D1 130 150 170 200 225 280 335 395 445 495 550 600 705 810 920 1020 1120 1340 1560 1660 1760 1970 2180 2390 2600 2810 3020 3220 3430 30 285 340 395 445 505 565 615 670 780 895 1015 1115 1230 1455 1675 — 1915 2115 2325 2550 2760 2960 3180 3405 — — —
D1 145 160 180 210 240 295 350 400 460 515 565 620 725 840 950 1050 1160 1380 1590 — 1820 2020 2230 2440 2650 2850 3070 3290 — — —
N-d 4-Φ18 8-Φ18 8-Φ18 8-Φ18 8-Φ18 8-Φ22 8-Φ22 12-Φ22 12-Φ22 16-Φ26 20-Φ26 20-Φ26 20-Φ30 24-Φ30 24-Φ33 28-Φ33 28-Φ36 32-Φ40 36-Φ42
— 40-Φ48 44-Φ48 48-Φ48 52-Φ56 56-Φ56 60-Φ56 64-Φ56 68-Φ60
340 105
350 130
590 220 600 240
伸缩 量 50 50 65
-第 2 页-
D 160 190 210 240 265 320 375 440 490 540 595 645 755 860 975 1075 1175 1405 1630 1730 1830 2045 2265 2475 2685 2905 3115 3315 3525 3735 3970
码垛层数不应多于4层,每层用不小于60m M 60mm木质垫块垫实垫平,垫块应按高度方向垂直设置,垫块间距不大于4m,均匀布置。
二铺设要求1.组装时螺母扭矩要求:基本轨轨撑螺栓300〜350 N.m尖轨轨撑螺栓400〜450 N.m2.铺设时,当钢轨需调高时,可在钢垫板和塑料垫板之间加垫调高垫板。
伸缩器技术说明Dismounting Ring针对给排水系统、供气系统和污水处理工程,SUFA为全球客户提供全系列、各类型的阀门产品,同时根据要求提供定制的全套流体控制解决方案。
1、应用标准:●设计标准:GB/T12465;●压力试验标准:DIN3230和GB13927●连接法兰标准:DIN2501(符合GB17241.6标准);●产品卫生标准:DVGW标准(最新德国标准)& GB/T17219;●紧固件执行标准:GB/T5781;2、技术规格:●公称通径:200~2200mm●公称压力:1.0 MPa 0.6MPa●壳体试验压力:1.5 MPa 0.9MPa●密封试验压力:1.1 MPa0.66MPa零泄漏设计●介质温度:≤-20~80℃3、工作原理:●松套伸缩接头安装在管道上后,拧紧螺母,弹性密封圈在螺母、压盖的作用下,依靠相互间的斜度,紧压在管子外围起密封和连接作用。
VSSJ‐C2F‐6C型双法兰连接传力伸缩接头使用说明书铁岭市求精阀门厂二○一三年四月目 录1.主要用途2.结构特点3.执行标准4.工作原理、主要结构、外形及连接尺寸5.主要零部件材料6.保管、安装及使用7.注意事项8.通讯方式1.主要用途伸缩节是管线连接的常用且必须的附件。
3.性能规范双 法 兰 伸 缩 节 性 能 规 范公称压力 0.25 0.6 1.0 1.6 2.5 4.0 MPa试验压力 强度 0.375 0.90 1.50 2.40 3.75 6.00温度常温 密封 0.300 0.75 1.25 2.00 3.00 5.00 常温工作压力(MPa)P80.250 0.60 1.00 1.60 2.50 4.00 ≤80℃ 适用介质 水、海水、油品适用温度 ≤80℃4.执行标准4.1设计制造按照GB/T 12465‐2000标准;4.2法兰连接按照GB/T 9113.1‐2000标准;4.3压力试验按照GB/T 13927‐2008标准。
1—本体 2—密封圈 3—压盘 4—限位螺杆 5—螺母 6—限位短管 7—螺柱
法兰连接尺寸Dw L L1
0.6MPa 1.0MPa
D D1 n-d。
D D1 n-d。
65 76
340 105 50
160 130 4-¢14 185 145 4-¢18 80 89 190 150 4-¢18 200 160 8-¢18。
什么是伸缩器 伸缩器安装 伸缩器使用范围
1. 伸缩器为各种给排水管道、水塔、水泵、水表、阀门的安装拆换提供了极大方便,给长距离管路因温差伸缩起到了很好的调节作用。
2. 伸缩器内管材分为铸铁( HT )、镀锌( DX )和钢制( SF )三种。
工作压力分 PN6 、 PN10 、PN16 三种。
3. 安装前须松开压盘螺栓,将该产品拉至安装长度,然后用对角法拧紧,切勿压偏,如架空使用,两端须安装相应的固定支架。
4. 法兰连接采用 GB4216.3 - 4126.5 标准。
5. 如选用其它规格可另行生产。
FK2型变速操纵器产品说明书上海惟译汽配制造有限公司FK2型变速操纵器性能介绍目录一、技术背景 (1)二、技术特性 (1)A、伸缩硬杆直接传动手动变速操纵系统 (1)B、换力器分段传动手动变速操纵系统 (3)三、特性介绍 (4)1、操纵器特性介绍 (4)2、伸缩主杆&副杆特性介绍 (5)3、换力器特性介绍 (6)四、安装 (7)1、驾驶室端安装 (7)2、变速箱端安装 (9)3、在驾驶室倾翻状态下操纵器与伸缩杆连接 (16)五、调试 (19)1、操纵器部分免调试 (19)2、变速器部分 (19)3、伸缩杆部分 (20)六、使用及维护 (21)1、驾驶室的翻转 (21)2、各球节维护 (22)3、变速操纵机构维护 (23)4、部件维修及置换 (24)七、常见故障&排除方法 (25)1、操纵器窜动&自然脱档 (25)2、伸缩铝管变形弯曲 (26)3、中间换力器托座变形断裂 (27)4、换挡(前后)空行程状态 (27)5、选档(左右)行程偏大 (28)一、技术背景重型汽车在不断的改进过程中,传统的手排硬杆变速操纵系统改变为软轴传动。
D 4.250 4.620 5.000 6.500 7.000 7.500 8.000 9.000
E 7.720 7.720 9.550 11.690 11.690 15.910 20.550 20.550
Series BV2-F1 ball valves offer ANSI 150# flanged ends for easy installation. 1/2˝ through 4˝ sizes are standard for great flow rates with minimal pressure drop. The valve features a blowout-proof stem for added safety, reinforced TFE seats and seals for longer life, and a 316SS (ASTM A351 GR CF8M) ball for better performance. Actuators are direct mounted, creating a compact assembly for tight spaces. Double o-ring stem seals assure leak-free operation. The BV2-F1 Series is an economical automated valve package with either an electric or pneumatic actuator. Electrically actuated models are weatherproof, NEMA 4, powered by standard 115 VAC supply, and are available in either two-position or proportional control. Two-position actuators use the 115 VAC input to drive the valve open or closed, while the modulating actuator accepts a 4 to 20 mA input for infinite valve positioning. Actuator features thermal overload protection and a permanently lubricated gear train. The pneumatic double acting actuator uses an air supply to drive the valve open and closed. The actuator has two supply ports with one driving the valve open and the other driving the valve closed. Spring return pneumatic actuators use the air supply to open the valve and internally loaded springs return the valve to the closed position. Also available is the SV3 solenoid valve to electrically switch the air supply pressure between the air supply ports for opening and closing the valve. Actuators are constructed of anodized and epoxy coated aluminum for years of corrosion free service.
1. 起缓冲作用:双法兰限位伸缩器可以在管道系统中起到缓冲作用,吸收由于管道的热胀冷缩或振动引起的应力和变形。
2. 限位作用:双法兰限位伸缩器可以限制管道系统的伸缩范围,防止过度伸缩导致管道的破裂和泄漏。
3. 减少振动和噪音:双法兰限位伸缩器可以减少管道系统中的振动和噪音,提高系统的稳定性和工作效率。
4. 调节安装误差:双法兰限位伸缩器可以用来调节管道系统的安装误差。
详细结构见下面示意图:图一:手动液压伸缩器结构示意图件1—伸缩器内筒;件2—调整丝杆;件3—螺母;件4—防尘圈;件5—伸缩器外筒;件6—组合密封;件7—油缸;件8—不锈钢输油管;件9—手动液压站;图二:手动液压伸缩器液压站实物图三、操作说明:1. 手动液压伸缩器按第二项的技术要求安装、试验合格,并确定与手动液压伸缩器外筒端法兰(图一左端)完全固定不会移动,伸缩器内筒端(图一右端)连接的管道具有一定距离的移动位置,可进行伸出、缩进测试:a)松开4 只(件2)调节丝杆的螺母(件3),每根调整丝杆的4 个螺母按要求进行调整:第1、4 个向外反向松开、第2、3 个向内反向松开,使每个螺母与对应的法兰面有一定间隔距离(应大于需要伸缩的长度)。
把每根调整丝杆的4 个螺母、对称用力锁紧,保证手动液压伸缩器的内筒和外筒在受压工作状态下不产生位移。
Festo MS2-LF-.-B 滤波器操作手册说明书
介质耐受性评估è /sp。
3其他信息–技术问题请联系当地 Festo 联络人 è .–附件和备件 è /catalogue.4产品配置插图 1:产品配置滤杯滤盘螺丝堵头进气口螺纹孔出气口解锁装置滤芯排水螺丝5装配5.1直接安装–产品上方的空间需求:20 mm –产品下方的空间需求:30 mm–产品左侧和右侧的空间需求:30 mm –供气管路中设有关断阀。
–最大允许壁厚为 2.0 mm。
1.根据从 1 到 2 的流动方向将产品垂直对齐。
5.2墙面安装–产品上方的空间需求:20 mm –产品下方的空间需求:30 mm–产品左侧和右侧的空间需求:30 mm –供气管路中设有关断阀。
1.将安装支架 MS2-WR 安装到产品上 è 3 其他信息。
2.根据从 1 到 2 的流动方向将产品垂直对齐。
2.对于 MS2-LF-M5-...-B:将螺纹接头旋入气接口中。
最大旋进深度:6.5 mm 3.将气管插入螺纹接头到底。
双法兰伸缩接头使用说明及技术说明书巩义市昌盛供水材料有限公司双法兰限位伸缩接头说明一、主要技术参数1.型号:VSSJA-2/B2F2.公称压力:0.6 Mpa 、1.0 Mpa 、1.6Mpa 、2.5Mpa3.壳体试验压力:0.9Mpa 、1.5Mpa 、2.4Mpa、3.75Mpa(1.5倍公称压力)4.密封试验压力:0.66Mpa 、1.1Mpa 、1.76Mpa、2.75Mpa(1.1倍公称压力)5.工作温度:-20℃~80℃6.适用介质:水、污水7.漏失率:0二、产品执行标准产品设计执行GB/T12465-2007《管路补偿接头》法兰连接尺寸执行GB 2555《一般用途法兰连接尺寸》压力试验执行GB/T13927-2008《工业阀门压力试验》包装、运输以及标志符合GB12220、GB12252的规定三、产品结构性能特点1.结构简单、零部件少、重量轻。
Manuals+— User Manuals Simplified.Aqua Creek F-PPP2 Portable Pro 2 Pool Lift Instructions Home » Aqua Creek » Aqua Creek F-PPP2 Portable Pro 2 Pool Lift InstructionsAqua Creek F-PPP2 Portable Pro 2 Pool LiftContents1 MANDATORY2 READ CAREFULL Y3 Portable Pro Pool 2 Components4 Portable Pro Pool 2 Assembly Instructions (Weight Plates)5 Portable Pro Pool 2 Assembly Instructions (Sand Ballast)6 Portable Pro Pool 2 Assembly Instructions7 Basic Troubleshooting8 Proper Care of Pool & Spa Lifts9 Portable Pro Pool 2 Lift Parts List10 Portable Pro Pool 2 Cart Parts List11 PORTABLE PRO POOL 2 LIFT12 Customers Support13 Documents / Resources14 Related PostsMANDATORYLEAVE THIS MANUAL WITH OWNERRead and follow all instructions.Lift safety can only be ensured if the lift is installed and operated according to these instructions.FOR SAFETY REASONSNEVER swim aloneNEVER use the lift with a dry poolNEVER apply direct water pressure to the electronicsNEVER permit children to play on or around the liftDO NOT allow children to use the lift without adult supervisionREAD CAREFULLYCheck entire box and all packing materials for parts. Before beginning assembly, read the instructions and identify parts using the figures and parts listed in this document.It is critical that all parts be carefully inspected prior to installation. If any damage occurred in transit, Aqua Creek Products, LLC must be notified within three days of receipt of unit.Proper installation cannot be overstressed, as an improper installation voids Aqua Creek’s warranty and mayaffect the safety of the user.Portable Pro Pool 2 Components1. PORTABLE PRO POOL 2 LIFT2. LINAK BATTERY CHARGERand set aside.2. Begin stacking the eleven (11) supplied weight plates on the portable platform. To ensure proper alignment,slide the hood over the stack every three (3) or four (4) plates. Continue this until all eleven (11) weight plates are in place.3. Using a 7 /16″ wrench, slide the hood over the stack of weight plates and attach to the platform using the five(S) supplied 1/4″ nylock nuts and flat washers. NOTE: Be sure to use silicone to seal the flange before bolting together.+Portable Pro Pool 2 Assembly Instructions (Sand Ballast)1. Fill the ballast tank with sand (not included) as shown below. Gently shake or tap the tank sides periodically tohelp level the sand. Alternate between fill ports to make sure sand is evenly distributed (use a large funnel to help in this step).2. Once all the sand has been poured into the tank, return the caps to the top of the tank and attach them with thescrews.3. With the counter weight now in place, roll the lift to the desired location on the pool deck.Portable Pro Pool 2 Assembly Instructions4. Attach seat belt to the seat as shown in diagram to the right.5. Place the battery on the charger and bring to a full charge.6. Apply dielectric grease on the metal tabs of the battery and the control box on the lift.7. Mount the battery onto the control box on the lift and snap the battery into place. Listen for a ‘click’ when thebattery is installed properly. There should be no gap between the battery and control box. See FIGURE 1.NOTE: To extend battery life, always store battery on the charger when the lift is not in service.Basic TroubleshootingProblem: The lift won’t moveSolution:1. Make sure the battery is properly seated:You should hear a click when the battery is properly seated on the control box or charger.NOT Properly Attached:Note: the white bracket is in front of the silver clip, which will not allow for an electrical connectionProperly Attached:Note: the white bracket is behind the silver clip, holding it securely to allow for an electrical connection2. Make sure the cords are properly plugged in:NOT Properly Inserted:The cord plug is flush with or sticking out of the outletThe cord plug is recessed into the outletCheck the ends of the cords for corrosion or damage. The cord plugs should be recessed into the outlet. You should feel them pop into place when they are correctly inserted.3. Check the contact points:Make sure the contact points of the control box and the battery are not damaged or corroded. If there is corrosion clean with Scotch-Brite™ pad. Put some dielectric grease on the contact points before reattaching the battery.4. Make sure the battery is fully charged:The Charger is ON when the green light is glowingThe Battery is CHARG- 1 NG when the orange light is glowingWhen the Battery is charged the orange light will stop glowingProblem: The lift stopped moving over the water and is stuck.Solution:1. Press the emergency buttonUse a pen or pencil tip and stick it into the emergency button on the front of the control box to retract the lift.Note: the lift will not retract if the battery is not fully charged or if the control box is not working. The emergency button only overrides the remote handset.Proper Care of Pool & Spa LiftsPROCEDURE BEFORE EACH USEDAILYWEEKLYMONTHLYCheck battery level indicator on control box✔Run the lift through a complete test cycle (fully ex- tend actuator) to verify it is functioning properly✔Wash lift with fresh water and dry with clean, soft, non-abrasive cloth✔Recharge battery✔Visually inspect lift for damage, corrosion, and loose ormissing hardware✔Check all contact points for damage and/or corrosion✔Repair, clean and apply dielectric grease to all contact points✔Thoroughly clean lift frame and apply a liberal coat of car waxto maintain the lift’s finish✔Check all Warning and Cautionary labels to make sure they are not faded or worn. Replace as needed.✔PROPER CARE NOTESUse only fresh water to wash your lift. Do not wash with pool water.Use only clean, soft, non-abrasive cloths on your lift.Do not store lift in pump room or near chemicals.Do not allow children to play on or around this lift.When cleaning the lift, do not spray water directly on control box or battery.The lift may need to be bonded according to local code requirements.If the lift is not used for extended periods, remove the battery from the lift and store it on the wall charger to maintain the batteries charge. The charger should be plugged in and in a climate controlled area.STAIN REMOVAL TIPS:To remove stubborn stains from finish, spray affected area with mild dish soap, rub briskly with a 3M Scotch Brite™ pad. Use white epoxy paint to touch up the finish. Apply wax to protect when dry.Portable Pro Pool 2 Lift Parts ListITEM•QTY PART•DESCRIPTION11PF2-100-02BASE WELDMENT21PF2-200-03MAIN FRAME ASSEM- BLY31PF2-300-03CHAIR CRADLE AS- SEMBLY 41PF2-400-04CONTROL ARM51PF2-500-00BRACKET ASSEMBLY 61340665-00LINAK 400MM PULL ACTUATOR 71F-0904CA-A CHAIR ASSEMBLY81F-FRB-03FOOTREST ASSEMBLY91MBJ2-01LINAK CONTROL BRACKET 101CBJ2-U033-00LINAK CONTROL BOX111BAJ1-U026-0024V LINAK BATTERY121MS LPCS CONTROL BOX SCREW131WF10#10 FLAT WASHER142BSH 10 X 3/810-24 X 3/8 SHCS151BB1/4X1/21/4-20 X 1/2 BHSCS161WF 1/41/4 FLAT WASHER171WL 1/41/4 LOCK WASHER181BH 5/16 X 4 1 /25/16-18 X 41/2 HCS195WF 5/165/16 FLAT WASHER204NN 5/165/16-18 NYLOCK NUT211BS 3/8 X 9/163/8 X 9/16 SHOULDER BOLT221BS 3/8 X 1 3/418-83/8 X 1 3/4 SHOUL- DER BOLT231BS 3/8 X 2 18-83/8 X 2 SHOULDER BOLT242BC 3/8 X 33/8-16 X 3 FHSCS252WF3/83/8 FLAT WASHER262NN 3/83/8 NYLOCK NUT271BH 5/8 X 5 7/818-85/8 X 5 7/8 HCS282WFS/85/8 FLAT WASHER291NN 5/85/8 NYLOCK NUT301NNJ 11″ NYLOCK JAM311BRB EP0608033/8 X 1/2 X 3/16 SLEEVE BUSHING 322BRB SS-1216-61/2 X 3/8 X 3/8 BRONZE SLEEVE331F-UBC BATTERY COVER Portable Pro Pool 2 Cart Parts ListItem•QTY PART#DESCRIPTION11PP2-100WM-00PORTABLE PRO POOL 2 CARTWELDMENT22PP2-109-00WHEEL SPACER31PP2-110-00AXLE SHAFT42 5.00008.459.2.SSRB WHEEL, RUBBER, PERFORMA, SS BEARING512NF100SA4″SS CASTER ASSEMBLY64BB 5/16 X 3/4BOLT, 316 SS, 5/16-18 X 3/4 BHSCS74WF 5/16WASHER, FLAT, 5/16, 316 SS84NN 5/16NUT, 316 SS, NYLOCK, 5/16-1892LOCK COLLAR 3/4 SS LOCK COLLAR, 3/4, SS, SINGLE SPLIT*1011WP-60WEIGHT PLATE, CONCRETE, 2″x 18″ x 18″111A-985B COVER ASSEMBLY125WFE 1/4WASHER, FENDER, 316 SS, 1/4 X 1135NN 1/4NUT, 316 SS, NYLOCK, 1/4-20AQUA CREEK PRODUCTS, LLC LIMITED FIVE (5) YEAR WARRANTY:PORTABLE PRO POOL 2 LIFT(ITEM #’s F-PPP2, F-PPP2-T, F-PPP2-G, F-PPP2-C, F-PPP2S, F-PPP2S-T, F-PPP2S-G, F-PPP2S-C)Aqua Creek Products, LLC (a .k.a. Aqua Creek) warrants to the original end user purchaser that products manufactured by Aqua Creek, when properly installed in accordance with assembly and installation instructions, and properly used and maintained, shallbe free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of five (5) years from the date of original purchase, provided that Aqua Creek receives prompt notice in writing of any defect or failure and satisfactory proof thereof, with the following exception(s):Exceptions:All electrical components, including the linear actuator shall have the following warranty period: Year 1-2: 100% CoverageYear 3: 60% Coverage (Customer is responsible for 40% of replacement cost)Year 4: 50% Coverage (Customer is responsible for 50% of replacement cost)Year 5: 40% Coverage (Customer is responsible for 60% of replacement cost)Hydraulic actuators and mesh slings shall have a warranty period of one (1) year from the date of original purchase.Powder coat finish scratches, scrapes, corrosion, or dents from customers normal use, negligence, or abuse This warranty specifically excludes reimbursement for labor to remove, repair, or install the product and any shipping charges. These warranties do not cover any damages due to accident, force majeure, act of nature,misuse, abuse, negligence or failure to properly maintain any products, or normal wear and tear from day to day operations. In the event that any products are altered, repaired, or improperly installed or improperly used by anyone without the prior written approval by Aqua Creek, all warranties are void. IMPORTANT: AMOUNT OF WEIGHT PLACED ON LIFT SHALL NOT EXCEED THE RATED LIFTING CAPACITY FOR THE LIFT. NEVER OPERATE THE LIFT UNDER LOAD IN A DRY POOL (WITH NO WATER IN THE POOL). It is the responsibility of the lift owner to verify the weight of the patron for warranty claim purposes and to ensure that the lift is not overloaded. Non-payment for product to Aqua Creek may void warranty.To initiate a warranty claim, the owner of an Aqua Creek product must provide the place of purchase, in writing, with a full description of the product, its serial number, the dates of purchase and installation, and the exact nature of the defect. Within thirty (30) days after receipt of a written warranty claim by Aqua Creek, and barring any unforeseen delays, the place of purchase will be notified of Aqua Creek’s decision regarding the claim.If requested by Aqua Creek, any defective product must be returned, freight prepaid by customer, to Aqua Creek’s designated factory location or duly appointed distributor for inspection and/or repair. Aqua Creek will, at its option, repair or replace the failed or defective item, and deliver the repaired product or replacement to the customer. All freight charges are the responsibility of the customer. Products returned to Aqua Creek for which Aqua Creek provides replacement under this limited warranty shall become the property of Aqua Creek. A new warranty period shall NOT be established for the repaired or replaced products. Such products shall remain under warranty only for the remainder of the original warranty period on the original products purchased.This written limited warranty constitutes the final, complete and exclusive statement of warranty terms. No person or organization is authorized to make any other specific or implied warranties or representations on behalf of Aqua Creek.THE WARRANTIES SET FORTH HEREIN ARE IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, WHICH ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED AND EXCLUDED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR USE.THE SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDIES FOR BREACH OF ANY AND ALL WARRANTIES WITH RESPECT TO THE PRODUCTS SHALL BE LIMITED TO REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT AT AQUA CREEK’S DESIGNATED FACTORY LOCATION, OR DULY APPOINTED DISTRIBUTOR, OR IN PLACE AT AQUA CREEK’S OPTION. IN NO EVENT SHALL AQUA CREEK’S LIABILITY EXCEED THE ENTIRE AMOUNT PAID TO AQUA CREEK BY THE ORIGINAL PURCHASER FOR THE FAILED OR DEFECTIVE PRODUCT.IN NO EVENT SHALL AQUA CREEK PRODUCTS, LLC BE LIABLE FOR ANY INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, SPECIAL, INDIRECT, PUNITIVE OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES OR LOST PROFITS FROM ANY BREACH OF THIS LIMITED WARRANTY OR OTHERWISE.THIS WARRANTY GIVES YOU SPECIFIC LEGAL RIGHTS AND YOU MAY ALSO HAVE OTHER RIGHTS, WHICH MAY VARY FROM STATE TO STATE. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SO SOME OF THE ABOVE LIMITATIONS OR EXCLUSIONS MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU.Customers SupportAqua Creek Products, LLC9889 Garrymore LaneMissoula, MT 59808Toll Free: (888) 687-3552Local/lntnl: (406) 549-0769Documents / ResourcesAqua Creek F-PPP2 Portable Pro 2 Pool Lift [pdf] InstructionsF-PPP2 Portable Pro 2 Pool Lift, F-PPP2, Portable Pro 2 Pool Lift, 2 Pool Lift Manuals+,。
2 - 24 BF系列蝶阀操作与维护手册说明书
2" - 24"BF SeriesButter f ly ValvesOperation andMaintenance ManualJob Name: ____________________________Contractor: ___________________________Date: ________________________________BF Series Butter f ly Valv esSAFETY MESSAGESAll safety messages in the instructions are flagged with an exclamation symbol and the word “w arning”. These messages indicate procedures that must be followed exactly to avoid equipment damage, physical injury, or death. Safety labels on the product indicate hazards that can cause equipment damage, physical injury, or death.Personnel involved in the installation or maintenance of valves should be constantly alert to potentialemission of pipeline material and take appropriate safety precautions. Always wear suitable protection when dealing with hazardous pipeline materials.PARTSOrder parts directly from Henry Pratt Company through your local distributor, or by contacting the factory directly. When ordering parts, please include the serial number located on the valve tag.WARRANTY ISSUESeller warrants that, at its option, it will repair, replace, or refund the unit purchase price of any products which are non-conforming due to Seller’s material or workmanship during the warranty period. The warranty period shall be twelve (12) months for parts and eighteen (18) months for all other goods after date of shipment. This shall be Buyer’s sole remedy. In order to maintain this product warranty, Buyer must give written notice to Seller’s Field Service Supervisor prior to any work being performed.IN CONSIDERATION OF THE FOREGOING, SELLER EXCLUDES ALL OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.Seller does not warrant water operated metallic cylinders against damage caused by corrosion, electrolysis or mineral deposits. In no event shall warranty include valve removal or reinstallation.Read all applicable directions and instructions prior to any maintenance, troubleshooting orinstallationWARNINGWARNINGFUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION 4INSTALLATION 5OPERATION 9MAINTENANCE 11 TROUBLESHOOTING 12CONTACTING PRATT 13PRODUCT DRAWINGS 14BF Series Butter f ly Valv esFunctional DescriptionRound butterfly valve disc rotates 1/4 turn to provide tight shut of f in air or water pipelines. The valves can be used to regulate flow rate by positioning the disc between 10 and 90 degrees open .Manually Operated ValveManually operated butterfly valves are powered with gear actuators, which convert multiple handwheel,chainwheel or handle input turns into 1/4 turn valve operation. The travel of the valve disc is limited by physical stops in the actuator housing.Forcing the handwheel, chainwheel or nut against the stops will not provide tighter shutoff of the valve and may damage the actuator. Only actuator adjustments will affect valve shutoff.Motor Operated ValveMotor operated butterfly valves are powered with gear actuators, which convert multiple motor input turns into 1/4 turn valve operation. The travel of the valve disc is limited by limit switches in the motor housing and physical stops in the actuator housing. Valve shutoff is affected by limit switch and physical stop settings.Improperly set limit switches and/or physical stops may damage the motor and/or actuator.Cylinder Operated ValveHydraulically operated butterfly valves are powered with a gear box and double acting cylinde r . The linear stroke of the cylinder is converted to 1/4 turn operation by the gear box. Auxiliary controls are provided todirect hydraulic power to the cylinder and to control the operating speed of the cylinder.WARNINGWARNINGBF Series Butter f ly Valv esINSTALLATIONGENERALValves are a significant component of any piping system. Failure due to faulty installation, improper operation or maintenance in such systems could result in damage, down time and costly repairs. In buried underground installations, problems or malfunctions can result in extensive, costly unearthing operations to correct the problem. Many problems with valves can be traced to improper installation, operation, or maintenance procedures.UNLOADINGInspect valves on receipt for damage in shipment and conformance with quantity and description in the shipping notice and order. Carefully unload all valves to the ground without dropping using fork trucks or slings under skids. Do not lift valves with slings or chain around operating shaft, actuator, or through waterway. Instead, lift valves with eye bolts or rods through flange holesSTORAGEWhenever practical, store valves indoors. If not, protect valves and actuators from weather and accumulation of water, dirt, rocks and debris. When valves fitted with power actuators and controls are stored, energize electric actuator or otherwise protect electrical control equipment to prevent corrosion of electrical contacts due to condensation resulting from temperature variation. Do not expose rubber seats to sunlight or ozone for any extended period. Valves should be stored with the valve disc or closure member slightly open. INSPECTION PRIOR TO INSTALLATIONMake sure flange faces and joint sealing surfaces, body seats and disc seats are clean. Check bolting attaching actuator to valve for loosening in transit and handling. If loose, tighten firml y. Open and close valve to make sure it operates properly and that stops or limit switches are correctly set so that the valve seats fully. Check that valve rotation direction is correct and close valve before installing.INSTALLATIONThe following items must be performed during installation to ensure proper function.•Carefully place valves into position avoiding contact or impact with other equipment, vault walls or trench walls.BF Series Butter f ly Valv es•Valves are to be installed in accordance with the General Arrangement Drawings furnished for the order.•Foreign material in a valve can damage the rubber seat when valves are operated. Be sure valve interiors and adjacent piping are clear of foreign material prior to mating valve to pipe joint.•Prepare pipe ends and install valves in accordance with the pipe manufacturer’s instructions for the joint used. Do not deflect pipe/valve joint. Do not use valve and jack to pull pipe into alignment•In plant piping, install so as to minimize bending of valve connection with pipe loading.•Make sure valve disc, when opened, will not contact pipe port. This is especially necessary on pipe with lin-ings. Check manufacturer for minimum pipe I.D. required for clearance.Valve disc without actuator may open or close at any time and cause injury to persons or damage to valve and other property. The shaft/disc clamping device when furnished is intended for temporary use during shipping, handling and valve installation only. Do not subject valve to flow conditions before actuator is mounted and tested for performance and clamping device is removed.Buried valves installed with valve boxes must be so installed that the valve box does not transmit shock or stress to the valve actuator as a result of shifting soil or traffic loadWhen valves are installed in vaults, the vault design must provide space for valve/actuator repair. The valve operating nut should be accessible from the top opening of the vault with a tee wrench....Series valves are bi-directional and will control flow equally well in either direction. For the best results in slurry service, position the valve so that the valve stem is in the horizontal position and the lower disc edge opens downstream. This will ensure a self flushing effect extending the life of the valve.The valve should not be placed too close to other valves, elbows, etc. as its operational performance may be affected. It is recommended that the valve have, at a minimum, six pipe diameters upstream and four pipediameters downstream between int and any other valves, elbows, etc. in the system.WARNINGBF Series Butter f ly Valv esInstallation Between Pre Existing Flanges1.Observe that the disc sealing edge is in line with the parallel flats (or keyway) on the stem. Rotate the ste m clockwise to position the disc within the body at least 0.375in. away from the body face.2.S pr ead the flanges to exceed the valves face to face dimension by 0.19in. before placing the valve in position to prevent distortion and/or damage to the seating face of the valve.3.Center the valve body between t he flanges and span the valve body with all flange bolts possible.Turn the disc to the fully open position.4.While gradually removing the flange spreaders, center the valve to the flanges and tighten the bolts h alf tight. Slowly close the valve to check for adequate disc clearance.5.Return the disc to the fully open position and cross-tighten all bolting. Bolt tightening sequence should be per the following table and diagram.Bolt TorquesFlange Size Recommended Min. BoltTorque (Pound Force Inches)Flange Size Recommended Min. BoltTorque (Pound Force Inches)2"-4"238-35414"-16"1681-2398 5"-8"398-59218"-20"1796-2522 10"628-89324"2575-3593 12"955-1327Bolt Tightening SequenceBF Series Butter f ly Valv esNew Construction Installation Using Welding Type Flange1.With the disc in the nearly closed position, align and center the companion flange bolt holes to the body lu g holes.2.Assemble the body and flanges with the flange bolting and line up th e bolting using the flange-body-fl ange assembly for fit up and centering to the pipe3.Tack weld the flanges to the pipe4.Remove the flange bolting and valve assembly from between the flangeDo not finish weld the flanges to the pipe with the valve bolted between the flanges as this will result in serious heat damage to the valve seat.5.Finish welding the flanges to the pipe and allow the flanges to cool completely before proceedin g.6.Follow steps 1 through 5 of “Installation Between Pre Existing Flanges” on previous page.WARNINGTESTINGWhen rubber seated valves are used to isolate sections of line for test, it is important to realize that these valves are designed and factory adjusted to hold rated pressure only. Test pressure may cause leakage past the rubber seat or damage to the valve.In order to prevent time lost in searching for leaks, it is recommended that excavations for buried valves not be back-filled until after hydrostatic pressure tests have been made .Seat leakage can occur due to foreign material in the line. If this occurs, open valve 5 – 10 degrees to get high velocity flushing action. Close and repeat several times to clear seats for tight shut o f f.Seat leakage can occur due to rotational shift in position of the disc with relation to the body seat. Readjust closing stop in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions.Do not permit use and operation of any valve at pressure above the rated pressure of the valve.Do not exceed 300 ft-lb input torque on actuators with wrench nuts, 200 lb. rim pull input torque for handwheels or chainwheels. If portable auxiliary actuators are used, size the actuator or use a torque limiting device to prevent application of torque exceeding 300 ft-lbs. If an oversize portable auxiliary actuator with no means of limiting torque is used, stop the actuator before valve is fully opened or closed against stops and complete the operation manually. Be sure to check portable auxiliary actuator directional switch against direction indicated on wrench nut, handwheel or records before applying opening and closing torque.If a valve is stuck in some intermediate position between open and closed, check first for jamming in the actuator. If nothing is found, the interference is inside the valve. In this case, do not attempt to force the disc open or closed since excessive torque in this position can severely damage internal parts.MANUAL ACTUATOR FUNCTION AND USE:The manually operated butterfly valves are operated by rotating the handwheel, chainwheel, or nut.The actuator is equipped with gearing to convert the many turns into 1/4 turn operation. Inside actuator stops that limit the travel of the valve are pre-set at the factory. Forcing the handwheel, chainwheel, or nut will not cause the valve to shut off any tighter and may cause damage to the gearing.CYLINDER ACTUATOR FUNCTION AND USE:The cylinder operated butterfly valves are operated automatically by directing hydraulic pressure to either side of the power cylinder. Solenoid valves are used to direct the fluid to the cylinder ports based on electrical power signals. In cylinder actuators, the travel stops are in the cylinder so that full hydraulic pressure can be held on the cylinder at either end of travel.MOTOR ACTUATOR FUNCTION AND USE:The motor actuator is designed to open and close the valve through its one quarter turn of rotation. It contains gearing so that hundreds of turns of the motor or handwheel will slowly move the valve from open to close position or vice versa. Electrical controls are included in the motor actuator for local electrical control.The output motion of the actuator is limited to about 100 degrees of output rotation by mechanical stops inthe gearing. These are factory set and should not need adjustment. The actual positioning of the valve disc will be done by limit switches in the motor actuator. The switches are also set at the factory but adjustmentis sometimes required if the motor unit is installed on a separate mounting base or floorstand. Detailed procedures are given in the motor manual if adjustment is needed for the mechanical stops or the limitswitches. The wiring and power requirements are given on wiring diagrams included in this instruction manual.BF Series Butter f ly Valv esFluids exposed to freezing temperatures may cause valve to fail resulting in injury to persons or dam-age to valves and other property. Do not use in applications that are exposed to freezing temperatures unless sufficient flow is maintained through the valve to prevent freezing, or other protection is pro -vided .IMPORTANT SAFETY NOTICEAll persons who will install, operate or adjust this equipment must read the instructions and drawings carefully. Injury and property damage may occur from improper use. It is understood that this equipment will be installed by individuals with knowledge and skills in electrical equipment. The manufacturer cannot be responsible for the misuse of this information or equipment, nor can it assumeany resultant liability.WARNINGWARNINGBF Series Butter f ly Valv esMAINTENANCEMaintenance of valves by owner is generally limited to actuators and shaft seals. In some instances, valve de-sign permits field adjustment of seat when leakage occurs. Unless the owner has skilled personnel and proper equipment, any major rework will require removal of the valve from the line. Depending on condition, valve may require return to the manufacturer.ANNUAL MAINTENANCE1.Cycle valve to verify operation and no interference in line.2.Close valve and check for leakage. If leakage is detected, check actuator stops to verify that disc is fully closed. If leakage persists, remove valve to inspect seat. Refer to the service procedures section of this manual for information regarding adjustment or replacement of seat.3.Check flange connections for leakage. Tighten bolts accordingly.4.Check top trunnion area for shaft leakage. If leakage is detected, replace valve o-rings in top cover.5.If Access to the line is possible, then removal of scale that may interfere with disc travel is suggested.The seat should be inspected for wear and the screws should be tight. NOTE: LUBRICATION IS NOT REQUIRED.Removal of actuator from valve shaft will cause disc to rotate, striking persons or objects in the disc path, causing injury to persons and damage to valve. Block or lock disc before removing actuator.Typical maintenance would be shaft o-ring replacement and actuator adjustment. O-ring leakage, broken parts and difficult operation should be discussed with the factory before valve repairs are attempted.Stop line flow and isolate from line pressure prior to performing any corrective maintenanceAfter completing repair, cycle valve through one complete operating cycle and after line pressure has beenrestored, inspect for leakage.WARNINGBF Series Butter f ly Valv esTroubleshooting GuideProblemCausesRemediesHigh Torque•Pinched seats•Flange bolts are not evenlytorqued•Over-torqued boltsLoosen the flange bolts. Manually pin the disc through the valve a few times to reshape the seat. Tighten the flange bolts in the correct sequence.Valve installed to close toreduction, strainer, elbow or other obstructionChange piping or location to the valve or upgrade the torque on actuatorObstruction in the pipelineRemove valve from pipeline and remove the obstruction Valve stem or disc bent Return valve to factory for replacementScale buildup on stem or seatOpen and close the valve several times. O p erate the valve at least monthly. Check seatfor deterioration. Flush system periodically. Excessive addition of chemicals at one time may coat the surface of valve seat and disc.Improper pipe supports Install piping supports Improperly welded flangeRe-weld flange properl y Leakage when valve in closedposition Actuator is not properly adjusted Reset stops in actuatorLine pressue is higher than the valve’s rated close off pressure Reduce line pressure to valves rated close off pressure, or upgrade actuatorHigh TorqueSee ‘High Torque’ above.Leakage past the flange fac eFlange bolts are not evenly torquedLoosen the flange bolts.Tighten the flange bolts in the correct sequence.Valve opens only a few degreesand stopsI m proper installation. Valve is not aligned properlyLoosen the flange bolts, realign the valve with flanges and retighten the flange bolts to the correct torque.BF Series Butter f ly Valv es2"-24" Exploded Parts DrawingTop flange conforms to ISO 5211 and KV industrialstandard allowing a universal mounting pad for automation requirements which is suitable for most actuators in the market.Blowout proof stem meets all API 609requirements. Our unique design also creates a secondary stem journal seal preventing leakage to atmosphere.A full length Nylatron ® bushing reduces stemjournal friction and reduces torque.Pratt utilizes 2 internally driven shaftscreating a strong drive connection and allowing for a thin profile disc creating high Cv's.Thin profile, high tensil strength discmaximizes Cv's and allows for 230psi pressure rating.Pratt's unique seat design utilizes 3 tongueand groove connection points to the valve body. Seats remain secure and stable even under high dead-end pressure and full vacuum services. The center tongue not only locks the seat in place, but allows rubber material to flow into the center body groove when cycling the valve, drastically reducing the operating torque.Pratt's BF Series bottom capprovides lower stem retention and also creates a secondary stem journal sealpreventing external leakage to atmosphere. 2"-12" lower shafts ride on a precision w ea r guide reducing shaft drag.14" and larger utilizes an axial bearing to support the weight of the shaft and disc, providing a close to friction-free movement.Pratt BF Series Butterfly Valve Design Details: Butterfly Valve, sizes 2" through 24"2"-12" 230psi, 14"-28" 150psi。
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