
Promoting ecotourism
Promoting economic dEceotvouerilsom pcamn dreivne ltocal
economic development, improve the living standards of local residents, and also promote employment.
Spread national culture: Through travel, people can spread their own culture, history, customs, etc. to various parts of the world, enhancing the international community's understanding and identification with their own country.
Through travel, people can meet friends from all over the world, understand each other's lifestyles and cultures, and thus enhance international friendship.
Relaxation and leisure time during travel can help alleviate negative emotions such as stress, anxiety, and depression. Contact with nature and beautiful scenery can stimulate inner peace and satisfaction, enhance happiness and quality of life.

By this. But sometimes this way is very dangerous.
Maybe this will give you another experience.
People who like travelling have their reasons. They maintain that travelling can help them expand their scope of knowledge.
Do you like traveling? Where do you want to go?
Let’s travel together!
此课件下载可自行编辑修改,供参考! 感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好!
On the whole, we should get ready for everything when we want to travel. We must have a good knowledge of the weather, and we must listen to the weather report before we go out. And the most important thing that we must remember is that we should go out with a companion, who can help you out of danger.
Now let’s visit some beautiful scenery
Alpine New York
seine shanghai
Now let’s visit some beautiful scenery .
London Spanish
Travel 英语演讲ppt 精品 PPT课件

也就是说,从平均值看,名校毕业生的 收入就 已经遥 遥领先 好几倍 ,更不 用说那 些高薪 行业的 实际收 入差距 了。 好的大学,不一定保证每一个人都会有 高收入 ,但他 的确能 够为你 提供通 向高收 入的第 一块敲 门砖。 2 开学季前几天,老家的一个远房表兄传 来消息 ,刚满 17岁的 表侄小 立不愿 意再继 续读高 三,准 备辍学 去打工 。 表兄很是着急,把家族里学历比较高的 我也搬 了出来 ,希望 我能劝 劝小立 。 “我虽然这些年到处打工也挣了一些钱 ,但这 样挣钱 太辛苦 了,我 不希望 他重走 我的老 路,” 堂兄苦 口婆心 ,一再 强调, “你一 定要好 好劝劝 他:不 上学以 后没有 出路。 ” 刚开始我和这位00后表侄在微信上聊的 时候, 非常话 不投机 。 我问他:不想读书是不是觉得功课太难 了? 他答道:也没有多难,就是不想太累了 ,高考 复习很 无聊。 我劝他:再坚持几个月,苦一阵子熬一 熬就过 去了。 他回答得很干脆:太没劲!考上又能怎 么样? 现在我 家邻居x x大学 毕业上 班了, 挣的还 没我爸 高呢! 我再问他:你爸爸现在一身伤病常年要 吃药, 你不是 不知道 吧,还 有,你 爸爸为 了多挣 点钱, 一年到 头在外 面跑, 只有过 年才能 回家一 趟,这 些你也 很清楚 吧? 他无话可说了。 最后,我实在忍不住,不得不扎他一句 : “如果现在你连高考都比不过别人,凭 什么以 后你能 比别人 成功? ” 微信那头一阵静默。 后来,小立打消了退学的念头,告诉家 人他会 继续读 书,备 战高考 。 从十八线小城出身,依靠读书这条独木 桥,到 如今过 上在旁 人眼里 还不错 生活的 我,只 想用自 己的亲 身经历 ,告诉 小立这 样的年 轻人: 在本该吃点苦的年纪,千万不能选择安 逸,否 则只会 错过最 好的改 变命运 的机会 。 现在不读书,不吃苦,换来的是

Of course, the overseas tour will cost you much more money and more time than domestic tour, which is worthwhile, I think. Whatever, nothing can be done without any cost .therefore, if you are luckily enough to have time and expense with an heart towards domestic tour, than it would be a better choice for you to choose it.
Of course, the overseas tour will cost you much more money and more time than domestic tour, which is worthwhile, I think. Whatever, nothing can be done without any cost .therefore, if you are luckily enough to have time and expense with an heart towards domestic tour, than it would be a better choice for you to choose it.
Part 3
If you'd like to have an inbound tour ,about 5000RMB to 7000RMB ,you can go to any place in china ,of course,unless you are Over-consumption.The closer the place you travel, the less you spend . In fact ,we can see that most of the money in tour is used in the transport ation and accommodation,Tickets for vacation areas and the costs at local place often account for a small part of the expense,but If you have a shopping trip, it may different.
Of course, the overseas tour will cost you much more money and more time than domestic tour, which is worthwhile, I think. Whatever, nothing can be done without any cost .therefore, if you are luckily enough to have time and expense with an heart towards domestic tour, than it would be a better choice for you to choose it.
Part 3
If you'd like to have an inbound tour ,about 5000RMB to 7000RMB ,you can go to any place in china ,of course,unless you are Over-consumption.The closer the place you travel, the less you spend . In fact ,we can see that most of the money in tour is used in the transport ation and accommodation,Tickets for vacation areas and the costs at local place often account for a small part of the expense,but If you have a shopping trip, it may different.

Romantic Franch
The Maldivian archipelago located 300 miles southwest of the southern tip of India and 450 miles west of Sri Lanka is a beautiful string of 1,1 90 low-lying coral islands scattered across the equator in the vast expanse of the Indian Ocean, giving a rare glimpse of what is aptly described as a tropical paradise . Maldives is very famous for its natural beauty which includes the blue ocean and white beaches, accompanied by clean air and pleasant temperatures. The climate of the Maldives is ideal for visitors to get engaged in water sports such as swimming, fishing, scuba diving, snorkeling, water-skiing. windsurfing and kite
Something about travel
Members: 刘青,马小艳,张钧茹,张越
Travel is a very good means of broadeni ng a person's perspective. It makes yo u come into contact with different cult ures,meet people of different colors.Tr avelling much,you will not only enrich your knowledge and experience,but also be aware of the magic of nature. Travel

If you are in a hurry, you can travel this. But when But when the weather is not good, plane is often be late .
By this. But sometimes this way is very dangerous.
Where to travel How to travel Why to travel
Anderson said that “To travel is live.” Yes, we can learn a lot when we are traveling. And nowadays, travel is becoming more and more popular in our life. Where do you want to go?
Maybe this will give you another experience.
People who like travelling have their reasons. They maintain that travelling can help them expand their scope of knowledge.
Now let’s visit some beautiful scenery
New York 2021
Now let’s visit some beautiful scenery .
If you are in a hurry, you can travel this. But when But when the weather is not good, plane is often be late .
By this. But sometimes this way is very dangerous.
Where to travel How to travel Why to travel
Anderson said that “To travel is live.” Yes, we can learn a lot when we are traveling. And nowadays, travel is becoming more and more popular in our life. Where do you want to go?
Maybe this will give you another experience.
People who like travelling have their reasons. They maintain that travelling can help them expand their scope of knowledge.
Now let’s visit some beautiful scenery
New York 2021
Now let’s visit some beautiful scenery .
旅行英语演讲 ppt课件

culture • Balabalabala……
Have fun!
Travel route & resort
• Make sure of the travel route and tourism resort ,otherwise you may get lost.
You are often forced to buy things while taking group travel. What’s worse, the souvenirs you bought may be products of poor qualities.
Tour guide
Types of travel
Group travel
Backpack travel
Group travel
• In China, it is the most common way of travelling. When it comes to travelling, most Chinese people will go to a travel agency first. In a travel agency you can find a lot of travel information, the only thing you need to do is to choose a travel group to sign up for. Then go home to do the packings.
Have fun!
Travel route & resort
• Make sure of the travel route and tourism resort ,otherwise you may get lost.
You are often forced to buy things while taking group travel. What’s worse, the souvenirs you bought may be products of poor qualities.
Tour guide
Types of travel
Group travel
Backpack travel
Group travel
• In China, it is the most common way of travelling. When it comes to travelling, most Chinese people will go to a travel agency first. In a travel agency you can find a lot of travel information, the only thing you need to do is to choose a travel group to sign up for. Then go home to do the packings.

Advtion • Time saving • Security guarantees • Convenient • Making more friends • Learning while travelling
Look at the pictures below, then you can find the disadvantages of group travel.
Some famous scenic spots around the world
Eiffel Tower, Paris
Aegean Sea, Greece
Provence, France
Statue of Liberty, NY.
Stonehenge, London, UK.
Oh, no views but crowds in their photos
You must buy something.
You are often forced to buy things while taking group travel. What’s worse, the souvenirs you bought may be products of poor qualities.
• Talk about your travel experience in and outside the country.

你会发现简朴生活才是更好的生活。没有电话、 电子邮件、电视,没有工作、行程、账单;只有 你自己,你周围的环境和你的心灵。多么完美。
4. Become Street Smart(学会见机行事)
You might already be book smart but add street smart to your persona then there’s no stopping you; it’s a killer combination. Travelling teaches you many of life’s lessons and you will gain pearls of wisdom along your journey; from being able to barter, to knowing when you are trying to be conned, there are many things new places can teach you. 你可能很会读书,但要是再能有一些生存智慧,那 就是完美的组合,你将无往不胜。旅行会教给你生 活中的许多经验教训,你一边旅行一边采集智慧之 珠;从讨价还价到不受人蒙骗,每到一个新地方, 你必然会有新斩获。
当没有人能告诉你该怎么做,你将更多地 感受自由。你就是老板。你决定要去的地 方,决定要做什么,决定要待多久。
3. Simplicity(返璞归真)
You will discover how much better life can be when you live it simply. No phone, email, TV, job, schedule, bills to pay; just you, your surroundings and your mind. Perfection.
4. Become Street Smart(学会见机行事)
You might already be book smart but add street smart to your persona then there’s no stopping you; it’s a killer combination. Travelling teaches you many of life’s lessons and you will gain pearls of wisdom along your journey; from being able to barter, to knowing when you are trying to be conned, there are many things new places can teach you. 你可能很会读书,但要是再能有一些生存智慧,那 就是完美的组合,你将无往不胜。旅行会教给你生 活中的许多经验教训,你一边旅行一边采集智慧之 珠;从讨价还价到不受人蒙骗,每到一个新地方, 你必然会有新斩获。
当没有人能告诉你该怎么做,你将更多地 感受自由。你就是老板。你决定要去的地 方,决定要做什么,决定要待多久。
3. Simplicity(返璞归真)
You will discover how much better life can be when you live it simply. No phone, email, TV, job, schedule, bills to pay; just you, your surroundings and your mind. Perfection.
关于旅行的英语演讲 (课堂PPT)

t colors.Travelling much,you will not only enrich
your knowledge and experience,but also be awa
re of the magic of nature. Travel broadens your
mind and leaves you good memories. Later,you
than the written.
Some books about travel
admirable means of communication
ever devised. Its lucidity of structure
and concept, together with its
seemingly infinite variety of modes of
expression, render it equally suitable
Cradle of western civilizationfirst great language of
Western civilization, is considered by
many to be the most effective and
may go over these memories and enjoy your pas
t experiences.
Some wonderful places
• French • Maldives • XiaMen • Greece

旅行中一定有机会结识新朋友;有些有趣,有 些很闷,有些简直不可理喻。每个人都有自己 的故事,很可能有些故事还真值得一听
2.To learn about the special flavor of a certain culture
You will have the chance to taste food from all corners of the globe. Do you like eating Chinese, Thai or Indian food? You will enjoy the food even more when you eat it from the place it originated.
4.To escape from a monotonous lifestyle
Tourism can bring us out of plain and bored life ,and give us wonderful surprises and pleasure. Travel can help us to experience something unfamiliar, and inspired our curiosity to the world. And the curiosity arises our interests to life. So we can escape from a boring lifestyle by travel, and I believe when we come back from a travel we will feel refreshed, energetic and have more passion to life and work.
5.To expect a miracle in life
2.To learn about the special flavor of a certain culture
You will have the chance to taste food from all corners of the globe. Do you like eating Chinese, Thai or Indian food? You will enjoy the food even more when you eat it from the place it originated.
4.To escape from a monotonous lifestyle
Tourism can bring us out of plain and bored life ,and give us wonderful surprises and pleasure. Travel can help us to experience something unfamiliar, and inspired our curiosity to the world. And the curiosity arises our interests to life. So we can escape from a boring lifestyle by travel, and I believe when we come back from a travel we will feel refreshed, energetic and have more passion to life and work.
5.To expect a miracle in life

Why do we travel ?
To expand one’s horizons To fulfill curiosity for something exotic To expect a miracle in life To escape from a monotonous lifestyle To learn about the special flavor of a certain culture • Balabalabala…… • • • • •
Travel? It’s Life!
yesterday is history tomorrow is a mystery today is a gift that's why we call it the present
昨日已为历史 明日稍显神秘 今日却是礼物 所以我们称之为当下 要把握当下的时间 ,凡事从现在开始。 实现梦想如此,开始旅行也是如此
#Have fun!!
!!别等LA# 没毛病!
Travel route(路线) & resort(度假 胜地)
• Make sure of the travel route and tourism resort ,otherwise you may get lost. • To make plans about travel route and resort you can refer to some guide books or you may look for some useful information on the Internet . Asking a native guide or friend is another good choice.
About Travel主题英语演讲PPT课件

Tour guide
Have a nap on the tourist bus
A vicious
circle of
group travel Get on the bus
Get off the bus
Take photos
Backpack travel
• As a new type of travel, backpack travel is developing rapidly in recent years . More and more people are tired of group travel, they want to travel independently . They want to see places which most of us don’t familiar with.
Travel alone, maybe we can not enjoy the happy that sharing with others. But when being used to it, we can also be very delighted just standing there as if the beauty is only belong to ourselves.
• No preparation • Time saving • Security guarantees • Convenient • Making more friends • Learning while travelling