
小学生谚语大全(1-25条)1. 三百六十行,行行出状元。
2. 宁走十步远,不走一步险。
3. 千补万补,不如饭补。
4. 笑一笑,少一少;恼一恼,老一老。
5. 太阳落山了,人才感到阳光的可贵。
6. 过头话少说,过头事少做。
7. 车到山前必有路,船到桥头自然直。
8. 时间就是知识,时间就是力量,时间就是生命。
9. 不经一师,不长一艺。
10. 草遮不住鹰眼,水遮不住鱼眼。
11. 老要常讲,少要常问。
12. 火烤胸前暖,风吹背后寒。
13. 盐多了咸,话多了烦。
14. 从俭入奢易,从奢入俭难。
15. 美言美语受人敬,恶言恶语伤人心。
16. 一粒米度三关,三粒米爬过山。
17. 人怕理,马怕鞭。
18. 秦岭山脉一条线,南吃大米北吃面。
19. 人急投亲,鸟急投林。
20. 靠山吃山,靠水吃水。
21. 光阴如同东流水,只能流去不能回。
22. 胸有凌云志,无高不可攀。
23. 好树结好果,好铁铸好锅。
24. 逢人莫乱讲,逢事莫乱闯。
25. 人勤病就懒,人懒病就勤。
小学生谚语大全(26-50条)26. 不读一家书,不识一家字。
27. 苗好一半谷,妻好一半福。
28. 人活七十稀,请教不为低。
29. 病好不谢医,下次无人医。
30. 老怕伤风,少怕痢疾。
31. 节令不到,不知冷暖;人不相处,不知厚薄。
32. 一青一黄是一年,一黑一白是一天。
33. 家常饭好吃,常调官难做。
34. 少而不学,老而无识。
35. 求人不如求己,使人不如使腿。
36. 柴经不起百斧,人经不起百语。
37. 关西出将,关东出相。
38. 救人救到底,摆渡到岸边。
39. 当局者迷,旁观者清。
40. 人越嬉越懒,嘴越吃越馋。
41. 病人心多,忙人事多。
42. 邻居好,赛金宝。
43. 前留三步好走,后留三步好退。
44. 光阴似箭,一去不返。
45. 百里不同俗,十里改规矩。
46. 牛无力拖横耙,人无理说横话。
47. 姜是老的辣,醋是陈的酸。
48. 马看牙板,人看言行。

now here give say
long saw work light
there no
call first pick
som cam
after try
well new pull
very think must cut
start kind
have over let
Dolch Words / Dolch Sight Words 是美国学者 E.W. Dolch 在二次 世界大战之前,针对当时英语儿童读物做了系统分析和统计后整理出 来的英语初级阅读中最常使用的 220 个词,加上儿童图书中经常出现 的 95 个名词。这些词在英语教科书,图书,报章,杂志中的出现率为 60 to 85%。
toy tree
watc h wate r way wind
w ent
w hat
w hite
w ho
wi ll
wi th
Y es
h wind
and ow
h woo
alk ash oget lowe
her r
ere hich ry ame
hen hy arm arde

小乌龟学美语_中英文本27 富兰克林帮助别人 Franklin HELP OUT 《小乌龟学美语目录》28 富兰克林和失踪的零食Franklin'S 01 富兰克林的考试Franklin's TEST MISSING SNACKS02 富兰克林和小鸭子Franklin AND THE 29 富兰克林做好事Franklin'S GOOD DUCKLING DEEDS03 富兰克林和他的夜间朋友 Franklin AND 30 富兰克林的潜水艇Franklin'S HIS NIGHT FRIEND SUBMARINE04 富兰克林和两个亨利Franklin AND 31 修理能手富兰克林MR.FIX-IT Franklin THE TWO HENRYS 32 富兰克林打嗝Franklin HAS THE 05 富兰克林的野外远足Franklin's HICCUPSNATURE HIKE 33 富兰克林送报 Franklin DELIVERS06 富兰克林的明星角色Franklin's 34 富兰克林的龟壳烦恼Franklin'S SHELL STARRING ROLE TROUBLE07 富兰克林的杰作Franklin's 35 富兰克林的帆船Franklin'S SAILBOAT MASTERPIECE 36 富兰克林偷听 Franklin'S SNOOPS 08 富兰克林和计算机 Franklin AND THE 37 富兰克林的爸爸 Franklin'S FATHER COMPUTER 38 富兰克林打冰球Franklin PLYA 09 骑士富兰克林 Franklin THE TROOPER HOCKEY10 富兰克林的化石Franklin'S FOSSIL 39 富兰克林和手偶戏Franklin AND THE 11 富兰克林和预言家 Franklin AND THE PUPPET PLAYFORTUNE TELLER 40 富兰克林的秒表 Franklin'S 12 富兰克林和地下室 Franklin'S CELLAR STOPWATCH13 富兰克林种树Franklin PLANTS A 41 富兰克林遇到小貂Franklin MEETS TREE ERMINE14 小英雄富兰克林 Franklin THE HERO 42 富兰克林的滑稽行为Franklin'S FUNNY15 富兰克林的假期 Franklin'S DAY OFF BUSINESS16 富兰克林做的小甜饼 Franklin'S 43 富兰克林和山姆 Franklin AND SAM HOMEMADE COOKIES 44 富兰克林的浆果园 Franklin'S BERRY 17 神奇的富兰克林 Franklin THE PATCHFABULOUS 45 富兰克林的对手 Franklin'S RIVAL18 富兰克林野营Franklin CAMPS OUT 46 富兰克林和收藏卡Franklin AND THE 19 富兰克林和小狗 Franklin AND THE TRADING CARDPUPPY 47 富兰克林的机器人 Franklin'S ROBOT 20 富兰克林拿了玩具校车Franklin TAKES 48 大侦探富兰克林Franklin THE THE BUS DETECTIVE21 富兰克林和抄袭者Franklin AND THE 49 勇士富兰克林Franklin THE COPYCAT FEARLESS22 大哥哥富兰克林BIG BROTHER 50 富兰克林的护身符Franklin'S LUCKY Franklin CHARM23 富兰克林和坏脾气的人Franklin ANT 51 富兰克林在海滩Franklin AT THE THE GRUMP SEASHORE24 富兰克林的诺言 Franklin'S PROMISE 52 富兰克林和蜗牛的梦想 Franklin AND 25 富兰克林和暴风雨 Franklin AND THE SNAIL'S DREAMTHUNDERSTORM 53 我的富兰克林 MY Franklin26 富兰克林的枫蜜Franklin'S MAPLE 54 富兰克林的妈妈Franklin'S MAM SYRUP 55 富兰克林熬夜记 Franklin STAY UP1 56 谈条件的富兰克林 Franklin'S BARGAIN57 富兰克林和班车督察 Franklin AND THE BUS PATROL58 富兰克林和小狼獾 Franklin AND WOLVIE59 富兰克林的南瓜 Franklin'S PUMPKIN60 富兰克林的瓶罐乐队 Franklin'S JUG BAND61 富兰克林的重大比赛 Franklin'S BIG GAME62 富兰克林的读书俱乐部 Franklin'S READING CLUB63 富兰克林两头忙 Franklin IN TWO PLACES64 富兰克林最崇拜的明星 Franklin'S FIRST STAR65 富兰克林丢书记 Franklin LOSES ABOOK2 01 富兰克林的考试 Franklin's TEST I really wanted to win one of those pens. But 8 now I think you should have it back.9 Hmm. Sometimes we think too much about Hi there, son. Well, how did it go? Your test. rewards and not enough about what it takes The one you‘ve been preparing for the past to earn them.three days. Like I thought more about getting the pen Oh, fine. Mr. Owl said I did a good job. I - than learning how to spell.I‘ve got to put my stuff away. Exactly. Tell you what - I‘ll h old onto this for I have the feeling he didn‘t do as well on test a while. After all, there will be more tests. as he expected. Thanks, Mr. Owl. Next time, I‘ll win it fair I have the very same feeling. And I know how and square! much he wanted one of those pens. Maybeit‘s time to mind Franklin that the value of agood honest try is worth more than a pen. 02 富兰克林和小鸭子 Franklin AND THEI‘ll come with you. DUCKLING Franklin. Are you all right? Ties his shoes ,Uh huh. He could care for his dog Sam and Goldie his You may not have gotten all the words right goldfish But one day ,Franklin had on your spelling test, but your father and I something to care for that took a lot more of still think… his time than he had plannedI did get them all right. Come on Bear , the water‘s not so cold once Oh, very good. So you did get a pen? Well, you used to it !don‘t keep us in suspense. Let‘s have a look I know , it‘s the getting-used-to-it part I at it. don‘t likeThere it is. I‘ll race you to that log , On your markWhy did you put it in the garbage? Is there Wait , I‘m not used to the water yet ! something you want to tell us, Franklin? Get setI spelled all the words right because I peeked I‘m not racing franklin , I‘m not ! at this. Go!It doesn‘t fell right winnin g a pen this way, Franklin ! ohh! does it? I won !No, Bear‘s right. I didn‘t win it fair and What was that ?square. I cheated. What should I do? A duckling ! Look, It‘s coming overThat‘s something you should decide. But I Hi ,there . We‘re swimming in your back think you know inside what will make you yard , aren‘t we ?feel better. I wonder what it wants10 Maybe it thinks you‘re his Mom. Good morning, Franklin. You think so ?Hi. Uh… I want to give you something. I'll Try swimming away and see what it does. just put it on your desk. See?Uh, just a minute, Franklin. Why are you You sure are cutegiving me back your pen? Brrr. I ?m starting to get cold .Franklin, Let‘s I had one of the spelling words inside my cap goand I look at it during the test. What about this little duck? I see. Should we take him with us ? I know I shouldn‘t have done it. It‘s just that I don‘t think so Franklin .3 Why not ? right ?Because his home is here at the pond . Okay., I won‘tWhere‘s its mom and dad then ? Good ,I‘ll he ad out to the gardenI don‘t see any big ducks , do you ? Whew , Shhh!! Thar was closeWell , no , but You‘ve gotta‘ be really quiet , okay ?We can‘t just leave the little guy here all by This is my buddy Samhimself You make friends with him while I find you a I suppose not but nestThen we have to take him with us This should workI‘d be worried about him If we didn‘t There ,, that ?s better , isn‘t it ?We could take turns looking after him , Shhh! You sure make a lot of noise .Bear . Oh!I know , you‘re hungry , aren‘t you ? This week he could be with me at my house Don‘t go any where ,I ?ll be right back .and next week he could stay with you Duckling is going to love the meals I make I don‘t think my mom and dad will let You don‘t get Corn Crunchies ‘down at the me .And I don‘t think yours will either pond .franklin Hmm Have a little snack before lunch ,are How come ? we franklin? Remember that time your mom found those Uh , I was feeling a little hungry .frogs in the bathtub? Go ahead . I didm‘t se e a thingOh yeh Thanks dad!She told you that frogs belong in the pond , It was ,, I mean Care for a t a Corn not in the house Crunchies , dear ?Hey , how ?d you get down there ?And she made me take them right back . Ew , yack !I‘ll have to keep this duckling a secret I forgot about that!Where are you going to hide it Here , you have something to eat and I‘ll Hmm ,in my bed room I guess with the door put down some newspapers before that closed happens again. I‘m going home for lunch Oh noDon‘t forget we have a soccer game today Shhh! Not so loud !Yeah , I won‘t Gee . for such a small guy , you sure make a See ya‘later , Franklin lot of noise and a lot of messBye! You‘ve got my whole room , Why do you Hello, Franklin want to be on this spot ! Did you have a nice swim at the pond ? Franklin, lunch is readyMy swim ? oh yeah , my swim . It was fun Okay!Now you‘re here Look , if I‘m going to take care of you . you maybe we can work together ?re going to have to help me a little , Okay?and finish this job And that means trying to be more quiet Uh , no , I‘ll do it Mom. And not getting into stuffYou don‘t have to help me And when the ducks old enough to look after Oh, all right then themselves?Thank you , franklin I suppose when their feathers and wings are What fully grown and they don‘t need the constant Don‘t just throw everything in the closet all care of their parents4 And they fly south as soon as it‘s autumn , be a lot of fun , But I found out it‘s a lot of right ? workThat‘s right What about its parents , Franklin? You‘re very interested in ducks .all the I‘ll bet they are very worried sudden franklinYes just like we were about youUh , they are kind of neat , don‘t you think ? It doesn‘thave any parentsYes they are . sure That‘s why franklin brought him home Umm , I just remembered , I‘ve got a soccer I know you wanted to help the duckling, game .I‘d better get ready and that ?s a good thingLooks like we‘ve got to get you anther hiding But I suspect this little one simply wandered spot . You‘re getting into too much mischief too far from its family to do some exploring in here. Yeah , It does do a lot of wandering and Are you sure you brought the papers then ? exploring .Yes , I ?m sure .I had the crossword puzzle Shall we take this guy back to pond ?half-finished Will you help me to find his mom and dad ? Bye!Mom! I can‘t be late for soccer game I‘ll We‘ll try our bestsee you later . Thanks dadHave fun ! Hey ! there are some big ducks ! Okay! And little ducks too !You can‘t still be hungry ! That could be the family we‘re looking for Do you want to it rain again?Yep! That is the family! It‘s empty again ,You sure need a lot of Goodby little duckling! looking after Wow ! Look at him go !It looks like I won‘t be playing much soccer His mo m and dad sure look happy to see himthis summer or anything else either I know just how they feel Oh , hello , Bear ! Hey , there they are!Hi! I‘m coming to get franklin for soccer he Do you want to play soccer or what ? is late and everyone is waiting for him I sure do ! Come on Bear! That‘s strange he left nearly half hour ago Another happy ending !Yes , he was in a quiet a hurry Yes everyone is back where they belongHe didn‘t want to be lateI wonder where he is ? 03 富兰克林和他的夜间朋友Franklin AND Wow, You know how franklin can get HIS NIGHT FRIEND side-tracked . First we ?ll check around the (F—Franklin, D---Dad, B—Bat, Br—Bear, house and then we‘ll FM—Franklin‘s Mom, BM—Bat‘s Mom)Call around to some of his friends Franklin could count by twos and tie his Hey! There ?s his soccer stuff! shoes. He could swim and ride a bike and do Franklin? many things really well. But one day Hi, bear! Franklin learned that the thing he could do Oh ,There you are best was just himself.Thank goodness you are safe . F: Wow! Look at all those stars, Dad! There What are you doing in here son? must be a zillion of them.Yeah , how come you aren‘t at the soccer D: Maybe we should count them to find out. game ? F: Dad.This is why. D: Let me show you some groups of stars I thought talking care of a little duckling will that look like animals.5 F: Animals? Where? F: Late? It‘s morning. Where are your mom D: Well, let‘s see here…Okay, there‘s and dad? Pegasus, the horse. B: Sleeping.F: I don‘t see a horse. F: Gee, your whole family hangs upside D: It‘s up there. You have to use your down.imaginations. B: Heh, yeah. How do you sleep?F: Hmm…Show me another one, Dad. F: Well, I lie down; but I‘m not a bird.D: That group of stars…Over here in the B: I‘m not a bird either. See? No feathers. North is Ursa Major, the Bear. F: Oh yeah.F: The bear? It doesn‘t look anything like the B: That tickles. bear I know. Did you see that star?! F: Is it hard to fly? D: That was a firefly that thinks it‘s a star! B: No, it‘s easy. Watch!F: I‘m going to catch it! Hey, what was that? F: Wow! Gee it must be fun to be able to do Woops! Sorry, I didn‘t know you were that.chasing it too. Who are you? B: Yeah, it is sorta‘ fun.B: Bat. What‘s your name? BM: Bat, what are you doi ng up so late? F: I‘m Franklin. You must be new around B: I‘m coming!here. F: You have to go to sleep now?B: No, I‘ve always lived here. When did you B: Sure. I‘ve been up since I saw you last move into this neighbourhood? night.F: I‘ve lived here since I was born. How F: You get to stay up all night!come we‘ve never met before? B: Actually, I‘m supposed to have after BM: Bat, where are you? You haven‘t midnight naps. But sometimes I play instead. finished your breakfast yet. F: Can you come over to my place later? B: That‘s my mom. Gotta‘ go. B: Okey. Where do you live?F: Wait, where do you live? F: In the round house by the pond. Come B: In the big oak tree by the bridge. over right after you‘ve had supper...er F: Hey. Can I visit you sometime? breakfast (I)mean just before dark.B: Sure. That‘s be great. B: Sure. See you late Franklin.F: Gee, it sure is late to be eating breakfast. F: Neat. There…all done. Oh yeah, this is D: All bats eat their breakfast right after great! I look just like him.dark which is just when little turtles should Br: Franklin, what are you doing? be going to bed. F: Trying to get some sleep. F:Au Dad, do I have to? Br: Ummm…Upside down!D: Come on up on my shoulders. I‘ll show F: That‘s how Bat sleeps. you some more stars on the way home.Br: Who‘s Bat?F: Show me some stars that look like a turtle. F: I met him last night. I‘ve never seen D: Ah yes, the constellation called, anyone like him!―Franklin‖. Br: Yeah! What does he look like? F: Dad. F: He‘s got ears..and wings…like me!Hey Bat! Are you home? Maybe this isn‘t Br: How come I‘ve never seen him around? the right place. Hey, Bat, where are you? F: Because he sleeps during the day. And he B: Up here Franklin. I‘ll be right down. stays up all night.F: What? You‘re upside down. Br. All right. How does he play soccer in the B: So are you! Do your mom and dad know dark?you‘re up this late? F: He doesn‘t do that stuff. He does other6 things. That‘s what‘s so neat about him! D: Franklin, Time to get ready for bed.Br: Oh. F: See…Turtles don‘t play at night. Thanks F: Hey, we can both be bats! You can sleep for coming, Bat.upside down on that branch! B: Yeah…See you around, Franklin.Br: Gee Franklin…I don‘t have to take naps Br: Hey, Franklin. in the afternoon anymore… Don‘t you want F: Hi, Bear.to ride bikes or something? Br: What happened to your bat costume? F: Hmm, maybe tomorrow, Bear. F: I put it away.Br: Okey See ya‘ later/ Br: How come? I thought you wanted to be a F: See ya bear. bat.FM: You know you can‘t stay up too long, F: The only batthing I can do is hang upside Franklin. down…And that gives me a headache.F: I know, Mom. I‘m just going to play with Br: Why do you want to be like bat anyway? Bat for a while…We‘ll stay right here in the You‘re already good at being Franklin. backyard.F: What‘s so neat about that?FM: That‘s fine. Br: Right there. That‘s what‘s so neat.F: I can feel the wind, lifting my wings. F: Why?B: Hi, Franklin! Br: Skipping stones…I can‘t do that. Can F: Hi, Bat. Bat do that?B: Hey, ni ce ears. F: He wouldn‘t be able to hold the stone the F: Yeah, and I‘ve got wings like you too. right way. Anyway, he does other things.B: Great. Do you know how to fly yet? Br: And so do you Franklin. Swimming and F: A little…But not with my feet off the Playing soccer…Heh, heh, hiding in your ground. shell…And there‘s one other thing, you‘ve B: Go ahead, let‘s see. always been great at. F: Okey. I haven‘t tried it like this yet. F: What‘s that?B: Are your okey? Br: Being my best friend.F: Oh, yeah, I‘m Okey. That‘s the farthest F: Thanks Bear. You‘re my best friend too.I‘ve flown yet. Br: Now teach me how to skip a stone. B: It is? You didn‘t go anywhere. F: You have to find a nice flat one. F: But, my feet were off the ground. Br: I know that already! B: Now this is flying. F: Hey, Bat. Are you there? F: I don‘t know how to do it like that. B: Hi, Franklin. What‘s up?B: Oh, well, that‘s okay. You fly your way F: I was wondering if you‘d like to come to with your feet on the ground. But, that‘s not my house again tonight.how bats fly. B: You want some flying lessons, right?F: So? F: No, I‘m a turtle…I want you to come and B: You‘re not a bat. meet some of my friends.F: That‘s for sure. B: Okay!...Can I bring some of my friend B: What‘s the matter. We can still have fun. too?We‘ve got all right. F: That sounds great. We‘ll play some games F: No, we don‘t. It‘s almost my bedtime. and stuff. See you tonight Bat. B: Eh? You‘ve got to go to bed now? It‘s B: Franklin, wait. night time. F: Yeah?F: I know. I sleep at night. My whole family B: Before I go back to sleep…could you take does. me for a ride on your wheel thing?7 F: On my bike? Sure. Hang on. Yap! One a day and he doesn't like the B: Wow, this is great! orange ones. F: Yeah it is, isn‘t it!Good. Now, let's show Henryyour room.04富兰克林和两个亨利 Franklin AND THE Isn't this great!TWO HENRYS Look, guys! Henry already feels right at Franklin could count by twos and tie his home. He's in his wheel!shoes. He had a pet goldfish named Goldie That's great, Beaver. But does he really need and a best friend named Bear. But Bear all this stuff?wanted to have a pet too. And because they Well, I want to make sure he has everything were best friends, Franklin wanted to help he needs! Henry is a very special hamster him. you know.Aren't you Chubby Cheeks?Hi Franklin! Oh, yes you are!Hi Bear! What's so special about him? Want to go for a bike ride? Just watch!Sorry, Franklin, I can't... Wow! Neat!Guess what I'm doing? That's not all! He even comes when you call Uh...eating a cookie? his name!You're close. I'm waiting for Beaver and Henry! C'mon Henry! Henry.Let me try! Henry!Henry? Her pet hamster? Okay, my turn! Here Chubby Cheeks!Yep! Beaver's going away for the whole He won't come when you call him that! weekend and I'm going to baby-sit him for Henry! Gee, Henry is aher! special hamster!You're going to baby-sit Henry? Very special. And I'm going to miss my little Well, hamster-sit. But that's not the best part! Chubby Cheeks.My Mon and Dad said that if I take good It's okay, Beaver. I'll take good care of him. care of Henry, they'll let me have a hamster I know you will, Bear. too! Yeah! And I'll help!Wow! Just what you've always wanted, Bear! Thanks guys. I'll see you on Sunday. Hi guys! Bye, Beaver. See ya'. Hi Beaver! Bye, Henry.Here's Henry! It's okay, Henry. We're going to take good Good morning, Hen... ...ry! care of you. Right, Bear?Oh look, Henry! You bet! And then my parents will let me Your favourite! Nice juicy clover! have a pet hamster for sure!Here, Henry. Gee, Henry! The weekend sure went fast. Want a cookie? Beaver comes back tommorrow and you get No, don't feed him that! Henry has his own to go home. And I get to have my own pet cookies. Happy Hamster Snaps. They're hamster. Hope he's as nice as you. filled with vitamins and minerals and come Hey! Stop! That tickles!in four delicious flavours, but he doesn't like Sleep tight...Chubby Cheeks. the orange ones.He gets ONE of these a day. Got it ? I'll get it! Good morning, Franklin. You must8 be here to help Bear with... ... the hamster! get back to see my...Thanks, mom! Hi, Franklin! There you are!Ah! Were you a good boy?What's the matter, Bear? Oh yeah, he was great.Everything. No problem. Don't worry about his supplies. Whoa! What happened to your room? We'll bring them right over.Henry got out of his cage last night! Wait, Franklin. I have to say 'thank you' to Wow! He makes all this mess? Bear.No, I did! Looking for him. And I can't find Thanks, Bear. And I hope you get your own him! hamster. You deserve it.Beaver's coming home today. You've got to C'mon, let's get you home, Henry! find him. HENR-! Henry! Shhh...quiet Franklin.I don't want Mon and Uh oh...Dad to find out I've lost him. Beaver! Wait!Sorry Bear. This is the real Henry. That's okay. Just try to be more quiet. Come The real Henry? But...on. Let's check the other rooms. Henry escaped last night. I guess I left his We've searched the whole house. Where cage door open...could he be?! And why doesn't he come when And when we couldn't find him, I talked we call his name? He's lost for good. Bear into buying that one. I'll never get a hamster of my own now. Didn't you think I'd find out?!And you'll have to get a new one for Beaver. I'm sorry, Beaver. Instead of trying to trick Hey...that gives me an idea. What if webuy you, I should have told the truth.Beaver a new hamster before she gets here. I'll say! Well, I'm just glad to get my Henry She's still going to be upset, Franklin. back.But she won't know it's a new Guess I better take this guy back to the pet hamster... ...And neither will your parents. shop.Yeah... We'll just go to the pet shop and buy a Bear. I'm glad you told Beaver the truth new Henry. Okay, let's do it. about what happened.Good! You check your piggy bank and I'll I am too. And I shouldn't have bought check mine. We'll meet at the pet shop in half another hamster without permission... an hour! There's only one real Henry.I think we picked the perfect one, Bear. This And you did take good care of him. hamster looks exactly like Henry! I did, didn't I?Yeah, and he eats like him too. Yes. You've shown us how responsible you I don't think Beaver will ever be able to tell are so we've decided that you can have a pet the difference. Henry. hamster of your own. Henry! C'mon, Henry. Really?! This one!? Uh oh... If you like.How fast can we teach him his new name? Thanks, Dad! C'mon, Franklin! Bear! Beaver's here! Bear!... That's Henry's cage! Not that fast... Huh? Oh yeah...Maybe Beaver won't notice. We'd better make a trip to the pet shop and She'll notice, Bear. We just have to make sure buy your hamster his own home. she doesn't notice in front of your parents. Do you want to come too? It was a very nice trip, but I couldn't wait to Sure! Okay!9 I'll go get my wagon to help carry the food Hey,someoneforgot to put a bridge here. and supplies. Who needs a bridge?So, what are you going to call him, Bear? Yes,but your feet are waterproof.Henry!...Henry the Second! I‘m taking the stepping stones. Yeah,me too.05 富兰克林的野外远足 Franklin's And this more fun anyway. NATURE HIKE Hmmmm. That‘s what I need.Franklin could count by twos and tie his Why did you stop?shoes…he could help his friends build a fort.. Ummm, I saw this clam shell. And help his father in t he yard. He could Isn‘t it neat?even help Mr. Owl plan a nature hike. But Good find,bear!one day Franklin was too helpful. Snail, what are you doing? And over here by the stream you might find Save your breath Snail.an interesting stone or perhaps a shell. But Just whistle when you need help. I ‘m never look inside the shell before you take it. There far away. might be somebody living in it! I know.Yes. Hey! This would look good on the nature A point well taken, snail. table. So would this log!We wa nt interesting objects for our Do you think maybe it‘s just a little too big?classroom nature table, but living things I don‘t think so.belong here in the woods. Alright class, off But I may need help putting it in my you go. and remember ,don‘t pick the knapsack.flowers. Hey guys! Look at this! No. A wasp‘s nest. Have fun! Wow!We‘ll have fun alright. Isn‘t it great!Come on, let‘s go,Franklin. Bear! You are not going to takeit back to our Yeah, I love the woods. classroom , are you? Yeah. Sure . why not?Oooo, fungus. Because wasps sting if you bother them.This looks interesting. I‘m not bothering them. They‘re not even Look what I just found… living in it anymore.Here I am Snail. Will you take it off for me Franklin? I‘m always happy to give you a r ide Snail. Oh! They‘re still inside!You don‘t even have to ask. And I think we‘re bothering them. Thanks Franklin.Oh. I‘d better leave them alone.Let‘s catch up with others. Not like that bear! Fly away! Run for it!There‘s one! That was a close one. Hm mm! Not close enough. Phew…. That‘s for sure. Hurry up you guys! It‘s the fastest I‘ve ever run.Ha,ha. Now I have you. Me too… how about you Snail?Time to hit the trail, Snail. Snail! Oh, no! I forgot Snail! Trail—Snail. Run Franklin! Heh, good rhyme,Franklin. Hurry!Oh. Fly away! You‘re free! How could I have forgotten Snail?!10 He‘s my good friend…and I didn‘t even help Too much?him. How do you help someone too much?Where is he? Well, Snail is pretty good at doing things for These termite tunnels go everywhere! himself.Snail! Snail! Do you think so? Franklin? Sure.Snail! Snail‘s been a snail all his life, so he has to be Her I am Franklin! good at it by now.Snail? Is that you? Yes ,that‘s right. No one does things like It‘s me! Snail.Snail! Are yo u ok? Hey!look up there! Sure! I‘m fine. It‘s snail!I‘m really sorry. Wow!I didn‘t mean to forget you. I don‘t believe it!Thanks, Franklin but… See! He has his own Snail way of doing Oh! You‘ve found him! things.I was worried. Yeah, I guess you‘re right.Same here. What do you see up there Snail? Yeah, me too! Lots of things.Um…how come? Wow, I‘ve found something really really neat! The wasps! They were buzzing all over the And there‘s enough for everybody! place.Let‘s go!I had a good hiding spot. Yeah! Come on! Great! So now that everyone knows I‘m fine , I‘ll go Wait for me! back and explore the termite tuunels. Look out below! You can‘t go in there , Snail. Whoa, look at this! You might get lost. Is it ever sparkly! What? Like diamonds! Wow! This is great!Don‘t worry Snail, from now on, I‘m going to Gee, thanks Snail!take really good care of you. This is the best thing I‘ve seen all day!I won‘t forget you again, I promise. Good find, isn‘t it?My knapsack is so full, I can barely squeeze Great find! anything else in. Thanks snail.Mine is so heavy I can hardly lift it. None of us could ever have climbed up there. I haven‘t found anything yet. I‘m glad I could help. But I will.Hey… that‘s Mr. Owl.Don‘t worry about it ,Snail. Let‘s go!I‘ve go t something I can give you. Come on! Or, I can just carry it for you. I‘ll go first.I don‘t want you to! I want to find something Hurry!myself! Snail.. I know you don‘t need me to help you What did I do? all the time…I just wanted to help you, that‘s al l. But would you like a ride back? Wasn‘t I helping? Sure , I don‘t want to miss the bus.Yes, but you‘re helping too much! Anyway.. I do like having help when I need11 it… when you need it. Right? Yeah.Right! That was good. This is an interesting specimen. I liked that. Hmmm… a tail feather. And if I‘m not Brava.mistaken… You are a really good actor, Franklin! I bet Yes. It‘s one of mine. you‘ll get a big part in the spring play!Another fall molt. You think so? I hope I do. Last time I had Where does t he time go? stage fright, but this time I won‘t be worried And look at these quartz crystals! at all!Magnificent! Well,we‘ll soon find out what parts we‘re These will certainly bright up our classroom. getting. C‘mon!Snail found them! I hope I get the starring role!Yeah! He climbed straight up a big cliff to get I wanna play the witch! Hope I get it! them! The king gets to eat…I can‘t wait..A big cliff!I‘d like to play the tallest character. well done ,snail! Welcome back class.Nothing gets in your way, does it snail? Now, I know you‘re all anxious to find out No, and when it does, I know I can always about your parts in the spring play… so I ask myfriends for help. won‘t keep you in suspense. Now let‘s see: Anytime,snail. Sleeping Beauty will be played by Badger. Huh? Me?。

按老要求,全部背,不限色)疑表(三年需掌握)what什么whowhen何which哪一个where哪儿how怎代表(三年需掌握)this、个this is是that那、那个that is那是I我me我(格)I am=I ’ m我是my我的you你、你you are=you’ re你是、你是your你的、你的he他him他(格)his他的he is=he’ s他是she她her她(格);她的(作主)she is=she’ s她是it它it is=it’ s它是we我we are=we ’ re我是us我(格)our我的they他they are他是them他(格)their他(她)的these些those那些here儿,里there那儿,那里介表in在⋯里面on在⋯上面above在⋯上面over在⋯上面at在⋯点上from来自,从⋯来to到⋯去for了⋯with和⋯一起by通⋯about关于⋯after在⋯后面before在⋯前面beside在⋯旁behind在⋯后面near在⋯附近nearby在⋯附近between在⋯之up在⋯上面down在⋯下面(1)一般来,after 指的先后次序,意“在⋯之后;behind 指空位置的前后,意“在⋯后面”( 2)表示“在⋯上面”有三个on above overon 是指两个物体有接触 an apple on the desk. 苹果和桌子有接触的; above over 两个物体无接触,其中above 不一定是正上方包含所有的上方而 over 是正上方垂直的(3) at in 在地点上的区。
at 用于小的地方,如站、学校、、村、等。
in 用于大的地方,如国家、省、市、区。
( 4) at in on 在表示上的区。
at 在某个刻如: at seven o’ clock; in 在某个的(如世、年、季、月以及泛指的上午、下午或傍晚等)内如:in2004,in spring,in March ,in the morning ,in the evening;on( 1)具体的日和一个特定的,某日、日、星期几等,如: on Children ’ s Day, on New Year’ s write wrote Day, on the 5th of May ,on Sunday ( 2) know knew 在某个特定的早晨、下午或晚上。

听说读写英语综合能力培养,学 会运用英语探索世界,表达自己的想 法。 准确流利的使用英语。自主学习, 综合能力的运用。
• 132课时/期 • 每周4课时,2课时/1.5小时
• 中外师比例1:2
• 自然的生活实景,友善的全英文环境。 • 实施生活美语方案,做中学,玩中学。 • 体验原汁原味美国生活,不出国门,文化认知。 • 培养孩子的国际移动力(5C)
年龄 阶段 级别 level 1 班别 K1 主要目标
3-6岁 live
level 2 level 3 level 4
K2 K3 P1
P2 P3 P4 P5
培养兴趣,培养良好语感及听说 能力,自信开口。
6-9岁 discover level 5 level 6 9-12岁 adventure level 7 level 8

小朋友生活美语手册(蓝色手册)CHILDREN’S EVERYDAY VOCABULARY MANUAL OF AMERICAN ENGLISH(BLUE MANUAL)-P1——P4 The living room客厅Drawing room1.Doormp3.Carpet4.Wall5.Armchair6.Newspaper7.Telephone8.Fan 9.Window10.Bookcase11.Television12.Sofa13.Coffee table14.Piano1.DoorDad opens the door.That door goes into the kitchen.爸爸把门打开。
mpMother turns on the lamp.There is lamp on Amy’s desk.妈妈打开台灯。
3.CarpetAladdin is flying on his magic carpet.There is a ball on the carpet.阿拉丁乘着他的魔毯飞行。
4.WallJack is throwing a ball against the wall.Father paints the wall pink.杰克在向墙上掷球。
5.ArmchairMy grandmother is sitting in the armchair. The armchair is comfortable.我奶奶坐在扶手椅子上。
6.NewspaperDaddy is reading the newspaper.He buys a piece of newspaper.爸爸在看报纸。
7.TelephoneThe telephone is ringing.She is talking on the telephone.电话在响。

(完整word 版)闽教版小学英语词汇手册闽教版小学英语词汇手册(注:制作本表目的为方便背诵及默写,可盖住单词,看中文意思默写。
按老师要求,单词应全部背诵,不限红色)疑问词表(三年级需掌握)代词表(三年级需掌握)(完整word 版)闽教版小学英语词汇手册介词表(完整word 版)闽教版小学英语词汇手册(1)一般说来,after 指时间的先后次序,意为“在…时间之后; behind 指空间位置的前后,意为“在…后面”(2)表示“在…上面”有三个词overon 是指两个物体有接触an apple on desk.苹果和桌子有接触的;above over 两个物体无接触,其中above 不一定是正上方包含所有的上方 而over 是正上方 垂直的 (3)at in 在地点上的区别。
at 用于较小的地方,如车站、学校、乡、村、镇等。
in 用于较大的地方,如国家、省、市、区。
(4)at in on 在表示时间上的区别。
at 在某个时刻如:at seven o ’clock ;in 在某个较长的时间(如世纪、年、季节、月以及泛指的上午、 下午或傍晚等)内 如:2004,in spring ,in March ,in themorning ,in the evening ;on (1)具体的时日和一个特定的时间,某日、节日、星期几等, 如:on Children ’s Day ,on New Year ’s Day, on the 5th of May ,onSunday (2)在某个特定的早晨、下午或晚上。
如:on Monday morning 小学常用不规则动词表(六年级需掌握)(完整word版)闽教版小学英语词汇手册主要词性:n.名词,v.动词,a.形容词,adv.(完整word版)闽教版小学英语词汇手册副词,prep.介词,conj.连词,aux.助动词,num.数词三年级上册第一课课(完整word版)闽教版小学英语词汇手册第四课(完整word版)闽教版小学英语词汇手册第五课第六课(完整word 版)闽教版小学英语词汇手册第七课第八课(完整word版)闽教版小学英语词汇手册三年级下册第一课第二课第三课(完整word版)闽教版小学英语词汇手册第四课第五课(完整word 版)闽教版小学英语词汇手册第六课第七课第八课(完整word版)闽教版小学英语词汇手册四年级上册第一课第二课(完整word版)闽教版小学英语词汇手册第三课第四课第五课(完整word版)闽教版小学英语词汇手册第六课第七课第八课(完整word版)闽教版小学英语词汇手册四年级下册第一课(完整word版)闽教版小学英语词汇手册第二课第三课第四课(完整word版)闽教版小学英语词汇手册第五课第六课(完整word版)闽教版小学英语词汇手册第七课第八课(完整word 版)闽教版小学英语词汇手册五年级上册 第一课第二课第三课(完整word版)闽教版小学英语词汇手册第四课第五课(完整word 版)闽教版小学英语词汇手册第六课(完整word版)闽教版小学英语词汇手册第七课第八课五年级下册第一课(完整word 版)闽教版小学英语词汇手册第二课(完整word版)闽教版小学英语词汇手册第三课第四课(完整word版)闽教版小学英语词汇手册第五课第六课(完整word 版)闽教版小学英语词汇手册第七课第八课(完整word 版)闽教版小学英语词汇手册六年级上册 第一课第二课(完整word版)闽教版小学英语词汇手册(完整word版)闽教版小学英语词汇手册第三课(完整word 版)闽教版小学英语词汇手册第四课第五课第六课(完整word版)闽教版小学英语词汇手册第七课(完整word 版)闽教版小学英语词汇手册第八课第一课(完整word 版)闽教版小学英语词汇手册第二课第三课(完整word版)闽教版小学英语词汇手册第四课(完整word版)闽教版小学英语词汇手册第六课(完整word版)闽教版小学英语词汇手册第七课第八课。
P3_Franklin's Reading Club 小乌龟学美语文本

Franklin‟s Reading Club富兰克林的读书俱乐部Good idea, Franklin.好主意,富兰克林。
You‟re borrowing all those?!你们要借所有这些书吗?I did it!我做到了!Gee, I wish I could paint like that.哎呀,我真希望我也能画这么好。
Wow, neat!哇,真棒!Let‟s go show the others, Bear.小熊,去让其他人都看看。
Slow and steady wins the race.稳扎稳打才能获胜。
Franklin could count by twos, and tie his shoes.富兰克林已经学会奇偶数了,他还学会了自己系鞋带。
He could spell his own name and he could say the alphabet really quickly.他可以拼写出自己的名字,还能背出字母表,并且十分熟练。
But one day, Franklin learned that some things aren‟t meant to be done in a hurry. 可是有一天,富兰克林知道了有些事情是急不得的。
Welcome to our new Reading Club, children.欢迎大家来新的读书俱乐部,孩子们。
When you join, you‟ll be give your own Reading Club Card.只要你加入,就会得到自己的读书俱乐部卡。
Every time you read a book, I‟ll punch a hole in your card.你每读一本书,我就会寻思卡上打一个洞。
When you‟ve read thirty books, the card will be filled, and you‟ll have earned a special reward.当你读完30本书,卡就会打满,你就会赢得一份特别的奖励。

《小乌龟学美语目录》01 富兰克林的考试Franklin's TEST02 富兰克林和小鸭子Franklin AND THE DUCKLING03 富兰克林和他的夜间朋友Franklin AND HIS NIGHT FRIEND04 富兰克林和两个亨利Franklin AND THE TWO HENRYS05 富兰克林的野外远足Franklin's NATURE HIKE06 富兰克林的明星角色Franklin's STARRING ROLE07 富兰克林的杰作Franklin's MASTERPIECE08 富兰克林和计算机Franklin AND THE COMPUTER09 骑士富兰克林Franklin THE TROOPER10 富兰克林的化石Franklin'S FOSSIL11 富兰克林和预言家Franklin AND THE FORTUNE TELLER12 富兰克林和地下室Franklin'S CELLAR13 富兰克林种树Franklin PLANTS A TREE14 小英雄富兰克林Franklin THE HERO15 富兰克林的假期Franklin'S DAY OFF16 富兰克林做的小甜饼Franklin'S HOMEMADE COOKIES17 神奇的富兰克林Franklin THE FABULOUS18 富兰克林野营Franklin CAMPS OUT19 富兰克林和小狗Franklin AND THE PUPPY20 富兰克林拿了玩具校车Franklin TAKES THE BUS21 富兰克林和抄袭者Franklin AND THE COPYCAT22 大哥哥富兰克林BIG BROTHER Franklin23 富兰克林和坏脾气的人Franklin ANT THE GRUMP24 富兰克林的诺言Franklin'S PROMISE25 富兰克林和暴风雨Franklin AND THE THUNDERSTORM26 富兰克林的枫蜜Franklin'S MAPLE SYRUP27 富兰克林帮助别人Franklin HELP OUT28 富兰克林和失踪的零食Franklin'S MISSING SNACKS29 富兰克林做好事Franklin'S GOOD DEEDS30 富兰克林的潜水艇Franklin'S SUBMARINE31 修理能手富兰克林MR.FIX-IT Franklin32 富兰克林打嗝Franklin HAS THE HICCUPS33 富兰克林送报Franklin DELIVERS34 富兰克林的龟壳烦恼Franklin'S SHELL TROUBLE35 富兰克林的帆船Franklin'S SAILBOAT36 富兰克林偷听Franklin'S SNOOPS37 富兰克林的爸爸Franklin'S FATHER38 富兰克林打冰球Franklin PLYA HOCKEY39 富兰克林和手偶戏Franklin AND THE PUPPET PLAY40 富兰克林的秒表Franklin'S STOPWATCH41 富兰克林遇到小貂Franklin MEETS ERMINE42 富兰克林的滑稽行为Franklin'S FUNNY BUSINESS43 富兰克林和山姆Franklin AND SAM44 富兰克林的浆果园Franklin'S BERRY PATCH45 富兰克林的对手Franklin'S RIV AL46 富兰克林和收藏卡Franklin AND THE TRADING CARD47 富兰克林的机器人Franklin'S ROBOT48 大侦探富兰克林Franklin THE DETECTIVE49 勇士富兰克林Franklin THE FEARLESS50 富兰克林的护身符Franklin'S LUCKY CHARM51 富兰克林在海滩Franklin AT THE SEASHORE52 富兰克林和蜗牛的梦想Franklin AND SNAIL'S DREAM53 我的富兰克林MY Franklin54 富兰克林的妈妈Franklin'S MAM55 富兰克林熬夜记Franklin STAY UP156 谈条件的富兰克林Franklin'S BARGAIN57 富兰克林和班车督察Franklin AND THE BUS PATROL58 富兰克林和小狼獾Franklin AND WOLVIE59 富兰克林的南瓜Franklin'S PUMPKIN60 富兰克林的瓶罐乐队Franklin'S JUG BAND61 富兰克林的重大比赛Franklin'S BIG GAME62 富兰克林的读书俱乐部Franklin'S READING CLUB63 富兰克林两头忙Franklin IN TWO PLACES64 富兰克林最崇拜的明星Franklin'S FIRST STAR65 富兰克林丢书记Franklin LOSES A BOOK201 富兰克林的考试Franklin's TESTwell donevery good, goosewow, look at thoseyou're doing greatI won't forgetoh, that's a tough wordI'll get a pen next timebut that's not fair Franklinare you all right?1.Franklin could count by twos and tie his shoes. He had won a blue ribbon for swimming and a trophy for playing soccer. But one day, Franklin won something that maybe he shouldn‘t have.2…daisy…window…chair…pencil…Well done. All right, you all know how to read our new words. Let‘s see how many we can spell. Who would like to go first?I will go first. Me, me, me… I will do it, it‘s easy.Bear, let's see you give it a try. All right Bear. Spell the word ―daisy‖.3Hmm. Let me just check…Hey Bear, you can‘t peek like that. That‘s cheating.It is?Well Bear, we are trying to learn to spell from memory. I'll give you a little hint, the next letter is an ―I‖.“I‖… Oh, yeah! ―D‖, ―A‖, ―I‖, ―S‖, ―Y‖,daisyAbsolutely right, Bear! Well done! Now, who‘s next?Very good, goose!4You‘re all doing very well with your spelling!I think you are ready for a test! On Thursday, we‘ll see how well you know the words we‘ve learned over the past few weeks. And for those of you who spell all your words correctly, I have something special. One of these colorful pens!Wow! Look at those!Excuse me, Mr. Owl, but since I‘m going to get all the words right anyway, could I have my pen now? I‘d like to write the test with it. I‘m sorry Beaver, but you‘ll have to write the test first. I‘m sure if all of you practice spelling your words, you‘ll do ver y well. Pens or no pens.5F-L-O-W-E-R flower W-I-N-D-O-W window You‘re certainly going to be well prepared for that spelling test tomorrow.Yeah, Bear and I have been practicing really hard.They must be very fancy pens to go to all this trouble.Oh, they are. And I‘m going to make sure I know my words so I get one.I can see one word that‘s going to take a little more practice.Where? Which one? Show me.This one. ―pencil‖ is spelled P-E-N-C-I-L. That‘s only one mistake. You are doing great. But I don‘t want to make any mistakes. I want one of those pens.The important thing is, you‘re learning how to spell.No Dad, the important thing is spelling every word right.6P-E-N uh E-N-C-I-LGood. I got it right this time, Sam. Tomorrow, I'll spell it just like that.But what if I don‘t? What if I forget? P-E-N-C-I-L… I know it now. I won't forget.I know… I'll just put it in here for good luck. 7Next… spell ―kitchen‖. And now we come to the very last word on the test. ―pencil‖. Now, when you are finished, don‘t forget to put your name at the top of the page.That was a cinch. I got them all right, I know it. Yeah it was easy.All correct. Very good! Congratulations and enjoy your pen. You‘ve earned it.I did it, Bear. I got a pen.3。

《小乌龟学美语目录》01 富兰克林的考试Franklin's TEST02 富兰克林和小鸭子Franklin AND THE DUCKLING03 富兰克林和他的夜间朋友Franklin AND HIS NIGHT FRIEND04 富兰克林和两个亨利Franklin AND THE TWO HENRYS05 富兰克林的野外远足Franklin's NATURE HIKE06 富兰克林的明星角色Franklin's STARRING ROLE07 富兰克林的杰作Franklin's MASTERPIECE08 富兰克林和计算机Franklin AND THE COMPUTER09 骑士富兰克林Franklin THE TROOPER10 富兰克林的化石Franklin'S FOSSIL11 富兰克林和预言家Franklin AND THE FORTUNE TELLER12 富兰克林和地下室Franklin'S CELLAR13 富兰克林种树Franklin PLANTS A TREE14 小英雄富兰克林Franklin THE HERO15 富兰克林的假期Franklin'S DAY OFF16 富兰克林做的小甜饼Franklin'S HOMEMADE COOKIES17 神奇的富兰克林Franklin THE FABULOUS18 富兰克林野营Franklin CAMPS OUT19 富兰克林和小狗Franklin AND THE PUPPY20 富兰克林拿了玩具校车Franklin TAKES THE BUS21 富兰克林和抄袭者Franklin AND THE COPYCAT22 大哥哥富兰克林BIG BROTHER Franklin23 富兰克林和坏脾气的人Franklin ANT THE GRUMP24 富兰克林的诺言Franklin'S PROMISE25 富兰克林和暴风雨Franklin AND THE THUNDERSTORM26 富兰克林的枫蜜Franklin'S MAPLE SYRUP27 富兰克林帮助别人Franklin HELP OUT28 富兰克林和失踪的零食Franklin'S MISSING SNACKS29 富兰克林做好事Franklin'S GOOD DEEDS30 富兰克林的潜水艇Franklin'S SUBMARINE31 修理能手富兰克林MR.FIX-IT Franklin32 富兰克林打嗝Franklin HAS THE HICCUPS33 富兰克林送报Franklin DELIVERS34 富兰克林的龟壳烦恼Franklin'S SHELL TROUBLE35 富兰克林的帆船Franklin'S SAILBOAT36 富兰克林偷听Franklin'S SNOOPS37 富兰克林的爸爸Franklin'S FATHER38 富兰克林打冰球Franklin PLYA HOCKEY39 富兰克林和手偶戏Franklin AND THE PUPPET PLAY40 富兰克林的秒表Franklin'S STOPWATCH41 富兰克林遇到小貂Franklin MEETS ERMINE42 富兰克林的滑稽行为Franklin'S FUNNY BUSINESS43 富兰克林和山姆Franklin AND SAM44 富兰克林的浆果园Franklin'S BERRY PATCH45 富兰克林的对手Franklin'S RIV AL46 富兰克林和收藏卡Franklin AND THE TRADING CARD47 富兰克林的机器人Franklin'S ROBOT48 大侦探富兰克林Franklin THE DETECTIVE49 勇士富兰克林Franklin THE FEARLESS50 富兰克林的护身符Franklin'S LUCKY CHARM51 富兰克林在海滩Franklin AT THE SEASHORE52 富兰克林和蜗牛的梦想Franklin AND SNAIL'S DREAM53 我的富兰克林MY Franklin54 富兰克林的妈妈Franklin'S MAM55 富兰克林熬夜记Franklin STAY UP156 谈条件的富兰克林Franklin'S BARGAIN57 富兰克林和班车督察Franklin AND THE BUS PATROL58 富兰克林和小狼獾Franklin AND WOLVIE59 富兰克林的南瓜Franklin'S PUMPKIN60 富兰克林的瓶罐乐队Franklin'S JUG BAND61 富兰克林的重大比赛Franklin'S BIG GAME62 富兰克林的读书俱乐部Franklin'S READING CLUB63 富兰克林两头忙Franklin IN TWO PLACES64 富兰克林最崇拜的明星Franklin'S FIRST STAR65 富兰克林丢书记Franklin LOSES A BOOK201 富兰克林的考试Franklin's TESTwell donevery good, goosewow, look at thoseyou're doing greatI won't forgetoh, that's a tough wordI'll get a pen next timebut that's not fair Franklinare you all right?1.Franklin could count by twos and tie his shoes. He had won a blue ribbon for swimming and a trophy for playing soccer. But one day, Franklin won something that maybe he shouldn‘t have.2…daisy…window…chair…pencil…Well done. All right, you all know how to read our new words. Let‘s see how many we can spell. Who would like to go first?I will go first. Me, me, me… I will do it, it‘s easy.Bear, let's see you give it a try. All right Bear. Spell the word ―daisy‖.3Hmm. Let me just check…Hey Bear, you can‘t peek like that. That‘s cheating.It is?Well Bear, we are trying to learn to spell from memory. I'll give you a little hint, the next letter is an ―I‖.“I‖… Oh, yeah! ―D‖, ―A‖, ―I‖, ―S‖, ―Y‖,daisyAbsolutely right, Bear! Well done! Now, who‘s next?Very good, goose!4You‘re all doing very well with your spelling!I think you are ready for a test! On Thursday, we‘ll see how well you know the words we‘ve learned over the past few weeks. And for those of you who spell all your words correctly, I have something special. One of these colorful pens!Wow! Look at those!Excuse me, Mr. Owl, but since I‘m going to get all the words right anyway, could I have my pen now? I‘d like to write the test with it. I‘m sorry Beaver, but you‘ll have to write the test first. I‘m sure if all of you practice spelling your words, you‘ll do ver y well. Pens or no pens.5F-L-O-W-E-R flower W-I-N-D-O-W window You‘re certainly going to be well prepared for that spelling test tomorrow.Yeah, Bear and I have been practicing really hard.They must be very fancy pens to go to all this trouble.Oh, they are. And I‘m going to make sure I know my words so I get one.I can see one word that‘s going to take a little more practice.Where? Which one? Show me.This one. ―pencil‖ is spelled P-E-N-C-I-L. That‘s only one mistake. You are doing great. But I don‘t want to make any mistakes. I want one of those pens.The important thing is, you‘re learning how to spell.No Dad, the important thing is spelling every word right.6P-E-N uh E-N-C-I-LGood. I got it right this time, Sam. Tomorrow, I'll spell it just like that.But what if I don‘t? What if I forget? P-E-N-C-I-L… I know it now. I won't forget.I know… I'll just put it in here for good luck. 7Next… spell ―kitchen‖. And now we come to the very last word on the test. ―pencil‖. Now, when you are finished, don‘t forget to put your name at the top of the page.That was a cinch. I got them all right, I know it. Yeah it was easy.All correct. Very good! Congratulations and enjoy your pen. You‘ve earned it.I did it, Bear. I got a pen.3Nice going, Franklin. Keep your fingers crossed for me.So far so good, Bear. Oh, dear, I‘ve spotted an error. But you still get something for trying your best. A space sticker.8I came this close to winning a pen. I only had one word wrong. ―pencil‖.Oh, that‘s a tough word.I‘ll never spell it wrong again, that‘s for sure. What‘s the matter?You tried your best, and you‘re my friend. I should share my pen with you. Here… you borrow it for a while.Thanks, but I want to win my own pen. That one‘s yours. Don‘t worry about me, Franklin. I‘ll get a pen next time.Come on, let's have some fun.Hey! Quit it.“pencil‖?I just had it in my hat for good luck.But did you look at it during the test?I peeked at one letter, that‘s all.But that‘s not fair, Franklin! That‘s cheating. 9Hi there, son. Well, how did it go? Your test. The one you‘ve been preparing for the past three days.Oh, fine. Mr. Owl said I did a good job. I - I‘ve got to put my stuff away.I have the feeling he didn‘t do as well on test as he expected.I have the very same feeling. And I know how much he wanted one of those pens. Maybe it‘s time to mind Franklin that the value of a good honest try is worth more than a pen.I‘ll come with you.Franklin. Are you all right?Uh huh.You may not have gotten all the words right on your spelling test, but your father and I still think…I did get them all right.Oh, very good. So you did get a pen? Well, don‘t keep us in suspense. Let‘s have a look at it.There it is.Why did you put it in the garbage? Is there something you want to tell us, Franklin?I spelled all the words right because I peeked at this.It doesn‘t fell right winning a pen this way, does it?No, Bear‘s right. I didn‘t win it fair and square. I cheated. What should I do?That‘s something you should decide. But I think you know inside what will make you feel better.10Good morning, Franklin.Hi. Uh… I want to give you something. I'll just put it on your desk.Uh, just a minute, Franklin. Why are you giving me back your pen?I had one of the spelling words inside my cap and I look at it during the test.I see.I know I shouldn‘t have done it. It‘s just that I really wanted to win one of those pens. But now I think you should have it back. Hmm. Sometimes we think too much about rewards and not enough about what it takes to earn them.Like I thought more about getting the pen than learning how to spell.Exactly. Tell you what - I‘ll hold onto this for a while. After all, there will be more tests. Thanks, Mr. Owl. Next time, I‘ll win it fair and square!02 富兰克林和小鸭子Franklin AND THE DUCKLINGTies his shoes ,He could care for his dog Sam and Goldie his goldfish But one day ,Franklin had something to care for that took a lot more of his time than he had plannedCome on Bear , the water‘s not so cold once you used to it !I know , it‘s the getting-used-to-it part I don‘t like4I‘ll race you to that log , On your mark Wait , I‘m not used to the water yet !Get setI‘m not racing franklin , I‘m not !Go!Franklin ! ohh!I won !What was that ?A duckling ! Look, It‘s coming overHi ,there . We‘re swimming in your back yard , aren‘t we ?I wonder what it wantsMaybe it thinks you‘re his Mom.You think so ?Try swimming away and see what it does. See?You sure are cuteBrrr. I ‗m starting to get cold .Franklin, Let‘s goWhat about this little duck?Should we take him with us ?I don‘t think so Franklin .Why not ?Because his home is here at the pond . Where‘s its mom and dad then ?I don‘t see any big ducks , do you ?Well , no , butWe can‘t just leave t he little guy here all by himselfI suppose not butThen we have to take him with usI‘d be worried about him If we didn‘tWe could take turns looking after him , Bear .This week he could be with me at my house and next week he could stay with youI don‘t think my mom and dad will let me .And I don‘t think yours will either franklinHow come ?Remember that time your mom found those frogs in the bathtub?Oh yehShe told you that frogs belong in the pond , not in the houseAnd she made me take them right back .I‘ll have to keep this duckling a secret Where are you going to hide itHmm ,in my bed room I guess with the door closedI‘m going home for lunchDon‘t forget we have a soccer game today Yeah , I won‘tSee ya‘later , FranklinBye!Hello, FranklinDid you have a nice swim at the pond ?My swim ? oh yeah , my swim . It was fun Now you‘re heremaybe we can work togetherand finish this jobUh , no , I‘ll do it Mom.You don‘t have to help meOh, all right thenThank you , franklinWhatDon‘t just throw everything in the closet all right ?Okay., I won‘tGood ,I‘ll head out to the gardenWhew , Shhh!! Thar was closeYou‘ve gotta‘ be really quiet , okay ?This is my buddy SamYou make friends with him while I find you a nestThis should workThere ,, that ‗s better , isn‘t it ?Shhh! You sure make a lot of noise .Oh!I know , you‘re hungry , aren‘t you ? Don‘t go any where ,I ‗ll be right back . Duckling is going to love the meals I make You don‘t get Corn Crunchies ‘ down at the pond .Hmm Have a little snack before lunch ,are we franklin?Uh , I was feeling a little hungry .Go ahead . I didm‘t see a thingThanks dad!It was ,, I mean Care for a t a Corn Crunchies , dear ?Hey , how ‗d you get down there ?5Ew , yack !I forgot about that!Here , you have something to eat and I‘ll put down some newspapers before that happens again.Oh noShhh! Not so loud !Gee . for such a small guy , you sure make a lot of noise and a lot of messYou‘ve got my whole room , Why do you want to be on this spot !Franklin, lunch is readyOkay!Look , if I‘m going to take care of you . you ‗re going to have to help me a little , Okay? And that means trying to be more quiet And not getting into stuffAnd when the ducks old enough to look after themselves?I suppose when their feathers and wings are fully grown and they don‘t need the constant care of their parentsAnd they fly south as soon as it‘s autumn , right ?That‘s rightYou‘re very interested in ducks .all the sudden franklinUh , they are kin d of neat , don‘t you think ? Yes they are . sureUmm , I just remembered , I‘ve got a soccer game .I‘d better get readyLooks like we‘ve got to get you anther hiding spot . You‘re getting into too much mischief in here.Are you sure you brought the papers then ? Yes , I ‗m sure .I had the crossword puzzle half-finishedBye!Mom! I can‘t be late for soccer game I‘ll see you later .Have fun !Okay!You can‘t still be hungry !Do you want to it rain again?It‘s empty again ,You sure need a lot of looking afterIt looks like I won‘t be playing much soccerthis summer or anything else eitherOh , hello , Bear !Hi! I‘m coming to get franklin for soccer he is late and everyone is waiting for himThat‘s strange he left nearly half hour ago Yes , he was in a quiet a hurryHe didn‘t want to be lateI wonder where he is ?Wow, You know how franklin can get side-tracked . First we ‗ll check around the house and then we‘llCall around to some of his friendsHey! There ‗s his soccer stuff!Franklin?Hi, bear!Oh ,There you areThank goodness you are safe .What are you doing in here son?Yeah , how come you aren‘t at the soccer game ?This is why.I thought talking care of a little duckling will be a lot of fun , But I found out it‘s a lot of workWhat about its parents , Franklin?I‘ll bet they are very worriedYes just like we were about youIt doesn‘t have any parentsThat‘s why franklin brought him homeI know you wanted to help the duckling, and that ‗s a good thingBut I suspect this little one simply wandered too far from its family to do some exploring Yeah , It does do a lot of wandering and exploring .Shall we take this guy back to pond ?Will you help me to find his mom and dad ? We‘ll try our bestThanks dadHey ! there are some big ducks !And little ducks too !That could be the family we‘re looking for Yep! That is the family!Goodby little duckling!Wow ! Look at him go !His mom and dad sure look happy to see him6I know just how they feelHey , there they are!Do you want to play soccer or what ?I sure do ! Come on Bear!Another happy ending !Yes everyone is back where they belong03 富兰克林和他的夜间朋友Franklin AND HIS NIGHT FRIEND(F—Franklin, D---Dad, B—Bat, Br—Bear, FM—Franklin‘s Mom, BM—Bat‘s Mom) Franklin could count by twos and tie his shoes. He could swim and ride a bike and do many things really well. But one day Franklin learned that the thing he could do best was just himself.F: Wow! Look at all those stars, Dad! There must be a zillion of them.D: Maybe we should count them to find out. F: Dad.D: Let me show you some groups of stars that look like animals.F: Animals? Where?D: Well, let‘s see here…Okay, there‘s Pegasus, the horse.F: I don‘t see a horse.D: It‘s up there. You have to use your imaginations.F: Hmm…Show me another one, Dad.D: That group of stars…Over here in the North is Ursa Major, the Bear.F: The bear? It do esn‘t look anything like the bear I know. Did you see that star?!D: That was a firefly that thinks it‘s a star! F: I‘m going to catch it! Hey, what was that? Woops! Sorry, I didn‘t know you were chasing it too. Who are you?B: Bat. What‘s your name?F: I‘m Franklin. You must be new around here.B: No, I‘ve always lived here. When did you move into this neighbourhood?F: I‘ve lived here since I was born. How come we‘ve never met before?BM: Bat, where are you? You haven‘t finished your breakfast yet.B: Th at‘s my mom. Gotta‘ go.F: Wait, where do you live?B: In the big oak tree by the bridge.F: Hey. Can I visit you sometime?B: Sure. That‘s be great.F: Gee, it sure is late to be eating breakfast. D: All bats eat their breakfast right after dark which is just when little turtles should be going to bed.F: Au Dad, do I have to?D: Come on up on my shoulders. I‘ll show you some more stars on the way home.F: Show me some stars that look like a turtle. D: Ah yes, the constellation called, ―Franklin‖.F: Dad.Hey Bat! Are you home? Maybe this isn‘t the right place. Hey, Bat, where are you?B: Up here Franklin. I‘ll be right down.F: What? You‘re upside down.B: So are you! Do your mom and dad know you‘re up this late?F: Late? It‘s morning. Where are your mo m and dad?B: Sleeping.F: Gee, your whole family hangs upside down.B: Heh, yeah. How do you sleep?F: Well, I lie down; but I‘m not a bird.B: I‘m not a bird either. See? No feathers. F: Oh yeah.B: That tickles.F: Is it hard to fly?B: No, it‘s easy. W atch!F: Wow! Gee it must be fun to be able to do that.B: Yeah, it is sorta‘ fun.BM: Bat, what are you doing up so late?B: I‘m coming!F: You have to go to sleep now?B: Sure. I‘ve been up since I saw you last night.F: You get to stay up all night!B: Actually, I‘m supposed to have after midnight naps. But sometimes I play instead. F: Can you come over to my place later?7B: Okey. Where do you live?F: In the round house by the pond. Come over right after you‘ve had supper…er breakfast…I mean just before dark.B: Sure. See you late Franklin.F: Neat. There…all done. Oh yeah, this is great! I look just like him.Br: Franklin, what are you doing?F: Trying to get some sleep.Br: Ummm…Upside down!F: That‘s how Bat sleeps.Br: Who‘s Bat?F: I met him last ni ght. I‘ve never seen anyone like him!Br: Yeah! What does he look like?F: He‘s got ears..and wings…like me!Br: How come I‘ve never seen him around? F: Because he sleeps during the day. And he stays up all night.Br. All right. How does he play soccer in the dark?F: He doesn‘t do that stuff. He does other things. That‘s what‘s so neat about him!Br: Oh.F: Hey, we can both be bats! You can sleep upside down on that branch!Br: Gee Franklin…I don‘t have to take naps in the afternoon anymore… Don‘t you wan t to ride bikes or something?F: Hmm, maybe tomorrow, Bear.Br: Okey See ya‘ later/F: See ya bear.FM: You know you can‘t stay up too long, Franklin.F: I know, Mom. I‘m just going to play with Bat for a while…We‘ll stay right here in the backyard.FM: Th at‘s fine.F: I can feel the wind, lifting my wings.B: Hi, Franklin!F: Hi, Bat.B: Hey, nice ears.F: Yeah, and I‘ve got wings like you too.B: Great. Do you know how to fly yet?F: A little…But not with my feet off the ground.B: Go ahead, let‘s see.F: Okey. I haven‘t tried it like this yet.B: Are your okey?F: Oh, yeah, I‘m Okey. That‘s the farthest I‘ve flown yet.B: It is? You didn‘t go anywhere.F: But, my feet were off the ground.B: Now this is flying.F: I don‘t know how to do it like that.B: Oh, well, that‘s okay. You fly your way with your feet on the ground. But, that‘s not how bats fly.F: So?B: You‘re not a bat.F: That‘s for sure.B: What‘s the matter. We can still have fun. We‘ve got all right.F: No, we don‘t. It‘s almost my bedtime.B: Eh? You‘ve got to go to bed now? It‘s night time.F: I know. I sleep at night. My whole family does.D: Franklin, Time to get ready for bed.F: See…Turtles don‘t play at night. Thanks for coming, Bat.B: Yeah…See you around, Franklin.Br: Hey, Franklin.F: Hi, Bear.Br: What happened to your bat costume? F: I put it away.Br: How come? I thought you wanted to be a bat.F: The only bat thing I can do is hang upside down…And that gives me a headache.Br: Why do you want to be like bat anyway? You‘re alread y good at being Franklin.F: What‘s so neat about that?Br: Right there. That‘s what‘s so neat.F: Why?Br: Skipping stones…I can‘t do that. Can Bat do that?F: He wouldn‘t be able to hold the stone the right way. Anyway, he does other things. Br: And so do you Franklin. Swimming and Playing soccer…Heh, heh, hiding in your shell…And there‘s one other thing, you‘ve8always been great at.F: What‘s that?Br: Being my best friend.F: Thanks Bear. You‘re my best friend too. Br: Now teach me how to skip a stone.F: You have to find a nice flat one.Br: I know that already!F: Hey, Bat. Are you there?B: Hi, Franklin. What‘s up?F: I was wondering if you‘d like to come to my house again tonight.B: You want some flying lessons, right?F: No, I‘m a turtle…I want you to come and meet some of my friends.B: Okay!...Can I bring some of my friend too?F: That sounds great. We‘ll play some games and stuff. See you tonight Bat.B: Franklin, wait.F: Yeah?B: Before I go back to sleep…could you take me for a ride on your wheel thing?F: On my bike? Sure. Hang on.B: Wow, this is great!F: Yeah it is, isn‘t it!04富兰克林和两个亨利Franklin AND THE TWO HENRYSFranklin could count by twos and tie his shoes. He had a pet goldfish named Goldie and a best friend named Bear. But Bear wanted to have a pet too. And because they were best friends, Franklin wanted to help him.Hi Franklin!Hi Bear!Want to go for a bike ride?Sorry, Franklin, I can't...Guess what I'm doing?Uh...eating a cookie?You're close. I'm waiting for Beaver and Henry.Henry? Her pet hamster?Yep! Beaver's going away for the wholeweekend and I'm going to baby-sit him for her!You're going to baby-sit Henry?Well, hamster-sit. But that's not the best part! My Mon and Dad said that if I take good care of Henry, they'll let me have a hamster too!Wow! Just what you've always wanted, Bear! Hi guys!Hi Beaver!Here's Henry!Good morning, Hen... ...ry!Oh look, Henry!Your favourite! Nice juicy clover!Here, Henry.Want a cookie?No, don't feed him that! Henry has his own cookies. Happy Hamster Snaps. They're filled with vitamins and minerals and come in four delicious flavours, but he doesn't like the orange ones.He gets ONE of these a day. Got it ?Yap! One a day and he doesn't like the orange ones.Good. Now, let's show Henryyour room.Isn't this great!Look, guys! Henry already feels right at home. He's in his wheel!That's great, Beaver. But does he really need all this stuff?Well, I want to make sure he has everything he needs! Henry is a very special hamster you know.Aren't you Chubby Cheeks?Oh, yes you are!What's so special about him?Just watch!Wow! Neat!That's not all! He even comes when you call his name!Henry! C'mon Henry!Let me try! Henry!Okay, my turn! Here Chubby Cheeks!He won't come when you call him that!9Henry! Gee, Henry is aspecial hamster!Very special. And I'm going to miss my little Chubby Cheeks.It's okay, Beaver. I'll take good care of him.I know you will, Bear.Yeah! And I'll help!Thanks guys. I'll see you on Sunday.Bye, Beaver. See ya'.Bye, Henry.It's okay, Henry. We're going to take good care of you. Right, Bear?You bet! And then my parents will let me have a pet hamster for sure!Gee, Henry! The weekend sure went fast. Beaver comes back tommorrow and you get to go home. And I get to have my own pet hamster. Hope he's as nice as you.Hey! Stop! That tickles!Sleep tight...Chubby Cheeks.I'll get it! Good morning, Franklin. You must be here to help Bear with... ... the hamster! Thanks, mom! Hi, Franklin!Ah!What's the matter, Bear?Everything.Whoa! What happened to your room? Henry got out of his cage last night!Wow! He makes all this mess?No, I did! Looking for him. And I can't find him!Beaver's coming home today. You've got to find him. HENR-!Shhh...quiet Franklin. I don't want Mon and Dad to find out I've lost him.Sorry Bear.That's okay. Just try to be more quiet. Come on. Let's check the other rooms.We've searched the whole house. Where could he be?! And why doesn't he come when we call his name? He's lost for good.I'll never get a hamster of my own now.And you'll have to get a new one for Beaver. Hey...that gives me an idea. What if we buy Beaver a new hamster before she gets here.She's still going to be upset, Franklin.But she won't know it's a new hamster... ...And neither will your parents. Yeah... We'll just go to the pet shop and buy a new Henry. Okay, let's do it.Good! You check your piggy bank and I'll check mine. We'll meet at the pet shop in half an hour!I think we picked the perfect one, Bear. This hamster looks exactly like Henry!Yeah, and he eats like him too.I don't think Beaver will ever be able to tell the difference. Henry.Henry! C'mon, Henry.Uh oh...How fast can we teach him his new name? Bear! Beaver's here!Not that fast...Maybe Beaver won't notice.She'll notice, Bear. We just have to make sure she doesn't notice in front of your parents.It was a very nice trip, but I couldn't wait to get back to see my...There you are!Were you a good boy?Oh yeah, he was great.No problem. Don't worry about his supplies. We'll bring them right over.Wait, Franklin. I have to say 'thank you' to Bear.Thanks, Bear. And I hope you get your own hamster. You deserve it.C'mon, let's get you home, Henry!Henry!Uh oh...Beaver! Wait!This is the real Henry.The real Henry? But...Henry escaped last night. I guess I left his cage door open...And when we couldn't find him, I talked Bear into buying that one.Didn't you think I'd find out?!I'm sorry, Beaver. Instead of trying to trick you, I should have told the truth.I'll say! Well, I'm just glad to get my Henry10back.Guess I better take this guy back to the pet shop.Bear. I'm glad you told Beaver the truth about what happened.I am too. And I shouldn't have bought another hamster without permission... There's only one real Henry.And you did take good care of him.I did, didn't I?Yes. You've shown us how responsible you are so we've decided that you can have a pet hamster of your own.Really?! This one!?If you like.Thanks, Dad! C'mon, Franklin!Bear!... That's Henry's cage!Huh? Oh yeah...We'd better make a trip to the pet shop and buy your hamster his own home.Do you want to come too?Sure! Okay!I'll go get my wagon to help carry the food and supplies.So, what are you going to call him, Bear? Henry!...Henry the Second!05 富兰克林的野外远足Franklin's NATURE HIKEFranklin could count by twos and tie his shoes…he could help his friends build a fort.. And help his father in the yard. He could even help Mr. Owl plan a nature hike. But one day Franklin was too helpful.And over here by the stream you might find an interesting stone or perhaps a shell. But look inside the shell before you take it. There might be somebody living in it!Yes.A point well taken, snail.We want interesting objects for our classroom nature table, but living things belong here in the woods. Alright class, off you go. and remember ,don‘t pick the flowers.No.Have fun!We‘ll have fun alright.Come on, let‘s go,Franklin.Yeah, I love the woods.Yeah.Oooo, fungus.This looks interesting.Look what I just fou nd…Here I am Snail.I‘m always happy to give you a ride Snail. You don‘t even have to ask.Thanks Franklin.Let‘s catch up with others.Fly away!There‘s one!Hmmm! Not close enough.Hurry up you guys!Ha,ha. Now I have you.Time to hit the trail, Snail.Trail—Snail.Heh, good rhyme,Franklin.Oh. Fly away! You‘re free!Hey,someone forgot to put a bridge here. Who needs a bridge?Yes,but your feet are waterproof.I‘m taking the stepping stones.Yeah,me too.And this more fun anyway.Hmmmm. That‘s what I nee d.Why did you stop?Ummm, I saw this clam shell.Isn‘t it neat?Good find,bear!Snail, what are you doing?Save your breath Snail.Just whistle when you need help. I ‘m never far away.I know.Hey! This would look good on the nature table. So would this log!Do you think maybe it‘s just a little too big?I don‘t think so.But I may need help putting it in my knapsack.Hey guys! Look at this!A wasp‘s nest.11。
小笨霖英语笔记本二十九 儿语

10. He wet his cloth.
小孩子在很小的時候還不會控制自己的排泄, 這時最麻煩了, 還得隨時記得幫他們換尿布 (diaper) 不然的話, 他就直接給你尿在衣服上, 這個尿在衣服上就是 wet his cloth.
記得在國中時候老師都會一再強調 cloth 指的是布, clothing 才是衣服. 但事實上在美國衣服都是說 cloth, 我還很少聽到有人說 clothing 的. 另外, 常有人會問尿床要怎麼說, 尿床就是 wet one's bed. 這個說法在電影 Big Daddy 中也有用到, 大家可以仔細聽聽看.
6. She is my sweetheart.
這種說法常見於父母稱自己小孩, 或是男女朋友, 夫妻之間, 或是可愛一點的講法, 他們也會用 sweetie 來代替 sweetheart. Caitlin 的父母很喜歡叫她 sweetie, 或是叫她的小名 kitty.
8. Behave.
這句話日常生活中常聽到. 只要有人作出什麼不禮貌或是不雅的動作的話, 你都可以跟他說 behave! 比如說有人吃完飯就拿袖子擦嘴, 你就可以這麼跟他說, Hey! behave. 那天我同學的小女兒居然把屁股蹺的半天高, 對著大夥作出要放一個響屁的動作, 她媽媽就對她說, Behave. Honey.
3. Do you want to go to the potty
常見於父母和小孩的對話. 起初我一直以為他們是問他們小孩要不要去 party, 後來才知道他們是說 potty. Potty 就是那種給小孩專用的便壺, 所以小孩子從很小就知道什麼 potty. 他們要去上廁所有時自己也會說 I want to go to the potty.

小朋友实用美语手册(绿色手册)CHILDREN’S USEFUL VOCABULARY MANUAL OF AMERICAN ENGLISH(GREEN MANUAL)P1——P4In the classroom 在教室里1.eraser2.ruler3.teacher4.pencil sharpener5.notebook6.chair7.clock8.glue9.desk 10.globe11.computer12.pencil13.chalk14.blackboard1.eraserDo you have an eraser?I can c orrec t m y m istakes with a n eraser.你有橡皮吗?我可以用橡皮把错误的地方改正。
2.rulerI use a ruler to draw a line.Y ou need a ruler in math class.我用尺子画一条线。
3.teacherOur math teacher is very smart.Miss Smith is our new teacher.我们的数学老师很聪明。
4.pencil sharpenerI don’t have a pencil sharpener.Where is the pencil sharpener?我没有削铅笔刀。
削铅笔刀在哪里?5.notebookThis blue notebook is mine. She writes in the notebook. 这本蓝色笔记本是我的。
6.chairShe sits on the chair.The chair is too small.她坐在椅子上。
7.clockThe clock is on the wall.I have an alarm clock.钟挂在墙上。
原版牛津少儿英语教材“天天向上”(Everydody Up)

Course Guide 课程指南 学生用书
配套级别:Starter - Level 6(7个级别合1册) 使用对象:教师
Teacher’s Book教师用书 学生用书
配套级别:Starter - Level 6(7个级别) 使用对象:教师 Lesson plans教案(英文版) Syllabus教学大纲 Games & Activities游戏与活动 Workbook Answer Key练习册答案 Worksheets课堂活动表 Word List单词表

1. 日常问候与介绍相关单词。
- 单词示例。
- hello(你好)- hi(嗨)- name(名字)- I(我)- am(是)- 学习方法。
- 制作单词卡片,正面写单词,背面写中文释义和简单例句。
Hello, how are you?”。
2. 颜色类单词。
- 单词示例。
- red(红色)- blue(蓝色)- green(绿色)- yellow(黄色)- 学习方法。
- 可以通过观察身边带有这些颜色的物体来记忆。
比如看到红色的苹果就说“red apple”。
3. 动物类单词。
- 单词示例。
- cat(猫)- dog(狗)- bird(鸟)- fish(鱼)- 学习方法。
- 观看动物的视频或者图片,一边看一边说出动物的英语单词。
1. 问候句型。
- 句型示例。
- Hello! How are you?- I'm fine, thank you. And you?- 学习方法。
- 与同学或家长进行角色扮演,模拟见面问候的场景。
2. 介绍句型。
- 句型示例。
- My name is Tom.- What's your name?- 学习方法。
- 在课堂上或者家里,大家互相介绍自己的名字,使用这些句型。
3. 描述颜色句型。
- 句型示例。
- It's red.- The cat is black.- 学习方法。
- 指着身边有颜色的物体说这个句型。
例如指着自己的书包说“It's blue.”。
三、语法学习(基础)1. be动词(am/is)的用法。

S系列教材特色1.R.A.E.(Reader+ Activities + Excises)课本,课堂活动本,家庭作业本的完整性A 生字练习B 句型练习C 会话演练D 教学活动E 自然发音F 音标G 重音与语调H 英文故事2.与国家初、高中内容相结合3.家庭多媒体光盘教学辅导4.全套的周边软件设计a.教学手册b.教学图卡c.视听教学d.指定小考e.三次小考(口/笔试)f.电话教学g.成果发表5.听、说、读、写、看、做并进。
S系列每个等到级都包括一本课本,两课堂活动本,两本家庭作业本书本内容目的课本Classroom Readers(一本)其中包含了充足的理解能力训练,以加强孩子的阅读能力;安排即兴的角色扮演和创作使每次阅读课本都非常有趣、生动课本的主题结构主要培养孩子的文化素养和学习兴趣课堂活动本Classroom Activities(二本) 语言练习:着重于示范练习、分组练习、集体活动练习、声调和发音练习。
家庭作业本Homework Exercises(二本) 主要内容包含了大量的听、写训练,使孩子能安全、系统化掌握语言学习家庭作业本包含各式各样的练习,以帮助孩子加强巩固上课所学的内容,达到事半功倍的成效S 系列12等级学完本教材后达到的英语水平此标准是教育部基础教育司和教育部基础教育课程教材发展中心研制完成,全程为《国家基础教育英语课程标准(3-12年级)》,详请可查询国家基础教育英语课程标准年级 级别内容目的低 年 级S1-S4主要着重于听和说的学习,并以单词为主,学习内容有26个字母、数字(one-fifty )、颜色、水果、动物、家庭称谓等。

60 富兰克林的瓶罐乐队Franklin'S JUG BAND Franklin‟s JUG BAND富兰克林的瓶罐乐队I‟m a bear of many talents.我是一只多才多艺的小熊。
We can be a band!我们可以组建一个乐队。
Can I have it please?我能拿回她吗?How about I trade you for it?我跟你交换怎么样?Come on, Harriet, take the recorder!来吧,哈里特,来玩长笛吧。
Why don‟t you try it?你为什么不试试这个呢?Isn‟t this great?这个很棒吧!Look what Dad helped me build!看爸爸帮我做的。
Franklin‟s JUG BANDFranklin could count by twos and tie his shoes.富兰克林已经会数奇偶数了,他还学会了自己系鞋带。
He loved his little sister Harriet, but sometimes, he found it wasn‟t easy being a big brother…他爱他的妹妹哈里特,但是有时候他发现做一个哥哥其实不容易。
Nice one, Franklin!这个扔得好!富兰克林!Thanks!谢谢!I‟ve been practicing my aim.我一直在练习瞄准。
Maybe you‟re practicing too hard!也许你练得太用力了。
This card looks like it‟s had it.这张卡片看起来就遭此不辛了。
That‟s thank s to Harriet.。
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百度文库小朋友学习美语手册(黄色手册)CHILDREN’S LEARNING VOCABULARY MANUAL OF AMERICAN ENGLISH(YELLOW MANUAL)P1——P4Numbers 数字Word 单词1. one2. two3. three4. four5. five6. six7. seven8. eight9. nine10. ten11. eleven12. twelve13. thirteen14. fourteen15. fifteen Sentence 句子oneOne is the best number.Cindy has one doll..一是最好的数字。
2. twoI have two feet..Birds have two wings.我有两只脚。
3. threeThere are three cats on the sofa.Lisa has three dogs.沙发上有三只猫。
4. fourThere are four cookies on the table.I see four fish in the pool.在桌上有四块饼干。
5. fiveI have classmates.Let’scount to five.我有五个同学。
6. sixMy father has six ties.Sandra has six sisters.我爸爸有六条领带。
7. sevenThe Seven Dwarves are very cute.Kevin is seven years old.七个小矮人很可爱。
8. eightOctopuses have eight long tentacles. There are eight horses on the farm. 章鱼有八只脚。
9. nineMother gives me nine pencils.Nine glasses are broken.妈妈给我九只笔。
10. tenI have ten dollars.There are ten people in my family. 我就是块钱。
11. elevenJudy has eleven books.Eleven balls are on the floor. 茱迪有十一本书。
12. twelveCindy buys twelve eggs.There are twelve months in a year.辛蒂买了十二个蛋。
13. thirteenDavid catches thirteen fish.Jack has thirteen marbles.大卫抓了十三条鱼。
14. fourteenThere are fourteen candles on the cake.I see fourteen zebras in the zoo.蛋糕上有十四根蜡烛。
15. fifteenFifteen stars are in the sky.My seat number is fifteen.天上有十五颗星星。
Extra vocabulary补充单词16. twenty17. thirty18. forty19. fifty20. sixty21. seventy22. eighty23. ninety24. one hundred25. one thousandP5——P8Colors 颜色What color is it?It is a ( ? )Word 单词27.blue28.green29.gray30.black31.pink32.brown33.yellow34.orange35.white36.cream37.purple38.silver39.gold40.violet Sentence 句子RedAn apple is red. Helen’s hair is red.苹果是红色的。
27.Blue The sky is blue.The sea is blue.天空是蓝色的。
28.GreenThe grass is green.There are many green leaves on the tree.草是绿色的。
29.GrayGrandfather has gray hair.David wears gray hat.爷爷有灰色的头发。
30.BlackMy hare is black.The marker is black.我的头发是黑色的。
31.PinkCindy has a pink Barbie doll.Judy likes pink skirts.辛蒂有粉红色的芭比娃娃。
32.BrownThe bear is brown.My favorite color is brown.这只熊是棕色的。
33.YellowBananas are yellow.It is a yellow rose.香蕉是黄色的。
34.OrangeJack likes to wear orange jackets.He has an orange hat.杰克喜欢桔色的夹克。
35.WhiteSwans are white.Mary prefers white cats/天鹅是白色的。
36.CreamDad wears a cream colored shirt. Our uniform is cream colored.爸爸有一件米黄色的衬衫。
37.PurpleThe color of grapes is purple. Jeff wears a purple tie.葡萄的颜色是紫色的。
38.SilverShe wears silver earrings.It is a silver spoon.她戴银色的耳环。
39.Gold Mommy has a gold ring.Do you like the gold necklace.妈妈有一个金戒指。
你喜欢金色的项链吗?40.VioletThe color of the curtain is violet.The violet dress is very pretty.这个窗帘是紫罗兰色的。
Extra vocabulary补充单词41.straight line42.curved line43.square44.triangle45.circle46.oval47.rectangle48.pyramid49.line50.shapeP9——P12Jobs 职业He /she is a /an (doctor).Word 单词52.waiter53.artist54.policeman55.mailman56.nurse57.teacher58.cook59.writer60.farmer61.taxi driver62.singer63.housewife64.fire fighterSentence 句子doctorMy father is a doctor.The doctor gave me some medicine. 我的父亲是医生。
52.waiterAsk the waiter to bring a fork.The waiter is very polite.请服务生拿叉子来。
53.artistMy uncle is an artist.That painter is a great artist.我的叔叔是艺术家。
54.policemanMy grandfather used to be a policeman. The policeman stopped David.我爷爷以前是警察。
55.mailmanMailmen wear green uniforms. The mailman brings us the mail every day.邮差穿绿色制服。
56.nurseMy aunt is a nurse.The nurse gave me a shot.我的阿姨是护士。
57.teacherI love my teacher very much.Our math teacher is very smart.我很爱我的老师我们的数学老师很聪明。
58.cookJack is good cook.Mother is the best cook in our house.杰克是一个好厨师。
59.writerThe writer is typing an article.Angela is good writer.这个作家正在打一篇文章。
60.farmerA farmer works very hard.The farmer is feeding the cows.农夫辛苦地工作。
61.taxi driverThe taxi driver is driving the cab.My uncle is a nice taxi driver.这位计程车司机正在开车。
62.singerI want to be a famous singer.The singer has soft voice.我想当歌手。
63.housewifeMy mother is a housewife.I want to be a housewife.我妈妈是家庭主妇。
64.fire fighterThe fire fighter is putting out the fire.The fire fighters are great.这个消防员正在灭火。