梅特勒-托利多pH应用案例_寻找合适的pH电极 通过Electrode ValueBox




电位滴定仪在电位滴定仪在电力电力电力行业水质分析中行业水质分析中行业水质分析中的应用的应用梅特勒-摘要:电力行业水质分析的项目包括:测量氟离子浓度、pH 值和电导率值,测定碱度(即氢氧根离子,碳酸根离子含量)和氯离子、硫酸根离子的含量,以及总硬度的测定等。


关键词:水质分析、电位滴定仪、T70、Rondo 15电力行业中的水质好坏对锅炉的寿命和热传递效果非常关键,在当前广泛推广节能降耗的情况下,严格进行水质分析是电力行业中节能降耗的重要措施。

水质分析的项目通常包括:测量氟离子(用F -代替)浓度、pH 值和电导率值,测定碱度(即氢氧根离子(用OH -代替)和碳酸根离子(用CO 32-代替)含量)和氯离子(用Cl -代替)、硫酸根离子(用SO 42-代替)的含量,以及总硬度(钙离子、镁离子的含量,常用氧化钙的量表示)的测定等。






在滴定过程中,随着标准滴定溶液的不断加入,待测离子活度的不断变化导致电极电位E 不断发生变化;在滴定到达终点前后,溶液中的待测离子浓度往往连续变化n 个数量级,引起电极电位的突跃,此突跃点即化学计量点,也就是滴定反应的终点。



连至电源网络............................................. 9
5. 双通道菜单................................................................................................................................................25
测量离子浓度值...........................................51 校准离子选择性电极......................................52 增量法测量..............................................5..3 ISFET测量模块............................................54 ISFET测量模块的菜单结构..................................54 ISFET菜单的操作..........................................55 使用ISFET测量模块进行测量................................55
























1目的制定梅特勒-托利多FE-20 pH计使用标准操作规程,使操作到达规化、标准化,确保数据的准确性。

2 围本规程适用于梅特勒-托利多FE-20 pH计的操作。

3容3.1校准梅特勒-托利多 FE-20 pH计可以使用4种不同的缓冲液组进展校准,我公司现使用的是第4组,pH值为6.86、4.01、9.18的标准缓冲液组。

3.1.1 准备标准缓冲液3.1.1.1可以购置雷磁袋装pH标准缓冲液〔粉剂〕4.00、6.86、9.18 三包一套,按说明书使用,注意屡次洗涤包装袋,保证袋中所有粉末转移到容量瓶中,新配制的3个标准缓冲液应放在冰箱中保存〔4℃左右〕,有效期为3个月。


3.1.3 校准〔三点校准〕零点校准〔定位〕a.将pH电极从保存液〔3mol/L KCl〕中取出,用纯水仔细冲洗电极的敏感膜和电极杆,再用滤纸轻轻吸水分,不要用滤纸摩擦玻璃膜。


b. 短按【校准】键,开场零电位校准,显示屏显示校准图标、测量图标和【cal 1】。



梅特勒-托利多FE--pH计使用标准操作规程————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期:文件名称梅特勒-托利多FE-20 pH计使用标准操作规程文件编号共5页1 目的制定梅特勒-托利多FE-20 pH计使用标准操作规程,使操作达到规范化、标准化,确保数据的准确性。

2范围本规程适用于梅特勒-托利多FE-20 pH计的操作。

3内容3.1 校准梅特勒-托利多FE-20pH计可以使用4种不同的缓冲液组进行校准,我公司现使用的是第4组,pH值为6.86、4.01、9.18的标准缓冲液组。

3.1.1准备标准缓冲液3.1.1.1可以购买雷磁袋装pH标准缓冲液(粉剂)4.00、6.86、9.18 三包一套,按说明书使用,注意多次洗涤包装袋,保证袋中所有粉末转移到容量瓶中,新配制的3个标准缓冲液应放在冰箱中保存(4℃左右),有效期为3个月。


3.1.2校准前设置3.1.2.1开机:短按【退出】键,等待3~5秒,预热30min。短按【设置】键,当前MTC温度值开始闪烁,按【上】或【下】键,调节温度至25℃。 按【读数】键确认。 随后仪器预置的缓冲液组开始闪烁,使用【上】或【下】键,选择pH值为6.86、4.01、9.18的标准缓冲液组。 按【读数】键确认,仪器随后返回测量状态。长按【读数】键,使显示屏上显示自动终点【A】或手动终点【】,通常选用自动判定终点模式【A】。

3.1.3校准(三点校准)零点校准(定位)a.将pH电极从保存液(3mol/L KCl)中取出,用纯水仔细冲洗电极的敏感膜和电极杆,再用滤纸轻轻吸水分,不要用滤纸摩擦玻璃膜。



梅特勒-托利多FE20型pH计标准操作规程METTLER TOLEDO FE20 pH Meter Standard Operation Procedure1目的建立梅特勒FE20型pH计标准操作规程,规范梅特勒FE20型pH计的使用、维护行为。
















盐水中的杂质会对电解效率和膜性能产生不利的影 响。因此,在进入电解池之前,要对盐水进行大量广 泛的净化过程,经过沉淀过滤将不需要的成分去除。 通 过 添 加 各种盐 分 作为沉淀 剂 并 分 步小 心地 提高 pH 值至 10-12,钙、钡、锰和其它金属的硫酸盐、碳酸 盐和氢氧化物等杂质将沉淀下来。过滤后,盐水通过 离子交换器进行精制处理,以便去除其它杂质。
离开电解槽的废盐水包含一些游离氯和氯酸盐,二 者都需要去除。在脱氯过程中,pH 值降低至 2 或更 低,使剩余的氯气变成气态后提取出来。盐水中的氯
酸盐在酸性环境中可转化为氯气,而在高 pH 值时则 会被还原。
传统的 pH 电极在氯碱过程中面临各种非常恶劣的条 件。它们要暴露在高温下,还有各种化合物引起的堵 塞与污染。在电解池的阳极侧尤为如此。这里,氯气 通过膈膜扩散到电极中,并腐蚀参比系统。这会导致 错误的 pH 测量值并缩短传感器使用寿命。迄今为 止,氯碱使用的最可靠的 pH 电极是那些带有预加压 参比电解液的 pH 电极。过压可防止氯气扩散进入参 比电解液并污染参比。这种电极要求特殊的安装附件 (例如可预加压的护套等),这需要定期清洁和校准 以便保持测量的准确度。
当预先校准的传感器连接到 ISM 变送器时,会立即被 识别,由变送器进行适当配置。即插即测功能意味着 在不到 1 分钟时间内即可安装传感器并做好测量准 备,可避免因更换或校准传感器引起的生产过程长 时间中断,从而显著提高生产效率,使操作人员将注 意力集中在更重要的任务上。
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
智能传感器管理 InPro 4850 i 采用的是梅特勒-托利多的智 能传感器管理 (ISM) 技术。ISM 改进了传感器操控性 能,不仅可增强可靠性,而且大大降低了传感器生命 周期的使用成本。ISM 的部分特性列举如下。



梅特勒-托利多SevevMulti型pH/电导率/离子综合测试仪操作说明一仪表说明1按键区域2测量显示上的图标二操作说明2.1 测量pH值注:若要确保测得的pH值准确,请在每次连续测量之前进行校准。







2.2 校准pH电极校准准备–准备好缓冲液。





屏幕上的CAL 1表示正在测量第一个校准点。




–将电极浸入第二种校准缓冲液并再按Cal开始校准屏幕上的CAL 2表示正在测量第二个校准点。

当测量值稳定后,读•电极需要清洗pH:斜率90-94%,零点漂移- 15至- 35 mV以及+ 15至+ 35 mV ISFET:斜率80-84%,零点漂移- 15至- 35 mV以及+ 15至+ 35 mV •电极损坏pH:斜率85-89%,零点漂移< - 35 mV以及零点漂移> + 35 mV ISFET:斜率75-79%,零点漂移< - 35 mV以及零点漂移> + 35 mV –清洗时请始终遵守所用电极的操作手册中的信息说明。

– pH电极的状态可通过所提供的电极测试来进行检查。

四安全措施4.1 保护措施–切勿在易爆环境中使用本仪表!仪表外壳并非密封(存在由于形成火星而引发的爆炸危险以及由于气体渗入而产生的腐蚀危险)–使用化学品或溶剂时,请遵守制造商的指示以及实验室通用安全规范!4.2 安全操作措施–仅可由梅特勒-托利多公司的服务人员维修本仪表。





提高测量速度、结果的一致性和可重复性可根据 IP400 标准通过电导滴定来实现。


电位滴定中的挑战采用 IP177/276 标准测定酸度或碱值的电位滴定往往很耗时。


良好的替换方法就是根据 IP400 标准的电导滴定。



从这个角度看,梅特勒-托利多通过将 InLab ® 718 电导率电极和超越系列 T70 滴定仪的电导率接口主板结合在一起,提供了独特而又完全遵守法规的解决方案。

滴定示例将油溶解在 60 ml 的异丙醇/水/甲苯 (45/5/50 Vol-%) 混合溶剂中,并用 0.1 mol/l 异丙醇 HCl 滴定剂滴定到等当点。

该滴定可以使用 Rondo 20 自动进样器实现完全自动化(图 1,下一页)。

滴定后,该混合物被 SP250 蠕动泵抽取到了废液瓶中。

电导率电极油品名称样品大小[g]样品数量平均碱值[mg KOH/g]相对标准差[%]每个样品的平均滴定时间[分钟]对比碱值(BN )[mg KOH/g]*与对照碱值平均值的偏差[%]切削油(BN 值 = 20) 1.5618.950.32 2.717.8 6.6机油 1.0610.90.51 2.510.80.9船舶柴油0.25638.50.562.540.4-4.92梅特勒-托利多 石油石化快讯 7出版商梅特勒-托利多集团实验室与称量技术 Im LangacherCH-8606 Greifensee, Switzerland 生产实验室细分市场部瑞士技术文章梅特勒-托利多集团– 实验室与称量技术 – 分析仪器11794451 40.26如有技术更改,恕不另行通知 © 梅特勒-托利多集团 08/08瑞士印刷。


• 按参比电解液分为三类
–液体电极、凝胶电极、固体电极。每一 类电解液有多种标号
• 按敏感膜分为四类
• 按信号传输类型
• 隔膜数量和类型 • 电极长度 • …有上..千.个pH电极的标号,适用于多种工业过程
• pH理论 • 电极分类 • 电极安装 • 维护保养 • 故障排除
• 电极角度
• 管道直径(L=5~10d)
• 水流方向,死角
包括 ........玻璃电极 ..…参比电极
利用对溶液pH 值/ORP 值变化敏感的测量电极和有恒定电位的参比 电极所组成的工作电池来测量电势,从而利用待测溶液的pH 值和ORP 值 与工作电池的电势大小之间的线性关系(如对pH 值有能斯特公式:
• 将电极浸泡在相应的电解
• 不要干放电极 • 千万不要放在蒸馏水中!



1、技能参数之阳早格格创做1.1丈量范畴:pH 0.00~14.00;-1999~1999mV;0~100℃1.2辨别率:0.01ph;1mV;0.1℃1.3电源:220V/50Hz,9V/DC1.4环境条件:环境温度:5~40℃;相对付干度:5%~80%2、支配规程2.1 校准2.1.1 缓冲溶液组pH计可举止1,2大概3面校准,如果使用仪容内置的尺度缓冲液组,正在校准历程中,仪容不妨自动辨别尺度缓冲溶液的pH 值.仪容内置四组尺度缓冲溶液组:对付于每一组缓冲液,自动温度补测步调皆已固化正在仪容中(睹附录).2.1.2 校准树坐:短按树坐键,目前MTC温度值闪烁,按读数键决定.目前预置缓冲液组闪烁,使用▲大概▼键去采用使用的缓冲液组,按读数键确认.2.1.3 一面校准2.1.3.1 将电极搁进缓冲液中,并按校准键启初校准,校准战丈量图标将共时表露.正在旗号宁静后仪容根据预选末面的办法自动末面(表露屏表露)大概按读数键脚动末面(表露屏表露).按读数键后,仪容表露整面战斜率,而后自动退回到丈量绘里.注意:当举止一面校准时,惟有整面被安排.如果电极之前举止过多面校准,它的斜率会被保存.可则表里斜率,即-59.16mV/pH被采与.少按校准键,仪容将表露斜率战整面值,而后仪容退回到丈量绘里.2.1.4 二面校准2.1.4.1 按2.1.3.1中所述实止一面校准.仪容自动末面大概脚动末面后,请没有要按读数键,可则将退回丈量状态. 用去离子火浑洗电极. 将电极搁进下一个校准缓冲液中,并按校准键启初下一面校准.正在旗号宁静后仪容根据预选末面办法自动末面大概按读数键脚动末面.按读数键后,仪容表露整面战斜率,共时保存校准数据,而后自动退回到丈量绘里.2.1.5 三面校准:如2.1.4一般举止3面校准.注意:推荐使用温度探头大概戴内置温度探头的电极.如果使用MTC模式.则应将所有缓冲溶液战样品溶液脆持正在相共的设定温度上.为了保证透彻的pH读数,应定期实止校准.2.2 样品丈量2.2.1 将电极搁正在样品溶液中并按读数键启初丈量,绘里上小数面闪动.自动丈量末面A是仪容的默认树坐.当电极输出宁静后,表露屏自动牢固,并表露样品溶液pH值.2.2.2 按住读数值,不妨正在自动战脚动丈量末面模式之间切换.要脚动丈量一个末面,可按读数键,表露屏牢固并表露╭.2.2.3 要正在pH丈量历程中查看mV值,只消按模式键即可.要实止mV丈量,请按与pH丈量相共的步调实止.2.3 温度丈量为了普及粗度,修议使用温度探头大概戴内置温度探头的电极.当使用温度探头时,屏幕将表露ATC标记战样品温度.注意:本仪容仅适用NTC 30 kΩ温度探头.2.4 脚动温度补偿:当仪容已检测到温度探头时,它将自动切换为脚动温度补偿模式,并表露MTC.要设定MTC温度,短按树坐键,至屏幕表露MTC温度并闪烁,,使用▲大概▼键去删大大概缩小样品的温度值.按读数键以确认温度树坐.默认值为25℃.2.5 参比电极输进:FE20提供了参比电极输进.2.6 仪容自检2.6.1 共时按住读数战校准键,曲到仪容谦屏表露所有图标,而后屏幕依次闪现每一个图标.那样不妨查看所有的图标是可被透彻表露.末尾一步是检测每一个按键是可功能平常.2.6.2 检测按键功能时,有五个图标表露正在屏幕上,以任性序次逐个按键盘上的五个功能键:每按一个键,屏幕上的相映图标即消得;继承按其余按键曲到所有图标均消得.2.6.3 自检乐成完毕后,屏幕会表露PAS.如果自检波折,将表露Err1.2.7 回复出厂设定仪容正在闭机状态下,共时按读数,校准战启/闭键3秒,将表露RST并闪烁,按读数键回复出厂树坐,可则按退出键与消此支配.3、维护3.1 堕落疑息3.2 仪容维护克制将仪器的壳体分散.除了奇我需要用一齐干布揩拭一下大概调换电池中,FiveEasy仪容没有需要做其余维护调养.中壳由(ABS/PC)塑料造成,会受一些有机溶剂如甲苯、二甲苯战丁酮(MEK)等的侵害.如出现上述情况,坐时揩去溅到中壳上的此类溶剂.3.3 电极维护保证电极末究存搁正在适合的保存液中.为了赢得最大粗度,所有附着大概凝固正在电极中部的弥补液均应用蒸馏火即时与消.请末究根据厂商确定存搁电极,没有要使之搞涸.如果电极斜率赶快下落,大概者赞同速度缓缓,则可用下列步调办理.根据样品的分歧,请测验考查下列要领之一.(1)对付于油脂类,请用蘸有丙酮大概肥黑火的本棉与消电极膜表面的污秽.(2)如果电极膜搞涸,将电极头浸进0.1mol/L的HCL溶液中,搁置一夜.(3)如果正在隔膜中有蛋黑量积散,请将电极浸进HCL/胃蛋黑酶溶液中进去重积物.(4)如果电极爆收硫化银传染,请将电极浸进硫脲溶液中与消重积物.电极处理后请重新校准.注意:请按毒性大概腐蚀性物量的处理规则去处理荡涤液大概弥补液.4、附录4.1 缓冲溶液组FiveEasy仪容用下表中列出的值去自动校准设定温度缓冲液组1(参比温度25℃)MT US缓冲液组2(参比温度25℃)MT Europe缓冲液组3(参比温度25℃)JJG 119 华夏缓冲液组4(参比温度25℃)JIS Z 8802 日本。


电极斜率 电极使用寿 命
一般污染:使用水、 0.1MNaOH或 0.1MHCl清洗电极数分钟;
油脂或有机物的污染:用丙酮或乙醇 清洗电极数秒钟
pH电极日常பைடு நூலகம்护小结
• 正确维护确保测量的精度和稳定性,延长
• 定期校准(标定) • 定期加入电解液(465和InPro2000电极) • 避免负压,防止料液倒灌入参比体系中 • 正确的保存电极 • 污染物的清洗,保持隔膜清洁
• pH理论 • 电极分类 • 电极安装 • 维护保养 • 故障排除
• 按参比电解液分为三类
–液体电极、凝胶电极、固体电极。每一 类电解液有多种标号
• 按敏感膜分为四类
• 按信号传输类型
• 隔膜数量和类型 • 电极长度 • …有上..千.个pH电极的标号,适用于多种工业过程
测量电极:对溶液pH 值/ORP 值变化敏感
测量电极 原E理=_EOpHR--P- E reference
E = EpH --- E reference



钠离子电极可简便快速地测量水溶液中的钠离子浓度玻璃膜•电极内阻10-6mol/l ~ 1 mol/l•温度范围9~12•干扰离子下列离子与钠离子的浓度比必须符合NH4+ <50H+<0.001ÓëÄÆÀë×ÓµÄŨ¶È´óСÓйØ准备钠电极活化电极使用前再用去离子水反复清洗至空白电位稳定制备标准溶液取分析纯的固体氯化钠在120°C烘2小时用去离子水逐级稀释标准储备液来配制不同浓度的标准钠离子溶液参比电极取下加液口的保护帽待外参比电解液全部流出后再旋紧接界隔膜(注意不能太紧)ÖØиÇÉϱ£»¤Ã±ÉÏÏÂÕð¶¯标定及测量如果您使用离子计两点标定选择两个浓度相差十倍的标准溶液根据离子计使用说明书将离子计设置在标定方式,设置浓度较小的标准溶液为第一个校正点, 浓度较大的标准溶液为第二个校正点然后将钠电极和参比电极一起插入溶液中将100ml浓度较大的标准溶液与2ml的ISA溶液混合搅拌进行第二点校正试样测量用去离子水冲洗电极然后将两支电极置入试样溶液中如果您使用pH/mV计绘制工作曲线选择两个或两个以上标准溶液可采用任何浓度单位来准备分别将100ml的各个标准溶液与2ml ISA混合由稀到浓测定溶液的mV值即为工作曲线将100ml试样与2ml ISA溶液混合然后在工作曲线上读出该mV数对应的钠离子浓度值也可以采用标准加入法可用常用的实验室清洁剂除去方可使用必须清洗电极避免让溶液挥发附件LE302参比电极12107202或121072040.1M NH4ClISA离子强度调节剂1M NH4OH0.2 mol/l二异丙胺或Ba(OH)2可用于调节被测溶液的pH值General informationSodium electrode is intended for measuring the sodium-ion concentrations in aqueous solution. Its preferred applications are to be found in the fields of food-products and pollution, as well as in the analysis of cooling water and biological fluids.Specifications•Type of ion selective membrane:Glass membrane•Membrane impedance: < 250MΩ•Measurement range: 10-6 ~ 1 mol/l •Operating temperature range: 0 ~ 80°C •Optimum pH range: 9~12•Response time:Depending on the concentration range: 10 to 60 seconds.•Interfering ions: Ag+ must be absent; the mo-lar proportions of the following ions to the sodium ion must lie below the following levels (ratios): K+ <5; NH4+ <50; Li+<1; H+<0.001. Preparatory operationsActivationBefore the sodium electrode was used, it should be soaked in alkaline 0.01mol/l sodium solu-tion for 2 hour and rinsed repeatedly with deion-ized water till blank potential is steady. The so-dium electrode should be dabbed off with paper tissue.Preparation of standard solutionDry AR grade sodium chloride at 120ºC for 2 hours. Weight out 5.845g NaCl (for a 0.1 mol/l Na+ solution), or 2.542g NaCl (for a 1.0 g/l Na+ solution), dissolve in deionzed water in a 1000ml calibrated flask and make up to the mark. Prepare solutions with different sodium concentrations by diluting the standard stock solution with deionized water as appropriate. Ideally, each of these solutions should be placed in a different plastic measuring vessel.Reference electrodeRemove cap from electrolyte filling port. Slightlyloosen the ground-joint diaphragm (by carefulturning) so that out reference electrolyte flows out.Tighten up ground joint again (but not too tight).Top up with 0.1mol/l NH4Cl electrolyte to fillingport for out-mediate electrolyte and recover the cap.Clutch the electrode and shake up and down inorder to reduce air bubbles.Calibration and measurementIf you are using ionic meter, proceed as followsto measure sodium ion concentration:2 point calibrationPrepare two standards; one standard has 10 timesdifference in concentration from another one. Thestandard solutions can be prepared with any con-centration unit.According to the menu setting process of your ionicmeter, set the lower concentration standard as thefirst calibration point, and the higher one as thesecond calibration point.Mix 100ml the lower concentration standard and2ml ISA solution, and stir. Place the sodium elec-trode and reference electrode together in the mixedsolution, start the first point calibration.Mix 100ml the higher concentration standard and2ml ISA solution, and stir. Place two electrodes inthe mixed solution, start the second pointcalibration.After 2 points calibration, the meter automaticallydetermines the calibration slope.Measurement SampleRinse two electrodes with deionized water.To 100ml sample solutions add 2ml ISA solutionand stir. Place two electrodes in the mixed solu-tion and start measurement.If you are using pH/mV meter, proceed as followsto measure sodium ion concentration:Plotting calibration diagramSelect two or more standard solutions includingthe sample’s sodium concentration. The standardsolutions can be prepared with any concentrationunit. According to pH/mV meter instruction manual,select mV mode.To 100ml standard solutions add 2ml ISA solu-tion and stir, respectively. Place the sodium elec-trode and reference electrode in the mixed solu-tion and measure the mV of the mixed solutionfrom lower to higher concentrations.Plot measured mV values on a calibration dia-gram against the logarithm of the sodium con-centration of the corresponding solution (use loggraph paper).Measurement SampleRinse two electrodes with deionized water aftereach measurement.To 100ml sample solutions add 2ml ISA solutionand stir. According to above method measure themV of sample solution. Use the calibration dia-gram to read off the sodium concentration of thesample solutions from the measured mV values.It is advisable when carrying out lower sodiumdetermination to apply a standard additionmethod.Maintenance and serviceIf simple contamination were found on the glassmembrane, it can be removed by carefully wipingthem off with usual laboratory detergents. Thensodium electrode can be rinsed with deionizedwater and soaked for several hours in 0.1mol/lsodium solution.StorageAfter measurement, rinse sodium electrode andcarefully wipe off glass membrane with a papertissue. If the sodium electrode was usually used,it may be immersed in a 0.1mol/l NaCl solutionto avoid solution volatize. If not used for a longtime, it may be stored dry in the protective tube.AccessoriesLE302 Ref. electrode(Order No. 12107202 Or 12107204)Bridge electrolyte: 0.1mol/l NH4ClIonic Strength Adjuster (ISA):4 mol/l NH4Cl, 1 mol/l NH4OHA solution of 0.2 mol/l diisopropylamine orBa(OH)2can adjust the pH of the measuringsolution.Order No: 12107080 or 121071901.Electrode cap2.Plastic electrode body3.Internal lead-out4.Electric screw5.Sodium Ion-selective membrane6.Filling port for inter-mediate electrolyte7.Filling port for out-mediate electrolyte8.internal reference electrolyte9.Ag/AgCl reference element10.Porous ceramic diaphragm11.Out reference electrolyte12.Ground-joint diaphragm。



1 目的制定梅特勒-托利多FE-20 pH计使用标准操作规程,使操作达到规化、标准化,确保数据的准确性。

2 围本规程适用于梅特勒-托利多FE-20 pH计的操作。

3容3.1 校准梅特勒-托利多FE-20 pH计可以使用4种不同的缓冲液组进行校准,我公司现使用的是第4组,pH值为6.86、4.01、9.18的标准缓冲液组。

3.1.1准备标准缓冲液3.1.1.1可以购买雷磁袋装pH标准缓冲液(粉剂)4.00、6.86、9.18 三包一套,按说明书使用,注意多次洗涤包装袋,保证袋中所有粉末转移到容量瓶中,新配制的3个标准缓冲液应放在冰箱中保存(4℃左右),有效期为3个月。

(实际使用时可以用新配制的标准缓冲液校准仪器后,测定过期的标准缓冲液,如果pH值没有变化,可以延长有效期,一般不超过半年)。 校准前,选3个约20mL的小烧杯分别取约15mL标准缓冲液(溶液的高度要能浸泡电极的玻璃探头),预热到25℃±1℃,此溶液一次性使用。

3.1.2校准前设置3.1.2.1开机:短按【退出】键,等待3~5秒,预热30min。 短按【设置】键,当前MTC温度值开始闪烁,按【上】或【下】键,调节温度至25℃。 按【读数】键确认。 随后仪器预置的缓冲液组开始闪烁,使用【上】或【下】键,选择pH值为6.86、4.01、9.18的标准缓冲液组。 按【读数】键确认,仪器随后返回测量状态。长按【读数】键,使显示屏上显示自动终点【A】或手动终点【】,通常选用自动判定终点模式【A】。

3.1.3校准(三点校准) 零点校准(定位)a.将pH电极从保存液(3mol/L KCl)中取出,用纯水仔细冲洗电极的敏感膜和电极杆,再用滤纸轻轻吸水分,不要用滤纸摩擦玻璃膜。


b.短按【校准】键,开始零电位校准,显示屏显示校准图标、测量图标和【cal 1】。



水份测定3梅特勒-托利多 香精香料及配料快讯 7卵磷脂粉末中的水份控制卵磷脂是食品工业中使用非常广泛的一种天然乳化剂,也是很多巧克力和糖果配方中必不可少的成分之一。

卵磷脂的全球最大生产商之一 - Archer Daniels Midland Company (ADM) 其总部位于伊利诺斯州的迪凯特,当他们需要在食品级卵磷脂生产中进行水份控制时,他们采用的是梅特勒-托利多技术。

卵磷脂 - 不仅仅是乳化剂由于卵磷脂有乳化和稳定的作用,所以它是一种常用于食品行业的天然成份。


ADM 的糖食部门为满足食品制造商不同用途的需要提供了不同等级的卵磷脂。

ADM 作为全球最大的农产品加工商之一,仅在食品应用领域就提供了 1000 多种产品。

HB43-S 用于有效的过程控制ADM 研究人员已开发出一道严格的粉状脱脂卵磷脂筛选工艺。

为确保粉状物易于混合并且可以很好地保存必须使脱脂卵磷脂的水份含量在 7-8%。

在全天候生产中,QC 实验室每两小时要对生产线进行一次抽样分析。


“快速、简单、可靠 – 再加上梅特勒-托利多的服务”这就是为什么 Mitch Ashley 先生- ADM 东部实验室经理,选择梅特勒-托利多仪器的原因所在。

基于在迪凯特的工厂中近 30 台 HB43-S 仪器的良好使用经验,Ashley 先生现在已利用梅特勒-托利多卤素水份测定仪使得他们整个美国东部的实验室标准化。

目前,*AOAC 参考方法仅用于最终产品检测。

HB43-S 水份测定仪可以有效控制整个生产过程中的其他部分。

` /moisture*AOAC = Association of Offical Analytical Chemists [sic]卤素水份测定仪 HB43-S。



Sev e n E x c e l l e n c e™SevenExcellence ™Excel in the Lab with SevenExcellence™Unmatched pH Performance2S e v e n E x c e l l e n c e ™P r e c i s i o nFlexible and Efficient Lab Work Precise and SecureSevenExcellence ™ stands for convenient, easy-to-understand operation combined with high measurement accuracy and outstanding reliability. The instrument can effectively cope with complex applications and strin-gent requirements in regulated markets, but it also feels at ease with routine measurement tasks in the laboratory.The instrument can be employed in different segments and workplaces, with tasks ranging from product characterization in R&D, through screening of numerous samples, to produc­tion and quality assurance. The properties of SevenExcellence and its interplay with a large selection of peripherals fulfill the requirements in the various application areas in the best possible way.... via several candidates in small scale production ...During small scale production the goal is to obtain the promising candidates in large enough quantities for detailed screening. Precisely controlling the purity of reagents used, monitoring of the reaction condi­tions and the outcome of the experiment is i mportant to ensure traceability and repeatability. The key is a pH meter that measures precisely and accurately, and allows for proper GLP documentation. With its methods built around strictly defined parameters and its extensive GLP properties, S evenExcellence is the ideal choice.... to one substance in manufacturing ...During manufacturing the lead substance is pro­duced in large quantities. Its quality must be e nsured through the complete process, starting with monitor­ing cleaning­in­process water from the cleaned equipment and ending with the verification of the product's purity. For each step not only accuracy but also documentation and compliance are especially important. The highly accurate SevenExcellence with its sophisticated user management and strict and se­cure methods stand up to these demanding tasks.34S i m p l e O p e r a t i o nImproved Lab Work from the StartIntuitive and ClearIntuitive touch screen operationThe capacitive touch screen with clear buttons and an intuitive menu structure makes the instru­ment's operation fast and easy. The menus exist in 10 languages and do not contain a single cryp­tic expression!The huge 7 inch high resolution color display has large digits, in­tuitive buttons and well arranged icons so that you identify the most relevant information at a glance.Large color display The operation of SevenExcellence ™ is so intuitive that it can be immediate-ly deployed without requiring long periods of user familiarization. Starting an analysis, changing the settings and accessing the results is easily achieved thanks to the cleverly-devised touch screen menu operation.The large clear color display and the state­of­the­art touch screen operation makes working with this instrument particularly enjoyable. The instruments' operation has been designed to support your workflow in the lab. Selecting the right settings in the menu is intuitive because the instrument speaks your language.By a single click on a shortcut you can start a method: a se­quence of analysis steps with fixed pre­set parameters. Using methods makes sure that your particular analysis is always per­formed with identical settings. uPlace™: the electrode arm can be operated with one hand, mov­ing perfectly straight up and down to bring the electrode in the per­fect position. This allows for faster measurements and poses less risk of the sample vessel tipping over and damaging the sensor!OneClick™ methods – quick and revolutionary Perfect ergonomics and highproductivity with uPlace™Discovery of PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) has made amplification of DNA sequences a simple and convenient standard technique. In all life science industries, pH plays a crucial role when making buffers or culture media.56S u s t a i n a b l e V a l u eFlexibility in all Respects Versatile and ManifoldFlexible buffer choice and creationChoose from our large collection of pre­defined calibration buffers and standards, or create your own with only a few clicks. Our Pick­and­Mix ™ feature allows you to conveniently combine pH buf­fers from different buffer groups.SevenExcellence fits three mod­ules in any composition and or­der. It offers the highest possible flexibility as you can expand the instrument at any time, adding new measurement parameters.Modularity –expand at any time Connectivity and peripheral options SevenExcellence has USB, Ether­net and RS232 interfaces, allow­ing the connection of a barcode reader, Rondolino sample chang­er, USB stick, network andMETTLER TOLEDO printers and a PC with LabX ® direct software. SevenExcellence ™ offers flexibility on all levels, ranging from the number of measurement parameters to the choice of a vast collection of peripheral devices. The instrument's interfaces allow you to connect peripherals si-multaneously, supporting your workflow in the best possible way.The instrument allows two completely different types of analyses, supporting the workflow of users with different preferences and needs. Methods are especially suitable for analyses that require strictly defined parameters, such as in quality assurance. Direct measurements on the other hand are useful for R&D purposes as the parameters for each measurement can be changed easily.7Useful magnetic stirrerThe optional uMix ™ magnetic stir­rer from METTLER TOLEDO pro­vides an extra degree of flexibility for methods. Stirring can be setup individually for measurement or waiting steps in your method and the stir speed adjusted to reflect the sample’s vessel size and vis­cosity.Free choice withthe number of parametersSevenExcellence allows for mea­surements of 1, 2 or 3 parame­ters simultaneously, either in the same or different samples. With multi­channel measurements the temperature signal from onemodule can be used for all others to ensure identical temperature readings!The invention and subsequent rapid development of electronics has enhanced flexibility and performance in all areas of daily life. To ensure the quality of the ultra­pure water utilized during the production of micro­electronic chips, measuring conductivity is vital.8S a f e R e s u l t sIntelligent Sensor ManagementISM ® sensors are automatically identified by the instrument, pre­venting the use of the wrong sen­sor ID by mistake. Furthermore, calibration data is stored on the sensor and upon connection it is automatically transferred to the instrument for further use.SevenExcellence has an inge n ious user management with four levels from operator to administrator, each with progressively more rights. This allows the assignment of rights to a user that match his experience and authorization level. The risk of unintentional or unau­thorized changes of settings and deletion of results is eliminated!User Management –suits the needs of any userSecurity via methods Methods provide a high degree of security ensuring that the analy­ses are always performed with identical settings and parameters. Behind method modification are user management rights that can be further restricted so that chang­es are only allowed by the meth­od's creator.SevenExcellence ™ comes with security functions that support your workflow during all phases of the calibration, measurement data collection and ar-chiving process. Its ingenious package makes the instrument suitable for routine tasks and professional measurements under stringent GLP condi-tions alike.The instruments’ focus on workflow is also reflected in its security package. Mistakes are minimized to an absolute minimum by using methods, through the professional user man­agement and the sophisticated calibration support. Archiving results can be done automati­cally by creating a hardcopy on a METTLER TOLEDO or network printer and/or transfer to LabX ® direct PC software.Extensive Security Functions Innovative and Reliable9Radio controlled clock –no doubt about date and timeThe instrument has an integrated radio controlled clock for extra security. When enabled in a labo­ra t ory environment and geo­graphic area with sufficient signal strength, you can rest assured that the instrument always dis­plays the correct date and time.The instrument provides calibra­tion support on many levels, fea­turing methods with a fixed cali­bration sequence, automatic evaluation of the calibration re­sults with optional rejection and monitoring of the sensor’s age and calibration interval. Automatic calibration with the Rondolino sample changer is also possible!Professional calibration – makes calibrations so easy A wealth of GLP support – leaves nothing to coincidence The instrument comes with a package of GLP support func­tions, such as PIN protection, GLP printout format with all GLP rele­vant information and monitoring of measurement limits. Results in memory and printout are marked accordingly if they are outside the predefined limits.The discovery of the protective coating technique has increased the lifetime of products, because it protects the core material from exposure to outside elements. The correct pH value of the final product helps maximize the protective effect of the coating.10SeamlessProcesses Efficient Workflow SupportContemporary and ConvenientSevenExcellence™ has been designed with the objective of optimizing theworkflow and making work in the laboratory more efficient. Just one clickis needed to start a sample or a series of measurement or an analysis se-ries with an optional autosampler. Once setup, data archiving is a standardprocedure that will take place automatically following each analysis.With SevenExcellence the complete cycle from data entry to data archiving is as easy as pos­sible. Stand alone the instrument offers good functionality, but increased efficiency and work­flow optimization can be achieved by connecting peripherals.Fast and convenient data entryThe instrument’s touch screenoperation makes the entry of text,e.g. sample ID's, possible in aquick and convenient way. Toeven further increase efficiency,you can use a USB barcodereader.By a single click on a shortcutyou can start a series or method.If started when running, the nextanalysis will be queued in thetasklist and starts automaticallyupon completion of the previoustask.One Click™ methods –starting analyses quicklySeries – consecutive sampleswith statisticsWith Series it is possible to runseveral samples with the samemethod directly after one another.Not only does this increase the ef­ficiency of the analysis, but alsoautomatically generates statisticaldata such as mean value andstandard deviation across thesamples.11SevenExcellence supports the Rondolino sample changer for methods and series, making au­tomated or unassisted analyses possible. This not only gives you the possibility to focus on other tasks but also allows for special applications such as automated pH calibration.Automation with sample changerAutomatic data transfer with LabX ® directExport of results to a USB stickThe LabX direct pH PC software allows for easy and efficient ex­port of results during analysis. The transfer settings for this soft­ware need to be activated only once in the instrument and will work automa t ically with plug­and­play.Users wishing to document re­sults have an alternative to print­ing the data on a METTLER TOLEDO or network printer, as the instrument also supports ex­porting results in pdf format to a memory stick. This is especially interesting for a paperless labo­ratory.Specifically developed sports nutrition has boosted efficiency, as it has led to increased athletic performance and shorter recuperation periods. The taste, the uptake rate and the consumer safety rely on the acidity, which is controlled by analyzing pH.12S o l i d C o m p l i a n c eSupporting Compliance Requirements Elaborate and TailoredFingerprint reader for secure accessIn addition to typing a password, the instrument also supports the LogStraight ™ external fingerprint reader. This not only offers a con­venient l ogin solution, but also provides an e xtra degree of se­curity!The user management of Seven­Excellence complies with the most stringent regulations. In the area of methods it ensures that only authorized users can create or modify methods, whereas oth­ers can only execute them. This offers the security that methods will not be altered unintentionally! Sophisticated user managementThis instrument has been designed to help you meet the most stringent compliance re-quirements. SevenExcellence ™ offers the ideal combination of innovative properties inte-grated within the instrument, appropriate documentation and services.METTLER TOLEDO also offers professional installation, qualification and calibration services. These not only guarantee accurate and precise measurements but also leave you free of concerns regarding compliance issues during quality audits.Comprehensive services Professionally executed installa­tion and qualification as well as regularly performed maintenance and calibration ensure error­ and carefree instrument operation. Moreover, our qualification and calibration services support you in fulfilling regulatory compliance and provide you with essential documentation required during quality audits.Service SolutionsService products and solutions constitute sustainable contribution to cost savings and satisfying regulatory demands.Installation and QualificationMETTLER TOLEDO provides installation and qualification services for all types of analytical instrumentation including meters. Standardized instal­lation procedures as well as instrument­specific qualification consisting of IQ/OQ and corresponding Equipment Qualification document (EQPac) are essential for efficient and regulatory compliant instrument operation. Maintenance and CalibrationAnnual preventive maintenance, and calibration services ensure a fault­less instrument operation, saving costs on unexpected repair and/or ver­ification activities. Instrument calibration with the traceable tools ensures reliability of the generated results and regulatory compliance.Medicine has become much more secure and projectable through the discovery of tablets, as they allow administration of the right drug dose in the right inter­vals. To comply with internal and international regulations, checking the pH value of drugs is crucial.1314pH/mVMeter SevenExcellence™ pH/mVProfessional and FlexibleSensor testSevenExcellence offers the possi­bility to check the performance ofa pH sensor. The special methodtype sensor test guides the userthrough the individual steps,checking various measurementcharacteristics of a sensor, suchas drift and repeatability.Choose from one of eight pre­de­fined calibration buffers groups oreasily create your own. With thePick­and­Mix™ feature you canconveniently combine pH buffersfrom different groups. After cali­bration the sensor icon showsyou the quality of the calibrationat a glance.Professional pH calibration Methods for secureand efficient calibrationsUsing methods is a secure andefficient way of calibrating a pHsensor. Once a method is created,each calibration will use identicalsettings. Limits for offset andslope can be monitored to avoid apoor calibration from beingstored.SevenExcellence™ pH/mV meter redefines flexibility and also offers variousmeasurement parameters in one meter. It not only measures pH and ORP withclassical sensors, but also supports pH measurement with ISFET technology.Flexibility is also reflected through the numerous measurement, calibration and endpoint possi­bilities. The measurement endpoints after a pre­defined interval when using the timed endpointsetting and only after user inter a ction when using the manual setting. It is also possible to end­point the measurement automatically according to pre­defined or user­defined endpoint criteria.15Description and order information for SevenExcellence ™ pH/mVMeasuring rangeResolution Accuracy pH –2.000 … 20.0000.001 / 0.01 / 0.1± 0.002mV*–2000.0 … 2000.0 0.1 / 1± 0.1 ISFET pH 0.000 … 14.0000.001 / 0.01 / 0.1± 0.05Temperature**–30.0 … 130.0 °C0.1 °C± 0.1 °CCalibration Max. 5 points, 8 pre­defined and 20 user­defined buffer groups Methods 17 pre­defined and 60 user defined methodsSystem Date/time, PIN­protection, user management, 10 languages Data storage At least 20 000 data points, 250 analyses Data exportUSB­Stick, LabX ® direct PC software* Instrument can also measure rel. mV / ** Temperature choice between °C and °FOrder info Description and sensorsOrder no.S400­Basic (instrument)Includes instrument, pH/mV expansion unit, 2 blank expansion units, uPlace ™ electrode holder, semi­transparent cover, operating instructions, installation and quick guide, LabX ® direct pH PC software, declaration of conformity and test certificate.30046240S400­Kit (kit)As S400­Basic, but also with InLab ® Expert Pro­ISM, guide to pH measurements and 2 buffer sachets for pH 4.01, 7.00, 9.21 and 10.00.30046241S400­Bio (kit)As S400­Kit but with InLab ® Routine Pro­ISM cable kit instead of InLab ® Expert Pro­ISM.30046242S400­ISFET (kit)As S400­Kit but with InLab ® 490 instead of InLab ® Expert Pro­ISM.30046243For dual channel and triple channel order information see page 17 and page 19 respectively.16C o n d u c t i v i t y M e t e rSevenExcellence ™Conductivity Professional and ContemporaryIn addition to being more secure, more reproducible due to identical settings and more convenient, methods also enable you to run special applications for conduc­tivity. These include USP/EP mea­surement of pure water with limits monitoring and Conductivity Ash measurements according to two ICUMSA regulations.Methods – a perfect match for conductivity Pure water – high accuracy for low conductivity Low conductivity measurement requires special attention. When measuring pure or ultra­pure wa­ter there are several sources of potential error such as carbon di­oxide from air and temperature in­accuracy. Our digital conductivity cell InLab ® Trace, with high tem­perature accuracy and optional flow through cell now provides the perfect solution.SevenExcellence ™ Conductivity meter is a flexible and modern meter that is suitable for professional and routine measurements alike. In addition to conductivity it also measures various other parameters such as resistivity, salinity, total dissolved solids and conductivity ash.The instrument supports your workflow, making conductivity measurements as easy as pos­sible. For special applications such as USP/EP and conductivity ash it guides you through the measurement steps and notifies you when a measurement is out of range.Description and order information for SevenExcellence™ ConductivityMeasuring range Resolution AccuracyConductivity*0.001 µS/cm … 2000 mS/cm0.001 … 1± 0.5%Temperature**–30.0 … 130.0 °C 0.1 °C± 0.1 °CCalibration13 pre­defined and 20 user­defined standardsTemperature compensation Linear, non­linear, off, pure­water; reference temperature 20 °C or 25 °CMethods17 pre­defined and 60 user defined methodsSystem Date/time, PIN­protection, user management, 10 languagesData storage / Data export At least 20 000 data points, 250 analyses / USB­Stick, LabX® direct PC software*Instrument can also measure salinity, resistivity and total dissolved solids / ** Temperature choice between °C and °FOrder info Description and sensors Order no. S700­Basic (instrument)Includes instrument, conductivity expansion unit, 2 blank expansion units, uPlace™ elec­trode holder, semi­transparent cover, operating instructions, installation and quick guide,LabX® direct pH PC software, declaration of conformity and test certificate.30046244S700­Kit (kit)As S700­Basic, but also with InLab® 731­ISM, guide to conductivity measurements and2 calibration sachets for 1413 μS/cm and 12.88 mS/cm.30046245S700­Trace (kit)As S700­Kit but with InLab® Trace instead of InLab® 731­ISM, with Flow­Cell and withoutcalibration sachets.30046246 Dual channel instrument with pH/mV and conductivity expansion units (for triple channel see page 19)S470­Basic (instrument)As S700­Basic, but with a pH/mV expansion unit instead of a blank expansion unit.30046252 S470­Kit (kit)As S700­Kit, but with but with a pH/mV expansion unit instead of a blank expansion unit.Additionally with InLab® Expert Pro­ISM, guide to pH measurements and 2 buffer sachets forpH 4.01, 7.00, 9.21 and 10.00.30046253S470­USP/EP (kit)As S470­Kit but with InLab® 741­ISM instead of InLab® 731­ISM and InLab® Pure Pro­ISMinstead of InLab® Expert Pro­ISM, BNC/RCA­MultiPin™ ISM­cable (1.2 m), and without1413 μS/cm and 12.88 mS/cm calibration sachets.300462541718p H /I o n M e t e rSevenExcellence ™pH/Ion Professional and PowerfulIncremental methods Special methods for the most common incremental ion mea­sure m ent techniques are includ­ed, such as various standard addi t ion/subtraction and sample addition/subtraction methods. This gives you a flexible and con­temporary tool kit for professional ion measurements!The SevenExcellence ™ pH/Ion meter combines the advantages of a profes-sional pH meter with the flexibility of a powerful ion meter. It can measure pH and ORP as well ion concentration in six different units.Full ion supportThe twelve most commonly used ion types are pre­programmed in the instrument making the set­tings as convenient as possible. For others you can enter the ion charge and molar mass to ensure that all calculations and conver­sions are done for you.With SevenExcellence it is possi­ble to use our perfectION ™ series of combined ion selective elec­trodes as well our collection of half­cells. For measurements with half­cell sensors there is an input for connection of a reference elec­trode.Ion measurements – flexbile sensor choiceThe wealth of measurement possibilities is also reflected in the large collection of compatible pH, ORP and Ion sensors available. If your special applications require you can also connect an external temperature sensor as well as a separate reference electrode.19Description and order information for SevenExcellence ™ pH/IonMeasuring rangeResolution Accuracy pH –2.000 … 20.0000.001 / 0.01 / 0.1± 0.002mV*–2000.0 … 2000.0 0.1 / 1± 0.1 Ion concentration 0 … 999 999 mg/L, ppm 0.001 … 1± 0.5%Temperature**–30.0 … 130.0 °C0.1 °C± 0.1 °CCalibration Max. 5 points, 8 pre­defined and 20 user­defined buffer groups Methods 17 pre­defined and 60 user defined methodsSystemDate/time, PIN­protection, user management, 10 languagesData storage / Data exportAt least 20 000 data points, 250 analyses / USB­Stick, LabX ® direct PC software* Instrument can also measure rel. mV / ** Temperature choice between °C and °FOrder infoDescription and sensorsOrder no.S500­Basic (instrument)Includes instrument, pH/ion expansion unit, 2 blank expansion units, uPlace ™ electrod hold­er, semi­transparent cover, operating instructions, installation and quick guide, LabX ® direct pH PC software, declaration of conformity and test certificate.30046248S500­Kit (kit)As S500­Basic, but also with InLab ® Expert Pro­ISM, guide to pH measurements and 2 buf­fer sachets for pH 4.01, 7.00, 9.21 and 10.00.30046249S500­Bio (kit)As S500­Kit but with InLab ® Routine Pro­ISM cable kit instead of InLab ® Expert Pro­ISM.30046250S500­F (kit)As S500­Kit but with PerfectION ™ Fluoride instead of InLab ® Expert Pro­ISM.30046251Triple channel instrument with pH/Ion, pH/mV and conductivity expansion units S475­Basic (instrument)Includes instrument, pH/Ion expansion unit, pH/mV expansion unit, conductivity expansion unit, uPlace ™ electrode holder, semi­transparent cover, operating instructions, installation and quick guide, LabX ® direct pH PC software, declaration of conformity and test certificate.30046255/pHFor more informationMettler-Toledo AG, AnalyticalCH­8603 Schwerzenbach, Switzerland Tel. +41 22 567 53 22Fax +41 22 567 53 23Subject to technical changes© 09/2012 Mettler­Toledo AG, 30046381Marketing pH Lab / Global MarCom SwitzerlandMETTLER TOLEDO and Seven– Added Value for Everyday Lab­Work ...... with Routine Bench MetersThe SevenCompact ™ series consists of two reliable sin­gle channel instruments for routine pH/Ion and conduc­tivity measurements. They are described in a separate brochure with order number 30019036....with the innovative electronics of the Seven series.51724332.... and for Use in the Fieldthe field and in factories. The portable SevenGo SevenGo Duo ™rate brochure with order number 51725122.Quality certificate. Development, production and testing according to ISO 9001.Environmental management system according to ISO 14001.“European conformity”. The CE conformity mark provides you with the assurance that our products comply with the EU directives.Quick and Reliable MeasurementsFor Results at your FingertipsSevenGo SevenGo SevenGo pro SevenGo Duo pro pH/ORP/Redox Conductivity Ion Concentration Dissolved OxygenL a b M e t e r sS e v e n C o m p a c t ™Increased pH Efficiency with SevenCompact Universal and Reliable InstrumentsSeven Compact Intuitive and Clear Powerful and Versatile。



梅特勒-托利多SevevMulti型pH/电导率/离子综合测试仪操作说明一仪表说明1按键区域2测量显示上的图标二操作说明2.1 测量pH值注:若要确保测得的pH值准确,请在每次连续测量之前进行校准。







2.2 校准pH电极校准准备–准备好缓冲液。





屏幕上的CAL 1表示正在测量第一个校准点。




–将电极浸入第二种校准缓冲液并再按Cal开始校准屏幕上的CAL 2表示正在测量第二个校准点。









- 按下保存,来使用校准数据,进行调整以用于以后的测量。

- 按下取消,以取消校准。

三维修3.1 清洁SevenMulti仪表–仪表外壳由易受甲苯、二甲苯和丁酮等有机溶剂侵蚀的ABS/PC制成。


安全措施–不可打开外壳与电源!3.2 清洗电极SevenMulti仪表监控所接pH电极的状态。

•电极状态良好pH:斜率95-105%,零点漂移-15至+ 15 mVISFET:斜率85-105%,零点漂移- 15至+ 15 mV•电极需要清洗pH:斜率90-94%,零点漂移- 15至- 35 mV以及+ 15至+ 35 mV ISFET:斜率80-84%,零点漂移- 15至- 35 mV以及+ 15至+ 35 mV •电极损坏pH:斜率85-89%,零点漂移< - 35 mV以及零点漂移> + 35 mV ISFET:斜率75-79%,零点漂移< - 35 mV以及零点漂移> + 35 mV –清洗时请始终遵守所用电极的操作手册中的信息说明。

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极pH 寻找合适的 pH 电极通过 Electrode ValueBox pH 值测量在化妆品行业中是一项非常重要的实

还有一个更大的挑战是针对各种应用的具体需求找到合适的 pH 电极。

梅特勒-托利多对其基于网络的 pH 电极选择指南进行改善,可以协助化妆品行业为每个应用选择最合适的电极。

pH 测量难题pH 值测量在化妆品行业中是一项最重要的任务。

而该行业中需要分析的样品又是 pH 测量领域最大的难题之一。





正确的选择可事半功倍我们编写了基于网络的交互式“Sensor Product Guide ”(传感器产品指南,现有八种语言),可用来帮助客户优化其 pH 测量。

该指南使用非常简便:只需单击所需的部分,例如“cosmetic or viscous samples ”(化妆品或粘性样品)或“p a i n t s , d y e s & emulsions ”(颜料、燃料或乳状物),即可获得一个涉及该行业大多数相关应用的电极概述。



要将电极更换为梅特勒-托利多组合产品中质量更佳的电极,使用“Cross Reference Guide ”(参考指南)找出符合您的具体要求的经过改进的合适替代品。

使用详细的梅特勒-托利多电极产品组合和“Sensor Product Guide ”(传感器产品指南),找到合适的电极将不再是难题!更多信息位于:

