

二、组织机构与职责1. 成立工地安全管理委员会,负责制定、实施、监督和检查工地安全管理工作。
2. 工地项目经理为工地安全第一责任人,全面负责工地安全管理工作。
3. 各部门负责人对本部门的安全管理工作负直接责任。
4. 所有员工应严格遵守安全管理制度,积极参与安全管理活动。
三、安全管理制度1. 安全教育培训(1)新员工入职前,必须接受公司统一的安全教育培训,合格后方可上岗。
2. 安全设施与设备(1)施工现场必须配备必要的安全设施和设备,如安全帽、安全带、防护眼镜、防尘口罩等。
3. 施工现场安全管理(1)施工现场应设立明显的安全警示标志,明确危险区域和操作规程。
4. 高处作业安全(1)高处作业人员必须佩戴安全带,并正确使用。
5. 机械设备安全(1)机械设备操作人员必须经过专业培训,取得操作资格。
6. 起重吊装安全(1)起重吊装作业必须由专业人员进行,并严格按照操作规程进行。
7. 火灾预防与应急处理(1)施工现场应配备足够的消防器材,并定期检查、维护。
四、奖惩措施1. 对严格遵守安全管理制度、积极提出安全建议的员工给予奖励。


三、组织机构及职责1. 项目部成立安全生产领导小组,负责项目安全生产工作的全面领导和管理。
2. 项目经理为安全生产第一责任人,负责组织、协调、监督安全生产工作的落实。
3. 安全生产部负责安全生产的具体实施,包括安全检查、隐患排查、事故调查处理等。
4. 各部门负责人为部门安全生产第一责任人,负责本部门安全生产工作的组织实施。
四、安全管理制度1. 施工前准备(1)对施工人员进行安全教育和培训,确保其掌握安全知识和技能。
2. 施工过程管理(1)严格执行安全生产操作规程,确保施工过程安全。
3. 隐患排查治理(1)建立健全隐患排查治理制度,明确隐患排查治理的责任人。
4. 事故报告及处理(1)发生安全事故时,立即启动应急预案,采取措施控制事故扩大。
5. 安全生产考核(1)将安全生产纳入绩效考核,对安全生产成绩突出的单位和个人给予奖励。

二、组织机构及职责1. 工地安全管理委员会:负责制定、修订和监督实施工地安全管理制度,协调解决安全管理工作中的重大问题。
2. 工地安全管理部门:负责组织实施工地安全管理制度,监督检查施工现场的安全状况,对违反安全规定的行为进行查处。
3. 施工单位:负责落实工地安全管理制度,对施工现场进行安全管理,确保施工安全。
三、安全管理制度1. 施工单位应建立健全安全生产责任制,明确各级人员的安全生产职责。
2. 施工现场应设置安全警示标志,提醒施工人员注意安全。
3. 施工人员必须佩戴安全帽、安全带等防护用品,并严格遵守操作规程。
4. 施工现场应设置安全通道,保证施工人员的安全通行。
5. 施工现场应设置消防设施,并定期检查、维护,确保消防设施完好有效。
6. 施工现场应设立应急物资储备库,储备足够的应急救援物资。
7. 施工现场应设立急救站,配备必要的急救设备和药品。
8. 施工现场应设立安全教育培训基地,定期对施工人员进行安全教育培训。
9. 施工单位应定期进行安全检查,发现问题及时整改。
10. 施工单位应制定应急预案,并定期组织演练。
四、安全教育培训1. 施工单位应组织施工人员进行安全教育培训,提高施工人员的安全意识和自我保护能力。
2. 安全教育培训内容包括:安全生产法律法规、安全操作规程、应急预案等。
3. 施工人员必须参加安全教育培训,并取得合格证书。
五、事故处理1. 发生安全事故后,施工单位应立即启动应急预案,组织救援。
2. 施工单位应及时向相关部门报告事故情况,并配合事故调查。
3. 对事故责任人和责任单位进行严肃处理,追究其法律责任。
4. 对因事故造成的人员伤亡和财产损失,施工单位应依法赔偿。
六、附则1. 本制度自发布之日起施行。
2. 本制度由工地安全管理委员会负责解释。

二、组织机构及职责1. 成立现场安全管理领导小组,负责现场安全管理工作。
2. 安全管理领导小组下设安全管理部门,负责现场安全管理工作。
3. 各项目部成立安全工作领导小组,负责本项目的安全管理工作。
4. 各部门、班组设立兼职安全员,负责本部门、班组的安全管理工作。
三、现场安全管理制度1. 安全教育(1)新员工入职前,必须进行岗前安全培训,考核合格后方可上岗。
2. 安全检查(1)每日进行现场安全检查,发现问题及时整改。
3. 安全防护措施(1)施工现场必须设置安全警示标志,明确安全警示内容。
4. 事故处理(1)发生安全事故,立即启动应急预案,组织救援。
5. 责任追究(1)对违反现场安全管理制度的行为,依法进行处罚。
四、附则1. 本制度自发布之日起施行。
2. 本制度由安全管理部门负责解释。
3. 本制度如与国家有关法律法规相抵触,以国家法律法规为准。

二、国外工程项目现场管理制度的特点1. 高度的规范化:国外工程项目现场管理制度具有较强的规范化特点,各项工作都有明确的标准和规范,管理人员和施工人员都必须按照规范操作。
2. 严格的资质认证:国外工程项目对施工单位的资质要求较高,施工单位需要通过严格的资质认证才能进入施工现场。
3. 完善的安全管理制度:国外工程项目现场管理制度高度重视安全生产,施工现场的安全设施齐全,安全管理制度完善,对安全事故的处理严格遵循法律法规。
4. 注重环境保护:国外工程项目现场管理制度强调环境保护,施工现场的环保设施完善,减少对环境的影响。
5. 强调团队合作:国外工程项目现场管理制度注重团队合作,各项工作都有明确的分工和协作,确保工程项目的顺利实施。
三、国外工程项目现场管理制度的主要内容1. 施工现场准入制度:国外工程项目对施工现场准入有严格的要求,施工人员和管理人员必须具备相应的资质和经验,并通过严格的培训和考核。
2. 施工现场安全生产制度:国外工程项目现场管理制度强调安全生产,要求施工现场配备完善的安全设施,如安全帽、安全带、防护网等,并对施工现场进行定期安全检查。
3. 施工现场质量管理制度:国外工程项目现场管理制度注重工程质量,施工过程中必须遵循相关标准和规范,对工程质量进行严格把控。

二、安全组织机构1. 成立项目安全领导小组,由项目经理担任组长,负责项目的全面安全管理。
2. 项目安全领导小组下设安全办公室,负责日常安全管理工作。
3. 各部门、各工种均应设立安全员,负责本部门、本工种的安全管理工作。
三、安全管理制度1. 安全教育(1)项目进场前,对所有员工进行安全教育培训,包括安全知识、操作规程、应急处理等内容。
2. 安全检查(1)项目安全领导小组每月至少组织一次全面安全检查,对施工现场、机械设备、消防设施等进行检查。
3. 安全防护用品(1)员工必须正确佩戴安全帽、安全带、防护眼镜等安全防护用品。
4. 机械设备管理(1)机械设备必须符合国家安全标准,定期进行维护保养。
5. 施工现场管理(1)施工现场应设置明显的安全警示标志,提醒员工注意安全。
6. 消防安全管理(1)施工现场应配备足够的消防设施,并定期检查、维护。
四、事故处理1. 事故报告(1)发生安全事故,立即向项目安全领导小组报告。
2. 事故调查(1)项目安全领导小组组织事故调查,查明事故原因。

一、总则1. 为确保施工过程中人员安全和工程顺利进行,依据国际相关法律法规和行业标准,结合我国国情,特制定本制度。
2. 本制度适用于所有在国外施工的项目,包括但不限于建筑工程、市政工程、水利工程等。
3. 施工安全管理工作应遵循“安全第一、预防为主、综合治理”的原则,实现全员、全过程、全方位的安全管理。
二、组织机构与职责1. 施工项目安全管理委员会负责制定、修订和监督实施施工安全管理制度,协调解决施工过程中的安全问题。
2. 施工项目经理为施工安全第一责任人,全面负责施工现场的安全管理工作。
3. 各部门、各岗位应明确安全职责,落实安全生产责任制。
三、安全教育培训1. 对所有施工人员进行安全教育培训,使其掌握安全操作技能和应急处置方法。
2. 定期组织安全知识竞赛、应急演练等活动,提高员工的安全意识。
3. 对新员工、转岗员工、特种作业人员进行专项安全培训,合格后方可上岗。
四、施工现场安全管理1. 施工现场应设置明显的安全警示标志,确保警示信息清晰、醒目。
2. 施工现场应配备必要的安全防护设施,如安全网、防护栏、警示灯等。
3. 严格执行现场作业规范,确保施工过程中各项操作符合安全要求。
4. 定期对施工现场进行安全检查,发现问题及时整改。
五、施工机械设备管理1. 机械设备应定期检查、维护,确保其安全性能符合要求。
2. 机械设备操作人员应具备相应的操作资格,严格执行操作规程。
3. 施工现场应设置机械设备安全操作区域,确保操作人员安全。
六、施工现场用电管理1. 严格执行施工现场用电规范,确保用电安全。
2. 施工现场用电线路应按照规定敷设,避免乱拉乱接。
3. 电气设备应定期检查,发现隐患及时整改。
七、施工现场消防安全管理1. 施工现场应设置消防设施,并确保其完好有效。
2. 施工人员应掌握消防器材的使用方法,熟悉火灾应急处置流程。
3. 严格执行施工现场用火、用电、易燃易爆物品的管理规定。
八、应急管理与事故处理1. 制定应急预案,明确事故报告、应急响应、救援处置等程序。


一、概述国外施工安全管理制度主要包括以下几个方面:1. 安全生产法律法规体系国外普遍建立了完善的安全生产法律法规体系,明确规定了施工安全的基本要求、法律责任和监管职责。
2. 安全管理体系(1)ISO 45001职业健康安全管理体系:该体系要求企业建立、实施、维护和持续改进职业健康安全管理体系,以预防和控制职业健康安全风险。
(2)OHSAS 18001职业健康安全管理体系:该体系与ISO 45001类似,旨在提高企业职业健康安全管理水平。
3. 安全教育培训国外施工企业注重安全教育培训,要求员工掌握必要的安全知识和技能。
4. 安全检查与评估国外施工企业定期进行安全检查与评估,确保施工现场安全。
5. 应急预案与事故处理国外施工企业制定应急预案,应对突发事件。
6. 责任追究与奖惩国外施工企业对安全生产责任进行明确界定,对违规行为进行严厉处罚。
二、具体措施1. 安全设施管理(1)施工现场设置必要的安全防护设施,如安全网、防护栏、警示标志等。
2. 施工工艺管理(1)严格按照施工图纸和规范进行施工。
3. 人员管理(1)对施工人员进行安全教育和培训,提高安全意识。

二、组织机构与职责1. 施工单位应设立安全生产委员会,负责统筹协调、监督指导施工现场的安全生产工作。
2. 安全生产委员会下设安全生产办公室,负责具体实施安全生产管理工作。
3. 各项目部应设立安全生产领导小组,负责本项目的安全生产工作。
4. 各部门、各岗位应明确安全生产职责,确保安全生产责任制落实到位。
三、安全生产管理内容1. 安全生产教育(1)施工单位应定期对员工进行安全生产教育培训,提高员工的安全意识和安全技能。
2. 安全生产制度(1)施工单位应建立健全安全生产管理制度,明确安全责任,确保施工过程中的安全风险得到有效控制。
3. 安全防护设施(1)施工单位应配备必要的安全防护设施和器材,确保施工现场的安全条件。
4. 安全检查与隐患排查(1)施工单位应定期进行安全检查和隐患排查,及时消除安全隐患。
5. 事故报告与处理(1)施工单位应建立健全事故报告制度,及时、准确上报事故情况。
6. 应急预案(1)施工单位应根据项目特点和施工环境,制定相应的安全预案和施工方案,确保施工过程中的安全措施得以有效实施。
四、安全生产考核与奖惩1. 施工单位应定期对安全生产管理工作进行考核,考核结果作为评优评先、岗位晋升的重要依据。
2. 对安全生产工作中表现突出的单位和个人,给予表彰和奖励。
3. 对违反安全生产规定的单位和个人,依法依规进行处罚。


三、管理机构1. 项目经理项目经理负责项目的全面管理和协调工作,对施工现场管理负全面责任。
2. 施工经理施工经理负责施工现场的具体管理工作,对现场施工质量和安全负责。
3. 安全员安全员负责现场的安全管理工作,监督施工现场的安全生产工作。
4. 质量员质量员负责现场的质量管理工作,监督施工现场的施工质量。
5. 现场监理由专业的监理机构派驻监理人员对施工现场进行监督,并提出监理意见和建议。
四、施工前期1. 施工前期准备在施工前,项目部应组织现场人员对工程进行认真的勘察、测量,编制详细的施工方案、安全生产方案和质量管理方案,同时对施工现场进行布置和统一管理。
2. 现场人员培训项目部应组织针对施工现场的安全、质量、文明管理培训,确保施工现场人员都具备相关的管理知识和技能。
3. 供货管理项目部应根据施工需要提前做好物资、设备的采购和仓储工作,确保施工现场的物资供应的及时性和质量。
五、现场安全管理1. 安全生产组织项目部应制定详细的安全生产方案,明确责任人和安全管理措施,对施工现场进行分类管理。
2. 安全教育项目部应定期组织施工现场人员进行安全教育,提高他们的安全防范意识,并定期进行安全生产知识的培训。
3. 安全巡查项目部应组织安全人员对施工现场进行定期巡查,发现安全隐患及时整改,确保施工现场的安全生产。
4. 事故处理项目部应建立健全的事故处理机制,对施工现场的事故进行调查、分析及处理,确保类似事故不再发生。
六、现场质量管理1. 质量控制项目部应根据工程的特点,制定详细的质量控制方案,并组织人员对工程实施质量控制。
2. 质量检验项目部应根据施工进度和工程的特点,制定详细的质量检验计划,严格按照质量检验标准进行检验。
3. 不合格品处置对于发现的不合格品,项目部应及时做出处理措施,并追究相关责任人的责任。

二、组织机构及职责1. 成立海外施工现场安全领导小组,负责制定、实施、监督和检查施工现场的安全管理工作。
2. 安全领导小组下设安全管理部门,负责具体实施安全管理措施,组织安全教育培训,检查施工现场安全状况。
3. 施工现场各项目部设立安全员,负责本项目的日常安全管理,协助安全管理部门开展工作。
三、安全管理制度1. 安全教育培训(1)新员工入职前,必须进行三级安全教育(公司、项目部、班组),并建立教育记录。
2. 施工现场安全管理(1)施工现场必须按照施工组织设计平面布置图,合理规划道路、临时用电线路、仓库、加工车间、办公地点和生活设施等,确保布局符合安全要求。
3. 施工现场消防安全管理(1)施工现场必须按照施工组织设计防火措施需要,配置相应种类数量的消防器材设备设施。
4. 事故报告及处理(1)施工现场发生安全事故,应立即启动应急预案,采取措施控制事故扩大。
四、附则1. 本制度自发布之日起实施,原有规定与本制度不一致的,以本制度为准。
国外工程现场管理规范性文件-工程QA管理要求规范Specification for site QA Control Requirements

Specification for Site QA Control RequirementsFull title: Specification for Site Quality Assurance/Quality Control Requirements for Subcontractors (and for Site Element of Supply and Erection of P.O.'s)Table of Contents1. Object2. Quality Assurance Plan (Q.A.P.)3. Quality Records4. Non-Conformance Management5. Drawings on Site6. Auditing of Subcontractor by Company7. Construction Dossier8. Appendices1. ObjectThe object of this document is to define what is required from Subcontractors concerning site quality assurance and quality control.2. Quality Assurance Plan (Q.A.P.)The Subcontractor shall prepare a Quality Assurance Plan specific to the Subcontract (or PO) to be presented to Company Engineers & Constructors B.V. (Company) within 15 days of the Subcontract (or PO) award (or before start of site works in the case of a Supply and Erect PO). A model Q.A.P. is attached (see Appendix A). A Subcontractor may fill in this form directly or present his Q.A.P. in another format, but containing the same information. This Q.A.P. will be commented/accepted by the Company Site QA Department.The Q.A.P. shall include as appendices:∙all procedures having an incidence on quality of the works∙ a set of forms that the Subcontractor proposes to be used to constitute the quality records, including definition of hold points. These appendices will also be reviewed by the Company Site QA Department and commented/accepted with Q.A.P.As soon as possible after the award of the Subcontract (or PO) and before the start of site works, a meeting will be arranged on site to review the Subcontractor's Q.A.P. and its Appendices. These documents once agreed become in effect the ground rules for quality matters and the basis on which any quality audits are carried out by Company on the Subcontractor (see 6.0 hereunder).In the case of Supply and Erect PO's, a Q.A.P. will be required in a similar manner to cover the site erection element. The Q.A.P. is additional to any previous Q.A.P. covering design, procurement, manufacture.3. Quality RecordsThe Subcontractor shall use the forms which have been accepted as Appendices to the Q.A.P. to register the results of the various inspections and tests that he shall carry out as the work progresses. He shall call the assigned Company Supervisor at all agreed hold points. If both parties are satisfied, he shall sign the form and request the Company Supervisor to do likewise.The Subcontractor shall retain the original, place it in the Construction Dossier and give a photocopy to the Company Supervisor (who will thus build up a duplicate set for security reasons).All documents accepted by Company i.e. the Q.A.P. and its Appendices, duly stamped and signed by the Company Site QA Department, and the various quality records of inspection and test as they are signed off by Company Supervisors, shall be filed by the subcontractor in a logical coherent sequence to form a Construction Dossier (see 7.0. hereunder). This dossier shall be accessible to the Company supervisor at all times.4. Non-Conformance ManagementIf the Subcontractor has his own internal system for non-conformance management, he may use it. However, any significant non-conformances will be entered into the Company system, which covers all operations by all parties on the site. The Subcontractor shall cooperate with Company in the identification and resolution of non-conformances.5. Drawings on SiteSubcontractors will normally execute the works in accordance with Company drawings issued as "Approved for Construction{ and listed in the "Applicable Documents" section of the Subcontract (or PO) package.It is the responsibility of the Subcontractor to "mark-up" in red on an ongoing basis two sets of prints of these drawings to show modifications made during construction (with Company's prior agreement). These "mark-ups" will appear in the Construction dossier.When site work is executed to drawings prepared by the Subcontractor himself (or by a firm executing a supply and erect PO), two similar sets of previous approved drawings shall be "marked up" on site as the work progresses. A set of drawings formally updated to "as-built" status from information on the "mark-ups", shall be included in each copy of the Construction Dossier.6. Auditing of Subcontractor by CompanyCompany reserves the right to quality audit the Subcontractor with five working days notice. this notice can be reduced in the case of an urgent quality question arising necessitating an immediate investigation. The object of an audit is to review systematically all or part of the Subcontractor's quality system as defined in his Q.A.P. and any other contractual documents. Conclusions will be expressed in terms of corrective actions (if any) with completion dates.7. Construction DossierThe complete Construction dossier shall be presented with the works at the time of acceptance in accordance with the general conditions of subcontracts. For the format and content of the Construction Dossier, refer to Appendix B.8. AppendicesA. Quality Assurance PlanB. Construction Dossier - Standarized FormatQuality Assurance PlanThe attached model Q.A.P. is intended:∙To indicate to bidders the information they will be required to provide in the Q.A.P. to be developed and applied should they be awarded the Subcontract (or PO).∙To serve as a questionnaire to be filled in during bid clarification meeting (if required).∙To serve as a guide to the Subcontractor when he is preparing his Q.A.P. to his own formator∙To be filled in directly by the Subcontractor, the completed and signed document constituting his Q.A.P.NOTE: This is a general document to be adapted to the needs of each specific Subcontract (or PO).IndexA. Interfaces/ResponsibilitiesB. Subcontractor's Site Organization ChartC. Definition of Quality Assurance/Quality Control FunctionD. Material ControlE. Identification, Marking and TraceabilityF. Document ControlG. Non-Conformance ManagementH. Procedures for Prefabrication, Erection, Installation, Carrying Out Works, Inspection and TestingI. Personnel RecordsJ. Quality RecordsK. Other Relevant Details of Subcontractor's Quality SystemL. List of AppendicesM. ConclusionsConstruction DossierStandardized FormatThe object of this document is to define format and content of CONSTRUCTION DOSSIER to be produced by each Subcontractor as follows:1. The Dossier shall be presented in A4 binders.2. The Dossier shall be presented in two complete sets clearly identified:∙Set "O" with original documents.∙Set "C" with copies of documents.3. The chapter numbering, sequence, titles, and contents is standardize as shown in the attached table. When for a give Dossier a particular chapter is not required, the chapter concern will still appear, but carrying the mention "Not Applicable". There will be no renumbering of chapters.4. This document is written in terms of "Subcontractor". It is equally applicable for the site element of a "Supply and Erect" PO.Construction Dossier。

主要包括以下几个方面:1. 安全生产责任制:明确项目法人、各级管理人员、施工人员等各方在安全生产中的责任,确保责任到人,形成全员参与的安全管理格局。
2. 安全规章制度:建立健全安全生产规章制度,包括安全操作规程、应急预案、安全教育培训、安全检查等,确保项目工程安全有序进行。
3. 安全技术措施:针对项目工程特点,采取相应的安全技术措施,如防尘、防毒、防暑、防寒、防滑等,降低事故发生率。
4. 安全教育培训:对施工人员进行安全教育培训,提高其安全意识和操作技能,确保其在施工过程中能够正确、安全地作业。
5. 安全检查与整改:定期开展安全检查,及时发现并整改安全隐患,确保项目工程安全。
二、国外项目工程安全管理制度特点1. 强调预防为主:国外项目工程安全管理制度注重预防,通过建立健全安全规章制度和采取安全技术措施,降低事故发生率。
2. 全员参与:强调全体员工参与安全管理,形成全员参与、齐抓共管的安全管理格局。
3. 过程控制:从项目策划、设计、施工、验收等全过程进行安全管理,确保项目工程安全。
4. 持续改进:不断总结经验,持续改进安全管理制度,提高安全管理水平。
5. 法规依据:依据相关法律法规和行业标准,确保项目工程安全管理合法、合规。
三、国外项目工程安全管理制度实施要点1. 加强组织领导:成立项目工程安全管理领导小组,负责统筹协调项目工程安全管理各项工作。
2. 明确责任分工:明确项目法人、各级管理人员、施工人员等各方在安全生产中的责任,确保责任到人。

二、组织机构及职责1. 安全管理委员会:负责制定、修改和实施本制度,监督各部门执行安全管理制度,对违反制度的行为进行处罚。
2. 安全生产部:负责全面负责工地的安全生产管理工作,组织实施安全检查、教育培训、隐患排查等工作。
3. 项目部:负责组织、协调、实施工地安全生产,确保安全生产责任制落实到位。
4. 施工单位:负责具体实施工程,确保安全生产措施落实到位。
三、安全生产管理制度1. 人员安全培训(1)新员工入职前,必须接受安全教育培训,合格后方可上岗。
2. 施工现场安全(1)施工现场必须设置安全警示标志,明确危险区域。
3. 隐患排查与治理(1)定期对施工现场进行安全隐患排查,发现隐患及时整改。
4. 应急管理(1)制定应急预案,明确应急组织、职责、程序和措施。
5. 安全生产责任制(1)明确各级人员安全生产职责,落实安全生产责任制。
四、附则1. 本制度自发布之日起施行。
2. 本制度由安全生产管理委员会负责解释。
3. 本制度如有与国家法律法规相抵触之处,以国家法律法规为准。
国外工程现场管理规范性文件-现场安全管理Site Security

Site SecurityTable of Contents1.Introduction2.Responsibility3.Site Security4.Site Security Plan1. IntroductionProper site security arrangements are necessary to protect Company's and client's property. Security very much relates to safety and has a degree of overlap with safety.On construction projects within the fence of an existing plant, usually the client's security and guard arrangements will be applicable also to the construction of the new facilities.However, security relative to Company's site buildings and the documentation contained there-in on any project requires proper attention and measures.This section is to be considered a guide to setting up a security program for construction projects where there are no existing facilities and, thus, own all encompassing security arrangements have to be made by Company.2. ResponsibilityAs for safety, the ultimate responsibility for security on site rests with the Project Construction Manager.The organizational structure of the Company site team, project size and client's requirements/involvement relative to security will determine who in the site organization will handle the day to day security matters. Generally, the Company Safety Manager will have functional responsibility with the administrative responsibility resting with the Office Manager. Alternatively the Office Manager may handle all security matters.3. Site Security3.1 Guard ServiceAt the start of site activities arrangements have to be made for guard services at the site gate. Guard services can be obtained either by means of a subcontract to a specialized security firm or by hiring personnel locally on Company's payroll. Using a specialized firm usually has preference over hiring own personnel for a number of reasons e.g. experienced personnel can be expected, replacements during vacations and illnesses can be obtained, standard guard/security instructions will be available. Moreover the specialized firm processes all necessary permits/licences and registrations (to be checked!) as maybe required by authorities. When making arrangements for guard services consider:∙Facilities required e.g guardhouse, movable gate/boom, communications (telephone/portophone) etc.∙Hours of service i.e. day-service, night-service, 24-hours coverage, week-ends.∙Patrols, punchclocks, dogs, etc.3.1.1 Guard DutiesThe duties of the guard(s) usually consist of the following (subject to local or project circumstances specific other duties may be assigned):∙Control of incoming and outgoing personnel, visitors and traffic and maintaining the necessary administration and records related thereto.∙Control of incoming and outgoing materials, tools, construction equipment, office furniture and equipment and any other materials or consumables, regardless of ownership.∙Control of firehazards in the working areas as well as in/around offices and shops, after working house.∙Control of security relative to Company's, client's and subcontractors' offices, after working hours, with respect to "clean disk"discipline and the lock-up of desks, filing cabinets and cupboards containing project information and documentation.3.2 Security Rules and InstructionsAs already said, security has a degree of overlap with safety. The following security rules and instructions shall therefore be read in conjunction with the Company Safety Manual, procedure CO-SP-501 "Field Construction Safety Program".3.2.1 Security RulesSpecifically prohibited on the site, as related to security, are:∙Bringing and/or carrying of any weapons.∙Bringing animals (except guard/patrol dogs).∙Selling or the possession of alcoholic beverages or drugs.∙Selling, advertisement and distribution of newspapers, illustrated papers, leaflets, tapes, gadgets or promotional campaigns of a political, religious, moral, sexual or subversive nature.∙Bringing photo and film cameras and audio and video equipment without Company's prior approval.∙Making or repairing of items for private use/purposes.3.2.2 Security InstructionsThe following are standard security instructions for any project which maybe complemented as required by specific project needs: ∙Security guards will be instructed by Company/client only. They shall have orders to take instructions from no one else.∙All incoming and outgoing personnel, visitors and traffic shall be controlled in accordance with job specific security instruc-tions.∙Visitors will be registered as such and receive a visitors pass. The guard at the gate shall warn the person to be visited before granting the visitor entrance to the site. Identification of visitors shall be in accordance with job specific securityinstructions.∙Erection of sign board on as well as off site requires the prior approval from Company and local authorities as required.∙All personnel working at the site shall be property identified and be in the possession of an identification card of badge. Type of identification shall be determined in the job safety/security plan. Such identification card/badge shall be returned toCompany upon termination of employment on the site.∙The guard's authority includes the right to search any person or vehicle before entry or exit and to refuse site entrance to any person not meeting security requirements.∙Trucks with incoming materials will be checked at the gate and the guard will direct them along the proper roads to the Company warehouse or unloading destination, after consultation with the Company Warehouse Supervisor.∙All materials, tools and equipment leaving the site require a Company Outshipment Report signed by an authorized person.This also applies to personal tools.∙As required, job specific security instruction shall prescribe the guards to make rounds after working hours to control particularly:∙clean desk and lock-up discipline∙open doors and windows∙switched on office equipment∙firehazards∙lighting switched on or off as required∙After normal working hours, the guard shall always be informed as to numbers and names of personnel working overtime and the name of the responsible supervisor(s).∙Modifying, cutting or removing site fencing may only be performed with the written approval from Company.∙On a regular basis Company's and Client's Safety/Security Officers shall conduct, after office hours, checks in cooperation with the Subcontractor's security representative.3.3 Security of Information and Documentation∙The Client may have his own procedure on protection of his proprietary information. In such cases Company should strictly adhere to the Client's procedure. Keep in mind that in the conduct of its business, Company is the custodian of confidential information of many Clients as well as its own, and possesses a substantial amount of proprietary information.∙All confidential information given to, or acquired by subcontractors and their employees relating to the business of Company and Client must be maintained in strict confidence. Every reasonable effort must be made by all concerned to prevent anyunauthorized disclosure or use of such information.∙It is vital to our business and in the interest of the Client that the confidentiality of such information be preserved.∙Specific guidelines:∙After office hours, all Company and Client's proprietary information shall be secured in steel filing cabinets equipped with cylinder-type security locks.∙During lunch hours, all access doors to the offices in which proprietary information is maintained be locked when unattended.∙Company and Client's proprietary documents shall be destroyed either by shredding or a chemical process. Supervision by Company's Safety/Security Officer is recommended whenever documents are destroyed.∙Duplication of Company's or Client's proprietary information is only permitted with the written approval of the originator.∙Distribution of proprietary data is on a "need-to-know" basis only.4. Site Security Plan∙Prior to the start of field activities a site security plan as part of the site safety plan must be developed.∙The following is an indicative listing of items that should be considered, and addressed as required, in the development of the security plan:∙Meeting with client to discuss security and establish requirements.∙Perimeter fencing arrangements.∙Number, location and type of entrance gates and parking areas.∙Establishment of a guard service and determination of coverage (day, night, week-ends, etc.).∙Security documentations:∙Guard instructions and duties∙Gate passes (visitors, cars, etc.)∙Guard registers and logbooks∙Security communication facilities.∙Identification card or badge system and personnel registration requirements.∙Guard patrol and punchclock requirements.∙Lines of authority and communication relative to security.∙Local authorities (addresses, telephone numbers, etc.) in conjunction with safety arrangements.∙Evacuation procedure (as related to security).。
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Site SecurityTable of Contents1.Introduction2.Responsibility3.Site Security4.Site Security Plan1. IntroductionProper site security arrangements are necessary to protect Company's and client's property. Security very much relates to safety and has a degree of overlap with safety.On construction projects within the fence of an existing plant, usually the client's security and guard arrangements will be applicable also to the construction of the new facilities.However, security relative to Company's site buildings and the documentation contained there-in on any project requires proper attention and measures.This section is to be considered a guide to setting up a security program for construction projects where there are no existing facilities and, thus, own all encompassing security arrangements have to be made by Company.2. ResponsibilityAs for safety, the ultimate responsibility for security on site rests with the Project Construction Manager.The organizational structure of the Company site team, project size and client's requirements/involvement relative to security will determine who in the site organization will handle the day to day security matters. Generally, the Company Safety Manager will have functional responsibility with the administrative responsibility resting with the Office Manager. Alternatively the Office Manager may handle all security matters.3. Site Security3.1 Guard ServiceAt the start of site activities arrangements have to be made for guard services at the site gate. Guard services can be obtained either by means of a subcontract to a specialized security firm or by hiring personnel locally on Company's payroll. Using a specialized firm usually has preference over hiring own personnel for a number of reasons e.g. experienced personnel can be expected, replacements during vacations and illnesses can be obtained, standard guard/security instructions will be available. Moreover the specialized firm processes all necessary permits/licences and registrations (to be checked!) as maybe required by authorities. When making arrangements for guard services consider:•Facilities required e.g guardhouse, movable gate/boom, communications (telephone/portophone) etc.•Hours of service i.e. day-service, night-service, 24-hours coverage, week-ends.•Patrols, punchclocks, dogs, etc.3.1.1 Guard DutiesThe duties of the guard(s) usually consist of the following (subject to local or project circumstances specific other duties may be assigned):•Control of incoming and outgoing personnel, visitors and traffic and maintaining the necessary administration and records related thereto.•Control of incoming and outgoing materials, tools, construction equipment, office furniture and equipment and any other materials or consumables, regardless of ownership.•Control of firehazards in the working areas as well as in/around offices and shops, after working house.•Control of security relative to Company's, client's and subcontractors' offices, after working hours, with respect to "clean disk"discipline and the lock-up of desks, filing cabinets and cupboards containing project information and documentation.3.2 Security Rules and InstructionsAs already said, security has a degree of overlap with safety. The following security rules and instructions shall therefore be read in conjunction with the Company Safety Manual, procedure CO-SP-501 "Field Construction Safety Program".3.2.1 Security RulesSpecifically prohibited on the site, as related to security, are:•Bringing and/or carrying of any weapons.•Bringing animals (except guard/patrol dogs).•Selling or the possession of alcoholic beverages or drugs.•Selling, advertisement and distribution of newspapers, illustrated papers, leaflets, tapes, gadgets or promotional campaigns of a political, religious, moral, sexual or subversive nature.•Bringing photo and film cameras and audio and video equipment without Company's prior approval.•Making or repairing of items for private use/purposes.3.2.2 Security InstructionsThe following are standard security instructions for any project which maybe complemented as required by specific project needs: •Security guards will be instructed by Company/client only. They shall have orders to take instructions from no one else.•All incoming and outgoing personnel, visitors and traffic shall be controlled in accordance with job specific security instruc-tions.•Visitors will be registered as such and receive a visitors pass. The guard at the gate shall warn the person to be visited before granting the visitor entrance to the site. Identification of visitors shall be in accordance with job specific securityinstructions.•Erection of sign board on as well as off site requires the prior approval from Company and local authorities as required.•All personnel working at the site shall be property identified and be in the possession of an identification card of badge. Type of identification shall be determined in the job safety/security plan. Such identification card/badge shall be returned toCompany upon termination of employment on the site.•The guard's authority includes the right to search any person or vehicle before entry or exit and to refuse site entrance to any person not meeting security requirements.•Trucks with incoming materials will be checked at the gate and the guard will direct them along the proper roads to the Company warehouse or unloading destination, after consultation with the Company Warehouse Supervisor.•All materials, tools and equipment leaving the site require a Company Outshipment Report signed by an authorized person.This also applies to personal tools.•As required, job specific security instruction shall prescribe the guards to make rounds after working hours to control particularly:•clean desk and lock-up discipline•open doors and windows•switched on office equipment•firehazards•lighting switched on or off as required•After normal working hours, the guard shall always be informed as to numbers and names of personnel working overtime and the name of the responsible supervisor(s).•Modifying, cutting or removing site fencing may only be performed with the written approval from Company.•On a regular basis Company's and Client's Safety/Security Officers shall conduct, after office hours, checks in cooperation with the Subcontractor's security representative.3.3 Security of Information and Documentation•The Client may have his own procedure on protection of his proprietary information. In such cases Company should strictly adhere to the Client's procedure. Keep in mind that in the conduct of its business, Company is the custodian of confidential information of many Clients as well as its own, and possesses a substantial amount of proprietary information.•All confidential information given to, or acquired by subcontractors and their employees relating to the business of Company and Client must be maintained in strict confidence. Every reasonable effort must be made by all concerned to prevent anyunauthorized disclosure or use of such information.•It is vital to our business and in the interest of the Client that the confidentiality of such information be preserved.•Specific guidelines:•After office hours, all Company and Client's proprietary information shall be secured in steel filing cabinets equipped with cylinder-type security locks.•During lunch hours, all access doors to the offices in which proprietary information is maintained be locked when unattended.•Company and Client's proprietary documents shall be destroyed either by shredding or a chemical process. Supervision by Company's Safety/Security Officer is recommended whenever documents are destroyed.•Duplication of Company's or Client's proprietary information is only permitted with the written approval of the originator.•Distribution of proprietary data is on a "need-to-know" basis only.4. Site Security Plan•Prior to the start of field activities a site security plan as part of the site safety plan must be developed.•The following is an indicative listing of items that should be considered, and addressed as required, in the development of the security plan:•Meeting with client to discuss security and establish requirements.•Perimeter fencing arrangements.•Number, location and type of entrance gates and parking areas.•Establishment of a guard service and determination of coverage (day, night, week-ends, etc.).•Security documentations:•Guard instructions and duties•Gate passes (visitors, cars, etc.)•Guard registers and logbooks•Security communication facilities.•Identification card or badge system and personnel registration requirements.•Guard patrol and punchclock requirements.•Lines of authority and communication relative to security.•Local authorities (addresses, telephone numbers, etc.) in conjunction with safety arrangements.•Evacuation procedure (as related to security).。