综合教程5 何兆熊 Paraphrase unit5

综合教程第五册unit 何兆熊 课后习题答案

7. My anger was not going to be noticed or sympathized with by my family members who were similarly angry, though.
Translation in Unit I
• 1. I haven’t see it myself, it is supposed to be a really good movie.
•Anguish points to the extremity of grief which so terrifies the spirit as to be insupportable.
• 1.has decreed • 2.agonizing • 3.approvingly • 4.ensconced • 5.flair • 6.vulnerability • 7.relief • 8.avowed
4. as if we had never been mistreated for being Black
5. had partially caused
6. was not going to be noticed or sympathized with by people feeling a similar anger
EX.2词义辨析 bruise & scar
Both verbs pertain to external physical injury and other sorts of damage.
• Bruise indicates an injury of the surface flesh, caused by a blow that does not necessarily break the skin and that results in a marked skin; the word can also suggest the tendency to turn black-and-blue from small impacts.

Unit1欧阳光明(2021.03.07)The Fourth of JulyThe first time I went to Washington D.C. was on the edge of the summer when I was supposed tostop being a child. At least that’s what they said to us all at graduation from the eighth grade. Mysister Phyl lis graduated at the same time from high school. I don’t know what she was supposed tostop being. But as graduation presents for us both, the whole family took a Forth of July trip toWashington D.C., the fabled and famous capital of our country.我第一次到华盛顿的时候是初夏那时我想我不应该再当一个孩子。
It was the first time I’d ever been on a railroad train during the day. When I was little, and we used to go to the Connecticut shore, we always went at night on the milk train, because it was cheaper.这是我第一次真正意义上在白天时乘坐火车。

综合教程第五册:部分单元句子Paraphrase和斜体字解释Unit1:IV1.Perhaps it would go away, deprived of her attention.Mother meant to deliberately overlook whatever she did not like and could not change.2.School let out in June to the end of July.From June to the end of July school closed for the summer vacation.3.I spent the afternoon squinting up at monuments to freedom and past presidencies anddemocracy.Literarily, the writer was unable to open wide her eyes due to the dazzling sunlight as well as her eyes defect. Figuratively, the freedom, equality and democracy all American citizens were allegedly entitled to were simply distorted images in the author’s eyes.4.Mother was bright and father was brown, the three of us girls step-standards in between.Mother was bright and father brown, and the three of us girls represented gradations from bright to brown.5.Indoors, the soda fountain was dim and fan-cooled, deliciously relieving to my scorchedeyes.Inside the Breyer’s, the soda fountain was so dim and the air so cool that the pain of my eyes was wonderfully lessened.6.No one would answer my emphatic questions with anything other than a guilty silence.My forcefully question got no response from my family; they remained silent as if they had done something wrong and shameful walking into Breyer’s.7.My fury was not going to be acknowledged by like fury:My anger was not going to be noticed or sympathized with by my family members who were similarly angry, though.I1.On the edge of the summer: at the beginning of2.Preparations were in the air around our house before school was even over: the wholefamily were already either actually busy making preparations or enjoying the ambience.3.In fact, my first trip to Washington was a mobile feast: a large enjoyable meal on the train4.…as if we had never been black before: as if we had never been mistreated for being Black5.My parents wouldn’t speak of this injustice, not because they had contributed to it: hadpartially caused6.My fury was not going to be acknowledged by like fury: was not going to be noticed orsympathized with by people feeling a similar anger.Unit 2IV1.instead of…sneaking out to the empty lot to hunt ghosts and animal bones, my brother andI had to go to Chinese school.My brother and I were unable to walk out quietly and secretly, like other children, to the open field to play kid’s games, for we were forced to go to Chinese school.2.No amount of kicking, screaming, or pleading could dissuade my mother.Our kicking, screaming and pleading could not in the least make our mother change her mindabout sending us to Chinese school.3.Forcibly, she walked us the 7 long, hilly blocks from our home to school, depositing ourdefiant tearful faces before the stern principal.She dragged us by force all the way from our home to school, a long hilly distance of 7 blocks, finally leaving us, hostile and tearful, in front of the severe headmaster.4.In Chinatown, the comings and goings of hundreds of Chinese on their daily tasks soundedchaotic and frenzied.In Chinatown, large crowds of Chinese were coming and going with their routine responsibilities in a disorderly, overexcited way.5.He was especially hard on my mother.He was fastidiou sly particular about my mother’s English.6.I finally was granted a cultural divorce.Ultimately I was permitted to stop learning Chinese culture.7.At last, I was one of you; I wasn’t one of them. Sadly, I still am.Finally I assumed that I was one of the Americans and that I was not one of the Chinese.Unfortunately, I am, as a matter of fact, still Chinese.I1.Forcibly, she walked us the 7 long, hilly blocks from our home to school, depositing ourdefiant tearful faces before the stern principal.Escorted on foot; leaving the 2 of us, hostile and tearful2.The room smelled like Chinese medicine, an imported faraway mustiness.Unfamiliar exotic stale damp smell3.Being ten years old, I had better things to learn than ideographs…Would rather learn other things than4.More times than not, I had tried to disassociate myself from the nagging loud voice..Fairly frequently5.Chinese sounded pedestrian. Public.Dull and, what’s more, lacking individuals6.No matter how hard she tried, “Ruth” always ended up“Roof”.Eventually became the unintendedUnit3:IV1.We were waiting outside the condemned cells.We were waiting outside the cells, where prisoners under the death sentence were jailed. 2.The rest of us, magistrates and the like, followed behind.We, government officials and inspectors, walked behind the warders and the prisoner.3.I saw the mystery, the unspeakable wrongness, of cutting life short when it is in full tide.I found the inexplicable injustice that was being done in putting to an end a pr isoner’s life,which is still in its prime.4.In two minutes, with a sudden snap, one of us would begone.The prisoner, who belonged to us now, would be promptly put to death.5.One felt an impulse to sing, to break into a run, to snigger.People had a strong desire to sing, to run and to snigger(after the hanging was over).6.You will scarcely credit that it took six warders to dislodge him.You can hardly believe that it took as many as six warders to remove him from the cage bars.I1.These were the condemned men, due to be hanged tithing the next week or two.Who were scheduled to be hanged2.He was a Hindu, a puny wisp of a man, with a shaven head and vague liquid eyes.Who was a small, thin, and weak man3.They crowded very close about him, with their hands always on him in a careful, caressinggrip.Holding him firmly and continuously in a careful manner4.Two warders marched on either side of the prisoner, with their rifles at the slope.Carrying rifles that tilted over their shoulders5.At each step his muscles slid neatly into place.His muscles appeared to be functioning normally6.…and in two minutes, with a sudden snap, one of us would be gone——one mind less, oneworld less.We will lose a man who can also think and reason like us, andwho is also a unique individual like each of usUnit 4:IV1.Her animated expression and warm smile were an invitation for me to go on.Her vivid expression and tender smile encouraged me to continue my lecture.2.We are all so much together and yet we are all dying of loneliness.Although we seem to be living and studying so closely, we are virtually behaving like strangers.3.If we find no models of live, then we grow up love-starved and unloving.If we have no models of love to follow, we will be growing up lacking in love and not knowing how to love others.4.If you are afraid of being misunderstood, verbalize your feelings to the person you arehugging.If you are afraid of being misunderstood, explain your feelings in words to the person you’re embracing.5.His father’s eyes welled up with tears as he muttered.Tears rolled down his father’s cheeks as he spoke in a quiet voice.6.While attempting to open doors to love for others, I found that the doors were opening forme.As I am trying to ask others to offer love and feel loved, I am actually experiencing the same.7.The pursuit of love has made wonder of my life.The continual efforts I have made to seek love have mademy life richer and more meaningful.I1.For few moments, I fussed with my notes.Fiddled with…nervously and anxiously2.This stunning young woman had pulled me through.Saved me out of the difficult situation3.After class, I scanned the roll to find her name: Liani.Examined the students’ name list4.If we find no models of live, then we grow up love-starved and unloving.Without having received sufficient love and not intending to show our love towards others5.…the class often continued until well past midnightA long time ( before or after )6.One of the first things I tried to get across was the importance of touching.Communicate and make understood.Unit 5IV. Explain in your own words the following sentences taken from the text.1.I was just a girl with little direction, more drawn to words and made-up stories than toformulas and lab experiments.I was then a young girl without a clear idea of what to do in the future; but I was keener onliterature than on natural science.2.I think I admired that photo so much, not because of Marie Curie and what she stood forbut because she seemed so exotic.I think the reason why I enjoyed looking at the photo wasnot because Marie Curie herselfwas in the photo, nor because she represented a great woman, but because her imageappealed to me.3.Marie Curie’s own daughters grew into accomplished women in their own right.Marie Curie's own daughters distinguished themselves in their respective field due to their own efforts and competence.4.She wound up falling in love with Casimir Zorawski.Finally she fell in love with Casimir Zorawski.5.She was beneath his station, poor, a common nursemaid.She, a poor, common nursemaid, was much lower in social status than her young master.6.The reality was a lot grittier—and a lot less romantic.The reality was much harder, not as romantic as shown in the 1943 film Madame Curie. 7.They were the toast of the European scientific community, feted lavishly and visited athome in Paris by acolytes to pay homage.They were highly respected in the European scientific community, entertainedexuberantly and visited by acolytes to show their reverence to the Curies at home in Paris.8.The metamorphosis was less simple, more serious. A cape of solitude and secrecy fellupon her shoulders forever.The changes in Madame Curie brought about by the loss of her husband were much more profound than the simple change from a happy young wife to an inconsolable widow. The shadow of loneliness and introversion hung over her for the rest of her life.9.The Marie Curie that I discovered was no icon but a flesh-and-blood woman.The Madame Curie I discovered was not an image of a holy saint, but a woman existing in real life.I. Explain the italicized part in each sentence in your own words.1. I didn’t know very much about Curie beyond the basics:except the most important aspects of her life2. I was just a girl with little direction…:having no concrete goals or purposes to attain3. Marie Curie’s own daughters grew into accomplished women in their own light:because of their own efforts and talents4. … for months she’d find places to hide so s he could cry her eyes out:cry to her heart's content5. … where she changed her name, enrolled at the Sorbonne—and walked into history:and thus became somebody to remember6. … Pierre’s death marked the defining moment in her mother’s life:started a complete characteristic change Unit 6VI1.Different men often see the same objects in different lights.The same object may be observed and judged from different perspectives by different people.2.This is no time for ceremony. The question before the house is one of awful moment to thiscountry.No time should be wasted on ceremonial procedures because the house, at present, is encountering an extremelycrucial problem for the nation.3.We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth, and listen to the song of that siren tillshe transforms us into beasts.We tend to close our eyes when facing a painful truth, and be intoxicated by the song of the sea nymph that will eventually turn us into animals.4.For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I’m willing to know the whole truth; toknow the worst and to provide for it.As for me, I’m willing to know the whole truth and be prepared for the worst that might happen, no matter how much pain I may endure.5.The insidious smile will prove a snare to your feet.The cunning smile, with which the British recently received our petition, will be a trap for you to fall into.6.These are the implements of war and subjugation—the last arguments to which kingsresort.These are the tools for war and suppression, the last means kings will turn to when all arguments fall flat.7.We have prostrated ourselves before the throne, and have implored its interposition toarrest the tyrannical hands of the ministry and Parliament.We have been humble and submissive in front of the British Kings, and have begged hisMajesty to intervene(插手)and stop the cruelty and injustice of the British colonial ministry and Parliament(议会、国会).8.The battle is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, theactive, the brave.The victory of the battle is determined not just by strength, but by vigilance, activeness(积极性), and courage.9.It is in vain to extenuate the matter.It is useless to underestimate(低估) the severity(严重性)of the situation.I1.For my own part, I consider it as nothing less than a question of freedom or slavery.The very same thing as2.And in proportion to the magnitude of the subject ought to be the freedom of the debate.Appropriately in agreement with3.We have held the subject up in every light of which it is capable.Considered and tried every means in order to deal with the subject4.…if we make a proper use of those means which the God of nature hath placed in ourpower.Has given us at our disposal5.There millions of people, armed in the holy cause of liberty, …With liberty as our ultimate aim to fight for6.The battle, sir, is not to the strong alone.Is not destined to be won byUnit 7IV. Explain in your own words the following sentences taken from the text.1.The 1980 election…signaled a decided turn to the rightinsofar as political and socialattitudes were concerned.The 1980 election indicated that the country resolved to become more conservative in regard to political and social attitudes.2.Some kind of social welfare assistance must be doled out to those who cannot find jobs.Social welfare assistance must be offered to the jobless.3.I am appalled that the condition has been allowed to develop.I am shocked to find that the problem is getting more and more serious.4.This dreadful social sickness has now overtaken the United States.The United States has now been knocked out by this terrible social problem -- failure to house its young people.5.For a major nation to show itself impotent to house its young people is admitting a failurethat must be corrected.America must correct the problem that, a superpower as it is in the world, it is incapable of providing houses for its young people.I. Explain the italicized part in each sentence in your own words.1. They belong to churches, even though they attend somewhat less frequently.believe in Christianity and are members of the Christian churches2. The 1980 election… signaled a decided turn to the right insofar as political and social attitudes were concerned.insofar as: to the extent that; were concerned: were involved3. Without reservation, I applaud the freer patterns of today.With whole-hearted support4. For a major nation to show itself impotent to house its young people is admitting a failure that must be corrected.to display its inability5. We have a physical setting of remarkable intedrity.an extraordinarily complete system of physical environment Unit 8VI1.Did you get too bogged down in the details trying to come up with the “exactly right”answer?Did you get so tied up in these complex math figures that you were unable to give the “exactly right” answer?2.Did you zero in on the two most important problems… then hazard a guesstimate?Did you focus all your attention on the two most important problems, and then make an estimation which may not be exactly right?3.Your mistakes will frequently balance out.Your mistakes will often average out, i.e. the extremely high estimations and the extremely low estimations which you make will eventually become equal in amount, value, or effect. 4.The black being warmed most by the sun, was sunk so low as to be below the stroke ofsun’s rays.The black cloth absorbed the heat of the sun most. So, it sank so deep below that the sunrays could not reach it.I1.Did you make a completely wild guess…:a simply groundless prediction far from beingcorrect.2.Did you get too bogged down in the details trying to come up with the “exactly right”answer?Stumped or baffled; work out3.Or did you zero in on the two most important problems…:come to concentrate on and dealwith.4.To answer the question. He recommended breaking it down into smaller, more manageablequestions.:analyzing it by dividing it into5.He had come up with resourceful way…:discovered。

THE FOURTH OF JULYAudre Lorde1 The first time I went to Washington D。
was on the edge of the summer when I was supposed to stop being a child。
At least that's what they said to us all at graduation from the eighth grade。
My sister Phyllis graduated at the same time from high school。
I don’t know what she was supposed to stop being。
But as graduation presents for us both, the whole family took a Fourth of July trip to Washington D.C.,the fabled and famous capital of our country.Detailed Reading2 It was the first time I’d ever been on a railroad train during the day。
When I was little, and we used to go to the Connecticut shore,we always went at night on the milk train,because it was cheaper。
Preparations were in the air around our house before school was even over. We packed for a week。
There were two very large suitcases that my father carried,and a box filled with food. In fact,my first trip to Washington was a mobile feast; I started eating as soon as we were comfortably ensconced in our seats, and did not stop until somewhere after Philadelphia。

Unit 5
7. They were highly respected in the European scientific community, entertained and visited by others to show their respect to the Curies at home in Paris. 8. The changes in Madame Curie brought about by the loss of her husband were much profound than the simple change from a happy young wife to an inconsolable widow. The shadow of loneliness hung oveer life. 9. The Maria Curie I discovered was not an image of a holy saint, but a woman existing in real.
Unit 1
5. Inside the Breyer's, the soda fountain was so dim and the air so cool that the pain of my eyes was wonderfully lessened. 6. My forceful question got no response from my family; they remained silent as if they had done something wrong and shameful walking into Breyer's. 7. My anger was not going to be noticed or sympathized with by my family members who were similarly angry, though.
综合教程5 Unit 7-10课后paraphrase答案

综合教程5 Unit 7-10课后paraphrase答案Unit 7 The Art of Smart GuessingIV.Explain in your own words the following sentences taken from the text.1.Did you get too bogged down in the details trying to come up with the“exactly right”answer?Did you get so tied up in these complex math figures that you were unable to give the“exactly right”answer?2.Did you zero in on the two most important problems… then hazard a guesstimate?Did you focus all your attention on the two most important problems, and then make an estimation which may not be exactly right?3.Your mistakes will frequently balance out.Your mistakes will often average out, i.e. the extremely high estimations and the extremely low estimations which you make will eventually become equal in amount, value, or effect./The effect of your mistakes will frequently cancel out.4.The black being warmed most by the sun, was sunk so low as to be below the stroke of sun’s rays.The black cloth absorbed the heat of the sun most. So, it sank so deep below that the sunrays could not reach it.Unit 8 Love and ResentmentIV.Explain in your own words the following sentences taken from the text.1.The screams were so muffled, I could barely hear them.The screams were so faint and unclear that I could hardly hear them.2.My voice quieter and quieter as hers rose in crescendo.As my voice was getting quieter, hers grew gradually and continuously louder./My voice became quieter and quieter as hers grew in volume.3.No matter how intimate one is with this illness, the primordial fear of madness lurks deep within.Everyone has deep inside an instinctive fear of madness however familiar with the illness he may be./However familiar one is with paranoid schizophrenia, the innate fear of madness stays hidden and deep in one's mind.4.She has no empathy with her own body.She doesn’t know how to take care of her own health as a normal person does.5.I will do the best I can with the worst I have to live with.I’ll do my utmost to deal with the unavoidable worst situations in my life./I will do my utmost to cope with the worst I have to put up with.Unit 9 Kids and Computer: Digital DangerIV.Explain in your own words the following sentences taken from the text.1.Unlike traditional games and toys, "wired" entertainment encourages kids to be unimaginative, socially immature, and crudely desensitized to the world around them.Compared with/Different from traditional games, electronic games have some obvious detrimental effects on children’s development: they tend to be lacking in imagination and social maturity, and indifferent to the real world around them.2.Hand a ball of Play-Doh to a child reared on the sterile adventure of video games, and you're apt to get a blank look.If you hand a ball of Play-Doh to a child who is brought up in the world of uncreative and unyielding video games/ who spends too much time on exciting but unproductive video games,you are likely to find an expressionless look on his face.3.Maybe a hothead or two will stalk off the field.Possibly one or two hot-tempered children will quit the game.4.Despite their involvement in the game, the players are not ruled by it. Although they are engaged in playing the game, they are not completely bound by it.5.Far too often, even his parents, intimidated by the high-priced, high-tech gadget that has sucked their child's humanity away, tiptoe around rather than disturb him.His parent, in great fear of disturbing him, quite often walk gently around the child, whose humanity has been exhausted by the high-priced, high-tech game device./Far too often, even his parents, scared by the small high-priced, high-tech device that has deprived their child of human qualities, walk about carefully and quietly on tiptoe rather than break his concentration or divert his attention.Unit 10 The New ImmoralityIV.Explain in your own words the following sentences taken from the text.1.Yet most of these five, like most of the college cheaters, would probably profess a strong social consciousness.Similar to most college cheaters, the five interviewees would be likely to claim to possess a strong awareness. /However, most of these five people, like a majority of the college students who commit cheating on examinations, would probably claim that they have a strong sense of responsibility for society.2.These two examples exhibit a paradox of our age.These two examples illustrate the seemingly self-contradicting situation, i.e. while social morality is growing, private morality is declining./These two examples clearly display a contradictory situation in our age.3.Beneficent and benevolent social institutions are administered by men who all too frequently turn out to be accepting "gifts."Those who run social charity institutions are often found to be bribe takers./ Charitable social organizations are managed or controlled by men who very often prove to be easily bribed.4.Morality means mores or manners and usual conduct is the only standard. Morality means the acceptance of customs and moral values of society or adherence to proper behaviour, and the established way of conduct is the sole criterion of judgment.5.Nothing is more important than this personal, interior sense of right and wrong and his determination to follow that rather than to be guided by what everybody does or merely the criterion of "social usefulness".The most important thing in a person’s life is his own conscience and his decision to adhere to it instead of being driven by so-called social practice or acceptance.6.They have a wrong notion of what the real, the ultimate, security is.They have a wrong idea of, and don’t actually understand, what the real, the ultimate security means./They have a wrong idea of what the genuine, the essential, security is.。

P91 I. 1. About 100 students 2. more or less 40 pages 3. There are 30 or so questions 4. two hours or thereabouts 5. some four miles 6. 50ish
P91 II. 1. a nap 2. very good indeed 3. in a mess 4. on hands and knees 5. very much better than you are 6. talking quickly and continuously 7. very probably 8. a lot of ways
P92 IV. Both… both…Neither… either…neither … both… each…either P93 V. 1. somewhat 2. something 3. some 4. somehow…anything 5. anything…something 6. something 7. anything 8. some
4. He held on to his shares of that company when the prices were dropping sharply last year. Now he has made a fortune.
5. Just dismiss the idea from your mind--- it's crazy and not worth thinking about at all.
P94. 1. This film actor is more inclined than most people to help the handicapped because he himself suffered a stroke ten years ago. 2. The old man is afflicted with rheumatism, but he still goes jogging and mountainclimbing every day. 3. Some of the flaws in the American financial system, which had never received due attention, eventually led to disastrous consequences.

Unit 5 Book 1Detailed ReadingI. Difficult SentencesHe was a perfect Type A, a workaholic, a classic, they said to each other and shook their head — and thought for five or ten minutes about the way they lived. (Para. 2)What is a perfect Type A?(People exhibiting Type A behaviour tend to be impatient and highly time-conscious. Often as high-achieving workaholics, they feel insecure about their social status and are extremely competitive and aggressive.)He was, however, one of six vice-presidents, and one of three who might conceivably —if the president died or retired soon enough — have moved to the top spot. (Para. 3)What is the implied meaning of the sentence?(He was one of the six vice-presidents of a large corporation and one of the three promising candidates who might succeed to the position of the president.)He worked like the Important People. (Para. 4)What can you infer from the sentence?(He voluntarily worked overtime because all the executives in the company considered themselves too important a group to be allowed to ease up.)He had no outside “extracurricular interests,” unless, of course, you think about a monthly golf game that way. To Phil, it was work. (Para. 4)For what purpose did he play golf monthly?(The monthly golf game offered him a good opportunity to talk or do business.)He is survived by his wife, Helen, forty-eight years old, a good woman of no particular marketable skills, who worked in an office before marrying and mothering. (Para. 7)Translate this sentence into Chinese.(他的遗孀海伦,四十八岁,一个好女人。

Unit1The Fourth of JulyThe first time I went to Washington D.C. was on the edge of the summer when I was supposed tostop being a child. At least that’s what they said to us all at graduation from the eighth grade. Mysister Phyllis graduated at the same time from high school. I don’t know what she was supposed tostop being. But as graduation presents for us both, the whole family took a Forth of July trip toWashington D.C., the fabled and famous capital of our country.我第一次到华盛顿的时候是初夏 那时我想我不应该再当一个孩子。
It was the first time I’d ever been on a railroad train during the day. When I was little, and we used to go to the Connecticut shore, we always went at night on the milk train, because it was cheaper.这是我第一次真正意义上在白天时乘坐火车。

中英=高级英语1-何兆熊-Unit-5-conservatives-and-liberalsUnit 5 conservatives and liberals保守派和革新派Conservatives and LiberalsRalph Waldo Emerson1. The two parties which divide the state, the party of Conservative and that of innovation, are very old, and have disputed the possession of the world ever since it was made. This quarrel is the subject of civil history. The conservative party established the reverend hierarchies and monarchies of the most ancient world. The battle of patrician and plebian, of parent state and colony, of old usage and accommodation to new facts, of the rich and, of the poor, reappears in all countries and times. The war rages not only in battlefields, in national councils, and ecclesiastical synods, but agitates every man’s bosom with opposing advantages every hour. On rolls the old world meantime, and now one, now the other gets the day, and still the fight renews itself as if for the first time, under new names and hot personalities.这个国家存在着两个政党,保守党和革新党。

VocabularyI.1. allot2. go through fire and water3. reside4. sobbed5. made no mention of6. sacrifice7. came upon8. rhythm9. volume 10. something of aII.1. I stayed on as an assistant professor.2. I hold it to my ear because I want to hear time tick away.3. The salary is not wonderful, but the duties are light.4. The moral of the lesson is not to talk to strangers.5. Yes, but it cannot hold a candle to Huangshan.III.1. The nasty smell from the kitchen made her stomach churn.2. When she sank into drunkenness, she was able to forget her sorrow.3. In the 1500 meters, Martin and Parker came first and third respectively.4. The two hills Shunner Fell from the north and Lovely Seat from the south flank the famous Butter Tubs Pass.5. Levi, in gratitude to Joshua, gave a party for him.Iv. 1. ambition-----ambition-----regardless of 2. discourse---by way of 3. is engraved---inward V. 1. have come upon/across 2. had come out 3. come on/up 4. came across 5. comes down to 6. came around/to 7. comes to 8. came through 9. came up with 10. comes upUsage1. the Wilsons2. Mark Twain3. Annie Johnsons4. another Winston Churchill5. a Mrs. Burton6. a Budweiser7. A Monet8. an old FordComprehensive ExercisesI. Cloze 1. Text-related 1. go through fire and water 2. salary 3. give---no peace 4. sink into 5. ambition 6. By way of 7. expressive 8. churned 9. engraved 10. not hold a candle to 11. inward2. Theme-related1. Success2. literacy3. significantly4. promoting5. appropriate6. too7. later8. repetition9. invented 10. lessII. TranslationAlthough my grandmother was illiterate, she had a good stock of myths and legends. When I was young I gave her no peace, constantly asking her to tell me stories. After she had finished her housework, she would lift me onto her lap and tell stories, all the while rocking me in rhythm. Having noticed my interest in stories, my parents lost no time in initiating me into reading. They bought many storybooks with illustrations, and whenever free, they would read these stories to me over and over again. By and by I had a vocabulary large enough to read on my own.VocabularyI. 1.1) appetite 2) destructive3) agency 4) processed5) saturated 6) utter7) hoisted 8) referring to9) retrieve 10) Unfortunately2.1)Peter was chasing the dog and Tom was riding the wooden horse in the garden.2)They all looked on except one young man. He took her to the hospital instantly.3)I laid charges against the company and won the case.4)If we want to stay competitive, first of all we need to modernize our factory.5)They got irrigation water from the dammed rivers.3.1)Except in the oases the desert is almost devoid of vegetation, although some stunted, thornyshrubs grow in the western Sahara.2)The fruits growing wild in the coastal forest are edible.3)The national security agency made recommendations for improving safety standards inairplanes / to improve safety standards in airplanes.4)The Beatles enjoyed success on a scale unparalleled by any previous pop group.5)The emergence of language was a defining factor in the evolution of modern humans.4.1)Excluding other factors such as quality and price, products which are attractively packagedare bound to attract more consumers, particularly children and young people. Packaging has become an important way to boost / of boosting the sales of products.2)In the eyes of some businessmen, consumers' health comes second to profits. They sellchicken infected with salmonella and crabs with traces of antibiotics.3)It can be hard to go vegetarian. The important thing is to make changes you feel comfortablewith, at your own pace. While stopping consuming any products for which animals are bred and slaughtered may be ideal, even a slight reduction in meat consumption is a step in the right direction.5.1) get over 2) got to3) get through 4) get over5) get by 6) get away7) got in 8) get …out9) get along 10) get away withII. Collocation1.I asked her why she didn't make use of her talent and sing a pop song on the graduation day.2.Uncle Tom, the long-suffering slave in Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin, died amiserable death.3.We still have to learn how to live a harmonious life, not only with other people but also withthe environment.4.Breathing a deep breath, he ran up to take the penalty kick.5.I dreamed a bad dream last night in which I was running through the forest, and being chasedby a bear.6.My friend smiled a bitter smile when I asked her whether she'd found all the money she'dlost.7.Black people have a hard fight to fight before they win real equality.8.People with mood disorders often sleep a troubled sleep. They toss and turn, restlesslyoccupied with negative thoughts.Comprehensive ExercisesI. Cloze1. Text-related(1) exclude (2) stubborn(3) devoid of (4) bow to(5) potent (6) drawbacks(7) contaminating (8) heightened(9) infected (10) come second to2. Theme-related(1) consumption (2) between(3) packed (4) evident(5) population (6) encouraging(7) grave (8) against(9) criticize (10) itselfII. TranslationStudy after study has uncovered the fact that there is a close correlation between food and a number of chronic diseases. For example, a decreased risk of certain chronic diseases is associated with an increased consumption of plant-based foods. Therefore, in the past decade, the American Dietetic Association has urged Americans to reduce their intake of animal fats, and to boost consumption of fruits, vegetables, and grains. Meanwhile, the United States Department of Agriculture has released a document containing the food guide pyramid, which encourages a minimum of three vegetable and two fruit servings per day. H owever, many Americans still don’t meet / listen to these recommendations.UNIT3VocabularyI. 1.1) invitation 2) eloquent3) concede 4) contradictory5) conceals 6) guilty7) generalize 8) get caught in9) for now 10) as a last resort2.1)Non-smoking area. John’s very intolerant of people who smoke.2)She is an interesting character, and a bit of a mystery to me.3)Because it does not reveal their marital status.4)We are planning on trekking through the Malaysian Rainforest.5)He muttered something under his breath that I couldn’t understand.6)They may need to wear protective rubber gloves and clothing.7)The chairperson said sometimes unemployment tempted the youth into criminal activities.8)Though she never admitted it, the look on her face when I mentioned James’ name gave heraway.3.1)Throughout history, people have been intrigued by the question of whether there is intelligentlife elsewhere in the universe.2)The hill farmers' lot has never been easy and in recent years has been assailed by a series ofmajor crises.3)As with most people in his family, Grey is a great talker when he's in the mood to talk.4)Few people find it necessary to condemn white lies on the grounds that they are not real lies.5)All the evidence of your qualifications and skills that backs up the claims you make in yourrésumé should be included.4.1)In general, everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding ofourselves. To disregard what the world thinks of us is not only arrogant but also utterly shameless.2)Eddie was adamant that his son should never indulge in vain wishes; he believed that it wasabsurd for his son to pursue a romantic but utterly impractical career in the future.3)Those considering an adventurous safari in Central Africa should be aware that there is anextremely small, but nonetheless present, risk of encountering bandits on the road. Thus they should decide for themselves whether such potential risks will be personally acceptable to them and their companions.5.1) go around / round 2) Go for3) went off 4) go on5) is going on 6) go about7) go along 8) go through9) go by 10) go overII. Usage1.The manager was chatting with the chairman of the board about something that concerned thefuture of their cooperation and I could tell that he was being careful with his words.2.Tom didn't really like the food, but he was being polite and ate quite a bit.3.He kept tapping on his teacup with his spoon because he was getting impatient waiting forthe waiter to come around.4.By handing in papers off the Internet, students are being stupid because they run the risk ofbeing caught and expelled from school.5.He was being a coward by not being truthful to himself and others.6.Some of the nurses were very rude and told Edgar he was being a nuisance when hecomplained.7.Don't talk nonsense. I'm being serious.Comprehensive ExercisesI. Cloze1. Text-related(1) go along (2) honesty(3) straightforward (4) indulge in(5) What about (6) dodge(7) assert (8) absurd(9) resort (10) juggle2. Theme-related(1) asserting (2) go along(3) because (4) part(5) Mistakes (6) exceptions(7) end (8) resort(9) dying (10) freedomII. TranslationThe new president of our university disapproves of the idea that we should be allowed to tell lies under certain circumstances. He believes that if people get used to telling any kind of lie, they will indulge themselves and eventually be stuck with the bad habit. To tell or not to tell a lie can sometimes become a very sticky issue, but our president insists on the notion that nobody in the world of education should dodge the responsibility of attaching primary importance to honesty while teaching the young. I agree with him. What about you?UNIT4VocabularyI. 1.(1) for myself (2) concluded(3) infinite (4) internal(5) misery (6) mode(7) ventured (8) visible(9) observation (10) commended2.1)I lay in bed feeling thoroughly wretched.2)It is fragrant with the smell of apple blossom.3)They are fine specimens of the veteran revolutionaries.4)I’d like to enroll in the modern art course if it is not too late.5)The taste is slightly bitter, and it has a strange odor.3.1)The scheme does nothing to help families on low incomes and is sure to provoke /callforth/draw/ arouse criticism.2)Jenny is terribly uncertain as to whether Bob is the right boy for her.3)These goods bear no resemblance to those I saw printed in the advertisements.4)In China, where black hair and black eyes are the norm, her blond hair and blue eyes arerather conspicuous.5)We did not have time for a rehearsal before the performance because of the delay of ourflight.4.1)The new parliament member, an energetic politician and ardent advocate of the welfaresystem, said: "The investigation has revealed that there are still people who lead a wretched existence in our society. To leave them to their own devices is to deny them the basic human right, the right to a decent life."2)One day my professor entrusted me with a task of doing a certain experiment and meantimegave explicit instructions that I must read his new book beforehand. The book, however, did not commend itself to me. Could I go ahead without reading it? The perplexity haunted me for quite a while. Then I decided I could not look him in the face if I betrayed his trust. So I started reading his book in earnest before turning to the experiment.3)The day I left for college, my father gave me an alarm clock and an English learner’sdictionary. Both proved useful in my subsequent years of study. The latter helped to make me accurate in my writing while the former helped me to be punctual. However, I had to part with the clock with reluctance later when it was proved to be beyond repair.5.1) turned to 2) turned…down3) turn up 4) turned out5) turned…over6) turned on7) turned away 8) turns out9) turned in 10) turning inII. Confusable Words1) come 2) Come; bring; bring3) take; taken 4) went; went; going5) went; came 6) take7) bring 8) come9) brought 10) went / cameComprehensive ExercisesI. Cloze1. Text-related(1) Enrolling (2) specimen(3) leave him to his own devices (4) investigation(5) By and by (6) content with(7) entrusted (8) reluctance(9) infectious (10) observation(11) mode (12) grounded in2. Theme-related(1) known (2) only(3) doing (4) assistance(5) assignment (6) simply(7) But (8) turned(9) singled (10) becauseII. TranslationWhen I enrolled in Math 202, I anticipated difficulties because I was not well grounded in mathematics in high school. The course was taught by Professor Richardson, a fine specimen of an old-fashioned gentleman, very cordial to his students. However, when it came to academic matters, he was by no means an easy person. Before he started his lecture, he discoursed enthusiastically on the importance of working in an orderly fashion, of being thoroughly prepared before each class, and of not being content with what you have learned. His attitude towards work was infectious, and by and by I became an ardent math lover, too.UNIT5VocabularyI 1.1) percentage 2) zone3) warmth 4) diverse5) widen 6) looked around7) in the face of 8) in perspective9) temperate 10) theoretical2.1) Its profits shrank from $5 million to $1.25 million in the last global financial crisis.2) They will have to adhere to the cultural norms of the organization in order to be successful with their database project.3) My hometown is/lies halfway in between Salk Lake City and Denver.4) I saw waves battering (against) the rocks at the bottom of the cliff.5) Flood waters washed away the only bridge connecting the village to the outside world.3.1) Your report on the new car park is fine, but why don't you beef it up with some figures?2) There is a wide variation among Internet providers in cost, features, software, reliability and customer service.3) Poverty is one of the reasons for the high incidence of crime in this neighborhood.4) I suggested we sing and dance for the elderly people in the nursing home, and all my roommates were in favor of my idea.5) Doctors who are compelled to work 36 hours at a stretch cannot possibly be fully efficient.4.1) Much of the loss of biodiversity currently being experienced is attributed to human activity. Natural extinction is being accelerated by human populations wiping out entire ecosystems for development and single crop farming. Destroying naturally diverse vegetation destroys the life sustained by that habitat. We already know the scary effects of deforestation on global warming, but do we stop to think about the thousands of animal and insect species that are dying off because of global warming?2) In August 2005, some scientists from esteemed scientific organizations predicted that a temperature increase of 2 °C above the pre-industrial level could trigger the melting of the Greenland ice sheet, which would have overwhelming consequences for sea levels and biodiversity. At the current level of climate change, this prediction could become a reality in 10-15 years.3) With huge amounts of carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases in the atmosphereglobal surface temperature would rise to a great extent, thereby melting the north and south pole glaciers causing drought, and throwing agriculture into turmoil.The effects would be magnified if temperatures keep going up dramatically.5.1) think back to/on 2) think … over3) thought of 4) think of …as5) think up1) picked up 2) picked out3) picked up 4) picked on5) picks atII. Word Family1. 1) contaminated 2) contaminate 3) contamination 4) uncontaminated2. 1) habitable 2) habitation 3) inhabit 4) uninhabited5) uninhabitable 6) inhabitedComprehensive ExercisesI. Cloze1.1)beef up 2) coastal3) in favour of 4) residents5) theoretical 6) disastrous7)battered 8) shrinking9) migrate 10) washed away11) Scary 12) humanity2.1) predicting 2) accuracy3) basis 4) collide5) atmosphere 6) melts7) affected 8) actions9) striving 10) technologiesII. TranslationMost scientists no longer doubt that the world is warming up and that humanity has altered climate. They agree that the long-term effects of global warming will be disastrous for the planet and its inhabitants. What is more, climate change won’t be a smooth transition to a warmer world. Some regions will be greatly affected by abrupt climate changes. Enormous areas of densely populated land like coastal Florida would become uninhabitable. Hundreds of millions of residents would have to migrate to safer regions. Therefore, it is no surprise that global warming has made its way onto the agenda of world leaders.UNIT6VocabularyI. 1. 1) the hard way 2) solemn3) wrote out 4) champion5) ownership 6) privilege7) To be sure 8) handicap9) surge 10) cut the ground from under …feet2.1) The committee aims to achieve reconciliation between the two opposingparties.2) The management's refusal to increase the minimum monthly grant.3) Public places such as metro stations, theaters, and museums have beenmade more accessible to the disabled.4) His love for the countryside brought forth a series of remarkablewatercolors.5) It embodies the ideals of freedom and equality.3.1) The books are keyed to the interests of children.2) We will not stand by and let the small village schools get closed for lackof funds.3) Their response was in effect a refusal to our request though they didn'tturn it down explicitly.4) Generous to a fault, he paid for all the expenses5) We shall always feel we are deeply in your debt.4. 1) Under the leadership of Sam Walton, Wal-Mart prospered at an amazing speed. Asked about the underlying reasons for the great success, he said, "To begin with, it's the two orientations that characterize the culture of this company: cooperative with regard to making decisions, and trusting in relation to fellow workers. Every employee has a strong sense of obligation to the company and boundless enthusiasm for the work."2) Most chapters of this book are dedicated to the effects of games on children. According to the author, in performing and observing actions, like the collision of two objects, babies can have first-hand experience of the relations implicit in the phenomena. And team sports can help to shape children's personality in a positive way, because they can learn how to cooperate with each other in the competition.3) Martin Luther King and Rosa Parker had a lot in common. They were black people as well as civil rights heroes. They led black people to combat discrimination and inequality and to try to gain control over their own destinies. Faced with great difficulties and failures, they hung on and never gave up because they held to the notion that all men are created equal. (destiny, in common, combat, notion, hang on)5. 1) set out 2) set off3) set in 4) set aside5) set up 6) set about7) set off 8) set up9) set up 10) set apartII. Words with Multiple Meanings1. According to the manager, what he wants is a simple yet effective sales plan.2. Usually he was a serious man, yet this joke reduced him to hearty laughter / set him laughing heartily.3. The governor has put forward a series of policies to cut the state budget, but the effects of the new measures have yet to be seen.4. He is not yet 20, but his technical control, confidence, brilliance and intellectual depth display an outstanding maturity.5. John wouldn't let me see his essay, because he hasn't finished it yet.6. Maybe the reason scientists have yet to receive signals from extraterrestrial intelligence is that there isn't any extraterrestrial intelligence sending signals.7. She knew the sensible thing to do was to leave the place as soon as possible, yet she wanted to stay.8. Her selective yet comprehensive exhibition draws mainly from public collections, among them many of the United States' most distinguished libraries.Comprehensive ExercisesI. Cloze1. 1) personalities 2) embody3) underlying 4) collision5) leadership 6) ownership7) ideals 8) champion9) the hard way 10) prospered2. 1) indication 2) sensitive3) career 4) resign5) supply 6) disciplined7) promoted 8) criticized9) surrender 10) respectedII. TranslationRobert Lee’s father’s life had been plagued by poor financial investments. He was jailed twice for unpaid debts and in the end was forced to flee the country. Lee’s mother was the dominant force in shaping Lee’s personality. Against the poignant failure of her husband, she was determined that the tragedy should not be repeated in the life of her children. Self-control, a sense of obligation and an indomitable spirit were the virtues she taught Lee. In 1825, with an aspiration to win back the family honor, Lee began studying at West Point Military Academy. This began a new chapter of his life. Over the four years, he consistently finished near the top of every course.UNIT7VocabularyI. 1. 1) anonymous 2) piling up3) advent 4) sober up5) articulate 6) dwindle7) not least of all 8) vague9) busted 10) rotting2. 1) Its theme was that philosophy has very close links with mathematics andartificial intelligence.2) He is illiterate; worse still, he has a criminal record and lives in a world oflies and deceit.3) They carried out first aid to save the patient from bleeding to death.4) They suggested that I go for broke, and be undeterred in pursuit of mydream.5) He thinks it highly unlikely that such good luck will come his way again.3.1) The advent of spring —symbol of renewal —has been a constant theme inEdward's writings.2) Why those nasty things were being said of her was just beyond hercomprehension, and as for myself I have never heard anything so offensive in all my life.3) Malcolm Padina, managing director of Informix Software Inc, has called for anew initiative to purge the market of software pirates / software pirates from the market.4) New evidence implicated Melancia in a financial scandal in February 2008.5) Pains were tearing at my chest as I was running a two-mile race. I felt myknees sinking lower and lower as if I were running across quicksand.4. 1) Operating a vehicle while intoxicated is a serious offence in itself, but few cases hit the headlines unless they involve serious injury.2) Ten years ago, when Bruce R., a 57-year-old insurance broker from Southern California, was on the verge of suicide after having gambled away the trust of his family and a small remnant of business partners, little help was available. He was, at one point, advised by two doctors that he just needed to get his gambling "under control"—which is like telling a drug addict to take drugs more moderately.3) The company was facing great financial problems due to the devastating effects of nationwide economic depression. Naturally the CEO’s sudden resignation at such a difficult time led to great resentment from the board of directors. The only hope they had was that the banks would keep the firm from bankruptcy by accepting a reorganization plan.5. 1) fall under 2) fall behind3) had fallen apart 4) fall back on5) fall to 6) had left off7) leave out 8) Leaving aside9) be left alone 10) left behindII. Usage1. a. figurative b. literal2. a. literal b. figurative3. a. figurative b. literal4. a. literal b. figurative5. a. figurative b. literal6. a. literal b. figurativeComprehensive ExercisesI. Cloze1. 1) legalize 2) philosophy3) sober 4) addicts5) spouses 6) deceit7) dwindle 8) pile up9) lured 10) criminal11) revenue 12) hit the headlines2. 1) indicate 2) compulsive3) addictions 4) financial5) combination 6) blueprint7) retirees 8) explosion9) identified 10) triggerII. TranslationGamblers’ family members always pay a steep price. They not only have to endure the pain of having their wealth wiped away overnight, but they are also frequently overwhelmed with feelings of depression and hopelessness.A nationwide survey found that over 2 million adults identified a spouse's gambling as a significant factor in a prior divorce. The number of divorces in a county in Mississippi has nearly tripled since the advent of casinos. The county has also witnessed increases in domestic violence since then.A considerable body of evidence showed that the expansion of legally sanctioned gambling destroys individuals, ruins families, increases crime, and ultimately costs society far more than the revenues government collects.。

综合教程5unit5答案【篇一:全新版大学英语综合教程5(第二版)unit1-7课后答案】bulary i.1. allot2. go through fire and water3. reside4. sobbed5. made no mention of6. sacrifice7. came upon8. rhythm9. volume10. something of a ii.1. i stayed on as an assistant professor.2. i hold it to my ear because i want to hear time tick away.3. the salary is not wonderful, but the duties are light.4. the moral of the lesson is not to talk to strangers.5. yes, but it cannothold a candle to huangshan.iii.1. the nasty smell from the kitchen made her stomach churn.2. when she sank into drunkenness, she was able to forget her sorrow.3. in the 1500 meters, martin and parker came first and third respectively.4. the two hills shunner fell from the north and lovely seatfrom the south flank the famous butter tubs pass.5. levi, in gratitude to joshua, gave a party for him.iv. 1. ambition-----ambition-----regardless of 2. discourse---by way of 3. is engraved---inward v. 1. have come upon/across2. had come out3. come on/up4. came across5. comes down to 6. came around/to7. comes to8. came through 9. came up with10. comes upusage1. the wilsons2. mark twain3. annie johnsons4. another winston churchill5. a mrs. burton6. a budweiser7. amonet8.an old fordcomprehensive exercisesi. cloze 1. text-related 1.go through fire and water2. salary 3. give---no peace 4. sink into5. ambition 6. by wayof7.expressive8. churned9. engraved10. not hold a candle to 11. inward 2. theme-related1. success2. literacy3. significantly4. promoting5. appropriate6. too7. later8. repetition9. invented 10. lessii. translationalthough my grandmother was illiterate, she had a good stock of myths and legends. when i was young i gave her no peace,constantly asking her to tell me stories. after she had finished her housework, she would lift me onto her lap and tell stories, all the while rocking me in rhythm.having noticed my interestin stories, my parents lost no time in initiating me into reading. they bought many storybooks with illustrations, and whenever free, they would read these stories to me over and over again. by and by i had a vocabulary large enough to read on my own. unit2 vocabulary i. 1.1) appetite 3) agency 5) saturated 7) hoisted 9) retrieve 2.1) peter was chasing the dog and tom was riding the wooden horse in the garden. 2) they all looked on except one young man. he took her to the hospital instantly. 3) i laid charges against the company and won the case.4) if we want to stay competitive, first of all we need to modernize our factory. 5) they got irrigation water from the dammed rivers.3.1) except in the oases the desert is almost devoid of vegetation, although some stunted, thornyshrubs grow in the western sahara. 2) the fruits growing wild in the coastal forest are edible.3) the national security agency made recommendations for improving safety standards in airplanes / to improve safety standards in airplanes.4) the beatles enjoyed success on a scale unparalleled by any previous pop group.5) the emergence of language was a defining factor in the evolution of modern humans.4.1) excluding other factors such as quality and price, products which are attractively packaged are bound to attract more consumers, particularly children and young people. packaging has become an important way to boost / of boosting the sales of products.2) in the eyes of some businessmen, consumers health profits. they sell 3) it can be hard to go vegetarian. the important thing is to make changes you feel comfortablewith, at your own pace. while stopping consuming any products for which animals and slaughtered may be ideal,even a slight reduction in meat consumption is a step in the right direction.5.1) get over 3) get through 5) get by 7) got in 9) get alongii. collocation2) got to 4) get over 6) get away 8) get …out 10) get away with 2) destructive 4) processed 6) utter 8) referring to 10) unfortunately1. 2. uncle tom, the long-suffering slave in harriet beecher stowes uncle toms cabin, miserable death.3. the environment.4.5. by a bear.6. my friend when i asked her whether shed found all the money shedlost.7. black people have a hard fight to fight before they win real equality.8. people with mood disorders often they toss and turn, restlesslyoccupied with negative thoughts.comprehensive exercises i. cloze 1. text-related (1) exclude (3) devoid of (5) potent (7) contaminating (9) infected2. theme-related (1) consumption (3) packed (5) population (7) grave (9) criticize(2) stubborn (4) bow to (6) drawbacks (8) heightened (10) come second to(2) between (4) evident(6) encouraging (8) against (10) itselfii. translationstudy after study has uncovered the fact that there is a close correlation between food and a with an increased consumption of plant-based foods. therefore, in the past decade, the american dietetic association has urged americans to reduce their of animal fats, and to consumption of fruits, vegetables, and grains. meanwhile, the united states department of agriculture has released a document containing the food guide pyramid, which encourages a minimum of three vegetable and two fruit servings per day. ho wever, many americans still don’t unit3 vocabulary i. 1.1) invitation 3) concede 5) conceals 7) generalize 9) for now 2.1) non-smoking area. john’s very intolerant of people who smoke. 2) she is an interesting character, and a bit of amystery to me. 3) because it does not reveal their marital status.4) we are planning on trekking through the malaysian rainforest. 5) he muttered something under his breath that i couldn’t understand. 6) they may need to wear protective rubber gloves and clothing.7) the chairperson said sometimes unemployment tempted the youth into criminal activities. 8) though she never admitted it, the look on her face when i mentioned james’ name gave heraway. 3.1) throughout history, people have been intrigued by the question of whether there is intelligentlife elsewhere in the universe.2) the hill farmers lot has never been easy and in recent years has been assailed by a series ofmajor crises. 3) as with most people in his family, grey is a great talker when hes in the mood to talk.4) few people find it necessary to condemn white lies on the grounds that they are not real lies. 5) all the evidence of your qualifications and skills that backs up the claims you make in your4.1) in general, everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding ofourselves. to disregard what the world thinks of us is not only but also utterly shameless.2) 3) those considering an adventurous safari in central africa should be awarethat there is anextremely small, but present, risk of encountering bandits on the road. thus they should decide for themselves whether such potential risks will be personally to them and their companions.2) eloquent 4) contradictory 6) guilty 8) get caught in 10) as a last resort5.1) go around / round 3) went off2) go for 4) go on5) is going on 7) go along 9) go byii. usage6) go about 8) go through 10) go over1. the manager was chatting with the chairman of the board about something that concerned the2. tom didnt really like the food, but he was being polite and ate quite a bit.3.4. by handing in papers off the internet, students are being stupid because they run the risk of5.6. some of the nurses were very rude and told edgar he7. dont talk nonsense. im being serious.comprehensive exercises i. cloze 1. text-related (1) go along (3) straightforward (5) what about (7) assert (9) resort2. theme-related (1) asserting (3) because (5) mistakes (7) end (9) dyingii. translationthe new president of our university under certain circumstances. he believes that if people get used to tellingany kind of lie, they will indulge themselves and eventually be stuck with the bad habit. to tell or not to tell a lie can world of education should the responsibility of attaching primary importance to while teaching the young. i agree with him. what about you?unit4(2) go along (4) part(6) exceptions (8) resort (10) freedom (2) honesty (4) indulge in (6) dodge (8) absurd (10) juggle【篇二:综合教程4何兆雄unit5答案】lass=txt>i. cii. 1. t 2. t 3. f 4. t 5. tiv. 1. step by step it gave an all-sided view of the complex structure of friendship.2. this was not simply a shift from one fashion to another, buta trend toward more realistic and natural depictions in cinema-making.3. the tendency to present only men as capable of true friendship was challenged by the appearance of a more subtle approach.4. buddies act tough to show off to each other, so would not reveal weakness; friends show their need for each other and are ready to confess weakness.vocabularyi. 1. endings of profound significance2. actions and words that show intimacy3. disgusting secrets4. to be dispassionate and moderate in behavior5. closed life with very little communication with the outsideii. 1. hang together 2. picking on 3. soldiering 4. showing off 5. will make a difference 6. binges 7. intimacy 8. resiliencyiii. 1. fragility 2. drastic 3. replacement 4. athleticism 5. portrayal 6. inheritance 7. confidence 8. embarrassingiv. 1. b 2. b 3. c 4. b 5. a 6. a 7. c 8. dv. 1. alter (transfer, change) 2. show (indicate, manifest, exhibit) 3. delicate (slight, nice, fine) 4. prosperity (success) 5. consider (regard, deem, judge)6. embarrassed (uneasy, uncomfortable)7. embrace (hold, cuddle)8. astonishing (amazing) vi. 1. argument 2. projects 3. friendly 4. finished 5. not to hurry 6. sensible; well-foundedgrammari. 1. the students of class one are more hardworking than those of class two.2. he has sat at the table for several hours and drunk considerably more wine than is good for his health.3. the greater the achievements (are), the more modest we should be.4. the british are crazy about pets. it is said that british parents take better care of their pets than of their children.5. tom likes pop music more than his eighteen-year-old daughter does.6. mary would do it much more quickly i would.7. i like betty and mary, but i think bettys the nicer of the two.8. its the most expensive car in the world.ii.1. in 1970, the number of students in our school was about five hundred, and in 1981, over twothousand.2. reading makes a full man, conference a ready man, and writing an exact man.3. paul likes poetry, but peter fiction.4. the hunter was frightened and was firing at the bear.5. while at college, he was a prominent athlete.6. mr. brown teaches, and his son studies, at cambridge.7. thales thought water was the beginning of everything; anaximernes, air; heraclitus, fire.8. max lost but sue found the key to the safe.iii. 1. the aeroplane, loaded to capacity, was a long time taing off.2. any dutiable articles not declared to the customs will be liable to confiscation.3. this scene, superbly acted by hey irving, moved the audience to tears.4. overseas letters sent by airmail reach their destinationfaster than those sent by train or ship.5. the castle, burnt down in the sixteenth century, was never rebuilt.6. words spoken in haste often lead to trouble.7. not a single case of t. b. was found in the x-rays studied.8. the men, soaked with sweat from an all-night march, immediately went into action. iv. 1. rather 2. rather 3.fairly/rather 4. fairly 5. rather 6. rather 7. rather 8. ratherv. what have done to your clothes? how could you have managed to get so muddy? if youve been playing on the river bank, its extremely naughty of you. you know the banks arevery slippery and that you might fall in and drown. you both know youve been forbidden to play near the river.translationi. 1. 电影镜头这种观察社会的特殊眼睛好像彻底变换了聚焦对象。

综合英语第六册-何兆熊-Unit5~8完整答案Key to unit6. are … tolerant of 7. read his lips 8. a chorus of 9. hold a referendum 10. to nurture IV IV. Explain the meaning of the underlined word or phrase in each sentence. . Explain the meaning of the underlined word or phrase in each sentence. 1. perfect in appearance or quality / as beautiful as a picture 2. long period free of change 3. time period 4. left his job early 5. reach 6. do not have sufficient 7. remembered 8. occurrences 9. held her arms and legs close to her body because of fear 10. unharmed / in one piece V . Correct the errors in the following passage. 1. end of 2. obsessed 3. follow up 删除up 4. 删除like 5. will not 6. neglected 7. related 8. 删除to 9. alone 10. therapy VI. Fill in each blank in the passage below with ONE appropriate word. 1. held 2. passed 3. discussion 4. number 5. creative 6. comprise 7. outnumber 8. accounts 9. rise 10. changed 11. longer 12. standard 13. living Key to unitII. Fill in the blanks with the appropriated forms of the given words.11.illumination 12.inspiration 13.biographical 14.devastated 15.neurotic 16.infuriating 17.obsessive 18.fixation 19.obligatory 20.interjections III. Fill in each of the blanks with a word or phrase taken from the box in its appropriated form.11.dragooned into 12.in question 13.in jeopardy 14.follow suit 15.screwed up 16.taken their toll 17.stemmed from 18.sotto voce 19.fork over 20.Tick off IV IV. . Explain the meaning of the underlined word or phrase in each sentence.11.is never a one-hundred-percent pleasant experience 12.his wish to argue with people all the time 13.an embarrassed smile 14.he had $100, 000 more than he had in the past 15.secretly listening to 16.Traffic which is traveling north 17.extreme shock and sadness 18.concluding 19.it is not necessary for you to 20.shook violently and stopped V. Correct the errors in the following passage.1. one into two 2. hide 3. shaking 4. being 5. cause 6. avoidance Key to unitText comprehension IV IV. Explain in your own words the following sentences taken from the text.. Explain in your own words the following sentences taken from the text. 5. Religion seems to be a watchful dog with a threatening appearance and becomes less comforting when it loses its credibility or when it distances itself from people by taking a sociological form. 6. Generally, superstition has something to do with man ’s strong desire to know what will happen to him in the future and his wish to have some control over his fate. Language work I. Explain the italicized part in each sentence in your own words.1. has an unrecognized control over 2. unquestionably 3. things that are supposed to contain some power to bring good luck 4. offering God too little money 5. get rid of it completely 6. comes into being 7. do away with it 8. have some control in 9. keep a distance from II. Fill in the blanks with the appropriated forms of the given words. 21. gravity 22. placatory 23. deplorable 24. manifestation 25. observances 26. absolved 27. submersion 28. divined 29. proliferation 30. neurotic III. III. Fill Fill Fill in each of the in each of the blanks with a word or phrase taken from the box in its appropriated form. 21. root out 22. has a … hold on 23. within the bounds 24. made a … appearance 25. the depth of 26. hastened to 27. come by 28. give a damn 29. stood aloof 30.yearning for IV IV. . Explain the meaning of the underlined word or phrase in each sentence.21.do unreasonable things 22.harmed the reputaion of 23.sincerely 24.try to persuade 25.god and goddess 26.rebirth 27.been strongly criticized as 28.authority 29.widespread 30.appear automatically V. Correct the errors in the following passage.1. into farmers 2. To this day 3. 删除out 4. if/whether they are compatible 5. unpredictable 6. and this 7. weigh 8. avoided 9. at times 10. slippery VI. Fill in each blank in the passage below with ONE appropriate word.37.experience 38.involving 39.image 40.news 41.details 42.memory 43.coincided 44.lives 45.dream 46.nothing 47.happened 48.turned 49.crashed 50.survivors 51.board TranslationKey to unit33.impulsive 34.recurrent/recurring 35.contradictory 36.nostalgic itancy 38.distinction 39.disillusionment 40.confirmation III. Fill in each of the blanks with a word or phrase taken from the box in its appropriated form.st-ditch attempt 32.tempting … by 33.put … aside 34.giving way to 35.in search of 36.edited out 37.disengage … from 38.opposed to 39.clings to 40.stood out 41.crusaded against 42.invalided out IV IV. . Explain the meaning of the underlined word or phrase in each sentence.31.by the right of 32.became available 33.decline (of popularity) 34.Sounding highly ironical 35.pressed her hand affectionately 36.Profits 37.opinions of the editors 38.find out the cause of 39.seductively 40.wildly/without control V. Correct the errors in the following passage.1. meet 2. 删除the 3. led 4. area 5. based in 6. aside 7. in turn 8. in 改为up 9. each other 10. political VI. Fill in each blank in the passage below with ONE appropriate word. 52.left 53.majority 54.remain 55.Most 56.not 57.both 58.buildings 59.highest 60.among 61.else 62.make 63.recently 64.display ed 66.until 67.which 68.as 69.part 70.sold 71.serves Translation 31.In July, wanderlust takes over the whole nation. 32.I am doing research on the contradictions between his private life and his public persona. 33.He felt like an impostor among all those intelligent people, as if he had no right to be there. 34.Funny, profane and fearless, she has become one of America’s biggest television celebrities. 35.a crowd of curious onlookers soon gathered to see what was happening. 36.Hearing that tune again filled him with nostalgia. ’s still dark outside. 37.I detest having to get up when it38.as a penance, she said she would buy them a box of chocolates. 39.The book contains sublime descriptive passages. 40.Perceiving that he wasn’t happy with the arangements, I booked a different hotel.。

Unit1The Fourth of JulyThe first time I went to Washington D.C. was on the edge of the summer when I was supposed tostop being a child. At least that’s what they said to us all at graduation from the eighth grade. Mysister Phyllis graduated at t he same time from high school. I don’t know what she was supposed tostop being. But as graduation presents for us both, the whole family took a Forth of July trip toWashington D.C., the fabled and famous capital of our country.我第一次到华盛顿的时候是初夏那时我想我不应该再当一个孩子。
It was the first time I’d ever been on a railroad train during the day. When I was little, and we used to go to the Connecticut shore, we always went at night on the milk train, because it was cheaper.这是我第一次真正意义上在白天时乘坐火车。

2. Why did the family go on a Fourth of July trip?
The family went on a Fourth of July trip for two reasons. The main reason was that the writer and her sister had just graduated from school and the trip was taken as an event to mark their graduation and regarded as their graduation present. The other reason was that the Fourth of July is the National Day in the USA, the day on which America won independence and freedom. As a way of celebration, most Americans will take trips to various places.
3.Give a list of the different foods the writer's mother had prepared and packed.
The writer's mother had roasted two chickens and packed slices of brown bread and butter and green pepper and carrot sticks. There were iced cakes with scalloped edges, a spice bun and rock cakes, iced tea in a wrapped mayonnaise jar, sweet pickles, dill pickles, and peaches with the fuzz still on them.

综合英语第五册_何兆熊_Unit1~4完整答案Unit 1Text ComprehensionI. Decide which of the following best states the author's purpose.AII. Judge, according to the text, whether the following statements are true of false.T F F F F T T FIV. Explain in your own words the following sentences taken from the text.1. If she paid no attention to an unpleasant thing, perhaps it would not make her feel depressed.2. From June to the end of July school closed for the summer vacation.3. Literally, the author looked up at the monuments with her eyes half-closed because of thedazzling sunshine. Figuratively, the author meant that freedom, equality and democracy were simply distorted images, she could not “see” th em clearly.4. Mother was bright black. Father was brown black. We three girls represent different shades ofblack between bright black and brown black.5. Inside the soda fountain, it was so dim and cool that the pain of my eyes was wonderfullyeased.6. No one answered my righteous and stern questions, they remained silent as if they hadcommitted something wrong.7. My anger was not going to be sympathized or noticed by my family members, because theythemselves were similarly angry.Language workI. Explain the italicized part in each sentence in your own words.1. on the edge of the summer:at the beginning of the summer2. preparations were found in the air around the house:the atmosphere of excitement could be felt but it was not talked about.3. a mobile feast:a large and enjoyable meal on the train4. as if we had never been black before:as if we had never been mistreated before5. they had contributed to it:they had partially caused it6. My fury was not to be acknowledged by a like fury:my anger was not going to be noticed by my family members because they weresimilarly angry.II. Fill in each blank with one of the two words from each pair in their appropriate forms.bruise bruised scarred scarsoaking Dampen soaked dampenadmit acknowledged acknowledge admittedagony anguish anguish agonyIII. Fill in the blank in each sentence with a word or phrase from the box, using its appropriate form.had decreedagonizingapprovinglyensconcedflairvulnerabilityreliefavowedV. Fill in each blank with an article.the: 1, 13, 15, 19.a: 3, 11, 14, 16, 17.A: 4an: 10/ : 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 18.VI. Put a word in each bland that is appropriate for the context.black behave mind meant mercythough before worse what experiencedTranslationI. Translate the following sentences into English.I haven’t seen it myself, but it is supposed to be a really good movie.The hostess cut the cheese into bite-size pieces.No one can function properly if they are deprived of adequate sleep.He carefully copied my pretense that nothing unusual had occurred.It was scorching outside; all the tourists escaped into the fan-cooled hut.I’ve come to see his fabled footwork that people talk so much about.I’m not a teacher proper, since I haven’t been trained, but I’ve h a d a lot of teaching experience.Students tend to anticipate what questions they will be asked on the examination.II. Translate the following into Chinese.如果美国对此时此刻的迫切性视而不见,低估黑人的决心,那么这对美国的命运将是休戚相关的。
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综合教程5 何兆熊Paraphrase unit5 1.The same object may be observed and judged from different
perspectives by different people.
2.No time should be wasted on worrying about etiquette because
the house, at present, is encountering an extremely crucial problem for the nation.
3.We tend to close our eyes when facing a painful truth, and be
intoxicated by the song of the sea nymph that will eventually turn us into animals.
4.As for me, I’m willing to know the whole truth, no matter how
uncomfortable, and be prepared for the worst that might happen.
5.The cunning smile, with which the British recently received our
petition, will be a trap for you to fall into.
6.These are the tools for war and suppression, the last means kings
will turn to when all arguments fall flat.
7.We have been humble and submissive in front of the British King,
and have begged his Majesty to intervene and stop the cruelty and injustice of the British government and Parliament.
8.The victory of the battle is determined not just by strength, but
by vigilance, activeness, and courage.
9.It is useless to underestimate the severity of the situation.。