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Earth S cien ce Frontiers (Ch ina University of Geosciences(Beijing);Peking University)Vol.18No.1Jan.2011
收稿日期:2010 11 30;修回日期:2010 12 08
基金项目:中山大学青年教师起步资助计划(32110 3181401);广东省自然科学基金重点项目(10251027501000019);中国博士后科学基金资助项目(20090450536)
作者简介:丁汝鑫(1978 ),男,博士,海洋地质学专业,从事构造地质学与大地构造研究。E mail:ding rux@
大别 苏鲁造山带、华南晚中生代花岗岩时空分布及应力场对比
, 周祖翼
1 中山大学地球科学系,广东广州510275
2 广东省地质过程与矿产资源探查重点实验室,广东广州510275
3 同济大学海洋地质国家重点实验室,上海200092
Ding Rux in 1,2, Zhou Zuyi 3
1 De par tme nt of Ear th S cience s,Su n Yat S en Univ ersity ,G uangz hou 510275,China
2 G uang dong P r ov ince K ey L ab of G eological Pr oce ss and M iner al Re sour ce Inv e stigation ,G uang zh ou 510275,Ch ina
3 S tate K ey L abor atory of M ar ine Ge ology ,S hangh ai 200092,China
Ding Ruxin,Zhou Zuyi.A comparison between the Late Mesozoic Dabie Sulu orogenic belt and South C hina in terms of their granite spatial temporal distributions and stress fields.Earth Science Frontiers ,2011,18(1):009 014
Abstract:T he in s itu remelting theor y of g ranite opens a new perspectiv e for the study o f the tectonic cause of the spatial and tempor al distributio n o f the Late M esozoic (L ate Jurassic Early Cretaceous)g ranite in South China.By co mpar ison,we found that ther e is a high deg ree of similarity and consistency in the spatial and tempo ral dist ributio n o f gr anite and the st ress field in the L ate M esozoic betw een the Dabie Sulu o ro genic belt and its nor th vicinit y (especially the Sulu o rog enic belt and its no rth v icinity )and So uth China.T hat is,the gr anite distributio n is mainly along t he N E directio n,tur ns fr om old to new fr om N W to SE,and is under the contro l of the same str ess field caused by the high speed subduct ion o f the paleo Pacif ic plate tow ards the Eura sia co nt inent.O n the basis o f t his theor y,w e may conclude that the L ate M eso zo ic (Lat e Jur assic Ear ly Creta ceo us)gr anite o f the Dabie Sulu or og enic belt and its nor th v icinity and the L ate M esozoic (L ate Jurassic Early Cretaceous)g ranite of So uth China were v ery likely fo rmed by the same ev ent,that is,the subductio n of the pa leo P acific plate tow ards the Eurasia continent.T he linkage effects betw een the plates caused by the subduc tion of the paleo Pacific plate led to the friction betw een the So uth China plat e and the N ort h China plate,and as a result,t he t emperatur e of the cr ust increased and the g ranite mag ma lay er f ormed.With the change of subductio n speed,the posit ion o f the g ranite remelting interface mo ved and thus br ought abo ut the tendency that the L ate M esozoic g r anit e became new er fr om N W to SE (at least the Sulu or og enic belt seems to be like this).
Key words:Dabie Sulu o ro genic belt;So uth China;in situ remelting theor y
摘 要:花岗岩原地重熔学说为解释华南晚中生代(晚侏罗世 早白垩世)花岗岩时空分布的大地构造成因提供了一种新的视角。而通过对比可以发现,大别 苏鲁造山带及其以北附近区域(尤其是苏鲁造山带及其以北附近区域)与华南晚中生代花岗岩时空分布规律及应力场具有高度的相似性和一致性,即花岗岩展布方向