Assignment for Chapter 2宋逢明金融工程习题




Lesson7_Martingale宋逢明金融工程习题Harrison and Kreps: Martingales and Arbitrage in Multiperiod Securities MktsJ. of Econ Theory 20(1979)Contingent claim valuation1.single period economy with uncertainty-The dates t=0,T; and consumption bundle (r,x)with x defined below-probability space(PF,,Ω)-M: a Subspace of x-Price system (M,∏); ∏is linear functional on M, in unit of consumption good in period 0.Def:A Price system (M,∏) is viable if ?an agent (represented by)and a bundle(r*,m*)R M∈?such that r*+∏(m*)≤0 and (r*,m*)(r, m) for all (r,m)R M∈?.S.t. r+∏(m)≤0Given viable price system(M, ∏)and contingent claim x∈X, what should be x’s price p in unit of time 0 consumption?-Ans: the extended price system on (M,x)should be viable, i.e., consistent with(M,∏).Theorem 1: A price system (M,∏)is viable iff ?an extension of ∏to all x that is strictly positive linear functional on X,call it ψ.Separating hyperplane theorem: suppose A and B are convexdisjoint subsets of R n There is some nonzero linear fanctional F s.t. F(x)≤F(y) for each x∈A and y∈B. Key steps of proof.Step 1: (if part) identifyon R Xas ≥:(r,x)(r′, x′) if r+ψ(x) ≥r′+ψ(x′) with this choice, (r*,m*)=(0,0)Step 2: only if part. Support (M,∏) is viable .Define two sets in R X ?:{}(,):(,)(0,0)G r x R X r x =∈?and {}(,):()0H r m R M r m =∈?+∏≤These two sets are disjoint and convex. Use separating Hyperplane theorem, ?continuous linear functional on R X φ?s.t.φ(r,x) ≥0 for G and H or x r 0),(≤φStep 3: choose φ(r,x)=r+ψ(x)Verify ①positive strictly is x )(ψ② m ψ=∏Corollary 1: If a price system(M,∏) is viable then for all ,x X ∈?some price that is consistent to (M,∏).Arbitrage price of x X ∈: the unique price for claim x that is consistent to (M,∏).Corolloary 2: If a price system (M,∏)is viable, then the price of x X ∈is determined by arbitrage iff the set {():x ψpositive linear functional ,and M ψ=∏} is unique. And this unique ():x ψis the arbitrage value of x.2. Multiperiod security market and SF simple trading strategy .Intertemperal information structure.-The economy spans: T periods: t=0,1,…T.-State of the economy: a set of possible paths of theeconomy from 0 to T, denoted by w. {}w Ω the set of all possible states-Event:-a subset of Ω-Two events are disjoint if 21E E φ?=-A partition of Ω is a collection of event {}n E E ,1, s.t.(),()i j i i i E E i jii E φ?=?≠?=Ω-The information about the state of economy at time t is represented by a partition of Ω:{},1,,:t t t t n E E σ= F -Information structure or Event treeThe true state of economy is gradually revealed over time: 二叉树2223()()S E S E =?recombined binomial.11123{,,}E w w w ={}0E =Ω1245{,}E w w =0E 11E12E21E 22E 23E24E{}0E =Ω11232342122334{{,,},{,,}}{{,},{,},{,}}E w w w w w w E w w w w w w ==-{},1,,:t t t t n E E σ= F then 1t t s for s +?≥F F-probability measure defined on the state space {}:w Ω∏=∏For any event E,w E w E ∏∑=∏∈Security price process and simple trading strategy -A security is a claim that pays ()t t d E at time t in the event Et t t E ∈F i.e. t d is a stochastic process that is measurable w.r.t. t F .-A basic security: pays $1 only at t in an event t t E ∈F .-Assume N+1 securities traded in security market. Let ,i t S be the price of security i att. ,i t S is a function of t E , i.e., ,i t S is measurable w.r.t. t F t 1,t n,t S =(S ,S ) , N dimension.-Simple trading strategy t θ: an (N ×1)-dimensional process that is adapted to t F , 0E 11E12E 22E23E 311E w =322E w = 333E w =344E w = 21Ei.e., t θ only depends on time t information.M-payoff generated by simple trading strategy-Self-financing simple trading strategy:11()Nt t t t t PL S S d θ+==-+∑ Let t d =0, in continuous time ()t o PL S dS θ=? in ito ’s sense.No arbitrage2.3.1 Definition: Arbitrage or free lunch: If ? SF t θ, let t t P S θ≡? ,① P 0≤0 and P T ≥0,with prob(P T >0)>0,or ②P 0<0 and P T ≥0.000()S θθ?∏=? linear, positive.2.3.2 Dynamic completeness: For any payoff x T , ? a simple trading strategy,000..()T T s t x S S dS θθ=?+??3. Equivalent martingale measure3.1 Def: On a probability space (,F Ω), define two measures P and Q. If for any F E ∈, ()0()0P E Q E >?>, then Q is equivalent to P.3.2 Def: Martingale: On a filtered probability space (P F t ,,Ω), S t is an adaptive stochastic process w.r.t. F t . If for any 0≤s ≤t, we have ()()p s E S t S s ??=??F , then S(t) is a martingale. P is the martingale measure4. Foundamental theorem4.1 Theorem 1: In the security market defined above, there exists no arbitrage iff there exists an equivalent martingale measure.4.2 Theorem 2: The market is dynamically complete iff there exists a unique equivalent martingale measure. (M=X) Sketch of proof: 4.1 M: the set of payoff genated by SF simple trading strategyStep 1: no arbitrage ∏? is positive linear functional on M.Step 2: Use theorem 1 from previous section (,)(,)M viable X ψ∏? extensionSuppose :s F R R →is linear. Then ?a unique ρ in s R s.t. for s x R ∈, we have F(x)=E(ρx). 2211()...(,,),()s s s sE x Px P x R LF p x R E x =++=Ω∈<∞. Step 3: Riesz representation Theorem: 220()()(,,)*.0*()[]0Tx y t t t t t x t x E x L F P E dP define dPstrctly positive P and P equivalent M E X E S dS S E dS ψρρρρψρψθθθθ=∈Ω<∞=?>?=∏?=+?== S is martingale under P*. Example: f r =010 10 1/3 1/3 1/3 11 9 11 10 8 111/4 1/5 11/20 1/4 1/2 1/2 1/5 1/5 3/5 14,9 w110,13 w210,8 w314,9 w410,13 w510,9 w612,10 w77,15 w87,10 w911234567892{{,,},{,,},{,,}}()F w w w w w w w w w F F σσ==。
















金融工程练习题二 (答案)

金融工程练习题二 (答案)


解: 由题意有910S =, 930K = , 0.06r = , 0.5T t -=,所以远期合约多头价值为 ()(0.060.5)9109307.49r T t f S Ke e ---⨯=-=-⨯≈2.假设6个月期和12个月期的无风险年利率分别为5%和6%,而一种十年期债券现货价格为800元,该证券一年期远期合约的交割价格为900元,该债券在6个月和12个月后都将收到$50的利息,且第二次付息日在远期合约交割日之前,求该合约的价值。

解: 收益的现金贴现 (0.050.5)(0.065050I e e -⨯-⨯=+远期合约的价值 0.061(800)900f I e -⨯=-- PS:构建两个组合,组合A:(一单位的远期合约多头,加上现金贴现值为()r T t Xe --),组合B:(一单位的标的资产,和刚好与利息现金流相反的负债I),在到期时间T 的时候,组合A 的价值刚好为购买一单位的标的资产,组合B 的价值为一单位的标的资产,产生的利息刚好用于负债的偿还,那么在时间t 的时候,两个组合的价值也应该相等,即合约的价值加上现金应该等于资产的价值加上负债.3.股票价格为50美元,无风险年利率为10%,一个基于这个股票、执行价格都为40美元的欧式看涨和欧式看跌期权价格相差7美元,都将于6个月后到期。

这其中是否存在套利机会?如果有,应该如何进行套利?解:根据无收益资产欧式看涨期权和看跌期权之间的平价公式()r T t c Xe p S --+=+, 代入数据进行计算可以得到()0.10.05504010.1997r T t c p S Xe e ---⨯-=-=-=>, 所以题目不满足平价公式,其中存在了套利机会.套利的方法:卖出股票,同时买入看涨期权和卖出看跌期权(使得参与者到期只能按执行价格买入),利用所得的现金收益进行无风险投资买入看涨期权,卖空看跌期权,将净现金收入43元(50元-7元)进行6个月的无风险投资,到期获得45.2元.如果到期时股票价格高于40元,执行看涨期权,如果低于40元,看跌期权被执行,因此无论如何到期时股票价格都以40元购买股票用于平仓卖空的股票,净收益5.2元.PS:当看涨期权和看跌期权之间不满足期权 的平价公式的时候,市场就存在无风险的套利机会4.假设一份5年期附息票债券,价格为900元。


r1 r 1 m 1 m
Let m
r r r lim 1 1 e 1 m m
Continuously compounding
r * ln( 1 r )
Байду номын сангаас
Financial Risks and Risk-free Security
The Benchmark of Interest
— Yield to Maturity (YTM) ?
YTM varies with different financial instruments, because the exposure of financial instruments are quite different and the required risk premiums differ from each other. — Risk-free interests ?
— Bills are zero coupon while
notes and bonds have coupons. — Zero-coupon rates set can be obtained by conversion.
rt , t 1, , n
• Conversion example:
Theory of Real Interest Rates
• Real interest rates are determined by supply and demand of funds in the economy. • 3 factors in determining real interest rates:

金融工程 第二版 课后习题 完整答案

金融工程 第二版 课后习题 完整答案


(1)9、如果连续复利年利率为5%,10000元现值在4.82年后的终值是多少? (1)10、每季度记一次复利年利率为14%,请计算与之等价的每年记一年复利的年利率和连续复利年利率。



请问1万元存款每季度能得到多少利息? (1)7.该说法是正确的。


9.()5%4.821000012725.21e ××=元10.每年计一次复利的年利率=(1+0.14/4)4-1=14.75%连续复利年利率=4ln(1+0.14/4)=13.76%。


12.12%连续复利利率等价的每季度支付一次利息的年利率=4(e 0.03-1)=12.18%。



请问该公司在远期合同上的盈亏如何? (1)2、设投资者在2007年9月25日以1530点(每点250美元)的价格买入一笔2007年12月到期的S^P500指数期货,按CME 的规定,S^P500指数期货的初始保证金为19688美元,维持保证金为15750美元。



《金融工程与风险管理》习题第二部分1. 假设某不付红利股票价格遵循几何布朗运动,其预期年收益率16%,年波动率30%,该股票当天收盘价为50元,求:①第二天收盘时的预期价格,②第二天收盘时股价的标准差,③在量信度为95%情况下,该股票第二天收盘时的价格范围。

1、 由于),(~t t SS∆∆∆σμφ 在本题中,S =50,μ=0.16,σ=0.30,∆t=1/365=0.00274.因此,∆S/50~φ(0.16⨯0.00274,0.3⨯0.002740.5)=φ(0.0004,0.0157) ∆S ~φ(0.022,0.785)因此,第二天预期股价为50.022元,标准差为0.785元,在95%的置信水平上第2天股价会落在50.022-1.96⨯0.785至50.022+1.96⨯0.785,即48.48元至51.56元之间。

2.变量X 1和X 2遵循普通布朗运动,漂移率分别为μ1和μ2,方差率分别为σ12和σ22。

请问在下列两种情况下,X 1+X 2分别遵循什么样的过程?(1)在任何短时间间隔中X 1和X 2的变动都不相关; (2)在任何短时间间隔中X 1和X 2变动的相关系数为ρ。

2、 (1)假设X 1和X 2的初始值分别为a 1和a 2。

经过一段时间T 后,X 1的概率分布为:11,a T φμσ+(X 2的概率分布为:22,a T φμσ+(根据独立的正态分布变量之和的性质,可求X 1和X 2的概率分布为:11221212()a T a T a a T φμμφμμ+++=+++((这表明,X 1和X 2遵循漂移率为12μμ+,方差率为2212σσ+的普通布朗运动。

(2)在这种情况下,X 1和X 2在短时间间隔Δt 之内的变化的概率分布为:12[()t φμμ+∆如果1212μμσσρ、、、和都是常数,则X 1和X 2在较长时间间隔T 之内的变化的概率分布为:12[()T φμμ+这表明,X 1和X 2遵循漂移率为12μμ+,方差率为2212σσ++ 122ρσσ的普通布朗运动。








则(d)a. 一单位股票多头与4单位该看涨期权空头构成了无风险组合b. 一单位该看涨期权空头与0.25单位股票多头构成了无风险组合c. 当前市值为9的无风险证券多头和4单位该看涨期权多头复制了该股票多头d.以上说法都对三、名词解释1、套利答:套利是在某项金融资产的交易过程中,交易者可以在不需要期初投资支出的条件下获取无风险报酬。










9.某日美元对瑞郎即期汇率为USD/CHF1.2200-1.2210,若l个月美元对瑞郎远期汇率点数为20-30,l个月美元对瑞郎远期汇率点数为45-40,分别求l 个月和3个月美元对瑞郎远期汇率。









9. l个月美元对瑞郎远期汇率为USD/CHF:(1.2200+0.0020)-(1.2210+30)=1.2220-1.2240。

金融工程课后练习(doc 6页)

金融工程课后练习(doc 6页)

8.8 仔细分析由看跌期权构造的牛式价差期权和由看涨期权构造的牛市价差期权之间的不同点。


令11,P C 分别为执行价格为1X 的看跌期权与看涨期权,22,P C 分别为执行价格为2X 的看跌期权与看涨期权,由期权平价公式可得:111rT P S C X e -+=+,222rT P S C X e -+=+则:121221()rT P P C C X X e --=---,这表明,由看跌期权构造的牛市价差期权的初始投资小于由看涨期权构造的牛市价差期权初始投资数额为21()rT X X e --。


看涨期权构造的牛市价差收益高于看跌期权21()rT X X e --。

这反映了看涨策略较看跌策略多了额外无风险投资21()rT X X e --,并获取21()(1)rT X X e ---的利息。




那么价差期权的价值即两执行价格之差21X X -。

8.10假设执行价格为$30和$35的看跌期权成本分别为$4和$7,怎样用期权构造(a )牛市价差期权;(b)熊市价差期权?做出表格说明这两个期权的收益与报酬状况。


此策略将有$3期初现金流入,其损益状况如下:股价T S 价差期权损益 利润T S >=35 0 -330<=T S <35 T S -35 T S -32T S <30 -5 -2b)熊市价差期权可通过卖空执行价格为$30的看跌期权同时买入执行价格为$35的看跌期权构造。



一、 单项选择1、下列关于远期价格和远期价值的说法中,不正确的是:(B )B .远期价格等于远期合约在实际交易中形成的交割价格2.在衍生证券定价中,用风险中性定价法,是假定所有投资者都是( 风险无所谓的3.金融工具合成是指通过构建一个金融工具组合使之与被模仿的金融工具具有(相同价值4.远期价格是( 使得远期合约价值为零的交割价格5.无收益资产的美式期权和欧式期权比较( 美式期权价格大于欧式期权价格6.无收益资产欧式看跌期权的价格上限公式是( )(t T r Xe p --≤7.在期货交易中,基差是指(B.现货价格与期货价格之差8.无风险套利活动在开始时不需要(任何资金) 投入。

9.金融互换具有( 降低筹资成本 )功能。

10.对利率互换定价可以运用(债券组合定价 )方法。

11.期货价格和远期价格的关系( 期货价格和远期价格具有趋同性 )。

12.对于期权的买者来说,期权合约赋予他的( 只有权利而没有义务13.期权价格即为( 内在价值加上时间价值14.下面哪一因素将直接影响股票期权价格( 股票价格的波动率15.无收益资产的欧式看涨期权与看跌期权之间的平价关系为( s p Xe c t T r +=+--)(16、假设有两家公司A 和B ,资产性质完全一样,但资本结构不同,在MM 条件下,它们每年创造的息税前收益都是1000万元。

A 的资本全部由股本组成,共100万股(设公司不用缴税),预期收益率为10%。

B 公司资本中有4000万企业债券,股本6000万,年利率为8%,则B 公司的股票价格是(100)元17、表示资金时间价值的利息率是(社会资金平均利润率18.金融工程的复制技术是(一组证券复制另一组证券19、金融互换的条件之一是( 比较优势20、期权的内在价值加上时间价值即为( 期权价值21、对于期权的卖者来说,期权合约赋予他的( 只有义务而没有权利22、无收益资产的美式看跌期权和欧式看跌期权比较( 美式期权价格大于欧式期权价格二、多项选择1、下列因素中,与股票欧式看涨期权价格呈负相关的是:(期权执行价格/期权有效期内标的股票发放的红利2、以下关于实值期权和虚值期权的说法中,不正确的是:( ABCD )A .当标的资产价格高于期权执行价格时,我们将其称为实值期权B .当标的资产价格低于期权执行价格时,我们将其称为虚值期权C .当标的资产价格低于期权执行价格时,我们将其称为实值期权D.当标的资产价格高于期权执行价格时,我们将其称为虚值期权3、下列关于有收益资产的美式看跌期权的说法中,不正确的是:(AC )A.对于有收益资产的美式看涨期权,提前执行期权意味着放弃收益权,因此不应提前执行C.对于有收益资产的美式看跌期权,提前执行期权可以获得利息收入,应该提前执行4. 以下的那些参数与股票欧式看涨期权的价格总是正相关?(股票价格/波动率5. 以下哪个说法是不正确的:( AC )A. 期货合约到期时间几乎总是长于远期合约。

金融工程 相关习题及答案教学文案

金融工程 相关习题及答案教学文案

金融工程相关习题及答案Chapter 1 Market Organization and Structure PRACTICE PROBLEMS FOR CHAPTER 11. Akihiko Takabe has designed a sophisticated forecasting model, which predicts the movements in the overall stock market, in the hope of earning a return in excess of a fair return for the risk involved. He uses the predictions of the model to decide whether to buy, hold, or sell the shares of an index fund that aims to replicate the movements of the stock market. Takabe would best be characterized as a (n):A. hedger.B. investor.C. information-motivated trader.2. James Beach is young and has substantial wealth. A significant proportion of his stock portfolio consists of emerging market stocks that offer relatively high expected returns at the cost of relatively high risk. Beach believes that investment in emerging market stocks is appropriate for him given his ability and willingness to take risk. Which of the following labels most appropriately describes Beach?A. Hedger.B. Investor.C. Information-motivated trader.3. Lisa Smith owns a manufacturing company in the United States. Her company has sold goods to a customer in Brazil and will be paid in Brazilian real (BRL) in three months. Smith is concerned about the possibility of the BRL depreciating more than expected against the U.S. dollar (USD). Therefore, she is planning to sell three-month futures contracts on the BRL. The seller of such contracts generally gains when the BRL depreciates against the USD. If Smith were to sell these future contracts, she would most appropriately be described as a (n):A. hedger.B. investor.C. information-motivated trader.4. Which of the following is not a function of the financial system?A. To regulate arbitrageurs’ profits (excess returns).B. To help the economy achieve allocational efficiency.C. To facilitate borrowing by businesses to fund current operations.5. An investor primarily invests in stocks of publicly traded companies. The investor wants to increase the diversification of his portfolio. A friend has recommendedinvesting in real estate properties. The purchase of real estate would best be characterized as a transaction in the:A. derivative investment market.B. traditional investment market.C. alternative investment market.6. A hedge fund holds its excess cash in 90-day commercial paper and negotiable certificates of deposit. The cash management policy of the hedge fund is best described as using:A. capital market instruments.B. money market instruments.C. intermediate-term debt instruments.7. An oil and gas exploration and production company announces that it is offering 30 million shares to the public at $45.50 each. This transaction is most likely a sale in the:A. futures market.B. primary market.C. secondary market.8. Consider a mutual fund that invests primarily in fixed-income securities that have been determined to be appropriate given the fund’s investment goal. Which of the following is least likely to be a part of this fund?A. Warrants.B. Commercial paper.C. Repurchase agreements.9. A friend has asked you to explain the differences between open-end and closed-end funds. Which of the following will you most likely include in your explanation?A. Closed-end funds are unavailable to new investors.B. When investors sell the shares of an open-end fund, they can receive a discount or a premium to the fund’s net asset value.C. When selling shares, investors in an open-end fund sell the shares back to the fund whereas investors in a closed-end fund sell the shares to others in the secondary market.10. The usefulness of a forward contract is limited by some problems. Which of the following is most likely one of those problems?A. Once you have entered into a forward contract, it is difficult to exit from the contract.B. Entering into a forward contract requires the long party to deposit an initial amount with the short party.C. If the price of the underlying asset moves adversely from the perspective of the long party, periodic payments must be made to the short party.11. Tony Harris is planning to start trading in commodities. He has heard about the use of futures contracts on commodities and is learning more about them. Which of the following is Harris least likely to find associated with a futures contract?A. Existence of counterparty risk.B. Standardized contractual terms.C. Payment of an initial margin to enter into a contract.12. A German company that exports machinery is expecting to receive $10 million in three months. The firm converts all its foreign currency receipts into euros. The chief financial officer of the company wishes to lock in a minimum fixed rate for converting the $10 million to euro but also wants to keep the flexibility to use the future spot rate if it is favorable. What hedging transaction is most likely to achieve this objective?A. Selling dollars forward.B. Buying put options on the dollar.C. Selling futures contracts on dollars.13. A book publisher requires substantial quantities of paper. The publisher and a paper producer have entered into an agreement for the publisher to buy and the producer to supply a given quantity of paper four months later at a price agreed upon today. This agreement is a:A. futures contract.B. forward contract.C. commodity swap.14. The Stand ard & Poor’s Depositary Receipts (SPDRs) is an investment that tracks the S&P 500 stock market index. Purchases and sales of SPDRs during an average trading day are best described as:A. primary market transactions in a pooled investment.B. secondary market transactions in a pooled investment.C. secondary market transactions in an actively managed investment.15. The Standard & Poor’s Depositary Receipts (SPDRs) is an exchange-traded fund in the United States that is designed to track the S&P 500 stock market index. The current price of a share of SPDRs is $113. A trader has just bought call options on shares of SPDRs for a premium of $3 per share. The call options expire in five months and have an exercise price of $120 per share. On the expiration date, the trader will exercise the call options (ignore any transaction costs) if and only if the shares of SPDRs are trading:A. below $120 per share.B. above $120 per share.C. above $123 per share.16. Which of the following statements about exchange-traded funds is most correct?A. Exchange-traded funds are not backed by any assets.B. The investment companies that create exchange-traded funds are financial intermediaries.C. The transaction costs of trading shares of exchange-traded funds are substantially greater than the combined costs of trading the underlying assets of the fund.17. Jason Schmidt works for a hedge fund and he specializes in finding profit opportunities that are the result of inefficiencies in the market for convertible bonds—bonds that can be converted into a predetermined amount of a company’s common stock. Schmidt tries to find convertibles that are priced inefficiently relative to the underlying stock. The trading strategy involves the simultaneous purchase of the convertible bond and the short sale of the underlying common stock. The above process could best be described as:A. hedging.B. arbitrage.C. securitization.18. Pierre-Louis Robert just purchased a call option on shares of the Michelin Group.A few days ago he wrote a put option on Michelin shares. The call and put options have the same exercise price, expiration date, and number of shares underlying. Considering both positions, Robert’s exposure to the risk of the stock of the Michelin Group is:A. long.B. short.C. neutral.19. An online brokerage firm has set the minimum margin requirement at 55 percent. What is the maximum leverage ratio associated with a position financed by this minimum margin requirement?A. 1.55.B. 1.82.C. 2.22.20. A trader has purchased 200 shares of a non-dividend-paying firm on margin at a price of $50 per share. The leverage ratio is 2.5. Six months later, the trader sells these shares at $60 per share. Ignoring the interest paid on the borrowed amount and the transaction costs, what was the return to the trader during the six-month period?A. 20 percent.B. 33.33 percent.C. 50 percent.21. Jason Williams purchased 500 shares of a company at $32 per share. The stock was bought on 75 percent margin. One month later, Williams had to pay interest on the amount borrowed at a rate of 2 percent per month. At that time, Williams receiveda dividend of $0.50 per share. Immediately after that he sold the shares at $28 per share. He paid commissions of $10 on the purchase and $10 on the sale of the stock. What was the rate of return on this investment for the one-month period?A. −12.5 percent.B. –15.4 percent.C. –50.1 percent.22. Caroline Rogers believes the price of Gamma Corp. stock will go down in the near future. She has decided to sell short 200 shares of Gamma Corp. at the current market price of €47. The initial margin requirement is 40 percent. Which of the following is an appropriate statement regarding the margin requirement that Rogers is subject to on this short sale?A. She will need to contribute €3,760 as margin.B. She will need to contribute €5,640 as margin.C. She will only need to leave the proceeds from the short sale as deposit and does not need to contribute any additional funds.23. The current price of a stock is $25 per share. You have $10,000 to invest. You borrow an additional $10,000 from your broker and invest $20,000 in the stock. If the maintenance margin is 30 percent, at what price will a margin call first occur?A. $9.62.B. $17.86.C. $19.71.24. You have placed a sell market-on-open order—a market order that would automatically be submitted at the market’s open tomorrow and would fill at the market price. Your instruction, to sell the shares at the market open, is a(n):A. execution instruction.B. validity instruction.C. clearing instruction.25. A market has the following limit orders standing on its book for a particular stock. The bid and ask sizes are number of shares in hundreds.What is the market?A. 9.73 bid, offered at 10.14.B. 9.81 bid, offered at 10.10.C. 9.95 bid, offered at 10.02.26. Consider the following limit order book for a stock. The bid and ask sizes are number of shares in hundredsA new buy limit order is placed for 300 shares at ¥123.40. This limit order issaid to:A. take the market.B. make the market.C. make a new market.27. Currently, the market in a stock is "$54.62 bid, offered at $54.71." A new sell limit order is placed at $54.62. This limit order is said to:A. take the market.B. make the market.C. make a new market.28. Jim White has sold short 100 shares of Super Stores at a price of$42 per share. He has also simultaneously placed a "good-till-cancelled, stop 50, limit 55 buy" order. Assume that if the stop condition specified by White is satisfied and the order becomes valid, it will get executed. Excluding transaction costs, what is the maximum possible loss that White can have?A. $800.B. $1,300.C. Unlimited.29. You own shares of a company that are currently trading at $30 a share. Your technical analysis of the shares indicates a support level of $27.50. That is, if the price of the shares is going down, it is more likely to stay above this level rather than fall below it. If the price does fall below this level, however, you believe that the price may continue to decline. You have no immediate intent to sell the shares but are concerned about the possibility of a huge loss if the share price declines below thesupport level. Which of the following types of orders could you place to most appropriately address your concern?A. Short sell order.B. Good-till-cancelled stop sell order.C. Good-till-cancelled stop buy order.30. In an underwritten offering, the risk that the entire issue may not be sold to the public at the stipulated offering price is borne by the:A. issuer.B. investment bank.C. buyers of the part of the issue that is sold.31 . A British company listed on the Alternative Investment Market of the London Stock Exchange, announced the sale of 6,686,665 shares to a small group of qualified investors at £0.025 per share. Which of the following best describesthis sale?A. Shelf registration.B. Private placement.C. Initial public offering.32. A German publicly traded company, to raise new capital, gave its existing shareholders the opportunity to subscribe for new shares. The existing shareholders could purchase two new shares at a subscription price of €4.58 per share for every 15 shares held. This is an example of a(n):A. rights offering.B. private placement.C. initial public offering.33. Consider an order-driven system that allows hidden orders. The following four sell orders on a particular stock are currently in the system's limit order book. Based on the commonly used order precedence hierarchy, which of these orders will have precedence over others?A. Order I (time of arrival of 9:52:01 ).B. Order II (time of arrival of 9:52:08).C. Order III (time of arrival of 9:53:04)34. Zhenhu Li has submitted an immediate-or-cancel buy order for 500 shares of a company at a limit price of CNY 74.25. There are two sell limit orders standing in that stock's order book at that time. One is for 300 shares at a limit price of CNY 74.30 and the other is for 400 shares at a limit price of CNY 74.35. How many shares in Li's order would get cancelled?A. None (the order would remain open but unfilled).B. 200 (300 shares would get filled).C. 500 (there would be no fill).35. A market has the following limit orders standing on its book for a particular stock:Ian submits a day order to sell 1,000 shares, limit £19.83. Assuming that no more buy orders are submitted on that day after Ian submits his order, what would be Ian's average trade price?A. £19.70.B. £19.92.C. £20.05.36. A financial analyst is examining whether a country's financial market is well functioning. She finds that the transaction costs in this market are low and trading volumes are high. She concludes that the market is quite liquid. In such a market:A. traders will find it hard to make use of their information.B. traders will find it easy to trade and their trading will make the market less informationally efficient.C. traders will find it easy to trade and their trading will make the marketmore informationally efficient.37. The government of a country whose financial markets are in an early stage of development has hired you as a consultant on financial market regulation. Your first task is to prepare a list of the objectives of market regulation. Which of the following is least likely to be included in this list of objectives?A. Minimize agency problems in the financial markets.B. Ensure that financial markets are fair and orderly.C. Ensure that investors in the stock market achieve a rate of return that is at least equal to the risk-free rate of return.Chapter 2 Portfolio Management: An Overview PRACTICE PROBLEMS FOR CHAPTER 21. Investors should use a portfolio approach to:A. reduce risk.B. monitor risk.C. eliminate risk.2. Which of the following is the best reason for an investor to be concerned with the composition of a portfolio?A. Risk reduction.B. Downside risk protection.C. Avoidance of investment disasters.3. With respect to the formation of portfolios, which of the following statements is most accurate?A. Portfolios affect risk less than returns.B. Portfolios affect risk more than returns.C. Portfolios affect risk and returns equally.4. Which of the following institutions will on average have the greatest need for liquidity?A. Banks.B. Investment companies.C. Non-life insurance companies.5. Which of the following institutional investors will most likely have the longest time horizon?A. Defined benefit plan.B. University endowment.C. Life insurance company.6. A defined benefit plan with a large number of retirees is likely to have a high need forA. income.B. liquidity.C. insurance.7. Which of the following institutional investors is most likely to manage investments in mutual funds?A. Insurance companies.B. Investment companies.C. University endowments.8. With respect to the portfolio management process, the asset allocation is determined in the:A. planning step.B. feedback step.C. execution step9. The planning step of the portfolio management process is least likely to include an assessment of the client'sA. securities.B. constraints.C. risk tolerance.10. With respect to the portfolio management process, the rebalancing of a portfolio's composition is most likely to occur in the:A. planning step.B. feedback step.C. execution step.11. An analyst gathers the following information for the asset allocations of three portfolios:Which of the portfolios is most likely appropriate for a client who has a high degree of risk tolerance?A. Portfolio 1.B. Portfolio 2.C. Portfolio 3.12. Which of the following investment products is most likely to trade at their net asset value per share?A. Exchange traded funds.B. Open-end mutual funds.C. Closed-end mutual funds.13. Which of the following financial products is least likely to have a capital gain distribution?A. Exchange traded funds.B. Open-end mutual funds.C. Closed-end mutual funds.14. Which of the following forms of pooled investments is subject to the least amount of regulation?A. Hedge funds.B. Exchange traded funds.C. Closed-end mutual funds.15. Which of the following pooled investments is most likely characterized by a few large investments?A. Hedge funds.B. Buyout funds.C. Venture capital funds.Chapter 3 Portfolio Risk and Return: Part I PRACTICE PROBLEMS FOR CHAPTER 31. An investor purchased 100 shares of a stock for $34.50 per share at the beginning of the quarter. If the investor sold all of the shares for $30.50 per share after receiving a $51.55 dividend payment at the end of the quarter, the holding period return is closest to:A. - 13.0%.B. - 11.6%.C. - 10.1%.2. An analyst obtains the following annual rates of return for a mutual fund:The fund's holding period return over the three-year period is closest to:A. 0.18%.B. 0.55%.C. 0.67%.3. An analyst observes the following annual rates of return for a hedge fund:The hedge fund's annual geometric mean return is closest to:A. 0.52%.B. 1.02%.C. 2.67%.4. Which of the following return calculating methods is best for evaluating the annualized returns of a buy-and-hold strategy of an investor who has made annual deposits to an account for each of the last five years?A. Geometric mean return.B. Arithmetic mean return.C. Money-weighted return.5. An investor evaluating the returns of three recently formed exchange-traded funds gathers the following information:The ETF with the highest annualized rate of return is:A. ETF 1.B. ETF 2.C. ETF 3.6. With respect to capital market theory, which of the following asset characteristics is least likely to impact the variance of an investor's equally weighted portfolio?A. Return on the asset.B. Standard deviation of the asset.C. Covariances of the asset with the other assets in the portfolio.7. A portfolio manager creates the following portfolio:If the correlation of returns between the two securities is 0.40, the expected standard deviation of the portfolio is closest to:A. 10.7%.B. 11.3%.C. 12.1%.8. A portfolio manager creates the following portfolio:If the covariance of returns between the two securities is - 0.0240, the expected standard deviation of the portfolio is closest to:A. 2.4%.B. 7.5%.C. 9.2%.The following information relates to Questions 9-10A portfolio manager creates the following portfolio:9. If the standard deviation of the portfolio is 14.40%, the correlation between the two securities is equal to:A. - 1.0.B. 0.0.C. 1.0.10. If the standard deviation of the portfolio is 14.40%, the covariance between the two securities is equal to:A. 0.0006.B. 0.0240.C. 1.0000.The following information relates to Questions 11-14An analyst observes the following historic geometric returns:11 . The real rate of return for equities is closest to:A. 5.4%.B. 5.8%.C. 5.9%.12. The real rate of return for corporate bonds is closest to:A. 4.3%.B. 4.4%.C. 4.5%.13. The risk premium for equities is closest to:A. 5.4%.B. 5.5%.C. 5.6%.14. The risk premium for corporate bonds is closest to:A. 3.5%.B. 3.9%.C. 4.0%.15. With respect to trading costs, liquidity is least likely to impact the:A. stock price.B. bid-ask spreads.C. brokerage commissions.16. Evidence of risk aversion is best illustrated by a risk-return relationship that is:A. negative.B. neutral.C. positive.17. With respect to risk-averse investors, a risk-free asset will generate a numerical utility that is:A. the same for all individuals.B. positive for risk-averse investors.C. equal to zero for risk seeking investors18. With respect to utility theory, the most risk-averse investor will have an indifference curve with the:A. most convexity.B. smallest intercept value.C. greatest slope coefficient.19. With respect to an investor's utility function expressed as:21=E(r)-2u A , whichof the following values for the measure for risk aversion has the least amount of risk aversion?A. - 4.B. 0.C. 4.The following information relates to Questions 20-23A financial planner has created the following data to illustrate the application of utility theory to portfolio selection:20. A risk-neutral investor is most likely to choose:A. Investment 1.B. Investment 2.C. Investment 3.ExpectedStandard Deviation (% )28153021. If an investor's utility function is expressed as U = E(r) ~A& and the measure for risk aversion has a value of- 2, the risk-seeking investor is most likely to choose:A. Investment 2.B. Investment 3.C. Investment 4.22. If an investor's utility function is expressed as U = E(r) - ~A& and the measure for risk aversion has a value of2, the risk-averse investor is most likely to choose:A. Investment 1.B. Investment 2.C. Investment 3.23. If an investor's utility function is expressed as U =E(r) - ~A& and the measure for risk aversion has a value of4, the risk-averse investor is most likely to choose:A. Investment 1.B. Investment 2.C. Investment 3.24. With respect to the mean-variance portfolio theory, the capital allocation line, CAL, is the combination of the risk-free asset and a portfolio of all:A. risky assets.B. equity securities.C. feasible investments.25. Two individual investors with different levels of risk aversion will have optimal portfolios that are:A. below the capital allocation line.B. on the capital allocation line.C. above the capital allocation line.The following information relates to Questions 26-28A portfolio manager creates the following portfolio:26. If the portfolio of the two securities has an expected return of15%, the proportion invested in Security 1 is:A. 25%.B. 50%.C. 75%.27. If the correlation of returns between the two securities is - 0.15, the expected standard deviation of an equal-weighted portfolio is closest to:A. 13.04%.B. 13.60%.C. 13.87%.28. If the two securities are uncorrelated, the expected standard deviation of an equal-weighted portfolio is closest to:A. 14.00%.B. 14.14%.C. 20.00%.29. As the number of assets in an equally-weighted portfolio increases, the contribution of each individual asset's variance to the volatility of the portfolio:A. increases.B. decreases.C. remains the same.30. With respect to an equally-weighted portfolio made up of a large number of assets, which of the following contributes the most to the volatility of the portfolio?A. Average variance of the individual assets.B. Standard deviation of the individual assets.C. Average covariance between all pairs of assets.31. The correlation between assets in a two-asset portfolio increases during a market decline. If there is no change in the proportion of each asset held in the portfolio or the expected standard deviation of the individual assets, the volatility of the portfolio is most likely to:A. increase.B. decrease.C. remain the same.The following information relates to Questions 32-34An analyst has made the following return projections for each of three possible outcomes with an equal likelihood of occurrence:32. Which pair of assets is perfectly negatively correlated?A. Asset 1 and Asset 2.B. Asset 1 and Asset 3.C. Asset 2 and Asset 3.33. If the analyst constructs two-asset portfolios that are equally-weighted, which pair of assets has the lowest expected standard deviation?A. Asset 1 and Asset 2.B. Asset 1 and Asset 3.C. Asset 2 and Asset 3.34. If the analyst constructs two-asset portfolios that are equally weighted, which pair of assets provides the least amount of risk reduction?A. Asset 1 and Asset 2.B. Asset 1 and Asset 3.C. Asset 2 and Asset 3.35. Which of the following statements is least accurate? The efficient frontier is the set of all attainable risky assets with the:A. highest expected return for a given level of risk.B. lowest amount of risk for a given level of return.C. highest expected return relative to the risk-free rate.36. The portfolio on the minimum-variance frontier with the lowest standard deviation is:A. unattainable.B. the optimal risky portfolio.C. the global minimum-variance portfolio.37. The set of portfolios on the minimum-variance frontier that dominates all sets of portfolios below the global minimum-variance portfolio is the:A. capital allocation line.B. Markowitz efficient frontier.C. set of optimal risky portfolios.38. The dominant capital allocation line is the combination of the risk-free asset and the:A. optimal risky portfolio.B. levered portfolio of risky assets.C. global minimum-variance portfolio.39. Compared to the efficient frontier of risky assets, the dominant capital allocation line has higher rates of return for levels of risk greater than the optimal risky portfolio because of the investor's ability to:A. lend at the risk-free rate.B. borrow at the risk-free rate.C. purchase the risk-free asset.40. With respect to the mean-variance theory, the optimal portfolio is determined by each individual investor's:A. risk-free rate.B. borrowing rate.C. risk preference.Chapter 4 Portfolio Risk and Return: Part II PRACTICE PROBLEMS FOR CHAPTER 41. The line depicting the risk and return of portfolio combinations of a risk-free asset and any risky asset is the:A. security market line.B. capital allocation line.C. security characteristic line.2. The portfolio of a risk-free asset and a risky asset has a better risk-return tradeoff than investing in only one asset type because the correlation between the risk-free asset and the risky asset is equal to:A. - 1.0.B. 0.0.C. 1.0.3. With respect to capital market theory, an investor's optimal portfolio is the combination of a risk-free asset and a risky asset with the highest:A. expected return.B. indifference curve.C. capital allocation line slope.4. Highly risk-averse investors will most likely invest the majority of their wealth in:A. risky assets.B. risk-free assets.C. the optimal risky portfolio.5. The capital market line, CML, is the graph of the risk and return of portfolio combinations consisting of the risk-free asset and:A. any risky portfolio.B. the market portfolio.C. the leveraged portfolio.6. Which of the following statements most accurately defines the market portfolio in capital market theory? The market portfolio consists of all:A. risky assets.B. tradable assets.C. investable assets.7. With respect to capital market theory, the optimal risky portfolio:。












如果买入看涨期权、卖出看跌期权,再购入到期日价值为100 的无风险债券,则我们就复制了该股票的价值特征(可以叫做合成股票)。




这些手段在功能上与互换是等价的,从这 种意义上可以说互换是一种合成投资
2012-5-11 25
Banc One管理利率风险的投资
1981,增加平衡性资产,比如美国中短期国债 和高等级市政债券 1983,利率互换(Swaps) 1986,住房抵押贷款证券(MBSs) 1983,担保抵押贷款证券(CMO) 80年代末,分期偿付利率互换(AIRS)
2012-5-11 金融工程案例分析 3
Banc One公司背景介绍 股价下跌对Banc One的影响 股价为什么下跌
2012-5-11 4
Banc One公司背景
总部位于俄亥俄州哥伦比亚,总资产765 亿美元,是俄亥俄州最大和美国第八大 银行持股公司,共有78家银行子公司 业务战略:
2012-5-11 金融工程案例分析 29
什么是AIRS 为什么运用它来控制风险
分期偿还利率互换,Amortizing Interest Rate Swap 利率下降时名义本金额将进行摊销
Banc One,全美最大的超级区域性银行之一, 其股票价格在1993年内大幅下跌,由$48.75 (1993年4月时)下跌至$36.75(现在,1993年 11月14日) 尽管无法确定股价下跌的具体原因,一些分析 家对银行持有的大量金融衍生品进行了批评。 这些衍生品用于进行利率风险管理并且是一种 组合投资的手段。银行的高级管理层被迫重新 回顾其管理过程,并且将决定如何对分析家的 关注和问题进行回复。

金融工程 练习题

金融工程 练习题





一、单项选择1、以下对于远期价钱和远期价值的说法中,不正确的选项是:(B)B.远期价钱等于远期合约在本质交易中形成的交割价钱2. 在衍生证券订价中,用风险中性订价法,是假定所有投资者都是(风险无所谓的3. 金融工具合成是指经过建立一个金融工具组合使之与被模拟的金融工具拥有( 相同价值4.远期价钱是 ( 使得远期合约价值为零的交割价钱5.无利润财产的美式期权和欧式期权比较( 美式期权价钱大于欧式期权价钱6. 无利润财产欧式看跌期权的价钱上限公式是(p Xe r (T t )7.在期货交易中,基差是指( B. 现货价钱与期货价钱之差8.无风险套利活动在开始时不需要(任何资本)投入。

9.金融交换拥有 ( 降低筹资成本) 功能。

10.对利率交换订价能够运用 ( 债券组合订价) 方法。

11.期货价钱和远期价钱的关系(期货价钱和远期价钱拥有趋同性) 。

12.对于期权的买者来说,期权合约给予他的(只有权益而没有义务13.期权价钱即为 (内在价值加上时间价值14.下边哪一要素将直接影响股票期权价钱(股票价钱的颠簸率15.无利润财产的欧式看涨期权与看跌期权之间的平价关系为(cXe r (T t )p s16、假定有两家公司 A 和 B,财产性质完整相同,但资本结构不一样,在MM条件下,它们每年创建的息税前利润都是1000 万元。

A 的资本所有由股本构成,共100 万股(设公司不用缴税),预期利润率为10%。

B 公司资本中有4000万公司债券,股本6000万,年利率为8%,则 B 公司的股票价钱是(100)元17、表示资本时间价值的利息率是(社会资本均匀利润率18.金融工程的复制技术是(一组证券复制另一组证券19、金融交换的条件之一是(比较优势20、期权的内在价值加上时间价值即为(期权价值21、对于期权的卖者来说,期权合约给予他的(只有义务而没有权益22、无利润财产的美式看跌期权和欧式看跌期权比较(美式期权价钱大于欧式期权价钱二、多项选择1、以下要素中,与股票欧式看涨期权价钱呈负有关的是:(期权履行价钱/ 期权有效期内标的股票发放的盈余2、以下对于实值期权和虚值期权的说法中,不正确的选项是:(ABCD)A.当标的财产价钱高于期权履行价钱时,我们将其称为实值期权B.当标的财产价钱低于期权履行价钱时,我们将其称为虚值期权C.当标的财产价钱低于期权履行价钱时,我们将其称为实值期权D.当标的财产价钱高于期权履行价钱时,我们将其称为虚值期权3、以下对于有益润财产的美式看跌期权的说法中,不正确的选项是:(AC)A.对于有益润财产的美式看涨期权,提早履行期权意味着放弃利润权,所以不该提早履行C.对于有益润财产的美式看跌期权,提早履行期权能够获取利息收入,应当提早履行4.以下的那些参数与股票欧式看涨期权的价钱老是正有关(股票价钱/ 颠簸率5.以下哪个说法是不正确的:(AC )A.期货合约到期时间几乎老是擅长远期合约。





9. lOOOOe 5% 4.u82元M2725.21 10.每年计一次复利的年利率=(1+0.14/4) 4-1=14.75% 连续复利年利率= 41n(l+0.14/4)=13.76%o 11,连续复利年利率=121n(l+0.15/12)=14.91%。

12. 12%连续复利利率等价的每季度支付一次利息的年利率=4 (0.03e-l) =12.18%。



合约到期后,该公司在远期合约多头上的盈亏=10000 (71)52。

,637 64 .21)11 5,8 0 0 2,收盘时,该投资者的盈亏= (1528.9 —1530.0)x250=-275美元;保证金账户余额=19,688-275 = 19,413美元。

若结算后保证金账户的金额低于所需的维持保证金,即19,688 (S &P时5(即S&0P5000指数指期货结算价数<1514.3期时),货结算价1 530 )250 lv5,750交易商会收到追缴保证金通知,而必须将保证金账户余额补足至19,688美元。






《金融工程学》题库及答案一、选择题1.证券投资收益最大化和风险最小化这两个目标().A.可以同时实现;B.是一致的;C.是相互冲突的;D.大多数情况下可以同时实现.2.金融工程中,通常用()来衡量风险.A.收益率; B.收益率的标准差; C.到期收益率; D.市场风险.3. 系数表示的是().A.市场收益率的单位变化引起证券收益率的预期变化幅度;B.市场收益率的单位变化引起无风险利率的预期变化幅度;C.无风险利率的单位变化引起证券收益率的预期变化幅度;D.无风险利率的单位变化引起市场收益率的预期变化幅度.4.下列哪个不是远期合约的特点( ).A.非标准化;B.实物交割;C.流动性好;D.信用分险大.5.下列哪项不属于金融期货().A.外汇期货;B.利率期货;C.股票指数期货;D.商品期货.6.下列不属于资本资产定价模型的前提假设条件().A.证券交易是在一个无摩擦的、完备的竞争性市场中进行的;B.所有投资者都是理性的;C.每个投资者对预期收益率及其标准差、证券之间的协方差有不同的预期;D.资产能够被无限细分,拥有充分的流动性.7.相对于基础证券,下列不属于金融衍生工具的特点是().A.高收益和高风险并存;B.交易金额的不确定性;C.具有一定的技术性和复杂性;D.对投资者的要求不高.8.由于中央政府予以税收、货币发行等特权,通常情况下,中央政府证券不存在违约风险,因此,这一类证券被视为().A.低风险证券;B.无风险证券;C.风险证券;D.高风险证券.9.债券价格受市场利率的影响,若市场利率上升,则().A.债券价格下降;B.债券价格上升;C.不变;D.难以确定.10.在2007年以来发生的全球性金融危机中,导致大量金融机构陷入危机的最重要一类衍生金融产品的是().A.货币互换;B.信用违约互换;C.利率互换;D.股权互换.11.某投资者投资10000元于一项期限为3年、年息8%的债券,按年计息,按复利计算该投资的终值为().A.12597.12元;B.12400元;C.10800元;D.13310元.12.股权类产品的衍生工具是指以()为基础的金融衍生工具.A.各种货币;B.股票或股票指数;C.利率或利率的载体;D.以基础产品所蕴含的信用风险或违约风险.二、填空题1.按金融工具的风险是否能被分散和规避,将其风险可分为个别风险和 .2.按照交易的金融工具的期限的长短,可将金融市场分为和货币市场.3.一个在小麦期货中做_______头寸的交易者希望小麦价格将来上涨.4.在资本资产定价模型中,投资者分别用资产未来预期收益率的期望和方差来评价某一资产的收益率水平和水平.5.股票指数期货是以为买卖标的物的期货.6.根据合约履约时间的不同,期权可以分为欧式期权和 .7.金融工程学有三个基本要素:不确定性、和能力.8.在有效金融市场上,一个公司的价值是由其资产负债表的资产一栏里面的盈利能力所决定的,而与该公司的负债一栏里面的以及股本结构无关.9.金融工程学是帮助人们在繁杂的金融市场中找到解决金融问题的方法论,其目的是 .10. 是一种能在未来特定时间以特定价格买进或卖出一定数量的特定资产的权利.11. 是指一种可以在特定时间、按特定条件转换为普通股票的特殊企业债券.12.债券按发行主体的不同,可以分为政府债券、金融债券和 .三、判断题(T代表正确,F代表错误)1.交易所交易存在的问题之一是缺乏灵活性. ()2.大多数期货合约以现货进行交割. ()3.债券资产的价值变动应与其息票收入再投资收益率反方向变动. ()4.签订远期合约的双方最终不需要进行实物交割. ()5.如果期权是虚值,期权买方就不会行使期权,直到到期任期权失效.这样,期权买方最多损失所交的权利金. ()6.期权买方和卖方均有执行和不执行交易的权利. ()7.金融远期和约由于采用了集中交易的方式,交易事项可以协商确定,较为灵活,金融机构或大型工商企业通常利用远期交易作为风险管理的手段. ( )8.金融衍生工具的杠杆效应一定程度上决定了它的高投机性和高风险性. ()9.单因素模型假定任意风险资产收益由一个公共因素决定. ( )10.期货合约设计成标准化的合约是为了便于交易双方在合约到期前分别做一笔相反的交易进行对冲,从而避免实物交割. ()11.远期交易的原理是“借入长期,贷出短期”. ()12.远期、期货和期权的交易双方在权利和义务上都是对等的. ()四、简答题1.什么是金融工程?金融工程技术可以用来解决什么问题?2.试比较场外交易市场与交易所交易市场的利弊?3.期权的要素及功能分别是什么?4.CAPM模型的假设条件是什么?并写出CAPM模型的表达式.5、什么是债券?债券包括哪些基本要素?6、影响期权价格(期权费)的因素有哪些?7、简述期货和远期的区别?8、简述金融工程运作的六个步骤.9.简述股指期货的功能.影响股票指数期货的因素是什么?10.阐述期货与期权的区别.五、计算题1.某交易商拥有1亿日元远期多头,远期汇率为0.008美元/日元.如果合约到期时汇率分别为0.0074美元/日元和0.0090美元/日元,请计算该交易商的盈亏状况.2.某投资者在5月份以5.5美元/盎司的权利金买入一份执行价格为430美元/盎司的6月份黄金看跌期权,又以4.5美元/盎司的权利金卖出一张执行价格为430美元/盎司的6月份黄金看涨期权,再以市场价格428.5美元/盎司买进一张6月份黄金期货合约.那么当合约到期时该投机者的净收益是?3.A公司今年每股股息为0.5元,预期今后每股股息将以每年10%的速度稳定增长.当前的无风险利率为0.03,市场组合的风险溢价为0.08,A公司股票β值为1.5.那么,A公司股票当前的合理价格P是多少?4.某贴现债券面值1000元,期限180天,以10.5%的年贴现率公开发行,计算该债券的发行价格和投资者的到期收益率.5.A公司2008年每股股息为0.9元,预期今后每股股息将以每年10%的速度稳定增长.当前的无风险利率为0.04,市场组合的风险溢价为0.12,A公司股票β值为1.5.那么,A公司股票当前的合理价格P是多少?6.已知证券组合P是由证券A和B构成,证券A和B的期望收益,标准差以及相关系数如下:计算组合P的期望收益率和方差.7.甲方希望在3个月以后以6.80元人民币/美元的汇率用人民币买入10万美金,乙方愿意在三个月后以同样的汇率卖出10万美金,于是双方签订一份在3个月以后成交的远期合约.如在到期日汇率变为6.85元人民币/美元,则计算甲乙两方的损益情况及各方的损益数目?六、论述题1、请论述在看好某项资产的情况下,“多方头寸”的三种实现方式,并分析各自的收益损失特征。

金融工程 相关习题及答案

金融工程 相关习题及答案

Chapter 1 Market Organization and Structure PRACTICE PROBLEMS FOR CHAPTER 11. Akihiko Takabe has designed a sophisticated forecasting model, which predicts the movements in the overall stock market, in the hope of earning a return in excess of a fair return for the risk involved. He uses the predictions of the model to decide whether to buy, hold, or sell the shares of an index fund that aims to replicate the movements of the stock market. Takabe would best be characterized as a (n):A. hedger.B. investor.C. information-motivated trader.2. James Beach is young and has substantial wealth. A significant proportion of his stock portfolio consists of emerging market stocks that offer relatively high expected returns at the cost of relatively high risk. Beach believes that investment in emerging market stocks is appropriate for him given his ability and willingness to take risk. Which of the following labels most appropriately describes Beach?A. Hedger.B. Investor.C. Information-motivated trader.3. Lisa Smith owns a manufacturing company in the United States. Her company has sold goods to a customer in Brazil and will be paid in Brazilian real (BRL) in three months. Smith is concerned about the possibility of the BRL depreciating more than expected against the U.S. dollar (USD). Therefore, she is planning to sell three-month futures contracts on the BRL. The seller of such contracts generally gains when the BRL depreciates against the USD. If Smith were to sell these future contracts, she would most appropriately be described as a (n):A. hedger.B. investor.C. information-motivated trader.4. Which of the following is not a function of the financial system?A. To regulate arbitrageurs’ profits (excess returns).B. To help the economy achieve allocational efficiency.C. To facilitate borrowing by businesses to fund current operations.5. An investor primarily invests in stocks of publicly traded companies. The investor wants to increase the diversification of his portfolio. A friend has recommended investing in real estate properties. The purchase of real estate would best be characterized as a transaction in the:A. derivative investment market.B. traditional investment market.C. alternative investment market.6. A hedge fund holds its excess cash in 90-day commercial paper and negotiable certificates of deposit. The cash management policy of the hedge fund is best described as using:A. capital market instruments.B. money market instruments.C. intermediate-term debt instruments.7. An oil and gas exploration and production company announces that it is offering 30 million shares to the public at $45.50 each. This transaction is most likely a sale in the:A. futures market.B. primary market.C. secondary market.8. Consider a mutual fund that invests primarily in fixed-income securities that have been determined to be appropriate given the fund’s investment goal. Which of the following is least likely to be a part of this fund?A. Warrants.B. Commercial paper.C. Repurchase agreements.9. A friend has asked you to explain the differences between open-end and closed-end funds. Which of the following will you most likely include in your explanation?A. Closed-end funds are unavailable to new investors.B. When investors sell the shares of an open-end fund, they can receive a discount or a premium to the fund’s net asset value.C. When selling shares, investors in an open-end fund sell the shares back to the fund whereas investors in a closed-end fund sell the shares to others in the secondary market.10. The usefulness of a forward contract is limited by some problems. Which of the following is most likely one of those problems?A. Once you have entered into a forward contract, it is difficult to exit from the contract.B. Entering into a forward contract requires the long party to deposit an initial amount with the short party.C. If the price of the underlying asset moves adversely from the perspective of the long party, periodic payments must be made to the short party.11. Tony Harris is planning to start trading in commodities. He has heard about the use of futures contracts on commodities and is learning more about them. Which of the following is Harris least likely to find associated with a futures contract?A. Existence of counterparty risk.B. Standardized contractual terms.C. Payment of an initial margin to enter into a contract.12. A German company that exports machinery is expecting to receive $10 million in three months. The firm converts all its foreign currency receipts into euros. The chief financial officer of the company wishes to lock in a minimum fixed rate for converting the $10 million to euro but also wants to keep the flexibility to use the future spot rate if it is favorable. What hedging transaction is most likely to achieve this objective?A. Selling dollars forward.B. Buying put options on the dollar.C. Selling futures contracts on dollars.13. A book publisher requires substantial quantities of paper. The publisher and a paper producer have entered into an agreement for the publisher to buy and the producer to supply a given quantity of paper four months later at a price agreed upon today. This agreement is a:A. futures contract.B. forward contract.C. commodity swap.14. The Standard & Poor’s Depos itary Receipts (SPDRs) is an investment that tracks the S&P 500 stock market index. Purchases and sales of SPDRs during an average trading day are best described as:A. primary market transactions in a pooled investment.B. secondary market transactions in a pooled investment.C. secondary market transactions in an actively managed investment.15. The Standard & Poor’s Depositary Receipts (SPDRs) is an exchange-traded fund in the United States that is designed to track the S&P 500 stock market index. The current price of a share of SPDRs is $113.A trader has just bought call options on shares of SPDRs for a premium of $3 per share. The call options expire in five months and have an exercise price of $120 per share. On the expiration date, the trader will exercise the call options (ignore any transaction costs) if and only if the shares of SPDRs are trading:A. below $120 per share.B. above $120 per share.C. above $123 per share.16. Which of the following statements about exchange-traded funds is most correct?A. Exchange-traded funds are not backed by any assets.B. The investment companies that create exchange-traded funds are financial intermediaries.C. The transaction costs of trading shares of exchange-traded funds are substantially greater than the combined costs of trading the underlying assets of the fund.17. Jason Schmidt works for a hedge fund and he specializes in finding profit opportunities that are the result of inefficiencies in the market for convertible bonds—bonds that can be converted into a predetermined amount of a company’s common stock. Schmidt tries to find convertibles that are priced inefficiently relative to the underlying stock. The trading strategy involves the simultaneous purchase of the convertible bond and the short sale of the underlying common stock. The above process could best be described as:A. hedging.B. arbitrage.C. securitization.18. Pierre-Louis Robert just purchased a call option on shares of the Michelin Group. A few days ago he wrote a put option on Michelin shares. The call and put options have the same exercise price, expiration date, and number of shares underlying. Considering both positions, Robert’s exposure to the risk of the stock of the Michelin Group is:A. long.B. short.C. neutral.19. An online brokerage firm has set the minimum margin requirement at 55 percent. What is the maximum leverage ratio associated with a positionfinanced by this minimum margin requirement?B. 1.82.C. 2.22.20. A trader has purchased 200 shares of a non-dividend-paying firm on margin at a price of $50 per share. The leverage ratio is 2.5. Six months later, the trader sells these shares at $60 per share. Ignoring the interest paid on the borrowed amount and the transaction costs, what was the return to the trader during the six-month period?A. 20 percent.B. 33.33 percent.C. 50 percent.21. Jason Williams purchased 500 shares of a company at $32 per share. The stock was bought on 75 percent margin. One month later, Williams had to pay interest on the amount borrowed at a rate of 2 percent per month. At that time, Williams received a dividend of $0.50 per share. Immediately after that he sold the shares at $28 per share. He paid commissions of $10 on the purchase and $10 on the sale of the stock. What was the rate of return on this investment for the one-month period?A. −12.5 percent.B. –15.4 percent.C. –50.1 percent.22. Caroline Rogers believes the price of Gamma Corp. stock will go down in the near future. She has decided to sell short 200 shares of Gamma Corp. at the current market price of €47. The initial margin requirement is 40 percent. Which of the following is an appropriate statement regarding the margin requirement that Rogers is subject to on this short sale?A. She will need to c ontribute €3,760 as margin.B. She will need to contribute €5,640 as margin.C. She will only need to leave the proceeds from the short sale as deposit and does not need to contribute any additional funds.23. The current price of a stock is $25 per share. You have $10,000 to invest. You borrow an additional $10,000 from your broker and invest $20,000 in the stock. If the maintenance margin is 30 percent, at what price will a margin call first occur?A. $9.62.B. $17.86.24. You have placed a sell market-on-open order—a market order that would automatically be submitted at the market’s open tomorrow and would fill at the market price. Your instruction, to sell the shares at the market open, is a(n):A. execution instruction.B. validity instruction.C. clearing instruction.25. A market has the following limit orders standing on its book for a particularstock. The bid and ask sizes are number of shares in hundreds.What is the market?A. 9.73 bid, offered at 10.14.B. 9.81 bid, offered at 10.10.C. 9.95 bid, offered at 10.02.26. Consider the following limit order book for a stock. The bid and ask sizes arenumber of shares in hundredsA new buy limit order is placed for 300 shares at ¥123.40. This limit order issaid to:A. take the market.B. make the market.C. make a new market.27. Currently, the market in a stock is "$54.62 bid, offered at $54.71."A new selllimit order is placed at $54.62. This limit order is said to:A. take the market.B. make the market.C. make a new market.28. Jim White has sold short 100 shares of Super Stores at a price of$42 per share. He has also simultaneously placed a "good-till-cancelled, stop 50, limit 55 buy" order. Assume that if the stop condition specified by White is satisfied and the order becomes valid, it will get executed. Excluding transaction costs, what is the maximum possible loss that White can have?A. $800.B. $1,300.C. Unlimited.29. You own shares of a company that are currently trading at $30 a share. Yourtechnical analysis of the shares indicates a support level of $27.50. That is, if the price of the shares is going down, it is more likely to stay above this level rather than fall below it. If the price does fall below this level, however, you believe that the price may continue to decline. You have no immediate intent to sell the shares but are concerned about the possibility of a huge loss if the share price declines below the support level. Which of the following types of orders could you place to most appropriately address your concern?A. Short sell order.B. Good-till-cancelled stop sell order.C. Good-till-cancelled stop buy order.30. In an underwritten offering, the risk that the entire issue may not be sold to the public at the stipulated offering price is borne by the:A. issuer.B. investment bank.C. buyers of the part of the issue that is sold.31 . A British company listed on the Alternative Investment Market ofthe London Stock Exchange, announced the sale of 6,686,665 shares to a small group of qualified investors at £0.025 per share. Which of the following best describesthis sale?A. Shelf registration.B. Private placement.C. Initial public offering.32. A German publicly traded company, to raise new capital, gave its existing shareholders the opportunity to subscribe for new shares. The existing shareholders could purchase two new shares at a subscription price of €4.58 per share for every 15 shares held. This is an example of a(n):A. rights offering.B. private placement.C. initial public offering.33. Consider an order-driven system that allows hidden orders. The following four sell orders on a particular stock are currently in the system's limit order book. Based on the commonly used order precedence hierarchy, which of these orders will have precedence over others?A. Order I (time of arrival of 9:52:01 ).B. Order II (time of arrival of 9:52:08).C. Order III (time of arrival of 9:53:04)34. Zhenhu Li has submitted an immediate-or-cancel buy order for 500 shares of a company at a limit price of CNY 74.25. There are two sell limit orders standing in that stock's order book at that time. One is for 300 shares at a limit price of CNY 74.30 and the other is for 400 shares at a limit price of CNY 74.35. How many shares in Li's order would get cancelled?A. None (the order would remain open but unfilled).B. 200 (300 shares would get filled).C. 500 (there would be no fill).35. A market has the following limit orders standing on its book for a particular stock:Ian submits a day order to sell 1,000 shares, limit £19.83. Assuming that no more buy orders are submitted on that day after Ian submits his order, what would be Ian's average trade price?A. £19.70.B. £19.92.C. £20.05.36. A financial analyst is examining whether a country's financial market is well functioning. She finds that the transaction costs in this market are low and trading volumes are high. She concludes that the market is quite liquid. In such a market:A. traders will find it hard to make use of their information.B. traders will find it easy to trade and their trading will make the market less informationally efficient.C. traders will find it easy to trade and their trading will make the market more informationally efficient.37. The government of a country whose financial markets are in an early stage of development has hired you as a consultant on financial market regulation. Your first task is to prepare a list of the objectives of market regulation. Which of the following is least likely to be included in this list of objectives?A. Minimize agency problems in the financial markets.B. Ensure that financial markets are fair and orderly.C. Ensure that investors in the stock market achieve a rate of return that is atleast equal to the risk-free rate of return.Chapter 2 Portfolio Management: An Overview PRACTICE PROBLEMS FOR CHAPTER 21. Investors should use a portfolio approach to:A. reduce risk.B. monitor risk.C. eliminate risk.2. Which of the following is the best reason for an investor to be concerned with the composition of a portfolio?A. Risk reduction.B. Downside risk protection.C. Avoidance of investment disasters.3. With respect to the formation of portfolios, which of the following statements is most accurate?A. Portfolios affect risk less than returns.B. Portfolios affect risk more than returns.C. Portfolios affect risk and returns equally.4. Which of the following institutions will on average have the greatest need for liquidity?A. Banks.B. Investment companies.C. Non-life insurance companies.5. Which of the following institutional investors will most likely have the longest time horizon?A. Defined benefit plan.B. University endowment.C. Life insurance company.6. A defined benefit plan with a large number of retirees is likely to have a high need forA. income.B. liquidity.C. insurance.7. Which of the following institutional investors is most likely to manage investments in mutual funds?A. Insurance companies.B. Investment companies.C. University endowments.8. With respect to the portfolio management process, the asset allocation is determined in the:A. planning step.B. feedback step.C. execution step9. The planning step of the portfolio management process is least likely to include an assessment of the client'sA. securities.B. constraints.C. risk tolerance.10. With respect to the portfolio management process, the rebalancing ofa portfolio's composition is most likely to occur in the:A. planning step.B. feedback step.C. execution step.11. An analyst gathers the following information for the asset allocations of three portfolios:Which of the portfolios is most likely appropriate for a client who has a high degree of risk tolerance?A. Portfolio 1.B. Portfolio 2.C. Portfolio 3.12. Which of the following investment products is most likely to trade at their net asset value per share?A. Exchange traded funds.B. Open-end mutual funds.C. Closed-end mutual funds.13. Which of the following financial products is least likely to have a capital gain distribution?A. Exchange traded funds.B. Open-end mutual funds.C. Closed-end mutual funds.14. Which of the following forms of pooled investments is subject to the least amount of regulation?A. Hedge funds.B. Exchange traded funds.C. Closed-end mutual funds.15. Which of the following pooled investments is most likely characterized by a few large investments?A. Hedge funds.B. Buyout funds.C. Venture capital funds.Chapter 3 Portfolio Risk and Return: Part I PRACTICE PROBLEMS FOR CHAPTER 31. An investor purchased 100 shares of a stock for $34.50 per share at the beginning of the quarter. If the investor sold all of the shares for $30.50 per share after receiving a $51.55 dividend payment at the end of the quarter, the holding period return is closest to:A. - 13.0%.B. - 11.6%.C. - 10.1%.2. An analyst obtains the following annual rates of return for a mutual fund:The fund's holding period return over the three-year period is closest to:A. 0.18%.B. 0.55%.C. 0.67%.3. An analyst observes the following annual rates of return for a hedge fund:The hedge fund's annual geometric mean return is closest to:A. 0.52%.B. 1.02%.C. 2.67%.4. Which of the following return calculating methods is best for evaluating theannualized returns of a buy-and-hold strategy of an investor who has made annual deposits to an account for each of the last five years?A. Geometric mean return.B. Arithmetic mean return.C. Money-weighted return.5. An investor evaluating the returns of three recently formed exchange-traded funds gathers the following information:The ETF with the highest annualized rate of return is:A. ETF 1.B. ETF 2.C. ETF 3.6. With respect to capital market theory, which of the following asset characteristics is least likely to impact the variance of an investor's equally weighted portfolio?A. Return on the asset.B. Standard deviation of the asset.C. Covariances of the asset with the other assets in the portfolio.7. A portfolio manager creates the following portfolio:If the correlation of returns between the two securities is 0.40, the expected standard deviation of the portfolio is closest to:A. 10.7%.B. 11.3%.C. 12.1%.8. A portfolio manager creates the following portfolio:If the covariance of returns between the two securities is - 0.0240, the expected standard deviation of the portfolio is closest to:A. 2.4%.B. 7.5%.C. 9.2%.The following information relates to Questions 9-10A portfolio manager creates the following portfolio:9. If the standard deviation of the portfolio is 14.40%, the correlation between the two securities is equal to:A. - 1.0.B. 0.0.C. 1.0.10. If the standard deviation of the portfolio is 14.40%, the covariance between the two securities is equal to:A. 0.0006.B. 0.0240.C. 1.0000.The following information relates to Questions 11-14An analyst observes the following historic geometric returns:11 . The real rate of return for equities is closest to:A. 5.4%.B. 5.8%.C. 5.9%.12. The real rate of return for corporate bonds is closest to:A. 4.3%.B. 4.4%.C. 4.5%.13. The risk premium for equities is closest to:A. 5.4%.B. 5.5%.C. 5.6%.14. The risk premium for corporate bonds is closest to:A. 3.5%.B. 3.9%.C. 4.0%.15. With respect to trading costs, liquidity is least likely to impact the:A. stock price.B. bid-ask spreads.C. brokerage commissions.16. Evidence of risk aversion is best illustrated by a risk-return relationship that is:A. negative.B. neutral.C. positive.17. With respect to risk-averse investors, a risk-free asset will generatea numerical utility that is:A. the same for all individuals.B. positive for risk-averse investors.C. equal to zero for risk seeking investors18. With respect to utility theory, the most risk-averse investor will have an indifference curve with the:A. most convexity.B. smallest intercept value.C. greatest slope coefficient.19. With respect to an investor's utility function expressedas:21=E(r)-2u A , which of the following values for the measure for riskaversion has the leastamount of risk aversion?A. - 4.B. 0.C. 4.The following information relates to Questions 20-23A financial planner has created the following data to illustrate the application of utility theory to portfolio selection:20. A risk-neutral investor is most likely to choose:A. Investment 1.B. Investment 2.C. Investment 3.ExpectedStandard Deviation (% )28153021. If an investor's utility function is expressed as U = E(r) ~A& and the measure for risk aversion has a value of- 2, the risk-seeking investor is most likely to choose:A. Investment 2.B. Investment 3.C. Investment 4.22. If an investor's utility function is expressed as U = E(r) - ~A& and the measure for risk aversion has a value of2, the risk-averse investor is most likely to choose:A. Investment 1.B. Investment 2.C. Investment 3.23. If an investor's utility function is expressed as U =E(r) - ~A& and the measure for risk aversion has a value of4, the risk-averse investor is most likely to choose:A. Investment 1.B. Investment 2.C. Investment 3.24. With respect to the mean-variance portfolio theory, the capital allocation line, CAL, is the combination of the risk-free asset and a portfolio of all:A. risky assets.B. equity securities.C. feasible investments.25. Two individual investors with different levels of risk aversion will have optimalportfolios that are:A. below the capital allocation line.B. on the capital allocation line.C. above the capital allocation line.The following information relates to Questions 26-28A portfolio manager creates the following portfolio:26. If the portfolio of the two securities has an expected return of15%, the proportion invested in Security 1 is:A. 25%.B. 50%.C. 75%.27. If the correlation of returns between the two securities is - 0.15, the expected standard deviation of an equal-weighted portfolio is closest to:A. 13.04%.B. 13.60%.C. 13.87%.28. If the two securities are uncorrelated, the expected standard deviation of an equal-weighted portfolio is closest to:A. 14.00%.B. 14.14%.C. 20.00%.29. As the number of assets in an equally-weighted portfolio increases, the contribution of each individual asset's variance to the volatility of the portfolio:A. increases.B. decreases.C. remains the same.30. With respect to an equally-weighted portfolio made up of a large number of assets, which of the following contributes the most to the volatility of the portfolio?A. Average variance of the individual assets.B. Standard deviation of the individual assets.C. Average covariance between all pairs of assets.31. The correlation between assets in a two-asset portfolio increases during a market decline. If there is no change in the proportion of each asset held in the portfolio or the expected standard deviation of the individual assets, the volatility of the portfolio is most likely to:A. increase.B. decrease.C. remain the same.The following information relates to Questions 32-34An analyst has made the following return projections for each of three possible outcomes with an equal likelihood of occurrence:32. Which pair of assets is perfectly negatively correlated?A. Asset 1 and Asset 2.B. Asset 1 and Asset 3.C. Asset 2 and Asset 3.33. If the analyst constructs two-asset portfolios that areequally-weighted, which pair of assets has the lowest expected standard deviation?A. Asset 1 and Asset 2.B. Asset 1 and Asset 3.C. Asset 2 and Asset 3.34. If the analyst constructs two-asset portfolios that are equally weighted, which pair of assets provides the least amount of risk reduction?A. Asset 1 and Asset 2.B. Asset 1 and Asset 3.C. Asset 2 and Asset 3.35. Which of the following statements is least accurate? The efficient frontier is the set of all attainable risky assets with the:A. highest expected return for a given level of risk.B. lowest amount of risk for a given level of return.C. highest expected return relative to the risk-free rate.36. The portfolio on the minimum-variance frontier with the lowest standard deviation is:A. unattainable.B. the optimal risky portfolio.C. the global minimum-variance portfolio.37. The set of portfolios on the minimum-variance frontier that dominates all sets of portfolios below the global minimum-variance portfolio is the:A. capital allocation line.B. Markowitz efficient frontier.C. set of optimal risky portfolios.38. The dominant capital allocation line is the combination of the risk-free asset and the:A. optimal risky portfolio.B. levered portfolio of risky assets.C. global minimum-variance portfolio.39. Compared to the efficient frontier of risky assets, the dominant capital allocation line has higher rates of return for levels of risk greater than the optimal risky portfolio because of the investor's ability to:A. lend at the risk-free rate.B. borrow at the risk-free rate.C. purchase the risk-free asset.40. With respect to the mean-variance theory, the optimal portfolio is determined by each individual investor's:A. risk-free rate.B. borrowing rate.C. risk preference.Chapter 4 Portfolio Risk and Return: Part II PRACTICE PROBLEMS FOR CHAPTER 41. The line depicting the risk and return of portfolio combinations ofa risk-free asset and any risky asset is the:A. security market line.B. capital allocation line.C. security characteristic line.2. The portfolio of a risk-free asset and a risky asset has a better risk-return tradeoff than investing in only one asset type because the correlation between the risk-free asset and the risky asset is equal to:A. - 1.0.B. 0.0.C. 1.0.3. With respect to capital market theory, an investor's optimal portfolio is the combination of a risk-free asset and a risky asset with the highest:A. expected return.B. indifference curve.C. capital allocation line slope.4. Highly risk-averse investors will most likely invest the majority of their wealth in:A. risky assets.B. risk-free assets.C. the optimal risky portfolio.5. The capital market line, CML, is the graph of the risk and return of portfolio combinations consisting of the risk-free asset and:A. any risky portfolio.B. the market portfolio.C. the leveraged portfolio.6. Which of the following statements most accurately defines the market portfolio in capital market theory? The market portfolio consists of all: A. risky assets.。


风险中性概率存在的充分必要条件是不存在无风险 套利机会。
风险中性概率是唯一的,其充分必要条件是市场是 完全的。
在一定的条件下,动态地修改现有证券的组合可以 复制创造出新的证券,从而有效地填补市场以增加完全 性。
F$ 1 0(1 0 1% 5$ )11? 5
假如股票的远期价格是F=$106/股,用远期合约和无风险证 券来复制该股票,进行如下套利分析:
价值 $100 的无风险 证券的空头
订价为 $106 的 1股股票 的远期合约空头
以 $100 的价格购买 1 份股票现货(多头)
• 套期保值功能:
104 103 102 101 100
99 98 97 96 95
date 2001-1-3 2001-1-5 2001-1-9 2001-1-11 2001-1-15 2001-1-17 2001-1-19 2001-2-6 2001-2-8 2001-2-12 2001-2-14 2001-2-16 2001-2-20 2001-2-22 2001-2-26 2001-2-28 2001-3-2 2001-3-6 2001-3-8 2001-3-12 2001-3-14 2001-3-16 2001-3-20 2001-3-22 2001-3-26 2001-3-28
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Assignment for Chapter2:
Now given the risk-free zero coupon rate as following:
1 year
2 year
3 year
4 year Risk-free rate 3.25% 3.33% 3.41% 3.60%
(1)Question: There is an interest swap: principal 1million, 4 years, fixed interest to float
interest, change the interest every year. What is the price of the swap?
(2)Question: Assume the risk-free zero coupon rate changed one year later. Show in the Risk-free rate 3.40% 3.52% 3.65% 3.74%
Currency swap has a remaining life of 15 months. It involves exchanging interest at 14% on 20 million pound for interest at 10% on $30 million once a year. The term structure of interest rates in both the UK and the US is currently flat, and if the swap were negotiated today the interest rates exchanged would be 8% in dollars and 11% in pound. All interest rates are quoted with annual compounding. The current exchange rate (dollars per pound) is 1.65. What is the value of the swap to the party paying pound sterling? What is the value of the swap to the party paying dollars?
A financial institution has entered into an interest rate swap with company X. Under the terms of the swap, it receives 10% per annum and pays six-month LIBOR on a principal of $10 million for five years. Payments are made every six months. Suppose that company X defaults on the sixth payment date (end of year three) when the interest rate (with semiannual compounding) is 8% per annum for all maturities. What is the loss to the financial institution? Assume that six-month LIBOR was 9% per annum halfway through year three.
4. The term structure is upward sloping. Put the following in order of magnitude:
(1) The five-year zero rate.
(2) The yield on a five-year coupon-bearing bond.
(3) The forward rate corresponding to the period between 5 and 4
15years in the future. What is the answer to this question when the term structure is downward sloping?
5. A $100 million interest rate swap has a remaining life of 10 months. Under the terms of the
swap, six-month LIBOR is exchanged for 12% per annum (compounded semiannually). The average of the bid-ask rate being exchanged for six-month LIBOR in swaps of all maturities is currently 10% per annum with continuous compounding. The six-month LIBOR rate was
9.6% per annum two months ago. What is the current value of the swap to the party paying floating? What is its value to the party paying fixed?。
