

二、计划目标1. 构建高效、可靠的云基础设施,满足企业业务发展需求。
2. 提升数据安全性和稳定性,确保业务连续性。
3. 优化资源配置,降低成本。
4. 推动业务创新,加速数字化转型。
三、计划内容1. 云平台选型根据企业需求和技术要求,选择合适的云服务提供商和云平台架构。
2. 基础设施建设(1)部署云服务器、存储、网络等基础设施。
3. 应用迁移与部署(1)将现有应用逐步迁移到云平台上。
4. 数据管理与保护(1)建立完善的数据备份与恢复机制。
5. 团队建设与培训(1)组建专业的云技术团队。
四、实施步骤1. 第一阶段:项目启动与规划([具体时间区间 1])(1)确定项目目标和范围。
2. 第二阶段:基础设施搭建([具体时间区间 2])(1)完成云平台的选型和部署。
3. 第三阶段:应用迁移与开发([具体时间区间 3])(1)开始应用的迁移工作。
4. 第四阶段:测试与优化([具体时间区间 4])(1)对迁移和新开发的应用进行测试。
5. 第五阶段:正式上线与运维([具体时间区间 5])(1)系统正式上线运行。
五、风险评估与应对1. 技术风险:可能存在云平台兼容性、稳定性等问题,提前进行技术评估和测试。
2. 安全风险:加强数据安全管理,制定应急预案。
3. 项目进度风险:建立有效的项目管理机制,确保按时完成各阶段任务。

【活动流程设计】1. 活动策划阶段在活动策划阶段,需要明确活动的目标、主题、形式和时间等。
2. 内容设计阶段在内容设计阶段,需要根据目标受众的需求和兴趣设计活动内容。
3. 参与方式设计阶段在参与方式设计阶段,需要确定参与者的注册、报名和参与方式。
4. 推广策略设计阶段在推广策略设计阶段,需要确定活动的推广渠道和方法。
5. 活动执行阶段在活动执行阶段,需要按照活动流程和计划进行活动组织和执行。
6. 活动评估阶段在活动评估阶段,需要对活动的效果和效益进行评估。
【活动内容设计】1. 线上比赛可以组织各类知识竞赛、才艺比拼等线上比赛。

数字云平台活动策划书3篇篇一《数字云平台活动策划书》一、活动主题“数字云平台,开启智慧未来”二、活动目的1. 提升数字云平台的知名度和影响力,吸引更多用户关注和使用。
2. 展示数字云平台的功能和优势,促进平台业务的拓展和发展。
3. 加强与用户的互动和沟通,收集用户反馈,改进平台服务质量。
三、活动时间[具体活动时间]四、活动地点1. 线上活动:通过数字云平台、社交媒体等渠道进行。
2. 线下活动:选择在人流量较大的商业中心、科技园区等场所举办。
五、参与人员1. 数字云平台的用户、潜在用户。
2. 相关行业专家、学者、企业代表。
3. 媒体记者。
六、活动内容1. 线上活动数字云平台功能展示:通过视频、图片、文字等形式,详细介绍数字云平台的各项功能和应用场景,让用户更好地了解平台的价值。
2. 线下活动开幕式:举行隆重的开幕式,邀请相关领导、嘉宾致辞,宣布活动正式启动。
七、活动宣传1. 线上宣传利用数字云平台官方网站、社交媒体账号、电子邮件等渠道发布活动信息和宣传海报。



二、上云目标1. 提高系统性能:利用云平台的强大计算和存储资源,提升系统的响应速度和处理能力,改善用户体验。
2. 降低成本:通过资源共享和按需付费模式,减少企业在硬件、软件和运维方面的投入,实现成本优化。
3. 增强灵活性:能够根据业务需求快速调整系统资源,实现灵活的部署和扩展,适应市场变化和业务发展。
4. 提高数据安全性:借助云平台的安全防护机制,保障系统数据的安全性和可靠性,降低数据丢失和泄露的风险。
5. 促进业务创新:为开发和引入新的业务应用提供更便捷的环境,加速企业的创新步伐。
三、上云需求分析1. 系统评估:对现有系统进行全面评估,包括系统架构、功能特性、数据规模、性能要求等,确定哪些系统适合上云以及上云的优先级。
2. 业务影响评估:分析上云对业务流程和用户的影响,评估可能出现的风险和问题,并制定相应的应对措施。
3. 安全需求评估:评估系统在上云后的安全风险,包括网络安全、数据安全、访问控制等方面,确定安全防护策略和措施。
4. 合规性要求评估:确保上云后的系统符合相关法律法规和行业标准的要求,避免合规风险。
四、上云方案设计1. 云平台选择:根据企业的需求和特点,选择合适的云平台提供商,考虑因素包括性能、可靠性、安全性、价格、服务支持等。
2. 架构设计:设计系统在上云后的架构方案,包括网络拓扑、服务器部署、存储规划等,确保系统的高可用性和可扩展性。
3. 数据迁移方案:制定数据迁移的计划和策略,包括数据备份、迁移工具选择、迁移过程监控等,确保数据的完整性和准确性。
4. 安全策略设计:建立完善的安全防护体系,包括网络安全、访问控制、数据加密、日志审计等,保障系统和数据的安全。

云计算平台计划书1. 引言云计算是指通过网络提供计算资源和服务的一种技术。
2. 项目背景随着云计算技术的成熟和企业对资源的需求不断增长,我们发现建立一个云计算平台是非常有必要的。
3. 项目目标本项目的目标是建立一个稳定、高效和安全的云计算平台,并提供灵活的计算和存储资源。
4. 项目计划4.1 架构设计我们计划采用分布式架构来实现我们的云计算平台。
4.2 功能设计基于我们的架构设计,我们计划实现以下功能:•用户管理:实现用户注册、登录和权限管理等功能,确保平台的安全性。


二、目标1. 降低IT运维成本:通过上云将原有的服务器、存储等设备替换为云平台提供的服务,减少硬件设备的维护成本。
2. 提高IT运维效率:云平台提供了强大的自动化管理工具和可扩展性,可以大大提高IT运维的效率。
3. 加强信息安全保障:云平台具备更先进的信息安全技术和更完善的安全控制机制,可以为公司的信息安全提供更多保障。
三、具体计划1. 选择云平台:我们将通过市场调研和厂商评估,选择出适合我公司实际需求的云平台供应商。
2. 迁移服务器和存储:将公司内部的服务器和存储设备迁移到云平台上,以降低维护成本和提高管理效率。
3. 重构应用架构:将公司现有的应用架构进行重构,以适应云平台上的部署和管理需求。
4. 安全策略制定:制定并实施云平台上的安全策略,包括权限控制、数据备份和恢复等方面,以保证公司信息的安全性。
四、进度安排时间节点工作内容第一季度:选择云平台、调研和评估第二季度:迁移服务器和存储第三季度:重构应用架构、制定安全策略第四季度:云平台上线、验收和评估五、预期效果1. 成本降低:上云后,公司不再需要投入大量资金购买服务器和存储设备,减少了大量的硬件维护和运维成本。
2. 效率提高:云平台提供的自动化管理工具和弹性扩展功能,可以大大提高IT运维的效率。
3. 安全保障:云平台提供更先进的安全技术和机制,能够为公司的信息安全提供更多保障。
六、风险和对策1. 数据安全风险:对于云计算中的数据安全问题,公司将加强数据加密和访问权限控制,确保数据的安全性。
2. 服务可用性风险:我们将选择有良好服务质量保证的云平台供应商,签署完善的服务协议以确保服务的可用性。

二、项目目标1. 实现企业业务系统的高效稳定运行,提高数据处理能力。
2. 降低企业IT运维成本,提高资源利用率。
3. 确保数据安全和合规性,满足国家相关法规要求。
三、实施方案1. 云服务商选择根据企业业务需求、预算及服务水平等因素,选择具备以下条件的云服务商:- 符合国家相关法规和政策要求;- 具备稳定的服务能力和良好的口碑;- 提供丰富的云产品和服务;- 在我国设有合规的数据中心。
2. 云资源规划根据企业业务需求,合理规划以下云资源:- 计算资源:虚拟机、容器等;- 存储资源:云硬盘、对象存储等;- 网络资源:私有网络、公网IP、负载均衡等;- 数据库资源:关系型数据库、非关系型数据库等;- 安全资源:防火墙、安全组、加密服务等。
3. 上云迁移策略为确保业务系统在上云过程中的稳定性和安全性,制定以下迁移策略:1. 数据备份:在迁移前,对现有业务数据进行完整备份,以防迁移过程中出现数据丢失;2. 逐步迁移:按照业务系统的重要性,分批次进行迁移,确保迁移过程的可控性;3. 测试验证:在迁移后,对业务系统进行全面的测试验证,确保系统稳定运行;4. 培训与支持:为员工提供上云培训,确保员工能熟练使用云平台。
4. 数据安全与合规1. 数据加密:采用国家认可的加密算法,对敏感数据进行加密存储和传输;2. 访问控制:实施严格的访问控制策略,确保数据仅被授权人员访问;3. 安全审计:定期进行安全审计,发现并整改潜在的安全隐患;4. 合规性检查:定期检查云服务商的合规性,确保其符合国家法规要求。
5. IT运维管理1. 监控与告警:部署云平台监控工具,实时监控业务系统运行状态,发现异常情况及时告警;2. 自动化运维:采用自动化运维工具,提高运维效率;3. 变更管理:建立严格的变更管理流程,确保变更过程的可控性;4. 灾难恢复:制定灾难恢复计划,确保业务系统在发生故障时能快速恢复。

1. 目标,本实施方案的目标是帮助企业顺利完成上云过程,确保安全、高效地迁移现有业务到云端,并最大限度地发挥云计算的优势。
2. 范围,本实施方案涵盖了上云前的准备工作、迁移过程中的规划和执行、以及上云后的监控和优化。
1. 评估现状,对企业现有的IT基础设施进行评估,包括硬件、软件、网络等方面,了解现状对于后续的规划至关重要。
2. 制定上云策略,根据评估结果,制定上云的具体策略,包括选择公有云、私有云还是混合云,以及选择合适的云服务提供商等。
3. 安全和合规性考虑,确保上云过程中的安全和合规性,包括数据隐私保护、合规性要求等方面的考虑。
1. 应用分析和优化,对现有应用进行分析,确定哪些应用适合迁移到云端,哪些应用需要进行优化或重新开发。
2. 数据迁移,制定详细的数据迁移计划,确保数据迁移的安全和完整性。
3. 系统集成,确保云端系统和现有系统能够无缝集成,保证业务的连续性。
4. 测试和验证,在迁移过程中进行充分的测试和验证,确保迁移后的系统能够正常运行。
1. 性能监控,建立完善的性能监控体系,及时发现和解决性能问题,确保系统稳定运行。
2. 资源优化,根据实际使用情况,对云资源进行优化,降低成本,提高效率。
3. 安全管理,持续加强安全管理工作,确保云端系统的安全性。

二、目标与意义1. 目标将[系统名称]系统迁移到云端,实现系统的高可用性、可扩展性和灵活性。
2. 意义适应业务发展的需求,快速响应市场变化。
三、现状分析1. 系统架构对[系统名称]系统的现有架构进行详细分析,包括硬件设备、软件平台、网络拓扑等。
2. 业务需求了解系统的业务功能和性能要求,以及未来业务发展的趋势。
3. 技术挑战评估系统上云可能面临的技术挑战,如数据迁移、应用兼容性、安全防护等。
四、上云方案1. 云服务提供商选择根据系统需求和业务特点,选择合适的云服务提供商。
2. 上云模式确定系统上云的模式,如 IaaS(基础设施即服务)、PaaS(平台即服务)或 SaaS (软件即服务)。
3. 系统架构设计根据云服务提供商的特点和系统需求,重新设计系统架构,确保系统在云端的高效运行。
4. 数据迁移制定详细的数据迁移计划,确保数据的完整性和安全性。
5. 应用迁移将系统的应用程序迁移到云端,并进行测试和优化。
6. 安全防护建立完善的安全防护体系,保障系统在云端的安全运行。
五、实施计划1. 项目阶段划分将系统上云项目划分为多个阶段,明确每个阶段的目标和任务。
2. 时间进度安排制定详细的时间进度计划,确保项目按时完成。
3. 资源需求评估项目所需的人力、物力和财力资源,并进行合理的分配。
4. 风险管理识别项目实施过程中可能面临的风险,并制定相应的风险应对措施。
六、测试与验证1. 测试计划制定系统上云后的测试计划,包括功能测试、性能测试、安全测试等。

平台上线计划书1. 引言本文档旨在描述平台上线计划,包括目标、时间表、任务分配以及风险管理等内容。
2. 目标平台上线计划的目标是在规定的时间内将平台正式发布。
3. 时间表以下是平台上线计划的时间表:•第一阶段:需求分析和系统设计–时间:第1周至第2周–任务:•收集并分析用户需求•设计平台的系统架构和功能•创建初步的用户界面原型•第二阶段:平台开发和测试–时间:第3周至第8周–任务:•根据需求和设计开发平台的前端和后端•进行单元测试和集成测试•修复漏洞和改进用户体验•第三阶段:上线准备和发布–时间:第9周至第10周–任务:•进行最后的系统测试和性能优化•上线前备份数据和配置•准备发布材料和文档•发布平台并监测运行情况4. 任务分配为了保证平台上线计划的顺利进行,我们将任务分配如下:•项目经理:负责整体的计划和协调工作,监督项目的进展。
5. 风险管理在平台上线计划中,存在一些风险可能会影响计划的进展和目标的达成。

二、云平台上线方案1. 需求分析:在上线云平台之前,需要进行详细的需求分析,包括各个部门的需求、安全性要求、可扩展性要求等。
2. 云平台选择:根据需求分析的结果,选择适合企业的云平台供应商。
3. 系统设计与开发:进行云平台的系统设计与开发。
4. 测试与验证:在上线之前进行充分的测试与验证,确保云平台的功能完整、稳定且符合用户需求。
5. 上线与迁移:在测试与验证通过后,将云平台正式上线,并进行数据的迁移。
三、云平台管理方案1. 性能监控:实时监控云平台的性能指标,包括响应时间、资源利用率等,及时发现并解决性能问题。
2. 安全管理:设置严密的访问控制机制,确保云平台的安全性。
3. 数据备份与恢复:定期进行数据备份,并设计合适的数据恢复策略,确保数据的完整性和可靠性。


二、项目概述1. 项目名称:云平台运营项目2. 项目目标:打造高效、稳定、灵活的云平台,为客户提供优质的云计算服务。
3. 项目周期:预计2年4. 项目成果:成功建立云平台,满足客户需求,提升市场竞争力三、项目内容本项目主要包括以下内容:1. 市场调研:对云计算市场进行深入调查,了解市场需求,竞争对手情况,以及客户的期望。
2. 产品定位:根据市场调研结果,确定云平台的定位、服务内容和特色。
3. 技术支持:建立云平台所需的技术支持体系,保障云平台的稳定性和安全性。
4. 运营管理:建立云平台的运营管理体系,包括人员组织、流程设计、安全管理和规范制度。
5. 市场推广:进行云平台的市场推广,吸引更多的客户使用云计算服务。
四、项目实施流程1. 项目启动:确定项目组成员,明确项目目标、范围和成果,完成项目启动会议。
2. 市场调研:对云计算市场进行调研,了解市场需求,竞争对手情况,客户期望等。
3. 产品定位:根据市场调研结果,确定云平台的定位、服务内容和特色,制定产品规划。
4. 技术支持:建立云平台所需的技术支持体系,保障云平台的稳定性和安全性,进行系统架构设计和研发。
5. 运营管理:建立云平台的运营管理体系,包括人员组织、流程设计、安全管理和规范制度。
6. 市场推广:进行云平台的市场推广,吸引更多的客户使用云计算服务,进行品牌宣传和市场推广活动。

二、云计划的目标1. 提供高效、稳定、安全的云计算服务,满足企业和组织的信息化需求。
2. 降低企业和组织的信息化建设成本,提高运营效率。
3. 促进企业和组织的数字化转型,提升创新能力。
三、云计划的服务内容1. 基础设施即服务(IaaS):提供服务器、存储、网络等基础设施资源,用户可以根据自己的需求灵活配置和管理。
2. 平台即服务(PaaS):提供应用开发、测试、部署等平台环境,帮助用户快速构建和部署应用程序。
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4. 数据服务:提供数据备份、恢复、迁移等数据管理服务,保障数据的安全性和可靠性。
5. 安全服务:提供网络安全、数据安全、应用安全等全方位的安全保障服务,确保用户的信息安全。
四、云计划的优势1. 降低成本:通过共享资源和自动化管理,降低了硬件、软件和人力成本。
2. 提高效率:提供快速部署、弹性扩展和灵活配置的能力,提高了业务的响应速度和效率。
3. 增强可靠性:采用高可用架构和数据备份机制,保障了业务的连续性和数据的安全性。
4. 易于管理:提供统一的管理平台,简化了 IT 管理的复杂性,降低了管理成本。
5. 促进创新:为企业和组织提供了更多的创新空间和可能性,加速了数字化转型的进程。
五、实施步骤1. 需求分析:与企业和组织进行深入沟通,了解其信息化需求和现状,制定详细的云计算解决方案。
2. 架构设计:根据需求分析结果,设计合理的云计算架构,包括网络、计算、存储等方面。
3. 产品选型:选择适合企业和组织需求的云计算产品和服务,确保其性能和稳定性。
4. 实施部署:按照设计方案进行云计算环境的搭建和部署,确保系统的正常运行。

TestPro blemSu mmaryTest Problem SummaryProblems are arranged by subject listed below. Not all solutions are provided:GeneralMinimum Radius CalcHorizontal CurvesHorizontal Sight DistanceSuperelevationEarthworkStopping DistanceVertical CurvesVertical Sight DistanceRational MethodDitch Flow ProblemsCulvert ProblemsAggregate GradationEquilivant Single Axel LoadsAsphalt Thickness DesignTemperature Steel Concrete PavementsAASHTO Concrete Pavement DesignPCA Concrete Pavement DesignTraffic Flow ProblemsSubjectGeneral1. The Interstate system of highways has approximately miles ofroadway?45,000 miles2. The Federal Highway Administration is a part of what cabinet level Department?Department of Transportation3. According to the route designation system used in the USA,where would US101 be located?On the West Coast → either California or Washington4. Use a short statement to define the following highway relatedterm or acronym.A. Mass Diagram →cubic yards or cubic meters of cut/fillversus stationB. Edge of Metal → edge of pavement1.ISTEA → Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act2.FHWA → Federal Highway Administration3.Design Speed → maximum speed controlled by design element4.Clear Zone → edge of pavement to obstruction distance5. What were the main new programs associated with the FederalAid Highway and Revenue Act of 1956?A. The Interstate SystemB. Highway Trust Fund6. List the three major functional classifications for roads.A. ArterialB. CollectorC. Local7. List four major factors to be considered when locating a highwayroute.A. TerrainB. SoilC. EconomicsD. SafetyAlso acceptable: historical preservation, political1.ISTEA was landmark highway legislation passed in 1991. What doesthe acronym stand for?Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act2.TEA-21 is the new highway legislation in 1997. What does thisacronym stand for?Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century3.The major highway programs for funding purposes under ISTEA andTEA-21 are?1.Surface Transportation Program (STP)2.National Highway System (NHS)1.Sketch the relationship between mobility and access that is the basisfor the functional classification system. Label the axis and add any notes that are appropriate. one state traversed by the route with the designationindicated.1.I-5 → CA, WA, OR-2 → MI3.Most road mileage in the United States is under the jurisdiction ofwhat level of government?Local4.List three highway related administrations that are part of the USDepartment of TransportationA. FHWAB. NHTSAC. FTA5.Identify the following highway related organizations.1.AASHTO →American Association of State Highway andTransportation Officials2.ITE → Institute of Transportation EngineersC.ARTBA (for students with excellent memories) →AmericanRoad and Transportation Builders Association the principal source of funds for the nation’s highway system(books words).er tax2.Property tax3.Tolls1.The Federal Aid Highway Act of 1921 established two major principlesrelated to future highway funding. They are:1.2.3.TEA-21 is the new highway legislation. Where can I find informationabout this important legislation?4.Define qualitatively the relationship between mobility and access foreach of the three major classifications in the functional classification system.A. Arterial → higher mobility with a low degree of accessB. Collector → balance between mobility and accessC.Local → lower mobility with a high degree of access5.Explain the basis for the Interstate route designation system. (whereare the high/low numbers and where are the even/odd)The interstate routes are numbered from highest to lowest fromeast to west and from north to south. Even-numbered interstateroutes run east-west while odd-numbered routes north-south. 6.What is the approximate (+/-500000 mi) total road mileage in theUnited States?3.9 million miles7.Write out the terms that identify the following acronyms or symbol:1.CBR →California Bearing Ratio2.AADT → Average Annual Daily Traffic3.DHV → Design Hour Volume4.M r → Resilient Modulus5. PSI → Change in Present Serviceability IndexMinimum Radius Calc1. A horizontal curve at the site of an accident has a measured superelevation of 3 %. The posted speed limit is 40 mph and the radius of the curve is 1000 ft. Tests on the pavement at the site indicate the transverse friction varies in a linear manner from 0.2 at 30 mph to 0.1 at 60 mph. Show by calculation the curve is adequate/inadequate. (Would this be a good time to call my lawyer?)Also acceptableSafe for 40 MPH2. An icy road has a side friction factor of 0.0, a 0.07 ft/ft maximum superelevation and a radius of 1909 ft. What happens if the vehicle speed is 20 mph. Show by calculating the developed forces.3. What is the minimum radius required on a horizontal curve such that the centripetal and gravitational forces on a vehicle in the outside lane are balanced by the frictional forces. Assume the normal crown is 0.015 ft/ft, the side friction factor, f, is 0.024 and the design speed is 60 mph.4. An icy road has a side friction factor of 0.0, a 7% maximum super elevation and a radius of 600 m. Show by summing forces what happens if the vehicle speed is reduced to 40 km/hr.5. A vehicle travels around a horizontal curve with a radius of 500 ftat 40 mph. If the side friction value is 0.15 and the road is flat (no cross slope) show by force calculation that the vehicle will stay/leave the roadway. Assume the vehicle weight is 2000 lb and the centripetal acceleration is a = m*V2/R, where m is the mass, V is the velocity and R is the radius of the curve.6. A vehicle on a tangent is traveling at 60 mph. If the cross slopeof the pavement is - 2 %, what is the factor of safety against sliding to the side of the road.1. A friction measuring trailer has a weight of 1000 lbs. If thelocked wheel force measured between the trailer and the towing vehicle is 200 lbs at 40 mph, what is the friction factor between the tires and the road surface?8. A carnival rider drives a motorcycle up a circular vertical wall and continues around the track until daylight. The radius of the track is 20 m and the measured friction along the vertical wall is 0.1. How fast does the driver have to go to maintain a perfect horizontal position (km/h)?9. A circus rider is attempting to ride around a track with a vertical wall. If the side friction is 0.15 how fast must the rider go (mph) to prevent sliding to the bottom of the wall? Radius of the track is 25 ft.10. In the winter the side friction factor on a roadway may be reduced to 0. In this case the only way to prevent sliding is to increase/decrease the velocity of the vehicle. If the design speed of the road way is 100 km/hr, e max is 10% and the radius of the curve is the minimum determined by the conventional technique, what speed is required to just keep a vehicle on the curve?Horizontal Curve1. The relationship between degree of curve and radius involves the constant 5729.5780. Derive this constant from basic geometricprinciples.2. A horizontal curve has a central angle of 45o and a Point of Intersection (PI) at Station 1+000.00 and radius of 1000.00 m. What is the station of the Point of Tangency (PT)?3. A circular curve with a radius of 400 m and a long chord of 400 m. The PI Station is 1+000.000 find the following:1.The PT Station2.The External distance3. A parabolic curve with the same long chord and tangent as in problem 3 is used instead of the circular curve. What is the external distance for this curve?4. A horizontal curve has a deflection angle of 45o R with the PI at Station 900.00 and a long chord of 500 m. What is the station of the Point of Curvature (PC)?4. A horizontal curve with a deflection angle of 30o has a radius of 500 m. At what distance (along the curve) from the PC is the deflection angle for an observer at the PC equal to 15o ? What is the PT Station if the PI station is 1+000.000?Horizontal Sight Distance1.A horizontal curve has a radius of 1000.00 ft. If the grade is flat and the distance between the centerline and object is 30 ft, what is the maximum stopping distance (assume no adjustment to center of the inside lane). Remember the arc length is proportional to the circumference of a circle.2. The stopping distance (rounded for design) of a two lane road (12 ft lanes) is 450 ft. What is the required clear distance between the drivers location and the edge of the forest (level terrain and no back slope) if the radius to the centerline is 1000 ft?3. A two lane road with a 1000 ft horizontal curve (centerline), 12 ft lanes and an interior angle (deflection angle) of 30 degrees defines the line of sight for a vehicle on the curve. For the standard stopping conditions (3.5 ft observer and 0.5 Ft object), what is the slope of the line of sight (%)? Assume the grade is level.4.For a horizontal curve on a two lane (3.6 m per lane) road with a radius of 500 to the centerline, what is the distance of the line of sight when an obstruction is located 10 m from the centerline of the road? Assume the grade of the road is level5. Considering horizontal alignment, what slope is required to ensure the line of sight around the curve is just tangent to the back slope given the cross section and data provided below? (Needs Sketch)6. The design speed of a road is 120 km/hr. Assuming adequate stopping distance (high value) is provided, what is the required radius to provide a 10 m clear zone from the edge of pavement to an obstruction. Pavement width is 3.6 m and the road is a two lane arterial route.1.For a horizontal curve on a two lane (3.6 m per lane) road with a radius of 500 m to the centerline, what is the stopping distance available to a driver when an obstruction is located 10 m from the centerline of the road? Assume the grade of the road is level.2.A horizontal curve has a degree of curve of 3o and a design speed of 60 mph. A hotel wants to erect a sign 20 ft from the edge of a 12 ft pavement. Calculate the actual sight distance and the available design speed for this condition. Should the hotel get permission to erect the sign?3.An object is located 30 ft to the inside of a 400 ft (CL) horizontal curve. What is the maximum speed (calculated) that provides adequate sight distance if the observer and object are directly over the centerline.Superelevation1.A discussions with my engineering colleagues, we determine that slope of the outside edge of pavement on a superelevation transition should be 0.5%. For a two lane road (12 ft lanes) and e max = 6%, what is the length of the superelevation runoff. Show on a sketch the relationship between the centerline and the outside edge of pavement. Assume the centerline is at a constant elevation of 100.00 ft.ing the superelevation transition in Problem 4 and the following curve data, what is the station of the beginning of the superelevation runoff at the exit end of the curve?PI Station = 10+10.00Deflection angle = 45 o RDegree of curve = 4.5 o1/3 of superelevation runoff on the curve3. A horizontal curve has its PC at station 10+00.00. If the design speed is 70 mph and the maximum superelevation is = 0.08 ft/ft, what is the station of the beginning of the superelevation transition assuming 60 percent of the transition is on the tangent. Assume a two lane road, rotation about the center line and 12 ft lanes.4. The super elevation runoff for a horizontal curve on a two-lane road with a design speed of 65 mph and maximum superelevation of 0.08 ft/ft is rounded with a parabolic curve as shown below. What is the outside edge of pavement elevation at the end of the transition? Assume lane width is 12 ft and the centerline elevation is 100.00.5. Using the data from Problem 3, calculate the inside and outsideedge elevation at the PC of the curve if 70 % of the superelevation runoff is on the tangent of the alignment. Assume the centerline elevation is 100.00.6. A superelevated road has a transition that is defined by somekey cross sections in relation to the pavement surface. For the case where e max = 0.07 ft/ft, lane width is 12 ft, and the normal cross slope is 0.015 ft/ft, what is the left edge of pavement elevation for the following points:1. A normal cross section 99.82b. A fully superelevated section 100.84c. The end of the tangent runout/ beginning of super elevationrunoff.100.00Assume the grade is 0.0% and the centerline elevation is constant and is 100.00.7. The outside edge of pavement on a superelevation runoff has a slope of 0.44%, pavement width of 12 ft and a maximum superelevation of 10 %( 0.1 ft/ft). What is the calculated length of the runoff?8. The point of curvature for a 1000 ft horizontal curve is at station 10+00.00. What is the station of the beginning of the tangent runout and what is the superelevation (%) at the point of curvature. Assume e max= 0.08, speed is 50 mph, lane width is 12 ft and 2/3 runoff on the tangent.9. Use the sketch below and determine the inside edge, outsideedge and the centerline elevation for points A, B, C and E for the following conditions:A. 2 lane roadB. Lane width = 12 ftC. Lane slope = -2 %D. Rotation about outside edgeE. On the tangent before the transition the centerlineelevation = 100.0F. e max = .1ElevationA B C EInside Edge 99.7699.5299.2897.36Outside Edge 99.7699.7699.7697.76Centerline100.0099.7699.5298.5610.If a superelevation transition is applied to a curve with a runoffof 70 m, e max = 8% and a lane width of 3 m, what is the length of the tangent runout? Assume the normal cross slope of the pavement is -2%11. A circular curve has 2 lanes (3.6 m each) and a maximum super elevation of 10%. If the design speed is 110 km/h and 2/3 of the super elevation runoff is on the tangent, what is the elevation of the inside edge of pavement at the PC. Assume the elevation of the centerline is 100.00 and rotation is about the centerline12. The outside edge and centerline profile for a typical two lane pavement is shown below. Label the beginning of the superelevation runoff, beginning of the superelevation runout and the relative location of the point of curvature (PC).13. A road has 8% maximum super elevation and a design speed of 70 mph. If the PC is located at station 5+00.00, what is the outside edge of pavement elevation at station 4+00.00? Assume rotation about the centerline, 2-lane pavement, 12 ft lanes and 60% of the runoff on the tangent.14. The maximum super elevation rate for a two-lane road is 0.08 ft/ft and design speed of 50 mph. What is the outside edge of pavement elevation 50 ft from the end of the superelevation runoff. Assume rotation about the centerline, a flat grade and elevation of 100.00 ft.Earthwork1. From a mass diagram the cut at station 1+50.00 and 1+00.00 arerespectively 790 and 656 cubic yards. The area at each of the stations is identical and defined be the cross section shown below. What is the depth of the cut at the stations center line?2. Use the profile shown below. Sketch the mass diagram and determine the overhaul cost. Assume there is no free haul, balanced earthwork, maximum fill of 1000 m3at sta 0+500.00.andthe cost of overhaul is $10/m3sta. Also, what is the direction of the overhaul.3. Sketch a mass diagram (label the axis) for a road project thatstarts in a fill section (-) goes into a cut section (+) and ends with a net waste of material.4. Given the following earthwork data sketch the approximateprofile of the road and determine the waste/borrow for the job.Station Cut(+)/Fill(-)1.01.1501.3001.2501.1001.01.-1501.-3001.-1001.-501.1005. Given the cross section area at station 1+000.00 is 150 m2 (fill)and 25 m2(cut) and is 50 m2(fill) and 100 m2(cut) at station 1+020.00. What is the net volume (+ or -) of earthwork between the stations if cut is + and fill is -.2.Sketch a mass diagram (label the axis) for a road project that starts ina fill section (-m3), goes into a cut section (+) and ends with a netborrow of material. Show and label at least one balance line somewhere on the diagram.3. A mass diagram is shown below:Find the following values1.The first station where the section is in cut.B. The over haul (free haul = 500 m). Use the approximatemethod to find the centers of gravity.7. The coordinates of a free haul line on a mass diagram are (2+00.00, +600.00) and (12+00.00, +600.00). From these points the mass diagram intersects the abscissa at 0+00.00 and 14+00.00. Calculate the amount of overhaul in station cyds. Use the mid ordinate method to determine the overhaul distance8. Use the attached Mass Diagram and calculate the overhaul (cuyds-ft). The free haul is 800 ft. Show and label the overhaul ordinate and the borrow/waste (correctly labeled).9. At what distance from the beginning does the actual profile go from cut to fill?Stopping Distance1. A driver’s eye height is 2 ft above the pavement. What percent reduction in stopping distance (over normal) will this condition cause? Assume the following:a. Object height = .5 ftb. Crest vertical curve grade difference = 7%c. Design speed = 70 mphd. S < Le. Normal stopping distance is based on the conservative valuefor the design speed.Vertical Curves1. Given the following measurements taken in the field find thelength of vertical curve and the station of the high point of the curve.G1 = 5%G2 = -2%PC Station 10+00.00 Elev = 100.00Station 11+00.00 Elev = 103.002. The line of sight from an observer to an object along a crest vertical curve is tangent at the high point of the curve. If the length of the curve is 1000 ft and the observer’s eye height is3.0 ft above the pavement, what is the Station of the observer if the Station of the PIVC is 10+00.00.3. Using the data from Problem 3, calculate the inside and outside edge elevation at the PC of the curve if 70 % of the superelevation runoff is on the tangent of the alignment. Assume the centerline elevation is 100.00.4. A line of sight is tangent to a parabolic crest vertical curve at Sta 9+00.00. The observer is on the curve at Sta 6+00.00, what is the height of the observer’s eye for the given conditions. Assume G1 = 2%, G2 = -3%, the PI Sta is 10+00.00 and the length of curve is 1000 ft. If all else fails remember y = ax2+ bx and solve for the offset relationship.5. The general equation for a parabolic vertical curve is y = ax2+bx+c. Assume the origin of the coordinate system is at the PIVC,G1 = -5%, G2 = +3%, and the length = 1000 ft. Determine the specific equation for this vertical curve.6. The equation for a parabolic vertical curve isy = (Ax^2)/200L + (G1/100)XIf the observer is at the point of curvature for the vertical curve (VCPC=STA 10+78.61), what is the station at the point of tangency of the line of sight to the curve if the observer is at the VCPC, L = 1000 ft, G1=3%, G2=-2% and the observer eye height is 3.5 ft above the pavement.7. The equationis for a parabolic curve with the origin at the PVC with x = 0.00 and y = 100.00. If the eye level of an observer is 2 m above the pavement and the observer is at the PVC, what is the distance to the point of tangency of the observer’s line of sight with the pavement? G1 = 5%, G2 = -3% and the length of vertical curve is 200 m.8. The equation for a parabolic vertical curve (beginning at thePCVC) is:If the height of the observer is 2.0 m and the height of the object is 1.0 m, what is the available stopping distance over the crest vertical curve if the vehicle and the object are on the curve?9. For a design speed of 60 mph, what decrease/increase in length of crest vertical curve occurs when the object height is lowered from 2.0 ft to 0.5 ft. Assume S<L and A= 6%.10. Catch basins are located at the low point of a 600.0 sag vertical curve with G1 =- 5% and G2=+2%. If the PI is at station 10+00.00 and 100.00 elevation, what is the station and elevation of the catch basins11. An observer is 6 ft (eye height) and is looking up station from the PC. He is just able to see the head of another person 5 ft 6 in. tall. What is the required length of vertical curve? Assume they are both on the curve, at the same elevation, G1 = 3% and G2 = -5% 12. A pipe 6 ft in diameter passes over a highway sag vertical curve with a clearance of 16 ft. What is the lowest elevation and station of the bottom of pipe? Assume the length of the verticalcurve is 400 ft, G1 = -3, G2 = 4%, PC Station is 5+00.00 and elevation is 100.00.13. A sag vertical curve has a –4% grade followed by a 5% grade. The station at thePIVC is 1+000.000 with an elevation of 100.000. What is the station and elevation of the low point on the curve?14. I’m standing at the VCPC of a 120 m crest vertical curve. Howtall do I have to be to see the VCPT? G1 = +2% and G2 = -1%Vertical Sight Distance1. The eye height for a truck is 5.0 ft and for a car is 3.5 ft. If anobject on a crest vertical curve is 0.5 ft high, how much additional stopping distance does the truck have over the car assuming the design speed is 60 mph, length of vertical curve is 2000 ft, G1 = +4% and G2 = -2%.Note: The offset for the object is the same and the difference is determined from the difference of the offset between the truck and the car.2. A crest vertical curve must pass through elevation 95.00 at station 9+00. If the PIVC is at station 10+00.00 with elevation 100.00, what is the required length and the resulting design speed for this vertical curve (h1=3.5 and h2=0.5). Assume that G1 = +2% and G2 = -4%.3. A truck driver’s eye height is 6 ft above the pavement. Based on the usual criteria for stopping sight distance on a crest verticalcurve, what is the percent increase in sight distance for the truck driver compared to the design driver?4. The stopping sight distance over a crest vertical curve is given asWhat are the variables h1 and h2?h1=height of observerh2=height of object5. A headlight for a truck is located 1000 mm above the PCVC. If the light beam spreads upward at an angle of 2o above the horizontal, what is the sight distance provided by this headlight system? Assume G1=0% and G2=10% and the length of the vertical curve is 200 m.6. The Conventional equation for a sag vertical curve is based onthe height of the headlights and a 1o cone of illumination by the lights. The resulting equation isS<LWhere S is the stopping distance and L is the length of vertical curve.If the headlights are not aimed correctly and the cone of illumination is 0o, what is the required length of vertical curve? Assume the design speed is 80 km/hr.7. On a crest vertical curve at the PCVC + 50 ft the offset from avertical tangent to the curve is 0.2 ft. If the grade difference is 8 % what is the design speed for the vertical curve based on stopping sight distance?Rational Methode the attached intensity curve and fill in the table givenbelow. Assume data is for Houghton.2. Given two drainage areas that drain to a common point A asshown below. With the data for each area given in the table below, what is the maximum runoff at point A if the Rational Method is used?PropertyArea 1 Area 2Area (acres) 5 2Distance to farthest point in area (ft) 1000 500Coefficient.5 .3Slope of ground 2% 1%Surface type bare ground short grass2.Given:Area = 1 mi2Streets = 10 %Row crops (poor) = 40 %Wood (poor) = 50 %Time of concentration = 1 hrPrecipitation = 6 inWhat is the difference between the runoff for antecedent moisture condition I and III? Use the TR55 Method4. Find the time of concentration associated with a drainage basin with three components as listed below:A. Short grass, length = 300 ft, slope = 2%.B. Open channel, length = 2500 ft, n = .08, slope = .6%,hydraulic radius = 6 ft.C. 36 in storm sewer, flowing full, length = 1000 ft, n = .012,slope = 1 %.5. A watershed has the following characteristics:No.Area Land Use Soil Type AMC10.15 mi2Meadow (good)A I20.20 mi2Residential (1/2 ac)C II30.50 mi2Forestland (fair)B I40.10 mi2Streets (paved)D IIIFind the runoff if the rainfall is 5 in. Use the TR 55 Method6. A typical section for a road is shown below. If the summit of the drainage basin is 500 ft (horizontal) with a slope of 2 % above the outlet, what is the time of concentration of the flow for this drainage area? Assume the flow is only perpendicular and parallel to the centerline of the road7. For the section described in problem 6, what is the runoff associated with 1/2 of the cross section if the return period is 25 years and the rainfall intensity can be determined using Fig 17.2 Assume the time of concentration is 10 minutes and the average runoff coefficient is 0.4 (Remember 1 acre = 43560 ft2).8. Circle the correct observation related to the TR 55 Method.If the runoff, h, is large, the CN is high/low and the maximumretention, S will be large/small.9.A rural drainage area is:1.20% asphalt pavement2.30% turf meadow (good)3.50% cultivated fields (straight rows, poor)Assuming that the soil type is A and the AMC is III, what is the relationship between the runoff coefficient for the Rational Method and the Curve Number for the TR 55 Method1.A drainage basin is 30 % asphalt pavement with a runoff coefficient of 0.9 and 70 % cultivated fields with a coefficient of 0.3. What is the average runoff coefficient that would be used in the equation Q=CIA?11. A 10 acre drainage area has 10% asphalt pavement, 40% turf meadows and 50% cultivated fields. If the rainfall intensity is 3 in/hr how deep should a V shaped ditch (1 on 2 side slopes, n =0.1 and slope = 2%) be to provide for adequate drainage for the area? Use coefficients that will produce the largest runoff.12. How large an area would the standard ditch section shown below drain if the drainage area is 50% forested, 30% steep grassed slopes and 20% concrete. Assume the storm duration is 30 min., the storm return period is 10 years and Fig 11. 2 is valid in the design area.13. A 170 acre rural drainage area consists of four different watershed areas as follows:1.Steep grass-covered area = 40 %C = .5-.72.Cultivated area = 25 % C = .2-.43.Forested area = 30 % C = .1-.34.Turf meadow = 5 % C = .1-.4Using the rational formula determine the runoff rate for a storm of 100 yr frequency. Assume the rainfall intensity curve is Fig 17-2.The following drainage basin characteristics apply.1.overland flow length = 0.5 mile2.average slope = 3 %3.fallow or minimum tillage cultivatedDitch Flow Problems1.For the conditions given below find the incremental loss inflow capacity after the ditch is partially filled with silt. Assume the slope=2% and n=0.01.2. A ditch has an original shape as shown below. To increase theflow the cross section is changed by excavating material to increase the base width to 6 ft. What is the flow for the improved cross section? Assume the slope is 1 %, n = .01, fore slope is on 4 and the back slope is 1 on 2. Height of the water remains constant3. A V ditch with bottom 5 ft below the centerline grade mustprovide 3 ft of freeboard above the high water mark. What area can the ditch drain if the 10 yr storm intensity is 5 in/ hr and the other details are shown below?4. An area is 40% steep grass, 25% cultivated, 30% forested and 5 %turf meadow. For a 5 acre plot, 10 year storm and 15 minutes time of concentration, what size ditch section is required if it is semi circular flowing full and has n = 0.012 and Slope = 1 %?5. The ditch for a low volume road is 4 ft below center line grade.If the water level cannot be within 2 ft of the centerline grade, what is the maximum drainage area that can be serviced by the ditch section shown below?6. For Q = 100 cfs, Slope = 2%, and n = 0.012, what is the。
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