的 低 档 税 率 则 多 于 大 多 数 经 合 组 织 同
家 。营、 l 税足 一种流转税 ,是对不 属
1 增 竹税 征税池 内的提供 劳务 、转 高级税务 经济学 家,经合组 织税 收政策与 管理 中 计无 形 资产 歧 者 销售 不 动 所 收
心 下属 税 收 政 策 与 税 收 统 计 部 个 人 与 财 产 税 分 部
B e r t B r y s 曾任 比利 时佛 拉 芒 地 区政 府 的 税 务 顾 问 B e r t B r y s 取 得 了荷 兰鹿 特 丹 设 计 的 工 作 , 包括 个 人 所得 税 、 劳动 所 得 实 际 税
Hale Waihona Puke 际 } 是增值税 、柠 、 I 税 和消费税的附
升趋 势 ( 特 别足近 / L q : ) ,但仍 保持
了相 对 的稳 定性 。 多『 家在 增加
增倩 税 法 定 税率 时 ,通 常 会 提 高 低
3 0
O z N — A L [ 删 " A X A t …
I 穸 l 国专 家 特 稿
的 1 4种 税 E I 所 收的 , 奉 I 足 一 种 率 、财 产税 、 公 司所 得 税 、税 制 改 革 的政 治 经 济 “ 从 ” 或“ 从价” { i l ! q : k 的货物税。此外 , 学 问题 、 税 收 与 经济 增 长 、 税 收 与技 能指 标 及 问题 等 专 题 。 入 职 经 合 组 织之 前 , 中同 迹f 1 l = 收 “ 城 乡维 护 建 设 税 ” , 实
本 文 为经合组 织英 文 出版物 《中华 人 民共和 国的税 收政 策与 税制 改革 》 二节讨论的足与环境 关的税收,第三 ( T a x P o l i c y a n d T a x R e f o r m i n t h e P e o p l e ’ s R e p u b l i c o f C h i n a) 的节选译文。 节讨论个人所得税改节 ,第四节和第五 J ! 才 政关系 版权所 有 @2 0 1 3经合组织 , 保 留所有权利。中译 文版权所有 @ 2 0 1 国际税收 》 0 节则分别 讨论各级政府之间的l
税收制度和税收管理制度改革财政学第十一章税收制度和税收管理制度改革第十一章税收制度和税收管理制度改革1. 2.第一节工商税制改革第二节农村税费制度改革3.第三节税收管理制度及其改革Chapter 11 The reform in the tax system and tax administration11.1 The reform in the tax system of industry and commerceThe reform in tax and charges in the country4. Conclusion 3. Challenges Forward11.211.3Tax administration and it’s re form第一节工商税制改革一、税收制度改革的主要理论(the leading theory of tax reform)二、世界税制改革的实践(practice of tax reform in developed country)三、我国工商税制的现状和进一步改革的方向(actuality of the tax system of industry and commerce in China and reform in the future)第一节工商税制改革一、税收制度改革的主要理论(一) 公平课税论( 二) 最适课税论(三) 财政交换论 LOGO(一)公平课税论 (theory ofequitable taxation)一、内容公平课税论起源于亨利· 西蒙斯的研究成果,他认为政府在设计和改革税制时要按照公平原则筹措资金,政府向社会提供的服务必须是私人部门不能有效提供的服务,并通过再分配产生更大的公平。
中国古代税收制度中国古代税收制度Zhongguo gudai shuishou zhidu中国古代税收制度tax system in ancient China中国自先秦至清鸦片战争前历代的赋税制度。
文献出处:Norrman A, Henkow O.. The influence of business tax V AT to the international logistics enterprises [J]. Logistics Technology, 2014, 23: 62-71原文The influence of business tax V AT to the international logistics enterprisesNorrman, HenkowBased on the background of the policy "camp to gain" the interpretation of policy and the related solution as a starting point, combined with the practical examples of the tax system reform to the impact of the international logistics and related enterprises.Value added tax and business tax is South Korea two of the most important in the current turnover tax categories of taxes.Taxation scope of V AT in South Korea domestic sales, import goods and providing processing, repairs and replacement services, mainly play a role in the field of industrial production and circulation of commodities;While the scope of the business tax includes other services, transfer of intangible asset and sale of real estate, covers most of the tertiary industry to provide labor services.In short, V AT tax mainly for goods and most services is applicable sales tax, the two parallel in the scope of our tax levy, cross each other.As one of the major tax turnover tax on turnover in full as plan tax basis, according to industry setting different tax rates, calculation is simple, and convenient for collection, it in the balance of the sustainable development of local economy has played a pivotal role.But through long-term practice, the business tax gradually showing its limitations, mainly embodied in the following aspects:Sales tax is a tax on turnover in full, will inevitably produce double taxation. V AT tax only appreciation of this link, especially after the V AT to consumer V AT general taxpayer purchased fixed assets contained can be used as the input V AT tax deduction, thus leading to relatively V AT taxpayer, tax taxpayers tax burden is higher.For companies to buy services or services, as a result of outsourcing servicesincluding business tax cannot get deduction, lead to enterprise more willing to provide the required services rather than outsourcing services, service production internalization, not conducive to the professional division of labor and service outsourcing development of service industry.Based on the background of the policy "camp to gain" the interpretation of policy and the related solution as a starting point, combined with the practical examples of the tax system reform to the impact of the international logistics and related enterprises.Sales tax is a tax on turnover in full, will inevitably produce double taxation.V AT tax only appreciation of this link, especially after the V AT to consumer V AT general taxpayer purchased fixed assets contained can be used as the input V AT tax deduction, thus leading to relatively V AT taxpayer, tax taxpayers tax burden is higher.For companies to buy services or services, as a result of outsourcing services including business tax cannot get deduction, lead to enterprise more willing to provide the required services rather than outsourcing services, service production internalization, not conducive to the professional division of labor and service outsourcing development of service industry.In exports for investigation is the international practice, because South Korea services for business tax, when exports to drawback, lead to tax export service, finally influence of South Korea's service industry in the international market competitiveness.From all over the world can be seen in the history of the development of the business tax, it is the business tax repetition of this disease, resulted in a V AT, and lead.Advantages of value added tax is mainly in the following aspects: don't double taxation, have the feature of tax neutral;Link tax, each link tax deduction, final consumer is all taxes; consideringConvenient for export tax rebates, be helpful for their goods and services fair to participate in international competition;Restrict each other on tax collection and administration, cross audit, avoiding tax evasion.The service lives of taxable sales of more than standard prescribed by the ministry of finance and the total (5 million) of taxpayers for average taxpayer, taxpayer for small-scale taxpayers not in excess of the prescribed standards.Withsound accounting who can provide accurate taxation information small-scale enterprises can also apply for average taxpayer qualification.Pilot policy also specifies the original road, inland waterway cargo transportation since the taxpayer shall be identified in principle of make out an invoice for the general taxpayer.South Korea in 1994, the turnover tax system reform, according to the international common practice to establish the standardization of the production V AT, with value-added tax as the core to establish a new pattern of the turnover tax: a comprehensive value-added tax in the field of the flow of goods production, on the basis of the select few consumer goods cross to impose consumption tax, and for most services trade to impose business tax.At the end of 2008, to ease the impact of the international financial crisis, the central identified the "structural tax cuts" advocate tone, reflected in terms of turnover tax, mainly will be changed from production V AT to consumer V AT tax.Consumption type allows the enterprise cost of purchased fixed assets value contained in the value-added tax is deducted from all.This transition effectively promote the industrial structure adjustment and technology upgrade, improve the domestic products in the international market competitiveness.After the completion of the V AT, the V AT expansion circumference in the sights of south Korean tax reform.The current tax system apply to the practice of different tax system, goods and services between the goods and services in the unification of the tax on property, destroyed the deduction of V AT chain, in South Korea have certain obstacles on the development of modern service industry, is not conducive to further transformation and upgrading of economic structure.To give full play to the advantages of V AT tax burden fair, its basic condition is as far as possible the "full coverage, the whole chain, full deduction".So, it is imperative to change business tax V AT.Business tax to the influence of value added tax it away to the enterprise at present, Beijing camp change increases the pilot program has won the approval of the state council, formal implementation is expected to begin in the near future.The company's main business service for international freight forwarders, belongs to the scope of auxiliary "logistics", so as to pay V AT, as general V AT taxpayers.Apply to thetax rate of 5%, and the difference between tax;After the change of value added tax for 6% of the value-added tax, offset the input tax.Types of taxes, tax rate and tax changes in the way of the development of the enterprise has a long-term impact.Pilot policies also change during the pilot V AT tax belonging to business tax, the continuation of the business tax preferential transitional policy made detailed provisions.Business tax after the change of value added tax, as a result of value added tax is a tax excluded in price, revenue from the customer can't all as enterprise's revenue, and the need to isolate the income part as the output V AT tax, namely: the business income/(1 + 6%) = tax income.Certain cases, this means that the income items change business tax V AT will inevitably lead to the income of business scale, the tax payable, the corresponding change of turnover and profit.The author's international freight forwarding business is mainly decided by the cost price, gross margin is relatively fixed, in order to facilitate more business tax change V AT after each related financial index change under different circumstances, do the following hypothesis: hypothesis after tax reform without tax gross margin (hereinafter referred to as the gross profit margin) level remains the same;Taxes only consider the business tax and value-added tax, does not consider calculated on business tax and value-added tax each additional taxes and fees;Consider only associated with operating revenue and operating cost of V AT, and both contain V AT rates are consistent, to 6%.The company mainly to international trade, commodity circulation link of customer is given priority to, in the industry's average taxpayer clients, for example, after the tax reform, providing international cargo transport agency services to issue special V AT invoices, my company to maintain the price the same or increase (up to Maori constant), the relevant freight cost will be reduced by more than 5% of the clients.In addition, the customer deductible V AT amount increases, the V AT payable will decrease accordingly.Illustrate that: international freight forwarding business by the tax change after paid V AT, will greatly improve the international trade class customer profit space.Is still using the previous example, the company provides international cargo transport agency services customers in commodity production andcirculation field.By the above analysis can be concluded that the business tax after the change of value added tax, in front of the meet the conditions of the four assumptions listed, if you still perform the original price unchanged, the tax reform to cause a decline in revenue, gross margin level of business, should pay tax increases, eventually reduce enterprise profits;If you raise the price to ensure that the gross margin level is constant, the operating income is reduced, should pay tax increase.Business tax changes are confirmed as general taxpayer V AT, input tax can be calculated at to obtain special invoices for value-added tax deduction.If acquire other taxpayers' original belongs to the scope of business tax differences can collect invoices, can be deducted from the sales in the invoice value;Such as the special invoice to invoice to obtain tax authorities must indicate the output tax deduction.The result of the tax increase, on the one hand, further squeeze corporate profits, the development of industry.On the other hand, in the case of its difficult to digest, will cause freight rate rise, which would push up prices.It is reported that many famous international freight companies in Shanghai after issue V AT invoices to the customer request, on the original cost pay more tax.In view of the problems exposed by the Shanghai pilot, the south Korean federation of logistics and purchasing has been made to the relevant state departments including the goods transportation services into logistics support service, and appropriately increase the input tax deductions in eight Suggestions, in case the camp change increases the pilot policy has adverse effects on the entire logistics industry.Business tax change after V AT as small-scale taxpayers, transport, international freight forwarding business taxpayers obtain other taxpayers' original belongs to the scope of business tax differences can collect invoices, can be deducted from the sales in the invoice value.Other industries such as to obtain the original belong to the scope of business tax differences can collect other taxpayers invoice, can also be deducted from the sales of the invoice value, but the pilot average taxpayer or pilot the invoice of small-scale taxpayers shall not deduct the sales.Pilot policies also change during the pilot V AT tax belonging to business tax, the continuation of the business taxpreferential transitional policy made detailed provisions.Business tax after the change of value added tax, international freight forwarding business chain joined the V AT deduction.Although in the short term, the scale of business will decrease, didn't really reduce tax burden, also has the potential to reduce profits.But in the long run, the business tax change of value added tax more significance lies in: eliminate double taxation;Is conducive to the professional division of labor and service outsourcing services,Promote the specialization of social division of labor;Strengthen service industry competition ability.All of this will be conducive to further expand the market, enterprises expand sales.In addition, the "battalion to add" also can impact on the industry standard.Related industries in major and value-added tax management system, to the enterprise financial accounting requirements will be more standardized and rigorous.At the same time, because the customer requirements for legal, compliance V AT deduction vouchers, would force some imperfect management of small enterprises withdraw from the market译文营业税改增值税对国际物流企业的影响诺曼;科诺本文以“营改增”政策的背景及对相关方案政策的解读为出发点,结合本单位实际举例说明该项税制改革给国际物流及相关企业带来的影响。
第三节 税收管理制度及其革新
一、税收管理的概念、分类及功用 〔一〕 税收管理概念和分类 〔二〕 税收管理的职能
财政学»(第五版〕 陈共 主编
第三节 税收管理制度及其革新
财政学»(第五版〕 陈共 主编
第三节 税收管理制度及其革新
function of tax administration)
二、多角度的税收管理实际 (the theories of tax administration
from different angles)
三、中国税收管理制度的实际 (practice of tax administ 财政学»(第五版〕 rat 陈共 主编 ion in
财政学»(第五版〕 陈共 主编
第一节 工商税制革新
〔一〕 所得税:降低税率、拓宽税基、增 加层次
〔二〕 普通消费税:普遍开征增值税、提 高规范
〔三〕 开征〝绿色税收〞,注重税收对生 态环境保
财政学»(第五版〕 陈共 主编
第一节 工商税制革新
〔二〕税收管理与法学——税收法律主义原那 么
〔三〕税收管理与心思学——从征税人的人格 假定
到征税人心思接受力的测量 财政学»(第五版〕 陈共 主编
第三节 税收管理制度及其革新
三、中国税收管理制度的实际 〔一〕我国税收征管法的立法沿革和理念转
变 〔二〕新«税收征管法»出台的背景 〔三〕新«税收征管法»表达的新理念
个人征税、分类 所得、代扣代缴
商品税、企业所 得税
税收制度选择对税收收入弹性有着重要影响。 (1)一般而言,以增值税和选择性消费税为代表的商品服务税具有较强的收入弹性。 (2)企业所得税和个人所得税的收入弹性与税制设计目标和税收征管制度密切相关。 (3)财产税的税收收入弹性相对较低。
第一,税制要匹配国家发展目标变化。有什么的国家发展目标,就有什么样的税 收制度。 第二,税制要匹配税源基础的变化。税收作为筹集财政收入的最主要政策工具, 必须根据税源变化来调节税收制度安排,这样才能提高财政汲取能力。
• 在现代国家,税收制度必须要嵌入到社会和经济的肌体
2023/4/10Leabharlann 三、税制改革关注的主要问题
(五)是否该强调及如何发挥税收的再分配作用 总体上看,税收的再分配作用具有两面性,一是整体调节分配作用程度可能有限,二 是与其他公共政策相比具有不可替代性,社会期待也高。因此,税收的再分配作用必 须在清楚了解税收的功能定位、可能的发挥效果基础上,有针对性地实施税收政策。
• 招商引资开始不再一味地关注经济总量增长,开创招商引资工作新局面 :贯彻新发展理念,推动经济结构转型。
(四)统一税率与差别税率的权衡 传统上,基于纵向公平原则或其他某些原因,要求对不同的纳税人课征不同的税,
故差别税率一直被认为是合理的。 然而,基于纵向公平原则而实行的差别税率,从效率观点看可能会产生相反的效果。 选择统一税率还是差别税率取决于政府对公平和效率目标的权衡。
英译汉原文:Are We There Yet?America’s recovery will be much slower than that from most recessions; but the government can help a bit.“WHITHER goest thou, America?” That question, posed by Jack Kerouac on behalf of the Beat generation half a century ago, is the biggest uncertainty hanging over the world economy. And it reflects the foremost worry for American voters, who go to the polls for the congressional mid-term elections on November 2nd with the country’s unemployment rate stubbornly stuck at nearly one in ten. They should prepare themselves for a long, hard ride.The most wrenching recession since the 1930s ended a year ago. But the recovery—none too powerful to begin with—slowed sharply earlier this year. GDP grew by a feeble 1.6% at an annual pace in the second quarter, and seems to have been stuck somewhere similar since. The housing market slumped after temporary tax incentives to buy a home expired. So few private jobs were being created that unemployment looked more likely to rise than fall. Fears grew over the summer that if this deceleration continued, America’s economy would slip back into recession.Fortunately, those worries now seem exaggerated. Part of the weakness of second-quarter GDP was probably because of a temporary surge in imports from China. The latest statistics, from reasonably good retail sales in August to falling claims for unemployment benefits, point to an economy that, though still weak, is not slumping further. And history suggests that although nascent recoveries often wobble for a quarter or two, they rarely relapse into recession. For now, it is most likely that America’s economy will crawl along with growth at perhaps 2.5%: above stall speed, but far too slow to make much difference to the jobless rate.Why, given that America usually rebounds from recession, are the prospects so bleak? That’s because most past recessions have been caused by tight monetary policy. When policy is loosened, demand rebounds. This recession was the result of a financial crisis. Recoveries after financial crises are normally weak and slow as banking systems are repaired and balance-sheets rebuilt. Typically, this period of debt reduction lasts around seven years, which means America would emerge from it in 2014. By some measures, households are reducing their debt burdens unusually fast, but even optimistic seers do not think the process is much more than half over.Battling on the busAmerica’s biggest problem is that its poli ticians have yet to acknowledge that the economy is in for such a long, slow haul, let alone prepare for the consequences.A few brave officials are beginning to sound warnings that the jobless rate is likely to “stay high”. But the political debate is mor e about assigning blame for the recession than about suggesting imaginative ways to give more oomph to the recovery. Republicans argue that Barack Obama’s shift towards “big government” explainsthe economy’s weakness, and that high unemployment is proof t hat fiscal stimulus was a bad idea. In fact, most of the growth in government to date has been temporary and unavoidable; the longer-run growth in government is more modest, and reflects the policies of both Mr Obama and his predecessor. And the notion that high joblessness “proves” that stimulus failed is simply wrong. The mechanics of a financial bust suggest that without a fiscal boost the recession would have been much worse.Democrats have their own class-warfare version of the blame game, in which Wall Street’s excesses caused the problem and higher taxes on high-earners are part of the solution. That is why Mr. Obama’s legislative priority before the mid-terms is to ensure that the Bush tax cuts expire at the end of this year for households earning more than $250,000 but are extended for everyone else.This takes an unnecessary risk with the short-term recovery. America’s experience in 1937 and Japan’s in 1997 are powerful evidence that ill-timed tax rises can tip weak economies back into recession. Higher taxes at the top, along with the waning of fiscal stimulus and belt-tightening by the states, will make a weak growth rate weaker still. Less noticed is that Mr. Obama’s fiscal plan will also worsen the medium-term budget mess, by making tax cuts for the middle class permanent.Ways to overhaul the engineIn an ideal world America would commit itself now to the medium-term tax reforms and spending cuts needed to get a grip on the budget, while leaving room to keep fiscal policy loose for the moment. But in febrile, partisan Washington that is a pipe-dream. Today’s goals can only be more modest: to nurture the weak economy, minimize uncertainty and prepare the ground for tomorrow’s fiscal debate. To that end, Congress ought to extend all the Bush tax cuts until 2013. Then they should all expire—prompting a serious fiscal overhaul, at a time when the economy is stronger.A broader set of policies could help to work off the hangover faster. One priority is to encourage more write-downs of mortgage debt. Almost a quarter of all Americans with mortgages owe more than their houses are worth. Until that changes the vicious cycle of rising foreclosures and falling prices will continue. There are plenty of ideas on offer, from changing the bankruptcy law so that judges can restructure mortgage debt to empowering special trustees to write down loans. They all have drawbacks, but a fetid pool of underwater mortgages will, much like Japan’s loans to zombie firms, corrode the financial system and harm the recovery.C leaning up the housing market would help cut America’s unemployment rate, by making it easier for people to move to where jobs are. But more must be done to stop high joblessness becoming entrenched. Payroll-tax cuts and credits to reduce the cost of hiring would help. (The health-care reform, alas, does the opposite, at least for small businesses.) Politicians will also have to think harder about training schemes, because some workers lack the skills that new jobs require.Americans are used to great distances. The sooner they, and their politicians, acceptthat the road to recovery will be a long one, the faster they will get there.译文:我们到达目的地了吗?与大多数衰退之后的复苏相比,这次美国经济的复苏会慢得多。
关于税制改革Tax Reform
![关于税制改革Tax Reform](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/eca4d5d328ea81c758f57823.png)
Personal income tax
V ehicle V essel Tax
V essel
V ehicle and V essel V age
Resource tax Category of resource taxes
Liceuse Plate Tax
V essel Tounage Tax
关于税制改革 Tax Reform
Research Institute For Fiscal Science, Ministry of Finance
Current System of Taxation
City Maintenance and Construction Tax
Urban tax
Category of
Stamp Tax
behavior taxes
Deed Tax
Property tax Category of property taxes
Securities Exchange Tax
Slaughter Tax
Urban housing property tax
Management Center
Du e t py
International Taxation Department (Offshore Oil Tax Bureau)
Tax Science Institute
Import and Department
China Paper
Government at county level
Tax reformI. IntroductionDuring the next decade or so, can the United States undertake a major reform to make its tax system simpler, fairer and more efficient? In addressing this question, I will focus mostly on reforms that incorporate at least some elements of consumption taxation, because this is the direction in which both economic research and policy discussions have pointed in recent years. But what constitutes a consumption tax, or entitles a system to be characterized as providing “consumption-ta x treatment,” is not so obvious. There are many characteristics that distinguish a consumption tax and, indeed, the importance of different characteristics in delivering a tax system that is simpler, fairer and more efficient is to a large extent what this conference has been about.Thus, I will frame my discussion by going through the attributes of a consumption tax, considering the impact of the choices made in constructing different reform proposals. This is one place where the state of our knowledge comes into play, as on some issues our knowledge is considerable, on others more research is required, while some decisions are of an unknowable nature, either because the necessary data won’t be available or because the circumstances we confront for the future go beyond our historical experience.I begin, though, with a review of our state of knowledge on the fundamental issues relating to the choice between income and consumption taxation. Here, too, our thinking has evolved over the years, in part because of advances in economic theory and empirical evidence, but also because of changes in the way we view the comparison. As with the choices among particular types of consumption tax, though, many important questions are still unanswered.II. The Choice between Income and Consumption TaxesA. Should Capital Income Be Taxed?A consumption tax effectively exempts the return to saving from taxation, in a manner discussed more fully below. Thus, the debate over whether a consumption tax would be more desirable than an income tax involves asking whether it is a good idea to tax capital income.Through the years, our perspective on whether a consumption tax would improve our tax system, in particular whether it would make the tax system more efficient has become considerably more sophisticated and has tended to push in the direction of aconsumption tax. There are now several strands of the literature arguing that a consumption tax would be more efficient than an income tax. I will not attempt a detailed survey of this rich literature here, trying instead to highlight some key results. Thus, even though capital income taxes distort consumption more and more over the infinite horizon, positive taxes on capital income may be desirable if we seek to implement a plan for redistributive taxation, and negative taxes on capital income may be desirable to offset the effects of imperfect competition. On the other hand, one can scour the literature without finding a result suggesting that labor income and capital income should be treated equally by the tax system. This is hardly surprising, as there is no obvious intuition why such a result might make sense. It is no accident that the literature has focused on whether it is efficient for capital income taxes to be zero rather than on whether there should be equal taxes on capital income and labor income.Can future research sharpen these predictions? Much of the work on dynamic optimal taxation is very recent, so we are likely to gain a better idea of how large capital income tax wedges should be, at least in the very stylized models of the literature. These models typically have a simple structure with regard to individual decisions and assume considerable flexibility with respect to the choice of tax instruments, so they will continue to serve as a guide rather than as a source of estimates unless they incorporate considerably more realistic characterizations of individual and institutional behavior. But this is an important service, as the evolution of thinking about the comparison of income and consumption taxes to date demonstrates.B. Bequests and InheritancesThere are many potential explanations for bequests, and they differ in how they would affect the previous analysis. A strong altruistic bequest motive, as in Barrow (1974), turns the decisions of a life-cycle individual into the infinite horizon calculations of a dynasty, thereby increasing the deadweight loss from capital income taxation. At the other extreme, accidental bequests that occur because of incomplete annuity markets do not imply any extension of an individual’s planning horizon. In between are models in which there is some form of interest in the size of one’s bequest, either because of a joy of giving or because the prospect of bequests can be used to elicit favorable behavior from one’s potential heirs. While evidence strongly rejects the extreme version of Barros’s predictions (Alton at al. 1997), it is likely thatobserved bequests reflect a mixture of motives. Indeed, this is Bergheim’s (2002, p. 1196) conclusion based on a review of our knowledge from the empirical literature.It is not clear how much the nature of the bequest motive matters for the choice between income and consumption taxes. As confirmed by simulations presented in Alit et al. (2001), even planned bequests, if they are motivated by the benefits of giving rather than the ultimate consumption of one’s heirs, need have little impact on the desirability of consumption taxes. Moreover, as already discussed above, the distortions of future consumption resulting from capital income taxation are already significant within the long-horizon life-cycle context, so the potential lengthening of the horizon beyond one’s own lifetime doesn’t make the efficiency argument for eliminating capital income taxes that much stronger.Of course, the nature of the bequest motive matters considerably more as one considers the future of the estate tax or the possible role of inheritance taxes. A tax on unplanned bequests is a non distortion tax, whereas a tax on planned bequests is more akin to a capital income tax in its effects on saving behavior. Understanding the nature of the bequest motive, then, is very important to decisions about the role that transfer taxes should play in the tax system.C. Eliminating Distortions in the Treatment of Assets and LiabilitiesTax reform discussion often relates not just to the overall level of capital income taxation, but also to differential capital income taxation. Since Diamond and Myrtles (1971) showed that the efficient allocation of resources in production can be a desirable outcome even in the presence of other tax distortions, there has been a general sense that taxing different types of capital income at different rates reduces economic efficiency beyond the degree necessary to raise revenue for government spending and redistribution. Thus, we know that differential capital income taxation is a bad idea, at least under certain assumptions. Some take this as an additional argument in favor of consumption taxation, for taxing all capital income at a rate of zero if one method of implementing uniform capital income taxation.The potential gains from reducing or eliminating the distinction between debt and equity, therefore, are hard to quantify based on our present knowledge. Certainly, the shift to a markedly different tax system would give us an opportunity to learn more from observed responses. But this information would not be available in advance.D. How Large is the Capital Income Tax Wedge?Calculations of the efficiency gains from eliminating the capital income tax wedge depend, of course, on this size of this wedge. If the before-tax rate of return to capital were high, a capital income tax could alter the price of future consumption substantially; if the before-tax rate of return were zero, on the other hand, a capital income tax at the same rate would collect no revenue and impose no distortions. Thus, although the theory might point toward elimination of capital income taxes, the potential efficiency gains depend critically on how big the tax wedge is to begin with. Thus, the rate of return relevant in calculating the inter temporal distortion may be lower than has been assumed in simulation models, but the tax rate applicable to that lower rate of return is likely to be higher. How much higher is difficult to know, because it depends on an asset’s riskiness, the extent to which the firm is able to offset one asset’s losses with another asset’s gains, and how tax asymmetries interact with adjustments for risk. There have been some attempts in the literature to adjust effective tax rates separately for tax asymmetries and risk (e.g. Auer Bach 1983), but these calculations are more illustrative than comprehensive. The magnitudes of these adjustments are at this point more knowable than known.E. Summary: Income Taxation versus Consumption TaxationConsumption taxes may be superior to income taxes as a tax base, even taking distributional considerations into account. The gains may be greater still if the differential tax treatment of capital income present under the existing tax system is at least partially unavoidable under the income tax, or if the use of capital is distorted even in the absence of taxation. But there may also be incentive reasons to maintain capital income taxes, and the significance of the capital income tax wedge may have been substantially overstated by calculations based on observed before-tax rates of return. These conclusions, tentative and in conflict as they are, reflect the advances of recent decades in our thinking about the choice of tax base. We can learn still more from future research. But conclusions based on rather abstract characterizations of income and consumption taxes cannot be applied to the evaluation of concrete reform proposals without considering further details of their design and implementation.III. Attributes of Consumption TaxesTo characterize a consumption tax, let us start with one version of the national income identity relating the product and income sides of Gross National Product (GNP),(1) GNP = C + I +G + X −M + R f= W + R + R fWhere C is consumption, I is gross domestic investment, G is government spending, X is exports, M is imports, W is wage income, R is domestic gross capital income, and R f ist net foreign income, i.e., foreign income of domestic residents less domestic income of foreign residents.The standard method for imposing consumption taxes, as under the V AT, is to start on the income side, taxing all factor returns but then forgiving taxes on sales that do not represent consumption, in particular:(2) C = W + R − I −G − X + MSo that sales for investment and export are free of tax while tax is imposed on imports.A. Government PurchasesIf the tax base is meant to be private consumption, then government purchases should also be excluded from the tax base. An equivalent treatment would be for the government budget to be adjusted to offset the taxation of government purchases, for there would be no change in the quantities of goods and services purchased by the government. But the government budget may not adjust, particularly if the federal government taxes the purchases of state and local governments and makes insufficient compensating transfers to these lower-level governments. In this event, taxing government purchases would reduce the real budgets of state and local governments. Whether taxing the activities of state and local governments would improve welfare is unknown and largely unknowable. Starting from the view that it is a good idea to tax government-provided goods and services provided at the same rate as those provided privately to households, political economy considerations and an evaluation of the spillovers from government activities can make deviations in either direction possibly desirable. But it will be a difficult task ever to know the “right” answer. B. The Treatment of Existing CapitalFor a zero-present-value investment made today, the future additions to R or R f are equal in present value to the cost of today’s investment added to I or I f. Thus, with tax rates constant over time, the decision of whether to include or exclude the components ( R- I)and(R f-I f)would have no impact on the present value of government revenues, nor would it have any impact on the incentive to undertake marginal investments ñ the effective tax rate on such investments would be zero under both approaches. For some assets, notably owner-occupied housing and other consumer durables, it wouldbe difficult to impose a tax on the elements of (R- I) because this would require the taxation of imputed rental income. That is, we observe the investment flows as components of I but we do not observe all the components of R, just subsequent asset sales, not the flow of imputed rental income during the period of ownership. Hence, virtually all consumption tax proposals would exclude these components. Under the V AT, this would amount to taxing sales of new housing rather than the subsequent imputed rent.Thus, if capital levies appear as byproducts of legislation, rather than as their central purpose, they may not have the same negative consequences for efficiency as some might fear. In principle, one could learn more about this by examining the behavioral responses leading up to and following tax reforms, to gain a sense of what the expectations of agents were. But this seems like a very challenging econometric task, given that capital levies are embedded in broader policy changes that have additional incentive effects.C. Origin versus Destination BasisOne particular element of the consumption tax base about which there has been considerable debate outside the economics profession is the flows from net foreign assets, (R f-I f).Under a standard destination-based value added tax, these would be included indirectly, through the border tax adjustments on imports and exports, since the current and capital accounts balance. The destination basis has been seen by some as providing a major competitive benefit for the United States if it adopts a standard V AT. But some taxes, notably the Hall-Babushka flat tax, would be imposed on an origin basis and hence would impose no special treatment on the cash flows associated with cross-border investments.As in the discussion of capital levies above, it seems unlikely that asset revaluations that result from the decision to impose a border adjustment would have any significant effects on expectations of subsequent government policy; one can’t introduce border adjustments to a tax system more than once.D. The Treatment of Financial Assets and LiabilitiesAs discussed above, a consumption tax would eliminate the differential tax treatment on the sources and uses sides of the capital market, imposing a zero tax on capital income regardless of the type of investment and regardless of the source of funds. But there are still distinctions of a more subtle variety among different approaches to consumption taxation, and these distinctions may affect the relativeattractiveness of the different approaches.E. The Timing of Tax PaymentsAside from their differences in the treatment of rents and normal returns to existing assets, the cash-flow and tax-exempt approaches to consumption taxation also differ with respect to the timing of tax collections. While the tax-exempt treatment simply imposes no taxes, cash-flow treatment arrives at the same zero present value through deductions and taxes at different dates that offset.Thus, in terms of timing, one can make a consumption tax look more like an income tax, and one can also make an income tax look more like a consumption tax. Moving in either direction has its costs and benefits, and the balance between the two is not clear. In any event, the “basis with interest” approach to consumption taxation has not become widely featured among consumption tax proposals.F. Individual versus Business TaxationConsumption taxes can be imposed either at the business level or at the individual level. The working of the business-level V AT has already been discussed. A consumed income tax would start with the individual income base and subtract net saving. Assuming that saving is measured consistently with income, all income that is not saved is consumed, so the result would be a consumption tax. Similarly, one can adopt a mixed approach, as under the flat tax or the X tax, that starts with a V AT and shifts the taxation of wages from the business to the individual level. While the location of tax collection is irrelevant at some abstract level, it would likely have some real effects in practice.IV. What Don’t We Know, and When Will We Know It?The benefits of a large scale tax reform that shifts from the current tax system to some form of consumption taxation are enumerable but difficult to measure, given the state of our knowledge.There are efficiency gains from reducing the capital income tax wedge, but the size of these gains is very uncertain, given technical issues associated with their estimation and the nature of behavioral deviations from standard modeling assumptions. There may also be gains in transition from the taxation of existing wealth, but their size and existence depends on the extent to which transition policy is anticipated and alters individual expectations. Consumption taxes can sharply reduce the distortions of financial and investment decisions, but we do not know the extent to which these distortions could be eliminated simply through measures adopted within the contextof the current tax system. Realistic consumption taxes can be progressive, but we don’t know whether this is true at the very top of the income distribution. And estate taxes may occupy a key role in a progressive, efficient tax system, but this depends on the relative strengths of different bequest motives.We do know not to adopt a consumption tax in order to improve our trade balance or our ability to tax underground activities. We also know that our existing knowledge must be continually recalibrated to a moving target. As financial innovation blurs the distinction between real and financial activities, for example, the benefits of a system that ignores this distinction are likely to grow.Adopting a large tax reform is, in itself, likely to enhance our knowledge about a lot of things. But taking a range of smaller steps in the right direction certainly looks attractive as an alternative, particularly when their benefits do not hinge on plucking strong assumptions from our bag of uncertainty.。
奥地利的税制改革(摘自www.austria.gv.at)On 6 May 2004, the National Council adopted the second stage of the tax reform that is to take effect on 1 January 2005. The 2005 Tax Reform provides for a new tax rate which is easy to calculate and makes Austria even more attractive as a business location. The reduction of the corporate tax rate from 34 to 25% is to create vital impetus for the relocation and foundation of new businesses. Moreover, large corporations will be relieved by the introduction of a group taxation regime, the tax rate on agricultural diesel has been lowered, a special allowance for dependant children on the sole earner deductible has been introduced, and the flat-rate allowance for commuters is being raised.One of the major goals of the second stage is to reform the income and wage tax rates. The adoption of a modern tax regime based on average taxation is to simplify the process of tax assessment considerably. According to the plans of the Austrian Federal Government, 2.55 million of the 5.9 million Austrians liable to pay taxes will not be taxed for income and wage tax as of the year 2005, all others are to benefit from a sizeable reduction. Wage earners, for instance, will benefit from the lower tax rate, netting between EUR 144 and EUR 670 per year depending on their tax bracket.The Tax Reform caters specifically to small incomes. Wages up to EUR 14,500 have already been tax exempt since 1 January 2004. This threshold will be raised to EUR 15,570 as of 1 January 2005. The tax-free threshold for retired persons will be raised to EUR 13,500, the threshold for non-taxed annual gross earnings of self-employed persons is to be increased to EUR 10,000. Moreover, the allowance for dependent children on the sole earner/single parent deductible will augment the “negative tax” (tax credit which can be claimed in the annual assessment) considerably.Families were a major focus of the second stage of the tax reform. Families will benefit from an increase of the threshold for additional earnings from EUR 4,400 to EUR 6,000 for persons claiming the sole earner deductible, the introduction of special allowances for dependent children on the sole earner/single parent deductible, and from a 15% increase of the lump-sum allowance for commuters. Designed as a negative tax, the allowances for dependent children will benefit non-taxed incomes. These measures form part of the overall reform and will be advanced to the year 2004.The corporate income tax rate is cut from 34% to 24%. Some 100,000 of Austria’s 300,000 busin esses are corporations and liable to pay corporate income tax. The current integration regime is replaced by amodern system of group taxation which is appealing to international corporations. Moreover, there will be wider deductibility of certain technical reserves. The tax rate for agricultural fuel is to be lowered. Also, nuisance taxes (e.g. on sparkling wines) will be abolished.The reform aims at relieving as many income brackets, businesses and families as possible. The reforms adopted by the Austrian Federal Government offer considerable incentives for performance and innovation. Provisions allowing e.g. a preferential treatment of retained earnings up to EUR 100,000 have been in force since 1 January 2004 with a view to improving the equity base of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Wide-ranging incentives favouring SMEs were introduced, the additional premium for investments was extended, funding for R&D with an immediate effect on businesses was stepped up to a considerable extent, and the allowable deductions for research and education were raised significantly.2004年5月6日,奥地利国民议会通过了第二阶段税制改革法案,该法案已于2005年1月1日开始实施。
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(1)GNP = C + I +G + X −M + R f = W + R + R f
这里C是消费,我是投资国内生产总值,G是政府支出,X是出口,M是进口,W 是工资收入,R是国内总资本收入、射频是净外汇收入,也就是说,外汇收入的国内居民家庭收入少的外国居民。
(2)C = W + R − I −G − X + M