
Racing is the sport or ___ involved in racing。
such as a racing driver or a racing car。
Per means "each" or "every" and is used to express s。
It is followed by a singular noun without an article。
For example。
per hour means "each hour" (note that no article is used before hour)。
per day means "each day," per person means "each person," and percent means "per hundred" (6 percentis equal to 6 per 100)。
As per is a colloquial n meaning "according to" or "in accordance with," as in "as per n." Per capita means "per person" or "per head" and is used to ___。

Lesson 72 A car called Bluebird 蓝鸟汽车2-14-2014racing n 竞赛per prep 每Utah n horsepower n 马力burst v 爆裂average adj 平均的footstep v 足迹racing n 竞赛race 1n 速度竞赛 [c]a horse-race 赛马比赛a boat-race 赛船比赛a car race 赛车比赛2n a race for the championship 冠军之战lose a presidential race 在总统选举中败北a race against time 赶工(和时间竞赛)3v eg.In the story a rabbit raced with a tortoise. 在故事里,一只兔子和一只乌龟赛跑。
eg.Thirty cars will race for the prize. 有三十辆汽车将参加这次比赛角逐这个奖杯。
4v eg.He raced along the street on his bike. 他骑着自行车沿着这条路疾行。
5n 人种,种族the white race 白色人种the yellow race 黄色人种the black race 黑色人种the brown race 棕色人种6adj the race problem 种族问题the human race 人类racing n [u]a racing man 赛马迷/ 赛车迷a racing driver 赛车选手a racing car 比赛用的汽车per per hour 每小时 (注意hour 前不加任何冠词)per day 每天per person 每个人per cent as per (口)按as per instruction 依照指示per capita 没人(的),按人分配(的)per year/ per annum 每年per se 本身,就其本身而论horsepower n 马力horse 名词马,power 名词力,这种翻译成为意译,如:honeymoon n 蜜月White house n 白宫Oxford n ford 名词,河的浅滩处ox 名词大公牛音译:Coca Cola 可口可乐coffee 咖啡chocalate 巧克力sofa 沙发burst 1v 爆炸,爆裂eg.We had to burst the door open. 我们必须破门而入。

Lesson 72 A car called Bluebird 蓝鸟汽车2-14-2014racing n 竞赛per prep 每Utah n horsepower n 马力burst v 爆裂average adj 平均的footstep v 足迹racing n 竞赛race 1n 速度竞赛 [c]a horse-race 赛马比赛a boat-race 赛船比赛a car race 赛车比赛2n a race for the championship 冠军之战lose a presidential race 在总统选举中败北a race against time 赶工(和时间竞赛)3v eg.In the story a rabbit raced with a tortoise. 在故事里,一只兔子和一只乌龟赛跑。
eg.Thirty cars will race for the prize. 有三十辆汽车将参加这次比赛角逐这个奖杯。
4v eg.He raced along the street on his bike. 他骑着自行车沿着这条路疾行。
5n 人种,种族the white race 白色人种the yellow race 黄色人种the black race 黑色人种the brown race 棕色人种6adj the race problem 种族问题the human race 人类racing n [u]a racing man 赛马迷/ 赛车迷a racing driver 赛车选手a racing car 比赛用的汽车per per hour 每小时 (注意hour 前不加任何冠词)per day 每天per person 每个人per cent as per (口)按as per instruction 依照指示per capita 没人(的),按人分配(的)per year/ per annum 每年per se 本身,就其本身而论horsepower n 马力horse 名词马,power 名词力,这种翻译成为意译,如:honeymoon n 蜜月White house n 白宫Oxford n ford 名词,河的浅滩处ox 名词大公牛音译:Coca Cola 可口可乐coffee 咖啡chocalate 巧克力sofa 沙发burst 1v 爆炸,爆裂eg.We had to burst the door open. 我们必须破门而入。

学习-----好资料Lesson 72 A Famous Clock 一个著名的大钟【Text】The great racing driver, Sir Malcolm Campbell, was the first man to drive at over 300 miles per hour.He set up a new world record in September 1935 at Bonneville Salt Flats, Utah. Bluebird, the car hewas driving, had been specially built for him. It was over 30 feet in length and had a2,500-horsepower engine. Although Campbell reached a speed of over 304 miles per hour, he hadgreat difficulty in controlling the car because a tyre burst during the first run. After his attempt,Campbell was disappointed to learn that his average speed had been 299 miles per hour. However, afew days later, he was told that a mistake had been made. His average speed had been 301 miles perhour. Since that time, racing drivers have reached speeds over 600 miles an hour. Following in hisfather's footsteps many years later, Sir Malcolm's son, Donald, also set up a world record. Like hisfather, he was driving a car called Bluebird.【课文翻译】杰出的赛车选手马尔科姆.坎贝尔爵士是第一个以每小时超过300英里的速度驾车的人。

逐句精讲新概念英语第二册:第72课“蓝鸟”汽车Lesson 72: A car called bluebird新概念英语2课文内容:The great racing driver, Sir Malcolm Campbell, was the first manto drive at over 300 miles per hour. He set up a new world record in September 1935 at Bonneville Salt Flats, Utah. Bluebird, the car he was driving, had been specially built for him. It was over 30 feet in length and had a 2,500-horsepower engine. Although Campbell reached a speed of over 304 miles per hour, he had great difficulty in controlling the car because a tyre burst during the first run. After his attempt, Campbell was disappointed to learn that his average speed had been 299 miles per hour. However, a few days later, he was told that a mistake had been made. His average speed had been 301 miles per hour. Since that time, racing drivers have reached speeds over 600 miles an hour. Following in his father's footsteps manyyears later, Sir Malcolm's son, Donald, also set up a world record. Like his father, he was driving a car called Bluebird.新概念英语2句子讲解:1、The great racing driver, Sir Malcolm Campbell, was the first man to drive at over 300 miles per hour.杰出的赛车选手马尔科姆•坎贝尔爵士是第一个以每小时超过300英里妁速度驾车的人。

新概念英语第二册逐句精讲语言点第72课(1)Lesson 72:A car called bluebird “蓝鸟”汽车The great racing driver, Sir Malcolm Campbell, was the first man to drive at over 300 miles per hour. He set up a newworld record in September 1935 at Bonneville Salt Flats, Utah. Bluebird, the car he was driving, had been specially builtfor him. It was over 30 feet in length and had a 2,500-horsepower engine. Although Campbell reached a speed of over 304 miles per hour, he had great difficulty in controllingthe car because a tyre burst during the first run. After his attempt, Campbell was disappointed to learn that his average speed had been 299 miles per hour. However, a few days later, he was told that a mistake had been made. His average speed had been 301 miles per hour. Since that time, racing drivers have reached speeds over 600 miles an hour. Following in his father's footsteps many years later, Sir Malcolm's son, Donald, also set up a world record. Like his father, he was driving a car called Bluebird.句子讲解:1、The great racing driver, Sir Malcolm Campbell, was thefirst man to drive at over 300 miles per hour.杰出的赛车选手马尔科姆坎贝尔爵士是第一个以每小时超过300英里妁速度驾车的人。

新概念英语第2册Lesson70~72课文详注新概念英语第2册Lesson70课文详注1.…the drunk was unaware of the danger.……醉汉没有意识到危险。
While she read the book, she was unaware of the noise around her.她看那本书时没有觉察到周围的噪音。
I was unaware that you were coming.我不知道你要来。
2.it suddenly caught sight of the drunk,突然它看见了醉汉。
catch sight of是个固定短语,意为“看见”、“发现”:As I came out of the shop, I caught sight of Dan in the crowd.当我从商店里出来时,我在人群中看到了丹。
3.sensitive to criticism,对挑衅/批评敏感。
sensitive表示“敏感的”、“神经过敏的”、“易生气的”或“介意的”等,通常与to+名词连用,也可作定语:Mary is sensitive to smells.玛丽对气味很敏感。
Mary has a sensitive ear.玛丽的耳朵很灵敏。
You’re too sensitive.你太敏感了(太容易生气了)。
4.The drunk, however, seemed quite sure of himself.可这醉汉像是很有把握似的。
be/ feel sure of oneself 表示“有自信心”:She’s always so sure of herself.她总是这么自信。
5.The crowd broke into cheers…观众欢呼起来……break into 的含义之一是“突然发出/做出”、“突然……起来”,有控制不住的含义:On hearing the news, she broke into tears.听到消息后,她大哭起来。

为了⽅便同学们的学习,为⼤家整理了⾯的新概念第⼆册课⽂翻译及学习笔记,希望为⼤家的新概念英语学习提供帮助!《新概念英语》第⼆册第70课:Red for danger!【课⽂】During a bullfight, a drunk suddenly wandered into the middle of the ring. The crowd began to shout, but the drunk was unaware of the danger. The bull was busy with the matador at the time, but it suddenly caught sight of the drunk who was shouting rude remarks and waving a red cap. Apparently sensitive to criticism, the bull forgot all about the matador and charged at the drunk. The crowd suddenly grew quiet. The drunk, however, seemed quite sure of himself. When the bull got close to him, he clumsily stepped aside to let it pass. The crowd broke into cheers and the drunk bowed. By this time, however, three men had come into the ring and they quickly draggedthe drunk to safety. Even the bull seemed to feel sorry for him, for it looked on sympatheticallyuntil the drunk was out of the way before once more turning its attention to the matador.【课⽂翻译】在⼀次⽃⽜时,⼀个醉汉突然溜达到⽃⽜场中间,⼈们开始⼤叫起来,但醉汉却没有意识到危险。

Lesson 72 A Famous Clock 一个著名的大钟【Text】The great racing driver, Sir Malcolm Campbell, was the first man to drive at over 300 miles per hour. He set up a new world record in September 1935 at Bonneville Salt Flats, Utah. Bluebird, the car he was driving, had been specially built for him. It was over 30 feet in length and had a 2,500-horsepower engine. Although Campbell reached a speed of over 304 miles per hour, he had great difficulty in controlling the car because a tyre burst during the first run. After his attempt, Campbell was disappointed to learn that his average speed had been 299 miles per hour. However, a few days later, he was told that a mistake had been made. His average speed had been 301 miles per hour. Since that time, racing drivers have reached speeds over 600 miles an hour. Following in his father's footsteps many years later, Sir Malcolm's son, Donald, also set up a world record. Like his father, he was driving a car called Bluebird.【课文翻译】杰出的赛车选手马尔科姆.坎贝尔爵士是第一个以每小时超过300英里的速度驾车的人。

裕兴新概念英语第二册笔记_第72课_课文讲解TextThe great racing driver, Sir Malcolm Campbell, was the first man to drive at over 300 miles per hour.Sir 爵士,冠于爵士或准爵士的名字之前或名字与姓之前(但不可只用于姓之前)Sir Edward 爱德华爵士Sir John Jackson 约翰.杰克逊爵士Duke 公爵Marquis 侯爵Earl 伯爵viscount 子爵baron 男爵drive at 以…速度驾车 (at 介词,以…(速度,价格,比率等)eg The train was traveling at 100 kilometers an hour. 火车以每小时一百公里的速度行驶。
eg We drove at top speed.我们急速行驶。
(top speed 最高的速度)eg drive at 意指,打算eg What are you driving at ? 你有什么打算?He set up a new world record in September 1935 at Bonneville Salt Flats, Utah.set up a new world record / built up a new world record 创造新的世界纪录make a new world record / create a new world record 创造新的世界纪录(口)Bluebird, the car was driving , had been specially built for him.the car was driving 是 Bluebird 的同位语,意思是他所驾驶的蓝鸟汽车。
build 1v 建造be built for 为…建造被动结构build for 为…建造主动结构eg build up 树立,建立build up one`s 积累财富build …on/ build... upon 奠定基础,奠定…的基础于…eg Our business is built on trust. 我们的生意建立在信任的基础上。

相信有了新概念英语,你也可以成为“大神”级别的人物!还在等什么?快来加入学习吧!小编小编与您一起学习进步!新概念英语第二册学习笔记Lesson701 charge (at)冲上去,进攻 ;另外还有充电和管理两个意思The bull charged at the drunk.公牛直奔醉汉而去。
charge (sb/sth) for sth.要价,收费They charged us too much for delivery.他们向我们要的运送费太多了。
2 sensitive敏感的sensitive to 易受影响的,敏感的,易生气的,灵敏的Mary is sensitive to smells 玛丽对气味很敏感。
Mary has a sensitive ear.玛丽的耳朵很灵敏。
sense是感觉,sensibility是情感3 unaware 不知道的,未察觉的,不了解的be unaware of (sth.)/that+句子I am unaware of this problem.我并非了解这一问题。
He was unaware of my presence.他不知道我在场。
新概念英语第二册学习笔记Lesson711 It is not only of immense size, but is extremely accurate as well.be of…表示人或物的特征We are of the same age/size.This letter is of great importance.2 A painter who had been working on the tower hung a pot of paint on one of the hands and slowed it down!slow down (使……)慢下来/减速(可分开使用)He slowed his car down while driving in heavy traffic.3 the Houses of Parliament 国会大厦(英国议会是由上议院(House of Lords)和下议院(House of Commons)组成)新概念英语第二册学习笔记Lesson721 The great racing driver, Sir Malcolm Campbell, was the first man to drive at over 300 miles per hour.在the second,the next/the last以及表示级的如the best,the most intelligent等后可以用to引导的不定式短语做定语,这些词语后面可以接名词或one(s),也可以不接:She’s always the first to arrive and the last to leave.2 It was over 30 feet in length and had a2,500-horsepower engine.30 feet in length 30英尺长3 Following in his father's footsteps many years later, Sir Malcolm's son, Donald, also set up a world record.follow in one’s footsteps 步某人的后尘,仿效某人,继承某人的事业He intends to follow in his father’s footsteps and to become a dentist.新概念英语第二册学习笔记Lesson70~72.doc [全文共1498字] 编号:9975889。

record-holder 记录保持者 record-breaker 打破记录者
set 常见的介词搭配
1. set up sth. (a)摆放或竖起某物: e.g. 竖起纪念碑/塑像 set up a monument/statue (b)建立或开创某事物: e.g. 创办/建立一家工厂 set up a factory (c)创(体育)记录: e.g. 她创下了新的百米世界记录。 She set up a new world record in the 100 metres. 2. set about sth/doing sth 开始(某工作); 着手做某事 e.g. 我得开始收拾行李了。 I must/have to set about my packing.
2.He set up a new world record in September 1935 at Bonneville Salt Flats, Utah. set up a new world record 创造一项新的世界记录 相当于 _______ make a record 打破记录 break a record
footprint 脚印 footnote 脚注 footwear 鞋类
1.The great racing driver, Sir Malcolm Campbell, was the first man to drive at over 300 miles per hour. drive at… 以……速度驾车 e.g. 不要以最高时速开车。 Don't drive at top speed. at 以……(的速度,价格,比率等) 以...的价格 at the price of e.g. 它们都是售价10元。 They are all sold at the price of 10 yuan.

Lesson72单词讲解1.per prep.每300miles per hour2.burst v.爆裂,爆发,突然出现burst burst burstA tyre burst during the first run.burst into tears突然大哭burst out laughing突然大笑3.average adj.平均的average speedon average4.footstep n.足迹follow in one’s footsteps 踏着某人的足迹,继承某人的事业Lesson72课文&语法讲解1.The great racing driver,Sir Malcolm Campbell,was the first man to drive at over 300miles per hour.2.He set up a new world record in September1935at Bonneville Salt Flats,Utah.3.Bluebird,the car he was driving,had been specially built for him.4.Although Campbell reached a speed of over304miles per hour,he had great difficulty in controlling the car because a tyre burst during the first run.5.…Campbell was disappointed to learn that his average speed had been299 miles per hour.6.However,a few days later,he was told that a mistake had been made.7.Since that time,racing drivers have reached speeds over600miles an hour.8.Following in his father's footsteps many years later,Sir Malcolm's son,Donald, also set up a world record.Lesson72知识拓展补充内容:Hurry up or you will________the train.lose/miss/loose补充内容:You should________that picture a few inches. raise/rise补充内容:How many hours a day do you________? practise/practice补充内容:The train arrived________as usual.late/lately补充内容:He has been working too________.hard/hardly。
新概念英语第二册听力及翻译Lesson 72

新概念英语第二册听力及翻译Lesson 72Lesson 72 A car called Bluebird“蓝鸟”汽车First listen and then answer the question.听录音,然后回答以下问题。
What mistake was made?The great racing driver, Sir Malcolm Campbell, was the first man to drive at over 300 miles per hour. He set up a newworld record in September 1935 at Bonneville Salt Flats, Utah. Bluebird, the car he was driving, had been specially builtfor him. It was over 30 feet in length and had a 2,500-horsepower engine. Although Campbell reached a speed of over 304 miles per hour, he had great difficulty in controllingthe car because a tyre burst during the first run. After his attempt, Campbell was disappointed to learn that his average speed had been 299 miles per hour. However, a few days later, he was told that a mistake had been made. His average speed had been 301 miles per hour. Since that time, racing drivers have reached speeds over 600 mites an hour. Following in his father's footsteps many years later, Sir Malcolm's son, Donald, also set up a world record. Like his father, he was driving a car called Bluebird.New words and expressions生词和短语racing n.竞赛burst v.爆裂per prep.每average adj.平均的Utah n.犹他(美国州名)footstep n.足迹horsepower n.马力Notes on the text 课文注释1 drive at over 300 miles per hour, 以每小时 300多英里的速度驾车。
新概念第二册Lesson 72 A car called Bluebird讲义

新概念第二册Lesson 72 A car called Bluebird一、单词精讲racing['reisiŋ] n.竞赛引申:可引申为竞争、角逐的活动或状态,不局限于速度方面的竞赛,例如“political racing”(政治角逐)。
搭配:racing car(赛车);horse racing(赛马);racing track(赛道)。
例句:Racing for the championship title is extremely intense among the top teams.(顶级球队之间争夺冠军头衔的竞赛极其激烈。
)per [pə:]prep.每引申:还可引申为根据某种比率或比例的概念。
搭配:per week(每周);per month(每月);per cent(百分之……)。
例句:They produce 1000 units per week.(他们每周生产1000个单位。
)Utah['ju:tɑ:] n.犹他(美国州名)引申:可引申为与犹他州相关的文化、地理特征等,如Utah's unique landscape (犹他州独特的地貌)。
搭配:Utah Jazz(犹他爵士队,美国篮球队名)Utah desert(犹他沙漠)例句:Many tourists go to Utah to enjoy its natural beauty.(许多游客去犹他州欣赏其自然美景。
)horsepower['hɔ:sˌpauə]n.马力引申:可用于形容力量的大小,如“a person with great horsepower”(一个力量很大的人,这里是比喻用法)。
搭配:engine horsepower(发动机马力)rated horsepower(额定马力)。
例句:This car has a high - horsepower engine.(这辆汽车有一个高马力的发动机。

Lesson 72 A car called Bluebird一.【词汇和短语】翻译下列句子。
1. racing ucn. 竞赛(运动或职业)常做定语a racing driver a racing carrace 1)cn. (速度)竞赛horse race boat race car race2)n. 人种,种族the white race the yellow race the race problem the human race3)v. 和…赛跑,参加竞赛2. per prep.3. horsepower n. 马力(外来词常用意译或音译)eg. honeymoon White House Coca Cola sofa chocolate London4. burst v. 爆炸,爆裂(burst-burst-burst)eg. The balloon suddenly burst. The tyre burst.burst into tears突然大哭起来burst into laughter突然大笑起来burst into cheers突然欢呼起来5. average adj. 平均的average age/acore/speedadj. 一般的average student 中等生6. footstep cn. 足迹,脚步,脚步声eg. I heard her soft footsteps on the stairs.footprint n. 脚印footnote n. 脚注Exercise:(1)In fact, studying is a race against time. 事实上,学习就是和时间赛跑。
(2)You can stay at the hotel at 10 dollars per person per night. 你们可以每人每晚花10美金住这家旅馆。
(3) (burst)我正看书时,门猛然地开了,john闯了进来。

相信有了新概念英语,你也可以成为“⼤神”级别的⼈物!还在等什么?快来加⼊学习吧!⼩编与您⼀起学习进步! 课⽂详注 Further notes on the text 1.The great racing driver, Sir Malcolm Campbell, was the first man to drive at over 300 miles per hour. 杰出的赛车选车马尔科姆·坎贝尔爵⼠是第⼀个以每⼩时超过300英⾥的速度驾车的⼈。
(1)to引导的不定式短语为 the first man的定语。
类似的可⽤于这种句型的词语有the second, the next/the last以及表⽰级的如 the best, the most intelligent等。
这些词语后⾯可以接名词或one(s),也可以不接: She's always the first to arrive and the last to leave. 她总是第⼀个来到,最后⼀个离开。
You're the best person to advise me about buying a house. 你是我买房⼦的顾问。
the only后必须接⼀个名词或 one(s): You're the only pereson/one to complain. 你是惟⼀抱怨的⼈。
(2)per表⽰“每⼀”、“每”,通常⽤于商业及技术⽤语,⽇常⽤语⼤多⽤ a/an: You can stay at the hotel at£ 10 per person per night. 你们可以每⼈每晚花10英镑住在这家旅馆。
You must have been driving at seventy miles an/per hour. 你刚才⼀定是以每⼩时70英⾥的速度开车。

Lesson 72 A car called bluebird “蓝鸟”汽车 First listen and then answer the question. 听录⾳,然后回答以下问题。
What mistake was made? The great racing driver, Sir Malcolm Campbell, was the first man to drive at over 300 miles per hour. He set up a new world record in September 1935 at Bonneville Salt Flats, Utah. Bluebird, the car he was driving, had been specially built for him. It was over 30 feet in length and had a 2,500-horsepower engine. Although Campbell reached a speed of over 304 miles per hour, he had great difficulty in controlling the car because a tyre burst during the first run. After his attempt, Campbell was disappointed to learn that his average speed had been 299 miles per hour. However, a few days later, he was told that a mistake had been made. His average speed had been 301 miles per hour. Since that time, racing drivers have reached speeds over 600 miles an hour. Following in his father's footsteps many years later, Sir Malcolm's son, Donald, also set up a world record. Like his father, he was driving a car called Bluebird. New words and expressions ⽣词和短语 racing n. 竞赛 per prep. 每 Utah n. 犹他(美国州名) horsepower n. 马⼒ burst v. 爆裂 average adj. 平均的 footstep n. ⾜迹 参考译⽂ 杰出的赛车选⼿马尔科姆.坎贝尔爵⼠是第⼀个以每⼩时超过300英⾥的速度驾车的⼈。
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TextThe great racing driver, Sir Malcolm Campbell, was the first man to drive at over 300 miles per hour.Sir 爵士,冠于爵士或准爵士的名字之前或名字与姓之前(但不可只用于姓之前)Sir Edward 爱德华爵士Sir John Jackson 约翰.杰克逊爵士Duke 公爵Marquis 侯爵Earl 伯爵viscount 子爵baron 男爵drive at 以…速度驾车 (at 介词, 以…(速度,价格,比率等)eg The train was traveling at 100 kilometers an hour. 火车以每小时一百公里的速度行驶。
eg We drove at top speed.我们急速行驶。
(top speed 最高的速度)eg drive at 意指,打算eg What are you driving at ? 你有什么打算?He set up a new world record in September 1935 at Bonneville Salt Flats, Utah.set up a new world record / built up a new world record 创造新的世界纪录make a new world record / create a new world record 创造新的世界纪录(口)Bluebird, the car was driving , had been specially built for him.the car was driving 是 Bluebird 的同位语,意思是他所驾驶的蓝鸟汽车。
build 1v 建造be built for 为…建造被动结构build for 为…建造主动结构eg build up 树立,建立build up one`s 积累财富build …on/ build... upon 奠定基础,奠定…的基础于…eg Our business is built on trust. 我们的生意建立在信任的基础上。
2n 体格,造型a man of strong 体格健壮的男人builder n building n 建筑物a high-rise building 高楼建筑school building 校舍It was over 30 feet in length and had a 2,500-horsepower engine.in length 在长度上long adj 长的length n 长度in width 在宽度上width n 宽度wide adj 宽的in height 在高度上high adj 高的at full length 伸展全身egHe lay at full length on the grass.他伸展全身躺在草地上。
at length tell a story at length 详细地讲一个故事I bought these neckties at (the price of ) 10 dollars each. 我以每条10美元的价格买了这些领带。
(at the price of 以…价格)The great racing driver , Sir Malcolm Campbell , was the first man to drive at over 300 miles per hour. He set up a new world record in September 1935 at Bonneville Salt Flats , Utah. Bluebird , the car he was driving , had been specially built for him. It was over 30 feet in length and had a 2,500-horsepower engine. Although Campbell reached a speed of over 304 miles per hour , he had great difficulty in controlling the car because a tyre burst during the first run. After his attempt , Campbell was disappointed to learn that his average speed had been 299miles per hour. However , a few days later , he was told that a mistake had been made. His average speed had been 301 miles per hour. Since that time , racing drivers have reached speeds over 600 miles an hour. Following in his father's footsteps many years later , Sir Malcolm's son , Donald , also set up a world record. Like his father , he was driving a car called Bluebird.He built a doghouse for his dog. 他为他的狗搭建了一个狗窝。
最后/ 详细地,絮叨地建设者,建立者,创建者have great difficulty in doing sth 做某事有极大的困难,in 可以省略control 1v 支配,控制eg The police couldn`t control the mob. 警察无法控制暴乱的民众。
eg The government controls the price of rice. 政府控制米价。
2v control one`s anger 控制怒火control oneself 自制3n 控制,抑制beyond control 控制不住under control 控制之中lose control of sth 对某事失去控制eg He lost control of his car. 他的车失去了控制。
lose control of one`s temper 发脾气After his attempt, Campbell was disappointed to learn that his average speed had been 299 miles per hour.attempt 1n 尝试,企图eg He made an attempt to learn to ski. 他尝试想学习滑雪。
eg He failed in his attempt to win the first prize. 他想得头奖的尝试失败了。
He failed in his attempt at winning the first prize. 他想得头奖的尝试失败了。
2v 尝试…attempt a difficult problem 试着解答难题attempt an escape 尝试逃跑/ 企图逃跑attempt to do sth企图做某事/ 尝试做某事eg However, a few days later, he was told that a mistake had been made.make a mistake 犯错误eg be told 被告诉I am told…我听说eg I am told that you caught a cold. 我听说你感冒了。
eg e ver can tell./ You can never tell. 谁也不敢说eg You`re telling me ! 还用你说!我早就知道了!since that time =since then 从那以后reach 1v eg I reached across the table for the jam. 我伸手到桌子的那一侧去拿果酱。
eg We must reach out tothose in need.我们应该伸出援助之手,帮助有困难的人。
2v eg Can you reach me my slippers? They are under the bed. 把拖鞋递给我好吗?它们在床下呢。
eg I can just about reach the apples on the top branch. 我只差一点就能够着最上面树上的苹果了。
3v eg Reach her at home on 689174. 打6894718到她家与她联系。
4v reach New York by one o`clock 一点钟到达纽约reach the end of the chapter 读到这一章的末尾eg Not a sound reached our ears. 我们一点声音都听不见。
reach a speed of 500 mph 达到500英里的时速(mph= miles per hour)5v reach a conclusion 做出结论reach a decision 做出决定reach for the stars 雄心壮志;野心勃勃(习语) 字面意思:伸手去摘星星following in…现在分词短语作状语Like his father, he was draving a car called Bluebird.like 1prep eg What`s he like ? 他像什么样的人?be disappointed to learn that… 很失望的得知某事(that 从句)mistake 的同义词:error, error 比较正式一些到达某人/某处那里;达到伸出(手)以触到,抓到或拿到某物伸手取某物,把某物递给某人与(某人)取得联系,(尤其)给(某人)打电话His average speed had been 301 miles per hour. Since that time, racing drivers have reached speeds over 600 miles an hour.Although Campbell reached a speed ofover 304 miles per hour,he had great difficulty controlling the car because a tyre burst during the first run.克制(情感),抑制They attempted to climb Mt. Everest. 他们尝试想攀登珠穆朗玛峰。