【名师面对面】2015中考英语总复习 第11讲 八年级上册 Modules 11-12课件 外研版

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15.brave (adj.)bravely(adv.)勇敢地 16.help (n.&v.)helpful(adj.)有益的
1.for example 例如 2.for the first time 首次;初次
3.a chess set 一副国际象棋
4.do some cleaning 打扫卫生 5.bad luck 倒霉 6.shake hands 握手 7.light meal 便餐;便饭
surprised形容词,意为“感到惊讶的”,描述人的情绪 或状态。be surprised at sth.因某事而惊讶。
surprise名词,意为“惊讶”。to one's surprise出乎某人 意料之外(一般作插入语,放在句首,用逗号隔开)。 in surprise惊讶地,表示方式和态度。类似短语:in person亲自地,in silence静静地。
—No,you __A__.You can go back home tomorrow.
A.needn't B.mustn't C.can't D.don't (3)The car needs washing(wash).=The car needs
to be washed.
2.surprise 【典例在线】 To our surprise,he failed in the test.=We are surprised he failed in the test.令我们吃惊的是他考试没通过。 I was surprised at the news about his death.=I was surprised to hear the news about his death.他去世的消息令 我感到震惊。 The result surprised us.=We were surprised to hear the result.这个结果使我们感到惊讶。
Festival month.
在春节那个月期间你最好不要理发。 4.I don't think I should open it now. 我认为我现在不应该打开它。
5.Anyway,the Spring Festival is still over a month away. 无论怎样,春节还有一个多月呢。 6.Afternoon tea is not a drink but a light meal at around 4 pm. 下午茶并不只是一杯饮品,而是在下午约4点钟时的便餐。 7.Once I noticed a gentleman touch a young man on the shoulder,smile politely and say... 曾经有一次我注意到一位绅士碰了碰一个年轻人的肩膀, 有礼貌地笑着说„„ 8.It is always best to check what people usually do,... 查看人们通常做什么总是最好的„„
要把垃圾扔在地上。 【拓展精析】 had better可以看成情态动词,其后接动词原形,否定 式在had better后加not,即had better not do sth.。had better 意思是“最好”,常用于提建议。
(6)You'd better __A__ there.It's dangerous.
【活学活用】 (1)Will you accept my invitation? (2)I received a present just now,but I'm not going to accept it.
2.may,might,can,could,must,can't 【典例在线】 He may know.他可能知道。 The French book might be Kathy's.She studies French.这本 法语书可能是凯西的。她学法语。 It's true that some ads can be very useful.有些广告可能非常 有用,这是真的。 He could be running for exercise.他可能正在跑步锻炼。 The notebook must be Ming's.It has her name on it.这个笔记 本一定是明的。上面有她的名字。 The T­shirt can't be John's.It's much too small for him.这件 衬衫不可能是约翰的。它对他来说太小了。
10.break (v.)broke(过去式)broken(过去分词) 11.harmful (adj.)harm(n.)伤害 12.drop (v.)dropped(过去式)dropping(-ing形式) 13.keep (v.)kept(过去式)
14.clear (adj.&v.)clearly(adv.)显然地
A.not go C.not go to A.not drunk C.not to drink B.not to go D.not to B.not drinking D.not drink
(7)You'd better __D__ the water until it has been boiled.
8.clean up 打扫干净
9.wash up 洗刷;饭后洗餐具 10.can't wait to 迫不及待
11.first aid 急救 12.at the bottom of 在„„的底部 13.lift up 抬起;提起
14.make sure确保;确认
15.warn...about... 提醒„„注意„„ 16.keep clear of不和„„太近的 17.above all 首要的是 18.in pain 处在疼痛之中
19.have trouble doing sth.做某事有麻烦
20.in short 简而言之
1.You needn't wait! 你不必等了。
2.You can't be serious!
你不可能是认真的。 3.And you had better not cut your hair during the Spring
1.What's wrong with him?他怎么了? 【典例在线】 What's wrong with you?你怎么了? What's wrong with your eyes?你的眼睛怎么了? 【拓展精析】 What's wrong with...?意为“„„怎么了?”,常用来 询问对方所遇到的麻烦事或询问某人患了何种疾病。 表示这一意义的其他常用口语表达还有: What's the matter?怎么了? What's up?出什么事了? What's the trouble?有什么麻烦吗? What happened?发生了什么事? Is there anything wrong?有什么不对劲吗?
英 语
第11讲 八年级上册 Modules 11~12
1.toy (n.)toys(复数形式) 2.gift (n.)present(近义词)礼物 3.surprise (n.&v.)surprising(adj.)令人惊奇的surprised(adj.) 感到惊奇的 4.difference (n.)different(adj.)不同的differently(adv.)不同地 5.accept (v.)accepted(过去式) 6.tradition (n.)traditional(adj.)传统的 7.month (n.)months(复数形式) 8.serious (adj.)more_serious(比较级)most_serious(最高级) 9.gentleman (n.)gentlemen(复数形式)
—I have a sore throat. A.What's the matter C.What's trouble B.What's the wrong D.What's matter
(2)—Haven't seen you for ages,Mike.__C__?
(1)Children __D__ sit in the front seat of a car.It's too
dangerous.(2014,重庆) A.need C.must B.needn‘t D.mustn't
(2)—Must I be in hospital for a week,doctor?
【拓展精析】 need作实义动词,意为“需要”,其结构形式有: sb.+need+n./pron.某人需要某物; sb.+need+to do sth.某人需要做某事; sth.+need to be done=sth.need doing某事需要被做。 need作情态动词,通常用于否定句或疑问句中,后接 动词原形,无人称、时态和数的变化; needn't作为“Must...?”句式的否定回答,相当于 “...not have to”。 need还可作名词意为“需要”。
(4)We are__C__to hear the________result. A.surprised;surprised B.surprising;surprising C.surprised;surprising D.surprising;surprised (5)He stood there in__A__. A.surprise B.surprising
—Pretty good.Everything goes well.
A.What are you doing C.How's it going B.How are you D.What's wrong.
1.accept,receive 【典例在线】 He accepted our invitation happily.他高兴地接受了我们 的邀请。 I received her photos two days ago.两天前我收到了她的 照片。 【拓展精析】 accept作接受讲时,着重指一个人的态度,表示主语 主动、情愿地接受,而且其后的宾语一般不能省略; receive一般指通过邮递等方式“收到,接到”,它强调 主语收到了(某物),但并不含有接收人是否愿意接受的 意思。
3.had better 【典例在线】 It seems that it is going to rain.You'd better take an umbrella.似乎要下雨了,你最好带一把雨伞。
You'd better not throw the rubbish on the ground.你最好不
9.That could be harmful! 那可能会有伤害! 10.Make sure he's warm. 确保他是暖和的。 11.What's wrong with him? 他怎么了? 12.Make him comfortable. 让他舒适。
1.need 【典例在线】 All animals need clean water to drink.所有动物都需要喝干净 的水。 We need to help the animals live in peace.我们需要帮助动物和 平地生活。 The machine needs to be mended.=The machine needs mending.这机器需要修理。 —Must I finish homework today?我今天必须完成作业吗? —No,you needn't./No,you don't have to.不,没必要。