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Unit 1My Classroom




Window,board,light,picture,door,floor,classroom,computer,wall,teacher’s desk,fan,what,in,the,we,have,new,go,where


many our seat near classmate clean

have a look good idea all right good job







1、对于较长的单词如classroom, classmate, computer的掌握以及对于第一次出

现的词组和短语如have a look, good job的掌握。

2、对于礼貌用语“Thank you , Excuse me, After you”的掌握与应用。



第一课时:A Let’s learn,Let’s do,Good to know

第二课时:A let’s talk,Let’s chant,Let’s sing

第三课时:A Read and write, Write and say,Story time

第四课时:B Let’s learn,Let’s play,Let’s find out,

第五课时:B let’s talk, Let’s play,Let’s check,

第六课时: B Read and write,Write and draw; Task time

Lesson 1

1.Teaching Aims

Let the students master the words: window, classroom, floor, light, door,

board, and picture. When they see the objects, they can recognize and read

them and do the action about them.

2.Teaching Aids

A bloom, a piece of cloth, a picture

A board-wiper and a tape- recorder.

3.Important points

Picture, classroom, window, board, and blackboard

4.Teaching steps

(1) Greetings

(2) New content

The teacher reads the words like that the classroom, the windows, the door, the floor, the board and the lights in English one by one. Then the teacher asks students to read after him. He a sks:” What’s in the classroom?” Choose several students who k nows the answers to answer by using the words they’ve just learned. The teacher shows the cards of the words while the students are answering. Then the teacher points at the card and asks the students to read after her one by


(3)Group work

One student asks the question and the other answers. Then the teacher asks some groups to show the work.


The teacher hands the cards of the bloom, the piece of cloth, the picture

and the board-wiper to the students and asks them to read after her. Then the

students listen to the tape while the teacher is doing the actions: opening the door, turn on the light, Sweep the floor, clean the window, put up the picture

and clean the board. Then the teacher does the actions again and asks students

to follow. After that, choose several pairs of students to do it like her. During this period the teacher says something about the verbs like open, turn, sweep,

clean and put. Listen to the tape and read after it.

5. Homework

Ask the student to remember the new words and listen to the tape after class and try to imitate the American accent. Listen to the tape.

6.Teaching notes

Lesson 2

1.Teaching Aims

Let the students recognize and read the words and expressions (classmate, seat, and have a look) and use the dialogue freely.

2.Teaching aids

A tape-recorder some pictures some cards

3.Teaching steps


(2) Revision

The teacher hands the cards and asks all the students to read them one by one

as quickly as they can.

Listen to the music and do the action"开门,开灯,擦窗,擦黑板" and ask the students to say them in English.

(3) New content.

The teacher shows the text sentence on the blackboard using the computer sentence by sentence and ask who can read them. Let the student who can read

them to read and then choose 2 or 3 students to read after him. After that the

teacher reads the sentences and let them follow him. Then listen to the tape

and follow it.
