产品标准:YZB/ 渝 0048-2007;GB/T2985-2008
6. 常见故障与排除方法
7. 标准配套表。
(指定灯泡:6V/20W 卤素灯泡)。
6.为保证安全,更换卤素灯或保险丝前,一定要确保主开关已处于“O”(断开)状态,并切断电源,同时等待灯泡及灯室完全冷却后进行。(指定灯泡:6V/20W 卤素灯泡)。
1···注 意 事 项 !!1、产品使用目的本显微镜仅用于显微观察,不可用作其他目的。
3、注意输入电压是否相符本仪器设计为宽电压(100V~240V 50/60Hz)输入,可适用于绝大部分地区及国家电压情况。
8、使用环境本仪器正常使用的环境要求为:室内温度:0℃~40℃ 最大相对湿度:85%温度过高或湿度过大均会引起光学部件生霉、起雾或结露,使仪器不能正常使用。
9、包装废弃物的处理请将显微镜包装的废弃物(如:纸箱、泡沫等)分类后妥善处理,或送至废品收购站,即保护环境节约资源!目 录注意事项 1………………………………………………………………简介与用途 2………………………………………………………………一、性能及参数 3………………………………………………………………二、各部份名称 4………………………………………………………………三、安装与搬运 5………………………………………………………………四、操作与使用 6………………………………………………………………明场显微观察使用方法步骤 (6)聚光镜及孔径光栏的调节 (6)浸液物镜的使用 (7)偏光装置的安装与使用 (7)暗场装置的使用 (7)使用完毕注意事项 (7)五、摄影、摄像装置的安装与使用 8………………………………………………………………六、维护与保养 9………………………………………………………………附:常见故障与排除 10………………………………………………………………B302系列生物显微镜集合国内外优势资源,具备国际先进水平的全新一代O P T E C卓越的O T I C S无限远校正光学系统确保出色的分辨率和清晰度 O P T E C开拓性的100×水浸物镜取代传统油浸物镜,极具划时代意义 O P T E C独家创新的低倍减光物镜,高、低倍物镜间转换无需亮度调节 水滴式造型设计,新颖的设计理念,建立舒适的操作环境,时尚工作空间 人体工程学设计,低位布局,手臂置于桌面操作,长时间工作不易疲劳本仪器 可用于学校教学及医院临床检验等领域,是各种实验室研究的理想助手。
BB.1152-PLiBB.1152-PLi™A NT I MI C R O B I A L PR O T E C T I O NL A Y E R SModelos binoculares y trinoculares de tipo Siedentopf inclinados 30°, giratorios 360º con tornillo de fijación y con tubos porta-oculares Ø 30 mm. La distancia inter-pupilar es ajustable entre 48 y 75 mm. Corrección de ±5BB.1153-PLPHi BB.1153-PLiEuromex Microscopen bv • Papenkamp 20 • 6836 BD Arnhem • The Netherlands • T +31 (0) 26 323 22 11 • info@ • | C I E N C I A S D E L A V I D A || E D U C A C I ÓN |FIC HA T ÉC NI C AACCESORIOS Y REC AMBIOSO C U L A R E SBB.6010 Ocular de gran campo WF10x/20 mm. Para porta-ocular de 30 mm ØBB.6015 Ocular de gran campo WF15x/15 mm. Para porta-ocular de 30 mm ØBB.6020 Ocular de gran campo WF20x/11 mm. Para porta-ocular de 30 mm ØBB.6110 O cular de gran campo WF10x/22 mm. con escala micrométrica.Para porta-ocular de 30 mm ØBB.6099 Pareja de protectores de gomaO B J E T I V O S - 45 M M PA R F O C A L E SBB.8804 Objetivo DIN 45 mm. plano 4x/0.10BB.8810 Objetivo DIN 45 mm. plano 10x/0.25BB.8820 Objetivo DIN 45 mm. plano 20x/0.40BB.8840 Objetivo DIN 45 mm. plano S40x/0.65BB.8860 Objetivo DIN 45 mm. plano S60x/0.80BB.8800 Objetivo DIN 45 mm. plano S100x/1.25 (inmersión en aceite)BB.7204 Objetivo DIN 45 mm. corregido a infinito (IOS) plano 4x/0.10BB.7210 Objetivo DIN 45 mm. corregido a infinito (IOS) plano 10x/0.25BB.7220 Objetivo DIN 45 mm. corregido a infinito (IOS) plano 20x/0.50BB.7240 Objetivo DIN 45 mm. corregido a infinito (IOS) plano S40x/0.65BB.7260 Objetivo DIN 45 mm. corregido a infinito (IOS) plano S60x/0.80BB.7200 O bjetivo DIN 45 mm. corregido a infinito (IOS) plano S100x/1.25(inmersión en aceite)M I S C E L ÁN E ABB.9602 A nalizador en lámina 25 mm. Ø. Se coloca en el revólver porta-objetivosBB.9707 Filtro esmerilado 32 mm. Ø. Se coloca en el soporte porta-filtros BB.9732 F iltro polarizador de 32 mm. de diámetro. Se instala en elsoporte porta-filtros del condendadorBB.9880 Sistema Köhler adaptable BB.9900 Maleta de aluminioAE.9919 Bolsa de microscopio de nylon (58 x 32 x 24 cm)AE.9916 Euromex funda protección anti polvo, extra grande (50 x 68 cm)BB.9993 NeoLED de recambio 3WAE.5227 Fusibles de vidrio de 1A, caja de 10 unidadesACC E S O R I O S D E C A M A R AAE.5130 A daptador universal SLR con lente de proyección 2x para tubotrinocular de 23,2 mm. de diámetro. Requiere anillo T2AE.5025 Anillo T2 para cámara digital SLR NIKON D AE.5040 Anillo T2 para cámara digital SLR CANON EOSA R T ÍC U L O D E CO N S U M OPB.5155 L áminas porta-objetos 76 x 26 mm de cristal semi-blanco conbordes no cortados. Suministrado en paquetes de 50 unidades.PB.5157-W P orta-objetos de 76x26 mm., cantos pulidos y banda colorblanco (caja de 50 unidades)PB.5157-B P orta-objetos de 76x26 mm., cantos pulidos y banda color azul(caja de 50 unidades)PB.5160 L áminas porta-objetos 76 x 26 mm de cristal semi-blanco conconcavidad (profundidad de la cavidad 0,25 mm) y con bordes no cortados. Suministrado en paquetes de 50 unidadesPB.5168 C ubre objetos de 22x22mm, grosor de 0.13-0.17mm.Suministrado por paquetes de 100 unidadesPB.5165 C ubre-objetos 18 x 18 mm, grosor de 0.13-0.17 mm. Suministradopor paquetes de 100 unidadesPB.5255 A ceite de inmersión, índice de refracción n= 1,515. Frasco de 25 ml PB.5274 Alcohol isopropílico 99%, botella de 200 mlPB.5245 Papel de limpieza de lentes, paquete de 100 unidades PB.5275 K it de limpieza compuesto por líquido de limpieza de lentes,gamuza, papel de limpieza de lentes, cepillo, pera de aire y bastoncillos de algodónPB.5276 K it de limpieza y mantenimiento de microscopios, 16 piezas:cepillo de limpieza, juego de destornilladores 6 piezas, soplador de aire, tres llaves Allen de 1,5, 2, 2,5 mm, líquido de limpieza de lentes de 20 ml, paño de limpieza de 140 x 140 mm, papel de limpieza de lentes 100 piezas, tubo de grasa de mantenimiento, botella de aceite de 10 ml, embalada en una bonita caja de herramientas。
III Locking of the Pre-focusing Lever 1m Use of Immersion Objectives
@ Do not disassemble any part of microscope, since the integrated performance may be impaired.
@ When not in use, the microscope should be covered with the dust cover provided or contained in a storage case, and kept in a place free from humidity and mold.
fJ Main18nance and .;;.Sto..;..ra
CD Use a clean brush or lens tissue paper to clean the lens surfaces. If the lens surfaces are soiled with oil or
fingerprints, wipe them off carefully with gauze moistened with a small amount of alcohol and ether (3: 7) solution, or xylene.
1) Insert the screw into a flat washer and one of the two holes (8 mm dia.) in the base plate of the case as illustrated at the right.
生物显微镜操作步骤OLYMPUS CX23和解决方法:1.光线不足:调节LED照明亮度或使用聚光镜提高亮度。
OLYMPUS CX23生物显微镜操作步骤明场观察操作步骤如下:1.打开LED照明,旋转光强度调节旋钮调节亮度。
物镜放大倍数 WD ( mm )4× 27.810× 8.040× 0.6100× 0.139.调节粗调旋钮的张力:如果载物台因其自身的重量而下降,或采用微调旋钮获取的对焦很快消失,可以用平头螺丝刀调节粗调对焦调节旋钮的张力。
CM800-B 使用说明书#44128-B目录简介 (2)参数 (2)部件 (3)显微镜所含标准附件 (3)放大率(倍率)表 (4)安装显微镜 (4)调焦和改变放大倍数(放大率) (4)观测标本 (5)显微镜操作 (5)制作切片 (6)保养、维护 (6)保修条款 (7)1祝贺您正确得选择并购买了星特朗显微镜产品系列。
参数#44128-B参数载物台双压片载物台(88 mm x 88 mm)目镜WF10X,WF20X巴洛镜2X调焦器单速调焦物镜4X,10X,40X照明器—顶部和底部LED使用3节AA电池(用户自备)机头单筒45°倾斜物镜转换器三孔限位照明上/下光源照明聚光镜数值孔径0.65重量(带电池) 1.1 kg尺寸127x152x279mm23显微镜所含标准附件目镜目镜筒物镜转换器物镜载物台底部照明器样品夹架臂顶部照明器调焦旋钮电源开关机头底座•WF 10X 目镜•WF 20X 目镜•4X、10X、40X 物镜•2X 巴洛镜•顶部照明器—LED 可调亮度•底部照明器—LED 可调亮度•光阑—6位•制好的切片•自制切片工具41.从纸箱中取出手提箱,按指示的方向打开手提箱。
徕卡 DM100 用户手册说明书
![徕卡 DM100 用户手册说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/efd2f75aa9114431b90d6c85ec3a87c241288a4e.png)
Leica DM100用户手册祝贺您!恭喜您购买Leica DM100生物显微镜。
预祝您在工作中获得成功!本用户手册中使用的符号 5重要安全说明 6使用说明 8健康风险和使用安全 10仪器负责人须知 11附件、维护和维修 12电气数据和环境条件 13拆箱 15找出镜筒 16安装镜筒 17拆除和装入物镜 18安装反光镜 (选装) 20安装偏光套装 (选装) 21开启显微镜 23选择物镜 24准备观察 25调焦 26调节双目镜筒 27调节眼罩 29油镜 (仅限100×物镜) 30维护说明 33常规维护 34尺寸 37目录重要提示本用户手册中使用的符号警告!有安全方面的危险!该符号表示特别重要的信息,必须仔细阅读并严格遵守。
MB.1001E NF O Q U ESos modelos binoculares tienen tubos inclinados de 45 °, distancia inter-pupilar ajustable entre 48 y 75 mm y un ajuste de ± 5 dioptrías en el tubo izquierdo os modelos trinoculares tienen tubos inclinados de 30 °, la distancia inter-pupilar es ajustable entre 48 y 75 mm y un ajuste de ± 5 dioptrías en el tubo izquierdo l cabezal trinocular tiene un divisor de haz de trayectoria de luz fija (50:50)MB.1051-LCDMB.1155 MB.1153MB.1152 MB.1051I LU M I N AC I ÓN• T odas las versiones monoculares se suministran con una iluminación LED 1W de intensidad ajustable• L as versiones binoculares y trinoculares se suministran con un sistema de iluminación NeoLED ™ 1W de intensidad ajustable• T odos los modelos tienen baterías internas recargables con un cargador de batería externo de 100-240 V / adaptador de redCO N T E N I D O I N C LU I D O• S e suministra con cargador de adaptador de red, filtro blanco, cubierta anti-polvo, manual de usuario y aceite de inmersión de 5 ml para modelos con objetivo S100x. Software incluido para modelos digitales y para los modelos LCD• Todo empacado en una caja de poliestirenoMODELOS DIGI TALESC ÁM A R A• C ámara integrada CMOS USB-2 de 1.3 MP• R esolución máxima de 1272 x 952, profundidad de color de 24 bits, hasta 30 fotogramas por segundo• S e entrega con el software ImageFocus 4, cable USB-2 y un patrón de calibración de 1 mm / 100 partes • La garantía para la cámara es de dos añosS O F T WA R E• E l software ImageFocus 4 de captura y análisis permite guardar imágenes en formatos .jpg, .tif o .bmp, así como videos en formato .avi• L as imágenes se pueden anotar y las mediciones se pueden realizar en imágenes en vivo o capturadas• C ompatible con Windows 7, 8 y 10, configuraciones de 32 y 64 bits • L a versión Mac OS Light también está disponible para capturar imágenes • L as actualizaciones se pueden descargar en nuestro sitio web PA N TA L L A LC DTodos los microscopios MicroBlue LCD vienen con una pantalla LCD de 5.6”• Resolución de la pantalla 640 x 480• Las imágenes y los videos se guardan directamente en la tarjeta SD • R esolución de imagen 2048 x 1536, 1600 x 1200, 1280 x 960, 640 x 480 en formato .JPEG• Resolución video 640 x 480 en formato .AVI• Suministrado con el programa Imagebasic et cable USB.2• Garantía de 2 años para la cámaraP R O G R A M A I M AG E B A S I C• E l programa de captura permite guardar imágenes en formato.jpg y videos en formato .avi• Compatible con Windows 7, 8 et 10, en configuraciones de 32 y 64 bits • L as actualizaciones se pueden descargar desde nuestra página web EuromexMicroscopenbv•Papenkamp20•6836BDArnhem•TheNetherlands•T+31(0)263232211•F+31(0)263232833•****************•ACCESORIOS Y REPUES TOSMB.6010 Ocular de gran campo WF10x/18 mmMB.6010-P Ocular de gran campo WF10x/18 mm con puntero MB.6010-M Ocular de gran campo WF10x/18 mm micrométrico MB.6015 Ocular de gran campo WF15x/11 mm MB.6020 Ocular de gran campo WF20x/9 mm MB.6099 Pareja de protectores de gomaMB.7004 Objetivo acromático 4x/0.10, para-focal 35 mm MB.7010 Objetivo acromático 10x/0.25, para-focal 35 mm MB.7020 Objetivo acromático 20x/0.40, para-focal 35 mm MB.7040 Objetivo acromático S40x/0.65, para-focal 35 mm MB.7060 Objetivo acromático S100x/1.25, para-focal 35 mm MB.9710 Filtro esmeriladoMB.9900 Maleta de transporte de aluminioAE.9918 Bolsa de microscopio de nylon, dimensiones 26 x 18 x 400 mm MB.9975 Adaptador de red / cargador externo 100-240 Vca / 5 Vcc (50/60 Hz)MB.9981 Recambio 1W LED MB.9991 Recambio 1W NeoLEDM O D E LO SMono Bino TrinoObjetivos máximos Objetivos 4/10/S40xObjetivo S60xObjetivo S100x Platina mecánica X-YLED NeoLED BateríasMB.1001 •3•••MB.1051•4••••MB.1651•4•••••MB.1151•4•••••MB.1052•4••••MB.1652•4•••••MB.1152•4•••••MB.1053•4••••MB.1653•4•••••MB.1153•4•••••M O D E LO SDigital LCD Digital mono Objetivos máximos Objetivos 4/10/S40x Objetivo S60x Objetivo S100x Platina mecánica X-YLED NeoLED BateríasMB.1001-LCD*•3•••MB.1051-LCD*•4••••MB.1055•4••••MB.1655•4•••••MB.1155•4•••••* modelos con pantalla LCDPB.5155 P orta-objetos de 76x26 mm., cantos pulidos(caja de 50 unidades)PB.5157-W P orta-objetos de 76x26 mm., cantos pulidos. Banda blanca(caja de 50 unidades)PB.5157-B P orta-objetos de 76x26 mm., cantos pulidos. Banda azul(caja de 50 unidades)PB.5160 P orta-objetos de 76x26 mm., cantos pulidos. Con cavidad(caja de 10 unidades)PB.5165 C ubre-objetos de 18x18mm., 0.13-0.17 mm.(caja de 100 unidades)PB.5168 C ubre-objetos de 22x22mm., 0.13-0.17 mm.(caja de 100 unidades)PB.5245 Papel de limpieza de lentes (paquete de 100 hojas)PB.5255 Aceite de inmersión, n=1.482 (25 ml.)PB.5274 Alcohol isopropilico 99% (200 ml.)PB.5275 K it de limpieza compuesto por líquido de limpieza de lentes,gamuza, papel de limpieza de lentes, cepillo, pera de aire y bastoncillos de algodón.。
BS.1152-PLiZ E R N I K E CO N D E N S E R F O R P H A S E CO N T R A S TThe in height adjustable Zernike NA. 1.25 phase contrast disc condenser comes with phase annuli for 10/20/S40x and S100x phase contrast objectives, an iris diaphragm, a swing-out filter holder and also a BF position for bright field contrast. Phase contrast objectives in either EPL-PH, EPL-PHi or PL-PHi phase contrast versions. Supplied with alignment telescope and green filterCO N D E N S E R W I T H S L I D E R(S)F O R P H A S E CO N T R A S T The in height adjustable NA. 1.25 simple phase contrast condenser has a free slot for either a slider for 10/S40x phase contrast objectives OR a slider for20/S100x phase contrast objectives. The condenser has an iris diaphragm and filter holder. The condenser also includes a BF position for bright fieldcontrast. Phase contrast objectives in either EPL-PH, EPL-PHi or PL-PHi versions. Supplied with alignment telescope and green filterP O L A R I S AT I O NThe bScope has an integrated slot above the nosepiece for an optional polarization filterI L L U M I N AT I O NThe microscopes of the bScope are equipped with a 3 W NeoLED adjustable illumination system for increased light output and a 100-240 Vac integrated power supply. On request, rechargeable batteries are also availableN E O L E D™ I L L U M I N AT I O NThe 3 W adjustable Köhler NeoLED diascopic illumination is powered by an internal 100-240 V power supply making it suitable for worldwide use.The innovative NeoLED design offers larger apertures, allowing the optical system of the bScope microscope to produce images at higher resolutions, very close to the theoretical diffraction limit of the optics. Other benefits of the NeoLED is the low energy consumption, no heating and a long operating lifetimeKÖH L E R I L L U M I N AT I O NA Köhler illumination ensures for all infinity corrected IOS models the highest possible contrast and the maximum achievable resolving power. It generates a uniform illumination of the sample and eliminates all interference from dust on lenses and side glare of the light sourceThe Köhler illumination is optional for non-IOS modelsCO R D L E S S U S EThe optional rechargeable batteries turn the bScope into a cordlessC S S–C A B L E S T O R AG E S Y S T E MAllows users to easily stow away excess cable length into the back of the instrument during operation and to roll up the power cable for easy storageC A R R Y I N G G R I PThe integrated carrying grip at the back of the microscope ensures safe transportation of the microscope Carrying gripA N T I-T H E F T S L O TAt the back of the microscope a Kensington Security Slot is placed, which can be used to secure the instrument from theftPAC K AG E CO N T E N TSm art Styrofoam packaging ensures a low environmental footprint while maintaining maximum safety during transport. Supplied with power cord, dust cover, tools, a spare fuse, white filter, user manual and 5 ml immersion oilPhase contrast models are supplied with green filter and alignment telescope. An optional aluminum case can be suppliedBS.1153-PLiwith cameraBS.1153-PLPHi BS.1151-EPL BS.1152-PLiB S CO P E F O R B R I G H T F I E L D M O D E L SBinoTrinoHWF 10x/20 mm eyepiecesQuadruple nosepiece E-plan Phase 10/20/S40 S100xQuintuple nosepiece E-plan Phase IOS 10/20/S40 S100xQuintuple nosepiece Plan Phase IOS 10/20/S40 S100xKöhler NeoLED™NeoLED™2-position swivelling ergo headRechargeable batteriesBS.1152-EPLPH ••••o BS.1153-EPLPH ••••o BS.1152-EPLPHi •••••o BS.1153-EPLPHi •••••o BS.1152-PLPHi •••••o BS.1153-PLPHi •••••oo = optionalAll models are equipped with a 152/197 x 131 mm stage with integrated 75 x 36 mm X-Y rackless mechanical stageB S CO P E F O R P H A S E CO N T R A STACCE SS O R I E S A N D SPA R E PA R T S E YE P I E C E SBS.6010 HWF 10x/20 mm eyepieceBS.6010-P H WF 10x/20 mm eyepiece with pointerBS.6010-C H WF 10x/20 mm eyepiece with crosshairsBS.6010-CM H WF 10x/20 mm eyepiece with 10/100 micrometerand crosshairsBS.6012 WF 12.5x/14 mm eyepieceBS.6015 WF 15x/11 mm eyepieceBS.6020 WF 20x/11 mm eyepieceBS.6099 Pair of eyecupsO B J E C T I V E SBS.7104 E-plan EPL 4x/0.10 objective. WD 37.0 mmBS.7110 E-plan EPL 10x/0.25 objective. WD 6.61 mmBS.7120 E-plan EPL 20x/0.40 objective. WD 1.85 mmBS.7140 E-plan EPL S40x/0.65 objective. WD 0.64 mmBS.7160 E-plan EPL S60x/0.85 objective. WD 0.20 mmBS.7100 E-plan EPL S100x/1.25 oil immersion objective. WD 0.19 mmBS.7204 Plan PL 4x/0.10 objective. Working distance 17.9 mmBS.7210 Plan PL 10x/0.25 objective. WD 8.8 mmBS.7220 Plan PL 20x/0.40 objective. WD 8.6 mmBS.7240 Plan PL S40x/0.65 objective. WD 0.56 mmBS.7260 Plan PL S60x/0.85 objective. WD 0.25 mmBS.7200 Plan PL S100x/1.25 oil immersion objective. WD 0.33 mmBS.7510 E-Plan Phase EPLPH 10x/0.25 objective. WD 6.61 mmBS.7520 E-Plan Phase EPLPH 20x/0.40 objective. WD 1.85 mmBS.7540 E-Plan Phase EPLPH S40x/0.65 objective. WD 0.64 mmBS.7500 E-Plan Phase EPLPH S100x/1.25 oil immersion objective.WD 0.19 mmBS.8204 E-plan EPLi 4x/0.10 infinity corrected IOS objective. WD 18.9 mm BS.8210 E-plan EPLi 10x/0.25 infinity corrected IOS objective.WD 5.95 mmBS.8220 E-plan EPLi 20x/0.40 infinity corrected IOS objective.WD 2.61 mmBS.8240 E-plan EPLi S40x/0.65 infinity corrected IOS objective.WD 0.78 mmBS.8200 E-plan EPLi S100x/1.25 oil immersion infinity corrected IOS objective. WD 0.36 mmBS.8404 P lan PLi 4x/0.10 infinity corrected IOS objective. WD 21.0 mm BS.8410 P lan PLi 10x/0.25 infinity corrected IOS objective. WD 5.0 mm BS.8420 P lan PLi 20x/0.40 infinity corrected IOS objective. WD 8.8 mm BS.8440 P lan PLi S40x/0.65 infinity corrected IOS objective. WD 0.66 mm BS.8460 P lan PLi S60x/0.85 infinity corrected IOS objective. WD 0.46 mm BS.8400 P lan PLi S100x/1.25 oil immersion infinity corrected IOSobjective. WD 0.36 mm BS.8510 E-Plan Phase EPLPHi 10x/0.25 infinity corrected IOS objective.WD 5.95 mmBS.8520 E-Plan Phase EPLPHi 20x/0.40 infinity corrected IOS objective.WD 2.61 mmBS.8540 E-Plan Phase EPLPHi S40x/0.65 infinity corrected IOS objective.WD 0.78 mmBS.8500 E-Plan Phase EPLPHi S100x/1.25 oil immersion infinity corrected IOS objective. WD 0.36 mmBS.8710 P lan Phase PLPHi 10x/0.25 infinity corrected IOS objective.WD 5.00 mmBS.8720 P lan Phase PLPHi 20x/0.40 infinity corrected IOS objective.WD 8.80 mmBS.8740 P lan Phase PLPHi S40x/0.65 infinity corrected IOS objective.WD 0.66 mmBS.8700 P lan Phase PLPHi S100x/1.25 oil immersion infinity corrected IOS objective. WD 0.36 mmCO N D E N S E R S A N D ACC E S S O R I E SBS.9102 A bbe condenser 1,25 NA with slot for darkfield and phasecontrast slidersBS.9105 Swing-out Abbe condenser 0,9/1,25 NAP H A S E CO N T R A S T ACC E S S O R I E SBS.9118 Z ernike phase contrast kit with E-plan EPLPH 10/20/S40 and S100 oil phase contrast objectives, Zernike rotating condenser,telescope and green filterBS.9120 Z ernike phase contrast kit with E-plan EPLPHi 10/20/S40 and S100 oil phase contrast IOS infinity corrected objectives, Zernikerotating condenser, telescope and green filterBS.9123 Z ernike phase contrast kit with plan PLPH 10/20/S40 and S100 oil phase contrast objectives, Zernike rotating condenser, telescopeand green filterBS.9126 Z ernike phase contrast kit with plan PLPHi 10/20/S40 and S100 oil phase contrast IOS infinity corrected objectives, Zernikerotating condenser, telescope and green filterBS.9148 Alignment telescope for bScope IOS version with 30 mm tubes BS.9149 A lignment telescope for bScope non IOS version with 23.2 mm tubesBS.9156 P hase contrast kit with Abbe condenser with slot for slider.E-plan EPLPH 10/S40x phase contrast objectives, slider with 10and 40x annuli, telescope and green filterBS.9157 P hase contrast kit with Abbe condenser with slot for slider.E-plan EPLPH 20/S100x phase contrast objectives, slider with 20and 100x annuli, telescope and green filterBS.9158 P hase contrast kit with Abbe condenser with slot for slider.E-plan EPLPH i 10/S40x phase contrast infinity correctedobjectives, slider with 10 and 40x annuli, telescope andgreen filterEuromexMicroscopenbv•Papenkamp20•6836BDArnhem•TheNetherlands•T+31(0)263232211•F+31(0)263232833•****************•BS.9159P hase contrast kit with Abbe condenser with slot for slider. E-plan EPLPHi 20/S100x phase contrast infinity corrected objectives, slider with 20 and 100x annuli, telescope and green filterBS.9162P hase contrast kit with Abbe condenser with slot for slider. Plan PLPHi 10/S40x phase contrast infinity corrected objectives, slider with 10 and 40x annuli, telescope and green filterBS.9163P hase contrast kit with Abbe condenser with slot for slider. Plan PLPHi 20/S100x phase contrast infinity corrected objectives, slider with 20 and 100x annuli, telescope and green filterP O L A R I Z AT I O N AT TAC H M E N T SBS.9647 P olarization polarizer 16 mm diameter for slider under bScopeheadBS.9651 P olarization attachment for lamphouse of bScope with 360°scaleBS.9660P olarization kit: analyzer under head and polarizer on lamphouseC A M E R A ACC E S S O R I E SAE.5130 U niversal Ø 23.2 mm tube adapter with built-in 2x lens for SLR photo camera with APS-C sensor. Needs T2 adapter AE.5025T2 ring for Nikon D SLR digital cameraAE.5040 T2 ring for Canon EOS SLR digital cameraM I S C E L L A N E O U SBS.9102A bbe condenser 1.25 NA with slot for darkfield and phase contrast sliders. Without darkfield slider and without phase contrast slidersBS.9170 S lider with darkfield stop for Abbe condenser with slot for bScope. Needs condenser with slot (BS.9102)BS.9880 K öhler attachment for bScope BS.9900 Aluminum transport case for bScope BS.9993 NeoLED™ replacement unit AE.1370 Set rechargeable batteriesD I S P O S A B LE SPB.5155 Microscope slides 76 x 26 mm, ground edges, 50 pieces PB.5157-W M icroscope slides 76 x 26 mm, ground edges and frosted sidewhite color, 50 pieces per packPB.5157-B M icroscope slides 76 x 26 mm, ground edges and frosted sideblue color, 50 pieces per packPB.5165 Cover glasses 18 x 18 mm, 0.13-0.17 mm, 100 pieces PB.5168 Cover glasses 22 x 22 mm, 0.13-0.17 mm, 100 pieces PB.5245 Lens cleaning paper, 100 sheets per pack PB.5255 Immersion oil, 25 ml. Refraction index n = 1.482PB.5274 Iso propyl alcohol 99%, 200 mlPB.5275C leaning kit: lens fluid, lint free lens tissue/paper, brush, air blower, cotton swabsPB.5276 M icroscope maintenance and servicing kit, 16pcs: cleaningbrush, 6 pcs screwdriver set, air blower, 3 pcs Allen key, 1.5, 2, 2.5 mm, lens cleaning fluid 20 ml, cleaning cloth 140 x 140 mm, 100 pcs Lens tissue sheets, tube of maintenancegrease, 10 ml bottle of oil, packed in a nice toolbox100 Lauman Lane, Suite A, Hicksville, NY 11801Tel: (877) 877-7274 | Fax: (516) 801-2046Email:*****************'LVWULEXWHG E\。
ZEISS Axioscope 5智能生物学显微镜商品说明书
![ZEISS Axioscope 5智能生物学显微镜商品说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/e0ea5e56b42acfc789eb172ded630b1c59ee9bd5.png)
ZEISS Axioscope 5Your Smart Microscope for Biomedical Routine and ResearchProduct InformationVersion 1.0In the past, documenting samples with multiple fluorescent labels in your routine lab could be time consuming. To get best image quality, you needed to manually switch filters, adjust illumination intensities and exposure times and to snap each single channel image. For three different channels, this could sum up to 15 steps and clicks. With Smart Microscopy from ZEISS, this is a thing of the past.Your Axioscope 5 with Axiocam 202 mono and Colibri 3 LED illumination takes this workload from you. You don't even need to move your hands from them icroscope stand anymore. All you have to do is focus and press Snap – and you're done! You can now concentrate on the essence of your job and let your Axioscope 5 work for you. You'll work more efficiently, save time and produce high contrast images with best image quality. What's more: this even works without any PC involved.Your Smart Microscope for Biomedical Routine and ResearchClick here to explore all features in an interactive infographic.J› In Brief › The Advantages › The Applications › The System› Technology and Details ›ServiceAnimationSimpler. More Intelligent. More Integrated.Capture Four Fluorescence Channelswith Just One ClickAcquiring fluorescent images has never been so easy. Combine Axioscope 5 with the high perfor-mance LED light source Colibri 3 and the sensitive, standalone microscope camera Axiocam 202 mono to have the perfect setup for easy multi-channel fluorescence d ocumentation. Switche ffortlessly between the channels for UV, blue, green and red excitation. Just select the relevant channels and press Snap. The system then takes over and automatically a djusts the exposure time, acquires the image, switches the channel and starts again. That's it: you get your overlayedm ultichannel fluorescence image including scale bar – even without a PC.Benefit from Smart LED IlluminationAxioscope 5 uses its transmitted white light LEDto provide powerful illumination with high colorfidelity. You will clearly see the subtle d ifferencesin your sample. And experience all the advantagesof LED illumination such as stable color tempera-ture, low energy consumption and long lifetime.Axioscope 5 comes with a light intensity managerthat produces uniform brightness at all magnifica-tions. Adjusting lamp brightness when you changemagnification is a thing of the past. That savesyou time and reduces eye fatigue, too.Smart Microscopy Makes Your DigitalD ocumentation FasterAxioscope 5 makes documenting your specimensvery efficient. The color impression shows up inthe camera image exactly the same as it appearsthrough the eyepieces. The smart Axioscope 5s ystem makes automatic adjustments for bright-ness and white balance to keep digital documen-tation easy. All you have to do is focus on yoursample, press the ergonomic Snap buttonon the microscope, and that's it. Acquiring highquality images with high color fidelity has neverbeen easier – and faster.› In Brief› The Advantages› The Applications› The System› Technology and Details ›ServiceExpand Your PossibilitiesUsed in combination with the microscope cameras Axiocam 202 mono or Axiocam 208 color, you have the full advantage of a smart standalonem icroscope solution.Camera settings such as white balance, contrast and exposure time are done automatically.W ithout needing additional imaging software or even a computer, you can:Stand-alone for Basic Routine Imaging ZEISS Axioscope 5 operates i ndependently of acomputer system.VZEISS Labscope for Advanced Routine Imaging Operating ZEISS Axioscope 5 with ZEISS Labscope imaging software is ideal for c onnected microscopyand standard multichannel fluorescence imaging.VZEISS ZEN for Research ApplicationsUse ZEN imaging software to perform advanced imaging tasks with ZEISS Axioscope 5.VVV• Snap images and record videos directly from your stand• Use mouse (and optionally keyboard) to control your c amera via OSD (on screen display)• Save settings• Store images with all metadata of the m icroscope and camera as well as scaling i nformation • Predefine the name or rename your imageThis is Smart Microscopy – Digital Documentation Made Easy › In Brief› The Advantages › The Applications › The System› Technology and Details › ServiceExpand Your PossibilitiesBoost your Efficiency – with Smart MicroscopyEfficiency and quality are key in your lab, but it can take a lot of time to acquire detail-rich, true-color images. You know the drill: place the sample, focus your region of interest, switch to the computer,a djust settings such as white balance, exposure time and gain, then acquire an image, insert a scale bar, switch back to the microscope … and so on. That's what a typical documentation workflowlooks like. Now, with the Axioscope 5 system, you can stay focused on your sample at all times, thanks to smart microscopy. Digital documentation is inherent in the system design. Just press thee rgonomic Snap button on the microscope and you're done. The procedure integrates perfectly with your established microscopy workflow and boosts your efficiency tremendously.› In Brief› The Advantages › The Applications › The System› Technology and Details › ServiceExpand Your PossibilitiesRat kidney, acquired in transmitted light brightfield,objective: Plan-Apochromat 20× / 0.8Rabbit muscle, acquired in DIC contrast,objective: Plan-Apochromat 63× / 1.4Trout cartilage acquired in phase c ontrast, objective: Plan-Apo-chromat 63× / 1.4Crystal, acquired in polarization c ontrast,objective: Plan-Neofluar 20×Whether unstained cells, histologically staineds ections, or other samples: transmitted light tech-niques continue to be the standard for manye xaminations.With Axioscope 5 you can use a sheer variety ofc ontrasting techniques for your applications:the classical methods of brightfield, darkfield,phase contrast, but also Differential I nterferenceContrast (DIC) and polarization c ontrast.A xioscope 5 can also be equipped with P lasDIC,the cost effective interference contrasting tech-nique.› In Brief› The Advantages› The Applications› The System› Technology and Details› ServiceExpand Your PossibilitiesMink Uterus Endometrium Epithelial Cells, vimentin – red, F-actin – green, nucleus – blue; acquired with ZEISS Axioscope 5, Colibri 3 andAxiocam 202 mono in stand-alone mode, objective: Plan-Apochromat 40× / 0.95ZEISS Colibri 3 LED IlluminationComplement your Axioscope 5 with the optional fluorescence LED illumination Colibri 3, and acquire brilliant fluorescence images with ease. Colibri 3 delivers the right wavelength and intensity to ex -cite fluorescent dyes and proteins in a gentle way.• Save time and money thanks to the long LED lifetime and adjustment-free operation. • Choose up to four configurable wavelengths to fit your needs. Upgrade anytime you need to.• Individually control and switch between c hannels for UV, blue, green and red excitation – or use selected wavelengths simultaneously.• With direct visual status feedback, you area lways sure which FL-LED is in use.• The integrated design saves space and makesfor easy and ergonomic operation.100 µm50 μmIndian muntiac, fibroblasts, F-actin – red, nucleus – green objective: Plan-Apochromat 20× / 0.8Mouse kidney in fluorescence, cryosection, AF 488 – WGA, AF 568 Phalloidin, DAPI, objective: Plan-Apochromat 20× / 0.8› In Brief› The Advantages › The Applications › The System› Technology and Details › ServiceHistological specimen, CDx immunohistological stain;Red: immunoreactive antigens in cytoplasm;Blue: nuclear counterstaining Ziehl-Neelsen-Färbung, objective: EC Plan-Neofluar 63× / 0.95 Korr.Chromosome specimen, Giemsa stain, objective: Plan-Apochromat 63× / 1.4 Renal tissue, Trichrome stain,objective: Plan-Apochromat 40× / 0.95Tailored Precisely to Your Applications› In Brief › The Advantages › The Applications › The System› Technology and Details › Service1235341 Microscope• ZEISS Axioscope 5, transmitted light, LED • ZEISS Axioscope 5, transmitted light, Hal 50• ZEISS Axioscope 5, fluorescence 2 Recommended Objectives • Plan-Apochromat • Plan-Neofluar • N-Achroplan5 Software • Stand-alone• Labscope imaging app • ZEN imaging softwareYour Flexible Choice of Components3 Illumination Transmitted light:• LED 10W, Hal 50, Hal 100Reflected light, fluorescence: • Colibri 3, HXP 120, and other4 Recommended Microscope Cameras • ZEISS Axiocam 202 mono • ZEISS Axiocam 208 color› In Brief › The Advantages › The Applications › The System› Technology and Details › ServiceSystem Overview› The Advantages› The Applications› The System› Technology and Details› ServiceSystem Overview› The Advantages› The Applications› The System› Technology and Details› ServiceTechnical Specifications› In Brief› The Advantages› The Applications› The System› Technology and Details› ServiceTechnical Specifications› The Advantages› The Applications› The System› Technology and Details› ServiceTechnical Specifications› The Advantages› The Applications› The System› Technology and Details› Service>> /microserviceBecause the ZEISS microscope system is one of your most important tools, we make sure it is always ready to perform. What’s more, we’ll see to it that you are employing all the options that get the best from your microscope. You can choose from a range of service products, each delivered by highly qualified ZEISS specialists who will support you long beyond the purchase of your system. Our aim is to enable you to experience those special moments that inspire your work.Repair. Maintain. Optimize.Attain maximum uptime with your microscope. A ZEISS Protect Service Agreement lets you budget for operating costs, all the while reducing costly downtime and achieving the best results through the improved performance of your system. Choose from service agreements designed to give you a range of options and control levels. We’ll work with you to select the service program that addresses your system needs and usage requirements, in line with your organization’s standard practices.Our service on-demand also brings you distinct advantages. ZEISS service staff will analyze issues at hand and resolve them – whether using remote maintenance software or working on site. Enhance Your Microscope System.Your ZEISS microscope system is designed for a variety of updates: open interfaces allow you to maintain a high technological level at all times. As a result you’ll work more efficiently now, while extending the productive lifetime of your microscope as new update possibilities come on stream.Profit from the optimized performance of your microscope system with services from ZEISS – now and for years to come.Count on Service in the True Sense of the Word› In Brief › The Advantages › The Applications › The System› Technology and Details › ServiceN o t a l l p r o d u c t s a r e a v a i l a b l e i n e v e r y c o u n t r y . U s e o f p r o d u c t s f o r m e d i c a l d i a g n o s t i c , t h e r a p e u t i c o r t r e a t m e n t p u r p o s e s m a y b e l i m i t e d b y l o c a l r e g u l a t i o n s .C o n t a c t y o u r l o c a l Z E I S S r e p r e s e n t a t i v e f o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n .E N _41_011_205 | C Z 05-2019 | D e s i g n , s c o p e o f d e l i v e r y , a n d t e c h n i c a l p r o g r e s s s u b j e c t t o c h a n g e w i t h o u t n o t i c e . | © C a r l Z e i s s M i c r o s c o p y G m b HCarl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH 07745 Jena, Germany ******************** /axioscope。
ISO9001国际质量体系认证ISO14001环境体系认证从眼前做起XDS-1系列倒置生物显微镜使用说明书医疗器械生产企业许可证编号:渝食药监械生产许20060009号医疗器械注册号:渝食药监械(准)字2011第2220106号产品标准:YZB/ 渝0048-2007;GB/T2985-2008页脚内容0页脚内容1XDS-1系列倒置生物显微镜使用说明书申明:此说明书中内容,如产品因技术改进发生变更,恕不预告,敬请客户谅解!从眼前做起请珍惜您周围的环境,杜绝可以避免的污染,在您使用XDS-1系列倒置生物显微镜之前,请您仔细地阅读本使用说明书。
它可以指导您正确使用,免除错误操作造成仪器页脚内容2地 址:重庆市北碚区歇马镇沪渝村82号 电 话:(023)67959666 68287856 传 真:(023)68283256 网 址:http//: 邮 编:400712生产地址:重庆北碚歇马(重庆光学仪器厂)目 录1. 用途 (1)2. 规格............................................................1 3. 安装 (3)4.使用 (5)5.维护保养 (7)6.常见故障与排除方法 (9)7.标准配套表 (10)页脚内容310 25 4010 25 40WF101020 WF161614 S 559.5 S 6.3 6.37.6 S0.650.65DZ 1111PF1017.4 102.3 总放大倍数物镜总放大倍数目镜1254观察WF 10(φ20)100250400 WF 16(φ14)160400640摄影S 55125200S 6.3631582522.4 载物台纵横方向行程50mm×75mm,刻尺格值1mm,2.7粗微调焦组粗微调焦手轮同轴安装,粗动行程10mm,微动手轮格值0.002mm。
2.8双目瞳距调节范围55~75mm.2.9 摄影幅面24mm36mm.2.10 摄像装置选配2.11 电源输入: 220V50Hz (或110V60Hz)保险丝管: 520 1A游标格值0.1mm。
MT-40 Series Biological MicroscopeManualThis manual expatiates the using method, troubleshooting and maintenance about MT-40 series biological microscope. Please study this manual thoroughly before operating, and keep it with the instrument. The manufacturer reserves the rights to the modifications by technology development. On the basis of operation ensured, technical specifications may be subject to changes without notice.Contents MT-40 Series Before Use1. Components (1)2. Assembling (3)2-1 Assembling Scheme (3)2-2 Assembling Steps (4)3. Operation (6)3-1 Set Illumination (6)3-2 Place the Specimen Slide (6)3-3 Adjust the Focus (7)3-4 Adjust the Focusing Tension (7)3-5 Adjust the Interpupillary Distance (7)3-6 Adjust the Field Diaphragm (Iris Diaphragm Koehler Illuminator Condenser Optional) (8)3-7 Adjust the Aperture Diaphragm (8)3-8 Use the Oil Objective (100X) (9)3-9 Use the Filter (9)3-10 Replace the Fuse (10)4. Technical Specifications (11)4-1 MT-40 Series Biological Microscope Technical Parameters (11)4-2 Parameters of objective (11)5. Troubleshooting (12)1. Operation Notice1. As the microscope is a high precision instrument, always operate it with care, and avoid physical shake during the operation.2. Do not expose the microscope in the sundirectly, either not in the high temperature, damp, dust or acute shake. Make sure the worktable is flat and horizontal.3. When moving the microscope, use both hands to hold its back hand-clasping ① and the front base ②, and lay it down carefully (see Fig. 1). ★ It will damage the microscope by holding the stage, focusing knob or head when moving.4. When working, the surface of condenser will be very hot. Make sure there is enough room for the heat dissipating around the condenser ③ (see Fig. 2).5. Connect the microscope to the ground to avoid lightning strike.6. For safety, make sure the power switch ④ is at “0” (off) and power it off before replacing the bulb or fuse, and wait until the lamp cools down (see Fig. 2).★ Bulb selected only: Single 3W LED light.7. Wide voltage range is supported as 100~240V . Additional transformer is not necessary. Make sure the voltage is in this range.8. Use the special wire supplied by our company.Fig. 1Fig. 22. Maintenance1. Wipe the lens gently with a soft tissue. Carefully wipe off the oil marks and fingerprints on the lens surfaces with a tissue moistened with a small amount of 3:7 mixture of alcohol and ether or dimethylbenzene.★ As the alcohol and ether is flammable, don’t place these chemical near to fire or fire source. For example, when turning on or turning off the electrical device, please use these chemical in a ventilated place.2. Don’t use organic solution to wipe the surfaces of the other components. Please use the neutral detergent if necessary.3. If the microscope is damped by liquid when using, please power it off immediately and wipe it dry.4. Never disassemble the microscope, otherwise the performance will be affected or the instrument will be damaged.5. After using, cover the microscope with a dust cover.3. Safety SignSign Signification Study the instructions before use. Unsuitable operation would lead to person hurt or instrument faulty. | Main switch ON OMain switch OFF- 1 -- 2 -- 3 -- 4 -- 5 -- 6 -- 7 -3-3 Adjust the Focus1. Move the objective 4X to the light path.2. Observe the right eyepiece with right eye. Rotate the coarse focusing knob until the ① image appears (see Fig. 10).3. Rotate the fine focusing knob ③ for clear details.★The position screw ② can stop the objective touching the clips.3-4 Adjust the Focusing TensionIf the handle is very heavy when focusing or the specimen leaves the focus plane after focusing or the stage declines itself, please adjust the tension adjustment ring ① (see Fig. 11).To tighten the focusing arm, rotate the tension adjustment ring ① according to the arrowhead pointed; to loosen it in the reverse direction.3-5 Adjust the Interpupillary DistanceWhen observe with two eyes, hold the base of the prism and rotate them around the axis until there is only one field of view.“。
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XSP-5C XSP-5CV XSP-5CA 机架* * *
WF10X广角目镜* * *
WF16X 目镜* * *
195 4X物镜* * *
其最大放大倍率为:40X/、64X 、100X、160X、
消色差物镜:4X 、10X、40X(弹簧)、100X(油弹)
4X 10X 40X(弹簧)100X(油弹)
10X广角40X 100X 400X 1000X
16X 64X 160X 640X 1600X