



2010年9月公共英语三级考试真题及答案 SECTION I Listening Comprehension 听力略( 25 minutes) SECTION II Use of English ( 15 minutes) Directions: Read the following text. Choose the bestword or phrase for each numbered blank and mark A, B,C or D on ANSWER SHEET I. Western-style conversations often developquite differently from Japanese-style conversations. A Western-styleconversation between two people is like a 26 of tennis. If Iintroduce a topic, a conversational ball, I expect you do 27 it back.If you agree with me, I don't expect you simply to agree andto 28 more. I expect you to add something to carry the ideafurther.29 I don't expect you always to agree. I am justas 30 if you completely disagree with me.31 you agree or disagree,your 32 will return the ball to me. And then it is my turn 33. Idon't serve a new ball from my _ 34 starting line. I hit your ball backagain to you by 35 your idea further. And so the ball goes backandforth,36 each of us doing our best to give it a new twist. A Japanese-style conversation,37, is not atall like tennis or volleyball. It's like bowling.You 38 for yourturn. And you always know your 39 in line. It depends on such thingsas whether you are older or younger, a close friend or a relativestranger 40 the previous speaker, in a senior or junior position, andso on. When your turn comes, you.41 up to the starting line with yourbowling ball, and 42 bowl it. Everyone else stands back and watchespolitely, whispering 43. Everyone waits until the ball has reached the endof the alley, and watches to see if it 44 down all the pins, or onlysome of them, or none of them. There is a pause, while every- one registersyour 45 26. A.play B.game C.round D. set 27. A.hit B.move C] throw D. push 28. A.everything B.anything D.something 29. A.Then B.So C.Instead D.But 30. A.anxious B.serious C.happy D.grateful 31. A.After B.Because C.Though D.Whether 32. A.response B.action C.operation D.service 33. A.also B.again C.too D.soon 34. A.actual B.new C.particular D.original 35. A.deepening B.carrying C J leading D.employing 36. A.with B.for C.before D.except 37. A.therefore B.moreover C.likewise 38. A.wonder B.work C.wait D.watch 39. A.point B.place C.post D.pole 40. A.than B.beside C.to D.with 41. A.step B.climb C.stand D.catch 42. A.accurately B.carefully C.awkwardly D.courageously 43. A ]instruction B.satisfaction C.agreement D.encouragement 44. A.knocks B.pushes C.kicks D. puts 45. A.line B.work C.score D.outcomeSECTION 111 Reading Comprehension(40 minutes) Part A Directions: Read the following three texts. Answer thequestions on each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWERSHEET 1. Text 1 When Amber Post started graduate school inphysics at Princeton, her goal was the same as her male colleagues' : ateaching post at a major university. Now with her Ph.D. just a year away, Postis thinking instead about working for a policymaking agency in Washington.Although Princeton, with Shirley Tilghman as the president, is welcoming tofemale scientists, Post senses that her re- ception in the larger academicworld might be chillier. At famous universities, the percentage of women earningdoctor's degrees in science and engineering is considerably higher than thepercent- age of women professors--whi.ch means that a lot of talented women Ph.D. s like Post leave cam- pus for jobs in government or industry instead ofclimbing the teaching ladder. Stopping this female brain drain has been achallenge for years. At a recent academic confer- ence, Harvard presidentLawrence Summers suggested that women aren't succeeding because they lackability in math and science by nature. His comments drew immediate criticism.Indeed, scien- tists have uncovered some differences in male and female brains,but it's unclear how these differ- ences affect talent. Summers proposed two other possible problemsfor women:the conflict between work and life, and absolute prejudice againstwomen( which he seemed to dismiss). Many women scientists blame these twoproblems for the lack of women professors. Junior teachers need to spend their20s and 30s on research and publication. Those are the same years when women havechildren. Time is an enemy for women in other professions, especially law andmedicine. But while women doctors and lawyers benefit from lots of successfulrole models, academic science continues to belong to men chiefly. "Theatmosphere isn't compelling or welcoming, "Post says. "Too many of myfemale friends drop out of graduate programs simply because the environment isdisappointing, not because theycan't handle the math. " Even against this background, there has beensome progress. More universities are pushing hard with stepped-up recruitmentefforts and trying hard to assist staff members with young families. Butultimately, the best remedy against prejudice would be more women on top,like Princeton's Tilghman. 46. Amber Post is thinking about a job ingovernment because __ A.it isthe usual goal of the Ph.D. students at Princeton B she is doubtful about her future inthe academic world C.it isdifficult to get a teaching post at major universities D.shefears that she may not graduate with a Ph. D. degree 47. According to the text, the gap inpercentage between women Ph.D. s and women professors indicates that A.universities lack competitiveness in the recruitment market B.a lotof women professors have chosen to leave universities C.few womenPh. D. s are qualified for the competitive campus D.universitiesare faced with the problem of female brain drain 48. According to the writer, Summers'comments on women's ability seem to be based on A. hisown attitude towards women scientists B.hisrecent study on women's weaknesses C. the latest findings about human brains D.the conventional opinion about talents 49. We can infer that the most seriousproblem of women teachers is A. theirconflict with male colleagues B. thetrouble in balancing work and life C.theircooperation with male colleagues D.thedifficulty in their career advancement 50. The best solution to the female braindrain in universities is to A. create more academic posts for women B. offerhelp to women with young children C.dismissthose with prejudice against women D. promote more women to leadershippositions Text 2 Recently in the Scottish Highlands,260theatergoers were led up a well-lit, pin-tree-lined con- crete path. Theirdestination? A vacant water plant. The large concrete space had the impersonalfeel of an army camp--exactly the atmosphere the producers of Black Watch hopedto reproduce. The play is based on the true story of a Highlands troop sentoverseas in 2004. Essentially, site-specific theater refers toplays produced in places directly relevant to their ac- tion. At the MuseumHotel in Wellington, New Zealand, audiences filed into room 217 to watch a taleabout the various personalities who had occupied the room over time. "Ithink people are tired of the same old plays in the same confines of space,"says Paul McLaughlin, who produced Hotel."Drama happens all aroundus--at the bus stop, in a supermarket--so we attempted to show how people caninteract with the space that surrounds them. " To be sure, on-scene productions presenttheir own set of challenges. Producers of Black Watch had to scout aroundLondon for a location for when the show comes to the British capital. But formany audience members, leaving the comfort of their theater seats makes for amore meaningful experience. "A lot of site-specific work challenges theway you look and think, "says Nick Kaye, adrama professor at theUniversity of Exeter. Site-specific shows can also satisfy thegrowing desire for individualized entertainment fueled by on-demand televisionand the Intemet. In Faust, which the London-based theater group Punch- drunkjust wrapped up, audience members got to pick what they wanted to see. Housedin an old five-story storehouse in east London, the play featured different settings.Audience members could choose to watch a scene and follow certain actors fromlocation to location. Felix Barrett, the direc- tor of Faust, says today'stheatergoers expect more than just the traditional audience-actor relation-ship. "What I wanted to do was to create a piece where the audience cancarve out the night they want to have, and it stays with them. "Creating astrong sense of place goes a long way toward a- chieving that. - 51. Recently,260 Scottish people went to adeserted water plant A.to toura newly-built military base B. towatch a play about military life C. to visit a military troop back home D. to attend a military trainingprogram 52. The essence of site-specific theaterlies in the idea that drama A. shouldbe made as lifelike as possible B. should reflect people's feelings andideas C.should reveal what is going on in theworld D.should be acted by those related to thestory 53. Compared with the conventional form oftheater, on-scene theater to producers is less A.meaningful B.demanding C.convenient D.interactive 54. In the play Faust, audience members can A.revisethe story in their own way B. talk freely to their favoriteactors C.chooseto take part in the acting D.jump over uninteresting scenes 55. We learn from the text thatsite-specific drama is created to accommodate A. the change in what theatergoers expect ofa play B.theatergoers'growing need for a sense of place C.thechange in the role modem drama is to play D.theatergoers' falling interest in entertainment Text 3 Forgive and forget. Most of us find theforgetting easier, but maybe we should work on the for- giving part."Holding on to hurts wears you down physically and emotionally, "saysStanford Uni- versity psychologist Fred Luskin, author of Forgive for Good."Forgiving someone can be a powerful remedy. " In a recent study, Charlotte Van OyenWitvliet, assistant professor of psychology at Hope Col- lege in Holland,Michigan, and colleagues asked 71 volunteers to remember a past hurt. Tests re-corded sudden increases in blood pressure, heart rate and muscle tension--thesame responses that occur when people are beside themselves. Research haslinked temper and heart diseases. When the volunteers were asked to imagineforgiving those who'd wronged them, they remained calm by comparison. What's more, forgiveness can be learned,insists Luskin, director of the Stanford Forgiveness Project. "We teachpeople to rewrite their story in their minds, to change from victim to hero. Ifthe hurt is from a husband's or awife's unfaithfulness, we might encouragethem to think of themselves not only as a person who was cheated on, but as theperson who tried to keep the marriage togeth- er. "Two years ago Luskintested his method on five Northern Irish women whose sons had been murdered.After undergoing a week of forgiveness training, the women's sense of hurt,measured u- sing psychological tests, had fallen by more than half. They werealso much less likely to feelde- pressed and angry. "Forgiving isn'tabout regarding what happened as harmless or acceptable, "says Luskin."It is about breaking free of the person who wronged us. " The early signs that forgiving improvesoverall health are promisings. A survey of 1,423 adults by the University ofMichigan's Institute for Social Research in 2001 found that people who hadforgiven someone in their past also reported being in better health than thosewho hadn't. However, while 75 per cent said they weresure God had forgiven them for past mistakes, only52 per cent had been able tofind it in their hearts to forgive others. Forgiveness, it seems, is stilldivine. 56. In Luskin's opinion, people could enjoybetter health if they A.holdpast hurts back B.avoidthe wrongdoers C.becomeless emotional D.let offthose who hurt them 57. According to Luskin, to forgive anunfaithful husband, a wife needs to A.urgeherself to see the hurt as nothing B.takemeasures in restoring the marriage C.persuade herself to put up with the hurt D. seeherself as the guardian of the marriage 58. According to the text, to forgive means A.to keepsilent when someone hurts you article B.to stop being angry with those who wrongedyou C.tothink of something tolerable that has happened D.toprevent yourself from doing wrong to your enemies 59. What does the last paragraphimply? A. Most mistakes are forgivable. B. It's really no easy task to forgive. C.It's part of human nature toforgive. D.Fewpeople can truly forgive others. 60. The best title of the text mightbe A.TheResearch on Forgiveness B.TheDifficulty in Forgiveness C.ThePromotion of Forgiveness D. The Healing Power of Forgiveness Part B Directions: Read the texts from a magazine article whichdescribes the celebration of the New Year in five places. For questions 61 to65, match the name of each place (61 to 65) to one of the statements ( A to G )given below. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. Edinburgh, Scotland Edinburgh is the home of Hogmanay, a grandlyexciting four-day celebration that welcomes the New Year with fire, music,parades and then some more fire. The party starts on Dec.29 with a15,000-strongsong-filled candlelight procession and fire festival through Edinburgh and endswith the symbolic burning of a Viking ship. Days of parades, concerts, dograces and fireworks follow. Reykjavik, Iceland On New Year's Eve, Icelanders in Reykjavikgather around dozens of massive fires in the open to sing traditional folksongs accompanied, according to local legend, by imaginary human-like creaturesin folk tales. At midnight the city explodes in a massive fireworks display.The dancing and partying that follow last until the sun comes up, which inIceland is at about lunchtime on Jan.1. Kahuitara Point, Chatham Islands If you want to experience New Year with theearly birds, the South Pole is the place to be. On any Jan.1, the sun sitsabove the horizon the whole day across most of the South Pole. For a slight- lymore comfortable holiday vacation, head to the Chatham Islands. Kahuitara Pointon Pitt Island in this Pacific Ocean chain is the first populated place on theplanet to see the sun rise. Bangkok, Thailand In Thailand you have three chances to ringin the New Year. On Dec.31, Western New Year's Eve is celebrated with parties,concerts and fireworks. A few weeks later, the country stages mas- sivecelebrations in honor of ChineseNew Year. Finally, on April 13, Thailandcelebrates the first day of the traditional Thai calendar with Songkran, athree-day festival marked by parades, feasts and waterthrowing. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil New Year's Eve is one of Rio de Janeiro'smost important holidays. Expensive beachfront celebrations unfold alongCopacabana, attracting some 2 million participants. Live music ranging fromsamba to rock explodes along the beach. New Year's Eve is also a day to honorthe goddess of sea with conventional offerings packed in small wooden boats.Tradition holds that if the goddess is pleased with a boat's offering, she willcarry the boat out to sea and give the bearer blessings. If not, it's a greatparty. Now match the name of each place (61 to65)to the appropriate statement. Note: there are two extra statements. Statements 61. Edinburgh, Scotland 62. Reykjavik, Iceland 63. Kahuitara Point, Chatham Islands 64. Bangkok, Thailand 65. RiO de Janeiro, Brazil A. New Year's celebrations will go on four days on end. B.People here are the first to greet the New Year's sun. C.Concerts are held on New Year's Eve forcelebration. D.A midnight fireworks display is an important part of the celebration. E.People send New Year's greeting cards and gifts to each other. F.Peoplespend New Year's Eve on the beach singing and dancing. G.NewYear is ~elebrated three times according to different calendars. SECTION IV Writing (40 minutes) Directions: You should write your responses to both PartA and Part B of this section on ANSWER SHEET 2. Part A 66. You received an email from your friendJohn, in which he asked whether you could work as a volunteer on a weekend program to helpthe aged people who live alone. Write back to your friend, 1 )expressing your willingness toparticipate; 2) asking about what preparations to bemade; 3 )confirming the time and location for thework. You should write about 100 words. Do notsign your own name at the end of your email. Use" Wang Lin" instead. Part B 67. Look at the picture below and write anessay of about 120 Words, making reference to the following points: 1) a description of the picture; 2) your comment on this picture. 参考答案及精析 第一部分听力1一25略 第二部分英语知识运用 参考译文 西式的交谈和日式的交谈非常不同。



2011年09月公共英语三级真题(无听力)一、Section Ⅱ Use of English(共20小题,共20.0分)Read the following text. Choose the best word or phrase for each numbered blank and mark A, B, Cot Don ANSWER SHEET 1.第1题Amongst the most popular books written today are those which are usually classified as science fiction. Hundreds of titles are (1) every year and are read by all kinds of people. (2) , some of the most successful films of recent years have been (3) on science fiction stories.It is often thought that science fiction is a fairly new (4) in literature, but its ancestors can be (5) in books written hundreds of years ago. These books were often concerned (6) the presentation of some form of ideal society, a (7) which is still often found in modern stories.Most of the classics of science fiction, (8) , have been written within the last one hundred years. Books by writers such as Jules Verne and H. G. Wells, to (9) just two well-known authors, have been translated into many languages.Modern science fiction writers don't write about men from Mars or space adventure stories. They are more interested in (10) the results of technical developments on society and the human mind; orin (11) future worlds which are a reflection of the world which we live in now. (12) this, their writing hasobvious (13) implications.In an age where scientific fact frequently (14) science fiction, the writers may find it difficult to keep (15) scientific advances. Those who are (16) clear-sighted to see the way we are going, however, may provide a valuable (17) on how to deal with the problems which society will (18) face as it tries to (19) its new technology and come to terms with a continually (20) view of the world.A presentedB copiedC publishedD concluded【正确答案】:C【本题分数】:1.0分【答案解析】[精析] 本题考查动词词义辨析。



学生打印三级听力真题(2010.6-2006.12)三级听力真题2010年6月试卷(PRETCO)Part I Listening Comprehension (15 minutes) Directions:This part is to test your listening ability. It consists of 3 sections.Section A (1×5=5分)Directions:This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. Both the dialogues and questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should decideon the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D) given in your testpaper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with asingle line through the center.Example:You will hear:You will read: A) New York City.B) An evening party.C) An air trip.D) The man’s job.From the dialogue we learn that the man is to take a flight to New York. Therefore, C)An air trip is the correct answer. You should mark C) on the Answer Sheet with a singleline through the center.[A] [B] [C] [D]Now the test will begin.1. A) The man can have a room with a shower.B) The man can’t have a room at present.C) The man should come tomorrow.D) The man booked a double room.2. A) At the post office. C) In the street.B) At the bank. D) In the office.3. A) Go camping. C) Go shopping.B) Go sightseeing. D) Go skating.4. A) Frozen foods. C) Office equipment.B) Sports goods. D) Household appliances.5. A) Complaining about the mobile phone.B) Asking about the price of the mobile phone.C) Comparing the models of the mobile phone.D) Inquiring about the functions of the mobile phone.Section B (1×5=5分)Directions:This section is to test your ability to understand short conversations. There are 2 recorded conversations in it. After each conversation, there are some recordedquestions. Both the conversations and questions will be spoken two times. When youhear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices markedA), B), C) and D) given in your test paper. Then you should mark the correspondingletter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Conversation 16. A) A job related to computers. C) A job related to marketing.B) A job related to designing. D) A job related to advertising.7. A) Ask for an interview. C) Write an application letter.B) Look for a well-paid job. D) Try some advertising companies.Conversation 28. A) She has forgotten the man’s address.B) She cannot meet the man this afternoon.C) She has suddenly fallen ill with a bad cold.D) She cannot attend the training course this week.9. A) Visit an important client. C) Attend a sales meeting.B) Go to a department store. D) Move to a new office.10. A) At 1 p.m. tomorrow. C) At 3 p.m. tomorrow.B) At 2 p.m. today. D) At 4 p.m. today.Section C (1×5=5分)Directions:This section is to test your ability to comprehend short passages. You will hear a recorded passage. After that you will hear five questions. Both the passage and thequestions will be read two times. When you hear a question, you should complete theanswer to it with a word or a short phrase (in no more than 3 words). The questionsand incomplete answers are printed in your test paper. You should write your answerson the Answer Sheet correspondingly. Now listen to the passage.11. What does the speaker think of his working conditions?He thinks that the working conditions are _____________________________.12. How many hours does the speaker work every week?_______________________________________________________________.13. How does the speaker spend his holiday in winter?He usually takes one week to_______________________________________.14. What system did the company introduce last year?It introduced a flexible ____________________________________ system.15. When can the speaker start his work in the morning?Any time between ________________________________________________.2009年12月试卷(PRETCO)Part ⅠListening Comprehension (15 minutes) Section A (1×5=5分)1. A) A teacher. C) A secretary.B) A doctor. D) A salesman.2. A) Visiting a company. C)Looking for the meeting room.B) Meeting with the new manager. D) Showing a newcomer around.3. A) In an office. C) In a department store.B)In a restaurant. D) In a library.4. A) To attend a conference. C) T o do some sightseeing.B) To work in a firm. D) To visit an exhibition.5. A) The rise of costs. C) The decrease of production.B) The drop of sales. D) The increase of pollution.Section B (1×5=5分)Conversation 16. A) All staff. C) New employees.B) Young workers. D) Department managers.7. A) 1 week. C) 3 weeks.B) 2 weeks. D) 4 weeks.8. A) How to operate machines. C) How to collect information.B) How to use computers. D) How to be a manager.Conversation 29. A) Because there was no access to the Internet.B) Because the traffic outside was too noisy.C) Because the air conditioner was out of order.D) Because there was no hot water in the bath.10. A) Room 201. C) Room 204.B) Room 203. D) Room 206.Section C (1×5=5分)11. What’s Peter Johnson’s position in the company?He is the Manager.12. What places will the visitors see in the company?and the laboratory.13. How long dose it take to look around the laboratory?About minutes.14. What measures are taken to ensure the visitors’ safety?The visitors are required to wear protective hard hats and .15. What is not allowed to do during the tour?.2009年6月试卷(PRETCO)Part I Listening Comprehension (15 minutes) Section A (1×5=5分)1. A) In a restaurant. C) At a post office.B) In a hospital. D) At a railway station.2. A) He will go to the concert. C) He is not interested in the concert.B) He has been to the concert. D) He can’t go to the concert.3. A) $2. C) $7.B) $12. D) $14.4. A) He’s going to find a job. C) He’s going to study for a degree.B) He’s going to go abroad. D) He’s going to do a part-time job.5. A) Husband and wife. C) Teacher and student.B) Nurse and patient. D) Boss and employee.Section B (1×5=5分)Conversation 16. A) To be a teacher. C) To work as a secretary.B) To take care of animals. D) T o further her study.7. A) To work in an office. C) To go abroad.B) To be an animal doctor. D) To be a salesman.Conversation 28. A) She lost her data.B) She broke the disc.C) She bought a computer of a wrong model.D) She couldn’t get her computer working.9. A) Buy a computer for her. C) Lend her some money.B) Go to the store with her. D) Replace the disc for her.10. A) To show the receipt. C) To pay some more money.B) To call the store first. D) To bring the instruction manual.Section C (1×5=5分)11. When was the customer survey conducted?It was conducted _________________________.12. How did customers feel about the products of the company?The products were quite ___________________________________.13. What did customers complain in the survey?It took __________________ to settle their complaints.14. How did customers feel about the service staff?The service staff were not always _________________.15. When should the Customer Service Department come up with a plan to improve theirservice?_____________________________________________________________.2008年6月真题Section A1. A) Clean the bedroom B) Pack up for travelingC) Water flowers D) Cook the meal2. A) She doesn’t live far awayB) S he won’t buy a car this yearC) She hasn’t made up her mindD) She doesn’t like to drive3. A) Travel on business B) Fly to New YorkC) Prepare some documents D) Have a holiday4. A) She was making a phone call. B) She was working in the officeC) She was going to the airport D) She was having a meeting5. A) She is busy at the moment B) She is Diana’s friendC) She has an appointment with Diana D) She wants Diana to do her hair Section BConversation 16. A) To the hospital B) To the beachC) To his university D) To his hometown7. A) She visited her middle school B) She was busy workingC) She was ill and had to stay at home D) She was back to her hometown Conversation 28. A) Sofas B) TablesC) Beds D) Bookshelves9. A) On Main Road B) In front of the Central ParkC) Near the terminal of Bus No. 6 D) Next to a discount store10. A) 10% B) 20% C) 30% D) 40%Section C11.At what time of day did the fire start?In the early ________________________________________________________ .12.Which floor of the building did the fire destroy?The _________________________________________________ of the building .13.Who lived in the building at the time of the fire?Only a few ________________________________________________________ .14.When was the Geller House built?In the year of _____________________________________________________.15.What was the probable cause of the fire?Most likely a burning .2007年12月真题Section A1. A) A week ago. B) Two weeks ago.C) Three weeks ago. D) Four weeks ago.2. A) Linda and Peter are good friends.B) Linda and Peter want to work together.C) Linda and Peter live in the same house.D) Linda and Peter work in different office.3. A) Tom is coming for dinner. B) Tom won’t be able to come.C) Tom will give a dinner party. D) Tom won’t be away on busi ness.4. A) In the bank. B) In the office.C) In the hospital. D) In the travel agency.5. A) To fax the report. B) To write the report.C) To copy the report. D) T o mail the report.Section BConversation 16. A) One. B) Two. C) Three. D) Four.7. A) Book a room. B) Fill out a form.C) Show his passport. D) Take away the suitcases. Conversation 28. A) Movie tickets. B) Concert tickets.C) Museum tickets. D) Opera tickets.9. A) Front seat tickets. B) Back seat tickets.C) Box tickets. D) Standing tickets.10. A) 8 pounds. B) 16 pounds. C) 30 pounds. D) 60 pounds. Section C11. Why are more and more people able to work at home?Because the increasing use of __________________________________________ .12. What are the advantages of working at home?It saves time and money and enables people to be their own __________________ .13. What is another advantage of working at home?It reduces _____________________________________________ .14. What is the problem with working at home only?There isn’t enough ________________________________________ interaction.15. What conclusion can we draw about working at home from the passage?Working at home is getting popular but most people meet their colleagues.2007年6月真题Section A1. A) He has returned from a conference.B) He’ll have a conference next Friday.C) He’s waiting for the man in his office.D) He won’t be available until next Friday.2. A) Doctor and patient. B) Boss and secretary.C) Waitress and guest. D) Husband and wife.3. A) Study math with John. B) Talk with John about his study.C) Ask John to be their tutor. D) Take John to a doctor.4. A) The man doesn’t like the climate in Chicago.B) The woman likes Chicago very much.C) The woman has just been to Chicago.D) The man knows little about Chicago.5. A) Take another interview. B) Work with his father.C) Start his own company. D) Stay at the present job.Section BConversation 16. A) Miss Smith. B) Miss White. C) Mr. Brown. D) Mr. Smith.7. A) Mr. Brown’s address. B) Miss Smith’s message.C) The telephone number. D) The time for the visit. Conversation 28. A) By train. B) By plane. C) By bus. D) By ship.9. A) Two weeks. B) Three weeks. C) Twenty days. D) Thirty days.10. A) Sad. B) Excited. C) Happy. D) Frightened.Section C11. What does your doctor usually advise you to do when you’re quite sick?To .12. What does the speaker think of following a doctor’s advice?Following a doctor’s advice is not always .13. What will keep a sick man working when he should have gone to bed?The stress of his .14. What will happen to the person who doesn’t take medicines properly?The medicines will do the person .15. How should a person rest during an illness?He should rest both his body and .2006年12月真题Section A1. A) He does not have a phone. B) He will make the call for her.C) The woman can use his phone. D) The phone is out of order.2. A) It was boring. B) It was quite long.C) It was interesting. D) It was easy to understand.3. A) It was seriously polluted. B) The air is very clear.C) There are few cars and factories. D) It remains what it was ten years ago.4. A) It will be revised. B) It will be approved.C) It has been canceled. D) It is under discussion.5. A) having a race in the snow.B) Traveling in the Northeast.C) Visiting a friend in the Northeast.D) Booking tickets for the winter holidaySection BConversation 16. A) Its size. B) Its price. C) Its delivery. D) Its code number.7. A) The goods were lost. B) They have been sent.C) The delivery will be delayed. D) They will soon be returned.Conversation 28. A) Interviewer and interviewee. B) Employer and employee.C) Manager and secretary. D) Seller and buyer.9. A) He has got the required knowledge.B) He is satisfied with the salary offered.C) He thought he could be hired by the company.D) He wanted to have better chances for development.10. A) Because he has no work experience.B) Because it’s the easiest way to get the job.C) Because he doesn’t meet the job requirement.D) Because every newcomer starts with a trainee salary.Section C11. What do the Garden’s Guides do every day at 11 am and 2 pm?They show the tourists around the .12. How long does the tour last?It lasts about .13. What should groups of 8 or more people do if they needa tour guide?They should book one .14. Where can you have meals in the Gardens?You can have your meals in .15. In what season is the Garden concert held?In .。



2010年9月全国英语等级考试笔试真卷PETS第一级笔试部分答题时间:90分钟全国英语等级考试第一级Public English Test System (PETS)Level 1准考证号﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡考生注意事项1. 严格遵守考场规则,考生得到监考人员指令后方可开始答题。

2. 答卷前考生须将自己的和准考证号写在试卷和答题卡上。

3. 各项填涂部分一律用2B铅笔涂写。



4. 书写部分用黑色签字笔直接答在答题卡2的相应位置,注意字迹清楚。

5. 考试结束时将试卷和答题卡放在桌上,不得带走。


﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡第一部分听力理解1~25 略2010年9月全国英语等级考试PETS一级第1页〔共8页〕2010年9月全国英语等级考试PETS 一级第2页〔共8页〕第二部分 英语知识运用第一节 单项选择题阅读下面的句子和对话,从A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最正确选项,并在答题卡1上将该项涂黑。

26. We don't like the ______ there because it is too hot in summer.[A] wind [B] winter [C] weather27. Mary does not like to talk with her parents, but I enjoy ______ with mine.[A] talking [B] to talk [C] talk28. You must show your receipt ______ you want to get your bag.[A] if [B] till [C] though29. You should ______ playing computer games. It's bad for your eyes.[A] keep up [B] give up [C] look up30. Don't worry. Our friends will come to help ______.[A] ourselves [B] ours [C] us31. I usually go back home by bus. It's much ______ than going by train.[A] cheap [B] cheaper [C] cheapest32. Look! Alice is ______ a red dress.[A] having [B] wearing [C] dressing33. We looked everywhere for the money but ______ find it.[A] couldn't [B] wouldn't [C] shouldn't34. The smile on her face shows that she is pleased ______ our work.[A] for [B] by [C] with35. Jane isn't in the office at the moment, but she will be back ______.[A] in a minute [B] once upon a time [C] from now on36. We told Mary to come back ______ she could.[A] as well as [B] as soon as[C] as much as2010年9月全国英语等级考试PETS 一级第3页〔共8页〕37. He has lived in that village ______ he moved out of the city.[A] since [B] before [C] when38. Would you mind ______ the window? It's getting a little cold in here.[A] close [B] to close [C] closing39. She ______ South America at the age of 15 and has never returned.[A] leaves [B] has left [C] left40. —Would you like another cup of tea?— ______.[A] Yes, I will [B] Yes, please [C] Yes, I do第二节 完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的[A]、[B]、[C]三个选项中选出一个最正确选项,并在答题卡1上将该项涂黑。



2010年三级英语试题Part I Reading Comprehension (30%)Directions: There are three passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Y ou should decide on the best choice and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. Passage 1Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage:The multi-billion-dollar Western pop music industry is under fire. It is being blamed by the United Nations for the dr amatic rise in drug abuse worldwide. “The most worrying development is a culture of drug-friendliness,”says the UN's International Narcotics Control Board in a report released last year.The 74-page study says that pop music, as a global industry, is by far the most influential trend-setter for young people of most cultures.“Some songs encourage people to take drugs. (76) Certain pop stars make statements and set examples as if the use of drugs for non-medicinal purposes were a normal and acceptable part of a person's lifestyle,”the study says.Surprisingly, says the Board, the effect of drug-friendly pop music seems to survive despite the occasional shock of death by overdose (过量用药). “Such incidents tend to be seen as an occasion to mourn (哀悼) the loss of a role model, and not an opportunity to face the deadly effect of drug use,”it notes. Since the 1970s, several internationally famous singers and movie stars--including Elvis Presley, Janice Joplin, John Belushi, Jimi Hendrix, Jonathan Melvin and Andy Gibbs--have died of eitherdrug abuse or drugrelated illnesses. With the globalization of popular music, messages promoting, drug abuse are now reaching beyond their countries of origin. “In most countries, the names of certain POP stars have become familiar to the members of every household,”the s tudy says.The UN study also blames the media for its description of certain drug incidents, which encourages rather than prevents drag abuse. “Over the past years, we have seen how drug abuse is increasingly regarded as being acceptable or even attracti ve,”says Hamid Ghodse, president of the Board. “Powerful pressure groups mn political campaigns aimed at legalizing controlled drugs,”he says. Ghodse also points out that all thee developments have created an environment which is tolerant(容忍的) of or even favorable to drug abuse and spoils international drug prevention effortscurrently under way.The study focuses on demand reduction and prevention within an environment that has become tolerant of drug abuse. The Board calls on governments to do their legal and moral duties,and to act against the pro-drug (赞成吸毒) messages of the youth culture to which young people increasingly are be'rug exposed.1. Which of the following statements does ,the author tend to agree with?A. The use of drags for non-medicinal purposes is, an acceptable part of a person's lifestyle.B. The spreading ofpop music may cause drag abuse to go beyond country boundaries.C. No efforts have been made to prevent the spreading of drag abuse.D. Governments have no ability to act against the pro-drag messages of the youth culture.2. The expression “under fire”? in the first paragraph meansA. in an urgent situationB. facing some problemsC. being criticizedD. in trouble3. From the third paragraph, we learn that the youthA. tend to mourn the pop stars who died of overdose as role modelsB. are shocked to know even pop stars may abuse damgesC. try to face the deadly effect of drug useD. may stop abusing drugs4. Which of the following is. not mentioned as tolerant of drug abuse?A. The spreading of pop music.B. The media.C. Political campaigns run by powerful pressure groups.D. The low price of some drags.5. According to the passage, pop musicA. has a great influence on young people of most culturesB. attracts a small number of young peopleC. is not a profitable industryD. is alone responsible for drug abusePassage 2Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage:There are many older people in the world and there will be manymore. A like-known fact is that over 60 percent of the older people live in developing countries. According to the World Health Organization, by 2020 there will be 1 billion, with over 700 million living in developing countries.It is a surprising fact that the population ageing is particularly rapid in developing countries. For example, it took France 115 years for the proportion of older people to double from 7 percent to 14 percent. It is estimated to take China a mere 27 years to achieve this same increase.What are the implications of these increased numbers of older folk? (77) One of the biggestworries for governments is that the longer people live. the more likelihood there is for diseases and for disability( 残疾). Attention is being paid to the need to keep people as healthy as possible, including during old age, to lessen the financial burden on the state.(78) Another significant problem is the need for the younger generations to understand and value the older people in their society. In some African countries, certainly in Asia, older people are respected and regarded as the ones~ with special knowledge. Y et traditions are fading away daily, which does not ensure the continued high regard of older people. As society changes, attitudes will change.Much needs to be done to get rid of age discrimination (歧视) in employment. Life-long learning programs need to be provided to enable older peopleto be active members in a country's development.Social security policies need to be established to provide adequate income protection for older people. Both public and private schemes are vital in order to, build a suitable safety net.To achieve equality in such matters will take considerable time and effort. One thing is sure: there is no time to be lost.6. The proportion of older peopleA. is bigger in developed countries than in developing countriesB. is one-seventh of the population developing countriesC. will increase much faster in China than in FranceD. will be sixty percent in developing countries by 20207. According to the passage, which of the following are governments most worded about?A. The diseases and disability of older people.B. The longer life and good health of people.C. The loss of taxes on older people.D. The increasing respect for older people.8. It is stated directly in the passage that older people shouldA. be treated differently in different culturesB. enjoy a similar lifestyleC. be ignored as society changesD. be valued by the younger generations9. Which of the following measures is NOT mentioned to solve the population ageing problem?A. Getting rid of age discrimination in employment.B. Ensuring adequate income protection for older people.C. Providing free health care for sick older people.D. Supplying life-long learning programs to older people.10. The author concludes in the last paragraph thatA. governments have spent lots of time in solving the ageing problemB. population ageing is a hard problem, but it needs to be solved urgentlyC. people are too busy to solve the population ageing problemD. much time and effort will be lost in solving the ageing problemPassage 3Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage:(79) Extensive new studies suggest that the world has, made extraordinary progress in reducing poverty in recent decades. The research suggests that the pace of economic progress has been rapid and continued for decades, built on the foundations of relative political stability, rising trade, and economic liberalization (自由化) after two world wars. One new study, published recently by the Institute for International Economics in Washington, finds that the proportion of the 6.1 billion people in the world who live on $1 a day or less shrank from 63 .percent in 1950 to 35 percent in 1980 and 12 percent in 1999. By some other measures, the progress has been more modest. Still, economists agree that poverty has plunged in key nations such as India and especially China, thanks to slowing population growth as well as economic free dom. “This is a huge success for the world as a whole,”says Harvard University economist Richard Cooper. “We are doing something right.”The news comes as the World Bank is about to open its annual meeting in Washington' an event that has been troubled in recent years by protests that the Bank and its sister institution, the International Monetary Fund (IMF国际货币基金组织), have done too little for the world's poor.(80) The new economic research will not put an end to that dispute. V ast populations remain poor, and many still question the wisdom of World Bank policies. Nonetheless, the research findings are helpful to understand what policies should be followed by those institutions and hundreds of other development groups working very hard to hasten the pace of world economic progress. If dramatic gains are under way, the present policies-- calling for open markets, free business activities, and tight monetary control are working and correct.But critics of IMF and World Bank policies maintain that such economic. success stories as Japan, China, South Korea and Singapore are rooted in more than just "free', markets. These nations have managed to grow rapidly, and thereby reduce poverty, by limiting imports when their domestic industries were yotmg, pushing exports to rich nations, and putting controls on purely international financial flows. They have been open to foreign-owned factories but have ofteninsisted that those investors share"the knowledge and skill on modem technologies,11. The word “plunged” in the firs paragraph meansA. decreasedB. ClimbedC. increasedD. dropped into water12. From the passage, we learn that__________A. World Bank has done nothing to help the poor in the worldB. IMF only helps the rich in the worldC. World Bank controls all the banks in the worldD. there are some demonstrations against World Bank in recent years13. According to this passage, in__________, the world had the largest number of poor people.A. 1999B. 1980C. 1950D. 199014. According to the author, the economy of East Asian countries grew very fast because of the following measures EXCEPT__________A. encouraging exportB. opening up to foreign investmentsC. limiting international financial flowsD. controlling import15. The best title for this passage might be__________.A. China's Contribution to the Reduction of Poverty in the WorldB. World Bank's Extraordinary Progress in Recent DecadesC. India's Leading Role in Reducing Global PovertyD. Global Progress in Reducing PovertyPart Ⅱ V ocabulary and Structure (30%)Directions: In this part there are 30 incomplete sentences. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then blacken the Corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.16. It was hard for him to learn English in a family, in which of the parents spoke the language.A. noneB. neitherC. bothD. each17. Y ou'd better go there by train. The train ticket is __________ the plane ticket.A. as cheap three times asB. as three times cheapC. three times as cheap asD. cheaper three times than18. This new machines technically far__________ to the previous type.A. Superior:B. juniorC. seniorD. equal19. There is a great deal of evidence ____that music activities engage different parts of thebrain.A. indicateB. IndicatingC. indicatedD. to be indicating20. She became the first woman to enter the school but with drew after a few days _____ stress.A. because ofB. in spite ofC. instead ofD. In honor of21.______is known to us all is that the 2012 Olympic Games will be held in London.A. ItB. WhatC. AsD. Which22. The discovery of these tombs is __________for scholars' studying Chinese history.A. of very importantB. great significantC. of great significanceD. greatly importance23. Sean's strong love for his country is______ in his recently published poems.A. relievedB. ReflectedC. respondedD. recovered24. Would Y ou please keep silent? The weather report __________and I want to listen.A. is broadcastB. is being broadcastC. has been broadcastD. had been broadcast25. The teacher stress edagain that'the students should not ______any important details while retelling the story.A. bring outB. let outC. leave outD. make out26. The man moved _____forward and looked over the edge, shrinking his shoulders.A. accuratelyB. CautiouslyC. brilliantlyD. disappointedly27. The police are trying to find out the ______of the woman,killed in the traffic accident.A. evidenceB. recognition C identity D. status28. By no means __________to her parents.A. this is the first time has she liedB. this is the first time does she tell a lieC. is this the first time She has liedD. is this the first time she was lying29. Climate change will greatly_____wheat and rice production if nations don't take steps now.A. fallB. leakC. lackD. reduce30. She always buys__________ my birthday.A. something awful toB. anything awful toC. something nice forD. anything nice for31. He failed to live Up to __________had been expected of him.A. whatB. whichC. thatD. all32. It is very _____ of you to arrange an early.meeting between your boss and our team.A. considerateB. ConsiderableC. consideriiigD. considered33. I would have told him about the change of time for the class,________to class last 'tune.A. did he comeB. he cameC. had he comeD. he had come34. The wind was so strong last night that it tore the______ of the ship into two or three pieces.A. maskB. mineC. sailD. satellite35. ____all the money people here spend eating out, restaurants' profit is still below five percent.A. DespiteB.Thanks toC. SinceD. Like36. Many a man__________lifeis meaningless without a purpose.A. thinksB. thinkingC. have thoughtD. think37. John left home twenty minutes ago. It is usually half an hour's drive from his home to theoffice here. So he__________soon.A. should have arrivedB. need arriveC. must have arrivedD. may arrive38. ___Hongkong, is often regarded as____international Centre for business, finance and tourism.A./; anB. An; /C. The; /D./; the39. They went__________the schedule for the conference again and again until they felt satisfied with every detail of it.A. outB. up C: over D. by40. Schools should teach'our kids various subjects, and moreover, teach them how to ______right:from wrong.:A. mnB. takeC. tellD. put41. By the time you finish your homework, all of us__________ ours at hand, I'm sure.A. will finishB. will have finishedC. have finishedD. have been finishing42. In time of trouble Charliecould always __________a solution.A. put asideB. look down uponC. break outD. come up with43. Before building a house, you will have to __________the government's permission.A. get fromB. followC. receiveD. ask for44. The director had her assistant __________some hot dogs for the staff members.A. picked upB. picks upC. pick upD. picking up45. ______their hats into the air, the fans of the winning team let out loud shouts of victory.A. TO throwB. ThrownC. ThrowingD. Being thrownPart IV Cloze (10%)Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage, and for each blank there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D at the end of the passage. Y ou should choose ONE answer that bestfits into the passage. Then blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Of all the websites, one that has attracted attention recently is . Most of this attention has come from the media and tells every reason. 56 the website should be 57. The threat of Intemet predators (窃掠者) is indeed a tough reality, 58 shutting down the site is not the answer. If 59 shut down, another site would quickly 60 its place. Therefore, the right way is to teach teens how to use the site safely and educate them 61 who maybe predators and how to 62 them.The key to 63 safe on the Intemet is to make sure that.Y0Ur profile (个人资料)is secure. The 64 way is to change the privacy setting on your profile to “private”, which protects your information 65 only the people on your friend list can'view it. Although this is.66, it is not perfect. Predators can find ways to view your profile if they really want to,67 through hacking in (黑客入侵) or figuring out their way onto your friend list. Thus, you should never post too much personal 68. Some people actually post their home and school addresses, date of birth, and so on, often 69 predators know exactly where they will be and 70 .The most information that is safe is your first name and province. Anything more is basically 71 a predator into your life.Another big problem is photos. I suggest 72 skipping photos and never posting a photo of a friend online without his or her 73.Most important, never, 74 any 'circumstances, agree to a real-ife meeting with anyone you meet online, 75 how well you think you know this person. There are no guarantees that they have told the truth.56. A. what B. how C. why D. which57. A. shut down B. open up C. get into D. turn on58. A. but B. even C. despite D. since59. A. is B. are C. was D. were60. A. get B. make C. take D. push61. A. as B. about C. for D. in62. A. avoid B. get C. benefit D. hide63. A. stay B. be staying C. stayed D. staying64. A. difficult B. Simplest C. simple D. most difficult65. A. as to B. no matter C. so that D. because66. A. efficient B. Interesting C. effective D. impressive67. A. if B. whether C. however D. whatever68. A. information B. documents C. fries D. messages69. A. let B. make C. allow D. letting70. A. what B. why C. when D. how71. A. introducing B. Inviting C. investing D. interrupting72. A. partly B. Mostly C. lastly D. completely73. A. favor B. Rule C. information D. permission74. A. above B.'under C. below D. at75. A. no matter B. even if C. unless D. alsoPart V Translation (20%)Section ADirections: In this part there are five sentences which you should translate into Chinese. These sentences are all taken from the 3 passages you have just read in Reading Comprehension. Y ou can refer back to the passages to identify their meanings in the context.76 .... Certain pop stars make statements and set examples as if the use of drags for non-medicinal purposes were a normal and acceptable part of a person's lifestyle...77. One of the biggest worries for governments is that the longer people live, the more likelihood there is for diseases and for disability (残疾).78. Another significant problem is the need for the younger generations to understand and value the older people in their society.79. Extensive new studies suggest that the world has made extraordinary pmgressin reducing poverty in recent decades.80. The new economic research will not put an end to that dispute.SectionBDirections:In this part there are five sentences in Chinese.Y ou should translate them into English.Be sure to write clearly.81.今天早上他起床晚了,所以没有赶上火车。



2001年公共英语三级考试模拟试题及答案Section I Listening Comprehension(1-25题略)Section Ⅱ Use of English (15 minutes)Directions:Read the following text. Choose the best word or phrase for each numbered blank and mark A, B,C, or Don your ANSWER SHEET 1.TextGeography is the study of the relationship between people and the land. Geographers (地理学家) compare and contrast 26 places on the earth. But they also 27 beyond the individual places and consider the earth as a 28 . The word geography 29 from two Greek words: ge,the Greek word for "earth" and graphein,30 . means "to write". The English word geography means "to describe the earth".31 geography books focus on a small area 32 a town or city. Others deal witha state, a region, a nation, or an 33 continent. Many geography books deal with the whole earth. Another 34 to divide the study of 35 is to distinguish betweenphysical geography and cultural geography. The former focuses on the natural world; the 36 starts with human beings and 37 how human beings and their environment act 38 each other. But when geography is considered as a single subject, 39 branch can neglect the other.A geographer might be described 40 one who observes, records, and explains the 41 between places. If all places 42 alike, there would be little need for geographers.We know, however, 43 no two places are exactly the Geography, 44 , is apoint of view, a special way of 45 at places.26. [A] similar [B] various [C] distant [D] famous27. [A] pass [B] go [C] reach [D] set28. [A] whole [B] unit [C] part [D] total29. [A] falls [B] removes [C] results [D] comes30. [A] what [B] that [C] which [D] it31. [A] Some [B]Many [C]Most [D]Few32. [A] outside [B] except [C]as [D]like33. [A] extensive [B] entire [C] overall [D] enormous34. [A] way [B] means [C] habit [D] technique35. [A] world [B] earth [C] geography [D] globe36. [A] second [ B] later [C] next [D] latter37. [A] learns [ B ] studies [ C ] realizes [ D ] understands38. [A] upon [B] for [C]as [D] to39. [A] neither [B] either [C] one [D] each40. [A] for . [B]to [C]as [D]by41. [A] exceptions [B] sameness [C] differences [D] divisions42. [A] being [B] are [C] be [D] were43. [A] although [B] whether [C] since [D] that44. [A] still [B] then [C] nevertheless [D] moreover45. [A] working [ B ] looking [ C ] arriving [ D ] gettingSection Ⅲ Reading Comprehension (40 minutes)Part ADirections:Read the following three texts. Answer the questions on each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark four answers on the ANSWER SHEET by drawing a thick line across the corresponding letter in the brackets.Text INo one knows exactly how many disabled (残废的) people there are in the world, but estimates suggest the figure is over 450 million. The number of disabled people in India alone is probably more than double the total population of Canada.In the United Kingdom, about one in ten people have some disability. Disability is not just something that happens to other people. As we get older, many of us will become less mobile ( 可动的) , hard of hearing or have failing eyesight.Disablement can take many forms and occur at any time of life. Some people are born with disabilities. Many others become disabled as they get older. There are many progressive disabling diseases. The longer time goes on, the worse they become. Some people are disabled in accidents. Many others may have a period of disability in the form of a mental illness. All are affected by people ’ s attitude towards them.Disabled people face many physical barriers. Next time you go shopping or to work or visitfriends, imagine how you would manage if you could not get up steps, or on to buses and trains. How would you cope if you could not see where you were going or could not hear the traffic? But there are other barriers: prejudice can be even harder to break down and ignorance inevitably represents by far the greatest barrier of all. It is almost impossible for the able-bodied to fully appreciate what the severely disabled go through, so it is important to draw attention to these barriers and show that it is the individual person and their ability, not their disability, which counts.46. The first paragraph points out that _________.{ A J it is possible to get an exact figure of the world ’s disabled people [ B ] there are many disabled people in the world[ C ] the number of disabled people in India is the greatest[ D ] India has not much more disabled people than Canada47. The key word in Paragraph 4 is _________.[ A ] barriers [ B ] ignorance[C] disability [D] prejudice48. The last word of the passage "counts" most probably means _________.[A] "is most important" [B] "is included"[C] "is considered" [D] "is numbered"49. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?[A] There are about 10 percent disabled persons in the UK.[ B ] The whole society should pay due attention to the barriers faced by the disabled people.[ C ] Even the able-bodied may lose some of their body functions when they get older.[D] There still exists prejudice against the disabled which results mainly from ignorance.50. It can be concluded from the passage that _____ __.[A] we should try our best to prevent disablement[ B] we must take a proper attitude towards the disabled[C] the able-bodied people will never fully understand the disabled[D] both physical and mental barriers are hard to break downText 2A small piece of fish each day may keep the heart doctor away. That’ s the finding of an extensive study of Dutch men in which deaths from heart disease were more than 50 percent lower among those who consumed at least an ounce of salt water fish per day than those who never ate fish.The Dutch research is one of three human studies that give strong scientific backing to the longheld belief that eating fish can provide health benefits, particularly to the heart.Heart disease is the nuinber-one killer in the United States, with more than 550,000 deaths oc- curring from heart attacks each year. But researchers previously have noticed that the incidence ( 发生率) of heart disease is lower in cultures that consume more fish than Americans do. There are fewer heart disease deaths, for example, among the Eskimos of Greenland, who consume about14 ounces of fish a day, and among the Japanese, whose daily fish consumption averages more than 3 ounces.For 20 years, the Dutch study followed 852 middle-aged men, 20 percent of whom ate no fish.At the start of the study, the average fish consumption was abouttwo-thirds of an ounce each day with more men eating lean (瘦的) fish than fatty fish.During the next two decades, 78 of the men died from heart disease. The fewest deaths were among the group who regularly ate fish, even at levels far lower than those of the Japanese or Eskimos. This relationship was true regardless of other factors such as age, high blood pressure, or blood cholesterol ( 胆固醇) levels.51. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?[A] The Dutch research has proved that eating fish can help to prevent heart disease.[ B] Heart doctors won’t call your house so long as you keep eating fish each day.[C] Among all the diseases heart disease is the most dangerous in America.[D] There is a low incidence of heart disease in such countries as Japan and Greenland.52. The phrase "this relationship" (in Line 3, Para. 5) refers to the connection between_________ and the incidence of heart disease.[A] the amount offish eaten [B] regular fish-eating[ C ] the kind of fish eaten [ D ] people of different regions53. The passage is mainly about _________.[ A ] the high incidence of heart disease in some countries[ B ] the effect of fish eating on people ’ s health[ C] the changes in people’ s diet[D] the daily fish consumption of people in different cultures54. Why is heart disease the most dangerous killer in the United States?[A] Because American people drink too much spirits.[B] Because there are a great number of fat people there.[ C ] The author does n ’ t give a definite answer.[D] Because American people eat too much fatty fish.55. How many lives could probably be saved each year in the United States by eating fifth according to the Dutch study?[A] 550,000. [B] 275,000.LC] 110,000. [D] 852.Text 3Being assertive ( 过分自信) is being able to communicate with other people clearly. If you felt that you had expressed what was important to you and allowed the oilier person to respond in their own way then, regardless of the final outcome, you behaved assertively. It is important to remember that being assertive refers to a way of coping with confrontations ( 对抗)。



2010年9月公共英语三级考试试题答案选择题:1: B.(until) 2: A.(that) 3:C.(Another)4:C. (leaves) 5:D. (Mature) 6:A. (being discussed) 7:C. (casual) 8:B. (that)9: D (to) 10: B (persist)填空:1: payme nt 2: were in terviewed3: be 4: con ducted5: were 6: responsibility7: injured 8: to accept9: quickly阅读理解:(一)1: B (better organized our activities)2: C (study efficiently)3: B (Any activities we're eager to do)4: B (Tak ing a short nap in the after noon)5: A (Study Habits and time Management)(二)1: B(Start a new small bus in ess)2: D (Determination and originality)3: C (Advise beforeha nd)4: A (Those with fewer than 50 employees)5: B (Linking to other releva nt articles)(三)这题答案文章中都可以找到的,自己找哦 搭配题(汉译英):1.现金价格:E(cash price)2:销售合同: D(salsas con tract)3:到达港:J(port of arrival)4:供货合同: A(supply agreement)5:逾期付款:H(Late payment)6:索赔通知:P(Note of claim)7:贸易协定: B(Trade agreement)8:信用证:M(Letter of credit)9:固定价格: G(Fixed price)10 :即期装运:K(Prompt shipment)翻译(选择正确答案):1 : BCD 2:AB 3:ACD 4:ABC61- 65:ADBGE2008年9月公共英语三级真题及答案2008年9月公共英语三级真题及答案(无听力)1-5:BBDDA 6- 10:DBDCA 11-15:CADBD 16-20:BADBD21- 25:CDCCB 26-30:BACDC 31- 35:DBBDA 36-40:ADCBC41- 45:ABDAC46-50:BDCBD51- 55:BACDB56-60:DDBBD33. A limitB charge 34.A check inB log35. A true B actual 36.A rece ntly B freque ntly C realistically D immediately37.A reduce B reform C remove D retain 38.A Although B Because C Uni ess D Whereas39.A waste B have C spend D take40.A resembled B resembli ng C to resemble D resembleD fixSection I Listening Comprehension 1— 25(略)Section H Use of EnglishDirections: Read the following text. Choose the best word or phrase for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSW ER SHEET 1. A webcam is a digital camera that sends video images toother computer users. It ' about the (26) of a golf ball and typically (2 7)on top of your computer monitor. Once the webcam is (28)to the USB port of your computer with thenecessary software, (29) images of you can be sent toone or more users over the Internet (30) an instant messaging(IM) service. A webcam costs about$50. More expensive models comewith added (31) , such as better picture resolution. T wo leadingmakers,Logitech and Creative, offer a range of models, (32) software is included. There is no extra Internet (33) to send or receive video im ages, though you ' llhave to (34) for a free in sta nt messagi ng service. Every one can see and hear one ano ther in (35) time. Gran dpare nt s can see their grandkids more (36) Webcams can work with almost any computer bought in the past five years and can (37) long dis tance phone bills.(38) you have broadband, that is, a high-speed cable-modem or DSL connection, images may (39) a long timeto download, (40) a slide show rather than a movie. While webcams are easy to link to your computer,learning to (41) the softwarecan take time. Youhave to make. some rearrangement with the configurations.(42) you have a 56k modem and the people you want to (43) won' t mind see ing live shots in stead of perfect video, a webcam isstill fun, (44) before you buy, be sure every one, (45) for thesame IM service.26. A weight B size C volume D space 27. A rests B rema ins C stays D sits 28. A joinedB attachedC conn ectedD faste ned29. A live B living C lively D lovely 30. A via B with C from D in31. A devices B features C desig ns D attachme nts32. A soB butC forD andC registrati onD rate in C sign up D draw upC genuineD real41.A useB writeC dow nload 42. A because B though C ifD unl ess 43. A reach B touch C kn ow D show44. A nevertheless B so C besides D but 45.A registerB paysC seeksD asksSection 皿 Reading ComprehensionPart ADirectio ns: Read the followi ng three texts. An swer the questi ons on each text by choos ing A, B,C or D. Mark your an swers on ANSWER SHEET 1.Text 1A former tow n hall worker made legal history last week whe n she was awarded 67,000 pounds for stress brought on by her work. The ruli ng made Beverley Lan caster the first pers on to get their employer to accept legal resp on sibility for stress-related pers onal injury in a British court. It is likely to start a flood of other worker ' s claims; Mrs. LancasOdy has 7,000 utriesBaieated cases on its books.The 44-year-old mother of two started a legal case aga inst Birm in gham City Coun cil after falli ng ill while work ing as a troubleshooter in a neighborhood housing office. Dealing with rude and abusive members of the public pushed her into periods of gloom and she suffered anxiety, Birm in gham county court heard. Mrs. Lan caster joined the coun cil at 16, work ing her way up from junior clerk to senior draughtswoma n. Her problems began when she was promoted to housing officer in Sutton Oldfield. "With no continuity, a constant high workload and little clerical support, I found it difficult to switch from one problem or situati on to ano ther," she said. "My concen trati on swung and I suffered sleepless ni ghts.It made me feel like I was in a hole with no key to ope n the door. I would break dow n in tears. I was being in paperwork and at times my mind would just go bla nk."In award ing compe nsati on of 67,491 poun ds, assista nt recorder Fran ces Kirkham said she un derstood the positi on of troubleshooter was very differe nt from Mrs. Lan caster p recious job. She rejected claims from the coun cil that Mrs. Lan caster would be able to go back to her former professi on, say ing she accepted that the possibility of future work would be less capacity.After the heari ng Mrs. Lan caster said she was relieved and pleased. She added, "I hope this will act as a warning to employers. Everythi ng I did was right. The coun cil made promises to me and they failed me. I felt isolated, let dow n, that I was not good eno ugh, not wan ted." The payout, the first of its kind to be decided in a county court, covers loss of wages and future loss of earnin gs.A spokesma n for Birm in gham City Coun cil said acti on had bee n take n by the authority to review its staff and man ageme nt procedures.46. Mrs. Beverley Lan caster was awarded 67,000 pounds for ___ .A. ill ness caused by her jobB. her successful and good luckC. the courage she showed in courtD. the amo unt of work she did47. Mrs. Beverley Lan caster took legal acti on agai nst the city coun cil because __ .A. it refused to award her for her jobB. she had to deal with rude members of the coun cilC. it was resp on sible for her problemsD. it denied her any clerical support48. The Lan caster case shows that employees have the right to get compe nsati on if they __ .A. are give n work that they are un able to doB. suffer men tal injury caused by their workC. are forced to do work that they don ' t likeD. feel isolated, let dow n and extremely an xious49」t can be in ferred that _____ .A. Mr Lan caster will find a better paid job in the futureB. the job of draughtswoma n is very dema ndingC. the court may hear more stress-related casesD. the job of hous ing officer causes men tal injuries50」f Birm in gham City Goun cil pla ns to move an employee to a new job, it will defi nitely make sure that __ .A. there is continu ity betwee n the two jobsB. no compla ints from the employee occurC. the amo unt of work is reduced for the new jobD. the employee is prepared for any men tal problemsText 2Life learning (sometimes called un-schooling or self-directed learning) is one of those concepts that are almost easier to explain by saying what it isn ' t han what it is. And that ' psobably because our own schooled backgrounds haveconvinced us that learning happens only in a dedicated buildi ng on certa in days, betwee n certa in hours, and man aged by a specially trained professi on al.Withi n that schooli ng framework, no matter how hard teachers try and no matter how good their textbooks, many bright stude nts get bored,many slower stude nts struggle and give up or lose their self-respect, and most of them reach the end of the process un prepared to en ter into society.They have memorized a certa in body of kno wledge long eno ugh to rush back the in formati on on tests, but they have n ' t really lear nt much, at least of the official curriculum.Life learners, on the other hand, know that learning is not difficult, that people learn things quite easily if the y' re not compelled and forced, ifthey see a n eed to lear n somethi ng, and if they are trusted and respected eno ugh to lear n it on their own timetable, at their own speed, in their ownway. They know that learning cannot be produced in us and that we cannot produce it in others ——no matter what age and no matter whether we ' re atschool or at home.Life lear ning is in depe ndent of time, locati on or the prese nce of teacher. It does not require mom or dad to teach, or kids to work in workbooksat the kitche n table from 9 to noon from September to June. Life lear ning is lear ner-drive n. It in volves livi ng and lear ning ——in and from the realworld. It is about explori ng, questi oning, experime nting, mak ing messes, taki ng risks without fear of mak ing mistakes, being laughed at and tryingaga in.Furthermore, life learn ing is about trust ing kids to lear n what they n eed to know and about help ing them to lear n and grow in their own ways.It is about providi ng positive experie nces that en able childre n to un dersta nd the world and their culture and to in teract with it.51.It is implied in the text that it is hard to _____ .A. carry life lear ning thoughB. tell the n ature of life lear ningC」earn without going to schoolD.find a specially trained teacher52. Accord ing to the author, the schooli ng framework ofte n __ .A. produces slow stude nts with poor memoriesB. ig nores some parts of the official curriculumC. fails to provide eno ugh kno wledge about lifeD. gives little care to the quality of teachi ng materials53. Life lear ners recog nize that lear ning will not be difficult if they are __ .A. clear about why to lear nB. careful to make a time tableC. able to respect other peopleD. cautious about any mistakes54. Accord ing to the author, life lear ning ____ .A. could preve nt one from running risksB. could be a road full of trials and errorsC. makes a kid in depe ndent of his pare ntsD. teaches a kid how to avoid being scor ned55. Through life lear ning, childre n ___ .A. will grow without the assista nce from pare ntsB. will lear n to comm uni cate with the real worldC. will be drive n to learn n ecessary life kno wledgeD. will be isolated from the n egative side of societyText 3To find Kim Hyung Gyoon ' s office in Samsung ' s R&D compet follow the baskets of dirt clothes. No, Kim is not running the companylaun dry. As chief of Sams ung ' s Washi ng & Clea ning Tech no logy Group(WCTG), he ' s the man beh ind a new washi ng macb i ttetthyjt deposilver particles(small pieces of thi ngs) ——about 1 / 10,000 the thick ness of a huma n hair ——onto clothes to make them germ-a nd-odor-free without the n eed of hot water. The device represe nts the first mass-produced applicati on of this tape of nano tech no logy —— the scie nee of very small structures—to home applia nces. "I n summer of2002, I asked every one in the office to take off their socks," says Kim. "took one sock from each pers on and placed it in a regular washi ng machi ne; the others were washed in a mach ine with the Ag+ Nano System. The next day, I asked every one to check the odor of their socks after a day ' s wear. One began produce a strong unpleasant smell, and the oth er was odorless.Kim says he came up with the idea five years ago while on a bus in ess trip to Japa n, where he lear ned of a brand of socks that reta ined their fresh ness even after many days of un washed wear and tear. Tiny sticks of sliver with germ-killi ng chemicals were wove n into the fabric. Whe n he got back to Seoul, Kim applied the prin ciple to washi ng machi nes.Accord ing to the Korea Testi ng & Research In dustry, Sams ung ' s device kills 99.9% of germs. Kim says garme nts s-fyegeomup to a monthafter being laun dered. The Ag+ Nano device went on sale in March 2003 and costs around $1,150; the revoluti onary tech no logy is also being used in Samsung ' s refrigerators and air conditioners.No won der: con sumers seem to a little sliver in their spin cycles. Since Sams ung -armed products wenarfiiost laun ched, they have brought inan estimated $779 million in revenue. Overall, nan otech has been one of science '-gsciwsigsltelds in recent years, with potential applicationsin fields as diverse as en ergy producti on and toothpaste manu facture. The nano tech market is projected to be worth $1 trilli on by 2015.56. Which of the fo llowing best describes the nature of Kim Hyung Gyoon ' s work?A. Product developme nB. Market in vestigatioC. Research desig ninD. Sales promotio57. One adva ntage of nano-armed washi ng machi nes is that ___ .A. one wash-load is much larger tha n beforeB. the clea n-up is done with an additi onal ben efitC. clea ning powder is no Ion ger n ecessaryD. a lot of water could be saved58」n terms of nano tech no logy, Kim was the first ___ .A. to use it in washi ng machi nesB. to come up with the ideaC. to in troduce it to KoreaD. to apply it to socks59. The author believes that the future of nano tech no logy will be ___ .A. c on spicuousB. disti nctiveC. foreseeableD. promisi ng60. This text cen ters on ___ .A. the success of an en terpriseB. the applicati on of a tech no logyC. the market share of Samsung ' s WCTGD. the mass-producti on of a home applia ncePart BDirecti ons: Read the follow ing texts in which 5 people expressed their opinions about the con cept of "happ in ess". For questi ons 61 to 65, match the name of each person (61 to 65) to one of the stateme nts (A to G ) give n below. Mark your an swers on ANSWER SHEET 1.Heather McCoyEn teri ng a bookstore, one cannot help but no tice en tire shelves devoted to books boat ing kno wledge of the true path to happ in ess.Whether this wave of in fomercials and books can actually make people happier is the questi on. Happ in ess cannot be found by adheri ng to a n arrow set of steps or rules.Finding happ in ess is not as simple as follow ing a how-to manu al, it ' s somethi ng that every pers on must find in his orher own way.Gary RussellDoes happ in ess grow proporti on ally with wealth? Hardly.Experiences teaches us material satisfaction comes only when one finds himself wealthier than those around him; and, in a like manner, one feels of being lowered whe n confronting a billi on aire, while a worker with a mon thly salary of several hun dred dollars becomes the envy of the villagers in remote moun tai nous regi ons.David NivenTrue happ in ess is not a result from huma n acti on. Results are temporary whereas happ in ess is everywhere and can n either be created nor destroyed. True happ in ess is realized by un dersta nding one ' s own SELF. With true happ in ess there is no place fttstTapptepmeessmay mean pain and restra int in the begi nning but will lead to eter nal joy and freedom. To achieve true happ in ess, we should isolate and remove the n egatives.Joshua PartyHapp in ess is a state of mind. You can be happy in almost any situati on. Likewise, you can be un happy in an equal nu mber of situati on s. In the end, it ' s your decision.If one can con trol one ' s un happ in ess, the n one must be able to con trol one ' s happ in ess. As far as I know, the HumaqjGt tasie(Prbee n able to ide ntify a sin gle part of any huma n chromosome which is resp on sible for happ in ess.Laura JohnsonSo what makes me a happy person? Studying to be a journalist because I loved to write, not because it pays a lot of money. Skiing in thewinter snow and swimm ing in the summer sun. Spending time with my close friends from home that like the real me just as much as the old me. Being in a stable family. Readi ng roma nce no vels and watchi ng bizarre movies. Having a boyfrie nd who knows more about rock and roll history tha n I do.Now match the n ame of each pers on (61 to 65) to the appropriate stateme nts.Note: there are two extra stateme nts.Stateme nts[A] Happ in ess lies in persiste nt pursuit.[B] Happ in ess is in your own hand.[C] Freedom is positively related to happ in ess.[D] Happ in ess is based on comparis on.[E] There does not exist a guide to happ in ess.[F] Happ in ess is a bala nce betwee n man and n ature.[G] Happ in ess is all about doing what you want to.Section IV WritingDirections:You should write your responses to both Part A and Part B of this section on ANSWER SHEET 2.1. Your TV broke down only one week after it was bought. Write a letter of complaint to the store where your TV set was boug ht,1) to express what is wrong with your TV set;2) to make your request (change for a new one, or return the broken one ...);3) to urge the store to give an early reply.You should write approximately 100 words. Do not sig n your own n ame at the end of your letter. Use "Wang Lin" in stead. You do not need to write your address and the date.2. Bellow is a cartoon about Chinese domestic migration of human resources in recent years. Look at the cartoon and write an ess ay of about 120 words, make reference to the following points:1) a description of the cartoon;2) the cause and effect of this migration.答案:26. B[解析]本题考查语义的理解。



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PartⅠ Vocabulary and Structure ( 1 x40 )Directions: There are 40 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence, and then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.1. The fire must have _______ after the shop was closed.A. broken outB. broken downC. broken inD. broken through云飞专升本《公共英语》专用教材,陈永烨主编,西北工业大学出版社 P140 页 综合训练六,以下简称云飞专升本《公共英语》专用教材公共英语试卷 第 1 页 (共12页)2. He is_______ join the army.A. too young toB. enough young toC. very young toD. young enough to云飞专升本《公共英语》专用教材 P64 页第7 题3. Finally he got time for a glance_______ this report.A. offB. roundC. onD. at4. Your idea seems to be good but it isn’t _______.A. practicalB. possibleC. plentifulD. precious5. He enjoys _______ pop music while I prefer classical music.A. to listen toB. to listenC. listeningD. listening to6. When the little girl awoke, she found herself_______ by a group of soldiers.A. surroundB. be surroundedC. being surroundedD. being surrounding云飞专升本《公共英语》专用教材 P141 页第 8 题7.The manager lost his _______ just because his secretary was ten minutes late.A. moodB. temperC. mindD. passion8. There are several characteristics of the textbook_______ attention.A. worthwhileB. worth ofC. worthyD. worthy of云飞专升本《公共英语》专用教材 P141 页第 16 题9. The new building_______ all the other buildings in the town.A. dwarfsB. distortsC. desertsD. depresses云飞专升本培训考前必看资料 P12页第 25题10. I passed the test. I_______ it without your help.A. would not passB. wouldn’t have passedC. didn’t passD. had not passed云飞专升本培训考前必看资料 P13页第 31题11.The Internet has brought _______ big changes in the way we work.A. aboutB. outC. backD. up12. The father writes in his will that every son and daughter _______ a share of his 公共英语试卷 第 2 页 (共12页)property.A. hasB. to haveC. havingD. have云飞专升本培训考前必看资料 P13页第 35题13. He hurried to the hospital, only_______his father had just died.A. to tellB. to be toldC. tellingD. told14. _______ tomorrow, he would be able to see the opening ceremony.A. Would he comeB. If he comesC.Was he comingD. Were he to come15.The speaker could hardly find safe ground_______ his arguments.A. on which to baseB. to base onC. on the baseD. which to base on16. He is a man who is always _______ fault with other people.A. puttingB. seekingC. findingD. looking for17. The factory had to _______ a number of employees because of the economic crisisin the country.A. lay outB. lay offC. lay asideD. lay down18. Would you spare some time to have a chat with me _______ a cup of coffee?A. forB. withC. duringD. over19.Ten days ago the young man_______ his boss _______ his intention to resign.A. informed … ofB. informed … onC. informed … inD. informed… to20. It is necessary that he_______ the task by the end of next week.A. fulfillB. will fulfillC. will have fulfilledD. fulfills云飞专升本培训考前必看资料 P7页第 12 题21. It is impossible for so_______ workers to do so_______ work in a single day.A. few… muchB. few… manyC. little… muchD. little… many22. No further discussions _______ , the meeting was brought to an end.A. aroseB. arisingC. to ariseD. be arisen23. The other day, Mum and I went to St. James’s Hospital, and they did lots and lots oftests on me, _______ are horrible and frightening.公共英语试卷 第 3 页 (共12页)A. most of themB. most of whichC. most of thatD. most of what24. He is a pleasant fellow to_______ .A. workB. work withC. be workingD. be worked25. On his way to the airport, it _______to him that he had forgotten to take his passport.A. happenedB. occurredC. reflectedD. took place26. Orlando, a city in Florida, _______ for its main attraction, Magic Kingdom.A. which is well knownB. being well knownC. well knownD. is well known27. _______ , he couldn’t earn enough to support the family.A. Hard as he workedB. As he worked hardC. As hard he workedD. Hard as did he work28. I used _______ on the left in England, but I soon got used _______ on the right inChina.A. to driving… to driveB. to drive… to drivingC. to drive… to driveD. to driving… to driving云飞专升本《公共英语》专用教材 P45 页语法知识点29. Can machines perform the same tasks _______ ?A. that man doesB. what man doesC. how man doesD. as man does30. _______ that the trade between the two countries reached its highest point.A. During the 1960’sB. It was in the 1960’sC. That it was in the 1960’sD. It was the 1960’s云飞专升本《公共英语》专用教材 P122 页第 38 题31. It’s no use_______ with him since he has made up his mind.A. to argueB. arguingC. to be arguedD. argued云飞专升本《公共英语》专用教材 P68 页第4 题32.The more he tried to please her, _______ she seemed to appreciate it.A. lessB. lesserC. the lessD. the lesser33. The information technology has greatly_______ people’s life.A. affectedB. effect公共英语试卷 第 4 页 (共12页)C. impactD. infected云飞专升本《公共英语》专用教材 P136 页第 13 题34. Having a good command of English is _______ an easy thing.A. by all meansB. by any meansC. by every meansD. by no means35. My mobile phone isn’t working. It_______.A. needs being repairedB. needs repairingC. needs to repairD. needs repaired云飞专升本押题讲稿 P14页第 1 题36. That was so serious a matter that I had no choice but _______ the police.A. called inB. calling inC. call inD. to call in37. He never _______ to his customers in his business except occasionally for somespecial reasons. This time he cut the price by half, which really shocked me.A. leakedB. drewC. quotedD. yielded云飞专升本《公共英语》专用教材 P136 页第 24 题38. It is useful to be able to predict the extent _______ which a price change willinfluence supply and demand.A. fromB. withC. toD. for39. Undergraduate students _______ the rare books in the school library.A. have access forB. keep access inC. keep access onD. have access to云飞专升本《公共英语》专用教材 P43 页第106 题;押题卷一第 18 题40. _______ sat down_______ the phone rang.A. No sooner had he… thanB. No sooner he had… thanC. No sooner had he… whenD. No sooner he had… when云飞专升本《公共英语》专用教材 P86 页第1 题Part II Cloze ( 1 x 20 )Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Y ou should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.What do we mean by a perfect English pronunciation? In one sense there are as many different kinds of 41 as there are speakers of it. No two speakers 42 in exactly the公共英语试卷 第 5 页 (共12页)same 43 . We can always hear differences 44 them, and the pronunciation of English 45 a great deal in different geographical 46 . How do we decide what sort of English to use as a 47 ? This is not a question that can be 48 in the same way for all foreign learners of English. 49 you live in a part of the world as 50 , where there is a long 51 of speaking English for general communication purpose, you should select to 52 a good variety of the pronunciation of this area. It would be mistake in these 53 to use as a model BBC English or 54 of the sort. On the other hand, if you live in a country 55 there is no traditional 56 of English, you must take as your model some forms of 57 English pronunciation. It does not 58 very much which form you choose. The most 59 way is to take as your model the sort of English you can 60 most often.41. A. language B. linguistic C. English D. linguist42. A. spoke B. spoken C. speaks D. speak43.A. way B. form C. sort D. type44. A. of B. among C. between D. from45.A. varies B. changes C. shifts D. alters46. A. spaces B. parts C. countries D. areas47. A. guide B. model C. symbol D. direction48. A. given B. answered C. satisfied D. responded49. A. Because B. When C. Whether D. If50. A. Russia B. Mongolia C. India D.Japan51.A. tradition B. use C. custom D. habit52. A. seize B. acquire C. have D. hold53. A. actions B. decisions C. combinations D. circumstances54. A. everything B. nothing C. things D. anything55. A. which B. that C. where D. wherever56.A. use B. used C. useful D. usefulness57. A. domestic B. practical C. national D. new58.A. matter B. affect C. trouble D. care59. A. ordinary B. sensitive C. effective D. careful60. A. listen B. find C. notice D. hear云飞专升本培训考前必看资料 P69 页练习六Part Ⅲ Reading Comprehension ( 2 x 20 )Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or incomplete statements. For each of them there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Y ou should decide on the best choice, and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.公共英语试卷 第 6 页 (共12页)Passage OneThousands of years ago, in the middle of an ocean, miles from the nearest island, an undersea volcano broke out. The hot liquid got higher and higher and spread wider and wider. In this way, an island rose up in the sea.As time went on, hot sun and cool rains made the rock split and break to pieces. Sea waves hit against the rock. In this way, soil and sand came into being.Nothing lived on the naked soil. And then the wind and birds brought plant seeds, spiders and other little living things there. Only plants could grow first. Only they, in sunlight, could produce food from the soil, water and air. While many animals landed on the island, they could find no food. A spider made its web uselessly, because there were no insects(昆虫) for its web to catch. Insects couldn’t stay until there were plants for them to eat. So plants had to be the first life on this new island.61. The passage centers on_______ .A. how an undersea volcano broke outB. how an island rose up in the seaC. how soil was formed on a new islandD. how life began on a volcano­ produced island62. According to the passage, the island got its first soil from_______ .A. sea wavesB. the sand brought by the windC. its own rockD. cool rains63. The word "naked" (in para. 3) could be replaced by which of the following?A. redB. newC. oldD. bare64. The order of coming into being on the island is _______ .A. soil, plants and animalsB. soil, little creatures and plantsC. soil, birds and plantsD. soil, human beings and animals65. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?A. Spiders were the first life that could live on the island.B.The island is far away from any piece of land.C. Insects could not live on the island without plantsD. Plants were brought to the island by human beings公共英语试卷 第 7 页 (共12页)Passage TwoErnest Miller Hemingway was born on July 21, 1899 in Oak Park, Illinois. In the nearly sixty two years of his life that followed, he built a literary fame unsurpassed(无法超越)in the twentieth century.As a boy he was taught by his father to hunt and fish along the shores and in the forests around Lake Michigan. The Hemingways had a summer house in northern Michigan, and the family would spend the summer months there trying to stay cool. Hemingway would either fish the different streams that ran into the lake, or would take the small boat out to do some fishing there. He would also go squirrel hunting in the woods, discovering early in life the peace to be found while alone in the forest or going through a stream. It was something he could always go back to throughout his life, and though he often found himself living in major cities like Chicago, Toronto and Paris early in his life, once he became successful he chose somewhat isolated places to live in.When he wasn’t hunting or fishing his mother taught him the good points of music. She was a skilled singer who once had wished a life on stage, but at last settled down with her husband and spent her time by giving voice and music lessons to local children, including her own. Hemingway was never talented for music and suffered through singing practices and music lessons, however, the musical knowledge he got from his mother helped him share in his first wife Hadley’s interest in the piano.66. Ernest Hemingway died in_______ .A. 1969B. 1979C. 1981D. 196167.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?A. His father taught him to fish and hunt when he was a boy.B. His family had a summer house in northern Michigan.C. He taught himself music when he was a boy.D. He also went squirrel hunting in the woods.68.After he became successful, Ernest Hemingway_______ .A. preferred to stay in big citiesB. chose to live in somewhat isolated placesC. moved his family to ParisD. killed himself69. Being talented in music, Hemingway’s mother once wanted to_______ .A. be a music teacherB. help Hemingway learn musicC. perform on the stage as a singerD. marry a rich husband公共英语试卷 第 8 页 (共12页)70.The passage is most probably from_______ .A. a literary biographyB. a science textbookC. a term paperD. a personal diaryPassage ThreeWhat will man be like in the future — in5000 or even 50000 years from now? We can only make a guess, of course, but we can be sure that he will be different from what he is today. For man is slowly changing all the time.Let us take an obvious example. Man, even five hundred years ago, was shorter than he is today. Now, on average, men are about three inches taller. Five hundred years is a relatively short period of time, so we may assume that man will continue to grow taller.Again, in the modern world we use our brains a great deal. Even so, we still make use of only about 20% of the brain’s capacity. As time goes on, however, we shall have to use our brains more and more, and eventually we shall need larger ones. This is likely to bring about a physical change tool — the head, in particular the forehead, will grow larger.Nowadays our eyes are in constant use. In fact, we use them so much that very often they become weaker and we have to wear glasses. But over very long period of time it is likely that man’s eyes will grow stronger.On the other hand, we tend to make less use of our arms and legs. These, as a result, are likely to grow weaker. At the same time, however, our fingers will grow more sensitive because they are used a great deal in modern life.But what about hair? It will probably disappear from the body altogether in course of time because it does not serve a useful purpose any longer. In the future, then, both sexes are likely to be bald.Perhaps all this gives the impression that future man will not be a very attractive creature to look at. This may well be true. All the same, in spite of all these changes, future man will still have a lot in common with us. He will still be a human being, with thoughts and emotions similar to our own.71.The passage tells us about _______ .A. how man’s life will be in the futureB. how future man will look likeC. the fact that man’s organs will function differently in the futureD. the fact that man is growing uglier as time passes72. There is evidence that man is changing, _______ .A. he has been growing taller over the past 500 yearsB. he has got stronger eyes than he ever hadC. his hair is getting thinner and thinner公共英语试卷 第 9 页 (共12页)D. his limbs are getting weaker because he tends to make less use of them73. Man’s forehead will grow larger because_______ .A. he will make use of only about 20% of the brain’s capacityB. the other 80% of his brain will grow in due timeC. he had rather narrow forehead a few hundred years agoD. he will have to use his brain more and more as time goes on74. Future man will probably_______ .A. have smaller eyesB. have larger eyesC. see betterD. have to wear better glasses75 .The reason for believing that future man will be different is that he_______ .A. will grow strongerB. never stops changingC. hopes for a changeD. will live a different lifePassage FourAuctions (拍卖)are public sales of goods, made by an officially approved auctioneer. He asked the crowd assembled in the auction room to make offers, or bids, for the various items on sale. He encouraged buyers to bid higher figures, and finally named the highest bidder as the buyer of the goods. This is called “knocking down” the goods, for the bidding ends when the auctioneer bangs a small hammer on a table at which he stands. This is often set on a raised platform called a rostrum.The ancient Romans probably invented sales by auction, and the English word comes from the Latin auction, meaning “increase”. The Romans usually sold in this way the spoils taken in war, these sales were called “sub hash”, meaning “under the spear”, a spear being stuck in the ground as a signal for a crowd to gather. In England in the eighteenth century, goods were often sold “by the candle”: a short candle was lit by the auctioneer, and bids could be made while it stayed alight.Practically all goods whose qualities varied are sold by auction. Among these are coffee, hides, skins, wool, tea, cocoa, furs, spices, fruit, vegetables and wines. Auction sales are also usual for land and property, antique furniture, pictures, rare books, old china and similar works of art. The auction rooms at Christie’s and Sotheby’s in London and New York are world famous.An auction is usually advertised beforehand with full particulars of the articles to be sold and where and when they can be viewed by prospective buyers. If the advertisement cannot give full details, catalogues are printed, and each group of goods to be sold together,公共英语试卷 第 10 页 (共12页)called a “lot”, is usually given a number. The auctioneer need not begin with Lot 1 and continue in numerical order; he may wait until he registers the fact that certain dealers are in the room and then produce the lots they are likely to be interested in. The auctioneer’s services are paid for in the form of a percentage of the price the goods are sold for. The auctioneer therefore has a direct interest in pushing up the bidding as high as possible.76.A“bidder” (in para. 1) is a person_______ .A. who sells something.B. who buys something.C. who offers a price.D. who borrows something.77. Auctioned goods are sold_______ price offered.A. for the highestB. for the fixedC. for the lowestD. for the unexpected78. The end of the bidding is called“knocking down” because_______ .A. the auctioneer knocks the buyer downB. the auctioneer knocks the rostrum downC. the goods are knocked down onto the tableD. the auctioneer bangs the table with a hammer79.The“candle” used in paragraph 2 is _______ .A. because they took place at nightB. as a signal for the crowd to gatherC. to give light to the auctioneerD. to limit the time when offers could be made80. An auction catalogue gives prospective buyers _______ .A. the current market values of the goodsB. details of the goods to be soldC. the order in which goods must be soldD. free admission to the auction salePart IV. Translation ( 1.5 x 20 )Section ADirections: There are 10 sentences in this section. Please translate sentences 81­85 from Chinese into English, and translate sentences 86­90 from English into Chinese. Write your answer on the Answer Sheet.公共英语试卷 第 11 页 (共12页)81. 长城是中国的历史文化符号之一。



2010年9月大学英语(B)网考真题一. Man has always wanted to fly. Even as long as eight hundred years ago, an Englishman had tried. He made a pair of 1 from chicken feathers and fixed them to his 2. Then he jumped from a tall building. As you can imagine, he did not fly very far 3, he fell to the ground and broke several bones. The first real attempt at flying 4 place in France in 1783. The two Mongolian brothers knew that hot air rose. 5 they could fill a large balloon with hot air, they thought it would rise into the air and 6 . They were right. They made a very large hot air balloon of cloth and paper. It measured ten meters in diameter. They filled it with hot air and the balloon got two hundred meters into the air. It 7 to earth about three kilometers 8 .At the next attempt, they arranged for a balloon to carry passengers. We do not know 9 the passengers felt about the trip as they were a cock, a duck, and a sheep. But we 10 know that the trip lasted eight minutes and the animals landed safely.(1)A. sticks B. fans C. wings D. flags(2).A. hands B. feet C. head D. shoulders(3).A. Well B. Differently C. Instead D. Hopefully(4).A. had B. made C. took D. got(5).A. If B. When C. After D. Since(6).A. go B. fly C. blow D. flow(7). A. went B. fell C. jumped D. blew(8).A. far B. long C. away D. high(9). A. which B. that C. who D. what(10).A. should B. can C. will D. do二. One day a woman got into her car and started driving home after work. Suddenly,1 saw a yell car behind her.2 was a man. When she turned left, the yellow car turned left. When she turned right, the yellow car turned right,3 . When she stopped4 the traffic lights, the yellow car stopped behind her. The woman was afraid, so she drove5 to the police station. She was very6 when she found the car stopped behind her. At that time, a young man was standing outside the police station. The woman was very happy to see him. She knew that he was a policeman7 he was wearing a police uniform. She jumped8 her car and ran to the policeman. She asked him to arrest the man in the yellow car, so the policeman walked to the man.The man 9 to run away when he saw the policeman. He just smiled 10 said to the woman, "I want to give this purse back to you, madam. I think you dropped it on the street."(1).A. he B. her C. she D. we(2).A. The worker B. The driver C. The man D. The policeman(3).A. also B. either C. too D. slowly(4).A. in B. on C. to D. at(5).A. quickly B. easily C. happily D. casually(6).A. exciting B. excited C. surprised D. surprising(7). A. when B. because C. after D. with(8).A. open B. locked C. out of D. out(9).A. refused B. didn't try C. tried in vain D. failed(10).A. but B. so C. or D. and三. Last night, a fire broke out in Ann's house in Manchester.Ann's 1 were out of town for the weekend when something wrong in the room caused the fire to start in the middle of the night. The 2 was waken up by the family dog, Danny, who was barking loudly in the back garden. Ann smelled something 3 _. She 4 and 5 ran through the smoke-filled house to wake her old brother, Frank.When Frank would not wake up, Ann got some help from the dog. Frank's unconscious body was far too 6 for the little girl to move alone , but the 7 girl brought the dog 8 and tied the dog's lend(牵狗的皮带)to Frank's left ankle. She then held her brother's right ankle, and together the girl and the dog 9 Frank to safety.The 10-year-old girl, Ann, 10 her big brother from death.(1).A. parents B. brother and sister C. friends D. classmates(2).A. child B. boy C. girl D. dog(3).A. delicious B. bad C. burn D. burning(4).A. stood up B. woke up C. got up D. put up(5).A. at once B. at first C. at last D. at that moment(6).A. big B. small C. light D. heavy(7).A. careless B. busy C. clever D. careful(8).A. inside B. outside C. back D. near(9).A. pushed B. pulled C. carded D. made(10).A. was received B. got C. was saved D. saved四. Modern zoos are very different from zoos that were built fifty years 1 . At that time, zoos were places 2 people could go to see animals from many parts of the world. The animals lived in cages that were made 3 concrete with iron bars, cages that were easy to keep clean.4 for the animals, the cages were small and impossible to hide in. The zoo environment was5 natural.6 the zoo keepers took good care of the animals and fed them well, many of the animals did not thrive; they behaved in strange ways, and they often became ill.In modern zoos, people can see animals in more natural habitats. The animals are given more 7 in large areas so that they can live more 8 as they would in nature. Even the appearance of zoos has changed. Trees and grass grow in the cages, and streams of water flow 9 the areas 10 animals live in.(1).A. later B. ago C. before D. after(2).A. which B. that C. when D. where(3).A. up of B. into C. of D. for(4).A. Unfortunately B. Successfully C. luckily D. Unusually(5).A. only B. anything only C. but D. anything but(6).A. Despite B. Since C. Now that D. Although(7).A. freedom B. food C. drink D. dependence(8).A. silently B. comfortably C. difficultly D. independently(9).A. over B. through C. for D. below(10).A. that B. where C. when D. these五. Fire can help people in many ways. Fire can heat water, 1 your house, give light and cook food. But fire can burn things too. Nobody knows 2 people began to use fire. One story from Australia tells about a man a very long time ago. He 3 the sun by a rope and brought fire down.Today people know how to 4 a fire with matches. Children sometimes like to play with them. But matches can be very 5 .Fire kills people every year. So you must be careful 6 matches. You should also learn to 7 fires. Fires need oxygen. Without oxygen they die. There is 8 in the air. Cover a fire with water, sand, or in an emergency, with your coat or a blanket. This keeps the air 9 a fire and kills it.Be careful with fire, and it will help you. Be careless with fire, and it might 10 you.(1).A. brighten B. warm C. beautify D. lighten(2).A. where B. when C. what D. how(3).A. watched B. got up to C. went up to D. discovered(4).A. set B. make C. cause D. catch(5).A. dangerous B. bright C. unusual D. common(6).A. about B. to C. on D. after(7).A. lay out B. put out C. put away D. do away with(8).A. fire B. moisture C. oxygen D. substance(9).A. in B. on C. away D. from(10).A. injure B. hurt C. destroy D. spoil六. Paris, which is the capital of the European nation of France, is one of the most beautiful and 1 cities in the world.Paris is called the City of Light. It is also an international fashion center. What stylish women are wearing in Paris will be worn by women 2 the world. Paris is also a famous world center of education. For instance, it is the headquarters of UNESCO(联合国教科文化组织).The Seine River(塞纳河) 3 the city into two parts. Thirty-two bridges 4 this scenic river. The oldest and perhaps most well known is the Pont Neuf, 5 was built in the sixteen century. The Sorbonne(索帮大学), a famous university, 6on the Left Bank of the river.There are many other famous places in Paris, 7 the famous museum the Louvre(卢浮宫)as well as the cathedral of Notre Dame(巴黎圣母院). However, the most famous landmark in this city must be the Eiffel Tower(艾菲尔铁塔).Paris is named 8 a group of people called the Parisii. They 9 a small village on an island in the middle of the Seine River about two thousand years ago. This island, called the Ile de la Cite, is 10 Notre Dame is located. Today around eight million people live in the Paris area.(1).A. famousest B. most famous C. famouser D. more famous(2).A. all over B. over all C. whole over D. over whole(3).A. divides B. breaks C. arranges D. classifies(4).A. pass B. cover C. cross D. lie(5).A. it B. that C. where D. which(6).A. is locating B. locates C. is located D. located(7).A. as such B. such as C. such like D. like such(8).A. behind B. about C. after D. concerning(9).A. have built B. built C. had built D. build(10).A. in which B. which C. where D. that七. Scientists have studied consumer behavior recently and found 1 the look of the package has a great effect 2 the"quality" of the product and on how well it 3 , because "Consumers generally cannot 4 between a product and its package. Many products are packages and many packages are products," as Louis Cheskin, the first social scientist studying consumers' feeling for packaging, noticed. Colors are one of the best tools in packaging. Studies of eye movement have shown that colors draw human 5 quickly. Take V8 for example. For many years, the bright red color of tomatoes and carrots on the thin bottle makes you feel that it is very good for your body. And the word"green" today can keep food prices 6 .7 are another attraction. Circles often suggest happiness and peacefulness, because these shapes are 8 to both the eye and the heart. That's 9 the round yellow M signs of McDonald's are inviting to both young and old.This new consumer response to the colors and shapes of packages reminds producers and sellers that people 10 to satisfy both body and soul.(1)A. that B. what C. such D. as(2).A. with B. of C. at D. on(3).A. buys B. sells C. offers D. works(4).A. show B. display C. tell D. differ(5).A. attention B. eye C. presence D. perception(6).A. to go up B. to go down C. going up D. going down(7).A. Packages B. Shapes C. Tools D. Products(8).A. pleasantly B. pleasing C. pleased D. pleasure(9)A. how B. because C. where D. why(10).A. sell B. make C. buy D. produce八. For the first time in our marriage, I had decided to 1 my holiday alone, without my wife. We had not 2 . My common sense told me that all habits ---- even good ones ---- should be 3 from time to time. Doing everything together with my wife had become very much of a habit with me. So I had gone off to Italy 4 my own to spend three weeks at a hotel at the seaside. I had hoped it would be nice and warm. But actually it was hot in the shade, 5 enough to roast an ox. I walked about in shorts, my bald head 6 with a handkerchief, sweating and thirsty. And all the time I had to 7 my wife, who had gone to the mountains of North Wales and was doubtless 8 herself very much. Why had I, with my sensitive English skin, gone to Italy of all places? At night, I was kept 9 by two bands 10 like mad in the bar downstairs.(1).A. take B. spend C. cost D. use(2).A. debated B. approved C. agreed D. quarreled(3).A. broken B. taken C. separated D. formed(4).A. with B. for C. at D. on(5).A. cool B. warm C. cold D. hot(6).A. touching B. touched C. covered D. covering(7).A. talk to B. discuss with C. hear of D. think of(8).A. enjoying B. favoring C. liking D. loving(9).A. asleep B. awake C. astonished D. alike(10).A. play B. compose C. composing D. playing九. Nowadays most people decide quite early what kind of work they would do. When I was at school, we had to choose 1 when we were fifteen. I chose scientific subjects. " 2 , scientists will earn a lot of money," my parents said. For three years I tried to learn physics and chemistry, but in the 3 I decided that I would never be a scientist. It was a long time 4 I told my parents that I wasn't happy at school. So my father said, "Well, the best thing to do now is to look for a job."I 5 about it with my friends Frank and Lesley. 6 of them could suggest anything, but they promised that they would ask their friends. A few days later 7 I was still in bed, someone phoned, "Is that Miss Jenkins?" a man's voice asked. "I know your hobby is photography and I've got a job that might interest you in my clothes factory. My name is Mr. Thomson." I decided to see him. I was so excited that I almost forgot 8 goodbye to my mother.I arrived a bit early and when Mr. Thomson came he asked me if I 9 waiting a long time. I replied,"No, not long." After talking to me for about 20 minutes he offered me a job - not as a photographer 10 a model!(1).A. what should study B. what he studied C. what to study D. what studied(2).A. For the future B. In the future C. For future D. In future(3).A. close B. last C. end D. final(4).A. before B. as C. when D. while(5).A. told B. asked C. talked D. said(6).A. Both B. Neither C. Nor D. Not all(7).A. since B. whereas C. while D. before(8).A. saying B. to say C. speaking D. to speak(9).A. had been B. would be C. was D. might be(10).A. being B. as C. to be D. but十. Rumor is the most 1 way of spreading stories-by passing them on from mouth to mouth. But civilized countries in normal times have better 2 of news than rumor. They have radio, television, and newspapers. In times of stress and confusion, 3 , rumor emerges and becomes widespread. At such 4 the different kinds of news are in competition, the press, television, and radio versus the grapevine. Especially 5 rumors spread when war requires censorship(审查,检查)on many important matters. The customary news sources no longer give out enough information. Since the people cannot learn 6 legitimate(合法的,正规的)channels all that they are anxious to learn, they pick up "news" 7 they can and when this happens, rumor thrives.Rumors are often repeated 8 by those who do not believe the tales. There is a fascination about them. The reason is that the cleverly designed rumor gives expression to something deep in the hearts of the victims-the fears, suspicions, forbidden hopes, or daydreams which they hesitate to 9 directly. Pessimistic(悲观的)rumors about defeat and disasters show that the people who repeat them are worried and anxious. 10 rumors about record production or peace soon coming point to complacency(满足,自得)or confidence-and often to overconfidence.(1).A. primitive B. important C. impossible D. outstanding(2).A. means B. ways C. sources D. resource(3).A. and B. however C. so D. therefore(4).A. time B. the times C. times D. the time(5).A. do B. did C. are D. were(6).A. through B. by C. in D. across(7).A. wherever B. where C. whatever D. what(8).A. ever B. even C. forever D. much(9).A. act B. voice C. behave D. do(10).A. Bad B. Pessimistic C. Optimistic D. Good十一. Many people would agree that stress is a major problem 1 modern life. It is certainly true that worry and quarrel can cause all kinds of illnesses, 2 backache to severe headaches, or even more serious complaints such as high blood pressure.Many of us think 3 stress as 4 that other people impose 5 us. We often complain about how other people put us 6 pressure. But we should try not to let such pressure 7 us. We should not forget that we are largely responsible for some of the stress ourselves. We sometimes take 8 more work than our bodies and our minds can handle. We should learn to 9 our limitations.We should 10 of which things are really important and which are not.(1).A. on B. in C. with D. under(2).A. from B. for C. in D. of(3).A. about B. of C. out D. in(4).A. some thing B. anything C. something D. any thing(5).A. for B. in C. of D. on(6).A. under B. in C. of D. for(7).A. effect B. affect C. to effect D. to affect(8).A. out B. on C. off D. in(9).A. get B. receive C. accept D. obtain(10).A. be aware B. know C. understand D. notice。



公共三级英语试题及答案一、听力理解(共20分)1. What is the man doing now?A. Reading a bookB. Cooking dinnerC. Watching TVAnswer: C2. Where does the conversation most likely take place?A. In a restaurantB. At a bus stopC. In a libraryAnswer: A3. What time does the woman plan to leave?A. At 5:00 pmB. At 6:00 pmC. At 7:00 pmAnswer: B4. Why is the man feeling upset?A. He lost his jobB. He missed the busC. He failed an examAnswer: A5. What is the woman's opinion about the movie?A. It's too longB. It's very excitingC. It's quite boringAnswer: C二、阅读理解(共30分)Passage 1The passage discusses the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It emphasizes the role of regular exercise, balanced diet, and adequate sleep in promoting overall well-being.6. According to the passage, which of the following is essential for a healthy lifestyle?A. Skipping mealsB. Excessive gamingC. Regular exerciseAnswer: C7. What is the primary purpose of the passage?A. To criticize modern lifestylesB. To promote the benefits of exerciseC. To advertise a new diet planAnswer: BPassage 2The text describes the process of how bees make honey, from collecting nectar to storing it in the hive.8. What is the main ingredient used by bees to make honey?A. WaterB. NectarC. PollenAnswer: B9. How do bees store the honey in the hive?A. In small jarsB. In hexagonal cellsC. In plastic containersAnswer: B三、词汇与语法(共20分)10. The weather was very hot yesterday, but it is ________ today.A. colderB. more coldC. coldestAnswer: A11. She has never been to the Great Wall, ________?A. hasn't sheB. has sheC. doesn't sheAnswer: B12. I don't think it is necessary to buy a new computer, ________?A. do IB. don't IC. is itAnswer: C13. The book was so interesting that he read it ________.A. in a nightB. for a nightC. all nightAnswer: C14. She ________ her keys in the office, so she had to wait outside.A. forgotB. leftC. lostAnswer: B四、翻译(共15分)15. 请将以下句子翻译成英文:这个项目的成功在很大程度上取决于团队的合作。



2010年9月国家公共英语(三级)真题试卷(精选)(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1.What might the house of the future be like? Grace can tell. More formally known as the Microsoft Home, her high-tech devices, along with【C1】______in design and construction, will change the .【C2】______we think about our homes. You enter the house, and Grace’s【C3】______, coming from hidden speakers, passes on your messages. In the kitchen, you set a bag of flour on the intelligently【C4】______stone counter. Grace sees what you’re【C5】______, and projects a list of flour-based food on the counter.【C6】______you choose one, Grace repeats instructions for cooking. She【C7】______knows what’s in the cupboard. The day when your house will be like a family member is not that far off. This【C8】______of seamless computing, in which technology is everywhere yet nowhere(【C9】______when we want it) , is emphasized in most future-home thinking. Microsoft,【C10】______, isn’t the only one exploring【C11】______technology can make our homes more【C12】______and comfortable. At the Georgia Institute of Technology, scientists are【C13】______systems that will allow older people to continue living 【C14】______. So Grandma’s home can be intelligently wired to【C15】______her patterns of wake, sleep and movement; family members would be【C16】______of any changes via computer. Does spying on Grandma sound【C17】______? Director Beth Mynatt says “A good bit of our【C18】______has been working on how to convey information without【C19】______privacy. We also don’t want to create【C20】______anxiety. Maybe she just took a quiet day to read, and the system would have to recognize that. “1.【C1】A.promotionsB.applicationsC.practicesD.advances正确答案:D解析:本题考查名词词义辨析。





1. A. Monday B. Wednesday C. Sunday2. A. Driving a car B. Riding a bus C. Taking a taxi3. A. Sunglasses B. Hat C. Bag4. A. Chemistry B. Biology C. Physics5. A. At home B. At work C. At school6. A. At the post office B. At the bank C. At the supermarket7. A. Three times B. Four times C. Five times8. A. She was nervous B. She was excited C. She was confident9. A. $50 B. $100 C. $15010. A. A postal worker B. A police officer C. A firefighter11. A. Mountain climbing B. Swimming C. Cycling12. A. Watching a movie B. Reading a book C. Listening to music13. A. In a hotel room B. In a car C. In a restaurant14. A. A jacket B. A pair of gloves C. A sweater15. A. In the library B. In the gym C. In the cafeteria16. A. At a tourist attraction B. At a shopping mall C. At a train station17. A. In a factory B. In a hospital C. In an office18. A. Doctor and patient B. Teacher and student C. Manager and employee19. A. Monday B. Wednesday C. Friday20. A. A hotel B. A museum C. A restaurant第二部分:阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2分,共40分)阅读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容从每小题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择一个最佳选项。



2010年全国公共英语三级考试(pets3)全真模拟试卷(5)总分:100分及格:60分考试时间:120分Section I Listening Comprehension (25 minutes) 听力A(1)本节中,你将听到10个句子,每个句产配有[A]、[B]、[C]三幅图片,请选择与句子内容相符合的一幅图片,并标在试卷的相应位置。



(2)What does the woman mean?(3)What are the two speakers talking about?(4)What does the man mean?(5)Why did Hill lose his job?(6)What can we infer from the conversation?(7)Where does the conversation most probably take place?(8)What probably is the relationship between the two speakers?(9)What does the man want to know?(10)What do we learn from the woman’s words?听力B(1)在本节中,你将听到几段对话.每段对话后有一个问题。




(2)Why is the woman going to give up swimming?(3)Why is the woman going to give up swimming?(4)下面,请听{TSE}题。

(5)Why doesn’t the man carry a camera with him?(6)What is the major advantage of the woman’s camera?(7)What problem does the man have in taking pictures?(8)下面,请听{TSE}题。



北京地区成人本科学士学位英语统一考试(A)2010.11.06Part I Reading Comprehension (30%) Directions: There are three passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Passage 1Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage:1.Archaeology, like many academic words, comes from Greek and means, more or less, “the study of old things”. So, it is really a part of the study of history. However, most historians use paper evidence, such as letters, paintings and photographs,but archaeologists (考古学家) learn from the objects left behind by the humans of long ago. Normally, these are the hard materials that don't break down or disappear very quickly —things like human bones and objects made from stoneand metal.2. It is very unusual to find anything more than the hard evidence of history--normally, the bacteria (细菌) in the air eat away at soft materials, like bodies, clothes and things made of wood. Occasionally, things are different.3. In 1984, two men made an amazing discovery while working in a bog called Lindow Moss, in the north of England. A bog is a very wet area of earth, with a lot of plants growing in it. It can be like a very big and very thick vegetable soup—walk in the wrong place and you can sink and disappear forever. The men were working when one of them saw something sticking out—a human foot! Naturally, the men called the police,who then found the rest of the body. Was it a case of murder? Possibly--but it was a death nearly two thousand years old. The two men had found a body from the time of the Roman invasion of Britain. Despite being so old, this body had skin, muscles, hair and internal organs—the scientists who examined him were able to look inside the man's stomach and find the food that he had eaten for his last meal!4.Why was this man so well preserved? (76) It wasbecause he was in a very watery environment, safe fi:om the bacteria that need oxygen to live. 因为他被置于相当潮湿多水的环境,需要氧气才能生存的细菌无法侵害到他。



pets3试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题1分,共10分)1. Which of the following is NOT a pet?A. DogB. CatC. BirdD. Snake2. What is the most common pet in the world?A. HamsterB. ParrotC. FishD. Dog3. What is the main reason for keeping pets?A. For foodB. For companionshipC. For huntingD. For fashion4. Which of the following animals is not suitable as a pet?A. RabbitB. TurtleC. MonkeyD. Goldfish5. What is the best way to care for a pet?A. Feeding it regularlyB. Giving it lots of toysC. Taking it for walksD. All of the above6. What is the most important thing to consider when choosinga pet?A. Its sizeB. Its temperamentC. Its dietD. Its lifespan7. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of having a pet?A. Stress reliefB. ExerciseC. EntertainmentD. Allergies8. What is the legal requirement for pet owners in some countries?A. VaccinationB. RegistrationC. InsuranceD. All of the above9. What is the main reason for pet abandonment?A. Lack of timeB. Lack of spaceC. Lack of moneyD. All of the above10. What is the best way to find a new home for a pet?A. OnlineB. Through a friendC. At a shelterD. All of the above二、填空题(每空1分,共10分)1. The most popular pet in the United States is the _______.2. A _______ is a small mammal that is often kept as a pet.3. The _______ is a common health problem for dogs.4. Pet _______ is a legal requirement in many places.5. A _______ is a place where unwanted pets can find a new home.6. The _______ is a common pet bird that can mimic human speech.7. The _______ is a small mammal that is often kept as a pet.8. A _______ is a type of pet insurance that covers medical expenses.9. The _______ is a common reason for pet allergies.10. The _______ is a type of pet that is often used for therapy.三、简答题(每题5分,共20分)1. Describe the process of adopting a pet from a shelter.2. Explain the importance of regular vet check-ups for pets.3. Discuss the benefits of walking a dog daily.4. What are some common mistakes pet owners make when it comes to feeding their pets?四、论述题(每题10分,共20分)1. Discuss the ethical considerations of keeping exotic animals as pets.2. Explain the role of pets in improving mental health.答案:一、单项选择题1. D2. D3. B4. C5. D6. B7. D8. D9. D10. D二、填空题1. dog2. hamster3. heartworm4. vaccination5. shelter6. parrot7. guinea pig8. pet insurance9. pet dander10. therapy animal三、简答题1. The process of adopting a pet from a shelter involves visiting the shelter, selecting a pet, completing an adoption application, meeting with an adoption counselor, and ifapproved, finalizing the adoption process.2. Regular vet check-ups for pets are important for early detection of health issues, ensuring vaccinations are up to date, and maintaining overall health and well-being.3. Walking a dog daily provides exercise, mental stimulation, and socialization opportunities, which are essential for the dog's physical and emotional health.4. Common mistakes pet owners make when feeding their pets include overfeeding, feeding inappropriate foods, and not providing a balanced diet.四、论述题1. Ethical considerations of keeping exotic animals as pets include the welfare of the animal, the legality of ownership, and the potential impact on native wildlife and ecosystems.2. Pets play a significant role in improving mental health by providing companionship, reducing stress, and offering a sense of purpose and responsibility.。






每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。



1. What does the man want to do?A. Check the time.B. Borrow the woman's watch.C. Adjust his watch.2. How will the woman go to the hospital?A. By subway.B. By bus.C. By taxi.3. What does the man want to do first?A. Look at the menu.B. Order a drink.C. Make a phone call.4. Where does the man live currently?A. In a hotel.B. In an apartment.C. In a dormitory.5. What will the man do this evening?A. Go to the cinema.B. Have dinner with the woman.C. Meet a friend.听第一段对话,回答第6至8题。

6. Why does the man look unhappy?A. He is not satisfied with his job.B. He had an argument with his boss.C. He lost his job.7. What does the man need to do now?A. Look for a new job.B. Talk to his boss.C. Finish his current job.8. What is the woman's attitude towards the man's situation?A. Sympathetic.B. Indifferent.C. Critical.听第二段对话,回答第9至11题。



2010年公共英语三级练习题和答案1. --- Oh, dear. I forgot the air tickets.--- You ______ something.A. have leftB. are always leavingC. are leavingD. always left2. --- I ______ so busily recently that I ______ no time to help you with your math.--- That’s OK. I can manage it by myself.A. have been working; haveB. have worked; hadC. am working; will haveD. had been working; had had3. Remember to send me a photo of us next time you ______ to me.A. are writingB. will writeC. has writtenD. write4. He ______ at the meeting, but his heart attack prevented him.A. will speakB. is going to speakC. had to speakD. was going to speak5. --- I beg your pardon, but I didn’t quite catch you.--- Oh, I ______ myself.A. am talking toB. talked aboutC. have talked toD. was talking to6. I ______ ping-pong quite well, but I haven’t had time to play since the New Year.A. will playB. have playedC. playedD. play7. I first met Tom 10 years ago. He ______ in a radio factory at that time.A. had workedB. has workedC. was workingD. has been working8. --- What ______ when I phoned you?--- I ______ my work, and I wanted to go out.A. have you done; finishedB. were you doing; have finishedC. did you do; had just finishedD. were you doing; had just finished9. --- Have you finished the report?--- No. I ______ it all this week.A. will doB. had doneC. have doneD. have been doing10. I can guess you were in a hurry. You ______ your sweater inside out.A. had wornB. woreC. were wearingD. are wearing11. --- We ______ that you would fix the TV set this week.--- I’m sorry. I ______ to fix it this week, but I’ve been too busy.A. had expected; had intendedB. are expecting; had intendedC. expect; intendD. expected; intend12. --- Why? Tom, your shirt is so dirty!--- Mum, I ______ my storeroom downstairs.A. cleanedB. have cleanedC. was cleaningD. have been cleaning13. They won’t buy new clothes because they ______ money to buy a new house.A. saveB. are savingC. have savedD. were saving14. The traffic in our city is already good and it ______ even better.A. getsB. gotC. has gotD. is getting15. --- I will come to attend your lecture at 10:00 tomorrow.--- I’m sorry, by then my lecture will have ended and I ______ my guests in my office.A. is being metB. will meetC. will be meetingD. will have met16. --- Alice came back home the day before yesterday.--- Really? Where ______?A. has she beenB. had she beenC. has she goneD. had she gone17. I know Mr. Brown; we ______ to each other at an international conference.A. are introducedB. are been introducedC. were introducedD. had been introduced18. --- Where do you think ______ he ______ the computer?--- Sorry. I have no idea.A. has; boughtB. 不填; boughtC. did; buyD. 不填; buys19. Don’t bother to look for my dictionary --- it ______ some day.A. turns upB. has turned upC. will turn upD. is going to turn up20. --- What do you think of this kind of TV set, which ______ in Shanghai?--- Well, I don’t care about such things.A. was madeB. is madeC. has been madeD. had been made21. --- Did he notice you enter the room?--- I don’t think so. He ______ to the radio with his eyes shut.A. listenedB. was listeningC. has listenedD. had listened22. The plane ______ at 7:00 pm, so I have to be at the airport by 6:40 at the latest.A. has leftB. would leaveC. will have leftD. leaves23. The train ______ at the present speed until it reaches the foot of the mountain at about nine o’clock tonight.A. wentB. is goingC. goesD. will be going24. I used to drink a lot of tea but these days I ______ coffee.A. preferB. preferredC. had preferredD. am preferring25. The vegetables didn’t taste very good. They ______ too long.A. had been cookedB. were cookedC. have cookedD. cooked26. --- Remember the first time we met, Jim?--- Of course I do. You ______ in the library.A. were readingB. had readC. have readD. read27. I want to buy that kind of cloth because I ______ the cloth ______ well.A. have told; washesB. have been told; washes28. --- Is Tom still smoking?--- No. By next Saturday he ______ for a whole month without smoking a single cigarette.A. will beB. will have goneC. will have beenD. has been going29. --- ______ Betty this morning?--- Not yet, but she is sure to be here before noon.A. Have you seenB. Will you seeC. Do you seeD. Did you see?30. Jim talked for about half an hour yesterday. Never ______ him talk so much.A. I heardB. did I hearC. I had heardD. had I heard31. --- Look at the black clouds. It ______ soon.--- Sure. If only we ______ out.A. is raining; didn’t comeB. is to rain; won’t startC. wil l rain; haven’t startedD. is going to rain; hadn’t come32. He ______ articles for our wall-newspaper these three years, and he ______ about forty articles.A. has been writing; has writtenB. has been writing; wroteC. is writing; has been writingD. has written; has written33. She ______ to the office than she got down to writing the report.A. has no sooner gotB. had hardly gotC. no sooner gotD. had no sooner got34. When he was alive, the old scientist used to say that knowledge ______ from practice and he gained his experience by doing a lot of practical work.A. was comingB. had comeC. comesD. would come35. --- Don’t forget to bring my new books tomorrow afternoon.--- No, I ______.A. don’tB. doC. won’tD. will36. I decided to go to the library as soon as I ______.A. finished what I was doingB. finished what I didC. would finish what I was doingD. finish what I did37. You won’t know whether the coat fits you until you ______ it on.A. will tryB. have triedC. triedD. are trying38. My dictionary ______. I have looked for it everywhere but still ______it.A. has lost; don’t fi ndB. is missing; don’t findC. has lost; haven’t fo undD. is missing; haven’t found39. ______ it with me and I’ll see what I can do.A. When leftB. LeavingC. If you leaveD. Leave40. --- How are you planning to travel to Shanghai?--- I ______ yet, but I ______ taking a train.A. didn’t decide; am consideringB. haven’t decided; considerC. haven’t decided; am consideringD. hadn’t decided; have considered41. --- Excuse me, sir. Would you do me a favour?--- Of course. What is it?--- I ______ if you could take me to the station.A. would wonderB. did wonderC. was wonderingD. had wondered42. --- Got your driving license?--- No. I ______ too busy to have enough practice, so I didn’t take the driving test last week. I’m going to next week.A. wasB. have beenC. amD. had been43. With the development of science, more new technology ______ to the field of IT.A. has introducedB. is being introducedC. is introducedD. was introduced44. --- Who’s the man over there?--- It’s Jack.--- Oh? ______ in Italy.A. I think he’sB. I’ve thought he’s beenC. I thought he wasD. I’d thought he’d been45. --- I dropped in at your house at about ten last night, but you w eren’t in.--- I ______ regular exercises at the club.A. didB. was doingC. had doneD. have been doing46. --- Each of the students, working hard at their lessons, ______ the book.--- So have I.A. is readingB. has readC. readingD. reads47. The baby is generally healthy, but every now and then he ______ a cold.A. has caughtB. is catchingC. will catchD. does catch48. It is when the plane ______ that you’d better find out at the booking office.A. would take offB. had taken offC. was taking offD. is taking off49. --- I’m sorry, but there’s no smoking on this flight.--- Oh, I ______ that. Sorry, I won’t again.A. don’t knowB. didn’t knowC. won’t knowD. haven’t known50. I thought Jim would say something about his school report, but he ______ it.A. doesn’t mentionB. hadn’t men tionedC. didn’t mentionD. hasn’t mentioned答案:1-5 BADDD 6-10 DCDDD 11-15 ADBDC 16-20 BCBCB 21-25 BDDAA 26-30 ABBAD 31-35 DADCC 36-40 ABDDC 41-45 CDBCB 46-50 BDDBC。



2010年9月国家公共英语(二级)真题试卷(题后含答案及解析) 题型有:1. 听力 2. 英语知识运用 3. 阅读理解 4. 写作听力第一节听下面5段对话。

每段对话后有一道小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。



听力原文:W: Sam, can you get some tickets for the Liverpool match? M: Well, I’11 do my best, but I can’t promise anything.1.What will Sam do?A.Cheer for his team.B.Try to get some tickets.C.Go to the Liverpool match.正确答案:B听力原文:W: I saw Carl at the hospital. I wonder if his wife is ill. M: No, she is fine. His daughter has just had a baby, and he was visiting her, I think.2.Why was Carl at the hospital?A.He was meeting a doctor.B.He was looking after his wife.C.He was visiting his daughter.正确答案:C听力原文:W: Sorry, I’ m late for my flight, and I’ m in a hurry. Where is Gate 21? M: Go downstairs and turn left. Walk straight and you’ 11 see it. W: Thanks.3.Where are the speakers?A.At a cinema.B.At the airport.C.In a shopping center.正确答案:B听力原文:M: Have you been working out, Helen? You look so full of energy these days. W: Yeah. As a matter of fact, I’ve been running every morning for two months now.4.Why does Helen look great?A.She’ s come back from a vacation.B.She’ s rested for two days.C.She’ s been exercising.正确答案:C听力原文:M: I’ m afraid you can’t leave your car there, Miss.W: But I shall only have a few minutes. I’m just going to pick up a package. M: I’ m afraid not, Miss, parking is not allowed here. You can park in the next street. It’ s usually quiet there.5.What does the man ask the woman to do?A.To park the car elsewhere.B.To drive along a quiet street.C.To stop here for a short while.正确答案:A第二节听下面5段对话或独白。



广东白云学院2009—2010 年第二学期大学英语公共四级试题(A卷)适用专业及方向:大学英语非英语专业学生层次:本科年级:06 级限时:120 分钟考试形式:闭卷考场要求:笔试说明:考试时可带的资料或其他要求的,请老师在出卷时在此做详细说明。

Part I: Vocabulary and Structure (15%) (30 minutes)Section ADirections: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You must choose the one answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.1. The newspaper ________ two people were killed in the accident.A) says B) talks C) calls D) asks2. She told us briefly about how they succeeded in ________ the new product.A) develop B) to develop C) developed D) developing3. The big IT company will ________ a new research center in the city.A) set up B) break up C) get up D) turn up4. I ________ at 130 kilometers per hour when the policeman stopped me.A) had driven B) have driven C) drive D) was driving5. Information about the new system is easy to ________ on the Internet.A) like B) go C) find D) open6. I’d like to introduce you ________ James Stewart, the new manager of our department.A) with B) to C) of D) on7. We had a(n) ________ with him about this problem last night.A) explanation B) impression C) exhibition D) discussion8. We talked for more than three hours without ________ a cup of tea.A) to have B) having C) have D) had9. They had to give up the plan because they had ________ money.A) come up to B) got along with C) run out of D) taken charge of10. ________ she joined the company only a year ago, she’s already been promoted twice.A) Although B) Because C) If D) When 11. This heavy traffic is ________ for this time of the day.A) actual B) natural C)formal D) normal12. he began to feel hungry since the previous evening.A) not having eaten B) not have eatenC) not eating D) having not eaten13. The teacher recommended that each student ________ a plan for the summer vacation.A) would make B) made C) make D) makes14. He is very popular with his schoolmates and feels ________ to win the election.A) confusing B) confident C) convincing D) conscious15. Nowhere else in this area ________ such a beautiful scene.A) is it B) is there C) it is D) there is16. These children are quick ________ learning, we’ll have them trained in new methods.A) from B)for C) at D) on17. His health ________, Tom had to leave the army in 1990.A) failing B) failed C) did fail D) had failed18. Since they aren’t answering my telephone, they ________.A) should have left B) need have leftC) would have left D) must have left19. The flight was supposed to take off at ten o’clock, but ________ we had to wait until eleveno’clock.A) in vainB) in advance C) in case D) in effect20. There was a knock at the door again, and it was the second time someone ________ me thatevening.A) has interrupted B) had interruptedC) would have interruptedD) should have interruptedSection BDirections: There are also 10 incomplete statements here. You should fill in each blank with the proper form of the word given in brackets. Write the word or words in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet.21. The new (nation) ________ museum will be open to the public next week.22. This question is (difficult) ________ than the one I have answered.23. The secretary has been working for the same (manage) ________ for over 5 years.24. The hotel, (build) _________ 100 years ago, still looks new.25. We are pleased to learn that that problem (solve) ________ at yesterday’s meeting.26. I want (point out) ________ that a decision about the matter must be made at once.27. Although she is young for the job, she is very (experience) ________.28. The new rules for environmental protection have been (wide) ________ accepted by the public.29. We demand that the tour guide (tell) ________ us immediately about any change in the schedule.30. Thank you for your letter of November 15, (invite) ________ us to the trade fair on December 10.Part II Reading Comprehension (50%) (50 minutes)Directions:This part is to test your reading ability. There are 5 tasks for you to fulfill. You should read the reading materials carefully and do the tasks as you are instructed.Task 1Directions:After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 31 to 35. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should make the correct choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Each time we produce a new English dictionary, our aim is always the same: what can we do to make the dictionary more helpful for students of English? As a result of our research with students and discussions with teachers, we decided to focus on providing more examples for this English dictionary. Examples help students to remember the word they have looked up in the dictionary because it is easier both to remember and to understand a word within a context (上下文). The examples also show that words are often used in many different contexts. For these reasons, we have included 40 per cent more examples in this new book.We edit all the examples to remove difficult words and to make sure they are easier to understand.We very much hope this new book will be of use not only to the students of English but also to the teachers.31. The aim of the author in producing this new dictionary is to ________.A) correct mistakes in the old dictionaryB) make it more helpful for studentsC) increase the number of wordsD) add pictures and photos32. A word is easier to remember and understand if it is ________.A) included in a word listB) pronounced correctlyC) explained in EnglishD) used in a context33. What is special about this new dictionary?A) It is small and cheap.B) It has a larger vocabulary.C) It has 40% more examples.D) It is designed for students and teachers.34. The purpose of removing difficult words in the examples is to ________.A) make them easier to understandB) provide more useful wordsC) introduce more contextsD) include more examples 35. The passage is most probably taken from ________.A) a letter to the editorB) a comment on a novelC) an introduction to a dictionaryD) a news-report in the newspaperTask 2Directions:This task is the same as Task 1. The 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered 36 to 40.What is the better way of staying away from the cold winter days? Come out to our Hall Markets in the beautiful countryside, full of color, fun, music and delicious food! With over 350 stalls (摊位) selling wonderful home-made and home-grown goods, this will surely be a great day out.The Hall Markets are held on the first Sunday of each month from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm at Hall Village. They are operated by Hartley Lifecare Co. Ltd. All the income will go to help and support service for people with disabilities (残疾).Volunteers (志愿者) play an important part in the success and pleasant atmosphere at the Hall Markets. Hartley Lifecare is always grateful to have you serve as volunteers with the Hall Markets.If you are interested in being one of our volunteers and spending a few hours with us each month, please contact us during business hours on 6260 5555.36. According to the passage, the Hall Markets are held ________.A) in the countrysideB) to attract volunteersC) to promote winter salesD) by people with disabilities37. There are over 350 stalls in the Hall Markets that ________.A) are operated by the disabledB) offer free food to volunteersC) sell home-made goodsD) are open day and night38. The income made by the Hall Markets goes to ________.A) expand Hartley Lifecare Co. Ltd.B) support service for the disabledC) create more fun for customersD) develop local economy39. When are the Hall Markets open?A) The first Sunday of each month.B) Every day from 10 am to 3 pm.C) The first day of each month.D) Every weekend in winter.40. This passage is written for the purpose of inviting ________.A) touristsB) villagersC) businessmenD) volunteersTask 3Directions:The following is a letter. After reading it, you should complete the information by filling in the blanks marked 41through 45 in no more than 3 words in the table below.2 November, 2008Dear Dr. Yamata,The Association of Asian Economic Studies is pleased to invite you to be this year’s guest speaker at its annual international symposium (研讨会). The symposium will be held for 3 days from December 22nd to 24th, 2008. This year’s topic will be Economic Development in Asia. About 100 people from various countries will be attending the symposium. They would be pleased to meet you and share their views with you.The Association will cover all the expenses of your trip to this symposium.As the program is to be announced on December 1st, 2008, will you kindly let us know before that time whether your busy schedule will allow you to attend our symposium? We are looking forward to your favorable reply.Yours sincerely,John SmithJohn SmithSecretary of Association of Asian Economic StudiesLetter of InvitationWriter of the letter: 41Organizer of the Symposium: Association of 42Guest speaker to be invited: Dr. YamataStarting date of the symposium: 43Number of guests invited: about 44Topic of the symposium: 45 in AsiaTask 4Directions:The following is part of an index (索引). After reading it, you are required to find the items equivalent to (与…等同) those given in Chinese in the table below. Then you should put the corresponding letters in the brackets on the Answer Sheet, numbered 46 through 50.A ---------- after-sales serviceB ---------- business licenseC ---------- business riskD ---------- dead stockE ---------- department storeF ---------- import licenseG ---------- limited companyH ---------- net weightI ---------- packing chargeJ ---------- price tagK ---------- purchasing powerL ---------- seller’s marketM ---------- shipping dateN ---------- shopping rushO ---------- show windowP ---------- supermarketQ ---------- trade agreementExamples: (D) 滞销品(I) 包装费46. ( ) 净重( ) 百货商店47. ( ) 购买力( ) 商业风险48. ( ) 超级市场( ) 卖方市场49. ( ) 有限公司( ) 售后服务50. ( ) 装船日期( ) 进口许可证Task 5Directions:The following is an advertisement. After reading it, you are required to complete the statements that follow the questions (No.51 to No.55). You should write your answers in no more than 3 words on the corresponding Answer Sheet.Yanton Playingfield CommitteeGrounds-person (场地管理员) WantedThe Yanton Playingfield Committee has for many years been fortunate to have Eddie Christiansen as grounds-person at its sports ground in Littlemarsh. However, after 10 years of service, Eddie has decided it’s time to retire in July. The committee wishes him the best for his retired life.However, this leaves us needing a new grounds-person. This role is part-time, averaging around 5 hours per week. The duties involve the mowing (除草), rolling, and trimming (修剪) of the field edges. Applicants (求职人) need to be able to drive and use the equipment needed for the above-mentioned duties.Applicants can either contact Hugh Morris, 42 Spencer Avenue, tel. 765-4943780, to discuss or register an interest in the position, or any member of the Playingfield Committee.51. Which organization is in need of a grounds-person?The _____________________________________________________.52. Why is a new grounds-person needed?Because the former grounds-person, Eddie Christiansen, has decided it’s time to _____________.53. What are the duties of a grounds-person?His duties involve the mowing, _________________ of the field edges.54. What should applicants be able to do?They should be able to _________ the equipment needed for the duties.55. Who is the contact person?____________________________________ or any committee member.Part III Translation -- English into Chinese (20%) (20 minutes)Directions: This part, numbered 56 to 60, is to test your ability to translate English into Chinese. Each of the four sentences (N0.56 to No.59) is followed by four choices of suggested translation marked A), B), C) and D). Make the best choice and write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. Write your translation of the paragraph (No.60) in the corresponding space on the Translation/Composition Sheet.56. Seldom can people find international news on the front page of this popular local newspaper.A) 人们不会在这份地方报纸前几页上寻找重要的国际新闻。

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一、Section Ⅱ Use of English(共20小题,共20.0分)Read the following text. Choose the best word or phrase for each numbered blank and mark A, B, Cot Don ANSWER SHEET 1.
Western-style conversations often develop quite differently from Japanese-style conversations.
A Western-style conversation between two people is like
a (1) of tennis. If I introduce a topic, a conversational ball, I expect you do (2) it back. If you agree with me, I don't expect you simply to agree and to (3) more. I expect you to add something to carry the idea further. (4) I don't expect you always to agree. I am just as (5) if you completely disagree with me. (6) you agree or disagree, your (7) will return the ball to me. And then it is my turn (8) . I don't serve a new ball from my (9) starting line. I hit your ball back again to you by (10) your idea further. And so the ball goes back and forth, (11) each of us doing our best to give it a new twist.
A Japanese-style conversation, (12) , is not at all like tennis or volleyball. It's like bowling. You (13) for your turn. And you always know your (14) in line. It depends on such things as whether you are older or younger, a close friend or a relative
stranger (15) the previous speaker, in a senior or junior position, and so on. When your turn comes, you (16) up to the starting line with your bowling ball, and (17) bowl it. Everyone else stands back and watches politely, whispering (18) . Everyone waits until the ball has reached the end of the alley, and watches to see if
it (19) down all the pins, or only some of them, or none of them. There is a pause, while everyone registers your (20) .
A play
B game
C round
D set
[精析] 本题考查名词词义辨析。


A hit
B move
C throw
D push
[精析] 本题考查词义辨析。


A everything
B anything
C nothing
D something
[精析] 本题考查语义辨析。


A Then
B So
C Instead。
