
马克吐温作品集 Corporation standardization office #QS8QHH-HHGX8Q8-GNHHJ8


Abstract:Incongruity theory properly explains humorous effects of Mark Twain’s sketches,giving us a better understanding onthe author’s writing tactics.A Dog’s Tale(1903),for its tragic ending,is usually taken as a desperate expression by Mark Twain inhis late years;while the humorous effects are neglected by critics.Actually,the innocent narrator in the story has no difference withthe protagonists in Twain’s early works,who creates so many incongruities which give the story a color of humor.关键词:不协调人性悲观Keywords:incongruity morality pessimism基金项目:上海大学研究生创新基金(SHUCX102078)资助。

马克·吐温(Mark Twain),美国著名作家和演说家,真实姓名是萨缪尔·兰亨·克莱门(Samuel Langhorne Clemens)。
中文名萨缪尔·兰亨·克莱门外文名Samuel Langhorne Clemens别名美国密苏里州佛罗里达的乡村出生日期1835年11月30日逝世日期1910年4月21日职业小说家、演说家目录1人物生平1835年11月30日马克·吐温出生于美国密苏里州佛罗里达的乡村贫穷律师家庭。


《一只狗的独白》 马克吐温


Abstract:Incongruity theory properly explains humorous effects of Mark Twain’s sketches,giving us a better understanding onthe author’s writing tactics.A Dog’s Tale(1903),for its tragic ending,is usually taken as a desperate expression by Mark Twain inhis late years;while the humorous effects are neglected by critics.Actually,the innocent narrator in the story has no difference withthe protagonists in Twain’s early works,who creates so many incongruities which give the story a color of humor.关键词:不协调人性悲观Keywords:incongruity morality pessimism基金项目:上海大学研究生创新基金(SHUCX102078)资助。

IntroductionMark Twain (pseudonym of Samuel Langhorne Clement, 1835-1910) was a famous writer, journalist and humorist of USA. He was 19 century American critical realism literature's excellent representative, he stood in the humanitarian standpoint, bitterly to expose the American democracy and freedom under the cover of hypocrisy, criticized the United States as a capitalist countries inherent social drawbacks, such as racial discrimination, worship of the feudal autocracy, the church, the hypocrisy, aggression and expansion, the performance of the real democracy, free life yearning. Mark Twain was also a famous humorous irony writer for his humorous distinctive style. Lu Xun evaluated Mark Twain that "became a humorist, was for the life, but there were sorrow and irony contained in the humor, it was unwilling caused of that." Mark Twain once said: "we cannot only amuse blindly, but should we have higher ideals." Mark Twain's humor was not only for laughing at human weakness, but enlarge and show people that, hoping that human beings become more perfect, more ideal.Most of his novels focus on the relationship between man and society , and his most distinguished novels, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer(1876), and its sequel, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1885),with several short stories (such as Calaveras county and the 1,000,000 pound bank-note )have gained much attention and have established his reputation and spread his influence worldwide . However, his short story A Dog's Tale whose protagonist is not usual man but an innocent dog, has received less attention than it deserves. In this brief essay, I would like to focus on analyzing the character of a dog from two sides, including both positive and passive sides, through hers attitude toward other dogs and human beings, thus to show Mark Twain’s humanism and the story’s social significance.1. Summary of the story line of A Dog’s TaleA D og’s Tale is a short story written by Mark Twain in his old age. It first appeared in the December 1903 issue of Harper’s magazine. In January of the following year it was extracted into a stand-alone pamphlet published for the National Anti-Vivisection Society. Still later in 1904 it was expanded into a book published by Harper & Brothers. The fiction is told from the standpoint of a loyal household pet, and describes the heroine dog, Aileen's life as a puppy and her separation from her mother, which to her was inexplicable. Her mother was vain and light-hearted but still very kind, brave and noble dog. Aileen’s puppy and her owner's new child were soon added to her new home. When a fire breaks out in the nursery, the dog risks her life to drag the baby to safety. In the process, her motives are misunderstood and she is cruelly beaten. Soon however, the truth of the situation is discovered and she receives no end of praise. Later in the story, her puppy dies as a result of the owner's biological experiments. Only a servant seems to realize the irony, exclaiming, "Poor little doggie, you saved HIS child!" In the end, the dog pines inconsolable over the grave of the puppy with the clear implication that she will do so until death.2. Analysis of Aileen’s character2.1 Attitude towards other dogsIn this short story, the heroine is a dog, named Aileen Mavoureen. First as a dog, other than other dogs, she has a kind and honest heart. We can conclude this from her attitude towards her vain and light-hearted but kind and gentle mother. Her mother likes to say some fine large words to other dogs; she hears those words from man's talking or going to the Sunday-school with hers master. Beside she also likes speaking phrases and even telling short amusing stories, but what she really cares is the phrase or the story itself rather than its meanings. While she is such light-hearted, other dogs still follow her speech, and pretend to understand her words. For she is the only “well-educated” dog. However, only the heroine Aileen doesn't blindly follow her. She keeps a rational mind toward those so called knowledge, which her mother hasalways pressed to her and other dogs. One good example is that one day when her mother tells them a funny short story, although it seems that she doesn't catch the amusing point, she herself laughs all the time without stopping, and even fells down to the ground. At that time, the listeners are all laughing with her even though they don't understand the meaning of the story at all, because they don't want to show their ignorance in front of other dogs. While Aileen not, she knows they all pretended. Only she keeps a clear mind to those faculties. As the Chinese saying goes “When you know a thing, to hold that you know it; and when you do not know a thing, to allow that you do not know it.”, Aileen observes hers own rules of knowledge. But although she knows her mother's vanity, she never reveals hers tricks and weakness in front of others, for she thinks her mother is a really good dog with many virtues, and this virtues are enough to make up all hers disadvantages. So these virtues are that her mother is kind and gentle to others all the time, and she holds a rich and wise thoughts in the term of morality. It is her mother who teaches her to be brave and acting without delay in time of danger, and face the danger that threatens friends or strangers, help them the best without thinking what the cost might to be her. And she doesn't just say but act those words in reality, from which Aileen learns hers wise and thoughtful words as well as hers act, and lives her life for the best good of others. As all being said in this paragraph, Aileen holds a excellent character, that is she gets rid of all the bad and negative influences from her mother’s vanity and other dogs’ blindness, but absorbs all her mother’s advantages, such as kindness, braveness and devoted spirit, all these good character can find their ways in Aileen’s grown-up life.2.2 Attitude towards mankindIn the eyes of Aileen, her master with his family members and all other things are ever pleasant: Mrs. Gray is so sweet and lovely; her children are so cute; especially Mr. Gray is quick, rational intellectual and has a forbidding occupation ---Scientist. Even the servants are all very kind. So Aileen lives a heavenly life and holds a grateful attitude toward the happiness she owns. As she says to herself": I tried in all ways to do well and right, and honor my mother's memory and teachings, andearn the happiness that had come to me, as best I could.” And so she does. Once when the nursery room was on fire, and the baby was in danger, she saved his life despite of her own life. Actually, in the time of facing danger, as a dog, Aileen should have escaped from the fire place, and that is hers instinct, but she made a reaction just like a responsible man. From here we can see that Aileen has a rational mind as human beings, which is beyond an animal's instinct. Just as her master said" a rational man can enter into the heaven after their death...", if this is the truth, then the little dog could enter into the heaven as man when she dies. In this sense, Aileen’s kindness and braveness have founded full expression. However her master misunderstands and violently strokes her, and caused hers foreleg to be lame. In spite all this, when the family call her to return home, she still feels grateful. From this, we can see that Aileen is a really kind and grateful dog. Like human beings, she has emotion toward those people who have given her a heavenly life, and she keeps in her mind and would not forgot forever. Even when she gets hurt from them, she would still return them goodness back. Those her virtues would make the brightest man bleak. Later her cruel master tested on her little puppy and resulted in the little creature's death. At first, she felt happy for her little puppy had gained those so called scientists' attention, even when they buried the poor soul's body, she was still relaxed, because in her mind, her puppy would sprout and grow from the soil just like the seed. What an innocent soul! And when she knew the truth from the servant's words "the humble little friend is gone where the beasts that perish go." At last, she began to refuse any food, hers body and spirit are dying down. What goes with all this are the purity and kindness. From this we can see that Aileen is too innocent to imagine the dark side in the reality. May be in her mind , there is no word called evil and cruelty, or her mother never told her what the different meaning of evil and goodness in the world. So even though she has a so tragic end, she doesn't hold a hateful attitude toward mankind. After all she is an image in the imaginable novel. Maybe she is just too emotional and innocent to live in that material and pragmatic society. As in my mind, through depicting such a perfect character, here the author wants to show us the ideal image of humans, and hopes that human beings become more perfect, more ideal.3. Mark Twain’s Humanism and Social SignificanceThrough the eyes of a dog, Mark Twain expresses his concern for human's weakness. In contrast to animal, our human beings' original innocent and kindness are gradually fading away. To the society, throughout the whole passage, we can see the cruelty of the so called scientists from the innocent dog eyes. They are in the good name of the health of man and advance of human society, test on animals only for testifying their assuming theory. Here, Mark Twain wants the readers to realize man's weakness, and reflect from the short story. With the development of human civilization, humans become more and more powerful to get what we want, but at the seam time we almost lost many simple but very important characters such as innocence and sympathy. Under the strengthen social pressure day by day, individuals all tended to nervous and be agitated ,becoming privative and insen sible to others. It’s really the problem of the human civilization. Since every creature in this wide world is equal to each other no matter how small it is. Most of time, we can learn much from the animals near us and that could be indispensable. And for the sake of promoting man's whole development, we should hold a universal love toward the whole world. In that way, man could live harmoniously with animal and plant, only in such way can we promote all-round social progress.4. ConclusionFrom all we have discussed above, it shows that Aileen is kind and treats all things gently; she is rational towards what she has heard from her mother, she gets rid of her mother's vanity and lightness but absorbs hers wise and noble thoughts; she holds a honest attitude to hers ignorance other than those blindly pretend to be knowable. In addition, she is grateful to what her master and his family have given to her, so she tries hard to return them back, even in the cost of her life, she would be no pitiful. But she is just too innocent and ignorant to see clearly the man's society. Indeed, she keeps too much affection and kindness. In some sense, it is a kind of estimable character, but from other sight, it may obscure her rational mind and in the end causes hers all hopes and emotions to fade away---her tragic end. All of these, it can be concluded that Aileen is a ideal and perfect man image in Mark Twain's novels but never exists in the real world. She embodies Mark Twain’s all hope for humans, and as an image of a literary work, she acts as a reminder, reminds people the good nature of life, promotes us to find and show the beauty in our real life.Works citedMark Twain. A Dog’s Tale. Dalian :Dalian University of Technology Press,2010.1Mark Twain's Humor and Irony in The Stolen White Elephant English Square Magazine 2011(7)Sperber, Dan&Wilson, Deirdre. Relevance: Communication and Cognition [M].Second edition.Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,2001.Mark Twain.The Gilded Age.http://www.books—by—isbn.com/auth0rs/mark/twain8] 曹娟.马克吐温上海:上海外语教育出版社,2008.10李超邓兴. 新编英美概况 [M] 汕头:汕头大学出版社,2004邱茜. 论马克吐温的幽默环球市场信息导报 2011.7王旭红. 马克吐温短篇小说精选大连:大连理工大学出版社,2010.1。


《狗的自述》中陌生化的讽刺艺术作者:魏宝华王显星来源:《文学教育》 2020年第21期魏宝华王显星内容摘要:“陌生化”是一种艺术表现手法,它可以使人产生惊奇感,其基本原则是利用表面毫无关联而内在存在密切联系的很多因素的对立和冲突,造成“陌生化”的现象,从而使人的感官和情感受到刺激和冲突。
马克· 吐温是19世纪美国最杰出的现实主义作家、幽默小说大师,《狗的自述》一文运用陌生化的技巧透过一只狗的经历对当代人类的丑陋、自私的一面进行了辛辣的讽刺。


狗的自述 ----A Dog's Tale我们来到这个世界上是为一个高尚的目的,不要发牢骚,好好地尽我们的责任,碰到什么生活就过什么生活,尽量想到别人的利益,不管结果如何,那不是我们能管的事情。
My father was a St. Bernard, my mother was a collie, but I am a Presbyterian. This is what my mother told me, I do not know these nice distinctions myself. To me they are only fine large words meaning nothing. My mother had a fondness for such; she liked to say them, and see other dogs look surprised and envious, as wondering how she got so much education. But, indeed, it was not real education; it was only show: she got the words by listening in the dining-room and drawing-room when there was company, and by going with the children to Sunday-school and listening there; and whenever she heard a large word she said it over to herself many times, and so was able to keep it until there was a dogmatic gathering in the neighborhood, then she would get it off, and surprise and distress them all, from pocket-pup to mastiff, which rewarded her for all her trouble. If there was a stranger he was nearly sure to be suspicious, and when he got his breath again he would ask her what it meant. And she always told him. He was never expecting this but thought he would catch her; so when she told him, he was the one that looked ashamed, whereas he had thought it was going to be she. The others were always waiting for this, and glad of it and proud of her, for they knew what was going to happen, because they had had experience. When she told the meaning of a big word they were all so taken up with admiration that it never occurred to any dog to doubt if it was the right one; and that was natural, because, for one thing, she answered up so promptly that it seemed like a dictionary speaking, and for another thing, where could they find out whether it was right or not? for she was the only cultivated dog there was. By and by, when I was older, she brought home the word Unintellectual, one time, and worked it pretty hard all the week at different gatherings, making much unhappiness and despondency; and it was at this time that I noticed that during that week she was asked for the meaning at eight different assemblages, and flashed out a fresh definition every time, which showed me that she had more presence of mind than culture, though I said nothing, of course. She had one word which she always kept on hand, and ready, like a life-preserver, a kind of emergency word to strap on when she was likely to get washed overboard in a sudden way—that was the word Synonymous. When she happened to fetch out a long word which had had its day weeks before and its prepared meanings gone to her dump-pile, if there was a stranger there of course it knocked him groggy for a couple of minutes, then he would come to, and by that time she would be away down wind on another tack, and not expecting anything; so when he'd hail and ask her to cash in, I (the only dog on the inside of her game) could see her canvas flicker a moment—but only just a moment—then it would belly out taut and full, and she。

《败坏了赫德莱堡的人》讲述了素以诚实、清高著称 的赫德莱堡小镇,因得罪了一个外乡人而遭到报复。 外乡人以一袋金币为诱饵,使镇上十九位首要公民 明争暗斗,最终使赫德莱堡的名声彻底败坏。 在这 篇文章中马克· 吐温收起了笑脸,满怀辛辣的讽刺, 无情地揭下了资产阶级诚实和道德的假面具,讽刺 了他们的伪善本质。赫德莱堡实际上可以看成整个 美国社会的缩影,而那十九位首要居民也就是全体 资产阶级的代表。理查兹夫妇形象十分鲜明:收到 金币后,他们后悔当初没有做那件善事,并苦苦思 索那个固德逊可能说的话。收到信后,妻子高兴得 昏了过去,在自我想象中完成了救助过固逊的壮举。 领取金币时,他们本想坦白,但因牧师的包庇,逃 出了丑闻。拍卖金币时,他们去又一次被诱惑。非 常形象地表现了当时资产阶级的伪善。
《竞选州长》讲述了“我”在成为独立党纽约州 州长候选人后,被竞争对手斯坦华特· 伍福特 先生和约翰· 霍夫曼先生屡次诬蔑,在各大媒 体上公布那所谓的种种罪行,后来又多出了许 多匿名信。最终,“我”成为了臭名昭著的 “伪证犯”、“蒙大那小偷”、“盗尸犯”、 “酗酒狂”、“肮脏的贿赂犯”和“恶心的讹 诈犯”,并放弃了竞选。这篇文章揭露了美国 “民主政治”的虚伪,告诉人们资本主义的所 谓“自由竞选”,“民主政治”不过是资产阶 级政权互相争权夺利的工具。
《百万英镑》 《卡拉维拉斯县驰名的跳蛙》 《坏孩子的故事》 《火车上的嗜人事件》 《我最近辞职的事实经过》 《田纳西的新闻界》 《好孩子的故事》 《我怎样编辑农业报》 《大宗牛肉合同的事件始末》 《竞选州长》 《我给参议员当秘书的经历》 《哥尔斯密的朋友再度出洋》 《神秘的访问》 《一个真实的故事》 《法国人大决斗》 《稀奇的经验》 《加利福尼亚人的故事》 《他是否还在人间? 》 《和移风易俗者一起上路》 《败坏了赫德莱堡的人》 《狗的自述》 《三万元的遗产》

有 一天 能再 长 出来 ,可是 那一 天一 直都 没有 等 到 。 国 内很 多 学 者 同意 小 说 的主题 是 探 讨 人 性 和 道德 观 。如 孙 继涛 指 出 “ 动 物 和人扮 演 的道 德 角色 发 生 了错位 。在道 德上 , 出身动 物 界 的狗被 擢 升为 有情 有义 、 舍 生忘死 的 ‘ 人’ , 而 人则 堕落 为 薄情 寡 义 、 暴 殄 天物 的 ‘ 兽’ 。人 性被 从 人 的躯体 中抽 出来 , 注入
s t o r y wi t h h e r mo t h e r a n d he t Gr a y s t o t h e d u e l b e t we e n h u ma n i t y a n d r e a s o n . Wi t h t h e t r i u mp h o f r e a s o n , r e p r e s e n t e d b y Mr .Gr a y , h u ma n i t y w a s d e f e a t e d , w h i c h d e c l a r e s h u ma n b e i n g s ’ d e g e n e r a t i o n t o b e a s t s .
鄙的 , 当他与上帝 的良善 区别开来 的时候 , 作家才
会采 用 辛辣 的幽默 手法 , 而 当人 被认 为 是善 良的 时
候, 作者往往言语 间就显得和善” [ 。 《 狗的自述》 中
叙 述 者 以第 一 人 称 的形 式 从 一条 狗 的角 度 向人们 讲 述 了一 个 悲 惨 的故 事 : “ 我 ”对 主人 一 家 忠 心耿 耿, 而“ 我” 的小狗 仔 被身 为科 学 家 的冷血 男 主人 抓



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狗的自述 ----A Dog's Tale
My father was a St. Bernard, my mother was a collie, but I am a Presbyterian. This is what my mother told me, I do not know these nice distinctions myself. To me they are only fine large words meaning nothing. My mother had a fondness for such; she liked to say them, and see other dogs look surprised and envious, as wondering how she got so much education. But, indeed, it was not real education; it was only show: she got the words by listening in the dining-room and drawing-room when there was company, and by going with the children to Sunday-school and listening there; and whenever she heard a large word she said it over to herself many times, and so was able to keep it until there was a dogmatic gathering in the neighborhood, then she would get it off, and surprise and distress them all, from pocket-pup to mastiff, which rewarded her for all her trouble. If there was a stranger he was nearly sure to be suspicious, and when he got his breath again he would ask her what it meant. And she always told him. He was never expecting this but thought he would catch her; so when she told him, he was the one that looked ashamed, whereas he had thought it was going to be she. The others were always waiting for this, and glad of it and proud of her, for they knew what was going to happen, because they had had experience. When she told the meaning of a big word they were all so taken up with admiration that it never occurred to any dog to doubt if it was the right one; and that was natural, because, for one thing, she answered up so promptly that it seemed like a dictionary speaking, and for another thing, where could they find out whether it was right or not? for she was the only cultivated dog there was. By and by, when I was older, she brought home the word Unintellectual, one time, and worked it pretty hard all the week at different gatherings, making much unhappiness and despondency; and it was at this time that I noticed that during that week she was asked for the meaning at eight different assemblages, and flashed out a fresh definition every time, which showed me that she had more presence of mind than culture, though I said nothing, of course. She had one word which she always kept on hand, and ready, like a life-preserver, a kind of emergency word to strap on when she was likely to get washed overboard in a sudden way—that was the word Synonymous. When she happened to fetch out a long word which had had its day weeks before and its prepared meanings gone to her dump-pile, if there was a stranger there of course it knocked him groggy for a couple of minutes, then he would come to, and by that time she would be away down wind on another tack, and not expecting anything; so when he'd hail and ask her to cash in, I (the only dog on the inside of her game) could see her canvas flicker a moment—but only just a moment—then it would belly out taut and full, and she。