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Yellow Crane Tower
The symbol of Wuhan for its long history.
Bordering on the Chang Jiang River and crouching on the top of the snake Hill, the Yellow Crane Tower is one of the three most famous towers on the south bank of the Chang Jiang River . (the other two are Yue Yang Tower in Hunan and Teng Wang Tower in Jiangxi) First built in 223 AD, the tower has a history of over 1700 years.
digital entertaiment and so on.
Βιβλιοθήκη Baidu
East Lake
Walk along at the lakeside in SPRING
Swimming in SUMMER
Appreciating sweet laurel in AUTUMN
Admiring snow in WINTER
Mill Mountain Scenic Area
• Admission Price:60 yuan • It's one of the six scenic spots of
the East Lake scenic area.
The Culture of Chu
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• Admission Price:150 yuan
Wuhan Zoo
Admission Price:20 yuan
Happy Vally
Admission Price:160 yuan There are artificial beach,wooden roller coaster,family
Admission Price: 10 yuan (20 yuan in festivals)
Gude Temple
• Admission Price:8 yuan
• Structure of the ancient Roman buildings.
• Costructed in 1877.
1. Wuhan Polar Ocean Park
Hubei Provincial Museum
Constructed in 1753,it store up more than 700000 ancient relics.
Ancient serial bells
Guiyuan Temple
It's one of the four biggest temples for Buddhist meditation in Hubei as well as an important Buddhist in China.It has survived more than 300 years .It's so popular that there are more than 600 thousand people everyday during the Spring Festival.
Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge
Completed in 1957, this engineering marvel is 1,670 meters long and has one level for automobiles and another for trains .The construction of this bridge provided direct rail service between north and south China for the first time .