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Canton 1・越来越多的大学毕业生面临着很大的压力
Cant on 2 .他们毕业后的选择主要有出国深造\继续读研或者自己创业或工作
Cant on 3 .谈一下自己的看法.
体裁扩展:这个内容对大家来说比较熟悉了,但是体裁除了这种描述+论述的体裁外, 还可以变换为图表作文^
The prospect of uncertainties is putting a heavy strain on a growing number of colleg e gr aduates・ A major dec isionfaci ng these f reshmen of the real world is t o choose a sui table life path. Some ar e bent on furthering their edu cation abr oad or goi ng to grad
uate schoo I, with th e aim of a cquiring m ore knowle dge or inc reasing th eir chance s of findi ng more ga inful empl oyment aft er they re turn home or graduat e. Others decide to plunge the mselves in to the tig ht job mar ket. Still others, w ho are in the minori ty, intend to set up their own business because th ey are mor e ambitiou s than the ir peers・ The se are tough ch oices.Nex t June, I will say g ood bye to my colleg e days・ Al though a co uple of o ptions lie ahead of me, I have made up m y mind to land a job with one of the bi g companies in some a ffluent ar eas, such as Yangtze Delta,a nd so on」was bom into an i mpoverishe d urban fa mily. My p arents are laid-off and have b een workin g feverish ly t o fund my colleg e educatio n. As a grown・up, I have to sh oulder more responsi bilities
There is no doub t that tra ffic conge stion beco mes a grow ing worry for the re sident s of most urba n areas. S ome major roads are regularly choked wit h traffic in rush ho urs. The I imited tra nsport cap acity cont ributes la rgely to t he vexing problem. H ow to solv e the head ache? Th e existing solutions to traffi c jam main ly aims at creating metro b us systems an d broadeni ng major r oads・ Wide ning the e xisting ro ads can so Ive traffi c snarls o n some lev el. Soarin g car owne rship comp ounds the chronic an noying pro ble m, so we must sha rply reduc e the heav y reliance on cars a nd drive a shift to the mass t ransportat ion. It is a cheap a nd good wa y・We can create a s ystem of c ustomized bus routes and highl ight the d evelopment of subway s, trolley s and ligh t rail・ Th e effectiv e c ombinat ion of the se solutio ns will en able the u rban areas to posses s a smooth traffic. 信息安全问题
3 •如何做至I」信息安全。
Wh en a varie ty of prob lems plagu e the info rmation sy stems, the critical importanc e of inform ation secu rity becom es the foe us of peop le's conce m. It doe s deserve the u nprec edented em phasis・ It is widely accepted that infor mation sec urity, to some exten t, outweig hs other s pheres in the field of informa tion. So t he related authoriti es, enterp ris es, ins titutions and organi zations pl ace the hi gh priorit y on it. Informati on Securit y concerns a range o f problems ・ informat ion interc eption, Io ss, damage etc. Busi ness a nd m ilitary in formation leakage wi II have an devastati ng impact.For the i nformation own ers an d monitors , they mus t drive th eir effort s to enhan ce the sec urity prot ection and maintenan ce. For ex ample, a s trict cont rol over t he access to the sec ret data s houldrf t b e absent.The networ k and soft ware provi der should take a se t of tailo red protec tion measu res target ing differ ent comput er crimes.The secur ity issues should be also cons idered at the legisl ative leve I, so we a re clamori ng for a I aw designe d to clamp down o n v arious cyb er crimes・
China There are so many people und er the unbearably hi gh pressure in. Heavy work de mandsand intense co mpetition pile enorm ous pressu re on the individual s who desp erately tr y to pursu e a more w ell-paid s alary and push for a higher po sition. Fo r students , exam pre ssure make s them ove rburdened and overwh elmed・ Str ess is a p ersonalize d phe no men on but con fronts eve ryone at d iffere nt d egrees ・ This pheno menon divi des people . Some hav e a depres sing and g loomy atti tude towar d the phys ical and m ental stra in ・ So str ess is alw ays blamed for some one's menta I disorder, violence and even suicide. I n contrast to their negatively reacting to stress,others ma y face up to the mou nting pres sure and k eep a exce llent mood . How to properly and effect ively cope with the huge press ure? First, people u nder the t remendous pressure c an select a proper w ay to rela x, such as pampering themselve s with a I ong hot ba th and imm ersing the mselves in the favor ite CD. Re petitive t asks and n o break wi II propel people to pay a heft y health p rice・ Seco nd, the ov er-high ex pectations leading t o the stro ng strain must be Io wered・ Thi rd, a chat with clos e friends is a favor ably good way. Talki ng to them will alle viate enor mous press ure.