
  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

Function IsLike(strText As String, pattern As String) As Boolean

IsLike = strText Like pattern

End Function

Function IsChinese(strText As String) As Boolean

Dim i%, h$

h = Hex(Asc(strText))

If Asc(Left(h, 1)) >= 66 And Asc(Left(h, 1)) <= 70 Then

IsChinese = True

End If

End Function

Function StringType(strText As String, Optional outPutType As Integer = 1, Optional sumVar As Boolean = False) As Variant

Dim strtemp As String, blnArray(1 To 5) As String, strPreType As Integer

Dim intNum As Integer, startPos As Integer, intlen As Integer

Dim strArray As Variant, strCompare1 As String, strCompare2 As String, dblSum As Double

If sumVar = True And Not (outPutType <> 2 Or outPutType <> 4) Then sumVar = False

For i = 1 To Len(strText)

strtemp = Mid(strText, i, 1)

If i > 1 Then strCompare1 = WorksheetFunction.Asc(Mid(strText, i - 1, 3))

strCompare2 = WorksheetFunction.Asc(Mid(strText, i, 2))

If WorksheetFunction.Dbcs(strtemp) = strtemp Then

strtemp = WorksheetFunction.Asc(strtemp)

If IsLike(strtemp, "[0-9]") Or IsLike(strCompare1, "[0-9].[0-9]") Or IsLike(strCompare2, "-[0-9]") Then

If strPreType = 4 Then

blnArray(4) = Left(blnArray(4), Len(blnArray(4)) - 1) & intNum


intNum = 1

blnArray(4) = blnArray(4) & "- " & i & "/" & intNum

End If

strPreType = 4

intNum = intNum + 1

ElseIf IsLike(strtemp, "[a-zA-Z]") Then

If strPreType = 5 Then

blnArray(5) = Left(blnArray(5), Len(blnArray(5)) - 1) & intNum


intNum = 1

blnArray(5) = blnArray(5) & "- " & i & "/" & intNum

End If

strPreType = 5

intNum = intNum + 1

ElseIf IsChinese(strtemp) Then

If strPreType = 1 Then

blnArray(1) = Left(blnArray(1), Len(blnArray(1)) - 1) & intNum


intNum = 1

blnArray(1) = blnArray(1) & "- " & i & "/" & intNum

End If

strPreType = 1

intNum = intNum + 1


strPreType = 0

End If


If IsLike(strtemp, "[0-9]") Or IsLike(strCompare1, "[0-9].[0-9]") Or IsLike(strCompare2, "-[0-9]") Then

If strPreType = 2 Then

blnArray(2) = Left(blnArray(2), Len(blnArray(2)) - 1) & intNum


intNum = 1

blnArray(2) = blnArray(2) & "- " & i & "/" & intNum

End If

strPreType = 2

intNum = intNum + 1

ElseIf IsLike(strtemp, "[a-zA-Z]") Then

If strPreType = 3 Then

blnArray(3) = Left(blnArray(3), Len(blnArray(3)) - 1) & intNum


intNum = 1

blnArray(3) = blnArray(3) & "- " & i & "/" & intNum

End If

strPreType = 3

intNum = intNum + 1


strPreType = 0

End If

End If


strtemp = ""

strArray = Split(blnArray(outPutType), "-")

For i = 1 To UBound(strArray)

intNum = InStr(1, strArray(i), "/")

startPos = Mid(strArray(i), 1, intNum - 1)

intlen = Mid(strArray(i), intNum + 1)

If sumVar Then

dblSum = dblSum + WorksheetFunction.Asc(Mid(strText, startPos, intlen)) Else

strtemp = strtemp & Mid(strText, startPos, intlen) & " "
