
一、安装ARCGIS DESKTOP1.在安装ARCGIS之前,需要安装先安装ARCGIS LICENSE MANAGER,点击安装包路径下的文件,选择安装文件进入安装ARCGIS LICENSE MANAGER界面1)、选择ARCGIS LICENSE MANAGER 进入安装LICENSE FILE文件,此文件在安装包路径下的文件夹中,选择即可2)、然后一直点击“NEXT”按钮到如下界面,选择不要重启计算机,后退出3)、在安装包路径下arcgis\ArcGis Desktop 9.3.1软件\Crack.Only-TBE\Crack.Only-TBE\license_server_crack文件下的Arc_Info9.lic文件4)、把第一行的“SERVER yl ESRI_SENTINEL_KEY=37102011 27001”中的 yl 改为本机的计算机名,保存。
如图所示;5)、查看本机计算机名的方法:右键点击桌面“我的电脑”选择“属性”出现以下窗口6)、点击“计算机名”窗口中“完整的计算机名称”就是本机的计算机名(每台电脑都不相同的,最后面的点不要复制)7)、把arcgis\ArcGis Desktop 9.3.1软件\Crack.Only-TBE\Crack.Only-TBE\license_server_crack文件下5文件全部复制后,然后到License Manager安装目录下(一般为c:\programfiles\esri\license\arcgis9x),覆盖该目录下相对应文件;8)、打开License Manager Tools(开始→程序→ArcGIS→License Manager(9.x)→License Manage r Tools);A、点“Configuration using Services”,选择“ArgGIS license server”,B、然后切换到“Configure Services”,设置“Path to the license file”为“c:\program files\esri\license\arcgis9x\Arc_Info9.lic”,点“Save Service”;出现以下窗口再点击“是”C、再切换到“Start/Stop/Reread ”,试试三个按钮,(如下图所示)保证它们都正常工作。
Esri ArcGIS Desktop 10.5功能矩阵说明书

May 2017ArcGIS® Desktop10.5: ArcMap™FunctionalityMatrixCopyright © 2017 EsriAll rights reserved.Printed in the United States of America.The information contained in this document is the exclusive property of Esri. This work is protected under United States copyright law and other international copyright treaties and conventions. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, except as expressly permitted in writing by Esri. All requests should be sent to Attention: Contracts and Legal Services Manager, Esri, 380 New York Street, Redlands, CA 92373-8100 USA.The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice.Esri, the Esri globe logo, ArcGIS, ArcMap, ArcPress, ArcScan, ArcToolbox, ArcPy, ArcView, ArcInfo, ArcSDE, ArcObjects, ArcCatalog, 3D Analyst, SDE, PC ARC/INFO, ArcIMS, ModelBuilder, StreetMap, ArcPad, GeoEnrichment, The Science of Where, ,*************************,servicemarks,orregisteredmarksofEsriintheUnitedStates,theEuropeanCommunity, or certain other jurisdictions. Other companies and products or services mentioned herein may be trademarks, service marks, or registered marks of their respective mark owners.ArcGIS Desktop 10.5: ArcMap Functionality Matrix Mapping (7)M ap Interaction (7)M ap Navigation (7)Q ueries (7)Tables (8)G raphs (8)G raph Types (8)R outing Using ArcGIS Online or Network Datasets (StreetMap USA) (8)M ap Display (9)G eneral Mapping (9)T abular Data (9)V ector Data Display (9)T hematic Vector Data Classifications (9)S ymbology (10)E levation Surface Display (10)R aster Data Display (10)R aster Display: Gradual Color Ramp Data-Stretching Algorithms (10)Raster Panchromatic Sharpening (11)Raster Display Statistics (11)R aster Display Resample Methods (11)R aster Display Classification Methods (11)R aster Catalog Footprint Display (11)R aster Tools (11)T ime Animation and Temporal Data (11)P age Layout and Printing (11)M ap Elements (11)E xport Formats (12)P rint with the Following Print Drivers (12)P ublishing and Sharing Maps and Data (12)C reating High-Performance Dynamic Maps (12)S haring Maps, Layers, and Data (12)Publishing and Sharing Analysis (13)Sharing Geoprocessing (13)Sharing Geocoding (13)Automating Map Workflows (13)Using the ArcPy Mapping Module (13)M ap Text (13)L abels (13)A nnotation (13)A nnotation Editing (13)A nnotation and Dimensions Management (14)Advanced Labeling (14)A dvanced Label Placement Rule Set (14)A dvanced Cartography (14)C artographic Editing Tools (14)P oint Geometric Effects (15)L ine Geometric Effects (15)P olygon Geometric Effects (15)I nteractive Symbol Editing (16)G eoprocessing Graphic Quality (16)G eoprocessing Masking Tools (16)G eoprocessing Representation Management (16)G eoprocessing Symbolization Refinement (16)A ddress Matching (17)G eocoding Tools (17)A rcGIS Online Locator (17)G eoprocessing (17)D ata Support and Interoperability (17)R aster Data Support (17)D irect Read of Raster Data (17)D irect Read and Write of Raster Data (19)G eodatabase Raster Management (20)D ocument and Data Support (20)M ap and Symbology Files (20)D irect Read of Vector and Raster Data (20)D irect Editing of Vector Data (21)D irect Read of Other Data (21)C oordinate Systems (21)C AD Support (21)C AD File Support (21)D irect Read of CAD Data (21)E diting with CAD Data (21)C oordinate Systems (22)G eoprocessing—See Geoprocessing Conversion (22)A pplication Framework (22)A pplication Customization (22)A pplication Look and Feel (22)C ustomization (22)D ata Automation (22)D ata Editing (22)G eneral Editing (22)S napping Types (23)S napping to Topology Elements (23)S napping Tolerance (23)G eometry Construction Options (23)G eometry Creation Tools (23)F eature Manipulation Tasks (24)F eature Editing Tools (24)A ttribute Editing (24)M ultipart Features (Point, Line, and Polygon) (24)M ap Navigation While Editing (24)V ector Data Transformations (25)G eneralization (25)C oordinate Geometry (25)P arcel Editing (25)Raster Editing and Vectorization (25)V ectorize All Raster Formats Supported in ArcGIS (25)A rcGIS Integration (25)R aster Snapping Geometry (26)R aster Snapping Environment (26)V ectorization Tracing (26)A utomatic Vectorization (26)V ectorization Parameters (26)V ectorization Preview (26)R aster Cell Selection (26)R aster Cleanup Environment (26)R aster Cleanup Painting Tools (26)S upport Tools (26)M obile (27)G PS Support (27)T ablet PC (27)A rcGIS Mobile Support (27)M ultiuser Geodatabase Editing (27)G eneral Editing (27)A dministration Geoprocessing (27)V ersioning Geoprocessing (27)S hort Transaction Editing (28)M ultiuser Geodatabase Archiving (28)D isplay and Query (28)M anage (28)D istributed Geodatabases (28)M anage Replicas (28)D isconnected Editing Geoprocessing (28)D istributed Geodatabases Geoprocessing (28)Spatial Referencing Image Data (Georeferencing) (29)T ools (29)T ransformation Methods (29)S ave Spatial Reference Information (29)D ata Management and Validation (29)D ata Management (29)G eneral (29)S earch for Maps, Data, and Tools (29)M anage Coverage Data (29)Geodatabase and Database Administration (30)G eodatabase XML File Import/Export (30)A ttribute Validation (30)S ubtypes Geoprocessing (30)D omains Geoprocessing (30)C reate and Edit Relationships for Features (30)G eodatabase Relationship Behavior (30)R elationship Class Geoprocessing (31)T opology (31)M ap Display (31)E diting (31)G eodatabase Topology Rule Violation Fix Operations (31)G eodatabase Topology Management (31)G eodatabase Topology Rules (32)G eoprocessing (32)N etworks (33)U tility (Geometric) Network Analysis (33)D ata Management (33)G eometric Network Connectivity Rules (33)G eometric Network Editing (33)L inear Referencing (Routes) (33)D isplay (33)E diting (33)G eoprocessing (34)M etadata (34)G eneral (34)M anaging Metadata Using a Variety of Styles (34)G eoprocessing (34)D ata Manipulation and Analysis (34)C overage Geoprocessing (34)A pplication Framework (34)A nalysis (35)C onversion (35)A ggregation (35)C omposite Features (35)G eneralization (35)T able Management (35)P rojections (36)T opology (36)G eneral (36)G eoprocessing (36)E nvironment (36)S upported Scripting Environments (36)G eneral Data Management (36)D ata Comparison (37)Archiving (37)Attachments (37)T able Management (37)E diting (37)Conflation (37)F ield Management (38)F eature Class Management (38)F eature Management (38)F ile Geodatabase (39)G eneralization (39)P rojections and Transformations (39)V ector Data Projection (39)R aster Management (39)R aster Mosaics (40)R aster Conversion (41)R aster Transformation/Projection (41)LAS Datasets (41)C onversion (41)L ayers and Table Views (42)P ackaging (42)Photos (43)P arcel Fabric Tools (43)C ore Analysis (43)S pace-Time Pattern Mining (43)S patial Statistics Tools—Analyzing Patterns (43)S patial Statistics Tools—Mapping Clusters (43)S patial Statistics Tools—Measuring Geographic Distributions (44)S patial Statistics Tools—Modeling Spatial Relationships (44)S patial Statistics Tools—Rendering (44)S patial Statistics Tools—Utilities (44)M ultidimensional Tools (44)W orkspace Management (44)Geodatabase Administration (45)Geometric Networks (45)T able Joins (45)D ata Indexing (45)A rcGIS Server Management (46)D ata (46)A rcGIS Online Services (46)Basemap Services (via Add Basemap Menu) (46)ArcGIS Online Living Atlas of the World (46)ArcGIS Online Tasks (4746)Portal for ArcGIS (47)Data and Maps for ArcGIS (47)E sri Data and Maps (Also Available in the ArcGIS Online Living Atlas of the World) (47)StreetMap Premium for ArcGIS (47)ArcGIS® Desktop 10.5 allows you to author geographic information to examine relationships; analyze your data; test predictions; and, ultimately, make better decisions. It is available in three license levels—Basic, Standard, and Advanced. These license levels have the same integrated applications, user interfaces, and development environment.Mapping1Requires ArcGIS Server2Geoprocessing Results3Feature Service or Cached Map Tile Service4ArcGIS Online, Portal for ArcGIS, or Cloud-Hosted ArcGIS Server Instance5Share locally or in an ArcGIS Online or Portal for ArcGIS instance.6The advanced labeling functionality is available as a setting on the Data View tab in the ArcMap TM Options dialog box.D ata Support and Interoperability7Oracle Spatial GeoRaster requires the data to be registered with the geodatabase or created using ArcGIS Desktop.8These formats can be written to through programming with the ArcObjects™ API.9Basic can only create geodatabase rasters or raster attribute tables in personal or file geodatabases. Standard and Advanced can create and manage geodatabase rasters in personal, file, and multiuser geodatabases.10These features require the installation of the ArcGIS Data Interoperability extension, but a license for this extension is not required.Application FrameworkD ata Automation11The vectorization functionality is available through ArcScan™ for ArcGIS in ArcMap, which can be enabled from the Customize > Extensions menu.12Spatial referencing of rasters stored in an ArcSDE workspace requires the Standard or Advanced license level.D ata Management and Validation13Only available with simple features in map-based topologiesD ata Manipulation and Analysis14Coverage geoprocessing tools require the installation of ArcInfo Workstation 10.15Also available to Basic or Standard license level users who have the ArcGIS 3D Analyst™ or ArcGIS Spatial Analyst extension 16Also available to Basic license level users who have the ArcGIS 3D Analyst or ArcGIS Spatial Analyst extension17Basic license level users cannot create photo attachments.18Requires the ArcGIS Network Analyst extension19Also available to Basic or Standard license level users who have the ArcGIS Spatial Analyst or ArcGIS Geostatistical Analyst extensionD ata20Requires a license key from Microsoft or a connection to an ArcGIS Online organizational account with a registered key 21Requires Portal for ArcGISFor more information, visit /desktop.。
ArcGIS Desktop 轻松入门教程

2 ArcGIS简介
ArcGIS 轻松入门教程
——ArcGIS Desktop
2.1 什么是GIS
物质世界中的任何地物都被牢牢地打上了时空的烙印。人们的生产和生活中 80% 以 上 的 信 息 和 地 理 空 间 位 置 有 关 。 地 理 信 息 系 统 ( Geographic Information System, 简称 GIS)作为获取、处理、管理和分析地理空间数据的 重要工具、技术和学科,近年来得到了广泛关注和迅猛发展。
ESRI 中国(北京)有限公司 2008 年 3 月
ArcGIS 轻松入门教程
——ArcGIS Desktop
1 引言 ...................................................................................................1
ArcGIS 轻松入门教程
——ArcGIS Desktop
ArcGIS 轻松入门教程
——ArcGIS Desktop
美国 ESRI 公司和 ESRI 中国(北京)有限公司拥有本手册所有资源的版权。 在本手册中刊载的所有图片和文字信息除特别标明之外,版权归 ESRI 公司和 ESRI 中国(北京)有限公司。本手册中的所有内容和图片受《中华人民共和国 著作权法》及相关法律法规和中国加入的所有知识产权方面的国际条约的保护。 任何单位和个人未经 ESRI 中国(北京)有限公司的允许,不得以任何方式、任 何文字或图片作全部和局部变更、发行、复制、转载、引用,否则将视作侵权, ESRI 公司和 ESRI 中国(北京)有限公司公司保留依法追究其责任的权利。本手 册之声明以及其修改权、更新权及最终解释权均属 ESRI 公司和 ESRI 中国(北京) 有限公司。
ArcGIS Desktop 10.6快速入门指南说明书

Quick Start GuidesTable of ContentsCore products and componentsArcGIS for Desktop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 ArcGIS Enterprise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 ArcGIS Engine Developer Kit and ArcGIS Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 ArcGIS License Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8Getting started•ArcGIS Desktop includes many components. See What's included for a list of components.•Review the ArcGIS system requirements for the component.•Administrative privileges are required for installation.•Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 or later is required.•Download and install the component. If upgrading, review Upgrading to ArcGIS 10.6.•Obtain your software authorization numbers and authorize the software. If using a Concurrent Use license, you will need ArcGIS License Manager 10.6, which can be used for all ArcGIS 10.x Concurrent Use licenses. See the ArcGIS License Manager quick start guide and the License Manager reference guide for more information.•See ArcGIS Desktop for access to additional resources, such as documentation and support.What's includedArcGIS Desktop10.6 includes the following components:•ArcGIS Desktop—Installation for Basic, Standard, and Advanced editions of ArcGIS Desktop, and optional ArcGIS extension products.•ArcGIS Desktop Background Geoprocessing (64 bit)—Installation for background geoprocessing in 64 bit.•ArcGIS License Manager (Windows and Linux)—This version is required to run ArcGIS Desktop10.6 and ArcGIS Engine 10.6 with Concurrent Use licensing. It also supports all other ArcGIS 10.x Concurrent Use releases.•ArcReader—Desktop mapping application that allows users to view, explore, and print maps and globes.•ArcGIS Tutorial Data for Desktop—Data used with ArcGIS Desktop tutorials.•ArcGIS Coordinate Systems Data—Contains the data files required for the GEOCON transformation method and vertical transformation files for the United States (VERTCON and GEOID12B) and the world (EGM2008).•DBMS Support Files—Client libraries and databases to be used to directly connect to geodatabases.The following developer tools are available:•ArcObjects SDK for Microsoft .NET Framework—Documentation and sample code for Microsoft .NET Framework developers customizing and extending ArcGIS Engine,ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.•ArcObjects SDK for Java—Documentation, tools, and sample code for Java Platform developers customizing and extending ArcGIS Engine,ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.Upgrading to ArcGIS 10.6•The ArcGIS 10.6 setup package is designed to detect and upgrade an existing installation of the same ArcGIS product. The settings for the installation location, license manager (for Concurrent Use), or authorization information (for Single Use) areretained in the upgrade. See the installation guide for more information on installation upgrades and new installations.•Existing ArcGIS 10.1–10.5.1 authorization numbers will work with ArcGIS 10.6.•ArcGIS 10.6 for Single Use—If ArcGIS 10.6 will be installed on a machine that is different from where an earlier ArcGIS 10.x product is currently installed and you want to use the existing ArcGIS 10.1–10.5.1 authorization number for ArcGIS 10.6, the earlier version of an ArcGIS 10.x product must first be deauthorized before authorizing ArcGIS 10.6.Obtaining software authorization numbersIf needed, your account's primary maintenance contact can obtain authorization numbers from My Esri. After signing in with your Esri Account, click My Organizations>Licensing>View Authorizations. Click a product name to obtain its authorization number.The license version on authorizations eligible for use with ArcGIS 10.6 will display as 10.1–10.6 under View Authorizations. For those outside the United States, contact your local distributor for information about your authorization numbers.Getting startedArcGIS Enterprise represents the evolution of Esri's GIS server technology into a complete GIS platform in your own infrastructure, supporting enterprises of any size. ArcGIS Enterprise provides a full Web GIS experience integrated with ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Desktop. See the following prerequisites to get started:•ArcGIS Enterprise includes many components. See What's included for a list of components.•Review the system requirements for each component.•Administrative privileges are required for installation.•On Windows, Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 is required for installing the ArcGIS Server .NET Extension Support feature. ArcGIS Web Adaptor for IIS also requires Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5. This version of Microsoft .NET Framework can be downloaded from Microsoft.•Download and install the component. If you're upgrading, review Upgrading to ArcGIS 10.6. For help, see the corresponding installation guide available with the download.•Obtain your software authorization numbers and authorize the software. If your Portal for ArcGIS organization will use a premium app, such as ArcGIS Pro or Drone2Map for ArcGIS, you will also need ArcGIS License Manager 10.6 to configure your premium app licenses to specify which members can use the software. See the Portal for ArcGIS Administrator Guide,License Manager Reference Guide, and the ArcGIS License Manager system requirements for more information.Visit ArcGIS Enterprise for access to additional resources such as documentation and support.What's includedArcGIS Enterprise 10.6 includes the following components:•ArcGIS Enterprise Builder—Provides a simple installation and configuration experience for a base ArcGIS Enterprise deployment on a single machine.•ArcGIS Server—Makes your geographic information available to others in your organization and, optionally, anyone with an Internet connection. It can be licensed in a variety of roles, depending on the capabilities you want to enable for your deployment.See ArcGIS Enterprise licensing for a complete listing of server licensing roles.•Portal for ArcGIS—Allows you to share maps, apps, and other geographic information with other people in your organization through a website.•ArcGIS Data Store—An application you can use to set up different types of data stores used by a Portal for ArcGIS hosting server.•ArcGIS Web Adaptor—Allows ArcGIS Server to integrate with your existing web server. It is compatible with IIS and Java EE servers such as WebSphere and WebLogic.ArcGIS GeoEvent Server—Enables real-time event-based data streams to be integrated as data sources in your enterprise GIS. Requires an ArcGIS GeoEvent Server license role.•ArcGIS License Manager (Windows and Linux)—This version is required to configure ArcGIS Pro or Drone2Map for ArcGIS licenses with your Portal for ArcGIS 10.6 organization.•ArcGIS Coordinate Systems Data— Contains the data files required for the GEOCON transformation method and vertical transformation files for the United States (VERTCON and GEOID12B) and the world (EGM2008).•DBMS Support Files—Client libraries and databases used to directly connect to geodatabases.The following developer tools are available:•ArcObjects SDK for the Microsoft .NET Framework—Documentation and sample code for Microsoft .NET Framework developers customizing and extending ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.•ArcObjects SDK for Java—Documentation, tools, and sample code for Java platform developers customizing and extending ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.Upgrading to ArcGIS 10.6•The ArcGIS 10.6 setup package is designed to detect and upgrade an existing installation of the same ArcGIS product. The settings for the installation location are retained in the upgrade. However, you will need to obtain a 10.6 software authorization number and reauthorize for use in 10.6. See the installation guide for more information on installation upgrades and newinstallations.•Existing ArcGIS Enterprise 10.5 - 10.5.1 authorization numbers will work with ArcGIS Enterprise 10.6 Prerelease but will not work for the final release of ArcGIS Enterprise 10.6.Obtaining software authorization numbersIf needed, your account's primary maintenance contact can obtain authorization numbers from My Esri. After signing in with your Esri Account, click My Organizations > Licensing > View Authorizations. Click a product name to obtain its authorization number.The license version on ArcGIS Enterprise authorizations eligible for use with ArcGIS 10.6 will display as 10.6 under View Authorizations. Customers in the United States need to contact Esri Telesales to order additional Named User License of Portal for ArcGIS. For those outside the United States, contact your local distributor for information about your authorization numbers.ArcGIS Engine Developer Kit 10.6 and ArcGIS Engine 10.6 quick start guideGetting started•ArcGIS Engine includes many components. See What's included for a list of ArcGIS Engine components.•Review the ArcGIS system requirements for the component.•Administrative privileges are required for installation.•On Windows, the Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 or later is required for installing ArcGIS Engine.•Download and install the component. If upgrading, review Upgrading to ArcGIS 10.6.•Obtain your software authorization numbers and authorize the software. If using a Concurrent Use license, you will need ArcGIS License Manager 10.6, which can be used for all ArcGIS 10.x Concurrent Use licenses. See the ArcGIS License Manager quick start guide and the License Manager reference guide for more information.•See ArcGIS Desktop for access to additional resources, such as documentation and support.What's includedArcGIS Engine 10.6 includes the following components:•ArcGIS Engine—Component that supports the creation of GIS and mapping applications.•ArcGIS Engine Background Geoprocessing (64 bit)—Installation for background geoprocessing in 64 bit.•ArcGIS License Manager (Windows and Linux)—This version is required to run ArcGIS Desktop and ArcGIS Engine 10.6 with Concurrent Use licensing. It also supports all other ArcGIS 10.x Concurrent Use releases.•ArcGIS Coordinate Systems Data—Contains the data files required for the GEOCON transformation method and vertical transformation files for the United States (VERTCON and GEOID12B) and the world (EGM2008).•DBMS Support Files—Client libraries and databases to be used to directly connect to geodatabases.Developer tools are available with ArcGIS Engine Developer Kit 10.6:•ArcObjects SDK for Microsoft .NET Framework—Documentation and sample code for Microsoft .NET Framework developers customizing and extending ArcGIS Engine,ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.•ArcObjects SDK for Java—Documentation, tools, and sample code for Java Platform developers customizing and extending ArcGIS Engine,ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.Installing ArcGIS Engine and ArcObjects SDKs•Download and extract the ArcGIS Engine and ArcObjects packages.•Run the Setup.exe file, following the prompts to complete the installation for each product.•See Authorize ArcGIS Engine Developer Kit and ArcGIS Engine to complete the installation.Upgrading to ArcGIS 10.6•The ArcGIS 10.6 setup package is designed to detect and upgrade an existing installation of the same ArcGIS product. The settings for the installation location, License Manager (for Concurrent Use), or authorization information (for Single Use) are retained in the upgrade. See the installation guide for more information on installation upgrades and new installations.•Existing ArcGIS 10.1–10.5.1 authorization numbers will work with ArcGIS Engine Developer Kit 10.6 and ArcGIS Engine 10.6.•ArcGIS 10.6 for Single Use—If ArcGIS 10.6 will be installed on a machine that is different from where an earlier version of an ArcGIS 10.x product is currently installed, and you want to use the existing ArcGIS 10.1–10.5.1 authorization numbers for ArcGIS10.6, the earlier version of the ArcGIS 10.x product must first be deauthorized before authorizing ArcGIS 10.6.Obtaining software authorization numbersIf needed, your account's primary maintenance contact can obtain authorization numbers from My Esri. After signing in with your Esri Account, click My Organizations>Licensing>View Authorizations. Click a product name to obtain its authorization number.The license version on authorizations eligible for use with ArcGIS 10.6 will display as 10.1–10.6 under View Authorizations. For those outside the United States, contact your local distributor for information about your authorization numbers.Upgrading ArcGIS 10.0 licenses to 10.6For existing ArcGIS 10.0 users, automatic license upgrade functionality allows an easy license upgrade process. Instead of deauthorizing older licenses and authorizing the latest version, you can convert your existing 10.0 licenses to 10.6 using the one-step upgrade option.1.Uninstall the ArcGIS 10.0 product without deauthorizing your existing licenses.2.Install the ArcGIS 10.6 product.3.On completion of the ArcGIS Engine Developer Kit 10.6 installation, click Authorize. You will be prompted to upgrade your licenseif 10.0 licenses are already present. For ArcGIS Engine 10.6, you will need to launch ArcGIS Administrator. Follow the instructions to complete the upgrade process.Authorize ArcGIS Engine Developer Kit 10.6 and ArcGIS Engine 10.6Single Use•Recommended: Use an Internet connection to complete the authorization steps below.•If you do not have an Internet connection for the machine on which you intend to install the software, you can authorize the software via email.•If you want to facilitate the authorization process or authorize silently, a provisioning file generated from the Licensing portal on My Esri can be used.1.After the installation, open the ArcGIS Administrator wizard.2.Choose the desired Single Use product.•Choose the ArcGIS Engine (Single Use)option if you only need to run ArcGIS Engine applications.•Choose the ArcGIS Engine and ArcGIS Engine Developer Kit (Single Use)option if you need to develop and run ArcGIS Engine applications.3.Click Authorize Now.4.Choose the default option,I have installed my software and need to authorize it.5.Choose Authorize with Esri now using the Internet. If using a provisioning file, choose the option I have received anauthorization file from Esri and browse to the file.6.Enter your personal information where applicable.7.Enter your core product authorization number (ESUxxxxxxxxx). See the View Authorizations page on My Esri to obtain thisnumber if you do not have it available for use.8.Enter the authorization numbers for extensions, if applicable. For extensions not listed, manually type the extension name andthe authorization number.9.Click Finish after the authorization process is complete.10.Click OK to close the ArcGIS Administrator wizard. Your software is now ready for use.Authorizing additional extensions for ArcGIS Engine Single UseThis applies if you have already authorized your ArcGIS Engine 10.6 Single Use software and want to authorize additional extensions later. Follow the steps for Authorizing ArcGIS Engine Developer Kit and ArcGIS Engine Single Use, and at step 3, choose I have already authorized the software and need to authorize additional extensions. Step 6 will not be applicable. At step 7, you will be given the opportunity to enter your authorization numbers for the applicable extensions.Concurrent UseDefining the License Manager1.After completing the ArcGIS Engine installation, open the ArcGIS Administrator wizard.2.Choose ArcGIS Engine (Concurrent Use)in the ArcGIS Administrator wizard and specify the name of your license manager.3.Once you have set your license manager, click OK to close the ArcGIS Administrator wizard. Your software is now ready foruse.ArcGIS License Manager 10.6 quick start guideGetting started•Prior to installation, review the ArcGIS License Manager system requirements.•Administrative privileges are required for installing ArcGIS License Manager.•For help with the installation of ArcGIS License Manager, see the corresponding ArcGIS License Manager installation guide.•The License Manager reference guide is installed with ArcGIS License Manager 10.6. This can be accessed from Start> Programs>ArcGIS>License Manager>License Manager Reference Guide or from the ArcGIS help on the ArcGIS Desktop site.•For all of your Esri software support needs, such as help, forums, blogs, downloads, samples, and knowledge base articles, visit .Upgrading to ArcGIS 10.6The copy protection mechanism for ArcGIS Desktop 10.6 and ArcGIS Engine 10.6 Concurrent Use has been updated. This update requires that ArcGIS License Manager 10.6 be installed to support these products.The ArcGIS License Manager 10.6 setup package is designed to detect and upgrade an existing installation of the same product. The existing options file (if applicable) and authorized licenses are retained in the upgrade. Any specific ports present in the service.txt file before the upgrade must be manually reconfigured in the service.txt file following the upgrade to ArcGIS 10.6. See the ArcGIS License Manager reference guide for more information on installation upgrades and new installations.Existing ArcGIS 10.1–10.5.1 authorization numbers will work with ArcGIS 10.6.If ArcGIS License Manager 10.6 will be installed on a machine that is different from where an earlier version of ArcGIS License Manager 10.x is currently installed, and you want to use the authorization for ArcGIS License Manager 10.6, the earlier version of ArcGIS License Manager 10.x must first be deauthorized before authorizing the ArcGIS 10.6 installation.Obtaining software authorization numbersIf needed, your account's primary maintenance contact can obtain authorization numbers from My Esri. After signing in with your Esri Account, click My Organizations>Products>View Authorizations. Click a product name to obtain its authorization number.The license version on authorizations eligible for use with ArcGIS 10.6 will display as 10.1–10.6 under View Authorizations. For those outside the United States, contact your local distributor for information about your authorization numbers.。

目录简介 (4)1 ArcGIS1.1 安装说明 (4)1.1.1ArcView(单用户使用许可)的安装 (4)(浮动使用许可)的安装 (5)1.1.2ArcGIS体系结构 (6)1.2 ArcGIS1.2.1 服务器端 (7)1.2.2 客户端 (7)2数据格式的转换 (11)格式转换成其他格式 (11)2.1 e00格式转换成Geodatabase (12)2.2 CAD3数据的显示和查询 (13)3.1 数据的打开和显示 (13)3.1.1 数据的打开 (13)3.1.3 图层、数据集、地图 (15)3.1.4 管理内容表 (16)3.1.5 修改符号属性 (16)3.1.6 符号的定制 (18)3.1.7 标记要素 (19)3.1.8 自动标记要素 (21)3.1.9 设置显示阀值 (22)3.2 数据的选择与查询 (23)3.2.1 设置可选图层 (23)3.2.2 属性选择查询 (24)3.2.3 空间选择查询 (25)3.2.4 查询结果的保存 (26)3.2.5 创建查询结果的统计 (27)4 数据的编辑 (28)工具条 (28)4.1.1 Editor4.1.2 开始和结束编辑会话 (28)4.1.3 选取、拖动和旋转要素 (28)14.2 创建新要素 (29)4.2.1 创建线要素 (29)4.3 编辑存在要素 (30)4.3.1 编辑节点 (30)4.3.5 要素的合并 (31)4.3.6 要素的延伸和裁剪 (31)4.4 编辑属性 (31)4.4.1 查看属性 (31)4.4.2 添加和修改属性 (32)4.4.3 复制和粘贴属性 (32)4.5 空间配准 (33)4.5.1 使用地理参考工具栏 (33)5 数据的管理 (34)5.1 内容标签 (34)5.2 预览标签 (35)5.3 元数据标签 (36)5.4 设置显示数据类型 (36)等 (37)5.5 创建新ShapeFile6制图与输出 (38)6.1 地图输出 (38)6.2 矢量数据的获取,从纸质地图到矢量地图 (39)7 空间数据处理 (43)7.1 坐标系统 (43)7.2 投影的实质 (46)7.3 投影分类 (47)7.4 GIS中的地图投影 (48)7.5 投影变换 (52)7.6 实例一:影像配准和坐标系转换 (52)7.7 实例二:矢量数据的校准、匹配。
1. ArcGIS Desktop介绍

数据集带有相应信息协助管理完整性、行为、和描述信 息
域 - 关系上的完整性 - 拓扑 - 元数据
• • • •
要素是一个空间对象 一个要素是要素类的实例
图层属性 添加图层 复制、删除、移动、修改图层 按照特定比例尺显示图层(General - Scale Range)
• • •
透明图层(Display - Transparent)
图层分组(new group layer) 改变图层数据源
• •
地图的打开和显示 要素符号化(Symbology)
• •
ArcGIS Desktop简介 ArcGIS数据基础
• 使用ArcGIS操作地理数据
2、地图查询 3、地图编辑 4、制图与输出 5、地理处理
• • • • •
地图的打开和显示 打开地图
查看当前坐标系 操作图层
ArcGIS Desktop 培训
ESRI中国信息技术有限公司 华东区行业技术部
• • •
ArcGIS Desktop简介 ArcGIS数据基础
一、ArcGIS Desktop简介
1、ArcGIS Desktop体系
2、ArcGIS Desktop安装 3、ArcGIS Desktop许可
ArcGIS 10 Desktop 中文版安装步骤

ArcGIS10Desktop安装指南山东科技大学牟乃夏mounaixia@人人网:/mounaixia新浪微博:/u/1862242647新浪博客:/u/1862242647本人拙作:ArcGIS10地理信息系统教程:从初学到精通敬请关注!软件安装顺序:1.安装ArcGIS许可管理器2.安装ArcGIS Desktop包括简体中文语言增补包3.安装ArcGIS Data Interoperability扩展模块软件安装完后,设置授权文件和客户端授权,并更改许可管理,确保注册成功,这样就基本完成了ArcGIS10Desktop安装。
2.安装ArcGIS Desktop包括简体中文语言增补包。
ArcGIS10Desktop安装指南--------------------------------山东科技大学牟乃夏ArcGIS10Desktop安装指南--------------------------------山东科技大学牟乃夏点击“完成”,完成ArcGIS Desktop包括简体中文语言增补包的安装。
3.安装ArcGIS Data Interoperability扩展模块。
ArcGIS10Desktop安装指南--------------------------------山东科技大学牟乃夏点击安装后,出现如下界面:ArcGIS10Desktop安装指南--------------------------------山东科技大学牟乃夏一直点击“Next”,出现以下界面:ArcGIS10Desktop安装指南--------------------------------山东科技大学牟乃夏点击“Finish”,完成ArcGIS Data Interoperability扩展模块的安装。
ArcGIS 10.2 for Desktop 安装破解

ArcGIS 10.2 for Desktop 试用软件安装手册ESRI(中国)信息技术有限公司2013年11月版权声明本文档版权为ESRI(中国)信息技术有限公司所有。
1环境需求1.1 硬件环境ArcGIS10.2for Desktop软件产品需要以下硬件环境:1.2 软件环境1.2.1 操作系统:ArcGIS10.2for Desktop软件产品需要以下软件环境:✓在安装ArcGIS 10.2 for Desktop 之前必须先安装 .NET Framework 3.5 SP1。
✓Internet Explorer 要求:ArcGIS 10.2 for Desktop 要求至少安装Microsoft Internet Explorer 版本 7.0 或 8.0。
如果尚未安装 Microsoft Internet Explorer 版本 7.0/8.0,则必须在安装 ArcGIS for Desktop 之前获取并将其安装。
✓针对地理处理的 Python 要求:ArcGIS 10.2 for Desktop 地理处理工具要求已安装 Python 2.7.x和 Numerical Python 1.6.x。
如果 ArcGIS 10.2 for Desktop 安装程序发现目标计算机中尚未安装Python 2.7.x 或Numerical Python (NumPy) 1.6.x,则会在完整安装过程中默认安装 Python 2.7.2 和 Numerical Python 1.6.1。
您可选择“自定义”安装来取消选择 Python 功能,从而取消它的安装。
另外,如果您在 ArcGIS 10.2 for Desktop 安装过程中执行 Python 的安装,则可自行选择它的安装位置。
注意,Python 安装位置不应含有空格2许可申请2.1 登录官网登录Esri官网主页,试用ArcGIS for Desktop产品的链接地址为:/software/arcgis/arcgis-for-desktop/free-trial。
arcgis desktop基础应用03-desktop-2教学ppt-1

用同一种符号绘制所有的错误类型 为这个类型的错误要素选择一个新的符号
选中需要显示在 地图上的错误类 型的复选框
1.1 显示脏区域并改变其符号
1.1 拓扑校验编辑
校验整个拓扑 在地图的可见范围内进行拓扑校验 在选中区域实施拓扑校验
ArcGIS Desktop 高级应用
第一节 编辑拓扑
地图拓扑概念 创建地图拓扑 编辑公共几何图形 重建拓扑缓存 清除选中的拓扑元素 改变拓扑图层的符号 拓扑校验编辑 总结拓扑错误 由线生成多边形
1.1 拓扑的意义
拓扑是地理要素间的空间关系,它是确保数据质量的基础。拓 扑能提高空间分析能力,并且在确保GIS数据库质量方面扮演了一 个重要角色。
1.1 ArcGIS的拓扑规则说明
在ArcGIS8.3以前,拓扑一直是ArcInfo coverage数据模型的一个特性。在ArcInfo coverage数据模型中,广大的GIS用户通过build和clean操作认识到拓扑的好处。
从ArcGIS8.3开始为geodatabase增加了全面的拓扑。在ArcGIS9.0中常用的有关 topology的操作主要有两个地方,一个是在ArcCatalog中,一个是在ArcMap中。通常 我们将在ArcCatalog中建立拓扑称为建立拓扑规则,而在ArcMap中建立拓扑成为拓 扑处理。
1. 按图纸号新建Personal Geodatabase,并在数据库中 新建一个数据集,并将Coverage的线层数据转入数 据库集中,做为数据类。
win7下安装ArcGIS Desktop 9.3和erdas 9.2的方法(超详细)

windows 7下安装ArcGIS Desktop 9.3和erdas 9.2的方法严重声明,本文档仅限于学习ArcGIS Desktop 9.3和erdas 9.2的使用方法,不得将本文档提供的方法用于任何商业目的和任何会损害ESRI及ERDAS公司利益的方面,如需用于除学习以外的用途请购买正版,转载本文请连同此声明一起转载。
在这里为大家推荐一个换装win7旗舰版的方法:(援引自一个叫做“翱翔”的百度空间)方案一,直接升级:/guoguo6688/blog/item/d52a7390d4253b81a977a43a.html 方案二重装原版/guoguo6688/blog/item/fda499eccd788134269791dc.html 激活方法/guoguo6688/blog/item/9432bf183179b1be4aedbc5d.html准备: ArcGIS 9.3和erdas 9.2的安装文件(注意:Vista和windows7下只能装erdas9.2,其他版本不兼容,貌似erdas9.3还没人破解。
) ArcGIS 9.3的破解文件(网上可以下到,是一个名叫ESRI.ArcGis.Desktop.v9.3.Crack.Only-TBE的压缩包), ArcGIS 9.2的破解文件中的注册表文件和license.lic文件, erdas 9.2的破解文件(网上也可以下载到)。
一、安装ArcGIs Desktop9.31.打开下载的ArcGIS Desktop9.3,找到ESRI光盘启动程序(硬盘上的安装文件也行),打开它。
2.在弹出的启动界面上选择ArcView(注:此处选择ArcView并不表示您将来使用的就是ArcView, 其实安装ArcView与ArcInfo只是用户许可的区别。
ArcGIS 10 教育版 许可授权手册 - Esri中国 技术支持中心

ArcGIS 10 教育版许可授权手册ESRI(中国)北京有限公司2011/3/15II.目录II.在线激活授权码 (1)III.ArcGIS Desktop许可授权 (4)一、ArcGIS Desktop教育版许可授权过程 (4)A.使用Internet来获得授权(默认授权方式) (5)B.访问网站/Email来获得授权 (11)二、许可解除授权过程 (16)A.使用Internet来解除授权(默认) (17)B.访问网站/Email来解除授权 (19)IV.ArcGIS Engine许可授权 (24)一、单机版许可的授权过程 (24)V.ArcGIS Server许可授权 (30)A.使用Internet来获得授权(默认) (31)B.访问网站/Email来完成授权 (35)II.在线激活授权码在开始使用ArcGIS Desktop教学版软件前,需要激活打印在光盘套上的授权码(以EVA开头的12位字母和数字)。
在线访问ArcGIS ArcInfo Desktop 10 教育版–激活您的授权码。
点击Activate Now进入下一页面。
在空格处输入您的印在光盘盒上的授权码,例如EVA123456789点击Activate ArcGIS 10后,跳转到如下页面。
III.ArcGIS Desktop许可授权由于采用了新的注册机制,ArcGIS 10的许可授权方式与ArcGIS 9.x版本的不同。
在ArcGIS 10中,默认情况下许可需要通过网络连接才能完成授权,在不能连接网络的情况下也可以通过Email或者访问网站以完成授权。
一、ArcGIS Desktop教育版许可授权过程在收到ESRI中国(北京)有限公司客户服务部提供的ArcGIS Desktop 10 ArcInfo教育版软件后,并且完成了上述激活过程,即可开始桌面产品的授权过程。
ARCGIS9.3 软件安装手册

安装手册1说明安装手册主要介绍Arcgis 9.3系列(包括Desktop、ArcSDE、ArcGis Server)软件的安装。
2ArcGis 9.3系列软件安装在安装ArcSDE和Arcgis Server之前先安装Desktop。
2.1 Desktop软件安装2.1.1安装License Manager如图3-1所示,打开ArcGis.Desktop.v9.3.Crack文件夹下的ESRI.ArcGis.Desktop.v9.3.Crack.Only-TBE文件夹,单击license_server_setup文件夹下的LMSetup.exe安装License。
图2-2然后一直单击“next”,点击完成,选择不重启计算机,把license_server_crack下的所有文件,复制到C:\Program Files\ESRI\License\arcgis9x里。
如图3-3所示:图2-32.1.2安装ArcGIS Desktop选择arcgis 9.3\Desktop文件夹下的setup.exe,出现安装界面,点击“next”,再选择“I accept the license agreement”,如图3-4所示。
点击“next”,选择第一项“user license Manager on 本机计算机名”,如图3-5所示。
图2-4图2-52.2 ArcSDE软件安装2.2.1确认安装确认本机已经安装:ORACLELisence Manager2.2.2安装ArcSDE单击arcgis 9.3\ArcSDE9.3\ArcSdeOracle9i文件夹下的setup.exe,然后一直单击“下一步”,直到程序复制完成,弹出“Welcome to the ArcSDE Post installation”页面。

实验1 ArcGIS Desktop入门操作一、实验目的1.熟悉ArcMap,ArcCatalog,ArcToolbox的运行环境;2.了解空间数据库的概念;3.掌握ArcMap的对图形和图像的显示、浏览等基本操作;4.掌握ArcCatalog中空间数据库的建立过程;5.掌握ArcToolbox工具箱的使用方法。
ArcToolbox 提供了数据转换、管理坐标系统、以及改变地图投影的工具,对ArcInfo用户而言,ArcToolbox提供了更多更为复杂的数据转换空间分析工具。
arcgis desktop 10安装及破解(图文详细)

安装ArcGIS许可管理器( License manager)按照提示,一路下一步,安装成功,如下图:安装ArcGIS Desktop 10.01、插入安装盘,运行。
2、接下来点击ArcGIS Desktop包括简体中文语言增补包安装。
如下图:按照提示一路下一步,开始正式安装,如下图:3、十几分钟后安装成功,如下图:至此,ArcGIS Desktop 10.0的安装过程结束。
破解ArcGIS Desktop 10.01、安装完成后,弹出ArcGIS管理器向导,这里进行注册破解。
如下图:(如果没有弹出,从开始》》有程序》》ArcGIS》》ArcGIS Administrator进入)2、选择ArcInfo(浮动使用),许可管理器修改为localhost,如下图:3、将以下内容另存为service.txt, 将第一行的machine 改为自己的机器名。
将service.txt 存放至安装目录下。
如C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\License10.0\bin SERVER machine ANY 27000VENDOR ARCGISFEATURE 3DEngine ARCGIS 10.0 01-jan-0000 2048 9D6C8E61F7F3A3C4DA77 \vendor_info=J21LEYJLPR7TZYZB1185 ck=99FEATURE 3DEngineFX ARCGIS 10.0 01-jan-0000 20481D1C4ED1F71B5DA19EC8 \vendor_info=88ZCFAJANHT4ELNMK056 ck=143FEATURE Aeronautical ARCGIS 10.0 01-jan-0000 20480D2C5EF1ACD28D25CFFA \vendor_info=75YCHDHLPHHP7GZ3P221 ck=149FEATURE AeronauticalFX ARCGIS 10.0 01-jan-0000 2048AD7CFE01CF1CDA623B5B \vendor_info=TXH0FCS8LC804G0JD143 ck=130FEATURE AGSData ARCGIS 10.0 01-jan-0000 2048 BD9CAE8196422749791E \ vendor_info=PZ2SG5ZTSXBBFP6X8074 ck=14FEATURE AGSDataFX ARCGIS 10.0 01-jan-0000 20481DFCDE81D4A7DC79EFD6 \vendor_info=88E6F0ETDHD0BJ0NS204 ck=187FEATURE AllEurope ARCGIS 10.0 01-jan-0000 2048 1DFCCE51CCB6CC5FF8EF \vendor_info=88E6DHMEXRK5G0L70110 ck=195FEATURE AllEuropeFX ARCGIS 10.0 01-jan-0000 2048ED8C4EA11A41BC1BA0CE \vendor_info=Y8AYD2CL9RHH0M4JP183 ck=99FEATURE ARC/INFO ARCGIS 10.0 01-jan-0000 2048 9D9C4EC11030F9642D41 \vendor_info=J25EZP8S0GDE60G1C065 ck=68FEATURE ArcEditor ARCGIS 10.0 01-jan-0000 2048 ED2CEE812D64F04099DC \vendor_info=Y81FA5ZTER4XJ0PES207 ck=105FEATURE ArcExpress ARCGIS 10.0 01-jan-0000 20480DAC4E81D159818AEAF1 \vendor_info=75LN4PPK5HJR6MJFJ058 ck=94FEATURE ArcInfo ARCGIS 10.0 01-jan-0000 2048 BD2CAEB19E3A2F508727 \ vendor_info=PZR5PBL6XS0C0N5B6118 ck=171FEATURE ArcInfoFX ARCGIS 10.0 01-jan-0000 2048 2D0CCE91326DAA66B3AB \vendor_info=9J63ATPPFEA4GR9J8242 ck=110FEATURE ArcMapServer ARCGIS 10.0 01-jan-0000 20489D3C1ED1C49D3A54D871 \vendor_info=J2HCA0F05P94EEBXJ074 ck=20FEATURE ArcMapServerFX ARCGIS 10.0 01-jan-0000 2048ADAC3E01F363AB2140A2 \vendor_info=TXBESGHBYPYA5PC3N189 ck=30FEATURE ArcPress ARCGIS 10.0 01-jan-0000 2048 CDECAED1F506B88AED8D \vendor_info=H2LX0FEEMGK6BTJLD040 ck=110FEATURE ArcPressFX ARCGIS 10.0 01-jan-0000 2048CD1C3EE1E518285B534E \vendor_info=H2T570H3D291F1TGH254 ck=55FEATURE ArcReader ARCGIS 10.0 01-jan-0000 2048 0D9CBE710E5695C37E6E \vendor_info=758Y1G82MC96F90LD184 ck=78FEATURE ArcScan ARCGIS 10.0 01-jan-0000 2048 AD4CCE11AB512F237946 \vendor_info=TXR80L5TS05RS5H8H237 ck=51FEATURE ArcScanFX ARCGIS 10.0 01-jan-0000 20480DDCBE511F6287CA9064 \vendor_info=75PX2080M0EC891BA057 ck=50FEATURE ArcSdeConnects ARCGIS 10.0 01-jan-0000 20487D4C5E2122875CF56749 \vendor_info=GXR8EAE06238CRG79107 ck=24FEATURE ArcSdeServer ARCGIS 10.0 01-jan-0000 20485D7C5EC12AB26F9F8099 \vendor_info=DRJCHDRA0XN0EXB79253 ck=40FEATURE ArcSdl ARCGIS 10.0 01-jan-0000 2048 9DBCEE4154737A288260 \ vendor_info=J2JNX06HPPYRS4LKK029 ck=17FEATURE ArcServer ARCGIS 10.0 01-jan-0000 20481D0CBE11D193ABBDD7AA \vendor_info=88Y8Z02PPCJLML9K4191 ck=118FEATURE ArcStorm ARCGIS 10.0 01-jan-0000 2048 BD9C9EB12ACFBEB1EB63 \vendor_info=PZ2S48K2FRK0F8XJJ012 ck=92FEATURE ArcStormEnable ARCGIS 10.0 01-jan-0000 20483D4C6E316E91D1654C44 \vendor_info=BLFE20MB6CPKEL5J6006 ck=53FEATURE ArcView ARCGIS 10.0 01-jan-0000 2048 BD9CCE61BE6D2F4FA90B \ vendor_info=PZ2SKC3T9EHN8TK90192 ck=139FEATURE ArcView3 ARCGIS 10.0 01-jan-0000 2048 ADBC8EF1F28B9DC18F96 \ vendor_info=TXDH42L7EY6Z4X4JE221 ck=174FEATURE ArcView31 ARCGIS 10.0 01-jan-0000 2048 FDCC4EB18017443D6297 \vendor_info=0JZ4J9LZYXM1BG15P001 ck=110FEATURE ArcView4 ARCGIS 10.0 01-jan-0000 2048 AD3C9E21F78E9DC68C91 \vendor_info=TXJ5HK5THEFCPHBE2174 ck=145FEATURE Austria ARCGIS 10.0 01-jan-0000 2048 BD5C4E4184E82F449442 \ vendor_info=PZHF0D1TS6P2TL9GD198 ck=63FEATURE AustriaFX ARCGIS 10.0 01-jan-0000 2048 DDFC9E712E6295929190 \vendor_info=X5S3TPNH50HRRMRSH073 ck=76FEATURE AV3D1 ARCGIS 10.0 01-jan-0000 2048 9D4C0EE148A4F7897581 \ vendor_info=J2YFC0H3EGM1EZTBT118 ck=96FEATURE AVArcPress1 ARCGIS 10.0 01-jan-0000 20480DACAE91491BD8F4BB28 \vendor_info=75LNJ410R45JZHS4G195 ck=82FEATURE Avenue ARCGIS 10.0 01-jan-0000 2048 BD6CBEF14C607ED9A8AC \ vendor_info=PZY08YH2PL060MC76020 ck=140FEATURE AVIMAGE1 ARCGIS 10.0 01-jan-0000 2048BD3C7EA124BC9BB1C861 \vendor_info=PZT8HHR7E44FXC69R255 ck=96FEATURE AVIMS1 ARCGIS 10.0 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20483DDCCE91E8D2512D7CCE \vendor_info=BL4BGXPSFJZ00H8LR231 ck=124FEATURE StreetMapBA ARCGIS 10.0 01-jan-0000 20483DAC0E3184B73F206E9B \vendor_info=BLZ19L800KK7M1EXZ197 ck=37FEATURE StreetMapFX ARCGIS 10.0 01-jan-0000 20483DEC6EE180B3BB136E9B \vendor_info=BL5EXR8SRPATCNYGA200 ck=136FEATURE Survey ARCGIS 10.0 01-jan-0000 2048 9DDC7EE15BFB98438634 \ vendor_info=J2MTGCPE863MZXNDR169 ck=50FEATURE SurveyFX ARCGIS 10.0 01-jan-0000 2048 AD4C6EC1B1CFFCF81C6E \vendor_info=TXR8FDRAFRP6RJGP3128 ck=158FEATURE SvrAdvanced ARCGIS 10.0 01-jan-0000 20484D0C6E217A95971750B3 \vendor_info=CLC9EJAESLKPEEN08192 ck=18FEATURE SvrAdvancedFX ARCGIS 10.0 01-jan-0000 2048CD9CEE7186642A4A1DDB \vendor_info=H25EJNG87HRCB1LFN104 ck=60FEATURE SvrEnterprise ARCGIS 10.0 01-jan-0000 20481DCC7EC1890B4B4976AC \vendor_info=88RXJGPBAHT8RASS3196 ck=82FEATURE SvrEnterpriseFX ARCGIS 10.0 01-jan-0000 20486D2C3EC1C7ED535CDB50 \vendor_info=FPLZ0T7PSKXEH6BTD064 ck=40FEATURE SvrStandard ARCGIS 10.0 01-jan-0000 20481DBC1E81E7C2A90141E9 \vendor_info=88PT6RLG382P1TKXF103 ck=62FEATURE SvrStandardFX ARCGIS 10.0 01-jan-0000 2048CD0CBEF17755A8E824C5 \vendor_info=H2R2SBEK9ATNT5G76160 ck=53FEATURE Sweden ARCGIS 10.0 01-jan-0000 2048 AD6CEE11646F94019869 \ vendor_info=TXEFA5M5EN3EL84AD069 ck=10FEATURE SwedenFX ARCGIS 10.0 01-jan-0000 2048BDDCEEC19058764D8406 \vendor_info=PZJJ0M00ZXXZX6HFN126 ck=88FEATURE Switzerland ARCGIS 10.0 01-jan-0000 20481D1C3E8106D8582C5B1E \vendor_info=88ZCE610KME0GJCSK102 ck=36FEATURE SwitzerlandFX ARCGIS 10.0 01-jan-0000 2048ADACDEF1887B3F2B2EF4 \vendor_info=TXBEL4LBL1LA8P2LF235 ck=103FEATURE Sybase ARCGIS 10.0 01-jan-0000 2048 BDCCDE717160881BAD52 \ vendor_info=PZ0NEF83040K0B8TE199 ck=58FEATURE TIFFLZW ARCGIS 10.0 01-jan-0000 2048 DD8CAE81981948356707 \ vendor_info=X57EK93HH6HRBJFJP171 ck=61FEATURE TIFFLZWFX ARCGIS 10.0 01-jan-0000 20482DDCFEF1C7EC8143B710 \vendor_info=9J17H4LBC4HX0PPAZ202 ck=90FEATURE TIN ARCGIS 10.0 01-jan-0000 2048 ED1CCEF1D721EBB5A0F4 \ vendor_info=Y8ZC4PEZKLL4R6GJY163 ck=89FEATURE TINFX ARCGIS 10.0 01-jan-0000 2048 0DEC1EE1EDF23C20F3C6 \ vendor_info=75R0CYG0MLL9DNPBB103 ck=100FEATURE Tracking ARCGIS 10.0 01-jan-0000 2048 9D5CDEB17353595E4910 \ vendor_info=J2Z0C5HESEXFHX17S234 ck=33FEATURE TrackingEngine ARCGIS 10.0 01-jan-0000 20481D7C1EA10FEECA348F95 \vendor_info=888EPKEAEZ5N1J697230 ck=94FEATURE TrackingEngineFX ARCGIS 10.0 01-jan-0000 20484D5CEEC1A9306693F9CC \vendor_info=CLK2XL0KTE0GRD8DF134 ck=76FEATURE TrackingFX ARCGIS 10.0 01-jan-0000 20485D4C6EA18169DFE73DA1 \vendor_info=DRL296HHEAFKXDG54105 ck=67FEATURE UnitedKingdom ARCGIS 10.0 01-jan-0000 20485D0C4E21CC369C1692CE \vendor_info=DRFCEN7RB0HJRR3L2060 ck=27FEATURE UnitedKingdomFX ARCGIS 10.0 01-jan-0000 2048FD6C0E213C7C7897D71A \vendor_info=0JFZE03PE82ZLH278179 ck=47FEATURE VBA ARCGIS 10.0 01-jan-0000 2048 DDCCCE21D21CE1AB9600 \ vendor_info=X5LT003PA6RARFM03083 ck=74FEATURE VBAFX ARCGIS 10.0 01-jan-0000 2048 0D5CBE51ECF9D21AF1CE \ vendor_info=752LC2JF0NEJE0ELC018 ck=123FEATURE Vector ARCGIS 10.0 01-jan-0000 2048 AD2CFE017F5891466503 \ vendor_info=TXL2ZPARH9MLL2ZPE219 ck=246FEATURE VectorFX ARCGIS 10.0 01-jan-0000 2048 8D0CEE2196D76C85FCFE \ vendor_info=HZLZP03TCKSJ5JK0J071 ck=73FEATURE Viewer ARCGIS 10.0 01-jan-0000 2048 BD5C6EF1694D055C6C0D \ vendor_info=PZHFMK3SBGZLMEH8B139 ck=74FEATURE ViewerFX ARCGIS 10.0 01-jan-0000 2048 CD2CCE319CE4608741D9 \vendor_info=H2E80L80KGG2LXEJZ219 ck=26FEATURE VirtualEarthEng ARCGIS 10.0 01-jan-0000 20487DBC3ED1D034882394A5 \vendor_info=GXDHEKZH2PG6A74EH095 ck=36FEATURE VirtualEarthEngFX ARCGIS 10.0 01-jan-0000 20482DFC4E01779F51E1884F \vendor_info=9J4EPKZF870XLPH2X249 ck=543dengine,100,ecp.arcgis.engine,none,KGE784S1MGRMMBKYZ1613dserver,100,ecp.arcgis.engine,none,VPH4ENBJ3Y831R1DF089 arcgisserver,100,ecp.arcgis.engine,none,D7MFFAZ8THZTPJR67072 bingmapseng,100,ecp.arcgis.engine,none,QH1N8J6BZM7PGTJ89232 bingmapssvr,100,ecp.arcgis.engine,none,OLPF80PYJCNJJ7GPE158 businessvr,100,ecp.arcgis.engine,none,UTE4AE2CXR2XYNEBB205 defenseintleng,100,ecp.arcgis.engine,none,TRCZY4S1MGRMMBKYZ067 defenseintlsvr,100,ecp.arcgis.engine,none,LHH9HK9J5ZA46EDPN164 defenseuseng,100,ecp.arcgis.engine,none,UTF457E50KE00FH23148 defenseussvr,100,ecp.arcgis.engine,none,LHH30H4CE00LTJT46024 designer,100,ecp.arcgis.engine,none,TRBZMD18RMLSPF002054gdbedit,100,ecp.arcgis.engine,none,WEJFRRF0C6JCE3MXE079 geostatserver,100,ecp.arcgis.engine,none,UTF654S1MGRMMBKYZ201 imageextserver,100,ecp.arcgis.engine,none,HC4RTXLPE9JEE3CPR167 interopengine,100,ecp.arcgis.engine,none,MJJAFH5G1E612RZFF118 interopserver,100,ecp.arcgis.engine,none,VPF0TRFN61B75E5HJ074 jtxserver,100,ecp.arcgis.engine,none,JFB157E50KE00FH23053 maplexengine,100,ecp.arcgis.engine,none,LHH40XLPE9JEE3CPR159 networkengine,100,ecp.arcgis.engine,none,YYPMSNCN82E8AZJTR206 networkserver,100,ecp.arcgis.engine,none,PMYHHAY5RHHMF5KHT131schematicengine,100,ecp.arcgis.engine,none,YYPDCAZ8THZTPJR67200 schematicsvr,100,ecp.arcgis.engine,none,PM0L8NAF20BTKXNCD158 spatialengine,100,ecp.arcgis.engine,none,B5JA84S1MGRMMBKYZ159 spatialserver,100,ecp.arcgis.engine,none,JFBXLD18RMLSPF002237 standardengine,100,ecp.arcgis.engine,none,UTF750PYJCNJJ7GPE061 svradvanced,100,ecp.arcgis.engine,none,UTE0RNBJ3Y831R1DF145 svrenterprise,100,ecp.arcgis.engine,none,TRB6A7E50KE00FH23206 svrstandard,100,ecp.arcgis.engine,none,A3C0LPJ0A5FBAZ8LN139 trackingengine,100,ecp.arcgis.engine,none,VPF1RK8GZP4ZXNX8A052 virtualearthsvr,100,ecp.arcgis.engine,none,FA0N5C04SE0H9KB101333dengine,100,ecp.arcgis.server,none,KGE784S1MGRMMBKYZ1613dserver,100,ecp.arcgis.server,none,VPH4ENBJ3Y831R1DF089 arcgisserver,100,ecp.arcgis.server,none,D7MFFAZ8THZTPJR67072 bingmapseng,100,ecp.arcgis.server,none,QH1N8J6BZM7PGTJ89232 bingmapssvr,100,ecp.arcgis.server,none,OLPF80PYJCNJJ7GPE158 businessvr,100,ecp.arcgis.server,none,UTE4AE2CXR2XYNEBB205 defenseintleng,100,ecp.arcgis.server,none,TRCZY4S1MGRMMBKYZ067 defenseintlsvr,100,ecp.arcgis.server,none,LHH9HK9J5ZA46EDPN164 defenseuseng,100,ecp.arcgis.server,none,UTF457E50KE00FH23148 defenseussvr,100,ecp.arcgis.server,none,LHH30H4CE00LTJT46024 designer,100,ecp.arcgis.server,none,TRBZMD18RMLSPF002054gdbedit,100,ecp.arcgis.server,none,WEJFRRF0C6JCE3MXE079 geostatserver,100,ecp.arcgis.server,none,UTF654S1MGRMMBKYZ201 imageextserver,100,ecp.arcgis.server,none,HC4RTXLPE9JEE3CPR167 interopengine,100,ecp.arcgis.server,none,MJJAFH5G1E612RZFF118 interopserver,100,ecp.arcgis.server,none,VPF0TRFN61B75E5HJ074 jtxserver,100,ecp.arcgis.server,none,JFB157E50KE00FH23053 maplexengine,100,ecp.arcgis.server,none,LHH40XLPE9JEE3CPR159 networkengine,100,ecp.arcgis.server,none,YYPMSNCN82E8AZJTR206 networkserver,100,ecp.arcgis.server,none,PMYHHAY5RHHMF5KHT131 schematicengine,100,ecp.arcgis.server,none,YYPDCAZ8THZTPJR67200 schematicsvr,100,ecp.arcgis.server,none,PM0L8NAF20BTKXNCD158 spatialengine,100,ecp.arcgis.server,none,B5JA84S1MGRMMBKYZ159 spatialserver,100,ecp.arcgis.server,none,JFBXLD18RMLSPF002237 standardengine,100,ecp.arcgis.server,none,UTF750PYJCNJJ7GPE061 svradvanced,100,ecp.arcgis.server,none,UTE0RNBJ3Y831R1DF145 svrenterprise,100,ecp.arcgis.server,none,TRB6A7E50KE00FH23206 svrstandard,100,ecp.arcgis.server,none,A3C0LPJ0A5FBAZ8LN139 trackingengine,100,ecp.arcgis.server,none,VPF1RK8GZP4ZXNX8A052 virtualearthsvr,100,ecp.arcgis.server,none,FA0N5C04SE0H9KB10133 sdeworkgroup,100,ecp.arcgis.engine,05-jan-2038,RP4P0K8GZP4ZEEAHJ0984、运行:开始》》所有程序》》ArcGIS》》License Manager》》License Server Administrator5、在启动/停止许可服务目录下,按顺序分别点击停止、启动、重新读取许可3个按钮。
变 换 符 号_ArcGIS Desktop 地理信息系统应用教程_[共3页]
![变 换 符 号_ArcGIS Desktop 地理信息系统应用教程_[共3页]](
40 象等)可以让使用更方便,当然你可以创建你自己的符号。
5.1 变 换 符 号
1.启动Arc map,在Arc map的窗体里,单击标签来
览地图,如果Arc map已经启动,单击“文件”再单击“打开”,导航至“C:\练习数据\练习05”单击“ex05a.mxd”,单击“打开”(见图5-4)。
安装Arcgis DeskTop及注册过程

安装之前,要先安装 Framework3.5,该文件位于如下图的文件夹中:二、接下来安装ArcGIS License Manager,如下图:1、进入安装后点击“Next”,选择安装目录:接下来便进入安装过程,直至完成:安装完成后,会自动弹出配置界面,这个时候,用户要照着下图,先点击“Stop”按钮,再点击“Ok”2、接下来,安装ArcGIS DeskTop,如下图:点击“Next”:然后选择“Complete”,再点击“Next”:选择安装位置:接下来便进入漫长的安装等待:完成安装:点击“完成”按钮后,会弹出配置窗口,我们选择“ArcInfo(Concurrent Use)”,如下图:接下来在弹出的窗口中,直接点击“Ok”即可:3、接下来,对ArcGIS DeskTop进行注册,双击下图中的“32位_float.reg”文件,可以在注册表注册ArcGIS DeskTop然后运行“KeyGen.exe”文件,按照下图的选择,选好各项参数:然后点击“All”按钮,对话框中会出现一片文本,如下图:把这些文本全部都复制在上面安装的ArcGIS License Manager的安装目录下,有个名为“bin”的文件夹,文件夹里有个名为“service.txt”的文本文档:打开这个文本文档,将刚才复制好的文本全部替换掉service.txt里面的内容,如下图:然后把service.txt中第3行的“this_host”改成“localhost”,如下图:接下来,运行“License Server Administrator”,如下图:点击“启动”按钮:点击启动按钮后,点击“重新读取许可”:再稍等几秒钟,最后点击“确定”:接着运行“ArcGIS Administrator”:将下图中的“许可管理器”里的内容改成“localhost”:然后点击“可用性”,此时软件过期时间为2020年,到此为止,软件注册完毕。
二、ArcGIS Desktop快速入门(2013) (1)

• • • • •
ArcGIS基本情况 ArcGIS Desktop产品 创建ArcMap项目 地图操作 数据查询与统计
• 云平台
– ArcGIS Online:公有云平台,为用户提供一站 式的云GIS服务。 – Portal for ArcGIS:用于创建私有云平台。
• ArcGIS的所有产品都是利用可ArcObjects可 编程组件开发。
可以在网站上下载60天试用期的ArcGIS Desktop
– 选择需要显示的工具条。点击Customize菜单 下的Toolbars,选中的工具条将显示在 ArcMap环境中。常用的工具条有Standard、 Tools等。 – 点击Customize菜单下的Customize Mode,可 以对菜单栏、工具条进行编辑。
• ArcGIS不是单个软件,而是完整的GIS软 件产品集合,它涵盖了桌面端、服务器 端、移动端等各个方面的GIS产品。
• 桌面端
– ArcGIS Desktop:桌面应用GIS平台。 – ArcGIS Engine:GIS应用软件开发工具。 – ArcGIS Runtime:轻量级桌面GIS开发工具。
• 矢量数据
– 支持Coverage、shapefile、Geodatabase等 ESRI公司自身的矢量数据格式,从ArcGIS 9.1 开始,增加Data Interoperability扩展模块, 可以直接读取多种格式数据。 – Shapefile是最常用的一种矢量数据格式,包 括*.shp(记录空间坐标信息)、*.dbf(记 录属性信息)和*.shx(记录坐标和属性关联 信息)三个基本文件和其它辅助文件(如 *.prj)。
11-05-13 ArcGIS安装手册重新整理版【包含常见安装出现的两个错误及解决方法】

安装手册安装ArcGIS9.3.1安装ArcGIS Desktop1〉打开“9.3Desktop”文件夹就是这个图标点击“startup”程序2〉选择ArcGIS Desktop,进行安装。
如下图所示:点击“Install ArcGIS Desktop”3〉点击NEXT按钮4〉选择I accept the license agreement单选按钮5〉点击NEXT按钮6〉选择“Define…”选项,点击Next 7〉选择最高级别的Arcinfo8〉选择 (Custom)点击next9>左键点击红线标示处,再跳出的对话框里点选“Entire feature will be installed on the local hard drive”10〉选择好安装路径(默认也),点击NEXT11〉选择脚本运行环境的安装路径(默认就行),点击NEXT12〉点击NEXT按钮,开始安装。
安装结束,点击“开始->程序->ArcGIS”把“ArcCatalog”“Arcglobe”“ArcMap”“ArcReader”“Arcscene”发送到桌面快捷方式,再分别点击,能打开就是安装成功了2ArcGIS License Manager的安装和配置1〉打开“9.3Desktop”文件夹就是这个图标点击“startup”程序选择安装“Install ArcGIS License Manager;”2〉选择第一项,点击“Browse”选择license_server_setup文件夹中的37102011.efl9文件作为许可文件。
注:在安装结束时,请选择Not restart computer.若不小心重启,请在系统启动后在任务管理器中先结束ArcGIS和lmgrd进程。
【下图红箭头所指为错误的地方,应该改为license_server_setup,以文件“37102011.efl9”所在文件夹为准】一直默认下去;会出现以下窗口,点选“No,I will restart my computer later”不用重启点击“Finish”3〉用记事本打开37102011.efl9,把START_LICENSE与END_LICENSE之间的内容复制一下,然后粘到c:\program files\esri\license\arcgis9x\Arc_Info9.lic中的“VENDOR ARCGIS”下面,把原来下面的内容全覆盖;还要将第一行主机名改为你机器的名字(如SERVER pan-reload ESRI_SENTINEL_KEY=37102011 27001) 。
ArcGIS Desktop10.2、ArcGIS Server10.2及ArcSDE10.2安装文档

ArcGIS Desktop10.2、ArcGIS Server10.2及ArcSDE10.2安装文档一、ArcGIS Desktop10.2的安装及破解:1、安装license Manager10.2:打开LicenseManager文件夹里的Setup.exe 文件开始安装,打开ArcGIS 10.2 License Manager Setup安装界面。
2、安装license Manager10.2完成后,打开ArcGIS-->License Manager-->ArcGIS License Server Administrator-10.2界面,如图:【停止】服务,(如果是服务默认停止的就跳过此步骤)。
如图:4、安装ArcGIS Desktop10.2:点击Setup.exe进行安装,软件安装时间漫长,约半个小时以上(具体看计算机性能)。
【注意】:安装完成后,点击完成会弹出一个ArcGIS Administrator窗口,不用管,直接关闭,关闭了待会再破解。
5、ArcGIS10.2破解:(1)首先打开ArcGIS-->License Manager-->ArcGIS License Server Administrator-10.2界面,启动服务。
如图:(2)重新获取成功后,点击ArcGIS-->ArcGIS Administrator,打开ArcGIS 管理器,选择【Arcinfo浮动版】,下边输入localhost,如图:破解成功的表现如下:至此完成ArcGIS Desktop10.2全部安装与破解步骤。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
4 数据的编辑..................................................................................................................................28 4.1 编辑环境...........................................................................................................................28 4.1.1 Editor 工具条.........................................................................................................28 4.1.2 开始和结束编辑会话............................................................................................28 4.1.3 选取、拖动和旋转要素........................................................................................28
4.2 创建新要素.......................................................................................................................29 4.2.1 创建线要素............................................................................................................29
4.3 编辑存在要素...................................................................................................................30 4.3.1 编辑节点................................................................................................................30 4.3.5 要素的合并............................................................................................................31 4.3.6 要素的延伸和裁剪.............................................................................................31
4.4 编辑属性........................................................................................................................31 4.4.1 查看属性.............................................................................................................31 4.4.2 添加和修改属性.................................................................................................32 4.4.3 复制和粘贴属性.................................................................................................32
1 ArcGIS 简介 ..................................................................................................................................4 1.1 安装说明.............................................................................................................................4 1.1.1ArcView(单用户使用许可)的安装 ....................................................................4 1.1.2ArcGIS(浮动使用许可)的安装 ..........................................................................5 1.2 ArcGIS 体系结构 ...............................................................................................................6 1.2.1 服务器端..................................................................................................................7 1.......................................................................................7