Power Derating Curve
0.00 0
TO-251-3L Package Outline Dimensions
2.300 TYP.
Dimensions In Inches
0.091 TYP.
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ELAN EM78F811N 8位微控制器 产品规格书说明书
产品规格书版本1.5义隆电子股份有限公司2021.07商标告之:IBM 为一个注册商标,PS/2是IBM 的商标之一。
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义隆电子股份有限公司 总公司:地址: 30076新竹科学工业园区创新一路12号电话: +886 3 563-9977 传真: +886 3 563-9966 *****************.tw http :// 香港分公司:义隆电子(香港)股份有限公司 地址:九龙观塘巧明街95号世达 中心19楼A 室电话: +852 2723-3376 传真: +852 2723-7780美国:Elan InformationTechnology Group (U.S.A.) 地址: 10268 Bandley Drive Suite 101 , Cupertino , CA 95014,USA 电话: +1 408 366-8225 传真: +1 408 366-8225深圳分公司:义隆电子(深圳)有限公司地址:518057深圳市南山区高新技术产业园南区高新南六道迈科龙大厦8A电话: +86 755 2601-0565 传真: +86 755 2601-0500 ******************.cn上海分公司:义隆电子(上海)有限公司地址:上海市浦东新区盛荣路88弄3号703室(盛大天地源创谷内)电话:+86 21 5080-3866 ******************.cn目录目录1 综述 (1)2 特性 (1)3 引脚配置 (2)3.1 10-Pin MSOP (2)3.2 16-Pin DIP/SOP (2)3.3 14-Pin SOP (2)4 引脚描述 (3)5 系统概述 (5)5.1 内存图 (5)5.2 模块图 (6)6 功能描述 (7)6.1 操作寄存器 (7)6.1.1 R0:IAR (间接寻址寄存器) (7)6.1.2 R1 :TCC(定时器时钟) (7)6.1.3 R2:PC (程序计数器和堆栈) (7)6.1.4 R3 :SR(状态寄存器) (10)6.1.5 R4 :RSR(RAM选择寄存器) (10)6.1.6 Bank 0 R5 ~ R6, R8 (Port 5 ~ Port 6, Port 8) (10)6.1.7 Bank 0 R9:TBLP (指令TBRD表指针寄存器) (11)6.1.8 Bank 0 RA:WUPC (唤醒控制寄存器) (11)6.1.9 Bank 0 RB:EECR (EEPROM控制寄存器) (12)6.1.10 Bank 0 RC: EEPA (128 字节 EEPROM 地址) (12)6.1.11 Bank 0 RD: EEPD (128字节EEPROM 数据) (12)6.1.12 Bank 0 RE: OMCR (模式选择寄存器) (12)6.1.13 Bank 0 RF: ISR1 (中断状态寄存器 1) (15)6.1.14 R10 ~ R3F (15)6.1.15 Bank 1 R5~R7 (16)6.1.16 Bank 1 R8 (IRC 选择寄存器) (16)6.1.17 Bank 1 R9: TM1CR1 (定时器/计数器 1控制寄存器1) (16)6.1.18 Bank 1 RA: TM1CR2(定时器/计数器 1控制寄存器 2) (17)6.1.19 Bank 1 RB: TM1DAH (定时器/计数器 1数据缓冲A高字节) (18)6.1.20 Bank 1 RC: TM1DAL (定时器/计数器 1数据缓冲A低字节) (18)6.1.21 Bank 1 RD: TM1DBH (定时器/计数器 1数据缓冲B高字节) (18)6.1.22 Bank 1 RE: TM1DBL (定时器/计数器 1数据缓冲B低字节) (18)6.1.23 Bank 1 RF: ISR2 (中断状态寄存器 2) (19)6.1.24 Bank 2 R5:AISR (ADC输入选择寄存器) (19)6.1.25 Bank 2 R6: ADCON (A/D控制寄存器) (20)6.1.26 Bank 2 R7: ADCON2 (A/D控制寄存器2) (21)6.1.27 Bank 2 R8 : ADDH (AD高 8位数据缓存) (22)6.1.28 Bank 2 R9 : ADDL (AD低4位数据缓存) (22)6.1.29 Bank 2 RA: URCR (UART控制寄存器) (22)6.1.30 Bank 2 RB: URS (UART 状态寄存器) (23)6.1.31 Bank 2 RC: URTD (UART 发送数据缓冲寄存器) (24)6.1.32 Bank 2 RD: URRDL (UART 接收数据低位缓冲寄存器) (24)目录6.1.33 Bank 2 RE: URRDH (UART 接收数据高位缓冲寄存器) (24)6.1.34 Bank 2 RF (24)6.1.35 Bank 3 R5 (24)6.1.36 Bank 3 R6 : TBHP(指令TBRD的表指针寄存器) (24)6.1.37 Bank 3 R7: CMP2CON(比较器2控制寄存器) (25)6.1.38 Bank 3 R8 ~ RC (25)6.1.39 Bank 3 RD :TC3CR (定时器3控制) (25)6.1.40 Bank 3 RE :TC3D (定时器 3 数据缓存) (27)6.1.41 Bank 3 RF (27)6.2 特殊功能寄存器 (28)6.2.1 A (累加器) (28)6.2.2 CONT (控制寄存器) (28)6.2.3 IOC5 ~ IOC6, IOC8 (I/O端口控制寄存器) (28)6.2.4 IOC7, IOC9 (28)6.2.5 IOCA:WDTCR (WDT 控制寄存器) (29)6.2.6 IOCB: P6PDCR (下拉控制寄存器2) (29)6.2.7 IOCC: P6ODCR (漏极开路控制寄存器) (30)6.2.8 IOCD: P9PHCR (上拉控制寄存器2) (30)6.2.9 IOCE:IMR2 (中断屏蔽寄存器2) (31)6.2.10 IOCF: IMR1(中断屏蔽寄存器1) (31)6.3 TCC/WDT 与预分频器 (33)6.4 I/O 端口 (34)6.4.1 使用端口6输入状态改变唤醒/中断功能 (36)6.5 复位和唤醒 (37)6.5.1 复位 (37)6.5.2 总结唤醒和中断模式操作 (39)6.5.3 寄存器初始值的总结 (42)6.5.4 状态寄存器的T和P状态 (49)6.6 中断 (50)6.7 数据EEPROM (52)6.7.1 数据EEPROM控制寄存器 (52)6.7.2 编程步骤 / 举例示范 (52)6.8 模拟数字转换器(ADC) (53)6.8.1 A/D 取样时间 (53)6.8.2 A/D 转换时间 (54)6.8.3 睡眠期间的A/D转换 (54)6.8.4 编程步骤/注意事项 (55)6.9 定时器/计数器1 (TM1) (58)6.9.1 定时器/计数器模式 (58)6.9.2 窗口模式 (59)6.9.3 捕捉模式 (60)6.9.4 可编程分频输出模式和脉冲宽度调制模式 (62)6.9.5 蜂鸣器 (63)6.10 定时器/计数器3 (63)6.11 UART (65)6.11.1 UART 模式 (66)6.11.2 发送 (67)目录6.11.3 接收 (67)6.11.4 波特率发生器 (68)6.11 .5 UART 时序 (68)6.12 比较器 (69)6.12.1 外部参考信号 (69)6.12.2 内部参考电压 (70)6.12.3 比较器输出 (70)6.12.4 中断 (70)6.12.5 从睡眠至唤醒 (70)6.12.6 比较器初始化步骤 (71)6.13 振荡器 (71)6.13.1 振荡模式 (71)6.13.2 晶振 / 陶瓷谐振器(晶体) (72)6.13.3 外部RC振荡模式 (73)6.13.4 内部 RC 振荡模式 (74)6.14 代码选项寄存器 (75)6.14.1 代码选项寄存器 (Word 0) (75)6.14.2 代码选项寄存器(Word 1) (77)6.14.3 客户ID寄存器(Word 2) (78)6.15 上电注意事项 (79)6.16 外部上电复位电路 (79)6.17 残留电压保护 (80)6.18 指令集 (81)7片上调试系统(OCDS) (84)7.1 片上调试的限制 (84)8 时序图 (85)9 绝对最大额定参数 (86)10 DC电气特性 (87)11 AC电气特性 (92)A 编码与制造信息 (93)B 封装类型 (94)C 封装结构 (95)C.1 EM78F811NMS10 (95)C.2 EM78F811NSO14 (96)C.3 EM78F811NAD16 (97)C.4 EM78F811NASO16A (98)D 品质保证和可靠性 (99)D.1 地址缺陷检测 (99)目录规格修订历史目录用户应用注意事项(使用此IC前,应注意如下描述的注意事项,它包含重要信息)1. 如果IRC频率从A频率变为B频率,MCU需要等待一些时间才可以工作。
LM341/LM78MXX Series3-Terminal Positive Voltage RegulatorsGeneral DescriptionThe LM341and LM78MXX series of three-terminal positive voltage regulators employ built-in current limiting,thermal shutdown,and safe-operating area protection which makes them virtually immune to damage from output overloads.With adequate heatsinking,they can deliver in excess of 0.5A output current.Typical applications would include local (on-card)regulators which can eliminate the noise and de-graded performance associated with single-point regulation.Featuresn Output current in excess of 0.5A n No external componentsn Internal thermal overload protection n Internal short circuit current-limitingn Output transistor safe-area compensationnAvailable in TO-220,TO-39,and TO-252D-PAK packagesn Output voltages of 5V,12V,and 15VConnection DiagramsTO-39Metal Can Package (H)DS010484-5Bottom ViewOrder Number LM78M05CH,LM78M12CH or LM78M15CHSee NS Package Number H03ATO-220Power Package (T)DS010484-6Top ViewOrder Number LM341T-5.0,LM341T-12,LM341T-15,LM78M05CT,LM78M12CT or LM78M15CTSee NS Package Number T03BTO-252DS010484-19Top ViewOrder Number LM78M05CDT See NS Package Number TD03BJuly 1999LM341/LM78MXX Series 3-Terminal Positive Voltage Regulators©1999National Semiconductor Corporation Absolute Maximum Ratings(Note1)If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/ Distributors for availability and specifications.Lead Temperature(Soldering,10seconds)TO-39Package(H)300˚C TO-220Package(T)260˚C Storage Temperature Range−65˚C to+150˚C Operating Junction TemperatureRange−40˚C to+125˚C Power Dissipation(Note2)Internally Limited Input Voltage5V≤V O≤15V35V ESD Susceptibility TBDElectrical CharacteristicsLimits in standard typeface are for T J=25˚C,and limits in boldface type apply over the−40˚C to+125˚C operating temperature range.Limits are guaranteed by production testing or correlation techniques using standard Statistical Quality Control(SQC) methods.LM341-5.0,LM78M05CUnless otherwise specified:V IN=10V,C IN=0.33µF,C O=0.1µFSymbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Units V O Output Voltage I L=500mA 4.8 5.0 5.2V5mA≤I L≤500mA 4.75 5.0 5.25P D≤7.5W,7.5V≤V IN≤20VV R LINE Line Regulation7.2V≤V IN≤25V I L=100mA50mVI L=500mA100V R LOAD Load Regulation5mA≤I L≤500mA100I Q Quiescent Current I L=500mA410.0mA ∆I Q Quiescent Current Change5mA≤I L≤500mA0.57.5V≤V IN≤25V,I L=500mA 1.0V n Output Noise Voltage f=10Hz to100kHz40µVElectrical CharacteristicsLimits in standard typeface are for T J=25˚C,and limits in boldface type apply over the−40˚C to+125˚C operating temperature range.Limits are guaranteed by production testing or correlation techniques using standard Statistical Quality Control(SQC) methods.(Continued)LM341-12,LM78M12CUnless otherwise specified:V IN=19V,C IN=0.33µF,C O=0.1µFSymbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max UnitsV O Output Voltage I L=500mA11.51212.5V5mA≤I L≤500mA11.41212.6P D≤7.5W,14.8V≤V IN≤27VV R LINE Line Regulation14.5V≤V IN≤30V I L=100mA120mVI L=500mA240V R LOAD Load Regulation5mA≤I L≤500mA240I Q Quiescent Current I L=500mA410.0mA∆I Q Quiescent Current Change5mA≤I L≤500mA0.514.8V≤V IN≤30V,I L=500mA 1.0V n Output Noise Voltage f=10Hz to100kHz75µVRipple Rejection f=120Hz,I L=500mA69dBV IN Input Voltage Required I L=500mA17.6V to Maintain Line Regulation∆V O Long Term Stability I L=500mA60mV/khrs Note1:Absolute maximum ratings indicate limits beyond which damage to the component may occur.Electrical specifications do not apply when operating the de-vice outside of its rated operating conditions.Note2:The typical thermal resistance of the three package types is:T(TO-220)package:θ(JA)=60˚C/W,θ(JC)=5˚C/WH(TO-39)package:θ(JA)=120˚C/W,θ(JC)=18˚C/WDT(TO-252)package:θ(JA)=92˚C/W,θ(JC)=10˚C/W3Schematic DiagramDS010484-1 4Typical Performance CharacteristicsPeak Output CurrentDS010484-10Ripple RejectionDS010484-11Ripple RejectionDS010484-12Dropout VoltageDS010484-13Output Voltage(Normalizedto1V at T J=25˚C)DS010484-14Quiescent CurrentDS010484-15 5Typical Performance Characteristics(Continued)Design ConsiderationsThe LM78MXX/LM341XX fixed voltage regulator series has built-in thermal overload protection which prevents the de-vice from being damaged due to excessive junction tem-perature.The regulators also contain internal short-circuit protection which limits the maximum output current,and safe-area pro-tection for the pass transistor which reduces the short-circuit current as the voltage across the pass transistor is in-creased.Although the internal power dissipation is automatically lim-ited,the maximum junction temperature of the device must be kept below +125˚C in order to meet data sheet specifica-tions.An adequate heatsink should be provided to assure this limit is not exceeded under worst-case operating condi-tions (maximum input voltage and load current)if reliable performance is to be obtained).1.0Heatsink ConsiderationsWhen an integrated circuit operates with appreciable cur-rent,its junction temperature is elevated.It is important to quantify its thermal limits in order to achieve acceptable per-formance and reliability.This limit is determined by summing the individual parts consisting of a series of temperature rises from the semiconductor junction to the operating envi-ronment.A one-dimension steady-state model of conduction heat transfer is demonstrated in The heat generated at thedevice junction flows through the die to the die attach pad,through the lead frame to the surrounding case material,to the printed circuit board,and eventually to the ambient envi-ronment.Below is a list of variables that may affect the ther-mal resistance and in turn the need for a heatsink.R θJC (Component Variables)R θCA (Application Variables)Leadframe Size &Material Mounting Pad Size,Material,&LocationNo.of Conduction Pins Placement of Mounting Pad Die SizePCB Size &Material Die Attach MaterialTraces Length &WidthMolding Compound Size and MaterialAdjacent Heat Sources Volume of Air Air FlowAmbient Temperature Shape of Mounting PadQuiescent CurrentDS010484-16Output ImpedanceDS010484-17Line Transient Response DS010484-7Load Transient ResponseDS010484-86Design Considerations(Continued)The LM78MXX/LM341XX regulators have internal thermal shutdown to protect the device from over-heating.Under all possible operating conditions,the junction temperature of the LM78MXX/LM341XX must be within the range of 0˚C to 125˚C.A heatsink may be required depending on the maxi-mum power dissipation and maximum ambient temperature of the application.To determine if a heatsink is needed,the power dissipated by the regulator,P D ,must be calculated:I IN =I L +I GP D =(V IN −V OUT )I L +V IN I Gshows the voltages and currents which are present in the circuit.The next parameter which must be calculated is the maxi-mum allowable temperature rise,T R (max):θJA =TR (max)/P D If the maximum allowable value for θJA ˚C/w is found to be ≥60˚C/W for TO-220package or ≥92˚C/W for TO-252pack-age,no heatsink is needed since the package alone will dis-sipate enough heat to satisfy these requirements.If the cal-culated value for θJA fall below these limits,a heatsink is required.As a design aid,Table 1shows the value of the θJA of TO-252for different heatsink area.The copper patterns that we used to measure these θJA are shown at the end of the Application Note Section.reflects the same test results as what are in the Table 1shows the maximum allowable power dissipation vs.ambi-ent temperature for theTO-252device.shows the maximum allowable power dissipation vs.copper area (in 2)for the TO-252device.Please see AN1028for power enhancement techniques to be used with TO-252package.TABLE 1.θJA Different Heatsink AreaLayoutCopper AreaThermal Resistance Top Sice (in 2)*Bottom Side (in 2)(θJA ,˚C/W)TO-25210.0123010320.06608730.306040.5305450.7605261047700.284800.470900.6631000.857110157120.0660.06689130.1750.17572140.2840.28461150.3920.39255160.50.553*Tab of device attached to topside copperDS010484-23FIGURE 1.Cross-sectional view of Integrated Circuit Mounted on a printed circuit board.Note that the case temperature is measured at the point where the leadscontact with the mounting pad surface DS010484-24FIGURE 2.Power Dissipation Diagram7Design Considerations(Continued)Typical ApplicationDS010484-20FIGURE 3.θJA vs.2oz Copper Area for TO-252DS010484-22FIGURE 4.Maximum Allowable Power Dissipation vs.Ambient Temperature for TO-252DS010484-21FIGURE 5.Maximum Allowable Power Dissipation vs.2oz.Copper Area for TO-252DS010484-9*Required if regulator input is more than 4inches from input filter capacitor (or if no input filter capacitor is used).**Optional for improved transient response. 8Physical Dimensions inches(millimeters)unless otherwise notedTO-39Metal Can Package(H)Order Number LM78M05CH,LM78M12CH or LM78M15CHNS Package Number H03A9Physical Dimensions inches(millimeters)unless otherwise noted(Continued)TO-220Power Package(T)Order Number LM341T-5.0,LM341T-12,LM341T-15,LM78M05CT,LM78M12CT or LM78M15CTNS Package Number T03B10Physical Dimensionsinches (millimeters)unless otherwise noted (Continued)LIFE SUPPORT POLICYNATIONAL’S PRODUCTS ARE NOT AUTHORIZED FOR USE AS CRITICAL COMPONENTS IN LIFE SUPPORT DEVICES OR SYSTEMS WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE PRESIDENT AND GENERAL COUNSEL OF NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION.As used herein:1.Life support devices or systems are devices or systems which,(a)are intended for surgical implant into the body,or (b)support or sustain life,and whose failure to perform when properly used in accordance with instructions for use provided in the labeling,can be reasonably expected to result in a significant injury to the user.2.A critical component is any component of a life support device or system whose failure to perform can be reasonably expected to cause the failure of the life support device or system,or to affect its safety or effectiveness.National Semiconductor Corporation AmericasTel:1-800-272-9959Fax:1-800-737-7018Email:support@National Semiconductor EuropeFax:+49(0)180-5308586Email:europe.support@Deutsch Tel:+49(0)180-5308585English Tel:+49(0)180-5327832Français Tel:+49(0)180-5329358Italiano Tel:+49(0)180-5341680National Semiconductor Asia Pacific Customer Response Group Tel:65-2544466Fax:65-2504466Email:sea.support@National Semiconductor Japan Ltd.Tel:81-3-5639-7560Fax:81-3-5639-7507TO-252Order Number LM78M05CDT NS Package Number TD03BLM341/LM78MXX Series 3-Terminal Positive Voltage RegulatorsNational does not assume any responsibility for use of any circuitry described,no circuit patent licenses are implied and National reserves the right at any time without notice to change said circuitry and specifications.元器件交易网。
1/14August 2001sHIGH SPEED : f MAX = 61 MHz (TYP .) at V CC = 6V sLOW POWER DISSIPATION:I CC =4µA(MAX.) at T A =25°C sHIGH NOISE IMMUNITY:V NIH = V NIL = 28 % V CC (MIN.)sSYMMETRICAL OUTPUT IMPEDANCE:|I OH | = I OL = 4mA (MIN)sBALANCED PROPAGATION DELAYS:t PLH ≅ t PHLsWIDE OPERATING VOLTAGE RANGE:V CC (OPR) = 2V to 6VsPIN AND FUNCTION COMPATIBLE WITH 74 SERIES 191DESCRIPTIONThe M74HC191 is an high speed CMOS 4-BIT SYNCHRONOUS UP/DOWN COUNTER fabricated with silicon gate C 2MOS technology.State changes of the counter are synchronous with the LOW-to-HIGH transition of the Clock Pulse Input.An asynchronous parallel load input overrides counting and loads the data present on the DATA inputs into the flip-flops, which makes it possible to use the circuits as programmable counters. A count enable input serves as the carry/borrowinput in multi-stage counters. Control input, Down/Up, determines whether a circuit counts up or down. A MAX/MIN output and a Ripple Clock output provide overflow/underflow indication and make possible a variety of methods for generating carry/borrow signals in multi-stage counter applications.All inputs are equipped with protection circuits against static discharge and transient excess voltage.M74HC1914 BIT SYNCHRONOUS UP/DOWN COUNTERSPIN CONNECTION AND IEC LOGIC SYMBOLSORDER CODESPACKAGE TUBE T & RDIP M74HC191B1R SOP M74HC191M1RM74HC191RM13TR TSSOPM74HC191TTRM74HC1912/14INPUT AND OUTPUT EQUIVALENT CIRCUITPIN DESCRIPTIONTRUTH TABLEa - d : The level of steady state inputs a through d respectivelyPIN No SYMBOL NAME AND FUNCTION3, 2, 6, 7QA to QDFlip-Flop Outputs 4ENABLECount Enable Input(Active LOW)5U/D Parallel Data Input 11LOAD Load Input (Active LOW)12MA/MI OUT Terminal Count Output13RCRipple Clock Output(Active LOW)14CLOCKClock Input (LOW toHIGH, edge triggered)15, 1, 10, 9DA to DD Data Inputs 8GND Ground (0V)16Vcc Positive Supply VoltageM74HC191 LOGIC DIAGRAM3/14M74HC1914/14TIMING CHARTABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSAbsolute Maximum Ratings are those values beyond which damage to the device may occur. Functional operation under these conditions is not implied(*) 500mW at 65 °C; derate to 300mW by 10mW/°C from 65°C to 85°CSymbol ParameterValue Unit V CC Supply Voltage -0.5 to +7V V I DC Input Voltage -0.5 to V CC + 0.5V V O DC Output Voltage -0.5 to V CC + 0.5V I IK DC Input Diode Current ± 20mA I OK DC Output Diode Current ± 20mA I ODC Output Current± 25mA I CC or I GND DC V CC or Ground Current± 50mA P D Power Dissipation500(*)mW T stg Storage Temperature -65 to +150°C T LLead Temperature (10 sec)300°CM74HC1915/14RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONSDC SPECIFICATIONSSymbol ParameterValue Unit V CC Supply Voltage 2 to 6V V I Input Voltage 0 to V CC V V O Output Voltage 0 to V CC V T op Operating Temperature -55 to 125°C t r , t fInput Rise and Fall TimeV CC = 2.0V 0 to 1000ns V CC = 4.5V 0 to 500ns V CC = 6.0V0 to 400nsSymbolParameterTest ConditionValue UnitV CC (V)T A = 25°C -40 to 85°C -55 to 125°C Min.Typ.Max.Min.Max.Min.Max.V IHHigh Level Input Voltage2.0 1.5 1.5 1.5V 4.53.15 3.15 ILLow Level Input Voltage2. 1.35 1.35 1.356.0 OHHigh Level Output Voltage2.0I O =-20 µA 1.9 2.0 1.9 1.9V4.5I O =-20 µA 4.4 4.5 4.4 4.46.0I O =-20 µA5.96.0 5.9 5.94.5I O =-4.0 mA 4.18 4.31 4.13 4.106.0I O =-5.2 mA 5.685.8 5.635.60V OLLow Level Output Voltage2.0I O =20 µA 4.5I O =20 µA O =20 µA O =4.0 mA O =5.2 mA I Input Leakage Current6.0V I = V CC or GND ± 0.1± 1± 1µA I CCQuiescent Supply Current6.0V I = V CC or GND44080µAM74HC1916/14AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (C L = 50 pF, Input t r = t f = 6ns)SymbolParameterTest ConditionValue UnitV CC (V)T A = 25°C -40 to 85°C -55 to 125°C Min.Typ.Max.Min.Max.Min.Max.t TLH t THL Output TransitionTime 2.0307595110ns 4.581519226.07131619t PLH t PHL Propagation DelayTime(CLOCK - Q)2.092180225270ns4.5233645546.020313846t PLH t PHL Propagation DelayTime(CLOCK - RCO)2.0391********ns4.5132430366.011202631t PLH t PHL Propagation DelayTime (CLOCK - MAX/MIN) 2.0120240300360ns4.5304860726.026415161t PLH t PHL Propagation DelayTime (LOAD - Q) 2.0108205255310ns4.5274151616.023354353t PLH t PHL Propagation DelayTime (DATA - Q) 2.084175220265ns4.5213544536.018303745t PLH t PHL Propagation DelayTime (ENABLE - RCO) 2.0391********ns4.5132126326.011182227t PLH t PHL Propagation DelayTime (D/U - RCO) 2.063180225270ns4.5213645546.018313846t PLH t PHL Propagation DelayTime (D/U - MAX/MIN) 2.064160200240ns4.5183240486.015273441f MAXMaximum Clock Frequency 2.0 6.294 3.4MHz4.5313720176.037442420t W(H) t W(L)Minimum Pulse Width (CLOCK) 2.040100125150ns4.5102025306.09172126t W(L)Minimum Pulse Width (LOAD) 2.0367595110ns4.591519226.08131619t sMinimum Set-up Time(SI, PI - CK) 2.080175220265ns4.5203544536.017303745t sMinimum Set-up Time(S0, S1 - CK) 2.016506075ns4.541012156.0391113t hMinimum Hold Time2.0000ns4.50006.0M74HC1917/14CAPACITIVE CHARACTERISTICS1) C PD is defined as the value of the IC’s internal equivalent capacitance which is calculated from the operating current consumption without load. (Refer to Test Circuit). Average operating current can be obtained by the following equation. I CC(opr) = C PD x V CC x f IN + I CCTEST CIRCUITL R T = Z OUT of pulse generator (typically 50Ω)t REMMinimum Removal Time (CLEAR)2.012506065ns 4.531012156.0391113SymbolParameterTest ConditionValue UnitV CC (V)T A = 25°C -40 to 85°C -55 to 125°C Min.Typ.Max.Min.Max.Min.Max.C IN Input Capacitance 5.05101010pF C PDPower Dissipation Capacitance (note 1)5.0112pF SymbolParameterTest ConditionValue UnitV CC (V)T A = 25°C -40 to 85°C -55 to 125°C Min.Typ.Max.Min.Max.Min.Max.M74HC191WAVEFORM 1: PROPAGATION DELAY TIME, MINIMUM PULSE WIDTH (CLOCK)(f=1MHz; 50% duty cycle)WAVEFORM 2 : PROPAGATION DELAY TIME, SETUP AND HOLD TIME (A-D TO LOAD) (f=1MHz; 50% duty cycle)8/14M74HC1919/14WAVEFORM 3 : MINIMUM PULSE WIDTH (LOAD) AND REMOVAL TIME (LOAD TO CLOCK) (f=1MHz; 50% duty cycle)WAVEFORM 4 : PROPAGATION DELAY TIME(f=1MHz; 50% duty cycle)M74HC19110/14WAVEFORM 5 : PROPAGATION DELAY TIME (f=1MHz; 50% duty cycle)WAVEFORM 6 : SETUP AND HOLD TIME(f=1MHz; 50% duty cycle)Information furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, STMicroelectronics assumes no responsibility for the consequences of use of such information nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of STMicroelectronics. Specifications mentioned in this publication are subject to change without notice. This publication supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied. STMicroelectronics products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without express written approval of STMicroelectronics.© The ST logo is a registered trademark of STMicroelectronics© 2001 STMicroelectronics - Printed in Italy - All Rights ReservedSTMicroelectronics GROUP OF COMPANIESAustralia - Brazil - China - Finland - France - Germany - Hong Kong - India - Italy - Japan - Malaysia - Malta - MoroccoSingapore - Spain - Sweden - Switzerland - United Kingdom© 14/14。
LM 7818 中文规格书
符号 Vo Vo △Vo △Vo Id
参数 Output Voltage 输出电压 Output Voltage 输出电压 Line Regulation
线性调整率 Load Regulation 负载调整率 Quiescent Current 静态电流
Short Circuit Current Change 短路电流 变化
Io = 5 to 350mA
IO = 5mA Tj = 0 to 125℃ B = 10Hz to 100KHz Vi = 35 V
典型Βιβλιοθήκη 17.317.1Max
18.9 V
100 mV
360 mV
6 mA
0.5 A
-1.1 100 240
mV/℃ uV mA
Output Voltage Drift 输出电压漂移
Output Voltage Drift ΔVO/ΔTIO
Output Noise Voltage eN
Short Circuit Current Isc
Test Concitions
测试条件 空载 Io 5 to 350mA,VI =21V to 33V Vi = 24 to 33 v Lo=200mA Vi = 5 Lo 500mA Tj=25℃
三端稳压集成电路 LM7818 中文资料表
TO - 220FP 封装
Figure :
Fixed Output Regulator
文档* * 电器制造有限公司产品规格书型号:*****芳香器2007 年 4 月28 日制定[变更履历]本规格书适用于****电器制造有限公司针对出口销售于日本国内100V制造的专用产品芳香器。
3)空间距离、沿面距离导电体与其它导电体之间的距离 2.5mm以上导电体非导电体之间的距离 2.0mm以上4)内部配线不能触及可动部、高温部、配线装入时不要过分用力。
5)电装部品①、风扇/马达DFB802024L DC 无刷马达24V 1.9W②、恒温器SS1-L AC 125V 2A 78℃±4℃ (OFF)③、云母发热器100V 20W④、门开关SS-01GL-E欧姆龙微型开关DC 30V 0.1A⑤、齿轮马达开关SS-01-E欧姆龙微型开关DC 30V 0.1A⑥、齿轮马达MT8-4 AC100V 50/60Hz 3/2.5W 2.5/3rpm⑦、热敏电阻150-503-7616 R(25℃)=50KΩ B(25℃/50℃)3,590KΩ(3950 KΩ)⑥、电源线线:PVC线VFF 2×0.75㎟(0.18/30芯)灰色3.1M(有效长)±30mm, JET 2220-12009-1001插头:PP成形插头 JET 0883-43001-1001⑦、主基板环氧树脂CEM-1 电流保险丝AC 125V 1A装倾倒开关⑧、操作基板・遥控基板环氧树脂CEM-1 红外线频率38kHz6)包装符合包装仕样书要求。
V V 驱动输出部
3.7 、时序特性(25±10℃)
最小 典型 最大
-- -fCLK
-- --
twCLK 30 --
数据建立时间 testup DI 30 --
数据保持时间 thold DI 30 --
8 MHz
5 MHz -- ns -- ns -- ns
2、 规格参数
项目 打印方法 有效打印宽度(毫米) 点密度(点/毫米) 打印点数 纸张宽度(毫米) 点间距(毫米) 点大小 最大打印速度 走纸精度 打印头温度侦测 缺纸侦测 打印头工作电压(DCV) 逻辑工作电压(DCV) 电机工作电压(DCV) 工作温度 工作湿度 储藏温度 储藏湿度 机械噪音 胶辊开合次数 对热敏纸牵引力 对热敏纸抓握制动力
9º(1-2 相激励)
0.0625 毫米
10 Ω±7%
0.357 A
双极,双相驱动(或 1~2 相)
CA58 的步进电机采用 1-2 相驱动方 式,有 4 个位置。如下表所示:
表 10
+ -
表 5 热敏电阻温度表:
温度 (℃) -20
阻值 KΩ) 269
温度 (℃)
阻值 (KΩ)
三端稳压器_ST 78M05
1/21January 2004s OUTPUT CURRENT TO 0.5AsOUTPUT VOLTAGES OF 5;6;8;9;12;15;18;20;24Vs THERMAL OVERLOAD PROTECTION s SHORT CIRCUIT PROTECTIONsOUTPUT TRANSITION SOA PROTECTIONDESCRIPTIONThe L78M00series of three-terminal positive regulators is available in TO-220,TO-220FP,DPAK and IPAK packages and with several fixed output voltages,making it useful in a wide range of applications.These regulators can provide local on-card regulation,eliminating the distribution problems associated with single point regulation.Each type employs internal current limiting,thermal shut-down and safe area protection,making it essentially indestructible.If adequate heat sinking is provided,they can deliver over 0.5A output current.Although designed primarily as fixed voltage regulators,these devices can beused with external components to obtainadjustable voltage and currents.L78M00SERIESPOSITIVE VOLTAGEREGULATORSL78M00SERIES2/21ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSAbsolute Maximum Ratings are those values beyond which damage to the device may occur.Functional operation under these condition is not implied.THERMAL DATASHEMATIC DIAGRAMSymbol ParameterValue Unit V I DC Input Voltage (for V O =5to 18V)(for V O =20,24V)3540V V I O Output Current Internally Limited mA P D Power DissipationInternally Limited mW T stg Storage Temperature Range-65to +150°C T opOperating Junction Temperature Range0to +150°CSymbol ParameterTO-220TO-220FPDPAK IPAKUnit R thj-case Thermal Resistance Junction-case 358°C/W R thj-ambThermal Resistance Junction-ambient5060100°C/WL78M00SERIES3/21CONNECTION DIAGRAM (top view)ORDERING CODES(*)Available in Tape &Reel with the suffix "-TR".APPLICATION CIRCUITSTYPE TO-220TO-220FP DPAK (*)IPAK OUTPUT VOLTAGE L78M05L78M05CV L78M05CP L78M05CDT L78M05CDT-15V L78M06L78M06CV L78M06CP L78M06CDT L78M06CDT-16V L78M08L78M08CV L78M08CP L78M08CDT L78M08CDT-18V L78M09L78M09CV L78M09CP L78M09CDT L78M09CDT-19V L78M10L78M10CV L78M10CP L78M10CDT L78M10CDT-110V L78M12L78M12CV L78M12CP L78M12CDT L78M12CDT-112V L78M15L78M15CV L78M15CP L78M15CDT L78M15CDT-115V L78M18L78M18CV L78M18CP L78M18CDT L78M18CDT-118VL78M20L78M20CV L78M20CP L78M20CDT L78M20CDT-120V L78M24L78M24CVL78M24CPL78M24CDTL78M24CDT-124VL78M00SERIES4/21TEST CIRCUITS Figure 1:DC ParameterFigure 2:Load RegulationFigure 3:RippleRejectionL78M00SERIES5/21ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF L78M05C (refer to the test circuits,T J =25°C,V I =10V,I O =350mA,C I =0.33µF,C O =0.1µF unless otherwise specified).ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF L78M06C (refer to the test circuits,T J =25°C,V I =11V,I O =350mA,C I =0.33µF,C O =0.1µF unless otherwise specified).Symbol ParameterTest ConditionsMin.Typ.Max.Unit V O Output Voltage 4.85 5.2V V O Output Voltage I O =5to 350mA V I =7to 20V 4.7555.25V ∆V O Line Regulation V I =7to 25V I O =200mA 100mVV I =8to 25V I O =200mA 50∆V O Load Regulation I O =5to 500mA T J =25°C 100mV I O =5to 200mAT J =25°C50I d Quiescent Current 6mA ∆I dQuiescent Current ChangeI O =5to 350mA 0.5mA I O =200mAV I =8to 25V 0.8∆V O /∆T Output Voltage Drift I O =5mA T J =0to 125°C -0.5mV/°C SVR Supply Voltage Rejection V I =8to 18V f =120HzI O =300mA 62dB eN Output Noise Voltage B =10Hz to 100KHz 40µV V d Dropout Voltage 2V I scShort Circuit CurrentV I =35V300mA Symbol ParameterTest ConditionsMin.Typ.Max.Unit V O Output Voltage 5.756 6.25V V O Output Voltage I O =5to 350mA V I =8to 21V 5.766.3V ∆V O Line Regulation V I =8to 25V I O =200mA 100mVV I =9to 25V I O =200mA 50∆V O Load Regulation I O =5to 500mA T J =25°C 120mV I O =5to 200mAT J =25°C60I d Quiescent Current 6mA ∆I dQuiescent Current ChangeI O =5to 350mA 0.5mA I O =200mAV I =9to 25V 0.8∆V O /∆T Output Voltage Drift I O =5mA T J =0to 125°C -0.5mV/°C SVR Supply Voltage Rejection V I =9to 19V f =120HzI O =300mA 59dB eN Output Noise Voltage B =10Hz to 100KHz 45µV V d Dropout Voltage 2V I scShort Circuit CurrentV I =35V270mAL78M00SERIES6/21ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF L78M08C (refer to the test circuits,T J =25°C,V I =14V,I O =350mA,C I =0.33µF,C O =0.1µF unless otherwise specified).ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF L78M09C (refer to the test circuits,T J =25°C,V I =15V,I O =350mA,C I =0.33µF,C O =0.1µF unless otherwise specified).Symbol ParameterTest ConditionsMin.Typ.Max.Unit V O Output Voltage 7.788.3V V O Output Voltage I O =5to 350mA V I =10.5to 23V 7.688.4V ∆V O Line Regulation V I =10.5to 25V I O =200mA 100mVV I =11to 25V I O =200mA 50∆V O Load Regulation I O =5to 500mA T J =25°C 160mV I O =5to 200mAT J =25°C80I d Quiescent Current 6mA ∆I dQuiescent Current ChangeI O =5to 350mA 0.5mA I O =200mAV I =10.5to 25V 0.8∆V O /∆T Output Voltage Drift I O =5mAT J =0to 125°C-0.5mV/°C SVR Supply Voltage Rejection V I =11.5to 21.5V f =120Hz I O =300mA 56dB eN Output Noise Voltage B =10Hz to 100KHz 52µV V d Dropout Voltage 2V I scShort Circuit CurrentV I =35V250mA Symbol ParameterTest ConditionsMin.Typ.Max.Unit V O Output Voltage 8.6599.35V V O Output Voltage I O =5to 350mA V I =11.5to 24V 8.5599.45V ∆V O Line Regulation V I =11.5to 25V I O =200mA 100mVV I =12to 25V I O =200mA 50∆V O Load Regulation I O =5to 500mA T J =25°C 180mV I O =5to 200mAT J =25°C90I d Quiescent Current 6mA ∆I dQuiescent Current ChangeI O =5to 350mA 0.5mA I O =200mAV I =11.5to 25V 0.8∆V O /∆T Output Voltage Drift I O =5mA T J =0to 125°C -0.5mV/°C SVR Supply Voltage Rejection V I =12.5to 23V f =120HzI O =300mA 56dB eN Output Noise Voltage B =10Hz to 100KHz 58µV V d Dropout Voltage 2V I scShort Circuit CurrentV I =35V250mAL78M00SERIES7/21ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF L78M10C (refer to the test circuits,T J =25°C,V I =16V,I O =350mA,C I =0.33µF,C O =0.1µF unless otherwise specified).ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF L78M12C (refer to the test circuits,T J =25°C,V I =19V,I O =350mA,C I =0.33µF,C O =0.1µF unless otherwise specified).Symbol ParameterTest ConditionsMin.Typ.Max.Unit V O Output Voltage 9.61010.4V V O Output Voltage I O =5to 350mA V I =12.5to 25V 9.51010.5V ∆V O Line Regulation V I =12.5to 30V I O =200mA 100mVV I =13to 30V I O =200mA 50∆V O Load Regulation I O =5to 500mA T J =25°C 200mV I O =5to 200mAT J =25°C100I d Quiescent Current 6mA ∆I dQuiescent Current ChangeI O =5to 350mA 0.5mA I O =200mAV I =12.5to 30V 0.8∆V O /∆T Output Voltage Drift I O =5mA T J =0to 125°C -0.5mV/°C SVR Supply Voltage Rejection V I =13.5to 24V f =120HzI O =300mA 56dB eN Output Noise Voltage B =10Hz to 100KHz 64µV V d Dropout Voltage 2V I scShort Circuit CurrentV I =35V245mA Symbol ParameterTest ConditionsMin.Typ.Max.Unit V O Output Voltage 11.51212.5V V O Output Voltage I O =5to 350mA V I =14.5to 27V 11.41212.6V ∆V O Line Regulation V I =14.5to 30V I O =200mA 100mVV I =16to 30V I O =200mA 50∆V O Load Regulation I O =5to 500mA T J =25°C 240mV I O =5to 200mAT J =25°C120I d Quiescent Current 6mA ∆I dQuiescent Current ChangeI O =5to 350mA 0.5mA I O =200mAV I =14.5to 30V 0.8∆V O /∆T Output Voltage Drift I O =5mA T J =0to 125°C -1mV/°C SVR Supply Voltage Rejection V I =15to 25V f =120HzI O =300mA 55dB eN Output Noise Voltage B =10Hz to 100KHz 75µV V d Dropout Voltage 2V I scShort Circuit CurrentV I =35V240mAL78M00SERIES8/21ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF L78M15C (refer to the test circuits,T J =25°C,V I =23V,I O =350mA,C I =0.33µF,C O =0.1µF unless otherwise specified).ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF L78M18C (refer to the test circuits,T J =25°C,V I =26V,I O =350mA,C I =0.33µF,C O =0.1µF unless otherwise specified).Symbol ParameterTest ConditionsMin.Typ.Max.Unit V O Output Voltage 14.41515.6V V O Output Voltage I O =5to 350mA V I =17.5to 30V 14.251515.75V ∆V O Line Regulation V I =17.5to 30V I O =200mA 100mVV I =20to 30V I O =200mA 50∆V O Load Regulation I O =5to 500mA T J =25°C 300mV I O =5to 200mAT J =25°C150I d Quiescent Current 6mA ∆I dQuiescent Current ChangeI O =5to 350mA 0.5mA I O =200mAV I =17.5to 30V 0.8∆V O /∆T Output Voltage Drift I O =5mAT J =0to 125°C-1mV/°C SVR Supply Voltage Rejection V I =18.5to 28.5V f =120Hz I O =300mA 54dB eN Output Noise Voltage B =10Hz to 100KHz 90µV V d Dropout Voltage 2V I scShort Circuit CurrentV I =35V240mA Symbol ParameterTest ConditionsMin.Typ.Max.Unit V O Output Voltage 17.31818.7V V O Output Voltage I O =5to 350mA V I =20.5to 33V 17.11818.9V ∆V O Line Regulation V I =21to 33V I O =200mA 100mVV I =24to 33V I O =200mA 50∆V O Load Regulation I O =5to 500mA T J =25°C 360mV I O =5to 200mAT J =25°C180I d Quiescent Current 6mA ∆I dQuiescent Current ChangeI O =5to 350mA 0.5mA I O =200mAV I =21to 33V 0.8∆V O /∆T Output Voltage Drift I O =5mA T J =0to 125°C -1.1mV/°C SVR Supply Voltage Rejection V I =22to 32V f =120HzI O =300mA 53dB eN Output Noise Voltage B =10Hz to 100KHz 100µV V d Dropout Voltage 2V I scShort Circuit CurrentV I =35V240mAL78M00SERIES9/21ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF L78M20C (refer to the test circuits,T J =25°C,V I =29V,I O =350mA,C I =0.33µF,C O =0.1µF unless otherwise specified).ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF L78M24C (refer to the test circuits,T J =25°C,V I =33V,I O =350mA,C I =0.33µF,C O =0.1µF unless otherwise specified),Symbol ParameterTest ConditionsMin.Typ.Max.Unit V O Output Voltage 19.22020.8V V O Output Voltage I O =5to 350mA V I =23to 35V 192021V ∆V O Line Regulation V I =23to 35V I O =200mA 100mVV I =24to 35V I O =200mA 50∆V O Load Regulation I O =5to 500mA T J =25°C 400mV I O =5to 200mAT J =25°C200I d Quiescent Current 6mA ∆I dQuiescent Current ChangeI O =5to 350mA 0.5mA I O =200mAV I =23to 35V 0.8∆V O /∆T Output Voltage Drift I O =5mA T J =0to 125°C -1.1mV/°C SVR Supply Voltage Rejection V I =24to 34V f =120HzI O =300mA 53dB eN Output Noise Voltage B =10Hz to 100KHz 110µV V d Dropout Voltage 2V I scShort Circuit CurrentV I =35V240mA Symbol ParameterTest ConditionsMin.Typ.Max.Unit V O Output Voltage 232425V V O Output Voltage I O =5to 350mA V I =27to 38V 22.82425.2V ∆V O Line Regulation V I =27to 38V I O =200mA 100mVV I =28to 38V I O =200mA 50∆V O Load Regulation I O =5to 500mA T J =25°C 480mV I O =5to 200mAT J =25°C240I d Quiescent Current 6mA ∆I dQuiescent Current ChangeI O =5to 350mA 0.5mA I O =200mAV I =27to 38V 0.8∆V O /∆T Output Voltage Drift I O =5mA T J =0to 125°C -1.2mV/°C SVR Supply Voltage Rejection V I =28to 38V f =120HzI O =300mA 50dB eN Output Noise Voltage B =10Hz to 100KHz 170µV V d Dropout Voltage 2V I scShort Circuit CurrentV I =35V240mAL78M00SERIES10/21Figure 4:Dropout Voltage vs Junction TemperatureFigure 5:Dropout CharacteristicsFigure 6:Peak Output Current vs Input-Output Differential Voltage Figure 7:Output Voltage vs Junction TemperatureFigure 8:Supply Voltage Rejection vs FrequencyFigure 9:Quiescent Current vs JunctionTemperatureFigure10:Load Transient Response Figure11:Line Transient Response Figure12:Quiescent Current vs InputVoltage11/2112/21Figure 13:Fixed Output RegulatorNOTE:1.To specify an output voltage,substitute voltage value for "XX".2.Although no output capacitor is need for stability,it does improve transient response.3.Required if regulator is locate an appreciable distance from power supply filter.Figure 14:Figure 15:13/21Figure 16:Adjustable Output Regulator (7to 30V)Figure 17:0.5to 10V RegulatorFigure 18:High Current Voltage RegulatorFigure 19:High Output Current with ShortCircuit14/21Figure 20:Tracking Voltage RegulatorFigure 21:High Input Voltage CircuitFigure 22:Reducing Power Dissipation with DroppingResistor15/21Figure 23:Power AM Modulator (unity voltage gain,I O ≤ 0.5)NOTE:The circuit performs well up to 100KHz.Figure 24:Adjustable Output Voltage with Temperature CompensationNOTE:Q 2is connected as a diode in order to compensate the variation of the Q 1V BE with the temperature.C allows a slow risetime of the V O.L78M00SERIES Information furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, STMicroelectronics assumes no responsibility for the consequences of use of such information nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of STMicroelectronics. Specifications mentioned in this publication are subject to change without notice. This publication supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied. STMicroelectronics products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without express written approval of STMicroelectronics.The ST logo is a registered trademark of STMicroelectronicsAll other names are the property of their respective owners© 2004 STMicroelectronics - All Rights ReservedSTMicroelectronics GROUP OF COMPANIESAustralia - Belgium - Brazil - Canada - China - Czech Republic - Finland - France - Germany - Hong Kong - India - Israel - Italy - Japan - Malaysia - Malta - Morocco - Singapore - Spain - Sweden - Switzerland - United Kingdom - United States.21/21。
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表 1 EM78P153 引脚描述
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current limiting, thermal shut-down and safe operating area protection, making it essentially indestructible. If adequate heat sinking is provided, they can deliver over 0.5A output current. Although designed primarily as fixed voltage regulators, this device can be used with external components to obtain adjustable voltages and currents.Description• Output current up to 500mA is available.Page No. : 2/3Electrical Characteristics• H78M12ATVin=19V, Io=350mA, 0°C≤Tj≤125°C, PD≤5W, unless otherwise specifiedSymbol Characteristic Min Typ Max Units Vo Output Voltage (Tj=25°C)11.641212.36V Vo Output Voltage (14.5V≤Vin≤27V, 5mA≤Io≤350mA)11.521212.48V Line Regulation (Tj=25°C, Io=200mA), 14.5V≤Vin≤30V-20100 ReglinemV Line Regulation (Tj=25°C, Io=200mA), 16V≤Vin≤30V-1650Load Regulation (Tj=25°C), 5mA≤Io≤500mA--220 RegloadmV Load Regulation (Tj=25°C), 5mA≤Io≤200mA--110 IB Quiescent Current (Tj=25°C)- 3.26mA Quiescent Current Change (Tj=25°C), 14.5V≤Vin≤30V, Io=200mA--0.8mA ∆IBQuiescent Current Change (Tj=25°C), 5mA≤Io≤350mA--0.5 RR Ripple Rejection, 15V≤Vin≤25V, Io=300mA, f=120Hz55--dB Vi-Vo Dropout Voltage (Io=500mA, Tj=25°C)-2-V VN Output Noise Voltage (Tj=25°C), 10Hz≤f≤100KHz-75160uV Isc Short Circuit Current Limit (Tj=25°C), Vin=35V-300-mA Imax Peak Output Current (Tj=25°C)-700-mA TCVo Average Temperature Coefficient of Output Voltage, Io=5mA--0.5-mV/°C • H78M12BTVin=19V, Io=350mA, 0°C≤Tj≤125°C, PD≤5W, unless otherwise specifiedSymbol Characteristic Min Typ Max Units Vo Output Voltage (Tj=25°C)11.41212.6V Vo Output Voltage (14.5V≤Vin≤27V, 5mA≤Io≤350mA)11.41212.6VLine Regulation (Tj=25°C, Io=200mA), 14.5V≤Vin≤30V-20120 ReglinemV Line Regulation (Tj=25°C, Io=200mA), 16V≤Vin≤30V-1660Load Regulation (Tj=25°C), 5mA≤Io≤500mA--240mV RegloadLoad Regulation (Tj=25°C), 5mA≤Io≤200mA--120 IB Quiescent Current (Tj=25°C)- 3.26mAQuiescent Current Change (Tj=25°C), 14.5V≤Vin≤30V, Io=200mA--1mA ∆IBQuiescent Current Change (Tj=25°C), 5mA≤Io≤350mA--0.6 RR Ripple Rejection, 15V≤Vin≤25V, Io=300mA, f=120Hz55--dB Vi-Vo Dropout Voltage (Io=500mA, Tj=25°C)-2-V VN Output Noise Voltage (Tj=25°C), 10Hz≤f≤100KHz-75180uV Isc Short Circuit Current Limit (Tj=25°C), Vin=35V-300-mA Imax Peak Output Current (Tj=25°C)-700-mA TCVo Average Temperature Coefficient of Output Voltage, Io=5mA--0.5-mV/°CPage No. : 3/3 TO-126 DimensionImportant Notice:• All rights are reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without the prior written approval of HSMC.• HSMC reserves the right to make changes to its products without notice.•HSMC semiconductor products are not warranted to be suitable for use in Life-Support Applications, or systems.• HSMC assumes no liability for any consequence of customer product design, infringement of patents, or application assistance. Head Office And Factory :•Head Office (Hi-Sincerity Microelectronics Corp.) : 10F.,No. 61, Sec. 2, Chung-Shan N. Rd. Taipei Taiwan R.O.C.Tel : 886-2-25212056 Fax : 886-2-25632712, 25368454•Factory 1 : No. 38, Kuang Fu S. Rd., Fu-Kou Hsin-Chu Industrial Park Hsin-Chu Taiwan. R.O.CTel : 886-3-5983621~5 Fax : 886-3-5982931。
电气和自控设备技术规格书XX公司XX年X月目录一、工程概况 (2)1.1、项目简介 (2)1.2、设计进出水水质 (2)1.2.1设计进水水质 (2)1.2.2设计出水水质 (2)1.3、处理工艺 (3)二、服务范围 (4)2.1、供货内容 (4)2.2、卖方职责 (7)三、技术要求 (9)3.1、电气设备 (9)3.1.1技术规范 (9)3.1.2一般要求 (10)3.1.3主要电气设备 (10)3.2、自控设备 (24)3.2.1技术规范 (24)3.2.2控制系统的基本要求 (24)3.2.3主要技术参数 (25)四、设备监造及验收 (30)4.1、设备监造 (30)4.2、设备检验 (30)4.2.1检验机构 (30)4.2.2检验项目和试验内容 (30)4.2.3验收资料 (30)五、服务与质量保证 (32)5.1、服务 (32)5.2、质量保证 (32)六、铭牌、包装、运输 (33)6.1、铭牌 (33)6.2、包装 (33)6.3、运输要求 (33)6.4、装卸要求 (33)6.5、设备安装 (33)七偏离表 (34)本规格书阐述了污水处理厂所使用的电气和自控设备的设计、制造、材料、检验、供货及运输保护、缺陷责任与担保、服务等的最低要求。
1.2、设计进出水水质1.2.1设计进水水质通过现场调研、检测,并充分考虑其他类似乡镇污水处理厂设计和实测数据,根据乡镇实际情况,确定工程设计污水处理厂进水水质如下:污水处理厂设计进水水质单位:mg/L项目BOD5COD Cr SS NH3-N TN TP数值60-110120-280≤200≤25≤50≤31.2.2设计出水水质根据环保部门和农村生活污水专项规划的要求,出水执行《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》(GB18918-2002)一级A标准。
Rev. 1.0.5Features•Output Current up to 0.5A•Output V oltages of 5, 6, 8, 12, 15, 18, 24V •Thermal Overload Protection •Short Circuit Protection•Output Transistor Safe Operating Area (SOA)ProtectionDescriptionThe MC78MXX/LM78MXX series of three-terminal positive regulators are available in the TO-220/D-PAKpackage with several fixed output voltages making it useful in a wide range of applications.TO-220D-PAK1. Input2. GND3. Output11GNDGNDInternal Block DigramOUTPUT3R1R2GND 21INPUT SERIES PASSELEMENTSOAPROTECTIONCURRENT GENERATOR STARTING CIRCUITREFERENCE VOLTAGEERROR AMPLIFIERTHERMAL PROTECTIONMC78MXX/LM78MXX3-Terminal 0.5A Positive Voltage Regulator捷多邦,您值得信赖的PCB打样专家!MC78MXX/LM78MXXAbsolute Maximum RatingsNote:1. Thermal resistance test boardSize: 76.2mm * 114.3mm * 1.6mm(1S0P)JEDEC standard: JESD51-3, JESD51-72. Assume no ambient airflowElectrical Characteristics (MC78M05/LM78M05)(Refer to the test circuits, 0 < T J < +125°C, I O =350mA, V I =10V, unless otherwise specified, C I = 0.33µF, C O =0.1µF)Note:3. Load and line regulation are specified at constant junction temperature. Change in V o due to heating effects must be takeninto account separately. Pulse testing with low duty is used.ParameterSymbol Value Unit Input Voltage (for V O = 5V to 18V)(for V O = 24V)V I V I 3540V V Thermal Resistance Junction-Case (Note1)TO-220 (Tc = +25°C)R θJC 2.5°C/W Thermal Resistance Junction-Air (Note1, 2)TO-220 (Ta = +25°C)D-PAK (Ta = +25°C)R θJA 6692°C/W Operating Junction Temperature Range T OPR 0 ~ +150°C Storage Temperature RangeT STG-65 ~ +150°CParameter Symbol ConditionsMin.Typ.Max.UnitOutput VoltageV OT J = +25°C 4.85 5.2V I O = 5mA to 350mA V I = 7V to 20V 4.755 5.25Line Regulation (Note3)∆V O I O = 200mA T J =+25°CV I = 7V to 25V --100mV V I = 8V to 25V--50Load Regulation (Note3)∆V O I O = 5mA to 0.5A, T J =+25°C --100mV I O = 5mA to 200mA, T J =+25 °C --50Quiescent Current I Q T J =+25°C- 4.0 6.0mAQuiescent Current Change∆I Q I O = 5mA to 350mA --0.5mA I O = 200mA V I = 8V to 25V --0.8Output Voltage Drift ∆V/∆T I O = 5mAT J = 0 to +125°C --0.5-mV/°COutput Noise Voltage V N f = 10Hz to 100kHz -40-µV/VoRipple Rejection RR f = 120Hz, I O = 300mA V I = 8V to 18V, T J =+25 °C -80-dB Dropout Voltage V D T J =+25°C, I O = 500mA -2-V Short Circuit Current I SC T J =+25°C, V I = 35V -300-mA Peak CurrentI PKT J =+25°C-700-mAMC78MXX/LM78MXXElectrical Characteristics (MC78M06) (Continued)(Refer to the test circuits, 0 < T J < +125°C, I O =350mA, V I =11V, unless otherwise specified, C I =0.33µF, C O =0.1µF)Note:1. Load and line regulation are specified at constant junction temperature. Change in V o due to heating effects must be takeninto account separately. Pulse testing with low duty is used.Parameter Symbol ConditionsMin.Typ.Max.UnitOutput VoltageV OT J = +25°C 5.756 6.25V I O = 5mA to 350mA V I = 8V to 21V 5.76 6.3Line Regulation (Note1)∆V O I O = 200mA T J = +25°CV I = 8V to 25V --100mV V I = 9V to 25V--50Load Regulation (Note1)∆V O I O = 5mA to 0.5A, T J = +25°C --120mV I O = 5mA to 200mA, T J = +25°C --60Quiescent Current I Q T J = +25°C - 4.0 6.0mAQuiescent Current Change∆I Q I O = 5mA to 350mA --0.5mA I O = 200mA V I = 9V to 25V --0.8Output Voltage Drift ∆V/∆T I O = 5mAT J = 0 to +125°C --0.5-mV/°COutput Noise Voltage V N f = 10Hz to 100kHz -45-µV/VoRipple Rejection RR f = 120Hz, I O = 300mA V I = 9V to 19V, T J =+25 °C -80-dB Dropout Voltage V D T J =+25°C, I O = 500mA -2-V Short Circuit Current I SC T J = +25°C, V I = 35V -300-mA Peak CurrentI PKT J =+25°C-700-mAMC78MXX/LM78MXXElectrical Characteristics (MC78M08) (Continued)(Refer to the test circuits, 0 < T J < +125°C, I O =350mA, V I =14V, unless otherwise specified, C I = 0.33µF, C O =0.1µF)Note:1. Load and line regulation are specified at constant junction temperature. Change in V O due to heating effects must be takeninto account separately. Pulse testing with low duty is used.Parameter SymbolConditionsMin.Typ.Max.UnitOutput VoltageV OT J =+25°C7.788.3V I O = 5mA to 350mA V I = 10.5V to 23V 7.688.4Line Regulation (Note1)∆V O I O = 200mA T J =+25°CV I = 10.5V to 25V --100mV V I = 11V to 25V --50Load Regulation (Note1)∆V O I O = 5mA to 0.5A, T J =+25°C --160mV I O = 5mA to 200mA, T J =+25°C --80Quiescent Current I Q T J = +25°C - 4.0 6.0mAQuiescent Current Change∆I Q I O = 5mA to 350mA --0.5mA I O = 200mAV I = 10.5V to 25V --0.8Output Voltage Drift RR I O = 5mAT J = 0 to +125°C -−0.5-mV/°COutput Noise Voltage V N f = 10Hz to 100kHz-52-µV/VoRipple Rejection RR f = 120Hz, I O = 300mAV I = 11.5V to 21.5V, T J =+25 °C -80-dB Dropout Voltage V D T J = +25°C, I O = 500mA -2-V Short Circuit Current I SC T J = +25°C, V I = 35V -300-mA Peak CurrentI PKT J = +25°C-700-mA(Refer to the test circuits, 0 < T J < +125°C, I O =350mA, V I =19V, unless otherwise specified, C I =0.33µF, C O =0.1µF)Note:1. Load and line regulation are specified at constant junction temperature. Change in V o due to heating effects must be takeninto account separately. Pulse testing with low duty is used.Parameter SymbolConditionsMin.Typ.Max.UnitOutput VoltageV OT J = +25°C11.51212.5V I O = 5mA to 350mA V I = 14.5V to 27V 11.41212.6Line Regulation (Note1)∆V O I O = 200mA T J = +25°CV I = 14.5V to 30V --100mV V I = 16V to 30V --50Load Regulation (Note1)∆V O I O = 5mA to 0.5A, T J = +25°C --240mV I O = 5mA to 200mA, T J = +25°C --120Quiescent Current I Q T J =+25°C- 4.1 6.0mAQuiescent Current Change∆I Q I O = 5mA to 350mA --0.5mA I O = 200mAV I = 14.5V to 30V --0.8Output Voltage Drift ∆V/∆T I O = 5mAT J = 0 to +125°C --0.5-mV/°COutput Noise Voltage V N f = 10Hz to 100kHz-75-µV/VoRipple Rejection RR f = 120Hz, I O = 300mAV I = 15V to 25V, T J =+25 °C -80-dB Dropout Voltage V D T J =+25°C, I O = 500mA -2-V Short Circuit Current I SC T J = +25°C, V I = 35V -300-mA Peak CurrentI PKT J = +25°C-700-mA(Refer to the test circuits, 0 < T J < +125°C, I O =350mA, V I =23V, unless otherwise specified, C I =0.33µF, C O =0.1µF)Note:1. Load and line regulation are specified at constant junction temperature. Change in V O due to heating effects must be takeninto account separately. Pulse testing with low duty is used.Parameter Symbol ConditionsMin.Typ.Max.UnitOutput VoltageV OT J = +25°C 14.41515.6V I O = 5mA to 350mA V I = 17.5V to 30V 14.251515.75Line Regulation (Note1)∆V O I O = 200mA T J =+25°CV I = 17.5V to 30V --100mV V I = 20V to 30V--50Load Regulation (Note1)∆V O I O = 5mA to 0.5A, T J =+25°C --300mV I O = 5mA to 200mA, T J =+25°C --150Quiescent Current I Q T J = +25°C - 4.1 6.0mAQuiescent Current Change∆I Q I O = 5mA to 350mA --0.5mA I O = 200mAV I = 17.5V to 30V --0.8Output Voltage Drift ∆V/∆T I O = 5mAT J = 0 to +125°C --1-mV/°COutput Noise Voltage V N f = 10Hz to 100kHz-100-µV/VoRipple Rejection RR f = 120Hz, I O = 300mAV I = 18.5V to 28.5V, T J =+25 °C -70-dB Dropout Voltage V D T J =+25°C, I O = 500mA -2-V Short Circuit Current I SC T J = +25°C, V I = 35V -300-mA Peak CurrentI PKT J = +25°C-700-mAMC78MXX/LM78MXXElectrical Characteristics (MC78M18) (Continued)(Refer to the test circuits, 0 < T J < +125°C, I O =350mA, V I =26V, unless otherwise specified, C I =0.33µF, C O =0.1µF)Note:1. Load and line regulation are specified at constant junction temperature. Change in V O due to heating effects must be takeninto account separately. Pulse testing with low duty is used.Parameter SymbolConditionsMin.Typ.Max.UnitOutput VoltageV OT J = +25°C17.31818.7V I O = 5mA to 350mA V I = 20.5V to 33V 17.11818.9Line Regulation (Note1)∆V O I O = 200mA T J = +25°CV I = 21V to 33V --100mV V I = 24V to 33V --50Load Regulation (Note1)∆V ΟI O = 5mA to 0.5A, T J = +25°C --360mV I O = 5mA to 200mA, T J = +25°C --180Quiescent Current I Q T J = +25°C - 4.2 6.0mAQuiescent Current Change ∆I Q I O = 5mA to 350mA --0.5mA I O = 200mA V I = 21V to 33V--0.8Output Voltage Drift ∆V/∆T I O = 5mAT J = 0 to 125°C --1.1-mV/°C Output Noise Voltage V N f = 10Hz to 100kHz-100-µV/Vo Ripple Rejection RR f = 120Hz, I O = 300mA , V I = 22V to 32V T J =+25 °C-70-dB Dropout Voltage V D T J = +25°C, I O = 500mA -2-V Short Circuit Current I SC T J = +25°C, V I = 35V -300-mA Peak CurrentI PKT J = +25°C-700-mAElectrical Characteristics (MC78M24) (Continued)(Refer to the test circuits, 0 < T J < +125°C, I O =350mA, V I =33V, unless otherwise specified, C I =0.33µF, C O =0.1µF)Note:1. Load and line regulation are specified at constant junction temperature. Change in V O due to heating effects must be takeninto account separately. Pulse testing with low duty is used.Parameter Symbol ConditionsMin.Typ.Max.UnitOutput VoltageV OT J =+25°C 232425V I O = 5mA to 350mA V I = 27V to 38V22.82425.2Line Regulation (Note1)∆V O I O = 200mA T J =+25°C V I = 27V to 38V --100mV V I = 28V to 38V --50Load Regulation (Note1)∆V O I O = 5mA to 0.5A, T J =+25°C --480mV I O = 5mA to 200mA, T J =+25°C --240Quiescent CurrentI QT J = +25°C - 4.2 6.0mAQuiescent Current Change∆I Q I O = 5mA to 350mA--0.5mA I O = 200mA V I = 27V to 38V --0.8Output Voltage Drift ∆V/∆T I O = 5mAT J = 0 to +125°C --1.2-mV/°COutput Noise Voltage V N f = 10Hz to 100kHz-170-µV/VoRipple Rejection RR f = 120Hz, I O = 300mAV I = 28V to 38V, T J =+25 °C -70-dB Dropout Voltage V D T J = +25°C, I O = 500mA -2-V Short Circuit Current I SC T J = +25°C, V I = 35V -300-mA Peak CurrentI PKT J = +25°C-700-mATypical ApplicationsFigure 1.Fixed Output RegulatorFigure 2.Constant Current RegulatorNotes:1.To specify an output voltage, substitute voltage value for "XX"2.Although no output capacitor is needed for stability, it does improve transient response.3.C I is required if regulator is located an appreciable distance from power Supply filterFigure 3.Circuit for Increasing Output Voltage0.1µFC OC I0.3µFV OV IMC78MXX LM78MXX1320.1µFC OC I0.33µFI OV IMC78MXX LM78MXX132VXXI O R 1I O = R 1 +I OVxx 0.1µFC OC I0.33µFI OV IMC78MXX LM78MXX132V XXV OR 1R 2I R1 ≥ 5I OV O = V XX (1+R 2/R 1) +I O R 2MC78MXX/LM78MXXFigure 4.Adjustable Output Regulator (7 to 30V)Figure 5.0.5 to 10V Regulator0.1µFC OC I0.33µFV OV IMC78M05LM78M0513210k Ω32476LM7410.1µFC2C10.33µFV OV IMC78M05LM78M0513210k Ω32476LM741R3R1VXXR4R5910Ω9.1k Ω13V < V I < 25V-7 < -VI < 17V_+VO = VxxR 1R 4Mechanical DimensionsPackageDimensions in millimetersTO-22011Mechanical Dimensions (Continued)PackageDimensions in millimetersD-PAK1213Ordering InformationProduct Number Package Operating TemperatureLM78M05CT TO-2200 ~ +125°C Product Number PackageOperating TemperatureMC78M05CT TO-2200 ~ +125°CMC78M06CT MC78M08CT MC78M12CT MC78M15CT MC78M18CT MC78M24CT MC78M05CDT D-PAKMC78M06CDT MC78M08CDT MC78M12CDT11/12/02 0.0m 001Stock#DSxxxxxxxx2002 Fairchild Semiconductor CorporationLIFE SUPPORT POLICYFAIRCHILD’S PRODUCTS ARE NOT AUTHORIZED FOR USE AS CRITICAL COMPONENTS IN LIFE SUPPORT DEVICES OR SYSTEMS WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE PRESIDENT OF FAIRCHILD SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION. As used herein:1.Life support devices or systems are devices or systemswhich, (a) are intended for surgical implant into the body, or (b) support or sustain life, and (c) whose failure to perform when properly used in accordance with instructions for use provided in the labeling, can bereasonably expected to result in a significant injury of the user.2. A critical component in any component of a life supportdevice or system whose failure to perform can bereasonably expected to cause the failure of the life support device or system, or to affect its safety or effectiveness.DISCLAIMERFAIRCHILD SEMICONDUCTOR RESERVES THE RIGHT TO MAKE CHANGES WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE TO ANY PRODUCTS HEREIN TO IMPROVE RELIABILITY, FUNCTION OR DESIGN. FAIRCHILD DOES NOT ASSUME ANYLIABILITY ARISING OUT OF THE APPLICATION OR USE OF ANY PRODUCT OR CIRCUIT DESCRIBED HEREIN; NEITHER DOES IT CONVEY ANY LICENSE UNDER ITS PATENT RIGHTS, NOR THE RIGHTS OF OTHERS.。
技术规格书单位:河南汇龙合金材料有限公司牺牲阳极专业:防腐及阴极保护日期:2019 年 11月 11日第 1 页共14 页牺牲阳极技术规格书河南汇龙合金材料有限公司项目部刘珍2019年11月11编制校对审核第 2 页共14 页目录1设计范围 (3)2名词定义 (3)3项目总体要求 (3)4采用规范、标准及法规 (4)5供货范围及界面 (5)6技术要求 (5)7材料要求 (11)8检验和测试 (11)9 标志 (12)10包装和运输 (12)11技术文件提交 (13)12技术服务 (13)13 验收 (13)14 售后服务 (14)第 2 页共14 页1设计范围本技术规格书规定了牺牲阳极在设计制造、材料性能、测试、检验、包装运输和验收等方面的最低要求。
3项目总体要求3.1供货商资质要求3.1.1供货商证书要求供货商及分包商应具有中华人民共和国或相应国际认证机构颁发的有效ISO14001 环境管理体系认证证书、ISO9001 质量体系认证证书、安全生产许可证和第三方出具的型式检验报告。
3.1.2供货商业绩和经验要求供货商应具有良好的商业信誉和业绩,近 5 年经营活动中无不良记录,产品无不良应用记录。
供货商应提供近 5 年产品在石油石化行业的有效应用业绩,业绩表中提供的产品应不低于本次投标所提供产品的性能或技术参数,业绩表应包括工程名称、产品规格型号及主要技术参数、防腐管长度、管道直径、材质和管型等、使用地点、签订合同时间、有效业绩合同复印件、业主评价、业主联系人及联系方式。
ASTM A781A781M-06一般工业用一般要求的钢和合金铸件标准规范(英文)
Designation:A781/A781M–06Standard Specification forCastings,Steel and Alloy,Common Requirements,for General Industrial Use1This standard is issued under thefixed designation A781/A781M;the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or,in the case of revision,the year of last revision.A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.A superscript epsilon(e)indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1.Scope*1.1This specification covers a group of requirements that are mandatory requirements of the following steel casting specifications issued by ASTM.If the product specification specifies different requirements,the product specification shall prevail.ASTMDesignation Title of SpecificationA27/A27M Steel Castings,Carbon,for General ApplicationA128/A128M Steel Castings,Austenitic ManganeseA148/A148M Steel Castings,High Strength,for Structural Pur-posesA297/A297M Steel Castings,Iron-Chromium and Iron-Chromium-Nickel,Heat Resistant for GeneralApplicationA447/A447M Steel Castings,Chromium-Nickel-Iron Alloy(25-12Class),for High-Temperature Service A494/A494M Castings,Nickel and Nickel AlloyA560/A560M Castings,Chromium-Nickel AlloyA743/A743M Castings,Iron-Chromium,Iron-Chromium-Nickel,Corrosion Resistant,for General Application A744/A744M Castings,Iron-Chromium-Nickel,Corrosion Re-sistant,for SevereA747/A747M Steel Castings,Stainless,Precipitation Harden-ingA890/A890M Castings,Iron-Chromium-Nickel-MolybdenumCorrosion-Resistant,Duplex(Austenitic/Ferritic)for General ApplicationA915/A915M Steel Castings,Carbon and Alloy,Chemical Re-quirements Similar to Standard Wrought Grades A958Steel Castings,Carbon and Alloy,with TensileRequirements,Chemical Requirements Similiarto Standard Wrought GradesA1002Castings,Nickel-Aluminum Ordered Alloy1.2This specification also covers a group of supplementary requirements that may be applied to the above specifications as indicated therein.These are provided for use when additional testing or inspection is desired and apply only when specified individually by the purchaser in the order.1.3The requirements of the individual material specifica-tion,and this general specification shall prevail in the sequence named.1.4The values stated in either inch-pound units or SI units are to be regarded separately as standard.Within the text,the SI units are shown in brackets.The values stated in each system are not exact equivalents;therefore,each system must be used independently of the bining values from the two systems may result in nonconformance with the specifi-cation.Inch-pound units are applicable for material ordered to Specification A781and SI units for material ordered to Specification A781M.2.Referenced Documents2.1ASTM Standards:2A27/A27M Specification for Steel Castings,Carbon,for General ApplicationA128/A128M Specification for Steel Castings,Austenitic ManganeseA148/A148M Specification for Steel Castings,High Strength,for Structural PurposesA297/A297M Specification for Steel Castings,Iron-Chromium and Iron-Chromium-Nickel,Heat Resistant,for General ApplicationA370Test Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Testing of Steel ProductsA380Practice for Cleaning,Descaling,and Passivation of Stainless Steel Parts,Equipment,and SystemsA447/A447M Specification for Steel Castings, Chromium-Nickel-Iron Alloy(25-12Class),for High-Temperature ServiceA488/A488M Practice for Steel Castings,Welding,Quali-fications of Procedures and PersonnelA494/A494M Specification for Castings,Nickel and Nickel AlloyA560/A560M Specification for Castings,Chromium-Nickel AlloyA609/A609M Practice for Castings,Carbon,Low-Alloy, and Martensitic Stainless Steel,Ultrasonic Examination ThereofA743/A743M Specification for Castings,Iron-Chromium, Iron-Chromium-Nickel,Corrosion Resistant,for General Application1This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee A01on Steel,Stainless Steel and Related Alloys and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee A01.18on Castings.Current edition approved June15,2006.Published June2006.Originally approved st previous edition approved in2005as A781/A781M–05a.2For referenced ASTM standards,visit the ASTM website,,or contact ASTM Customer Service at service@.For Annual Book of ASTM Standards volume information,refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on the ASTM website.*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard. Copyright©ASTM International,100Barr Harbor Drive,PO Box C700,West Conshohocken,PA19428-2959,United States.A744/A744M Specification for Castings,Iron-Chromium-Nickel,Corrosion Resistant,for Severe ServiceA747/A747M Specification for Steel Castings,Stainless, Precipitation HardeningA751Test Methods,Practices,and Terminology for Chemical Analysis of Steel ProductsA800/A800M Practice for Steel Casting,Austenitic Alloy, Estimating Ferrite Content ThereofA802/A802M Practice for Steel Castings,Surface Accep-tance Standards,Visual ExaminationA890/A890M Specification for Castings,Iron-Chromium-Nickel-Molybdenum Corrosion-Resistant,Duplex (Austenitic/Ferritic)for General ApplicationA915/A915M Specification for Steel Castings,Carbon, and Alloy,Chemical Requirements Similar to Standard Wrought GradesA941Terminology Relating to Steel,Stainless Steel,Re-lated Alloys,and FerroalloysA958Specification for Steel Castings,Carbon and Alloy, with Tensile Requirements,Chemical Requirements Simi-lar to Standard Wrought GradesA967Specification for Chemical Passivation Treatments for Stainless Steel PartsA991/A991M Test Method for Conducting Temperature Uniformity Surveys of Furnaces Used to Heat Treat Steel ProductsA1002Specification for Castings,Nickel-Aluminum Or-dered AlloyE94Guide for Radiographic ExaminationE125Reference Photographs for Magnetic Particle Indica-tions on Ferrous CastingsE165Test Method for Liquid Penetrant ExaminationE186Reference Radiographs for Heavy-Walled(2to412-in.[51to114-mm])Steel CastingsE280Reference Radiographs for Heavy-Walled(412to 12-in.[114to305-mm])Steel CastingsE340Test Method for Macroetching Metals and AlloysE353Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of Stainless, Heat-Resisting,Maraging,and Other Similar Chromium-Nickel-Iron AlloysE354Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of High-Temperature,Electrical,Magnetic,and Other Similar Iron, Nickel,and Cobalt AlloysE446Reference Radiographs for Steel Castings Up to2in.[51mm]in ThicknessE709Guide for Magnetic Particle Examination3.Terminology3.1Definitions:3.1.1The definitions in Test Methods and Definitions A370,Test Methods,Practices,and Terminology A751,and Terminology A941are applicable to this specification and those listed in1. coupon,n—the part from which the test specimen will be extracted.3.1.3test specimen,n—the part that will be acted upon in a test.4.Materials and Manufacture4.1Melting Process—The steel shall be made by open-hearth or electric furnace process with or without separate refining,such as argon-oxygen-decarburization(AOD),unless otherwise specified in the individual specification.4.2Heat Treatment:4.2.1Castings shall be heat treated in the working zone of a furnace that has been surveyed in accordance with Test Method A991/A991M.4.2.2When castings are heat treated at temperatures above 2000°F[1100°C],then the working zone shall have been established by a survey performed at not more than25°F [15°C]below nor more than200°F[110°C]above the mini-mum heat treatment temperature specified for the grade.If a minimum heat treatment temperature is not specified for the grade,then the survey temperature shall be not more than50°F [30°C]below nor more than175°F[100°C]above the furnace set point used.4.2.3The maximum variation in measured temperature as determined by the difference between the highest temperature and the lowest temperature shall be as agreed between the purchaser and producer except that during production heat treatment,no portion of the furnace shall be below the minimum specified temperature nor above the maximum specified temperature for the grade being processed.5.Chemical Composition5.1Chemical Analysis—Chemical analysis of materials covered by this specification shall be in accordance with Test Methods,Practices,and Terminology A751.5.2Heat Analysis—An analysis of each heat shall be made by the manufacturer to determine the percentages of the elements specified in the individual specification for the grade being poured.The analysis shall be made from a test sample preferably taken during the pouring of the heat.When drillings are used,they shall be taken not less than1⁄4in.[6.4mm] beneath the surface.The chemical composition thus deter-mined shall conform to the requirements in the individual specification for the grade being poured.5.3Product Analysis—A product analysis may be made by the purchaser from material representing each heat,lot,or casting.The analysis shall be made on representative material. Samples for carbon analysis of carbon and alloy steel shall be taken no closer than1⁄4in.[6mm]to a cast surface,except that castings too thin for this shall be analyzed on representative material.The chemical composition thus determined shall meet the requirements specified in the applicable specification for the grade involved,or shall be subject to rejection by the purchaser,except that the chemical composition determined for carbon and low alloy steel castings may vary from the specified limits by the amounts shown in Table1.The product analysis tolerances of Table1are not applicable as acceptance criteria for heat analysis by the casting manufacturer.When comparing product and heat analysis for other than carbon and low alloy steels,the reproducibility Data R2,in Test Methods E353or E354,as applicable,shall be taken intoconsideration.5.4Unspecified Elements —When chemical analysis for el-ements not specified for the grade ordered is desired,Supple-mentary Requirement S13may be specified.5.4.1Grade substitution,for stainless steel or nickel base alloy castings,is not permitted.Grade substitution occurs when the material supplied:(1)contains an element,other than nitrogen,that is not specified in the ordered grade;and,(2)the amount of that element equals or exceeds the minimum requirement for the element in another grade for which it is specified.For this requirement,a grade is defined as an alloy described individually in a table of chemical requirements within any specification listed within the scope of A 781/A 781M.6.Mechanical Test Requirements6.1The individual product specifications vary as to whether mechanical tests are required;for this reason,and to determine specific test requirements,the individual product specification should be reviewed.6.2Unless otherwise specified by the purchaser,when mechanical properties are required by the product specifica-tion,test coupons may be cast integrally with the castings,or as separate blocks,in accordance with Fig.1,Fig.2,or Fig.3,except when Supplementary Requirement S15is specified.Thetest coupon in Fig.3shall be employed only for austenitic alloy castings with cross sections less than 21⁄2in.[65mm].37.Workmanship,Finish,and Appearance7.1All castings shall be made in a workmanlike manner and shall conform to the dimensions on drawings furnished by the purchaser before manufacture is started.If the pattern is supplied by the purchaser,the dimensions of the casting shall be as predicated by the pattern.8.Quality8.1The surface of the casting shall be free of adhering sand,scale,cracks,and hot tears as determined by visual examina-tion.Other surface discontinuities shall meet the visual accep-tance standards specified in the order.Practice A 802/A 802M or other visual standards may be used to define acceptable surface discontinuities and finish.Unacceptable visual surface discontinuities shall be removed and their removal verified by visual examination of the resultant cavities.8.2When additional inspection is desired,Supplementary Requirements S1,S2,S3,S4,or S5may be specified.8.3Rejectable indications shall not be peened,plugged,or impregnated.9.Repair9.1Repair by welding shall be in accordance with the requirements of the individual specification using procedures and welders qualified in accordance with Practice A 488/A 488M .10.Inspection10.1The manufacturer shall afford the purchaser’s inspector all reasonable facilities necessary to satisfy that the material is being produced and furnished in accordance with the appli-cable specification.Foundry inspection by the purchaser shall not interfere unnecessarily with the manufacturer’s operations.All tests and inspections,with the exception of product analysis (5.3),shall be made at the place of manufacture unless otherwise agreed.11.Rejection11.1Subsequent to acceptance at the manufacturer’s works,material that is found to be unacceptable as determined by requirements specified in the order may be rejected by the purchaser.The manufacturer should be notified of such rejec-tion.If the manufacturer is dissatisfied with the results of any tests performed by the purchaser,he may make claim for a rehearing.12.Keywords12.1castings;common requirements;steel and alloy3Information on the relationship of mechanical properties determined on test coupons obtained as specified in 6.2with those obtained from the casting may be found in The Steel Casting Handbook ,Fifth Edition,Steel Founders’Society of America,pp.15-35through 15-43,1980.TABLE 1Product Analysis TolerancesElementRange,%ATolerances B ,COver Maximum or Under Minimum Limit,%C up to 0.65above 0.650.033%C L +0.020.04Mn up to 1above 10.083%Mn L +0.010.09Si up to 0.60above 0.600.223%Si L −0.010.15P all 0.133%P L +0.005S all0.363%S L +0.001Ni up to 20.103%Ni L +0.03above 20.25Cr up to 2above 20.073%Cr L +0.040.18Mo up to 0.6above 0.60.043%Mo L +0.030.06V up to 0.25above 0.250.233%V L +0.0040.06W up to 0.10above 0.100.083%W L +0.020.02Cu up to 0.15above 0.150.183%Cu L +0.020.05Alup to 0.10above 0.100.083%Al L +0.020.03AThe range denotes the composition limits up to which tolerances are computed by the equation,and above which the tolerances are given by a constant.BThe subscript L for the elements in each equation indicates that the limits of the element specified by the applicable specification are to be inserted into the equation to calculate the tolerance for the upper limit and the lower limit (if applicable),respectively.Examples of computing tolerances are presented in footnote C.CTo illustrate the computation of the tolerance,consider the manganese maximum of 0.70for a 0.30carbon grade 65-35in Specification A 27/A 27M .The maximum permissible deviation is (0.0830.70+0.01)=0.066.Therefore,the highest acceptable product analysis is 0.766.Similarly,for a 0.20carbon grade 70-40in Specification A 27/A 27M ,the maximum manganese content is 1.40;thus,the highest acceptable product analysis is (1.40+0.09)=1.49.Metric Equivalentsin.[mm]3⁄16[4.8]1⁄2[13]11⁄4[32]13⁄4[45]2[51]21⁄4[57]37⁄8[98]5[127]83⁄8[213]Leg Design [125mm]Riser Design1.L (length)A 5in.[125mm]minimum length will be used.Thislength may be increased at the option of the foundry to accommodate additional test specimens (see Note 1).1.L (length)The length of the riser at the base will be the same as the top length of the leg.The length of the riser at the top therefore depends on the amount of taper added to the riser.2.End TaperUse of and size of end taper is at the option of the foundry.2.WidthThe width of the riser at the base of a multiple-leg cou-pon shall be n (21⁄4)[57mm]-5⁄8[16mm]where n equals the number of legs attached to the coupon.The width of the riser at the top is therefore dependent on the amount of taper added to the riser.3.Height 11⁄4in.[32mm]4.Width (at top)11⁄4[32mm](see Note 1).5.Radius (at bottom)1⁄2in.[13mm],max6.Spacing between legs A 1⁄2-in.[13-mm]radius will be used between the legs.3.T (riser taper)HeightUse of and size is at the option of the foundry.The minimum height of the riser shall be 2in.[51mm].The maximum height is at the option of the foundry for the following reasons:(a )many risers are cast open,(b )different compositions may require variation in risering for soundness,and (c )different pouring temperatures may require variation in risering for soundness.7.Location of test speci-mens The tensile,bend,and impact specimens will be taken from the lower portion of the leg (see Note 2).8.Number of legs The number of legs is at the option of the foundry pro-viding they are equi-spaced according to Item 6.9.R s Radius from 0to approximately 1⁄16in.[2mm].N OTE 1—Test Coupons for Large and Heavy Steel Castings:The test coupons in Fig.1are to be used for large and heavy steel castings.However,at the option of the foundry the cross-sectional area and length of the standard coupon may be increased as desired.N OTE 2—Bend Specimen:If a bend specimen is required,an alternate design (as shown by dotted lines in Fig.1)is indicated.FIG.1Test Coupons for Castings with Details of DesignMetric Equivalentsin.[mm]in.[mm]1⁄8[3.2]31⁄2[88.9]1⁄2[12.7]4[101.6]11⁄16[27.0]41⁄16[103.2]11⁄2[38.1]5[127.0]3[76.2]11[279.4]N OTE—Pour through head;cover molten head with powdered charcoal,coke dust,and so forth,immediately after pouring,in order to keep headfluid as long as possible.FIG.2Test Coupon for Tension TestN OTE—Coupons produced in this manner are suitable for austenitic alloys only.The mold may be preheated for pouring to produce a sound coupon.FIG.3Cast-To-Shape Test Coupon for Tension SpecimenSUPPLEMENTARY REQUIREMENTSSupplementary requirements shall be applied only when specified by the purchaser.Details of the supplementary requirements shall be agreed upon by the manufacturer and purchaser.The specified tests shall be performed by the manufacturer prior to shipment of the castings.S1.Magnetic Particle ExaminationS1.1Castings shall be examined for surface and near surface discontinuities by magnetic particle examination.The examination shall be in accordance with Guide E709.Extent of examination and the basis for acceptance shall be agreed upon between the manufacturer and purchaser.S2.Radiographic ExaminationS2.1Castings shall be examined for internal defects by means of X rays or gamma rays.The procedure shall be in accordance with Guide E94,and types and degrees of discon-tinuities considered shall be judged by Reference Radiographs E446,E186,or E280.Extent of examination and basis for acceptance shall be agreed upon between the manufacturer and purchaser.S3.Liquid Penetrant ExaminationS3.1Castings shall be examined for surface discontinuities by means of liquid penetrant examination.The examination shall be in accordance with Test Method E165.Areas to be inspected,methods and types of liquid penetrants to be used, developing procedure,and basis for acceptance shall be agreed upon between the manufacturer and purchaser.S4.Ultrasonic ExaminationS4.1Castings shall be examined for internal defects by means of ultrasonic examination.The examination procedure shall be in accordance with Practice A609/A609M.Extent of examination,methods of testing,and basis for acceptance shall be agreed upon between the manufacturer and purchaser.S5.Examination of Weld PreparationS5.1Magnetic particle or liquid penetrant examination of cavities prepared for welding shall be performed to verify removal of those discontinuities found unacceptable by the examination method specified for the casting.Unless other degrees of shrinkage or types of discontinuities found in the cavities are specified,Type II,Internal Shrinkage,of Reference Photographs E125,of Degree2in sections up to2in.[50.8 mm]thick and of Degree3in sections over2in.thick shall be acceptable.S6.CertificationS6.1The manufacturer’s certification shall be furnished to the purchaser stating that the material was manufactured, sampled,tested,and inspected in accordance with the material specification(including year date)and was found to meet the requirements.S6.2A manufacturer’s certification printed from or used in electronic form from an electronic data interchange(EDI) transmission shall be regarded as having the same validity as a counterpart printed in the certifier’s facility provided it con-forms to any existing EDI agreement between the purchaser and the supplier.S7.Prior Approval of Major Weld RepairsS7.1Major weld repairs as defined and agreed upon be-tween the manufacturer and purchaser shall be subject to the prior approval of the purchaser.S8.MarkingS8.1The manufacturer’s name or identification mark and the pattern number shall be cast or stamped on all castings. When further specified,the heat numbers or serial numbers shall be marked on individual castings.S9.Charpy Impact TestS9.1Charpy impact test properties shall be determined by testing a set of three Charpy V-notch specimens made from each heat at a test temperature agreed upon by the manufac-turer and purchaser.The material from which the test speci-mens are prepared shall be cast in accordance with6.2.The acceptance requirements shall be either energy absorbed, lateral expansion,or percent shear area,or all three,and shall be that agreed upon between the manufacturer and purchaser. Test specimens shall be prepared as Type A and tested in accordance with Test Methods and Definitions A370.S9.2Absorbed Energy—Average energy value of three specimens shall be not less than specified,with not more than one value permitted to fall below the minimum specified and no value permitted below the minimum specified for a single specimen.S9.3Lateral Expansion—Lateral expansion value shall be agreed upon between the manufacturer and purchaser.S9.4Percent Shear Area—Percent shear area shall be agreed upon between the manufacturer and purchaser.S10.Hardness TestS10.1Hardness measurements at specified locations on the castings shall be made in accordance with Test Methods and Definitions A370and reported.S11.Specified Ferrite Content RangeS11.1The chemical composition of the heat shall be con-trolled such that the ferrite content,as determined by the chemical composition procedure of Practice A800/A800M, shall be in conformance with the specified ferrite content range.S11.2The specified ferrite content range shall be as agreed upon between the manufacturer and the purchaser.The mini-mum specified ferrite content range shall be10%with the minimum ferrite content being no lower than thepercentnecessary to achieve the minimum mechanical properties required for the alloy.S11.3Should the purchaser wish to have the ferrite content determined by either magnetic response or metallographic methods,the purchaser should impose Supplementary Require-ment S1or S2of Practice A 800/A 800M .S12.Test ReportS12.1The manufacturer shall supply a test report to the purchaser giving the results of all tests performed including chemical analysis.S13.Unspecified ElementsS13.1Chemical analysis and limits for elements not speci-fied for the grade ordered shall be as agreed upon between the manufacturer and purchaser.S14.Tension Test from CastingsS14.1In addition to the tension test required by the material specification,test material shall be cut from the casting.The mechanical properties and location for the test material shall be agreed upon by the manufacturer and purchaser.S15.Alternate Mechanical Test Coupons and SpecimenLocations for Castings S15.1Test coupons may be cast integrally with the castings or separately.Separately cast coupons shall be heat-treated together with the castings they represent.S15.2In the following,the casting thickness,T ,is the maximum thickness of the casting exclusive of padding added for directional solidification,flanges,appendages,and sections designated by the designer as noncritical.The order,inquiry,and drawing shall designate what the test dimension,T ,is for the casting.S15.3One of the following shall apply:S15.3.1The longitudinal centerline of the test specimen shall be taken at least ¼T from the T dimension surface and all of the gage length must be at least 1T from any other heat treated surface,exclusive of the surface opposite the T dimen-sion surface.(See Fig.S15.1(a).)For cylindrical castings,the longitudinal centerline of the specimens shall be taken at least ¼T from the outside or inside and all of the gage length must be at least T from the as-heat-treated end.(See Fig.S15.1(b).)For ferritic and martensitic castings,partial severing of test coupons prior to final heat treatment ispermitted.Minimum length of the base—Specimen gage length +2xT +2x the thickness due to the tapes.Minimum width of the base—T +2x the thickness added due to the taper.Minimum height —T +NxD +W tot .The taper is to be selected by the producer for ease of drawing the pattern from the mold.where:N =number of specimens to be cut from one side of the coupon,D =diameter of the specimens,andW tot =the total width of metal required to remove the coupon from the casting,and to machine specimens from the coupon.N OTE —Longitudinal axis and gage length of test specimen must be within shaded zone.FIG.S15.1Specimen fromCastingS15.3.2Where separately cast test coupons are used,the dimension shall not be less than 3T by 3T by T and each specimen shall meet the requirements of S15.3.1,except that when T exceeds 5in.[125mm],the dimension may be 15by 15by 5in.[375by 375by 125mm],by agreement between the manufacturer and the purchaser.The test coupon shall be of the same heat of steel and shall receive substantially the same casting practices as the production casting it represents.Cen-trifugal castings may be represented by statically cast coupons.(See Fig.S15.2.)S15.3.3When agreed upon by the manufacturer and the purchaser,castings that are cast or machined to essentially the finished configuration prior to heat-treatment shall have test specimens removed from a prolongation or other stock on the casting at a location below the nearest heat-treated surface indicated on the order.The specimen location shall be at a distance below the nearest heat-treated surface equivalent to at least the greatest distance that the indicated high-tensile-stress surface will be from the nearest heat-treated surface and a minimum of twice this distance from a second heat-treated surface,except that the test specimens shall be no nearer than 3⁄4in.[19mm]to a heat-treated surface and 11⁄2in.[38mm]from a second heat-treated surface.(See Fig.S15.3.)S15.3.4Where specimens are to be removed from the body of quenched and tempered castings,either the requirements of S15.3.1shall be met or a steel thermal buffer pad or thermal insulation or other thermal barriers shall be used during heat-treatment.Steel thermal buffer pads shall be a minimum of T by T by 3T in length and shall be joined to the casting surface by a partial penetration weld completely sealing the buffered surface.Test specimens shall be removed from thecasting in a location adjacent to the center third of the buffer pad.They shall be located at a minimum distance of 1⁄2in.[13mm]from the buffered surface and ¼T from other heat-treated surfaces (see Fig.S15.4).When thermal insulation is used,it shall be applied adjacent to the casting surface where the test specimens are to be removed.The producer shall demonstrate that the cooling rate of the test specimen location is no faster than that of specimens taken by the method described in S15.3.1.S16.Weld Repair ChartsS16.1Major weld repairs shall be documented by means of sketches or photographs,or both,showing the location and major dimensions of cavities prepared for welding.Documen-tation shall be submitted to the purchaser at the completion of the order.S16.2A weld repair shall be considered major when it is made to correct leakage on hydrostatic testing,or when the depth of the cavity prepared for welding exceeds 20%of the actual wall thickness or 1in.[25mm],whichever is smaller,or when the extent of the cavity exceeds approximately 10in.2[65cm 2].S17.Macroetch TestS17.1Apply Supplementary Requirement S13for the spec-trographic determination and reporting of the total residual aluminum content of all heats of ferritic and martensitic steels subjected to this macroetch test.S17.2When the heat analysis indicates a total residual aluminum content in excess of 0.08%,the manufacturer shall etch a cross section of the casting with the heaviest sectionforN OTE —Longitudinal axis and gage length of test specimen must be within cross-hatched zone.FIG.S15.2Separately CastBlock。
µV V mA
VI = 35 V
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF L78M06C (refer to the test circuits, TJ = 25°C, VI = 11V, IO = 350 mA, CI = 0.33 µF, CO = 0.1 µF unless otherwise specified).
Parameter² (for VO= 5 to 18V) (for VO= 20, 24V)
Value 35 40 Internally Limited Internally Limited -65 to +150 0 to +150
运算丆操作丆经营 运行活动作用函数
Unit V V mA mW °C °C
Thermal Resistance Junction-case Thermal Resistance Junction-ambient
接头丟 周围的丆 接点丟 四周的丟 中继线 环抱的丆 围绕的丟 各方面的
TYPE L78M05 L78M06 L78M08 L78M09 L78M10 L78M12 L78M15 L78M18 L78M20 L78M24 TO-220 L78M05CV L78M06CV L78M08CV L78M09CV L78M10CV L78M12CV L78M15CV L78M18CV L78M20CV L78M24CV TO-220FP L78M05CP L78M06CP L78M08CP L78M09CP L78M10CP L78M12CP L78M15CP L78M18CP L78M20CP L78M24CP DPAK (*) L78M05CDT L78M06CDT L78M08CDT L78M09CDT L78M10CDT L78M12CDT L78M15CDT L78M18CDT L78M20CDT L78M24CDT IPAK L78M05CDT-1 L78M06CDT-1 L78M08CDT-1 L78M09CDT-1 L78M10CDT-1 L78M12CDT-1 L78M15CDT-1 L78M18CDT-1 L78M20CDT-1 L78M24CDT-1 OUTPUT VOLTAGE 5V 6V 8V 9V 10 V 12 V 15 V 18 V 20 V 24 V
1.Relay ModelTRKM or 3.Contact conversionHJR-78F 2.Coil Nominal Voltage 5,6,9,12,24VDCZ:Form C B:Form BH:Form A东海县通灵电器有限公司PCB 继电器●20A switching capability ●Small size auto relay●Conform to RoHS,ELV directive15.7*12.3*14ORDERING CODETL-T78DC12VA123■COIL DATA (at 20℃)Nominal Voltage (VDC)5691224Coil Resistance (Ω±10%)7010022540016000.36WRated Current (mA)71.460403015Max Operate Voltage (VDC) 3.75 4.5 6.759.018.0Min Release Voltage (VDC)0.400.480.720.96 1.92Coil Resistance (Ω±10%)42601352409600.6W Rated Current (mA)11910066.75025Max Operate Voltage (VDC) 3.25 3.9 5.857.815.6Min Release Voltage (VDC)0.400.480.720.96 1.92Coil Resistance (Ω±10%)31451001807200.8W Rated Current (mA)161.3133.388.966.733.3Max Operate Voltage (VDC) 3.25 3.9 5.857.815.6Min Release Voltage (VDC)0.400.480.720.961.92Max ApplicableVoltage130%of rated voltage at 70℃,170%of rated voltage at 23℃JQC-T78■ENGINEERING DATAservice life current50020115cu10rren5 1.DC resistive2.AC resistiveOperati on(X100 00)1005010t(3A)2load1Contact0.50.30.13.ACresistiveContact Current(A)temperatureContact load voltage(V))80℃Ris 70e(60No contact carrying0Te mp era tur e Co il 50current40302010Vc/Vr0. 1.23■OVERALL AND MOUNTING DIMENSIONS安装图安装图接线图Form CForm AForm BREMARK(备注):1、产品部分外形尺寸中未注尺寸公差:当外形尺寸≤1mm时,公差为±0.2mm;当外形尺寸在1~5mm时,公差为±0.3mm;当外形尺寸>5mm时,公差为±0.4mm。