• (1)分配方案的确定:每年发放的股利固定在一定的水平 上,并在一定时期内保持不变,除非公司预期未来盈余的 增加足以维持到一个更高的水平时,公司才会提高每股股 利的发放额。
• (2)优点: • 固定的股利有利于公司树立良好的形象,有利于股票价格
的稳定,从而增强投资者对公司的信心。 • 稳定的股利有利于投资者安排收入与支出,特别是对那些
• 例如:假定公司某年净利润600万元,第二年的投资计划 所需资金800万元,公司的目标资本结构为权益资本占60 %、债务资本占40%,那么,按照目标资本结构的要求, 公司投资方案所需的权益资本数额为: 800×60%=480万 公司当年可用于分配的股利的盈余为600万元,满足投资 方案所需的权益资本数额后00万股,那么每股股利即为: 1. 2元
• 一、利润分配的原则 • 依法分配原则 • 兼顾各方利益原则 • 资本保全原则 • 分配和积累并重的原则 • 投资与收益对等的原则
• 二、税后利润分配的程序 按照有关规定企业实现的税后利润应按以下顺序进行分
配: • 1、弥补以前年度亏损; • 2、提取法定盈余公积金;按净利润扣除弥补以前年度亏损
每股收益下降,每股市价下降。 不影响的项目:股票面值不变;资产、负债、所有
• 股利政策是指公司管理当局对与股利有关的事项所采取的方针策 略。 涉及股利发放的比例、方式、时间。其中最主要的是股利分 配比例的确定。
• 本章主要介绍股份公司股利分配的有关问题。 • 学习本章,要求理解利润分配的原则,掌握利润分配的程序,重
营业利润额 成本费用额
营业利润总额 制造成本总额
营业利润总额 期间费用总额
➢ 影响企业成本和费用变动的因素十分复杂,有 的因素影响程度可以定量测算,从而进行定量决 策。而有的因素变动对成本和费用的影响无法定 量测算,只有凭决策者的主观经验和分析能力来 进行估计、评价和优选。这种决策者的主观分析 和判断所进行的决策称为非确定型决策。
➢ 余额测定法:以价格理论为基础,根据 适用流转税率和期望目标利润,以及市场 预测的产品销售价格来确定单位产品成本 的方法。所以,目标成本实际上是在价格、 利润既定的情况下倒挤出来的。 其预测模型为:
根据影响成本费用升降的主要因素以及各成本费用要 素的比重,逐项分析各因素对企业成本费用水平的影响程 度的方法.
直接成本费用 直接人工费
(制造成本) 制造费用
❖提高劳动生产率 ❖降低消耗 ❖提高设备利用率 ❖提高产品质量 ❖减少间接性支出
第二节 成本费用预测
➢ 成本费用预测:根据企业生产经营目标, 结合成本费用的构成和特性,利用各种数据 和资料,对一定时期、一定产品或某个项目、 方案的成本费用水平进行预计和测算
四、财务报表分析的方法 1.比较分析法
对象 历史水平 行业平均 竞争对手 内容
财务比率 √
结构百分比 √
增减差额 √
2.因素分析法 (1) 差额分析法: (2) 指标分解法: (3) 连环替代法: (4)定基替代法:
五、财务报表分析的局限性 1. 报表本身的局限性 2. 报表的真实性问题 3. 企业会计政策的不同选择影响可比性 4. 比较基础问题
3.财务情况说明:包括公司基本情况简介;会计数据和业 务数据摘要;股本变动及股东情况;公司董事、监事、 高级管理人员和员工情况;公司治理结构;股东大会情 况简介;董事会报告;监事会报告;重大事项等。
资产 流动资产:
货币资金 交易性金融资产 应收票据 应收账款 其他应收款 存货 流动资产合计 非流动资产: 可供出售金融资产 持有至到期投资 长期股权投资 长期应收款 投资性房地产 固定资产 在建工程 无形资产 开发支出 商誉 长期待摊费用 非流动资产合计 资产总计
第八章 财务报表分析 ❖第一节 财务报表分析概述 ❖第二节 基本财务比率分析 ❖第三节 财务报表分析的应用
整体 概述
一 请在这里输入您的主要叙述内容
请在这里输入您的主要 叙述内容
三 请在这里输入您的主要叙述内容
第一节 财务报表分析概述
以财务报表和其他资料为依据和起点,采用 专门方法,系统分析和评价企业的过去和现在的 经营成果、财务状况及其变动,目的是了解过去、 评价现在、预测未来,帮助利益关系集团改善决 策。
v 股利折现模型的基本形式是:
v (抄写)
v 运用上列模型测算普通股资本成本率,因具体 的股利政策而有所不同:
v A、如果公司采用固定股利政策,即每年分派 现金股利D元,则资本成本率可按下式测算:
Kc = D/Po =D/Pc(1-Fc)
v [例] ABC公司拟发行一批普通股,发行价格 12元,每股发行费用2元预定每年分派现金股 利每股1.2元。其资本成本率测算为:
• 这时,上式就可计算: • Kl = 5%×(1-33%)= 3.35%
• 当借款合同附加补偿性余额条款的情况下,企业可动用的 借款筹资额应扣除补偿性余额,这时借款的实际利率和资本 成本率将会上升。
• [例] ABC公司欲获借款1 000万元,年利率5%,期限3年, 每年结息一次,到期一次还本。银行要求补偿性余额 • 20%。公司所得税率33%。这笔借款的资本成本率测算为:
v (1)用资费用——是决定个别资本成本率高低的一 个主要因素。在其他两个因素不变的情况下,某种 资本的用资费用大,其成本率就高;反之,用资费 用小,其成本率就低。
v (2)筹资费用——也是影响个别资本成本率高低 的一个因素。一般而言,发行债券和股票的筹资费 用较大,故其资本成本率较高;而其他筹资方式的 筹资费用较小,故其资本成本率较低。
v 资本成本——是企业筹集和使用资本而 承付的代价。
v 这里的资本是指企业所筹集的长期资 本,包括股权资本和长期债权资本。
v 从投资者的角度看,资本成本也是投资者要求 的必要报酬或最低报酬。
(3)连续性、完整性和稳定性突出。 缺点:
工作量大。 3、滚动预算的编制方法 (1)逐月编制滚动预算; (2)逐季编制预算; (3)混合滚动编制预算。
1、全面预算体系的构成? 2、比较固定预算与弹性预算、增量预算与
零基预算、定期预算与滚动预算的优缺? 3、某企业2004年现金预算如下表所示。假
采用固定的预算期间(一般为会计年度) 编制预算的方法。 2、定期预算的优缺点 优点:
预算期能够与会计年度保持一致,便于评 价预算执行的结果。 缺点: (1)盲目性,缺乏远期的指导意义;
(2)滞后性; (3)间断性。 (二作为编制预算的期 间,并随着预算的不断执行而不断滚动编制 补充预算的一种方法。 2、滚动预算的优缺点 优点: (1)透明度高; (2)及时性强;
(2)缺点 ☆受原有费用项目限制,可能保护落后; ☆滋长预算中的“平均主义”和“简单化”; ☆不利于企业的未来发展。 (二)零基预算 1、零基预算的定义
不考虑以往的预算开支,一切从零开始,逐项审 议预算期内各项费用的内容及开支标准进而编制预 算的方法。 2、零基预算的程序 (1)动员与讨论 (2)划分不可避免费用项目和可避免费用项目。
★ 决策者不能直接获得某一业务量下的预 算信息。 ②列表法 优点:可直接获得某一业务量下的预算成本。 缺点:表中没有列示的业务量仍需估算成本的 预算数。 ③图示法 借助于历史资料作图,从图中找到 a和b
优点:比较直观,可通过作图取得任一业务量 下的预算值;
缺点:作图的精确度影响预算数的准确性。 5、弹性利润预算的编制 (1)因素法 根据影响利润的因素来编制利润预算。
股票投资的优点: 能获得较高的投资收益 能适当降低购买力风险 拥有一定的经营控制权 股票投资的缺点: 求偿权居后 股票价格不稳定 股利收入不稳定
第四节 基金投资
一、投资基金的含义 二、投资基金的种类 三、投资基金的估价与收益率 四、基金投资的优缺点
一、股票投资的种类和目的 二、股票的收益率 三、股票的估价 四、股票投资的优缺点
股票投资主要分为两种:普通股投资和优先股投 资
相对优先股投资而言,普通股投资具有股利收入 不稳定、价格波动大、投资风险高、投资收益高 的特点
企业进行股票投资的目的主要有两种:一是获利, 即作为一般的证券投资,获取股利收入及股票买 卖差价;二是控股,即通过购买某一企业的大量 股票达到控制该企业的目的
第三节 股票投资
(二)了解影响证券投资决策的因素 、债券投资 的种类与目的 、股票投资的种类与目的 、基金投 资的含义与特征;了解基金投资的优缺点 。
第一节 证券投资概述
一、证券的含义与种类 二、效率市场假说 三、证券投资的含义与目的 四、证券投资的对象与种类 五、证券投资风险与收益 六、证券投资的程序
金融市场上的证券很多,其中可供企业投资 的证券主要有国债、短期融资券、可转让存 单和企业股票与债券等。
最小公倍寿命法又称项目复制法,是将两个方案使用寿命的最小公倍数作为 比较期间,并假设两个方案在这个比较区间内进行多次重复投资,将各自多 次投资的净现值进行比较的分析方法。
在上面的例子中,新旧设备使用寿命的最小公倍数是8年,在这个共同期间内 ,继续使用旧设备的投资方案可以进行2次,使用新设备的投资方案可以进行 1次。因为继续使用旧设备的投资方案可以进行2次,相当于4年后按照现在 的变现价值重新购置一台同样的旧设备进行第2次投资,获得与当前继续使用 旧设备同样的净现值。
每年营业净现金流量=年营业收入-年付现成本-所得税 =年营业收入-(年营业成本-折旧)-所得税 =税前利润+折旧-所得税 =税后利润+折旧
每年营业净现金流量=税后收入-税后成本+税负减少 =年营业收入×(1-所得税税率)-年付现成本
×(1-所得税 税率)+折旧×所得税税率
涉及固定资产变价收入所要缴纳的流转税和所得税只发生在取 得变价收入的当期,是一次性的。项目经营期内营业利润所要 缴纳的所得税则在整个项目的使用期间都会涉及。经营期内所 得税的大小取决于利润大小和所得税税率的高低,而利润大小 受折旧方法的影响,因此,讨论所得税问题必然会涉及折旧问 题。反之,也可以说折旧对投资决策的影响实际上是由所得税 引起的。
沿用拓扑公司的例子,为了计算方便,假设新设备的使用寿命为 8年,每年可获得销售收入45000元,采用直线法折旧,期末无 残值,其他条件不变。
§8 筹资管理学习目标:通过本章学习,要求掌握股票、债券发行价格和融资租赁租金的计算,了解企业筹资的目的、种类、渠道与方式,理解筹资应坚持的一般原则以及各种筹资方式的优缺点;掌握财务管理中的杠杆原理,包括:经营杠杆、财务杠杆和综合杠杆;理解并掌握资本结构以及资本结构的决策方法。
§8-1 筹资管理概述一、企业筹资的目的与分类(一)概述1.概念:企业筹资:是指企业根据其生产经营、对外投资和调整资本结构等活动对资金的需要,通过筹资渠道和资本市场,并运用筹资方式,经济有效地筹集企业所需资金的财务活动。
2.按资金的来源渠道分类 特点:财务风险小,但付出的资金成本相对较高。
第18页,共36页。固定源自利政策概念:固定股利政策是指将每年发放的股利固定在某一水平上,并在较长的时期内不 变,只有当公司认为未来盈余会显著地、不可逆转地增长时,才提高年度股利 发放额的政策。在这种政策下,股东所分得的是“固定”的股利,体现固定不 变的原则。
中国电信此次募股失败,虽与当时全球电信市场的低迷不无关系,但其 招股策略的失当也是重要原因之一,为吸引投资者,中国电信推出了高派息 率策略,计划以其预期收益的三分之一用于回报投资者,使股息收益率达到 3.8%~4.4%,然而这一策略的实际效果却适得其反。
中国电信计划募集的股份中,95%是面向机构投资者的,而机构投 资者不同于散户,他们看重的是股票长期升值潜力,寻求的是股价的差值, 他们认为中国电信过高的派息率会影响到其投资其他电信业务,如建设移 动网络的资金,如此以来,反而降低了购买该公司股票的热情。
返回目录 11 第12页,共36页。
第二节 股利政策
• 一、股利政策相关理论
法律因素 公司的因素
股东因素 其他因素
股利政策是关于公司是否发放股利、发放多少股利 以及何时发放股利等方面的方针和策略。股利政策 主要包括:
• (2)企业支付能力的稳定情况; • (3)企业获利能力的稳定情况;
• (4)目前的投资机会;
• (5)投资者的态度;
• (6)企业的信誉状况。
采用剩余股利政策时,应遵循四个步骤: (1)设定目标资本结构 (2)确定目标资本结构下投资所需的股东权益数 额 (3)最大限度地使用保留盈余来满足投资方案所 需的权益资本数额 (4)投资方案所需权益资本已经满足后若有剩余 盈余,再将其作为股利发放给股东。
例1:某公司上年税后利润600万元,今年年初 公司讨论决定股利分配的数额。预计今年需要增 加投资资本800万元。公司的目标资本结构是权益 资本占60%,债务资本占40%,今年继续保持。 按法律规定,至少要提取10%的公积金。公司采 用剩余股利政策。筹资的优先顺序是留存利润、 借款和增发股份。问:公司应分配多少股利?
第八章 股利分配
第一节 利润分配的内容
我国《公司法》规定,公司利润分配的项目包括: 1、法定公积金 10%提取;到注册资本的50%可以不再提取 2、股利 一般“无利不分” 经股东大会特别决议,也可用公积金支付,但支 付后留存的法定公积金不得低于转增前公司注册资 本的25%
要求:假设股票每股市价与每股账面价值成正比例关系, 计算利润分配后的未分配利润、法定公积、资本公积、流通
加强做责任心,责任到人,责任到位 才是长 久的发 展。20.11.1320.11.13Friday, November 13, 2020 弄虚作假要不得,踏实肯干第一名。11:51:2711:51:2711:5111/13/2020 11:51:27 AM 安全象只弓,不拉它就松,要想保安 全,常 把弓弦 绷。20.11.1311:51:2711:51Nov-2013-Nov-20 重于泰山,轻于鸿毛。11:51:2711:51:2711:51Friday, November 13, 2020 安全在于心细,事故出在麻痹。20.11.1320.11.1311:51:2711:51:27November 13, 2020 加强自身建设,增强个人的休养。2020年11月13日 上午11时51分20.11.1320.11.13 追求至善凭技术开拓市场,凭管理增 创效益 ,凭服 务树立 形象。2020年11月13日星期 五上午11时51分27秒11:51:2720.11.13 严格把控质量关,让生产更加有保障 。2020年11月 上午11时51分20.11.1311:51N ovember 13, 2020 重标准,严要求,安全第一。2020年11月13日星期 五11时51分27秒11:51:2713 November 2020 好的事情马上就会到来,一切都是最 好的安 排。上 午11时51分27秒上午11时51分11:51:2720.11.13 每天都是美好的一天,新的一天开启 。20.11.1320.11.1311:5111:51:2711:51:27Nov-20 务实,奋斗,成就,成功。2020年11月13日 星期五11时51分27秒 Friday, November 13, 2020 相信相信得力量,创造应创造的事情 。20.11.132020年11月 13日星 期五11时51分 27秒20.11.13
是一种不同于一般商品成本的商品成本 (不直接表现为生产成本) 即包括货币的时间价值,又包括投资的 风险价值。 是一种投资者要求的必要报酬率。
2、资本成本率的种类 资本成本率指企业用资费用与有效筹资额的比例。
3、资本成本的意义: 1、资本成本是确定筹资方案的重要依据 。 2、是评价长期投资项目可行性的主要经济指标 。 3、是衡量企业经营管理水平的尺度 。
学习目的:全面掌握及理解并能运用本章知 识于实践。
一、资本成本的概念和意义 二、资本成本的计算
一、资本成本的意义 资本成本的概念 1、指企业筹集和使用资本而承付的代价。
它是指企业在生产经营、 投资过程中因使用资本而
它是指企业在筹措资金 过程中为获取资金而
一般来说,某企业普通股风险溢价对自己发行的 债券来讲,大约在3%-5%这间。
•概念:指一个企业全部长期资本的成本率,通常 是以各种长期资本的比例为权重,对个别资本成 本率进行加权平均测算的。
20 (100.5%t) 512(10 1 k)0t% 1(12 k0 )5 0
2 0 0 1 1 % P V I F A k ,5 2 0 0 P V I F K ,S 5
〖例1〗某企业取得5年期长期借款200 万元,年利率为11%,每年付息一次, 到期一次还本,筹资费用率为0.5%, 企业所得税率为33%,问该项长期借款 的资本成本是多少?
在停止这种判别时,要留意以下几个效果:〔1) 区分相关本钱和非相关本钱相关本钱是指与特定决策有关的、在剖析评价时必需加以思索的本钱。
〔2) 时机本钱在投资决策中,我们不能无视时机本钱。
〔3) 部门间的影响当我们选择一个新的投资项目后,该项目能够会对公司的其他部门形成有利的或不利的影响,决策者在停止投资剖析时仍需将其思索在内。
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CHAPTER 8Stock Valuation II. CONCEPTSVALUATION OF ZERO GROWTH STOCKc 26. The James River Co. pays an annual dividend of $1.50 per share on its common stock.This dividend amount has been constant for the past 15 years and is expected to remainconstant. Given this, one share of James River Co. stock:a. is basically worthless as it offers no growth potential.b. has a market value equal to the present value of $1.50 paid one year from today.c. is valued as if the dividend paid is a perpetuity.d. is valued with an assumed growth rate of 3 percent.e. has a market value of $15.00.VALUATION OF ZERO GROWTH STOCKe 27. The common stock of the Kenwith Co. pays a constant annual dividend. Thus, themarket price of Kenwith stock will:a. also remain constant.b. increase over time.c. decrease over time.d. increase when the market rate of return increases.e. decrease when the market rate of return increases.DIVIDEND YIELD VS. CAPITAL GAINS YIELDc 28. The Koster Co. currently pays an annual dividend of $1.00 and plans on increasingthat amount by 5 percent each year. The Keyser Co. currently pays an annualdividend of $1.00 and plans on increasing their dividend by 3 percent annually.Given this, it can be stated with certainty that the _____ of the Koster Co. stock isgreater than the _____ of the Keyser Co. stock.a. market price; market priceb. dividend yield; dividend yieldc. rate of capital gain; rate of capital gaind. total return; total returne. capital gains; dividend yieldDIVIDEND GROWTH MODELd 29. The dividend growth model:I. assumes that dividends increase at a constant rate forever.II. can be used to compute a stock price at any point of time.III. states that the market price of a stock is only affected by the amount of the dividend.IV. considers capital gains but ignores the dividend yield.a. I onlyb. II onlyc. IIIand IV onlyd. I and II onlye. I, II, and III onlyDIVIDEND GROWTH MODELb 30. The underlying assumption of the dividend growth model is that a stock is worth:a. the same amount to every investor regardless of their desired rate of return.b. the present value of the future income which the stock generates.c. an amount computed as the next annual dividend divided by the market rate ofreturn.d. the same amount as any other stock that pays the same current dividend and has thesame required rate of return.e. an amount computed as the next annual dividend divided by the required rate ofreturn.DIVIDEND GROWTH MODELc 31. Assume that you are using the dividend growth model to value stocks. If you expectthe market rate of return to increase across the board on all equity securities, thenyou should also expect the:a. market values of all stocks to increase, all else constant.b. market values of all stocks to remain constant as the dividend growth will offset theincrease in the market rate.c. market values of all stocks to decrease, all else constant.d. stocks that do not pay dividends to decrease in price while the dividend-payingstocks maintain a constant price.e. dividend growth rates to increase to offset this change.NONCONSTANT GROWTHc 32. Latcher’s Inc. is a relatively new firm that is still in a period of rapid development. Thecompany plans on retaining all of its earnings for the next six years. Seven years fromnow, the company projects paying an annual dividend of $.25 a share and thenincreasing that amount by 3 percent annually thereafter. To value this stock as oftoday, you would most likely determine the value of the stock _____ years fromtoday before determining today’s value.a. 4b. 5c. 6d. 7e. 8NONCONSTANT GROWTHd 33. The Robert Phillips Co. currently pays no dividend. The company is anticipatingdividends of $0, $0, $0, $.10, $.20, and $.30 over the next 6 years, respectively. Afterthat, the company anticipates increasing the dividend by 4 percent annually. The firststep in computing the value of this stock today, is to compute the value of the stock inyear:a. 3.b. 4.c. 5.d. 6.e. 7.SUPERNORMAL GROWTHb 34. Supernormal growth refers to a firm that increases its dividend by:a. three or more percent per year.b. a rate which is most likely not sustainable over an extended period of time.c. a constant rate of 2 or more percent per year.d. $.10 or more per year.e. an amount in excess of $.10 a year.DIVIDEND YIELD AND CAPITAL GAINSe 35. The total rate of return earned on a stock is comprised of which two of thefollowing?I. current yieldII. yield to maturityIII. dividend yieldIV. capital gains yielda. I and II onlyb. I and IV onlyc. II and III onlyd. II and IV onlye. IIIand IV onlyDIVIDEND YIELDc 36. The total rate of return on a stock can be positive even when the price of the stockdepreciates because of the:a. capital appreciation.b. interest yield.c. dividend yield.d. supernormal growth.e. real rate of return.DIVIDEND YIELD AND CAPITAL GAINSc 37. Fred Flintlock wants to earn a total of 10 percent on his investments. He recentlypurchased shares of ABC stock at a price of $20 a share. The stock pays a $1 a yeardividend. The price of ABC stock needs to _____ if Fred is to achieve his 10percent rate of return.a. remain constantb. decrease by 5 percentc. increase by 5 percentd. increase by 10 percente. increase by 15 percentDIVIDEND GROWTH MODELd 38. Which one of the following correctly defines the dividend growth model?a. P0 = D0 (R-g)b. D = P0⨯ (R-g)c. R = (P0÷ D0) + gd. R = (D1÷ P0) + ge. P0 = (D1÷ R) + gSHAREHOLDER RIGHTSa 39. Shareholders generally have the right to:I. elect the corporate directors.II. select the senior management of the firm.III. elect the chief executive officer (CEO).IV. elect the chief operating officer (COO).a. I onlyb. I and III onlyc. II onlyd. I and II onlye. IIIand IV onlyCUMULATIVE VOTINGc 40. Jack owns 35 shares of stock in Beta, Inc. and wants to exercise as much control aspossible over the company. Beta, Inc. has a total of 100 shares of stock outstanding.Each share receives one vote. Presently, the company is voting to elect two newdirectors. Which one of the following statements must be true given thisinformation?a. If straight voting applies, Jack is assured one seat on the board.b. If straight voting applies, Jack can control both open seats.c. If cumulative voting applies, Jack is assured one seat on the board.d. If cumulative voting applies, Jack can control both open seats.e. Regardless of the type of voting employed, Jack does not own enough shares tocontrol any of the seats.STRAIGHT VOTINGa 41. ABC Co. is owned by a group of shareholders who all vote independently and whoall want personal control over the firm. If straight voting is utilized, a shareholder:a. must either own enough shares to totally control the elections or else he/she has nocontrol whatsoever.b. will be able to elect at least one director as long as there are at least three openpositions and the shareholder owns at least 25 percent plus one of the outstandingshares.c. must own at least two-thirds of the shares, plus one, to exercise control over theelections.d. is only permitted to elect one director, regardless of the number of shares owned.e. who owns more shares than anyone else, regardless of the number of shares owned,will control the elections.PROXY VOTINGe 42. The Zilo Corp. has 1,000 shareholders and is preparing to elect three new boardmembers. You do not own enough shares to control the elections but aredetermined to oust the current leadership. The most likely result of this situation isa:a. negotiated settlement where you are granted control over one of the three openpositions.b. legal battle for control of the firm based on your discontent as an individualshareholder.c. arbitrated settlement whereby you are granted control over one of the three openpositions.d. total loss of power for you since you are a minority shareholder.e. proxy fight for control of the firm.SHAREHOLDER RIGHTSe 43. Common stock shareholders are generally granted rights which include the right to:I. share in company profits.II. vote for company directors.III. vote on proposed mergers.IV. residual assets in a liquidation.a. I and II onlyb. II and III onlyc. I and IV onlyd. I, II, and IV onlye. I, II, III, and IVDIVIDENDSe 44. The Scott Co. has a general dividend policy whereby they pay a constant annualdividend of $1 per share of common stock. The firm has 1,000 shares of stockoutstanding. The company:a. must always show a current liability of $1,000 for dividends payable.b. is obligated to continue paying $1 per share per year.c. will be declared in default and can face bankruptcy if they do not pay $1 per year toeach shareholder on a timely basis.d. has a liability which must be paid at a later date should the company miss paying anannual dividend payment.e. must still declare each dividend before it becomes an actual company liability.DIVIDENDSb 45. The dividends paid by a corporation:I. to an individual become taxable income of that individual.II. reduce the taxable income of the corporation.III. are declared by the chief financial officer of the corporation.IV. to another corporation may or may not represent taxable income to the recipient.a. I onlyb. I and IV onlyc. II and III onlyd. I, II, and IV onlye. I, III, and IV onlyPREFERRED STOCKa 46. The owner of preferred stock:a. is entitled to a distribution of income prior to the common shareholders.b. has the right to veto the outcome of an election held by the common shareholders.c. has the right to declare the company bankrupt whenever there are insufficient funds topay dividends to the common shareholders.d. receives tax-free dividends if they are an individual and own more than 20 percent ofthe outstanding preferred shares.e. has the right to collect payment on any unpaid dividends as long as the stock isnoncumulative preferred.PREFERRED STOCKb 47. A 6 percent preferred stock pays _____ a year in dividends per share.a. $3b. $6c. $12d. $30e. $60PREFERRED STOCKe 48. Which one of the following statements concerning preferred stock is correct?a. Unpaid preferred dividends are a liability of the firm.b. Preferred dividends must be paid quarterly provided the firm has net income thatexceeds the amount of the quarterly dividend.c. Preferred dividends must be paid timely each quarter or the unpaid dividends startaccruing interest.d. All unpaid dividends on preferred stock, regardless of the type of preferred, must bepaid before any income can be distributed to common shareholders.e. Preferred shareholders may be granted voting rights and seats on the board ifpreferred dividend payments remain unpaid.PREFERRED STOCKe 49. In a liquidation, each share of 5 percent preferred stock is generally entitled to aliquidation payment of _____ as long as there are sufficient funds available.a. $1b. $5c. $10d. $50e. $100QUARTERLY INCOME PREFERRED SECURITIESb 50. Quarterly income preferred securities distribute payments to investors which are:I. taxed like interest income for tax purposes if the income recipient is an individual.II. excluded from the taxable income of any individual recipient.III. distributed from the after-tax income of the corporation.IV. tax deductible to the corporation.a. I and III onlyb. I and IV onlyc. II and III onlyd. II and IV onlye. II onlyPRIMARY MARKETd 51. Which one of the following transactions occurs in the primary market?a. the sale of ABC stock by Fred Jones to Mary Smithb. the tax-free gift of DEF stock to Heather by Jenniferc. the repurchase of GHI stock from Tim by GHId. the initial sale of JKL stock by JKL to Jamiee. the transfer of MNO stock from Tom to his son, JonDEALERS AND BROKERSd 52. Which one of the following statements concerning dealers and brokers is correct?a. A dealer in market securities arranges sales between buyers and sellers for a fee.b. A dealer in market securities pays the asked price when purchasing securities.c. A broker in market securities earns income in the form of a bid-ask spread.d. A broker does not take ownership of the securities being traded.e. A broker deals solely in the primary market.NEW YORK STOCK EXHANGEa 53. Technically, the actual owners of the New York Stock Exchange are its:a. members.b. specialists.c. dealers.d. floor brokers.e. commission brokers.FLOOR BROKERSd 54. Which one of the following players on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange canbe likened to part-time help in that they are called to duty only when others are fullyemployed?a. floor traderb. specialistc. dealerd. floor brokere. commission brokerSPECIALIST’S POSTb 55. The post is a stationary position on the floor of the New York Stock Exchangewhere a _____ is assigned to work.a. floor traderb. specialistc. dealerd. floor brokere. commission brokerSTOCK MARKET REPORTINGd 56. The closing price of a stock is quoted at 22.87, with a P/E of 26 and a net change of1.42. Based on this information, which one of the following statements is correct?a. The closing price on the previous day was $1.42 higher than today’s closing price.b. A dealer will buy the stock at $22.87 and sell it at $26 a share.c. The stock increased in value between yesterday’s close and today’s close by$.0142.d. The earnings per share are equal to 1/26th of $22.87.e. The earnings per share have increased by $1.42 this year.STOCK QUOTEb 57. A stock listing contains the following information: P/E 17.5, closing price 33.10,dividend .80, YTD % chg 3.4, and a net chg of -.50. Which of the following statementsare correct given this information?I. The stock price has increased by 3.4 percent during the current year.II. The closing price on the previous trading day was $32.60.III. The earnings per share are approximately $1.89.IV. The current yield is 17.5 percent.a. I and II onlyb. I and III onlyc. II and III onlyd. IIIand IV onlye. I, III, and IV onlyIII. PROBLEMSSTOCK VALUEd 58. Michael’s, Inc. just paid $1.40 to their shareholders as the annual dividend.Simultaneously, the company announced that future dividends will be increasing by4.5 percent. If you require an 8 percent rate of return, how much are you willing topay to purchase one share of Michael’s stock?a. $31.11b. $32.51c. $40.00d. $41.80e. $43.68STOCK VALUEe 59. Angelina’s made two announcements concerning their common stock today. First, thecompany announced that their next annual dividend has been set at $2.16 a share.Secondly, the company announced that all future dividends will increase by 4 percentannually. What is the maximum amount you should pay to purchase a share ofAngelina’s stock if your goal is to earn a 10 percent rate of return?a. $21.60b. $22.46c. $27.44d. $34.62e. $36.00STOCK VALUEd 60. How much are you willing to pay for one share of stock if the company just paid an$.80 annual dividend, the dividends increase by 4 percent annually and you require an8 percent rate of return?a. $19.23b. $20.00c. $20.40d. $20.80e. $21.63STOCK VALUEd 61. Lee Hong Imports paid a $1.00 per share annual dividend last week. Dividends areexpected to increase by 5 percent annually. What is one share of this stock worth toyou today if the appropriate discount rate is 14 percent?a. $7.14b. $7.50c. $11.11d. $11.67e. $12.25STOCK VALUEc 62. Majestic Homes stock traditionally provides an 8 percent rate of return. The companyjust paid a $2 a year dividend which is expected to increase by 5 percent per year. Ifyou are planning on buying 1,000 shares of this stock next year, how much should youexpect to pay per share if the market rate of return for this type of security is 9 percentat the time of your purchase?a. $48.60b. $52.50c. $55.13d. $57.89e. $70.00STOCK VALUEc 63. Leslie’s Unique Clothing Stores offers a common stock that pays an annual dividendof $2.00 a share. The company has promised to maintain a constant dividend. Howmuch are you willing to pay for one share of this stock if you want to earn 12 percentreturn on your equity investments?a. $10.00b. $13.33c. $16.67d. $18.88e. $20.00STOCK VALUEb 64. Martin’s Yachts has paid annual dividends of $1.40, $1.75, and $2.00 a share over thepast three years, respectively. The company now predicts that it will maintain aconstant dividend since its business has leveled off and sales are expected to remainrelatively constant. Given the lack of future growth, you will only buy this stock if youcan earn at least a 15 percent rate of return. What is the maximum amount you arewilling to pay to buy one share of this stock today?a. $10.00b. $13.33c. $16.67d. $18.88e. $20.00REQUIRED RETURNc 65. The common stock of Eddie’s Engines, Inc. sells for $25.71 a share. The stock isexpected to pay $1.80 per share next month when the annual dividend is distributed.Eddie’s has established a pattern of incr easing their dividends by 4 percent annuallyand expects to continue doing so. What is the market rate of return on this stock?a. 7 percentb. 9 percentc. 11 percentd. 13 percente. 15 percentREQUIRED RETURNa 66. The current yield on Alpha’s common stock is 4.8 percent. The company just paid a$2.10 dividend. The rumor is that the dividend will be $2.205 next year. The dividendgrowth rate is expected to remain constant at the current level. What is the requiredrate of return on Alpha’s stock?a. 10.04 percentb. 16.07 percentc. 21.88 percentd. 43.75 percente. 45.94 percentREQUIRED RETURNe 67. Martha’s Vineyardrecently paid a $3.60 annual dividend on their common stock. Thisdividend increases at an average rate of 3.5 percent per year. The stock is currentlyselling for $62.10 a share. What is the market rate of return?a. 2.5 percentb. 3.5 percentc. 5.5 percentd. 6.0 percente. 9.5 percentREQUIRED RETURNd 68. Bet’R Bilt Bikes just announced that their annua l dividend for this coming year will be$2.42 a share and that all future dividends are expected to increase by 2.5 percent annually. What is the market rate of return if this stock is currently selling for $22 ashare?a. 9.5 percentb. 11.0 percentc. 12.5 percentd. 13.5 percente. 15.0 percentDIVIDEND YIELD VS. CAPITAL GAINS YIELDb 69. Shares of common stock of the Samson Co. offer an expected total return of 12percent. The dividend is increasing at a constant 8 percent per year. The dividendyield must be:a. - 4 percent.b. 4 percent.c. 8 percent.d. 12 percent.e. 20 percent.CAPITAL GAINc 70. The common stock of Grady Co. returned an 11.25 percent rate of return last year.The dividend amount was $.70 a share which equated to a dividend yield of 1.5percent. What was the rate of price appreciation on the stock?a. 1.50 percentb. 8.00 percentc. 9.75 percentd. 11.25 percente. 12.75 percentDIVIDEND AMOUNTb 71. Weisbro and Sons common stock sells for $21 a share and pays an annual dividendthat increases by 5 percent annually. The market rate of return on this stock is 9 percent. What is the amount of the last dividend paid by Weisbro and Sons?a. $.77b. $.80c. $.84d. $.87e. $.88DIVIDEND AMOUNTd 72. The common stock of Energizer’s pays an annual dividend that is expected to increaseby 10 percent annually. The stock commands a market rate of return of 12 percent andsells for $60.50 a share. What is the expected amount of the next dividend to be paidon Energizer’s common stock?a. $.90b. $1.00c. $1.10d. $1.21e. $1.33d 73. The Reading Co. has adopted a policy of increasing the annual dividend on theircommon stock at a constant rate of 3 percent annually. The last dividend they paidwas $0.90 a share. What will their dividend be in six years?a. $.90b. $.93c. $1.04d. $1.07e. $1.11e 74. A stock pays a constant annual dividend and sells for $31.11 a share. If the rate ofreturn on this stock is 9 percent, what is the dividend amount?a. $1.40b. $1.80c. $2.20d. $2.40e. $2.80CONSTANT DIVIDENDb 75. You have decided that you would like to own some shares of GH Corp. but need anexpected 12 percent rate of return to compensate for the perceived risk of suchownership. What is the maximum you are willing to spend per share to buy GHstock if the company pays a constant $3.50 annual dividend per share?a. $26.04b. $29.17c. $32.67d. $34.29e. $36.59GROWTH DIVIDENDe 76. Turnips and Parsley common stock sells for $39.86 a share at a market rate of return of9.5 percent. The company just paid their annual dividend of $1.20. What is the rate ofgrowth of their dividend?a. 5.2 percentb. 5.5 percentc. 5.9 percentd. 6.0 percente. 6.3 percentGROWTH DIVIDENDc 77. B&K Enterprises will pay an annual dividend of $2.08 a share on their common stocknext week. Last year, the company paid a dividend of $2.00 a share. The companyadheres to a constant rate of growth dividend policy. What will one share of B&Kcommon stock be worth ten years from now if the applicable discount rate is 8percent?a. $71.16b. $74.01c. $76.97d. $80.05e. $83.25GROWTH DIVIDENDd 78. Wilbert’s Clothing Stores just paid a $1.20 annual dividend. The company has a policywhereby the dividend increases by 2.5 percent annually. You would like to purchase100 shares of stock in this firm but realize that you will not have the funds to do so foranother three years. If you desire a 10 percent rate of return, how much should youexpect to pay for 100 shares when you can afford to buy this stock? Ignore tradingcosts.a. $1,640b. $1,681c. $1,723d. $1,766e. $1,810GROWTH DIVIDENDb 79. The Merriweather Co. just announced that they are increasing their annual dividend to$1.60 and establishing a policy whereby the dividend will increase by 3.5 percentannually thereafter. How much will one share of this stock be worth five years fromnow if the required rate of return is 12 percent?a. $21.60b. $22.36c. $23.14d. $23.95e. $24.79GROWTH DIVIDENDb 80. Shares of the Katydid Co. common stock are currently selling for $27.73. The lastdividend paid was $1.60 per share. The market rate of return is 10 percent. At whatrate is the dividend growing?a. 2.50 percentb. 4.00 percentc. 5.98 percentd. 13.05 percente. 14.91 percentSUPERNORMAL GROWTHc 81. The Bell Weather Co. is a new firm in a rapidly growing industry. The company isplanning on increasing its annual dividend by 20 percent a year for the next four yearsand then decreasing the growth rate to 5 percent per year. The company just paid itsannual dividend in the amount of $1.00 per share. What is the current value of oneshare of this stock if the required rate of return is 9.25 percent?a. $35.63b. $38.19c. $41.05d. $43.19e. $45.81SUPERNORMAL GROWTHc 82. The Extreme Reaches Corp. last paid a $1.50 per share annual dividend. Thecompany is planning on paying $3.00, $5.00, $7.50, and $10.00 a share over the nextfour years, respectively. After that the dividend will be a constant $2.50 per share peryear. What is the market price of this stock if the market rate of return is 15 percent?a. $17.04b. $22.39c. $26.57d. $29.08e. $33.71SUPERNORMAL GROWTHd 83. Can’t Hold Me Back, Inc. is preparing to pay their first dividends. They aregoing to pay $1.00, $2.50, and $5.00 a share over the next three years, respectively.After that, the company has stated that the annual dividend will be $1.25 per shareindefinitely. What is this stock worth to you per share if you demand a 7 percentrate of return?a. $7.20b. $14.48c. $18.88d. $21.78e. $25.06NONCONSTANT DIVIDENDSc 84. NU YU announced today that they will begin paying annual dividends. The firstdividend will be paid next year in the amount of $.25 a share. The following dividendswill be $.40, $.60, and $.75 a share annually for the following three years, respectively.After that, dividends are projected to increase by 3.5 percent per year. How much areyou willing to pay to buy one share of this stock if your desired rate of return is 12 percent?a. $1.45b. $5.80c. $7.25d. $9.06e. $10.58NONCONSTANT DIVIDENDSb 85. Now or Later, Inc. recently paid $1.10 as an annual dividend. Future dividends areprojected at $1.14, $1.18, $1.22, and $1.25 over the next four years, respectively.Beginning five years from now, the dividend is expected to increase by 2 percentannually. What is one share of this stock worth to you if you require an 8 percent rateof return on similar investments?a. $15.62b. $19.57c. $21.21d. $23.33e. $25.98NONCONSTANT DIVIDENDSb 86. The Red Bud Co. pays a constant dividend of $1.20 a share. The company announcedtoday that they will continue to do this for another 3 years after which time they willdiscontinue paying dividends permanently. What is one share of this stock worth todayif the required rate of return is 7 percent?a. $2.94b. $3.15c. $3.23d. $3.44e. $3.60NONCONSTANT DIVIDENDSb 87. Bill Bailey and Sons pays no dividend at the present time. The company plans to startpaying an annual dividend in the amount of $.30 a share for two years commencingtwo years from today. After that time, the company plans on paying a constant $1 ashare dividend indefinitely. How much are you willing to pay to buy a share of thisstock if your required return is 14 percent?a. $4.82b. $5.25c. $5.39d. $5.46e. $5.58NONCONSTANT DIVIDENDSa 88. The Lighthouse Co. is in a downsizing mode. The company paid a $2.50 annualdividend last year. The company has announced plans to lower the dividend by $.50 ayear. Once the dividend amount becomes zero, the company will cease all dividendspermanently. You place a required rate of return of 16 percent on this particular stockgiven the company’s situation. What is one share of this stock worth to you today?a. $3.76b. $4.08c. $4.87d. $5.13e. $5.39NONCONSTANT DIVIDENDS。