
新视野大学英语读写教程第二册3单元textB单词unit3textBwordssssbrillianta. 1. It was in many ways a brilliant plan. 这个设计的许多方面都很出色。
2.The rooms were all painted brilliant white. 所有的房间被粉刷成明亮的白色。
arrangevt. 1. Please arrange for a taxi to collect us after the meeting.2. put sth. in order; make organized, or attractive 排列,整理,布置arrange flowers 插花She arranged all her books on the shelves neatly. 她整理好了所有的书even. Are you doing anything exciting on New Year's Eve? 除夕之夜你有让人兴奋的活动吗?cubevt. cube the potatoes 把土豆切成丁状n. 1. Cut the meat into small cubes. 把肉切成小方块。
The ice cubes in the bottom of her glass made a ringing sound as she drank.她喝酒时,杯子底部的冰块叮当作响。
(数)立方,三次幂The cube of 2 is 8. 2的立方等于8。
The cube root of 125 is 5. 125的立方根是5。
garlicn. garlic bread (面上有黄油、蒜等调味品的)蒜味面包a garlic press 榨蒜汁机slicevt. Could you slice me a very thin piece of cake? 你能为我切一片很薄的蛋糕吗?n. a slice of bread 一片面包ingredientn. 1. Mix all the ingredients in a bowl. 把所有配料在碗里搅拌好。
新视野大学英语第第二册 unit3

Make an analysis of Paragraph 7 and find out how the mother presents her opinion in this way.
The mother’s original opinion: To start with I must admit that at first I harbored reservations about a mixed marriage, prejudices you might even call them.
We wanted to avoid the mistake made by
Main clause
many couples of marrying for the wrong reasons, and
only finding out ten, twenty, or thirty years later that
• Different countries have different or the same way of marriage?
American way: marriage
A young man asks the father of his sweetheart for permission to marry her.
The man usually gives his fiancee a diamond ring as a symbol of their engagement. As the big day approaches, bridal showers(新娘送礼会) and bachelor‘s parties(单身汉派对) provide many useful gifts.
新视野大学英语读写教程二 Unit 3课件

resolved a. 下定决心的,坚定的 resolution n. 坚定,决心
After that event, he has been harboring hatred against me.
与非法事情相关时,还可译为“包庇” 或“藏匿” 。
10. reservation n. 保留,预定 I support this project without
大学英语(二) 读写教程
Unit 3 Key Words
1. compromise v. 妥协,折中 Jim has to compromise with his
boss on this issue, as his boss is the authority in the company. compromise with sb. on sth. 在某事上向某人妥协。
她对现代音乐怀有偏见。 have a prejudice against sth. get over/overcome prejudice 消除/克服偏见 with prejudice 带有偏见
v. 使产生偏见,偏心
His pleasant voice and manner prejudiced the judges in his favor.
prices will rise. 有迹象表明物价将上涨。 indicate v. 指出,显示,预示 indicative a. 指示的,预示的 indicator n. 指示器
14. hesitate v. 犹豫,踌躇,迟 疑
新视野大学英语第三版第二册第三单元-SectionA-Journey through the odyssey years

The essentials of the journey are not only outward struggles against tremendous difficulties, but, more importantly, inward struggles leading to personal growth. His journey is the one of selfdiscovery and of combating his own arrogance and pride from his young rebellious heart. It makes sense to borrow The Odyssey from Greek mythology to describe the rebellious years young people usually go through.
Warminቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ-up activities
Pre-reading activities
Cultural background
1. What is the ideal university like in your eyes?
• • • •
Knowledgeable professors, nice living condition Excellent condition for teaching and learning Pleasant academic atmosphere Well-equipped library and abundant online resources
Discovery of a new life stage

新视野大学英语读写教程第二册3单元textA单词unit3textAwordsCharacter n. 性格,品质;特征;[计] 字符;人物,角色vt. 刻,印;使具有特征Perhaps there is a negative side to his character that you haven't seen yet...或许,他性格中不好的一面你还没有看见。
Individuality is a valued and inherent part of the British character.个性鲜明是英国人固有的、也是他们看重的特点。
Compromise compromiser妥协者The government's policy of compromise is not universally popular. 政府的妥协政策并没受欢迎'Nine,' said I. 'Nine thirty,' tried he. We compromised on 9.15...Involved If she were involved in business, she would make a strong chief executive...如果她投身商业的话,她会是一个很有能力的总裁关系暧昧的;有情爱关系的If one person is involved with another, especially someone they are not married to, they are having a sexual or romantic relationship.He became romantically involved with a married woman.他与一位已婚妇女产生了恋情Subtle subtleness subtlyThere are subtle differences in meaning between these two words.He is a subtle character, you know. 你知道他为人狡猾。

Watch and Discuss
Directions: Watch the video and then discuss the topics as follows:
1. What may constitute barriers for one to marry his or her true love? 2. What is your opinion about divorce?
随 笔 背景知识 视频讨论
Compound Dictation
He chose that finger because it was thought that the blood vessel in that finger went directly to the heart. Today we know that this is not true, yet the [S04] ________ tradition continues. generally are engaged for a Americans [S05] _____________ period of about one year, if they are planning a wedding ceremony and a party. During this time, friends of the bride may hold a party at which women friends and family members give the bride gifts that she will need as a wife. These could [S06] ____ include cooking [S07] equipment _________ or new clothing.

Our racial and cultural differences enhanced our relationshi and taught us a great deal about tolerance, compromise , and being open with each other.
Her mother, Deborah, all along had been supportive of our relationship, and even joked about when we were going to get married so she could have grandchildren .
We've seen each other at our worst many times.
我们彼此多次看到对方t time will only confirm what we feel deeply about each other."
Gail and I had no illusions about what the future held for us as a married , mixed couple in America.
And when he learned of my problems with the citizenshi department, he immediately suspected that I was marrying his daughter in order to remain in the United States.

Unit 3 Door closer, are you?New words:rival a. 竞争的;对抗的 n. 对手;竞争者secondary a. 次要的;从属的imperial a. 帝国的;皇帝的raid n. 突袭;袭击 vt. (军队)突然袭击territory n. 领土;版图;领地opponent n. (竞争、比赛等的)敌手,对手;反对者motivate vt. 激励;激发...的积极性loyal a. 忠贞的;忠实的;忠诚的vessel n. 船;舰genius n. 天才;天赋;有天才的人;天才人物conviction n. 坚定地信仰(主张)validate vt. 证实;使生效;使合法化exception n. 例外;除外veteran a. 经验丰富的;老练的 n. 老兵;退伍军人conquest n. 击败;征服;攻占;(对艰难、危险事物的)攻克,征服summit n. 某事物的顶峰;某事物的极点;首脑会议;最高级会议;峰会enlighten vt. 启发;指导;教导enlightening a. 具启发性的publication n. 书;杂志;著作;出版物;出版irrational a. 非理性的;不合理的;荒谬的investigate vt. 查明,调查,侦查(犯罪、事故或科学问题的真相)investigation n. (对犯罪、事故或科学问题等进行的正式的)调查,侦查marshal vt. 整理(思路、想法等)behavioral a. 行为的;行为方式的profit v. 使...得到;有利于n. 利润;收益;盈利revolve v. (使)旋转preserve vt. 维护;保护;保存session n.(一批人参加某项活动的)一段时间fluctuate vi. 波动;起伏;涨落modify vt. 改动;修改;更改visual a. 视觉的;视力的protest v. 坚持说;力言;公开反对;抗议cling vi. 坚持,墨守(某事物);(尤指感觉不安全而)紧紧抓住(抱住)factor n. 因素;要素underneath prep. 在...里面;在...背后;在...下面;在...底下temporary a. 暂时的;临时的restore vt. 恢复implement vt. 实施;执行;贯彻delegate vt. 授权,委托(权限)(给下级);下放(权力)n. 代表prune vt. (尤指为缩减规模或降低成本)消减,裁减discard vt. 扔掉;弃置outward a. 外表的;表面的prejudice vt. 使有偏见;使有意见;n. 成见;偏见prejudiced a. 有成见的;有偏见的dose n. 一份;一点;(药物的)一剂,一服;一次服用量respective a. 各自的;分别的Phrases and expressions:impose sth. on sb. 将...强加于...be featured in 在...中被专题介绍;被特写profit from 从...中受益revolve around 以...为主题(目的);围绕... be exhaused from 因...而筋疲力尽;因...而疲惫不堪come in handy 派得上用场be attached to sth. /sb. 喜欢(依恋)某物或某人pay a big price to do sth. 花很大代价做某事be measured in sth. 用某事物来衡量make an effort to do sth. 尽量试着做某事;勉强试着做某事Door closer, are you?1 The next time you're deciding between rival options, one which is primary and the other which is secondary, ask yourself this question: What would Xiang Yu do?2 Xiang Yu was a Chinese imperial general in the third century BC who took his troops across the Zhang River on a raid into enemy territory. To his troops' astonishment, he ordered their cooking pots crushed and their sailing ships burned.3 He explained that he was imposing on them a necessity for attaining victory over their opponents. What he said was surely motivating, but it wasn't really appreciated by many of his loyal soldiers as they watched their vessels go up in flames. But the genius of General Xiang Yu's conviction would be validated both on the battlefield and in modern social science research. General Xiang Yu was a rare exception to the norm, a veteran leader who was highly respected for his many conquests and who achieved the summit of success.4 He is featured in Dan Ariely's enlightening new publication, Predictably Irrational,a fascinating investigation of seemingly irrational human behavior, such as the tendency for keeping multiple options open. Most people can't marshal the will for painful choices, not even students at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), where Dr. Ariely teaches behavioral economics. In an experiment that investigated decision-making, hundreds of students couldn't bear to let their options vanish, even though it was clear they would profit from doing so.5 The experiment revolved around a game that eliminated the excuses we usually have for refusing to let go. In the real world, we can always say, "It's good to preserve our options." Want a good example? A teenager is exhausted from soccer, ballet, piano, and Chinese lessons, but her parents won't stop any one of them because they might come in handy some day!6 In the experiment sessions, students played a computer game that provided cash behind three doors appearing on the screen. The rule was the more money you earned, the better player you were, given a total of 100 clicks. Every time the students opened a door by clicking on it, they would use up one click but wouldn't get any money. However, each subsequent click on that door would earn a fluctuating sum of money, with one door always revealing more money than the others. The important part of the rule was each door switch, though having no cash value, would also use up one of the 100 clicks. Therefore, the winning strategy was to quickly check all the doors and keep clicking on the one with the seemingly highest rewards.7 While playing the game, students noticed a modified visual element: Any door left unclicked for a short while would shrink in size and vanish. Since they already understood the game, they should have ignored the vanishing doors. Nevertheless, they hurried to click on the lesser doors before they vanished, trying to keep them open. As a result, they wasted so many clicks rushing back to the vanishing doors that they lost money in the end. Why were the students so attached to the lesser doors? They would probably protest that they were clinging to the doors to keep future options open, but, according to Dr. Ariely, that isn't the true factor.8 Instead of the excuse to maintain future options open, underneath it all the students' desire was to avoid the immediate, though temporary, pain of watching options close."Closing a door on an option is experienced as a loss, and people are willing to pay a big price to avoid the emotion of loss," Dr. Ariely says. In the experiment, the price was easily measured in lost cash. In life, the corresponding costs are often less obvious such as wasted time or missed opportunities.9 "Sometimes these doors are closing too slowly for us to see them vanishing," Dr. Ariely writes. "We may work more hours at our jobs without realizing that the childhood of our sons and daughters is slipping away."10 So, what can be done to restore balance in our lives? One answer, Dr. Ariely says, is to implement more prohibitions on overbooking. We can work to reduce options on our own, delegating tasks to others and even giving away ideas for others to pursue. He points to marriage as an example, "In marriage, we create a situation where we promise ourselves not to keep options open. We close doors and announce to others we've closed doors."11 Since conducting the door experiment, Dr. Ariely says he has made a conscious effort to lessen his load. He urges the rest of us to resign from committees, prune holiday card lists, rethink hobbies and remember the lessons of door closers like Xiang Yu.12 In other words, Dr. Ariely is encouraging us to discard those things that seem to have outward merit in favor of those things that actually enrich our lives. We are naturally prejudiced to believe that more is better, but Dr. Ariely's research provides a dose of reality that strongly suggests otherwise.13 What price do we pay for trying to have more and more in life? What pleasure and satisfaction can be derived from focusing our energy and attention in a more concentrated fashion? Surely, we will have our respective answers.14 Consider these important questions: Will we have more by always increasing options or will we have more with fewer, carefully chosen options? What doors should we close in order to allow the right windows of opportunity and happiness to open?物理量(单位)公式备注公式的变形速度V(m/S) v= S:路程/t:时间重力G (N) G=mg m:质量 g:9.8N/kg或者10N/kg密度ρ(kg/m3)ρ=m/V m:质量 V:体积合力F合(N)方向相同:F合=F1+F2方向相反:F合=F1—F2 方向相反时,F1>F2浮力F浮(N) F浮=G物—G视 G视:物体在液体的重力浮力F浮(N) F浮=G物此公式只适用物体漂浮或悬浮浮力F浮(N) F浮=G排=m排g=ρ液gV排 G排:排开液体的重力m排:排开液体的质量ρ液:液体的密度V排:排开液体的体积(即浸入液体中的体积)杠杆的平衡条件 F1L1= F2L2 F1:动力 L1:动力臂F2:阻力 L2:阻力臂定滑轮 F=G物S=h F:绳子自由端受到的拉力G物:物体的重力S:绳子自由端移动的距离h:物体升高的距离动滑轮 F= (G物+G轮)S=2 h G物:物体的重力G轮:动滑轮的重力滑轮组 F= (G物+G轮)S=n h n:通过动滑轮绳子的段数机械功W(J) W=Fs F:力s:在力的方向上移动的距离有用功W有总功W总 W有=G物hW总=Fs 适用滑轮组竖直放置时机械效率η= ×100%功率P(w) P=W:功t:时间压强p。
新视野大学英语读写教程2 Unit 3

Unit 3
Section A
Section B
New Horizon College English (2)
But through it all we had honestly confronted the weaknesses and strengths of each other’s characters. (Para. 1)
Unit 3
Section A
Section B
New Horizon College English (2)
weaknesses and strengths (1)
• …through it all we had honestly confronted the weaknesses and strengths of each other's characters. (1) Examples: • the strengths and weaknesses of international cooperation / of their sales and marketing operation / of their product • The plan has strengths and weaknesses .
•Life is full of ups and downs. • He has seen the ups and downs in the history of the relations between the two countries. • His new novel tells of the ups and downs of a big family.

新视野三版读写B2 U3 Text AJourney through the odyssey years1 Most of us know about the phases of life which we label to parallel different age groups and life stages: childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and old age. We think of infancy before childhood and middle age before old age, with each unique phase bringing its own peculiar set of challenges. These challenges can be overcome by acquainting ourselves with them, such as the child's need to learn, the adult's need to find the right career and build a family, and the senior's need for support and good health care.2 Interestingly, ideas about the stages of life are changing.3 In previous times, people didn't have a solid idea of childhood as being separate from adulthood. A hundred years ago, no one thought of adolescence. Until recently it was understood as a norm that their induction to adulthood was completed as soon as they graduated from college. They would now find a sensible job which would lead toa career. Then during this career they would start a family, ideally before they turned30.4 Today we have an equivalent need to recognize a new phase of life that comes after high school graduation, continues through college, and then leads to starting a family and having a career, the so-called odyssey years. Recent trends show radical changes as young people are following a different agenda. They take breaks from school, live with friends and often return to living with their parents. Similarly, they fall in and out of love, quit one job and try another or even shift to a new career. So, we need to recognize this new stage, the odyssey years, which many now consider to be an unavoidable stage in reaching adulthood.5 People who were born prior to the 60s or 70s in the last century tended to frame their concept of adulthood based upon achieving certain accomplishments: moving away from home, becoming financially independent, finding the right spouse and starting a family. But that emphasis on stability did not remain static. Today, young people are unlikely to do the same. During the odyssey years, a high proportion of young people are delaying marriage, child bearing, and even employment.6 The odyssey years can saddle young people with enormous pressure to move forward quickly. As the sole heir and focus of their parents' expectations, hopes and dreams, some react with rebellious and prideful attitudes andbehavior toward their parents. They often resent the pressure they're feeling and keep a distance from their parents or even run away from home. Their confusion comes from the difficulties to make parents understand them and the fluid journey of discovery they need in this phase of their lives. To get away from this confusion and upset, many young people resort to computer games, iPods, iPhones, or iPads, to help distract them from their pain and stress.7 Likewise, their parents are feeling more anxious. They may make allowances for a transition phase from student life to adult life, but they get upset when they see the transition of their grown children's lives moving away from their expectations and stretching five years to seven years, and beyond. The parents don't even detect a clear sense of direction in their children's lives. They look at them and see the things that are being delayed.8 It's hard to predict what's next. New guidelines haven't been established yet, and everything seems to give way to a less permanent version of itself. There's been a shift in the status and balance of power between the genders, too. More women are getting degrees than men. Male wages have remained stable over the past decades, while female wages have boomed.9 Apart from anything else, this has had an implicit effect on courtship. Educated women can get many of the things they want, such as security, accomplishment, and identity without marriage. However, both genders are having a harder time finding suitable mates to build their lives with. Considering all of this, it's beneficial to know that even though graduates are delaying many things after college, surveys show they still hold highly traditional aspirations. For example, this contemporary generation rates parenthood even more highly than previous generations did!10 This new phase will likely grow more pronounced in the coming years. Nations around the world have witnessed similar trends toward delaying marriage and spending more years than ever shifting between higher education and settling down with a career and family.11 Nevertheless, graduates shouldn't be deceived into thinking they can back off simply because things have become more difficult. A large number of people chasing relatively fewer opportunities can create strong competitive pressure. So, from the outset, keep your résumé professional and up-to-date. 12 To reinforce this essential message, success moving through the odyssey years will come to those who don't expect to achieve their goals right away but know that they must have the strength, capacity and confidence to endure over the long term. If you're a little late with your goals, don't feel like a failure! Staystrong, be positive, and keep focused! Someday you will look back and wonder at the vast changes as you passed through the odyssey years.Language Points:1 Most of us know about the phases of life which we label to parallel different age groups and life stages: childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and old age. (Para. 1) Meaning: Most of us know about the different life stages that we describe according to different age groups: childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and old age.2 We think of infancy before childhood and middle age before old age, with each unique phase bringing its own peculiar set of challenges. (Para. 1)Meaning: We sequence the life stages of infancy, childhood, middle age and old age according to their natural order, with each particular life stage facing its own featured challenges.Sentence structure note:“with+名词/代词+现在分词”作独立主格结构“with+名词/代词+现在分词”构成独立主格结构,主要用作状语,可以表示伴随、方式、原因、时间等。
新视野大学英语第三版第二册Unit 3 Section A 课件资料讲解

Language focus
Functional patterns
由于我们的食物即将吃完,我们不得不步行到 一个村子寻求帮助。(状语表示原因)
(with our food running out / walk to a village)
With our food running out, we had to walk to a village for help.
Language focus
Functional patte散发出扑鼻的 香味。(状语表示伴随)
(with each dish emitting)
She sat down at the table, with each dish emitting a delicious smell.
Based on the reading, what are the so-called “odyssey years”? (Para.4)
They are recognized as a new life stage that comes after high school graduation, continues through college and leads to starting a family and having a career.
Part I — (Para. 1)Previous phases of life
Explains how the traditional way labeled previous life stages: _c_h_ild_h_o_o_d_,_a_d_o_l_e_s_c_e_n_ce_,_a_d_u_l_th_o_o_d_ and old age.
新视野大学英语第二册unit3 words详解

第三单元1. charactern.性格,特性;特点,特征;(汉)字,(书写、印刷)符号;(剧或书中的)人物,角色I choose my friends for their good characters.我择友的标准是品格一定要好。
He described the character of the character he played with two Chinese characters.她用了两个汉字描绘他所扮演的角色的性格。
He has a weak character, but a winning personality.他尽管性格脆弱,但却有着吸引人的个性。
2. characteristica. 特有的,典型的n. 特征,特点One may have a character, but may have many characteristics, all of which constitute one’s character.一个人可能只有一种性格,但可能有多种特征、特点,所有这些特征、特点便构成了一个人总的特性、品质,即性格。
promisea.n.妥协;折中She found that compromise was always the best way when she quarreled with her mother.她发现,与母亲争吵时让步总是最好的解决方法。
It is hoped that a compromise will be reached in today's talk.希望今天的会谈能达成妥协。
b. vi.相互让步,妥协;折中The workers are going to strike for their welfare if the employers are not ready to compromise.雇主们要是不妥协,工人们就将为争取自己的福利而罢工。

U3 ACollege life in the Internet age互联网时代的大学生活The college campus, long a place of scholarship and frontiers of new technology, is being transformed into a new age of electronics by a fleet of laptops, smartphones and connectivity 2hours a day.大学校园长久以来都是学术之地,也是新技术的前沿。
On a typical modern-day campus, where every building and most outdoor common areas offer wireless Internet access, one student takes her laptop everywhere. In class, she takes notes with it, sometimes instant-messaging or emailing friends if the professor is less than interesting. In her dorm, she instant-messages her roommate sitting just a few feet away. She is tied to her smartphone, which she even uses to text a friend who lives one floor above her, and which supplies music for walks between classes.在典型的现代校园里,每幢建筑和大部分室外公共区域都提供无线互联网接入,学生可以把手提电脑带到任何地方。
《新视野大学英语读写教程》(第二册)Unit 3 Marriage across the Nations

Ⅲ listening: (练习 课件)
New Horizon College English 《新视野大学英语读写教程》(第二册) 外语教学与研究出版社
授课内容 Unit 3 Marriage across the Nations
patterns in this text.
作业布置与 思考
Assignments: 1. Finish the exercise on page 72 of the textbook of reading and writing
2. Develop a paragraph by trying to use some of those sentence patterns, in which the following argument should be introduced and refuted Some numbers bring fortune to people while some others misfortune.
Directions: You will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks with the exact words you have just heard.

6. Banked cloze 1-5: K, E, A ,C , L 6-10: I, G, N, H, O
7. Expressions in use 1. saddled with 3. gives way to 5. make allowances for 7. prior to 2. back off 4. resorted to 6. wonder at 8. based upon/on
Filial piety is the basic code of ethics in the ancient Chinese society. Chinese people consider filial piety as the essence of a person's integrity, family harmony, and the nation's well-being. With filial piety being the core of Confucian ethics, it has been the moral standard for the Chinese society to maintain the family relationship for thousands of years. It's undoubtedly a traditional Chinese virtue. The culture of filial piety is a complex concept, rich in content and wide in range. It includes not only cultural ideas but also institutional etiquettes. Generally speaking, it refers to the obligation of children to their parents required by the society, including respect, care, support for the elderly and so forth. Filial piety is fundamental to the ancient "Oriental civilization".
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let on
tell sb. sth., esp. sth. that has been kept secret泄露,透露
She never let on she was married.
He knew where his brother was going, but he didn't let on.
2.be impatient to do sth./ for sth.热切期待做某事
start out
begin going somewhere出发,启程
Bill started out for school on his bicycle.
Before starting out you should check that your seat and mirrors are properly adjusted.
考点:1. adjust oneself to sth.使适应(新情况等)
2. strict or hardin thinking or treatment严格的,严肃的,严厉的
The president came under severe criticism for the new tax policy.
考点:be severe on/with sb./sth.对...(处罚)严厉的,重的
You have to balance the positive points of living in a big city against thenegative ones.
They balanced the profit and loss to see what had been gained.
搭配:1.keep/lose one’s balance保持/失去平衡;
2.balance the pros and cons权衡利弊
3. in the balance悬而未决,紧要关头,
4. on balance总而言之;包括一切的
ad.in mind or spirit内心(或精神)方面
She was inwardly sad but she would not say anything about it.
She hates him inwardly.
vt.make sb. feel worried or upset使苦恼,打搅,烦扰
考点:1. lean against/on sth.倚着.../靠着...
2. lean sth. against/on sth.将...靠在...上
Eg. Can I lean the bike against the wall?
3. lean on依赖(...的帮助或支持)
Eg. Although she has graduated, she still leans on her parents.
考点:bring sth. to a halt使...停下来
come to a halt停止,中断
call a halt to sth.叫停...、使停止,结束
Eg.They were asked to call a halt to the project.
n.1.[U]mental or emotional calm平静,镇静
She soon recovered her balance after she lost her temper.
2.[U]a state in which all weights and forces are evenly spread so as notto fall平衡,均衡
n.[sing.] a stop or pause暂停,中断,中止
The car came to a halt in time to prevent an accident.
Production was brought to a halt by a strike.
Though he is a cripple, he supports his family by working hard.
He that lives with cripples learns to limp.
a.1. located within; inside, esp. in the mind or spirit在内的,内部的(尤指头脑中、精神上)
v.(cause to) be even and keep in balance(使)平衡,(使)均衡
When you ride a bicycle you must learn to balance.
vt.consider in relation to sth. else; compare权衡,比较
a.1. easily annoyed; not patient不耐烦的,没有耐心的
Don't be so impatient! The bus will be here soon.
You're too impatient with her. She's only a child.
vt.cause different parts, body parts, etc. to work together very well使协调
The plan was not very well coordinated.
We must coordinate our efforts to help people who have been affected by the flood.
同族:coordination n.协调coordinator n.协调人
The project halted for lack of fund.
2. [sing.] the speed at which sth. happens速度,速率;节奏
The pace of change in the computer industry is very fast.
vi.walk with slow, regular, even steps踱步,慢步走
2. set the pace领先于
Eg.这个公司再也不能在国内独领e or make suited (to new conditions)(使)适应
The former soldiers had difficulty in adjusting to ordinary life.
The policeman paced up and down the street.
Sarah paced back and forth in the hallway,waiting for the doctor to come back.
考点:1. keep pace with sb./sth.与...并驾齐驱,齐头并进
考点:1. bother sb. (about/with sth.)打扰或烦扰某人,给某人添麻烦
2. be bothered (about sb./sth.)认为(某人或某事)重要;关心
Eg.He is not bothered about what other people think.
n.1. [sing.] speed of walking or running步速;走(跑)的速度
They quickened their pace as they approached their cars.
His rudeness bothers me.
vi.make an effort to do sth.尽力,费心
Few people ever bothered to talk to him.
I never bother to iron my shirts, so they're often a bit wrinkled.
inward doubts/ thoughts
He helped others to achieve inward peace.