中考英语总复习语法专项PPT课件(含语法思维导图): 4数词

语法互动(四)┃ 数词
2.序数词的前边加不定冠词a,表示“再一;又一” 。
I'll have to do it a second time. 我得再做一次。(已经做过一次) 3.以下复合形容词中的名词要用单数形式。 (1)数词+名词(单数) two hour drive 两小时的车程 (2)数词+名词(单数)+形容词 a 8yearold boy 一个8岁的男孩 a 50meterdeep hole 一个50米深的洞
语法互动(四) 数词
语法互动(四)┃ 数词
1.数词的构成。 2.数词的表达方式和用法。
语法互动(四)┃ 数词
考点一 数词的构成
(1)0—12单独记。如: zero, one, two, three等。 (2)13—19的词尾都是teen。如:fourteen, seventeen等, 但13—thirteen,15—fifteen,18—eighteen需要特殊记。 (3)20以上的整十的基数词均以ty结尾。如:20—twenty, 30—thirty,40—forty,50—fifty,80—eighty等。 (4)“几十几”要加连字符号“”。如:48—forty eight, 97—ninety seven等。
语法互动(四)┃ 数词
March 12, 2014 2014年3月12日 one third 三分之一 two thirds 三分之二 Five (o'clock) 5点钟 five past seven 7点5分 twenty to eight 7点40分 Page 62/the sixty second page 第六十二页 in the 1970s 在二十世纪七十年代 in his forties 在他四十多岁时
2017年中考英语语法数词复习学案专题四:数 词

2017届初三年级英语中考第一轮总复习导学案专题四:数 词考点分析:一、考纲要求1、掌握基数词与序数词的构成2、熟练掌握年、月、日、编号、分数的表示法3、理解数词的某些特殊用法,如hundreds of, thousands of, 1990s 等二、命题特点通过对近几年部分省市中考题分析,关于数词的考题比较少,主要集中在基数词和序数词的用法区别,以及分数的正There are _________ ___________ workers in the factory.工厂里有六百名工人。
_______________ __________________visitors have come to Hangzhou in the past two weeks.过去两周有成千上万的游客来到了杭州。
巧记: 例题点睛(1)The volunteers sent books to a mountain village school on Children ’s Day.A. two hundreds ofB. two hundred ofC. two hundredsD. two hundred(2)The government of Chongqing is building cheap and goodhouses for the people.A. thousandB. thousandsC. thousand ofD. thousands of2.基数词的用法(1)请看下列句子中的基数词分别作什么成分: Five is enough. We need eight . He is ten . There are fifty desks in our class.基数词可以在句中用作_______语、________语、________语和________语。
中考英语 语法整合复习 第4课时 数词 牛津版

第4课时数词1. 近几年中考对数词的考查主要是对基数词和序数词的构成及其用法上。
2. 数词考查往往与其他知识点考查结合进行,如主谓一致等。
3. 预计2016对数词的考查重点仍然是基数词确数和概数的区分以及序数词拼写和应用。
1. 最基本的数词:1~20:one;two;three;four;five;six;seven;eight;nine;ten;eleven;twelve;thirtee n;fourteen;fifteen;sixteen;seventeen;eighteen;nineteen;twenty;30 thirty;40 forty;50 fifty;60 sixty;70 seventy;80 eighty;90 ninety;100 a hundred;1000 a thousand;1000000 a million;1000000000 a billion2. 基数词1~12是独立单词,所以我们必须逐个记忆。
如:21 twenty-one;83 eighty-three3. 基数词101~999,先说“几百”,再加and,再加末尾两位数或末位数,基数词三位以上的数词,在百位与十位之间,一般要加连词“and”。
4. 英语中没有“万”和“亿”,万也用thousand来表示,亿也用million来表示,按十进位来推算。
如:10000 ten thousand 100000000 a hundred million67876 sixty-seven thousand eight hundred and seventy-six5. 在dozen,score,hundred,million,billion前如果有具体数字,它们不能加“s”;反之则须加“s”表示不确切的数量。

第四章数词思维导图知识梳理一、数词的定义表示数字、数目和顺序的词叫做数词.二、数词的分类数词分为基数词和序数词.基数词表示数量,序数词表示顺序.(一)基数词的表示法1~12 13~19 20~90 100~1,000,000,000One thirteen twenty 百a/one hundredTwo fourteen thirty 千one thousandThree Gfteen forty 万ten thousandFour sixteen fifty 十万one hundred thousand Five seventeen sixty 百万one millionSix eighteen seventy 千万ten millionSeven nineteen eighty 亿one hundred millionEight -ninety 十亿one billion(美)nine ---ten ---eleven ---twelve ---one 1 two 2 three 3 four 4 five 5 six 6seven 7 eight 8 nine 9 ten 10 eleven 11 twelve 122.从13~19,其中多数是在基数词后加-teen,但应特别注意13,15和18的拼法thirteen 13 fourteen 14 fifteen 15 sixteen 16seventeen 17 eighteen 18 nineteen 193.20~90各整十位数的基数词由2~9加后缀-ty构成twenty 20 thirty 30 forty 40 fifty 50sixty 60 seventy 70 eighty 80 ninety 90注意:twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, eighty的拼写变化.4.21~29的基数词由十位数20加个位数1~9构成,十位数和个位数之间要加连字符号“-”twenty-one 21 twenty-two 22 twenty-three 23 twenty-four 24twenty-five 25 twenty-six 26 twenty-seven 27 twenty-eight 28twenty-nine 29其他的十位数依此类推.thirty-nine 39 forty-eight 48 fifty-seven 57 sixty-six 66seventy-five 75 eighty-four 84 ninety-three 935.101~999的基数词的表达方式为:1~9之间任一基数词+hundre+hundred+and+(整十位数+连字符”-”)+个位数three hundred and fifty-six 356 six hundred and eight 6086.同汉语一样,英语“百”位数以上的单位是“千”,但“千”位数以上的单位是“百万”.英语中没有“万”这个词,是用“十千”来表示,而“十万”在英语中用“百千”来表示hundred 百thousand 千ten thousand 万one/a hundred thousand 十万million 百万one/a billion(a/one thousand million)十亿点拨hundred, thousand, million, billion表示具体数字时,没有复数形式.如有,则表示不定数目(常与of连用).如:hundreds(thousands, millions) of dollars 成百(成千,成百万)美元thousands and thousands of people 成千上万的人millions of reasons 许许多多的理由第1~第12 第13~第19 第20~第99 1st first 13th thirteenth 20th twentieth2nd second 14th fourteenth 30th thirtieth3rd third 15th fifteenth 40th fortieth4th fourth 16th sixteenth 50th fiftieth5th fifth 17th seventeenth 60th sixtieth6th sixth 18th eighteenth 70th seventieth7th seventh 19th nineteenth 80th eightieth8th eighth --90th ninetieth9th ninth --21st Twenty-first 10th tenth --32nd Thirty-second 11th eleventh -43rd Forty-third 12th twelfth --54th Fifty-fourth 第100以上第101~第909100th hundredth 101st hundred and first1000th thousandth 202nd two hundred and second 1,000,000th millionth 909th nine hundred and ninth在这些序数词中,fifth, eighth, ninth, twelfth的拼法与基数词有区别2.第20至第90是将基数词词尾y变成i,再加-eth构成,-ieth读/iə0/3.hundred,thousand,million的序数词均在其后加-th构成,即hundredth, thousandth, millionth4.几十几及以上的序数词,其中十位数或百位数、千位数等用基数词,只有个位数才用序数词第21-twenty-first(21st)第99-ninety-ninth(99th)第101-hundred and first(101st)第274-two hundred and seventy-fourth(274th)第1805-one thousand eight hundred and fifth(1805th)三、数词的句法功能数词在句子中有着和形容词或不定代词相类似的功能.因此,数词可作主语、宾语、表语、定语和同位语.(一)作主语The first is yours.第一个是你的.How many of you are making the trip? There are four of us.你们有多少人去旅行?我们有4人.(二)作宾语He was among the first to arrive.他是首批到达的人之一.Give me two.给我两个.(三)作表语Six times six is thirty-six.6乘6等于36.Marx was already fifty when he began to study Russian.马克思开始学俄语时已经50岁了.(四)作定语Now, let's come to the second picture.现在让我们看第二幅图画.There are five different time zones in the United States.在美国有五个不同的时区.(五)作同位语We will have a speech contest on Monday, the 28th of May.我们将于5月28日星期一举行演讲比赛.Is there room for us two?有我们两个人的位置吗?四、分数、小数、百分数和倍数(一)分数分数是由基数词和序数词合成的.分子用基数词,分母用序数词.分子是1时,分母(序数词)用单数形式;分子大于1时,分母用复数形式,序数词加-s,当分数前面带有整数时,要用连词and连接1/3 one/a third 2/3two-thirds 4/5four-fifths点拨1/2通常不读作one second,而用a/one half表示数学中可以都用基数词读,如1/2读作one over two,2/3读作two over three,3/4读作three over four.(二)小数小数的读法是:小数点(point)前的基数词与前面所讲的基数词读法完全相同,小数点后则须将数字一一读出0.25 zero point two five 1.34one point three four“0”的读法有:zero, nought(美),o/əu/.(三)百分数百分数中的百分号“%”读作percent,无复数形式5% five percent 0.8% zero point eight percent100% one hundred percent 45% forty-five percent(四)倍数英语用twice/double表示两倍,两倍以上用基数词加times表示.This room is three times as large as that one.这个房间有那个房间三倍大.He is double my age.他的年龄是我的两倍.五、时间表示法(一)表示“几点钟”用基数词加o'clock,但o'clock常可省略.前面用介词at表示“在几点钟”We get up at six (at six o'clock).我们6点起床.(二)表示“几点过几分”用past,但分钟数须在半小时以内(包括半小时在内)7:05 five past seven7:15 fifteen (a quarter) past seven7:30 half past seven(三)表示“几点差几分”,用介词to,但分钟数须在半小时以上(不包括半小时在内)7:57 three to eight11:46 fourteen to twelve2:40 twenty to three(四)几刻钟一刻钟-a quarter三刻钟-three quarters9点一刻-a quarter past nine.六、星期表示法星期开头第一个字母须大写.表示“在星期几”,用介词on.如:on Sunday.(后附其缩写式)星期日Sunday Sun. 星期一Monday Mon.星期二Tuesday Tues. 星期三Wednesday Wed.星期四Thursday Thurs. 星期五Friday Fri.星期六Saturday Sat.七、月份、日期表示法(一)月份名称月份开头第一个字母须大写.(后附其缩写式;其中,五月无缩写式)一月January Jan. 二月February Feb.三月March Mar. 四月April Apr.五月May 六月June Jun.七月July Jul. 八月August Aug.九月September Sep./Sept. 十月October Oct.十一月November Nov. 十二月December Dec.点拨表示“在某月”用介词in.如:in October在十月.(二)某年某月某日表示某年某月某日,常在年份前加上逗号.表示月、日时既可先写“月”再写“日”,也可先写“日”再写“月”.日期中的“几号”可用基数词,也可用序数词.介词应用on.On 17(th) May,20202020年5月17日On May 17(th),2020年和月连用时,应把月写在前面,年写在后面,中间可以用逗号分开,也可以不用.August 2019 December,2019月和日连用时,可用两种方法来表示.如5月4日可写成May 4(读作May the fourth)或4th May(读作the fourth of May).八、世纪、年代表示法20世纪(in) the 20th century30年代(in) the thirties2020年(in) 2020(twenty twenty)20世纪90年代(in) the 1990s或1990's(nineteen nineties)九、温度计刻度读法用基数词表示:degree表示“度”;centigrade表示“百分度的,摄氏”;minus表示“负的”;point表示“小数点”.-3℃读作:minus three degrees centigrade(或three below zero)-18℃读作:minus eighteen degrees centigrade(或eighteen below zero)20℃读作:twenty degrees centigrade25.3℃读作:twenty-five point three degrees centigrade十、四则运算表示法(一)运算符号+读作:plus/and -读作:minus/from/take awayx读作:times/multiplied by ÷读作:over/divided by=读作:equal(s)/is equal to,或is/are,或makes/make(二)算式的读法3+6=9 Three plus six is nine. 5+5=? How much is five plus five?10-5=5 Ten minus five is five. 4x2=8 Four times two is eight.20÷4=5 Twenty divided by four is five. 25-5=? How much is twenty-five minus five?(三)编号表示法编号可用序数词或基数词表示,序数词位于名词之前,并加定冠词;基数词位于名词之后.即“the+序数词+名词”或“名词+基数词(首字母常大写)”.第五页:the fifth page或Page 5第二课:the second lesson或Lesson Two(四)年龄表示法1.一般情况下多用“基数词+year(s)+old”表示年龄,也可以直接用基数词表示年龄.I'm 18 years old when I start to live on my own.我开始独立生活时18岁.He is a student,15,from Anhui.他是一个学生,15岁,来自安徽.2.表示一个人具体的岁数时,可以用“at the age of+基数词"“at the+基数词”或“at+基数词”He started to learn piano at the age of seven.他在7岁的时候开始学习钢琴.3.“in one's+整十基数词的复数形式”可表示“在某人几十岁时”He went to London in his twenties.他在二十多岁时去了伦敦.(五)hundred, thousand, million等词的用法1.表示确切数目时,用基数词加hundred, thousand, million等The volunteers sent two hundred books to a mountain village school on Children's Day.在儿童节那天,志愿者向一所山村学校寄了两百本书.2.表示不确切的数目时,hundred, thousand, million等后加s且与of连用Do you know that the Earth is home to millions of animals?你知道地球是数百万动物的家园吗?好题精练一、用英语表示下列基数词1.,0038.1,5629.13,427 10.3,872,658答案:1.five2.eight3.twelve4.fifty-two5.seventy-six6.one hundred and eight7.one thousand and three 8.one thousand, five hundred and sixty-two9.thirteen thousand, four hundred and twenty-seven10.three million, eight hundred and seventy-two thousand, six hundred and fifty-eight二、写出相应的序数词1.two2.four3.thirteen4.fifteen5.eighteen6.twenty7.twenty five8.fifty four9.hundred 10.two hundred and two 答案:1.second2.fourth3.thirteenth4.fifteenth5.eighteenth6.twentieth7.twenty-fifth8.ffty-fourth9.hundredth 10.two hundred and second三、用英文写出下列词组1.一个半小时2.6点12分3.差5分12点4.第10课5.1949年10月1日6.在1952年7.在3月8日8.15路公共汽车9.第25页答案:1.an hour and a half2.twelve past six3.fve(minutes) to twelve4.Lesson Ten5.October the first,nineteen forty-nine6.in nineteen fifty-two7.on March the eighth8.Bus Number Fifteen/No. 15 bus9.Page Twenty-fine四、完成下列句子1.There are_________ days in a week.2.“M”is the_________ letter in the word “autumn”.3. _________ (第100位)student is the tallest.4.September is_________ month of the year.5.He studies at_________ (第35中学).答案:1.seven2.fifth3.The hundredth4.the ninth5.No.35 High School。
专题四 数词(试题部分)

4.(2016广东茂名,26)The building has A.twenty-first;eighth
floors and I live on the
C.twenty-one;eight 答案 B 句意:这个建筑有21层,我住在第八层。本题考查基数词和序数词的基本用法。由 第一个空后的名词复数floors可知第一个空用基数词。由句意可知第二个空用序数词。故选
lion of
lions of
答案 A 句意:据报道,中国有3亿多烟民,占世界上所有烟民的近三分之一之多。本题考查 数词的用法。million与数词连用表示具体数字时,其后不加-s,也不接of。故正确答案为A项。
11.(2015兰州,37) A.Fifth two
B.thousands of
答案 B 句意:——“食品安全”最近已经成为最热门的话题之一。——是的,它每天会获 得成千上万次的互联网点击量。本题考查数词的用法。thousand和hundred用作单数时,前面
months in a year.October is the
答案 C 句意:一年有十二个月。十月是第十个月。本题考查数词。强调数量要用基数词, 故第一设空处要填twelve,排除B、D两项;序数词前面要加定冠词the,因此结合句意和the可知, 此处要填tenth。故正确答案为C项。

five o’clock 5:00 twenty-five past six 6:25 half past six 6:30 a quarter to seven 6:45 ten to seven 6:50
(五)英语中加、减、乘、除表达法(等号是equals/is) 算法 加法 加、减、乘、除号 加号是and/plus 例句
twice两倍 两倍用twice,三倍及以上用times three times三倍 four times四倍 点 “.”用point one point six 1.6 fifty percent 50%
Don’t worry. There is still one and a half hours/one hour and a half left now.
基数词 C) C.Class Three
1.(2016·中考改编)—Which class won the match in the end? —I'm not quite sure.Perhaps________did.( A.Class Third B.Third Class
for a visit during holidays.( B )
A.thousand C.five thousands 3 . (2016· 中考改编 )Now , everybody , please turn to Page________and look at the________picture.( B ) B.thousands of

4. (2013省卷29题)—Excuse me, sir. Here’s a
package for Lin Tao. Which room does he live
B A. 308 Room
B. Room 308
B. C. The Room 308 D. The 308 Room
第二 部分 (dì èr) 语法专题研究
专题 四 (zhuāntí)
命题 点1 (mìng tí) 基数词和序数词 (2016.28,2015.29,
一 省卷6年真题(2011~2016)
和生活常识可知,广州是外国人的第二故乡, 再根据空格后的名词是单数形式(xíngshì),所以不 能用基数词two,故排除A、D项;第③步:由 空前的限定词their, 可知这里应该用不加the的 序数词。故选B。
例2: Please write down the new words in the text of ____.
3. (2014省卷29题)It’s never too old to learn. Karl Marx began to learn English in his______.
A. the fiftDieth B. fiftieth C. fifty D. fifties
数所有格形式。如:five minutes' walk步

2015年中考英语复习专题练习4(数词)含答案( )1. (2014 .淮安)She enjoys collecting. She has collected over three _______ stamps.A. hundredB. hundredsC. hundred ofD. hundreds of( )2. (2014.黄石)There are _______ doctors in this hospital; _______ of them are women doctors.A two hundred; two-fifth B. two hundreds; two-fifthC. two hundred; two-fifthsD. two hundreds; two-fifths( )3. (2014.兰州)- How long is the bridge?- It's_______.A. 300-metre-longB. 300-metres longC. 300 metres longD. 300 metre long( )4. (2014 .赤峰)It is said that _______ of the water all over the world _______ polluted.A two-three; is B. two-thirds; isC. two-thirds; areD. two-thirds; has( )5. (2014 .乌鲁木齐)- How far is the small town from London?- It's about _______ kilometres.A two hundred and thirty fiveB. two hundreds and thirty fiveC. two hundreds and thirty-fiveD. two hundred and thirty-five( )6. (2014.黔东南)There are _______ months in a year. May is the _______ month of a year.A twelfth; fiveB twelve; fifthC. twelve; fivethD. twelfth; fifth( )7. (2014 .黔西南)- Which is the biggest number of the four?- _______.A One-thirdB Two-thirdsC. A halfD. A quarter1( )8. (2014 .哈尔滨)On June 2nd this year, _______ people celebrated the Dragon Boat Festival near the Songhua River. To our joy, there was little rubbish left.A. thousands ofB. thousandC. two thousands( )9. (2014.龙东)_______ fans would like to go to Brazil to watch the World Cup.A. Million ofB. Millions ofC. Millions( )10. (2014 .河池)- Where is Class _______?- It's on the _______ floor.A. Ninth; secondB. Ninth; twoC. Nine; secondD. Nine; two( )11. (2014.绥化)- How old is Mary?-_______. We had a special party for her _______ birthday yesterday.A Twenty; twentythB. Twenty; twentiethC. Twenties; twentieth( )12. (2014 .广东)It's never too old to learn Karl Marx began to learn English in his_______.A the fiftieth B. fiftiethC. fiftyD. fifties( )13. (2014 .宜宾)In this test, we're asked to write a passage of about_______.A 80-words B. 80-wordC. 80 wordsD. 80 words'( )14. (2014 .梅州)The sinking accident in Korea happened _______ April 16, 2014 and _______ people lost their lives.A in; hundreds B. on; many hundredsC. on; hundreds ofD. at; many hundred of参考答案1-5.ACCBD 6-10.BBABC 11-14.BDCC2。

in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on August____ ,
A. thirty-one; five
C. thirty-first; five
B. thirty-first; fifth
D. thirty-one; fifth
【解析】考查数词的用法。句意为:第_____届奥运 会将于2016年八月_____在巴西的里约热内卢举行。 “第三十一”具有顺序性,所以用序数词;“八月
专题四 数词
考点抢测 满分点拨
考点抢测 满分点拨
1. Beier is _______(five) years old, but she five
sings very well.
【解析】句意为:贝儿今年五岁,但是她歌唱得很好。 五岁用基数词,故填five。
2. 基数词的用法(共考查16次) (1)表示数量时,通常百位数与十位数之间 用and 接;1,000以上的基数词表示方法为:从右向左 用分节号“,”,每三个数字为一个节,第一个 分节号前用thousand,第二个分节号前用million,
如: 150 31 可写作:one hundred and fifty 可写作:thirty-one
【解析】考查数词的用法。句意为:今天是这个男孩 的______生日。他现在五岁了。fifteen 15,基数词; 从句意可知,此处应该填“5”的序数词作定语,修饰
fifth第5,序数词;five 5,基数词;fifty 50,基数词。

◆基数词和序数词的用法 1. 基数词表示数量的多少。如: There are eleven boys in our class.我们班有11名 男生。
2. 序数词前必须加the。如:
The second is what I really need. 第二个是我真 正需要的。
3. 序数词前若有限定词,则不用加the。如:
C. thousands of
【解析】考查概数词的用法。句意为“‘食 品安全’最近已经成了最热门的话题之 一 。 ” “ 是 的 , 它 每 天 收 到 ________ 点 击 率。”thousand前面有具体数字时只能用单 数,若要用复数,只能与介词of连用,表示
泛指。因此只有 thousands of 符合题意。故
It is my third time to visit Beijing. 这是我第三
次参观北京。 4. 序数词前面也可以加不定冠词 a 或 an, 表示 “又一,再”,内含顺序性。如: We’ve tried it three times. Must we try it a
fourth time? 我们已经试过三遍了,还必须再试
A.308 Room
B. Room 308
C. The Room 308
【解析】考查基数词的用法。句意为“打扰 了,这是给林涛的包裹。他住在哪一个房
间?”“ ____可排除 C项;而表示“几号房间”,
第二部分 语法专题突破
专题四 数词
考点一 基数词与序数词 1.基数词与序数词(近7年考查2次) one-first four-fourt ten-tenth thirteenthirteenth sixteensixteenth two-second five-fifth eleven-eleventh fourteenfourteenth seventeenseventeenth three -third six-sixth nine-ninth twelve-twelfth fifteenfifteenth eighteeneighteenth
【2020】中考英语小题狂做 专题4 数词(含2015真题回顾)

A.. fifties B fifty C.. fiftieths D.. fiftieth
【20xx衡阳】27.. Yesterday was his ______ birthday.. He enjoyed himself
A.. Thousands of B.. Two thousands C.. Thousand of
( )6.. The number of the cars in our neighbourhood is about eight _______, and _______ of them are new cars..
A.. five B.. fifth C.. five of D.. fifth of
【20xx重庆B】It’s reported that over eight ______ lost their lives in the earthquake in Nepal this
A.. thousand B.. thousands C.. thousand of D.. thousands of
【20xx凉山州】Kate is a school girl.. She got many presents on her _______ birthday.. A.. nine B.. the ninth C.. ninetieth D.. ninth
A.. two-threeB.. two-thirdC.. two-thirdsD.. second-three
中考英语备课指导:英语专题讲座(四) 数词导学案(有答案)

最近他对母亲节你在博客里发的《游子吟》(Song of the parting son)很感兴趣,给你写信想了解该诗,请你根据以下提示给他回信:1.作者:孟郊2.时间:唐朝3.内容:母亲为儿子做衣服4.主题:母爱的伟大注意:1.文中不得出现你的真实姓名和学校名称;2.语言通顺,意思连贯,条理清楚,书写规范;3.词数: 80-100词左右,信件的开头与结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。
Dear Jack,I’m glad to hear from you. I know you are interested in this poem Song of the parting son._______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________Yours,【答案】Dear Jack,I’m glad to hear from you. I know you are interested in this poem Song of the parting son. Now I’m writing to tell you something about it.Song of the parting son is one of the most popular Chinese poems. It was written by Meng Jiao, a famous poet in Tang Dynasty. It describes a common matter in daily life—a mother making clothes for her son, which is familiar to most of us. It mainly shows how great a mother’s love can be. In a word, this short poem has touched many people’s hearts.If you have any other questions about this poem, please tell me.Yours,Li Hua 【解析】【分析】这是一篇材料作文。

如:July 5th,1989 1989年7月5日(读为July the fifth, nineteen, eighty-nine)
August 1st,20xx 20xx年8月1日(读为August the first, two thousand and five)
02 定义 概念清晰化
数词就是用于表示数目的多少或顺序的先后的词,分为基数词和序数词两种。表示数量的数词是基数词,如one, two, three等;表示顺序的数词是序数词,如first, second, third等。
03 知识归类 知识网络化
four 4
4..常见的数字符号和等式的读法:=(等于号)读作 equals,+(加号)读作 plus或and,-(减号)读作minus,×(乘号)读作times 或multiplied by,÷(除号)读作divided by。如:
3+2=5读作Three plus two equals(或is)five../Three and two is(或equals)five../Three and two makes five..
Tom often gets up at six in the morning..
4:25four twenty-five
6:30six thirty
at twenty past six,at a quarter past eleven
2019-2020学年中考英语语法备考04 数词(讲解)(含答案)

知识梳理:提纲挈领,抓住重点和难点!1. 基数词的构成注意:(1)基数词1-12是独立单词,需逐个记忆。
(3)基数词20-90的整十数除twenty,thirty,forty,fifty, eighty为特殊形式外是在个位数词后面加-ty构成。
如21 twenty-one2.基数词的读法(1)在读三位数或三位数以上的基数词时,需在十位数之前(若十位数是“0”,在个位前)加连词and。
304-three hundred and four1,342-one thousand,three hundred and forty-two(2)阿拉伯数字每三位数就需用一个逗号隔开,从后往前数;所用的英语单词为:thousand(千),million(百万),billion(十亿),英语中没有“万”和“亿”,在表示“万”和“亿”时要按十进位法来推算。
100,000,000可写成a hundred million。
35,845可写成thirty-five thousand,eight hundred3.基数词的基本用法4.hundred,thousand,million与billion的用法(1)与具体数词one,two…或several,some,many等车用时,要用单数形式。
初中英语中考复习 第4讲 数词 备战2023年中考英语一轮复习重点知识课件

B.three quarter s;are D.three quarter ;are
cover ed
students went to the univer sity to listen to
【注意】“单数名词+基数词”可转换成“the+序数词+单数名词”, 此时名词的第一个字母不大写。如:Lesson Three=the thir d lesson 第三课。
【方法技巧】 名词在前要用基,名词在后就用序。
(5)“ 基 数 词 + 单 数 名 词 ” 相 当 于 复 合 形 容 词 作 定 语 。 如 : a three-year -old girl 一个三岁大的女孩。复合形容词中的名词一定是单数。 复合形容词不能作表语,后面必须跟上所修饰的名词。
3.(2022·襄阳)—Is Dongjin High-speed Railway Station the B
largest in Hubei Province?
—Yes,of course.It's just a little smaller than the largest one in Wuhan.
【注意】hundred,thousand,million,billion 前有具体数字或 several 修饰时,不用复数形式;表示不确定数目时,要在其后加-s 和 of。如:three hundred students 三百名学生;thousands of students 成千上万的学生。
2.基数词的用法 (1)表示数量的多少。 (2)表示年份或日期,年用基数词,日用序数词。如:1999 年 12 月 20 日读作 December the twentieth,nineteen ninety-nine。 (3)表示时刻。如:7:00 读作 seven o'clock; 8:30 读作 half past eight/eight thirty; 3:05 读作 five past three/three five; 5:48 读作 twelve to six/five forty-eight。
2021年新疆中考英语语法专项复习练习:专题04 数词

专题04数词考点自测1.This is my time to come here. Please tell me if there is a bus station near here?A. firstB. secondC. oneD. twost year, three hundred English teachers took part in the English Training.A. two-monthB. two-monthsC. two monthsD. two month3.My classroom is on floor. It’s too high for the old teachers.A. the fifthB. fifthC. the fiveD. fiveth4. of the teachers in our school are women teachers.A. Three quarterB. Three quartersC. Three fourthD. Three fours5.There are days in a year.A. three hundreds sixty-fiveB. three hundreds and sixty-fiveC. three hundred and sixty-fiveD. three hundred and sixty and five6.Today we will learn . I think it must be interesting.A. Unit TwoB. Units twoC. Two unitsD. Second unit7.Many tourists arrived in Xinjiang on .A. June the sevenB. June sevenC. seventh of JuneD. the seventh of June8.—What do you know about the cartoon?—Well,it became very popular in Western countries when the creator of it was only .A. in 1990s; in his twentiesB. in the 1990s; in his twentiesC. in the 1990; in his twentyD. in 1990; in the twenties9.Boys and girls, please turn to Page and look at the picture.A. Fifth; fiveB. Five; fiveC. Fifth; fifthD. Five; fifth10.My of the money was used to buy books.A.sixty percentB. sixty percentsC. sixth percentsD. sixtieth percents综合演练Ⅰ.单项选择1. [2020·丹东] The words from Page 1 to Page 3 are very clear. But the ones on the pageare not.A. firstB. twoC. threeD. fourth2. [2020·齐齐哈尔改编] The apartment has floors and Mr. Black lives on the floor with his family.A. twelve; twelveB. twelve; twelfthC. twelfth; twelfthD. twelfth; twelve3.—Tom, how much do you spend on books every year?—Over three yuan.A. thousandB. thousandsC. thousands ofD. thousand of4. [2020·毕节] His office is at the top of the tall building. You should take a lift to the floor.A. firstB. thirtiethC. thirtyD. thirteen5.—Which country do you think will win the first prize of the match?—You mean the football match that will be held in ?A. twenty-one; RussiaB. twenty-first; RussianC. twenty-first; RussiaD. twenty-one; Russian6.Nowadays,farmers leave their hometown to search for work in the cities.A. million ofB. two millionsC. millions ofD. two millions of7.—Li Lei, which is day of a week?—Thursday, I think.A. fifthB. the fifthC. fiveD. the five8. [2020·达州] —It’s said that the two doctors have just come back from Wuhan. —Yeah. I know them. They are both already in their .A. woman; sixtyB. women; sixtiethC. women; sixtiesD. woman; sixties9.—Have you ever come to Mount Xinlong in Qinyang City before?—Yes. This is my visit to it. I have come here twice before.A. twoB. secondC. threeD. third10. [2020·内江] Our hometown is becoming more and more beautiful. visitors come here on weekends.A. HundredB. HundredsC. Hundred ofD. Hundreds of11.Li Ming can take a programming class a week at his school’s programming club.A. twoB. twiceC. secondD. secondly12. [2020·黔南州] Tomorrow we are going to celebrate my dear grandpa’s birthday.A. eightyB. eightiethC. eightD. eighth13.—Yan Jiashuo, a girl, has won the prize of International Master of Memory. —Wow, she’s great, isn’t she?A. ten-year-oldB. ten-years-oldC. ten year oldD. ten years old14.The number “23,456” can be read as “”.A. twenty-three thousand, four hundred and fifty-sixB. twenty-three thousand and four hundred fifty-sixC. two three thousand and four five sixD. two three thousand four and five six15.You all failed in the exam yesterday, so I want to give you chance.A. oneB. a secondC. the thirdD. once16.—Dad, about of our classmates wear glasses.—Oh, that’s terrible. You all should take good care of your eyes.A. three fourthB. third fourthC. third fourthsD. three quarters17.—Is Dongjin High-speed Railway Station the largest in Hubei Province?—Yes, of course. It’s just a little smaller than the largest one in Wuhan.A. firstB. secondC. thirdD. fourth18.—How do you say “1:57” in English?—It’s .A. three past twoB. fifty-seven past oneC. three to oneD. three to two19.We asked 1,000 students from Hope School about what kind of books they love. Here are the results.According to the pie chart above,of the students love science books.A.ten percentB. fifteen percentC. a quarterD. half20.My daughter is years old. Today is her birthday.A. nine; ninethB. nine; ninthC. ninth; nineD. nineth; nineⅡ.词汇A. 根据首字母提示补全单词,使句子完整、通顺。

专题四 数 词 1.amazing the noodle is! ,and breaks the Guinness World Record as the longest handmade noo⁃dle.A.1,704⁃metre⁃longB.1,704⁃metres⁃longlong D.1,704metre long2.number of the students in our school is about nine . ofA.hundred;Two thirdsB.hundred;Two thirdthirds C.hundreds;Two third3.is the most important meal of a day.The picture200students in a school eat breakfast.From the informa⁃tion,we know the number of the students who usually eat breakfast is .A.20B.24C.404.you know the boy is sitting next to Peter?is Peter’s friend.They are celebrating his birthday.B.that;ninethC./;ninethD.which;ninth5.think of the materials I listened to at the beginning of the examA.three fourths;isB.third four;areC.three fourths;areD.three fourth;are6.Jenny was born .A.on July10,1987B.in July10,1987C.in1987,July10D.on1987,July107.What did the headmaster say about Jim’s .A.two⁃months holidayB.second months’holidayC.two⁃month holidayD.second months holiday8.In1850,about was covered by forests in the US.A.first thirdB.a thirdC.the thirdD.first thirds9.The bridge is about long.A.five hundred metreB.five hundreds of metresC.five hundreds metresD.five hundred metres10.September is month of the year.A.nineB.the ninthC.the ninethD.the nine11.I’m years old.I had a special party on my birthday last Sunday.A.twelve;twelvethB.twelve;twelfthC.twelfth;twelfthD.twelve;twelve12.We are going to study tomorrow.A.lesson fiveB.the lesson fiveC.Lesson FiveD.fifth lesson13.The man made much money when he was in .A.his fortyB.his fortiesC.the fortyD.one’s forties14. How long is the new bridge? It’s about meters.A.nine hundreds and fifty⁃oneB.nine hundred fifty and twoC.nine hundred and fifty⁃oneD.nine hundred fifty two15.Now children,turn to page and look at the picture in Lesson Two.A.twentieth;oneB.twenty;oneC.twentieth;firstD.twenty;first16. What is the date today? It’s .A.ThursdayB.June the fifteenthC.the best dayD.June fifteen17.This picture is quite old.We can still see it was drawn in century.A.sixteenB.the sixteenC.sixteenthD.the sixteenth18.The accident happened on .A.nine day of MarchB.the nine day of MarchC.nine days of MarchD.the ninth of March19.This is a big class and of the students are from the country.A.two thirdB.second threeC.two thirdsD.two three20.We all like the boy .A.of ten years oldB.ten⁃year⁃oldC.at ten years oldD.of age of ten21.We don’t have enough nurses to look after the patients.At least are needed.A.ten another nursesB.more ten nursesC.other ten nursesD.another ten nurses22. What’s the date today? It’s .A.August twenty⁃fiveB.twenty⁃five AugustC.August twenty⁃fifthD.twenty⁃fifths August23. How was your day off yesterday?Perfect!It was birthday of my grandma’s.We had a big family celebration.A.eightyB.the eightiethC.eightiethD.eightyth24. I don’t know how long you can stay with us. About .A.one and two daysB.one and two dayC.one or two dayD.a day or two25.He can’t finish it in five days,so he wants you to give him .A.a sixth dayB.a six dayC.six daysD.the six day专题四 数 词1~5 C A C A C 6~10 A C B D B 11~15 B C B C D 16~20 B D D C A 21~25 D C B D A。
专题四 数词(课件)-2022年中考英语语法知识点大全

A. the three B. three C. third D. the third 3. Three months is not enough for me to finish the project alone. I need ___C_____ month.
A. six thousands
B. six thousand
C. six thousands of
D. six thousand of
3. asketball is so exciting that D people play it for fun.
A. million B. two millions C. million of D. millions of
13-19 由3-9加teen构成。(特殊的有:thirteen, fifteen, eighteen)
20-90之间的整十数以ty 结尾 twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety
20-90之间的 “几十几”,十位和各位之间加连词符, twenty-five
3. (辽宁)—How many students in your class get to school on foot? —About _A_____ of them do. A. three fifths B. two third C. first four D. one seconds

【知识方法】基数词的用法序数词的用法年代表达法日期表达法数词分数的表答法小数的表达法百分数的表达法倍数的表达法知识清单数词英语数词表示数目或者顺序, 可分为基数词和序数词。
知识梳理:提纲挈领,抓住重点和难点!1. 基数词的构成注意:(1)基数词1-12是独立单词,需逐个记忆。
(2)基数词13-19是在个位数词的词干后加-teen构成,其中 thirteen,fifteen,eighteen变化不规则。
(3)基数词20-90的整十数除twenty,thirty,forty,fifty, eighty为特殊形式外是在个位数词后面加-ty构成。
如21 twenty-one2.基数词的读法(1)在读三位数或三位数以上的基数词时,需在十位数之前(若十位数是“0”,在个位前)加连词and。
304-three hundred and four1,342-one thousand,three hundred and forty-two(2)阿拉伯数字每三位数就需用一个逗号隔开,从后往前数;所用的英语单词为:thousand(千),million(百万),billion(十亿),英语中没有“万”和“亿”,在表示“万”和“亿”时要按十进位法来推算。
100,000,000可写成a hundred million。
35,845可写成thirty-five thousand,eight hundred3.基数词的基本用法4.hundred,thousand,million与billion的用法(1)与具体数词one,two…或several,some,many等车用时,要用单数形式。
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数词Name:______ Date:______【美文欣赏】Time is Money一寸光阴一寸金Listen, his steps are light, 你听,他脚步轻轻,Listen, his words are light 你听,他话语轻轻,The Old Man of Time is running. 时间老人不停地跑,He tells us to catch up with him. 提醒我们莫落后.Oh, time is money. 啊,一寸光阴一寸金,Don’t waste your valuable time 切莫虚度好年华.【内容解读】1.基数词的构成及其用法2.序数词的构成及其用法3.正确使用基数词和序数词【能力解读】在正确运用基数词和序数词的基本用法的基础上,重点掌握构成及其用法,理解数词的某些特殊用法,并能在题干所提示的语境和逻辑关系中灵活运用。
【06年中考真题】1. Liu Xiang is Olympic winner in the hurdles(跨栏), we’re proud of him.A. 110-metreB. 110-metresC. 110 metreD. 110 metres2. I think of the materials I listen to at the beginning of the exam easy.A. two thirds, isB. second three, areC. two thirds, areD. two third, are3. June is the month of a year.A. sixB. sixthC. sevenD. seventh4. —What’s the time now?—It’sA. ten o’clockB. ThursdayC. June 15D. morning5. The question is much more difficult than this one.A. sixthB. sixC. sixteenD. sixty6. —Excuse me, could you tell me where the nearest post office is?—The nearest post office? You will have to walk .A. 500—meters awayB. 500 meter farC. 500 meters fartherD. 500—meter—far away7. —What’s one fourth and a half, can you tell me?—Yes, it’s .A. two sixthsB. three fourthsC. one threeD. three sixths8. This is a big class, and of the students are girls.A. two thirdB. second threeC. two thirdsD. two three9. Kate lives in .Mine is next to hers.A. the room fiveB. Room FiveC. five room10. It is said that the gravity on Mars is only about of the gravity on earth.A. three-eighthsB. third-eighthC. three-eightsD. third-eight11. people in the world are sending and receiving e-mails every day.A. Million ofB. Many millions ofC. Several millions ofD. Several millions12. We all know that two and one is three. Here “is” means “”.A. =B. %C. <D. >13. It was the second time for China to send a manned(载人的) spaceship into the sky, but it wasthe time for Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng to go to the space.A. firstB. secondC. thirdD. last14. girls took part in the Super Girl Competition but only few of them succeeded.A. One million ofB. Thousands and millionsC. Millions ofD. Two millions15. There are about two students in the nearly built school.A. thousandB. thousandsC. thousand ofD. thousands of16. Mr and Mrs Brown get 2,000 dollars in all from their work everybelow shows they spend on clothing and food every month.A. $800B. $900C. $1,00017. He became a famous writer when he was . A. in his fifty B. in his fifties C. in fifty years old D. in fifties 18. My school isn ’t far from here. It ’s only walk. A. fifteen minutes B. fifteen minutes ’ C. fifteen minute ’s 19. —How old is your son?— . We had a special party for his birthday lastSunday.A. Nine; ninthB. Nine; nineC. Ninth; nineD. Ninth; ninth20. This is the time in days that he had made the same mistake.A. second, thirdB. two, threeC. two, thirdD. second, three【02-05年中考真题】1. —Excuse me, how does this number 20, 135 read? —It reads .A. twenty thousands one hundred and thirty-fiveB. twenty thousand one hundred thirty fiveC. twenty thousand one hundred and thirty-fiveD. twenty thousand, one hundred and thirty-five2. —Bob, can you write the number seven hundred and eighty thousand and thirty-two?—Yes, It is .A. 78032B. 7832C. 7800032D. 7800323. It is said that SARS has killed more than people worldwide.A. two hundredsB. two hundreds ’C. two hundred ’sD. two hundred4. In our school several students are able to search the Internet for useful information now.A. hundred ofB. hundreds forC. hundredD. hundreds5. Chinese are looking for ways to learn English well before Beijing 2008 Olympics.A. ThousandB. ThousandsC. Thousand ofD. Thousands of6. Bill said they would have a holiday.A. two-monthB. two monthsC. two-monthsD. two month ’s7. —What ’s 1/9 and 2/3? — .A. Seven-ninthsB. Five-sixthsC. Seven-ninthD. Five-ninths8. trees were planted on the mountain last year.A. Thousands ofB. Thousand ofC. Five thousand ofD. Five thousands.9. of the students are girls in our class.A. Two threeB. Two threesC. Two thirdsD. Second three10. people come to Jilin to visit Mount Changbai every year.A. Thousands ofB. Thousand ofC. ThousandsD. Thousand11. During the holidays, people came to visit the beautiful city-Liaocheng.A. thousandB. several thousandsC. thousands ofD. ten thousand of12. In our city people have moved into their new houses.A. thousandsB. thousandC. thousands of13. She is , but she looks young.A. in her fiftyB. at her fiftyC. in her fiftiesD. at her fifties14. The accident happened on .A. nine day of MarchB. the nine day of MarchC. nine days of MarchD. the ninth of March15. In the past two years, many tall buildings have been built in our city. The tallest is anthat stands in the center.A. 80-floor buildingB. 60-floor buildingC. 80-floor buildingsD. 70 floors building16. Our summer holiday is coming. Two the students in our school will go to the beach.A. hundredB. hundredsC. hundred ofD. hundreds of17. trees have been cut down, so droughts and floors always happen.A. One or twoB. A thousand and a hundredC. Hundreds and thousands of18. —How many people will come to Beijing for the 2008 Olympic games?—It’s hard to say. I think.A. Millions ofB. MillionC. Two million ofD. Two millions of19. During World War Ⅱ, a Jewish(犹太) lady was protected by a local family in Shanghai inher 。