校园文化标语(中英文对照)成功,我们共同创造!Success ,we all create together!I hear,I forget;I see,I remember;I do ,I understand.热爱生活,学会生活,创造生活。
Learn how to love life;Learn how to live a meaningful life;Learn how to create your life.学校的目标应当是培养有独立行动和独立思考的个人,不过他们要把为社会服务看作是自己人生的最高目标。
——爱因斯坦The goal of the school is to develop the human beings of independent thinking and action,however they should view serving the society as their ullimate goal inlife.------Einstein教育是帮助被教育的人,给他发展自己的能力,完成他的人格,于人类文化上能尽一分子的责任。
——蔡元培Education is supposed to help those being educated,to enhance their ability to develop themselves,to perfect theirpersonalities,so as to fulfil the duty as a member of the human race.—by Cai Yuanpei健康是最大的财富,知识是永恒的追求Health is the greatest fortune,and knowledge is our permanent pursuit.接受生活挑战培养全面素质Brave the challenge of life,and cultivate your comprehensive quality.播种生活,收获习惯播种习惯,收获性格播种性格,收获命运Habits are framed in daily life;Personalities are accumulations of one’s habits;Destiny is partly determined by one’s personality.健康是最大的财富,知识是永恒的追求Health is the greatest fortune,and knowledge is our permanent pursuit.教师最佳的教育方法是做出榜样。
Always pay attention to the danger and let the safety take care of me.2、安全伴我在校园,我把安全带回家。
Safety accompanies me on campus. I take safety home.3、法制安全你我同创,和谐校园人人共享。
Legislative security is created by you and me, and is shared by everyone on a harmonious campus.4、走楼梯守秩序,进教室不喧哗。
Take the stairs to keep order and enter the classroom without noise.5、不要推,不要挤,关心生命爱自己。
Don't push, don't push, care about life and love yourself.6、一人安危系全家,全家幸福系一人。
One person's safety is the whole family, and the whole family's happiness is one person.7、预防校园侵害,创建平安校园。
Prevent campus infringement and create safe campus.8、同学摔倒楼梯上,自己伸手快帮忙。
The classmate fell down the stairs and helped himself quickly.9、上下楼梯慢慢行,楼梯上下不蹦跨。
Go up and down the stairs slowly, and don't jump up and down the stairs.10、平安伴我在校园,人人事事保平安。
校园标语精选(中英文对照)装饰教室或校园时,说不定可以借鉴一下—1、Offering is life 奉献就是人生2、Discard the old ways of life in favor of the newBe promising and diligent in one ' s work 革故鼎新奋发图强3、English is the bridge to the world 英语是走向世界的桥梁4、Time is life 时间就是生命5、Knowledgeable about the past and present Conversant with the Chinese andwest 博古通今学贯中西6、Learning English well having bright future 学好英语前程灿烂7、Teach students in allowance with their opportunities Take advantage of theirspecialties 因材施教发展特长8、Master English you can roam the world 精通英语走遍天下9、Develop create and improve together with the time 与时俱进开拓创新10、The motherland in heart and the world in eyes 胸怀祖国放眼世界11、Solidify your base and richen your knowledge to improve your ability 厚基础宽知识强能力12、Learn different languages to master the world Culture 学中外语言通五洲文化4、善学者尽其理,善行者究其难。
Find out how to learn to learn well, Find out how to go to go farther. 6、知之者不如行之者。
温馨校园英文标语1. A warm campus embraces all students.2. Friends supporting friends make a cozy campus.3. Kindness is the foundation of a happy campus life.4. Spread warmth and create a harmonious campus.5. Smiling faces make a warm campus.6. Diversity creates a vibrant and welcoming campus.7. Love and respect cultivate a warm campus environment.8. In unity, we find warmth on campus.9. Small gestures, big impact: creating a caring campus.10. In a warm campus, everyone belongs.11. Where kindness blooms, a warm campus thrives.12. Reach out and be a friend, create a warm campus.13. Caring hearts make a nurturing campus.14. Embrace differences, foster a warm and inclusive campus.15. Extend a helping hand, make our campus warmer.16. A caring campus: promoting kindness and support.17. Respect and understanding make a cozy campus.18. Empathy and compassion make a warm campus community.19. Encouragement and support: ingredients for a warm campus.20. Spread love and warmth, create a safe campus.21. A warm campus welcomes all with open arms.22. Unity and inclusivity create a warm campus climate.23. In a warm campus, no one is left behind.24. Create connections and make our campus warmer.25. A loving community builds a warm campus.26. In a warm campus, kindness is contagious.27. Be a positive force, make our campus warmer.28. Embrace diversity, build a warm and accepting campus.29. Share a smile and brighten the campus atmosphere.30. Support one another, create a warm campus family.31. Acts of kindness create a warm campus environment.32. Transform our campus with love and warmth.33. Spread positivity and create a warm campus community.34. Inspire and uplift one another, make our campus warmer.35. Celebrate diversity, build a warm and inclusive campus.36. Support and understanding: pillars of a warm campus.37. A warm campus fosters personal growth and happiness.38. Be compassionate, make our campus warmer.39. In a warm campus, kindness is celebrated.40. Together we can make our campus warmer and brighter.。
校园文明用语中英文篇一:校园文明用语中英文1.上下楼梯,有序右行.Keep right and in order when using thestaircase. 2.轻声慢步,文明礼貌.Speak gently,walk slowly and keep goodmanners.3.不冲撞疯打,不滑行拥堵Be quiet and in order.4.课间活动,讲究文明Cultivate civility when doing activities.5.上下楼梯,注意安全.Keep safe when using the staircase.6.不讲粗话不骂人,不乱丢来不乱扔.Speak politely and keep clean.7.防滑防摔防坠防挤Watch out when walking and running.8.防磕磕碰碰,防意外伤害.Keep away the collision and the unintentionalinjury.9.千教万教,教人求知,千学万学,学做真人.The reason for education is to seek knowledge.The reason for study is to be a true man.10.你不能改变容颜但可以展现笑容You can’t change the appearance but you canshow the smile. 11你不能左右天气但可以改变心情You can’t control the weather but you canchange your mood.12.你不能预知明天但可以把握今天You can’t foresee tomorrow but you can holdtoday.13.兴趣是最好的老师.Interest is the best teacher.兴趣源于天赋.Interest originates from genius.兴趣在于激发培养Interest lies in stimulating and developing.14.创新热情在这里激发,创新意识在这里实现. Innovation enthusiasm is aroused here .Innovation consciousness is achieved here.或者:Hereis a place for you to arouse innovation enthusiasm and achieve innovationconsciousness.15.社会进步靠科学.Social progress depends on science.16.科学发展靠知识.Scientific development depends onknowledge.17.丰富知识靠努力.Rich knowledge depends on endeavor.篇二:校园文明用语中英文 1、欢迎来到我们学校. Welcome to our school. 2、请进.Come in please. 3、请跟我来. Follow me please. 4、谢谢您的光临,再见! Thanks for your coming here. 5、您好Hello 、请please 、谢谢thanks 、对不起sorry 、再见see you later 、等礼貌用语;日常用语 你好hello,请please,对不起sorry,请原谅excuse me, 没关系that s all right,谢谢thanks,再见see you later.问候用语 1、您好!hello 2、客人好!hello everyone 3、老师好!hello taecher 4、早晨好!good morning! 5、晚安!good night! 6、客人再见、老师再见!see you everyone!接待用语 1、您好!Hello! 2、请进,请坐,请问。
let’smakeourcampusenvironmentevenmorecivilizedandoursourevenmoree xalted.英语常说才流利,汉语常说才练达。
englishbecomesmorefluentwithmuchpractice;chinesebecomesmorebrillian twithmuchuse.静心才能虚心,虚心方可进步。
stillnessinone’sheartcanmakeonemodestandmodestycanmakeoneprogress ive.学习的兴趣源于学习的过程。
bekeenonlearning,goodatcommunicating,courageousinundertaking,andbr aveininnovating.忌满地挖坑,要钻井出水。
studyistheprerequisiteforsurvival,thefoundationfordevelopmentandthecap italforinnovation.成功者永远在做事,失败者永远在许愿。
You can enjoy a grander sight by climbing to a greater height。
Tomorrow's happiness depends on today, and today's peace depends on safety.3、好习惯成就一生,坏习惯毁人前程。
Good habits lead to success, bad habits destroy people's future.4、发现美、鉴赏美、创造美。
Discover beauty, appreciate beauty and create beauty.5、竞争不是比谁努力,而是比谁更努力。
Competition is not harder than who, but more efforts than who.6、安全之水长流,幸福之树长青。
The safety of water flows, the evergreen tree of happiness.7、你欣赏花木的风姿,花木欣赏你的素质。
You appreciate the charm of flowers, flowers appreciate your quality.8、天下无难事,只怕有心人。
Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.9、给自己养成好习惯,为他人留下好环境。
Develop good habits and leave good environment for others.10、西外是我们共有的家园,爱护它是我们共同的心愿。
The west is our common homeland, and it is our common wish to cherish it.11、安全意识天天有,校园生活乐悠悠。
Reading is good, learning is home.2、安全警句千条万条,安全注意第一条。
Safety aphorism thousands of bars, safety first note.3、书卷之香飘校园,文明之魂留心中。
The book Xiangpiao campus, civilization soul of the mind.4、加强学风建设,创建文明校园。
Strengthening the construction of study style and creating civilized campus.5、少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。
An idle youth, a needy age.6、用脑用心讲文明,惜花惜草爱世界。
Civilized brain at heart, love the world Xi grass.7、教学生一天,想学生一生。
Teach students one day, want students life.8、教育要面向世界,面向未来,面向现代化。
Education should be geared to the needs of the world, the future and the modernization.9、校园风景线,大家来共建。
Campus landscape, we build together.10、登高必自卑,行远必自迩。
Climbing high will be low self-esteem, long distance will come from you.11、理想,只有在安全的直行线上才会绽放美丽的花朵。
Ideal, only in the safe straight line will bloom beautiful flowers.12、人生没有彩排,每一天都是现场直播。
校园标语精选(中英文对照)装饰教室或校园时,说不定可以借鉴一下—1、Offering is life 奉献就是人生2、Discard the old ways of life in favor of the newBe promising and diligent in one’s work革故鼎新奋发图强3、English is the bridge to the world英语是走向世界的桥梁4、Time is life 时间就是生命5、Knowledgeable about the past and present Conversant with the Chinese and west博古通今学贯中西6、Learning English well having bright future学好英语前程灿烂7、Teach students in allowance with their opportunitiesTake advantage of their specialties因材施教发展特长8、Master English you can roam the world精通英语走遍天下9、Develop create and improve together with the time与时俱进开拓创新10、The motherland in heart and the world in eyes胸怀祖国放眼世界11、Solidify your base and richen your knowledgeto improve your ability 厚基础宽知识强能力12、Learn different languages to master the worldCulture 学中外语言通五洲文化4、善学者尽其理,善行者究其难。
Find out how to learn to learn well, Find out how to go to go farther.6、知之者不如行之者。
A person who studies diligently is a person with unlimited strength.2、不惜寸阴于今日,必留遗憾于明日。
Regardless of today, we will regret tomorrow.3、前有标兵,后有追兵,远抛追兵,勇超标兵。
There are pacesetters in the front, chasing soldiers in the rear, throwing them far away and surpassing the pacesetters bravely.4、教育的目的是学会做人,学会做事。
The purpose of education is to learn to be a man and to do things.5、尊重别人就是尊重自己,才能赢得别人的尊重。
Respecting others means respecting oneself, in order to win the respect of others.6、全社会都应关心和支持教育!The whole society should care about and support education!7、加强学风建设,活跃学术氛围。
Strengthen the construction of style of study and activate academic atmosphere.8、脚踏实地搞复习,胸有成竹迎挑战。
Practice reviewing on a down-to-earth basis and meet challenges with success.9、全民兴教,确保教育优先发展!Promote education for all and ensure that education gives priority to development!10、世界上荣誉的桂冠,都用荆棘纺织而成。
Difficulties in the world must be easy, and great things in the world must be detailed.2、日出唤醒大地,读书唤醒头脑。
Sunrise awakens the earth and reading awakens the mind.3、不管是骑神马,还是坐浮云,安全第一。
Whether riding a magic horse or sitting on clouds, safety comes first.4、评估是手段,建设是关键,发展是目的。
Assessment is the means, construction is the key and development is the purpose.5、书卷之香飘校园,文明之魂留心中。
The fragrance of books floats on campus, and the soul of civilization is in mind.6、发展是兴团之基,服务是立团之本。
Development is the foundation of the Youth League and service is the foundation of the Youth League.7、别跑,别跑,小心摔倒。
Don't run, don't run, fall carefully. No hurry, no hurry, safety first.8、命运自己主宰,奇迹自己创造。
Destiny is in charge, and miracles are created by themselves.9、加强学风建设,创建文明校园。
Live and learn.2、读书如蜜蜂采花。
Use a book as a bee does flowers.3、请及时归还Return in time!4、知识源于勤奋。
Knowledge comes from diligence.5、学无止境。
There is no ending to learning.6、思考就是明白。
To think is to see.7、小草对您微微笑,请您把路绕一绕。
Tiny grass is smiling to you and asking you to make the round of your road.8、小草有生命,脚下有深情。
Tiny grass has a life, sincere concern shows under your feet.9、小草含羞笑,请君莫打扰。
Tiny grass is shyly smiling and would not like to be interrupted.10、一抹绿色现文明,还请足下多留情。
A patch of green presents the civilization, a careful step should be considered.11、文明连着你我他,请您爱护草和花Civilization links you, me and him. Please mind the grass and flowers.12、芳草青青,足下留情。
Balmy grass is so green, careful step is so sweet.13、足下留情,小草常青。
Your careful step keeps tiny grass invariably green.。
——爱因斯坦ThegoaloftheschoolistodevelopthehumanbEingsofindependentthinkingandac tion,howevertheyshouldviewservingthesocietyastheirullimategoalinlife. ------Einstein4、教育是帮助被教育的人,给他发展自己的能力,完成他的人格,于人类文化上能尽一分子的责任。
——蔡元培Educationissupposedtohelpthosebeingeducated,toenhancetheirabilitytode velopthemselves,toperfecttheirpersonalities,soastofulfilthedutyasamem berofthehumanrace.—byCaiYuanpei5、健康是最大的财富知识是永恒的追求Healthisthegreatestfortune,andknowledgeisourpermanentpursuit.6、接受生活挑战培养全面素质Bravethechallengeoflife,andcultivateyourprehensivequality.7、播种生活,收获习惯播种习惯,收获性格播种性格,收获命运Habitsareframedindailylife; Personalitiesareaccumulationsofone';shabits;Destinyispartlydeterminedbyone';spersonality.8、健康是最大的财富知识是永恒的追求Healthisthegreatestfortune,andknowledgeisourpermanentpursuit.9、教师最佳的教育方法是做出榜样。
Travel the sea of knowledge and understand the true meaning of life.2、增强安全意识,遵守安全章程,掌握安全技能。
Enhance safety awareness, abide by safety regulations and master safety skills.3、眼观六路,耳听八方,续美好人生。
Look at six paths, listen to all directions, and continue a better life.4、给我一点呵护,还你一片绿茵。
Give me a little care and give you a piece of green stubble.5、绿色草坪,无需纸花点缀。
Green lawn, no paper decoration.6、教育以育人为先,育人以育德为先。
Education takes educating people as the first and educating people with morality as the first.7、人到万难须放胆,模棱两可平常心。
When people are in great difficulty, they must be bold andambiguous.8、多一份绿色,少一份遗憾。
More green, less regret.9、文明染红了花,吹绿了草,照亮了我们的心。
Civilization dyes red flowers, blows green grass, and illuminates our hearts.10、寸草亦有心,我辈莫无情。
Cunchao also has a heart, my generation is not ruthless.11、你行我行安全先行,千好万好平安才好。
学校的广告宣传语的英语作文范文1. Welcome to our outstanding school!2. Join us and unlock your potential!3. Discover a world of opportunities at our school!4. Where learning never ends – join us today!5. Choose excellence, choose our school!6. Your child’s future starts here!7. Empowering students to succeed in a changing world.8. Where every student matters.9. Building a bright future for our students.10. Prepare your child for success at our school!11. Excellence in education –that’s our promise.12. Igniting a passion for learning in every student.13. Join our school community and thrive!14. Enriching minds, shaping futures.15. Your child’s success is our priority.16. Nurturing talent, inspiring minds.17. Discover the difference at our school.18. Where every student is valued and supported.19. Welcome to a world of endless possibilities.20. Teaching, inspiring, and empowering students.21. Unlock your child’s potential with us.22. Join a community that cares about your child’s success.23. Where education meets innovation.24. Quality education in a nurturing environment.25. Embracing diversity, nurturing unity.26. Your child’s journey to success starts here!27. Making a difference in every student’s life.28. Where learning comes to life.29. Empowering students to reach new heights.30. Join the school that’s dedicated to your child’s success.31. Excellence in education, excellence in character.32. Fostering a love for learning in every student.33. Join us and watch your child thrive!34. Where students become leaders.35. Providing a solid foundation for lifelong success.36. Inspiring the leaders of tomorrow.37. Educating, inspiring, and shaping the future.38. Join us and watch your child soar!39. Building a community of lifelong learners.40. Engage, empower, excel –that’s our motto.41. Where students find their passion and purpose.42. Providing the tools for success in a global society.43. Choose the best for your child’s education.44. Join us in creating a brighter future for your child.45. Where every student is encouraged to shine.46. Celebrating diversity, fostering unity.47. Education that’s personalized and empowering.48. Embracing innovation in education.49. Join us and be part of something extraordinary.50. Where students are encouraged to dream big.51. Your child’s potential, our passion.52. Where education and opportunity meet.53. Join us and be part of a tradition of excellence.54. Your child’s journey to success begins here.。
下面是的小编为你们整理的内容,希望你们能够喜欢校园文化标语(中英文)1. 让我们的校园更文明,让我们的心灵更高尚。
Let’s make our campus environment even more civilized and our sour even more exalted.2. 英语常说才流利,汉语常说才练达。
English becomes more fluent with much practice; Chinese becomes more brilliant with much use.3. 静心才能虚心,虚心方可进步。
Stillness in one’s heart can make one modest and modesty can make one progressive.4. 学习的兴趣源于学习的过程。
Enthusiasm for learning is stimulated in the course of learning.5. 乐于学习,善于沟通,敢于承担,勇于创新。
Be keen on learning, good at communicating, courageous in undertaking, and brave in innovating.6. 忌满地挖坑,要钻井出水。
Never give up easily; dig the tunnel through.7. 只有永远的努力,没有永远的成功。
There is no constant success without constant effort.8. 不怕困难,就怕畏难。
Fear not difficulties, but be fuelled by them.9. 把失败当作起点,把成功也当作起点。
Regard both defeat and success as starting blocks.10. 一个人成功的过程就是一个人不断修炼的过程。
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校园标语精选(中英文对照)装饰教室或校园时,说不定可以借鉴一下—1、Offering is life 奉献就是人生2、Discard the old ways of life in favor of the newBe promising and diligent in one’s work革故鼎新奋发图强3、English is the bridge to the world英语是走向世界的桥梁4、Time is life 时间就是生命5、Knowledgeable about the past and present Conversant with the Chinese and west博古通今学贯中西6、Learning English well having bright future学好英语前程灿烂7、Teach students in allowance with their opportunitiesTake advantage of their specialties因材施教发展特长8、Master English you can roam the world精通英语走遍天下9、Develop create and improve together with the time与时俱进开拓创新10、The motherland in heart and the world in eyes胸怀祖国放眼世界11、Solidify your base and richen your knowledgeto improve your ability 厚基础宽知识强能力12、Learn different languages to master the worldCulture 学中外语言通五洲文化4、善学者尽其理,善行者究其难。
Find out how to learn to learn well, Find out how to go to go farther.6、知之者不如行之者。
To do is better than to say.12、探索、求知、明理Explore truths , seek knowledge and you'll understand reasons.附录(一)标志牌门卫Guard车库Parking食堂Dining-room画廊Gallery宣传栏Bulletin board教学大楼Teaching & Learning Building×年级×班 Class ×, Grade ×办公室Teachers’ office健身房Gymnasium厕所W.C小卖部Buffet校长室Headmaster’s office/study接待室Reception Room广播室Radio Station语音室Language Lab微机室Computer Lab实验室Laboratory舞蹈房Dancing Room美术室Painting Room阅览室Reading Room图书馆Library阶梯教室Amphitheater总务处Office of General Services教务处Office of Educational Administration资料库Data Base请节约用水Save water, please!爱护花草Care plants.靠右走Right Side安静Silence !请及时归还Return in time!禁止吸烟No smoking!不要随地扔东西Don’t litter the floor!食堂处:Save food, please.水池处:Save water, please.花坛处:Protect flowers. Don’t wake me up.校园景点处:Life is beautiful. Keep our school clean and tidy.校园英语角:Welcome to our English Corner.楼梯转弯处:Down first, up second. Be careful. Keep right. Be polite. 阅览室:Books are our best friends. Love your books here.校园横幅:Welcome back to our school.附录(二)名言、警句活到老,学到老。
Live and learn.贪多必失。
All cover, all lost.生活是可爱的。
Life is sweet.骄傲必败。
Pride goes before a fall.昨日不复来。
No one can call back yesterday.天下无难事,只怕有心人。
. It is dogged that does it.读书如蜜蜂采花。
Use a book as a bee does flowers.光阴一去不复返。
All time is no time when it is past.万事开头难。
It is the first step that costs.良好的开端是成功的一半。
Well begun is half done .熟能生巧。
Practice makes perfect.人生有限,学问无涯。
Art is long, but life is short.有志者,事竟成。
Where there is will, there is a way.患难见真情。
A friend in need is a friend indeed.知识源于勤奋。
Knowledge comes from diligence.落后须奋进。
Far behind must follow the faster.不劳则不获。
No pains, no gains.做事不可半途而费。
Never do things by halves.学无止境。
There is no ending to learning.独木不成林。
One tree cannot make a wood.人人为我,我为人人。
All for me , one for all.时间就是金钱。
Time is money.人应为生而食,不应为食而生。
One should eat to live, not live to eat.时间就是生命。
Time is life.思考就是明白。
To think is to see.没有汗水,没有幸福。
No sweet without sweat.行动胜于空谈。
Deeds, not words.个人力量,微不足道。
One man, no man.常用的钥匙不生锈。
The used key is always bright.工作时工作, 娱乐是娱乐。
Work while you work, play while you play.天生我才必有用。
All things in their being are good for something.痛苦过去即快乐。
Pain past is pleasure.学习趁年少,而且要学好。
Learn young, learn fair.光阴似箭。
Time flies like a arrow.没有学识就是盲人。
Without learning, without eyes.我身上所有的优秀的品质,都要归功于书籍。
It is to books that I owe everything that is good in me.(一)学生的笑脸就是校园的阳光,家长的满意就是学校的生命。
Student’s faces bring life to the campus; parent’s contentment brings a hope for the school .让家长省心放心,让孩子成人成才。
Save the parents from anxiety and prepare the children for their brilliant futures.教师的敬业就是学校的希望,社会的认可就是学校的成功。
The teacher’s devotion is the hope of the school and the society’s acceptance is the success of the school.(二)让我们的校园更文明,让我们的心灵更高尚。
Let’s make our campus environment even more civilized and our sour even more exalted.英语常说才流利,汉语常说才练达。
English becomes more fluent with much practice; Chinese becomes more brilliant with much use.静心才能虚心,虚心方可进步。
Stillness in one’s heart can make one modest and modesty can make one progressive.学习的兴趣源于学习的过程。
Enthusiasm for learning is stimulated in the course of learning.乐于学习,善于沟通,敢于承担,勇于创新。
Be keen on learning, good at communicating, courageous in undertaking, and brave in innov ating.忌满地挖坑,要钻井出水。
Never give up easily; dig the tunnel through.只有永远的努力,没有永远的成功。
There is no constant success without constant effort.不怕困难,就怕畏难。
Fear not difficulties, but be fuelled by them.把失败当作起点,把成功也当作起点。
Regard both defeat and success as starting blocks.一个人成功的过程就是一个人不断修炼的过程。
The process of one’s success is a course of constant perfection.成功者永远在做事,失败者永远在许愿。
The winner is always striving and the loser is always promising.(三)尊重学生的人格,尊重学生的发展,尊重学生的选择。