
译林版牛津小学英语三年级下册单词【音标版本】Unit 1shout [ʃaʊt]喊;叫in class [ɪn]英[klɑːs] 美[klæs]在上课run [rʌn]跑;跑步Stand up. [stænd ʌp] 起立eat [iːt]吃Mr ['mɪstə(r)]先生here [hɪə]这里;在这里Sit down. [sɪt daʊn] 坐下talk [tɔːk]说话;谈话Please [pliːz]请sleep [sliːp]睡觉open ['əʊp(ə)n]开;打开drink [drɪŋk]喝the [ðə] 这个;这些;那个;那些milk [mɪlk]牛奶door [dɔː]门English ['ɪŋɡliʃ]英语Sorry ['sɒrɪ]对不起your [jɔː]你的,你们的come in [kʌm ɪn]进来close [kləʊs]关上;合上Unit 3window ['wɪndəʊ]窗,窗户pencil ['pens(ə)l]铅笔blackboard ['blækbɔːd]黑板isn’t [ɪzənt] = is not [ɪz nɒt]book [bʊk]书that's [ðæts] = that is [ðæt ɪz] rubber ['rʌbə]橡皮schoolbag ['skuːlbæɡ]书包don't [dəʊnt] = do not [duː nɒt]pen [pen]钢笔listen to ['lɪs(ə)n tuː]听crayon ['kreɪən]蜡笔Parrot ['pærət]鹦鹉ruler ['ruːlə]尺pencil case ['pens(ə)l keɪs]]铅笔盒Unit 2lunch box [lʌn(t)ʃ bɒks]]午餐盒In [ɪn]在……里where [weə]在哪里Library ['laɪbrərɪ; -brɪ]图书馆Where’s [weəz] = where is[weə ɪz] Shh 嘘over there ['əʊvə ðeə]在那里Unit 4ten [ten]十bird [bɜːd]鸟right [raɪt]对的;正确的beautiful ['bjuːtɪfl]漂亮的;美丽的out [aʊt]出局under ['ʌndə]在……下面What a nice cake! [wɒt ə naɪs keɪk] desk [desk]课桌;书桌 多么漂亮的蛋糕啊!behind [bɪ'haɪnd]在……的后面Make a wish. [meɪk ə wɪʃ ]许个愿吧。

译林三年级下英语重点单词Unit 1: At the Zoo1. animal - a living creature that can move, such as a dog, cat, or bird.2. zoo - a place where many different animals are kept for people to look at and learn about.3. lion - a large, powerful, wild animal of the cat family, usually found in Africa.4. elephant - a very large animal with a long trunk and big, curved tusks, typically found in Asia and Africa.5. monkey - a small to medium-sized primate that typically has a long tail and lives in trees.6. giraffe - a very tall African mammal with a long neck and legs.7. crocodile - a large reptile with a long body and a large mouth with sharp teeth, found in warm countries.8. kangaroo - a large Australian marsupial with a long, powerful tail and strong back legs.9. snake - a long, legless reptile that typically has a venomous bite and sheds its skin.10. penguin - a flightless bird that lives in the southern hemisphere, especially in Antarctica.11. flamingo - a large wading bird with a long neck, long legs, and pink or reddish feathers.12. tiger - a large, powerful, and carnivorous cat found in Asia and parts of Russia.13. bear - a large, heavy mammal with thick fur and a short tail, found in various parts of the world.14. hippopotamus - a large, mostly herbivorous African mammal with a barrel-shaped body and large mouth.15. rhinoceros - a large, thick-skinned herbivorous mammal with one or two huge horns on its nose.Unit 2: My Body1. head - the upper part of the human body, where the brain, eyes, mouth, and nose are located.2. hair - the thread-like strands that grow on the head of humans and animals.3. face - the front part of the head, with the eyes, nose, and mouth.4. eye - the organ that allows us to see.5. nose - the part of the face that sticks out above the mouth, used for smelling and breathing.6. ear - the organ of hearing and balance, located on the sides of the head.7. mouth - the opening in the face through which food and drink are taken in and words are spoken.8. tooth - a hard structure in the mouth used for biting and chewing food.9. tongue - a fleshy, movable, muscular organ in the mouth used for tasting, swallowing, and speaking.10. neck - the part of the body between the head and the shoulders.11. hand - the body part at the end of the arm with fingers and a thumb.12. arm - the upper limb of the body between the shoulder and the wrist.13. leg - each of the limbs on which a person or animal walks and stands.14. foot - the lower extremity of the leg, below the ankle, on which a person or animal stands or walks.15. toe - any of the five digits at the end of the human foot.Unit 3: My Home1. home - the place where a person lives, especially with their family.2. bedroom - a room designed for sleeping in, usually containing a bed and often other furniture.3. bathroom - a room in which people can have a bath or shower, or use the toilet.4. living room - a room in a house for general and informal everyday use.5. kitchen - a room or area where food is prepared and cooked.6. garden - a piece of ground, often near a house, used for growing flowers, vegetables, or herbs.7. door - a hinged, sliding, or revolving barrier at the entrance to a building.8. window - an opening in the wall or roof of a building that allows light and air to enter.9. roof - the structure forming the upper covering of a building or vehicle.10. wall - a vertical structure dividing or enclosing a building or room.11. floor - the lower surface of a room on which one stands or walks.12. staircase - a set of stairs leading from one floor to another, typically inside a building.13. chair - a seat typically having four legs and a back for one person.14. table - a piece of furniture with a flat top and one or more legs, used asa surface for working or eating.15. lamp - a device for giving light, consisting of a bulb or a tube that is connected to a source of electricity.Unit 4: On the Farm1. farm - an area of land used for growing crops or raising animals.2. farmer - a person who owns or manages a farm.3. cow - a large domesticated mammal used for milk or meat.4. horse - a large domesticated herbivorous mammal with hooves, used forriding and racing.5. pig - an omnivorous domesticated hoofed mammal raised for meat.6. sheep - a domesticated ruminant mammal with a thick woolly coat, raised for meat and wool.7. chicken - a domesticated bird that is commonly raised for eggs or meat.8. duck - a waterbird with a broad blunt bill, short legs, and webbed feet.9. goose - a large waterbird with a long neck, short legs, and webbed feet.10. rooster - a male chicken.11. goat - a sure-footed domesticated mammal raised for milk, meat, and wool.12. barn - a large farm building used for storing grain, hay, or straw or for housing livestock.13. tractor - a powerful motor vehicle with large rear wheels, used especially on farms for hauling equipment or trailers.14. field - an area of open land, especially one planted with crops or pasture.15. hay - grass that has been mown and dried for use as fodder.Unit 5: Community1. school - a place where children go to be educated.2. teacher - a person who teaches, especially in a school.3. student - a person who is studying at a school or college.4. friend - a person whom one knows and with whom one shares a bond of mutual affection.5. class - a group of students who are taught together.6. book - a written or printed work consisting of pages glued or sewn together along one side and bound in covers.7. pen - a device used to write or draw, consisting of a thin cylinder of ink sealed in a container.8. pencil - a thin cylindrical pointed writing implement made of wood or plastic.9. desk - a piece of furniture with a flat or sloping surface and typically with drawers, at which one can read, write, or work.10. chair - a seat typically having four legs and a back for one person.11. bag - a flexible container with an opening at the top used for carrying things.12. computer - an electronic device for storing and processing data and carrying out instructions.13. bus - a large motor vehicle used for carrying passengers, typically alonga fixed route.14. police - a civil force responsible for maintaining public order, preventing and detecting crime, and enforcing laws.15. hospital - an institution providing medical and surgical treatment for patients.Unit 6: At the Market1. market - a regular gathering of people for the purchase and sale of provisions, livestock, and other goods.2. fruit - the sweet or savory product of a tree or other plant that contains seeds and can be eaten as food.3. vegetable - a plant or part of a plant used as food, typically as accompaniment to meat or fish.4. bread - a staple food made from flour, water, and yeast, mixed together and baked.5. meat - the flesh of an animal, typically a mammal or bird, as food.6. fish - a limbless cold-blooded vertebrate animal with gills and fins and living wholly in water.7. egg - a hard-shelled oval or round object laid by a female bird, reptile, fish, or invertebrate.8. cheese - a food made from the pressed curds of milk.9. milk - an opaque white fluid rich in fat and protein, secreted by female mammals for the nourishment of their young.10. juice - the liquid obtained from or present in fruit or vegetables.11. yogurt - a semisolid sourish food prepared from milk fermented by added bacteria.12. cake - a sweet baked food made from a mixture of flour, sugar, and other ingredients.13. candy - a sweet food made with sugar or syrup combined with fruit, chocolate, or nuts.14. ice cream - a sweet frozen food made from dairy products, usually flavored and sweetened.15. chocolate - a food preparation made from roasted and ground cacao seeds, typically sweetened and eaten as dessert.Unit 7: Weather1. weather - the state of the atmosphere at a particular place and time, with regard to temperature, precipitation, and wind.2. sunny - having bright sunlight; filled with light.3. rainy - characterized by rain or a lot of rainfall.4. cloudy - covered with clouds; overcast.5. windy - characterized by or exposed to strong winds.6. snowy - characterized by snow or a lot of snowfall.7. hot - having a high degree of heat or a high temperature.8. cold - of or at a low temperature, especially when compared with the human body.9. temperature - the degree or intensity of heat present in a substance or object.10. thermometer - an instrument that measures and indicates temperature.11. umbrella - a device consisting of a folding canopy of waterproof material supported by a collapsible frame.12. raincoat - a waterproof coat worn to protect the body from rain.13. snowman - a figure made of packed snow in the shape of a person.14. lightning - the occurrence of a natural electrical discharge of very short duration and high voltage between a cloud and the ground.15. thunder - the loud rumbling or crashing noise heard after a lightningflash due to the expansion of rapidly heated air.Unit 8: Daily Activities1. wake up - stop sleeping; become or cause to become alert and consciousafter sleeping.2. get up - leave one's bed, especially in order to start the day.3. brush teeth - clean one's teeth with a toothbrush and toothpaste.4. wash face - clean one's face with water and usually soap or a cleanser.5. take a bath - cleanse oneself by immersion in water or washing in a shower.6. get dressed - put clothes on one's body.7. have breakfast - eat food in the morning as the first meal of the day.8. go to school - travel to an educational institution for learning.9. have lunch - eat a meal in the middle of the day.10. do homework - complete schoolwork tasks assigned by a teacher to be done at home.11. play with friends - engage in activities for enjoyment with companions.12. have dinner - eat a meal in the evening as the last meal of the day.13. take a shower - cleanse oneself by standing under a spray of water.14. watch TV - view television programs for entertainment or information.15. go to bed - get into one's bed to sleep or rest.Unit 9: Plants and Flowers1. plant - a living organism, typically growing in a permanent site, that absorbs nutrients from its surroundings.2. flower - the seed-bearing part of a plant, consisting of reproductive organs, typically surrounded by brightly colored petals.3. leaf - a flattened structure of a higher plant, typically green and blade-like, that is attached to a stem.4. stem - the main structural part of a plant that usually rises above the ground and supports leaves, flowers, and fruits.5. root - the part of a plant that attaches it to the ground or to a support, typically underground.6. bud - a compact growth on a plant that develops into a leaf, flower, or shoot.7. petal - each of the segments of the corolla of a flower, which are modified leaves and are typically colored.8. seed - a flowering plant's unit of reproduction, capable of developing into another such plant.9. fruit - the sweet or savory product of a tree or other plant that contains seeds and can be eaten as food.10. tree - a perennial plant with an elongated stem, or trunk, supporting branches and leaves.11. grass - vegetation consisting of typically short plants with long, narrow leaves, growing wild or cultivated on lawns.12. rose - a prickly bush or shrub that typically bears red, pink, yellow, or white fragrant flowers.13. tulip - a bulbous spring-flowering plant of the lily family, with boldly colored cup-shaped flowers.14. daisy - a small plant of a genus that includes the daisies, typically having yellow or white flowers with a round flat head.15. sunflower - a tall North American plant of the daisy family, with very large golden-rayed flowers and edible seeds.。

译林版小学英语三年级下册单词、词组、句型归纳一.四会单词the 这个,这些,那个,那些 close 关上,合上door 门open打开 window窗户 book书 in 在……里 run跑eat吃 talk说话;交谈 milk牛奶bird 鸟desk 课桌chair椅子on 在……上面 under 在……下面behind在……后面 pencil 铅笔 pen 钢笔ruler 尺where 在哪里 this 这个 that 那个my 我的your你的one 一 two 二 three 三four 四five 五six 六 seven 七eight 八nine 九ten 十class 课,上课 bed 床 OK 好,行lunch 午餐,午饭eleven 十一 twelve 十二bag 包 farm 农场they 他们,她们,它们 those 那些 apple 苹果 pear鸭梨orange 橙子 who 谁 we 我们 man 男人,人woman 妇女,女人girl 女孩boy 男孩 name 名字二.三会单词library 图书馆 shout 喊 here 这里 sleep 睡觉 drink 喝English 英语 your 你的walk 走please 请 Mr 先生sorry 对不起 rubber 橡皮ruler 尺子 parrot 鹦鹉blackboard 黑板 in 在……里面 tree 树beautiful 美丽的schoolbag 书包 crayon 蜡笔 pencil case 铅笔袋 lovely可爱的pencil box铅笔盒 right正确的 out出局want想要 time时间mum 妈妈o’clock 点钟 breakfast 早餐 dinner 晚餐these 这些 clock 钟 pig 猪 cow 奶牛 chicken 鸡duck 鸭子 picture 图画;照片 we're=we are 我们是twin 双胞胎之一 aunt 阿姨,婶婶,姑姑,舅妈baby 婴儿,宝宝 cousin 堂(表)兄弟,堂(表)姐妹open the door 开门close the door 关门open the window 开窗close the window 关窗open the book 打开书close the book合上书come in 进来stand up 起立sit down 坐下don’t=do not 不是;不做;不愿意listen to 听look at the blackboard 看黑板in class 在上课open your book 打开你的书close my book 合上我的书a nice rubber 一块好看的橡皮big books 大书in the library 在图书馆drink the milk喝牛奶eat the cake吃蛋糕my book 我的书my English book 我的英语书your English book 你的英语书want to sleep 想要睡觉shout in the library 在图书馆叫your pen 你的钢笔my ruler 我的尺子an English book 一本英语书this pencil这支铅笔that window 那扇窗户lunch box 午餐盒over there 在那里for you 给你 a red robot 一个红机器人on the floor 在地板beside the door 在门边sleep in class在课上睡觉a green bird 一只绿色的鸟on the desk 在书桌上this desk这张书桌under the chair在椅子下that chair那张椅子behind the door 在门后in my desk在我的书桌里on your chair在你的椅子上under your book 在你的书下面 a beautiful bird 一只漂亮的鸟a beautiful skirt 一条漂亮的短裙all her friends 她所有的朋友们how old 几岁what time 几点,什么时候eleven o’clock十一点钟twelve bags 十二只包time for bed是睡觉的时候了hurry up 快点time for class 是上课的时候了wake up 醒,醒来turn round 转圈time to eat 是吃东西的时候了time to meet 是见面的时候了here’s= here is 这里是on the farm 在农场上these pencils这些铅笔those rubbers那些橡皮an English book/ apple/orange/egg/ice cream 一本(个)英语书/苹果/ 橙子/ 鸡蛋/ 冰淇林they’re = they are 他们,她们,它们是who’s = who is 是谁a beautiful farm 一个漂亮的农场look at the picture 看图片my uncle 我的叔叔your aunt你的阿姨that girl 那个女孩her sister 她的妹妹this man 这个男人his baby 他的婴儿these women 那些妇女those men 那些男人my grandpa 我的爷爷your father 你的爸爸my cousin 我的表妹,我的堂哥my name 我的名字that little boy 那个小男孩his name 他的名字very tall 非常高his cat and mouse 他的猫和老鼠1. 早上好!Good moring!2. 请开门。

Unit 1shout 喊;叫[ʃaut] in class 在上课[in klɑ:s]run 跑;跑步 [rʌn] Stand up. 起立。
[stænd ʌp]eat吃 [i:t] Mr 先生 [’mistə]here 这里;在这里 [hiə]Sit down. 坐下。
[sittalk 说话;谈话 [tɔ:k] daun]Please请 [pli:z]sleep 睡觉 [sli:p] open 开;打开 [’əupən]drink 喝 [driŋk] the 这个;这些;那个;那些 [ðə]milk 牛奶 [milk] door门 [dɔ:]English 英语 [’ɪŋglɪʃ] sorry对不起[’sɔri]your 你的,你们的[jɔ:] come in 进来[kʌmin]close 关上;合上 [kləuz]Unit 3window 窗,窗户 [’windəu]pencil 铅笔[’pensəl] blackboard 黑板[’blækbɔ:d]isn’t=is notbook 书 [buk]that's=that is [ðæts] rubber 橡皮[’rʌbə] schoolbag 书包[’sku:l’bæg] don't = do not [dəunt]pen钢笔 [pen] listen to 听[’lisn tu:] crayon 蜡笔 [’kreiən] parrot 鹦鹉[’pærət]ruler 尺 [’ru:lə]pencil case 铅笔盒 [’pensəl keis] Unit 2lunch box 午餐盒 [lʌntʃbɔks]In 在……里 [in]where在哪里 [weə(r)] Library 图书馆[’laibrəri]Where’s=where isShh 嘘[sh:i]over there 在那里 [’əuvəðeə(r)]Unit 4ten 十[ten]bird 鸟 [bə:d]right 对的;正确的 [rait]beautiful 漂亮的;美丽的 [’bju:təful]out出局 [aut] under 在……下面[’ʌndə]What a nice cake! 多么漂亮的蛋糕啊!desk 课桌;书桌 [desk]Make a wish. 许个愿吧。

prep.在. . .上(时);关于;向着;根据;按照;由于;在. . .边上;论述;ad. (穿,放. . . )上;接通;进行下去;(电灯)开;上演;连续地;不间断地;向前;(继续)下去;开着;运转着
pencil case
['pensəl keɪs]
在哪里(=where is)
over there
vi.跑,奔跑;流;流动;运转;(颜色)褪色vt.经营;管理v. (戏剧,电影等)连演,连映
pron.一(个,只. . . );某一num.一;一个adj.某一

Unit 1 令狐文艳shout喊;叫 [ʃaut]in class在上课[in klɑ:s] run跑;跑步[rʌn]Stand up.起立。
[stænd ʌp] eat吃[i:t]Mr先生[’mistə] here这里;在这里[hiə]Sit down.坐下。
[sit daun] talk说话;谈话[tɔ:k]please请[pli:z] sleep睡觉[sli:p]open开;打开[’əupən] drink喝[driŋk]the这个;这些;那个;那些[ðə] milk牛奶[milk]door门[dɔ:] English英语[’ɪŋglɪʃ]sorry对不起[’sɔri] your你的,你们的[jɔ:]come in进来[kʌm in]close关上;合上[kləuz] Unit 3window窗,窗户[’windəu] pencil铅笔[’pensəl]blackboard黑板[’blækbɔ:d] isn’t=is notbook书[buk] that's=that is [ðæts]rubber橡皮[’rʌbə] schoolbag书包[’sku:l’bæg]don't = do not[dəunt] pen钢笔[pen]listen to听[’lisn tu:]crayon蜡笔[’kreiən]parrot鹦鹉[’pærət] ruler尺[’ru:lə]pencil case铅笔盒[’pensəl keis] Unit 2 lunch box午餐盒[lʌntʃ bɔks] In在……里[in] where在哪里[hwɛə]Library图书馆[’laibrəri] Where’s=where isShh嘘[sh:i] over there在那里[’əuvəðɛə]Unit 4 ten十[ten]bird鸟[bə:d] right对的;正确的[rait] beautiful漂亮的;美丽的[’bju:təful] out出局[aut]under在……下面[’ʌndə] What a nice cake! 多么漂亮的蛋糕啊!desk课桌;书桌[desk] Make a wish.许个愿吧。

Unit 1shout喊;叫 [ʃaut]in class在上课[in klɑ:s] run跑;跑步[rʌn]Stand up.起立。
[stænd ʌp] eat吃[i:t]Mr先生[’mistə] here这里;在这里[hiə]Sit down.坐下。
[sit daun] talk说话;谈话[tɔ:k]please请[pli:z] sleep睡觉[sli:p]open开;打开[’əupən] drink喝[driŋk]the这个;这些;那个;那些milk牛奶[milk][ðə]door门[dɔ:] English英语[’ɪŋglɪʃ]sorry对不起[’sɔri] your你的,你们的[jɔ:]come in进来[kʌm in]close关上;合上[kləuz] Unit 3window窗,窗户[’windəu] pencil铅笔[’pensəl]blackboard黑板[’blækbɔ:d] isn’t=is notbook书[buk] that's=that is [ðæts]rubber橡皮[’rʌbə] schoolbag书包[’sku:l’bæg]don't = do not[dəunt] pen钢笔[pen]listen to听[’lisn tu:]crayon蜡笔[’kreiən]parrot鹦鹉[’pærət] ruler尺[’ru:lə]pencil case铅笔盒[’pensəl keis] Unit 2 lunch box午餐盒[lʌntʃ bɔks]In在……里[in] where在哪里[hwɛə]Library图书馆[’laibrəri] Where’s=where isShh嘘[sh:i] over there在那里[’əuvəðɛə] Unit 4 ten十[ten]bird鸟[bə:d] right对的;正确的[rait] beautiful漂亮的;美丽的[’bju:təful]out出局[aut]under在……下面[’ʌndə] What a nice cake! 多么漂亮的蛋糕啊!desk课桌;书桌[desk] Make a wish.许个愿吧。

Unit 1shout 喊;叫[ʃaut] in class 在上课[in klɑ:s]run 跑;跑步 [rʌn] Stand up. 起立。
[stænd ʌp]eat 吃 [i:t] Mr 先生 [’mistə]here 这里;在这里 [hiə] Sit down. 坐下。
[sitdaun]talk 说话;谈话 [tɔ:k] please 请 [pli:z]sleep 睡觉 [sli:p] open 开;打开 [’əupən]drink 喝 [driŋk] the 这个;这些;那个;那些 [ðə]milk 牛奶 [milk] door 门[dɔ:]English 英语 [’ɪŋglɪʃ] sorry 对不起[’sɔri]your 你的,你们的[jɔ:] come in 进来[kʌm in]close 关上;合上 [kləuz]Unit 3window 窗,窗户 [’windəu]pencil 铅笔[’pensəl] blackboard 黑板[’blækbɔ:d]isn’t=is notbook 书 [buk]that's=that is [ðæts] rubber 橡皮[’rʌbə] schoolbag 书包[’sku:l’bæg]don't = do not [dəunt]pen 钢笔 [pen]listen to 听[’lisn tu:]crayon 蜡笔 [’kreiən] parrot 鹦鹉[’pærət]ruler 尺 [’ru:lə]pencil case 铅笔盒 [’pensəl keis]Unit 2lunch box 午餐盒 [lʌntʃ bɔks] In 在……里 [in]where 在哪里 [hwɛə] Library 图书馆[’laibrəri]Where’s=where isShh 嘘[sh:i]over there 在那里 [’əuvə ðɛə]Unit 4ten 十 [ten]bird 鸟 [b ə:d]right对的;正确的 [rait]beautiful 漂亮的;美丽的 [’bju:t əful]out出局 [aut]under 在……下面 [’ʌnd ə]What a nice cake! 多么漂亮的蛋糕啊!desk课桌;书桌 [desk]Make a wish. 许个愿吧。

译林版牛津小学英语三年级下册单词【音标版本】Unit 1shout [ʃaʊt]喊;叫in class [ɪn]英[klɑːs] 美[klæs]在上课run [rʌn]跑;跑步Stand up. [stænd ʌp] 起立eat [iːt]吃Mr ['mɪstə(r)]先生here [hɪə]这里;在这里Sit down. [sɪt daʊn] 坐下talk [tɔːk]说话;谈话Please [pliːz]请sleep [sliːp]睡觉open ['əʊp(ə)n]开;打开drink [drɪŋk]喝the [ðə] 这个;这些;那个;那些milk [mɪlk]牛奶door [dɔː]门English ['ɪŋɡliʃ]英语Sorry ['sɒrɪ]对不起your [jɔː]你的,你们的come in [kʌm ɪn]进来close [kləʊs]关上;合上Unit 3window ['wɪndəʊ]窗,窗户pencil ['pens(ə)l]铅笔blackboard ['blækbɔːd]黑板isn’t [ɪzənt] = is not [ɪz nɒt]book [bʊk]书that's [ðæts] = that is [ðæt ɪz] rubber ['rʌbə]橡皮schoolbag ['skuːlbæɡ]书包don't [dəʊnt] = do not [duː nɒt]pen [pen]钢笔listen to ['lɪs(ə)n tuː]听crayon ['kreɪən]蜡笔Parrot ['pærət]鹦鹉ruler ['ruːlə]尺pencil case ['pens(ə)l keɪs]]铅笔盒Unit 2lunch box [lʌn(t)ʃ bɒks]]午餐盒In [ɪn]在……里where [weə]在哪里Library ['laɪbrərɪ; -brɪ]图书馆Where’s [weəz] = where is[weə ɪz] Shh 嘘over there ['əʊvə ðeə]在那里Unit 4ten [ten]十bird [bɜːd]鸟right [raɪt]对的;正确的beautiful ['bjuːtɪfl]漂亮的;美丽的out [aʊt]出局under ['ʌndə]在……下面What a nice cake! [wɒt ə naɪs keɪk] desk [desk]课桌;书桌 多么漂亮的蛋糕啊!behind [bɪ'haɪnd]在……的后面Make a wish. [meɪk ə wɪʃ ]许个愿吧。

译林版三年级起点小学英语三年级下(英语单词表,带发音)Word lists Unit 1in class na. 在上课;在上课中Stand up.英音 [ˈstænd ʌp]美音 [ˈstænd ʌp]na. 站起来;持久;露头角;〔美俚〕背约Mr英音 [ˈm ɪst ə(r)]美音 [ˈm ɪst ər]abbr. 先生(Mister)Sit down.na. 坐下;住定;占有;(坐下来)开始工作(谈判等)please英音 [pli ːz]美音 [pli ːz]int. 请(礼貌用语) vt. 使喜欢;使高兴,使满意 vi. 讨人喜欢;令人高兴open英音 [ˈəʊp ən]美音 [ˈo ʊp ən]adj. 公开的;敞开的;空旷的;坦率的;营业着的 vi. 开始;展现 vt. 公开;打开 n. 公开…the英音 [ðə]美音 [ðə; ði; ði ː]art. 这;那 adv. 更加(用于比较级,最高级前)door英音 [d ɔː(r)]美音 [d ɔːr]n. 门;家,户;门口;通道sorry英音 [ˈsɒri]美音 [ˈsɑːri]adj. 遗憾的;对不起的,抱歉的 int. 对不起,抱歉(表示委婉的拒绝等)come in na. 进入;当选;上台;(党派)组阁close英音 [kl əʊz]美音 [klo ʊz; klo ʊs]n. 结束 adj. 紧密的;亲密的;亲近的 vt. 关;结束;使靠近 vi. 关;结束;关闭 adv. 紧密地window英音 [ˈw ɪndəʊ]美音 [ˈw ɪndoʊ]n. 窗;窗口;窗户blackboard英音 [ˈblækb ɔːd]美音 [ˈblækbɔːrd]n. 黑板book英音 [b ʊk]美音 [b ʊk]n. 书籍;卷;帐簿;名册;工作簿 vt. 预订;Word lists Unit 2登记rubber英音 [ˈr ʌb ə(r)]美音 [ˈr ʌb ər]n. 橡胶;橡皮;合成橡胶;按摩师 adj. 橡胶制成的 vt. 涂橡胶于;用橡胶制造 vi. 扭转脖…don'tn. 禁忌(等于do not) aux. 表示否定(等于do not)do not 无listen to英音 [ˈl ɪsn t ʊ]美音 [ˈl ɪsn tu]v. 听parrot英音 [ˈpær ət]美音 [ˈpær ət]n. 鹦鹉;学舌者,应声虫;机械模仿别人的人vt. 机械地模仿in英音 [ɪn]美音 [ɪn]prep. 按照(表示方式);从事于;在…之内n. 执政者;门路;知情者 adj. 在里面library英音 [ˈla ɪbr əri; ˈla ɪbri]美音 [ˈla ɪbreri]n. 图书馆,藏书室;文库shh 英音 [ʃ]美音 [ʃ]int. 嘘;安静一点shout英音 [ʃa ʊt]美音 [ʃa ʊt]n. 呼喊;呼叫 vi. 呼喊;喊叫;大声说 vt. 呼喊;大声说run英音 [r ʌn]美音 [r ʌn]n. 奔跑;赛跑;趋向;奔跑的路程 vt. 管理,经营;运行;参赛 vi. 经营;奔跑;运转eat 英音 [i ːt]美音 [i ːt]vt. 吃,喝;腐蚀;烦扰 vi. 进食;腐蚀,侵蚀here英音 [h ɪə(r)]美音 [h ɪr]n. 这里 adv. 在这里;此时 int. 嘿!;喂!talk英音 [t ɔːk]美音 [t ɔːk]n. 谈话;演讲;空谈 vi. 谈话;说闲话 vt.说;谈话;讨论sleep英音 [sli ːp]美音 [sli ːp]n. 睡眠 vi. 睡,睡觉drink英音 [dr ɪŋk]n. 酒,饮料;喝酒 vt. 喝,饮;吸收;举杯庆Word lists Unit 3美音 [dr ɪŋk]贺vi 喝酒;饮水;干杯milk英音 [m ɪlk]美音 [m ɪlk]n. 牛奶;乳状物 vt. 榨取;挤…的奶 vi. 挤奶English英音 [ˈɪŋɡl ɪʃ]美音 [ˈɪŋɡl ɪʃ]n. 英语;英国人;英文;英格兰人 adj. 英国人的;英国的;英文的 vt. 把…译成英语your英音 [j ɔː(r); j ə(r)]美音 [j ʊr; j ər]pron. 你的,你们的pencil英音 [ˈpens(ə)l]美音 [ˈpensl]n. 铅笔;笔状物 vt. 用铅笔写;用眉笔涂 vi.成铅笔状isn't 不是(等于is not)is not = IS NOT equal to,不等于…that's 那是(等于That is)that is na. 即;用于纠正之前说过的内容schoolbag英音 [ˈsku ːlbæɡ]美音 [ˈsku ːl ˌbæɡ]n. 书包pen英音 [pen]美音 [pen]n. 钢笔;作家;围栏 vt. 写;关入栏中crayon英音 [ˈkre ɪən; ˈkre ɪɒn]美音 [ˈkre ɪən; ˈkre ɪɑːn]n. 蜡笔,有色粉笔 vt. 以蜡笔作画,用颜色粉笔画ruler英音 [ˈru ːl ə(r)]美音 [ˈru ːl ər]n. 尺;统治者;[测] 划线板,划线的人pencil case英音 [ˈpensl ke ɪs]美音 [ˈpensl ke ɪs]n. 铅笔盒;铅笔袋lunch box n. 饭盒;“饭盒”where英音 [we ə(r)]美音 [wer]conj. 在…的地方 n. 地点 adv. 在哪里 pron. 哪里Word lists Unit 4where's 在哪里;威力现在在哪里;是哪里where is 查找文件;查找命令;寻找特定档案over there英音 ['əʊv ə(r) ðe ə(r)]美音 [ˈəʊv ər ðer]na. 在那边;〔美国〕在欧洲;〔大战用语〕在战地bird英音 [b ɜːd]美音 [b ɜːrd]n. 鸟;家伙;羽毛球 vt. 向…喝倒彩;起哄 vi.猎鸟;观察研究野鸟beautiful英音 [ˈbju ːt ɪf(ə)l]美音 [ˈbju ːt ɪf(ə)l]adj. 美丽的 出色地 出色的 迷人的 迷人地under英音 [ˈʌnd ə(r)]美音 [ˈʌnd ər]prep. 低于,少于;在...之下 adj. 下面的;从属的 adv. 在下面;在下方desk英音 [desk]美音 [desk]n. 办公桌;服务台;编辑部;(美)讲道台;乐谱架 adj. 书桌的;桌上用的;伏案做的behind英音 [b ɪˈha ɪnd]美音 [b ɪˈha ɪnd]prep. 落后于;支持;晚于 n. 屁股 adv. 在后地;在原处on英音 [ɒn]美音 [ɑːn]adv. 向前地;作用中,行动中;继续着 prep.向,朝……;关于;在……之上;在……时候…chair英音 [t ʃe ə(r)]美音 [t ʃer]n. 椅子;讲座;(会议的)主席位;大学教授的职位 vt. 担任(会议的)主席;使…入座;…tree英音 [tri ː]美音 [tri ː]n. 树;木料;树状物 vt. 把...赶上树 vi. 爬上树;逃上树guess英音 [ɡes]美音 [ɡes]n. 猜测;推测 vi. 猜;推测;猜中 vt. 猜测;认为;推测;猜中 n. 盖尔斯(美国服装品…one英音 [w ʌn]美音 [w ʌn]pron. 一个人;任何人 adj. 一的;唯一的 n.一 num. 一;一个two 英音 [tu ː]美音 [tu ː]num. 二 n. 两个 adj. 两个的three 英音 [θri ː]美音 [θri ː]num. 三 n. 三,三个 adj. 三的,三个的ohint. 哦;哎呀(表示惊讶或恐惧等)Word lists Unit 5英音 [əʊ]美音 [o ʊ]wow英音 [wa ʊ]美音 [wa ʊ]n. 极大的成功;一鸣惊人之举;魔兽世界(World of Warcraft);失真 int. (表示极大…How old are you?na. 你(今年)多大(年纪)lovely英音 [ˈl ʌvli]美音 [ˈl ʌvli]adj. 可爱的;令人愉快的;爱恋的;秀丽的,优美的 n. 美女;可爱的东西nine英音 [na ɪn]美音 [na ɪn]n. 九,九个 num. 九;九个 adj. 九的,九个的eight 英音 [e ɪt]美音 [e ɪt]num. 八;八个;第八 n. 八字形 adj. 八的four 英音 [f ɔː(r)]美音 [f ɔːr]num. 四;四个 adj. 四的;四个的five英音 [fa ɪv]美音 [fa ɪv]num. 五,五个 n. 五,五个;五美元钞票 adj.五的;五个的six 英音 [s ɪks]美音 [s ɪks]num. 六,六个 n. 六,六个seven英音 [ˈsev(ə)n]美音 [ˈsev(ə)n]num. 七个,七 n. 七个,七 adj. 七的;七个的ten英音 [ten]美音 [ten]num. 十个,十right英音 [ra ɪt]美音 [ra ɪt]n. 正确;右边;正义 adj. 正确的;直接的;右方的 vt. 纠正 adv. 正确地;恰当地;彻底…out英音 [a ʊt]美音 [a ʊt]adv. 出现;在外;出局;出声地;不流行地adj. 外面的;出局的;下台的 n. 出局 prep.…What a nice cake!无Make a wish.英音 [me ɪk ə w ɪʃ]美音 [me ɪk ə w ɪʃ]许愿;许个愿;许一个愿望want英音 [w ɒnt]美音 [wɑːnt]n. 需要;缺乏;贫困;必需品 vt. 需要;希望;应该;缺少 vi. 需要;缺少Word lists Unit 6It's time for ...无What time is it?na. 现在几点钟?wake up英音 [ˈwe ɪk ˌʌp]美音 [ˈwe ɪk ˌʌp]na. 同“wake”;叫醒;醒来;振作起来mum英音 [m ʌm]美音 [m ʌm]adj. 沉默的 n. 妈妈(口语);沉默;菊花 vi.演哑剧 int. 别说话o'clock abbr. …点钟(等于of the clock)breakfast英音 [ˈbrekf əst]美音 [ˈbrekf əst]n. 早餐;早饭 vt. 为…供应早餐 vi. 吃早餐Hurry up.英音 ['h ʌr ɪ ʌp]美音 ['h ɜːr ɪ ʌp]na. 催促;赶快class英音 [klɑːs]美音 [klæs]n. 阶级;班级;种类;班;等级 adj. 极好的;很好的,优秀的,出色的 vt. 分类;把……dinner英音 [ˈd ɪn ə(r)]美音 [ˈd ɪn ər]n. 晚餐,晚宴;宴会;正餐bed英音 [bed]美音 [bed]n. 床;基础;河底, 海底 vt. 使睡觉;安置,嵌入;栽种 vi. 上床;分层OK英音 [əʊˈke ɪ]美音 [ˌo ʊ'ke ɪ]adj. 好的;不错的 adv. 行;很好 int. 好;可以 vt. 对…表示同意 n. 同意lunch英音 [l ʌnt ʃ]美音 [l ʌnt ʃ]n. 午餐 vt. 吃午餐;供给午餐 vi. 吃午餐;供给午餐eleven英音 [ɪˈlev(ə)n]美音 [ɪˈlevn]num. 十一;十一个 n. 十一;十一个 adj. 十一的;十一个的twelve英音 [twelv]美音 [twelv]num. 十二;十二个 n. 十二;十二个 adj. 十二的;十二个的bag英音 [bæɡ]n. 袋;猎获物;(俚)一瓶啤酒 vt. 猎获;把…装入袋中;占据,私吞;使膨大 vi. 松垂Word lists Unit 7美音 [bæɡ]these 英音 [ði ːz]美音 [ði ːz]adj. 这些的 pron. 这些here's =here ishere is这是;是简单的倒装句;在这里farm英音 [fɑːm]美音 [fɑːrm]n. 农场;农家;畜牧场 vt. 养殖;耕种;佃出(土地) vi. 种田,务农;经营农场Welcome to ...v. 欢迎来到they 英音 [ðe ɪ]美音 [ðe ɪ]pron. 他们;它们;她们they're = they are they are 无pig英音 [p ɪɡ]美音 [p ɪɡ]n. 猪;猪肉 vi. 生小猪;像猪一样过活 n. 警察(俚语,带有攻击性)those英音 [ðəʊz]美音 [ðo ʊz]adj. 那些的 pron. 那些(that的复数)cow 英音 [ka ʊ]美音 [ka ʊ]n. 奶牛,母牛;母兽 vt. 威胁,恐吓apple英音 [ˈæp(ə)l]美音 [ˈæpl]n. 苹果,苹果树,苹果似的东西;[美俚]炸弹,手榴弹,(棒球的)球;[美俚]人,家…pear英音 [pe ə(r)]美音 [per]n. [园艺] 梨树;梨子chicken英音 [ˈt ʃɪk ɪn]美音 [ˈt ʃɪk ɪn]n. 鸡肉;小鸡;胆小鬼,懦夫 adj. 鸡肉的;胆怯的;幼小的duck英音 [d ʌk]美音 [d ʌk]n. 鸭子;鸭肉;(英)宝贝儿;零分 vt. 躲避;猛按…入水 vi. 闪避;没入水中orange英音 [ˈɒr ɪnd ʒ]美音 [ˈɔr ɪnd ʒ]adj. 橙色的;橘色的 n. 橙;橙色;桔子picture英音 [ˈp ɪkt ʃə(r)]n. 照片,图画;影片;景色;化身 vt. 画;想Word lists Unit 8美音 [ˈp ɪkt ʃər]像;描写who 英音 [hu ː]美音 [hu ː]pron. 谁;什么人who's abbr. 谁是(who is,who has)who is谁是;是谁;谁是呢we英音 [wi; wi ː]美音 [wi]pron. 我们(主格);笔者,本人(作者或演讲人使用);朕,寡人we're (等于we are)we are[人名] [英格兰人姓氏] 韦尔 Wear的变体; [地名] [英国、英国] 韦尔twin英音 [tw ɪn]美音 [tw ɪn]n. 双胞胎中一人 adj. 双胞胎的 vt. 使成对 vi.成对;生双胞胎aunt英音 [ɑːnt]美音 [ænt]n. 阿姨;姑妈;伯母;舅妈girl英音 [ɡɜːl]美音 [ɡɜːrl]n. 女孩;姑娘,未婚女子;女职员,女演员;(男人的)女朋友 n. (捷)吉尔man英音 [mæn]美音 [mæn]n. 人;男人;人类;丈夫;雇工 vt. 操纵;给…配置人员;使增强勇气;在…就位woman英音 [ˈw ʊm ən]美音 [ˈw ʊm ən]n. 妇女;女性;成年女子boy 英音 [b ɔɪ]美音 [b ɔɪ]n. 男孩;男人baby英音 [ˈbe ɪbi]美音 [ˈbe ɪbi]n. 婴儿,婴孩;孩子气的人 adj. 婴儿的;幼小的 vt. 纵容,娇纵;把……当婴儿般对待cousin英音 [ˈk ʌzn]美音 [ˈk ʌzn]n. 堂兄弟姊妹;表兄弟姊妹name英音 [ne ɪm]美音 [ne ɪm]n. 名称,名字;姓名;名誉 vt. 命名,任命;指定;称呼;提名;叫出 adj. 姓名的;据以…。

Unit 1shout喊;叫 [ʃaut]in class在上课[in klɑ:s] run跑;跑步[rʌn]Stand up.起立。
[stænd ʌp] eat吃[i:t]Mr先生[’mistə] here这里;在这里[hiə]Sit down.坐下。
[sit daun] talk说话;谈话[tɔ:k]please请[pli:z] sleep睡觉[sli:p]open开;打开[’əupən] drink喝[driŋk]the这个;这些;那个;那些milk牛奶[milk][ðə]door门[dɔ:] English英语[’ɪŋglɪʃ]sorry对不起[’sɔri] your你的,你们的[jɔ:]come in进来[kʌm in]close关上;合上[kləuz] Unit 3window窗,窗户[’windəu] pencil铅笔[’pensəl]blackboard黑板isn’t=is not[’blækbɔ:d]book书[buk] that's=that is [ðæts]rubber橡皮[’rʌbə] schoolbag书包[’sku:l’bæg]don't = do not[dəunt] pen钢笔[pen]listen to听[’lisn tu:]crayon蜡笔[’kreiən]parrot鹦鹉[’pærət] ruler尺[’ru:lə]pencil case铅笔盒[’pensəlkeis]Unit 2 lunch box午餐盒[lʌntʃ bɔks] In在……里[in] where在哪里[hwɛə]Library图书馆[’laibrəri] Where’s=where isShh嘘[sh:i] over there在那里[’əuvəðɛə] Unit 4 ten十[ten]bird鸟[bə:d] right对的;正确的[rait] beautiful漂亮的;美丽的[’bju:təful]out出局[aut]under在……下面[’ʌndə] What a nice cake! 多么漂亮的蛋糕啊!desk课桌;书桌[desk] Make a wish.许个愿吧。

Unit 1shout喊;叫 [ʃaut]in class在上课[in klɑ:s] run跑;跑步[rʌn]Stand up.起立。
[stænd ʌp] eat吃[i:t]Mr先生[’mistə] here这里;在这里[hiə]Sit down.坐下。
[sit daun] talk说话;谈话[tɔ:k]please请[pli:z] sleep睡觉[sli:p]open开;打开[’əupən] drink喝[driŋk]the这个;这些;那个;那些milk牛奶[milk][ðə]door门[dɔ:] English英语[’ɪŋglɪʃ]sorry对不起[’sɔri] your你的,你们的[jɔ:]come in进来[kʌm in]close关上;合上[kləuz] Unit 3window窗,窗户[’windəu] pencil铅笔[’pensəl]blackboard黑板[’blækbɔ:d] isn’t=is notbook书[buk] that's=that is [ðæts]rubber橡皮[’rʌbə] schoolbag书包[’sku:l’bæg]don't = do not[dəunt] pen钢笔[pen]listen to听[’lisn tu:]crayon蜡笔[’kreiən]parrot鹦鹉[’pærət] ruler尺[’ru:lə]pencil case铅笔盒[’pensəl keis] Unit 2 lunch box午餐盒[lʌntʃ bɔks] In在……里[in] where在哪里[hwɛə]Library图书馆[’laibrəri] Where’s=where isShh嘘[sh:i] over there在那里[’əuvəðɛə] Unit 4 ten十[ten]bird鸟[bə:d] right对的;正确的[rait] beautiful漂亮的;美丽的[’bju:təful]out出局[aut]under在……下面[’ʌndə] What a nice cake! 多么漂亮的蛋糕啊!desk课桌;书桌[desk] Make a wish.许个愿吧。

三年级下册英语书译林版单词表序号 英文词性 中文序号 英文词性 中文1in class在上课25sleep/sliːp/睡觉2Stand up.起立。
26drink/drɪŋk/喝3Mr/mistə(r)/先生27milk/mɪlk/牛奶4Sit down.坐下。
28English/ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ/英语5please/pliːz/请29your/jɔː(r)/你的;你们的6open/ˈəʊpən/开;打开30pencil/ˈpensl/铅笔7door/dɔː(r)/门31schoolbag/ˈskuːlbæɡ/书包8sorry/ˈsɒri/对不起32pen/pen/钢笔9come in进来33crayon/ˈkreɪən/蜡笔10close/kləʊz/关上;合上34ruler/ˈruːlə(r)/尺11window/ˈwɪndəʊ/窗,窗户35pencil case铅笔盒;铅笔袋12blackboard/ˈblækbɔːd/n.黑板36lunch box午餐盒13book/bʊk/书37where/weə(r)/在哪里14rubber/ˈrʌbə(r)/橡皮38over there在那里15listen to听39bird/bɜːd/鸟16parrot/ˈpærət/鹦鹉40beautiful/ˈbjuːtɪfl/漂亮的;美丽的17in/ɪn/在……里41under/ˈʌndə(r)/在……下面18library/ˈlaɪbrəri/图书馆42desk/desk/课桌;书桌19shh/ʃ/嘘43behind/bɪˈhaɪnd/在……后面20shout/ʃaʊt/喊;叫44chair/tʃeə(r)/椅子21run/rʌn/跑;跑步45tree/triː/树22eat/iːt/吃46guess/ɡes/猜,猜测23here/hɪə(r)/这里;在这里47one/wʌn/一24talk/tɔːk/说话;谈话48two/tuː/二49three/θriː/三74dinner/ˈdɪnə(r)/晚餐;晚饭50oh/əʊ/哦,啊75bed/bed/床51wow/waʊ/哇,呀76OK/əʊ ˈkeɪ/好;行52How old are you?你多大?77lunch/lʌntʃ/午餐;午饭53lovely/ˈlʌvli/可爱的78eleven/ɪˈlevn/十一54nine/naɪn/九79twelve/twelv/十二55eight/eɪt/八80bag/bæɡ/包;书包56four/fɔː(r)/四81these/ðiːz/这些57five/faɪv/五82farm/fɑːm/农场58six/sɪks/六83Welcome to...欢迎来到……59seven/ˈsevn/七84they/ðeɪ/他们;她们;它们60ten/ten/十85pig/pɪɡ/猪61right/raɪt/对的;正确的86those/ðəʊz/那些62out/aʊt/出局87cow/kaʊ/奶牛63What a nice cake!多么漂亮的蛋糕啊!88apple/ˈæpl/苹果64Make a wish.许个愿吧。

[kʌm in]
aux. (=do not)不是;不要;不做,不干
['lisən tu:]
[in klɑ:s]
[stændʌp ]
[sit daun]
6Байду номын сангаас

1. 家庭成员类。
- father(爸爸),口语中也可说dad。
- mother(妈妈),口语中也可说mum或者mom。
- brother(兄弟)。
- sister(姐妹)。
- grandfather(爷爷;外公),口语中也可说grandpa。
- grandmother(奶奶;外婆),口语中也可说grandma。
2. 动物类。
- cat(猫),复数形式为cats。
- dog(狗),复数形式为dogs。
- bird(鸟),复数形式为birds。
- panda(熊猫),复数形式为pandas。
- tiger(老虎),复数形式为tigers。
- monkey(猴子),复数形式为monkeys。
3. 颜色类。
- red(红色)。
- blue(蓝色)。
- green(绿色)。
- yellow(黄色)。
- black(黑色)。
- white(白色)。
4. 日常用品类。
- cap(帽子),复数形式为caps。
- ball(球),复数形式为balls。
- car(汽车),复数形式为cars。
- desk(书桌),复数形式为desks。
- chair(椅子),复数形式为chairs。
1. 介绍人物关系。
- This is my father/mother/brother/sister等。
)- He's/She's my...(他/她是我的……)例如:He's my brother. She's my mother.2. 描述动物。
- Look at the... It's...(看这……它是……)例如:Look at the cat. It's cute.(看这只猫。
)- I like...(我喜欢……)例如:I like pandas.(我喜欢熊猫。
)3. 描述颜色。
- What color is...?(……是什么颜色的?)例如:What color is your ball?(你的球是什么颜色的?)- It's...(它是……)例如:It's red.(它是红色的。
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who谁[hu:, hu]
who’s=who is
Unit 1
in class在上课[in klɑ:s]
Stand up.起立。[stænd ʌp]
Sit down.坐下。[si]
Where’s=where is
over there在那里[’əuvə ðɛə]
Unit 4
Unit 3
isn’t=is not
that's=that is[ðæts]
What a nice cake!多么漂亮的蛋糕啊!
Make a wish.许个愿吧。[meik ə wiʃ]
it’s time for…是……的时候了。
don't = do not[dəunt]
listen to听[’lisn tu:]
pencil case铅笔盒[’pensəl keis]
Unit 2
lunch box午餐盒[lʌntʃbɔks]
four四[fɔ:, fəʊr]
here's=here is[hiəz]
Hurry up.快点[’hʌriʌp]
Unit 5
how old are you你多大[hau əuldɑ: ju:]
Unit 7
Unit 8
Welcome to欢迎来到……[’welkəm tu:]
we're=we are[wɪə]
they他们;她们;它们[ðei, ðe]
they’re=they are
Unit 6
What time is it
wake up醒;醒来[weikʌp]
come in进来[kʌm in]