



防火涂料M S D S资料Company Document number:WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998钢结构防火涂料化学品安全技术说明书编写时间:2014年06月08日第一部分:化学品名称化学品中文名称:?超薄型钢结构防火涂料化学品英文名称:NCB(JD-1)?中文名称2:防火漆英文名称2:技术说明书编码:8第二部分:成分/组成信息有害物成分含量无丙烯酸树脂sh1405-3-89第三部分:危险性概述危险性类别:侵入途径:健康危害:蒸气对眼及上呼吸道粘膜有刺激性。































Interchar 212防火涂料说明书

Interchar 212防火涂料说明书


经独立防火测试,符合如下标准:UL 263/ UL 2431分类类别I-A列出的外部暴露要求,BS 476 Parts 20-22, GOST(俄罗斯),EAD 350402-00-1106,韩国标准F 2257,澳大利亚标准AS1530.4(2014)和AS 4100。

以专业喷涂设备将涂料Interchar 212进行非现场喷涂,仅以一至二道涂膜(如:2小时)即可达到所要求的防火保护。


与市场上的许多其它产品不同,Interchar 212无需附加表面涂层和无需任何强化措施就可对钢构件提供完全防火保护。

Interchar 212是一种可喷涂施工的材料,服役时不需要额外的增强材料。


Interchar 212涂料采用持久耐用的环氧技术,在远离建筑现场的情况下,为钢构件提供加工与防火材料。


设计用途中灰色哑光斑纹涂料 100%2毫米-8毫米(视保护级别而定),每道涂层的典型厚度为3.5mm (0.14英寸)1 公斤的 Interchar 212 将为 1 米²的面积提供1毫米防火涂层 (基于多组份喷涂施工)允许适当的损耗系数双组分(多组分)加热无气喷涂或改进式单组分喷涂涂装数据 INTERCHAR 212颜色光泽体积固体份典型厚度理论涂布率实际涂布率施工方法密度 1 千克/升 (8.3 磅/加仑) (多组分无气喷涂)干燥时间温度表干硬干最小最大*请咨询阿克苏诺贝尔获取更多信息所有干燥时间的数据引证于3.5毫米的典型厚度自重涂间隔10°C (50°F) 8 小时24 小时 4 小时 *20°C (68°F) 5 小时18 小时 3 小时 *40°C (104°F)2 小时6 小时2 小时*A组份 >106°C (223°F); B组份 >106°C (223°F); 混合后 >106°C (223°F)法规符合性数据闪点(典型)挥发性有机化合物关于更多详细资料,请见关于“产品特性”的章节0.09 磅/加仑 (11 克/升)美国环境保护局第24号方法2 克/公斤欧共体溶剂排放指令含量1999年第13号委员会指令第1 页,共 4页发行日期:2022/9/1Protective Coatings所有待涂漆表面均应清洁、干燥、没有污染物。

PPG SteelGuard FM550 室外超薄型型钢结构防火涂料 产品说明书

PPG SteelGuard FM550 室外超薄型型钢结构防火涂料 产品说明书

STEELGUARD FM 550室外超薄型钢结构防火涂料FM550共三页2011 年 9 月版简介高固体、超薄、膨胀型,经独立测试符合防火要求的钢结构防火涂料主要性能- 提供最长钢结构防火保护时间长达150 分钟- 室外型钢结构防火涂料,也可应用于室内- 对现场施工或非现场施工均适合- 单道成膜的厚度可高达1500 微米- 对干燥的室内环境(C1)可以不需要面漆的保护- 可以在无面漆保护下在大气环境下暴露最长可达12 个月的时间,前提是按照防火涂料施工指南进行正确施工,并且不能连续长时间接触水、高温高湿或其他浸入环境- 通过了中国公安部消防产品合格评定中心按照G B14907进行的型式检验认可和其他国际权威防火测试中心论证颜色与光泽白色-无光基本数据(20o C)(1克/厘米3 = 8.25 磅/美加仑;1米2/升 = 40.7 英尺2/美加仑)(混合后产品的数据)比重 1.3 克/厘米3体积固体含量68±3%挥发性有机成分(VOC)最大293 克/公斤(按照1993/13/EC,SED标准)最大325 克/升(按照UK PG6/23(92)附录3)推荐干膜厚度正常的单道膜厚为200 至1500 微米注意:所需的干膜厚度必须根据认可证书的要求理论涂布率0.97 米2/升,700 微米厚*表干时间30 分钟*覆涂时间自身覆涂:最少时间为 6 小时* 覆涂配套的面漆:最少时间为48 小时* 最大覆涂时间:没有限制*贮藏期(阴凉干燥处)至少12 个月*见附表推荐底材-兼容配套的底漆,表面干燥、完好并且无污染物状况与温度-在施工和干燥过程中,底材的温度应至少高于露点3o C 以上-施工时底材温度应该高于5o C 且低于50o C-施工时相对湿度必须低于85%室外超薄型钢结构防火涂料 FM5502011 年 9 月版使用说明-彻底搅拌直至均质无结块为止-过多的稀释剂会导致抗流挂性能降低无气喷涂 推荐稀释剂 需要时添加量可达 5%的稀释剂 21-06枪嘴雾幅 20-50o,取决于钢构件的形状枪嘴孔径 约 0.48-0.63 毫米(=0.019-0.025 英寸)枪嘴压力20 兆帕(=约 200 公斤力;2800 磅/英寸 2)注意:推荐使用内部滤网,尺寸为 30 目/500 微米刷涂只作局部补涂和小块修补 推荐稀释剂 无需添加任何稀释剂清洗用溶剂 稀释剂 21-06安全防范对于涂料及推荐的稀释剂详见安全表 1430、1431 和相关材料的安全数据 本产品为溶剂型涂料,使用时必须避免吸入漆雾和溶剂,并尽量不使皮肤 和眼睛暴露,避免接触到未干的油漆附表膜厚与涂布率刷涂时最大干膜厚度:300 微米自身覆涂覆涂间隔时间,对 STEELGUARD FM 550,干膜厚度 700 微米覆涂 STEELGUARD 2458覆涂间隔时间,对 STEELGUARD FM 550,干膜厚度 1000 微米室外超薄型钢结构防火涂料 FM5502011 年 9 月版覆涂其他兼容配套的面漆覆涂间隔时间,对 STEELGUARD FM 550,干膜厚度 1000 微米干燥时间表,干膜厚度 700 微米应考虑到实际干燥时间会根据周边环境状以及实际施工膜厚的变化而有所不同责任范围- 本文件中所提供的数据,信息及资料,是基于我们所确信的实验室结果,仅作指导实践用。

SteelMaster 1200HPE 环氧被动防火保护 产品技术参数说明书

SteelMaster 1200HPE 环氧被动防火保护 产品技术参数说明书

室外膨胀型钢结构防火涂料1200HPE (6F4)这是一种双组份、无溶剂、胺固化的环氧膨胀型涂料。





BS 476 第20/21部分: Certifre 认证,编号CF5857适用于开孔梁(RT1356)EN 13381-8具有CE标识的产品并带有欧洲技术评估ETA-21/1019防火性:Class B-s1, d0 (EN 13501-1)耐久性和服务适用性:Z2,Z1,Y和X(EAD 350402-00-1106)Chinese GB14907:2018颜色A、B组份经充分混合后,呈现均匀的浅灰色典型用途针对钢结构防火保护而特别开发的反应型防火涂料。

适用于暴露在室外大气环境中的钢结构,在施工有面漆或不施工面漆的情况下均适用于 高至C5 的腐蚀环境等级。



性能测试/标准描述闪点ISO 3679 方法 1100 ℃GB/T 34682-2017 (经测试)9 克/升VOC- 欧盟方法2 (测试)(EU Directive 2004/42/CE)20 克/升VOC - 美国 / 香港方法3(测试)(CARB(SCM)2007, SCAQMD rule 1113, Hong Kong)20 克/升VOC- 中国所列数据是基于工厂批量生产的产品,因颜色不同会有些许变化。








上海迪斯尼SKK厚型防火及涂料方案书提交单位:四国化研(上海)有限公司提交日期:2014年12月8日目录1.SKK Characteristics of Thick fireproof coating SKK厚型防火涂料特点 (3)2.SKK Technology parameter table of Thick fireproof coating SKK 厚型防火涂料技术参数表 (5)3 Construction technology of SKK Thick fireproof coating SKK厚型防火涂料施工工艺 (7)3.1 Surface treatment of steel structure 钢结构表面处理.. 73.2 Construction technology and system of Thick fireproof coating 厚型防火涂料施工工艺和搭配体系 (8)4 SKK Thick fireproof coating SKK厚型防火涂料产品检测报告184.1 Indoor Thick Fireproof coating 2.5h 室外厚型防火涂料2.5h test report (18)5.SKK Thick fireproof coating Environmental test report SKK厚型防火涂料环保检测报告 (23)6.SKK MSDS instructions of Thick fireproof coating SKK厚型防火涂料MSDS说明书 (27)7.SKK avoid hanging net description of Thick fireproof coating SKK 厚型防火涂料免挂网说明 (32)SKK Thick Fireproof Coating SpecificationSKK厚型防火涂料说明书1.SKK Characteristics of Thick fireproof coating SKK厚型防火涂料特点1)Patented Ceramic composite technology 专利陶瓷复合技术Adopt international leading ceramic composite technology used in thick fireproof coating,ensure the excellent performance of refractory;采用国际领先的陶瓷复合技术运用于厚型防火涂料,确保出色的耐火性能;2)Excellent adhesion and bonding strength 优异的附着力和粘结强度Is superior to the national bond strength and compressive strength several times,used for a long time without any peeling phenomenon、shedding phenomenon to ensure the provision of fire protection of steel structure for the long term;to effectively deal with steel structure weld shrinkage and thermal expansion and contraction;优于国标的粘结强度和抗压强度数倍,长时间使用不发生任何剥离、脱落现象确保对于钢结构提供长期的耐火保障;有效应对钢结构热胀冷缩和焊缝的收缩;3)Prominent Antirust effect 突出的防锈效果Favorable Antirust effect,generation can effectively inhibit rust can be directly on the bare steel construction 具有良好的防锈效果,能够有效地抑制铁锈的生成可以直接施工在裸钢上4)High durability 高耐久性For long term protection for steel structure building,protection for more than 20 years 对于钢结构建筑进行长久的保护,保护时间超过20年5)Excellent price 优异的性价比SKK Thick fireproof coating breakthrough has very good surface effect,with SKK professional the finish system,thus the use of expensive decorative aluminum to avoid,and to deduct the cost; SKK厚型防火涂料突破性的具有非常好表面效果,配合SKK专业的饰面系统,从而避免使用昂贵的铝板装饰,节约造价;6)Comfortable working environment 舒适的工作环境Pollution free formula,the whole coating process of almost no dust flying phenomenon,with good adhesion,so it is beneficial to the coating construction to ensure product adhesion;无污染配方,整个涂装工艺中几乎不发生任何粉尘飞扬的现象,具有良好的附着力,所以有利于抹涂施工保证产品的附着力;7)Harmless 无害性Do not contain carcinogenic(Lung cancer)material of asbestos,at the same time also does not contain any rock wool composition,environmental health;even in the fire process has no harmful substances or large amount of smoke generated;不含有致癌(肺癌)物质石棉,同时也不含有任何岩棉成分,健康环保;即便是在火灾的过程中也没有有害物或是大量烟雾产生;2.SKK Technology parameter table of Thick fireproof coating SKK 厚型防火涂料技术参数表3 Construction technology of SKK Thick fireproof coating SKK厚型防火涂料施工工艺3.1 Surface treatment of steel structure 钢结构表面处理According to the quality assurance requirements of painting to primer coating surface cleaning before starting work,The specific methods of operation cleanup and construction requirements please refer the《Surface cleaning solution》,require the coating surface to keep dry, clean.按照质量保证要求涂装开始前要进行底层涂层表面清理工作,具体清理工作的操作方法和施工要求详见《表面清理方案》,要求被涂装表面。



钢结构防火涂料化学品安全技术说明书编写时间:2014年06月08日第一部分:化学品名称化学品中文名称:超薄型钢结构防火涂料化学品英文名称:NCB(JD-1)中文名称2 : 防火漆英文名称2:技术说明书编码:201430258第二部分:成分/组成信息有害物成分含量丙烯酸树脂sh1405-3-89第三部分:危险性概述危险性类别:侵入途径:健康危害:蒸气对眼及上呼吸道粘膜有刺激性。
































库温不宜超过38 C。



Chartek 7 环氧膨胀型防火涂料 使用说明书

Chartek 7 环氧膨胀型防火涂料 使用说明书

Chartek 7是一种高性能环氧膨胀型防火涂料。


通过 Lloyd's Register (LR)和 Det Norske Veritas (DNV)对结构与分隔防火涂料的测试与认证。




设计用途中灰色 (A组份-深灰色;B组份-白色)不适用100%取决于所需要的保护. 通常在4-20 mm (150-800 密耳)范围内1 公斤的 Chartek 7 将为 1 米²的面积提供1毫米防火涂层 (基于多组份涂料施工)允许适当的损耗系数双组份加热型多组份喷涂设备,改进型无气喷涂设备或铲涂(见“施工”章节)涂装数据 CHARTEK 7颜色光泽体积固体份典型厚度理论涂布率实际涂布率施工方法密度1000kg/m3(62.427磅/英尺3)- 多组分喷涂施工(ISO 1183:2004 方法A)干燥时间温度表干硬干最小最大*请咨询国际油漆防护涂料公司推荐面漆重涂间隔15°C (59°F) 2 小时12 小时12 小时 *25°C (77°F) 1 小时 6 小时 6 小时 *40°C (104°F)1 小时4 小时4 小时*A组份 >106°C (223°F); B组份 >106°C (223°F); 混合后 >106°C (223°F)法规符合性数据闪点(典型)挥发性有机化合物关于更多详细资料,请见关于“产品特性”的章节0.00 磅/加仑 (0 克/升)美国环境保护局第24号方法1 克/公斤欧共体溶剂排放指令含量1999年第13号委员会指令第1 页,共 4页Protective Coatings表面处理必须严格遵守国际油漆防护涂料公司制定的Chartek施工规范所有待涂表面应清洁、干燥且无污染物。

PPG SteelGuard FM550 室外超薄型型钢结构防火涂料 产品说明书

PPG SteelGuard FM550 室外超薄型型钢结构防火涂料 产品说明书

STEELGUARD FM 550室外超薄型钢结构防火涂料FM550共三页2011 年 9 月版简介高固体、超薄、膨胀型,经独立测试符合防火要求的钢结构防火涂料主要性能- 提供最长钢结构防火保护时间长达150 分钟- 室外型钢结构防火涂料,也可应用于室内- 对现场施工或非现场施工均适合- 单道成膜的厚度可高达1500 微米- 对干燥的室内环境(C1)可以不需要面漆的保护- 可以在无面漆保护下在大气环境下暴露最长可达12 个月的时间,前提是按照防火涂料施工指南进行正确施工,并且不能连续长时间接触水、高温高湿或其他浸入环境- 通过了中国公安部消防产品合格评定中心按照G B14907进行的型式检验认可和其他国际权威防火测试中心论证颜色与光泽白色-无光基本数据(20o C)(1克/厘米3 = 8.25 磅/美加仑;1米2/升 = 40.7 英尺2/美加仑)(混合后产品的数据)比重 1.3 克/厘米3体积固体含量68±3%挥发性有机成分(VOC)最大293 克/公斤(按照1993/13/EC,SED标准)最大325 克/升(按照UK PG6/23(92)附录3)推荐干膜厚度正常的单道膜厚为200 至1500 微米注意:所需的干膜厚度必须根据认可证书的要求理论涂布率0.97 米2/升,700 微米厚*表干时间30 分钟*覆涂时间自身覆涂:最少时间为 6 小时* 覆涂配套的面漆:最少时间为48 小时* 最大覆涂时间:没有限制*贮藏期(阴凉干燥处)至少12 个月*见附表推荐底材-兼容配套的底漆,表面干燥、完好并且无污染物状况与温度-在施工和干燥过程中,底材的温度应至少高于露点3o C 以上-施工时底材温度应该高于5o C 且低于50o C-施工时相对湿度必须低于85%室外超薄型钢结构防火涂料 FM5502011 年 9 月版使用说明-彻底搅拌直至均质无结块为止-过多的稀释剂会导致抗流挂性能降低无气喷涂 推荐稀释剂 需要时添加量可达 5%的稀释剂 21-06枪嘴雾幅 20-50o,取决于钢构件的形状枪嘴孔径 约 0.48-0.63 毫米(=0.019-0.025 英寸)枪嘴压力20 兆帕(=约 200 公斤力;2800 磅/英寸 2)注意:推荐使用内部滤网,尺寸为 30 目/500 微米刷涂只作局部补涂和小块修补 推荐稀释剂 无需添加任何稀释剂清洗用溶剂 稀释剂 21-06安全防范对于涂料及推荐的稀释剂详见安全表 1430、1431 和相关材料的安全数据 本产品为溶剂型涂料,使用时必须避免吸入漆雾和溶剂,并尽量不使皮肤 和眼睛暴露,避免接触到未干的油漆附表膜厚与涂布率刷涂时最大干膜厚度:300 微米自身覆涂覆涂间隔时间,对 STEELGUARD FM 550,干膜厚度 700 微米覆涂 STEELGUARD 2458覆涂间隔时间,对 STEELGUARD FM 550,干膜厚度 1000 微米室外超薄型钢结构防火涂料 FM5502011 年 9 月版覆涂其他兼容配套的面漆覆涂间隔时间,对 STEELGUARD FM 550,干膜厚度 1000 微米干燥时间表,干膜厚度 700 微米应考虑到实际干燥时间会根据周边环境状以及实际施工膜厚的变化而有所不同责任范围- 本文件中所提供的数据,信息及资料,是基于我们所确信的实验室结果,仅作指导实践用。



SUNVEA ***Acrylic IntumescentPRODUCT DESCRIPTIONSunvea *** is a one component, solvent based, high solids intumescent coating for the fire protection of structural steel to provide fire resistance for periods of 30 minutes to 120 minutes.PRODUCT FEATURES●Up to 1.4 mm DFT per coat (by spray)●Manufactured to BS EN ISO 9001:2000●Tested to GB 14907-2002●Outstanding water resistance/excellent durabilityGENERAL INFORMATIONStorage temperature: Minimum 5℃. Maximum 40℃Shelf Life: 24 months in sealed containers(at 20℃)Pack Size: 20 litre and 200 litresPot life: indefinite (single pack)Color: White, greyDrying: Air-dry or force dryAppearance when dry: Low sheenTECHNICAL INFORMATIONFlash point: 5℃ (41℉)Product Weight: 1.37kg/l (11.4lb/gal)V olume Solids: 68%± 3%Typical Thickness: 350-750 microns (14-30 mils) dry equivalent to 467-1000microns (18.7-40 mils) wetTheoretical Coverage: 1 m2/litre at 750 microns DFT and stated volume solids 40sq.ft/US gallon at 30 mils DFT and stated volume solids Practical Coverage: Allow appropriate loss factorsMethod of Application: Airless Spray, BrushPRODUCT CHARACTERISTICSThe detailed sunvea*** working procedures should be consulted prior to use.Maximum film build in one coat is best attained by airless spray. When applying by methods other than airless spray, the required film build is unlikely to be achieved.Low or high temperature may require specific application techniques to achieve maximum filmbuild. Over-application of sunvea*** will extend both the minimum overcoating periods and handing times.When applying sunvea*** by bush, it may be necessary to apply multiple coats to achieve the total specified system dry film thickness.Surface temperature must always be a minimum of 3℃ (5℉) above dew point.When applying sunvea*** in confined spaces ensure adequate ventilation.The finished appearance of sunvea*** is dependent on application method. For Visible areas spray application is preferred. High decorative finishes may require additional preparation before application of sealer coat. The final surface finish is dependent on application method. A void using a mixture of application methods whenever possible.Condensation occurring during or immediately after application may result in a matt of finish and an inferior film. Sunvea *** should be protected from pooling or running water, condensation /high humidity and chemical attack at all times. Sunvea*** is not designed for frequent water immersion/soaking.Good initial durability allows for up to 6 months exterior exposure (in ISO 12944 C2) without the requirement for a sealer provided there is no pooled/heavy running water, or frequent high humidity/condensation.T ropical GradeFor improved product workability in warmer Climates, a tropical grade version 15 available. Sunvea*** Tropical Grade has the following charact6ristics. V olume Solids 68%土3%; VOC 350g/l, Flash Point 26℃ (79℉) .ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONFurther information regarding industry standards, terms and abbreviations used in this data sheet can be found in the following documents available at :● Definitions & Abbreviations●Surface Preparation●Paint application●Theoretical & Practical CoverageSAFETY PRECAUTIONThis product is intended for use only by professional applicators in industrial situations in accordance with the advice given on this sheet, the material safety data sheet and the container(s), and should not be used without reference to the material safety data sheet(MSDS) which international protective coating has provided to its customers.All work involving the application and use of this product should be performed in compliance with all relevant national, health, safety & environmental standards and regulations.In the event welding or flame cutting is performed on metal coating with this product, dust andfumes will be emitted which will require the use of appropriate personal protective equipment and adequate local exhaust ventilation.If in doubt regarding the suitability of use of this product, consult sunvea protective coatings forfurther advice.。



AWS —CB超薄型钢结构防火涂料使用说明书AW—CB超薄型钢结构防火涂料是一种溶剂型膨胀防火涂料,该型涂料具有涂层薄、装饰性好、附着力强之优点。


一、性能特点1、表干时间w 8h 2 、粘结强度》0.2MPa3、耐水性》24h 4 、耐冷热循环性能》15次5、涂层具有粘接强度高,装饰性好,耐候性优等特点。











Jotun Jotachar 1709 室外膨胀型钢结构防火涂料 产品技术参数说明书

Jotun Jotachar 1709 室外膨胀型钢结构防火涂料 产品技术参数说明书

室外膨胀型钢结构防火涂料 (0X4)这是一种双组份、无溶剂、胺固化、100%固体份的环氧膨胀型涂料。





认证和证书ANSI/UL 1709第5版:钢结构防护材料的快速升温火焰试验UL 2431:耐火涂料和材料的安全耐久性ISO 22899-1:耐受喷射火焰的检测方法ISO 20088-1 & 3:耐受低温溢漏的检测方法GB 14907:2018:钢结构防火涂料NORSOK M-501, 体系 5A, 第6版ISO 20340 循环耐久性测试可承受高达4巴的爆炸压力颜色灰色典型用途通常用于石油、天然气和能源行业。



在更高服务温度下,Jotatherm TB550应用作为在底材和Jotachar之间或者在Jotachar上隔绝大气热辐射的复合隔热层。


性能测试/标准描述VOC - 美国 / 香港US EPA 方法 24 (测试值)(CARB(SCM)2007, SCAQMD rule 1113, Hong Kong)闪点ISO 3679 方法 1100 ℃0 克/升GB/T 34682-2017 (经测试)14 克/升VOC- 中国所列数据是基于工厂批量生产的产品,因颜色不同会有些许变化。




干膜厚度:5 - 22 mm(取决于工况及项目需求)理论涂布率:1 kg的Jotachar 1709,膜厚1mm,能覆盖1 m²的面积(使用双组份泵施工)第一道涂层的典型膜厚可到达5.5毫米。

阿克苏诺贝尔 国际油漆 产品说明书Interchar 973

阿克苏诺贝尔 国际油漆 产品说明书Interchar 973

采用International GTA007清洗剂彻底冲洗所有设备。所有未曾 使用的涂料应贮存于紧密关闭的容器中。装有部分涂料的容器, 经过贮存后会出现表面结皮的/或涂料粘度升高的现象。
所有设备在使用后应立即采用国际牌子GTA007清洗剂清洁。在 日常工作中,定时冲洗喷涂设备是一种良好的工作习惯。清洗次 数取决于喷涂量、温度和使用时间,包括耽搁的时间。 所有剩余的涂料和用空的容器应按当地适用的规章制度/法规进 行处置。
340克/公升 267克/公斤
美国环境保护局第24套方法 欧共体溶剂排放指令 1999年第13号委员会命令
Ecotech是由国际涂料技术界领先的International Protective Coatings(国际油漆公司工业防护漆部 门)倡导的一项计划,旨在将环保型产品在全球范围内加以推广使用。

表面处理 施工
Interchar® 973
所有待涂漆表面应清洁、干燥且无污染物。施工油漆前,所有表面应按ISO 8504:2000的标准进行评 估和处理。
Interchar 973应始终保持施工在推荐的防锈漆系上。底漆表面应具备正常的外观、干燥且无任何污染 物,Interchar 973必须在规定的复涂间隔时间内进行施工(请查阅相关的产品数据手册)。
Interchar 973涂层的最终外观取决于施工方法。在可见区域,最好采用喷涂施工。对于高装饰性要求 的表面,在施工封闭涂层前,可以需要进行—些额外的处理。

MSDS-Steelmaster 120SB-佐敦超薄型钢结构防火涂料120SB

MSDS-Steelmaster 120SB-佐敦超薄型钢结构防火涂料120SB

Jotun Coatings (Zhangjiagang) Co. Ltd No.15 Changjiang Road Jiangsu Yangtze River International Chemical Industry Park, Zhangjiagang Free Trade Zone, Jiangsu Province 215634 Tel: +86 512 58937988 Fax: +86 512 58937986
: 用大量水冲洗受污染的皮肤。 脱去受污染的衣服和鞋子。 连续冲洗至少十分钟。 寻求医疗救护。 衣物重新使用前应清洗。 鞋子在重新使用前应彻底清洗。
: 用水冲洗口腔。 如有假牙请摘掉。 将患者转移到空气新鲜处,休息, 保持利于呼吸的体位。 如物质已被吞下且患者保持清醒,可饮少量水。 如患者感到恶心就应停止,因为呕吐会有危险。 禁止催吐, 除非有专业医疗人士指导。 如发生呕吐, 应保持头部朝下以避免呕吐物进入肺部。 如有害的健康影响持续存在或加重,应寻求医疗救治。 切勿给失去意识者任何口服物。 如失去知觉,应置于康复位置并立即寻求医疗救治 。 保持呼吸道畅通。 解开过紧的衣服,如领口、领带、皮带或腰带。
: 如皮肤(或头发)接触: 立即脱掉所有被污染的衣服。 用水冲洗皮肤或淋浴。 如皮肤接触: 用大量肥皂水和水清洗。 立即脱掉被污染的衣服。 如出现皮肤刺激或皮疹: 就医。
: 在通风良好处储存。 保持阴凉。
: 07.04.2014.
第二部分 危险标识
: 消防人员须穿戴适当的防护设备和带有保护整个面部的正压自给式呼吸装置 (SCBA)。

卡夫科 喷涂型防火涂料 WB3 技术数据表说明书

卡夫科 喷涂型防火涂料 WB3 技术数据表说明书

CAFCO SprayFilm WB 3 / ISOLATEK Type WB 3 is a water-based, Intumescent Fire Resistive Material (IFRM) consisting of polyvinyl acetate resins and inorganic fillers designed for the fire protection of interior structural steel.CAFCO SprayFilm WB 3 / ISOLATEK Type WB 3 gives architects the ability to design using steel that can be decorative and aesthetically pleasing. It can be top coated to match its surroundings and allows steel to be left exposed to view while providing the fire resistance rating.PRODUCT ADVANTAGES•Water based intumescent coating with low VOC’s • Semi smooth architectural finish• Can be finished with a wide variety of topcoat types and colors • Quick, easy application and clean up • Wide range of testing• 3-hour rated UL protected floor assembly•Provides up to 4-hour fire resistance ratings in accordance with ANSI/UL 263, ASTM E119, CAN/ULC-S101 and BS 476 Parts 20-21PHYSICAL PERFORMANCEIt is important for fire protection materials to be able to withstand abuse. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) test methods are used to evaluate the performance of intumescent materials when subjected to these various physical forces. CAFCO SprayFilm WB 3 / ISOLATEK Type WB 3 has been evaluated to meet rigorous industry test standards.CAFCO SprayFilm WB 3 / ISOLATEK Type WB 3 has been extensively tested for fire resistance and is rated for up to 4 hours for floor assemblies, beams, and columns.• Classified by UL in accordance with ANSI/UL 263 (ASTM E119)• Classified by UL in accordance with CAN/ULC-S101 (ASTM E119)• Tested to BS 476 Parts 20-21CAFCO SprayFilm WB 3 / ISOLATEK Type WB 3 has also been tested for surface burning characteristics in accordance with ASTM E84 and is rated Class A. CODE COMPLIANCESCAFCO SprayFilm WB 3 / ISOLATEK Type WB 3 satisfies the requirements of the following:• IBC ® - INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE ®• City of Los Angeles (LADBS, Category 1 Material)• NBC - National Building Code of Canada• ICC-ES, AC23 and AC10 Requirements (UL ER13348-01)MAJOR SPECIFICATIONSCAFCO SprayFilm WB 3 / ISOLATEK Type WB 3 complies with the requirements of the following specifications:• MasterSpec ®, Section 078123 APPLIED FIREPROOFING (AIA)• MasterFormat ® 2014, Section 07 81 00 Applied Fireproofing (CSC,CSI)• Unified Facilities Guide Specification, UFGS 07 81 00Spray-Applied Fireproofing (USACE, NAVFAC, AFCEC, NASA)• Master Construction Specifications, Number 07 81 00 Applied Fireproofing (VA)• Code of Federal Regulations, Title 40 Protection of the Environment (EPA)• PBS-P100, Facilities Standards for the Public Buildings Services (GSA)APPLICATION• A compatible primer must be applied to the steel substrate. Refer to the Primers for CAFCO SprayFilm / ISOLATEK Type WB Intumescent Fireproofing Technical Data Sheet.• CAFCO SprayFilm WB 3 / ISOLATEK Type WB 3 can be brushed or sprayed, not rolled and is also available in a trowel grade formulation (CAFCO SprayFilm WB 3 TG / ISOLATEK Type WB 3 TG ).• The applied thickness of CAFCO SprayFilm WB 3 / ISOLATEK Type WB 3 will depend upon the specified fire rating and size / shape of the steel member to be protected.• If desired, a finish coat may be applied in the desired color and finish directly over CAFCO SprayFilm WB 3 / ISOLATEK Type WB 3 in accordance withC -TD S -10/19ISOLATEK INTERNATIONAL is registered with theAIA Continuing Education System (AIA/CES)SECTION 078123 - Intumescent FireproofingThe following is an outline/short language specification. Complete specifications for intumescent fire resistive materials are available on various media upon request.PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1Scope1.1.1This specification covers labor, materials, equipment, and application necessary for, and incidental to, the complete and proper installation of intumescent fire protection for application to steel structures and supports in accordance with all applicable requirements of contract documents.1.1.2This specification shall be supplemented by the applicable requirements of building codes, insurance rating organizations and all other authorities having jurisdiction.1.2Section Includes1.2.1Intumescent fire protection material.1.2.2Topcoat protective decorative finish.1.3Related Sections1.3.1 SECTION 051200 – STRUCTURAL STEEL FRAMING 1.3.2 SECTION 053100 – STEEL DECKING 1.3.3 SECTION 072100 – THERMAL INSULATION 1.3.4 SECTION 078123 – INTUMESCENT FIREPROOFING 1.3.5SECTION 078443 – JOINT FIRESTOPPING1.4References1.4.1Underwriters Laboratories (UL) Fire Resistance Directory.1.4.2Test StandardsA. UL 263 (ASTM E119) - Fire Tests of Building Constructionand Materials.B.ASTM E84 - Surface Burning Characteristics of BuildingMaterials. Class A Rating Required; Flame Spread Maximum: 0 and Smoke Developed Maximum: 20.C.ASTM D2240 – Durometer Hardness (Shore D). Minimum:67 Shore D.D.ASTM D2794 – Impact Resistance. 160 inch-lb (18 Nm).E.ASTM D4060 – Abrasion Resistance. Maximum0.110 grams/1000 cycles.F. ASTM D4541 – Bond Strength. Minimum: 485 psi.(3344 kPa.)1.4.3 Steel Structures Painting Council (SSPC) Surface Preparation Standards.1.4.4Material manufacturer’s current published information including, but not limited to, application guide.1.4.5AWCI Technical Manual 12-B “Standard Practice for the Testing and Inspection of Field Applied Thin-Film Intumescent Fire-Resistive Materials; an Annotated Guide”, Latest Edition.1.5 System Description1.5.1 The intumescent fire protection materials shall be applied at the required thickness to provide the UL fire resistive ratings.1.6Submittals1.6.1Manufacturer’s Data: Submit manufacturer’s specifications, including certification as may be required to show material compliance with contract documents.1.7 Quality Assurance1.7.1 Manufacturer - Company specializing in manufacturing fire protection products.1.7.2The intumescent fire resistive material shall be manufactured under the Follow- Up Service program of UL or ULC and bear the UL and/or ULC label (mark).1.7.3Applicator - A firm with expertise in the installation of fire resistive or similar materials. This firm shall be recognized or otherwise approved by fire resistive material supplier.1.7.4 Product - The product shall be approved by the architect and applicable authorities having jurisdiction.1.8 Delivery, Storage and Handling1.8.1Deliver materials to the project in manufacturer’s unopened packages, fully identified as to trade name, type and other identifying data. Packaged materials shall bear the appropriate labels, seals and UL label (mark) for fire resistive ratings and shall be stored at temperatures between 33º F - 100º F (1º C - 38º C), in a dry interior location away from direct sunlight. PROTECT FROM FREEZING.1.9Project/Site Conditions1.9.1When the temperature at the job site is less than 50º F (10º C), a minimum substrate and ambient temperature of 50º F (10º C) shall be maintained prior to, during, and a minimum of 72 hours after application. If necessary for job schedule, the General Contractor shall provide enclosures and heat to maintain proper temperatures and humidity levels in the application areas.1.9.2 In enclosed areas, ventilation must not be less than 4 complete air exchanges per hour until the material is dry.1.9.3Relative humidity shall not exceed 85% throughout the total period of application and drying for the intumescent fire resistive material, and must not exceed 85% throughout the application and drying for the protective decorative topcoat.1.10 Sequencing and Scheduling1.10.1Applicator shall cooperate in the coordination and scheduling of fire protection work to avoid delays in job progress.1.10.2The installation of piping, ducts, conduit or other suspended equipment shall not commence until the application of the thin-film fire resistive material is complete in that area.PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 Compatible Metal Primer2.1.1Primer shall be approved by manufacturer and applied in full accordance with the primer manufacturer’s written instructions.2.2Intumescent Fire Protection System2.2.1The intumescent fire resistive material shall be CAFCO ® SprayFilm ® WB 3 / ISOLATEK ® Type WB 3 as supplied by Isolatek International or CAFCO / ISOLATEK Industries.2.2.2Intumescent fire resistive material shall be applied in accordance with drawings and/or specifications, and shall have been tested in accordance with the procedures of UL 263 or ASTM E119 or CAN/ULC-S101, and reported by Underwriters Laboratories or Underwriters Laboratories of Canada only.CAFCO SprayFilm WB 3 / ISOLATEK Type WB 3 Guide Specification2.3 Decorative Topcoating2.3.1Topcoat materials shall be as required for color-coding, aesthetics or additional surface protection, and approved by the thin-film fire resistive material manufacturer.PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 Preparation3.1.1All surfaces to receive thin-film fire resistive material shall be clean, dry and free of oil, grease, loose mill scale, dirt, dust or other materials which would impair bond of the thin-film fire resistive material to the surface. Any cleaning of the surfaces to receive fire resistive material shall be the responsibility of the General Contractor or steel erector, as outlined in the structural steel section.3.1.2Confirm compatibility of surfaces to receive thin-film fire resistive material. Steel surfaces shall be primed with a compatible primer approved by the thin-film fire resistive material manufacturer.3.1.3Provide masking, drop cloths or other suitable coverings to prevent overspray onto surfaces not intended to be coated with intumescent coating.3.2 Application3.2.1The thin-film fire resistive material shall be applied at the required dry film thickness per the appropriate UL design number.3.3 Mock Up3.3.1Before proceeding with the work, the applicator shall apply the thin-film fire resistive material to a section witnessed by the architect’s or owner’s representative. The application shall be subject to their approval and shall be used as a guide for texture and thickness of the finished work.3.4 Clean Up and Repair3.4.1Upon completion of installation, all excess material, overspray and debris shall be cleared and removed from the job site.3.4.2All patching of and repair to thin-film fire resistive material, due to damage by other trades, shall be performed under this section and paid for by the trade responsible for the damage. Patching shall be performed by applicators recognized or otherwise approved by the manufacturer.3.5 Inspection and Testing3.5.1In addition to continuous Wet Film Thickness checks performed by applicator during application, the installed intumescent material shall be inspected by a qualified independent testing laboratory for thickness in accordance with the AWCI Technical Manual 12-B “Standard Practice For The Testing and Inspection Of Field Applied Thin-Film Intumescent Fire-Resistive Materials; an Annotated Guide”, Second Edition, before application of the topcoat.3.5.2 The results of the above tests shall be made available to all parties at the completion of each area and approved prior to the application of topcoat.We support our customers with unsurpassed technical expertise and customer service, complemented by an extensive global network of experienced salesrepresentatives and recognized applicators. For detailed product information or for the name of the sales representative in your area please contact us.The performance data herein reflect our expectations based on tests conducted in accordance with recognized standard methods under controlled conditions. The applicator, general contractor, property owner and/or user MUST read, understand and follow the directions, specifications and/or recommendations set forth in Isolatek International’s publications concerning use and application of these products, and should not rely merely on the information contained in this Technical Data Sheet. Isolatek International is not responsible for property damage, bodily injuries, consequential damages, or losses of any kind that arise from or are related to the applicator’s general contractor’s, or property owner’s failure to follow the recommendations set forth in Isolatek International’s publications. The sale of these products shall be subject to the Terms and Conditions set forthin the Company’s invoices.Isolatek International provides passive fireproofing materials under the CAFCO ® and FENDOLITE ® trademarksthroughout the Americas and under the ISOLATEK ®trademark throughout the world.。



GB14907-2023防火涂料新标准规范解读英文版GB14907-2023 Fireproof Coating New Standard Specification Interpretation The GB14907-2023 standard for fireproof coatings sets out the requirements and guidelines for the application and performance of fireproof coatings. This standard aims to enhance fire safety measures in various industries and buildings by ensuring the effectiveness and reliability of fireproof coatings.One key aspect of the GB14907-2023 standard is the classification of fireproof coatings based on their fire resistance levels. The standard categorizes fireproof coatings into different classes, each representing a specific level of fire resistance. Understanding these classifications is crucial for selecting the appropriate fireproof coating for different applications.In addition to classification, the GB14907-2023 standard also specifies the testing methods and performance requirements for fireproof coatings. These requirements ensure that fireproof coatings undergo rigorous testing to assess their fire resistance, adhesion, durability, and other key performance factors. By meeting these requirements, fireproof coatings can be deemed safe and reliable for use in fire-prone environments.Furthermore, the GB14907-2023 standard outlines the application guidelines for fireproof coatings, including surface preparation, mixing instructions, and application techniques. Following these guidelines is essential to ensure the proper installation and effectiveness of fireproof coatings in preventing fire spread and damage.Overall, the GB14907-2023 standard plays a crucial role in promoting fire safety and protecting lives and properties from the devastating effects of fires. Understanding and complying with this standard is essential for manufacturers, suppliers, and users of fireproof coatings to ensure their products meet the necessary safety and quality requirements.。

FlameOFF 防火涂料应用指南说明书

FlameOFF 防火涂料应用指南说明书

Application Guide FlameOFF Fire Barrier Paintment. This document may not be altered by anyone other than FlameOFF Coatings, Inc.The data and suggested formulations in this bulletin are based on information believed to be reliable and areCoatings, Inc. products are sold with the understanding the purchasers will make their own tests to determinethe suitability of these products for the particular use. We assume no liability or responsibility for any damageto person or property resulting from or incident to the use of our products. Statements concerning the use ofFlameOFF Coatings , Inc . products are not be construed as recommending the infringement of any patent, andFlameOFF ®last revised: 6/10/20ment. This document may not be altered by anyone other than FlameOFF Coatings, Inc. The data and suggested formulations in this bulletin are based on information believed to be reliable and are Coatings, Inc. products are sold with the understanding the purchasers will make their own tests to determinethe suitability of these products for the particular use. We assume no liability or responsibility for any damageto person or property resulting from or incident to the use of our products. Statements concerning the use ofContents234Important Safety InstructionsAbout Intumescent Fire ProtectionPlanning the Intumescent ApplicationHumidityTemperaturePersonal ProtectionSubstrate PreparationApplication MethodsIntumescent Coating - MixingJob-Site Down TimeApplying Multiple Coats of Intumescent Paint 2 Application ThicknessMils and MicronsWet Film Thickness Dry Film ThicknessIntumescent Coating - Sagging / Over-applyingIntumescent Coating - Over Spray / Dry SprayIntumescent Coating - Maintenance and RepairIntumescent Coating - StorageIntumescent Coating - TroubleshootingApplication Guide866 - 598 -8470Application GuideTemperatureplay a very import role during the application process.emperature and humidity can cause a product to not adhere to the substrateadequately, and can cause problems with the curing process.TemperatureDrying/curing times may require adjustment depending on the conditions of the jobsite. Use the following as a guide:at leastn enclosure to heat and maintain the proper installation temperatures.Application during low temperatures will cause the coating to thicken. If applied in very low temperatures, the intumescent coating will not cure, resulting in poor adhesionbetween coats and an unsatisfactory appearance.temperature conditions. However, take caution when applying in higher temperatures, as they can cause the intumescent coating to dry/cure very quickly if the coating is applied at large Milcoating on the inside, which can cause a mud crack appearance.high temperatures, apply the coating in small mil thicknesses to prevent flash drying from occurring.Personal ProtectionTo Ensure Personal Protection:Wear suitable protective clothing and safety gearEyesBreathingand keepHandsHearingBody dTo ensurepersonal safetywear suitableprotective clothingPreparing the SubstrateSafely removing old paintPaint stripperAlternative to paint stripperstate.Pre-cleaning (if required)or degreaser to clean the substrateoil, grease, wax, or similar materials. If using a degreaser, be careful not to damage any existing coatings.Application MethodsRecommended Application MethodsBrushAdvantages•Use a good quality brush that’s as large as possible for the job.•Don’t use a new brush for the final coat, they tend to shed bristles.•Use a criss cross motion; brush from side to side and then up and down.•Continue until the paint is evenly distributed over the area.•Angle the brush at a 45° angle to minimize brush marks.•During application the paint will start to dry on the brush. It is recommended that you clean the brush every 30 minutes to keep good painting consistency.Spray equipmentAdvantagesuniform coats.Airless Paint Sprayerprovide an operating pressure of**Remove rock catcher from siphon tube.**Spray GunSpray Tips215Fan SizeHose LengthMaterial HoseIntumescent coating – mixingslotted .MixerThinningJob-site downtimeapplication coats. If this occurs, heopen productable finish.Applying multiple coats of intumescent paintof intumescent paintFilm Thickness The thickness per coat is based on the applicator's, and environmental conditions.achieve APPLICATION AND COATS ARE BASED ON EXPERIENCEMil••Exact conversionMils to Microns:30762Microns to Mils:76230 Wet Film Thickness (WFT)Wet film gauge; orCalculated method with checks.Ifthe DFTDFT must be taken. The DFTDFT of the intumescentinches. ForThe average thickness of the intumescent coating should be equal to, or greater than the required thickness. The thickness at any given point must not be less than or equal to arequired dry film thickness. If the intumescentthe required dry film thickness.testing dry film thickness with a calibrated gaugeFilm ThicknessDry film thickness is a measure of the thickness of cured. It dried, using a calibrated Dry Film Thickness gauge.WFT and DFT ConversionFlameOFF Coatings Intumescent Paint is 70% solids by volume. Therefore, to convert between Wet and Dry Film Thickness, use the following:DFT = WFT x 0.70WFT = DFT / 0.70Intumescent coating –agging can cause adhesion loss,Intumescent coating – over-spray / dry-sprayIntumescent coating – maintenance and repairmaintenancethat the substrate has been damaged or altered, or the intumescent coating has been compromised, the coating must be repaired.Intumescent coating – storageShelf life -StoragePackagingShipping weight64 lbs per 5 PailIntumescent coating - troubleshootingupocor spray gun is ensure equipment is clean for best applicationIntumescent coating not spraying or flowing properly。


First aid measures
Safeguard procedures
Fire extinguishing material
Contact with skin:
Take off the contaminated clothes, rinse skin thoroughly with soap water and clear water.
Safety transportation,coating and storage
Carefully andgentlyload, unload and transport the product,avoid damage of package or container.
Provide appropriate fire extinguishing equipment and facilities of emergency leak treatments on the transportation.Strictly avoid mixing, loading and transport with chemicals for food use .Exposure to sun light, rain, and high temperature should be avoided on the way of transportation. Keep distance from flame, heat and strong oxidizing agents.Vehicles for transportation should have grounding device to avoid accumulating of static electricity.
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Acrylic Intumescent
Sunvea *** is a one component, solvent based, high solids intumescent coating for the fire protection of structural steel to provide fire resistance for periods of 30 minutes to 120 minutes.
●Up to 1.4 mm DFT per coat (by spray)
●Manufactured to BS EN ISO 9001:2000
●Tested to GB 14907-2002
●Outstanding water resistance/excellent durability
Storage temperature: Minimum 5℃. Maximum 40℃
Shelf Life: 24 months in sealed containers(at 20℃)
Pack Size: 20 litre and 200 litres
Pot life: indefinite (single pack)
Color: White, grey
Drying: Air-dry or force dry
Appearance when dry: Low sheen
Flash point: 5℃ (41℉)
Product Weight: 1.37kg/l (11.4lb/gal)
V olume Solids: 68%± 3%
Typical Thickness: 350-750 microns (14-30 mils) dry equivalent to 467-1000
microns (18.7-40 mils) wet
Theoretical Coverage: 1 m2/litre at 750 microns DFT and stated volume solids 40
sq.ft/US gallon at 30 mils DFT and stated volume solids Practical Coverage: Allow appropriate loss factors
Method of Application: Airless Spray, Brush
The detailed sunvea*** working procedures should be consulted prior to use.
Maximum film build in one coat is best attained by airless spray. When applying by methods other than airless spray, the required film build is unlikely to be achieved.
Low or high temperature may require specific application techniques to achieve maximum film
build. Over-application of sunvea*** will extend both the minimum overcoating periods and handing times.
When applying sunvea*** by bush, it may be necessary to apply multiple coats to achieve the total specified system dry film thickness.
Surface temperature must always be a minimum of 3℃ (5℉) above dew point.
When applying sunvea*** in confined spaces ensure adequate ventilation.
The finished appearance of sunvea*** is dependent on application method. For Visible areas spray application is preferred. High decorative finishes may require additional preparation before application of sealer coat. The final surface finish is dependent on application method. A void using a mixture of application methods whenever possible.
Condensation occurring during or immediately after application may result in a matt of finish and an inferior film. Sunvea *** should be protected from pooling or running water, condensation /high humidity and chemical attack at all times. Sunvea*** is not designed for frequent water immersion/soaking.
Good initial durability allows for up to 6 months exterior exposure (in ISO 12944 C2) without the requirement for a sealer provided there is no pooled/heavy running water, or frequent high humidity/condensation.
T ropical Grade
For improved product workability in warmer Climates, a tropical grade version 15 available. Sunvea*** Tropical Grade has the following charact6ristics. V olume Solids 68%土3%; VOC 350g/l, Flash Point 26℃ (79℉) .
Further information regarding industry standards, terms and abbreviations used in this data sheet can be found in the following documents available at :
● Definitions & Abbreviations
●Surface Preparation
●Paint application
●Theoretical & Practical Coverage
This product is intended for use only by professional applicators in industrial situations in accordance with the advice given on this sheet, the material safety data sheet and the container(s), and should not be used without reference to the material safety data sheet(MSDS) which international protective coating has provided to its customers.
All work involving the application and use of this product should be performed in compliance with all relevant national, health, safety & environmental standards and regulations.
In the event welding or flame cutting is performed on metal coating with this product, dust and
fumes will be emitted which will require the use of appropriate personal protective equipment and adequate local exhaust ventilation.
If in doubt regarding the suitability of use of this product, consult sunvea protective coatings for
further advice.。
