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Unit Two Growing Pains

Part One knowledge

I Word study

1.act n (戏剧的)一幕vi 表现行动

The time for talking is past ;we must ~ at once .

You acted =behaved wisely by ignoring such bad advice.

Who is ~ing Hamlet? He ~ed very well in the play.

act as

I don’t understand their language; you’ll have to act as interpreter.

2.surpsrise vt&n

sth ~ sb sb be ~ed (at) sth be ~ ing

to one’s great surprise

His not passing the exam, surprised us very much.

We were surprised at his not passing the exam.

To our great surprise ,he didn’t pass the exam.

3.explain ~ sth to sb/ ~ to sb that

He ~ed his plan in some details.

Could you ~ why you left without saying anything?

Please ~ this problem to us .

She ~ed the children that the school had been closed .

Explanation n

He left the room without explanation.

4.charge vt要价

n 1)负责,掌管2)费用

~ (sb/sth) for sth

How much do you ~for mending shoes ?

I’m not going there again ----- they ~ed me five dollars for a cup of coffee! in charge take charge of in charge of

under /in one’s charge

Leave a child in charge of the shop while the manager was away.

Who’s in charge here?

These patients are under the charge of Dr Wilson .

The department was badly organized until she took charge(of it)

All goods are delivered free of charge.

5.reason n 理由,原因

for this /that ~

for some ~

the ~ for (doing ) sth

the ~ why +从句

Can you tell us the reason why you didn’t attend the meeting yesterday? For some reason ,he won’t believe you .

reasonable adj.

NOTE : cause n起因vt引起

the cause of sth

What ~ed the fire (to happen)?

What is the ~ of the fire ?

~ sb / sth to do sth

What ~ed us to think of your childhood?

6.punish vt

~ sb for (doing )

Xiao Li was punished by his parents for not passing the exam . Scold/criticize/blame etc

punishment n unpunished adj.

7. trust n & vt

A good marriage is based on ~.

I put my ~ in you.

They are not to be ~ed.

You can’t ~ what the papers say.

Can I ~ trust you to post this letter ?

8.upset vt 1)打翻弄翻打乱2)使。。。。苦恼或心烦

~ one’s cup /the milk etc

A large wave ~the boat .

Our arrangements for the weekend were upset by her visit.

Sth upset sb sb be upset

The problem ~s him so much.

Don’t ~ yourself -----no harm has been done.

He was ~ at not being invited.

be emotionally upset心烦意乱

9.rude adj. be ~ to do

He is a very ~ man.

Don’t be ~ to people

be rude /cruel /impolite to sb

be kind/polite/friendly to do

rudely adv rudeness n

10. score n &vt 1)得分2)+twenty

a high /low ~

make a good ~ of 90 points

What’s my ~?

The final ~ was 4-3.

She ~ed 120 in the maths test.

a ~ of people =twenty people

three scorean ten

scores of 几十(个)

There are three score students /scores of students in the classroom.

11. insist vt&vi 1)坚持(应该做)2)坚持认为

I insist that you should take an immediate action to put this right. He ~s that I (should ) be present.
