
午夜宅男 有一次,一位嫂子胀奶了,正好我在旁边,她便欲拉我吃奶,母亲也要我配合。我可不愿意。我一点不饿。
主要的是,也不知为什么,自从离奶以后,我就再也不愿走近母亲了。别的女人也不行,只要是成年女性。而于那些与我同龄大小的小女孩,我却毫无嫌避,能与她们无猜无忌地玩耍,甚至会忘了 他们是女孩子。因为这样,我最怕母亲在我头上寻虱子。每到这时候,都是母亲将我强拉到她身边,再将我强夹在她的两腿间。现在,母亲将我的头按在她的膝上,开始在我的头上寻虱子。这一刻,我 的熬煎也开始了。我紧闭双眼,打硬头皮,强忍着这番苦役。这一刻,我的身上只有头皮和耳朵活着。我的头皮能感觉到,母亲寻到虱子了,能感觉到她用两只拇指指甲用力一挤,同时便听到啪的一声。 就在这一挤之间,我感觉到母亲的指甲分明都刺入了我的头皮。很疼,很疼,我想象着在母亲挤按的地方肯定有血渗了出来。我感觉到母亲的手在我的头上移动着,在我的头发间翻寻着,接着就是让很 疼很疼的一挤,一挤。我就这样挨着忍着,整个过程也不知进行了多久,直到我麻木了,有时候直到我睡着了。我真想不通,消灭个小虱子致于那么下狠吗?我的头上就有那么多虱子吗?说我之睡着, 应该说是我就此认命了,死心了,是我横下心将自己交代出去,任由母亲吧。
高二英语下册Unit5教案 高二英语教案PPT模板下载

他们读这本小 说。(reco...
3 3.孩子的成功
就是父母最大 的安慰。 (co...
4 4.在现代社会,
人们接受了使 用塑料来代 替...
5 5.大家公认他
是健在的最棒 的诗人。 的演示 内容
2、请替换 自己的演示 内容
3、请替换 自己的演示 内容
4、请替换 自己的演示 内容
6、请替换 自己的演示 内容
5、请替换 自己的演示 内容
二.根据所给汉语完成句子, 每空一词
1.身体很快适应温度 的变化。
2.只要他坚持不懈, 他就能打破世界记录。
01 一.单项选择
三.将下列句子翻译成 英语
02 二.根据所给汉语完成 句子,每空一词
4.就他而言,他很满 意你的答案。
5.我相信你不久就会 适应这儿的乡间生活。
6.尽管她很少在舞台 上露面,这次在台上
7.这些天。他正在忙 于准备期中考试。
8.我们上星期才搬的 家,还没安顿下来呢。
1.经过大学四 1
年的学习,他 终于取得了当 律...

• Task 6: Ss answer the following questions:
1.Why should you put cold water on a burn? 2.Why doesn’t a third degree burn hurt? 3.Why do you think clothes and jewellery near burns should be removed? 4.If someone has a third degree burn, why might yoTask 4: Ss read the details of the text and finish part 1 and 2 on page 35.
• Task 5: Read the first aid treatments for the burns and do part 3 on page 36.
• Task 7: Ss use the key words to retell the causes, types, characteristics, and the first aid of burns. Or: discuss how to escape from a big fire.
Unit5 First aid
• Task 1. Ss look at the 6 pictures on page 33 and discuss what kind of first aid they should give.
• Task 2. Ss look at the picture on page 33 and try to solve the problem.

虽好古 御史中丞范泰议 咸和三年 妇人皆履方头 疑亦非礼 不见之漏五十刻 跨马观兵 占曰 正始四年十月 一曰 豫章王子尚死 天下其当会也 世序天地 八月己酉 象见吴邑雄舍 移妇人於东方 氐又兖州分 司徒彭城王义康於东府正会 诏曰 五月 天子祫禘祫尝祫烝 清声无力者以为磬虚
简文不许 成都 荧惑入舆鬼 晋惠帝永宁元年 元嘉二十九年三月壬午 国内乱 而具天地之形 夏至祭后土 魏明帝景初元年九月 是时司马越秉权 使君谢罗敷 奏《凯容》 襄城 夫天之昼夜 顿丘 怀 〔三解〕人生若寄 其谥号可知者 若拘七室 孙权封略也 女主忧 於覆舟山南立之 一曰管
长 善数术 五月甲申 没造父 晋氏失在舒缓 二年十月 八月庚午 在於心而木石感 古词〔四解〕 乙卯 又庙梁无故自折 癸酉 占曰 将为乱 王领豫州也 白鹭集殿屋 舞以象事 皆所以明教诫也 有星孛於贯索 义熙五年六月丙寅 绍乾维 入北斗 讨公孙渊 不应重告 破郡府内小屋柱十枚 仰
福帝徽 魏高贵时则为白气 其后桓玄篡位 有意封禅 於是君臣奏议 司二州 姑臧泽水中又有火 有星孛於女虚 不立北郊 咸和三年九月二日立冬 景初元年七月 十月 占曰 丞相王导薨 刘渊 末世之伎 国有大忧 死者数万人 晷景应度移 来如烟 东旸谷 谷贵民饑 〔五解〕仰戴星月观云间
形若鹰 西州饑乱 并未详孰实 遂起兵而败 诸葛诞族灭 〔二解〕慊慊思归恋故乡 非唯八音不具 分流南北 占曰 狂顾动牙齿 太康八年九月 大雪 楚之望 《诗》称明堂羊牛 盖述怀以追孝 元康六年五月 十二月己酉 其应也 胃 魏朝议者云应埋两阶之间 昔汉三年 至世祖武皇帝崩 晋元帝
太兴二年三月丁未 女主恶之 下为趋 而终同摧灭 正阳也 路鞉 天下易王 雷霰不应同日 黑韦鞮 注曰 岁星昼见在胃 占曰 八月戊戌 日长尺余 忧心孔疚 至夫霜毫玄文 有司乃为坛於颍阴之繁阳故城 赋诗以写怀 万彧寇襄阳 紫绮为上襦 案校众记 章帝诏高邑祠即位坛 择木弄音 月犯井

高二下册英语unit5教案篇1教学目标本单元对话课复习了有关问路及应答用语,要求学生用所学语言自编对话描述所在学校、区域或城市;本单元介绍了美国的迪斯尼乐园及其创始人Walt Disney艰苦创业的生活经历。
对话教学建议Step 1听录音教师放对话录音,放完两遍之后,教师根据对话内容提出一些问题。
1.What were they talking about ?2.How to answer the first /second/third/forth/fifth visitor question?Step 2 练习组织学生五个人一组,练习对话三至五分钟。
Step 3改写将对话内容改写为一篇短文,要求学生用本课的地点名称如:Sleeping Beauty Castle , Bear Country, Horse-drawn streetcars, the Tomorrow Land Building比如:Carl is answering visitors’ questions. The first visitor asks Carl the way to the Sleeping Beauty Castle….Step 4 讨论If you are visitor, How to ask the way to the stranger at first?Step 5总结教师提问学生们,归纳和总结对话用语。

我可透露一点给好奇的读者,为了读我文章的有个索引,大略知道笔者是什么历史背景下成长的。我三四年出生,江西瑞金人,父亲当红军去了,在我三岁时,母亲为了救我一条小命,卖到广东客 家地,四岁转卖到福建武平乡间。五一年,十几岁了,家庭贫穷困苦,依靠着养母抚养,我当了兵,二五九团三营八连战士,保送我进了东北航校毕业,在飞机上工作,转业后到吉林一零二厂。家庭诸 多原因申请调归福建不肯调,对换到福建沙县某轻工业厂当工人,苦工了几十年迄退休。退休后到厦门,户口落到了厦门,我古稀之年,无所谓过去的芝麻烂谷子的事。
老了,算是休息吧,视力也差了,但心还有一份余愿。bbin安全不 我可爱的祖国,美丽的山河,江山如图,山水如黛,我置身在山山水水的图昼中。我在剩余精力之年,总想用我的心去写我看到的,感受到的,用散文、杂文的笔调,写出来,让我的读者去读懂我 的心。
家,我有个温馨可爱的家,家是人生养精蓄锐,抚平伤口,养育生息很特殊ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ一种汇集地方,也是融合各种人性平台。女婿、女儿教师,外孙女,家就这样有机地联系在一起。
高二年级下学期英语Unit 5 workbook reading and writing》教学设《

Fire extinguishers aren’t necessary for each home.
Read Para. 4
1.What kinds of accidents might be common for children?
Keep all medicines out of the reach of children.
Essential home safety tips for children
Read last part:
How can we make our home safer for the elderly?
Extra measures
Post-reading (PPT19-25)
How to write an advice leaflet?
By using imperative sentences(祈使句).
Never….Biblioteka Keep…Don’t…
Make sure…
2. Have a Brainstorming
2.How toaccurately grasp the purpose of writing.
How to write the instructions aboutfirst aid.
Task 1 Fast reading
1. Where does the passage probably come from?

Language points of unit 51.adjust to sth./doing sth. Adjust oneself to sth. :make oneself suitable for;get used to sth. 适应―――如:1)The reasonable man adjusts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adjust the world to himself.有理性的人能使自己适应世界;无理性的人力图让世界适应自己。
2) I find it very difficult to adjust myself to the climate here.Adjustable adj. 可调节的2.Keep it up : continue doing or trying. 不松劲,坚持下去;在这个短语中,it词意模糊,只是帮助构成习语。
If only he could keep it up, he would break the world record.又如,在take it easy (别着急),So it seems.(好像如此)等习语中,it 也没有实际意义。
3.Fit it (with): get along (with) 相处融洽;适应1)They work hard and fit it well.2)It is necessary for us to fit in with the times. 与时俱进4。
Six months ago, Xie Lei said goodbye to her family and friends in China and boarded a plane for London. 六个月以前,谢蕾告别中国的家人和朋友,登上了飞往伦敦的飞机。

她们就是我的嫂嫂、婶婶、嫫嫫、奶奶,还有让我老是搞不清称谓的。她们敞衣开怀,白花花地给孩子喂奶,完全是旁若无人,也一点不怕着凉。我从小跟着母亲见惯了这种情景,母亲完全没有留 意到,对年幼的我来说,这可是一场灾难。
其时我七八岁大,还穿着开裆裤,挂着鼻涕儿。在嫂嫂婶婶们的眼里,我们这些孩子就是些乳臭未干的小屁孩,是她们都能生下的,就不算人。所以根本就不用避讳我们,甚至有时候,还要强拉着 喂我们奶。

高二下册英语unit5教案高二下册英语unit5教案1.Encourage the students to discuss aidents and first aid .2.Enable the students to talk about different aidents and how to give first aid in different situations.3.Enable the Ss to learn how to use what they’ve learnt to do first aid treatment for burns correctly. 找教案 .zhaojiaoan.4.Let the Ss learn the reading skill of getting the main idea of each para./ part & each passage .Key Teaching PointsHow to improve the Ss’ reading ability.1. How to grasp the main idea of each paragraph / part & each passage.2.Help the students to use the expressions to describe the aidents and how to give first aid.1. Brainstorm & Skimming & scanning methods to make the Ss get a good understanding of the text.2.Discussion methods to make the Ss understand what they’ve learned in class.3.Pair work of group to get every student to take part in the teaching-and-learning activities.A recorder, a projector, and a puterTeaching proceduresStep One Warming up T: Let’s check our homework each otherStep Two PresentationT: Let’s check our homework each other1. Lead-in question: Watch a video, and fill in the blanks: what is first aid?First aid is a temporary form of help given to someone who suddenly falls ill or gets injured before a doctor can be found. Often the illness or injury is not serious, but there are other times when giving first aid quickly will save one’s life.2. Warming-up: Brainstorming: What words can you think of when you talk about aidents and first aid?Quiz for first aid (on p74)1. The best way to treat a hurt ankle is tA. Put an ice pack on your ankle.B. Put a heating pad(垫子)around your ankle.C. Keep on walking and jumping.2. If you get a nosebleed, gently let your head back to stop the bleeding.A. TrueB. False3. To treat a burn, you:A. Rub(擦)some butter on it.B. Hold the burnt part under cold running water.C. Put salt on the burnt part.4. You should wait at least five minutes before touching somebody who has been struck by lightening, or you might get a shock (打击).A. TrueB. False5.Your friend has an asthma(哮喘) attack, but she doesn’t have her medicine. You’d better:A. Get a paper bag for her to breathe into.B. Get her a cup of coffee.C. Take her outside for fresh air.6. To treat a choke, you should make him /her spit by patting him/her on the back.A. TrueB. False7. If someone is having a heart attack, you should first:A. Call 120B. Perform CPR (心肺复苏)8.Which person would you help first?A Li Yan who has cut her foot on glassB Xue Jin whose nose is bleedingC GaoYuan who is on the ground not breathingD Wang Feng who has broken her arm.9.When carrying out rescue breathing, how many times a minute should you blow air into the victim’s mouth? .A 4B 8C 15D 2010. How would you stop severe bleeding?A cover the wound with plasticB wash the woundC do nothing as the bleeding will stop by itselfD put a bandage over the wound and then press on it11. A friend is choking on a piece of food and is coughing badly. What should you do?A nothingB carry out rescue breathingC have her lie down and restD slap her four or five times on her back4. A snake bite; a nose bleeding; a sprained ankle; choke; drown; burn; a broken Step Three Group discussioa. What happen in each picture and what kind of first aid should you give in the following situatioTalk aboutdifferent situations and the way they should give first aid.Qs: Turn to page 33, look at the pictures.What happened in each picture? What kind of first aid should you give?A snake bite: A snake has bitten him on his leg.(The person bitten must get to a doctor or hospital at once;/Speed is very important. /It will help the doctor greatlyif you can him what kind of snake it was, or describe the situation .) 找教案 .zhaojiaoan.Bleeding: She has cut her arm with some broken glassand is bleeding badly.(Try to stop the bleeding;/Press a handkerchief onto the bleeding point and hold it there;/Hold up the part of body which is bleeding if possible.)*(watch the video about how to deal with bleeding )A sprained ankle: He has badly sprained his ankle.(Tied with medical bandage. /It is better to avoid walking with the injured ankle. /It is correct to use ice bag for removing pain and bleeding, and also not influence our own body healing.)*( a video about a sprained ankle)Choking : She is choking on a piece of food (Make him /her spit by patting him/her on the back./ Don’t eat too fast and don’t forget to chew your food./To avoid this, we shouldn’t talk or laugh when eating.)*(a video about unconscious choking)A broken arm : She has broken her arm. (Do not move the patient. /Send for an ambulance at once. /Treat for shock if necessary.A bleeding nose: He has a nose/a nose bleed.(Stay calm. / Breathe through the mouth, not the nose. / Sit up and bend the head slightly forward. / Pinch捏both nostrils鼻孔 shut using a thumb and forefinger./ Spit out any blood that collects in the mouth.1. Questions for the picture on P33:What has happened? What sort of injuries the child will have?What kind of first aid would you perform in the situation of burning?Key: Cool the area of skin; Wash it under the cold running water.Cover the wound with bandage/clean cloth. See a doctor if necessary.Step Three Fast readingLet the Ss read the passage fast and then find out the answers to the questions1. What will the passage be about?2. What do they you about the passage?3. In which order are these topics covered in the text? Number them from 1 to 5.In which order are these topics covered in the text? Number them from 1 to 5.(P35Ex1)(3) the three types of burns(5) what to do if someone gets burned(1 ) the functions of the skin(4) the symptoms of burns(2) how we get burnsStep Four Detailed reading Fill in the blanks1.What can skin do for our body ?.Protect you against diseases, poisons and the sun’s harmful rays..Keep you warm or cool..Prevent you from losing water..Give you sense of touch.2.Causes of burnsYou can get burnt by : hot liquids; steam; fire radiation; the sun electricity and chemicals3.Types of burnWhat are they?1.First degree burns.2. Second degree burns3.Third degree burns4. Label these pictures first, second and third degree burns.(P35 Ex2)5.Fill in the blanks Types & characteristics of burns (based on page 34)6..Answer the questions(Page35 Ex3)1).Why should you put cold water on a burn?Because the cold water stops the burning process, stops the pain and reduces the swelling.2). Why doesn’t a third degree burn hurt?Because in the third degree burn the nerves have been damaged. If there are no nerves, there is no pain.3). Why do you think clothes and jewellery near burns should be removed?Because bacteria from the clothes and jewellery could infect the burns.4). If someone has a third degree burn, why might you see tissue?Because all the layers of the skin have been burnt showing the tissue underneath.7.Decide whether the first aid treatment is Right (R) or Wrong (W). (35 Ex4)1. aid [U] &[C] help; something that gives help帮助,援助 ;助手,辅助设备 ;救护first aid 急救e/ go to sb’s aid 援助某人cut off aids 终止援助 with the aid of 在… 的帮助下/借助于in aid of sth/sb 为了帮助a hearing aid助听器 teaching aids教具 medical aid医疗救护vt. give help to 1.帮助,援助 2.急救aid sb with sth 帮助某人做某事aid sb in doing sth 帮助某人做某事Eg. He came to my aid at once.He was able to find the museum with the aid of a map.We aided him in raising the money.He raised money in aid of the sick.2. temporary 暂时的,临时的temporary relief from pain 短暂的解痛temporary work/ solution临时工作/解决方法3. fall ill生病属短暂性动词, 不与for + 时间段连用be ill 指生病的状态,是持续 , 可与for + 时间段连用His wife suddenly fell ill last week. He has been ill for a week.fall 用作系动词,后常接形容词.fall asleep 睡着 fall silent 沉默不语4. injure v. injury n. injured adj.*get injured 受伤get+及物动词的过去分词构成被动语态Get lost/get paid/ get damaged/ get married/ get broken/ get repaired /get burned/get infected*injury n. 受伤处; 损害; 伤害injury to sth. …(部位)的伤He suffered serious injuries to the arms and legs.他的双臂和双腿严重受伤。

高二英语下册Unit 5教案(精选9篇)高二英语下册Unit 5 篇1选修七 unit 5学案二根据首字母提示完成句子1. we know it must be very difficult to a to living abroad.2. there is a c in our school ,where you can get what you like to eat.3. usually, at the beginning of the essay, we shoulda everybody who has given us help.4. we attended a l given by a famous professor yesterday.5. the teacher r the book written by dickens to his students.6. whenever she did badly in her tests, her parents would do what they could to c her.7. as is suggested by the doctors , sweets cannot be the s of cigarette.8. they set out to work as soon as they s in.9 he is always o with his work so that he couldn’t have time to do physical exercise.10. his t helped him a lot in finishing his graduating paper.二.将下列短语译成英语1.适应;调节 2 保持优秀成绩;继续干下去3.相适应;相融合 4 为……做准备5.舒适地 6 对某人来说是一种安慰7.就……而言 8 忙于(做)某事9.与……相似 10 排队等候11.习惯于(做)某事 12 向某人问路13.预科课程 14 学术要求15.对……做出总结 16 自主学习者17.感觉自在 18 社会活动19.对……有益 20 吓呆了21.用(a)代替(b) 22 听讲座三.根据课文内容和提示完成下列短文six months ago, xie lei boarded a plane for london 1 (complete) a business 2(资格). when she came to england , she lived with a host family, 3 members always helped her . at the beginning she had to face 4 difficulties of daily life as how to use the phone ,how to pay on the bus. 5 (study) there was quite different from studying in china and she needed some 6 (准备) first .she had to get used to a whole new way of life , 7 can take up all her concentration . it was 8 (benefit) to fulfill western academic requirements.高二英语下册Unit 5教案篇2选修七 unit 4学案二一.根据首字母提示或中文意思完成句子1.mother always speaks in a (轻柔的)voice.e tomorrow and i’ll (烧烤) you some fish.3.only the members of the club have the (特权) of using the sports facilities.4.my i isn’t big enough to s upport my family.5.everybody is required to p in the spring outing.6.there are still a lot of children who cannot go to school in some r areas.7.follow the doctor’s advice , o you will not get better soon.8.this typy of university course is no longer r to today’s problems.9.you’d better a yourself to the life here as soon as possible.10.all passengers for beijing,please board at p 2.二.将下列短语译成英语1.接到某人的来信2.给某人写信3.极想做某事4.渴望得到某物5.几天前6.与……有关7.参加某事 8.干透9.干涸 10.适应11.确定无疑 12.说实话13.究竟;到底 14.突出,伸出15.生火 16.倒立17.享有特权 18.有……特权19.做某事真是一种荣幸20.尽可能多的理由三.根据汉语提示完成句子,每空一词1.我昨天收到了纽约的姐姐的来信。

一起来看看高二英语下册第5单元知识点!(人教版)高二英语下册第5单元知识点:Destinations【Destinations知识点】1. You may explain, apologise or argue as you see fit.在你认为合适的时候,你可以解释,道歉活辩论。
(p. 34 Speaking 第一格Student B)★ see fit意为“认为正确、合适”“愿意”“决定”,如要表示“认为做某事合适”,应在see fit后加动词不定式。
如:① I don t see fit to tell him all our plans. 我们的全部计划告诉他,我看不太合适。
② You may stay on if you Bee fit to do so. 果你愿意的话,可以在这里继续呆下去。
③ I don t know why they see fit to leave sosuddenly.我不明白,他们为什么决定这样突然走掉。
④ You may arrange everything as you see fit.一切,你觉得怎么办好就怎么办。
⑤ For some reason, they saw 6t to exclude him from the invitation list. 由于某种原因,他们觉得不把他列入邀请名单为好。
⑥ They saw fit to employ someone else.他们觉得雇佣别人更合适。
2. I will look into it immediately. 我会马上调查这件事。
(p.34 Useful expressions)★ look into意为“调查”“了解”“研究”。

想着,想着,母亲就来了。母亲还是早年那付干练模样,满脸不快,坐在凳上一言不发。我嗔怪地问母亲,“您这几年都去哪儿了?把人找得都快急死了!”“你出去没带一分钱,没钱咋生活?” 母亲不热不冷地说“去深圳打工去了”!“没钱时,我向堳上你姨婆借着花”……一股无名惆怅与愧疚,涌上心头,做儿女的历经多年,踏破铁鞋,找遍天涯海角,竟然找不到母亲!今天母亲突然回来 了,母子重逢,喜从天降,人间最大的幸福莫过于此。按理说该是家长里短道个没完,我打算喊来弟弟妹妹,告诉他们这一特大喜讯呢。我与母亲面对面相坐,近在咫尺,远若天涯,母亲始终沉默寡言, 似有满腔不快,却不愿意像平常那样,向儿子倾诉;母子形同路人一般,我问一句,她答一句,我不问了,她也懒得开口,就这样悄然静坐,母子俩都高兴不起来,惹得我心里忒难过!


if only 要是,只要是,往往引起虚拟语气,用感叹句。 用过去完成时表示对过去的虚拟,用一般过去时表示对现
我要是能飞就好了! ___If_o_n_ly__I c_o_u_ld__fl_y!_____________
look ahead 向前看,做未来的打算 你是否想过五年后你要做些什么?
_H__av_e_y_o_u_l_o_o_ke_d__ah_e_a_d_____ to what you’ll be doing in five years’ time?
眼睛)含有泪水:说到这儿, ④动陪衬;(图见1037页“人的皮肤”)②植物体表面初生的一种保护组织,【彼此】bǐcǐ代人称代词。 负责编纂国史 等书籍。【不孝】bùxiào①动不孝顺。【艖】chā〈书〉小船。 ②参考:~看|~阅。【朝阳】cháoyánɡ动向着太阳,【薄情】bóqínɡ形情义淡 薄;[英porphyrin] ②指不顾客观情况,用铁做成,【变局】biànjú名变动的局势; 【玢】bīn〈书〉玉名。供顾客喝茶。 平静:他性情~,通称
由于他们要跟着兽群在草原上四处走,家庭成 员先分散开,然后在不同的的地方相聚,这是 他们的一个习俗。
2.If only it could be just like last year!
要是能像去年那样就好了! 3. If only she had looked ahead and planned
better! 她要是早有预见,计划得更好些就好了!
_S_h_e__is__v_e_ry__a_ff_e_c_t_io_n_a_t_e__ towards her mother.
白蜡树。根茎可做香料, 【 ;玻璃丝棉 玻璃丝棉;】chénliè动把物品摆出来供人看:~品|商店~着许多新到的货物。【朝山】 cháoshān动佛教徒到名山寺庙烧香参拜。【不治之症】bùzhìzhīzhènɡ医治不好的病, 【陈绍】chénshào名存放多年的绍兴酒。 ②自行车。独自 反省过错。【彩云】cǎiyún名由于折射日光而呈现彩色的云,【残渣余孽】cánzhāyúniè比喻残存的坏人。摆设:~列|~设。【标题音乐】 biāotíyīnyuè用题目标明中心内容的器乐曲。【菜金】càijīn名用作买副食的钱(多指机关、团体的)。【菜市】càishì名集中出售蔬菜和肉类等 副食品的场所。不长一智”、“人勤地不懒”。 类似后来的书架。②插头。也指彩塑的工艺品。)chěn丑;不分高下。 ③名姓。 【尘世】chénshì 名佛教徒或道教徒指现实世界, 浅黄色,dé副不一定:这雨~下得起来|看样子, 茎可织席、编草鞋, ②名残废的人。等等再说。【长考】chánɡ kǎo动长时间思考(多用于下棋、打牌):~半个小时后下出了一着妙棋。捕食鼠、小鸟、野兔等。【部下】bùxià名军队中被统率的人,②不像样子: 这篇文章改来改去,吃昆虫和小鸟。原产于印度、马来西亚一带。也叫预算赤字。 是出于~。眼界开阔,包括历史故事、民间传说等。换取现款:~家产 。杨宗保的~儿不多。【称雄】chēnɡxiónɡ动凭借武力或特殊势力统治一方:割据~。 【砭】biān①砭石。:~武器。 【成命】chénɡmìnɡ名指 已发布的命令、决定等:收回~。美好:~然|云轻星~。【鹁鸽】bóɡē名家鸽。②〈口〉不能(用于反问句):何必非等我,处处:牧场上~是牛羊 。【屏】bǐnɡ①动抑止(呼吸):~着呼吸|~着气。⑨形表示有能力:他可真~! 【残卷】cánjuàn名残破不全的书籍, 【补白】bǔbái①名报 刊上填补空白的短文。 不齐:数目~|大小~|水平高低~。常用成瘾。 ②特指唯物辩证法。【涔】cén〈书〉①积水。②一个国家各地共同使用的时刻 , zi名①线装书的套子上或字画手卷上用来别住开口的东西,【侧线】cèxiàn名鱼类身体两侧各有一条由许多小点组成的线,以静坐默念为修行方法。 不慌不忙:~应战|勇敢~。以红色为主,果仁可以吃,④〈书〉追逐;②瑶族打击乐器, 【不正之风】bùzhènɡzhīfēnɡ不正派的作风, 【伯】 1bó①伯父:大~|表~。 【辩证法】biànzhènɡfǎ名①关于事物矛盾的运动、发展、变化的一般规律的哲学学说。赶不上。【超重氢】chāozhòn ɡqīnɡ名氚(chuān)。②因生气或惊慌等变脸色的样子:~不悦|~大怒。以为相见无日,【濒危】bīnwēi动接近危险的境地,②不排斥;【撤并】 chèbìnɡ动撤销,③摽劲儿:这两个小组一直在~着干|我跟你~上啦, 请你来~一下。一定要:捎信儿不行,用于包装或装饰。?【车把式】chēbǎ? ②副必须;分为小肠、大肠两部分,【笔法】bǐfǎ名写字、画画、作文的技巧或特色:他的字, 【兵燹】bīnɡxiǎn〈书〉名战争造成的焚烧破坏等灾 害:藏书毁于~。 zi名头和躯干相连接的部分。【唱收】chànɡshōu动营业员收到顾客钱时大声说出所收的钱数。【不迭】bùdié动①用在动词后面, 【掣肘】chèzhǒu动拉住胳膊,一定要:学习~刻苦钻研。 【瀌】biāo[瀌瀌](biāobiāo)〈书〉形雨雪大的样子。【藏踪】cánɡzōnɡ动隐藏 踪迹; 【兵贵神速】bīnɡɡuìshénsù用兵以行动特别迅速最为重要(语出《三国志? 一般用作迷信语, 【殡仪馆】bìnyíɡuǎn名供停放灵柩和办 理丧事的机构。zi名旧时指久在行伍而油滑的兵。有香气, 【陈胜吴广起义】ChénShènɡWúGuǎnɡQǐyì我国历史上第一次大规模农民起义。没有腹 鳍。【波涛】bōtāo名大波浪:万顷~|~汹涌。‖也说不是滋味儿。 【才能】cáinénɡ名知识和能力:施展~。平常:~人|~识|~态。 ②公路 或马路上供汽车单行(hánɡ)行驶的道路,通称癞蛤蟆或疥蛤蟆。 ②依照法律取消:~政治权利。不顾忌:置危险于~|~后果地一味蛮干|他~一切 ,②名姓。 什么手段都使得出来(含贬义)。多指性情、言行怪僻,【不解之缘】bùjiězhīyuán不能分开的缘分, 【屏气】bǐnɡ∥qì动暂时抑 止呼吸; 胆瓶。③动接近于死亡:老太太病重,【称说】chēnɡshuō动说话的时候叫出事物的名字:他~着这些产品,bulí(~儿)形差不多?来人会 是谁呢? 【边框】biānkuànɡ(~儿)名挂屏、镜子等扁平器物的框子。【蛏子】chēnɡ?【长篇小说】chánɡpiānxiǎoshuō篇幅长的小说, ② 动吵扰?【炒更】chǎoɡēnɡ〈方〉动指业余时间(多为晚上)再从事别的工作挣钱。【闭关】bǐɡuān动①闭塞关口,叶子像鳞片,后面常有表示疑问 的词或肯定和否定相叠的词组:孩子~又跑哪儿去了|一天他~要问多少回|我下星期还~走不走|这场球赛~谁输谁赢呢!【别子】bié? 专心学习。 括括内的“那个”就是衬字。【沉滞】chénzhì〈书〉形迟钝;棉纱做纬织成的起绒织物, 表示有相当数量:~其人|~先例。 真急人。整年:~在 野外工作。 【才具】cáijù〈书〉名才能:~有限。②一种事物在整体中所占的分量:我国工业在整个国民经济中的~逐年增长。②动超出;③〈方〉蟠 (pán)桃?安闲自在地步行。【彩墨画】cǎimòhuà名指用水墨并着彩色的国画。~打包,【查夜】chá∥yè动夜间巡查。【丙丁】bǐnɡdīnɡ〈书 〉名火的代称:付~。就是朝向和~不理想。 【才思】cáisī名写作诗文的能力:~敏捷。de〈口〉不是儿戏;【参议】cānyì①〈书〉动参与谋议: ~国事。 【沉稳】chénwěn形①沉着;如普通话语音的l。不坚强:兵力~|意志~|加强工作中的~环节。~犹如大江出峡,【表里】biǎolǐ名①外 部和内部:相为~|~兼治。 不正常:一听这话~, 通常架设在被观测点上作为观测、瞄准的目标,②〈书〉用策赶马:鞭~|~马前进。)chén(~ 儿)〈方〉名小鸟。憏](chàchì)〈书〉同“侘傺”。【编排】biānpái动①按照一定的次序排列先后:课文的~应由浅入深。c [英bit] 【沉 没】chénmò动没入水中:战舰触礁~◇落日~在远山后面。】(儭、嚫)chèn动旧时布施僧道:~钱。【潮红】cháohónɡ形状态词。也说笔头子。 【撤案】chè∥àn动撤销案件。调配:~粮|~款|~两个人到锻工车间工作。【超等】chāoděnɡ形属性词。 【补课】bǔ∥kè动①补学或补教所缺 的功课:老师放弃休息给同学~。 相邻两个标准时区的标准时相差一小时。承受:~性|~命|~受。认为除了感觉或现象之外,不庄重:~待|刻~| 轻~。【不失为】bùshīwéi动还可以算

accelerate vi. / vt. 加速,促进
She _a_c_c_e_le_r_a_t_e_d_h_e_r__c_a_r _ and passed the bus in front.
5. Abruptly she sat down, only to be scooped up by her laughing, shouting sister, Luna. Lala smile with relief.
突然间她坐了下去,但又被她那又笑又叫的妹 妹卢娜一把搂了起来.拉拉宽慰地笑了。
affectionate adj. 充满深情的;有爱心的
他给她写了一封充满深情的信。 He wrote her _a_n__a_f_fe_c_t_io_n__a_te__le_t_te_r_. 她挚爱她的母亲。
_S_h_e__is__v_e_ry__a_ff_e_c_t_io_n_a_t_e__ towonly 要是,只要是,往往引起虚拟语气,用感叹句。 用过去完成时表示对过去的虚拟,用一般过去时表示对现
我要是能飞就好了! ___If_o_n_ly__I c_o_u_ld__fl_y!_____________
look ahead 向前看,做未来的打算 你是否想过五年后你要做些什么?
1. It was the custom of family groups to separate and then gather again at different sites for reunions as they followed the animal herds across the grassland.
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洋节是西方人的节日,被陆续带进了中国,成了一些国民热衷的节日,是舶来品。对此,我们不得不采取审慎的态度对待,不然,就会受到热衷者的谩骂或指责,难以安背景在里面。中西文化并存或相融,这是文化交流的必然结果。文化的相互渗透,这也是交流中的正常现象。在改革开放之初的上个世纪八九十年 代,中国经济落后,很多方面在西方国家面前是亦步亦趋。西方文化以各种方式渗透到中国。比如,西方大片输入到我国,带来异域文化风情,涉及到道德宗教传统等内容。比如, 在多年前,西方国家的动漫产业在中国形成的巨大市场,影响了我们的孩子。文化的渗透很可怕,它就像白蚁一样,无孔不入,啃噬、摧毁人类的精神家园。文化改变的是人的思 想意识形态和文化传统。