
同样,在PSP 热卖的背后也隐藏着液晶屏的问题,目前对PSP质量问题的投诉最多的也是PSP的屏幕坏点,据统计,PSP 首批出货的坏点率达到了三分之一。

目前38.1cm(15英寸儿CD显示器的像素间距一般为0.297mm某些厂商标示为0.30mm), 43.2cm(17英寸儿CD显示器的像素间距一般为0.264mm某些厂商标示为0.26mm)。
但与CRT显示器不同的是, LCD所支持的显示模式不像CRT显示器那么多,而且它是由制造商预先设定好的,一般不能任意调整。
目前,LCD的分辨率一般只有800X 600的SVGA显示模式、1024X 768的XGA显示模式以及1280X1024(43.2cm 以上产品)的高分辨率模式。

购买液晶显示器时需要注意的陷阱购买液晶显示器时需要注意的陷阱● 液晶显示器型号繁多目前,很多厂商都推出了各自的液晶显示器产品,主流的液晶显示器品牌就有六到七个,并且如三星和LG等大品牌的产品线都非常丰富,而每一款液晶显示器都有唯一的型号,因此要记住每一款液晶显示器的型号、并了解它的性能参数是一件非常不容易的事情,消费者在选购时也会感到非常困扰。
● 一个字真的能骗你200元?LG L222WT和L225WT之间只差一个字符,但价格相差了200元很多人认为,型号比较相似的.液晶显示器,功能应该比较相近,因此价格也非常接近,即使被一些不发商贩“忽悠”了,损失也不会太大。
如LG的一款21.6英寸宽屏液晶L222WT 和22宽屏L225WT,这两款液晶不论在外观、性能参数还是在接口配备上都完全相同,两者虽然在屏幕尺寸上仅仅只有0.4英寸的差距,但价格方面却有200元的差价。
·三星943NW、943BWX、953BW三款19宽屏你能区分出来吗?类似产品市场上还有很多,如三星的943NW、943BWX、953BW三款液晶均为19宽屏液晶(943NW只配单接口、943BWX 钢琴漆/双接口、953BW双接口/钢琴漆/2ms),但对于普通消费者来说你能分清3款产品到底有何区别吗?如果分辨不出来的话很容易被奸商利用,最终受害的还是自己。
面对如此繁多的型号,怎样才能避免掉入奸商的陷阱呢?● 如何避免掉入型号陷阱?各大厂商每年都会发布大量新品,如三星和LG都在今年年初推出了共30多款新品,它们在型号的命名方面都进行了更新。
购买液晶新守则 小心烧屏问题

◎出现烧 屏问题的液 晶显示器 初看显 示是正常的
过 长 导致 液 品 品 体过 流 l 引 起 的 , 显 示 屏丌 的时 间 越 长 , n f 这 种 现 象 发 生 的 儿 牢 就 越 高 。 因 此 ,在 选 购 液 晶显 示器 时 , 注 意 小 要 { 动 态 画 面 来测 试 , 也 应 该 多用 静 态 画 用 面 ,并 且 尽量 K时 间地 烤 机 , 以确 定所 购 买 的产 品 不会 出
目明 日囫 t iJ ' ̄ - J
p dmak t c i c r c r @ nio e t n
0l ll●_~ 1l l l l 1 ~ l ¨_ 。
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嚣: 誊≮
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频 的 DDR2 53 M Hz,速度更 快的 DDR2 6 7MH / 3 6 z 8 0MHz也 出现在市 场上 ,那么这 些高频 DDR2内存 是否 0 具 有购买价值呢?
极 限 的 发烧 友 ,那 么 就 另当 别 论 了 。 M 0 阻 sl
我 们 先 看 价 格 表 , 以 市 场 上 热 销 的 内存 品 牌 宇 瞻 为
4 .要速度还是要容 量—— 理性看待高 频 D R 内存 D2
毋 庸置 疑 ,DDR2内存 已经 成为 目前 PC 平 台的 主流 选择 。作 为 目前 DDR2r场 的 中坚 力量 ,DDR2 3 MHz f 『 5 3
已 经 成 为 绝 对 的 市 场 主 力 。 不 过 我 们 同 时 也 发 现 , 除 了 低
显卡的 显存他 宽达到 6 bi X 2=l bi ,令集成 显卡的性 4 t 8 t 2 能完 全发挥 ( 经测 试 ,在 l 8 t条件 下 ,显 卡性能 至于提 bi 2 升 l % 以上 ) 0 。至于 仅支持单通 道 内存的 SO k t 4接 口 Ce7 5 C5l平台 的玩 家 ,! 应放 弃组 建 l t双通道 内存的幻 J 1 1 J 8bi 2 想 。而 把重点 放存 “ 单” 字上 ,使 用单 根 512M 内存是 B 比较 明 智 的 选 择 , 在 经 济 条 件 允 许 的 前 提 下 , 使用 单 根


在五一黄金周被传统节日的小长假取代之后,D I Y攒机的旺季也随之发生了转移,因为学生攒机而被关注的9月开学季销售期也成为新的黄金期,很多非学生用户也都会选择在这个期间出手。
与此同时,各个D IY厂商也都会选择在这个时期大搞促销,种类繁多的攒机配件对于很多消费者来说,无疑是一大难题。
举个最简单的例子,一款19英寸宽屏的显示器有带D V I 接口和V G I接口的,有只有一个接口的,还有带H D M I接I:1等等。
诀窍二:贷比三家,瑰场对比在电脑城选购的过程中,同~个品D I Y攒相十招教你选液晶10B r i l l i ant I deas f or L C DC hoi c e T e a chi ng Y ouD I Yi n A s s em bl y口刘颜婷牌的产品总是能看到不少商家在出售,售价有时候也会上下有一些差别。

购买液晶显示器必须谨防的七大陷阱(The seven traps that must be taken care of when buying LCDs)

购买液晶显示器必须谨防的七大陷阱(The seven traps that must be taken care of when buying LCDs)The seven traps that must be taken care of when buying LCDsAny product price depends largely on the cost, reduce the cost is the most effective way to improve profits, so all kinds of products are easy to cut corners on the cost of links, the liquid crystal display is no exception. Seemingly similar products, different manufacturers, different models, there are hundreds or even more than 1000 yuan gap, the reason is that there is a difference in cost.The panel level is the easiest to cut cornersA liquid crystal display seventy percent of the cost from the liquid crystal panel, a liquid crystal panel is a core component of liquid crystal display well, of course it is most likely to cut corners of parts.First of all, there are differences in performance of LCD panels, the performance of a more general LCD panel, but also a high angle of view, high contrast panel. Performance effect of liquid crystal display or not, basically by the choice of what the panel decided, bad JS is likely to be some shoddy, low performance products for superior performance products and Huyou expensive for such products only need to carefully check the information, the real performance can clear the product easy to distinguish.In addition, the liquid crystal panel the same performance whenthe sale of the factory was set at different levels, and different levels of panel prices are different, in order to reduce the cost only need to order a low level panel on the line. From the panel appearance is difficult to distinguish between the grade of the panel, so after all the panel assembled into a product from the sale is difficult to see the difference.To distinguish the grade of the panel, mainly to see the number of pixels of the panel, the less the number of pixels, and promised no highlights panel level is higher. The high level panel itself is light small, no other problems such as spots, color. The lower level of the panel have more or less problems, such as bad or more, there are stains, light is hard. That is to say, this is when the actual business classification panel factory by choosing to distinguish, good product quality, high grade, higher prices, or low goods or defective products, the price is certainly low. This classification standard is widely used in IT product parts.In fact, there are many LCD display giants are not specially customized proprietary LCD panels, but also with other two or three wire manufacturers in the same panel manufacturers procurement. But this kind of companies often pay much attention to the selection panel, is often selected a small part in a batch of LCD panel manufacturers in this part of the boutique course quality is higher than other products, high cost, the price of more expensive and very easy to understand.In fact, for their own use panel manufacturers quality often have a mental picture, agent told dealers to sell under the condition that a batch of products, because the panel qualityis poor, prone to bad dark spots and other issues. Of course, the faster you sell, the better. If the panel quality is good, manufacturers may also temporarily implement insurance policy on a batch of products, because manufacturers understand that these products are good, and the rate of rework will not be high.Hidden tricky in LCD product packagingDo not think that the product packaging is a box so simple, the product packaging involves many issues such as safety, environmental protection, in the mass production of industrial products, packaging is also very important, the cost is not low. If you don't see the discarded boxes, you can sell a few cents a kilo. A lot of people are scrambling for it, aren't they?Liquid crystal display good packaging is usually thick, in order to ensure the handling time will not be damaged, the raw materials are usually recyclable, environmentally friendly material, can find the logo on the packaging material circulation in general. In the packaging printing, pay more attention to the manufacturers usually printed on the built-in display appearance, but also as far as possible to provide information such as display, such as the type, size, weight, the approximate performance, the printed text is also a cost of printing less cost lower. More attention will also be paid to the beauty of the outer packing,The printed content can even include pictures and other information, very delicate. And in the outer packaging, Jerry manufacturers generally try to simplify these things, an outer package can be used for more than the specifications of similarproducts.In addition to the packaging itself, the internal filling material can not be ignored. The most common materials are recycled paper and foam plastics. Recycled paper is more expensive, and is usually seen on high-end displays. The foam is very popular. Because it is a by-product of petroleum, the price is very cheap.LCD products can also shrink functionFamiliar friends all know, the current field of liquid crystal display has an unwritten rule, a liquid crystal display usually launched with DVI interface and DVI interface with two models, and other specifications are almost exactly the same, of course, the price is also different. This is the most direct example of simplifying functionality and reducing costs. Of course, there are other ways to omit built-in speakers, microphones, USB interfaces, and so on.This functional simplification can effectively reduce costs without reducing most of the performance of the LCD display. "Shrink" version of the product will not be designed, using the "original" products of the scheme can be produced, is simply a rich product line, the clan of the two products can meet the needs of more people, in line with market rules.In fact, this "Jerry" can be regarded as a normal means, is not necessary as an abhorrence of the phenomenon, we cite the case is not to everyone choose functional products, if this function is of little significance for you, then choose "shrink"products is certainly more sensible.LCD products such as accessories can not be lessThe attachment is another very straightforward LCD display link. The usual LCD displays include cables, discs, instructions, and other mounting attachments. Any deductions or reductions in quality can reduce costs.The most common example is the double interface display should equipped with DVI and VGA two cable chisel DVI line, can save part of the cost, dual interface display is more high-end products, two lines are basically there will be now, with the popularity of DVI, many entry-level display also has this interface, but the DVI line is usually omitted.In addition to simply do not give, the quality of cable is also very common. First, say the VGA signal line, which is easiest to see. OK, VGA line diameter is coarse, and flexible and elastic, and the joint part is exquisite, without burr. The poor quality VGA wire is not only very thin, but the wire is very crisp and the quality of the joint is not good. At present, many low display VGA lines have shrunk seriously, many brands attached to the VGA line is actually only a little bit thick than the keyboard line. All this comes with a VGA line machine, a grade not high. The DVI line is roughly the same as the VGA line.In addition to the signal line, the power line also shows the problem. Good lines of flexible material, and the length is generally 1 meters, 5 to 2 meters or so, the difference in thelength of the line has shrunk, the corresponding material requirements are reduced. Then, you can see through the signal line interface authentication said good sign line has a lot of, what the EU, Japan, the United States, and China's CCC, the line is through multinational certification, quality guaranteed. Poor line certification is rare, and some are not available at all. If the monitor comes with speakers, what should also pay attention to cable, good audio lines have degaussing ring, high cost. Of course, of course not. However, the audio lines attached to the monitor are all the same, and it is rare to see cables with degaussing loops.Transformer is also part of the important accessories display, good quality and quality in general, the middle of great flexibility. However, at present, many display manufacturers prefer to use built-in power, so that the cost of their own master, or control.In addition to the cable can make a big article, save the drive CD-ROM, instructions are the same. Although the cost of these parts is not high,But in the mass production of industrial products, the amount accumulated is not small.Product shell prone to Jerry buildingThe biggest cost outside the LCD panel is the shell, which is the most important part of the display manufacturers. LCD manufacturers have a special design and R & D team for the shape of the products, and the current LCD can easily distinguish themanufacturers from the design. The large brand LCD often has unique design in appearance and shape, but the small factories with insufficient strength often adopt simple shape design, or imitate other excellent products. Since there is so much knowledge on the shell, so much effort has been put into it, of course, it is very easy to cut corners.First, simplify the design as much as possible. For example: plastic shell display commonly used are smooth and pitted, which pitted the surface than expensive, if the housing is designed into a light, the cost is naturally designed than cheap noodles. In addition, in the shape design can also adopt the gradual method, only on the original basis to do some minor adjustment, so that you can use as much spare parts as possible, so that the cost savings.Secondly, it can reduce the material of the shell. The most common material for liquid crystal displays is plastic, and a small number of high-grade metal housings, such as AOC and 174F, are integral steel shells, and Samsung 193P+ even uses aluminum magnesium alloy housings. Cast aside the metal shell, not to say, plastic shell is also a variety of, of which the most important is the material is different, good plastic material is environmental protection, fire, and some less is not so good. In general, the quality of good display, fire plastic shell, at least the cost of 200 yuan or so, if the unique shape, but also more expensive. As far as metal is concerned, let alone.Finally, work hard on the mold. Many people may not know, in fact, die spending is one of the highest cost of project display manufacturing and R & D cost is very simple! Even if theappearance of the display, the light mold cost will be about 1000000! And die cannot old, midway requires a lot of maintenance in order to maintain the quality of housing, even if it is to maintain the good die there life, wear to a certain extent is useless, must spend a lot of money to do the new. If the manufacturers want to reduce housing costs, the mold can continue to use at end-of-life degree under the condition, this can save a lot of mold cost, but the shell accuracy will be greatly affected, will be very rough.TCO, RoHS certification BasicsIn order to ensure safety, environmental protection and other factors, some industrialized products have certain standards to be implemented, that is, we usually say certification, only in compliance with these certification in order to allow users to ease their use. Certification of this item in general goods can not see, can not touch, and when more certified products must have more advantages. And this is just one icon on the monitor, similar to the invisible cost, also need manufacturers pay a great deal of price. Through these certification is not free, in accordance with the certification bodies, fees are different, it costs a lot.At present, China's implementation of CCC mandatory security certification of display products, as long as it is not inferior products will pass this certification. The rest of the common certifications include the CE European common market security mark, Japan's JIS logo, the British BEAB logo, the US UL logo, the French NF logo, and the German CS logo. If the display in the domestic sales, it only needs to pass CCC, and if sold inthe countries mentioned above, it is necessary to pass the country's certification, obtain certification.In addition to the safety certification that electronic products must carry out, there are some professional certifications, such as MPR, II, TCO, and the current popular RoHS.Among them, MPR II is about the monitor radiation certification, is a relatively basic standard, almost all monitors can meet this standard. TCO is the certification of environmental protection, and RoHS is the certification of lead-free process production.TCO certification is a Swedish Labor Union developed a series of strict and standard for display products, only in ecology, energy, radiation, human engineering and electrical safety five aspects are in line with the TCO Development standards, can through the TCO version certification. TCO is currently recognized as the most stringent authentication system in the field of display, and the display of this specification can provide maximum protection for users. Currently, TCO has released the 06 standard.RoHS (Restriction, of, Hazardous, Substances, hazardous substances restrictions) is an official certification of the European Union (Figure 1), known by the industry as the world's most stringent environmental directives. According to the relevant provisions of RoHS certification standards, since July 1, 2006, all sold in the EU market of electrical and electronic equipment must prohibit the use of lead (Pb),mercury (Hg), cadmium (Cd), six chromium (Cr6+) and other heavy metals, and polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE two) and polybrominated biphenyls (PBB) and other harmful substances. Of course, RoHS's influence is not limited to Europe. It is becoming a global standard. The relevant laws and regulations of our country have already entered the "bulletin" stage, and we believe it will be published and implemented soon.To pass these certification is not easy, first of all, the product should be strict security certification, design requirements, all aspects can not be careless, so as to increase the production cost of the product. According to statistics, a monitor through certification requires about 200 thousand of the cost, although there are domestic commissioning units, but the licensing rights in foreign countries. The average display takes about 2 months, so the cost of a small certification is never low. These long-term environmental protection and lead-free considerations, is clearly not in line with the idea of JS, so many small plants in addition to electrical safety certification necessary, of course, all the other certification.Other cost control for LCD productsIn addition to the aforementioned aspects, there are also parts of the LCD that can be "cost control", including control modules and power modules.Position control module in liquid crystal display is equivalent to the personal computer motherboard, display control function of it all, and the power supply module is for power management,they are in the form of integrated circuit board integrated in liquid crystal display device, and integrated circuit board in the "cost savings" place very much. From PCB to all kinds of electronic components selection, can be very different. For example, PCB version, the cheapest single board, there are more expensive multi-storey board, good board, high security, integration is good, but the price is not cheap. Even components of the same specifications on an integrated circuit board may differ in quality, such as fire resistance and durability, and will lead to the final cost difference.In addition, the function of the control panel also plays a decisive role in the cost. For example, to realize the gray scale response time, we must join the corresponding chip, and the design of the board should also be taken into consideration. More functions of the board, less expensive than the function of a lot of money. At present, a simple control board will cost nearly 300 yuan, not to mention more functions.epilogueAfter watching this, I believe you not only for the production of the LCD and part of a certain understanding, choice of technology, complete materials carefully consideration while products will increase the cost, but you use the product safety and comfort can get the best guarantee. More importantly, you should know how to distinguish between the advantages and disadvantages of LCD monitors, and then face the JS Huyou, you will not easily caught.LastDon't easily believe all kinds of propaganda on the internet.。

2、开了箱后,别让他马上装机,自己先看一下配件全不全,有显示器屏幕主机、支架、底座、电源线、VGA 线、DVI线、保修卡、说明书或光盘。
4、开机后,插上自带的含显示器检测软件的U盘(事前上网下载检测软件Nokia Monitor Test或者DisplayX)进行检测。
进入工厂模式的步骤:①关机状态下,先按住MENU键,再按POWER 键打开显示器。
进入工厂模式后,关键是看Monitor On Time(则“使用过的时间”的意思)一栏,若显示数值是0,则是未被用过的新机,那就没问题。


误区1LED显示器就是LED背光显示器现在市场上某些厂商口中所宣传的LED显示器,其实不过是LED背光显示器,事实上,真正的LED显示器应该是采用LED显示屏的显示器,LED就是Liqht Emitting Diode,发光二极管的英文缩写,LED显示屏是由众多的LED发光二极管组成的矩阵,通过控制半导体发光二极管的显示方式,用来显示文字、图形、图像、视频等各种信息的显示屏幕,首先我们要明白的是,LED显示器并非一个新事物,它出现的年代比液晶显示器更为久远。



小学徒忽然间恍然大悟,原来是这样呀!因为大家专业受限制的原因吃过大大小小不少亏了吧?在这里要告诉大家一下一般一台液晶电视最贵的就是液晶屏了,液晶电视里面有液晶电视主板,电源,高压,大尺寸的高压是在屏上面(26寸以上),国产品牌一般都是你购机价格的65%-70%特殊机型要高一些,特别是一些特价的,比如说42存4500一下的高过70% 的几率要大一些。

二 手 机 、 返修 机 当 新 机 器 卖
销 售显 示 器都 会 配有 样机 。对 于 主推 的产 品 ,
品 。但 事 后 上 网一 查 , 自己买 下 的 显示 器 ,网 上
报 价 才 10 3 0无 ,方 知 上 当 受 骗 。 上 述 骗 局 手 法 ,就 叫 “ 型 ” 转 。这 种 骗 术 分 为
消 费 者需 要 提 高警 惕 ,多去 网 上查 询 ,并 将 准备 买 的显示器 的型号 、规格 仔细记 下来 。
验机 验 点 中 的奸 商 独 门 技巧
对 于换 下 来 的有 问题 的 产 品 ,商家 怎样 解 决 题 。修 复 后 ,奸 商 会通 过 重新 包 装 ,把 它 当成 新 品卖 ,最
元 。 而某 个经 销 商 报 10 4 0元 ,低 于 网上 报 价 ,于
是 该 同学 就 决 定 在 这 家 购买 。
悠 办 法 就是 ,将 预 装 的 系统 做 一 些 手脚 ,让 系 统 变 得 特 别慢 ,使 笔 记 本性 能 看 起 来 较差 。至 于 攒
机 的 忽 悠 办 法 是 , 在 安 装 系 统 时 , 用 有 问 题 的 系 统 盘 ,导 致 安 装 过 程 中 出现 死 机 、蓝 屏 等 现 象 , 迫使 消 费者更 换部 分配 件 。
封 装 ,卖 给 消 费 者 。
除 了 样 机 之 外 , 返 修 机 也 是 令 很 多 商 家 头 痛
品不好 。只要 加 点钱 ,另 一款 产 品会好 很 多 。 第 i 个 阶 段 :成 交 。消 费 者 被 忽 悠 后 , 自动
换机 ,买下商 家 推荐 的产 品 ,商家 暴利 到手 。
其 实 是 通 过 调 节 显 示 器 ,或 调 节 wn o s 置 就 可 idw 设

显 区别 ,硬 屏 外 加 的保 护 膜 不 会
另外 还有搞 笑的忽悠 是 “ 我们 用
的是飞利浦屏 ,比他 们 用的 屏好 !” ,
地 球 人 都 知 道 ,L 和 飞 利 浦 合 资共 建 G 的 液 晶 面板 生产 线 , 岂来 自家 产 品 好 过 自家 产 品 的说 法 !?
夏 普 的 液 晶 屏 很 不 错 ,公 认 的 , 可 就 以此 盖 棺 定 论 日本 屏 强过 韩 国屏 可 就 大错 特 错 。 目前 全 球8 % 液 0的
也 会 影 响 画 面 的 色彩 效 果 。而 另 一种 说 法 则 是 ,液 晶
屏 成 本 占 了 液 晶 电视 的 重 头 , 又很 娇 嫩 ,软 屏 容 易被
万 ! 明 白 了吧 1
就 是L - G 飞利 浦 ) , 而软 屏 则是T N、P A、M A 面 V V等
板 ( 主要代表厂商就 是三星) ,因此 ,单凭 “ 、 ” 软 硬
并 不 能很 准确 的 分 辨 液 晶 面板 的好 坏 。并 且 有 两种说
4பைடு நூலகம் “ 们 运 个用 的 日本 屏 ,比 他们 那 个 韩 国屏 好 我
支持18 P 0 0 的信 号 输 入 呢 !其 实只 有 物 理 分 辨 率 达 到
而且 随着近期新一轮 的调价之后 ,大屏幕 液晶 电视 的
售价 越 来越 接近 消 费者 的 心理 线 ,特 别 是近 期4 / 2 0 4 英 寸 液晶 电视 纷纷 降 X8 元 , 更是 刺 激 了大 屏 幕 液 晶 电 千
素 !比那 些2 7 像 素 的好 多了 !” 0万
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LG L222WT和L225WT之间只差一个字符,但价格相差了200元
类似产品市场上还有很多,如三星的943NW、943BWX、953BW三款液晶均为19宽屏液晶(943NW 只配单接口、943BWX钢琴漆/双接口、953BW双接口/钢琴漆/2ms),但对于普通消费者来说你能分清3款产品到底有何区别吗?如果分辨不出来的话很容易被奸商利用,最终受害的还是自己。
各大厂商每年都会发布大量新品,如三星和LG 都在今年年初推出了共30多款新品,它们在型号的命名方面都进行了更新。
LG L222WT和L225WT之间只差一个字符,但价格相差了200元
类似产品市场上还有很多,如三星的943NW、943BWX、953BW三款液晶均为19宽屏液晶(943NW 只配单接口、943BWX钢琴漆/双接口、953BW双接口/钢琴漆/2ms),但对于普通消费者来说你能分清3款产品到底有何区别吗?如果分辨不出来的话很容易被奸商利用,最终受害的还是自己。
各大厂商每年都会发布大量新品,如三星和LG 都在今年年初推出了共30多款新品,它们在型号的命名方面都进行了更新。
LG L222WT和L225WT之间只差一个字符,但价格相差了200元
类似产品市场上还有很多,如三星的943NW、943BWX、953BW三款液晶均为19宽屏液晶(943NW 只配单接口、943BWX钢琴漆/双接口、953BW双接口/钢琴漆/2ms),但对于普通消费者来说你能分清3款产品到底有何区别吗?如果分辨不出来的话很容易被奸商利用,最终受害的还是自己。
各大厂商每年都会发布大量新品,如三星和LG 都在今年年初推出了共30多款新品,它们在型号的命名方面都进行了更新。