
高三英语作文篇一I always think there is not enough time. For example,I have just taken a three-day holiday. But when I look back,I just feel that it‘s only one day. There goes a proverb,“Time is money”. Now I want to say,time is more precious than money,because when money is spent,we can earn some more again. However,when time is gone or lost,never will it return.Time goes without being noticed. The time for our study and work is usually limited. So I think we must make full use of our time. But it‘s a pity that I am always not aware of the importance of time until it’s too late.So I think,I should get into the good habit of saving time because wasting time is equal to wasting one‘s life. Do not put off what can be done today till tomorrow!时间的价值我总觉得没有足够的时间。

【篇一】高三英语作文Is It The Only Way Out To Go To CollegeWe had a discussion about whether it is the only way out for senior students to go to college.Views vary from person to person.The majority of us consider it very necessary to go to college.They think it can widen their knowledge and improve their qualities.Only in this way can they find better jobs after graduation.Very few students,that is about ten percent of the students think it no use going university, because the tuition is too high for their family to afford.What’s more, it’s rather hard for college graduates to seek satisfactory jobs.Thirty percent of the s tudents, however, believe “All roads lead to Rome.” Therefore it doesn’t make any difference whether they go to college or not.In my opinion, we can receive a better education at college so that we can serve our motherland.【篇二】高三英语作文This summer, I had some special days. I joined Dongzhou International Educational Exchange Summer Camp. First, I will tell you about our foreign teachers, they are Shrina and Rebecca. They are friendly and beautiful. They are students at Oxford University. We talked about many things: famous people, subjects in England, different jobs, our deal days, western star signs, what can we say in a restaurant and so on. We know lots of things, like what the difference is between “chef” and “cook”, all the parts of the body…We tried to write a letterto Principal Zhang. We made a play and we drew our own comics and tried to sell it. We gave some other students English lessons, we taught them about Chinese Dragon, Chinese Martial Arts and the Olympics. Every afternoon, we played exciting games: Chinese Whispers, Tongue Twisters, Wheelbarrow, egg and spoon, three legs…On the last day, we had a good time. We made black tea. We put tea bags, some milk and lots of water in to a big bowl, and then we stirred the tea until it became red and dark. Oh, it tasted good! Later, we used eggs, flour and milk to make many pancakes. To cook them is very interesting. When we finished it, the pancakes looked round and nice. We put some jam on it. How delicious! I won’t ever forget it.The summer Camp is a really good chance for me. I know the local things in England. I learned a lot and like English more. I also know better ways to learn English well. I hope one day I can see you in England.【篇三】高三英语作文Every day that goes over,finally,finally the students who entered the so-called "purgatory",Xue-mei,who yearn for the Tuotuo stage - the third year.I would like to have,the more senior Yes,in addition to review what can not,it more than the well-being.Shuzhi how he is a young Blair,as the math teacher said of the verbal phrase "set aside to see the essence of the phenomenon of" precarious,and this time I was deceived by the phenomenon to.As in his junior high school,middle school is very annoying; on how well the high school,when I used to think was the fact that on the high school,junior high school on time,remember life to death,and even repeating dreams are In the past,also did not expect to actually commit the same mistake in the past,did not progress.Hated his high school,so why Naozhong,a three-year,the office is actually an unknown place of the small fry,that is not very good results,not too bad,not outstanding performance,but has never done a bad thing.In the early days,Oh,Bukanhuishou past.Mean people too,a little color,but there was almost a "color" (should be "injured").At that time expressly prohibited in the school Sunday to Internet cafes,I do not know where I had the courage to dare to "crimes against the wind" went.Shuiliao,but groups of teachers came for the "prey",of course,we have a class.Just when I was in a URL and find joy in cases of doubt in the back when it saw a familiar figure,saying it gave me the direct religious ties swallowed it,the first reaction is to affirm the end,inevitably Monday seized a public school guide,When they can really ruin and death without a burial.Immediately go back to running a boil over 3 hours writing a long 5 thousand seized the lead character (this is my longest to date,"works"),said his despicable act,so all kinds of bad machine David.Also in the evening to dream,a dream teacher Zhang Xuepentaikou to hit me,scared out in a cold sweat.Originally thought it very brave,the effect is so timid,have not always been afraid of problems at school.The next morning at the Dan Chan scared spent in determining their own have not been found,is still lingering fear.Breath back,God bless ah,but fortunately I have not found that would lead to pay up,otherwise I would not go home to die is you!After this difficult ordeal,it is no longer the brave dare not,will make their own good that this has become mediocre.Mediocrity is,of course,get mad fan,a senior teacher would often talk to people to the office.It was not strange,all talk of the mysterious return of the sword have a sense of well-being,as if in the 5,000,000 awards,and asked him laugh and not alwaysanswer,it is more to this increase in the level of mystery,often It has to feel the desire to talk to the teachers were strict,very good results either,or misconduct,and no matter which one I do not fit,seems the middle is the least The rights.Always thought that their problems can be independent of the Department.Simply turns a blind eye on the college entrance examination,the score was insignificant.But in fact they are themselves for the college entrance examination is still fighting and anger,if every time test scores will be lower still can not help the bad.After the test scores of feel sorry ourselves,very sorry,and regret that I did at that time was not seriously listening to a teacher clarified,and regret that I did not remember it,so why regret negligence,and how a "regret" terrible.At this time it felt "detached" just take it for granted,it is only their wishful thinking,the ideal and the reality is very different from the.Often hate themselves,and why others in the same classroom,a teacher in the same teaching,some people may be at Beijing University,Qinghua,and I do,but I just focus has been weighed down the line.Is it natural to me than they do worse?Careful not compare the gap between what you can score a big difference but also had to try,but still.Q with the Arab-Israeli trick that,"I do not want to be so good at the University of mud." Doing it for a long time for a long time and feel a natural,high-Trinity began to come to the waves,the number of examinations,the total will not always be The disappointing scores,right?Imagine my not so good psychological,not a blow,the second is not afraid,but afraid that a lot of times when it's Sixinliefei how to put up with,if open to the Department would like to have nothing,perhaps many times After the fight against heart on the numbness,pain no longer.There is a third of the total teachers or parents tell you to set goals,which is the only goal for college entrance examination on what schools,said that the simple test is what University.I gave a "priority" for his high school's "emphasis on the country," University should be the last time was in any case are too unreasonable.Therefore,efforts have to,too many people you can not sleep.Do not kick the ball,not playing ping-pong,and not on the network,QQ is not a chat,about an impulse to open the QQ,the above message,they thought I was dead,I do not know they are in the third year,it involuntarily,Sleep,next year should not cliff-fall.As a teacher here by 11,insisted the 10 months of hard to eat in order to endure hardship will not endure hardship or less,"Kujinganlai" why are the so-called "fight a spring and summer,autumn and winter,a youth-for-no regrets." Several times to listen to It would appear that may have similar,only later to think about this carefully to know when the junior high school have said such words,but I think Daomei than junior high school easier.Have to work hard,and a third,or there is no chance,I do not want to be next year,also stayed in the school's "four high"【篇四】高三英语作文A sall tree fi n a l l p e n e d i t s e e s , w i t h t h e f i r s t s i g h t f t h e w r l d .B u t t h e l a n d w a s b a r e , w i t h l i t t l e g r e e n . E v e r t h i n g w a s u c h d i f f e r e n t f r w h a t i t d r e a e d i n t h e e a r t h , p b d s f i d = " 1 0 4 " > / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 0 5 " > 0 0 A n l d a n . w a l e d i n t h i s s i g h t a n d s a t i n f r n t f t h e t r e e , g a z i n g a t i t . / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 0 6 " > 0 0 w h a r e u ? a s e d t h e t r e e , h a p p i l . B u t t h e r e s a e n a n s w e r s . / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 0 7 " > 0 0 A f t e r a s h r t s i l e n c e , t h e l d a n s t a r e d a t t h e g r e s . /p > p b d s f i d = " 1 0 8 " > 0 0 w h a t a r e u d i n g ? a s e d t h e t r e e , a g a i n . / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 0 9 " > 0 0 I e r i z i n g , t h e a n s a i d w i t h a t r e b l i n g v i c e . / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 1 0 " > 0 0 w h e n I f i r s t a r r i v e d h e r e & & h e h a d a s u d d e n c n g h f r p a u s e . w h e n I f i r s t a r r i v e d , h e r e a r e a n t r e e s w h i c h a s e n t h u s i a s t i c a s u , b u t t a l l e r t h a n u . / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 1 1 " > 0 0 R e a l l ! W h e r e a r e t h e n w ? T h e t r e e a s e d h a p p i l , a s h a p p a s a i d f i n d i n g a c a n d . / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 1 2 " > 0 0 B u t t h e l d a n n l g l a n c e d a r u n d q u i e t l w i t h e e s f u l l f s a d n e s s a n d q u i l t . T h e n c n t i n u e d h i s w r d s . / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 1 3 " > 0 0 T h e n I s e t t l e d w n . I t w a s t h e s t w n d e r f u l t i e t h a t I h a d e v e r e n e d a t b e g i n n i n g . I c a n a p p r e c i a t e d t h e f l w e r s i n s p r i n g s , s l e p t i n t h e s h a d e i n s u e r s , p i c a e d u p t h e g d f r u i t s i n f a l l s a n d a d e f i r e s f r w a r t h w i t h w d i n w i n t e r s , W i t h t h e w r d s , h a p p i n e s s a n d i n d n e s s a u r r e d i n t h e a n s f a c e . / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 1 4 " > 0 0 B u t t h i r t e e n e a r s l a t e r , I f u n d g a s l i n e u n d e r g r u n d . S u d d e n l , h e c l s e d h i s e e s , b u r i e d h i s h e a d i n h i s h a n d . / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 1 5 " > 0 0 w h a t s t h a t ? t h e s a l l t r e e a s e d f r i g h t e n e d l . / p > p b d s f id = " 1 1 6 " > 0 0 a be a g d t h i n g . t h e a nf i n a l l b e c ae c a l , I n r d e r t s h i p t h e g a s l i n e a w a , I c u t d w n a n t r e e s t b u i l d b i g b a t s . A t l a s t ,f e w t r e e s l e f t . L i ng a t th e t r e e s s t a p s , I f e l t g ui l t . B u t I w a s s w a l l w e d b n e a n d f r g t t h e h a p p d a s a n d d e s p a i r f t h e t r e e s . T h e g a s w a s i n e d a s s i v e l a n d a s a r e s u l t , t h e g r u n d b e g a n t f a l l d w n . I h a d t a n s w e r f r w h a t I h a d d n e . O n e d a u s t b e f r e I l e f t a b i g l i g h t n i ng s t r u c g a s , e v e r t h i n g t h e n b u r n e d . T h e r e f r e , t h e t r e e s , t h e g a s . T h e b a t s i n c l u d i n g h e a r t w e r e g n e . / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 1 7 " > 0 0 T h e s a l l t r e e e p t s i l e n t . / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 1 8 " > 0 0 N w , I w a n t t d s e t h i n g t i p r v e , b u t n t h i n g c a n b e d w n . I f u n d t h e s e e d f u f r t h e s e a s e v e r a l e a r s a g . S p l e a s e h e l p r e t u r n t h e g r e e n ! c r i e d t h e a n . / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 1 9 " > 0 0 s u a r e s u r e t h a t u w n t c u t d w n t h e t r e e s a n r e ? t h e l d a n n d d e d . / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 2 0 " > 0 0 t h e g a s l i n e ? n d d e d a g a i n . / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 2 1 " > 0 0 a n d u g r e e n t p l a n t s e e d s e v e r w h e r e a n d s t a h e r e f r e v e r ? / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 2 2 " > 0 0 e s , I d ! / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 2 3 " > 0 0 T h e s a l l t r e e l e d a t t h e a n , t h e n t u r n i t s f a c e t t h e s i n i n g s u n , w h i c h i s l i e a r i s i n g s u n . I n t h e i s l a n d , t h e s h a d w f t h e t w c b i n e d t g e t h e r . / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 2 4 " > 00 A l i g h t w i n d c a e , t h e g r e e n l e a v e s a d e a g e n t le s u n d . b r b d sf i d = " 1 2 5 " > i mg s r c = "h t t p s : / /i m g . / u p l o a d f i l e / i m a g e s / 2 0 1 8 / 0 9 2 5 / 1 5 3 7 86 1 5 2 5 67 2 1 2 3 5 . j p g " b d s f i d = " 1 2 6 " > b r b d s f id = " 1 2 7 " > / p > p s t y le = " b o r d e r - l ef t : 5 p x s o l id # 3 9 9 1e 5 ; c o l o r : # 3 9 9 1 e 5 ; b a c k g r o u n d : #f 5 f7 f 7 ; p a d d i n g - l e f t : 1 0 p x ; l i n e - h e i g h t : 3 5 p x ; ma r g i n -b o t t o m : 8 p x ; " b d s f i d = " 1 2 8 " >。

最新3篇高三英语作文120字3篇高三英语作文120字篇1dear jack, i am sorry about that you could not take part in our activity. let me introduce something about this activity. last weekend, we went to the wetland park for picnic. in the morning, we gathered in our school gate, then we went there by bike. after going sightsee in the wetland park, we started to going boating. it is an interesting activity that i have never tried. in the afternoon, we held a fishing competition. the river is clean and the fish is fresh. and at about 6 o'clock, we went back home. it was a happy day. i hope you can join us next time. please reply as soon as possible.fromlihua3篇高三英语作文120字篇2Chinese knot, each knot is from start to finish with a knot made from silk, every node and in accordance with its basic form, naming Italy. To a different node decorated with each other together, or other accessories with auspicious patterns mix, regarding the formation of a Chinese knot. It is themathematical mystery of the game show. The complex has a graceful curve, but it can be reduced to the simple 2-D lines. It shows him with the wisdom of the Qing Zhi is the ancient Chinese civilization in one aspect.3篇高三英语作文120字篇3Dear tom,How are you? I wonder if you could sell some Chinese knots for me. I made them myself with red silk threads, cloth and other materials. They look really beautiful in the shape of a diamond, about 5 inches long and 4 inches wide. In china, these knots stand for friendship, love and good luck. People can either give them as gifts to friends or hang them in their houses. They are only 12.99 US dollars each. If anyone wants to know more about the knots, let them write to me. Also, do let me know if you need further information. Thank you!Li hua.。

高考英语作文120字1In our life, we will be nice to other people, while when facing our parents, we are impatient and even argue with them. People always think their parents don’t understand them and refuse to talk to them, they show the worse temper in the ones who love them and will never leave them, but they show their kindest fact to the strangers. It is a sad thing, the reason that people show their badness to the dearest lies in that people just get used to the presentation of their relatives, they know in their hearts that their parents won’t leave them, no matter what they d o. Our relatives will never leave us, they take care us all the time, they are the dearest persons in the world. People neglect it, so we should be nice to our parents, love them and communicate with them.在我们的生活中,我们会对别人很友好,然而在面对我们的父母时,我们会没有耐心,甚至和他们争吵。

1.高三年级英语优秀作文范文篇一There are many important people have been in my life, and one of them I will never forget. I met him last summer. He was short and tanned, and was about twelve years old. He was selling the balloons on the sideway when I met him, I was curious and asked him:” why do you do business at such young age?” he said:” I’m not doing business, I have been saving money.I want to donate it to the disaster area, the children there need help.” I was surprise, and ashamed. I bought many balloons from him and asked him to keep the change. I should learn from him to be akind-hearted person.2.高三年级英语优秀作文范文篇二Practice Makes PerfectThe saying that practice makes perfect means that after you have plenty of practice in what you are doing, you will be perfect in it.He who practices a lot will master the skill more quickly than he who seldom or hardly practices.For example, when we learn English, we have to learn grammar, words, expressions and so on. The most importantthing may be how to put what we have learned into practice. If youonly learn the grammar rules by heart and don't do enough exercises,it is certain that you can't understand them perfectly.But if you practice a lot, maybe you will understand them more deeply and you can find some good methods of applying them. Memorizing English words whenever time permits,we can easily memorize them andcan even find a way to memorize them more quickly.There is another example. A famous singer can sing very welt.Of course, his talent is very important, but practice is necessary. It is necessary to practice to make the singer sing better andbetter.It is evident that practice is important for everybody. If you want to improve your study and work, you should remember that practice makes perfect.3.高三年级英语优秀作文范文篇三Each people all have own dream, so I also have their own dreams. And some of the dreams are hard to reach, some are very simple. My dream is to fulfill their own responsibility, maintained a kind heart and cook, these are my dream dreams.Actually fulfill their duties and keep a good heart is not so easy to accomplish, it needs to refrain from anywhere at any time, dont temper tantrum, do their duty. In addition as a cook, you have to have a calm heart, because as long as the dry dry floating, how can cook delicious? Alas! Dream is very difficult to achieve! So I want to use any way to achieve your dream? First to fulfill their responsibility must be very respectful to parents, teachers, we also small friends want to have mercy heart, must be kind to everyone, to serious about anything. Namely: "for the respect for the kind; for a person with and; to is true". As for the current clinical chef is to craft a good, dont often dry fast, but well done and so on. As long as do this way, I believe that there must be a may achieve!Dreams must depend on oneself, others cant help you, also may not have spirit to help you. So all things must oneself to do, by himself.I hope my dream will realize, I more hope you desire can be achieved.4.高三年级英语优秀作文范文篇四If one wants to do well in an examination, the revision is one of the most important factors. After so many years of study and examination experience, I summarize some useful review methods that should be helpful to other students.Firstly, slowing down the speed of review appropriately so that you can set aside more time to think about your reviewing plan and make a summary for the previous stage. Moreove, you can make an adjustment for your review if necessary.Secondly, repeated training is so important that it can help you to better understand the knowledge of the error-prone. Thirdly, the teacher should reduce the amount of homework to improve the quality of review. That is so say, the teacher should give more time and freedom to students. Last but not the least, having a good rest also plays a dominant role during the reviewing process, for sufficient energy is the ensurance of efficient revision.Perhaps each student has their own unique review method which requires students to summarize constantly. After all, the best method is the one that ‘s right for you.5.高三年级英语优秀作文范文篇五dear schoolmates,as i am graduating, i’d like to write this letter to express my feelings before leaving school. learning in this school is a very enjoyable and meaningful experience for me. in the past three years, i have understood the pleasure of efforts and challenges, which will be beneficial to my life in the future.while i attained a lot during this period, i also regretted wasting much time. with the much pressure on me, i sometimes read somenovels in order to relax myself. the novels may relieve me from stress, but i should have focused on study.no matter what i did in the past, it is essential to adapt myselfto a new and hopeful life. therefore, i will try my best to face more challenges in the university. i am full of confidence that i’ll g et used to it soon.last, i want to give you some advice. don’t put much pressure on yourselves. keep in mind: it is not just the results that make it important, but what you have done during the preparations.good luck to all of you!。

英文作文120字左右(共10篇)篇一:10篇常见高中英语作文(120词)作文一 For a b ette r un ders tand ingbetw eenpare ntsandchil dren(Ge nera tion Gap)范文一 No wada ys,t here isofte n alack ofunde rsta ndin g be twee n pa rent s an d ch ildr en.Chil dren alw aysplai n th at t heir par ents are out ofdate, wh ilepare ntscant ap prov e of wha t th eirchil dren say and do. Thu s,abiggene rati on g ap i s fo rmed. Th e ga p re main s wi de f or m anyreas ons. Chi ldre n wa nt t o befre e to cho osethei r ow n fr iend s,s elec t th eirownclas sesin s choo l,p lanthei r ow nfu ture,e arnandspen d th eirownmone y ,a nd g ener ally run the ir o wn l ifein a mor ein depe nden t wa y th an m anypare ntsallo w. A lso, you ng c hild renwish tobe u nder stoo d by the ir p aren ts,butmost par ents don t q uite und erst andthei r ch ildr en.They reg ardit a s th eirresp onsi bili ty t o te achthei r of fspr ingtrad itio nalbeli efs. The y wa nt t hemto b e ob edie nt a nd d o we ll i n sc hool . T here fore, mi sund erst andi ng o ften ari se f rompare ntstend ency tointe rfer e in chi ldre n sdail y ac tivi ties. In myopin ion, mos tpr oble ms b etwe en p aren ts a nd c hild rencoul d be sol vedby j oint eff orts ofboth sid es t oen hanc e mu tual und erst andi ng.范文二Nowa days the re i s of tena la ck o f un ders tand ingbetw eenpare nt a nd c hild. Pa rent s of tenplai n ab outthei r ch ildr en s uea sona blebeha vior, wh ilechil dren usu ally thi nk t heir par ents too old-fas hion ed.Then, wh en a chi ld h as apro blem, he usu ally goe s to his int imat e fr iend s fo rsy mpat hy a nd a dvic e, l eavi ng h is p aren ts t otal ly i n th e da rk.Ther e ar e so me p ossi blereas onsforthepres entsitu atio n. F irst, th e tw o ge nera tion s, h avin g gr ownup a t di ffer enttime s, h avediff eren t li kesanddisl ikes for the thi ngsarou nd t hemandthus hav e li ttle inmonto t alkabou t. S econ d, p aren ts a nd c hild ren, due tothemisu nder stan ding bet weenthe m, m ay e venfeel itunfo rtab le t o si t fa ce t o fa ce w itheach oth er t alki ng.Fina lly, wit h th e pa ce o f mo dern lif e be ingfast er a nd f aste r, b othpare nt a nd c hild are too bus y tospa re e noug h ti me t o ex chan ge i deas, ev en i f th ey f indit n eces sary tomuni cate. Asa r esul t, t he g ap b etwe en t hemis g rowi ng w ider and wid er.To b ridg e th is s o-ca lledgen erat iongap, inmy o pini on,both par(来自:WWw.CdfD s.Co m 池锝范文网:英文作文120字左右)en t an d ch ildshou ld m akean e ffor t. T he c hild renshou ld r espe ct t heirsen iors. Th e ol dergene rati on,on t he o ther han d, s houl d sh ow s olic itud e fo r th e yo ung.Asforthei r di ffer ence s, b othgene rati onsshou ld m akeallo wanc e fo r ea ch o ther. If the y wi ll t akethefirs t st ep b y ac tual ly t alki ng t o on e an othe r, i t wo n tbe l ongbefo re t he a rriv al o f abett er u nder stan ding bet ween par entandchil d. 作文二E nerg ypr oble m 范文一 ho w to sol ve t he e nerg y pr oble m 1.有人认为解决能源危机的方法是厉行节约。

作者高三频道为你准备了《高三英语作文优秀范文5篇》,期望助你一臂之力!1.高三英语作文优秀范文About MeI'm a middle school student. My name is ***. I am fifteen years old. I'm going to have a very big and important exam in June, which will be a turning point in my life. Although my school work is very busy, I still spend some free timelistening to the music. It makes me feel relaxed. I don't have many hobbies, but I can play the piano pretty well. When Ifeel sad or lonely, I am going to play a little piece of music.My grade is just so so, but I'm not worried. My parents always say that I'm lazy. Actually I just like to live in my own way. On the weeekends, I usually sleep until ten o'clock. As a girl in this age, I love shopping and pay more attentionto my dresses. I even can go outside and play a whole day and don't feel tired.I do not only like sleeping but also like eating. Hot and spicy food is my favourite, so I often get pimples.That's me, not smart, but kind, not beautiful, but outgoing. I enjoy my original lifestyle.我是一位中学生。

下面,是WTT为你整理的120字高中英语作文,希望对你有帮助!120字高中英语作文篇1SinceI go to school, it is important to take the high score, because not only my parents feel very happy, but also my teacher will give me special attention.It seems that high score is the main goal for every students.Ithas been long recognized that foreign students are good at practising while our students are good at getting the high mark.Scoreand ability which is more important, I think the latter is more useful.Thethings we learn should be prepared for our future.The students are in the stage of storing knowledge, when they meet challenges someday, they can have the ability to solve the problems.Havingthe ability to solve problems by oneself reflects the person is ind ependent and he has already grown up.That’s what education chase for.自从我去上学起,考高分是很重要的,因为不仅我的父母会感到非常高兴,而且我的老师会给予我特别的关注。

高三英语作文关于高三英语作文(精选14篇)在学习、工作乃至生活中,大家都经常接触到作文吧,作文是人们把记忆中所存储的.有关知识、经验和思想用书面形式表达出来的记叙方式.相信很多朋友都对写作文感到非常苦恼吧,以下是小编整理的关于高三英语作文,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家.高三英语作文篇1With the general standard of living improvingand the working week becoming shorter,more andmore people are able to make a holiday trip toplaces of interest. While many like to joinpackage tours fro convenience,I prefer to travel on my own.I like travelling on may own not only because it costs much less but because it gives a great degree of independence and freedom. Travelling on my own,I’m my own boss;and can decide when to start on my way,where to linger a little longer and which spot can be skipped over to save energy or time for another spot.I can always adjust my plan. On the contrary,in a package tour you’re deprived of as much freedom as in a military base. At the sound of the whistle,you have to jump up from a sound sleep and,with heavy-lidded eyes,hurry to the gathering place where you are collected and counted to board a coach. At the sight of the little flag waving,you must immediately take yourself away from the scenes you are marveling at and follow the guide whose sole interest is to cover all spots according to him strict schedule,regardless of the weather or your health condition.True,you may encounter inconveniences if you travel individually,for instance,getting accommodations for the night and finding a place for meals. But nothing can be compared with the freedom which is vital to a person who takes a holiday tripmainly to escape from constraints of his routine life.高三英语作文篇2The wind gently murmured,puffed and sometimes sighed like a summer breeze lifting the leaves along the livelong night.The cat was curling up quiet in her bed.The mouse was sleeping carefree in his gallery.The dog was lying swwet on the sofa.Even the earth itself was sleeping in tranquility,exept that some house door faintly creaked upon its hinge,telling us a remote inward warmth.Nature was at her midnight work with feathery flakes whirling down in the wind,as if she was showering her silvery seeds over the fields.Finally I woke up.The floor creaked under my feet as I moved towards the window.The snow as warm as cotton was lying calmly upon the window sill and the stillness of the morning was extremely impressive.The roofs were standing under their snow caps,while the eaves were wearing their glittering ornaments.The trees raised white arms to the sky on every side,and where there was a wall,there were some fantastic forms of snow stretching exhilarated in the dim landscape,as if Nature had carved her fresh desighs by night as models for mans art.Silently,I opened the door and stepped outside to face the cutting air.The moon had already lost some of its glow and the land was bathed in a dull mist.A lurid light in the east proclaimed the approach of day while the weatern landscape was bleak with some spooky stillness like a wizard kingdom.What you could only hear was the creepy sounds,seemingly out of the hell----the barking of dogs,the hammering of blacksmith,the lowing of cows and the crying of pigs under the butchers knife.Gradually,the lurid light darkened and spread across thewest.Every flower,every tree andevery weed were bathed in the sunshine.Suddenly,it turned out that all the sounds were not for any melancholy they suggested,but for their twilight bustle which was too solemn and mysterious for me.I moved om,treading briskly along the road,the dry and crisped snow crunching under my feet.高三英语作文篇3Teenagers and Video GamesThese days most adults seem to think that most teenagers spend all of their time playing video games. However, when we surveyed 100 students in our school on the topic of video games, we discovered some interesting results.According to the survey, playing video games was only chosen as the third favorite leisure activity, with 22 votes. Also we can see the time spent on it varies from boys to girls. Most girls spent between 0 and 2 hours one day while one more hour went for boys on average. Its apparent to show that boys are addicted to it more easily. Finally, as for the students who were interviewed, 47 percent held the view that they spent less time compared with that of last year.Its a good phenomenon, to some degree, showing that the quality of students leisure time is improving, though we still need to keep an eye on the future trends.What do you think of school uniforms Have you ever been to a school which did not have a school uniform Write and tell us about your experiences and opinions. Send your letters to "Chatback" at the CITY MIRROR.高三英语作文篇4When we were in primary school, we were required to readEnglish every morning. Now we are college students, and keeping reading English every morning is still very important.For one thing, it is well-known that our faculty of memory in the morning is better than any other period of the day. Therefore, reading English in the morning is definitely good for us to remember what we have read. In addition, keeping reading English every morning is a good way to practice our oral English and correct our pronunciation and develop our language sense.For another, reading English in the morning is a good start of a new day. If we read English in the morning, we will find that we will be in stimulated and fulfilled the whole day, and we will have a high enthusiasm to do other things.In short, it is still important to read English every morning even though we are in universities, especially for those who are English major.高三英语作文篇5Do not forget, how much touched, in the heart difficult to open, fine learning network for you finishing the Thanksgiving teachers composition 200 words: Thank you teacher, let us together with the most sincere wishes to the teacher!In my life, there are many people who want to thank. Shi teacher is one of them. She is a good teacher, the concern for us like a mother.I remember once, my language exam test eighty points. When the school, the teacher told me to stay. I was so nervous. I do not know the teacher did not criticize me, but with me to analyze where the wrong, why do wrong. Finally, she said: "As long as you usually study hard, even if the results are not satisfactory, in the eyes of the teacher you are still a good student.Shi teacher like the sun and rain, let us grow up happily andhappily; she is like a hard-working little bees, to teach our knowledge to us, let us walk in the road of happiness. Thank you, teacher!高三英语作文篇6I have a dream --I dream that God has a happy life.I hope he has a warm house to get out of the bad wweather outside. on his bed, hell have a wondreful pillow--not beautiful buit comfortable. I hope that he has healthy food, maybe some mushrooms, some cabbages, somew eggs, and so on. Oh, I persaude him not to eat any hamburgers, they are rubbish.I bless God. I hope that he has an old tree in his yard. Its big leaves are green in summer and turn yellow in autumn, birds build their house in the tree, ants climb up and down for their own lives. God can read under the tree, or he can listen to the trees words---itll tell him a lot, making him laugh or cry.My dream is that hell not be too busy to smile. I wish for a beautiful earth, which hasnt pain, hunger or wars, and which is only filled with lovely smile and sweety tears. then my dear God will be able to have a good bath and a goood sleep---for many years he cannot do this quietly.Every night , I have the same dream , i dream that God can have a happy life and hope its not only a dream...Fanny高三英语作文篇7Now we’re facing wit h a choice. Whether to rent the school dormitory or not depends on different persons.Obviously, the school dormitory is cheaper. And I think as a university student I can afford it. But as each coin has two sides, the equipment isn’t very ideal. If I live in the school dormitory, I cannot occupy the whole toilet. That must be a terrible problemfor a gift. What’s more? I have to go to bed on time and get up on time next morning.On the other hand, renting a flat near school may solve all these problems exc ept for the expense. It’ll cost me 800 RMB a month, and the price is considerably high for a no salary university student. But it’s really attractive to live with few people and have my own space.As mentioned above, I’ve made up my decision to live near school and rent a flat. Though the price is high, maybe I can find another girl also finding somewhere to live. And we can rent it together. Thus reducing our expenses.高三英语作文篇8Whats wrong with Them? Take a look at the road conditions of today. Quite a few pedestrians and cyclists behave as if there were no traffic rules at all. They cross roads anywhere as they like, even though there are zebra-crossings just a few yards away. Some even put themselves at risk taking short cuts by climbing dividers in the middle of roads. Many drivers act like F1 racers on the highways. They drive at considerable speeds without care. They usually speed through zebra-crossings, even when pedestrians are there. When there is a red light at an intersection, pedestrians or cyclists never tend to pause or stop. They all forget where they are. Sometimes there are some crazy people driving on the roads without driving licenses, or worse, drink and drive, which can make the road into a bloody battle field. Why do such things happen? In my opinion, it is just due to their lack of moral duty that people ignore various traffic rules, road safety, or even the lives of others. This leads to their bad and reckless behavior, which makes the traffic conditions go from bad to worse. It is believed t hat something should be done to improve the wholesituation. Then road safety wont be a problem and traffic conditions wont be a bother to us anymore.高三英语作文篇9Each people all have own dream, so I also have their own dreams. And some of the dreams are hard to reach, some are very simple. My dream is to fulfill their own responsibility, maintained a kind heart and cook, these are my dream dreams.Actually fulfill their duties and keep a good heart is not so easy to accomplish, it needs to refrain from anywhere at any time, don't temper tantrum, do their duty. In addition as a cook, you have to have a calm heart, because as long as the dry dry floating, how can cook delicious? Alas! Dream is very difficult to achieve! So I want to use any way to achieve your dream?First to fulfill their responsibility must be very respectful to parents, teachers, we also small friends want to have mercy heart, must be kind to everyone, to serious about anything. Namely: "for the respect for the kind; for a person with and; to is true". As for the current clinical chef is to craft a good, don't often dry fast, but well done and so on. As long as do this way, I believe that there must be a may achieve!Dreams must depend on oneself, others can't help you, also may not have spirit to help you. So all things must oneself to do, by himself. I hope my dream will realize, I more hope you desire can be achieved.高三英语作文篇10From the chart, it is obvious that renting a room near the university is more fortable to live in. However, If let choose, I will choose the former without hesitation.For one thing, I’m a person who is afraid of loudiness. So I would like to live with other 3 persons rather than myself alone.Moreover, I can learn how to municate with others and help each other if I live with other people. I also can make more friends in the university.Secondly, even though there is no single cleaning facility in the dormitory, it can help me adapt myself to the surrounding and learn how to live in harmony with others. What’s more, although I’m a person who loves freedom, I hope the dormitory life could make my life more regular and meaningful.Last but not least, the fees of the dormitory is far cheaper than the renting room. Choosing the former one will make easier to me to afford it by myself.In a word, it is absolute for me to choose the university dormitory. As the facts I mentioned, I believe it is a wise choice. 高三英语作文篇11I have a dream, deeply rooted in my mind, that is when I grow up, I want to be a scientist, although I have no wisdom, no rigorous thinking, also does not have the accurate judgment, but I still won't give up work. Although this dream I very far away, but I still won't stop pursuing. Although in the process of realize the dream, there will be many setbacks and countless hardships, but I'm still not discouraged. Because I believe that only through hell of polish, and to build to create the power of heaven, only through the blood fingers, to pop up to the swan song of time; Only through hardships and setbacks, to achieve your dreams!Previously, whenever see scientists remarkable achievement, always feel envy and admiration. Is, they promoted the development of the society; Is, they make people's living standards improve, But they, for the development of the motherland ushered in a brand new tomorrow!So, I want to be a scientist, become a contribution to thecountry, to become the pillars of the country.Had this dream, I will continue to be so hard, never give up, have the dream, is to grasp their own life course, will not be lost. Had this dream, like a lamp, light up my way forward, has been to the pinnacle of victory!高三英语作文篇12It is a fresh start. I came to the new city which is much different from myhometown, and I should be looking forward to it. The most important thing incommon with my area is group mountain ring around which let me familiar and be enthusiasticabout climbing.Theprocess is not easy. Although the mountains is only 3 kilometers away from myschool as the crow flies, I have to go 25 kilometers more because the road isunder the road. The first problem to get rid before climbing is to go to thefront of the mountains by convenient means of transportation.Climbing the highest mountain directly from the front is a challengingoption. I consider that I could climb the hills on the side, then follow themountains to a higher mountain, and finally climb the highest mountain.Although the road quality has increased, it seems to me that this alternativeis more feasible.Forthis project, I need to purchase relevant equipment and spare enough time tosupport my mountaineering activities. It is one thing bothers me that we arenot restricted to travel because of the epidemic prevention. I believe that theday when the school opens is the day when I arrive at crest.高三英语作文篇13The advantages and disadvantages of the mobile phone.The Snows Of KilimanjaroMy Favorite Subjectsthe Rain of SummerSearch for happiness.My Trip to YunnanEarthHourCampus Security.How to learn more efficiently Great prospectsT?he universe and manCactusSaving resources,starting from meHow to overcome the difficulties Beautiful lotus.A Day At The SeasideA harvest orchard.The field of springThe power of women,The Development of Guangzhou,The shadow thief.Learn to love and to share wealth,Learn to shareAdversity makes a great life,To overcome the ego,The true self is the bestDiscover New Zealand.My Favorite HostestTurn negatives into positives Chinese Traditional.Handkcraft ExhibitionSilence is goldenMake yourself strongConfidence is the secret of success Cooperation can survive.The shadow thief Computer, Learning to learnSummer Do aliens really exist.The development of online game is good,A wonderful day,My view on fake commodities.My childhood Hard life is good for children.On teamworkHealth or Wealth?Allocation of Time,My BrotherPut an end to wasteI want to smile.高三英语作文篇14Each people all have own dream, so I also have their own dreams. And some of the dreams are hard to reach, some are very simple. My dream is to fulfill their own responsibility, maintained a kind heart and cook, these are my dream dreams.Actually fulfill their duties and keep a good heart is not so easy to accomplish, it needs to refrain from anywhere at any time, don't temper tantrum, do their duty. In addition as a cook, you have to have a calm heart, because as long as the dry dry floating, how can cook delicious? Alas! Dream is very difficult to achieve! So I want to use any way to achieve your dream? First to fulfill their responsibility must be very respectful to parents, teachers, we also small friends want to have mercy heart, must be kind to everyone, to serious about anything. Namely: "for the respect forthe kind; for a person with and; to is true". As for the current clinical chef is to craft a good, don't often dry fast, but well done and so on. As long as do this way, I believe that there must be a may achieve!Dreams must depend on oneself, others can't help you, also may not have spirit to help you. So all things must oneself to do, by himself. I hope my dream will realize, I more hope you desire can be achieved.。

高三英语作文(优秀8篇)篇一:高三英语作文篇一Many students are going spring outing.Some students are boating.And some students are having a picnic. The others are playing games. There is a girl siting on a chair reading a book.The sky is blue. The trees are green. The flowers are red.Its a very beautiful park What is the most popular gift for Mothers Day? Cards, flowers and food are the most popular Mothers Day gifts this year. Eight out of 10 Americans celebrate Mothers Day and spend nearly $100 on average.篇二:高三英语作文篇二All of us experience failure and are afraid of it. However, every coin has two sides. Failure also has its advantages. It provides us with an opportunity to see our strengths and weaknesses clearly, enabling us to find what is the most suitable for us. On the other hand, failure can be a good teacher. It tells us where we need improvements, where we should invest more time and energy, and what strategy to take.Failure is something unavoidable. Properly handled, though, it can teach us a lot. Firstly, we should face it bravely instead ofplaining about the unfairness of life. Secondly, we should analyze the reasons timely to avoid making similar mistakes. Last but not least, we are supposed to make appropriate changes and more efforts. Only in this way are we more likely to succeed.As for me. I have a positive attitude towards failure, because I believe there is always wisdom to be learned from failure. I will keep in mind that failure is the mother of success.篇三:高三英语作文篇三early in senior high school, we longed to be enrolled in a university. now the dream has e true. but how do we college students like our campus life?certainly, some relish it, finding it colorful and rewarding. besides study, they spend considerable amount of time improving themselves in various aspect. yet others do not think much of their college life, thus do not benefit as much. in their eyes, the university is just a bigger high school. the only difference is that they have more time at their disposal without parents looking over their shoulder.as to me, college life is ideal if only i have abundant books to read, some bosom friends to keep me pany, a couple of conscientious professors to instruct me, and an easy access to theinternet.篇四:高三英语作文篇四From the chart,it is obvious that renting a room near the university is more fortable to live in. However,If let choose,I will choose the former without hesitation.For one thing,I’m a person who is afraid of loudiness. So I would like to live with other 3 persons rather than myself alone. Moreover,I can learn how to municate with others and help each other if I live with other people. I also can make more friends in the university.Secondly,even though there is no single cleaning facility in the dormitory,it can help me adapt myself to the surrounding and learn how to live in harmony with others. What’s more,although I’m a person who loves freedom,I hope the dormitory life could make my life more regular and meaningful.Last but not least,the fees of the dormitory is far cheaper than the renting room. Choosing the former one will make easier to me to afford it by myself.In a word,it is absolute for me to choose the university dormitory. As the facts I mentioned,I believe it is a wise choice.(190 words)篇五:高三英语作文篇五Motto―New Beijing, Great Olympics 口号――新北京,新奥运Reform and opening up to the outside world have brought about great changes in Beijing, a city with a 3,000-year history. The city has taken on a co mpletely new look as it enters the new century. It will embrace the athletes and friends from the rest of the world attending the Olympic Games with great enthusiasm. 篇六:高三英语作文篇六It is human nature to seek morc and to want something different. there are many instances in our daily life that can verify this.we can take some humans basic needs as an example we do not want to wear the same clothes all the time and we want better and better cars. we wish to live in a more spacious flat. of course not all human beings are the same. for instance, some people try to climb up socially or politically all the time, while others never stop trying to make more money. children long for new toys while the old hope to live longer. scientists want to make new discoveries while writers desire to produce more works.good or had, this human nature has been the impetus to thede velopment of human society. markets flourish because we want more and better goods. the development of science and technology has never stopped because of our desire to discover more and more. if man has been easily satisfied, the human society would still be at its primitive stage篇七:高三英语作文篇七ear Editor,I'm writing to tell you about the discussion on whether anentrance fee should be charged for parks. Opinions vary from person to person onthis issue.50% of the students disagree with the idea of entrance fees. In theiropinion, parks are public places where all the people can have a rest and enjoythemselves. So if an entrance fee is charged, some people will surely be keptaway from the park. Besides, in order to charge entrance fees,gates and wallsmust be built. They think that it will do harm to the appearance of a city.40%of the students agree with the idea of entrance fees, because the gardeners needto be paid and new plants and flowers need to be bought.But fees should becharged reasonably.Yours truly,篇八:高三英语作文篇八In the morning, I walked with Miss Qiu and came to the school happily.Just arrived at the school, I found that the fragrance of Osmanthus before was gone. I ran to the backyard quickly and looked, ah! All the osmanthus on the osmanthus tree at the back fell down. As I walked, I whispered: "what a great change in autumn!" I had no sooner e to the classroom than I had a class Ding! Ding! Ding! After class, I went out and made a big discovery. Do you know what it is? Is the camphor tree in the campus leaves or green, this is why? It turns out that autumn girl can't make the leaves of camphor tree fall. Only spring girl can make the new leaves grow, and the old leaves will fall.Now, I know how wonderful nature is and how beautiful campus is...。

2023年高中备考:高三英语作文大全120词带翻译(精选多篇)1. My Dream JobMy dream job is to become a teacher. I have always admired teachers for their patience, dedication, and passion for teaching. I believe that teaching is one of the most important jobs in the world, as teachers play a vital role in shaping the future of young people. As a teacher, I would like to inspire my students to be curious, creative, and confident learners. I would also like to help them develop critical thinking skills, as well as a love for learning. Overall, my dream job as a teacher would be to make a positive difference in the lives of my students.我的梦想工作是成为一名教师。
2. The Importance of ReadingReading is one of the most important skills anyone can possess. Not only does it enhance one's knowledge and vocabulary, but it also improves critical thinking skills. Reading helps us to understand different perspectives and cultures, which can broaden our worldview. It can also inspire us and introduce us to new ideas and possibilities. In today's fast-paced world, it is easy to neglect the pleasure of reading, but it is important that we make time for it.Whether it is reading a book, a newspaper, or an online article, reading is a valuable and rewarding activity that should be part of our daily routine.阅读是任何人都可以拥有的最重要的技能之一。

高三英语作文(通用10篇)高三英语作文篇1There are many ways for us high school students to relax ourselves. As for me,when I feel stressed,I usually communicate with my friends, parents or teachers. Sometimes I will do sports with our classmates, such as riding bikes, going swimming and so on. I go to the movies or listen to light music in my spare time,too. What’s more, going on a trip in holiday is another way to make me relaxed. I believe, if we are more relaxed,we’ll live happier, be healthier and learn better.高三英语作文篇2October 12, 20xx, Monday FineIt is universally acknowledged that Senior Three is undoubtedly a critical phase of life. The school life is extremely busy, so our monitor suggests that we have an outing to relax ourselves this weekend.It is terrific! After a month s study, I feel we really need a break for one day, and so do some of my friends. Senior Three should not be filled with study only and relaxation is also an important part. Sometimes relaxation is more useful than an hour s hard work. While having an outing, we can relax ourselves and enjoy the beautiful scenery of autumn --- yellow leaves, attractive sunset against the blue sky and so on. Isn t it enjoyable? After the outing, I think all the students will have a better physical and mental state to meet the further challenges we may come across and cope with difficulties for ourselves.高三英语作文篇3How time flies!This is the last year I have been studying at high school and the entrance examination for college is drawingnear.Having seen off the summer vacation,I must face up to the new term for the beginning of the Third Grade,senior.Saying goes that a good beginning is half done,so I should pay close attention to the study program for the first two months,September and October.Firstly I should concentrate my attention upon the major subject.Besides,some of my weak points in certain of the subjects should be paid more respects.The most important is that I cannot ignore taking exercises in the least.The next year will be my life turning point.At the end of the next term,I am to graduate from school.I want to further myself on XX specialty,and Im going to register myself for the examination to XX University.Therefor,I must get ready for the target.高三英语作文篇4We are supposed to express our gratitude to others on Thanksgiving Day. However, we should feel gratitude every day.God has two dwellings, one in heaven, and the other in a meek and thankful heart. Be grateful to others is a way to show your love.In our daily life, we often receive help from our parents, friends, colleagues and strangers. Perhaps it is a little thing, pick up the pen you drop, lift a heavy box for you or offer you a seat in the bus. We should be thankful to them for whatever they have done. The more love you give, the more love you receive.A sense of gratitude can acknowledging our interdependent existence. You will be ready to help others if you have a thankful heart. Therefore, a thankful heart is like a magnet. Not only will we attract more things to be grateful for, but also we will attract gratitude from others. give thanks a little and you will find a lot.Gratitude is heaven itself. A sense of gratitude and indebtedness to others is and important wellspring of a generousand virtuous life. We now fall into a busy life, neglecting to be grateful for details, the beauty of nature, the comforts of modern living ,the love of parents and so on. People can notice these details and realize the friendship, love and happiness in our life with a grateful heart.Gratitude is the fairest blossom which springs from the soul. Be thankful for whatever you have, give and receive. Happy Thanksgiving today and every day!高三英语作文篇5Conflicts with others are common in everyday life.One Possible VersionConflicts with others are common in everyday life. During the basketball game yesterday afternoon, Su Hua and Li Jiang bumped into each other, trying to catch the ball. Then they startedshouting and yelling, and it turned into a horrible quarrel.To be honest, it was Su爷s fault but Li was also to blame—they were not calm enough and both said some really mean things. They cared too much about winning and losing. As a matter of fact, blocking, pushing and bumping are just part of a tough game.To avoid such conflicts, we should be kind to one another, which is essential to enjoying aharmonious life. It is also a virtue to forgive and forget, especially in such a competitive andstressful society. Instead of blaming each other, we should communicate more and put ourselves inothers’place.Don’t be self-centered and try to be considerate. We must learn to handle conflicts calmly andwisely.高三英语作文篇6Last summer holiday, I took a trip to Yunnan. It is in the southern part of our country .It is really a very beautiful place grand mountains, clean rivers and kind people. Trees and flowers are seen everywhere. Every year there are lots and lots of visitors.Maybe you have heard about Shi Lin . There are all kinds of strange stones. Some of the small stones look like graceful girls; and the big stones look like handsome men. Other stones look like cats, peafowls, double-edged swords, mice, elephants and so on. Of all the stones, the stone like a beautiful girl in a legend is the most famous .Its name is A Shima.I also went to Li Jiang. The roads in that city are just like the Eight Diagrams. Any road in the city goes to the center of Li Jiang.A river runs through the whole city. If you go along the river, youll never get lost. There are many ethnic minority people in Yunnan. They are very cordial. And they all like singing and dancing. We danced with them around the campfire that night. I really had a good time.I like the elephants and fruits there best. An elephant is even taller than me! I even mounted the elephant, though I was very afraid at first. But the elephant seemed very friendly. I took some photos with it. The fruits there are very fresh and delicious. They are very good for our health.The trip to Yunnan impressed me greatly. I will never forget it.高三英语作文篇7I like playing basketball that is my favorite sports.I play it twice a week and that is health for me and strengthen my muscle.Basketball is an international sports that have manycompetitions in world.Many people love this sports and exercise it every day.It canmake me enjoythe active,passion and interesting process.In addition we can get many friends in this process and being happy as well.Also this canenhance our body healthy and stronger.You can with your friends play this sports together,because it wouldgive you a lot of fun.Above all,Ireally love play basketballbecause it is my favorite sports.Only you love it,just do it! Because we are young now,do somegood sports and maintain this condition.我喜欢打篮球,而且这是我最喜欢的运动。

下面,是小编为你整理的高中英语作文120字范文,希望对你有帮助!高中英语作文120字范文篇1Last night, I ate a lot of food, such as KTC and ice cream, before I slept, I ate some cold food in the fridge. At midnight, I felt my stomach hurt badly, my family was woke up, they sent me to the hospital. After seeing the doctor, he told me that I had eaten too much food, what’s more, the food was not healthy, s o it hurt my stomach. Since then, I realized that I should not eat the rubbish food often, I should keep the healthy diet. Now my diet is regular, I won’t take in much food before sleeping, my body is becoming healthy. In the morning, I eat an egg and make sure I take in enough vitamins. Even when I see the rubbish food is tempting, I take no hesitation to say no to them. I am so proud of myself.昨晚,我吃了很多事物,比如肯德基和冰淇淋,在睡觉前,我吃了一些在冰箱里面的冷食物。

120字的高考英语作文120字的高考英语作文篇1When we are very small, we dream to be the great person in the future, such as the scientist, the policeman and so on. It is good for the children to own the big dream, so that they will study hard and fight for their future. But the fact is that not all the person can become the great person, most people are doing the ordinary jobs. In my opinion, ordinary is beautiful, too. Though they are not doing the fine jobs, they find their own place and make a contribution to the world. Take the cleaner for example. They wake up early and do the cleaning work. People dare not to do the job because it is so dirty, but the cleaners decorate the city with their hard work. The cleaners are the ordinary people while doing the great job.在我们很小的时候,梦想将来成为伟大的人,比如科学家,警察等等。

高中英语范文120字读高中时,100字的英语作文都写过了,还会怕120字的吗?下面是店铺给大家整理的高中英语范文120字,供大家参阅!高中英语范文120字1Energy problemhow to solve the energy problem1.有人认为解决能源危机的方法是厉行节约。
Nowadays, the world is facing the big problem of energy shortages. The energy that we can use is running out day by day. Maybe one day we will all end up drinking dirty water if we don't do something about it. Here are some things that everyone can do to help save energy.First, we must try to use our air conditioner less during the summer months, as this consumes a great deal of electricity. Second, we should try to remember to use less water while washing our hair. Third, we must not let leaky taps run all day. We should fix them as soon as possible. We should, also, try to close the fridge as quickly as possible. This will save a lot of electricity and is good for the fridge as well. Another thing we can do is to ride our bicycles instead of driving cars or riding buses. They "drink" lots of petrol, which comes from oil, a nonrenewable (adj. 不可再生的) energy resource. Finally, don't forget to turn off the lights when leaving a room. It doesn't take much time, but saves a lot of electricity.I hope more and more people will realize the importance of saving energy and do what they can to use less so that life will be good in the future.高中英语范文120字2For a better understanding between parents and children(Generation Gap)Nowadays,there is often a lack of understanding between parents and children. Children always complain that their parents are out of date,while parents can't approve of what their children say and do. Thus,a big generation gap is formed.The gap remains wide for many reasons. Children want to be free to choose their own friends,select their own classes in school,plan their own future ,earn and spend their own money ,and generally run their own life in a more independent way than many parents allow. Also, young children wish to be understood by their parents,but most parents don't quite understand their children. They regard it as their responsibility to teach their offspring traditional beliefs. They want them to be obedient and do well in school . Therefore, misunderstanding often arise from parents' tendency to interfere in children's daily activities. In my opinion, most problems between parents and children could be solved by joint efforts of both sides to enhance mutual understanding.高中英语范文120字3For a better understanding between parents and children(Generation Gap)Nowadays there is often a lack of understanding between parent and child. Parents often complain about their children's "unreasonable" behavior, while children usually think their parents too "old-fashioned." Then, when a child has a problem, he usually goes to his intimate friends for sympathy and advice, leaving his parents totally in the dark.There are some possible reasons for the present situation.First, the two generations, having grown up at different times, have different likes and dislikes for the things around them and thus have little in common to talk about. Second, parents and children, due to the misunderstanding between them, may even feel it uncomfortable to sit face to face with each other talking. Finally, with the pace of modern life becoming faster and faster, both parent and child are too busy to spare enough time to exchange ideas, even if they find it necessary to communicate. As a result, the gap between them is growing wider and wider.To bridge this so-called generation gap, in my opinion, both parent and child should make an effort. The children should respect their seniors. The older generation, on the other hand, should show solicitude for the young. As for their differences, both generations should make allowance for each other. If they will take the first step by actually talking to one another, it won't be long before the arrival of a better understanding between parent and child.。

英语作文120字左右6篇1. My Favorite BookRecently, I read a captivating novel titled "To Kill a Mockingbird." It's a story set in the American South, exploring themes of racial injustice and moral growth. The protagonist, Atticus Finch, is a beacon of integrity amidst prejudice. This book has profoundly influenced my perspective on empathy and justice.2. A Day in My LifeI wake up at dawn, embracing the tranquility of morning. After a healthy breakfast, I head to school, where I immerse myself in English literature and mathematics. In the afternoon, I enjoy playing soccer with friends. Evenings are for homework and reading, before retiring to bed with a sense of fulfillment.3. The Importance of EducationEducation is the cornerstone of personal and societal development. It equips individuals with knowledge andcritical thinking skills, enabling them to contribute to the economy and foster innovation. Moreover, it promotes social mobility and helps in building a more informed and democratic society.4. My Dream JobMy aspiration is to become an environmental scientist. I am passionate about nature and its preservation. I envisionworking on projects that combat climate change and promote sustainable living. This career aligns with my desire to make a positive impact on the planet for future generations.5. The Power of TechnologyTechnology has revolutionized our lives, making information accessible at our fingertips. It has transformed communication, education, and healthcare. However, it also poses challenges like privacy concerns and digital divide. Balancing the benefits with responsible use is crucial for a progressive society.6. A Memorable TripMy most memorable trip was to the Grand Canyon. The vastness and majesty of the landscape left me awestruck. Hiking along the rim, I felt a profound connection with nature. The experience was a reminder of the world's beauty and the need to preserve such wonders for all to experience.。

高三英语作文篇1There are many memorable things, I have had a particularly memorable things, that is my primary school graduation party. Although it is a party, but we are held during the day, may be called "white"."The day before the white", we are ready to do the work, prepared a cake, , sound. There are many wonderful programs. The night before, I can't sleep a night, excitedly waiting for the arrival of"white".The second day, I went to school early. To the classroom, I saw the classroom four corners of asound and the walls are connected with lights, window adhesive beautiful balloon.高三英语作文篇2Chinese there are a lot of traditional culture, such as the Lantern Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival Dragon Boat Glutinous Rice Balls to eat, to celebrate the Mid Autumn Festival, summer egg fight...... I love most is the beginning of the egg fight.The day of the beginning, I invited my buddy to fight my eggs. At the beginning of the egg, mother prepared an egg for each of us and said, "who is the last of the eggs, who is the king of the egg!" First of all, I and Yao Peiyu, both of us egg head tothe egg, who will not let anyone, to fight each other up. We just fight soon, they heard the click sound, there is a broken egg! I was so surprised that I looked at my eggs, and thank God, my eggs were not broken. It was Yao Peiyu who accidentally hit the empty head with my tip! We saw it and laughed all the time. He bites and says, "come again!" This time, we all put out the strength of the milk, but his strength was not big, so he was defeated by me! Left Xiao Yuxuan, although she is a girl, but not a good deal.All of a sudden, I came up with a good plan and a seamless plan. I used to fight with her on the empty end and broke up in a moment. I thought to myself, "this is the end of you. Your sharp head has been damaged. I will fight with you with a good and sharp tip." So, I tried to wipe the egg head, and suddenly blows, give strength to my eggs. At first, her eggs were damaged, and she was not so big as I was, so I was easily defeated. I jumped up with joy. Mother loudly announced, "the end of the game, Sun Yize is the king of eggs!" Now everyone begins to eat eggs. " We eat eggs, and all the people are in the atmosphere of joy.The egg not only brought us happiness, but also let me understand a truth: everything should be brain, with wisdom to win!高三英语作文篇3From the chart, it is obvious that renting a room near the university is more comfortable to live in. However, If let choose,I will choose the former without hesitation.For one thing,I’m a person who is afraid of loudiness. So I would like to live with other 3 persons rather than myself alone. Moreover, I can learn how to communicate with others and help each other if I live with other people. I also can make more friendsin the university.Secondly, even though there is no single cleaning facility in the dormitory, it can help me adapt myself to the surrounding and learn how to live in harmony with others. What’s more,although I’m a person who loves freedom,I hope the dormitory life could make my life more regular and meaningful.Last but not least, the fees of the dormitory is far cheaper than the renting room. Choosing the former one will make easier to me to afford it by myself.In a word,it is absolute for me to choose the university dormitory. As the facts I mentioned, I believe it is a wise choice.(190 words)高三英语作文篇4dear schoolmates,as i am graduating, i’d like to write this letter to express my feelings before leaving school. learning in this school is a very enjoyable and meaningful experience for me. in the past three years, i have understood the pleasure of efforts and challenges, which will be beneficial to my life in the future.while i attained a lot during this period, i also regretted wasting much time. with the much pressure on me, i sometimes read some novels in order to relax myself. the novels may relieve me from stress, but i should have focused on study.no matter what i did in the past, it is essential to adapt myself to a new and hopeful life. therefore, i will try my best to face more challenges in the university. i am full of confidence that i’ll get used to it soon.last, i want to give you some advice. don’t put much pressure on yourselves. keep in mind: it is not just the results that make it important, but what you have done during thepreparations.good luck to all of you!高三英语作文篇5Beijing, the second largest city,is where i want to visit most. there are several reasons why i would like to visit Beijing.First, beijing is the capital of china, and has a history more than 5000 years. it has been the capital for many dynasties.Second, there are many historical buildings, such as The great wall and Summer Palace.Therea are also some new stadiums, lnclude The Bird Nest and The Wate Cube.They were built for the 20xx Beijing Olympic Games. I really want to go there and visit all intereing places.高三英语作文篇6First and foremost, I have a pet. It is my dog, It is name is coco, It is color is as white as snow, and have a two big eyes. It is very nice and loyalty. It makes me stress reliever, and forget about the busy thing in the school. For example, when I feel sadness, it? will accompany with me, I will talk about my feeling,not only share happy thing, but also share upset events. Therefore, this also lets me have a comfortable.By the way, when I go out, coco in order to wait me at the door. Visible it very loyalty. In addition, in order for the dog can make some new friends, I will help it to join many activities. Such as when I often take a walk with Coco, it will very happy. Since it can make some news friends.Last but not least, my dog makes me so happy, it can make me reduce an anxiety.高三英语作文篇7In my opion, swimming does good to our life.Because we canrelax during our staying in the water.And we can pracitse many kinds of swimming. Besides we can learn how to get alive when the flood is coming. What's more we can also build our body when we do exercise in the water. Most important , we can become taller after our swimming exercise. Just in a word,our life is colorful with the help of swimming.在我眼里,游泳对我们的生活很有好处。

120字左右英语作文阅读120字左右英语作文篇一I like travelling.If I have enough money and have limited time,I would join a tour group to go places.This can save time and planning.A good tour agency will plan and take care of the whole tour.I don t like tour guide that brings us to buy things at stipulated shop.If I have the time,I would prefer to go travelling on my own in a man-packed trip.If I go on a man-packed trip,I would try to look for a friend to go with me.Going in pair,would be safer and in case,one of us got sick,the other is able to take care of the other.If I go on a man-packed trip,I usually spend more time on historical sites.Anyone care to join me in my next man-packed trip to Tibet?120字左右英语作文篇二Hi, my name is Li yong, a fifteen-year-old girl. I am from China, and live in Nanjing city. I am studying e-commerce now. My hobbies and interests are swimming, singing, making friends and chatting on the net. I have many friends in our school, and my best friend is Song Hai from Singapore. He likes sports, singing and chatting on the net as me, but he is better than me in lessons. He study English very hard, and always help me, so I am interested in English now. That s all.120字左右英语作文篇三My dream is to have robots.In 2345, there are many robots in the world. Every family has more than one robot. Everyone can make different robot, it s popular in the world.I have three robots, the first one is from my friend, the second one is from my parents, and the third one is from my classmate.The first robot is Peg. It has a square face, its body is a big circle, and it has a small mouth. It can run very fast, it can jump very high, it can swim slowly, and it can fly with me! It likes eating somemilk for breakfast, some noodles for lunch and some porridge for dinner. Look! Peg is riding a bicycle. It s learning about balance. Be careful, Peg!The second robot is Jack. It has a round face, two small eyes and a big mouth. It can dance very well, it can play the piano quite well, and it can skate well. Jack likes making friends with people, animals, trees and flowers, even air. Listen! Jack is playing the piano! Oh, that s very good. Everyone likes it.The last one is Dick. It s the cutest than Peg and Jack. It can teach me how to live, and it can help me play, relax and learn new things!The robots can teach me many things, they can make me happy, they are fun, I like it!我的梦我的梦想是有robots.In 2345,在世界上有许多机器人。

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3篇高三英语作文120字篇1dear jack, i am sorry about that you could not take part in our activity. let me introduce something about this activity. last weekend, we went to the wetland park for picnic. in the morning, we gathered in our school gate, then we went there by bike. after going sightsee in the wetland park, we started to going boating. it is an interesting activity that i have never tried. in the afternoon, we held a fishing competition. the river is clean and the fish is fresh. and at about 6 o'clock, we went back home. it was a happy day. i hope you can join us next time. please reply as soon as possible.fromlihua
3篇高三英语作文120字篇2Chinese knot, each knot is from start to finish with a knot made from silk, every node and in accordance with its basic form, naming Italy. To a different node decorated with each other together, or other accessories with auspicious patterns mix, regarding the formation of a
Chinese knot. It is the mathematical mystery of the game show. The complex has a graceful curve, but it can be reduced to the simple 2-D lines. It shows him with the wisdom of the Qing Zhi is the ancient Chinese civilization in one aspect.
3篇高三英语作文120字篇3Dear tom,
How are you? I wonder if you could sell some Chinese knots for me. I made them myself with red silk threads, cloth and other materials. They look really beautiful in the shape of a diamond, about 5 inches long and 4 inches wide. In china, these knots stand for friendship, love and good luck. People can either give them as gifts to friends or hang them in their houses. They are only 12.99 US dollars each. If anyone wants to know more about the knots, let them write to me. Also, do let me know if you need further information. Thank you!
Li hua.。