110kv变电站设计 的外文翻译


























变电站建设外文文献翻译(文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译)General Requirements to Construction of SubstationSubstations are a vital element in a power supply system of industrial enterprises.They serve to receive ,convert and distribute electric energy .Depending on power and purpose ,the substations are divided into central distribution substations for a voltage of 110-500kV;main step-down substations for110-220/6-10-35kV;deep entrance substations for 110-330/6-10Kv;distribution substations for 6-10Kv;shop transformer substations for 6-10/0.38-0.66kV.At the main step-down substations, the energy received from the power source is transformed from 110-220kV usually to 6-10kV(sometimes 35kV) which is distributed among substations of the enterpriseand is fed to high-voltage services.Central distribution substations receive energy from power systems and distribute it (without or with partial transformation) via aerial and cable lines of deep entrances at a voltage of 110-220kV over the enterprise territory .Central distribution substation differs from the main distribution substation in a higher power and in that bulk of its power is at a voltage of 110-220kV;it features simplified switching circuits at primary voltage; it is fed from the power to an individual object or region .Low-and medium-power shop substations transform energy from 6-10kV to a secondary voltage of 380/220 or 660/380.Step-up transformer substations are used at power plants for transformation of energy produced by the generators to a higher voltage which decreases losses at a long-distance transmission .Converter substations are intended to convert AC to DC (sometimes vice versa) and to convert energy of one frequency to another .Converter substations with semiconductor rectifiers are convert energy of one frequency to another .Converter substations with semiconductor rectifiers are most economic. Distribution substations for 6-10kV are fed primarily from main distribution substations (sometimes from central distribution substations).With a system of dividing substations for 110-220kV, the functions of a switch-gear are accomplished by switch-gears for 6-10kV at deep entrance substations.Depending on location of substations their switch-gear may be outdoor or indoor. The feed and output lines at 6-10kV substations are mainly of the cable type .at 35-220kV substations of the aerial type .When erecting and wiring thesubstations ,major attention is given to reliable and economic power supply of a given production.Substations are erected by industrial methods with the use of large blocks and assemblies prepared at the site shops of electric engineering organizations and factories of electrical engineering industry .Substations are usually designed for operation without continuous attendance of the duty personnel but with the use of elementary automatic and signaling devices.When constructing the structural part of a substation .it is advisable to use light-weight industrial structures and elements (panels ,floors ,etc.) made of bent sections .These elements are pre-made outside the erection zone and are only assembled at site .This considerably cuts the terms and cost of construction.Basic circuitry concepts of substations are chosen when designing a powersupply system of the enterprise .Substations feature primary voltage entrances .transformers and output cable lines or current conductors of secondary voltage .Substations are mounted from equipment and elements described below .The number of possible combinations of equipment and elements is very great .Whenelaborating a substation circuitry ,it is necessary to strive for maximum simplification and minimizing the number of switching devices .Such substations are more reliable and economic .Circuitry is simplified by using automatic reclosure or automatic change over to reserve facility which allows rapid and faultless redundancy of individual elements and using equipment.When designing transformer substations of industrial enterprises for all voltages ,the following basic considerations are taken into account:1. Preferable employment of a single-bus system with using two-bus systems only to ensure a reliable and economic power supply;2. Wide use of unitized constructions and busless substations;3.Substantiated employment of automatics and telemetry ;if the substation design does not envisage the use of automatics or telemetry ,the circuitry is so arranged as to allow for adding such equipment in future without excessive investments and re-work.e of simple and cheap devices-isolating switches ,short-circuiting switches ,load-breaking isolators ,fuses ,with due regard for their switching capacity may drastically cut the need for expensive and critical oil ,vacuum ,solenoid and air switches .Substation and switch-gear circuitries are so made that using the equipment of each production line is fed from individual transformers ,assemblies ,the lines to allow their disconnection simultaneously with mechanisms without disrupting operation of adjacent production flows.When elaborating circuitry of a substation, the most vital task is to properly choose and arrange switching devices(switches ,isolators ,current limiters ,arresters ,high-voltage fuses).The decision depends on the purpose ,power and significance of the substation.Many years ago, scientists had very vague ideas about electricity. Many of them thought of it as a sort of fluid that flowed through wires as water flows through pipes, but they could not understand what made it flow. Many of them felt that electricity was made up of tiny particles of some kind ,but trying to separate electricity intoindividual particles baffled them.Then, the great American scientist Millikan, in 1909,astounded the scientific world by actually weighing a single particle of electricity and calculating its electric charge. This was probably one of the most delicate weighing jobs ever done by man,for a single electric particle weighs only about half of a millionth of a pound. To make up a pound it would take more of those particles than there are drops of water in the Atlantic Ocean.They are no strangers to us, these electric particles, for we know them as electrons. When large numbers of electrons break away from their atoms and move through a wire,we describe this action by saying that electricity is flowing through the wire.Yes,the electrical fluid that early scientists talked about is nothing more than electrical flowing along a wire.But how can individual electrons be made to break away from atoms? And how can these free electrons be made to along a wire? The answer to the first question lies in the structure of the atoms themselves. Some atoms are so constructed that they lose electrons easily. An atom of copper, for example ,is continually losing an electron, regaining it(or another electron),and losing it again. A copper atom normally has 29 electrons, arranged in four different orbits about its nucleus. The inside orbit has 2 electrons. The next larger orbit has 8.The third orbit is packed with 18 electrons . And the outside orbit has only one electron.It is this outside electron that the copper atom is continually losing, for it is not very closely tied to the atom. It wanders off, is replaced by another free-roving electron, and then this second electron also wandersaway.Consequently,in a copper wire free electrons are floating around in all directions among the copper atoms.Thus, even through the copper wire looks quite motionless to your ordinary eye, there is a great deal of activity going on inside it. If the wire were carrying electricity to an electric light or to some other electrical device, the electrons would not be moving around at random. Instead, many of them would be rushing in the same direction-from one end of the wire to the other.This brings us to the second question .How can free electrons be made to move along a wire? Well ,men have found several ways to do that .One way is chemical. V olta,s voltaic pile,or battery, is a chemical device that makes electricity(or electrons)flow in wires. Another way is magnetic. Faraday and Henry discovered how magnets could be used to make electricity flow in a wire.MagnetsAlmost everyone has seen horseshoe magnets-so called because they are shaped like horseshoes. Probably you have experimented with a magnet, and noticed how it will pick up tacks and nails, or other small iron objects. Men have known about magnets for thousands of years.Several thousand years ago, according to legend, a shepherd named Magnes lived on the island of Crete, in the Mediterranean Sea .He had a shepherds crook tipped with iron. One day he found an oddly shaped black stone that stuck to this iron ter, when many other such stones were found, they were called magnets(after Magnets).These were natural magnets.In recent times men have learned how to make magnets out of iron. More important still, they have discovered how to use magnets to push electrons through wires-that is, how to make electricity flow. Before we discuss this, there arecertain characteristics of magnets that we should know about.If a piece of glass is laid on top of a horse- shoes magnet, and if iron filings are then sprink ledon the glass, the filings will arrange themselves into lines. If this same thing is trid with a bar magnet(a horseshoe magnet straightened out),the lines can be seen more easily. These experiments demonstrate what scientists call magnetic lines of force. Magnets, they explain, work through lines of force that ext- end between the two ends of the magnet. But electrons seem to have magnetic lines of force around them, too.This can be proved by sticking a wire through a piece ofcard board, sprinkling iron filings on the cardboard, and connecting a battery to the wire. The filings will tend to form rings around the wire,as a result of the magnetism of the moving electrons(or electricity).So we can see that there is arelationship between moving electrons and magnetism, Magnetism results from the movement of electrons.Of course, electrons are not really flowing in the bar magnet, but they are in motion, circling the nuclei of the iron atoms. However, in the magnet, circling thelined up in such a way that their electrons are circling in the same direction. Perhaps a good comparison might be a great number of boys whirling balls onstrings in a clockwise direction around their heads.翻译:变电站建设的一般要求变电站(所)在电源系统的工业企业是一个至关重要的因素。



学校代码:11517学号:2HENAN INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING 文献翻译题目 110kv变电站设计学生姓名褚帅峰专业班级电气工程及其自动化1021班学号 2系(部)电气信息工程系指导教师(职称) 任鹏飞完成时间 2012年 2月 18日一种实用的输配电系统的维护优化计划Sohrab Asgarpoor Mohamad DoghmanDepartment of Electrical Engineering Principal Research EngineerUniversity of Nebraska-Lincoln Omaha Public Power Distric摘要:今天,维护和/或提高系统的可靠性和降低运营和维护(O&M)成本是电力的首要任务。
















英文翻译A comprehensive overview of substationsAlong with the economic development and the modern industry developments of quick rising, the design of the power supply system become more and more completely and system. Because the quickly increase electricity of factories, it also increases seriously to the dependable index of the economic condition, power supply in quantity. Therefore they need the higher and more perfect request to the power supply. Whether Design reasonable, not only affect directly the base investment and circulate the expenses with have the metal depletion in colour metal, but also will reflect the dependable in power supply and the safe in many facts. In a word, it is close with the economic performance and the safety of the people. The substation is an importance part of the electric power system, it is consisted of the electric appliances equipments and the Transmission and the Distribution. It obtains the electric power from the electric power system, through its function of transformation and assign, transport and safety. Then transport the power to every place with safe, dependable, and economical. As an important part of power’s transport and control, the transformer substation must change the mode of the traditional design and control, then can adapt to the modern electric power system, the development of modern industry and the of trend of the society life.Electric power industry is one of the foundations of national industry and national economic development to industry, it is a coal, oil, natural gas, hydropower, nuclear power, wind power and other energy conversion into electrical energy of the secondary energy industry, it for the other departments of the national economy fast and stable development of the provision of adequate power, and its level of development is a reflection of the country's economic development an important indicator of the level. As the power in the industry and the importance of the national economy, electricity transmission and distribution of electric energy used in these areas is an indispensable component.。



毕业设计(论文)110KV变电站设计110KV Substation Design院系名称:电气工程与自动化学院摘要本文主要进行110KV变电站设计。

首先根据任务书所给系统及线路和所有负荷的有关技术参数,通过对所建变电站及出线的考虑和对负荷资料分析,满足安全性、经济性及可靠性的要求确定了110KV、35KV、10KV 侧主接线的形式,然后又通过负荷计算及供电范围确定了主变压器台数、容量及型号,从而得出各元件的参数,进行等值网络化简,然后选择短路点进行短路计算,根据短路电流计算结果及最大持续工作电流,对包括母线、断路器、隔离开关、电压互感器、电流互感器在内的电气设备做了选择和校验,并确定配电装置。



关键词:电气主接线短路计算电气设备变电所设计第1章引言1.1 变电站的作用一、变电站在电力系统中的地位电力系统是由变压器、输电线路、用电设备组成的网络,它包括通过电的或机械的方式连接在网络中的所有设备。








外文文献翻译(含:英文原文及中文译文)文献出处:Power System Protection & Control, 2013, 3(5):63-68.英文原文General Requirements to Construction of SubstationCarpentier JennySubstations are a vital element in a power supply system of industrial enterprises. They serve to receive , convert and distribute electric energy .Depending on power and purpose ,the substations are divided into central distribution substations for a voltage of 110-500kV;main step-down substations for110-220/6-10-35kV;deep entrance substations for 110-330/6-10kV;distribution substations for 6-10kV;shop transformer substations for 6-10/0.38- the main step-down substations, the energy received from the power source is transformed from 110-220kV usually to 6-10kV(sometimes 35kV) which is distributed among substations of the enterprise and is fed to high-voltage services.Central distribution substations receive energy from power systems and distribute it (without or with partial transformation) via aerial and cable lines of deep entrances at a voltage of 110-220kV over the enterprise territory .Central distribution substation differs from the main distribution substation in a higher power and in that bulk of its power is ata voltage of 110-220kV;it features simplified switching circuits at primary voltage; it is fed from the power to an individual object or region .Low-and medium-power shop substations transform energy from 6-10kV to a secondary voltage of 380/220 or 660/380.Step-up transformer substations are used at power plants for transformation of energy produced by the generators to a higher voltage which decreases losses at a long-distance transmission .Converter substations are intended to convert AC to DC (sometimes vice versa) and to convert energy of one frequency to another .Converter substations with semiconductor rectifiers are convert energy of one frequency to another .Converter substations with semiconductor rectifiers are most economic. Distribution substations for 6-10kV are fed primarily from main distribution substations (sometimes from central distribution substations).With a system of dividing substations for 110-220kV , the functions of a switch-gear are accomplished by switch-gears for 6-10kV at deep entrance substations.Depending on location of substations their switch-gear may be outdoor or indoor. The feed and output lines at 6-10kV substations are mainly of the cable type .at 35-220kV substations of the aerial type .When erecting and wiring the substations, major attention is given to reliable and economic power supply of a given production. Substationsare erected by industrial methods with the use of large blocks and assemblies prepared at the site shops of electric engineering organizations and factories of electrical engineering industry .Substations are usually designed for operation without continuous attendance of the duty personnel but with the use of elementary automatic and signaling devices.When constructing the structural part of a substation .it is advisable to use light-weight industrial structures and elements (panels ,floors ,etc.) made of bent sections .These elements are pre-made outside the erection zone and are only assembled at site .This considerably cuts the terms and cost of construction.Basic circuitry concepts of substations are chosen when designing a power supply system of the enterprise .Substations feature primary voltage entrances .transformers and output cable lines or current conductors of secondary voltage .Substations are mounted from equipment and elements described below .The number of possible combinations of equipment and elements is very great .When elaborating a substation circuitry ,it is necessary to strive for maximum simplification and minimizing the number of switching devices .Such substations are more reliable and economic .Circuitry is simplified by using automatic enclosure or automatic change over to reserve facility which allows rapid and faultless redundancy of individual elements and using equipment.When designing transformer substations of industrial enterprises forall voltages, the following basic considerations are taken into account:1. Preferable employment of a single-bus system with using two-bus systems only to ensure a reliable and economic power supply;2. Wide use of unitized constructions and bustles substations;3.Substantiated employment of automatics and telemetry ;if the substation design does not envisage the use of automatics or telemetry ,the circuitry is so arranged as to allow for adding such equipment in future without excessive investments and re-work.e of simple and cheap devices-isolating switches ,short-circuiting switches ,load-breaking isolators ,fuses ,with due regard for their switching capacity may drastically cut the need for expensive and critical oil ,vacuum ,solenoid and air switches .Substation and switch-gear circuitries are so made that using the equipment of each production line is fed from individual transformers ,assemblies ,the lines to allow their disconnection simultaneously with mechanisms without disrupting operation of adjacent production flows.When elaborating circuitry of a substation, the most vital task is to properly choose and arrange switching devices (switches, isolators, current limiters, arresters, high-voltage fuses).The decision depends on the purpose, power and significance of the substation.Power System Substation is an important and indispensable component of the power it assumed the task of conversion anddistribution of grid security and the economy play a decisive role in running is to contact the user’s power plant s and intermediate links. With economic development, expanding grid capacity, reliability of operation of the power grid is getting higher and higher requirements. Development of science and technology, intelligent switches, photoelectric current and voltage transformer, a run-line state detection, training simulation Substation Operation matures, such as high-tech, as well as fiber-optic technology, computer high-speed network system in the development of real-time applications, bound to the existing substation automation technology have a profound impact, all-digital substation automation system development trend.Power system is operated by the production, transmission, distribution and consumption of a variety of power linked to the composition of electrical equipment. As a result of a large number of powers can not be stored, we must ensure that the production of electricity and energy balance. With the scientific and technological advances in the technological development of our country has reached a certain level. Intelligent switches, photoelectric current and voltage transformer, a run-line state detection, training simulation Substation Operation matures, such as high-tech, as well as fiber-optic technology, computer high-speed network system in the development of real-time applications, significantly increase the transformation degree ofautomation.Design of our substation cable programs tend to be simple, many of the recent domestic new 220 k V substation and 110kV voltage levels of wiring without the use of dual-bus bypass bus. The use of GIS, the priority sub-bus single wire. Terminal Substation, the line as far as possible, such as transformer unit wiring. A large number of the introduction of new technology, transformer substation rising level of electrical equipment, power distribution devices from the traditional form of moving toward oil-free, vacuum switches, SF6 switches and mechanical, electrical equipment combination of the development of small-scale integration. In recent years the world famous high-voltage electrical equipment companies have been developing, the development of the various types of 145-550 kV outdoor high-pressure and ultrahigh-pressure combination of electrical appliances, some high-voltage switchgear plant has also started production of 145 k V compact outdoor portfolio electrical appliances. Smart plug-in type outdoor switchgear is a more complete high-pressure and ultrahigh-pressure switch system, which includes electrical first and second equipment, as well as the associated fiber optic cable, such as plug-type compound. The entire distributed substation automation system; the introduction of advanced network technology; substation and the construction area covers an area of reduced substation program tosimplify wiring, switchgear, bus and steel pipes, such as the use of stents to substation layout is more simple, the abolition of the former station area and optimize the layout to make a substantial decline in an area substation.With technological advances, the traditional relay protection devices are gradually being replaced by microprocessor-based protection. Microprocessor-based protection is referred to as the protection of PC computer, a digital relay protection, is based on the programmable digital circuit technology and real-time digital signal processing technology of the Power System Protection. At present, both at home and abroad have been developed to 32-bit digital signal processor for hardware-based protection, control, measurement, and data communications integration of microprocessor-based protection control devices, and artificial intelligence technology into a number of relay protection, such as artificial neural networks, fuzzy theory to determine the realization of fault type, fault location, the direction of protection, the main equipment and other new methods of protection. By means of wavelet analysis of the theory of digital signal failure of the entire frequency band information and to achieve fault detection. These artificial intelligence technologies to improve the accuracy of failure to provide a means of identification, but also some single-frequency signal based on the traditional method difficult to identify the problems to be resolved. At present, themicroprocessor-based relay protection is along the microprocessor-based protection network, and intelligent, adaptive and protection, control, measurement, signal, data communications integration direction. The most basic request that charged barbed wire net in the city circulates is safe and stable. The core problem of charged barbed wire net safety in the city stability wants to build up to be a with the city mutually accommodative of, reasonable of charged barbed wire net structure. This text passes and programs to the charged barbed wire net with electric power and designs the technique principle of the aspect analysis. Elaborated the standard concerning electric voltage grade, power supply credibility, power supply ability and charged barbed wire net safe power supply requests etc. some problems that should notice in the charged barbed wire net safety; And have already aimed at sex's elaborating request to the concrete design principle opposite charged barbed wire net safe power supply of the 220 kV transformer substation and 110kV transformer substation.How to promise power supply credibility1) Satisfy charged barbed wire net power supply safe standard. The power supply network satisfies the request of power supply credibility. The standard that all satisfies N-l, city area center high burden density important customer in the district satisfies the standard of N-2.Disallow transformer over carry. Help a southern city net power supply credibilityrate index sign programming target is 99.99%.2) Press to go together with charged barbed wire net burden to transfer ability in the city satisfies following request:①The transformer substation loses any once enter line or one set lord transformer but lower power supply ability, win press to go together with charged barbed wire net to have to transfer burden to ensure the ability of power supply. ②When a female line of transformer substation stops luck because of putting, winning to press to go together with charged barbed wire net should have the ability that transfer all burden.③When the 10kV goes together with electric wire road any check to fix or breaks down, going together with the charged barbed wire net should have non- check of transfer to fix, non- breakdown segment ability for carrying. The non- check fixes, The non- breakdown segment carries to the power is off time only for go together with to give or get an electric shock an equipments to pour a Zia operation for time.3) Ask to satisfy a following principle while allowing the capacity of the power outage and the target of the instauration power supply while going together with charged barbed wire net breakdown to make the customer the power is off:①The customer of two back track power supplies, after losing a back track, should be unlimited to give or get an electric shock.②The customer of three back track power supplies , after losing aback track, should be unlimited to give or get an electric shock, again after losing a back track, should satisfy power supply capacity 50-70% is used an electricity.③When all of a back track or much customer's the power of back track power supplies stopped, resume target time of power supply broke down to handle for a back track restored of ask.④At wreath net power supply method in for open the customer in the wreath network, the lowest instauration power supply request for breaking down wreath net is to need to pass charged barbed wire net operation instaurationPower supply of time, its target time need for operating of asks; it is the power supply that passes to go together with net automation restriction to resume an intact block in the lain to go together with net automation circuit.(3)Power supply ability and safety1)Of each electric voltage layer net capacity in the city net, press definitely change the electric capacity carry to compare an allocation, the all levels electric voltage net changes the electric capacity carry compare satisfy the upper limit request that current 《electric power net in the city programming design lead 》stipulates. According to 2001 national economy trade committee promulgation of electric power profession standard 《electric power system safety stability lead 》middlefinger:N.a standard is under the normal movement method of the any component(is like circuit, generator, and transformer...etc.) In the electric power system have no break down or because of break down break to open, electric power system should Can keep stable to circulate with normal power supply, other components however carry, electric voltage and frequency all are allowing inside the scope. This is usually called N. one standard.The charged barbed wire net power supply safe standard has-l standard and quasi- N one 2 standards and Ns is one 2 standards.City's going together with the power supply safety of charged barbed wire net to usually request is to adopt N one standard. It is one 2 standards to have already adopted quasi- N as well at the power supply safety especially important place one 2 standards or Ns.2) Medium press and go together with charged barbed wire net and have certain back up capacity, generally should have 50% Yu degrees, while being any component check and fixing and breaking down and stopping and carrying should pass and pour a Zia operation can keep a segment the customer continue toward the customer or non- trouble power supply, go together with each component of charged barbed wire net while transferring burden however carry, unlimited electricity. When two set lords happen that the power is off at the same time, that is used circuit should adjust above 60% burden.中文译文变电站建设的一般要求作者:Carpentier Jenny变电站是工业企业供电系统的重要组成部分。



附录Ⅲ英文翻译A comprehensive overview of substationsAlong with the economic development and the modern industry developments ofquick rising, the design of the power supply system become more and more completelyand system. Because the quickly increase electricity of factories, it also increases seriously to the dependable index of the economic condition, power supply in quantity. Therefore they need the higher and more perfect request to the power supply. Whether Design reasonable, not only affect directly the base investment and circulate the expenses with have the metal depletion in colour metal, but also will reflect the dependable in power supply and the safe in many facts. In a word, it is close with the economic performance and the safety of the people. The substation is an importancepart of the electric power system, it is consisted of the electric appliances equipmentsand the Transmission and the Distribution. It obtains the electric power from theelectric power system, through its function of transformation and assign, transport and safety. Then transport the power to every place with safe, dependable, and economical.As an important part of power’s transport and control, the transformer substation must change the mode of the traditional design and control, then can adapt to the modernelectric power system, the development of modern industry and the of trend of thesociety life.Electric power industry is one of the foundations of national industry andnational economic development to industry, it is a coal, oil, natural gas, hydropower,nuclear power, wind power and other energy conversion into electrical energy of the secondary energy industry, it for the other departments of the national economy fastand stable development of the provision of adequate power, and its level of development is a reflection of the country's economic development an important indicator of the level. As the power in the industry and the importance of the national economy, electricity transmission and distribution of electric energy used in these areasis an indispensable component.。



General Requirements to Construction of SubstationSubstations are a vital element in a power supply system of industrial enterprises.They serve to receive ,convert and distribute electric energy .Depending on power and purpose ,the substations are divided into central distribution substations for a voltage of 110-500kV;main step-down substations for110-220/6-10-35kV;deep entrance substations for 110-330/6-10Kv;distribution substations for 6-10Kv;shop transformer substations for 6-10/0.38-0.66kV.At the main step-down substations, the energy received from the power source is transformed from 110-220kV usually to 6-10kV(sometimes 35kV) which is distributed among substations of the enterprise and is fed to high-voltage services.Central distribution substations receive energy from power systems and distribute it (without or with partial transformation) via aerial and cable lines of deep entrances at a voltage of 110-220kV over the enterprise territory .Central distribution substation differs from the main distribution substation in a higher power and in that bulk of its power is at a voltage of 110-220kV;it features simplified switching circuits at primary voltage; it is fed from the power to an individual object or region .Low-and medium-power shop substations transform energy from 6-10kV to a secondary voltage of 380/220 or 660/380.Step-up transformer substations are used at power plants for transformation of energy produced by the generators to a higher voltage which decreases losses at a long-distance transmission .Converter substations are intended to convert AC to DC (sometimes vice versa) and to convert energy of one frequency to another .Converter substations with semiconductor rectifiers are convert energy of one frequency to another .Converter substations with semiconductor rectifiers are most economic. Distribution substations for 6-10kV are fed primarily from main distribution substations (sometimes from central distribution substations).With a system of dividing substations for 110-220kV, the functions of a switch-gear are accomplishedby switch-gears for 6-10kV at deep entrance substations.Depending on location of substations their switch-gear may be outdoor or indoor. The feed and output lines at 6-10kV substations are mainly of the cable type .at 35-220kV substations of the aerial type .When erecting and wiring the substations ,major attention is given to reliable and economic power supply of a given production.Substations are erected by industrial methods with the use of large blocks and assemblies prepared at the site shops of electric engineering organizations and factories of electrical engineering industry .Substations are usually designed for operation without continuous attendance of the duty personnel but with the use of elementary automatic and signaling devices.When constructing the structural part of a substation .it is advisable to use light-weight industrial structures and elements (panels ,floors ,etc.) made of bent sections .These elements are pre-made outside the erection zone and are only assembled at site .This considerably cuts the terms and cost of construction.Basic circuitry concepts of substations are chosen when designing a powersupply system of the enterprise .Substations feature primary voltage entrances .transformers and output cable lines or current conductors of secondary voltage .Substations are mounted from equipment and elements described below .The number of possible combinations of equipment and elements is very great .Whenelaborating a substation circuitry ,it is necessary to strive for maximum simplification and minimizing the number of switching devices .Such substations are more reliable and economic .Circuitry is simplified by using automatic reclosure or automatic change over to reserve facility which allows rapid and faultless redundancy of individual elements and using equipment.When designing transformer substations of industrial enterprises for all voltages , the following basic considerations are taken into account:1. Preferable employment of a single-bus system with using two-bus systems only to ensure a reliable and economic power supply;2. Wide use of unitized constructions and busless substations;3.Substantiated employment of automatics and telemetry ;if the substation design does not envisage the use of automatics or telemetry ,the circuitry is so arranged as to allow for adding such equipment in future without excessive investments and re-work.e of simple and cheap devices-isolating switches ,short-circuiting switches ,load-breaking isolators ,fuses ,with due regard for their switching capacity may drastically cut the need for expensive and critical oil ,vacuum ,solenoid and air switches .Substation and switch-gear circuitries are so made that using the equipment of each production line is fed from individual transformers ,assemblies ,the lines to allow their disconnection simultaneously with mechanisms without disrupting operation of adjacent production flows.When elaborating circuitry of a substation, the most vital task is to properly choose and arrange switching devices(switches ,isolators ,current limiters ,arresters ,high-voltage fuses).The decision depends on the purpose ,power and significance of the substation.Many years ago, scientists had very vague ideas about electricity. Many of them thought of it as a sort of fluid that flowed through wires as water flows through pipes, but they could not understand what made it flow. Many of them felt that electricity was made up of tiny particles of some kind ,but trying to separate electricity into individual particles baffled them.Then, the great American scientist Millikan, in 1909,astounded the scientific world by actually weighing a single particle of electricity and calculating its electric charge. This was probably one of the most delicate weighing jobs ever done by man,for a single electric particle weighs only about half of a millionth of a pound. To make up a pound it would take more of those particles than there are drops of water in the Atlantic Ocean.They are no strangers to us, these electric particles, for we know them as electrons. When large numbers of electrons break away from their atoms and move through a wire,we describe this action by saying that electricity is flowing through the wire.Yes,the electrical fluid that early scientists talked about is nothing more than electrical flowing along a wire.But how can individual electrons be made to break away from atoms? And how can these free electrons be made to along a wire? The answer to the first question lies in the structure of the atoms themselves. Some atoms are so constructed that they lose electrons easily. An atom of copper, for example ,is continually losing an electron, regaining it(or another electron),and losing it again. A copper atom normally has 29 electrons, arranged in four different orbits about its nucleus. The inside orbit has 2 electrons. The next larger orbit has 8.The third orbit is packed with 18 electrons . And the outside orbit has only one electron.It is this outside electron that the copper atom is continually losing, for it is not very closely tied to the atom. It wanders off, is replaced by another free-roving electron, and then this second electron also wanders away.Consequently,in a copper wire free electrons are floating around in all directions among the copper atoms.Thus, even through the copper wire looks quite motionless to your ordinary eye, there is a great deal of activity going on inside it. If the wire were carrying electricity to an electric light or to some other electrical device, the electrons would not be moving around at random. Instead, many of them would be rushing in the same direction-from one end of the wire to the other.This brings us to the second question .How can free electrons be made to move along a wire? Well ,men have found several ways to do that .One way is chemical. V olta,s voltaic pile,or battery, is a chemical device that makes electricity(or electrons)flow in wires. Another way is magnetic. Faraday and Henry discovered how magnets could be used to make electricity flow in a wire.MagnetsAlmost everyone has seen horseshoe magnets-so called because they are shaped like horseshoes. Probably you have experimented with a magnet, and noticed how it will pick up tacks and nails, or other small iron objects. Men have known about magnets for thousands of years.Several thousand years ago, according to legend, a shepherd named Magnes lived on the island of Crete, in the Mediterranean Sea .He had a shepherds crook tipped with iron. One day he found an oddly shaped black stone that stuck to this ironter, when many other such stones were found, they were called magnets(after Magnets).These were natural magnets.In recent times men have learned how to make magnets out of iron. More important still, they have discovered how to use magnets to push electrons through wires-that is, how to make electricity flow. Before we discuss this, there arecertain characteristics of magnets that we should know about.If a piece of glass is laid on top of a horse- shoes magnet, and if iron filings are then sprink ledon the glass, the filings will arrange themselves into lines. If this same thing is trid with a bar magnet(a horseshoe magnet straightened out),the lines can be seen more easily. These experiments demonstrate what scientists call magnetic lines of force. Magnets, they explain, work through lines of force that ext- end between the two ends of the magnet. But electrons seem to have magnetic lines of force around them, too.This can be proved by sticking a wire through a piece ofcard board, sprinkling iron filings on the cardboard, and connecting a battery to the wire. The filings will tend to form rings around the wire,as a result of the magnetism of the moving electrons(or electricity).So we can see that there is arelationship between moving electrons and magnetism, Magnetism results from the movement of electrons.Of course, electrons are not really flowing in the bar magnet, but they are in motion, circling the nuclei of the iron atoms. However, in the magnet, circling thelined up in such a way that their electrons are circling in the same direction. Perhaps a good comparison might be a great number of boys whirling balls onstrings in a clockwise direction around their heads.变电站建设的一般要求变电站(所)在电源系统的工业企业是一个至关重要的因素。



General Requirements to Construction of SubstationSubstations are a vital element in a power supply system of industrial enterprises.They serve to receive ,convert and distribute electric energy .Depending on power and purpose ,the substations are divided into central distribution substations for a voltage of 110-500kV;main step-down substations for110-220/6-10-35kV;deep entrance substations for 110-330/6-10Kv;distribution substations for 6-10Kv;shop transformer substations for 6-10/0.38-0.66kV.At the main step-down substations, the energy received from the power source is transformed from 110-220kV usually to 6-10kV(sometimes 35kV) which is distributed among substations of the enterprise and is fed to high-voltage services.Central distribution substations receive energy from power systems and distribute it (without or with partial transformation) via aerial and cable lines of deep entrances at a voltage of 110-220kV over the enterprise territory .Central distribution substation differs from the main distribution substation in a higher power and in that bulk of its power is at a voltage of 110-220kV;it features simplified switching circuits at primary voltage; it is fed from the power to an individual object or region .Low-and medium-power shop substations transform energy from 6-10kV to a secondary voltage of 380/220 or 660/380.Step-up transformer substations are used at power plants for transformation of energy produced by the generators to a higher voltage which decreases losses at a long-distance transmission .Converter substations are intended to convert AC to DC (sometimes vice versa) and to convert energy of one frequency to another .Converter substations with semiconductor rectifiers are convert energy of one frequency to another .Converter substations with semiconductor rectifiers are most economic. Distribution substations for 6-10kV are fed primarily from main distribution substations (sometimes from central distribution substations).With a system of dividing substations for 110-220kV, the functions of a switch-gear are accomplishedby switch-gears for 6-10kV at deep entrance substations.Depending on location of substations their switch-gear may be outdoor or indoor. The feed and output lines at 6-10kV substations are mainly of the cable type .at 35-220kV substations of the aerial type .When erecting and wiring the substations ,major attention is given to reliable and economic power supply of a given production.Substations are erected by industrial methods with the use of large blocks and assemblies prepared at the site shops of electric engineering organizations and factories of electrical engineering industry .Substations are usually designed for operation without continuous attendance of the duty personnel but with the use of elementary automatic and signaling devices.When constructing the structural part of a substation .it is advisable to use light-weight industrial structures and elements (panels ,floors ,etc.) made of bent sections .These elements are pre-made outside the erection zone and are only assembled at site .This considerably cuts the terms and cost of construction.Basic circuitry concepts of substations are chosen when designing a powersupply system of the enterprise .Substations feature primary voltage entrances .transformers and output cable lines or current conductors of secondary voltage .Substations are mounted from equipment and elements described below .The number of possible combinations of equipment and elements is very great .Whenelaborating a substation circuitry ,it is necessary to strive for maximum simplification and minimizing the number of switching devices .Such substations are more reliable and economic .Circuitry is simplified by using automatic reclosure or automatic change over to reserve facility which allows rapid and faultless redundancy of individual elements and using equipment.When designing transformer substations of industrial enterprises for all voltages , the following basic considerations are taken into account:1. Preferable employment of a single-bus system with using two-bus systems only to ensure a reliable and economic power supply;2. Wide use of unitized constructions and busless substations;3.Substantiated employment of automatics and telemetry ;if the substation design does not envisage the use of automatics or telemetry ,the circuitry is so arranged as to allow for adding such equipment in future without excessive investments and re-work.e of simple and cheap devices-isolating switches ,short-circuiting switches ,load-breaking isolators ,fuses ,with due regard for their switching capacity may drastically cut the need for expensive and critical oil ,vacuum ,solenoid and air switches .Substation and switch-gear circuitries are so made that using the equipment of each production line is fed from individual transformers ,assemblies ,the lines to allow their disconnection simultaneously with mechanisms without disrupting operation of adjacent production flows.When elaborating circuitry of a substation, the most vital task is to properly choose and arrange switching devices(switches ,isolators ,current limiters ,arresters ,high-voltage fuses).The decision depends on the purpose ,power and significance of the substation.Many years ago, scientists had very vague ideas about electricity. Many of them thought of it as a sort of fluid that flowed through wires as water flows through pipes, but they could not understand what made it flow. Many of them felt that electricity was made up of tiny particles of some kind ,but trying to separate electricity into individual particles baffled them.Then, the great American scientist Millikan, in 1909,astounded the scientific world by actually weighing a single particle of electricity and calculating its electric charge. This was probably one of the most delicate weighing jobs ever done by man,for a single electric particle weighs only about half of a millionth of a pound. To make up a pound it would take more of those particles than there are drops of water in the Atlantic Ocean.They are no strangers to us, these electric particles, for we know them as electrons. When large numbers of electrons break away from their atoms and move through a wire,we describe this action by saying that electricity is flowing through the wire.Yes,the electrical fluid that early scientists talked about is nothing more than electrical flowing along a wire.But how can individual electrons be made to break away from atoms? And how can these free electrons be made to along a wire? The answer to the first question lies in the structure of the atoms themselves. Some atoms are so constructed that they lose electrons easily. An atom of copper, for example ,is continually losing an electron, regaining it(or another electron),and losing it again. A copper atom normally has 29 electrons, arranged in four different orbits about its nucleus. The inside orbit has 2 electrons. The next larger orbit has 8.The third orbit is packed with 18 electrons . And the outside orbit has only one electron.It is this outside electron that the copper atom is continually losing, for it is not very closely tied to the atom. It wanders off, is replaced by another free-roving electron, and then this second electron also wanders away.Consequently,in a copper wire free electrons are floating around in all directions among the copper atoms.Thus, even through the copper wire looks quite motionless to your ordinary eye, there is a great deal of activity going on inside it. If the wire were carrying electricity to an electric light or to some other electrical device, the electrons would not be moving around at random. Instead, many of them would be rushing in the same direction-from one end of the wire to the other.This brings us to the second question .How can free electrons be made to move along a wire? Well ,men have found several ways to do that .One way is chemical. V olta,s voltaic pile,or battery, is a chemical device that makes electricity(or electrons)flow in wires. Another way is magnetic. Faraday and Henry discovered how magnets could be used to make electricity flow in a wire.MagnetsAlmost everyone has seen horseshoe magnets-so called because they are shaped like horseshoes. Probably you have experimented with a magnet, and noticed how it will pick up tacks and nails, or other small iron objects. Men have known about magnets for thousands of years.Several thousand years ago, according to legend, a shepherd named Magnes lived on the island of Crete, in the Mediterranean Sea .He had a shepherds crook tipped with iron. One day he found an oddly shaped black stone that stuck to this ironter, when many other such stones were found, they were called magnets(after Magnets).These were natural magnets.In recent times men have learned how to make magnets out of iron. More important still, they have discovered how to use magnets to push electrons through wires-that is, how to make electricity flow. Before we discuss this, there arecertain characteristics of magnets that we should know about.If a piece of glass is laid on top of a horse- shoes magnet, and if iron filings are then sprink ledon the glass, the filings will arrange themselves into lines. If this same thing is trid with a bar magnet(a horseshoe magnet straightened out),the lines can be seen more easily. These experiments demonstrate what scientists call magnetic lines of force. Magnets, they explain, work through lines of force that ext- end between the two ends of the magnet. But electrons seem to have magnetic lines of force around them, too.This can be proved by sticking a wire through a piece ofcard board, sprinkling iron filings on the cardboard, and connecting a battery to the wire. The filings will tend to form rings around the wire,as a result of the magnetism of the moving electrons(or electricity).So we can see that there is arelationship between moving electrons and magnetism, Magnetism results from the movement of electrons.Of course, electrons are not really flowing in the bar magnet, but they are in motion, circling the nuclei of the iron atoms. However, in the magnet, circling thelined up in such a way that their electrons are circling in the same direction. Perhaps a good comparison might be a great number of boys whirling balls onstrings in a clockwise direction around their heads.。




















[1] 設計一所安全、經濟、靈活的變電站可以從以下幾個方面著手。





General Requirements to Construction of SubstationSubstations are a vital element in a power supply system of industrial enterprises.They serve to receive ,convert and distribute electric energy .Depending on power and purpose ,the substations are divided into central distribution substations for a voltage of 110-500kV;main step-down substations for110-220/6-10- 35kV;deep entrance substations for 110-330/6-10Kv;distribution substations for 6- 10Kv;shop transformer substations for 6-10/0.38-0.66kV.At the main step-down substations, the energy received from the power source is transformed from 110- 220kV usually to 6-10kV(sometimes 35kV) which is distributed among substations of the enterprise and is fed to high-voltage services.Central distribution substations receive energy from power systems and distribute it (without or with partial transformation) via aerial and cable lines of deep entrances at a voltage of 110-220kV over the enterprise territory .Central distribution substation differs from the main distribution substation in a higher power and in that bulk of its power is at a voltage of 110-220kV;it features simplified switching circuits at primary voltage; it is fed from the power to an individual object or region .Low-and medium-power shop substations transform energy from 6-10kV to a secondary voltage of 380/220 or 660/380.Step-up transformer substations are used at power plants for transformation of energy produced by the generators to a higher voltage which decreases losses at a long-distance transmission .Converter substations are intended to convert AC to DC (sometimes vice versa) and to convert energy of one frequency to another .Converter substations with semiconductor rectifiers are convert energy of one frequency to another .Converter substations with semiconductor rectifiers are most economic. Distribution substations for 6-10kV are fed primarily from main distribution substations (sometimes from central distribution substations).With a system of dividing substations for 110-220kV, the functions of a switch-gear are accomplishedby switch-gears for 6-10kV at deep entrance substations.Depending on location of substations their switch-gear may be outdoor or indoor. The feed and output lines at 6-10kV substations are mainly of the cable type .at 35- 220kV substations of the aerial type .When erecting and wiring the substations ,major attention is given to reliable and economic power supply of a given production.Substations are erected by industrial methods with the use of large blocks and assemblies prepared at the site shops of electric engineering organizations and factories of electrical engineering industry .Substations are usually designed for operation without continuous attendance of the duty personnel but with the use of elementary automatic and signaling devices.When constructing the structural part of a substation .it is advisable to use light- weight industrial structures and elements (panels ,floors ,etc.) made of bent sections .These elements are pre-made outside the erection zone and are only assembled at site .This considerably cuts the terms and cost of construction.Basic circuitry concepts of substations are chosen when designing a powersupply system of the enterprise .Substations feature primary voltage entrances .transformers and output cable lines or current conductors of secondary voltage .Substations are mounted from equipment and elements described below .The number of possible combinations of equipment and elements is very great .Whenelaborating a substation circuitry ,it is necessary to strive for maximum simplification and minimizing the number of switching devices .Such substations are more reliable and economic.Circuitry is simplified by using automatic reclosure or automatic change over to reserve facility which allows rapid and faultless redundancy of individual elements and using equipment.When designing transformer substations of industrial enterprises for all voltages , the following basic considerations are taken into account:1.Preferable employment of a single-bus system with using two-bus systems only to ensure a reliable and economic power supply;2.Wide use of unitized constructions and busless substations;3.S ubstantiated employment of automatics and telemetry ;if the substation designdoes not envisage the use of automatics or telemetry ,the circuitry is so arranged as to allow for adding such equipment in future without excessive investments and re-work.e of simple and cheap devices-isolating switches ,short-circuiting switches ,load-breaking isolators ,fuses ,with due regard for their switching capacity may drastically cut the need for expensive and critical oil ,vacuum ,solenoid and air switches .Substation and switch-gear circuitries are so made that using the equipment of each production line is fed from individual transformers ,assemblies ,the lines to allow their disconnection simultaneously with mechanisms without disrupting operation of adjacent production flows.When elaborating circuitry of a substation, the most vital task is to properly choose and arrange switching devices(switches ,isolators ,current limiters ,arresters ,high-voltage fuses).The decision depends on the purpose ,power and significance of the substation.Many years ago, scientists had very vague ideas about electricity. Many of them thought of it as a sort of fluid that flowed through wires as water flows through pipes, but they could not understand what made it flow. Many of them felt that electricity was made up of tiny particles of some kind ,but trying to separate electricity into individual particles baffled them.Then, the great American scientist Millikan, in 1909,astounded the scientific world by actually weighing a single particle of electricity and calculating its electric charge. This was probably one of the most delicate weighing jobs ever done by man,for a single electric particle weighs only about half of a millionth of a pound. To make up a pound it would take more of those particles than there are drops of water in the Atlantic Ocean.They are no strangers to us, these electric particles, for we know them as electrons. When large numbers of electrons break away from their atoms and move through a wire,we describe this action by saying that electricity is flowing through the wire.Yes,the electrical fluid that early scientists talked about is nothing more than electrical flowing along a wire.But how can individual electrons be made to break away from atoms? And howcan these free electrons be made to along a wire? The answer to the first question lies in the structure of the atoms themselves. Some atoms are so constructed that they lose electrons easily. An atom of copper, for example ,is continually losing an electron, regaining it(or another electron),and losing it again. A copper atom normally has 29 electrons, arranged in four different orbits about its nucleus. The inside orbit has 2 electrons. The next larger orbit has 8.The third orbit is packed with 18 electrons . And the outside orbit has only one electron.It is this outside electron that the copper atom is continually losing, for it is not very closely tied to the atom. It wanders off, is replaced by another free-roving electron, and then this second electron also wanders away.Consequently,in a copper wire free electrons are floating around in all directions among the copper atoms.Thus, even through the copper wire looks quite motionless to your ordinary eye, there is a great deal of activity going on inside it. If the wire were carrying electricity to an electric light or to some other electrical device, the electrons would not be moving around at random. Instead, many of them would be rushing in the same direction-from one end of the wire to the other.This brings us to the second question .How can free electrons be made to move along a wire? Well ,men have found several ways to do that .One way is chemical. Volta,s voltaic pile,or battery, is a chemical device that makes electricity(or electrons)flow in wires. Another way is magnetic. Faraday and Henry discovered how magnets could be used to make electricity flow in a wire.MagnetsAlmost everyone has seen horseshoe magnets-so called because they are shaped like horseshoes. Probably you have experimented with a magnet, and noticed how it will pick up tacks and nails, or other small iron objects. Men have known about magnets for thousands of years.Several thousand years ago, according to legend, a shepherd named Magnes lived on the island of Crete, in the Mediterranean Sea .He had a shepherds crook tipped with iron. One day he found an oddly shaped black stone that stuck to this iron ter, when many other such stones were found, they were called magnets(afterMagnets).These were natural magnets.In recent times men have learned how to make magnets out of iron. More important still, they have discovered how to use magnets to push electrons through wires-that is, how to make electricity flow. Before we discuss this, there arecertain characteristics of magnets that we should know about.If a piece of glass is laid on top of a horse- shoes magnet, and if iron filings are then sprink ledon the glass, the filings will arrange themselves into lines. If this same thing is trid with a bar magnet(a horseshoe magnet straightened out),the lines can be seen more easily. These experiments demonstrate what scientists call magnetic lines of force. Magnets, they explain, work through lines of force that ext- end between the two ends of the magnet. But electrons seem to have magnetic lines of force around them, too.This can be proved by sticking a wire through a piece ofcard board, sprinkling iron filings on the cardboard, and connecting a battery to the wire. The filings will tend to form rings around the wire,as a result of the magnetism of the moving electrons(or electricity).So we can see that there is arelationship between moving electrons and magnetism, Magnetism results from the movement of electrons.Of course, electrons are not really flowing in the bar magnet, but they are in motion, circling the nuclei of the iron atoms. However, in the magnet, circling thelined up in such a way that their electrons are circling in the same direction. Perhaps a good comparison might be a great number of boys whirling balls onstrings in a clockwise direction around their heads.。



变电站中英文资料对照外文翻译文献综述XXXns are an essential part of electrical power systems。

servingas the interface een high-voltage n lines and lower-voltage n lines。

They play a critical role in XXX homes。


and industries.Types of nsThere are several types of ns。

including n ns。

n ns。

and customer XXX to the end-users and step down the voltage for n to XXX a single customer or group of customers.XXXns consist of us components。

including transformers。

circuit breakers。


XXX are used to step up or step down thevoltage of the electricity。

XXX are used to control the flow ofXXX to the system.XXXXXX stages。

including site n。

layout design。

equipment n。

XXX n lines。

land availability。

and environmental ns。

The layout design involves determining the placement of equipment。

XXX appropriate transformers。

circuit breakers。

and other components。



英文文献Cirtcuit BreakersA circuit breaker is mechanical switching device capable of making,and breaking currents under normal circuit conditions and also making。

carring for a specified time ,and mediujm in which circuit interruption is performed may be designated by a suitable prefix,for example,air—blastcircuit breaker,oil circuit breaker。

The circuit breakers currently in use can be dlassified into the following categories according to the arc-quenching principles:air swetches oel ciryit breakers,minmum—oil circuit breakers,air—blast circuit breakers,the magenetic air circuit breakers,minimum—oil circuit breakers,aer—blast circuit breakers,the by voltage,insulation levelcurrent,interrupting capabilities,transient recovery coltage,interrupting tiome,and trip delay。

The nameplate on a circuit breaker usually indicates:1.The maximum steady—state current it can carry, 2. The maximum interrupting current,3。



110kv Substation Primary Design English References1. C. Sankarakrishnan, G. Subramanian, and S. S. Brahmanandam, “Design and development of a 110 kV substation SCADA system using IEC xxx-5-104 protocol,” in 2018 International Conference on Power, Instrumentation, Control and Computing (PICC), Kannur, India, 2018, pp. 1-6.2. A. J. Morozov, “Selection of optimal design solutions for 110 kV substation switchgear,” Bulletin of the Tomsk Polytechnic University, vol. 326, no. 1, pp. 6-11, 2018.3. F. Khan, M. Amjad, and M. Saleem, “Analysis and design of 110 kV gas insulated substation (GIS) and itsparative analysis with 本人r insulated substation (本人S),” in 2019 International Conference on Sust本人nable Energies, Power and Computing (SEPC), Bangalore, India, 2019, pp. 1-6.4. M. M. Qinawy, A. M. Mansour, and R. A. Mahmoud, “Optimization of 110 kV substation grounding grid using genetic algorithm,” Electric Power Systems Research, vol. 148, pp. 40-47, 2017.5. Y. Ueda, K. Taniguchi, and H. Fujii, “Design and economic analysis of a 110/20 kV substation with a battery energy storage system for peak load shaving,” in 2017 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe (ISGT-Europe), Turin, Italy, 2017, pp. 1-6.6. Z. Wang and F. Cao, “Research on applications of IECxxx in 110kV substation digital control systems,” in 2017 IEEE 3rd International Future Energy Electronics Conference and ECCE Asia (IFEEC 2017 - ECCE Asia), Kaohsiung, T本人wan, 2017, pp. 188-191.7. Q. Zeng, S. Zhao and Y. Zhou, “Si mulating and analyzing the insulation co-ordination for a 110 kV substation,” in 2017 IEEE 3rd International Future Energy Electronics Conference and ECCE Asia (IFEEC 2017 - ECCE Asia), Kaohsiung, T本人wan, 2017, pp. 1512-1516.8. B. M. Trinh and T. H. Phan, “A study on design of a 110/22 kV substation grounding grid,” in 2019 7th International Conference on the Development of Renewable Energy Technology (ICDRET), Hanoi, Vietnam, 2019, pp. 1-6.9. Y. Cheng, H. Li, and Z. Lu, “Design and simulation of a 110 kV substation surge arrester based on PSCAD/EMTDC,” in 2017 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe (ISGT-Europe), Turin, Italy, 2017, pp. 1-5.10. R. Pik and D. Mastelic, “Design and implementation of a 110/35 kV substation automation system based on IEC xxx standard,” in 2018 International Symposium ELMAR, Zadar, Croatia, 2018, pp. 277-282.。



英文文献Cirtcuit BreakersA circuit breaker is mechanical switching device capable of making,and breaking currents under normal circuit conditions and also making.carring for a specified time ,and mediujm in which circuit interruption is performed may be designated by a suitable prefix, for example,air-blastcircuit breaker,oil circuit breaker.The circuit breakers currently in use can be dlassified into the following categories according to the arc-quenching principles:air swetches oel ciryit breakers,minmum-oil circuit breakers,air-blast circuit breakers,the magenetic air circuit breakers,minimum-oil circuit breakers,aer-blast circuit breakers,the by voltage,insulation levelcurrent,interrupting capabilities,transient recovery coltage,interrupting tiome,and trip delay.The nameplate on a circuit breaker usually indicates:1.The maximum steady-state current it can carry, 2. The maximum interrupting current,3. The maximum line voltage,4.The interrupting time in cycles, The interrupting time in may last form 3 to 8 cycles on a 60 Hz system. To interrubt large currents quickly, we have to ensure rapid cooling. High-speed interruption lunits the damage transmission lines and equipment and, equally important,it helps to mainmain the stability of the system whenever a contingency occurs. The main parts of a circuit breaker are usually:arc-quenching chamber (or interrupter with moving and fixed contacts) operating mechanism and supporting structures.Air Switches-With increasing currents and voltages, spring-action driving mechanisms were developed to reduce contact buring by faster-opening ter,main contacts were fitted with arcing contacts of special material and shape,which opend after and closed before the main contacts.Further improvements of the air switch were the bursh-type contact with a wiping and cleaning function,the insulating barrier leading to arc chutes,and blowout coils with excellent arc-extinguishing properties.These features,as well as the horn gap contact,are still in use in low voltage as and de breakers.Oil Circuit Breaker Around 1900, in order to cope with the new requirement for “interrupting capacity”,AC switches were immersed in a tank of oil. Is very effective in quenching the arc and establishing the open break after current zero.Deion grids,oil-blast features,pressure-tight joints and vents,new operating mechanisims,and multiple interrupter were introucedover several decades to make the oil circuit breaker a reliable apparatus for system voltage up to 362Kv.Types and Construction of TransformerA transformer is a device that alternating current electric energy at one voltage level into alternating current electric energy at another voltage level through the action of a magnetic field.It consists of two or more coils wire wrapped around a common ferromagnetic core.These coils are (usually)not directly connected. The only connection between the coils is the common magnectic flux presen within the core.One of the transformer windings is connected to a source of ac electric power,and the second(and perhaps third) transformer winding supplies electric power to loads. the transformer winding connected to the power souce is called the primary winding or input winding.and the winding connected to the loads is called the secondary winding or input winding.If there is a third winding on the transformer,it is called the tertiary winding.Power transformer are constructed on one of two types of cores.one type of construction consists of a simple rectangular laminated piece of steel with the transformer windings wrapped around two sides of the rectangle.This type of construction is know as coreform .The other type consists of three-legged laminated core with the windings wrapped around the center leg .This type of construction is know as shell form.In either case,the core is constructed of thin laminations electrically isolated form each other in order in order to reduce eddy currents to a minimum.The primary and secondary windings in a physical transformer are wrapped one on top of the other with the low-voltage winding innermost.Such an arrangement severs two purposes: 1.It simplifies the problem of insulating the high- voltage winding from the core.2.It results in much less leakage flux than would be the two windings were separated by a distance on the core.Power transformer are given a variety of different names, depending on their use in power systems.A transformer connected to the output of a generator and used to step its voltage up to transformer levels is sometimes called unit transformer. The transformer ai the other end of the transformer line,which steps the voltage down from transmission levels to distribution levels,is called a substation transformer.Finally,the transformer that takes the distribution voltage and steps is down to the final voltage ai which the power is actually used is called a distribution transformer.All these devices are essentially the same-the only difference among them is their intended use.In addition to the various power transformer, two special-purpose transformers are used with electric machinery and power systems.The first of these special transformers is a device specially designed to sample a high voltage and produce a low secondary voltage directly proportional to it.Such a transformer is called a potential transformer.A power transformer also produces a secondary voltage directly proportional to its primary voltage;the difference between a potential transformer and a power transformer is that the potential transformer is designed to handle only a very small current.The second type of special transformer is a device designed to provide a secondary current.much smaller than but directly proportional to its primary current.This device is called a current transformer.Lingting protectionThe thunder and lightning protects to connect the ground; Connect the ground to avoid the thunder the most important link of the technique, ignore is a shot thunder, respond the thunder of the thunder or other form, and avoid the thunder work most all of send into the earth the thunder electric current. Store the thunder energy to behave the type to build the , current technology to still reach to not arrive, and therefore have no the reasonable but good connect the ground equip to is impossible to speak about to defend the thunder.Therefore say the design, the construction is very high standard to connect the ground system is a heavy inside that defend thunder's work it heavy. High electric potential that For long time, people have an illusion, and think that connect the ground electric resistance more small avoid the thunder result and then more like, quilt object that protect safety. Certainly the electric resistance is more the small is more quick, strike by lightning to reserve time more short, the risk is more small, electric voltage of its stride, get in touch with the the electric voltage produce the machine too the more the ?But, construction that the fulfillment proof of near and more than ten in the last yearses, with its say that connect the worth importance of ground electric resistance, not equal to say that connect the ground to equip more reasonable, importanceElectricity equipments, demand variety that now's city, there is lots of in a building inside not the congeniality connect the ground device, if avoid the thunder to connect the ground, electricity the safety to connect the ground, AC power the work to connect the ground, correspondence and calculator system to connect the ground, according to the fulfillment proof, totally use to connect the ground is an application most for extensive connect the local type.  That A, the independence connect the ground: As above part for demand for speak ofingconnecting the ground of, all distinguish to independently establish the own to connect the ground system, and this kind of connect the local type to call the independence to connect the ground. Its advantage is each system and can't result in the mutual interference, and this is particularly important to correspondences systems.But the adoption independence that network easily were strike by lightninged is bad, so besides have to defend to explode the dangerous environment requesting to must want the adoption the independence of avoid the thunder method generally not lay claim to the way to connect the ground. Two, totally use to connect the ground: Also call unify to connect the ground.The each system that it connect the ground the demand unifies to receive a connect the ground to equip top, or is originally each system of connect the ground device to pass the underground to perhaps and up link, make them the electricity for becoming of its to connect the ground to unify the ground net with metals conductor, like this of connect the local type is to totally use to connect the ground. it is current to use to connect the ground totally applied the most extensive connect the local type.  Each system that Three, connect the ground 1:00: Method that connecting the ground line to receive to connect the same point or same metals flat surface of line of ground mother of each system is up, like this call" connect the ground 1:00" method. connect 1:00 the ground method can resolve the etc. Electric potential to connect the ground line the problem, can therefore lower of each system can cancellation of top of interference fundamental for of interference degree, particularly is 50 HZ work signal to system, and connect the ground method on the engineering to get the extensive application therefore and 1:00.  Four, the many point connect the ground:The ground line of connecting of each system adopt many pointses short on-line connect the local type, and call to much order to connect the ground.  Five, mix with to connect the ground: Metals line that so- called admixture connect the ground to is at an each circuit board in equipments to connect, or related and a few equipmentses of signal electric circuits, with the most short line with the same of metals to link to connect the ground with the most short line and machine hull, then the equipments of many sets use respectively the same point top to receive the ground net. Six, the wreath form connect the ground to much used for the ground net, be connect the ground to round along building surroundings a shut to match the wreath. like this of connect the electric field that ground net can make the interface including distribute even, reduce the stride electric voltage to bane person, and also reduce the indoors while sufferingstrike by lightning, because of the ground electric potential the steps degree is big but produce the danger to counter-attack to equipments high pressure. Seven, the foundation connect the ground:Make use of the reinforcing bar in the building foundation, and press" norm" the request the conjunction to create of connect the ground to call the foundation to connect the ground.断路器空气压缩断路器是一种机械开关设备,能够在正常和特殊情况下开断电流(比如说短路电流)。



摘要XF 110KV变电所是地区重要变电所,是电力系统110KV电压等级的重要部分。









关键词: Ⅰ、变电所Ⅱ、变压器Ⅲ、继电保护AbstractXF county 110KV substation is an important station in this distract, which is one of the extremely necessary parts of the 110KV network in electric power system.The design of the substation can be separated in two parts: primary part and secondary part of the electric design.The first part consists of specifications, computation book and Electrical engineering drawings about the design. The specifications has several parts which are General analysis of the station, Load analysis, The selection of the main transformer, Layout of configuration, Computation of short circuit; Select of electricdevices, Power distribution devices, General design of substation plane and the design of thunderbolt protection.The second part also consists of specifications, computation book and electrical drawings about the design。



外文文献一General Requirements to Construction of SubstationSubstations are a vital element in a power supply system of industrial enterprises.They serve to receive ,convert and distribute electric energy .Depending on power and purpose ,the substations are divided into central distribution substations for a voltage of 110-500kV;main step-down substations for110-220/6-10-35kV;deep entrance substations for 110-330/6-10Kv;distribution substations for 6-10Kv;shop transformer substations for 6-10/0.38-0.66kV.At the main step-down substations, the energy received from the power source is transformed from 110-220kV usually to 6-10kV(sometimes 35kV) which is distributed among substations of the enterprise and is fed to high-voltage services.Central distribution substations receive energy from power systems and distribute it (without or with partial transformation) via aerial and cable lines of deep entrances at a voltage of 110-220kV over the enterprise territory .Central distribution substation differs from the main distribution substation in a higher power and in that bulk of its power is at a voltage of 110-220kV;it features simplified switching circuits at primary voltage; it is fed from the power to an individual object or region .Low-and medium-power shop substations transform energy from 6-10kV to a secondary voltage of 380/220 or 660/380.Step-up transformer substations are used at power plants for transformation of energy produced by the generators to a higher voltage which decreases losses at a long-distance transmission .Converter substations are intended to convert AC to DC (sometimes vice versa) and to convert energy of one frequency to another .Converter substations with semiconductor rectifiers are convert energy of one frequency to another .Converter substations with semiconductor rectifiers are most economic. Distribution substations for 6-10kV are fed primarily from main distribution substations (sometimes from central distribution substations).With a system ofdividing substations for 110-220kV, the functions of a switch-gear are accomplished by switch-gears for 6-10kV at deep entrance substations.Depending on location of substations their switch-gear may be outdoor or indoor. The feed and output lines at 6-10kV substations are mainly of the cable type .at 35-220kV substations of the aerial type .When erecting and wiring the substations ,major attention is given to reliable and economic power supply of a given production.Substations are erected by industrial methods with the use of large blocks and assemblies prepared at the site shops of electric engineering organizations and factories of electrical engineering industry .Substations are usually designed for operation without continuous attendance of the duty personnel but with the use of elementary automatic and signaling devices.When constructing the structural part of a substation .it is advisable to use light-weight industrial structures and elements (panels ,floors ,etc.) made of bent sections .These elements are pre-made outside the erection zone and are only assembled at site .This considerably cuts the terms and cost of construction.Basic circuitry concepts of substations are chosen when designing a powersupply system of the enterprise .Substations feature primary voltage entrances .transformers and output cable lines or current conductors of secondary voltage .Substations are mounted from equipment and elements described below .The number of possible combinations of equipment and elements is very great .Whenelaborating a substation circuitry ,it is necessary to strive for maximum simplification and minimizing the number of switching devices .Such substations are more reliable and economic .Circuitry is simplified by using automatic reclosure or automatic change over to reserve facility which allows rapid and faultless redundancy of individual elements and using equipment.When designing transformer substations of industrial enterprises for all voltages , the following basic considerations are taken into account:1. Preferable employment of a single-bus system with using two-bus systems only to ensure a reliable and economic power supply;2. Wide use of unitized constructions and busless substations;3.Substantiated employment of automatics and telemetry ;if the substation design does not envisage the use of automatics or telemetry ,the circuitry is so arranged as to allow for adding such equipment in future without excessive investments and re-work.e of simple and cheap devices-isolating switches ,short-circuiting switches ,load-breaking isolators ,fuses ,with due regard for their switching capacity may drastically cut the need for expensive and critical oil ,vacuum ,solenoid and air switches .Substation and switch-gear circuitries are so made that using the equipment of each production line is fed from individual transformers ,assemblies ,the lines to allow their disconnection simultaneously with mechanisms without disrupting operation of adjacent production flows.When elaborating circuitry of a substation, the most vital task is to properly choose and arrange switching devices(switches ,isolators ,current limiters ,arresters ,high-voltage fuses).The decision depends on the purpose ,power and significance of the substation.Many years ago, scientists had very vague ideas about electricity. Many of them thought of it as a sort of fluid that flowed through wires as water flows through pipes, but they could not understand what made it flow. Many of them felt that electricity was made up of tiny particles of some kind ,but trying to separate electricity into individual particles baffled them.Then, the great American scientist Millikan, in 1909,astounded the scientific world by actually weighing a single particle of electricity and calculating its electric charge. This was probably one of the most delicate weighing jobs ever done by man,for a single electric particle weighs only about half of a millionth of a pound. To make up a pound it would take more of those particles than there are drops of water in the Atlantic Ocean.They are no strangers to us, these electric particles, for we know them as electrons. When large numbers of electrons break away from their atoms and move through a wire,we describe this action by saying that electricity is flowing through the wire.Yes,the electrical fluid that early scientists talked about is nothing more thanelectrical flowing along a wire.But how can individual electrons be made to break away from atoms? And how can these free electrons be made to along a wire? The answer to the first question lies in the structure of the atoms themselves. Some atoms are so constructed that they lose electrons easily. An atom of copper, for example ,is continually losing an electron, regaining it(or another electron),and losing it again. A copper atom normally has 29 electrons, arranged in four different orbits about its nucleus. The inside orbit has 2 electrons. The next larger orbit has 8.The third orbit is packed with 18 electrons . And the outside orbit has only one electron.It is this outside electron that the copper atom is continually losing, for it is not very closely tied to the atom. It wanders off, is replaced by another free-roving electron, and then this second electron also wanders away.Consequently,in a copper wire free electrons are floating around in all directions among the copper atoms.Thus, even through the copper wire looks quite motionless to your ordinary eye, there is a great deal of activity going on inside it. If the wire were carrying electricity to an electric light or to some other electrical device, the electrons would not be moving around at random. Instead, many of them would be rushing in the same direction-from one end of the wire to the other.This brings us to the second question .How can free electrons be made to move along a wire? Well ,men have found several ways to do that .One way is chemical. V olta,s voltaic pile,or battery, is a chemical device that makes electricity(or electrons)flow in wires. Another way is magnetic. Faraday and Henry discovered how magnets could be used to make electricity flow in a wire.MagnetsAlmost everyone has seen horseshoe magnets-so called because they are shaped like horseshoes. Probably you have experimented with a magnet, and noticed how it will pick up tacks and nails, or other small iron objects. Men have known about magnets for thousands of years.Several thousand years ago, according to legend, a shepherd named Magnes lived on the island of Crete, in the Mediterranean Sea .He had a shepherds crook tippedwith iron. One day he found an oddly shaped black stone that stuck to this iron ter, when many other such stones were found, they were called magnets(after Magnets).These were natural magnets.In recent times men have learned how to make magnets out of iron. More important still, they have discovered how to use magnets to push electrons through wires-that is, how to make electricity flow. Before we discuss this, there arecertain characteristics of magnets that we should know about.If a piece of glass is laid on top of a horse- shoes magnet, and if iron filings are then sprink ledon the glass, the filings will arrange themselves into lines. If this same thing is trid with a bar magnet(a horseshoe magnet straightened out),the lines can be seen more easily. These experiments demonstrate what scientists call magnetic lines of force. Magnets, they explain, work through lines of force that ext- end between the two ends of the magnet. But electrons seem to have magnetic lines of force around them, too.This can be proved by sticking a wire through a piece ofcard board, sprinkling iron filings on the cardboard, and connecting a battery to the wire. The filings will tend to form rings around the wire,as a result of the magnetism of the moving electrons(or electricity).So we can see that there is arelationship between moving electrons and magnetism, Magnetism results from the movement of electrons.Of course, electrons are not really flowing in the bar magnet, but they are in motion, circling the nuclei of the iron atoms. However, in the magnet, circling thelined up in such a way that their electrons are circling in the same direction. Perhaps a good comparison might be a great number of boys whirling balls onstrings in a clockwise direction around their heads.翻译:变电站建设的一般要求变电站(所)在电源系统的工业企业是一个至关重要的因素。

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学校代码:11517学号:201050712103HENAN INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING文献翻译题目 110kv变电站设计学生姓名褚帅峰专业班级电气工程及其自动化1021班学号 201050712103系(部)电气信息工程系指导教师(职称) 任鹏飞完成时间 2012年 2月 18日一种实用的输配电系统的维护优化计划Sohrab Asgarpoor Mohamad DoghmanDepartment of Electrical Engineering Principal Research EngineerUniversity of Nebraska-Lincoln Omaha Public Power Distric摘要:今天,维护和/或提高系统的可靠性和降低运营和维护(O&M)成本是电力的首要任务。










































747,新的发动机,其结构,航空电子设备,并像所有联邦航空管理局(FAA)最初采取的立场,即747预防性维护将是非常广泛的,很多技术进步公认的大小 - 如此广泛,事实上,航空公司不可能在一个有利可图的方式经营这架飞机。







优点是能够与制造商合作,创建一个为新一代设备的RCM方案不同的是航空业,公用事业行业,尤其是发电行业,已采取作为一个历史悠久的修改德盛现有电厂的维修方法[4 ]。












RCM 和预测维修(PDM)的分析相得益彰,当它们同时执行,维护优化提供了一个极好的方法。







































