趣味学英语(26):探秘-人类神秘失踪的15个地方15 places people mysteriously keep disappearing from古今中外,世界上总有一些神秘区域,在这里,无论是一个人还是一大群人都会在突然之间神秘失踪,再无音信。
1. The Bermuda Triangle 百慕大三角We start with the granddaddy of all mysterious locations, the Bermuda Triangle. This stretch of ocean, spanning from South Florida to Puerto Rico to Bermuda, has been the site of multiple disappearances over the years, including the vanishing of the USS Cyclops with 309 crewmen aboard in 1918. Both planes and ships have gone missing, never to be recovered.首先要介绍的是这些神秘区域里的鼻祖——百慕大三角。
2. The Michigan Triangle 密歇根三角Not as famous as its southern cousin, the Michigan Triangle extends between Michigan and Wisconsin, and has been the location of a number of prominent disappearances. Perhaps the most famous is Northwest Airlines Flight 2501, which in 1950 flowing into the triangle with 58 passengers and never emerged.密歇根三角位于美国密歇根州和威斯康星州之间,虽不像它南方表亲(百慕大三角)那么有名,但是也发生了数件著名的失踪案。
• 百慕大三角在世人的心目中简直比魔鬼还可怕,在那时莫名其妙的失踪的飞 机和船只不知有多少,这个恐怖的海域不知吞噬了多少人的生命。但是世间 事无奇不有,也有人在百慕大“死”而复活,连自己也不知道是怎么回事。 • 1989年2月26日,一艘由巴拿马渔船在百慕大三角南75里处作业,人们 发现一白色布袋在海面上一沉一浮,拉出海面一看,里面竟是一个活人。这 个人叫米高维尔斯奇思,他在1926年死于癌症,他随身携带的一些文件证明 了这点。他先被送到百慕大医院,后又被转至欧洲苏黎世精神中心,以便找 出其“死而复生”的原因?医生们费尽周折也找不出原因,他自己也不明所 以。 • 此人1918年移居百慕大,1923年患癌症,1926年3月24日,他的妻子遵 照其生前要求海葬的遗愿,把他装在帆布袋里海葬,抛到百慕大以南的海里。 想不到63年他怎么活过来了呢?即使“复活”了,在帆布袋里也会淹死呀? 他本人对这些也不能解释,他说他“死”后自己也很模糊,只记得恢复知觉 时被人救上了渔船。 • 1946年3月16日,白赖仁和莉地亚夫结为夫妇。一年后,他们在百慕大坐游 艇再度蜜月,在游览中,白赖仁失足坠入海中,被汹涌的波涛卷的无影无踪。 莉地亚回到家乡肯特基后,不再嫁人,苦苦思念着丈夫。四十三年后的1990 年初,莉地亚心血来潮,她要故地重游,租用了老船长63岁杜比亚辛的船, 当船驶到她丈夫被溺的海域时,被认为早已溺死的白赖仁竟奇迹般的出现在 该船的甲板上,与其忠贞的妻子拥抱、接吻,之后却又出乎意料地双双消失 了,好在船长并未因惊奇而发昏,就在这对夫妇拥抱、接吻的一刹那,他不 失时机的利用照相机拍摄了一张珍贵的照片,并在返回港口后向警方出示了 这张照片,警察们也不得不相信这个事实。
• 1945年,一艘战舰触雷,美国二十五名士兵漂流海上, 1989年获救。 • 1945年在南太平洋由于遭到日本潜水艇袭击,与美 国海军印第安纳波利斯号巡洋舰一起沉没在大海的二十 五名美军士兵在1989年被菲律宾渔民救起。 • 当人们接到SOS求救信号后,发现这二十五名美军 士兵正坐在一个海军救生艇中,在菲律宾南部的西里伯 斯海漂浮。他们所在的那个区域常有神秘的失踪事件发 生,人们称为“南太平洋魔鬼三角”——即龙三角海区。 • 美国海军当局对于这批水兵的出现感到困惑不解, 那些重新出现的士兵,就像四十五年前巡洋舰沉没时那 样年轻。 • 而被救起的二十五名美国士兵认为自己仅漂流了九 天,实际上地球时间已过去了四十五年。 •
百慕大三角英语作文The Bermuda Triangle, also known as the Devil's Triangle, is a region in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean where numerous ships and aircraft have reportedly disappeared under mysterious circumstances. The triangle's vertices are roughly defined by three points: Miami, Florida; Bermuda; and San Juan, Puerto Rico.This area has been a subject of fascination and speculation for decades, with many theories attempting to explain the unexplained disappearances. Some attribute these events to natural phenomena such as the Gulf Stream, which can cause erratic compass readings and navigational errors. Others suggest that the disappearances are due to human error, piracy, or even the influence of extraterrestrial beings.The Bermuda Triangle has been featured in countless books, documentaries, and movies, often with a focus on the supernatural or the unknown. It has become a symbol of the mysteries of the deep sea and the limits of human understanding.Despite the numerous stories and legends, there is no scientific evidence to support the idea that the Bermuda Triangle is any more dangerous than any other area of the ocean. Many researchers argue that the triangle's notoriety is largely due to sensationalism and the human tendency to seek patterns in random events.In conclusion, the Bermuda Triangle remains a popular topic of discussion and debate. While its mysteries continue to captivate the imagination, it serves as a reminder of the vast and often unpredictable nature of our planet's oceans.。
一年三班 付娆
• 百慕大是世界闻名的一个地方,位 于美国北卡罗来纳州正东约600公里 的海上。百慕大是十三个英国海外 领土之一。百慕大三角 (Burmuda Triangle)的具体地理位置是指位于 大西洋上的百慕大群岛、迈阿密 (美 国佛罗里达半岛)和圣胡安 (波多黎 各岛)这三点连线形成的三角地带, 面积达40万平方英பைடு நூலகம்。百幕大三角 由360多个岛屿组成的群岛,这些岛 屿好似圆形的环,躺卧在大西洋上 由于百慕大群岛与美洲大陆之间有 一股暖流经过,因此,这里气候温 和,四季如春岛上绿树常青,鲜花 怒放。百慕大地区被人们称为“百 慕大魔鬼三角”主要是在西大西洋 的一片叫“马尾藻海”地区,为北 纬20°-40°、西经35°-75°之间 的宽广水域。是世界著名的墨西哥 暖流,且多施涡、台风和龙卷风。 不仅如此,而且海深达4000-5000 米,有波多黎各海沟,深7000米以
百慕大三角英语作文The Mystery of Bermuda Triangle。
The Bermuda Triangle, also known as the Devil's Triangle, is a region in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean where ships and planes have mysteriously disappeared. The triangle is formed by Miami, Bermuda, and Puerto Rico, and covers an area of about 500,000 square miles.Over the years, many theories have been proposed to explain the strange phenomenon of the Bermuda Triangle. Some people believe that the area is cursed or haunted by supernatural forces, while others think that it is a portal to another dimension or a secret base for extraterrestrial life. However, most scientists and experts agree that there are more rational explanations for the disappearances.One of the most plausible theories is that the Bermuda Triangle is prone to severe weather conditions such ashurricanes, waterspouts, and rogue waves, which can easily overwhelm and sink ships and planes. In addition, the area is also known for its strong currents and underwater sea mounts, which can cause magnetic anomalies and interfere with navigation systems.Another possible explanation is human error or mechanical failure. Many of the missing vessels andaircraft were found to have been poorly maintained, overloaded, or operated by inexperienced or intoxicated crews. Moreover, some of the disappearances were due to pilot error, navigation mistakes, or communication breakdowns.Despite the numerous investigations and studies conducted on the Bermuda Triangle, the mystery remains unsolved. The exact number of disappearances is also disputed, with some estimates ranging from 50 to 1,000 over the past century. Some of the most famous cases include the USS Cyclops, a US Navy cargo ship that vanished without a trace in 1918 with 309 crew members on board; Flight 19, a group of five US Navy bombers that disappeared in 1945during a routine training mission; and the Mary Celeste, a British-American merchant ship that was found abandoned in 1872 with no signs of struggle or foul play.Despite the dangers and uncertainties of the Bermuda Triangle, many people still venture into the area for various reasons. Some are thrill-seekers who want to explore the unknown and challenge the odds, while others are scientists and researchers who hope to uncover the secrets of the triangle and find ways to prevent future disasters.In conclusion, the Bermuda Triangle remains one of the greatest mysteries of the modern era. Whether it is a natural phenomenon, a human-made disaster, or a supernatural phenomenon, it continues to fascinate and intrigue people around the world. Until more conclusive evidence is found, the truth behind the Bermuda Triangle will remain shrouded in mystery and speculation.。
海底发生猛烈的地震活动时被埋在地下的块状晶体被翻了出来,因外界压力 减轻,便会迅速汽化。大量的气泡上升到水面,使海水密度降低,失去原来 所具有的浮力。恰逢此时经过这里的船只,就会像石头一样沉入海底。如果 此时正好有飞机经过,当沼气遇到灼热的飞机发动机,无疑会立即燃烧爆炸, 荡然无存。
• 1950年,百慕大人特迪·塔克首次在百慕大海底发现来自新大陆的沉 船以及船内的珍宝:金币、陶器。几百年前酿造的瓶装陈酒。这条沉 船看起来像一个沉睡百年的食品加工机械,又像是一个巨大的垃圾处 理场,在它上面,折断的桅杆在海水中飘荡。特迪·塔克这一首次发 现,顿时引起了世界轰动,随即就在美洲掀起了一股寻找沉船和珍宝 的探险考察热潮。大批的考古学家、历史学家和探险家都来到百慕大 群岛,开始他们的考察和探险。 据在沉船上找到的一枚残缺生锈 的西班牙比塞塔银币推测,这条船是于18世纪中叶在这里沉没的。后 来,专家们又在另一些船上找到了一桶桶染料,菲律宾红木、铁犁木 和一些食品,如葡萄干、布丁等。 由此,人们认为这些船可能来 自欧洲,它们是在中美洲或南美洲之间进行海岸贸易以后,返回途中 遇难的。科学家、历史学家用了五年的心血想要搞清楚挖掘出的兵器、 陶器的出处,但结果却并不让人满意。比如说一对钥匙上刻着一个鸡 冠。
• 百慕大三角(英语:Bermuda Triangle,又称魔 鬼三角或丧命地狱,有时又称百慕大三角洲;但 此区域并不是三角洲地形,且不合语源),位于 北大西洋的马尾藻海,是由英属百慕大群岛、美 属波多黎各及美国佛罗里达州南端所形成的三角 区海域,据称经常发生超自然现象及违反物理定 律的事件,面积约390万平方公里(150万平方英 里)。
专家们细心查阅了18世纪的《法国纹章学》,但却发现书上没有这方面资料的 记载。有几个木头盘子上倒是写着“L.B.D.G”,意思是“带有法国德洛蒂亚头 像金路易”,表明这些沉船是法国的。可是这个论断并不能经得起推敲,因为在 十七、八世纪的船上,也时常装有舶来品,像英国的枪炮、西班牙的金币、法国 的葡萄酒、中国的瓷器、丹麦的石制品等等。所以,这些船是谁的?它们从哪儿 来?又要到哪里去?沉船回答给人们的依然是沉默。 在百慕大群岛的礁岩 上,刻着西班牙“罗克”号登陆后刻写的大写字母“FT”,时间是1543年。这 记载了关于不幸触礁葬身海底的年份。人们把他视为第一批到美洲的移民。 18世纪末以前,比色仪还未问世,人们无法准确测量经纬度的位置。因此,当 人们乘船从古巴、佛罗里达或中美洲返回欧洲时,须由墨西哥湾北上,直到抵达 北纬约30°的位置,然后再转向东方,依靠西南季风或者东北季风航行到西班 牙,法国和英格兰。然而,大约在北纬32“墨西哥湾边缘的一些地方,正是百 慕大海域的暗礁群。船只只有通过那里才能进入大西洋。现代航海技术的发展, 特别是远距离无线电导航系统的使用,大大减少了船只的海难事故。但是,在百 慕大海域却不能完全避免。百慕大的幽灵,被看作是航海者们的克星。一些敬畏 鬼神的人们提起百慕大海域三角区时就大惊失色。科学家们认为,远距离无线电 导航系统在百慕大海域受到了干扰,海底早已死去的火山仍然保留着相当一部分 磁性,它能够使罗盘紊乱、失灵。磁性干扰的因素增大了海难系数,就连探险船 也屡屡陷入这个魔窟。百慕大群岛的人十分聪明,他们深知这一海域的危险性, 正是这一危险性使他们的钱包逐渐鼓了起来。360行,行行有人做。海难事故给 百慕大人带来了无穷的财富。海难救险队在瑞克丘陵和吉比斯丘陵夜以继日地等 待着海难呼救信号。一旦有船触礁,无数条大船便风驰电掣般地驶向出事地点, 营救死里逃生的船员,并从他们那里得到一笔丰厚的酬金。也正是因为这里海难 迭发,才形成百慕大独具特色的旅游业。它还为保险公司和拥有私人救护船队的 百慕大人提供了赚钱的机会。他们利用救生船、潜水装备以及这一水域的潜水资 料,引导游客在水下领略一下美洲殖民地的历史。[
百慕大三角英语作文The Bermuda Triangle, also known as the Devil's Triangle, is a mysterious region in the Atlantic Ocean where ships and planes seem to disappear without a trace. Legends and stories of strange occurrences here have fascinated people for centuries.It's said that navigators entering this triangle often encounter strange compass malfunctions, as if the magnetic fields are playing tricks. And not just ships; evenaircraft have been reported missing in this area, leaving no wreckage or survivors behind.Theories abound about what could be causing these disappearances. Some say it's the underwater currents or the strange weather patterns. Others believe in extraterrestrial involvement or even time travel. But the truth remains a mystery, leaving room for plenty of speculation and imagination.If you ask any sailor or pilot about the Bermuda Triangle, chances are they'll have a story or two to share. It's almost like a rite of passage for those who traverse the seas and skies. And even though modern technology has advanced, the triangle still holds a certain allure and intrigue for many.Whether you believe in the mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle or not, there's no denying its place in history and folklore. It's a fascinating topic that continues to capture people's imaginations, much like a good mystery novel or thriller movie. Who knows, maybe one day we'll finally uncover the secrets of this mysterious place.。
1872年, “玛丽亚· 采列斯特”号,在亚速尔群岛以西 100海里的地方漂浮。当它被人们发现时,船上是空无一人, 而且船舱的餐桌上还摆着美味佳肴,茶杯里还盛着没喝完的 咖啡和水。壁上的挂钟正常地走动,缝纫机台板上还放着装 着机油架飞机在此处神秘失踪。该地区无 法解释的事件可上溯至19世纪中叶。船只失踪有时原因不明, 有时还没有发出遇难讯号即无影无踪。1945年有5架美国轰 炸机从佛罗里达州罗德岱堡空军基地起飞,在飞行训练途中 用无线电报告他们遇难,然后电讯逐渐减弱消失,救难队也 告失踪。
1989年2月26日,人们发现一白色布袋在海面上一沉一浮,里 面竟是一个活人。这个人在1926年死于癌症,他随身携带的一 些文件证明了这点。此人1918年移居百慕大,1923年患癌症, 他的妻子遵照其生前要求海葬的遗愿,把他装在帆布袋里海葬, 抛到百慕大以南的海里。
1981年8月,海风号的英国游船在百慕大海区失踪,时 过八年,这艘船又在百慕大原海区出现了,船上六人安 然无恙。 这六个人共同的特点就是当时已失去了感觉, 当日他们只感觉过了一会儿,似乎什么也没干。
1954年在加勒比海,两名驾驶员参加气球越洋比 赛。气球莫名其妙消失了。1990年,消失多年后的气球 又突然海面上出现。驾驶员只是感到全身有一种轻微的 刺痛感觉,然后看到了救援飞机。
百慕大三角的罪魁 祸首是人类吗?这 一点我们不得而知。 我们所能做的,只 是关爱自然,亲近 自然,拥抱自然。 地球只有一个,我 们在关爱自然的同 时,也是对人类自 己的关爱。
百慕大三角的英语作文The Bermuda Triangle is a mysterious place where ships and planes seem to disappear without a trace. Some people believe that it's a place of supernatural phenomena, while others think it's just a result of natural disasters.There have been many theories about what causes the strange occurrences in the Bermuda Triangle. Some people think that it's because of magnetic anomalies, while others believe that it's due to underwater methane gas explosions. However, no one really knows for sure what's behind the disappearances.Despite the mystery surrounding the Bermuda Triangle, many ships and planes continue to travel through the area without any problems. It's possible that the disappearances are just a result of bad weather or human error.The Bermuda Triangle has captured the imagination of people all over the world, and it's been the subject ofmany books, movies, and documentaries. Some people are fascinated by the idea of a place where strange and unexplained things happen, while others are skeptical and think that it's all just a myth.In the end, the Bermuda Triangle remains a mystery, and it's unlikely that we'll ever know for sure what's behind the strange disappearances. It's a place that will continue to intrigue and puzzle people for years to come.。
Mysteries of Recurrence
• 1.海风号失踪八年再现 1.海风号失踪八年再现 • 1981年8月,一艘名叫海风号的英国游船在“魔鬼三角”——百慕大 1981年 月,一艘名叫海风号的英国游船在“魔鬼三角”——百慕大
海区突然失踪,当时船上六人骤然不见了踪影。 不料,时过八年,这艘船在百慕大原海区又奇迹般地出现了!船上六 人安然无恙。 • 2.失踪三十六年的气球再现 2.失踪三十六年的气球再现 • 1954年在加勒比海,驾驶员夏里·罗根和戴历·诺顿驾驶气球和其他 1954年在加勒比海,驾驶员夏里·罗根和戴历· 五十个参赛者参加气球越洋比赛。当时天气晴朗,视野清晰。突然, 五十个参赛者参加气球越洋比赛。当时天气晴朗,视野清晰。突然, 在众人面前,这个气球一下子莫名其妙地消失了。 • 1990年,消失多年后的气球又突然在古巴与北美陆地的海面上出现。 1990年,消失多年后的气球又突然在古巴与北美陆地的海面上出现。 它的出现曾使古巴和美国政府大为紧张,特别是古巴,误以为美国派 出秘密武器来进攻了呢。
1872年,一艘双桅船“玛丽亚·采列斯特” 1872年,一艘双桅船“玛丽亚·采列斯特”号,在亚速尔群岛以西 亚速尔群岛以西 100海里的地方漂浮。当它被人们发现时,船上也是空无一人, 100海里的地方漂浮。当它被人们发现时,船上也是空无一人,而且 船舱的餐桌上还摆着美味佳肴, 船舱的餐桌上还摆着美味佳肴,茶杯里还盛着没喝完的咖啡和水。 壁上的挂钟正常地走动, 壁上的挂钟正常地走动,缝纫机台板上还放着装着机油的小瓶子。 这一切除了说明这艘船没有遇到风浪之外, 这一切除了说明这艘船没有遇到风浪之外,丝毫不能解释它的主 人为何弃船而去。 1944年 古巴籍的货船“鲁比康” 1944年,古巴籍的货船“鲁比康”号在同一海域同样出现人去船 空的奇案。当人们登上这艘漂浮不定的船时, 空的奇案。当人们登上这艘漂浮不定的船时,只有一只狗孤独地 躺在甲板上。
百慕大三角基本介绍百慕大三角百慕大三角(英语:Bermuda Triangle,又称魔鬼三角,有时又称百慕大三角洲(据近年研究表明实际该位置并非三角形,百慕大三角是梯形的,范围远至墨西哥湾、加勒比海。
1872年, “玛丽亚· 采列斯特”号,在亚速尔群岛以西 100海里的地方漂浮。当它被人们发现时,船上是空无一人, 而且船舱的餐桌上还摆着美味佳肴,茶杯里还盛着没喝完的 咖啡和水。壁上的挂钟正常地走动,缝纫机台板上还放着装 着机油的小瓶子。
据说已有50多只船和20多架飞机在此处神秘失踪。该地区无 法解释的事件可上溯至19世纪中叶。船只失踪有时原因不明, 有时还没有发出遇难讯号即无影无踪。1945年有5架美国轰 炸机从佛罗里达州罗德岱堡空军基地起飞,在飞行训练途中 用无线电报告他们遇难,然后电讯逐渐减弱消失,救难队也 告失踪。
(1)黑洞说。黑洞是指天体中那些晚期恒星所具有的高磁场 超密度的聚吸现象。它虽看不见,却能吞噬一切物质。不少学 者指出,出现在百慕大三角区机船不留痕迹的失踪事件,颇似 宇宙黑洞的现象,舍此便难以解释它何以刹那间消失得无影无 踪。 (2)次声说。声音产生于物体的振荡。人所能听到的声音之所 以有低浑、尖脆之分,这是由于物体不同的振荡频率所致。频 率低于20次/秒的声音是人的耳朵听不见的次声。欢声虽听不 见,却有极强的破坏力。百慕大海域地形的复杂性,加剧了次 声的产生及其强度。波多黎各海岸附近的海底火山爆发、海浪 和海温的波动与变化都是产生次声的原因。 (3)水桥说。据认为百慕大三角区的海底有一般不同于海面潮 水涌动流向的潜流。因为,有人在太平洋东南部的圣大杜岛沿 海,发现了在百慕大失踪船只的残骸。当然只有这股潜流才能 把这船的残骸推到圣大杜岛来;当上下两股潮流发生冲突时, 就是海难产生的时候。而海难发生之后,那些船的残骸又被那 股潜流拖到远处,这就是为什么在失事现场找不到失事船只的 原因了。 (4)晴空湍流说。晴空湍流是一种极特殊的风。这种风产生于高 空,当风速达到一定强度时,便会产生风向的角度改变的现象。 这种突如其来的风速方向改变,常常又伴随着次声的出现,这 又称”气穴”。航行的飞机碰上它便会激烈震颤。当然严重的 员参加气球越 洋比赛。气球莫名其 妙消失了。1990年, 消失多年后的气球又 突然海面上出现。驾 驶员只是感到全身有 一种轻微的刺痛感觉, 然后看到了救援飞机。
百慕大三角英语作文The Bermuda Triangle, also known as the Devil's Triangle, is a region in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean where numerous ships and aircraft have reportedly disappeared under mysterious circumstances. This area is roughly bounded by Miami, Florida; Bermuda; and Puerto Rico. The phenomenon has been the subject of much speculation and numerous theories, ranging from human error to paranormal activity.The Mystery of the Bermuda TriangleThe Bermuda Triangle has been a source of intrigue and fear for centuries. Many maritime and aviation incidents that occurred in the region have been attributed to its mysterious nature. Some of the most famous disappearances include the USS Cyclops in 1918, which vanished without a trace while carrying over 300 crew members, and the Flight 19, a group of five U.S. Navy torpedo bombers that disappeared in 1945 during a training mission.Possible ExplanationsSeveral theories have been proposed to explain the disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle. Some of the more scientific explanations include:1. Human Error: Navigational mistakes, disorientation, and panic could lead to accidents, especially in the days beforemodern technology.2. Geological Factors: The Gulf Stream, a powerful ocean current, can cause rapid changes in weather and navigational challenges.3. Magnetic Anomalies: Some researchers have suggested that the area has unusual magnetic fields that could interfere with compass readings.4. Natural Disasters: The region is prone to hurricanes, waterspouts, and other severe weather events that could lead to the loss of ships and planes.Cultural SignificanceThe Bermuda Triangle has captured the public's imagination, inspiring countless books, documentaries, and even movies. It has become a symbol of the unknown and unexplained, often associated with tales of extraterrestrial encounters, time warps, and even the lost city of Atlantis.The Skeptical ViewSkeptics argue that the Bermuda Triangle is not any more dangerous than other heavily traveled ocean lanes. They point out that the number of incidents in the area is not significantly higher than in other parts of the world andthat many of the stories have been exaggerated or are based on incomplete information.ConclusionWhile the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle continues tofascinate, it's important to approach the topic with a critical mind. The region remains a busy shipping lane and a popular area for travel and recreation. As technology advances and more data is collected, the enigma of the Bermuda Triangle may one day be fully understood, leaving behind only the allure of its legend.。
百慕大三角英语作文The Mystery of the Bermuda Triangle。
The Bermuda Triangle, also known as the Devil's Triangle, is a region in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean, roughly defined by the Bermuda island, the Florida Straits, and the island of Puerto Rico. It has gained worldwide fame due to the numerous reports of ships and aircraft vanishing without a trace within its boundaries. The mysteries surrounding this triangular area have sparked countless theories, debates, and even Hollywood movies, yet the true cause of these disappearances remains elusive.The Bermuda Triangle has a long history of mysterious occurrences. In the 16th century, Christopher Columbus reported strange compass readings and unusual fog in this region. Since then, numerous ships have been lost, ranging from small fishing vessels to large cargo ships. Aircraft have also been reported missing, including commercialflights and military planes. The commonality in these disappearances is the lack of any wreckage or debris, leaving little to no evidence behind.One of the most popular theories explaining the disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle is the presence of natural phenomena such as powerful currents, underwater volcanoes, and methane gas bubbles. These phenomena can create hazardous conditions for ships and aircraft, potentially causing them to sink or crash. However, scientific studies have failed to conclusively prove that these factors are responsible for the mysterious losses.Another theory suggests that extraterrestrial forces or supernatural phenomena are at play in the Bermuda Triangle. These beliefs often stem from the lack of physical evidence and the sheer number of unexplained disappearances. However,。
Perhaps UFOs are the cause
Or the “monsters”?
It could be……?
The hypotheses
• Gases and vapors having unknown to science physical and chemical properties break out of the cracks on the ocean bottom to the surface of the earth with enormous energy . • 具有未知物理特性和化学特性的气体和蒸 汽从海底与地表之间的裂缝中出来,同时 伴随着巨大的能量。
Even the most experenced pilot and sailor has no idea to appreciate it's beauty but to worry about danger. In this area, numerous aircrafts and vessels had vanished mysteriously and thousands of people lost their lives.
什么是 百慕大三角 魔鬼 死
The Bermuda Triangle, also known as the Devil's Sea, is a triangle-shaped stretch of ocean between Miami (迈阿密), Bermuda and Puerto Rico(波 多黎各) in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean. The area is one of the most heavily traveled shipping lanes in the world, with ships crossing through it daily for ports in the Americas, Europe, and the Caribbean Islands.
百慕大三角The Bermuda triangle百慕大三角(英语:Bermuda Triangle;又称魔鬼三角),位于北大西洋的马尾藻海,是由英属百慕大群岛、美属波多黎各及美国佛罗里达州南端所形成的三角区海域,据称经常发生超自然现象及违反物理定律的事件,面积约116万平方公里.The Bermuda Triangle (English: Bermuda Triangle, also known as the devil's Triangle), located in the north Atlantic the Sargasso Sea, is made up of the British Bermuda, Puerto Rico and waters of the Triangle formed by the southern tip of Florida, allegedly supernatural occur frequently and the events of violation of the laws of physics, an area of about 116 square kilometers.“百慕大魔鬼三角区”名称的由来,是1945年12月5日美国19飞行队在训练时神秘失踪,当时预定的飞行计划是一个三角形,于是人们后来把美国东南沿海的大西洋上,北起百慕大,延伸到佛罗里达州南部的迈阿密,然后通过巴哈马群岛,穿过波多黎各,到西经40°线附近的圣胡安,再折回百慕大,形成的一个地区,称为百慕大三角区域“魔鬼三角”。
The origin of the name "Bermuda triangle", which was on December 5, 1945, the United States in the 19th flying team mysteriously disappeared during the training, the scheduled flight plan was a triangle, and then the United States on the southeast coast of the Atlantic, north Bermuda, extends to the south of Miami, Florida, and then through the Bahamas, through the Puerto Rico, to 40 ° west longitude line near SAN Juan, returning the Bermuda, the formation of a region, called the "devil's triangle" the Bermuda triangle area. In this region, there have been hundreds of ships and aircraft crash, and thousands of people died here.从1876到1980年间,约有158次失踪事件,其中大多是发生在1949年以来的30年间,曾发生失踪事件97次,至少有2000人在此丧生或失踪。
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百慕大三角The Bermuda triangle百慕大三角(英语:Bermuda Triangle;又称魔鬼三角),位于北大西洋的马尾藻海,是由英属百慕大群岛、美属波多黎各及美国佛罗里达州南端所形成的三角区海域,据称经常发生超自然现象及违反物理定律的事件,面积约116万平方公里.The Bermuda Triangle (English: Bermuda Triangle, also known as the devil's Triangle), located in the north Atlantic the Sargasso Sea, is made up of the British Bermuda, Puerto Rico and waters of the Triangle formed by the southern tip of Florida, allegedly supernatural occur frequently and the events of violation of the laws of physics, an area of about 116 square kilometers.“百慕大魔鬼三角区”名称的由来,是1945年12月5日美国19飞行队在训练时神秘失踪,当时预定的飞行计划是一个三角形,于是人们后来把美国东南沿海的大西洋上,北起百慕大,延伸到佛罗里达州南部的迈阿密,然后通过巴哈马群岛,穿过波多黎各,到西经40°线附近的圣胡安,再折回百慕大,形成的一个地区,称为百慕大三角区域“魔鬼三角”。
The origin of the name "Bermuda triangle", which was on December 5, 1945, the United States in the 19th flying team mysteriously disappeared during the training, the scheduled flight plan was a triangle, and then the United States on the southeast coast of the Atlantic, north Bermuda, extends to the south of Miami, Florida, and then through the Bahamas, through the Puerto Rico, to 40 ° west longitude line near SAN Juan, returning the Bermuda, the formation of a region, called the "devil's triangle" the Bermuda triangle area. In this region, there have been hundreds of ships and aircraft crash, and thousands of people died here.从1876到1980年间,约有158次失踪事件,其中大多是发生在1949年以来的30年间,曾发生失踪事件97次,至少有2000人在此丧生或失踪。
From 1876 to 1980, about 158 disappearances, mostly occurred in the 30 years since 1949, has 97 times, missing events at least 2000 people dead or missing. These strange and mysterious disappearances, mainly occurred in the western Atlantic called the Sargasso Sea area, for 20 °north latitude 40 °, 35 ° west longitude 75 ° between broad waters. Here is the world famous of the Gulf Stream flows 120-190 - km per day and night, and vortex, typhoon and tornadoes. Besides that, but here the sea about 4000-5000 meters deep, Puerto Rico trench, more than 7000 metres deep, the deepest part of 9218 meters.1963年2月2日,美国“玛林•凯恩”号油船例行出航。
On February 2, 1963, the United States "malin, Kane" tanker sailing routined. This ship was armed with modern navigation instruments and advanced communications equipment. On the second day of the voyage, the ship's crew also reported to the harbour: "oil tanker is normally sail to north latitude 26 ° 40 ', longitude 73 ° on the sea." But who also couldn't think thar this was "ma Lin, Kane" tanker of the final report. Since then, the oil tanker was silently disappeared, like falling into a deep hole. Later ships searched,but did not see even a drop of oil on the sea. Submarine pyramid in 1979, the United States, France had a new discovery: scientists discovered a pyramid in this sea area, which is 200 meters high, the bottom side length 300 meters, the spire and the sea are 100 meters apart. The tower has two giant holes. Some scientists said that the raw material of plyramids could be iron stone, because the shock waves and the long-term effects of the geomagnetic field, the pyramids had been magnetized, making a huge permanent magnets. When the ship moved across the sea area, disorder, and may be inhaled.飞机在这个海区上空飞行时,也常常遭到莫名其妙的“飞来横祸”,在这里失事的飞机,有的直到最后几分钟还同机场保持着正常的联系,它们几乎是在一瞬间消失的。
When the aircrafts are flying above the sea, they are also often puzzling "outrageous fortune", the wrecked planes here, some until the last minutes still maintained normal contact with the airport, they almost disappeared in a flash. Some aircrafts reported strangely before the crash, for example, instrument suddenly seized up, the sky became yellow, extremely sunny day of fog, sea, etc., but who also could provide more specific details. Some statistics, from 1840 to now, the plane in the Bermuda triangle mystery of the missing of the events have been up to 100. Mesoscale vortex since the 1970 s, people have used advanced technology to the Bermuda triangle, a series of large-scale investigation, found that the area has a lot of vortex, its radius of 20 ~ 40 km, have suitable (clockwise) inverse spiral direction (clockwise), and high center sea, rotate speed from a few centimeters per second to a few centimeters, they appeard and haunted the impermanence, "life" of a few months. This is the so-called "mesoscale vortex". When there is clockwise in the ocean of mesoscale vortex, due to the effect of coriolis force, the water will be from convergent to the center, around the vortex center to the surface of the above all round, forming a few hundred meters above the sea huge mobility "water mountain". This sudden huge mountain water, can eat all of the ships.。