埃及英语介绍 ppt课件

Geography of Egypt
Egypt is the 29th biggest country in the world, covering a total area of
1,002,450 sq. km. It is located in the northeast corner of the African
climate:Egypt, about 2900 kilometers of coastline, but it
is a typical desert country, 95 percent throughout the desert. in January the average temperature of 12 ℃, in july 26 ℃; annual average precipitation is 50-200 mm. Most of the remaining area is a tropical desert climate, hot and dry, desert regions temperatures can reach 40 ℃
• Egypt is the most populous country in the Arab
worlds, it’s population amounted to 335,840 million, the vast majority of them live in valley and delta. Many of them are Arab. there state religion is Islam The official language is Arabic,they also speak English and French.

• The ancient Egyptian civilization along the Nile first waterfall refers to the delta area, time limit of breaking the tower for 5,000 years BC pizza culture to the Arab conquest in 641 the history of Egypt.
• Egypt was written by the ideographic symbol, table notes number and limited symbols three department constitutes. • Ideographic symbol is the meaning of words with graphic representation, the characteristic is graphic and meaning has close relationship. • Watch the words, more notes pronunciation, made expressing phonetic values. • Limit in table notes symbol is purely dare coupled with a new graphic symbol, placed the tries to show that the word ends which things category. Limited symbols itself not pronounced. Note the ideographic symbol, table, and limited symbols can be combined, appropriate form a complete sentence.

图坦卡蒙(十八代 王朝法老
• (30 BC - 639 AD), the Roman and Byzantine(拜占庭) took
control of Egypt .Rome conquest of Egypt.But from the beginning of the 59 years BC, Egypt is actually the protectorate in Rome.
1, the history of Egypt
• Its history by a Napoleonic (
拿破仑)invasion in 1798, can be roughly divided into ancient medieval and modern two stages。
(BC3100~BC332),the ancient Egyptian history is divided into 31 dynastys. (BC332~BC30)Macedonian (马其顿) the great king Alexander invaded Egypt,destroy the Persian empire, and end the last 3000 years in the era of the pharaohs(法老)。
Valley of the Kings
洪 加 达
卢 luxortemple 克 索 神 庙
The red sea beaches are beautiful gift of nature
the Red Sea Riviera is a long coastal coastal area full of beautiful beaches that lead to the Red Sea.

Let’s begin to build!
Ramp Theories
• The External Ramp and Crane Theories
• The Internal Ramp Theory
Mummy Why the Egyptian make a mummy? How to make a mummy?
1 Why did the egyptians build pyramids? The … 1 Where is the three largest and bestpreserved pyramids? The …
An introduction to the Khufu Pyramid
The Great Sphinx
• It is known as the 'Great Pyramid'. And it was build for Khufu in BC 2560.
Khufu Pyramid
Khufu Pyramid
Khufu Pyramid
Khufu Pyramid
Khufu Pyramid
Khufu Pyramid
Time Line of Ancient Egypt
Old Kingdom 古王国 (2686-2160BC) Middle Kingdom 中王国 (2040-1633BC) New Kingdom 新王国 (ecture
• Pyramid • A pyramid is a structure with triangular(三角形的) sides that rise to a peak from a square(正方形),rectangular (长方形),or triangular (三角 形)base(底座).
Ramp Theories
• The External Ramp and Crane Theories
• The Internal Ramp Theory
Mummy Why the Egyptian make a mummy? How to make a mummy?
1 Why did the egyptians build pyramids? The … 1 Where is the three largest and bestpreserved pyramids? The …
An introduction to the Khufu Pyramid
The Great Sphinx
• It is known as the 'Great Pyramid'. And it was build for Khufu in BC 2560.
Khufu Pyramid
Khufu Pyramid
Khufu Pyramid
Khufu Pyramid
Khufu Pyramid
Khufu Pyramid
Time Line of Ancient Egypt
Old Kingdom 古王国 (2686-2160BC) Middle Kingdom 中王国 (2040-1633BC) New Kingdom 新王国 (ecture
• Pyramid • A pyramid is a structure with triangular(三角形的) sides that rise to a peak from a square(正方形),rectangular (长方形),or triangular (三角 形)base(底座).

• 古埃及人喜欢吃大蒜和洋葱,现在埃及的菜肴还
保留了这些(伊拉克人不吃辣椒,大蒜)。 家庭则以阿拉伯烹饪为主。
• 埃及富贵家庭流行法国烹饪和意大利烹饪,贫困
七、 The etiquette custom
• 晚餐在日落以后和家人一起共享,所以在
这段时间内,有约会是失礼的 • 埃及伊斯兰教徒有个绝不可少的习惯:一 天之内祈祷数次 • 他们习惯用自制的甜点招待客人,客人如 果是谢绝一点也不吃,会让主人失望也失 敬于人。
二、 Geography of Egypt
Egypt in the northeast of Africa.90% of the land is covered by desert only 10% of the land is dark, can be cultivated. : the world's longest river Nile, in Egypt, and the people there live in the river on both sides of the river from south to north into the Mediterranean.
National Flag: rectangular, length
and width ratio of 3:2. The flag surface formed by a rectangular red and black three parallel equal composition, central to the design of the national emblem. Red symbolizes revolution, white symbolizes purity and bright future in the darkness of the past years, the black symbol is a design pattern have an ulterior motive. 国旗:长方形,长宽之比为3:2。旗 面自上而下由红白黑三个平行相等的 长方形组成,中央为国徽图案。红色 象征革命,白色象征纯洁和光明前途, 黑色象征过去的黑暗岁月。是一个设 计别有用心的图案.
人教部编版九年级历史上册第1课 古代埃及课件(共22张PPT)

强的家人旅游目的地是( )
【中考核心素养——时空观念】 (5)“法老的陵墓,巴比伦的墙, 希腊海滨夜潮起,耶路撒冷秋风凉。我是废墟的泪,我是隔代的伤, 恒河边的梵钟在何方?”这是凤凰卫视千僖之旅的主题歌。如果他们 想去看“法老的陵墓”,应该选择( )
交通:尼罗河贯穿埃及南北,便于航行,为古埃及的统一提供了便利的自 然条件。 农业:尼罗河定期泛滥,为古埃及的农耕提供了水源和肥沃的土壤。 天文学:古埃及人观察尼罗河水的泛滥,发现其规律,据此制定了太阳历 。
【 中考核心素养——时空观念】2、尼罗河流域是人类文明的播篮。下列文明成果中,属于这一地区的
是( )
C.楔形文字《汉谟拉比法典》 D.公元纪年基督教
1.自然界没有风风雨雨,大地就不会春华秋实。2.瀑布跨过险峻陡壁时,才显得格外雄伟壮观。3.诽谤,同时造了无数的罪业,这是嫉妒;自己欢喜4.在茫茫沙漠,唯有前时进的脚步才是希望的象征。5.只会幻想而不行动的 人,永远也体会不到收获果实时的喜悦。6.我们只要每天睁开眼睛,看到自己还活着,就该庆幸自己多么的幸运7.赞叹,同时积累了同样的功德利益,这是随喜。怎么做,完全在于自己。8.盲目的上进,就像在死胡同里打转。 你浪费的人生,原本可以有更多的精彩。9.其他烦心的事,想开点,看开点,再苦再难的日子,熬着熬着也就挨过来了。10.这个世界到处充满着不公平,我们能做的不仅仅是接受,还要试着做一些反抗。11.懦弱的人只会裹 足不前,莽撞的人只能引为烧身,只有真正敢的人才能所向披靡。12.精神健康的人,总是努力地工作及爱人,只要能做到这两件事,其它的事就没有什么困难。13.命,是失败者的借口;运,是成功者的谦词。带着青春的印 记,我们这代人,慢慢的随着时间的流淌,渐渐老去。晚安!14.努力不是为了做给谁看,无论什么结果都能问心无愧;努力是因为你可以不接受命运的框定,靠自己来场漂亮的反击。15.美国人口普查局的“世界人口时钟” 显示,全世界每秒钟有1.8人死亡,一小时就是6,360人,一天就有152,640人死亡。16.当你觉得老天对你不公的时候,别急着红眼,别急着抱怨,因为这样只会削弱你的意志,消磨你的斗志,最后让你变得平庸,一事无成。 17.昨天,再值得留恋,也不会为你的留恋停留;明天,再艰辛,也不会因为你的脆弱而怜悯;优雅之人心如止水,波谰不惊,不以物喜,不以己悲。做一个优雅从容的人,只有先稳下来,静下心,学会宽容,仁爱,温和。 18.无论你正经历着什么,过得是否开心,世界不会因为你的疲惫,而停下它的脚步。那些你不能释怀的人与事,总有一天会在你念念不忘之中遗忘。无论黑夜多么漫长不堪,黎明始终会如期而至。睡一觉,愿美梦治愈你的 难过。晚安!19.凡事顺其自然,凡事不可强求。人生,错过太多,我们都在重复,所以,我们不必为自己错过的悲哀,而应该为自己拥有的而喜悦。错过了漂亮,你还拥有健康;错过了健康,你还拥有智慧;错过了智慧,你还 拥有善良;错过了财富,你还拥有安逸;错过了安逸,你还拥有自由20.人生,总有乌云密布的低沉的时刻,但也会有蓦然抬头,拨云见日的一天。而最重要的是在低潮时要忍耐得住,不要放弃对光明的追求,永远不要以为走

Abu Simbel
阿布辛贝神庙 RamsesⅡ
庙门前雕凿了高达20米、重1200余吨拉美西斯二世的四尊巨型 坐像。像旁还精心策划、有序散落着其母、妻、子女的小雕像 群 ,无不栩栩如生。
His wives & children
Temple of Nefertari
RamsesⅡ Nefertari
Aswan High Dam
The pyramids were built by Egyptians under the orders of the Egyptian leader, whose title was Pharaoh2. There was a sequence of Pharaohs culminating3 around 2615 B.C., with the Pharaoh Cheops who built the biggest thing ever built, the Great Pyramid, also known as Khufu. Cheops built a pyramid 770 feet on one side and 481 feet tall. There’s a universal message in the pyramids. The pyramids belong to Egypt, but the pyramids also belong to the world. That’s why we can all identify the pyramids as an early monument of human greatness. 埃及金字塔是埃及古代奴隶社会的方锥形帝王陵墓。世界八 大建筑奇迹之一。数量众多,分布广泛。开罗西南尼罗河西古城孟 菲斯一带最为集中。埃及共发现金字塔96座,最大的是开罗郊区吉 萨的三座金字塔。大金字塔是第四王朝第二个国王胡夫的陵墓,建 于公元前2690年左右。

Let‘s look at other famous buildings around the world——
The Eiffel Tower (1889), 300 meters high
The Empire State Building(美国帝国大厦)(448 meters) (西亚双子塔)(452 meters)
Ramesses II (拉美西斯二世)
( 1303 BC ~July or August 1213 BC) • Ramses ,the third Egyptian pharaoh (reigned 1279 BC – 1213 BC) of the Nineteenth dynasty ,referred to as Ramesses the Great. • He is often regarded as the greatest, most celebrated, and most powerful pharaoh(法老) of the Egyptian Empire.With several military expeditions(远 征),he brings his Egyptian Empire to the unprecedented level(前所未 有的高度)
The Great Pyramid of Giza(吉萨) is the largest pyramid in the world. The Great Pyramid of Giza is one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World and is the only one to survive into modern times.Till the Eiffel Tower was build in the year1889,it had been the tallest building in the world for several thousand of time.

•Female Pharaoh (Most Famous)
•Had Great Trade expedition •Ruled until her death •Name removed from History (From Monuments)
Hatshepsut took power from her stepson, Thutmose III. She was a female pharaoh. Hatshepsut used heavy propaganda, including having herself depicted as a man. Hatshepsut encouraged trade instead of engaging in warfare. She sent the army on a trading expedition, from which they brought back goods such as ivory, leopard skin, and incense.
Tutankhamen had no power, since he became pharaoh at 9 years old. During his reign, the old religion was restored. At 19, Tutankhamen died mysteriously. His tomb was discovered, untouched, by Howard Carter in 1922. It took 10 years to empty the tomb. His death marked the beginning of a period of uncertainty.
第1课 古代埃及 课件(23张PPT) 2022-2023学年部编版九年级历史上册

图特摩斯三世统治 时期,成为强大军 事帝国
【拓展】图特摩斯三世(Thutmose III,前1514年~
前1425年),古埃及第十八王朝法老,埃及第十八王 朝最杰出的政治家、军事家、埃及帝国的缔造者。 在古埃及的31个王朝中,第十八王朝是延续时间最 长,版图最大,国力最鼎盛的一个朝代,而图特摩 斯三世则是这个王朝的集大成者。
是“尼罗河的馈赠”。你是如何理解这句话的? Egypt is “the gift of the Nile.”
答:尼罗河孕育了古埃及文明,推动古 埃及科学文化的产生和发展。
注:尼罗河流经非洲东部与北部,自南向北注入地中海,长 6670公里,是世界上最长的河流。尼罗河有两条主要的支流, 白尼罗河和青尼罗河。
第Hale Waihona Puke 单元古代亚非文明古代埃及
【素养目标】 1.结合地图认识古埃及所处的地理位置及其疆域,运用时间 轴了解古埃及文明发展历程,培养时空观念核心素养。 2.通过阅读课本内容及材料,认识尼罗河与古埃及文明之间 的关系,培养历史解释,史料实证和唯物史观。 3.通过了解古埃及科技文化成就,认识古埃及文明是人类灿 烂文明遗产之一。
古埃及人观察发现,当太阳和天狼星在地平线上同时 升起时,尼罗河就会开始涨水,据此制定了太阳历。
退水以后,他们还需要重新丈量土地,划定地界。再 加上建筑等方面的计算需要,古埃及人发展了数学。
注:尼罗河流经非洲东部与北部,自南向北注入地中海,长 6670公里,是世界上最长的河流。尼罗河有两条主要的支流, 白尼罗河和青尼罗河。
古埃及文明概览 英文

Nile Civilizations
Section 1
Draw Conclusions How did geography affect where the early Egyptians lived?
Answer(s): They lived in a narrow strip of fertile land where they could raise crops. It was surrounded by inhospitable desert, which would not easily support life.
Nile Civilizations
Section 1
The Kingdom of Egypt
Main Idea
Egypt was one of the most stable and long-lasting civilizations of the ancient world.
Reading Focus
Nile Civilizations
Section 1
Geographical Features
Delta • Egypt’s most fertile soil in Nile Delta • Silt deposits at mouth of river • Black Land of rich arable soil • Red Land unlivable but afforded protection Cataracts • Nile afforded protection itself • Flowed through cataracts to the south • Currents and waterfalls made sailing impossible • Not an easy invasion route
牛津深圳版英语八上Unit 6《Ancient stories》(Reading)ppt课件

Words review
capture soldier huge pull main celebrate stupid midnight
v. 用武力夺取;攻占 n. 士兵 adj. 巨大的 v. (向某方向)拖,拉动 adj. 主要的 v. 庆祝;庆贺 adj. 笨的;傻的 n. 午夜;子夜
Words review empty except secret side quietly army enter succeed trick adj. 空的 prep. 除……之外 adj. 秘密的 n. 侧面 adv. 安静地 n. 陆军部队 v. 进来;进入 v. 达到目的;实现目标 n. 计谋
荷马(Homer),古希腊盲 诗 人。公元前873年生 (约前9世 纪-前8世纪)。相传记述公元 前12~前11世纪特洛伊战争, 以及关于海上冒险故事的古希 腊长篇叙事代表作史诗《伊利亚特》和 《奥德赛》,即是他根据民间流传的短歌 综合编写而成。他生活的年代,当在公元 前10~前9、8世纪之间。他的杰作《荷马 史诗》,在很长时间里影响了西方的宗教、
the huge wooden horse 3. …, they locked all the gates of the city and then all went to sleep. the 4. They quietly climbed outTrojans of the horse one by one. The Greek soldiers inside the wooden horse
1. Read to learn a story about the Trojan War. 2. To learn some key words and useful expressions

五分---medium; 七分---medium well;
全熟---well done;
★ ancient adj. 古代的, 古老的
ancient China ancient Egypt 古埃及 ancient history n. 古代史, antique [æ n‘tiːk] n. 古玩, 古董 adj. 古老的,年代久远的 antique furniture 古董家具 antique shop 古玩店
have trouble with sth 烦恼某事
2. What did Jasper buy in the city and what happened later?
He has just bought a new house in the city, but ever since he moved in, he has had trouble with cars and their owners.
ancient myth 古代神话故事 1. What kind of person is Jasper White? Jasper White is one of those rare people who
believes in ancient myths. 贾斯泊·怀特是少有相信古代神话人之一。
I have (no) trouble (in) parking the car. (difficulty) ≯ ask for trouble You are just asking for trouble if you don’t give
them the money. (silly, dangerous) ≯ put sb. in trouble I‘m sorry to put you in trouble. (bad situation局面) 经典顺口溜(tongue twister): Never trouble troubles until troubles trouble you. 永远不要自寻烦恼
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Tutankhamun 他并不是古埃及历史上功绩最为
卓著的法老,但却是在今天最为 闻名的埃及法老王。他9岁君临 天下,19岁暴亡,死因曾一度悬 于谋杀,因此他的周身都被神秘 色彩所笼罩。图坦卡蒙为现代人 广为熟知的原因是由于他的坟墓 在三千年的时间内从未被盗,直 到1922年才被英国人霍华德·卡 特(Howard Carter,英国考古学 家和埃及学先驱)发现,挖掘出 了大量珍宝,震惊了西方世界。 他的墓室口刻着神秘的咒语,巧 合的是几个最早进入坟墓的人皆 因各种原因早死,被当时的媒体 大肆渲染成“法老的诅咒”,使 得图坦卡蒙的名字在西方更为家 喻户晓。
Built 4,000 years ago, the three great pyramids at Giza, in the Egyptian desert remain the most colossal buildings ever constructed. 矗立在埃及沙漠中吉萨的三座大金字塔建 于4000年前,它们一直都是有史以来最宏大的建筑。
Ancient Egypt
--The Gift of the Nile
Ancient Egypt was one of the four ancient civilizations .
-- 张烨
Part 1 Pyramid
Part 2 Pharoah Part 3 Mummy
All are afraid of time, but time itself is afraid of the pyramid. ---Arab proverb (阿拉伯谚语)
Apart from the pyramids, EGYPTIAN BUILDINGS were decorated with PAINTINGS, CARVED STONE IMAGES, HIEROGLYPHS, and THREE-DIMENSIONAL STATUES. The art tells the story of the pharaohs, the gods, the common people and the natural world of plants, birds and animals.
The viscera: liver, intestine, stomach, lung were put into the potteries.
Put the body in the Natron powder for 70 days .
They cleaned the body and wrapped it up from head to toe with fine linen bandage.
金字塔是埃及人在法老的命令下建造的。 古埃及金字塔是奴隶制帝王的陵墓。 为了建造大金字 塔,人们切割、运输、垒砌了大约230万块石头。
Near the modern city of Cairo, the Giza Plateau lies the largest and most imposing pyramids in the world.It is one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World and is the only one to survive into modern times.
Pyramid of Khafre
(哈夫拉金字塔) 143.5 meters high
它与大金字塔(也称 胡夫金字塔)、哈弗 拉金字塔及其周围众 多的小金字塔形成金 字塔群,为埃及金字 塔建筑艺术的顶峰。
Sphinx --狮身人面像
胡夫的圣旨:在公元前2610年,法老 胡夫来这里巡视自己快要竣工了的陵 墓--金字塔。胡夫发现采石场上还留 下一块巨石。胡夫当即命令石匠们, 按照他的脸型,雕一座狮身人面像。 石工们冒着酷暑,一年又一年精雕细 刻,终于完成了它。像高二十米,长 五十七米,脸长五米,头戴"奈姆斯" 皇冠,额上刻着“库伯拉”(即 cobra:眼镜蛇)圣蛇浮雕,下颌有帝 王的标志--下垂的长须。一只耳朵, 有二米多长。
Ancient Egypt achieved stability through the cooperation of all levels of the population. • The PHAROAH was at the top of the social hierarchy. • Next to him, the most powerful officers were the VIZIERS, the executive heads of the bureaucracy. • Under them were the HIGH PRIESTS, followed by ROYAL OVERSEERS (administrators) who ensured that the 42 DISTRICT GOVERNORS carried out the pharaoh's orders. • At the bottom of the hierarchy were the SCRIBES, ARTISANS, FARMERS, and LABORERS.
Then, with a sharp stone cutter to cut a hole in the ventral, they took viscera completely out of the abdomen, filled coconut milk and mashed spice to clean inside, and then sewed it up according to the original looking.
Ramesses II (拉美 西斯二世) ( 1303 BC ~July or August 1213 BC)
Abu Simbel Temples(阿布辛贝勒神庙)
Ramesses II
拉美西斯在继承王位前不久娶了她,从此就与她形影不离,无论是在宗 教仪式中还是在国事活动里都能见到她。在绘画中以及其他文物上也常 能看见她与丈夫亲密地依偎在一起。在政治生活中,奈菲尔塔利也发挥 着重要的作用,她借助书信和礼物与希泰族的女王保持着良好的关系。
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Natron (天然碳酸钠/泡碱) Onion (洋葱) Nile mud (尼罗河泥) Linen pads (亚麻布衬垫) Frankincense(乳香)
First, they took a part of the
brain from the nostrils of dead body with hook and noted some spices into the
The pyramids were built by Egyptians under the orders of the Egyptian leader. Pyramids functioned as tombs for pharaohs.In order to build the great pyramid, 2.3 million blocks of stone were cut ,transported and assembled to create.
Not all the pharaohs were men.
迄今,被这些学者确认的七位埃 及女性统治者依序为:公元前三 千年第一王朝的妮特(MerytNeith)、公元前两千一百年第 六王朝的妮托克里(Nitocris)、 公元前一千八百年第十二王朝的 赛贝克内菲卢蕾(Sobeknofru)、 公元前一千五百年第十八王朝的 哈特谢普苏特(Hatshepsut)、 公元前一千三百年第十八王朝的 娜芙蒂蒂(Nefertiti)、 公元前一千两百年第十九王朝的 图丝儿特(Twosert),以及公 元前五十一年的“埃及艳后”克 丽奥佩托拉(Cleopatra)。
How ancient builders managed to build these? Nobody can answer it .But it’s sure that it needs brains and strength.
古代的建筑者是如何建造这些庞然大物的, 这一直是个未解之谜,但可以肯定的是它需 要付出大量的脑力和体力。
木乃伊,即“人工干尸”。此词译自英语mummy,源 自波斯语mumiai,意为“沥青”。
MATERIALS USED IN MUMMIFICATION: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Linen (亚麻布) Sawdust(木屑) Lichen (青苔) Beeswax (蜂蜡) Resin (松香)
My love is unique—no one can rival her,for she is the most beautiful woman.Just by passing me,she has stolen my heart.
拉美西斯在他皇后的墓碑上刻 着他对她爱的表白,“我对你 的爱是独一无二的——因为你 是世界上最美丽的,没有人能 够取代当你。轻轻走过我的身 旁,就带走了我的心。”
the mummy of Hatshepsut
She is generally regarded by Egyptologists as one of the most successful pharaohs, reigning longer than any other woman of an indigenous Egyptian dynasty. (埃及历史上最伟大 的女法老,人类历史 上的第一位伟大的女 性)
• Ramsses ,the third Egyptian pharaoh (reigned 1279 BC – 1213 BC) of the Nineteenth dynasty ,referred to as Ramesses the Great. • He is often regarded as the greatest, most celebrated, and most powerful pharaoh(法老) of the Egyptian Empire.With several military expeditions(远 征),he brings his Egyptian Empire to