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(旁白)1有一个地方There is a place.

(旁白)2一个不知道悲伤的地方 A place that knows no sadness.

(旁白)3在那里沮丧也是一种快乐Where even feeling blue is a happy thing. (旁白)4在那里居住着一群蓝精灵,他们只有三个苹果高

(旁白)A place inhabited by little blue beings,three apples high.


(旁白)It lies deep in an enchanted forest,hidden away beyond a medieval village. (旁白)6大多数人觉得这个地方是虚构的Most people believe this place is made up,


(旁白)only to be found in books or in children's imaginations.

(旁白)8但是,我们并不这么想Well, we beg to differ.

9加油啊,农家骑警Yeah! Come on, Farmer!

10我先走了I'm going in!

11我让着你呢,馋馋All right, Greedy, I'm gonna race you!


13乡下小孩,喜欢这飞行吗?Whoa, golly! Farm boys love to fly!

14吔,太刺激了!Oh, yeah! So excited!

15他们看见我们了吗?Now you see us, now you don't!

16三,二,一,吔Three, two, one. Yeah!

17 我爱精灵浆果凡是蓝色的都是我的

Yeah! I love smurf berries! Hey, hey! The blue ones are mine!


19我知道,排练迟到了,这么晚了Oh, no! I'm late for rehearsal! I am so late! (旁白)20在蓝精灵村庄里每个蓝精灵都有不同的分工

(旁白)In Smurf village, each and every Smurf plays their own special pad.

21 哇,闹闹Whoa, Nellie!

对不起,巧巧Sorry, Handy!

22没关系吧,笨笨,你让我有活干了No problem, Clumsy. You keep me employed! (旁白)23这使蓝精灵们感情融洽Which gives the Smurfs a sense of harmony. 24 嗨,贝贝,好美味的派别担心,笨笨

Hey, Baker! Nice pies! No worries, Clumsy.

25(旁白)生活平静And tranquility.

画得不错,伙计们Great sign, guys!

26(旁白)巧巧负责建筑Whether it's Handy Smurf the builder

我不能停下这是排练时间I can't stay. Rehearsal time!

27(旁白)而贝贝是厨师Baker Smurf.

你好,乐乐Hey, Narrator Smurf!


Hello, Clumsy! Just rehearsing the intro for the Blue Moon Festival!


Pizza!Pardon me! Pardon me! Hey, Chef Smurf!

30笨笨!让开!Clumsy! Help!

31我偶然发明了冰披萨!天才I just invented frozen pizzas! Genius!

32大家歇一会Smurf on the loose!

33嗨,笨笨Hey, Clumsy.

嗨,伙计们Hey, guys!

34嗨,笑笑Hi, Jokey!

嗨,笨笨Hi, Clumsy.


Who's clumsy now, huh?


Hey, what do you get when you cross a Smurf with a cow?


Blue cheese! I got you a present.


No, thanks, Jokey. I'm late for rehearsal!

39等等,我…But, wait! I...

(音乐起music start)

40嗨,厌厌,勇勇Hey, Grouchy. Hey, Gutsy.

41嘿,慢着,伙计Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow your roll, sailor.


Hey, wait, wait. Isn't that the rehearsal for the Blue Moon Festival?


What can I say, Clumsy? You're not on the list.

44 厌厌,不就在这儿嘛Grouchy, it's right there.

45是的,就在“不让笨笨进入”的下面Right. Under "Do not let in Clumsy."

46看来你们不会解释,Clearly you two lack the verbal skills required

47还是交给我吧to explain this predicament succinctly.


48很简单Here we go.

你看,笨笨You see, Clumsy,


the other Smurfs don't want to dance with you for fear of what are politely called


51噢,有谁会这么想呢How could anybody think that?

52脸上会青一大块的That's gonna leave a big blue bruise.

53棒极了!美极了!真了不起!Wonderful! Beautiful! Marvelous.

(音乐停music stop)

54小心Watch it, there!

55停!停!停!这是舞蹈,不是多米诺骨牌Cut! Cut! Cut! It's a dance, not dominoes. 56噢,我的眼线!A worry line!

好啦,别扭着屁股...All right, don't get your petals in a twist.

(旁白)57蓝精灵村庄的生活是这么快乐完美As happy and as perfect as life in Smurf village is,


even sunshine and butterflies must have their dark clouds.

