新财务管理专业英语 教学课件 崔刚主编 Chapter 2


财务管理英文第十三版Ch 4sheena.ppt

财务管理英文第十三版Ch 4sheena.ppt

V = $120 (PVIFA10%, 30) + $1,000 (PVIF10%, 30) = $120 (9.427) + $1,000 (.057)
Fundamentals of Financial
Management /12th Edition
Coupon Bond
A non-zero coupon-paying bond is a bond has a finite maturity and the bondholder receive interest
Types of Bonds
A perpetual bond is a bond that never matures. It has an infinite life.
Cash Flow: Only the fixed annual interest payment of I forever.
Fundamentals of Financial
Management /12th Edition
Perpetual Bond
A perpetual bond is a bond that never matures. It has an infinite life.
(1 + kd)1
+ (1 + kd)2 + ... + (1 + kd)
Fundamentals of Financial
Management /12th Edition
Concepts of Value
Liquidation value represents the amount of money that could be realized if an asset or group of assets is sold separately from its operating organization.



100 106 112 118
Copyright 2001 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Fundamentals of Financial Management, 11/e by Van Horne and Wachowicz.
Slides prepared by Wu Xiaolan
Example - Simple Interest
Interest earned at a rate of 6% for five years on a principal balance of $100.
Future Years
1 2345
Interest Earned 6
100 106
Future Values
Example - Simple Interest
Example - Simple Interest
Interest earned at a rate of 6% for five years on a principal balance of $100.
Future Years
1 2345
Interest Earned 6 6 6
Fundamentals of Financial Management, 11/e by Van Horne and Wachowicz.
Slides prepared by Wu Xiaolan
Interest Rate Terminology
Simple interest refers to interest earned only on the



《财务专业英语》课程教学大纲课程代码:ABGS0519课程中文名称:财务专业英语课程英文名称:Financial English课程性质:选修课程学分数:2课程学时数:32授课对象:财务管理专业本课程的前导课程:财务管理基础、中级财务会计、财政与金融、金融市场学、财务报表分析一、课程简介《财经专业英语》是财务管理专业的一门专业选修课程。


二、教学基本内容和要求1 Introduction to Financial Management (1)1.1 Financial Management and Financial Manager1.2 Financial Management Decision: Investment Decisions, Financing Decisions, Working Capital Management Decisions1.3 Risk-Return Tradeoff本章重点:Financial Management Decision.本章难点:Financial Management Decision.2 Introduction to Financial Management (2)2.1 Types of Business Organization: Sole Proprietorship, Partnership, Corporation2.2 Corporate Structure of the Company: Shareholders, Board of Directors, CEO, CFO2.3 Objectives of Financial Management: Stakeholder Theory, Value of Wealth Maximization2.4 Separation of Ownership and Control2.5 Agency Relationships: Agency Problem, Agency Costs, Practical Solutions to the Agency Problem本章重点:Objectives of Financial Management.本章难点:Objectives of Financial Management, Agency Problem and Solutions.3 Interpreting Financial Statement3.1 Basics of Annual Repots and Financial Statements: Corporate Annual Reports,Overview of Financial Statements3.2 Balance Sheet3.3 Income Statement3.4 Statement of Retained Earnings3.5 Statement of Cash Flow: Operating Cash Flows, Investing Cash Flows, Financing Cash Flows本章重点:Interpretation of Financial Statements.本章难点:Interpretation of Financial Statements.4 Financial Ratio Analysis4.1 Financial Ratio Analysis4.2 Liquidity Ratios: Current Ratio, Quick Ratio, Cash Ratio4.3 Debt Management Ratios: Debt Ratio, Long-term Debt Ratio, Cash Flow Coverage Ratio4.4 Asset Management Ratios: Accounts Receivable Turnover Ratio, Inventory Turnover Ratio, Accounts Payable Turnover Ratio, Asset Turnover Ratios4.5 Profitability Ratios: Gross Profit Margin, Operating Profit Margin, Net Profit Margin, Return on Assets, Total Return on Assets, Return on Equity, Return on Common Equity, DuPont Analysis of ROE4.6 Market Value Ratios: Price/earnings Ratio, Market-to-book Value Ratio, Dividend Yield and Payout4.7 Uses and Limitations of Financial Ratio Analysis本章重点:Principle Financial Ratios.本章难点:Calculation and Signification of Principle Financial Ratios, DuPont Analysis.5 Time Value of Money and Valuation5.1 Central Concepts in Financial Management5.2 Simple vs. Compound Interest Rates and Future vs. Present Value: Simple Interest, Compound Interest, Future Value, Present Value5.3 Annuity: Ordinary Annuity, Annuity Due, Deferred Annuity, Perpetuity, Nominal and Effective Interest Rates5.4 Valuation Fundamentals: Going-concern Value, Liquidation Value, Book Value, Market Value, Intrinsic Value, Valuation Approaches, Discounted Cash Flow Valuation5.5 Bond Valuation: Contractual Provisions of a Typical Bond, the Bond Valuation Formula, Bond Prices and Returns5.6 Common Stock Valuation: Common Stock Characteristics and Features, Common Stock Valuation本章重点:Compound Interest Rates, Future Value, Present Value, Annuity, Valuation Approaches.本章难点:Present Value of Different Annuity.6 Risk and Return6.1 Introduction to Risk and Return: Return, Risk6.2 Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH): Introduction, Financial Market Efficiency, Anomalies in Finance6.3 Portfolio Theory: The Expected Return of a Portfolio, Risk in a Portfolio Context, Modern Portfolio Theory, Diversified Risk versus Market Risk6.4 Beta and Capital Asset Pricing Model: The Concept of Beta, CAPM6.5 Arbitrage Pricing Theory本章重点:CAPM.本章难点:CAPM.7 Capital Budgeting7.1 Capital Investment Decisions: Nature of Capital Budgeting, Project Classifications7.2 Guidelines for Estimating Project Cash Flows: Incremental Cash Flows, Focus on After-tax Cash Flows, Postpone Considering Financing Costs, Other Cash Flow Considerations7.3 Investment Rules: Payback Period, Net Present Value, Internal Rate of Return, Profitability Index7.4 Business Practice7.5 Analyzing Project Risk: Sensitivity Analysis, Break-even Analysis, Simulation7.6 Project Selection with Resource Constrains7.7 Qualitative Factors and the Selection of Projects7.8 The Post-Audit本章重点:Capital Investment Decision Indices.本章难点:Internal Rate of Return.8 Capital Market and Raising Funds8.1 Financial Markets: Role of Financial Markets, Types of Financial Markets, Recent Trend8.2 Investment Banks: Advising, Underwriting, Marketing8.3 The Decision to Go Public: Advantages of Going Public, Disadvantages of Going Public, Different Methods of Issuing New Securities8.4 Cost of Capital Concept: Use of the Cost of Capital, Capital Components, Weighted Average Cost of Capital本章重点:Cost of Capital.本章难点:Cost of Capital.9 Capital Structure9.1 The Choices: Types of Financing9.2 The Financing Mix9.3 Understanding Financial Risk9.4 Capital Structure and the Value of a Firm: The Modigliani-Miller Theorem, The M&M Theorem in the Real World, Tradeoff Theory of Optimal Capital Structure, Pecking Order Theory of Capital Structure9.5 Checklist for Capital Structure Decisions本章重点:Capital Structure Decisions.本章难点:Capital Structure Decisions.10 Dividend Policy10.1 Dividends and Dividend Policy: Dividend Payout Procedure, Types of Dividends10.2 The Dividend Puzzle: Dividend Irrelevance Theory, Dividend Relevance Theory10.3 Factors Influencing the Dividend Decision: Shareholder Factors, Firm Factors, Managerial Preferences and Constraints10.4 Dividend Policies: Residual Dividend Policy, Stable Dollar Dividend Policy, Constant Dividend Payout Ratio, Low Regular plus Specially Designated Dividends10.5 Stock Repurchases: Ways of Repurchases, Reasons for Stock Buybacks本章重点:Dividend Policies.本章难点:Stock Repurchases.11 Working Capital11.1 Introduction to Working Capital Management11.2 Cash Management: Three Motives for Holding Cash, Determining Appropriate Cash Balances, Investment Idle Cash, Types of Money Market Securities, Managing Collections and Disbursements11.3 Accounts Receivable Management: Credit Policy, Collection Policy11.4 Inventory Management: Successful Inventory Management, The Purchasing Plan, Inventory Management Techniques本章重点:Motives for Holding Cash, Determination of Appropriate Cash Balances.本章难点:Determination of Appropriate Cash Balances.12 International Financial Management12.1 Introduction: The Global Economy, Multinational Corporations12.2 Foreign Exchange Market: Exchange Rates, Currency Risk, Types of Transactions12.3 Exchange Rate Parity: Interest Rate Parity, Purchasing Power Parity, Unbiased Forward Rates, Inflation, Interest Rates and Exchange Rates12.4 Multinational Capital Budgeting12.5 International Financial Decision12.6 Working Capital Management12.7 Hedging Currency Risk: Currency Forward Contracts, Currency Futures Contracts, Currency Swaps, Currency Option Contracts本章重点:International Financial Decision.本章难点:Hedging Currency Risk.三、实验教学内容及基本要求无四、教学方法与手段教学方法:理论教学、案例教学、启发示教学、情境教学教学手段:板书教学、多媒体教学五、教学学时分配六、考核方式与成绩评定标准1、考核方法:集中考核(考核方式:考查)2、成绩评定:平时成绩(考勤、课堂表现及作业)占40%,期末考核成绩占60%。



1)Account、Accounting & Accountant
Accountant:会计师、会计人员 Certified Public Accountant 注册会计师(CPA)
2)Assets、Liabilities & Owner’s Equity
$50,000 Current liabilities (4)
Accounts receivable 50,000 Long-term debt
Shareholders’ equity (6)
Plant and equipment
10% Total assets turnover = 2 times Sales = $2 million Debt ratio = 50%
9. Capital Structure 资本结构
10. Dividend Policy 股利政策
11. Working Capital Management 营运资本管理
12. International Financial Management 国际财务管理
1)Account、Accounting & Accountant
Accounting:会计、会计学 Financial Accounting and Managerial Accounting are two major specialized fields in Accounting. 财务会计和管理会计是会 计的两个主要的专门领域。 Accounting elements 会计要素

财务管理专业英语unit 课件

财务管理专业英语unit 课件

Money begets(or breeds or gets)money. ——Anonymous
Boundless risk must pay for boundless gain. ——William Momis
Mini case
Dell Computer manufactures, sells, and services personal computers. The company markets directly to its customers and builds computers after receiving a customer order. This build-to-order model enables Dell to have much smaller investment in working capital than its competitors. Dell has grown quickly and has been able to finance that growth internally by its efficient use of working capital and its profitabillity.
• Read the mini case and think: 1. What’s the Dell’s Sales philosophy? 2. Find the specialized vocabulary of
financial management?
Dell 销售理念
按照客户要求制造计算机,并向客 户直接发货,使戴尔公司能够最有效和 明确地了解客户需求,继而迅速做出回 应。这个直接的商业模式消除了中间商, 这样就减少了不必要的成本和时间,让 戴尔公司更好地理解客户的需要。


➢ May reject positive NPV investments
➢ Requires an arbitrary cutoff point
➢ Ignores cash flows beyond the cutoff point
➢ Biased against long-term projects, such as R&D and new products
➢ Includes time value of money
➢ Easy to understand ➢ Does not accept negative
estimated NPV investments ➢ Biased towards liquidity
Compare to a specified required period Decision Rule - Accept the project if it pays
back on a discounted basis within the specified time
Copyright 2001 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Time value of money and risk ignored. Ad hoc determination of acceptable payback period. Ignores cash flows beyond the cut-off date. Biased against long-term and new projects.
1 2 3
Cash flow
$400 400 400
1 2 3



Chapter Outline
公司理财:快速浏览Finance: A Quick Look 公司理财与财务经理Business Finance and The
Financial Manager 公司组织形式Forms of Business Organization 财务管理的目标The Goal of Financial
This is an area of specialization among all of the areas discussed so far
It may allow you to work in other countries or at least travel on a regular basis
银行Banks – commercial and investment, credit unions, savings and loans
保险公司Insurance companies 经纪公司Brokerage firms
工作机会Job opportunities
International Finance
Байду номын сангаасJordan
Essentials of Corporate Finance
Third Edition
1 公司理财入门
Introduction to Financial Management
Key Concepts and Skills
Why Study Finance?



利润分配原则: 公平、公正、公 开
利润分配方式: 现金分红、股票 分红、实物分红 等
利润分配比例: 根据公司经营状 况、股东权益等 因素确定
利润分配时间: 根据公司财务状 况和股东需求确 定
预算编制:根据公司战略和经营计划,制定财务预算 预算内容:包括收入、成本、费用、利润等各项财务指标 预算执行:按照预算执行,确保各项财务指标的实现 预算调整:根据实际情况,对预算进行调整,确保预算的准确性和可行性
社会环境:社会文化、价值观等 对企业财务管理的影响
法律环境:企业财务管理的法律 框架和规定
技术环境:新技术对企业财务管 理的影响,如云计算、大数据等
投资目标:确定 投资目标,如收 益最大化、风险 最小化等
投资策略:选择 合适的投资策略, 如分散投资、长 期投资等
速动比率:衡量企业立即偿债能力 资产负债率:衡量企业长期偿债能力
利息保障倍数:衡量企业偿付利息能 力
现金流量比率:衡量企业现金流量状 况
趋势分析的定义和目的 趋势分析的方法和工具 趋势分析的步骤和流程 趋势分析的应用和案例
财务管理是组织 对资金、资产、 负债、收入、支 出等财务活动的 管理
财务管理的目标 是实现企业价值 最大化
财务管理的内容 包括财务计划、 财务控制、财务 决策、财务分析 等
财务管理的原则 包括成本效益原 则、风险控制原 则、信息透明原 则等



Copyright 2001 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Income Statement Analysis
Non Cash Items
➢ Depreciation is the most apparent. No firm ever writes a check for “depreciation”.
➢ Another noncash item is deferred taxes, which does not represent a cash flow.
Copyright 2001 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Income Statement Analysis
Time and Costs
Copyright 2001 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Income Statement Example
Costs Depreciation EBIT Interest Taxable Income Taxes Net Income Dividends Addition to R/E
Total Value of Assets
Total Value of Liabilities and Shareholders’ Equity
Hale Waihona Puke Copyright 2001 Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Balance Sheet Analysis
When analyzing a balance sheet, the financial manager should be aware of three concerns:

财务管理 英文课件

财务管理 英文课件

Decreases in OE representing the consumption or loss of economic benefits in the form of reduction in assets or increases in liabilities
500,000 $1,000,000
LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY Current liabilities: Accounts payable . . . . Notes payable . . . . . . Accrued expenses . . . . Total current liabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 80,000 100,000 30,000 210,000 90,000 300,000 50,000 100,000 250,000 300,000 700,000
Long-term liabilities: Bonds payable, 2010 . . . . . . . . Total liabilities . . . . . . . . . Shareholders’ equity: Preferred shares, $100 par value, 500 shares Ordinary shares, $1 par value, 100,000 shares Capital paid in excess of par (ordinary shares) Retained earnings . . . . . . . . . . Total shareholders’ equity . . . . Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity .
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