

人民电器 S、D、T、Q系列开关电源 产品说明书

人民电器 S、D、T、Q系列开关电源 产品说明书

S 、D 、T 、Q 系列开关电源
□ 采用进口元器件,可靠性高;内置滤波器,抗干扰性能好;直流纹波小,工作效率高;

□ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ 100%
EMI 产品特点
S-15W 技术数据
S-35W 技术数据
S-50W 技术数据
S 、D 、T 、Q
S-60W 技术数据
S-100W 技术数据
S-120W 技术数据
S 、D 、T 、Q
S-145W 技术数据
S-200W 技术数据
S-201W 技术数据
S-240W 技术数据
S-250W 技术数据
S 、D 、T 、Q
S-320W 技术数据
S-350W 技术数据。



卓瑞电气ZR-VSD开关状态显示器使用说明书保定市卓瑞电气科技有限公司目录一、概述 (1)二、特点 (1)三、选型说明 (1)四、技术指标 (1)五、工作原理 (2)六、使用方法 (2)七、模拟显示指示图 (3)八、安装方式及接线 (4)九、传感器安装 (7)十、注意事项 (7)十一、原理接线图 (10)一、概述ZR-VSD开关状态显示器是一种多功能、全数字、智能化的高、低压开关柜显示与控制装置,适用于中置柜、手车柜、固定柜、环网柜等多种开关柜,集多种功能于一体,完全取代传统的一次回路模拟指示牌、电磁式开关状态显示器、接地指示器及除湿加热控制器等诸多元件,简化和美化了面板结构,方便了组装和接线,能迅速、直观地反映柜体运行状态,并能够通过RS-485总线与后台监控计算机组网通信。


二、特点1、高可靠性:采用光电和电磁隔离技术,配以工业级元件和专业的抗干扰设计,同时进行全面的三防处理,使产品具有优异电磁兼容性能,并能耐受盐雾、酸雾、霉菌、导电尘埃等的侵蚀;2、功能完备:集成一次回路模拟图、隔离开关状态、弹簧储能状态、断路器位置、接地刀状态、高压带电指示、高压带电闭锁、温湿度显示与控制、通讯等多种功能;3、全数字化:采用微控制器技术对开关柜中各元件的工作状态实时采集,自动进行除湿加热控制与加热回路故障诊断,并将全部信息上传至上层,,便于实现对于采用多台开关柜组成的电气一次系统的实时动态运行模拟与远程环境监控;4、快速直观:面板配有符号管,数码管和LED,实时指示开关器件状态,柜内温湿度值和运行状况;5、无源带电指示:面板配有超高亮带电指示LED,可通过带电传感器由主回路高压直接点亮,装置无需上电即可提醒主回路带电;三、选型说明ZR—VSD开关状态显示卓瑞电气科技四、技术指标1、工作电源:交流或直流100V~265V.2、使用环境:温度-25℃~85℃相对湿度<95%RH3、整机功耗:<5W4、抗电强度:AC2500V 50Hz历时1分钟5、绝缘性能:大于100MΩ6、高压带电指示指示启辉电压 <=15% 额定电压闭锁启控电压 <=65% 额定电压闭锁输出接点常闭型无源接点额定容量AC220V/3A警示:仅凭带电指示不足以证明系统已经不带电;如运行程序要求将其作为强制要求,还应使用符合IEC61243的相关的电压探测器或电压探测装置。



OIL-FREEROTARY TOOTH COMPRESSORSZT 15-22, ZR/ZT 30-45, ZT 22 VSD, ZR/ZT 37-55 VSDECONOMICAL, HIGH QUALITYOIL-FREE AIRClean, oil-free compressed air is a prerequisite for the continuity and quality of many manufacturing processes. Over the past decades, Atlas Copco has pioneered the development of oil-free rotary tooth technology, resulting in a full range of highly reliable compressors delivering 100% oil-free, clean air. With the protection of your applicationin mind, the ZR/ZT series gives you all of this experience in a class leading package and meets your every need for pure oil-free air.100% oil-free airYour activities in pharmaceutical production, food processing, critical electronics or in a similarly exacting industry demand the best air quality for a guaranteed end product and production process. Designed with your specific applications in mind, our rotary tooth compressors eliminate the risks of oil contamination and the accompanying product spoilage, brand damage and delays that represent extra costs. Preventing oil from entering the compression process is a necessity for the generation of consistent 100% oil-free air. Certified ISO 8573-1 CLASS 0 by the renowned TÜV institute, the ZR/ZT ensure the safety of your application and at the same time allow you to enjoy lower operating and maintenance costs.Reduced energy costsAs energy accounts for more than 70% of a compressor’s lifecycle costs (LCC), its importance is obvious. T he mostcost-effective compressed air solution optimizes the pressure, volume and air treatment equipment for each production process. Our ZR/ZT compressors provide you with the ultimate all-in-one package to decrease your electricity bill by an average of 35%. T o help you save energy, regardless of whether you require a low or high-capacity compressor, our VSD range has been expanded with the ZT 22 VSD and the ZR/ZT 55 VSD. Proven peace of mindFor sixty years, Atlas Copco has been leading the industry inoil-free compressed air technology, drawing on vast experience and continuous technological innovations. Y ou can rest assured at all times: severe certification and testing procedures are conducted to ensure air is supplied to the highest standards of quality control. Backed by extensive know-how in the field of developing the most reliable quality air solutions, we are the only manufacturer that offers such a vast range of different technologies to match your exact needs. T his ensures that youcan always find the perfect solution for your specific application.100% CERTIFIED OIL-FREE AIRAtlas Copco is renowned for designing and manufacturing the most durable oil-free tooth compressors. The ZR/ZT rotary tooth compressor comes out of this strong tradition. Ideal for industries where high-quality oil-free air is key, the ZR/ZT offers the highest reliability and safety in combination with low energy costs.Pharmaceuticals• 100% oil-free air is vital to prevent contamination of processes(e.g. fermentation, aeration, tablet coating, packing and bottling,automated production lines).• CLASS 0 eliminates risks and maintains high product qualityand professional brand reputation.Food & beverage• 100% pure, clean, oil-free air for all kinds of applications(e.g. fermentation, packaging, aeration, transportation,filling & capping, cleaning, instrument air).• ISO 8573-1 CLASS 0 (2010) certification to avoid compromising thepurity of your end product and ensure zero risk of contamination.Electronics• Clean, dry, high-quality air is essential, produced withoptimal energy efficiency.• Applications include the removal of microscopic debris fromthe surfaces of computer chips and computer boards.Health care• Ideal for hospitals, dental practices, veterinary labs orclinical work environments where maximum reliabilityis the main priority.• Ultra-clean air to successfully perform clinical work andmake sure your equipment functions effectively.CLASS 0: THE INDUSTRY STANDARD Oil-free air is used in all kinds of industries whereair quality is paramount for the end product and production process. T hese applications includefood and beverage processing, pharmaceutical manufacturing, chemical and petrochemical processing, fermentation, wastewater treatment, pneumatic conveying, non-woven textile manufacturing and many more.First in oil-free air technologyOver the past sixty years we have pioneered the development of oil-free air technology, resulting in a range of air compressors and blowers that provide 100% pure, clean air. T hrough continuous research and development, Atlas Copco achieved a new milestone, setting the standard for air purity as the first manufacturer to be awarded CLASS 0 certification.Eliminating any riskAs the industry leader committed to meeting the needs of the most demanding customers, we requested the renowned TÜV institute to type-test its range of oil-free compressors and blowers. Using the most rigorous testing methodologies available, all possible oil forms were measured across a range of temperatures and pressures.The TÜV found no traces of oil at all in the output air stream.concentration in total oil content).132T wo stage tooth element• Lower energy consumption compared to single stage compression systems as no venting of the pressure is required.• Minimum power consumption of the unloaded state is reached rapidly.2Sound insulated canopy• No separate compressor room required.• Only available in WorkPlace Air System™ versions.3Radial fan (only for ZT air-cooled)• Ensures the unit is cooled effectively.• Low noise.Intercooler and aftercoolerThanks to the vertical layout of the coolers, the noise levels from the fan, motor and element have been drastically reduced.1Induction motor• Flange-mounted for perfect alignment.• Available in two versions: IP54 for VSD models and IE 3/NEMA Premium for fixed speed models. • The dry motor coupling requires no lubrication, eliminating service requirements.45 467Integrated VSD converter• High energy efficiency thanks to no load operation and oilvessel blow-off losses.• Operation in a narrow pressure band setting reduces theoverall system working pressure.6Integrated dryer• Saver cycle technology reduces the energy consumption of theintegrated air treatment in light load conditions.• As the condensate separation is integrated, water separation isimproved and the Pressure Dew Point (PDP) becomes more stable.Air filter• SAE fine 99.5%; SAE coarse 99.9%.• Long lifetime and high reliability for long service intervals.• Combined air filter and silencer to ensure sound insulation.5Electronic water drains• Mounted vibration-free on the frame.• Constant removal of condensate for improved water separation and extended lifetime of the compressor.Elektronikon®Advanced Elektronikon® control and monitoring system, designed for integration in a (remote) process control system.7PROVEN TECHNOLOGY, MAXIMIZED EFFICIENCYTo provide you with top-quality, 100% oil-free air, our ZR/ZT series incorporate a range of advancedtechnologies. T he unique rotary tooth element increases efficiency thanks to two-stage compression. As no venting of the pressure element is required, the energy consumption is considerably lower compared to single stage compression systems. With its symmetrical and dynamically balanced design, the double tooth element ensures an increased free air delivery and delivers consistent performance over time.RotorsAxial in- and outlet portAir-cooled designSealsThe rotary tooth working principleIntakeTransportCompressionDeliveryAtmospheric air is drawnthrough the inlet port into the compressor chamber as a result of the rotational action of the tooth rotors.Air is trapped between the teeth of the male and female rotors.Compression takes place. The male and female rotor turn towards each other, decreasing the free space, resulting in an increase in pressure.The female rotor exposes the outlet port and thecompressed air is delivered to the system.1122334455EXCEPTIONAL VERSATILITYContrary to traditional compressor installations, our ZR/ZT WorkPlace Air System™ compressors effortlessly fit onto your work floor. With their compact footprint and integration of air treatment equipment, ZR/ZTcompressors ensure optimum efficiency and reliability. T hanks to the vertical layout of the coolers, the noise levels from the fan, motor and element have been drastically reduced. Designed to give the most versatile source of compressed air, they provide you with an all-in-one package that will have your production running smoothly for years to come.T raditional compressor set-up WorkPlace Air System™High pressure drop across the system.External filtration equipment/dryer.Elaborate and costly piping system.Multiple connections and air leaks.Multiple monitoring points.Limited internal system pressure drop.Integrated air and condensate treatment equipment.Reduced piping costs.Single point connections.Single point monitoring.VSD: DRIVING DOWN ENERGY COSTSOver 80% of a compressor’s lifecycle cost is taken up by the energy it consumes. Moreover, the generation of compressed air can account for more than 40% of a plant’s total electricity bill. T o cut your energy costs, Atlas Copco pioneered Variable Speed Drive (VSD) technology in the compressed air industry. VSD leads to major energy savings, while protecting the environment for future generations. T hanks to continual investments in this technology, we offer the widest range of integrated VSD compressors on the market.1The Elektronikon® controls both the compressor and the integrated converter, ensuring maximummachine safety within parameters.2Flexible pressure selection from 4 to 10 bar with VSD reduces electricity costs.3Specific converter and motor design (with protected bearings) for the highest efficiency acrossthe speed range.4Electric motor specifically designed for low operating speeds with clear attention to motor cooling andcompressor cooling requirements.5All our VSD compressors are EMC tested and certified.Compressor operation does not influence externalsources and vice versa.6Mechanical enhancements ensure that all components operate below critical vibration levels throughout theentire compressor speed range.7 A highly efficient frequency converter in a cubicleensures stable operation in high ambient temperatures up to 50°C/122°F (standard up to 40°C/104°F).8No ‘speed windows’ that can jeopardize the energy savings and the stable net pressure. T urndown capability of the compressor is maximized to 70-75%.9Net pressure band is maintained within 0.10 bar, 1.5 psi.What is unique about the integrated Atlas Copco VSD?MONITORING AND CONTROL:HOW TO GET THE MOST FROM THE LEASTThe Elektronikon ® unit controller is specially designed to maximize the performance of your compressors and air treatment equipment under a variety of conditions. Our solutions provide you with key benefits such as increased energy efficiency, lower energy consumption, reduced maintenance times and less stress… less stress for both you and your entire air system.Intelligence is part of the package• High resolution color display gives you an easy to understand readout of the equipment’s running conditions. • Clear icons and intuitive navigation provides you fast access to all of the important settings and data. • Monitoring of the equipment running conditions and maintenance status; bringing this information to your attention when needed.• Operation of the equipment to deliver specifically and reliably to your compressed air needs. • Built-in remote control and notifications functions provided as standard, including simple to use Ethernet based communication.• Support for 31 different languages, including character based languages.Online & mobile monitoringMonitor your compressors over the Ethernet with the new Elektronikon ® controller. Monitoring features include warning indications, compressor shut-down andmaintenance scheduling. An Atlas Copco App is available for iPhone/Android phones as well as iPad and Android tablets. It allows fingertip monitoring of your compressed air system through your own secured network.• A remote monitoring system that helps you optimize your compressed air system and save you energy and cost.• It offers you a complete insight in your compressed air network and anticipates on potential problems by warning you up-front.*Please contact your local sales representative for more information.SMART LINK *:Data monitoring programA DRYER SOLUTION FOR EVERY NEEDUntreated compressed air contains moisture and possibly dirt particles that can damage your air system and contaminate your end product. T he resulting maintenance costs far exceed air treatment costs. Atlas Copco believes in effective prevention and provides a complete range of air treatment solutions to protect investments, equipment, production processes and end products.CD/CD +-70°C / -40°C -94°F / -40°FND -40°C/-20°C -40°F/-4°FMD-30°C/+3°C -22°F/+37°FDesiccant dryerRotary drum heat of compression dryers• Use of desiccant such as activated alumina or silica gel.• Robust design.• Total reliability.• A constant, stable dewpoint in full load conditions.• Use of freely available heat of compression.• Negligible power consumption.• Variants with extra heat augmentation for lower dew points.Refrigerant dryer• Use of cooling circuit for cooling down compressed air.• Guaranteed pressure dew points.• Lowest energy consumption in all operating conditions.• Air and water cooled variants.FD+3°C / +20°C +37°F / +68°FHeat reactivated adsorption dryer• Use of electrical heaters for regenerating the desiccant.• Limited pressure drop.• Variants without loss of compressed air.BD/BD +-70°C / -40°C / -20°C -94°F / -40°F / -4°F45213A COMPLETE FULL FEATURE PACKAGEOur Full Feature concept stands for a compact, all-in-one quality air solution. Integrating the IMD or ID dryer and its Variable Speed Drive on VSD models, this integrated package offers the highest quality air at the lowest possible cost.Protect your compressed air systemA dry compressed air system is essential to maintain the reliability of production processes and the quality of the end products. Untreated air can cause corrosion in the pipe work, premature failure of pneumatic equipment and product spoilage.IMD adsorption dryerThe IMD adsorption dryer eliminates the moisture before it enters the air net,ensuring a reliable process and an impeccable end product. As no external energy is needed to dry the air, large savings are obtained. T he pressure drop through the dryer is minimal, which again cuts down the operating cost.The IMD drying principle1 Hot unsaturated air2 Hot saturated air3 Cold saturated air4 Dry air5 Drying sectionPlease note the availability of the option depends on the chosen configuration.OPTIMIZE YOUR SYSTEMWith the ZR/ZT, we provide an all-in-one standard package incorporating the latest technology in a built-to-last design. T o further optimize your ZR/ZT’s performance or to simply tailor it to your specific production environment, optional features are available.Z TOOTH + ID (REFRIGERANT DRYER)Air-cooled ZT + IDIncoming airIncoming airHot unsaturated airHot unsaturated airCooled saturated airCooled saturated airDry compressed airDry compressed airOilOilRefrigerant gasRefrigerant gasRefrigerant liquidRefrigerant liquidInsulationInsulationInsulationInsulationZ TOOTH + IMD (ROTARY DRUM DRYER)Air-cooled ZT FFWater-cooled ZR + IDWater-cooled ZR FFOptionsTECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSZT 15-22, ZR/ZT 30-45, ZT 22 VSD, ZR/ZT 37-55 VSD(1) Unit performance measured according to ISO 1217, Annex C, Edition 4 (2009)Reference conditions: - Relative humidity 0%- Absolute inlet pressure: 1 bar (14.5 psi). - Intake air temperature: 20°C, 68°F .FAD is measured at the following working pressures: - 7.5 bar versions at 7 bar. - 8.6 bar versions at 8 bar. - 10 bar versions at 9,5 bar.For VSD at 7 bar(2) A-weighted emission sound pressure level at the work station (LpWSAd).Measured according to ISO 2151: 2004 using ISO 9614/2 (sound intensity scanning method).The added correction factor is the total uncertainty value (KpAd) conform with the test code.(3) Integrated dryers will increase the weight.CA BDIMENSIONSCOMMITTED TO SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTIVITY2935 0873 48 © 2016, A t l a s C o p c o , B e l g i u m . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . D e s i g n s a n d s p e c i fi c a t We stand by our responsibilities towards our customers, towards the environment and the people around us. We make performance stand the test of time. T his is what we call – Sustainable Productivity.。

Atlas Copco ZR ZT-使用说明书

Atlas Copco ZR ZT-使用说明书

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3.5 滚动键
键 (1) 使操作员能够滚动查看显示屏。 只要向下的箭头显示在显示屏的最右侧,具有相同符号的滚动键就可以用来查看下一项。 只要向上的箭头显示在显示屏的最右侧,具有相同符号的滚动键就可以用来查看上一项。 如果持续按滚动键,将继续滚动。
3.6 紧急停机按钮
3.2 FDT 预冷却器的 Elektronikon® 电脑控制器
FDT 预冷却器的 Elektronikon 电脑控制器的大多数功能与这些压缩机相似。
概述 Elektronikon 电脑控制器自动控制预冷却器,即:
2991 1575 07
• 使温度抑制保持稳定 • 在必要时停止运行预冷却器 • 如果需要,重新起动预冷却器 为了控制预冷却器以及读取和修改可设定的参数,电脑控制器提供了一个配备以下配件的控制面 板: • 用来指明预冷却器状态的指示灯 • 用来指明工作状况或故障的显示屏 • 用来控制预冷却器和访问电脑控制器收集的数据的键 • 用来手动起动和停止预冷却器的按钮 通常,电脑控制器具有以下功能: • 控制预冷却器 • 保护预冷却器 • 断电后自动重新起动(未激活)
3.8 控制程序
说明 为便于设定和控制,已在电脑控制器中执行菜单驱动型控制程序。
最大负载 10 A / 230 V AC 10 A / 230 V AC 10 A / 230 V AC 10 A / 230 V AC 10 A / 230 V AC
2991 1575 07
ZR/ZT110 - ZR/ZT275 和 ZR300 - ZR750(简化)
2991 1575 07



迅磊变频器说明书目录一、前言 Introduction1、购入时注意事项 Checks upon Delivery2、HC系列铭牌说明 Nameplate Description of HC Series Inverter二、安全使用注意事项Safety Precautions1、送电前Before the Power-up)2、运转中During the Operation三、产品标准规格Standards and Specifications1、产品个别规格Particular Specifications2、产品通用规格General Specifications四、储存及安装Storage and Installation1、储存Storage2、安装场所及环境Installation Site and Environment3、安装空间与方向Installation and Direction五、配线 Wiring1、主回路配线图Main Circuit Wiring Schematic Diagram2、接线端子说明Description of Terminal Block3、基本配线图Basic Connection Diagram4、配线注意事项Precautions on Wiring六、数位操作器说明Instruction of the Digital Operator1、数位操作器说明Description of the Digital Operator2、显示项目说明Description of Indicator Lamp Status3、操作说明Description of Operation Examples七、试运行Commissioning1、运行前检查Important Checks before the Commissioning2、试运行方式Commissioning Methods八、功能一览表Function List九、功能说明Descriptions of Functions十、保养维护、故障信息及排除方法Care & Maintenance, Fault Information and Troubleshooting1、保养检查注意事项Precautions about Inspection and Maintenance2、定期检查项目Periodical Inspection and Maintenance items3、故障信息及排除方法Fault Indication and Troubleshooting4、故障及分析Faults and Analysis十一、周边设施选用及配置Selection of Peripheral Devices and Disposition1、选件Options2、配置Disposition十二、附录Appendice1、简单应用举例Simple Examples of Application一、 前言承蒙您惠顾HC 系列多功能,高性能通用变频调速器。



Oil-free rotary screw compressorsZR 300-750 & ZR 400-900 VSDSetting the standard in energy efficiency, safety and reliability The shortest route to superior productivity is to minimize operational cost while maintaining an uninterrupted supply of the right quality of air.The Atlas Copco Z compressor series is focused on effectively saving energy, ensuring product safety – only oil-free machines exclude contamination risks for 100% – and guaranteeing the utmost reliability around the clock. And not just today, but day after day, year after year, with minimal maintenance cost, few service interventions and long overhaul intervals.Highest reliabilityFor 60 years, Atlas Copco Z compressors have set the benchmark for durability. T hey are built using long-standing internal engineering practices, and are designed and manufactured according to ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 22000 & OHSAS 18001. The high-end ZR uses time-proven state-of-the-art screw technology, cooling and pulsation dampers and providesyou with the highest reliability.100% oil-free compressed airThe ZR offers you 100% pure, clean air that complies withISO 8573-1 CLASS 0 (2010) certification. T his means zero riskof contamination; zero risk of damaged products; zero risk of losses from operational downtime; and zero risk of damaging your company’s hard-won professional reputation. Maximum energy efficiencyThe ZR’s superior oil-free screw elements provide the optimum combination of high Free Air Delivery (FAD) with the lowest energy consumption. Ample sized cooling, low pressuredrops and an extremely efficient drive train result in the highest compressor package efficiency.The most complete packageWith the ZR compressor, Atlas Copco provides a superior solution without hidden costs. T he totally integrated, ready-to-use package includes internal piping, coolers, motor, lubrication and control system. Installation is fault-free, commissioning time is low and no external instrument air is required.You simply plug and run.Global presence - local serviceOur aftermarket product portfolio is designed to add maximum value for our customers by ensuring the optimum availability and reliability of their compressed air equipment with the lowest possible operating costs. We deliver this complete service guarantee through our extensive service organization,maintaining our position as leader in compressed air.100% certified oil-free airAtlas Copco is renowned for designing and manufacturing some of the most durable oil-free screw compressors. T he ZR high-end rotary screw compressor comes out of this strong tradition. Ideal for industries where high-quality oil-free air is key, the ZR offers the highest reliability and safety in combination with low energy costs.Electronics• Clean, dry, high-quality air (Class 0) is essential,produced with optimal energy efficiency.• Applications include the removal of microscopic debris fromthe surfaces of computer chips and computer boards.T extiles• Easy and quick installation.• A completely, fully integrated, ready-to-use solution.Oil & gas• Years of experience in providing compressedair for the oil & gas industry.• 100% oil-free compressed air for control/instrumentair or buffer air.• Strong global support network to provide 24/7 assistance.Automotive• To maximize productivity in the automotive industry,downtime has to be eliminated.• An integrated package designed for long-lastingperformance is crucial.Class 0: the industry standardOil-free air is used in all kinds of industries whereair quality is paramount for the end product and production process. T hese applications includefood and beverage, pharmaceutical, chemical and petrochemical, semiconductor and electronics, the medical sector, automotive paint spraying, textile and many more. In these critical environments, contamination by even the smallest quantities ofoil can result in costly production downtime and product spoilage.First in oil-free air technologyOver the past sixty years Atlas Copco has pioneered the development of oil-free air technology, resulting in a rangeof air compressors and blowers that provide 100% pure,clean air. T hrough continuous research and development,Atlas Copco achieved a new milestone, setting the standard for air purity as the first manufacturer to be awarded CLASS 0 certification. Eliminating any riskAs the industry leader committed to meeting the needs of themost demanding customers, Atlas Copco requested the renowned TÜV institute to type-test its range of oil-free compressors and blowers. Using the most rigorous testing methodologies available, all possible oil forms were measured across a range of temperatures and pressures. T he TÜV found no traces of oil at all in the outputair stream.concentration in total oil content).321High-efficiency coolers and water separator• Corrosion resistant stainless steel tubing.• Highly reliable robot welding; no leakages.• Aluminium star insert increases heat transfer.• Water separator with labyrinth design to efficiently separate the condensate from the compressed air.• Low moisture carry-over protects downstream equipment.3World-class oil-free compression element• Unique Z seal design guarantees 100% certified oil-free air.• Atlas Copco superior rotor coating for high efficiency and durability.• Cooling jackets.2Throttle valve with load/unload regulation• No external air supply required.• Mechanical interlock of inlet and blow-off valve.• Low unload power.1* Only for ZR water-cooled versions.45Powerful motor + VSD• TEFC IP55 motor protects against dust and chemicals.• Continuous operation under severe ambient temperature conditions.• Direct energy savings up to 35% with Variable Speed Drive (VSD) motor.• Full regulation between 30 to 100% of the maximum capacity.4Advanced Elektronikon®• Large 5.7” sized color display available in31 languages for optimal ease of use.• Controls the main drive motor and regulates systempressure to maximize energy efficiency.5Air Water OilWater-cooled ZR PackVSD?VSD: driving down energy costsOver 80% of a compressor’s lifecycle cost is taken up by the energy it consumes. Moreover, the generation of compressed air can account for more than 40% of a plant’s total electricity bill. T o cut your energy costs, Atlas Copco pioneered Variable Speed Drive (VSD) technology in the compressed air industry. VSD leads to major energy savings, while protecting the environment for future generations. T hanks to continual investments in this technology, Atlas Copco offers the widest range of integrated VSD compressors on the market.EnergyEnergy savings with VSDInvestment MaintenanceEnergy savings of up to 35%Atlas Copco's VSD technology closely follows the air demand by automatically adjusting the motor speed. This results in large energy savings of up to 35%. The Life Cycle Cost of a compressor can be cut by an average of 22%. In addition, lowered system pressure with VSD minimizes energy use across your production dramatically.T otal compressor lifecycle cost1 The Elektronikon ® controls both the compressor and theintegrated converter, ensuring maximum machine safety within parameters.2 Flexible pressure selection from 4 to 10.4 bar withVSD reduces electricity costs.3 Specific converter and motor design (with protectedbearings) for the highest efficiency across the speed range.4 Electric motor specifically designed for low operatingspeeds with clear attention to motor cooling and compressor cooling requirements.5 All Atlas Copco VSD compressors are EMC testedand certified. Compressor operation does not influence external sources and vice versa.6 Mechanical enhancements ensure that all componentsoperate below critical vibration levels throughout the entire compressor speed range.7 A highly efficient frequency converter in a cubicleensures stable operation in high ambient temperatures up to 50°C/122°F (standard up to 40°C/104°F).8 No ‘speed windows’ that can jeopardize the energysavings and the stable net pressure. T urndown capability of the compressor is maximized to 70-75%.9 Net pressure band is maintained within 0.10 bar, 1.5 psi.Monitoring and control:how to get the most from the leastThe Elektronikon ® unit controller is specially designed to maximize the performance of your compressors and air treatment equipment under a variety of conditions. Our solutions provide you with key benefits such as increased energy efficiency, lower energy consumption, reduced maintenance times and less stress… less stress for both you and your entire air system.Intelligence is part of the package• High resolution color display gives you an easy to understand readout of the equipment’s running conditions. • Clear icons and intuitive navigation provides you fast access to all of the important settings and data. • Monitoring of the equipment running conditions and maintenance status; bringing this information to your attention when needed.• Operation of the equipment to deliver specifically and reliably to your compressed air needs.• Built-in remote control and notifications functions provided as standard, including simple to use Ethernet based communication.• Support for 31 different languages, including character based languages.• A remote monitoring system that helps you optimize your compressed air system and save you energy and cost.• It offers you a complete insight in your compressed air network and anticipates on potential problems by warning you up-front.*Please contact your local sales representative for more information.SMART LINK *:Data monitoring programOnline & mobile monitoringMonitor your compressors over the Ethernet with the new Elektronikon ® controller. Monitoring features include warning indications, compressor shut-down andmaintenance scheduling. An Atlas Copco App is available for iPhone/Android phones as well as iPad and Android tablets. It allows fingertip monitoring of your compressed air system through your own secured network.The magic formula: turbo + screwObtain the most efficient compressor solution for your high capacity application in the market by combining the advanced turbo technology of the ZH + with the regulating capabilities of the ZR screw compressor with Variable Speed Drive (VSD). Eliminating costly blow-off in all operating conditions, this combination is ideal to achieve the highest return on investment while enjoying the benefits of the ZH + turbo and ZR screw technology.Reduced blow-offWhile turbo compressors are very efficient in turndown,a lot of energy is wasted during blow-off by expanding part of the compressed air into the blow-off valve and silencer. By combining two turbo compressors in an erratically varying air demand, the expensive blow-off is reduced but not completely eliminated.Eliminated blow-offAtlas Copco's unique Variable Speed Drive (VSD) technology closely follows the air demand by automatically adjusting the motor speed. When combining the ZH + turbo compressor and the ZR screw compressor with VSD, the highest efficiency is achieved by completely eliminating blow-off.Find out how much you can saveAtlas Copco can help you map the load/air demand profile of your current compressor and blower installation and indicate potential energy savings with VSD compressors and blowers.For more information, please contact your local Atlas Copco representative.Operation without blow-offOperation with blow-off Hours of operationHours of operation04812162024Protecting your productionUntreated compressed air contains moisture and possibly dirt particles that can damage your air system and contaminate your end product. T he resulting maintenance costs far exceed air treatment costs. Atlas Copco believes in effective prevention and provides a complete range of air treatment solutions to protect investments, equipment, production processes and end products.Increase production reliabilityLow quality air heightens the risk of corrosion, which can lower the life span of production equipment. T he air treatment solutions produce clean air that enhances your system’s reliability, avoiding costly downtime and production delays.Safeguard production qualityCompressed air coming into contact with your final products should not affect their quality. Atlas Copco provides clean,dry air to protect your production and reputation in the market.Supreme energy and cost savingsAtlas Copco’s quality air solutions stand for substantial energy savings all day, every day. T aking technology to a new level,these products achieve maximum cost savings.Proven peace of mindBuilding on know-how and years of experience, the entire Atlas Copco quality air range is produced in-house and tested using the most stringent methods in the industry.A dryer solution for every needUntreated compressed air contains moisture and possibly dirt particles that can damage your air system and contaminate your end product. T he resulting maintenance costs far exceed air treatment costs. Atlas Copco believes in effective prevention and provides a complete range of air treatment solutions to protect investments, equipment, production processes and end products.Dryers overviewTo further protect your investment, equipment and processes, Atlas Copco presents a full line-up of innovative quality air solutions to suit the high quality requirements of your specific application.BD/BD +-70°C/-40°C/-20°C -94°F/-40°F/-4°FHeat reactivated adsorption dryer• Use of electrical heaters for regenerating the desiccant.• Limited pressure drop.• Variants without loss of compressed air.FD+3°C/+20°C +37°F/+68°FRefrigerant dryer• Use of cooling circuit for cooling down compressed air.• Guaranteed pressure dew points.• Lowest energy consumption in all operating conditions.• Air and water cooled variants.MD-20°C/+3°C -4°F/+37°FRotary drum heat of compression dryers• Use of freely available heat of compression.• Negligible power consumption.• Variants with extra heat augmentation for lower dew points.ND-40°C/-20°C -40°F/-4°FXD-S-20°C/+3°C -4°F/+37°FHeat of compression reactivated adsorption dryers• Use of freely available heat of compression.• Limited pressure drop.• Variants for dew point suppression and guaranteed dew point.• Variants without loss of compressed air.XD-G/XD +-G-70°C/-40°C/-20°C -94°F/-40°F/-4°F D e w p o i n t (°C )D e w p o i n t (°F )Flow (l/s)Flow (cfm)+37-4-4012002500300040005000600070008000-94Optimize your systemWith the ZR, Atlas Copco provides an all-in-one standard package incorporating the latest technology in a built-to-last design. T o further optimize your ZR’s performance or to simply tailor it to your specific production environment, optional features are available.Engineered solutionsAtlas Copco recognizes the need to combine our serially produced compressors and dryers with thespecifications and standards applied by major companies for equipment purchases. Strategically located departments within the Atlas Copco Group take care of the design and manufacturing of customized equipment to operate at extreme temperatures, often in remote locations.Innovative technologyAll equipment is covered by our manufacturer warranty.The reliability, longevity and performance of our equipment will not be compromised. A global aftermarket operation employing 360 field service engineers in 160 countries ensures reliablemaintenance by Atlas Copco as part of a local service operation.Innovative engineeringEach project is unique and by entering into partnership with our customers, we can appreciate the challenge at hand, ask the relevant questions and design the best engineered solutionfor all your needs.Options• : Optional- : Not availablePlease note the availability of the option depends on the chosen configuration.ZR 300-750(1) Unit performance measured according to ISO 1217, Annex C, Edition 4 (2009).Reference conditions:- Relative humidity 0%.- Absolute inlet pressure: 1 bar (14.5 psi).- Intake air temperature: 20°C/68°F.FAD is measured at the following working pressures: Fixed speed:- 7.5/8.6 bar versions at 7 bar.- 10/10.4 bar versions at 9 bar.For VSD: at their maximum working pressure.(2) A-weighted emission sound pressure level at the work station (LpWSAd).Measured according to ISO 2151: 2004 using ISO 9614/2 (sound intensity scanning method).The added correction factor (+/- 3 dB(A)) is the total uncertainty value (KpAd) conform with the test code.ZR 400-900 VSD (50/60 Hz)(1) Unit performance measured according to ISO 1217, Annex C, Edition 4 (2009).Reference conditions: - Relative humidity 0%.- Absolute inlet pressure: 1 bar (14.5 psi). - Intake air temperature: 20°C/68°F .FAD is measured at the following working pressures:Fixed speed:- 7.5/8.6 bar versions at 7 bar. - 10/10.4 bar versions at 9 bar.For VSD: at their maximum working pressure.(2) A-weighted emission sound pressure level at the work station (LpWSAd).Measured according to ISO 2151: 2004 using ISO 9614/2 (sound intensity scanning method).The added correction factor (+/- 3 dB(A)) is the total uncertainty value (KpAd) conform with the test code.DimensionsCA BCOMMITTED TO SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTIVITY2935 0366 20 © 2017, A t l a s C o p c o , B e l g i u m . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . D e s i g n s a n d s p e c i fi c a t We stand by our responsibilities towards our customers, towards the environment and the people around us. We make performance stand the test of time. T his is what we call – Sustainable Productivity.。



ZR160VSD+产品介绍市场部目录1.设备图片2.设备参数3.流程图4.特点5.能效对比6.能耗核算7.干燥机选型8.干燥机特点、原理2设备图片3设备参数•气量范围:5.4-27.1m³/min(FAD)•调节范围:20%-100%!!!4流程图5特点100% 无油空气(Class 0)•下一代世界一流的压缩主机。

•独特的Z 型密封设计确保提供100%认证的无油空气。



6高级触屏监控系统•易于使用的Elektronikon® Touch 控制器,具有增强的连接能力。



特点高效电动机•IP66 永磁水冷式电动机配备油润滑轴承。

•同类领先的效率(IE5 –97%) 和无比稳定的可靠性。

•15% 至100% 最大能力之间完全可调。













能效对比SER@8.6bar负载率ZR160VSD+IRN200H-OF(IR)DSP16009WV(IHI)100% 6.787.707.2075% 6.578.047.2050% 6.578.0725% 6.90•ZR160VSD+跟IR对比,比功率低:18%!•ZR160VSD+跟IHI对比,比功率低:9%!•ZR160VSD+具有超宽的变频范围20%-100%,IR和IHI变频范围有限(参考CAGI官网数据)。










使用VSD产品需要按照以下步骤进行:- 连接电源- 安装VSD产品- 设置VSD产品参数- 连接VSD产品到电机- 启动电机第三步:注意事项和安全在使用VSD产品前,需要了解注意事项和安全措施。

以下是一些需要注意的细节:- 在使用VSD产品时必须遵循VSD产品的技术规范- 当使用VSD产品时,必须注意安全。

因为这是一种电气设备,所以必须小心使用- 避免触碰VSD产品的导线,因为这可能会导致身体受到电击第四步:维修和保养VSD产品VSD产品需要定期检查和保养。

以下是维护VSD产品的一些技巧:- 定期清洁VSD产品的表面和内部。

这将有助于保持其工作状态和延长寿命- 定期检查VSD产品的电缆,以确保它们未受损,并保持正确的连接- 定期检查VSD产品的组件,以确保它们工作正常结论施耐德电气VSD产品培训教材应包括上述内容,从了解基本知识到掌握使用步骤,再到注意事项和安全,最后到维修和保养技巧。




6.1 预防性保养计划.....................................................................80 6.2 为电动机加润滑脂...................................................................82 6.3 安装后存储.........................................................................82 6.4 维修包.............................................................................82 6.5 油规格.............................................................................82
5.1 操作简介...........................................................................70 5.2 初次起动...........................................................................70 5.3 起动前.............................................................................76 5.4 起动...............................................................................77 5.5 操作过程中.........................................................................77 5.6 停机...............................................................................78

泊松机柜处理器系列 ZR 系列 VSD+ 压缩机参数表说明书

泊松机柜处理器系列 ZR 系列 VSD+ 压缩机参数表说明书
技术规格 ZR 90 - 160 VSD+
类型 ZR 90 VSD+ - 10.4 ZR 110 VSD+ - 10.4 ZR 132 VSD+ - 10.4 ZR 145 VSD+ - 10.4 ZR 160 VSD+ - 10.4
工作压力 (1)
最小 高效 最大 最小 高效 最大 最小 高效 最大 最小 高效 最大 最小 高效 最大
dB(A) 70 70 70 70 70
机柜处kglb权重Full Feature (iMD)
Full Feature (iMDG)
2500 5500 3400 7400 3700 8200
2500 5500 3400 7400 3700 8200
2500 5500 3400 7400 3700 8200
5.4 - 17.9 192 - 631
5.4 - 16.5 192 - 584
5.4 - 13.9 188 - 490
5.4 - 20.7 192 - 732
5.4 - 19.3 192 - 683
5.4 - 16.5 188 - 584
5.4 - 24.0 192 - 847
5.4 - 22.6 192 - 797
(3) 工作站的发射声压级 (LpWSAd)。 依据 ISO 2151:2008,使用 ISO 9614-2(声密度扫描方法)测定。 新增的修正系数 (+/- 3 dB(A)) 是符合测试规范的整体不确定性值 (KpAd)。

炜盛 热释电模组 ZRD-09 使用说明书

炜盛 热释电模组 ZRD-09 使用说明书

热释电模组(型号:ZRD-09)使用说明书版本号:1.0实施日期:2016.06.20郑州炜盛电子科技有限公司Zhengzhou Winsen Electronic Technology Co.,Ltd声明本说明书版权属郑州炜盛电子科技有限公司(以下称本公司)所有,未经书面许可,本说明书任何部分不得复制、翻译、存储于数据库或检索系统内,也不可以电子、翻拍、录音等任何手段进行传播。




















电气控制单元:电 机
线圈上没有加电 直接将电压加到合闸线圈
拒合(指示器保持分状 态)
检查接线 线圈断线 更换线圈
开关柜具有可靠的联锁装置,满足五防的要求,切实保障了操 作人员及设备的安全。
a、仪表室门上装有提示性的按钮或者转换开关和指示灯以,防 止误合、误分断路器。
b、断路器手车在试验位置或工作位置时,断路器才能进行合分操 作,而在断路器合闸后,手车无法移动、防止了带负荷误推拉手车。
c 、仅当接地开关处在分闸位置时,断路器手车才能从试验/检修 位置移至工作位置。仅当断路器手车处于试验/检修位置时,接地开 关才能进行合闸操作。这样实现了防止带电误合接地开关,以及防 止接地开关处在闭合位置时分合断路器。
若准备将断路器手车从 工作位置退出,首先, 应确认断路器已处于分 闸状态,操作把手转至 中间位置,听到清脆的 辅助开关切换声,插入 手车操作摇把,逆时针 转动,直到摇把受阻。 小车便回到试验位置。 此时,主回路已经完全 断开,金属活门关闭,
开关柜具有可靠的联锁装置,满足五防的要求,切实保障了操 作人员及设备的安全。
d、接地开关处于分闸位置时,开关柜下门及后门都无法 打开,防止了误入带电间隔。

阿特拉斯-科普柯 ZR37、55VSD ZT22、37、55VSD 空压机

阿特拉斯-科普柯 ZR37、55VSD ZT22、37、55VSD 空压机

5.1 操作简介...........................................................................80 5.2 初次起动 ..........................................................................80 5.3 起动...............................................................................86 5.4 操作过程中.........................................................................88 5.5 停机...............................................................................89 5.6 停止使用...........................................................................90
自以下序列号向前: API 785 000
版权声明 未经许可,禁止使用或复制本手册中所含的全部或任何一部分内容。 这尤其适用于商标、机型命名、零件号和图形。 本使用说明书适用于 CE 机器和未标记 CE 的机器。 符合声明中指明,本使用说明书符合 适用欧盟标准规定的说明要求。
2991 7089 71



DG型气体压力开关使用说明书●请阅读和保持一个安全的地方解释符号●, 1, 2, 3 ... = 功能➔= 用法说明所有工作必须在阅读操作说明后才能进行!警告!不正确的安装、调整、修改、操作或维护可能导致伤害或物质损失。



标准声明We, the manufacturer, hereby declare that the products DG.., marked with product ID No. CE 0085AP0467, comply with the essential requirements of the following Directives:–90/396/EEC in conjunction with EN 1854,–73/23/EEC in conjunction with the relevant standards.The relevant products correspond to the type tested by the notified body 0085. Comprehensive quality assurance is guaranteed by a certifi ed Quality System pursuant to DIN EN ISO 9001 according to annex II, para-graph 3 of Directive 90/396/EEC.Elster Kromschröder GmbH, Osnabrück测试➔电源电压、环境温度和外壳——看类型的标签。

➔最大介质温度:-15 + 80°C。


DG..B型➔正压时1号位置为进气DG..U型, DG..H型, DG..N型➔正压时1号或者2号位置为进气,气体为空气、天然气或者烟气(其他位置密封),通风时气体从3号或者4号位置离开。

LS20S-175&200 VSD 操作手册88290021-145_02

LS20S-175&200 VSD 操作手册88290021-145_02
第六章......................................................................................................................................... 1 概述............................................................................................................................................... 1 劳保用品....................................................................................................................................... 1 火及防爆....................................................................................................................................... 1 运行部件....................................................................................................................................... 1 高温表面和棱边、锐角 ..................................................................................



钟罩箱盖扣合后,用水平吊板(附录 9)向上提起分接开关,把分接开关和开关 头部两者都装到箱盖上。
分接开关从变压器箱盖开孔(安装法 兰)落入,借用螺杆将开关头固定于安装 法兰上。
步骤如下: 1. 将分接开关置于水平台面。 2. 擦净开关头和安装法兰密封面。 3. 在安装法兰上铺放耐油密封垫。 4. 从开关头处吊起分接开关,谨慎地 落入安装法兰的开孔。 5. 注意不要碰坏接线端子。 6. 检查分接开关所安放的位置是否 正确。 7. 将开关头紧固在安装法兰上。
2.1.2 操作轴 选择开关操作轴是直径为φ130 的绝
缘管(Y 接开关下段为钢管),它的上端装 有一个三爪联轴器,与储能机构的槽轮相 联接,下端装一轴承座,安放在油室底部 轴承中心上。管内装有均压罩,中心装有 抽油管,使操作轴固定在轴承中心上。
转换选择器和选择开关切换组件分别 装在操作轴上,操作轴既是传动轴,带动 转换选择器和选择开关切换组件动作,又 是开关主绝缘,承受开关对地的绝缘。 2.1.3 切换组件(触头系统)
对湿度不大于 85%,温度不高于+ 40℃,
4.1 分接开关在箱盖式油箱中的安装(图 8) 4.1.1 安装法兰
开关头在变压器箱盖上安装必须有 一个安装法兰。安装法兰的结构应按开关 头的密封面设计(附录 5)
为使螺杆(M12)位置准确,推荐使 用钻孔样板(附录 6) 4.1.2 开关头在变压器箱盖上的安装
利用在支架和支撑法兰间插入间距 垫块的方法,使分接开关处于在钟罩箱盖 扣合后预计的最终位置,如此就可以准确 的确定到分接开关的引线长度。
调压绕组和分接开关引出端子的接 线,按第 4.3 节的说明进行。



分 已储能
合 未储能
合 已储能
分 分
合 合
分 合
Schneider Electric
07897252En rev.: A0
可以用钥匙和挂锁将断路器锁定于 “分”闸状态
分 已储能
已储能 挂锁结构
已储能 插入一把钥匙并旋转
Schneider Electric
07897252En rev.: A0
条件: 柜门关闭
断路器移出 选择器处于“工作”位置。
条件: 接地刀闸打开 断路器处于分闸状态 无闭锁
选择器处于“移动”位置。 向右旋转手柄以推入断路器,直到断 路器触头与静触指连接到位,手车状 态指示转换以后,停止移动。 断路器已被推入。 选择“工作”位置。
Schneider Electric
07897252En rev.: A0
Evolis 简介
仅限专业人士使用 施耐德电气不对本手册中的信息负责
燃烧、爆炸危险 对此设备进行检查时,必须在断电状态下进行。 必须使用带电显示装置以确认是否带电。 必须在断路器重新通电前恢复所有的保护外壳(比如门或面
条件: 断路器处于分闸状态
柜门关闭 接地刀闸打开
选择“移动”位置 向左旋转操作手柄直至手车状态指示转换 断路器被移出 选择“移出”位置 打开断路器柜门并拔下控制插头。 移出断路器



卓瑞电气ZR-VSD开关状态显示器使用说明书保定市卓瑞电气科技有限公司目录一、概述 (1)二、特点 (1)三、选型说明 (1)四、技术指标 (1)五、工作原理 (2)六、使用方法 (2)七、模拟显示指示图 (3)八、安装方式及接线 (4)九、传感器安装 (7)十、注意事项 (7)十一、原理接线图 (10)一、概述ZR-VSD开关状态显示器是一种多功能、全数字、智能化的高、低压开关柜显示与控制装置, 适用于中置柜、手车柜、固定柜、环网柜等多种开关柜, 集多种功能于一体, 完全取代传统的一次回路模拟指示牌、电磁式开关状态显示器、接地指示器及除湿加热控制器等诸多元件, 简化和美化了面板结构, 方便了组装和接线, 能迅速、直观地反映柜体运行状态, 并能够经过RS-485总线与后台监控计算机组网通信。


二、特点1、高可靠性: 采用光电和电磁隔离技术, 配以工业级元件和专业的抗干扰设计, 同时进行全面的三防处理, 使产品具有优异电磁兼容性能, 并能耐受盐雾、酸雾、霉菌、导电尘埃等的侵蚀;2、功能完备: 集成一次回路模拟图、隔离开关状态、弹簧储能状态、断路器位置、接地刀状态、高压带电指示、高压带电闭锁、温湿度显示与控制、通讯等多种功能;3、全数字化: 采用微控制器技术对开关柜中各元件的工作状态实时采集, 自动进行除湿加热控制与加热回路故障诊断, 并将全部信息上传至上层, , 便于实现对于采用多台开关柜组成的电气一次系统的实时动态运行模拟与远程环境监控;4、快速直观: 面板配有符号管, 数码管和LED, 实时指示开关器件状态, 柜内温湿度值和运行状况;5、无源带电指示: 面板配有超高亮带电指示LED, 可经过带电传感器由主回路高压直接点亮, 装置无需上电即可提醒主回路带电;三、选型说明ZR—VSD开关状态显示卓瑞电气科技四、技术指标1、工作电源: 交流或直流100V~265V.2、使用环境: 温度-25℃~85℃相对湿度<95%RH3、整机功耗: <5W4、抗电强度: AC2500V 50Hz历时1分钟5、绝缘性能: 大于100MΩ6、高压带电指示指示启辉电压 <=15% 额定电压闭锁启控电压 <=65% 额定电压闭锁输出接点常闭型无源接点额定容量AC220V/3A警示: 仅凭带电指示不足以证明系统已经不带电; 如运行程序要求将其作为强制要求, 还应使用符合IEC61243的相关的电压探测器或电压探测装置。

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一、概述 (1)
二、特点 (1)
三、选型说明 (1)
四、技术指标 (1)
五、工作原理 (2)
六、使用方法 (2)
七、模拟显示指示图 (3)
八、安装方式及接线 (4)
九、传感器安装 (7)
十、注意事项 (7)
十一、原理接线图 (10)


4、抗电强度:AC2500V 50Hz历时1分钟
指示启辉电压 <=15% 额定电压
闭锁启控电压 <=65% 额定电压

当湿度大于90% RH时启动加热,湿度小于80%时停止加热;

当温度<5 ℃时启动加热,温度>15℃时停止加热。


通信速率1200/2400/4800/9600bps 键盘设定。















表7-1 ZR-VSD 开关状态显示器模拟指示表
ZR-VSD 开关状态显示器安装方式为盘装方式
最大外形尺寸为200mm ×140mm ×40mm ,开孔尺寸为178mm ×118mm
图8-1 ZR-VSD 开关状态显示器外形尺寸及开孔图(单位:mm )

1、35mm 导轨安装。


图8-1 ZR-VSD传感器外形尺寸图(单位:mm)


3、订货时请注明电源电压 AC/DC110V 或 AC/DC220V。



