



美国(United States of America ),是由华盛顿哥伦比亚特区、50个州、波多黎各自由邦和关岛等众多海外领土组成的联邦共和立宪制国家。

其主体部分位于北美洲中部,美国中央情报局《世界概况》1989年至1996年初始版美国总面积列明 9,372,610 km 2,1997年修正为963万平方公里(加上五大湖中美国主权部分和河口、港湾、内海等沿海水域面积),人口 3.1亿,通用英语,是一个移民国家。











加拿大(Canada ),为北美洲最北的国家,西抵太平洋,东迄大西洋,北至北冰洋,东北部和丹麦领地格陵兰岛相望,东部和法属圣皮埃尔和密克隆群岛相望,南方与美国本土接壤,西北方与美国阿拉斯加州为邻。



























班级 姓名:





“M 大街购物廊”座落于“米奇大街”上,将为游客提供主题乐园内最丰富的礼品和纪念品选择,包括一系列精选服装、配饰、礼品、家饰品和首饰。









新西兰(New Zealand ),又译纽西兰,位于太平洋西南部,是个岛屿国家。




New Zealand (New Zealand), and translation of New Zealand, is located in the southwest Pacific, and is a island countries. New Zealand two large islands to cook strait separating, south island near Antarctica, north island and Fiji and tonga another, covers an area of 26.8 square kilometers. Capital, Wellington, is the largest city in Auckland. The New Zealand economy and vitality, belong to a developed country.新西兰国鸟——几维鸟(奇异鸟)几维鸟又名奇异鸟,学名为鹬鸵。

新西兰最早的居民毛利人将这种叫声为“kiwi !kiwi !kiwi !” 的鸟命名为奇异鸟。







Capital, Wellington. Wellington is the world in the capital of the southern. Auckland region is New Zealand'smost populousregions,the world'slargest Polynesian heartland. Is the largest port and naval port and airport, is a no pollution clean city, urban architecture is mostly some wood bungalow.风俗习惯custom新西兰人见面和告别均行握手礼(Handshake),习惯的握手方式是紧紧握手,目光直接接触,男士应等候妇女先伸出手来。



新环球影城里最好玩的项目就是“ 变形金刚4D”,我仿佛进入到了变形金 刚的电影世界里,坐在动感车里,跟“ 威震天”迎面较量,偶尔有水花喷落下 来,当从高楼大厦的楼顶急速冲向地面 时,我忍不住喊叫起来,简直太刺激了 !
新加坡动物园被誉为全世界最有特色的动物园。 在这里,我可以与很多的小动物近距离接触。以前我 看到的蝙蝠都是飞行状态,这次我竟然看到它就停站 在我跟前的树枝上。还有模样可爱的环尾狐猴,在我 头顶的树藤上窜来窜去,开心得像是见到了好朋友。
愚园路第一小学 三(3)班
第一版:新加坡介绍 第二版:城市概况 第三版:圣淘沙旅游 第四版:新加坡动物园
新加坡共和国通称新加坡,旧称为 新嘉坡、星洲或星岛,别称狮城,是东 南亚的一个岛国。该国位于马来半岛南 端,毗邻马六甲海峡南口,其南面有新 加坡海峡与印尼相望,北面有柔佛海峡 与马来西亚紧邻,并以新柔长堤与第二 通道等桥梁相连於新马两岸之间。新加 坡的国土除了本岛之外,还包括周围数 岛,比如裕廊岛、德光岛、乌敏岛和圣 淘沙等。 新加坡
“狮城之国”新加坡位于马来半岛,是由新加坡本岛和其他 几十个毗邻的小岛组成的总面积约640平方公里的国家,是世界 上面积最小的几个国家之一。新加坡河流贯整个国家,是新加坡 的母亲河。 新加坡的官方语言有四种,分别是汉语、英语、马来语和泰 米尔语。别看新加坡国家小,却是个有着差不多两百多个民族的 国家。因为人口复杂的关系,形成多个民族文化区,同时成为新 加坡的购物观光胜地。 新加坡是不折不扣的航空中心,依靠着新大洋州紧紧联系在一起 。樟宜国际机场是世界上最繁忙的航空港之一,她的航线通达54 个国家和地区,127个城市之多,是东南亚最大的机场之一。

【推荐】数学小报初一暑假 愉快的暑假小报 我的快乐暑假生活小报 A4横排 电子小报手抄报word模板可编辑

【推荐】数学小报初一暑假 愉快的暑假小报 我的快乐暑假生活小报 A4横排 电子小报手抄报word模板可编辑




















☐N 边形的内角和等于(n-2)·180°。


☐完全平方公式(a + b)²=a ²+2ab+b ²; ☐ (a-b) ²=a ²-2ab+b ² ☐平方差公式(a +b )(a-b)=a ²-b ²☐(a+b+c)²=a ²+b ²+c ²+2ab+2ac+2bc ☐(a+b-c) ²=a ²+b ²+c ²+2ab-2ac-2bc☐(a-b+c) ²=a ²+b ²+c ²-2ab+2ac-2bc☐同底数幂相除,底数不变,指数相减。



























防溺水 1.遵守交通法规,不闯红灯、不翻越隔离栏。




1.尽量不让孩子独自在家,不让孩子攀爬阳台、 门窗或其他高处;

4.提醒孩子遇到突发事件,不要围观,远离突发事 件现场;让孩子牢记一个联系电话,万一发生 意外可以立即拨打。




-5.6℃ — 8.6℃,降水量 15— 750 毫米。 青海地处中纬度地带, 太阳 辐射强度 大, 光照时 间长,年总 辐 射 量每平 方厘米 可达
690.8— 753.6 千焦耳, 直接辐射量占辐射量的 60%以上, 年绝对值 超过 418.68 千焦耳,仅次于西藏,位居全国第二。
学校: 班级: 姓名:
青海古称西海、鲜水海、 卑禾羌海,自十六国时期称 青海。藏语称错温波,蒙古语称 库库诺尔,均意为青色的湖。古 为西戎地,汉为西羌地。西汉后期 曾于湖北岸置西海郡,隋朝时北部是 中国领土, 1242 年全部并入蒙古大汗国,蒙古大汗国 后成为元朝,从元朝开始时全部是中国领土,其土地 属宣政院管辖;明属朵甘都司等;明末清初属和硕特 蒙古政权,清朝初为卫藏地,后分设西宁办事大臣, 又称青海办事大臣,为青海得名的开始;中华民国初 设青海办事长官,后属甘边宁海镇守使,之后建青海 省,省名至今未变。
青海省为我国青藏高原上 的重要省份之一,因境内有 全国最大的内陆咸水湖— —青海湖,而得省名。青海 省简称青,是长江、黄河、 澜沧江的发源地,被誉为 “江河源头” 、“中华水塔” 。
89°35至′ 103°04,′
北纬 31°40至′ 39°19。′东西长 1200 公里,南北宽 800 公里,面积
到蒸馏一套完整的酿造技艺, 自成体系。 解放后, 改革和完善生产工艺, 采用先进的 “老五言法 ”代替过去的 “转
醅续渣法 ”,其色、香、味独具一格。特点是香味纯正,酒体澄明,醇和绵软,回味悠长。青海青梨酒厂生产

愉快的暑假小报 我的快乐暑假生活小报 A4横排 电子小报手抄报word模板可编辑15份精选【推荐】

愉快的暑假小报 我的快乐暑假生活小报 A4横排 电子小报手抄报word模板可编辑15份精选【推荐】







一路上,我像快乐的小鸟,欢呼雀跃,心情格外舒爽,因为我马上就可以见到盼望已久的海底世界了! 来到海底世界,走进大门,过了一段隧道,此时周围已是漆黑一片,只见一个个大大的鱼缸,哇,真美啊,鱼缸里放满了各种各样的“七彩鱼”!有红的、黄的、棕色的、橙色、黑色的……还有几种颜色混杂的,数也数不清,花花绿绿,它们一会儿游到东,一会儿游到西,可爱极了!看着看着,我觉得自己仿佛在遨游大海,这些七彩鱼儿围绕着我,和我一起做游戏呢,感觉美妙极了!不是爸爸叫我,我还真舍不得离开呢,爸爸笑着说:“小傻瓜,里面还有更好看的呢!”爸爸拉着我来到了海豚馆,我们蹑手蹑脚地坐到了观众席上,生怕打扰到海豚们。




真是太神奇了,小海豚,你们真了不起! 随后我们又参观了正伸着懒腰的北极熊,在海底畅游的鲨鱼……参观结束了,我们恋恋不舍地离开了海底世界这个令人难忘的地方。


我们头顶上有一个大的、斜着的水族箱,里面有尖嘴鱼……往里走,有一只鳄鱼趴在非常浅的水里睡觉,好奇怪呀! 再往里走,呀!怎么还有海怪呢,它一动也不动,在水族箱里发呆呢,我拍了拍玻璃,它看了我一眼,又开始发呆了,“哼!你不理我,我也不理你了!”我边说边往里走,刚走一点,我就把气消了,这是为什么呢?因为我看见了几只长勃龟,游来,游去,真可爱。












历史博物馆真有趣啊,⼤家如果有时间也可以去参观哦!⼩学⽣暑假放假简短祝福寄语1. 暑假到,背书包,三五成群往家跑。





HappyMy Summer HolidayTimes flys. My summer holiday is coming to the end. My holiday is just so so. It is not too much difference as before. At the biginning of the vacation, I was doing my homework. After all, study comes first. After I finished my homework, it was almost the end of July. It is the time for me to help my family for harvest. It is so tired to to the farm work. Howevr, being a member of our family, I have to give a hand. Watching the achievement, I felt proud though I just help a little. After finished the farm work, I found myself become much more tan. Who cares! Itwas my happy time, when I finished all the things. I went out with my friends almost everyday. Sometimes we played games or sport or went hiking. Sometimes we went shopping in the evening for the sun is too heavy in the daytime. We felt uncomfortable. But now there are two days left before the school opening time. So I have to stay at home for a good rest to store energyfor my study. Everything is so perfect. It is 11 o’clock. I think I have to say good ninght now.My good friendI have a good friend.She is a pretty girl.She lives in Jiujiang.She is a middle school student.She has big eyes,a small mouth,a small nose and a round face.She is tall and thin.She likes watching TV and playing the basketball.On the weekend,she always plays basketball with her friends in the afternoon and watches TV inthe evening.She is a good student.She is good at English.She likes speaking in English.She always reports news in English in her school.She says we are good friends.We send e-mails to each other everyday.I like her very much.Summer HolidayIce CreamAs we are approaching summer it seems as anexcuse to eat more ice cream without feelingguilty.Choose your flavour and take a bit. It'sway too yummy!。



英语六年级下册暑期旅行计划手抄报图文结合全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1Hello everyone! I'm so excited to tell you about my summer vacation plan for the sixth grade. I can't wait to share it with you!First, I have decided to visit the beach with my family. We will build sandcastles, swim in the ocean, and collect seashells. I love playing in the waves and feeling the sun on my face.Next, we are going to go camping in the mountains. We will roast marshmallows over a campfire, go hiking on the trails, and maybe even see some wildlife. I can't wait to sleep in a tent under the stars!After that, we will visit some historical sites in our city. We will learn about the past and how our city has changed over the years. I love exploring new places and learning new things.Finally, we will have a staycation at home. We will have a movie night, play board games, and have a barbecue in our backyard. I can't wait to spend time with my family and make some great memories.I'm so excited for my summer vacation plan and I can't wait for all the fun adventures that await me. I hope you all have a great summer too!篇2Title: My Super Fun Summer Vacation Plan!Hey friends! It's finally summer vacation and I'm so excited to share my awesome travel plans with you all. I can't wait to have the best summer ever!First stop: Beach Bonanza!I'm kicking off my summer vacation with a trip to the beach. I'll be building sandcastles, swimming in the waves, and soaking up the sun. I'll even try some surfing and beach volleyball – it's going to be epic!Next up: Camping Adventure!After the beach, I'm going on a camping trip with my family. We'll roast marshmallows, go hiking, and tell spooky stories by the campfire. I'll also try my hand at fishing – I hope I catch a big one!Then: Theme Park Extravaganza!I can't wait to visit a theme park and ride all the roller coasters and thrill rides. I'll eat cotton candy, play games, and win prizes. It's going to be a day full of fun and excitement!Finally: Sightseeing Spectacular!To wrap up my summer vacation, I'm going on a sightseeing tour of a nearby city. I'll visit museums, monuments, and parks. I'll take lots of pictures and make memories that will last a lifetime.I'm so excited for my summer vacation plans – it's going to be the best one yet! I hope you all have an amazing summer too. See you in September, my friends!Love, [Your Name]篇3Title: My Summer Vacation Plan!Hey guys! I'm so excited to share my summer vacation plan with you all. This summer, I'm going on a super fun trip with my family and I can't wait to tell you all about it!First, we're going to visit the beach. I love playing in the sand and splashing in the waves. I can't wait to build sandcastles andcollect seashells. I'm going to bring my favorite beach toys and maybe even try surfing for the first time!After the beach, we're going to visit a theme park. I love going on roller coasters and spinning rides. I'm going to eat all the yummy snacks and win lots of prizes. I can't wait to take pictures with all the characters and ride all the exciting attractions.Next, we're going camping in the mountains. I love roasting marshmallows by the campfire and sleeping under the stars. I'm going to go hiking and explore the beautiful nature around us. I can't wait to see all the animals and maybe even spot a bear!Finally, we're going to visit some historical sites. I love learning about the past and seeing old buildings and artifacts. I'm going to take lots of pictures and write in my journal about all the cool things we see. I can't wait to tell my friends about everything when I get back.I'm so excited for my summer vacation and I can't wait to have a blast with my family. I'll make sure to take lots of pictures and share all the fun with you all when I get back. Have a great summer everyone! See you all soon!篇4Title: My Summer Travel PlanHey guys! Guess what? Summer vacation is just around the corner, and I am super excited to share my travel plan with you all. This summer, I will be going on a wonderful journey to explore new places and make wonderful memories. So buckle up and get ready for an epic adventure!First stop on my travel plan is a visit to the sunny beaches of Hawaii. I can't wait to soak up the sun, build sandcastles, and swim in the crystal-clear waters. I have heard that Hawaii is a paradise on Earth, and I am looking forward to experiencing its beauty firsthand.After Hawaii, I will be heading to the magical land of Disney World in Florida. I am thrilled to meet my favorite Disney characters, ride the thrilling roller coasters, and watch the spectacular fireworks show. Disney World is a place where dreams come true, and I am sure it will be a trip to remember.Next on my itinerary is a road trip to the Grand Canyon in Arizona. I am excited to witness the breathtaking views, go hiking in the canyon, and camp under the stars. The Grand Canyon is a natural wonder that I have always wanted to visit, and I am eager to explore its beauty.Last but not least, I will be ending my summer travel plan with a visit to New York City. I can't wait to see the iconic Statue of Liberty, walk around Central Park, and shop on Fifth Avenue. New York City is a bustling metropolis full of excitement and adventure, and I am ready to dive into its vibrant culture.I am counting down the days until my summer vacation begins, and I can't wait to embark on this unforgettable journey.I will be sure to capture every moment through photos and videos, so stay tuned for updates on my exciting travel adventures. See you all soon!Love, [Your Name]篇5Title: My Summer Vacation PlanHey guys! Guess what? I’m gonna tell you all about my summer vacation plan! Are you ready for some fun adventures? Let’s go!First things first, I’m going to travel to the beach with my family. We’re going to swim in the ocean, build sandcastles, and maybe even try surfing! I can’t wait to feel the sun on my face and listen to the sound of the waves.Next, we’re going camping in the mountains! I love hiking and exploring nature, so I’m super excite d for this part of our trip. We’re going to roast marshmallows over a campfire, sleep in a cozy tent, and maybe even see some wildlife.After that, we’re going to visit a big city. I can’t wait to see all the tall buildings, busy streets, and maybe even ride on a double-decker bus! I want to try new foods, visit cool museums, and do some shopping.Last but not least, we’re going to spend a few days at home relaxing and having fun. I’m going to ride my bike, play with my friends, and maybe even have a sleepover. It’s going to be the perfect end to a summer full of amazing adventures.I can’t wait for my summer vacation to begin! I’ll make sure to take lots of pictures and tell you all about it when I get back. See you soon!篇6Title: My Summer Vacation PlanHey everyone! It’s summer vacation time and I’m super excited to share my awesome travel plan with you all. This year,my family and I are going on a trip to explore some amazing places. Let me tell you all about it!First, we are heading to the beach. I can’t wait to build sandcastles, swim in the ocean, and collect seashells. I even bought a new swimsuit for the occasion! We will spend a few days soaking up the sun, playing beach games, and enjoying delicious ice cream by the shore.Next, we are going to a beautiful national park. I’m so excited to go on nature hikes, spot wildlife, and have a picnic in the grea t outdoors. I’ve packed my hiking boots and binoculars to make sure I don’t miss any cool animals or birds. I can’t wait to see waterfalls and maybe even a bear!After that, we are going to visit a big city. I’m looking forward to exploring museums, trying new foods, and seeing famous landmarks. I’ll make sure to take lots of pictures to show my friends at school. I even bought a cool souvenir to remember our trip.Finally, we are going to stay at a cozy cabin in the mountains.I can’t wait to roast marshmallows around a campfire, go on a horseback ride, and stargaze at night. I even packed my favorite blanket and flashlight for some late-night adventures.I’m so excited for this summer vacation and can’t wait to create amazing memories with my f amily. I’ll make sure to take lots of pictures, write in my travel journal, and collect souvenirs along the way. It’s going to be the best summer ever! See you all soon with lots of stories to share! Bye!篇7Title: My Summer Vacation Travel PlanHi everyone! I'm so excited to share with you my summer vacation travel plan!First, I will be going to the beach with my family. We will build sandcastles, swim in the ocean, and play beach volleyball. I can't wait to feel the sun on my face and the sand between my toes.Next, we will visit a theme park for some thrilling rides and delicious cotton candy. I can already imagine the roller coasters and carousel spinning around. It's going to be so much fun!After that, we will go camping in the mountains. I can't wait to roast marshmallows over the campfire, go hiking, and spot some wildlife. Being in nature is so peaceful and refreshing.Then, we will visit my grandparents in the countryside. I love running through the fields, picking fresh fruits, and baking cookies with grandma. It's always so cozy and heartwarming there.Finally, we will book a trip to a big city to explore museums, try new foods, and go shopping. There's so much to see and do in the city, and I can't wait to experience the hustle and bustle.I'm so grateful for this amazing summer vacation travel plan.I can't wait to make wonderful memories with my family and friends. Summer, here I come!篇8Title: My Summer Vacation PlanHey guys! I'm so excited to share my summer vacation plan with you all! This year, my family and I are going on a super cool trip, and I can't wait to tell you all about it.First things first, we are going to visit the beach! I love playing in the sand and splashing in the waves. I can't wait to build sandcastles and collect seashells. It's going to be so much fun!Next, we are going to visit a big city. I can't wait to see all the tall buildings and busy streets. We are going to visit museums, parks, and maybe even go shopping. I'm so excited to try new foods and explore new places.After that, we are going to go camping in the mountains. I love being in nature and hiking through the forests. We are going to roast marshmallows around the campfire and tell spooky stories. I can't wait to sleep in a cozy tent under the stars.Finally, we are going to visit some amusement parks. I love riding roller coasters and eating cotton candy. I can't wait to see all the colorful rides and play fun games. It's going to be the best summer ever!I will make sure to take lots of pictures and write in my travel journal so I can remember all the amazing adventures we have. I can't wait to share my stories with you all when I get back. Summer vacation, here I come!Bye for now, friends! Have a great summer!Love,[Your Name]篇9My Summer Vacation PlanHey everyone! I'm so excited to share my summer vacation plan with you. I'm in sixth grade now, and I'm planning to have the best summer ever!Firstly, I will spend some time with my family at home, relaxing and enjoying some quality time together. We will have barbecues in the backyard, go for bike rides in the park, and maybe even have a movie night with lots of popcorn.Then, I will go on a trip with my friends to the beach. We will build sandcastles, splash around in the waves, and collect seashells. I can't wait to try surfing for the first time and maybe even have a beach bonfire with some s'mores.After that, my parents are taking me on a road trip to visit my grandparents. I love spending time with them and hearing their stories. We will go fishing at the lake, bake cookies together, and maybe even visit a nearby amusement park.Lastly, I will attend a summer camp where I can try new activities like archery, horseback riding, and rock climbing. I'm a little nervous but also super excited to make new friends and have fun adventures.Overall, I can't wait for all the exciting things I have planned for my summer vacation. I will definitely make lots of memories and have an amazing time. Let's make this summer the best one yet!That's all for now, see you guys soon!Love,(Your Name)篇10Title: My Summer Vacation PlanHey guys! I'm so excited to share with you my summer vacation plan for this year. I'm in 6th grade now and I can't wait for the summer break to start. I have so many fun things planned for my summer vacation.First, I'm going to visit my grandparents in the countryside. They have a big farm with lots of animals like cows, chickens, and even a horse. I love helping them feed the animals and I can't wait to ride the horse again. It's always so much fun spending time with my grandparents and enjoying the fresh air in the countryside.After that, my family is going on a road trip to the beach. I love the beach so much! I can't wait to swim in the ocean, build sandcastles, and collect seashells. We're also going to have a bonfire on the beach and roast marshmallows. It's going to be so much fun!Next, I'm going to summer camp for a week. I'm so excited to meet new friends and try out all the cool activities they have like archery, canoeing, and rock climbing. I love being outdoors and trying new things, so I know I'm going to have a blast at summer camp.Finally, I'm going to spend the last week of summer vacation at home relaxing and hanging out with my friends. We're going to have sleepovers, go to the park, and maybe even have a water balloon fight. I can't wait to make the most of the last week of summer break before school starts again.I'm so excited for all the fun things I have planned for my summer vacation. I can't wait to make memories that will last a lifetime. Summer break, here I come!。



我的暑假旅行经历英语手抄报Title: My Summer Vacation Travel Experience Introduction:In this handout, I will share with you my exciting and memorable summer vacation travel experience. During my vacation, I had the opportunity to explore new places, immerse myself in different cultures, and create unforgettable memories.Destination 1: Paris, FranceThe first stop of my summer vacation was the romantic city of Paris, France. I visited iconic landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower, Notre-Dame Cathedral, and Louvre Museum. Strolling along the Champs-Élysées and enjoying delicious French cuisine were some of the highlights of my trip. The city's charm and elegance left a lasting impression on me.Destination 2: Tokyo, JapanFrom Paris, I flew to Tokyo, Japan, where I immersed myself in the vibrant and bustling city life. I explored the historic Asakusa district,experienced the tranquility of traditional Japanese gardens, and indulged in authentic sushi and ramen. Visiting popular attractions like Mount Fuji and the Tokyo Disneyland added an extra touch of excitement to my trip.Destination 3: Sydney, AustraliaNext, I traveled to Sydney, Australia, known for its stunning beaches and iconic landmarks. Bondi Beach offered the perfect opportunity for beach relaxation and water activities. I also visited the Sydney Opera House, took a harbor cruise, and explored the Royal Botanic Garden. The laid-back Australian lifestyle and friendly locals made my stay in Sydney truly enjoyable.Destination 4: New York City, USAMy final destination was the vibrant city of New York. I marveled at the towering skyscrapers, explored the famous Central Park, and enjoyed shopping in Times Square. Visiting iconic landmarks such as the Statue of Liberty and Empire State Building gave me a sense of the city's rich history and cultural significance.Conclusion:My summer vacation travel experience was truly unforgettable. The opportunity to explore different cities, immerse myself in diverse cultures, and create lasting memories was a valuable and enriching experience. I returned home with a broader perspective, a deeper appreciation for different cultures, and a desire to continue exploring the world.。

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那 痒痒的感觉真是太妙了!
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