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act v. 表演,演戏

act as sb./ sth. 充任某角色,担任某工作

I don’t understand English, so you have to act as my interpreter(翻译)。

其他用法:act for 代表某人,代理某人的职位

During her illness, her lawyer has been acting for her in her business.


add v. (1)加,增加,添加

add sth. to sth. 往...里添加...

eg. If the tea is too strong, add some water to it.

eg. He added his signature to the petition(请愿书)。

add A and B (together) 加

eg. If you add 5 and 5, you get 10.

add to sth. 增加某事物

eg. The bad weather only add to our difficulties.


(2) 补充;继续说

eg. “I’ll come here later.’’ he added.

add in 包括...在内

eg. Don’t forget add me in. 别忘了把我算上。

add up 合计,加起来add up to 总计达到

add fuel to the fire 火上浇油

afford v. 负担得起(...的费用,损失,后果),买得起;抽得出时间(常与can, could, be able to 连用)

Afford sth. eg. I’d love to go on holiday but I can’t afford the time.

eg. They walked because the can’t afford a taxi.

afford to do sth. eg. They walked because they can’t afford to take a taxi.

eg. I have to work hard because I can’t afford to loose my job. agree v. 同意,赞同

agree with sb. 同意某人的意见eg. I agree with you. agree on + 表示具体协议的文件、计划、行动的词eg. We agreed on the plan. agree to do sth. 同意做某事eg. We agreed to start early. agree that + 宾语从句eg. She agreed that I was right.

其他用法:agree with sb. (尤用于否定或疑问句) (对某人的健康或胃口)适合

I like mushrooms but unfortunately they don’t agree with me.


The humid climate in the south didn’t agree with him.


aim v. 瞄准,对准aim at 瞄准,针对

aim at the target 瞄准目标/ 靶子;aim at a success 志在成功

eg. My remarks were not aim at you. 我的话不是针对你。

allow v. 允许,准许

allow doing sth. eg. We don’t allow smoking in our house.


allow sb. to do sth. eg. They allow her to go to the party.


allow sb. in/ out/ up 允许某人进来/ 出去/ 起来

annoy v. 使恼怒,使生气annoy sb. 使某人生气,使某人心烦eg. I was annoyed by his remarks. 他的言论激怒了我。

appear v. 出现;露面;(公开)演出

appear to do 好象是It appears that + 从句

eg. It appears to me that you are all wrong. 我觉得你们全都错了。

appreciate v. 感激

appreciate sth. appreciate doing sth.

argue v. 争论,争吵

argue with sb. about/ over/ on sth. 与某人争论某事

eg. We argued with the waiter about the price of the meal.

其他用法:argue sb. into/ out of doing sth. 说服某人做/ 不做某事

eg. They argue his into giving up his plan.

arrive v. 到达

arrive in + 大地方eg. We arrived in Paris.

arrive at + 小地方eg. We arrived at the station/ my nation town.

其他用法:arrive at sth. 达成或得出某事物

arrived at an agreement(达成协议)/ a conclusion(得出结论)

What dicision did you arrived at? 你们做出了什么决定?

ask v. 询问,问

ask sth. eg. May I ask questions?

ask sb. sth. eg. He asked me the way to the supermarket.

He asked me their names.

He asked me where he should go.

ask sb. about sth. eg. He asked me about my health.

ask sb.to do sth. eg. He ask me to stop smoking.

He ask me not to swim here.

ask for sth. (to do sth.) 请求

eg. She asked for more time (to think it over). 她请求多一点时间(仔细考虑)。

ask for sb. 找(某人)Did anyone ask for me last week?

其他用法:ask the way 问路;ask for trouble 自找麻烦,自讨苦吃

attempt v. 企图,试图

试图做某事attempt to do sth.

attempt doing sth.

beat v. 打败,战胜

beat sb. (at sth.) 在某方面打败/ 胜过某人

He beats me at chess. 他在下棋方面胜我一筹。

beat sb. 打某人

become v. 成为,变成

become + 名词He became a doctor at last.

become interesting in 变得对...感兴趣

其他用法:What becomes/ will become of sb./ sth.? 某人某事的情况如何

eg. What will become if I die? 假如我死了我的孩子会怎么样呢?

