
期末综合测试(B卷)班级___________ 姓名___________ 学号____________ 分数____________(考试时间:60分钟试卷满分:100分)注意事项:1.本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分。

XXX 外国语职业学院20XX-20XX 学年第二学期 XX 级 高职高专英语综合教程(2)试卷BDirections: Choose the correct explanations for the words on the right.1. patriot A. expain by examples, pictures, etc.2. reputation B. informal talk3. infinite C. a doctor who specializes in surgery4. illustrate D. endless; without limits5. donate E. one who loves and defends his or her country6. conversation F. show or exhibit7. display G. the opinion people have of a person or thing8. adequate H. a feeling of great sadness9. sorrow I. enough for a particular purpose 10. surgeon J. give, contributeDirections: Complete the sentences with the proper forms of the words given inparentheses.11. They (combination) their efforts to achieve a common end. 12. Lone before I went there, Africa was alive in my (imagine). 13. That old film (evoke) memories of the years of the war. 14. I can ’t understand the man ’s . (psychological) 15. He (confine) to the house by illness.Directions: Translate the Chinese into English.16. 无论什么时候我们都不应该向敌人投降。
高二(下)期末测试卷(B卷 能力提升)学生版含答案

相信你是最棒的!高二(下)期末测试卷(B 卷 能力提升)理科数学考试时间:120分钟 满分:150分一、单选题:本大题共8小题,每个小题5分,共40分.在每小题给出的选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.1.(2021·合肥一六八中学高三其他模拟(文))已知集合22194x y M xìü=+=íýîþ,132x y N y ìü=+=íýîþ,M N =I ( )A .ÆB .()(){}3,0,0,2C .[]22-,D .[]3,3-2.(2016·湖南高二月考(理))已知i 是虚数单位,则20151i i+A .12i -B .12i +C .12i --D .12i -+3.(2020·全国高三专题练习(理))秦九韶是我国南宋时期的数学家,普州(现四川省安岳县)人,他在所著的《数书九章》中提出的多项式求值的秦九韶算法,至今仍是比较先进的算法.如图的程序框图给出了利用秦九韶算法求某多项式值的一个实例,若输入x 的值为2,则输出的v 值为( )A .10922´-B .10922´+C .11922´+D .11922´-4.(2020·全国高二课时练习)已知函数()y xf x '=的图象如图所示(其中()f x '是函数()f x 的导函数),则()y f x =的图象大致是()A .B .C .D .5.(2021·全国高三其他模拟(文))已知函数1()cos()0,||22f x x p w j w j æö=+><ç÷èø的部分图象如图所示,M ,N 分别为图象上相邻的最高点与最低点,且线段MN ,则20212f æö=ç÷èø( )A .BC .14-D .146.(2019·福建省永春第一中学高三其他模拟(理))在《九章算术》中有称为“羡除”的五面体体积的求法.现有一个类似于“羡除”的有三条棱互相平行的五面体,其三视图如图所示,则该五面体的体积为()A .18B .22C .24D .287.(2021·浙江高一期末)为了解本市居民的生活成本,甲、乙、丙三名同学利用假期分别对三个社区进行了“家庭每月日常消费额”的调查.他们将调查所得到的数据分别绘制成频率分布直方图(如图所示,记甲、乙、丙所调查数据的标准差分别为123,,s s s ,则它们的大小关系是()A .123s s s >>B .132s s s >>C .321s s s >>D .312s s s >>8.(2021·黑龙江哈尔滨市·哈九中高三月考(理))已知函数()212,121log ,12x x f X x x ì-<ïï=íæöï+³ç÷ïèøî,若函数()g x x m =-+()0m >与()y f x =的图像相交于A ,B 两点,且A ,B 两点的横坐标分别为1x ,2x ,则12x x +的取值范围是( )A .5,2æù-¥çúèûB .25log 3,2æùçúèûC .51,2éö÷êëøD .25log 3,2éö÷êëø二、多择题:本大题共4小题,每个小题5分,共20分.9.(2021·全国高三其他模拟)已知612a x x x æöæö+-ç÷ç÷èøèø的展开式中各项系数的和为2,则下列结论正确的有()A .1a =B .展开式中常数项为160C .展开式中含2x 项的系数为60D .展开式中各项系数的绝对值的和为145810.(2021·重庆市长寿中学校)已知n S 是{}n a 的前n 项和,12a =,()1112n n a n a -=-³,则下列选项错误的是( )A .20212a =B .20211012S =C .331321n n n a a a ++××=D .{}n a 是以3为周期的周期数列11.(2021·浙江高一期末)关于函数2()sin cos f x x x x -,下列说法正确的是()A .()f x 的最小正周期为pB .()f x的最大值为1C .()f x 的单调递减区间为5,()1212k k k Z p p p p éù-++ÎêúëûD .()f x 的一个对称中心为,06p æöç÷èø12.(2021·辽宁朝阳市·高三一模)关于函数()2ln x xf x x+=,下列说法正确的是( )A .函数()f x 的极小值为1ln 2+B .函数()2y f x x =-有且只有1个零点C .存在负实数a ,使得()24410f x ax ax a +-+->恒成立D .对任意两个正实数1x 、2x ,且12x x ¹,若()()12f x f x =,则124x x +>三、填空题:本大题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分.把答案填在答题卡中的横线上.13.(2020·河南周口市·项城市第三高级中学高二月考(理))若定义在[)1,-+¥上的函数()21143,1x f x x x x -££=-+>ïî,则()31f x dx -=ò________.14.(2021·四川成都市·树德中学高二月考(理))设椭圆2222:1(0)x y C a b a b+=>>的左、右顶点分别为A ,B ,P 是椭圆上不同于A ,B 的一点,设直线AP ,BP 的斜率分别为m ,n ,则当2233(ln ||ln ||)3a m n b mn mnæö-+++ç÷èø取得最小值时,椭圆C 的离心率是______.15.(2021·河南郑州市·高三三模(文))1967年,法国数学家蒙德尔布罗的文章《英国的海岸线有多长?》标志着几何概念从整数维到分数维的飞跃.1977年他正式将具有分数维的图形成为“分形”,并建立了以这类图形为对象的数学分支——分形几何.分形几何不只是扮演着计算机艺术家的角色,事实表明它们是描述和探索自然界大量存在的不规则现象的工具.下面我们用分形的方法来得到一系列图形,如图1,线段AB 的长度为1,在线段AB 上取两个点C ,D ,使得13AC DB AB ==,以CD 为一边在线段AB 的上方做一个正三角形,然后去掉线段CD ,得到图2中的图形;对图2中的线段EC 、ED 作相同的操作,得到图3中的图形;依此类推,我们就得到了以下一系列图形:记第n 个图形(图1为第一个图形)中的所有线段长的和为n S ,对任意的正整数n ,都有n S a <,则a 的最小值为__________.16.(2020·湖北宜昌市·高三期末(文))艾萨克·牛顿(1643-1727),英国皇家学会会长,英国著名物理学家,在数学上也有许多杰出贡献.牛顿用“作切线”的方法求函数()f x 的零点时给出了一个数列{}n x :()()1n n n n f x x x f x +=-',我们把该数列称为牛顿数列.如果函数2()(0)f x ax bx c a =++>有两个零点1和3,数列{}n x 为牛顿数列,3lg1n n n x a x -=-,且13a =,3n x >,则数列{}n a 的通项公式为na =__________.四、解答题:本大题共6小题,共70分.解答应写出必要的文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤.17.(2020·全国高二课时练习)函数()ln 1f x x x ax =-+在点(1,(1))A f 处的切线斜率为2-.(1)求实数a 的值;(2)求()f x 的单调区间和极值.18.(2019·昆明市·云南师大附中(理))某果园种植“糖心苹果”已有十余年,根据其种植规模与以往的种植经验,产自该果园的单个“糖心苹果”的果径(最大横切面直径,单位:mm )在正常环境下服从正态分布()6836N ,.(1)一顾客购买了20个该果园的“糖心苹果”,求会买到果径小于56mm 的概率;(2)为了提高利润,该果园每年投入一定的资金,对种植、采摘、包装、宣传等环节进行改进.如图是2009年至2018年,该果园每年的投资金额x (单位:万元)与年利润增量y (单位:万元)的散点图:该果园为了预测2019年投资金额为20万元时的年利润增量,建立了y 关于x 的两个回归模型;模型①:由最小二乘公式可求得y 与x 的线性回归方程: 2.5020ˆ.5yx =-;模型②:由图中样本点的分布,可以认为样本点集中在曲线:ln y b x a =+的附近,对投资金额x 做交换,令ln t x =,则y b t a =×+,且有10122.00ii t==å,101230i i y ==å,101569.00i i i t y ==å,102150.92i i t ==å.(I )根据所给的统计量,求模型②中y 关于x 的回归方程;(II )根据下列表格中的数据,比较两种模型的相关指数2R ,并选择拟合精度更高、更可靠的模型,预测投资金额为20万元时的年利润增量(结果保留两位小数).回归模型模型①模型②回归方程2.5020ˆ.5yx =-l ˆn yb x a =+()1021ˆi i i y y=-å102.2836.19附:若随机变量()2X N m s:,,则()220.9544P X m s m s -££+=,()330.9974P X m s m s -££+=;样本()(),12i i t y i n =×××,,,的最小乘估计公式为()()()121ˆnii i ni i tty y bt t ==--=-åå,ˆˆa y bt=-;相关指数()()22121ˆ1ni i ni i y yR y y ==-=--åå.参考数据:200.97720.6305»,200.99870.9743»,ln 20.6931»,ln 5 1.6094».19.(2021·天津高三期末)如图,在四棱锥P ABCD -中,PA ^平面ABCD , AB AD ^,//BC AD ,点M 是棱PD 上一点,且2AB BC ==,4AD PA ==.(1)若:1:2PM MD =,求证://PB 平面ACM ;(2)求二面角A CD P --的正弦值;(3)若直线AM 与平面PCD ,求MD 的长.20.(2021·浙江高三月考)如图,椭圆()2222:10x y a b a bG +=>>的离心率为e ,1F ,2F 分别是其左、右焦点,过2F 的直线l 交椭圆于点A ,B ,P 是椭圆上不与A ,B 重合的动点,O 是坐标原点.(1)若O 是PAB △的外心,4PAB pÐ=,求e 的值;(2)若1F 是PAB △的重心,求e 的取值范围.21.(2021·浑源县第七中学校高三其他模拟(理))已知函数()1x e f x x-=,其中 2.71828e =L 为自然对数的底数.(1)求()f x 的单调区间;(2)若2ln 10x e x x kx ---³对0x ">恒成立,记max k l =,证明: 1.1l >.22.(2019·吉林长春市·长春外国语学校高二月考)在极坐标系中,已知曲线2:cos C r q =,将曲线C 上的点向左平移一个单位,然后纵坐标不变,横坐标伸长到原来的2倍,得到曲线1C,又已知直线cos 3:sin 3x t l y t p p ì=ïïíï=+ïî(t 是参数),且直线l 与曲线1C 交于A ,B 两点.(1)求曲线1C 的直角坐标方程,并说明它是什么曲线;(2)设定点P ,求11||||PA PB +.。

新世纪高等院校英语专业本科生系列教材综合教程第二册2011年春季学期综合教程第二册期末考试模拟自测题Unit 1II.1. The new recruits had to get used to a ________ ( demand ) schedule of training and study.2. There have been several ________ ( alarm ) incidents where planes have almost crashed.3. Once we have received a cheque for the fees your _______ ( enroll ) will be complete.4. The advertisement, which was considered offensive to women, was removed at the __________ ( insist ) of the Advertising Standards Authority.5. The miners are complaining that they are under constant ________ ( press ) to produce more and more coal, and that safety regulations are being ignored.III.1. I strongly ___of any one who goes out at night and leaves his her children alone.A. disapproveB. disproveC. objectD. appose2. They said the problem was in the engine, which was just what I had ____.A. suggestedB. suspectedC. sustainedD. suspended3. The old man always ____ his young sun as a model of hard work.A .held backB .held on C. held out D. held up4. I hate all this travel; I want to get married and ____.A. settle inB. settle down.C. settle upD. settle off5. You should look prettier if you bought some ___more clothes and grew your hair longer.A. femaleB. famineC. faminineD. masculineIV.tickle subsequent marry missionannounce settle unsettling shriek1. The general was immediately sent to Paris. His ________ was to negotiate a ceasefire.2. I must ________ all my affairs before going away for the Christmas vacation.3. These skills were then handed down to ________generation of craftsmen.4. It was starting to get cold and she _________ her hands into the pockets.5. The Minister made a dramatic appearance on nationwide television to _______ plans for a fresh peace negotiation.Unit 2II.1. He peeped_______ into the drawer when the host was out of the room. (inquisitive)2. The Morocan runner’s _______ gives Elliot a real chance of winning the gold medal. ( withdraw )3. “ I think you are doing very well indeed,”he added by a way of ________. ( encourage)4. I got a totally different ________ from him than what I had expected. ( respond )5. I approached the animal carefully after Jim’s _______ that it could do me no harm. ( assure )IV.take delight in withdraw wonder tell a liePay attention to be in for affect focus on1. I felt awful, and realized I ________an attact of malaria.2. After injuring her ankle in training she was forced to ________ from the race.3. You must ___ pay attention the teacher. Don’t let your attention wander.4. If there is any hard work to be done, I ________ you won’t come.5. People used to ____________ watching public hangings.Unit 3II.1. The principal would be less ________ (insist) on kids wearing school uniforms if the school had to pay for them.2. It’s so __________ (depress) that no one seems to care what’s happening to this country.3. I really missed my mother. My only _________ (console) is that her suffering was not prolonged.4. The 1911 strike was __________ (inquire) by the revolutionary ideas flooding out of Europe at that time.5. These people were killed in a head-on ______ (collide) between a bus and a car.IVundergo wrap up slip inspire fatalstretch out feel guilty deal with fluent console1. When we first get there, we were totally _____ in ourselves and lost touch a lot of friends.2. A student shock could be _______ to anyone with a delicate heart condition.3. Danielle is ______ in several languages, including Thai and Chinese.4. Since the death of his wife he ________ profound change his out look on life.5. At the end of a hard day, she likes to go home and ______in her favorite armchair in front of the fire.each of blame of head of lump of piece of flash of1. The teacher wrote the words with a ______ chalk.2. I need a ______ sugar for my coffee.3. There wasn’t a(n) ______ corn left in the vegetable garden..4. Last night we saw a ______ lightening in the sky.5. She cut up a ______ lettuce for the salad.6. He pulled out a ______ grass from the garden.Unit 5II.1. Health office are working hard on the ______ ( identify ) of the source of the food poisoning.2. The manager wasn’t very helpful, but I told her clearly that should take ______ (responsible ) for her stuff’s actions.3. At first she described the accident _____ ( emotional ), but later burst into tears.4. In the UK, divorced people have a _____ ( tend ) to live with new partners rather than marry again.5. During police interrogation, Rogers denied any _____ ( involve ) in the robbery.IV.afire transient patronizing straighten out desperatelydisclosure intimacy reveal rank as play a role1.Their air force is ________ short of spare parts for its aging Mig 21s.2. Investors were shocked by the _______ that the company director had been spending millions on luxury yachts and villas.3. His claim to be on terms of ______ with the President are somewhat exaggerated4. I appreciate his offer of help, but I can’t stand his _____ manner.5. His business affairs are in a terrible mess; they’ll take ages to ________.Unit 6II.1. With a growing sense of ______ ( panic ), Chris emptied the bag onto the table and searched frantically for the tickets.2. The spacecraft ______ ( decent ) through the atmosphere at a speed of 17,000 mph.3. Good teachers try to make their lessons more ________ ( enjoy ) by using varied activities.4. For years we were living with our suitcases packed in constant _______ ( expect ) of becoming given permission to leave the country.5. There was a lot of public debate about the ______ ( moral ) of the invasion.IV.scoff collapse pandemonium urgedilemma reassure glance at swayoff and on find one’s way1. A hundred years ago people ________ at the idea that man would ever fly.2. She was in a _______ as to whether to marry Paul, who was poor, or Charles, who was ugly.3. Isabel appeared to be momentarily overcome by the heart and ______ into the nearest chair.4. There was a sheer _________in the dance hall when someone shouted“Fire!”5. The doctor laid a ______ hand on Steven’s arm, “There is nothing to worry about!” he saidUnit 7II.1. She has got this ______ ( obsess ) fear of losing control so she never shows her emotions.2. People under a lot of stress at work will often experience _______ ( mood ), irritability anda loss of confidence.3.They wanted a ______ ( torarate ) existence —more food, better shelter and peace.4. In the end, the company and its investors came to mutually ________ ( benefit ) arrangement.5. Working with the mentally handicapped can be a _______ ( satisfy ) and rewarding experience.IV.delay take up with façade feverishlyconfront dread hold out premiseRecent automatically1. I_____ answering you because of pressure of work.2.______he set to work, and by the end of the day he had completed the whole concerto.3. Although they put up a ________ of honesty, I knew they were involved in various criminal activities.4. On my first day at work I was______ with the task of chairing a meeting.5. British and American justice works on the______ that an accused person is innocent until he’s proved guilty.III.1. I have meant to write you a long letter since Christmas, but there are such___ old jobs to do that___ time just flies.A. a lot of, /B. /, theC. a great deal of, theD. a great many, a2. The shop stored____ goods for as Christmas drew near.A. a great amount ofB. plenty ofC. a great deal ofD. much3. I have found____ pleasure in collecting ____ antiques.A much, the B. many, / C. /, a little D. a great deal of, /4. If we have nothing to do,_____ worries will likely dominate our thoughts.A. manyB. a lot ofC. /D. much5. I made______ friends at college.A. a good manyB. many aC. a good deal ofD. much6. Did you have ______ last year.A. many snowsB. a lot of snowC. many a snowD. a lot of snowsUnit 8II.1. You always follow your own _____ ( incline ) instesd of thinking of our feeling.2. The men stood in front the bar, _____ ( different ) to the argument that was going on across the raod.3. The company has had a successful first year at home but its______( penetrate ) of the international market has been slow.4. We gadn’t seen her for many years and were very shocked by her ______ ( trail ).5. He does not consider his deafness an _______ ( afflict ).IV.make a living hold on to be inclined to to a degreecare for leap up follow one’ example tiltjack up fumble1. The table top suddenly ______ and all the plates and glasses crashed onto the floor.2. In order to understand the commitees’s decision it is necessary to examine the press that_______ it.3. We were thinking of selling this old furniture, but we’ve decided to ________ it. It might be valuable.4.Sister Mary remained constantly at the doctor’s side, helping him______ the sick and wounded.5. If she sees clothes that she likes, she_______ buy them immediately.Unit 9II.1. The collar of his jacket had been ______ ( stiff ) with an extra layer cloth.2. An interpreter’s job is such a responsible one that they can’t afford any______.( err)3. Opening my letter was an inexcusable______ ( invade) of privacy.4. Don’t rely on the information she gave you —it’s pure_____ ( assume ) on her part.5. He protested his ______( innocent ) loudly as they dragged him off to prison.IV.take precautions doom with an air of enragemake a difference inspect scoop up tuckrun spot1. Several people shouted at the chairman; feelings were_______ high.2. He_______ the children up in bed and said goodnight.3. The building is regularly________ by a fire-safety officer.4. The accident would never have occurred if they’d _________.5. The autumn, Sally announced _______ finally, “There is nothing we more we can do. We might as well all go home.”Unit 11III.1. When the ground shakes and the building tips forward, the computer would force the building to ___ in the opposite direction.A. completeB. removeC. shiftD. end2. This company is in trouble and the latest plan for its_____ has few supporters.A. salvationB. protectionC. preservationD. defense3. It is said in the job ad that those who apply for the vacancy should have___ in at least two languages.A. efficiencyB. proficiencyC. experienceD. practice4. Don’t rely on the information she gave you-- it’s pure ____ on her part.A. influenceB. considerationC. assumptionD. domination5. The power a political party is allowed to exercise should ___ closely to the proportion of votes it receives.A correspond B. conform C. adhere D. submitIV.irrelevant go around mak a point of doing…with the resultcorrespond to rather be apt to flunkdefine1. We may therefore _______ an extrovert personality as one whose interests are mainly directed outwards to the external environment rather than inwards to the thoughts and feelings of the self.2. To recognize them is to recognize that social labels are basically _____ and misleading.3. Your performance is generally assumed to ______ the knowledge you have acquired and will retain.4. Oddly enough, the men whom he _______ did not resent it.5. Carnegie considered that the distribution of wealth for the benefit of society must never be in the form of free charity but _______ must be as a support to the community’s responsibility for its own people.Unit 12II1. It’s really good _______ ( relax ) after a hard day at work..2. A particularly _______ ( argument ) section of the committee kept raising objections to the proposal.3. Economic theory would predict that a fall in the price of a commodity would lead to an incease in __________ ( consume )4. She has a quiet, __________ ( contemplate ) nature.5. It is _________ ( encourage ) that so many young players are coming into the team.IV.pretend easygoing attitude take it easyill at ease shut down on average dedicate tocarry on compare1. In order to change _______ towards employing women, the government is bringing in new laws.2. Our teacher is very ________; she doesn’t mind if we turn up late.3. He is working very hard at the moment, so he tends to ______ at the weekend.4. Johnson had never been to a big party before and he was ________.5. Lilly ____to be thrilled with her new life but I know she misses her old friends.新世纪高等院校英语专业本科生系列教材综合教程第二册。

九年级综合期末测试卷【含答案】专业课原理概述部分一、选择题(每题1分,共5分)1. 下列哪种动物属于哺乳动物?A. 鸟类B. 鱼类C. 哺乳动物D. 爬行动物2. 下列哪个化学反应属于氧化反应?A. 燃烧B. 还原C. 分解D. 合成3. 下列哪个行星距离太阳最近?A. 金星B. 地球C. 火星D. 水星4. 下列哪个国家位于南美洲?A. 加拿大B. 巴西C. 澳大利亚D. 南非5. 下列哪个发明属于爱因斯坦?A. 电视B. 电话C. 电灯D. 相对论二、判断题(每题1分,共5分)1. 鸟类属于哺乳动物。
()2. 水在通电的条件下会分解成氢气和氧气。
()3. 地球是太阳系中最大的行星。
()4. 巴西位于南美洲。
()5. 爱因斯坦发明了电话。
()三、填空题(每题1分,共5分)1. 哺乳动物的特征包括有毛发、产乳喂养幼崽等,如猫、狗、牛、羊等。
2. 氧化反应是指物质与氧气发生反应,产生氧化物的化学反应,如燃烧、腐蚀等。
3. 太阳系中距离太阳最近的行星是水星,是金星、地球、火星等。
4. 巴西是南美洲的一个国家,拥有世界上最大的亚马逊雨林。
5. 爱因斯坦是一位著名的物理学家,提出了相对论,对现代物理学有重要影响。
四、简答题(每题2分,共10分)1. 请简述哺乳动物的特征。
2. 请简述氧化反应的概念。
3. 请简述太阳系中行星的顺序。
4. 请简述巴西的地理位置。
5. 请简述爱因斯坦的主要贡献。
五、应用题(每题2分,共10分)1. 举例说明哺乳动物的特征。
2. 举例说明氧化反应的应用。
3. 举例说明太阳系中行星的顺序。
4. 举例说明巴西的地理位置。
5. 举例说明爱因斯坦的主要贡献。
六、分析题(每题5分,共10分)1. 分析哺乳动物的特征及其对生存的意义。
2. 分析氧化反应在现实生活中的应用及其对环境的影响。
七、实践操作题(每题5分,共10分)1. 设计一个实验来验证氧化反应的存在。
2. 制作一个太阳系模型,展示行星的顺序。

( )A.正确B.错误答案是:B4【单选题】(2分)科索沃战争中南联盟空军装备的米格- 29飞机,与美军F-16战机属同一代战斗机,性能相当。
( ) A.正确 B.错误答案是:A 5【单选题】(2分)马汉出于改善美国地理位置沟通两洋交通考虑,建议美国政府开挖(?)运河并控制运河区。
A.苏伊士B.基尔C.巴拿马D.克拉答案是:C6【单选题】(2分)我国《兵役法》规定,平时主要征召哪个年龄段的适龄青年参军入伍:()A.18-22B.22-24C.18-24 答案是:C7【单选题】(2分)依据马汉海权论思想,一个国家的人口数量对发展海权的影响表现在人口越多越好。
()A.正确B.错误答案是:A9【多选题】(2分)我国发展航天技术的主要目的是(? )、(? )。

大学课程《大学物理(下册)》期末考试试卷B卷 含答案

一、填空题(共10小题,每题2分,共20分)1、一个绕有500匝导线的平均周长50cm的细螺绕环,铁芯的相对磁导率为600,载有0.3A电流时, 铁芯中的磁感应强度B的大小为___________;铁芯中的磁场强度H的大小为___________ 。
(1) 变化的磁场一定伴随有电场;__________________(2) 磁感线是无头无尾的;________________________(3) 电荷总伴随有电场.__________________________3、一质量为0.2kg的弹簧振子, 周期为2s,此振动系统的劲度系数k为_______ N/m。
6、二质点的质量分别为、. 当它们之间的距离由a缩短到b时,万有引力所做的功为____________。

《大学英语》练习题Part I Vocabulary and Structure (60%)I. Direction: In this part, there are 20 incomplete sentences. Each one is followed by four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the best one to complete the sentence. Then on the Answer Sheet, mark the corresponding letter of your choice by drawing a short single line through the center with a pencil.20%1. The proposal about the salesC__ at the next board meeting.A. will discussB. is discussedC. will be discussedD. discuss2. If the rent is as much as $ 750 a month, water, gas and electricity should __B.A. includeB. be includedC. is includeD. including3. After careful investigation we find that one of the statements __Cto be untrue.A. turns outB. turn outC. turned outD. is turned out4. The new product _ B__ well in southeast Asia.A. sellB. sellsC. is soldD. selling5. We __Cyou if we had known your telephone number.A. calledB. would callC. would have calledD. will call6. If I __Ba bird, I could fly in the air.A. wasB. wereC. amD. could be.7. We will visit Europe next year __Dwe have enough money.A. lestB. untilC. unlessD. provided8. __Bthe help of their group, we would not have succeeded in this game.A. BesidesB. But forC. DespiteD. Regardless of9. My suggestion is that she __Cmore exercise, which will do a lot of good to her.A. takesB. must takeC. takeD. took10. __Cyour address, I would have written to you.A. Did I knowB. Were I to knowC. Had I knownD. If I should know11. I will lend you my computer __Dyou promise to take care of it.A. unlessB. asC. whileD. if12. __CSusan gets to the top of a tall building, she will feel very much frightened.A. Now thatB. Even thoughC. Every timeD. Only if13. They are allowed to make the experiment on the condition __Athey don’t spend too much.A. thatB. whichC. whetherD. when14. __B, mother will wait for father to have dinner together.A. However late is heB. However late he isC. However is he lateD. However he is late15. Let’s look up the word in the dictionary. Do you have one __A?A. in handB. in needC. at onceD. on your hands4. The new product _ B__ well in southeast Asia.A. sellB. sellsC. is soldD. selling5. We __Cyou if we had known your telephone number.A. calledB. would callC. would have calledD. will call6. If I __Ba bird, I could fly in the air.A. wasB. wereC. amD. could be.7. We will visit Europe next year __Dwe have enough money.A. lestB. untilC. unlessD. provided8. __Bthe help of their group, we would not have succeeded in this game.A. BesidesB. But forC. DespiteD. Regardless of9. My suggestion is that she __Cmore exercise, which will do a lot of good to her.A. takesB. must takeC. takeD. took10. __Cyour address, I would have written to you.A. Did I knowB. Were I to knowC. Had I knownD. If I should know11. I will lend you my computer __Dyou promise to take care of it.A. unlessB. asC. whileD. if12. __CSusan gets to the top of a tall building, she will feel very much frightened.A. Now thatB. Even thoughC. Every timeD. Only if13. They are allowed to make the experiment on the condition __Athey don’t spend too much.A. thatB. whichC. whetherD. when14. __B, mother will wait for father to have dinner together.A. However late is heB. However late he isC. However is he lateD. However he is late15. Let’s look up the word in the dictionary. Do you have one __A?A. in handB. in needC. at onceD. on your hands4. The new product _ B__ well in southeast Asia.A. sellB. sellsC. is soldD. selling5. We __Cyou if we had known your telephone number.A. calledB. would callC. would have calledD. will call6. If I __Ba bird, I could fly in the air.A. wasB. wereC. amD. could be.7. We will visit Europe next year __Dwe have enough money.A. lestB. untilC. unlessD. provided8. __Bthe help of their group, we would not have succeeded in this game.A. BesidesB. But forC. DespiteD. Regardless of9. My suggestion is that she __Cmore exercise, which will do a lot of good to her.A. takesB. must takeC. takeD. took10. __Cyour address, I would have written to you.A. Did I knowB. Were I to knowC. Had I knownD. If I should know11. I will lend you my computer __Dyou promise to take care of it.A. unlessB. asC. whileD. if12. __CSusan gets to the top of a tall building, she will feel very much frightened.A. Now thatB. Even thoughC. Every timeD. Only if13. They are allowed to make the experiment on the condition __Athey don’t spend too much.A. thatB. whichC. whetherD. when14. __B, mother will wait for father to have dinner together.A. However late is heB. However late he isC. However is he lateD. However he is late15. Let’s look up the word in the dictionary. Do you have one __A?A. in handB. in needC. at onceD. on your hands16. For Holidays, many people visit those islandsB__ the coast of Australia.A. inB. onC. offD. of17. __Athey are, atoms are made of still smaller units.A. Small asB. As smallC. Small butD. But small18. This basket isC__ bigthat one.A. as…thenB. so…asC. as…asD. as…than19. Free movie tickets will be given to __Acomes first.A. whoeverB. whomeverC. whereverD. however20.__Cwe gave him something to eat, he would save it up for his little sister.A. WhateverB. HoweverC. WheneverD. WhicheverII. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words given in brackets.20%21. Beijing is one of the largest __ cities(city) in China.22. Kate and her sister went on holiday with a friend of __theirs( they ).23. There are so manybuses__ (bus) and __ people(people ) on the road.24. There is some __milk(milk) in the glass.25. Many young girls see Liu Dehua as an _attractive(attract) actor.26. We live on _ the eighth(eight) floor.27. He works very __carefully(care).28. Because the chief speaker is unable to come tomorrow. The meeting _will be postponed_(postpone)29. I _would love(love) to travel round the world if I had the chance.30. At one time it __was thought(think) that the sun moved round the earth.III. Replace the underline words with the correct form of the words and expressions in the box .20%embark on boost motivate heap subsequentlyproposal vague create secure vary31. How do youstimulatepeople to work hard and efficiently? motivate32.. Judith couldnot clearlyremember her mother lying on the sofa. vaguely33. We need a big win toimproveour confidence. boost34. Federal leaders continued their efforts toobtaina ceasefire. secure35. Mrs. Madrigaladdedmore carrots onto Michael’s plate. heaped36.. When weset out onany task, it is important that we start well. embark on37. Her moodchangedfrom optimism to extreme depression. varied38. His shabby appearanceproducesa bad impression. creates39.. The book wasafterwardstranslated into 15 languages. subsequently40. The originalplans or suggestionswere changed after over 500 objections were lodged. proposalsPart II. Reading Comprehension (40%)IV.Directions: In this part, there are 4 passages for you to read. After reading each passage, you will find unfinished statements. You should make the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the centre.Passage 1The Voice of China is a really singing competition show. It takes its form from The Voice of Holland, which also inspired The Voice (U.S). The competition goes in a way that players are chosen in blind listening, where the four judges can’t see, but can only hear, the singers. Once the players are chosen, they are divided into four teams, led by each judge.The Voice of China started with four judges: well-known musical artists Yang Kun, Na Ying, Liu Huan, and Harlem Yu. Chinese viewers are fond of the show because it plays much attention to the quality of voice, instead of appearance.On September 30, 2012, The Voice of China ended its first season with aliveperformance show, where 21-year-old Liang Bo, from Na Ying’s team, won the championship. The representatives of the viewers, the television and the Iternet did the voting. Adam Lambert, the runner-up of the eighth season of American Idol, gave a special performance.The championship night attracted over 80,000 viewers from all around China.41. The following people are the judges of the Voice of China EXCEPT __BA. Herlem YuB. Adam LambertC. Na YingD. Yang Kun42. Chinese viewers are fond of The Voice噢发China because__CA. the show takes its form from a really show of HollandB. it is a live performance showC. it pays much attention to the quality of voiceD. foreigners take part in the performance43. It is suggested in the passage that__A.A. the judges won’t be affected by a singer’s appearanceB. the judges will decide who will win the championshipC. The Voice of Holland takes its form from The Voice (U.S)D. a lot of people are required to vote to choose a player44. What does the underlined word mean in Paragraph Three? DA. Being aliveB. Lead a lifeC. Support oneselfD. Performing at the time of hearing or seeing45. What is mainly talked about in the passage? BA. The voice of China pays more attention to voice than to appearance.B. The Voice of China ended its first season on September 30,2012.C. Chinese viewers love The Voice of China very much.D. Judges of The Voice of China used blind listening to choose players.Passage 2Everyone has got two personalities –the one that is shown to the world and the other that is secret and real. You don’t show your secret personality when you are awake because you can control yourself, but when you are asleep, your sleeping position shows the real you. In a normal night, of course, you often change your sleeping positions. The important position that best shows your secret personality is the one that you go to sleep.If you to sleep on your back, you are a very open person. You normally trust people and you are easily influenced by new ideas. You don’t like to make people unhappy,so you never express your real feelings. You are quite shy and you aren’t very confident.If you sleep on your stomach, you are a person who likes to keep secrets. You worry a lot and you are always easily becoming sad. You never want to change your ideas, but you are satisfied with your life the way it is. You usually live for today not for tomorrow.If you sleep curled up, you are probably a very nervous person. You have a low opinion of yourself and often protect yourself from being hurt, so you are verydefensive. You are shy and you don’t usually like meeting people. You like to be on your own.If you sleep on your side, you have usually got a well-balanced personality. You know your strengths and weaknesses. You are usually careful. You have a confident personality. You sometimes feel worried, but you don’t often get unhappy. You always say what you think, even if it makes people angry.46. You may find the passage in __A.A. a science magazineB. a guide bookC. a sports newspaperD. a storybook47. When does the sleeping position best show your secret personality? BA. In the daytime.B. At the beginning of sleepC. At nightD. During the deep sleep48. Tina hardly tells her secret to her friends, she probably goes to sleep__B.A. curled upB. on her stomachC. on her backD. on her side49. What does the word “defensive” mean in the passage ? DA.易怒的B.攻击性的C.外向的D.有戒心的50. What does the passage tell us ? CA. Sleeping on your side is the best way of sleepingB. Changing position will cause sleeping problems.C. Sleeping positions show people’s secret personalities.D. Enough sleep makes people look better and healthier.assage 3Chinese writer Mo Yan has won the 2012 Nobel Prize in literature.Mo Yan, the pen name for Guan Moye, was born in 1955 and grew up in Gaomi in Shandong Province in eastern China. His parents were farmers. He left schppl to work at the age of 12, first on the farm, later in a factory. In 1976 he joined the PLA and during this time he began to study literature and write. His first short story wasa published in 1982.He has written many famous books about his childhood and his hometown. The novel Hong Gaoliang Jiazu is one of them. It tells five stories that took place in Gaomi during the 1930s and 1940s. The book was published in 1987 and translated into English in 1993. It was made into a popular movie in 1987 by the well-known director ZhangYimou.Besides his novels, Mo Yan has published many short stories and essays. He is regarded as one of the greatest writers in China. Many of his books have been translated into English, French and Japanese and many other languages.The 2011 Nobel Orize in Literature went to Swedish poet Tomas Transtromer.The Nobel Prizes were set up by Alfred Nobel, a great Swedish inventor, in 1895. The winner will win a medal, a diploma and a cash award of 8 million Swedish Kronor (about 7 milliom yuan)51. When did Mo Yan leave school to work on the farm? BA. 1955B. 1967C. 1976D. 198152. What can we know from the paragraph? AA. Mo Yan lived a hard life when he was youngB. Mo Yan’s family was rich when he was young.C. Mo Yan had a good education in his early life.D. Mo Yan liked writing when he worked in the factory.53. Which is NOT true about Mo Yan’s books?CA. Most of the stories happened in his hometown.B. They have been translated into foreign languages.C. They have been made into movies by Zhang Yimou.D. They are not only novels but also short stories and essays.54. What was Alfred Nobel? CA. He was a poet.B. He was a director.C. He was an inventor.D. He was a writer55. What is mainly talked about in the passage? DA. Mo Yan has written many famous booksB. Mo Yan’s stories have been translated into foreign languages.C. Alfred Nobel set up the Nobel Prizes.D. Mo Yan has won the 2012 Nobel Prize in Literature.Passage 4If the temperature rises by 5 degrees tomorrow, you will probably take off just one coat. But such a change in the average world temperature would be a serious problem. Many animals and plants would not be able to deal with these changes, and would die.The UNEP(联合国环境规划署)released the report 2012 on November 21, 2012. It says that if we don’t take action now, the world temperature will have risen by 3 to 5 degrees by the end of this century.The report was written by 55 scientists from 20 countries. Scientists have set a goal for greenhouse gases sending out to limit the world temperature rise to only 2 degrees this century. But according to the report, people have already let out 14 percent more greenhouse gases than they should have done.A large rise in temperatures could be terrible for us and for many other living things on Earth. Sea levels will rise because higher temperatures will cause melting ice to flow into the sea. Large coastal cities in countries such as the Netherlands and Bangladesh could be flooded.Some plants such as corn and sugarcane will not grow well in higher temperatures. Some countries, such as Brazil and parts of Africa, will not have enough food. The change may cause less rain and even make some places very dry.On November 26, people from around 200 nations and regions gathered again in Doha for the annual UN climate talks. “Climate change is coming to all human beingsand effective action needs to be taken to deal with it.” President of the conference said at the opening ceremony.正误判断.对的写T错的写F( T ) 56. Doha World Climate Conference opened on November 26,2012.( F ) 57. The Report 2012 released by the UNEP was written by 50 scientists from 20 countries.(T) 58. People from around 200 nations and regions gathered again in Doha to hold the annual UN climate talks.(F ) 59. A large rise in temperature could only be harmful to plants, not to humans.( T ) 60. Effective action must be taken to deal with the climate change.。

B 卷《商务英语综合教程V 》第 1 页,共 6 页B 卷《商务英语综合教程V 》第 2 页,共 6 页XXX 学院期末考试试卷2009-2010第 一学期 07 级 高 职 商务英语 专业 《 商务英语综合教程V 》课程(B )卷 闭卷 考试I choose the best (20’)1. Which one of the following is NOT the means of remittance? __________. a. L/G b. M/T c. T/T d. D/D2. T/T means __________.a. mail transferb. telegraphic transferc. demand draftd. letter of credit3. Which means of international payment is a kind of bank credit? __________. a. Remittance b. Collection c. L/C d. D/D4. Which L/C means double guarantee for the beneficiary ﹖ __________. a. Revocable L/C b. Documentary L/C c. Confirmed L/C d. Transferable L/C5. As to confirmed L/C, the payment responsibility of confirming bank is _______. a. primary b. secondary c. third d. fourth6. There is a draft whose drawer and drawee are both bankers. Which one is it in the followings? __________. a. Commercial Draft b. Banker’s Draft c. Clean Draft d. Documentary Draft7. A Check is a kind of __________ drawn on a banker.a. sight draftb. time draftc. sight promissory noted. time promissory note 8. D/P at sight means __________.a. document against payment after sightb. document against payment at sightc. documentary collectiond. document against acceptance 9. As to the seller, the risk of D/P, D/A and L/C can be arranged (from great to small) as followings __________.a. D/A D/P and L/Cb. L/C D/P and D/Ac. D/P D/A and L/Cd. D/A L/C and D/P 10. In the following terms of settlement, which is the most risky one for the seller? __________.a. T/T in advanceb. D/Ac. D/P at sightd. D/P after sight11. “Shipping Weight and Landed Quality ” means __________. a. to make inspection at the port/place of destination b. to make inspection at the port/place of destinationc. to make inspection in the exporting country and make reinspection in the importing countryd. to make inspection at the port/place of shipment to take shipped weight as final and make reinspection at the port/place of destination to take landed quality as final 12. Among those inspection methods, the most commonly used one is ________. a. to make inspection at the port of shipment b. to make inspection at the port of destinationc. to make inspection in the exporting country and make reinspection in the importing countryd. to make inspection at the port of shipment to take shipped weight as final and make reinspection at the port of destination to make take landed quality as final 13. An exporter delivered the goods according to the stipulation of contract, and submitted clean B/L to the importer. After receiving the goods, the importer found that the goods are damaged because of the damage to the outside packing. There is also a sea protest showing that the damage is due to heavy weather. Whom should the importer claim to? __________. a. Shipping company b . Insurance company c. Seller d. Buyer14. When __________ happens the party that fails to perform the contract is allowed to relieve liabilities of the non-performance. a. war b. world market price goes up c. manufacture fault d. currency devaluation15. In international commodity sales, the commonly used way to stipulate force majeure clause is __________. a. in a general way b. without stipulation c. in a way to list the scope d. in a comprehensive way16. The necessary condition of settling disputes through arbitration is that ______. a. the seller and buyer have an arbitration agreement or an arbitration clause in the contractb. the seller and buyer have contractc. the case can ’t be settled through conciliationd. one party comes to nothing through litigation17. Which description of arbitration award is not correct? __________. a. The award is usually finalb. The seller or buyer can sue in a law court about the awardc. If the award is not executed by one party, the other may ask the competent court to enforce itd. The award is binding upon both parties。

大学英语综合教程4_集美大学中国大学mooc课后章节答案期末考试题库2023年1.To deal with the coming energy crisis, the major challenge is to developefficient and economically ________ versions of these technologies. (work)参考答案:workable2.The author agrees with the description of Chinese language and culture asbeing indirect and polite.参考答案:错误3.I paused at the ________ of the two streets.参考答案:jucntion4.Both nations have ____________ the ceasefire agreement on numerousoccasions.参考答案:breached5.Low-achieving students tend to be more dependent on classmates, but high-achieving students generally engage more often in ________ interactions with classmates.参考答案:reciprocal6.What stereotypes of Chinese Americans are depicted in the media?参考答案:Chinese Americans are polite._Chinese Americans as a whole are amodel minority._Chinese are alien predators._Chinese Americans are “foreign” and “unassimilated”.7.The old entrepreneur didn't ________ any of his employees during that seriousrecession, which won him high respect in local communities.参考答案:lay off8.Ms. Schmitz was almost all her life; she only learned to read and write in her80s. (literate)参考答案:illiterate9.The new novel is highly praised by critics, not only for its beautiful language,but also for its unique way of expressing ________ for the author's homeland.(patriotic; 请用所给单词的合适形式填空。
应用型大学英语综合教程4 期末复习

应用型大学英语综合教程4 期末复习UNIT 11. She almost (choked) to death in the thick fumes.2. The woman hurried to the bank, only to find that she had left her bankbook at home. She became (frantic).3. The situation for the flood victims was quite dangerous. (Drastic) action had to be taken at once.4. Fortunately, the drowned boy was (resuscitated) by first aid.5. The old lady tripped over a stairway and became (unconscious). She was rushed to hospital.6. Many people can have their vision restored by undergoing a (surgical) operation.7. Because of government (intervention) in the mortgage market, interest rates remain neartheir lowest levels in decades. 8. Last night two burglars (broke into) my office and stole one of the computers.9. They have (taken over) our firm by buying up our shares.10. Will there be any difference between the mental and the (manual) laborin the future?Practice: translation1. After a hectic week treating patients with sore throats and ear infections at his family practice, t he 52-year-old physician was ready for a night of home cooking and fellowship at his church's ann ual fund-raising dinner.Reference answer:这位52岁的内科医生在他的家庭诊所忙碌了整整一个星期,治疗那些患有咽喉疼痛或耳朵感染的病人,这时正准备在他所属教会的年度筹款晚宴上享受一些家常烹饪,并和教友相聚。
新编实用英语综合教程二期末考试题姓名学号Ⅰmultiple selection1 No sooner had he got home it began to rain.A whenB thatC thanD while2 We the football match for half an hour by the time she arrives at the sports center.A might have watchedB must have watchedC will have watchedD ought to have watched3 15 years old he was, Tom had a desire to join the army.A forB sinceC whenD as4 That T-shirt was so tight that he decided to have it .A be enlargedB enlargeC enlargedD to enlarge5 She made up her mind back home in spite of the heavy rain.A goingB to goC goD gone6 ___ more careful, his ship would not have sunk.A. If the captain wereB. Had the captain beenC. Should the captain be D If the captain would have been7 I didn’t hear the phone. I asleep.A must beB must have beenC should beD should have been8 It is ten years ___ Miss Green returned to Canada.A. thatB. whenC. sinceD. as9 It was last night ___ I see the comet.A. the timeB. whenC. thatD. which10 I see no in leaving my company since I am doing quite well there.A. reasonB. excuseC. pointD. chance11 The streets were deserted the policeman on duty.A. exceptB. except forC. butD. besides12 You might have the accident if you had had your headlights on.A. missedB. avoidedC. escapedD. dismissed13. This case is quite _____ today with the great development of science and technology.A. commonB. generalC. simpleD. alike14. Lucy changed her major from physics to computer, _____.A. with hopes to be able to locate employment more easilyB. hoping she can easily get a jobC. with the hope for the ability to find a better jobD. hoping to find a job more easily15 Only in this way _____ progress in your English.A. you makeB. can you makeC. you be able to makeD. will you able to make16--- How’s everything going with you?--- .A Well, not well. I’ve got a cold these days.B Fine, thank you, and you?C Not bad, thanks.D It’s very kind of you to ask.17 Though the long-term _____ cannot be predicted, the project has been approved bythe committee.A. affectB. effectC. effortD. afford18. Can you tell me _____ ?A. who is that gentlemenB. that gentleman is whoC. who that gentleman isD. whom is that gentle manⅡfill the blank with the proper form of the word given in the brackets.1 They finally reached an with us. (agree)2 Your to this problem isn’t the best one. (solve)3 After several years’ fighting, they won their at last. (depend)4 I’d rather your suggestion if I had known the result.(take)5 We are looking forward to our new teacher. (meet)6 please send us your if you plan to take the position.7 The old lady is enough to be chosen into an old fashion model team.( fortune)8 in such a remote village. They have no idea of what a computer is.9 Weather we’ll climb the mountain tomorrow. ( permit )10 With such a loud noise, I could hear the speaker. (hard)Ⅲ ReadingText 1Wanted Your Laugh lines!Have you ever read or heard something interesting or amusing you would like to share? Reader’s digest welcomes the following contributions, and payment is made, on publication, atthese rates:$400 for Life in These United States. Contribution must be true, unpublished stories from your own experience, and providing appealing or humorous sidelight on the American scene. Maximum: 300 words. Address: Life in U.S. Editor.$300 for true, unpublished sotries used in Humor in Uniform(experiences in the armed services), Campus Comedy( life at college). Maximum length: 300 words. $35 to the first contributor of each item from a published source. Address: Humor in Uniform, Campus Comedy Editor.For short anecdotes (趣闻) and quotations, the most likely sources are books, magazines of limited circulation and local newspapers. So many duplicates of items from major magazines are received that the chance of being the first contributor is slim. Original poetry is not demanded, except for short, light one.Your name, address, telephone number and the mailing date should be on all items. Published material should have the source’s name, date and page number. Contributions cannot be acknowledged or returned.1 The aim of the article is to .A ask people to contribute money.B invited people to send articlesC require people to buy magazinesD advise people to join a club2 If you want to share your life in army, you may send it to .A life in these United StatesB Humor in UniformC Campus ComedyD local newspapers3 For the published stories, the payment is about .A $400B $300C $100D $ 354 The best place for you to quota your stories is .A a very popular bookB a poetry bookC a magazine with a large circulationD a local newspaper5 Any contributions will be . .A attached with the way to contact sendersB returned or acknowledgedC transferred o the right editor by Reader’s Dige stD paid with a short timeText 2Being assertive ( 过分自信) is being able to communicate with other people clearly. If you felt that you had expressed what was important to you and allowed the oilier person to respond in their own way then, regardless of the final outcome, you behaved assertively. It is important to remember that being assertive refers to a way of coping with confrontations ( 对抗)。

U N I T8 Language sense enhancementThere was once a town in the heart of America where all life seemed to live in harmony with its surroundings. The town lay in the midst of a checkerboard of prosperous farms, with fields of grain and hillsides or orchards where, in spring, white clouds of bloom drifted above the green fields. In autumn, oak and maple and birch set up a blaze of colour that flamed and flickered across a backdrop of pines. Then foxes barked in the hills and deer silently crossed the fields, half hidden in the mists of the autumn mornings.1)Don’t get scared. A barking dog does not bite.2)The cover story repeats the shopworn(陈旧的)criticism that Microsoft is evil because its second-rate software crushes better programs.3)Our hen is still brooding and no chicken has been hatched yet.4)Much of the harvesting on this farm is done by migrant workers, who came across the border to make a living in southern California.5)”Hamlet” is one of Shakespeare’s great tragedies.6)As an interpreter, Mr. Wang was present at the negotiation between our foreign minister and his American counterpart, the US Secretary of state.7)He tired to drive home to us that we should listen when the people are complaining.8)The financial crisis is affecting industrial production and we need to wake up to the grim reality.9)On warm days flocks of birds came to the bushes by the roadside and fed on the berries.10)These days, “green” roofs, that is, roofs covered with green vegetation, are becoming fashionable in this city.11)With dark brown patches on her face, she looked older than her age.12)Scores of visitors come here each day to search for ancient coins.Translation1) 这是一个繁荣的小镇,但是在财富和充裕之中仍然存在着贫困。

新世纪高等院校英语专业本科生系列教材综合教程第二册2011年春季学期综合教程第二册期末考试模拟自测题Unit 1II.1. The new recruits had to get used to a ________ ( demand ) schedule of training and study.2. There have been several ________ ( alarm ) incidents where planes have almost crashed.3. Once we have received a cheque for the fees your _______ ( enroll ) will be complete.4. The advertisement, which was considered offensive to women, was removed at the __________ ( insist ) of the Advertising Standards Authority.5. The miners are complaining that they are under constant ________ ( press ) to produce more and more coal, and that safety regulations are being ignored.III.1. I strongly ___of any one who goes out at night and leaves his her children alone.A. disapproveB. disproveC. objectD. appose2. They said the problem was in the engine, which was just what I had ____.A. suggestedB. suspectedC. sustainedD. suspended3. The old man always ____ his young sun as a model of hard work.A .held backB .held on C. held out D. held up4. I hate all this travel; I want to get married and ____.A. settle inB. settle down.C. settle upD. settle off5. You should look prettier if you bought some ___more clothes and grew your hair longer.A. femaleB. famineC. faminineD. masculineIV.tickle subsequent marry missionannounce settle unsettling shriek1. The general was immediately sent to Paris. His ________ was to negotiate a ceasefire.2. I must ________ all my affairs before going away for the Christmas vacation.3. These skills were then handed down to ________generation of craftsmen.4. It was starting to get cold and she _________ her hands into the pockets.5. The Minister made a dramatic appearance on nationwide television to _______ plans for a fresh peace negotiation.Unit 2II.1. He peeped_______ into the drawer when the host was out of the room. (inquisitive)2. The Morocan runner’s _______ gives Elliot a real chance of winning the gold medal. ( withdraw )3. “ I think you are doing very well indeed,”he added by a way of ________. ( encourage)4. I got a totally different ________ from him than what I had expected. ( respond )5. I approached the animal carefully after Jim’s _______ that it could do me no harm. ( assure )IV.take delight in withdraw wonder tell a liePay attention to be in for affect focus on1. I felt awful, and realized I ________an attact of malaria.2. After injuring her ankle in training she was forced to ________ from the race.3. You must ___ pay attention the teacher. Don’t let your attention wander.4. If there is any hard work to be done, I ________ you won’t come.5. People used to ____________ watching public hangings.Unit 3II.1. The principal would be less ________ (insist) on kids wearing school uniforms if the school had to pay for them.2. It’s so __________ (depress) that no one seems to care what’s happening to this country.3. I really missed my mother. My only _________ (console) is that her suffering was not prolonged.4. The 1911 strike was __________ (inquire) by the revolutionary ideas flooding out of Europe at that time.5. These people were killed in a head-on ______ (collide) between a bus and a car.IVundergo wrap up slip inspire fatalstretch out feel guilty deal with fluent console1. When we first get there, we were totally _____ in ourselves and lost touch a lot of friends.2. A student shock could be _______ to anyone with a delicate heart condition.3. Danielle is ______ in several languages, including Thai and Chinese.4. Since the death of his wife he ________ profound change his out look on life.5. At the end of a hard day, she likes to go home and ______in her favorite armchair in front of the fire.each of blame of head of lump of piece of flash of1. The teacher wrote the words with a ______ chalk.2. I need a ______ sugar for my coffee.3. There wasn’t a(n) ______ corn left in the vegetable garden..4. Last night we saw a ______ lightening in the sky.5. She cut up a ______ lettuce for the salad.6. He pulled out a ______ grass from the garden.Unit 5II.1. Health office are working hard on the ______ ( identify ) of the source of the food poisoning.2. The manager wasn’t very helpful, but I told her clearly that should take ______ (responsible ) for her stuff’s actions.3. At first she described the accident _____ ( emotional ), but later burst into tears.4. In the UK, divorced people have a _____ ( tend ) to live with new partners rather than marry again.5. During police interrogation, Rogers denied any _____ ( involve ) in the robbery.IV.afire transient patronizing straighten out desperatelydisclosure intimacy reveal rank as play a role1.Their air force is ________ short of spare parts for its aging Mig 21s.2. Investors were shocked by the _______ that the company director had been spending millions on luxury yachts and villas.3. His claim to be on terms of ______ with the President are somewhat exaggerated4. I appreciate his offer of help, but I can’t stand his _____ manner.5. His business affairs are in a terrible mess; they’ll take ages to ________.Unit 6II.1. With a growing sense of ______ ( panic ), Chris emptied the bag onto the table and searched frantically for the tickets.2. The spacecraft ______ ( decent ) through the atmosphere at a speed of 17,000 mph.3. Good teachers try to make their lessons more ________ ( enjoy ) by using varied activities.4. For years we were living with our suitcases packed in constant _______ ( expect ) of becoming given permission to leave the country.5. There was a lot of public debate about the ______ ( moral ) of the invasion.IV.scoff collapse pandemonium urgedilemma reassure glance at swayoff and on find one’s way1. A hundred years ago people ________ at the idea that man would ever fly.2. She was in a _______ as to whether to marry Paul, who was poor, or Charles, who was ugly.3. Isabel appeared to be momentarily overcome by the heart and ______ into the nearest chair.4. There was a sheer _________in the dance hall when someone shouted“Fire!”5. The doctor laid a ______ hand on Steven’s arm, “There is nothing to worry about!” he saidUnit 7II.1. She has got this ______ ( obsess ) fear of losing control so she never shows her emotions.2. People under a lot of stress at work will often experience _______ ( mood ), irritability anda loss of confidence.3.They wanted a ______ ( torarate ) existence —more food, better shelter and peace.4. In the end, the company and its investors came to mutually ________ ( benefit ) arrangement.5. Working with the mentally handicapped can be a _______ ( satisfy ) and rewarding experience.IV.delay take up with façade feverishlyconfront dread hold out premiseRecent automatically1. I_____ answering you because of pressure of work.2.______he set to work, and by the end of the day he had completed the whole concerto.3. Although they put up a ________ of honesty, I knew they were involved in various criminal activities.4. On my first day at work I was______ with the task of chairing a meeting.5. British and American justice works on the______ that an accused person is innocent until he’s proved guilty.III.1. I have meant to write you a long letter since Christmas, but there are such___ old jobs to do that___ time just flies.A. a lot of, /B. /, theC. a great deal of, theD. a great many, a2. The shop stored____ goods for as Christmas drew near.A. a great amount ofB. plenty ofC. a great deal ofD. much3. I have found____ pleasure in collecting ____ antiques.A much, the B. many, / C. /, a little D. a great deal of, /4. If we have nothing to do,_____ worries will likely dominate our thoughts.A. manyB. a lot ofC. /D. much5. I made______ friends at college.A. a good manyB. many aC. a good deal ofD. much6. Did you have ______ last year.A. many snowsB. a lot of snowC. many a snowD. a lot of snowsUnit 8II.1. You always follow your own _____ ( incline ) instesd of thinking of our feeling.2. The men stood in front the bar, _____ ( different ) to the argument that was going on across the raod.3. The company has had a successful first year at home but its______( penetrate ) of the international market has been slow.4. We gadn’t seen her for many years and were very shocked by her ______ ( trail ).5. He does not consider his deafness an _______ ( afflict ).IV.make a living hold on to be inclined to to a degreecare for leap up follow one’ example tiltjack up fumble1. The table top suddenly ______ and all the plates and glasses crashed onto the floor.2. In order to understand the commitees’s decision it is necessary to examine the press that_______ it.3. We were thinking of selling this old furniture, but we’ve decided to ________ it. It might be valuable.4.Sister Mary remained constantly at the doctor’s side, helping him______ the sick and wounded.5. If she sees clothes that she likes, she_______ buy them immediately.Unit 9II.1. The collar of his jacket had been ______ ( stiff ) with an extra layer cloth.2. An interpreter’s job is such a responsible one that they can’t afford any______.( err)3. Opening my letter was an inexcusable______ ( invade) of privacy.4. Don’t rely on the information she gave you —it’s pure_____ ( assume ) on her part.5. He protested his ______( innocent ) loudly as they dragged him off to prison.IV.take precautions doom with an air of enragemake a difference inspect scoop up tuckrun spot1. Several people shouted at the chairman; feelings were_______ high.2. He_______ the children up in bed and said goodnight.3. The building is regularly________ by a fire-safety officer.4. The accident would never have occurred if they’d _________.5. The autumn, Sally announced _______ finally, “There is nothing we more we can do. We might as well all go home.”Unit 11III.1. When the ground shakes and the building tips forward, the computer would force the building to ___ in the opposite direction.A. completeB. removeC. shiftD. end2. This company is in trouble and the latest plan for its_____ has few supporters.A. salvationB. protectionC. preservationD. defense3. It is said in the job ad that those who apply for the vacancy should have___ in at least two languages.A. efficiencyB. proficiencyC. experienceD. practice4. Don’t rely on the information she gave you-- it’s pure ____ on her part.A. influenceB. considerationC. assumptionD. domination5. The power a political party is allowed to exercise should ___ closely to the proportion of votes it receives.A correspond B. conform C. adhere D. submitIV.irrelevant go around mak a point of doing…with the resultcorrespond to rather be apt to flunkdefine1. We may therefore _______ an extrovert personality as one whose interests are mainly directed outwards to the external environment rather than inwards to the thoughts and feelings of the self.2. To recognize them is to recognize that social labels are basically _____ and misleading.3. Your performance is generally assumed to ______ the knowledge you have acquired and will retain.4. Oddly enough, the men whom he _______ did not resent it.5. Carnegie considered that the distribution of wealth for the benefit of society must never be in the form of free charity but _______ must be as a support to the community’s responsibility for its own people.Unit 12II1. It’s really good _______ ( relax ) after a hard day at work..2. A particularly _______ ( argument ) section of the committee kept raising objections to the proposal.3. Economic theory would predict that a fall in the price of a commodity would lead to an incease in __________ ( consume )4. She has a quiet, __________ ( contemplate ) nature.5. It is _________ ( encourage ) that so many young players are coming into the team.IV.pretend easygoing attitude take it easyill at ease shut down on average dedicate tocarry on compare1. In order to change _______ towards employing women, the government is bringing in new laws.2. Our teacher is very ________; she doesn’t mind if we turn up late.3. He is working very hard at the moment, so he tends to ______ at the weekend.4. Johnson had never been to a big party before and he was ________.5. Lilly ____to be thrilled with her new life but I know she misses her old friends.新世纪高等院校英语专业本科生系列教材综合教程第二册。

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考试课程:综合英语(B卷)【本考试时间120分钟, 满分100分。
试题作答请不要超越装订线】I. Vocabulary and Structure (20 points)Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one answer that best completes the sentence and write down the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.1. _______ we won the war.A. In the endB. On the endC. By the endD. At the end2. As a poor fresh student, he had to do a part-time job _______ money.A. owing toB. because ofC. on account ofD. for the sake of3. Too much drinking would ______ his health.A. do harm forB. do harmful toC. do harm toD. do harmful for4. The days _______ you could travel without a passport are a thing of the past.A. in whichB. on whichC. of whichD. at which5. He insists that he ______ innocent.A. isB. beC. should beD. were6. The teacher said,“Stop ______”。
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B 卷《商务英语综合教程V 》第 1 页,共 6 页
B 卷《商务英语综合教程V 》第 2 页,共 6 页
XXX 学院期末考试试卷
2009-2010第 一学期 07 级 高 职 商务英语 专业 《 商务英语综合教程V 》课程(B )卷 闭卷 考试
I choose the best (20’)
1. Which one of the following is NOT the means of remittance? __________. a. L/G b. M/T c. T/T d. D/D
2. T/T means __________.
a. mail transfer
b. telegraphic transfer
c. demand draft
d. letter of credit
3. Which means of international payment is a kind of bank credit? __________. a. Remittance b. Collection c. L/C d. D/D
4. Which L/C means double guarantee for the beneficiary ﹖ __________. a. Revocable L/C b. Documentary L/C c. Confirmed L/C d. Transferable L/C
5. As to confirmed L/C, the payment responsibility of confirming bank is _______. a. primary b. secondary c. third d. fourth
6. There is a draft whose drawer and drawee are both bankers. Which one is it in the followings? __________. a. Commercial Draft b. Banker’s Draft c. Clean Draft d. Documentary Draft
7. A Check is a kind of __________ drawn on a banker.
a. sight draft
b. time draft
c. sight promissory note
d. time promissory note 8. D/P at sight means __________.
a. document against payment after sight
b. document against payment at sight
c. documentary collection
d. document against acceptance 9. As to the seller, the risk of D/P, D/A and L/C can be arranged (from great to small) as followings __________.
a. D/A D/P and L/C
b. L/C D/P and D/A
c. D/P D/A and L/C
d. D/A L/C and D/P 10. In the following terms of settlement, which is the most risky one for the seller? __________.
a. T/T in advance
b. D/A
c. D/P at sight
d. D/P after sight
11. “Shipping Weight and Landed Quality ” means __________. a. to make inspection at the port/place of destination b. to make inspection at the port/place of destination
c. to make inspection in the exporting country and make reinspection in the importing country
d. to make inspection at the port/place of shipment to take shipped weight as final and make reinspection at the port/place of destination to take landed quality as final 12. Among those inspection methods, the most commonly used one is ________. a. to make inspection at the port of shipment b. to make inspection at the port of destination
c. to make inspection in the exporting country and make reinspection in the importing country
d. to make inspection at the port of shipment to take shipped weight as final and make reinspection at the port of destination to make take landed quality as final 13. An exporter delivered the goods according to the stipulation of contract, and submitted clean B/L to the importer. After receiving the goods, the importer found that the goods are damaged because of the damage to the outside packing. There is also a sea protest showing that the damage is due to heavy weather. Whom should the importer claim to? __________. a. Shipping company b . Insurance company c. Seller d. Buyer
14. When __________ happens the party that fails to perform the contract is allowed to relieve liabilities of the non-performance. a. war b. world market price goes up c. manufacture fault d. currency devaluation
15. In international commodity sales, the commonly used way to stipulate force majeure clause is __________. a. in a general way b. without stipulation c. in a way to list the scope d. in a comprehensive way
16. The necessary condition of settling disputes through arbitration is that ______. a. the seller and buyer have an arbitration agreement or an arbitration clause in the contract
b. the seller and buyer have contract
c. the case can ’t be settled through conciliation
d. one party comes to nothing through litigation
17. Which description of arbitration award is not correct? __________. a. The award is usually final
b. The seller or buyer can sue in a law court about the award
c. If the award is not executed by one party, the other may ask the competent court to enforce it
d. The award is binding upon both parties。