能性边界。
b. 哪个国家在哪种商品上有绝对优势?为什么?绝对优势理论表明了怎样的贸易方向?为什么?c. 根据绝对优势,如果允许自由贸易,专业化生产在多大程度上发生?为什么?每种商品各自生产多少?d. 不使用绝对优势定理而用相对优势定理回答b和c的问题。
e. b和c的答案和d的答案有何不同?为什么?4、考虑一个由两个国家组成的世界,一个大陆国,一个岛国。
A.财政总收入增加,公共设施利用率提高 B.财政总收入增加,公共设施利用率下降C.财政总收入减少,公共设施利用率提高 D.财政总收入减少,公共设施利用率下降正确答案:A2.从()以后,欧元区内各国的原货币完全退出流通,欧元成为欧元区内国家唯一的货币。
•第一次作业班级:22春(批次)202203学期成绩:100分最高成绩:100.0分作答记录一.单选题(共30题,75.0分)1比较成本的基本涵义是( )•A、两国生产成本的比较•B、两国劳动成本的比较•C、两国生产两种商品所耗费的劳动比例的比较•D、两国生产两种商品所耗费的成本比例的比较我的答案:C得分:2.5分2俄林认为,产生国际贸易的直接原因是( )•A、商品价格的国际绝对差异•B、要素价格的国际绝对差异•C、技术水平的国际绝对差异•D、消费偏好的国际绝对差异我的答案:A得分:2.5分3际价格或报酬提高,而另一种生产要素的实际价格或报酬则( )•A、上升•B、下降•C、不变•D、不能判断我的答案:B得分:2.5分4如果商品要素价格不变,某一种要素增加而另一种要素数量保持不变,则将大幅度地增加该要素密集型商品的产出,而减少后一种要素密集型产品的产出。
这就是( ) •A、H-O-S定理•B、R定理•C、S-S定理•D、H-O定理我的答案:B得分:2.5分5能反映规模经济理论本意的是( )•A、规模报酬递减•B、规模报酬递增•C、规模报酬不变•D、规模成本递增我的答案:B得分:2.5分6国际贸易值是______,对外贸易值是______.•A、各国对外贸易值之和,一国进出口值之和•B、各国出口值之和,一国出口值之和•C、各国对外贸易值之和,一国出口值之和•D、各国出口值之和,一国进出口值之和我的答案:D得分:2.5分7其他条件相同时,决定资本边际产量的主要因素是( )•B、资本丰裕程度•C、资本的质量•D、资本的报酬我的答案:B得分:2.5分8如果某种商品的价格相对上升,则( )•A、生产这种产品的特定要素的收入将下降•B、生产这种产品的特定要素的收入将增加•C、生产这种产品的特定和非特定要素的收入都将下降•D、生产这种产品的特定和非特定要素的收入都将增加我的答案:B得分:2.5分9从征收进口关税中受损的利益集团是( )•A、进口国的生产者•B、进口国的消费者•C、进口国的政府•D、出口国的消费者我的答案:A得分:2.5分10在征收关税的商品供给弹性较小时,意味着谁将承担更多的关税。
北语 20春《国际经济学》作业_1234
C. C自发存在的国际货币体系和人为安排组织的国际货币体系
D. D布雷顿森林体制和牙买加体制
A. 1,6
B. 2,4
C. 3,4
D. 4,7
贸易条件变化前,该国⽣产均衡点为A,消费点为C;由于该国传统出⼝产品X 的出⼝规模极⼤增长,使得该国贸易条件恶化,此时,⽣产点变为A’,消费点变为C’。
202041 国际经济学 作业(专升本)
北语 20春《国际经济学》作业_1234
20春《国际经济学》作业_1一、单选题( 每题4分, 共11道小题, 总分值44分)1.比较利益理论认为国际贸易的驱动力是()A. A.劳动生产率的差异B. B.技术水平的差异C. C.产品品质的差异D. D.价格的差异答:A 【131】【9666】【2906】2.人们较注重名义货币收入,而对物价的变化并不敏感的效应称为()。
A. 货币幻觉效应B. 真实货币余额效应C. 收入再分配效应D. 资源再分配效应答:A3.三元悖论成立的前提是()A. A完全竞争市场B. B开放经济C. C封闭经济D. D垄断答:B4.下列不属于判断一种外币资产是否为外汇的标准的是()。
A. 价值性B. 可偿性C. 可兑换性D. 国际通用性答:A5.在分析货币贬值对贸易收支的影响时,小国所面临的供给弹性是()A. 零B. 小于需求弹性C. 大于需求弹性D. 无穷大答:D6.已知A国生产1单位的X和Y商品分别耗费3和5个单位的劳动,要使两国都具有绝对优势,则B国生产1单位的X和Y商品分别耗费多少单位的劳动:()A. 1,6B. 2,4C. 3,4D. 4,7答:A7.在马歇尔—勒纳条件中,进出口需求弹性应满足(),本币贬值才能有效的使国际收支得到改善。
A. 进口需求弹性为正,出口需求弹性为正B. 进口需求弹性为正,出口需求弹性为负C. 进口需求弹性为负,出口需求弹性为正D. 进口需求弹性为负,出口需求弹性为负答:A8.以下选项中,哪个选项不属于国际收支统计中居民的概念?A. A 外国企业B. B 非盈利机构C. C 国际经济组织D. D 政府答:C9.根据国际生产折衷理论,企业要从事对外直接投资活动,必须具备的优势不包括()。
A. 所有权优势B. 区位优势C. 内部化优势D. 比较优势答:D10.规模经济是指( )。
A. 产品的单位成本随产量增加而递减B. 产品的单位成本随产量增加而递增C. 产品的单位成本不随产量变化D. 要素投入的增加导致产出的增加答:A11.从历史发展看,最为成功的国际卡特尔是()A. A.烟草贸易公司B. B.铁路运输公司C. C.橡胶生产国组织D. D.石油输出国组织答:D二、多选题( 每题4分, 共4道小题, 总分值16分)1.外国企业产品在进口国的需求弹性受到影响的因素有()。
20春《国际经济学》作业_1一、单选题( 每题4分, 共11道小题, 总分值44分)1.比较利益理论认为国际贸易的驱动力是()A. A.劳动生产率的差异B. B.技术水平的差异C. C.产品品质的差异D. D.价格的差异答:A 【131】【9666】【2906】2.人们较注重名义货币收入,而对物价的变化并不敏感的效应称为()。
A. 货币幻觉效应B. 真实货币余额效应C. 收入再分配效应D. 资源再分配效应答:A3.三元悖论成立的前提是()A. A完全竞争市场B. B开放经济C. C封闭经济D. D垄断答:B4.下列不属于判断一种外币资产是否为外汇的标准的是()。
A. 价值性B. 可偿性C. 可兑换性D. 国际通用性答:A5.在分析货币贬值对贸易收支的影响时,小国所面临的供给弹性是()A. 零B. 小于需求弹性C. 大于需求弹性D. 无穷大答:D6.已知A国生产1单位的X和Y商品分别耗费3和5个单位的劳动,要使两国都具有绝对优势,则B国生产1单位的X和Y商品分别耗费多少单位的劳动:()A. 1,6B. 2,4C. 3,4D. 4,7答:A7.在马歇尔—勒纳条件中,进出口需求弹性应满足(),本币贬值才能有效的使国际收支得到改善。
A. 进口需求弹性为正,出口需求弹性为正B. 进口需求弹性为正,出口需求弹性为负C. 进口需求弹性为负,出口需求弹性为正D. 进口需求弹性为负,出口需求弹性为负答:A8.以下选项中,哪个选项不属于国际收支统计中居民的概念?A. A 外国企业B. B 非盈利机构C. C 国际经济组织D. D 政府答:C9.根据国际生产折衷理论,企业要从事对外直接投资活动,必须具备的优势不包括()。
A. 所有权优势B. 区位优势C. 部化优势D. 比较优势答:D10.规模经济是指( )。
A. 产品的单位成本随产量增加而递减B. 产品的单位成本随产量增加而递增C. 产品的单位成本不随产量变化D. 要素投入的增加导致产出的增加答:A11.从历史发展看,最为成功的国际卡特尔是()A. A.烟草贸易公司B. B.铁路运输公司C. C.橡胶生产国组织D. D.石油输出国组织答:D二、多选题( 每题4分, 共4道小题, 总分值16分)1.外国企业产品在进口国的需求弹性受到影响的因素有()。
1. 就国家整体而言,分配进口配额最好的方法是()
A. 竞争性拍卖
B. 固定的受惠
C. 资源使用申请程序
D. 政府适时分配
2. 美国汽车产业在20世纪80年代以来受到了来自日本、德国等同类产业的极大挑战,产量下降,工人失业增加。
A. 改善贸易条件
B. 扩大国内有效需求
C. 国内利益集团对于贸易政策的影响
D. 扶植幼稚产业
3. 沿着外凸的生产可能性边界线向下移动时,随着一种物品产量的增加,生产该物品的机会成本将会()。
A. 保持不变
B. 增加
C. 减少
D. 无法确定
4. 以下那种情况表明甲国是劳动丰裕型的国家()。
A. 甲国劳动总量是100个单位
B. 甲国劳动总量是100个单位,而乙国的劳动量只有80个单位
C. 甲国劳动总量是100个单位、资本总量是100个单位,而乙国劳动总量是80个单位、资本总量是60个单位
D. 甲国劳动总量是100个单位、资本总量是100个单位,而乙国劳动总量是60个单位、资本总量是75个单位
5. 要素密集度可借助于()来说明。
A. 社会无差异曲线
B. 需求曲线。
2比较优势3.生产者剩余4.购买力平价5规模经济6套值保值二、单项选择题1.根据相互需求原理,两国均衡的交换比例取决于(B)A 两国的绝对优势B 两国的比较优势C 两国的相对需求强度D 两国的要素禀赋2.在当今的国际贸易格局中,产业内贸易更容易发生于( B )A 发展中国家与发达国家B 发达国家与发达国家C 发展中国家与发展中国家D 发展中国家和最不发达国家3.课征关税会增加生产者剩余,减少消费者剩余,社会总福利的变化将(B )A 上升B 降低C 不变D 不确定4.已知A国生产1单位的X和Y商品分别耗费3和5个单位的劳动,要使两国都具有绝对优势,则B国生产1单位的X和Y商品分别耗费多少单位的劳动:( A )A1,6 B2,4 C3,4 D4,75.从国际经济学的角度来考察,构成经济活动的基本单位或行为主体是( D )A 企业B 居民户C 家庭D 国家6.下列选项中不属于比较利益学说的假设的是( B )A 以劳动价值论为基础B 要素是完全流动的C 要素和产品市场都是完全竞争的D 收入分配不受贸易影响7.从国际经济资源流动的难度看,最容易流动的要素是( A )A.商品B.资本C.人员D.技术8.在绝对技术差异理论与相对技术差异理论中,机会成本是( D )A.递增B.递减C.先递增后递减D.不变9.不能解释产业内贸易现象的理论有( B )A.重叠需求理论B.要素比例理论C.规模经济理论D.垄断竞争理论10.下列不属于保护贸易学说的理论有( D )A.幼稚工业理论B.夕阳工业理论C.国防论D.资源禀赋论11.世界贸易组织秘书处设在( A )A.日内瓦B.纽约C.布鲁塞尔D.乌拉圭11.下述哪一种不属于投机性外汇交易( D )A.双边套汇B.多边套汇C.套利D.套期保值12.设三年前美元对人民币的汇率是1美元等于8.2345元人民币,假设美国的物价比前一年上升8%,而中国的物价水平上升10%,则美元与人民币之间理论上的汇率为( A )A.8.3870B.8.085C.10.2931D.6.587613.在1997年东南亚金融危机中,最早出现金融动荡的国家是( B )A.印度尼西业B.泰国C.日本D.韩国14.倾销行为主要分为两种,包括( C )A.掠夺性倾销和间歇性倾销 B.攻击性倾销和间歇性倾销C.持续性倾销和掠夺性倾销 D.持续性倾销和间歇性倾销15.采取出口导向战略的国家倾向于( B )A.保护贸易政策 B.自由贸易政策C.非关税贸易壁垒 D.关税贸易壁垒三、判断正误:1.列昂惕夫反论提出的问题可能是由于美国的关税对劳动密集型产业给予了保护。
国际经济学作业答案C h a p t e r7I n t e r n a t i o n a l F a c t o r M o v e m e n t s ??Multiple Choice Questions1. Which of the following differs in its essential analytical framework?(a) International trade in goods(b) International conflict resolution(c) International trade in services(d) International trade in factors of production(e) International borrowing and lendingAnswer: B2. The slope of the production function measures(a) the physical increase in output as country grows.(b) the dollar-value increase in output as a country grows.(c) the increase in number of workers as immigration proceeds.(d) the marginal product of labor.(e) the marginal product of capital.Answer: D3. International free labor mobility will under all circumstances(a) increase total world output.(b) improve the economic welfare of everyone.(c) improve the economic welfare of workers everywhere.(d) improve the economic welfare of landlords (or capital owners) everywhere.(e) None of the above.Answer: E4. If the world attained a perfect Heckscher-Ohlin modelequilibrium with trade, then(a) workers in the labor abundant country would migrate to the capital abundant country.(b) workers in the labor abundant country would wish to migrate to the capital abundantcountry.(c) workers in the labor abundant country would have no desire to migrate to the capitalabundant country.(d) workers in the capital abundant country would wish to migrate to the labor abundantcountry.(e) workers in the capital abundant country would migrate to the labor abundant country. Answer: C5. During the mass migration period of late 19th-early 20th centuries,(a) wages rose in the origin countries and fell in the destination countries.(b) wages fell in the origin countries and rose in the destination countries.(c) wages generally rose faster in the origin countries.(d) wages generally rose faster in the destination countries.(e) wages generally fell faster in the origin countries.Answer: C6. International borrowing and lending may be interpreted as one form of(a) intermediate trade.(b) inter-temporal trade.(c) trade in services.(d) unrequited international transfers.(e) None of the above.Answer: B7. The relative price of future consumption is(a) the interest rate.(b) unknown at any given time.(c) the real interest rate.(d) the relative interest rate.(e) None of the above.Answer: C8. A country that has a comparative advantage in future production of consumption goods(a) will tend to be an international borrower.(b) will tend to have low real interest rates.(c) will tend to be an international investor or lender.(d) will tend to have good work ethics.(e) None of the above.Answer: A9. A U.S. multinational corporation(a) has a controlling share in a foreign subsidiary and is not itself foreign controlled.(b) is foreign controlled and has no controlling share in a foreign company.(c) has a controlling share in a foreign subsidiary and may itself be foreign controlled by aforeign company.(d) is a U.S. company whose major markets are outside the United States.(e) None of the above.Answer: C10. Why a good is produced in two different countries isknown as the question of(a) internalization.(b) vertical integration.(c) exploitation.(d) location.(e) None of the above.Answer: D11. Internalization deals with the question(a) why workers prefer to work indoors(b) internationalization(c) why components are produced by one firm rather than by many.(d) Why a good is produced in two different countries(e) None of the aboveAnswer: C12. The home location of most of the world’s large multinational companies is(a) North America and Europe.(b) North America and Asia.(c) Europe and South America.(d) Europe and Asia.(e) None of the above.Answer: A13. Which of the following best refers to the outright construction or purchase abroad ofproductive facilities by domestic residents?(a) Foreign direct investment(b) Portfolio Investment(c) Short-term capital investment.(d) Long-term capital investment(e) None of the above.Answer: A14. Most direct investment in the United States has come from(a) Japan.(b) Canada.(c) Western Europe.(d) South America.(e) Asia.Answer: C15. Most U.S. direct foreign investment occurs in(a) communications.(b) agriculture.(c) petroleum.(d) manufacturing.(e) None of the above.Answer: D16. Most foreign direct investment in the United States occurs in(a) communications.(b) agriculture.(c) petroleum.(d) manufacturing.(e) None of the above.Answer: D17. Multinational corporations may provide benefits to their home countries for the followingreasons except which one?(a) Secure raw materials for the source country(b) Allow for exports of products, which involve company-specific trade secrets(c) Allow domestic firms to secure timely deliveries of commodities or products, which do notenjoy a stable or deep market internationally(d) Shift home country technology overseas via licensing(e) None of the above.Answer: D18. Trade analysis involving multinational corporations differs from our conventional tradeanalysis because multinational corporation analysis involves(a) absolute cost differentials rather than comparative cost differentials.(b) the international movement of factor inputs as well as that of finished goods.(c) purely competitive markets rather than imperfectly competitive markets.(d) portfolio investments rather than direct foreign investment.(e) None of the above.Answer: B19. Direct foreign investment may take any of the following forms except(a) investors buying bonds of an existing firm overseas.(b) the creation of a wholly owned business overseas.(c) the takeover of an existing company overseas.(d) the construction of a manufacturing plant overseas.(e) None of the above.Answer: A20. Which of the following could logically explain why foreign direct investment might be attractedto the United States?(a) U.S. wage rates exceeding the productivity of U.S. labor(b) U.S. price ceilings that hold down the price of energy(c) Especially high price/earning ratios associated with the stock of U.S. firms(d) Anticipations of future reductions in U.S. non-tariff barriers(e) None of the above.Answer: B21. Multinational corporations(a) increase the transfer of technology between nations.(b) make it harder for nations to foster activities of comparative advantage.(c) always enjoy political harmony in host countries in which their subsidiaries operate.(d) require governmental subsidies in order to conduct worldwide operations.(e) None of the above.Answer: A22. American labor unions have recently maintained that U.S. multinational corporations havebeen(a) exporting American jobs by investing overseas.(b) exporting American jobs by keeping investment in the United States.(c) importing cheap foreign labor by shifting U.S. investment overseas.(d) importing cheap foreign workers by keeping U.S. investment at home.(e) None of the above.Answer: A23. Multinational corporations(a) always produce primary goods.(b) always produce manufactured goods.(c) always produce services.(d) may produce primary or manufactured goods.(e) None of the above.Answer: D24. ___________ refers to highly educated and skilled people who migrate from poor developingcountries to wealthy industrial countries.(a) Direct investment(b) Portfolio investment(c) Transfer pricing(d) Brain drain(e) None of the above.Answer: D25. International labor mobility(a) leads to wage convergence by raising wages in destination country and lowering in sourcecountry.(b) is in accordance with the specific factors model(c) is in accordance with the Heckscher-Ohlin factor proportions model.(d) leads to wage convergence by raising wages in source and lowering them in destinationcountry.(e) is in accordance with scale economy model.Answer: D26. In theory, labor mobility is(a) a complete complement to trade flows.(b) a partial complement to trade flows.(c) a complete substitute for trade flows.(d) a partial substitute for trade flows.(e) None of the above.27. In practice, international labor mobility is(a) a complete complement to trade flows.(b) a partial complement to trade flows.(c) a complete substitute for trade flows.(d) a partial substitute for trade flows.(e) None of the above.Answer: D28. If one observes that Japan was traditionally a net foreign lender, one could conclude thatrelative to its international trade and financial partners(a) Japan’s inter-temporal production possibilities are biased toward future consumption.(b) Japan’s inter-temporal production possibilities are larger than that of the other countries.(c) Japan’s inter-temporal production possibilities are biased toward present consumption.(d) Japan’s inter-temporal production possibilities are not biased.(e) None of the above.29. Rapidly growing developing countries tend to be borrowers on the international capitalmarkets. From this information we may surmise that they have a comparative advantage in(a) capital goods.(b) future income.(c) disposable income.(d) consumer goods.(e) present income.Answer: B30. It may be argued that theoretically, international capital movements(a) tend to hurt the donor countries.(b) tend to hurt the recipient countries.(c) tend to hurt labor in donor countries.(d) tend to hurt labor in recipient countries.(e) None of the above.Answer: C31. Transactions between branches of the same multinational corporations account for ________of U.S. imports.(a) one quarter(b) one third(c) one half(d) three quarters(e) allAnswer: C。
《国际经济学》作业参考答案一、判断题1.F2.F 3.T 4.F 5.T 6.T 7.T 8.T 9.F 10.F 11.F 12.T13.T 14.T 15.F 16.F 17.T 18.F 19.T 20.F 21.F 22.T23.F 24.F二、选择题1.c 2.d 3.b 4.b 5.c 6.d 7.d 8.c 9.a 10.c 11.b 12.d 13.A 14.A 15.B 16.D 17.D 18.B 19.C 20.D 21.D 22.A 23.C 24.C 25.c 26.b 27.d 28.d 29.c 30.c 31.d 32.b 33.d 34.b 35.D36.c 37.a 38.d 39.a 40.d 41.d 42.d 43.b 44.d 45.c 46.b三、概念解释1.罗伯津斯基定理:在商品相对价格不变的前提下,某一要素的增加会导致密集使用该要素部门的生产增加,而另一部门的生产则下降。
3. 美国农业人口只占美国总人口的3%,然而这么少的农业人口生产的农产品,不仅养活了美国人,而且还有大量的农产品出口。
美国农业的生产要素特点符合那些国际贸易理论? 答:(1)符合重商主义。
国际经济学作业international economics (Assignment)
Assignment[1]2. When the value of the US dollar falls in relations to the currencies of othernations, what do you think will happen to the quantity of US(a) imports?(b) exports?Answer:(a)When the value of the U.S. dollar falls in relation to the currencies of other nations,imports become more expensive for Americans and so they would purchase a smaller quantity of imports.(b)When the value of the U.S. dollar falls in relation to the currencies of other nations,exports become chapter for foreigners and so they would purchase a greater quantity of U.S. exports.[2]5. (a)How do international economic relations differ from interregional economicrelations?(b) In what way are they similar?Answer:(a)Restrictions imposed on the flow of goods, services, and factors across theirborders, but not internally.International flows are to some extent hampered by differences in language, customs, and lawsInternational flows of goods, services, resources give rise to payments and receipts in foreign currencies, which change in value over time(b)Both international and interregional economic relations involve the overcoming ofspace or distance. Indeed, they both arise from the problems created by distance.This distinguishes them from the rest of economics, which abstracts from space and treats the economy as a single point in space, in which production, exchange, and consumption take place.[3]15. Table 2.5 shows bushels of wheat and the yards of cloth that the US and theUK can produce with one hour of labor time under four different hypothetical situation. In each case, identify the commodity in which the US and UK have an absolute advantage or disadvantage?Table 2.5US UK US UK US UK US UK wheat (bushels/man-hour) 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 2 cloth (yard/man-hour) 1 2 3 2 2 2 2 1Answer:In case A, the united states has an absolute advantage in wheat and the united kingdom in cloth.In case B, the united states has an absolute advantage (so that the united kingdom has an absolute disadvantage)in cloth commodities.In case C, the united states has an absolute advantage in wheat but has neither advantage nor disvantage in cloth.In case D, the united states has an absolute advantage over the united kingdom in cloth commodities.[4]16. With respect to Table 2.5, indicating in each case whether or not trade ispossible and the basis for trade?Answer:In case A, the united states has a comparative advantage in wheat and the united kingdom in cloth.In case B, the united states has a comparative advantage and the united kingdom in cloth.In case C, the united states has a comparative advantage and the united kingdom in cloth.In case D, the united states and the united kingdom have a comparative advantage in neither commodities.[5]18. If you have traveled to poor developing countries, you will have noticed thatpeople there consume very different goods and services than US consumers. Does this mean that tastes in developing countries are very different from US tastes?Explain.Answer:People in developing countries consume very different goods and services than U.S.consumers not because tastes are very different from the tastes of U.S. consumers but because incomes are so different (much lower) than in the United States.[6]21. Explain why, with factor-intensity reversal, international differences in theprice of capital can decrease, increase, or remain unchanged with international trade?Answer:With factor-intensity reversal, a commodity is L-intensive in one nation and K-intensive in the other. The H-O model would the predict that both nations would export the same commodity. Since this is impossible, both nations must export the commodity intensive in the same factor.If this is the K-intensive commodity, the demand for K will increase in both nations, If it is the L-intensive commodity, the demand for K will fall in both nations. Thus, the price of K will either rise or fall in both nations, and international differences in the price of K will decrease, increase or remain unchanged depending on the rate of change in the price of K in the two nations.[7]35. What is meant by the optimum tariff? What is its relationship on changes inthe nation’s terms of trade and volume of trade?Answer:The optimum tariff : rate of tariff that maximizes the net benefit resulting from the improvement in the nation’s terms of trade against the negative effect resulting fromreduction in the volume of trade(1)Starting from the free trade position, as the nation increases its tariff rate, itswelfare increases up to a maximum (the optimum tariff) and then declines as the tariff rate is raised past the optimum.(2)Eventually the nation is pushed back toward the autarky point with a prohibitivetariff(3)as the terms of trade of the nation imposing the tariff improve, those of the tradepartner deteriorate, since they are the inverse, or reciprocal, of the terms of trade of the tariff-imposing nation. Facing both a lower volume of trade and deteriorating terms of trade, the trade partner’s welfare definitely declines(4)the trade partner is likely to retaliate and impose an optimum tariff on its own.While recapturing most of its losses with the improvement in its terms of trade, retaliation by the trade partner will definitely reduce the volume of trade still further(5)The first nation may then itself retaliate. If the process continues, all nationsusually end up losing all or most of the gains from trade.(6)even the trade partner does not retaliate when one nation imposes the optimumtariff, the gains of the tariff-imposing nation are less than the losses of the trade partner, so that the world as a whole is worse off than under free trade(7)free trade maximizes world welfare[8]37. What is an import quota? How is it mostly used today? What are the partialequilibrium effects of an import quota? How are they similar to and different from the effects of an equivalent import tariff?Answer:A quota is a direct quantitative restriction on imports or exports. An import quota hasthe same consumption and production effects as an (equivalent) import tariff.An import quota can be used to protect a domestic industry, to protect domestic agriculture, and/or for balance-of-payments reasons.Import quota were very common in Western Europe immediately after World War II.Since then import quotas have been used by all industrial nations to protect their agriculture and by developing nations to stimulate import substitution ofmanufactured products and for balance-of-payments reasonsThe partial equilibrium effects of an import quota can be illustrated with Figure9.1.Figure9.1Starting from the trade Px =$1, an import quota of 30X (JH) result in Px =$2 and consumption of 50X (GH), of which 20X(GJ) is produced domesticallyIf the government auctioned off import licenses to the highest bigger in a competitive market, the revenue effect $30 (JHNM), as with a 100% import tariffSimilar:If government auctions off import licenses to the highest bidder in a competitive market, the revenue effect also is same. The adjustment to any shift in demand or supply occurs in the domestic price with import quota and in the quantity of imports with a tariff. If import licenses are not auctioned off ,they lead to monopoly profits and possible corruption. An import quota is in general more restrictive than an equivalent import tariff.Different:(1)The shift of Dx to D’x points to one of several important differences between an import quota and an import tariff. That is, with a given import quota, an increase in demand will result in a higher domestic price and greater domestic production than with an equivalent import tariff.(2)A second important difference between an import quota and an import tariff is that the quota involves the distribution of import licenses. If government does not auction off the licenses in a competitive market, firms that receive them will reap monopoly profits.(3)An import quota limits imports to the specified level with certainty, while the trade effect of an import tariff may be uncertain.[9]50.What are the outstanding trade problems facing the world today?Answer:(1)subsidies and tariffs on agricultural products remain very high; quantitativerestrictions on textiles and apparel will not be completely removed until the end of 2004, and even then tariffs on these products will remain very high. Although tightened, antidumping measures trade disputes remains.(2) many of the trade problems of developing countries (liberalization of textiles andagriculture trade) have not been adequately addressed.(3)the Uruguay Round did not make any special provision to help the formerlycentrally planned economies of Eastern European and the former Soviet Union establish market economies and integrate them into the world trading system after the collapse of communism in the late 1980s and early 1990s(4) tendency to break up into 3 major trading blocs: the European Union (EU), theNorth American Free Trade Area (NAFTA), and a (much less defined) Asian blocs EU: removed all remaining barriers to the internal flow of goods and resources in the end of 1992; closer to becoming a single unified financial market with the euro at the beginning of 2002; expand eastward with the admission of the first group of ex-communist European countries.NAFTA: phase out most barriers to trade within North American by 2003.(5)not dealt with labor and environmental standardssome developed countries: “leveling of working conditions” between developed and developing countries to avoid “social dumping” by the latterThe same is true environmental standards.Trade-related competition policies (subsidies and regulations ) as well as trade-related investment measures (TRIMs) have also been inadequately dealt with[10]60. What free trade agreements have negotiated by the United States? What isNAFTA?Answer:The United Stated negotiated free trade agreements with Israel in 1985 and with Canada in 1988.In 1993, the United Stated, Canada and Mexico signed the North American free trade agreement (NAFTA).NAFTA is to eventually lead to free trade in goods and services over the entire North American area. NAFTA will also phase out many other barriers to trade and reduce barriers to cross-border investment among the three countries. The implementation of NAFTA benefits the United Stated by increasing competition in product and resource markets, as well as by lowering the prices of many commodities to U.S. consumers.Free trade access to Mexico allows U.S. industries to import labor-intensive components from Mexico and keep other operations in the United Stated rather than possibly losing all jobs in the industry to low-wage countries.。
(0403)《国际经济学》网上作业题及答案1:第一次作业2:第二次作业3:第三次作业4:第四次作业5:第五次作业1:[论述题]一、名词解释1.经济相互依存性2.经济活动的全球化3.无差异曲线4.边际替代率(marginal rate of substitution, MRS)5.俄林─赫克歇尔的资源禀赋理论二、简述题1.简述亚当.斯密绝对优势论的基本内容2.简述大卫.李嘉图比较优势论的基本内容3.简述成本差异理论对国际贸易模式决定的缺陷三、论述题1. 论述赞成和反对开放贸易体制的主要观点2. 论述经济全球化的利与弊的主要观点参考答案:1:[论述题]一、名词解释6. 里昂惕夫之谜7.规模经济(economics of scale)8.动态比较优势(dynamic comparative advantage)。
9.产业政策(industrial policy)10.关税(tariff)4. 简述关税如何加重出口商的负担?5. 简述幼稚产业理论的主要内容6. 简述战略贸易理论的主要内容三、论述题3.论述小国征收关税的福利效应4. 论述大国征收关税的福利效应参考答案:1:[论述题]一、名词解释11.有效关税保护率(effective tariff rate)12.消费者剩余13.生产者剩余14.进口配额(import quota)15.关税税率配额(tariff-rate quota)二、简述题7. 简述跨国企业的主要经营方式8. 简述对外直接投资的主要原因9. 简述外汇交易的主要类型三、论述题5. 论述补贴的贸易和福利效应6. 论述环境贸易壁垒的基本特点参考答案:1:[论述题]一、名词解释16.有序销售协定(orderly marketing agreement, OMA)17.国内含量条件(domestic content requirements) 18.补贴(subsidies)19.倾销(dumping)20. 政府采购制度10. 简述国际收入差异对汇率的影响11. 简述吸收分析法对汇率的调整12. 简述货币分析法对汇率的调整三、论述题7. 经济制裁效应及影响经济制裁成功的因素8. 论述发展中国家的贸易特征及存在的贸易问题参考答案:1:[论述题]一、名词解释 社会管制22.普惠制(♑♏⏹♏❑♋●♓♏♎ ♦⍓♦♦♏❍ ☐♐ ☐❑♏♐♏❑♏⏹♍♏♦ ☝ ).国际经济政策(♓⏹♦♏❑⏹♋♦♓☐⏹♋● ♏♍☐⏹☐❍♓♍ ☐☐●♓♍⍓) 24.经济政策的内部均衡(internal balance). 欧洲货币市场二、简述题13. 简述赞成和反对浮动汇率制的理由14. 简述可调整钉住汇率制的主要特征15. 简述爬行钉住汇率制的含义及运用三、论述题9.论述发展中国家实行进口替代战略的优缺点10. 论述区域贸易协定的效应参考答案:。
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Quiz for Ch51) In the 2-factor, 2-good Heckscher-Ohlin model, an influx of workers from across the border w ouldA) move the point of production along the production possibility curve.B) shift the production possibility curve outward, and increase the production of both goods.C) shift the production possibility curve outward and decrease the production of the labor-inten sive product.D) shift the production possibility curve outward and decrease the production of the capital-inte nsive product.E) shift the possibility curve outward and displace preexisting labor.2) In the 2-factor, 2-good Heckscher-Ohlin model, the two countries differ inA) tastes and preferences.B) military capabilities.C) the size of their economies.D) relative abundance of factors of production.E) labor productivities.3) One way in which the Heckscher-Ohlin model differs from the Ricardo model of comparative a dvantage is by assuming that ________ is (are) identical in all countries.A) factor endowmentsB) scale of productionC) factor intensitiesD) technologyE) opportunity costs4) If a country produces good Y (measured on the vertical axis) and good X (measured on the hor izontal axis), then the absolute value of the slope of its production possibility frontier is equal toA) the opportunity cost of good X.B) the price of good X divided by the price of good Y.C) the price of good X divided by the price of good Y.D) the opportunity cost of good Y.E) the cost of capital (assuming that good Y is capital intensive) divided by the cost of labor.5) The Heckscher-Ohlin model differs from the Ricardian model of Comparative Advantage in tha t the formerA) has only two countries.B) has only two products.C) has two factors of production.D) has two production possibility frontiers (one for each country).E) has varying wage rates.6) In the 2-factor, 2-good Heckscher-Ohlin model, the country with a relative abundance of ____ ____ will have a production possibility frontier that is biased toward production of the ________ good.A) labor; labor intensiveB) labor; capital intensiveC) land; labor intensiveD) land; capital intensiveE) capital; land intensive7) In the 2-factor, 2-good Heckscher-Ohlin model, the country with a relative abundance of ____ ____ will have a production possibility frontier that is biased toward production of the ________ good.A) labor; capital intensiveB) capital; capital intensiveC) land; labor intensiveD) land; capital intensiveE) labor; land intensive8) In the 2-factor, 2-good Heckscher-Ohlin model, the production possibility frontier is kinked wh enA) there is no factor substitution in production.B) the opportunity cost of production is constant.C) there are unemployed factor resources.D) a country does not engage in trade.E) transportation costs are very high.9) In the 2-factor, 2-good Heckscher-Ohlin model, trade will ________ the owners of a country’s ________ factor and will ________ the good that uses that factor intensively.A) harm; abundant; importB) benefit; scarce; exportC) benefit; scarce; importD) benefit; abundant; exportE) harm; scarce; export10) According to the Heckscher-Ohlin model, the source of comparative advantage is a country’sA) technology.B) factor endowments.C) advertising.D) human capital.E) political system.11) In the 2-factor, 2-good Heckscher-Ohlin model, trade will ________ the owners of a country’s ________ factor and will ________ the good that uses that factor intensively.A) harm; abundant; importB) benefit; scarce; exportC) benefit; scarce; importD) harm; scarce; importE) harm; scarce; export12) The assumption of diminishing returns in the Heckscher-Ohlin model means that, unlike in the Ricardian model, it is likely thatA) countries will benefit from free international trade.B) countries will not be fully specialized in one product.C) countries will consume outside their production possibility frontier.D) comparative advantage will not determine the direction of trade.E) global production will decrease under trade.13) In the Heckscher-Ohlin model, countries are assumed to differ only in terms of theirA) tastes and preferences.B) available technologies.C) factor endowments.D) factor productivities.E) physical size.14) In the Heckscher-Ohlin model, when two countries begin to trade with each otherA) relative factor prices in the two countries diverge.B) the relative prices of traded goods in the two countries converge.C) benefits from trade are evenly distributed between the two countries.D) all factors in both countries will gain from trade.E) all factors in one country will gain, but there may be no gains in the other country.Assume that only two countries, A and B, exist.15) Refer to the table above. If good S is capital intensive, then following the Heckscher-Ohlin Th eory,A) country B will export good S.B) country A will export good S.C) both countries will export good S.D) trade will not occur between these two countries.E) both countries will import good S.16) Refer to the table above. If you are told that Country B is very much richer than Country A, t hen the correct answer isA) country B will export good S.B) country A will export good S.C) both countries will export good S.D) trade will not occur between these two countries.E) both countries will import good S.17) Refer to the table above. You are told that Country B is very much larger than country A. The correct answer isA) country B will export good S.B) country A will export good S.C) both countries will export good S.D) trade will not occur between these two countries.E) both countries will import good S.18) Refer to the table above. You are told that Country B has no minimum wage or child labor la ws. Now the correct answer isA) country A will export good S.B) both countries will export good S.C) trade will not occur between these two countries.D) country B will export good S.E) both countries will import good S.19) If a good is labor intensive it means that the good is producedA) using labor as the only input.B) using more labor per unit of output than goods that are not labor intensive.C) using relatively more labor than goods that are not labor intensive.D) using labor such that the total cost of labor is greater than the total cost of capital.E) using labor such that the cost of labor is more than 50% of total cost.20) In the Heckscher-Ohlin model, when there is international-trade equilibriumA) the capital rich country will charge less for the capital intensive good than the price paid by th e capital poor country for the capital-intensive good.B) the relative price of the capital intensive good in the capital rich country will be the same as t hat in the capital poor country.C) the capital rich country will charge more for the capital intensive good than the price paid by t he capital poor country for the capital-intensive good.D) workers in the capital rich country will earn more than those in the poor country.E) the workers in the capital rich country will earn less than those in the poor country.21) If two countries are very different in relative factor abundance, then empirically support for which of the following would less likely?A) the Factor Price Equalization TheoremB) the Heckscher-Ohlin TheoremC) the Law of One PriceD) the Law of DemandE) the Gravity Theorem22) If a good is capital intensive it means that the good is producedA) using capital as the only input.B) using relatively more capital than goods that are not capital intensive.C) using more capital per unit of output than goods that are not capital intensive.D) using capital such that the total cost of capital is greater than the total cost of labor.E) using capital such that the cost of capital is more than 50% of total cost.23) The Heckscher-Ohlin model predicts all of the following exceptA) which country will export which product.B) which factor of production within each country will gain from trade.C) that relative wages will tend to become equal in both trading countries.D) the volume of trade.E) that trade increases a country’s overall welfare.24) If Australia has relatively more land per worker, and Belgium has relatively more capital per worker, then if trade began between these two countries,A) the relative price of the land-intensive product would increase in Australia.B) the relative price of the capital-intensive product would increase in Australia.C) the relative price of the land-intensive product would increase in Belgium.D) the relative price of the capital-intensive product would decrease in Belgium.E) relative product prices would diverge between Australia and Belgium.25) If Australia has more land per worker, and Belgium has more capital per worker,then if trade began between these two countries,A) the real income of capital owners in Australia would increase.B) the real income of labor in Australia would decline.C) the real income of landowners in Belgium would decline.D) the real income of labor in Belgium would decline.E) the real income of labor in both countries would decline.26) If Japan is relatively capital rich and the United States is relatively land rich, and if food is rela tively land intensive then trade between these two, formerly autarkic countries will result inA) an increase in the relative price of food in the U.S.B) an increase in the relative price of food in Japan.C) a global increase in the relative price of food.D) a decrease in the relative price of food in both countries.E) an increase in the relative price of food in both countries.27) Trade benefits a country byA) increasing available consumption choices.B) reducing the need for specialization in production.C) reducing the relative price of the exported good.D) increasing the real income of all resource owners.E) increasing the wage rate.28) If Gambinia has many workers but very little land and even less productive capital, then, foll owing the Heckscher-Ohlin model, we predict that Gambinia will exportA) capital-intensive goods.B) labor-intensive goods.C) both capital- and land-intensive goods.D) land-intensive goods.E) both labor- and land-intensive goods.29) If Gambinia has many workers but very little land and even less productive capital, then, foll owing the Heckscher-Ohlin model, in order to improve the country’s economic welfare, the Gam binian government shouldA) engage in free trade.B) protect the capital-intensive product.C) protect the land-intensive product.D) protect the labor-intensive product.E) discontinue all international trade.30) Starting from an autarky (no-trade) situation with Heckscher-Ohlin model, if Country H is rela tively labor abundant, then once trade beginsA) wages and rents should rise in H.B) wages and rents should fall in H.C) wages should rise and rents should fall in H.D) wages should fall and rents should rise in H.E) rent will be unchanged but wages will rise in H.31) Suppose that there are two factors, capital and land, and that the United States is relatively l and endowed while the European Union is relatively capital-endowed. According to the Hecksche r-Ohlin model,A) European capitalists should support U.S.-European free trade.B) European landowners should support U.S.-European free trade.C) all capitalists in both countries should support free trade.D) all landowners should support free trade.E) the U.S. should compensate European countries once trade commences.32) International trade has strong effects on income distributions. Therefore, international tradeA) is beneficial to everyone in both trading countries.B) will tend to hurt some groups in each trading country.C) will tend to hurt one trading country.D) will tend to hurt everyone in both countries.E) will be beneficial to all those engaged in international trade.33) Factors tend to be specific to certain uses and productsA) in countries lacking comparative advantage.B) in capital-intensive industries.C) in labor-intensive industries.D) in countries lacking fair labor laws.E) in the short run.34) If the price of the capital intensive product rises more than does the price of the land intensi ve product, thenA) the relative price of the capital intensive product will fall to some point between the pretrade relative prices.B) demand will shift away from the capital-intensive product, and its production will decrease.C) demand will shift away from the capital-intensive product, and its production will decrease rel ative to that of the land intensive product.D) the production of the capital-intensive product will decrease, but by less than production of t he land-intensive product.E) the country that exports the capital-intensive good will lose its comparative advantage.35) If trade opens up between the two formerly autarkic countries, Australia and Belgium, thenA) the real income of Australia and of Belgium will increase.B) the real income of Australia but not of Belgium will increase.C) the real income of both countries may increase.D) the real income of neither country will increase.E) the real income of both countries will increase.36) The Leontieff ParadoxA) supported the validity of the Ricardian theory of comparative advantage.B) supported the validity of the Heckscher-Ohlin model.C) failed to support the validity of the Heckscher-Ohlin model.D) failed to support the validity of the Ricardian theory.E) proved that the U.S. economy is different from all others.37) The Leontieff ParadoxA) refers to the finding that U.S. Exports were more capital intensive than its exports.B) refers to the finding that U.S. exports were more labor intensive than its imports.C) refers to the finding that the U.S. produces outside its Edgeworth Box.D) still accurately applies to today’s pattern of U.S. international trade.E) refers to the fact that Leontieff an American economist had a Russian name.38) The 1987 study by Bowen, Leamer and SveikauskasA) supported the validity of the Heckscher-Ohlin model.B) used a two-country and two-product framework.C) demonstrated that in fact countries tend to use different technologies.D) proved that the U.S.’s comparative advantage relied on skilled labor.E) supported the validity of the Leontieff Paradox.39) Empirical observations on actual North-South trade patterns tend toA) support the validity of the Heckscher-Ohlin model.B) support the validity of the Leontieff Paradox.C) support the validity of the Rybczynski Theorem.D) support the validity of the wage equalization theorem.E) support the validity of the neo-imperialism exploitation theory.40) The Case of the Missing Trade refers toA) the 9th volume of the Hardy Boys’ Mystery series.B) the fact that world exports does not equal world imports.C) the fact that factor trade is less than predicted by the Heckscher-Ohlin theory.D) the fact that the Heckscher Ohlin theory predicts much less volume of trade than actually exis ts.E) the fact that the Heckscher Ohlin theory never applies to China-U.S. trade practices.41) Which of the following is an assertion of the Heckscher-Ohlin model?A) An increase in a country’s labor supply will increase production of both the capital-intensive a nd the labor-intensive good.B) In the long-run, labor is mobile and capital is not.C) Factor price equalization will occur only if there is costless mobility of all factors across border s.D) The wage-rental ratio is determined by relative product prices.E) Factor endowments determine the technology that is available to a country, which determine s the good in which the country will have a comparative advantage.42) Which of the following is an assertion of the Heckscher-Ohlin model?A) An increase in a country’s labor supply will increase production of both the capital-intensive a nd the labor-intensive good.B) The wage-rental ratio determines the capital-labor ratio in a country’s industries.C) In the long-run, labor is mobile and capital is not.D) Factor price equalization will occur only if there is costless mobility of all factors across border s.E) Factor endowments determine the technology that is available to a country, which determine s the good in which the country will have a comparative advantage.43) Which of the following is an assertion of the Heckscher-Ohlin model?A) An increase in a country’s labor supply will increase production of the labor-intensive good an d decrease production of the capital-intensive good.B) An increase in a country’s labor supply will increase production of both the capital-intensive a nd the labor-intensive good.C) In the long-run, labor is mobile and capital is not.D) Factor price equalization will occur only if there is costless mobility of all factors across border s.E) Factor endowments determine the technology that is available to a country, which determine s the good in which the country will have a comparative advantage.。